Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: kasablings on February 10, 2024, 09:15:45 AM

Title: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: kasablings on February 10, 2024, 09:15:45 AM
Have come to see that communication plays a big role,in our lives mentally, socially,and other wise.if a government those not have a good communication level with the people there is always your business you are not having good communication with your customers there is problem.i want to use my self as an example as a business man,even in this inflation period we all no this have gone high.but when my customers come to buy my product initially dey complain cause have added price on the goods.but the way I communicate with them politely making them see clear reasons they end up buying the product forgetting there we should learn more about communication it make things easier in the society.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Lukmanfirdaus1 on February 10, 2024, 06:23:09 PM
yes of course, communication is everything, just imagine just because of one word and the person is offended, a world war breaks out, it's not very funny. Communication is the root of all knowledge. I really respect people who have high communication skills. Once our company almost went bankrupt due to lack of capital, and the company sent him to negotiate with investors. Miraculously, he came home with capital that could make the company run. Again. It's true that communication is very powerful, which can mean two things.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Stepstowealth on February 10, 2024, 09:39:58 PM
if a government those not have a good communication level with the people there is always problems.
First sign that a government is corrupt is poor communication and low transparency. You notice that there is a lot of communication when these leaders want to get into power, during the election periods, but as soon as they have been able to deceive the citizens to vote them into power, they start to play dumb and deaf to the conditions of the same people that put them into power in the first place. As a society discussion, where there is lack of communication in relationships, it can reduce trust and any kind of emotional attachment that has been formed.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Hispo on February 11, 2024, 12:14:10 AM
Well. It is obvious that for all part of society to co-exist is important all of us have a way to effectively communicate with one another, otherwise it would not be possible for anyone of us to work together to form a civilization as we know it.
Communication is so important to our life-styke that those who cannot communicate properly are deemed to be disabled, and tagged to be in need of special means to express their ideas to others.
If we go beyond the basic communication skills one needs to be part of society and talk about advanced communication which is important to perform business or deal with situations within the labor market, then one needs to properly express ideas according to the context. In the end, there are several ways to say the same to your employers or your employees, one of them could be taken positively while another way could lead one to get fired or lose ones position within the job. I have myself had to learn a bit how to choose the words I need to say, to people I have encounter in the education or job context.

Do highschools in your country give some guidances on how to properly communicate with others? Here they do, but to a basic level.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: letteredhub on February 11, 2024, 10:08:44 AM
It is said that a close mouth is a closed destiny. Many people have lost opportunities they would have gotten because they refused to speak out about their challenge they are battling with. If we don't communicate our problems to people especially to the right channel we perhaps might not get the solution to it, we might be in the midst of plenty and still be in lack because we fail to communicate to have access to the right information on how to go about a thing to be a beneficiary.

Even the Bible in Mathew 7:7 said ask and you shall receive.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: passwordnow on February 11, 2024, 01:51:10 PM
Have come to see that communication plays a big role,in our lives mentally, socially,and other wise.if a government those not have a good communication level with the people there is always your business you are not having good communication with your customers there is problem.i want to use my self as an example as a business man,even in this inflation period we all no this have gone high.but when my customers come to buy my product initially dey complain cause have added price on the goods.
Imagine a society that we're all just using nods, hand signs and there are no voices and talks at all. I know that there are small communities like that but with an entire society that there are other means of communication. I think that it's still possible but not really ideal unless we just get used to it. So, for everything that we do that we're required to converse and transact with other people, there's a communication that happens from within.

but the way I communicate with them politely making them see clear reasons they end up buying the product forgetting there we should learn more about communication it make things easier in the society.
In a business perspective, as a customer I'd definitely buy to those sellers and merchants that are respectful to their customers. I always avoid stores that are too rude to their customers. Whenever I already felt that I am disrespected and not given the worth as a customer, I flee from that store and go somewhere else. It's not about the product that they sell but it's about on how they communicate with their customers and have a rapport on it. Regardless of the amount and even if they're more expensive with the other merchants, as long as they're communicating well and respectful, the customers are always going to be there.

