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Local => Politics and society (Naija) => Topic started by: Mekie21 on February 08, 2024, 01:29:55 AM

Title: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Mekie21 on February 08, 2024, 01:29:55 AM
Our system of Education is something else, starting from the primary system to the tertiary system. That of the the tertiary system their varieties of challenges it undergoes, for instance
* Over Population
* Outdated Curricula
* Lack of qualified faculty and equipment for studies
* Lectures Accepting Bribe (Sorting)

Talking about the over-population, the school authorities are no longer interested in the conduciveness of a class room, or has a limited set of person that is meant to be admitted in a department to ensure conducive learning, they admit to the extent that students now sit on the floor or outside the class room to take lectures due to lack of space.

Outdated Curricula. On this particular note, Nigerian universities are still making use of outdated curriculum to lecture their students, how do these universities curriculum prepare her students for the modern work force. Using my school as a case study, just imagine learning FORTRAN in this modern time, when other countries are leaning advance computer programming options

Lack of Qualified Faculty and Equipment for studies
Nigerian system of learning lack major equipment for learning, after being in the school environment for as much as your programme requires, then coming out to the public and you have nothing to offer due lack of necessary equipment for studies and conditions the students are being placed under.

Sorting in Nigerian Universities are now seen as a normalcy,
Lecturers in these universities are now adding to back logging of the educational system. Just imagine a student going for a job interview and is being asked questions related to his or her field of study and they can't come out with something tangible due to the corrupt process they've passed through.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Brainiac01 on February 08, 2024, 08:01:08 AM
FOTRAN...This person na UNIPORT student  ;D ;D ;D. I get your point but it is what it is. but i don't think it should be a problem for you now... The internet is always there for you to update and make yourself better. Am tired of complaining this days so i try to put in work.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Pi-network314159 on February 08, 2024, 08:23:29 AM
Sincerely speaking our government is a failure, and despite our youth are trying their best to make sure the economy is good, but the politicians are bent on making things difficult for the masses. The problem of the country is beyond university. Maybe you are just noticing it now you are in school. It has been like that for long way back, but it is increasing by the day. But nevertheless talking about the failure of the economy will not solve any problem. One thing you should know is that Nigeria system of governance is like a virus that has no cure. Maybe scientist is still mixing the antidote of the virus that has affected us. But as we are waiting for the antidote please do invest the amount you can afford to accumulate. Because you might cry out blood when the economy grow worst than this, and you also didn't invest on Bitcoin when it was dip. Now is you time to change your mindset and make a change in your life. I have cancelled Nigeria politics and there activities a long time ago. Since I was introduced to this Bitcoin forum, I don't even know if am from Nigeria again. I just feel like my body is in Nigeria but my spirit is in UK. Just zero your mind, more opportunities to make money online has been proven. only for you to bring your mind and work smart and forget about Nigeria problem.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Davidson500 on February 08, 2024, 09:03:27 AM
Nigeria system of education is a mess unlike before starting from nursery to secondary one will see that there is discipline but now even the teachers are unserious, now coming to our high institution that one is the worst most of the  laboratory equipments are not working, students that are supposed to do practical after learning the theory you see that there is nothing in the laboratory resulting to poor knowledge of students who found them self in such department or institution and also increasing the fee of students trying to make this more difficult for knowing how the country system is but if we have a better governance I believe the Nigeria system of education will be better again.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Promocodeudo on February 08, 2024, 10:51:55 AM
Our system of Education is something else, starting from the primary system to the tertiary system. That of the the tertiary system their varieties of challenges it undergoes, for instance
* Over Population
* Outdated Curricula
* Lack of qualified faculty and equipment for studies
* Lectures Accepting Bribe (Sorting)

Talking about the over-population, the school authorities are no longer interested in the conduciveness of a class room, or has a limited set of person that is meant to be admitted in a department to ensure conducive learning, they admit to the extent that students now sit on the floor or outside the class room to take lectures due to lack of space.

Outdated Curricula. On this particular note, Nigerian universities are still making use of outdated curriculum to lecture their students, how do these universities curriculum prepare her students for the modern work force. Using my school as a case study, just imagine learning FORTRAN in this modern time, when other countries are leaning advance computer programming options

Lack of Qualified Faculty and Equipment for studies
Nigerian system of learning lack major equipment for learning, after being in the school environment for as much as your programme requires, then coming out to the public and you have nothing to offer due lack of necessary equipment for studies and conditions the students are being placed under.

Sorting in Nigerian Universities are now seen as a normalcy,
Lecturers in these universities are now adding to back logging of the educational system. Just imagine a student going for a job interview and is being asked questions related to his or her field of study and they can't come out with something tangible due to the corrupt process they've passed through.

OP, you gave mentioned many things here that are negatively affecting Nigeria educational system, though our lectures and teachers starting from kindergarten to the tertiary institutions are not well trained at the same time they are not properly paid, in the aspect of payment, most of them don't deserve the payment because they have nothing to offer, I blame this on government and the people.

