Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: pakhitheboss on February 13, 2024, 04:00:51 PM

Title: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: pakhitheboss on February 13, 2024, 04:00:51 PM
I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict. Here are six reasons I've identified.

  • To find an alternative full-time earning source
  • Chasing Losses
  • Lack of Alternative Income earning opportunities
  • Using Gambling as an Excuse for Personal/Profesional Problems
  • lDream of Winning Big
  • An excuse
  • Setteling ongoing debt

If you have anything else then do write it down on this thread. This thread is only to help anyone who is into daily gambling realize the incident that led to compulsive gambling or everyday gambling.

This is a self-moderated thread that means if anyone here wants to vent out his or her frustration then they are welcome.

Let's hear it so that everyone knows.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Cantsay on February 13, 2024, 04:12:53 PM
One other reasons I’ve seen that has led to someone being addicted to gambling with out even realizing it is “not being conscious of their gambling activity”. There are people who constantly gamble - to them it feels normal or it fees like they haven’t spent too much time or money on their gambling activities but in reality or to others they have spent more than what an average player would spend.

I don’t know how to classify it - but people have actually become addicted due to the fact that they were consistent with their gambling, they’re are users who are so consistent that they don’t go a day without opening their gambling account to play a bet and it got to the point when they can’t think straight if they haven’t played a game in their gambling site.

Those two are what I feel have also contributed to addiction in gamblers (especially newbies) and also what would most likely make me addicted if I’m ever going to.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Oshosondy on February 13, 2024, 04:15:42 PM
To find an alternative full-time earning source and lack of alternative income earning opportunities are the two major reasons that can lead to gambling addiction. But the later one will occur if someone have time because of its job not taking so much time.

Another reason that I think is that some people think they are special, in away they can make money from gambling like no other people. They will learn about gambling very well, look for ways to make money from it but later find themselves addicted.

Another reason is idleness.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: mu_enrico on February 13, 2024, 04:20:59 PM
Not sure what one-line message to recap this problem, maybe curiosity?
Here's the scenario I often hear/watch from problem gamblers' testimony:
They think that they can "beat the house," just like what happens in stock trading. People want to "beat the market." Then they seek patterns, formulas, techniques, etc., that can give them an advantage in gambling. Whether it's sports betting, table games, or slots, all can be victims of this "Gambler's Fallacy." After so many years of wasting time and money, and digging their debt hole deeper, they eventually realize that they just cannot beat the house, and it's too late.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: seoincorporation on February 13, 2024, 04:27:50 PM
I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict. Here are five reasons I've identified.

Another reason is:

A good run, or a massive win.

I have seen users who get a massive win in the first bets, and after that happens they start acting as degens, let say they deposit $100, and win $10,000. In that moment they are ready to lose $2,000 or bigger amounts, and end up walking away with less than $5k. They feel like they end with profit, but the reality is they lost $5,000 which could be a nice part of their profit.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: pakhitheboss on February 13, 2024, 04:33:37 PM
They think that they can "beat the house," just like what happens in stock trading. People want to "beat the market." Then they seek patterns, formulas, techniques, etc., that can give them an advantage in gambling.
Expectation vs reality strikes everyone when they start losing as they forget the house wins. The reality is that unless you play for excitement and adrenaline rush it is not entertainment. When trying to outsmart the house it becomes addiction and the rest is known.

Whether it's sports betting, table games, or slots, all can be victims of this "Gambler's Fallacy." After so many years of wasting time and money, and digging their debt hole deeper, they eventually realize that they just cannot beat the house, and it's too late.

Another reason is:

A good run, or a massive win.

A good run comes once in a while whereas a massive win is something every gambler dreams and one in a thousand will be able to achieve.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Ruttoshi on February 13, 2024, 04:51:50 PM
I agree with everything that you wrote down. One need to see gambling as fun and gamble in the lowest minimal, so that you will not become addicted unknown to you, because that's the worst of all, thinking that you are normal, whereas you have become a chronic addict.

I think greed is another factor that lead gamblers to addiction unknown to them. This is because they will never be satisfied with little wins, and it is from greed, that will lead to loss, and because you are greedy, you will prefer to start chasing your losses instead of letting it go, thinking that you will be able to recover it, and win big with hope.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Coinzydollar on February 13, 2024, 05:00:21 PM
What contributes to a casual gambler becoming  an addicted  gambler is, the joy of winning when a gambler predicts and win then the person believes that winning  is a normal  thing, believing  that I'm  going  to win will Make  the person  always  want  to play  away, which  is impossible  that  one  will stake 5 good times without  losing. If you play gamble five times in a week and win throughout  that week the possibility of winning next week must  be 50/50, so always  believing that winning will always  take place  will  lead to the addiction.

So fa so good, gambling contributes to richness  so the joy of winning  and getting rich will always make  a gambler  to always  want to stake always  and what  so ever that makes  a gambler  stay without gambling everyday, there's a symbol  or synthom of addiction. Normally  gambling is not by how many  things you gamble but, how many  lucky  things did you predict and stake.  Must at times  so gamblers will  not sleep  at night  just because there intension  is to predict  all true  out the night and sometimes stake  at night but  sometimes predict  in the night  and stake in the morning.

