Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: 0t3p0t on February 13, 2024, 01:26:43 AM

Title: What if? (2)
Post by: 0t3p0t on February 13, 2024, 01:26:43 AM
*Reposting this topic from my post in other forum.

Deadly solar storms has been circulating on social media outlets worldwide last year and this has gone viral that causes different reactions and create panic  between netizens around the world but this has been debunked by NASA experts. You can read the article here:

But, what if it really happen in the future?

What will happen to Bitcoin if in the future we will be experiencing this internet apocalypse?

Title: Re: What if? (2)
Post by: Marvelman on February 13, 2024, 02:28:52 PM
What will happen to Bitcoin if in the future we will be experiencing this internet apocalypse?

We've talked about this many times before. Why don't you learn how to use forum search?

Solar Superstorm | Impact on the internet and Bitcoin.  (
What will happen to bitcoin price if Solar superstorm 'wipe out the internet'? (
What if the internet permanently shuts down (

Title: Re: What if? (2)
Post by: Faisal2202 on February 14, 2024, 09:21:45 PM
What will happen to Bitcoin if in the future we will be experiencing this internet apocalypse?
I think I replied there as well (not so sure), but here it goes again, most of the internet shared between different countries is now due to the satellites, that's due to the underground internet big wires, connecting most of the internet. So, we might face some trouble but the internet is not going to go down as a whole. In simple words, the whole internet does not work solely on the satellites, there are wires as well.

I also found this fact a long time ago but forgot to mention it in the other forum, well, I guess asking the same question again do have benefits. I actually heard similar kind of question a way back and was not in the position to accept such thing, but I guess this world's big influencers who have great powers need a cause to make a change. So I guess that's what is happening now.

Title: Re: What if? (2)
Post by: Smartvirus on February 14, 2024, 09:44:23 PM
Am internet apocalypse even for a month long would be very unhealthy for the rest of us that benefits from the interconnected space like the internet. Not only for Bitcoin per se as, a lot of other uses have been accorded the internet and that includes communications too, electronic money transfer and having to send/retrieve data. These are all vital aspects to life.

NASA haven’t given any warning yet and they seem like the body that would be in the best place to tell the rest of the word what actually is been observed from there different expeditions to space. If they’ve not been alarmed about what is going on out of space, then we should be eased to some extent.

As for Bitcoin, I think it would be halt but, would resume there after when we’ve have a stable network should any of such breakdown occur. We would pass it and maybe, people would have the opportunity to buy from weak hands.

Title: Re: What if? (2)
Post by: Assface16678 on February 14, 2024, 11:46:39 PM
Of course, all of the things on the internet will stop or freeze, but one thing is for sure: the bitcoin value may be gone. Why? simply because when the apocalypse on the internet happens, all of the connections will be affected, although bitcoin holders can't access their assets and sell them. Bitcoin or blockchain depends on the internet, where transactions happen, where nodes are being run, and where mining is happening. If the internet and connections are gone entirely in the whole world, then the technology will also freeze, including blockchain, and at some point it will collapse. Even when the internet is restored, I'm sure many investors will panic and sell their assets, which can lead to the downfall of bitcoin or other crypto currencies.

We never know until it happens, but one thing is for sure: if it happens, then not just crypto currency will be affected; many other things that rely on the internet and connections will be in total chaos.

Title: Re: What if? (2)
Post by: tabas on February 14, 2024, 11:56:40 PM
But, what if it really happen in the future?

What will happen to Bitcoin if in the future we will be experiencing this internet apocalypse?
People are just too bored to make these assumptions that there's no solution to these internet apocalypse. The professionals have been anticipating something like this to happen and it will totally halt the operations of the network if this happens because it's a global impact that shall take place. For now, there is nothing we can do but just to stick to whatever plan that we have and we don't have an idea if it happens since it's probably going to be the first time in the history that will include and involve Bitcoin. I have no idea if this has happened already before. But I am guessing that most of the large companies that do really solely to internet connection have a plan on how to mitigate the impact of it, well doesn't now? Because majority of the companies nowadays are relying heavily on it.

Title: Re: What if? (2)
Post by: Asuspawer09 on February 14, 2024, 11:59:20 PM
Probably Bitcoin is not really gonna disappear that easily depending on the effect of the solar storm, is it going to affect all of the people in the world? I mean if it is only going to affect a part of the world where the internet is gonna disappear that just means that the internet is still running in some areas and Bitcoin is still going to operate, Probably depending on how long the effect of it as well, if we are going to see it for probably just weeks what will happen is were just gonna get a pause or freeze on the internet after that we could easily get back and running again when the Internet is restored.

