Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: so98nn on February 06, 2024, 02:05:14 AM

Title: COPA fights for Bitcoins true image against Craig Wright
Post by: so98nn on February 06, 2024, 02:05:14 AM
In the recent news it seems Craig Wright is being chilly about his claims of being "Satoshi Nakamoto". The recent sessions started i the UK court and as usual COPA team was available to make the claims false or fight against Wright's whatever accusations.

The COPA is Crypto Open Patent Alliance, a nonprofit consortium of crypto and tech companies.

It's a blessing for us because Wright is fighting against all allegations so that he can become the ruler or possessor of Bitcoin and have an authority over who will be working on Bitcoin's codebase. I am really not sure if this can be done but looking at the fight he has been giving, man things can turn upside down for us.

As Bitcoiner, I would like Wright to lose this case and COPA should get all the attention and evidences against him. This trial has been out there since 2016 and COPA has been fighting for the trial since 3 years now. However, this was first time they got into trial in the UK.

What is your take on this?

For eight years, Craig Wright has claimed to be the elusive Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto. On Monday, in the swelling heat of a UK courtroom, a trial began that will finally settle the question.

Wright, flanked by his legal team, appeared relaxed during opening arguments, leaning back in his chair with one leg crossed over the other. That calm belied both the stakes of the trial, which has major ramifications for the future of Bitcoin and the forceful rhetoric of the plaintiff’s lawyer Jonathan Hough, who called Wright's claim to Satoshi-hood a “brazen lie.”

The lawsuit Wright faces was brought by the Crypto Open Patent Alliance, a nonprofit consortium of crypto and tech companies. COPA claims that Wright’s recent history of filing intellectual property lawsuits—predicated on his claim of being Bicoin’s inventor—has had a “chilling effect” on Bitcoin, driving developers away. To prevent him from impeding the development of Bitcoin any further, it is asking the court for a declaration to the effect that Wright is not Nakamoto.

Nearly three years after filing the lawsuit, COPA today had its first chance to outline its case against Wright at trial. Since Wright first claimed to be Nakamoto in 2016, said Hough, he has “terrorized” Bitcoin developers. “COPA has brought this claim to bring a stop to this conduct,” said Hough.

In contrast to some recent crypto lawsuits, like the fraud trial of Sam Bankman-Fried, founder of bankrupt crypto exchange FTX, which became something of a piece of public theater, the COPA v. Wright case has attracted little attention. A small band of photographers gathered outside the courthouse Monday; inside, a few reporters and crypto watchers jostled for the limited available seating. But the case has the potential to be highly consequential.

A trio of related lawsuits previously brought by Wright, in which he is seeking to assert intellectual property rights over Bitcoin, will be bound by the ruling. If COPA is successful, Wright will have difficulty taking these claims any further. If Wright wins, and is successful in his own cases thereafter, he would be free to act as Bitcoin’s gatekeeper, deciding who is allowed to work on the codebase and under what terms the system can be used.

The stakes are “very high,” says a representative of the Bitcoin Legal Defense Fund, a nonprofit that is funding the defense of Bitcoin developers in a separate lawsuit filed by Wright, who asked to remain nameless for fear of legal retaliation from Wright.

The respective opening arguments offered an early indication of both COPA’s strategy for dismantling Wright's claims—in short, to discredit through forensic analysis the raft of documentary evidence Wright has put forth—and Wright’s intended approach to countering the accusations of forgery.

The bulk of Hough’s opening address focused on the ways in which Wright had allegedly forged or manipulated documentary evidence that, if credible, would indicate that he is Nakamoto. Among various allegations, Hough accused Wright of running back his computer clock to make documents appear as if they were created before Bitcoin existed, of deleting files and altering others on a hard drive whose contents he entered into evidence, and of attempting to fabricate new evidence after experts in forensic document analysis identified issues with existing materials.

The burden of evidence will be on COPA, as the plaintiff, to demonstrate that Wright is not who he claims to be. To that end, Grabiner pointed to the absence of any other credible candidate in the search for Nakamoto. “An interesting feature of this case is the non-appearance of a competing Satoshi Nakamoto claim,” said Grabiner. “It’s sort of Hamlet without the prince.” Although COPA intends to pick apart Wright’s documentary evidence, it has “been unable to point to any evidence that Wright is not Satoshi,” he claimed.