We don't want to go to these sellers that don't give us the courtesy as a customer. Whether we're going to buy small or a lot, it doesn't matter as they should always communicate well and pay respect to each of their customers as loyalty pays off to the business it pays well when you're personally endorsed by these customers that you talk well through their words of mouth.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: blckhawk on February 11, 2024, 03:29:14 PM
It is said that a close mouth is a closed destiny.
I like these saying, it's the balance of obvious, common sense and profoundness. So simple yet it still makes you ponder/think about things a little. I do agree that communication is part of life, it's always been that way for a long time, if people didn't communicate then things would probably be disastrous for a lot in the community and we wouldn't be surviving as a species if we didn't communicate early on, that's probably one of the advantages of being able to form society, to communicate is to be able to help people and yourself.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Gozie51 on February 11, 2024, 05:28:23 PM
I have seen that proud people don't succeed in business especially physical P2P and not online. If you have a shop where you have to constantly talk to people (customers) to buy your products then you must have to be humble in nature to be a good trader. Because apart from talking being the main tool to communication and to convince people, you must have to be submissive to achieve that. Some people think it is too awkward to be a submissive business person and that whoever wants to buy from you would buy no matter what but that is not true. Being submissive is a key factor, it even leads to referral and that is why some traders will still have their products still filled in their store but the neighbor trader selling same thing is already making huge ROI.

They say customers are always right so let go the arrogance and get the money first. This is a key to trading. So op is doing well to win his customers.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Asiska02 on February 11, 2024, 11:45:16 PM
Communication has been regarded by many as the key to success and a platform, business or community without good and proper communication ends up not being productive. Communication in business matters a lot because without it, your  business cannot thrive. I have seen and witness a lot of business failed because of lack of good communication to customers when transacting in their businesses, while some that don’t fail don’t get a lot of sales because they neglect the good gesture that is deserving to every customer.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Natsuu on February 12, 2024, 10:47:54 AM
Basically good communication isn't just about sharing info, it's about connecting with people. Your business experience shows that talking openly with customers, even about price hikes, builds trust. It's not just what you say but how you say it that makes a difference. So keeping things chill and clear helps solve problems and keeps relationships strong whether in business or everyday life

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Abdulzuruku01 on February 12, 2024, 04:37:06 PM
First sign that a government is corrupt is poor communication and low transparency. You notice that there is a lot of communication when these leaders want to get into power, during the election periods, but as soon as they have been able to deceive the citizens to vote them into power, they start to play dumb and deaf to the conditions of the same people that put them into power in the first place. As a society discussion, where there is lack of communication in relationships, it can reduce trust and any kind of emotional attachment that has been formed.

You are correct in this, because our ex-governor has poor communication skills; if he is called to a conference, his wife may be the one to speak. Addressing his people has always been a problem, and nothing seems to work well, and I was surprised that he's ranked among the top five richest governors in the country.
During his tenure we had issues like bad roads, inconsistent electricity, and his constant inability to pay workers their salaries. When people complain, he responds by saying he didn't make any promises to them during the election. As governor, we expect him to communicate effectively with his constituents because they will be those who will understand no matter what.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: NicNacCoin on February 13, 2024, 10:36:08 PM
Have come to see that communication plays a big role,in our lives mentally, socially,and other wise.if a government those not have a good communication level with the people there is always your business you are not having good communication with your customers there is problem.i want to use my self as an example as a business man,even in this inflation period we all no this have gone high.but when my customers come to buy my product initially dey complain cause have added price on the goods.but the way I communicate with them politely making them see clear reasons they end up buying the product forgetting there we should learn more about communication it make things easier in the society.
It is very good to have good communication system to survive and move well in life. If a country or a society is not well connected in an area, it is very difficult to live in that country, travel in that country and buy anything in that country. If we talk about our area then we will say that I have fairly good communication system here but there is a river area next to me in that river area the situation of human communication is extreme. Because they don't have proper communication system they can't move very well They can't move well they face many difficulties like being taken late for treatment so many people die because they can't get treatment on time because of their lack of communication condition. Due to which many people have to die. So always good communication system is very important for a person.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Volimack on February 14, 2024, 10:00:43 AM
The role of communication is very important in our daily life. In addition to buying products communication helps build relationships by allowing us to share our experiences needs and helps us connect with others. New people are able to connect with other people in business. Maintaining the relationship after contact is also easier than before. Effective communication clarifies information relationships help build teamwork and trust.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Marvelockg on February 14, 2024, 10:47:09 AM
Its not just communication but rather proper communication. As a business person, what brings your customers always coming after the initial time of doing business with you is how you effectively communicate with them and in times when their might be a top-up of price, it is the words of hope and reassurance that you regularly give them that will make them stick with you not in the good and bad time.