For some gamblers they will  be at work and will leave  the  work  at working hours and will move  over to a gambling site and begin to play gambling and while some are students they will  let go off lectures for gambling and at the end of the semester will be having  a poor results.

All this becomes a behavioural  this other then at the end of the day leads to addiction, to my own definition addiction is a state  of mind  of an  individual that  disabled  an individual  to know what to do at the right  time, addiction to contribute  to the unconscious control  of an individual to leave  the rational  thing for the irrational at the necessary time.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Yatsan on February 13, 2024, 05:01:43 PM
Impressions of what gambling is all bout and the drive to get rich quickly. Pattern most of the time is a new gambler hearing news that a gambler won xxxxxxx amount from betting. It would give him an idea of "I have to win as well". Or he could experience winning a decent amount and wanting to gain more from gambling. And lastly, struggle from huge loss which lead to frustrations and to a bigger drive of betting in order to get back with what this industry "owe" from him. However, it will still depend on the individual whether he would let himself be too attached of this activity 'coz there are people who does. The only thing we need is acceptance; that you'd most of the time lose, and it is part of the game no matter how you desire to win. It won't be an easy thing to achieve especially because this activity is not only losing or winning, but because it is your money which is on the line, who wouldn't want it?

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Crypt0Gore on February 13, 2024, 05:04:46 PM
Some people like copying others, if they have friends at are also gamblers and the friends start winning big, they will abandoned their ways and copy that of their friend's, safe strategy or irresponsible way of gambling, they don't care anymore, all they will want is the same result as their friends.

Another factor is having a taste of constant winning, like gambling few rounds and winning starts showing more than losing, the first thought is how blessed and smart they have become, they will forget that them winning is just luck, so when else they plan to gamble they will do it big.

Gradual gambling draws you in and get you confused, gambling activities should be the smallest activities that we do with our times, the less time you spend gambling the better for you, the moment you start giving more of your time to gambling the more likely you will be addicted to it.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: $crypto$ on February 13, 2024, 05:14:15 PM
Some of the reasons are quite reasonable transition from ordinary gamblers to addicted gamblers but most often I hear that they become addicted is because of the dream of a big win after losing they will chase the loss that will continue to play gambling so addicted.

Humans are more greedy once they win they will not stop playing gambling they will continue to try with their big dreams to win but in reality it is not, we realize how indicative of gamblers who are addicted they will increase their activities for the victory they expect.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Gozie51 on February 13, 2024, 05:34:04 PM

  • Chasing Losses

This is the main reason that I believe would make a casual gambler turn an addict, the excuse of not having alternative source of income should be because he probably has no source of income initially when he was a casual player. So it is more reasonable to say that losing his money often may make such person to start gambling without control and thereby becoming an addict. Chasing profit is a challenge for gamblers when they lose control and start playing to recover back what they have lost.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: BABY SHOES on February 13, 2024, 05:56:32 PM
Those who have heard about gambling become addicted because they are initially given a big win and then there is an excessive mindset where with large capital will get even bigger wins, that is their mindset towards addicted gambling.

By chasing losses that makes gamblers become addicted because they continue to play without thinking they will lose all of it but we know that many factors of gambling addiction are caused by several things and one of which you said in the list, the cycle of addiction will not be far from what is above because of the various reasons why they are addicted because they are not aware of it.

But many friends say why he continues to play because there is a big dream that one day he will definitely win big. So that's what they have in mind.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: komisariatku on February 13, 2024, 06:01:11 PM
I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict. Here are five reasons I've identified.

  • Chasing Losses

I think this is the most logical and I have experienced it. Of course, initially gambling is just for fun, but when we realize that a lot of money has been spent gambling, we start chasing losses. That's when we unconsciously become addicts.

However, not everyone who becomes an addict will continue to be an addict, sometimes gamblers will immediately realize this and begin to reduce the intensity of their gambling or even choose to stop. I think everyone's level of addiction is different and at least every gambler must have had the experience of chasing losses

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Quidat on February 13, 2024, 06:04:38 PM
*Trying to achieve out those big win that he/she have seen on other gamblers
*Having thoughts that winning in gambling is easy peasy

This is just some additional i should say on which it is a contributive factor on which it do really give out more urge for you to play more.
You might not still be directly considered to be an addict but on the time that you've been making out such actions which showing
that you are already considered to be going into that path.

Its always been important that moderation should really be the key because once you do find yourself that having those lose
control of such activity then you are really that putting yourself into potential problems.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: criptoevangelista on February 13, 2024, 06:41:04 PM
Every addiction is like an escape valve, usually the person has some other problem and uses gambling to supposedly alleviate this problem. It's like a drug addiction or drinking addiction.

Everything in our life is about balance, be it food, exercise, work... We have to know how to balance it, if something gets out of control it's always a good idea to ask for help or talk to someone.

Most of us here are anonymous, so if anyone wanted to talk, I'm not a doctor or psychologist but I'm available to help too.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Jaycoinz on February 13, 2024, 06:51:41 PM
I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict. Here are five reasons I've identified.

  • To find an alternative full-time earning source
  • Chasing Losses
  • Lack of Alternative Income earning opportunities
  • Using Gambling as an Excuse for Personal/Profesional Problems
  • lDream of Winning Big
  • An excuse

If you have anything else then do write it down on this thread. This thread is only to help anyone who is into daily gambling realize the incident that led to compulsive gambling or everyday gambling.