As a matter of fact, Nigerian educational curriculum is much more outdated and whose fault is it, does it mean that our so called called professors in different institutions doesn't know what is obtainable and applicable, why is that is only in this part of the world we complain of abnormalities in this sector, during the military rule, our educational system was not porous as it is now may be strict instruction that may have consequences if not adhered to, let's not also forget that educational funding in Nigeria is very poor, government at all level should take this as major priority, supervise the activities of the lecturers and the student with strict sanctions, with this we can get somethings right gradually.   

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: kasablings on February 08, 2024, 05:51:34 PM
Our Nigeria education is nothing to write home about, looking from the primary to secondary sector first is a mess the government has fail to provide adequate facility for learning.even providing chairs and table is very poor,you see student sitting on the floor to can not have a good government school to put your child cause is waist of time.we thank God for private individuals that have private school to make education the poor dey suffer cause they don't have money to pay for those private school.but if the government makes the government school better for learning it will help the system.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Antotena on February 08, 2024, 06:35:42 PM
Our system of Education is something else, starting from the primary system to the tertiary system. That of the the tertiary system their varieties of challenges it undergoes, for instance
* Over Population
* Outdated Curricula
* Lack of qualified faculty and equipment for studies
* Lectures Accepting Bribe (Sorting)

Talking about the over-population, the school authorities are no longer interested in the conduciveness of a class room, or has a limited set of person that is meant to be admitted in a department to ensure conducive learning, they admit to the extent that students now sit on the floor or outside the class room to take lectures due to lack of space.

You did a great job in making this point but you didn't discuss the root of the problems. See, Nigeria is not the first country to have over population, take a look at the population of China and India, they are many times bigger than Nigeria but have way better educational system than Nigeria and how did they achieve this? It's because they budget huge amount of money in their education than we do in Nigeria.

The money that is been spent on Fuel subsidy is 2 times bigger than the amount that is been spent on education and if there is one thing I love about this government, it is the subsidy that was harshly remove but what I don't understand is where is that money going to, not in our health care nor in any other budgeting scheme. Should we assume that this is also a scam already.

Outdated Curricula. On this particular note, Nigerian universities are still making use of outdated curriculum to lecture their students, how do these universities curriculum prepare her students for the modern work force. Using my school as a case study, just imagine learning FORTRAN in this modern time, when other countries are leaning advance computer programming options

Lack of Qualified Faculty and Equipment for studies
Nigerian system of learning lack major equipment for learning, after being in the school environment for as much as your programme requires, then coming out to the public and you have nothing to offer due lack of necessary equipment for studies and conditions the students are being placed under.

Sorting in Nigerian Universities are now seen as a normalcy,
Lecturers in these universities are now adding to back logging of the educational system. Just imagine a student going for a job interview and is being asked questions related to his or her field of study and they can't come out with something tangible due to the corrupt process they've passed through.

Corruption and low budget on our educational system is what kills the education in this country but then again, the main problem lies on the money. Lecturers are not well paid, so they have to do other means to get extra money from student. Just imagine the pay check of a professor in 2011 is the same thing they are been paid till today, they don't get paid well to maintain good educational system.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Gormicsta on February 08, 2024, 08:28:16 PM
Nigeria system of education is a mess unlike before starting from nursery to secondary one will see that there is discipline but now even the teachers are unserious, now coming to our high institution that one is the worst most of the  laboratory equipments are not working, students that are supposed to do practical after learning the theory you see that there is nothing in the laboratory resulting to poor knowledge of students who found them self in such department or institution and also increasing the fee of students trying to make this more difficult for knowing how the country system is but if we have a better governance I believe the Nigeria system of education will be better again.

Knowledge is the most expensive but yet valuable resources, so you can't afford to see something like that at no expense, getting education is easy and affordable but getting quality education is what can't be accessed by everyone, this isn't just the case in Nigeria alone but every other country around the world, you can't compare the Educational Standard in NYU and that of Oxford University.
You can't compare a public university to a private university, there are Standard Private universities in Nigeria that has complete lab equipments, qualified and serious Lectures and teachers as well as other materials you can't find in the private University but not everyone has access to these facilities because not everyone can afford them.

So please get your statement correct, Nigeria has all it takes, but the society favours the rich more than the poor and so does the Educational system. It's true that the government has failed us but we on the other end have a part to play and we should play our cards well rather blaming and complaining unnecessarily when we know fully well that our complains wouldn't amount to anything.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Briankimp1 on February 08, 2024, 08:42:51 PM
Believe me it’s way worst than we can even imagine though I think you missed out on some points I’ll like to add that this sector of government has grown backwards rather than forward since the last military regime,
Most of our educational Infrastructures are dead and buried no one thinks about maintaining them for adequate use they’ve turned our education into a politicking game of chess politicizing education has only drawn it into an already sinking bad government which changes every 8 years from one bad government to another coming up with different promises never kept.

I’d also like to add that poor parenting has also contributed to the failure of the educational system here in Nigeria most parents have adopted very poor parenting skills like indiscipline unlike our days where you go as far as changing your bad results just so you don’t get flogged at home by our parents,
Nowadays children just go to school play come back home and continue playing with no one checking on them, most parents even aid with the distractions of our children by buying them expensive mobile phones and other gadgets that only serve as distractions.