For the case of the government, an economy might be bad but if the government is able to brief her citizens on what's the course of the hardship in the country and tell them the measures that are already in place to reduce the hardship, he has successfully won the heart of his citizens. That's the problem with most developing nations, the leaders don't regularly engage the populace in meaningful conversations that will bring hope to them and so the citizens are left to argue with themselves and fight over inner matters that wouldn't have been a big deal had it been their is proper communication between the government and the governed.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Chilwell on February 14, 2024, 05:16:16 PM
Basically good communication isn't just about sharing info, it's about connecting with people. Your business experience shows that talking openly with customers, even about price hikes, builds trust. It's not just what you say but how you say it that makes a difference. So keeping things chill and clear helps solve problems and keeps relationships strong whether in business or everyday life
Communication help in development too because if there is lack of communication things get worse and finding the solution becomes difficult, communication is very important in life right from home a parent have to communicate with their children to see progress in them, sometimes is lack of communication that bring more problem between us and our leaders, and once this is established the society will be moving fine, even costumers need to have good communication towards the seller because it have happen to me when I went to market to buy food stuff the good communication I established favour me a lot and I noticed that talking with people with respect earn nothing but good.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Zoomic on February 16, 2024, 02:14:01 PM
For any government to function well, their should be a proper communication between the government and the governed, this is the only way we can determine if the government is a healthy one. When the conditions of living are not favourable to the people,  the people should always be free to pour out their grievances to the government through proper channels and the government should in turn send feedbacks immediately. When the people are not given this opportunity to communicate their fears, needs and their disapproval,  it shows the government is not working and lacks transparency.

 Majority of our societal problems are as a result of poor communication,  there cannot be a peaceful coexistence if there is a poor communication between the people in the society. Many actions might be misinterpreted which will eventually result in chaos. Everyone has right to know what is going on around him and express his opinion too.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Tbillion on February 16, 2024, 05:47:40 PM
Yes this is a very good point communication is a very important tool. Once communication fails to play it’s role the whole society will be affected.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Fiasem20 on February 23, 2024, 02:17:10 PM
Yes, communication is important in our everyday life.In every area of our lives effective communication is important.Communication is a tool that's passes information from one person to another, communication helps to build and maintain relationship among we humans.When there is no mutual and effective communication among we humans it leads to conflicts, riot and war but effective communication helps to reduce war, riot, conflicts and misunderstanding in our society.Also when there is an effective communication by a government to the citizens of a nation it helps to promote peace and unity.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Y3shot on February 24, 2024, 12:16:03 PM
Communication matters a lot expecially in business, the tune which is use to communicate with your customers is important.  The  way you receive customers  will determine if they will come back next time or not . This is the secrete of growth of business but many business people don't know about this . Bad communication has made many customer to make decisions of not going back to a place they bought something before.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Claymore2 on February 25, 2024, 03:12:19 PM
You know, talking to each other is super important. It's how we keep things running smoothly in our lives. Whether it's with friends, family, or even the big shots in charge, good communication is key. When we don't understand each other, things can get messy real quick. But when we're on the same page, it's like magic – we can avoid fights and work together better. And hey, when our leaders keep us in the loop, it helps keep the peace and brings us all closer together.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Ndabagi01 on February 25, 2024, 06:47:26 PM
Have come to see that communication plays a big role,in our lives mentally, socially,and other wise.if a government those not have a good communication level with the people there is always your business you are not having good communication with your customers there is problem.i want to use my self as an example as a business man,even in this inflation period we all no this have gone high.but when my customers come to buy my product initially dey complain cause have added price on the goods.but the way I communicate with them politely making them see clear reasons they end up buying the product forgetting there we should learn more about communication it make things easier in the society.

The current state of a country's economy will undoubtedly have an impact on sales in a specific region. A lack of proper communication with your customers about rising product prices will result in insufficient sales. With persuasive and honest communication, you can persuade them that the current situation necessitates adjusting the price of the goods you sell to them.

In general, a lack of proper communication between two parties attempting to settle or strike a deal will prevent what they intend to do from succeeding. Communication is essential for every society to exist in peace and harmony. When two trustworthy people's communication is cut off, it causes them to doubt each other, which always has a negative outcome. Communication is essential, so it should be valued in any society seeking development.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Tmoonz on February 26, 2024, 07:19:53 AM
Have come to see that communication plays a big role,in our lives mentally, socially,and other wise.if a government those not have a good communication level with the people there is always your business you are not having good communication with your customers there is problem.i want to use my self as an example as a business man,even in this inflation period we all no this have gone high.but when my customers come to buy my product initially dey complain cause have added price on the goods.but the way I communicate with them politely making them see clear reasons they end up buying the product forgetting there we should learn more about communication it make things easier in the society.