This is a self-moderated thread that means if anyone here wants to vent out his or her frustration then they are welcome.

Let's hear it so that everyone knows.

I basically think all the listed details actually works together, it's more like a stage by stage process and all of them contributes to the gambler being addicted but the most one I think it's more active is the chasing of losses because that particular action can be carried by both the rich and poor gamblers. The more a gambler gets this thought to his head the more closely he gets to becoming a full time addict.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: irhact on February 13, 2024, 06:57:27 PM
I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict. Here are five reasons I've identified.

  • To find an alternative full-time earning source
  • Chasing Losses
  • Lack of Alternative Income earning opportunities

I have seen many individuals that are addicted to gambling and this three reasons are always the main cause of their addiction problems. When a gambler starts chasing losses, he's going to get easily addicted to gambling as the chasing will never end. He'll keep chasing and losing more money as he's chasing the losses then before he realize that he isn't making any progress it would had being late already and he has become a gambling addict.

Not having an alternative source of income is another major reason as they'll always rely on gambling to give them money but this isn't possible all the time as you can't win everytime that you want to gamble. You'll win some bets and also lose others therefore having an additional source of income can help reduce the time you're spending to gamble and chasing money. Not being disciplined would also contribute to being an addict from casual gambler.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: invo on February 13, 2024, 07:44:08 PM
This might fit on the list
  • Trying to win the jackpot in gambling to improve one's life.

Some individuals feel like they have exhausted all options and are dissatisfied with their current life situation. For them, gambling seems to be the only way out, as they hope to win a large sum of money to improve their financial status.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Westinhome on February 13, 2024, 07:55:30 PM
I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict. Here are five reasons I've identified.

  • To find an alternative full-time earning source
  • Chasing Losses

The gambler should have a separate job for the gambling money,because the gamblers who had huge money can able to recover the loss after the huge loss in the past.So the alternative one was more important here,not all gamblers doing the gambling with the regular job was main cause for the gambling addiction.

  • Lack of Alternative Income earning opportunities
  • Using Gambling as an Excuse for Personal/Profesional Problems

If they don’t know other source to earn the money,they will keep on come to the gambling for the earning money.Some gamblers will say the gambling was the cause for the loss in the their real business.The gambling loss should not affect your life at any point.So the gamblers won’t become the gambling addicted person.

  • lDream of Winning Big
  • An excuse

If you have anything else then do write it down on this thread. This thread is only to help anyone who is into daily gambling realize the incident that led to compulsive gambling or everyday gambling.

This is a self-moderated thread that means if anyone here wants to vent out his or her frustration then they are welcome.

Let's hear it so that everyone knows.

Making winning from the gambling site is not the hardest part,the dedication and the skills was the most important one.No excuses was accepted after the loss in the gambling site,If you feel the game was in the loss part.The gamblers should take some rest and hear their favourite songs and get away from the gambling frustrations.The result will be the profit from your betting was sure one.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: alani123 on February 13, 2024, 08:29:31 PM
There are often external factors such as depression or even life factors that might cause depression.

People are generally sad for many many things these days and the overall worsening of public health services contributes to a growing mental health crisis that affects a growing number of people.
Of course more people are turning to gambling every year as a result, as they do with drugs.
Sewage samples show increase residue of drugs which means that usage has skyrocketed after the pandemic.

Ecigs are also increasing in usage and teens are the primary victims of this. We're letting yet another epidemic on our children.

Overall I think increasing addiction to gambling is a mental health issue for most people and states are responsible for doing something to limit the causes also, other than just putting many otherwise safe gambling sites behind blocks just because they operate with crypto.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Mahanton on February 13, 2024, 08:54:20 PM
There are often external factors such as depression or even life factors that might cause depression.

People are generally sad for many many things these days and the overall worsening of public health services contributes to a growing mental health crisis that affects a growing number of people.
Of course more people are turning to gambling every year as a result, as they do with drugs.
Sewage samples show increase residue of drugs which means that usage has skyrocketed after the pandemic.

Ecigs are also increasing in usage and teens are the primary victims of this. We're letting yet another epidemic on our children.

Overall I think increasing addiction to gambling is a mental health issue for most people and states are responsible for doing something to limit the causes also, other than just putting many otherwise safe gambling sites behind blocks just because they operate with crypto.
Yes, i was supposed to add on this one

*Stress,disappointment and other emotional aspects

We do know that if we are on such condition then we would really be finding ourselves to be that trying to seek for things which would weep out those current emotions that we are currently feeling.
This could particularly be able to make yourself that making those kind of decisions that you would really be that ending up on having considering on playing gambling.
It would really be just that depending on you whether you would be considering gambling to ease that frustration or you would really be looking for something or any activity
that would really be easing out that disappointment or whatever unease feeling you have right now.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Rockstarguy on February 13, 2024, 09:08:56 PM
I think one of the cause of addiction is having too much expectation that huge amount of money can be made by playing gambling consistently. Like have I have come across people who plays gambling all the time thinking that they can get a win that will help them to solve their problems and this mentality can make one end up becoming addictive.  Lack of understanding of not knowing the limits of playing gambling can also land one in becoming addicted to gambling .