We as a country need to look deep within ourselves and think how to improve the system of education at least start from your home and when you observe things about other kids kindly speak out to their parents don’t say no be pikin Wetin concern me which is very wrong as a society we need to take more responsibility.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: iBaba on February 09, 2024, 02:03:28 AM
Our system of Education is something else, starting from the primary system to the tertiary system. That of the the tertiary system their varieties of challenges it undergoes, for instance
* Over Population
* Outdated Curricula
* Lack of qualified faculty and equipment for studies
* Lectures Accepting Bribe (Sorting)

I agree with all that you mentioned above and that is why Nigeria is one of the countries that are still left behind as far as education is concerned. Education is one of the bedrock of development in every Society a society where there is no proper and adequate education results to iliteracy and idleness and it is said that an idle man is a devils workshop.

Nigeria is one of the developing countries with rapid growing populations in the world yet we badly lack the very basic social amenities you can think of. Anytime you find a situation whereby a country's producing more number of people and those people cannot be converted to human capital, I think that is simply what it means to have overpopulation and that is exactly the same problem that Nigeria facing today.

You have cases of many undergraduates outside that have no job to do, you also have cases of children that are out of school but the government cannot even properly profile them because they are the scattered and the numbers are increasing by the day. We have parents that do not take care of their children and what they know how to do is to cause more problems to the society because they don't know the actual data of the citizen.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Humblevirus on February 09, 2024, 07:12:27 AM
Our system of Education is something else, starting from the primary system to the tertiary system. That of the the tertiary system their varieties of challenges it undergoes, for instance
* Over Population
* Outdated Curricula
* Lack of qualified faculty and equipment for studies
* Lectures Accepting Bribe (Sorting)

You've made valid points regarding the issues plaguing the education system in Nigeria, and it's evident that a significant factor behind these challenges is the ineffective governance. The root cause of all the problems you've outlined stems from the poor management by the government. If Nigeria had competent leadership, the issues such as outdated curricula, the shortage of qualified faculty and study equipment, and the prevalence of bribery among lecturers could be effectively addressed.

However, the government's failure to prioritize education has resulted in a vicious cycle of underfunding and neglect. The insufficient budget allocations for education prevent universities from acquiring necessary equipment for studies and hinder efforts to attract and retain qualified educators. Without adequate support from the government, it becomes nearly impossible to implement meaningful reforms that could propel Nigeria's education system forward and empower its citizens.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Jerrycrypto2024 on February 09, 2024, 08:42:29 AM
Our system of Education is something else, starting from the primary system to the tertiary system. That of the the tertiary system their varieties of challenges it undergoes, for instance
* Over Population
* Outdated Curricula
* Lack of qualified faculty and equipment for studies
* Lectures Accepting Bribe (Sorting)

Talking about the over-population, the school authorities are no longer interested in the conduciveness of a class room, or has a limited set of person that is meant to be admitted in a department to ensure conducive learning, they admit to the extent that students now sit on the floor or outside the class room to take lectures due to lack of space.

Outdated Curricula. On this particular note, Nigerian universities are still making use of outdated curriculum to lecture their students, how do these universities curriculum prepare her students for the modern work force. Using my school as a case study, just imagine learning FORTRAN in this modern time, when other countries are leaning advance computer programming options

Lack of Qualified Faculty and Equipment for studies
Nigerian system of learning lack major equipment for learning, after being in the school environment for as much as your programme requires, then coming out to the public and you have nothing to offer due lack of necessary equipment for studies and conditions the students are being placed under.

Sorting in Nigerian Universities are now seen as a normalcy,
Lecturers in these universities are now adding to back logging of the educational system. Just imagine a student going for a job interview and is being asked questions related to his or her field of study and they can't come out with something tangible due to the corrupt process they've passed through.

You really details out many problem with Nigeria education system that have made many graduate under productive despite the government in ability to create employment opportunity this lack of facilities and good curriculum and qualified teacher and all sort of equipment is most obstacles we faced. But what worry my mind is the level of curruption that have eating deep in the system where they paid called sorting in order to get the certificate they have no knowledge about. Another problem to it is that our system has be build to accept higher qualifications with less productivity without checking the source to which the certificate is awarded. The population problem due to poor policy the society have neglected other sector such as craft, skill enterprenuer etc and centered on education which has lead to over crowding in the education systems with poor management if the population, from the primary, second and tertiary many class have no seat, some department no class merging of department for lecture no practical hall and laboratory, op you really see reality bin the sector and is a good topic to iron.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Tmoonz on March 16, 2024, 05:11:22 PM
We are in a country has no plans for the their citizens
Our government and political leaders has failed to fulfill the their legal obligations, we can talk about the numerous
Social amenities such good roads , hospital, education, markets, many more but few to mention, non of this has been actually look into it has been for their selfish interest.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Y3shot on March 16, 2024, 06:48:34 PM
One thing I observe for this country is that the government no even get any concerns about education.  If you go to our higher institution you go see say many course wey people dey study is just rubbish,  even some professional courses and other relevant course the curriculum is very poor. Government no care about education because then no even get time for the graduate wey dey come out from the school.  No be today wey government abandoned education.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Gormicsta on March 22, 2024, 04:03:56 PM
I believe that a few nations have effectively reformed their educational institutions, and we can take inspiration from them. Finland is among the nations that spring to mind. Finland's educational system was having difficulties in the 1990s due to low student performance and a teacher shortage. However, the government made significant investments in education over the following 20 years, concentrating on curriculum reform, teacher preparation, and early childhood education. The outcomes were striking: Finland is currently regarded as having some of the greatest educational systems in the world, with high exam scores and a strong emphasis on equity. And I believe Nigeria would need to take note of these to raise the bar for education.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Churchillvv on March 22, 2024, 08:45:06 PM
For real the educational system in Nigeria is not longer favourable for the current globalisation, all I have seen in the university is that the academic curriculum is only preparing it's students for a slavery understanding that is building only people who will come out and start begging for jobs all over the country whereas we not long in the stage where people graduate from school and big companies comes to employ them directly giving them a good begining for a better life. Hence we are only being prepared for such while that era is past already.