I suggest it would have been more better to caption this topic to be the importance of effective communication in the society, as per considering your expression.Communication should be more ascertain when it becomes effective, effective in the Sense that understanding must play a vital role before achieving an effective communication, communication can easily take place but effective communication skills is actually what will put our society in a  better  condition because we tend to have understand our selves and as well increasing peace in our society irrespective of the economic meltdown and hardship.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: AVE5 on February 26, 2024, 08:59:07 AM
I take the value of communication in this thread to be compelled with the relativity for business ideal to retained and  attracts customers at an investors or business places but on a contrary communications brings about unity and flexibilities to solve problems within a society.
So I raise a motion that this threads should be moved to the Economy board we're best suit for enterprise discussions.
At an inflation times people grows nervous due to the nature of price of goods and services changes beyond what most of the citizens struggles to afford While some citizens are unable to afford it. Even at when it was easily affordable. So it takes a communication strategies of a business individual to be psychologically mannered to understand that such current system of hardened economy is indeed Worth alarming to be queried and argues aboout.
Some customers looses control over a sudden increase of goods that has no same quality comparing to a formal and the Investor or the trader doesn't have to follow them up with the same grievance they (customers) portrays at that moment they came to patronize you. Just be calm and even give them false hopes that the economy would be better in just matter of it and even you who is a vendor or an investor has no much income in your business anymore. You are just continue with the business just to fill the gaps without staying idol because you also grows wild at when you goes to purchase your goods for restocks.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Kelward on February 26, 2024, 10:16:36 AM
I don't know what this life will be without communication, no interaction, no conveying of messages, it would be total chaos, because you will order for a sack of grain and a sack of rocks will be delivered to you. Communication is basic and very essential for there to be harmony in the family and the society at large, and communication often determines the outcome of any discussion or debates, a good communication skills can calm a tensed or rowdy debate and a bad communication skill can disrupt a peaceful atmosphere. To function effectively humans needs good communication skills to get the best results in any situation that they find themselves.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: btc78 on February 26, 2024, 11:13:38 AM
A leader is just a leader with his followers, and to be a good one he needs to listen to the people. Communication has allowed humans to evolve and survive. We were communicating about possible threats that come in our way… we were sharing secrets that helped us improve mode of life and so on.

And even now in the modern world, communication remains the number one tool that can bring us all together and solve problems. So if someone has a hard time communicating, he or she should rethink and try to improve communication skills.

Communication skills is just not talking but also knowing how to listen. 

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on February 26, 2024, 11:41:47 AM
Communication is like father to advertisement, many business fold not just because of investors but lacking good communication, when there is a breached of good communication it brings about failure even in marriages, a breached of communication courses breakage of marriage, when people say customer are always right this notation comes from when communication from the Marchant is good enough to hold and convinced it customer where he uses communication to hold it's customer and that is another way of saying communication as attitude. it conote attitude to hold customer. Poor communication is already a swayed to failure.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: MissNonFall9 on February 27, 2024, 09:15:12 AM
Communication helps us in our daily lives and in our personal social lives in exchange for ideas and professional skills. Communication is sometimes formal and sometimes informal but it is a universal and ongoing process. Effective communication plays a very important role in increasing productivity at any level in our lives. Just as a house needs to be built brick by brick with some strong glue or sand cement in between to build a well-organized society, communication plays the role of glue. Communication makes social and personal life very easy pleasant and sweet. Life without communication can never be imagined except dead persons or inanimate objects are without communication.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: jrrsparkles on February 29, 2024, 05:19:55 AM
Communication skills is essential to express what you actually have in your mind to the people who you want to express it can be anyone like in an interview you need to express what you are capable of even if you're equipped with everything that needed for you to be recruited. You need communication skills to convey everything to your life partner and the list goes on and on...