Wright will take the stand on Tuesday; his testimony is expected to last up to six days. His ability to account for the findings of the forensic reports and explain away the lack of incontrovertible evidence in his favor will say much about whether he is truly the long-lost creator of Bitcoin. Or rather, as Hough would have it, that “Wright’s claim to be Satoshi is a lie.”

Source: The Trial Over Bitcoin’s True Creator Is in Session (

Title: Re: COPA fights for Bitcoins true image against Craig Wright
Post by: pinggoki on February 06, 2024, 02:14:46 AM
I've been seeing this issue with Craig Wright for a long time and I still don't know what they mean that he's fighting to become the owner of bitcoin but how does he exactly become one anyway? Are there like a key to the bitcoin vault that will allow him to get into the system? Or is it like we're paying him tributes or like a patent because he's claiming that he's created bitcoin and he wants compensation? I still don't get the appeal of winning this case for him, pretty sad life for a guy like him though.

Title: Re: COPA fights for Bitcoins true image against Craig Wright
Post by: huu78 on February 06, 2024, 05:23:14 AM
I've been seeing this issue with Craig Wright for a long time and I still don't know what they mean that he's fighting to become the owner of bitcoin but how does he exactly become one anyway? Are there like a key to the bitcoin vault that will allow him to get into the system? Or is it like we're paying him tributes or like a patent because he's claiming that he's created bitcoin and he wants compensation? I still don't get the appeal of winning this case for him, pretty sad life for a guy like him though.

I don't think he is the creator, if so he should be able to hold 1 million supplies that never move.
but you can see that he is just an overly fanatical fan, giving rise to the idea that he is the creator.
yeah you're right I think he's pathetic, but it's possible he's doing it to create fomo.

Title: Re: COPA fights for Bitcoins true image against Craig Wright
Post by: pinggoki on February 06, 2024, 05:43:32 AM

I don't think he is the creator, if so he should be able to hold 1 million supplies that never move.
but you can see that he is just an overly fanatical fan, giving rise to the idea that he is the creator.
yeah you're right I think he's pathetic, but it's possible he's doing it to create fomo.
I know he isn't that's why it still baffles me to this day why he's fighting for the rights to be the owner of bitcoin when he can't even prove that he's Satoshi Nakamoto. We do think that he's pathetic but I also believe that his followers are much worse because they're blinded by his words and it's weird that this guy got the charm to even have followers and believers.

Title: Re: COPA fights for Bitcoins true image against Craig Wright
Post by: un_rank on February 06, 2024, 05:59:18 AM
I've been seeing this issue with Craig Wright for a long time and I still don't know what they mean that he's fighting to become the owner of bitcoin but how does he exactly become one anyway?
He wants to own the copyright to the whitepaper and get developer privileges on the network. Being recognized as Satoshi, even though he clearly is not, gives him status and he can then publicly recognize BSV as the real Bitcoin even though it is a shitcoin.

He is playing a silly game but is so deep into it now that he just has to keep playing.
Op, there is already a thread on this[1]


- Jay -

Title: Re: COPA fights for Bitcoins true image against Craig Wright
Post by: FinneysTrueVision on February 06, 2024, 06:05:53 AM
I've been seeing this issue with Craig Wright for a long time and I still don't know what they mean that he's fighting to become the owner of bitcoin but how does he exactly become one anyway? Are there like a key to the bitcoin vault that will allow him to get into the system? Or is it like we're paying him tributes or like a patent because he's claiming that he's created bitcoin and he wants compensation? I still don't get the appeal of winning this case for him, pretty sad life for a guy like him though.

If he gets granted a patent or wins a lawsuit then it gives his scams a sense of legitimacy. If people think there is even a slight chance he might be Satoshi, then they might be willing to invest in his BSV scam or give him funding for future projects which are all vaporware.

I don’t have enough faith in the legal system to believe this will fully stop him. We already saw what happened in his lawsuit against Cobra, where he won by default because Cobra didn’t want to reveal their identity. Perhaps, if people see that organizations like COPA are willing to challenge fraudulent claims in court, it will prevent future scammers from making similar attempts.