It takes only few to start understanding the new shift in the globe and I appreciate the fact that the head of my department in university is so enlighten with the current situation of the world and as a result he keeps reminding us that we should better look for something good to do with our life's than spend all our time in the university because at the time we will be graduating, the world will be in new condition and if we don't adapt to that we might end up being one those youths who complain everyday that there is no job. So what his saying in essence if you're line of career isn't ment for school you should better chase it than waste all the quality time in school because the country's educational system is not favourable to the current situation of the world, one must be productive enough to achieve a good height.

He said in quote - Prof. John mark ~ untill you are prepared, you can never be preferred. I took this upon myself to build a career which I dream of than spend all my time chasing shadows in class.

Most of the students in universities are equally contributing to the corrupt educational system, some are only in school because there parents wants that and I'm not too far from that, a lot of people are only there because they want to make there family proud hence the school does not pass through them they only pass through the school.

Finally, we don't have to keep complaining about it, rather let's look at what exactly can we do about the situation of poor Educational system. For me I will keep encouraging my young people not to fly into the university rather chase their dreams except your area of focus requires this educational studies. Instead of wasting 5 years in school put all that time in your skill and improve on it.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Makus on March 22, 2024, 10:19:56 PM
Real matter his country education facility needs update. If you go some of this universities you go see say, most of the materials dey outdated, though I no too blame them because, most of this things wey Dem dey teach us na basics of wattin the updated curriculum go teach, so without learning the basic, there is no way we you can understand the other parts easily. Though we know how over populated our school are, especially now wey the population of the country dey increase day by day. And the worse part na besay, many of them go graduate finish, no job. Na from there some youths take say school na scam. Most times person wey be first class sef, sometime na with connection Dem take dey see job, except say one company go just do online recruitment wey no go dey partial, but even as that, some persons go still use that opportunity take seize slot for their family members or person wey dem know.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: iBaba on March 22, 2024, 10:50:30 PM
Our system of Education is something else, starting from the primary system to the tertiary system. That of the the tertiary system their varieties of challenges it undergoes, for instance
* Over Population
* Outdated Curricula
* Lack of qualified faculty and equipment for studies
* Lectures Accepting Bribe (Sorting)

Wow, this is an interesting topic to talk about, especially for those of us who attended the Nigerian education system. All three points you mentioned — overpopulation, outdated curricula, and the lack of infrastructure — are valid. It's like a nostalgic moment for me to remember how one lived through the school system as a typical Nigerian.

Firstly, let's talk about overpopulation. Every student who attended a conventional university in Nigeria can easily relate to the issue of overpopulation in schools. Classrooms that should accommodate 30 students end up being filled with 200 students, and halls meant for 200 or 300 students end up accommodating over a thousand. Some students have no seats and end up standing by windows and doors just to attend lectures. The lack of electricity further complicates the situation, creating a stuffy and uncomfortable learning environment. This not only affects students' health but also their ability to focus and learn effectively.

For science students like myself, lectures are sometimes held in laboratories instead of using them for practicals. Labs have been converted into lecture rooms, forcing students to inhale chemicals stored there. Combined classes in labs exacerbate the situation leading to overcrowded and polluted environments. It's disheartening to witness such conditions.

Outdated curriculum is another issue that students can easily relate to. In science classes, I often found myself searching online to update my knowledge because the information in lecture books was outdated. Recent discoveries from the early 2000s were missing from the curriculum leaving us the students with obsolete information.