Reasons why people become addicted to gambling is because they do not understand about it, they rush into it think that gambling is just about placing a bet and no need to make research or study to know how Gambling needs to be played.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Stable090 on February 13, 2024, 09:09:24 PM
  • To find an alternative full-time earning source
  • Chasing Losses
  • Lack of Alternative Income earning opportunities
  • Using Gambling as an Excuse for Personal/Profesional Problems
  • lDream of Winning Big
  • An excuse
From the reasons that you think make casual gamblers get addicted to gambling, I can say some of the points that you figure out are similar to each other. The reasons why some addicted gamblers, which I know keep on gambling, are because they believe gambling can be an alternative source of income. Some of them will have lost a lot of money in gambling, so they think if they can stop gambling, then it’s going to be impossible to win back the money. That’s why they are always gambling, hoping to win back everything in a day. Some addicted gamblers have confidence that if they don’t stop gambling, they are going to end up winning a Jack Pot in a day. That’s why they never give up.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: bitbollo on February 13, 2024, 09:29:07 PM
check pubmed its a great resource since there is a lot of medical literature. 
More over it's really interesting see how these type of research has grown during the years.
From less then 10 per years... to +100 in the last 5 years.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on February 13, 2024, 09:56:56 PM
Dreams, excuses blah blah blah.... Whatever makes anyone decide to stick to this shit - getting rid of boredom, chasing some papers - it brings the same outcome! Alright, if you got addicted to gambling as a result of tryna figure out how lucky you can possibly be - for the number of times , you've wagered, does it mean the urge would be way different? NO!!

people have gotten into addiction in so many other creepy ways you'd ever wanna think of... I would still say "PEER INFLUENCE" has got another big role to play.

Sandra 🧑‍🦰

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Vaskiy on February 13, 2024, 10:57:56 PM
The main reason that made me a gambling addict was the win I experienced during my early stage of gambling. I was new to it, and I kept winning big money. I don't have any idea how to invest it or get involved in some business. What I did was continue to gamble, and at some point I lost what I won, and my mind wasn't ready to accept it. This is where I started to borrow money and spend it on gambling. This continued for a long time and ended in huge debt. At some point, I understood reality and made my way out of gambling.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: alastantiger on February 13, 2024, 11:03:56 PM

If you have anything else then do write it down on this thread. This thread is only to help anyone who is into daily gambling realize the incident that led to compulsive gambling or everyday gambling.
Thank you pakhitheboss for bringing this up.

I have come to the conclusion that loneliness could also be a predisposing factor leading to gambling addiction. Let me explain a little. A causal gambler who becomes lonely for whatever reason, say the divorce, loss of a spouse, loss of employment, accident that renders them incapacitated would gradually become a gambling addict if they intensify the frequency of their gambling as a way to deal/cope with they new status.

This is even worse for people who live in cultures where people are more independent that communal. In the later family and friends are there to provide the emotional and psychological support to cope but in independent cultures, the individual would have to go through it alone, leading to addiction if not controlled.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: acroman08 on February 13, 2024, 11:09:32 PM
  • Using Gambling as an Excuse for Personal/Profesional Problems
I completely agree with this, I have read articles mentioning that a lot of gambling addiction comes from people using it as a coping mechanism for an already existing issue like(as you mentioned) personal and professional problems, alcoholism, drug use, etc... people who use gambling as a coping mechanism for their issues tend to lean on it so much that they never notice that they have become too dependent on it and has become addicted to it.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: danherbias07 on February 13, 2024, 11:15:20 PM
I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict. Here are five reasons I've identified.

  • To find an alternative full-time earning source
This is very rare for me. We must know that it's not a full-time source of money because we are risking way too much against the house.
  • Chasing Losses
This is real. Chasing losses could be a big problem for a gambler and it might lead to gambling addiction because of badly wanting his money back. And when he did successfully take it back, the gambler would want more which leads to greed that is also a source of addiction.
  • Lack of Alternative Income earning opportunities
Hmmm. Never have I tried this yet. Sometimes I just play to earn a little bit, most of the time to just fill my ego that I can beat the house. But saying it can be an alternative income, it's just like the first one in this list.
  • Using Gambling as an Excuse for Personal/Profesional Problems
Yes, this could happen. Just like those addicted with alcohol and smoke, they use their problems as an excuse on why they use it.
  • lDream of Winning Big
Yes. I think many will agree with this. The biggest dream of all when it comes to gambling. The jackpot shot. Well, it could happen but it takes a long time.
I do remember one player pouring rain in the chatroom of a popular gambling site. He got a good win of $1500 in slots but he did say that's the first after a long time of playing slots. He became a silver VIP before he hit it which means he already wagered so much before that jackpot came.
This requires a lot of capital because it's very rare for a newbie to make this happen.

I don't think I can add more to this. Loneliness is also part of the "Personal Problems". It's a nice thread OP. Thank you for the information. [/list]

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Stepstowealth on February 13, 2024, 11:32:29 PM
I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict.
Having too much fun.
Gambling starts out as an activity for fun, then some gamblers make the error of not knowing when to have fun and not to, and also cautioning themselves that too much fun can be bad too. They have too much fun gambling that they do not realize when they slowly shift into the ranks of people considered as addicted. When a casual gambler does not know how to control the fun they derive from gambling, they can become addicted gamblers without thinking they are.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: robelneo on February 13, 2024, 11:32:44 PM
I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict. Here are five reasons I've identified.