Title: Re: COPA fights for Bitcoins true image against Craig Wright
Post by: dothebeats on February 06, 2024, 07:37:38 AM
I've been seeing this issue with Craig Wright for a long time and I still don't know what they mean that he's fighting to become the owner of bitcoin but how does he exactly become one anyway? Are there like a key to the bitcoin vault that will allow him to get into the system? Or is it like we're paying him tributes or like a patent because he's claiming that he's created bitcoin and he wants compensation? I still don't get the appeal of winning this case for him, pretty sad life for a guy like him though.

This means that everything related to bitcoin will be under his own name, and that everyone must ask permission from him before they can use whatever code or snippets there are in the current bitcoin codebase. That's what my understanding of this issue and why CW is trying so hard to win this. Anyhow, he's losing an uphill battle from the looks of it, and there are still lots of serious issues lined up for him so he's fighting this battle aside from other fronts.

Hopefully this scum loses this, and then other lawsuits from other countries so he goes into hiding or be prosecuted. He contributed shit to bitcoin and didn't even get his scam coin get to mainstream because people know who he is.

Title: Re: COPA fights for Bitcoins true image against Craig Wright
Post by: DeathAngel on February 06, 2024, 11:02:13 AM
We all know that Craig Wright is not Satoshi. His fraud & persistent lies are getting very tiresome now. He’s lost in court previously but I really hope it is the final nail in this scammers coffin soon. He is constantly lying in court, committing perjury. He needs to do jail time, one of the most unscrupulous characters I have had the displeasure of being aware of.

Title: Re: COPA fights for Bitcoins true image against Craig Wright
Post by: kryptqnick on February 06, 2024, 03:13:12 PM
AFAIK, Craig is in a lot of lawsuits, and I hope he loses them all. It's nice to hear about an organization that's fighting him over his false claims, so that the image of Satoshi doesn't get muddied with Wright's personality. He is a nuisance, and I understand that his own copyright claims can have a negative impact on Bitcoin development. COPA is doing an important job of putting this guy in his place, and I sincerely wish them luck and success.
But if they lose, it can have serious negative consequences for Bitcoin. And their task is harder than his because they need to prove he's guilty.

Title: Re: COPA fights for Bitcoins true image against Craig Wright
Post by: bittraffic on February 06, 2024, 03:40:54 PM
I've been seeing this issue with Craig Wright for a long time and I still don't know what they mean that he's fighting to become the owner of bitcoin but how does he exactly become one anyway? Are there like a key to the bitcoin vault that will allow him to get into the system? Or is it like we're paying him tributes or like a patent because he's claiming that he's created bitcoin and he wants compensation? I still don't get the appeal of winning this case for him, pretty sad life for a guy like him though.

This means that everything related to bitcoin will be under his own name, and that everyone must ask permission from him before they can use whatever code or snippets there are in the current bitcoin codebase. That's what my understanding of this issue and why CW is trying so hard to win this. Anyhow, he's losing an uphill battle from the looks of it, and there are still lots of serious issues lined up for him so he's fighting this battle aside from other fronts.

Hopefully this scum loses this, and then other lawsuits from other countries so he goes into hiding or be prosecuted. He contributed shit to bitcoin and didn't even get his scam coin get to mainstream because people know who he is.

You mean if the corrupt judge favors him or maybe Wright bought this judge, he will get to decide who are the people to manage the BTC development?

Conspiracy theories could be right once again if all these will come true. The government can take over BTC especially after this because they know the guy who was supposedly an anonymous person.

Despite no sign message and all. This is all crazy.

Title: Re: COPA fights for Bitcoins true image against Craig Wright
Post by: Lukmanfirdaus1 on February 06, 2024, 04:26:42 PM
This is the person who forked BTC to BSV, right? I'm confused as to how anyone would believe this scammer lol. I've seen his Twitter since he appeared, he claims to be Satushi and has 1 million BTC, his behavior is just pump and dump, fork BTC, I don't know what kind of fraud he is committing. From the moment he appeared to claim to be Satoshi, I doubted his credibility. I don't know what kind of magic he did so that people believed him, hopefully in this trial he will be sentenced to prison for a long time.