Also, the lack of new constructions or classroom expansions means there's no reequipping of facilities either. Science students are forced to use outdated equipment like conical flasks, microscopes, and skeletal systems that have been in use for over a decade. The absence of these modern equipment  have affected us in solving real world problems because we lack access to updated tools like electrical microscopes which makes us struggle to keep up with developments in our fields. These kinds of challenges have hindered the quality of education in our universities and calls for the need to be addressed urgently.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Claudeake on March 22, 2024, 11:58:20 PM
Nevertheless, those issues that you have raised as challenges of the educational system in Nigeria need to be taken seriously by those in authorities.
But I see it differently from your opinions as stated above.
Firstly, lack of self knowledge and disjointed admissions of students. Most students don't know the potentialities of the self that is in them. The very content of what they carry is not known to them. Those of science content aspire to be admitted in to the social sciences and vice versa. This phenomenon is complicated by the very university authorities granding admissions to students into faculties and departments that are not of the interest of the students.
Secondly, most of the lecturers are indeed not lecturers in the making. It is just that there is no available jobs in the country to absorb them that is why they found themselves in the teaching job. In such a situation, proper knowledge could not be impacted to students inside the class room.
So, if the nation Nigeria could get these better, then the major challenges of the educational system are resolved drastically.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Y3shot on March 23, 2024, 09:50:32 AM
Real matter his country education facility needs update. If you go some of this universities you go see say, most of the materials dey outdated, though I no too blame them because, most of this things wey Dem dey teach us na basics of wattin the updated curriculum go teach, so without learning the basic, there is no way we you can understand the other parts easily. Though we know how over populated our school are, especially now wey the population of the country dey increase day by day. And the worse part na besay, many of them go graduate finish, no job. Na from there some youths take say school na scam. Most times person wey be first class sef, sometime na with connection Dem take dey see job, except say one company go just do online recruitment wey no go dey partial, but even as that, some persons go still use that opportunity take seize slot for their family members or person wey dem know.
Very true.  No improvement at all, like wetin we dey learn in our respective area of our discipline is just the introduction and this is just we are just been thought in school,  nothing else to go further about it. And this pattern has been their for very longtime. Because of we are still lacking behind that is why many Nigeria after their first degree dey travel out to get more knowledge about their field for them to know what they are doing , but this is not just the business of our leaders to make things better.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on March 23, 2024, 10:28:02 AM
Our education system what pain most us the issue if studying courses that has nothing to add in our environment mostly once it come deals with adated course.

I realized that many of our teachers lack research on the trending global development due to inefficient technology and the funding placed in our education though some too don't have the zeal to research not necessarily on the fact that they lack required tools.

The unproductive nature if our system mostly the education sector us the course of study that has nothing to add as value to those that received it , that's why many are out of school with nothing to add in the society or environment. Our education system is not worth encouraging and is delapidating on daily basis .

We need savage this by avoid studying anything that has no impact on our environment avoid borrow course or studying other people culture that take away our core values and which devaluate of own way of productive.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: KupaCrypto on March 24, 2024, 02:16:32 AM
FOTRAN...This person na UNIPORT student  ;D ;D ;D. I get your point but it is what it is. but i don't think it should be a problem for you now... The internet is always there for you to update and make yourself better. Am tired of complaining this days so i try to put in work.
Omo FORTRAN no be lie , Na UNIPORT student em be, They go just crowd una for MBS 1, then begin they teach e no concern them if you grab or not, coming to the practical aspect not enough computer for the students, una go go in batches, before your turn go reach maybe you done tire or them go begin the rush the class, Nigerian government schools no dey try sha, that's why most lecturers even administrators for our universities sends their children to private schools or even abroad, and it's high time the government address this , so an average Nigerian can have a good , quality and sound education.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Manlikefrank1 on March 26, 2024, 07:40:31 AM
Our system of Education is something else, starting from the primary system to the tertiary system. That of the the tertiary system their varieties of challenges it undergoes, for instance
* Over Population
* Outdated Curricula
* Lack of qualified faculty and equipment for studies
* Lectures Accepting Bribe (Sorting)

Talking about the over-population, the school authorities are no longer interested in the conduciveness of a class room, or has a limited set of person that is meant to be admitted in a department to ensure conducive learning, they admit to the extent that students now sit on the floor or outside the class room to take lectures due to lack of space.

Outdated Curricula. On this particular note, Nigerian universities are still making use of outdated curriculum to lecture their students, how do these universities curriculum prepare her students for the modern work force. Using my school as a case study, just imagine learning FORTRAN in this modern time, when other countries are leaning advance computer programming options

Lack of Qualified Faculty and Equipment for studies
Nigerian system of learning lack major equipment for learning, after being in the school environment for as much as your programme requires, then coming out to the public and you have nothing to offer due lack of necessary equipment for studies and conditions the students are being placed under.

Sorting in Nigerian Universities are now seen as a normalcy,
Lecturers in these universities are now adding to back logging of the educational system. Just imagine a student going for a job interview and is being asked questions related to his or her field of study and they can't come out with something tangible due to the corrupt process they've passed through.
The Nigeria system hasn’t really done enough for the educational system..starting from the structure and curriculum and payment scheme.its not encouraging enough.getting paid small salaries leads to a lot of problems in the education system such as bribery and corruption.when the government have create a system good and when there’s check and balance in the system we will enjoy a lot in it

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: HajiBagi on March 26, 2024, 11:53:58 AM
Education this days doesn’t mean you are qualified for it, it means knowing the person that knows person (connection) our government have failed us since many years ago, talking about the over population in the schools, this days schools did not have a limited number of students that are going to be taking again, what they are doing this days is to just make sure they didn’t allow your money to go free, let me use my own school as example, presently we are like 300 members in a class and everyone is offering admission, although we all have a space to sit down in the class but the population is too much, to study well has now become a problem and at the end of it people have that will graduate will be surprised to you because those who you think they will graduate are not the ones you see because of corruption.