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Ever-young on March 02, 2024, 10:55:13 PM
Yes, communication is one of the things that keeps the world together and united. Good communication may help us develop relationships, solve difficulties and conflicts, and is also an means for self-expression. Communication requires understanding of one another. It is extremely useful and helpful, especially since not everyone speaks the same language, but we can interact with one another using English.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Miles2006 on March 02, 2024, 11:59:42 PM
Communicating skills are very helpful and you made a good example with the marketing sector, if you have a good communicating skill you can actually convince someone to buy your product. It's one of the major competition in marketing and currently newly robots are created to communicate with customers creating awareness about the product and it seems pleasing. Communication creates room for different ideas to grow, this ideas can be used to develop the state, church, school, society etc.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Churchillvv on March 03, 2024, 03:48:53 AM
Communication is plays a major role I. the society at large, infact if not for communication we wouldn't be here in the first plays and the so called reason this forum was even created was to bridge the communication gap internationally in order to bring the community united.

According to some philosophers and sociologists, where there is no communication there is no life, even in the animal world there is communication via the sounds they make. this just to prove how important communication is in everyone's life.

In the aspect of business communication is the deriving force of an entrepreneur, if he she lacks communication skills the business seems to shrink in less than no time. so in order to put things together communication must be in place.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Y3shot on March 03, 2024, 08:36:15 AM
Communication skills is essential to express what you actually have in your mind to the people who you want to express it can be anyone like in an interview you need to express what you are capable of even if you're equipped with everything that needed for you to be recruited. You need communication skills to convey everything to your life partner and the list goes on and on...
Communication is important in all aspects in life, even with relationships with people,  sometimes when you don't express your self about an issue some other person may take it personal differentl. It is always important to communicate,  to let people know your intentions. The necessary things people needs to know about I don't think their is no need for you to keep it in you.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Bushdark on March 03, 2024, 09:59:29 AM
yes of course, communication is everything, just imagine just because of one word and the person is offended, a world war breaks out, it's not very funny. Communication is the root of all knowledge. I really respect people who have high communication skills. Once our company almost went bankrupt due to lack of capital, and the company sent him to negotiate with investors. Miraculously, he came home with capital that could make the company run. Again. It's true that communication is very powerful, which can mean two things.
Community has always been the problems between many relationships falling apart and we need to see it as an important part of our life.
We need to communicate with people anytime we have problems and we should not be over relaxed because high expectations is one of the things that normally cutout the communication spirit. If we don't communicate, there is no way we can be informed about our surroundings. For a less communication, things might become hard to preserve.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: jrrsparkles on March 04, 2024, 05:23:59 AM
Communication skills is essential to express what you actually have in your mind to the people who you want to express it can be anyone like in an interview you need to express what you are capable of even if you're equipped with everything that needed for you to be recruited. You need communication skills to convey everything to your life partner and the list goes on and on...
Communication is important in all aspects in life, even with relationships with people,  sometimes when you don't express your self about an issue some other person may take it personal differentl. It is always important to communicate,  to let people know your intentions. The necessary things people needs to know about I don't think their is no need for you to keep it in you.

Everything depends on the individual's preference, if they think something is worth to share with that person then it is important to express what their intentions behind their actions or they no need to explain anything at all cause sometime explaining everything to everyone is just waste of your time and it is an unnecessary thing to do as well.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Gozie51 on March 04, 2024, 04:14:35 PM
Communication skills is essential to express what you actually have in your mind to the people who you want to express it can be anyone like in an interview you need to express what you are capable of even if you're equipped with everything that needed for you to be recruited. You need communication skills to convey everything to your life partner and the list goes on and on...
Communication is important in all aspects in life, even with relationships with people,  sometimes when you don't express your self about an issue some other person may take it personal differentl. It is always important to communicate,  to let people know your intentions. The necessary things people needs to know about I don't think their is no need for you to keep it in you.

Everything depends on the individual's preference, if they think something is worth to share with that person then it is important to express what their intentions behind their actions or they no need to explain anything at all cause sometime explaining everything to everyone is just waste of your time and it is an unnecessary thing to do as well.

Quite alright but there are times you can skip some communication when you see that disclosing such information will lead you into having discouragement towards the right action that you are suppose to take. For example if someone is severely sick and you are waiting for a third party to give approval before that person is taken to hospital, you see that that communication is really not needed because you are suppose to take a sick person to the hospital first before taking other considerations of finance or something to that nature.