  • To find an alternative full-time earning source
  • Chasing Losses
  • Lack of Alternative Income earning opportunities
  • Using Gambling as an Excuse for Personal/Profesional Problems
  • lDream of Winning Big
  • An excuse

All of these are correct and based on some of my research and my other posts, some gamblers just lose control all of the reasons are just excuses so they can continue to gamble or justify why they gamble, they are just hit by the dopamine effect and the sense of belonging and being alive, some people gamble for the sake of gambling whether they lose or they win.

I think this is one category that should be included, gambling for the sake of gambling, yes there are players like this and surprisingly they are the hardest ones to cure.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: MainIbem on February 13, 2024, 11:45:17 PM
We still deceive ourselves by saying we should gamble for fun why is a big lie, sincerely speaking about 80 percent of people who gamble gambles for to earn additional income or to increase their earning otherwise it would be hard before you seeing someone to gamble.
If earning is removed from gambling then we can have no one to gamble, the main reason why people become gambling addict was a reason for the additional earning from it.

No earnings no addictions.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Jody.Drummer on February 14, 2024, 12:41:34 AM
I think all the points you mentioned are all good and indeed all addicted gamblers start from the things you have mentioned, but from some of them maybe I am more interested in points number one and three, where the circumstances that are the main impetus for them to gamble with intentions such as making gambling as an alternative full-time income or lack of opportunities to earn income in real life are really a big reason and impetus.

Of course, a below average financial situation will usually make someone justify any means to be able to get money and gambling is no exception, they think that gambling can give them a lot of money or change their fate for the better, and I say that this is a typical gambler who does not have a true understanding of the world of gambling which is actually the possibility of risk is always unavoidable in gambling, This means that it is very possible for you to end up losing which can even come in streaks, and when you put your hopes on winning then obviously in the end when you lose then you will overdo it by putting larger amounts in gambling to chase something that has been lost which unconsciously in the end they are in the addiction phase.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Hirose UK on February 14, 2024, 02:59:10 AM

  • Chasing Losses

This is the main reason that I believe would make a casual gambler turn an addict, the excuse of not having alternative source of income should be because he probably has no source of income initially when he was a casual player. So it is more reasonable to say that losing his money often may make such person to start gambling without control and thereby becoming an addict. Chasing profit is a challenge for gamblers when they lose control and start playing to recover back what they have lost.
But wouldn't greed in chasing big wins also be in the same context as chasing losses?
Gamblers will spend or spend more money from each bet with the aim of winning bigger, they increase the bet to win and get back the money they lost and they increase the bet to win bigger and have lot of profit.
These are the two conditions that actually make gamblers crazier in every decision they make because they only think about making money and getting profits, it is difficult to stop or change attitudes and thought patterns like this.
When gambler mind has been completely contaminated and blinded by great desire or strong ambition for achievement in gambling, they will do various things including spending more money and time.
But in the end, addiction is an attitude or problem that they get, this has long-term negative impact on their lives, not only in financial matters but also mentally and harmony in marriage and family.

There have been many cases caused by gambling addiction and we should learn from each of these cases, but basically humans have an attitude of just doing whatever they please.
In the end of the story, every gambler will only face various difficult problems and suffer destruction in any aspect, indeed the impact will not happen quickly but slowly with more certainty.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Fundamentals Of on February 14, 2024, 03:07:39 AM
It's weird but one reason why a casual gambler could become a gambling addict is winning itself, especially winning big or a jackpot. There are definitely a lot, and I myself am included, who have played over and over again and even too excited to play once again because they have experienced winning. They have tasted that sweet jackpot prize. And so they are too eager to bet more because they want to experience that intense feeling of winning once again, not to mention that big money. In the process, not only have they lost all their previous winnings, they even lost more.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: ethereumhunter on February 14, 2024, 07:44:46 AM
Gambling too often, using more money every time they gamble and not using time and money limits when gambling can cause them to become addicted to gambling. Not being able to manage the time between playing gambling and doing other activities can also turn a regular gambler into a gambler who is addicted to gambling. Maybe there are still more things that can make ordinary gamblers addicted to gambling because there are more reasons that people will use to gamble so that they will continue to gamble without stopping. That will only make them spend more time gambling so they forget about other things they could be doing.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: angrybirdy on February 14, 2024, 12:52:56 PM
It's weird but one reason why a casual gambler could become a gambling addict is winning itself, especially winning big or a jackpot. There are definitely a lot, and I myself am included, who have played over and over again and even too excited to play once again because they have experienced winning. They have tasted that sweet jackpot prize. And so they are too eager to bet more because they want to experience that intense feeling of winning once again, not to mention that big money. In the process, not only have they lost all their previous winnings, they even lost more.

Exactly! One of the reasons why people continue to gamble is because they have experienced winning big here, so they expect that every time they win, it is possible that it will be higher compared to their first winning experience. People have a habit of not being satisfied with the things they get and often have high expectations, so the ending is that they don't know that their addiction to gambling has developed in them.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: coin-investor on February 14, 2024, 01:40:42 PM
I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict. Here are five reasons I've identified.
If you have anything else then do write it down on this thread. This thread is only to help anyone who is into daily gambling realize the incident that led to compulsive gambling or everyday gambling.