Lack of equipment is the problem in every university now, did you know that this days the practical materials are not available like before, even if they are available they are not good like the way they are, this days in university before any practical should be taking make sure that you must pay for the materials that you will buy, then I am still surprise about it why is that government university don’t have materials needed, and i shake my head and say this is Nigeria.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Fiasem20 on March 29, 2024, 01:15:47 PM
Nigeria system of education is a crucial matter that needs to be tackled from the primary to tertiary level.Education is light, knowledge is power.Personally let's trace down to the primary level of education,if the foundation of the primary level is weak it affects the students.You mentioned some challenges affecting the tertiary level of education and I just have one to add up;
Scholars are denied access from studying what they applied for in the university even when the person merits it.A student that might have attained a high score in jamb and post utme and even beat the cutoff mark for the course that was applied and might not gain admission into the university all because man know man system has crept into the Nigeria system of education,so that's also one challenge we facing in Nigeria system of education.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Promocodeudo on March 30, 2024, 11:44:48 AM
In nigeria, people go to the university to get degree not necessarily the knowledge and this is because  of our system, you don't expect an individual to put much effort in something that may not benefit home after all the struggling, in other country their are firms you start with as a young graduate but in nigeria what we have here is excuses from the government, the government is responsible for bad educational system in nigeria, people should prepared from nursery education to prepare them for higher education, practical aspect of education should be given a high level of priority, for me I already know that our government knows what to do but fail to do it because of their selfish reasons.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: odunybiz on April 03, 2024, 11:25:51 PM
We can't as well overlook the incompetency of teachers and lecturers. This is very common among primary and secondary level. This is due to the corrupt practice involved during employment. Competent teachers and lecturers are ignored for incompetent ones just because they know one polical personal within the country. All this is really affecting our educational system. Imagine a graduate of electrical engineering that doesn't know how to do a house wiring. Our educational system should also learn to do more of practicals than theory, this will help graduate perform well in their field.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Manlikefrank1 on April 04, 2024, 08:47:25 PM
Our system of Education is something else, starting from the primary system to the tertiary system. That of the the tertiary system their varieties of challenges it undergoes, for instance
* Over Population
* Outdated Curricula
* Lack of qualified faculty and equipment for studies
* Lectures Accepting Bribe (Sorting)

Talking about the over-population, the school authorities are no longer interested in the conduciveness of a class room, or has a limited set of person that is meant to be admitted in a department to ensure conducive learning, they admit to the extent that students now sit on the floor or outside the class room to take lectures due to lack of space.

Outdated Curricula. On this particular note, Nigerian universities are still making use of outdated curriculum to lecture their students, how do these universities curriculum prepare her students for the modern work force. Using my school as a case study, just imagine learning FORTRAN in this modern time, when other countries are leaning advance computer programming options

Lack of Qualified Faculty and Equipment for studies
Nigerian system of learning lack major equipment for learning, after being in the school environment for as much as your programme requires, then coming out to the public and you have nothing to offer due lack of necessary equipment for studies and conditions the students are being placed under.

Sorting in Nigerian Universities are now seen as a normalcy,
Lecturers in these universities are now adding to back logging of the educational system. Just imagine a student going for a job interview and is being asked questions related to his or her field of study and they can't come out with something tangible due to the corrupt process they've passed through.
Omo when it comes to Nigeria the government at-all are not helping matters towards enhancement or development of the educational system for example take look as the asuu in the universities which always go on strike of bad funding and mismanagement of fund which allow student who’s supposed to be a graduate in 4 years becoming a graduate in 7 years due to strike in the university because of poor and bad system,which we need a check and balance in the system.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Lambugini on April 06, 2024, 07:26:00 AM
Formally, education in Nigeria was based on a 6-3-3-4 system, which involves three levels of institutional learning processes: at the primary school level, at the secondary school level and at the tertiary level.
Toady twenty five years after a new system of education called the universal basic education (UBE) otherwise know as the 9-3-4 has been re-introduced whose curriculum is expected to meet the millennium development goals (MDGs).
The educational system in Nigeria are divided into two.
The public, where the students only pays for parents teachers association (PTA).
The private. Where the students pay school fees and some other fees like sports, exam fees, computer fees etc. and they are costly.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: KupaCrypto on April 06, 2024, 01:09:57 PM
We can't as well overlook the incompetency of teachers and lecturers. This is very common among primary and secondary level. This is due to the corrupt practice involved during employment. Competent teachers and lecturers are ignored for incompetent ones just because they know one polical personal within the country. All this is really affecting our educational system. Imagine a graduate of electrical engineering that doesn't know how to do a house wiring. Our educational system should also learn to do more of practicals than theory, this will help graduate perform well in their field.

