Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Development & Technical Discussion => Topic started by: ajs316 on February 05, 2024, 08:55:38 PM

Title: L2's and defi on BTC
Post by: ajs316 on February 05, 2024, 08:55:38 PM
I know this topic is a difficult one to discuss with some parts of the bitcoin community but I am going do my best to make a compelling argument as to why it is essential for the BTC community to further develop L2's and a flourishing defi ecosystem on BTC.

As for me I am a simple hodl'r who's been around since 2015 or so.  I own a few small miners in my home.  Planning on finally running a node in the near future (can anyone shill me some good ones?)

The case for why L2's/defi must be adopted on BTC (and why BIP 300 should at least be considered by the community)

     a. There is clearly a market demand for defi products.  Looking at BTC dominance over the past 5 or so years it has been slowly falling ever since the boom of ETH/alts (currently 49.1% as we speak).  People actually do want defi protocols and to be able to do things with their assets aside from hodling.  It's better for those users as well as the BTC community as a whole if they are able to do it with/on BTC.

     b.  These products do not and should not be on BTC L1 or at all interfere with the tokenomics, security, or decentralization of L1.  BTC imo has firmly established the role of "store of value" in the only space and I don't think it makes sense to do anything that could harm that status.  However, if the BTC community is concerned with keeping/capturing additional market share, I think there is a strong incentive to develop a L2 environment.

     c.  Satoshi even envisioned defi/l2 development on BTC.  He was actually fairly bullish on a multi-chain world and imo it's better if those chains are associated with BTC than some other alt with inferior security/decentralization/tokenomics.
     d.  If BTC can develop a great L2 space there is crazy incentive for alt defi users to move to BTC.  If you have a comparable or even better user experience than on ETH,/SOL but you can also actually hold your assets in BTC, which is by far the best store of value in this space, it would be crazy not to do so.  I own both sol and eth bags and would happily dump them if there was a way to use BTC defi and get meaningful yields.
     e.  Some might argue there is already a defi space on BTC.  The current defi landscape on BTC is pretty bleak to say the least.  Sovryn, Rootstock, Mint etc have very low TVL/usage or liquidity.  They just did not catch on.  My guess is A) bridging is difficult, B) UX is not as good as on alts, and C) there is not much talk about it on the crypto space.  (If I'm missing some new developments in the last year or two please share)

     f.  BIP300 is not a perfect proposal from the noob understanding that I have, however I do think 1) time is of the essence, 2) it is a good proposal to start with (not sure how much worse the miner risks are than other BIPs that have passed) and 3) people who are saying it's garbage or "not btc" should at least be proposing exactly what they would change about the proposal or propose something else. 

The bottom line is I believe it's absolutely necessary for BTC to develop a top-tier L2/defi system in some form and swallow up as much liquidity from these other markets as possible.  If the community does not act swiftly and decisively I do think we will see further BTC dominance decreases in the years to come.