I want to add winning huge amounts of money and wanting to repeat the process of winning again, there are a lot of people who after winning think or believe that they can repeat the process, they become addicted to gambling from gambling casually, people who have gone through this are those who experienced winning at the earlier stage of their gambling.
These people believe that they are lucky in gambling and that they can repeat the process many times all they have to do is be consistent in playing, they are seeking formulas, methods, or patterns that will establish their winning ways.
These people are trapped by their beliefs and they are at high risk, they are not aware that in seeking that elusive formula they are losing a lot of money and spending a lot of time, neglecting their family and their job.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Bitcoin Smith on February 14, 2024, 07:58:44 PM
People generally addict to something when they want themselves to get distracted from one thing and we usually call it as escapism.

Let's assume someone who gamble responsibly for very long time in their life but recently they have been struggling in their life whether it's personal or financial issues or just not satisfied with current nature of living may see gambling as one because it's just give an immersive experience once someone gets deep into it and the money factor is the key of falling into addiction as well.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Assface16678 on February 14, 2024, 08:54:50 PM
It's weird but one reason why a casual gambler could become a gambling addict is winning itself, especially winning big or a jackpot. There are definitely a lot, and I myself am included, who have played over and over again and even too excited to play once again because they have experienced winning. They have tasted that sweet jackpot prize. And so they are too eager to bet more because they want to experience that intense feeling of winning once again, not to mention that big money. In the process, not only have they lost all their previous winnings, they even lost more.

Exactly! One of the reasons why people continue to gamble is because they have experienced winning big here, so they expect that every time they win, it is possible that it will be higher compared to their first winning experience. People have a habit of not being satisfied with the things they get and often have high expectations, so the ending is that they don't know that their addiction to gambling has developed in them.

Not just in winnings, but also when they are losing, here is a scenario. I've read a story here in this section that his friend becomes addicted to gambling because he keeps on losing, and because of that, the sum of his losses is getting bigger. Because his friend wants to recover the losses and regrets that he wasted a huge amount of money, he keeps on playing until the friend avails of loans and is in debt.

This scenario shows that the only option for his friend is to keep on gambling because he has a regret of losing such money, more like it's too late to turn back, but the truth is he keeps on digging his hole deeper; he gets past the point where he can just accept the loss and get away from gambling. There are some cases where gamblers are against the well and resolve to gamble more, hoping to recover all the losses.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: famososMuertos on February 14, 2024, 09:16:13 PM
People approach the game for different reasons, some common like those mentioned by OP, but when it comes to the actual diagnosis, everyone has their own reasons.

The issue here lies in how each individual moves away from those circumstances and that is where you realize that you are a pathological patient or an individual who has a light at the end of the road and the one who has the light can even return and do things well, the other doesn't.

Unlike hard addictions like alcohol, drugs that create an irreversible neurological pattern in the individual who falls into the addiction, those who gamble and have problems can get out of that pit.

This issue is not about "I think" what... And then "I recommend" doing...

 Only those who are not prone to falling into addictions see the signs, this issue of how to deal with gambling addiction is like thinking that it is only affecting those who start gambling because they want to win more money.

Gambling addiction does not always have to do with the social or economic situation, addiction exists in the elite social classes, there are (ex) presidents are ( were) known to be addicted to alcohol, sex,  and! Oh, yes!  The  "strange" things as the bets.

Even all the patterns indicated in OP, are not or have to necessarily be an indicative rule of such thing is always so.

As I always say, pay for a consultation and then train your mind and body, it is like Everest, not only the fact that climbing with an oxygen cylinder is an indication that you are not going to die.

The fact that you don't see yourself on a "council" or list of priorities to fall means that you are "immune" to being addicted.

Consequently, pay for a consultation and get coaching that determines your ability to gamble and not die trying, or rather not become an addict.

They are always the best dollars you can spend, but people think they are healthy or fit to do certain everyday things, like gambling, but they really are.

Finally, on that OP's point, if you think you don't deserve to pay for a consultation with an expert to determine if you are likely to be an addict, I think those are signs that you are.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: livingfree on February 14, 2024, 09:21:53 PM
It's just the typical sensation of what gambling gives to all gamblers, when someone is emotionally crazy about gambling, that leads to addiction. And even so that gambler tells the other people that he's just casually doing it.

But he knows what he actually does and it's more than the casualty of what he does. Not admitting that gambler is already addicted makes him even more addicted because he's in a denial process that many are falling apart.

There are the other gamblers that admit that they're already addicted and they want to seek help but they're shy to disclose that they're already one of them.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Queentoshi on February 14, 2024, 09:32:20 PM
If you have anything else then do write it down on this thread.
When there is no caution to a casual gambler, they may never know that they need to be cautious and not gamble too much so they can keep their urge to gamble under control. Because there is no caution even from you who has more experience with gambling, and know that it is dangerous, it contributes to a casual gambler becoming addicted. As a more experienced gambler caution and warn the new gamblers who will listen to your warning.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: uneng on February 14, 2024, 09:45:06 PM
To escape from an aversive state of consciousness the individual is facing about himself.