Di state of education for Nigeria dey cause wahala, wit inadequate funding, poor infrastructure, low teacher quality, and an outdated curriculum na some of di main challenges wey dey face di sector. But, opportunities dey for improvement like increased government funding, embracing technology, quality teacher training, and curriculum reform. If dem fit tackle dis challenges and use dis opportunities well, Nigeria fit upgrade im education system and give im citizens di skills and knowledge wey dem need for di growth and development of di country.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Loveday422 on April 11, 2024, 01:48:31 PM
Let the truth be say,the system of education in Nigeria is very poor ,but many Nigeria school we have students who are very intelligent,but where the government and the Minister of labour failed is monitory the school,some many teachers don't know what to teach they get their work by bribe ,now let me explain how the government fails in so many local government in Nigeria,no good quality houses for students to stay and  learn ,some classes rain will chase you away ,let their also be a monitoring team that will be checking the teacher time to time ,only in Nigeria that if at all the supervisor is coming he will be ringing bell for his coming so he will take bribe, bribery and corruption is one of the things that is hendering the growth of our education system today.

But to be frank our government are not trying in time of the standard of our education
Many students just go to school to fight ,where are the teachers where is the principal that should be guilding this students,with this you will know our government really failed in time of education in Nigeria

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Justbillywitt on April 11, 2024, 04:01:58 PM
We can't as well overlook the incompetency of teachers and lecturers. This is very common among primary and secondary level. This is due to the corrupt practice involved during employment. Competent teachers and lecturers are ignored for incompetent ones just because they know one polical personal within the country. All this is really affecting our educational system. Imagine a graduate of electrical engineering that doesn't know how to do a house wiring. Our educational system should also learn to do more of practicals than theory, this will help graduate perform well in their field.

Di state of education for Nigeria dey cause wahala, wit inadequate funding, poor infrastructure, low teacher quality, and an outdated curriculum na some of di main challenges wey dey face di sector. But, opportunities dey for improvement like increased government funding, embracing technology, quality teacher training, and curriculum reform. If dem fit tackle dis challenges and use dis opportunities well, Nigeria fit upgrade im education system and give im citizens di skills and knowledge wey dem need for di growth and development of di country.
The Nigerian educational system is well funded, just that the the management of the universities and secondary school boards are so greedy that they want to milk everywhere dry. Have you taken a look at how much tetfund usually inject into the universities? It's unfortunate that corruption has eaten deep in every sector of the economy. This people will make you think that the government are not funding the educational sector. We should also blame our senators who when given constituency project money they will eat it without renovating or building the quality infrastructures that they are supposed to build. Enough money are being released on yearly basis for education but misappropriation is our problem. If you talk about the curriculum I will agree with you. The curriculum are outdated and something has to be done about it. But the issue of funding is not acceptable because Nigerian schools are well funded by the government. Tetfund is my references point here and other sources of funding.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Truthlovecoins on April 11, 2024, 04:34:13 PM
FOTRAN...This person na UNIPORT student  ;D ;D ;D. I get your point but it is what it is. but i don't think it should be a problem for you now... The internet is always there for you to update and make yourself better. Am tired of complaining this days so i try to put in work.
Hehehehe...I don laugh tire no be small.
Well, UNIPORT or not, the condition of our educational system, from the basic to the tertiary level is quite appalling and it takes only those who went to privately owned and managed schools, to get the best jobs and appointments in this country.

Fees are on the verge of getting hiked again, as we see already in Lagos where students took to the streets to riot based on the tuition fees increment.
I wish better policies like the student loan initiative and something like a study and work program should be created for students, so they can fend for themselves and afford the fees required.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Jegileman on April 11, 2024, 05:31:07 PM
Talking about the over-population, the school authorities are no longer interested in the conduciveness of a class room, or has a limited set of person that is meant to be admitted in a department to ensure conducive learning, they admit to the extent that students now sit on the floor or outside the class room to take lectures due to lack of space.

This is so true and only students that studies medicine or medical related courses are been considered to have a more conducive environment for learning that any other profession and this is because of the intensity of the study and what they tend to do after school which deals with human’s life that cannot be taking for granted.

Lack of Qualified Faculty and Equipment for studies
Nigerian system of learning lack major equipment for learning, after being in the school environment for as much as your programme requires, then coming out to the public and you have nothing to offer due lack of necessary equipment for studies and conditions the students are being placed under.

You are talking about the practical side of schooling which is not a priority anymore to the system of government but rather have made the theoretical aspect of it more appealing that the other. The truth is that, practical applications should be more focused on than just theory because after school, the theory would have been instilled in the brain but the practical aspect cannot be applied.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Manlikefrank1 on April 12, 2024, 10:07:42 AM
Our Nigeria education is nothing to write home about, looking from the primary to secondary sector first is a mess the government has fail to provide adequate facility for learning.even providing chairs and table is very poor,you see student sitting on the floor to can not have a good government school to put your child cause is waist of time.we thank God for private individuals that have private school to make education the poor dey suffer cause they don't have money to pay for those private school.but if the government makes the government school better for learning it will help the system.
Seriously I concur with you write up about Nigeria we have nothing to write home about them.omo when you go to the government primary school and see the poor facilities and mismanagement and I don’t care attitude about the government towards them,then you will know why the tertiary education are suffering from,if the basic is not nothing to write home about what do you expect from the other ahead.  Nigeria have to sit up and take Nigeria education seriously and I don’t see why Nigeria education can not be free to it citizen, which I know it’s very possible to happen. But the senators all the care about is there allowance and allocation and private car to given.the senator have a good rule to play to help build this education system and not to be in this shame. That’s why someone can just wake up one morning and say school is scam because of this kind of nonsense and recklessness of the government.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Boron19 on April 15, 2024, 03:28:33 PM
Nigeria system of education structure have been replaced from 6-3-3-4 with 9-3-4 commonly referred to as the universal basic education (UBE).
The standard of education is reducing by the day in Nigeria according to statistics as a result of lack of dependable infrastructural facilities, inadequate, budgetary allocation, high cost of education, poor planning, none utilization of educational research conducted.
We can improve education by adequate funding with good management will provide high quality education in Nigeria