Even in security purposes, it is not all that the intelligence gather that they share to certain members of their group. They keep certain information secret so that it will not be disclosed to the public. Even in house hold, if you observe that disclosing certain information would cause more havoc than peace, some people will keep quiet on that and allow peace to reign.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: teamsherry on March 06, 2024, 01:48:24 PM
Have come to see that communication plays a big role,in our lives mentally, socially,and other wise.if a government those not have a good communication level with the people there is always your business you are not having good communication with your customers there is problem.i want to use my self as an example as a business man,even in this inflation period we all no this have gone high.but when my customers come to buy my product initially dey complain cause have added price on the goods.but the way I communicate with them politely making them see clear reasons they end up buying the product forgetting there we should learn more about communication it make things easier in the society.
Being a part of society already means that communication is present. There is no entity that can exist without the concept of communication or the relationships that comes with it.
An entity that cuts off of communication and the forms of, has cut off from  both information supply and other vital supplies.
Social media, newspapers, blogs and so on are all communication channels, and our lives have been intrinsically incorporated into those that to cut off from those is to cut off from life.
Bad communication skills is definitely also bad relationship.
And imagine having a bad relationship with everyone around you.
That sucks.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Promocodeudo on March 07, 2024, 07:37:37 AM
Have come to see that communication plays a big role,in our lives mentally, socially,and other wise.if a government those not have a good communication level with the people there is always your business you are not having good communication with your customers there is problem.i want to use my self as an example as a business man,even in this inflation period we all no this have gone high.but when my customers come to buy my product initially dey complain cause have added price on the goods.but the way I communicate with them politely making them see clear reasons they end up buying the product forgetting there we should learn more about communication it make things easier in the society.

Communication is a better way to keep an absolute untainted relationship between the people and the government, this is why the government created a ministry called conflict resolution and other ministries too, communication generally has helped in many areas of life, people feel that it not important to have good communication but I will tell you for free that communication is the major approach for humans to be together as one.

In the market setting that you used as a scale of preference, communication is the best way to toll, let me use language power for example, if you speak the same language with a petty trader or large scale trader, they may reduce the price of goods for you because of this, so to me, communication helps in breaking some unseen barriers.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: AVE5 on March 07, 2024, 01:32:05 PM
I don't know what this life will be without communication, no interaction, no conveying of messages, it would be total chaos, because you will order for a sack of grain and a sack of rocks will be delivered to you. Communication is basic and very essential for there to be harmony in the family and the society at large, and communication often determines the outcome of any discussion or debates, a good communication skills can calm a tensed or rowdy debate and a bad communication skill can disrupt a peaceful atmosphere. To function effectively humans needs good communication skills to get the best results in any situation that they find themselves.
Let's be realistic, we're humans and part of the living things in existence here on earth, we humans communicates verbally, orally and otherwise which made human creatures unique, let's be told that even the plants that we feels that doesn't talk also do communicates and so as animals does. We humans are just unique in communication aids so I think if we weren't able to speak as we do, there would had still been other means for communications. Every creator do provides means of communications between the same breeds, species or the same kinds of their creations.
No big deal and doesn't Worth wondering. Let's just be grateful for being one of the humans in the creation and appreciates the facts that we could grow up and advances in humanities.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Taricoins on March 07, 2024, 06:37:18 PM
Have come to see that communication plays a big role,in our lives mentally, socially,and other wise.if a government those not have a good communication level with the people there is always your business you are not having good communication with your customers there is problem.i want to use my self as an example as a business man,even in this inflation period we all no this have gone high.but when my customers come to buy my product initially dey complain cause have added price on the goods.but the way I communicate with them politely making them see clear reasons they end up buying the product forgetting there we should learn more about communication it make things easier in the society.

It true, the way and manner you talk and interact with your customer, matters a lot and if you treat them well they will like your company and they will also tell their friends and other people to buy from your, now you don't even need to advertise your super market on radio anymore

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: |MINER| on March 09, 2024, 05:58:10 PM
Communication skills are an important part of life.  The better the communication skills, the better the life and the business.  If the communication system between the government and the people of a country is not good then the condition of that country will not be that good.  Because if the government cannot apply its communication skills with the people, then the government will not know what the people need and what the country needs.  Moreover, in any business, communication skills play a very important role.  The more the communication the more the business profits.  Every businessperson needs to master communication skills.  Without communication skills, no one will be able to expand themselves by working in any sector.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Gormicsta on March 12, 2024, 04:20:39 PM
Have come to see that communication plays a big role,in our lives mentally, socially,and other wise.if a government those not have a good communication level with the people there is always your business you are not having good communication with your customers there is problem.i want to use my self as an example as a business man,even in this inflation period we all no this have gone high.but when my customers come to buy my product initially dey complain cause have added price on the goods.but the way I communicate with them politely making them see clear reasons they end up buying the product forgetting there we should learn more about communication it make things easier in the society.