I mean Bitcoin is not guaranteed that is going to exist since there are always risk holding it, after 5 years we dont really know if Bitcoin is still a thing, but also difficult to say that Bitcoin is going to disappear, I mean even though the Internet was gonna for a year, When the Internet is restored Bitcoin is still there existing Unless something happened where they able to erase the whole Bitcoin itself. Then the real discussion is what would happen to the market price if the apocalypse happened since Bitcoin is going to drop its market price to zero which has a very low chance of happening, I mean its already good as dead right. But still I dont even think that it is going to drop its price to zero even though there are some unexpected things happening like this solar storm, since there are already a lot of Bitcoin believers they would for sure see it as a big opportunity to invest every time the market price drops just a little percentage.

Title: Re: What if? (2)
Post by: dansus021 on February 15, 2024, 01:51:43 AM
What will happen to Bitcoin if in the future we will be experiencing this internet apocalypse?
I think I replied there as well (not so sure), but here it goes again, most of the internet shared between different countries is now due to the satellites, that's due to the underground internet big wires, connecting most of the internet. So, we might face some trouble but the internet is not going to go down as a whole. In simple words, the whole internet does not work solely on the satellites, there are wires as well.

Yeah I agree with this one internet itself basically a decentralized thing so when there is a country who not directly effect from the solar storm or at least they had less impact when the Internet down maybe the bitcoin will survive and have time, since we all use internet not just for crypto the price may plummet but not very much not going to zero or anything like that and all anything who connected to internet will go down a chaos will happen.

beside that according to sources in google
Solar storms are unpredictable, but scientists can make educated guesses and forecasts.
Solar flares and storms peak every 11 years, which is known as the solar cycle. The frequency of solar flares varies throughout the cycle, ranging from several per day to less than one per week. More powerful flares are less frequent than weaker ones.

we might survive

Title: Re: What if? (2)
Post by: AHOYBRAUSE on February 15, 2024, 02:25:07 AM

If there is a "deadly solar storm" I think losing bitcoin is the least of our problems.
Haven't you seen the movie "2012"?  ;D

Just kidding about the movie of course but yeah, like I said there would be much more urgent issues than wondering how much crypto coins are doing right now.
In situations like this it's all about resources you can eat, drink and live on, not something you can't even physically touch.

Title: Re: What if? (2)
Post by: FatFork on February 15, 2024, 07:51:12 AM

If there is a "deadly solar storm" I think losing bitcoin is the least of our problems.
Haven't you seen the movie "2012"?  ;D

Just kidding about the movie of course but yeah, like I said there would be much more urgent issues than wondering how much crypto coins are doing right now.
In situations like this it's all about resources you can eat, drink and live on, not something you can't even physically touch.

Exactly! A complete internet blackout would certainly cause major disruptions across society.  Without access to online communication and financial transactions, people would struggle to connect, share information, or conduct business. 

We'd likely see a resurgence in older technologies as folks scramble for alternative ways to interact.  Using landline phones and radios, even sending letters through the postal service are communication channels that could regain prominence, at least temporarily.  For financial transactions, physical currency would probably become necessary again since online banking credit cards and payment apps wouldn't function.

But beyond the inconveniences to individuals, an internet outage poses risks that could have catastrophic ripple effects. and  Emergency response systems often rely on internet connectivity, so medical, fire and police assistance could be dangerously delayed or unavailable.  Transportation networks like air travel depend on online coordination potentially stranding people away from home.  Supply chains that deliver food, medicine and other life-sustaining goods also lean heavily on internet-enabled logistics, threatening shortages.

So, yeah! It's kind of a freaky thought when you actually stop and realize how screwed we'd be if we lost internet access.  I mean, sure we got along fine without the internet for thousands of years.  But good grief, can you even picture modern society trying to function without it? It would be total chaos.

Title: Re: What if? (2)
Post by: yudi09 on February 15, 2024, 08:26:01 AM

But, what if it really happen in the future?

What will happen to Bitcoin if in the future we will be experiencing this internet apocalypse?
Ruined and confused all human work. All elements of society cannot be separated from the internet because the internet has become a basic need for everyone, even though a small number of areas do not have internet access like the one we use all the time.
If an internet apocalypse occurs and all human work activities stop, Bitcoin may experience the same thing next.
I think the internet apocalypse will occur when this world and all the inhabitants on all planets no longer exist.

Title: Re: What if? (2)
Post by: Dave1 on February 15, 2024, 09:30:07 AM

If there is a "deadly solar storm" I think losing bitcoin is the least of our problems.
Haven't you seen the movie "2012"?  ;D

Just kidding about the movie of course but yeah, like I said there would be much more urgent issues than wondering how much crypto coins are doing right now.
In situations like this it's all about resources you can eat, drink and live on, not something you can't even physically touch.

This is also what I thought when I read the topic, I mean there are more things that should take precedence not just our bitcoin and other assets, but our lives and how to sustain it if there will be this so called solar storms.

And just like in movies,  people are more concern of the lives of their love ones and how to they protect them and then later when everything has subside, how to continue with our lives and then bring food in the table again.

I guess there could be a way to send our Bitcoin as humans are inherently resilient and will always find a ways to solve problems.