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Belarge on April 16, 2024, 05:55:26 AM
In nigeria, people go to the university to get degree not necessarily the knowledge and this is because  of our system, you don't expect an individual to put much effort in something that may not benefit home after all the struggling, in other country their are firms you start with as a young graduate but in nigeria what we have here is excuses from the government, the government is responsible for bad educational system in nigeria, people should prepared from nursery education to prepare them for higher education, practical aspect of education should be given a high level of priority, for me I already know that our government knows what to do but fail to do it because of their selfish reasons.
There should be preparation for the young minds, more importantly the ones in colleges, they should take their education more seriously inother to graduate with flying colors but I guess things don't always worked out as planned. The government have succeeded in ruining the system and intercepted the smooth running of the education system. Nigerians have seen facts about the country, it's not all about been educated but having a strong connection that will be helpful for us when we finish college.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Goalbtc on April 16, 2024, 08:00:12 AM
The Nigerian Educational System is one sector that have been in constant decline over the years and the government of the nation are one of the primary reasons for it to be so, because they failed to improve the learning standards in our University and college of education and rather prefer to send their children away for their students. But in the face of all this negativity surrounding the country's educational sector some graduates of these institutions have gone out to prove to be good and competent in their choose career paths.
While the issue of sorting in our territary institution is one that can be stopped is the government provides proper funding of the institutions, the lectures are well paid and adequate policies are put in place to check the activities of both the lectures and students

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Abbatty on April 16, 2024, 03:10:45 PM
Talking about the over-population, the school authorities are no longer interested in the conduciveness of a class room, or has a limited set of person that is meant to be admitted in a department to ensure conducive learning, they admit to the extent that students now sit on the floor or outside the class room to take lectures due to lack of space.
Over populated classrooms have really affected the Nigerian educational system. This particular scenario happened to me in my university days. Ever since my year 1 my classroom have always been populated, so since I don’t stay in hostel the I do come a bit late by then my class will be filled already  and most of us will be hanging outside and not really paying attention to the lecture going on, I went through this for four years. So during my final year I was attached to this particular lecturer as my project supervisor and the first day I went to him to introduced myself to him he asked me this question “ Are you a final year student because I don’t know you” and he was actually right he didn’t know me not because I don’t come for lectures but because he actually don’t see me in his lectures. I was always hanging outside due to lack of big classrooms. So Nigeria universities need to start building big classrooms and halls or better still issue out a low number of admissions to student that will fit in with the classroom capacity.

Lack of Qualified Faculty and Equipment for studies
Nigerian system of learning lack major equipment for learning, after being in the school environment for as much as your programme requires, then coming out to the public and you have nothing to offer due lack of necessary equipment for studies and conditions the students are being placed under.
Omo, bro this one too no be lie. Nigerian universities they lack facilities, Guy even to go excursion wuna bus go spoil Taya for road, wuna fit use 3 days do one day journey. Even people wey de expect wuna for the excursion fit come later no get wuna time wen wuna reach because no be when dem de expect wuna be that. Then make we come talk about lack of practical facilities. Like Omo naija still de back when it comes to facilities especially the public schools or universities.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: rachael9385 on April 16, 2024, 05:43:57 PM
Normally Nigeria as a nation supposed to dey update the educational curriculum in a specific year time. Because e get plenty things wey Dem dey teach wey no dey relevant at all for the learning process and even life activity. At least even if we get better learning material and equipment to aid proper understanding of the students. Most of our students now adays them go finish school yet nothing to offer because them no get good learning materials. And the rate at which some lecturer take dey use our students take dey cash out, e get as e be, now adays due to o er population sef some student dey stand to learn which is even not psychological ok for the assimilation of lecture.

Title: Re: Nigerian System of Education
Post by: Zackz5000 on May 05, 2024, 08:26:38 AM
Nigeria system of education is gradually going to zero expecially schools owns by Government.

Yes I could remember when I was doing my youth service NYSC, I was posted in one government school in Abia state the teachers that are been employed to teach don't normally come to school unless during exam period even the principal do come ones in a while they always expect corp members to do all the teaching for them sometime too I don't blame them but the government, most teacher have to do other works in other to meet up with family responsibility due to low salary and sometimes government not paying salary for some months.