That is, when reality is too harsh to be endured, the person needs to cope with this situation by escaping someway in order to find relief, which is usually found through activities which reward instant and temporary pleasure, such as alcohol, drugs and gambling. The effects are always intense and temporary, but seem enough to forget the problems and the self for a while... However, since it's not a definitive solution, the practice becomes an addiction which has to be repeated more intensely and in less time intervails, because the organism starts adapting itself to current dosages.

It's like when taking a medicine (which can be also used as escapism mechanism). You usually start with a low dosage, but it has to be constantly raised along the years in order to keep the treatment efficient for the individual.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Synchronice on February 14, 2024, 09:46:42 PM
I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict. Here are five reasons I've identified.

  • To find an alternative full-time earning source
  • Chasing Losses
  • Lack of Alternative Income earning opportunities
  • Using Gambling as an Excuse for Personal/Profesional Problems
  • lDream of Winning Big
  • An excuse

If you have anything else then do write it down on this thread. This thread is only to help anyone who is into daily gambling realize the incident that led to compulsive gambling or everyday gambling.

This is a self-moderated thread that means if anyone here wants to vent out his or her frustration then they are welcome.

Let's hear it so that everyone knows.
What happens when you achieve your dreams? You become happy. That happens automatically too when you win a lot. Some gamblers, when they win a lot, give some permission to themselves to gamble some big because they already won a lot and it will be some fun for them but sometimes they lose some of these bets, then try to gain them back, then lose the won amount and that's where addiction starts to my mind. It doesn't happen like this very often but sometimes in some people, it might happen like I described.
Some casual gamblers also sometimes decide to up their stakes and slowly they up it so much that it affects them financially, negatively if they lose, and then addiction kicks if person tries to recover the lost amount.

Also, as you mentioned, lack of alternative income earnings can also push casual gambler to become addicted, especially if they had a stable job during the days when they were gambling casually, they might become addicted if they lose their job and will be left without income.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Mia Chloe on February 14, 2024, 09:49:07 PM
Now if you observe closely approximately all gambling addicts today never wanted to be addicts but actually turned out being one due to certain factors they failed to take seriously. Now one thing most fail to take seriously is discipline. As a gambler one should have a level of discipline that would help guide the gambler on when to and when not to indulge in gambling activities. The better the level of discipline of a gambler the more responsible his gambling habits.
Another thing they fail to manage is priority. When one misplaces his priorities they could also end up being addicts. Since gambling is a fun activity then logically the priority a gambler should give to gambling should also be similar to that he allocates for fun activities.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Westinhome on February 14, 2024, 11:59:24 PM
To escape from an aversive state of consciousness the individual is facing about himself.

That is, when reality is too harsh to be endured, the person needs to cope with this situation by escaping someway in order to find relief, which is usually found through activities which reward instant and temporary pleasure, such as alcohol, drugs and gambling. The effects are always intense and temporary, but seem enough to forget the problems and the self for a while... However, since it's not a definitive solution, the practice becomes an addiction which has to be repeated more intensely and in less time intervails, because the organism starts adapting itself to current dosages.

It's like when taking a medicine (which can be also used as escapism mechanism). You usually start with a low dosage, but it has to be constantly raised along the years in order to keep the treatment efficient for the individual.

The gambler who play the random betting will causes loss of money most of the time.So the loss will cause the gamblers to become the gambling addicted person.The gamblers who able to make money will play the game as a normal gambler.The money earning and losing in the consequence way doesn’t make the gambler as an addicted person.But the gamblers who get the continuous loss surely become the gambling addicted person one day.

The random betting was the biggest reason for the gamblers to loss their money,he should not hurry to make money.The continuous game alone make the gambler to make some good profit in the gambling site.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Fundamentals Of on February 15, 2024, 01:18:00 AM
It's weird but one reason why a casual gambler could become a gambling addict is winning itself, especially winning big or a jackpot. There are definitely a lot, and I myself am included, who have played over and over again and even too excited to play once again because they have experienced winning. They have tasted that sweet jackpot prize. And so they are too eager to bet more because they want to experience that intense feeling of winning once again, not to mention that big money. In the process, not only have they lost all their previous winnings, they even lost more.

Exactly! One of the reasons why people continue to gamble is because they have experienced winning big here, so they expect that every time they win, it is possible that it will be higher compared to their first winning experience. People have a habit of not being satisfied with the things they get and often have high expectations, so the ending is that they don't know that their addiction to gambling has developed in them.

Not necessarily higher, but the simple fact that it is indeed possible to make this big money out of this small bet. If it happens once, it might happen again, so why not try it once more, and then once more, and then once more until everything's lost.

In fact, I think this is not limited to personal experience only. It might even extend to the experience of people close to them. It could be a family member, relative, friend, neighbor, workmate, etc. If somebody close to them wins big by just betting small, it is already a big testimony that making money is indeed true and easy in gambling. Other will do it also.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: nara1892 on February 15, 2024, 01:20:54 AM
If you have anything else then do write it down on this thread.
When there is no caution to a casual gambler, they may never know that they need to be cautious and not gamble too much so they can keep their urge to gamble under control. Because there is no caution even from you who has more experience with gambling, and know that it is dangerous, it contributes to a casual gambler becoming addicted. As a more experienced gambler caution and warn the new gamblers who will listen to your warning.