Title: Re: What if? (2)
Post by: Frankolala on February 15, 2024, 10:03:23 AM
I don't think that such will happen, but if it happens, there is nothing we can do than to make sure that we are safe first, and as long as we are safe, it will be fixed up with time, since it was we human that still fix all these internet cables and the rest.

Our bitcoin will be safe in our wallets and if we have not lost our seed phrase, it will only take a matter of time, when the internet will be fixed and we can have access to our bitcoin again. We cannot do without internet because so many businesses uses the internet and it is now part of us.

Title: Re: What if? (2)
Post by: NotATether on February 15, 2024, 10:21:56 AM
I would be more worried about other things if such an event were to happen.

Haven't you seen the movie "2012"?  ;D

The way people were convinced that the world was going to end in 2012 is astounding, but effective. Just push a lot of non-sense content on Youtube, get influential people to say the things you want to believe, and that's it.

It was just like how it was before all the Y2K madness as well.

Title: Re: What if? (2)
Post by: m2017 on February 15, 2024, 10:31:56 AM
What will happen to Bitcoin if in the future we will be experiencing this internet apocalypse?
The same thing will happen with bitcoin as with any technology based on the Internet (and electricity). Bitcoin will not be able to function.

There was a topic here about how transactions were signed on the bitcoin network using mobile communications. But you must admit, this method (or any other) can't completely replace the Internet, which makes bitcoin completely dependent on it. No internet - no bitcoin.

Title: Re: What if? (2)
Post by: JayTrain on February 15, 2024, 10:48:37 AM
I think this is a bit of exaggerated information created to sow panic and disinformation online. I don't understand how a solar storm could damage cables on the ocean floor. Even if it were to happen, imagine what could happen to a person... A large-scale global internet outage for many months is highly unlikely. However, such rumors can affect any market, including the cryptocurrency market, causing temporary price drops.

Title: Re: What if? (2)
Post by: kryptqnick on February 15, 2024, 10:55:52 AM
This topic has been discussed a few times in the past. Here's a recent report  ( the scientific side of things, which I find very helpful. The peak is expected in 2025, so it's a challenge for the near future. Some events that can happen due to solar activity are radio blackouts, disruptions of navigation via the satellite system, electric grid disruptions. Repairs after an extreme storm are estimated to take weeks, perhaps months, and we're not talking about a total blackout all over our planet.
So it can be a major challenge, kind of like the pandemic was. But the issues will be temporary, and the main problems will be with more serious things like navigation, financial transactions, access to information and to healthcare, etc. Bitcoin will still be out there, I suppose it's likely to experience a major price drop (due to global economic instability, cause by the disruptions and uncertainty in digital technology), but to also recover once the repairs are done and things get back to normal.

Title: Re: What if? (2)
Post by: Natsuu on February 15, 2024, 11:51:32 AM
If a crazy solar storm knocks out the internet, Bitcoin could face some hiccups. Sure its decentralized setup means transactions are spread out but if the internet goes haywire, confirming transactions and keeping the system running smoothly could get messy. Plus people might struggle to access their wallets and make transactions without a reliable internet connection. So while Bitcoin's got some decentralized mojo, a full-blown internet apocalypse might still throw a wrench into its usual groove

Title: Re: What if? (2)
Post by: pooya87 on February 15, 2024, 01:00:07 PM
You should be more worried about the chaos that ensues in case of a catastrophe like this. We already saw a preview of such chaos in a lot of countries over toilet paper and silly stuff like that a couple of years ago during the pandemic!

The second thing you should be worried about is basic needs since the grocery stores, etc. would shut down or be raided!

There are a dozen other things that you should be worried about before we can even get to Bitcoin...

Title: Re: What if? (2)
Post by: demonica on February 15, 2024, 01:14:29 PM
The question would be, how long does the solar storm would last? Weeks or a month? After solar storm, will everything go back normally as soon as it ends? Or will it completely blackout all the internet around the world?

But let's imagine a scenario wherein it blackouts the internet. Most probably, everything will be affected. The economy will also be affected. It could lead to a similar situation during pandemic where people will have to stay at their homes. A lot of things in this era run with the help of the internet. Especially at work, it'll be hard to function without an internet. So imagine every work, and various field won't be able to function completely because of it. And if the economy is affected, Bitcoin can also be affected. And since in the crypto space internet is very vital, it will bring such a huge impact to the market and it will vary by how long does the solar storm will last. The longer, the bigger the effect.

Title: Re: What if? (2)
Post by: YOSHIE on February 15, 2024, 02:46:28 PM
What will happen to Bitcoin if in the future we will be experiencing this internet apocalypse?
All religious believers believe in the apocalypse, we understand that it will happen, but only God knows when and when it will happen, talking about storms, of the sun and the internet apocalypse, of course we can't imagine how humans at that time could survive, the same goes for Bitcoin, of course all of that is a memory for humanity in this world.

We realize that one day the water and electricity will go out, humans will be like worms in heat, what's more, the internet will die/be destroyed, of course we can't imagine what will happen to Bitcoin, for me if that happens Bitcoin users will certainly become history.