Yes, you are correct; your personal description as a business owner is a fine instance of how to communicate effectively with yourself and your clients. So, effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful business, government, or personal relationship. It is the bond that keeps everything together; without it, everything comes apart.

When you communicate successfully, you develop trust, respect, and loyalty. You establish an environment in which individuals feel free to express themselves, ask questions, and provide opinions. This results in improved decision-making, problem-solving, and overall pleasure for all parties involved.

So, how do we improve our communication skills? The answer is simple: practice, practice, practice! Whether it's by actively listening, asking questions, or simply paying attention to sign language.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Dunamisx on March 12, 2024, 05:02:53 PM
There's a need for an effective means of communication, when this is put in place, the people will be carried along in whatever development is going along in the society and they will not feels like they were being cheated by the leaders or those they are making dealings with, sometimes, lack of communication portray a very bad image about us, we cannot blame others for not entrusting their fellows on something because they lack every required information need that should have been communicated on them prior the time.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Zanab247 on March 12, 2024, 05:34:08 PM
Quote from: Ever-young
Yes, communication is one of the things that keeps the world together and united. Good communication may help us develop relationships, solve difficulties and conflicts, and is also an means for self-expression. Communication requires understanding of one another. It is extremely useful and helpful, especially since not everyone speaks the same language, but we can interact with one another using English.
Communication has done a lot of things to the world which you can see some in this forum because without communication, I don't know how it would have be possible for you and I to be here discussing and, we are very happy with our conversation in this forum.

Using general language to communicate to your friends to solve some of their problem by giving them direction for job vacancy that will make them to live a good life in their various countries and to make them continue maintaining the communication .

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Promocodeudo on March 21, 2024, 08:51:48 PM
There's a need for an effective means of communication, when this is put in place, the people will be carried along in whatever development is going along in the society and they will not feels like they were being cheated by the leaders or those they are making dealings with, sometimes, lack of communication portray a very bad image about us, we cannot blame others for not entrusting their fellows on something because they lack every required information need that should have been communicated on them prior the time.

Which ever means, communication is a barrier softener, there are several means to make the people feel comfortable and think that they government has their plight in their mind, general a community or a society that lacks communication ends up being ruined by external influence, the existence of technology in the world today is as a result of good communication.
Know one is an iota of knowledge, so we communicate to learn new ideas, in all aspects of life communication plays a major role and hinders misunderstanding most time also pave way for a peaceful coescistence among individuals. 

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Y3shot on March 23, 2024, 08:32:15 PM
Communication is everything in the environment we find ourselves,  when their is good Communication from the leader to the people it makes the community or region to be in better form. The people always want to hear from their leaders because it brings hope for them. Communication is very important in life, we cant do without Communication from one another, when we communicate we know more and we know how to solve our problems better.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: Bushdark on March 23, 2024, 10:33:16 PM
There's a need for an effective means of communication, when this is put in place, the people will be carried along in whatever development is going along in the society and they will not feels like they were being cheated by the leaders or those they are making dealings with, sometimes, lack of communication portray a very bad image about us, we cannot blame others for not entrusting their fellows on something because they lack every required information need that should have been communicated on them prior the time.

Which ever means, communication is a barrier softener, there are several means to make the people feel comfortable and think that they government has their plight in their mind, general a community or a society that lacks communication ends up being ruined by external influence, the existence of technology in the world today is as a result of good communication.
Know one is an iota of knowledge, so we communicate to learn new ideas, in all aspects of life communication plays a major role and hinders misunderstanding most time also pave way for a peaceful coescistence among individuals. 

Community is very important for us to keep getting information that will make us grow.
We need to be getting frequent information about our environment that is why we have the news in place for us to seek for whether through the radio, Television or through people around us. Once we started losing in communication, we might not get what we want and we might start losing value. Technology is making things more easier for us as the social media keep improving.

Title: Re: Communication as part of life in the society
Post by: TEBTC on March 25, 2024, 07:01:48 AM
Off course communication is central in society that it is an indispensable part of life, everything falls on communication infact a good number of marriage fail because there's lack of proper communication in the marriage