But I think it is not rare or even a lot of gamblers who do not know the warnings about those who should be careful when entering and engaging in gambling, some of them may ignore some advice from others and some of them may never know about the adverse effects that exist in gambling so this can also be the right reason why in the end they can enter and get stuck in a cycle of addiction unconsciously, and they will only feel changes in themselves and their life situations where financial problems are always experienced. Honestly, I can't blame them for their wrong approach to gambling because they may have come to it intentionally or unintentionally which is also not based on a correct understanding of gambling. Of course it is advisable for gamblers who have a proper understanding of gambling to remind people who are stuck on the wrong path, there is nothing wrong with helping each other even in the smallest things because most likely it will save their lives from the bad effects of addiction.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Samlucky O on February 15, 2024, 02:00:22 AM
All what you have said is actually true, and nothing but the truth.  Another thing that causes this is playing with the notion that gambling is the shortest means of becoming Super rich or seeing gambling as a place of get rich quick scheme. And this particular thinking is cause by poverty mindset. When your family is too poor and you have done all it takes to make it to the top, but all to no avail, your mindset will make you believe that the shortest place to make money is ont playing gambling .

So we should be conscious to know when our mind is leeding us to the wrong direction. Although not that it hasn't changed people life, but shouldn't be seen as the only alternative to enriching one's self, otherwise you may turn from a casual Gambler to an addicted Gambler

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: redsun114 on February 15, 2024, 02:14:32 AM
I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict.
Most of the time, gamblers who manage to win something in their initial gambling sessions tend to become addicted to gambling over time because they keep trying to have the same results repeated because it's pleasing when you win something good in gambling, and if you have just started gambling, you will feel great when you win something when it's your first or second gambling session where people don't often win much so quickly.

That is why, I believe that people who manage to win something significant in their initial gambling sessions have a high chance of becoming addicted to gambling, it is also why I often tell people tell people that they shouldn't take their first two sessions very seriously if they win because it's nothing permanent.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Jody.Drummer on February 15, 2024, 02:23:15 AM
It's weird but one reason why a casual gambler could become a gambling addict is winning itself, especially winning big or a jackpot. There are definitely a lot, and I myself am included, who have played over and over again and even too excited to play once again because they have experienced winning. They have tasted that sweet jackpot prize. And so they are too eager to bet more because they want to experience that intense feeling of winning once again, not to mention that big money. In the process, not only have they lost all their previous winnings, they even lost more.

Exactly! One of the reasons why people continue to gamble is because they have experienced winning big here, so they expect that every time they win, it is possible that it will be higher compared to their first winning experience. People have a habit of not being satisfied with the things they get and often have high expectations, so the ending is that they don't know that their addiction to gambling has developed in them.

Yes, it is certain that victory is the main goal of most gamblers but unfortunately they cannot last long in feeling the pleasure of their victory which in the end they enter into a slump due to continuing to chase victory and expect to get a victory like in the previous time and this is typical of gamblers who eventually enter the addiction phase. As you said that most people find it difficult to feel satisfied especially when it comes to money, so it is definitely not strange if they always overdo it, they think that they will be able to get a much bigger win when in fact as time goes by they are slapped by the fact that the number of losses is getting bigger and bigger but instead they are getting crazier, simply put gamblers who carry the goal of making money usually find it difficult to accept the fact that they lose, and this means that when they win they will be more addicted and when they lose they will be more curious.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: SeaCoinCollector. on February 15, 2024, 06:28:18 AM
I think one more to consider is social/peer pressure. Many gamblers were influenced by friends or family members who gambles excessively that leads to gambling addiction.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: 0t3p0t on February 15, 2024, 06:45:04 AM
I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict. Here are five reasons I've identified.

  • Chasing Losses

I think this is the most logical and I have experienced it. Of course, initially gambling is just for fun, but when we realize that a lot of money has been spent gambling, we start chasing losses. That's when we unconsciously become addicts.

However, not everyone who becomes an addict will continue to be an addict, sometimes gamblers will immediately realize this and begin to reduce the intensity of their gambling or even choose to stop. I think everyone's level of addiction is different and at least every gambler must have had the experience of chasing losses

+1 on this one. This is for me the most common reason of this transition. Rich and poor gamblers usually fall to this trap that is why they did not realize that they already are addicted to gambling because of chasing their losses.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: EarnOnVictor on February 15, 2024, 07:42:07 AM
  • To find an alternative full-time earning source
  • Chasing Losses
  • Lack of Alternative Income earning opportunities
  • Using Gambling as an Excuse for Personal/Profesional Problems
  • lDream of Winning Big
  • An excuse

If you have anything else then do write it down on this thread. This thread is only to help anyone who is into daily gambling realize the incident that led to compulsive gambling or everyday gambling.
Let's hear it so that everyone knows.

Nicely said my friend, though some could be encapsulated into a single point, but all the same, you are right about them all. Gambling is an activity that can infest us if care is not taken, it will start like a play but before we know it, we are so engrossed with it. This is always our fault in most cases because we do not have that sensitivity towards it and it is so bad. That's why we could believe that we can be casual about but before we know it, we will start revenging or being greedy, which are the main reasons why people are addicted to gambling. But if these had been prepared initially, such a person could have been trying to avoid them and have the mindset that if they are being infested gradually, they would have quickly noticed and nipped it in the bud before they become uncontrollable just as it's always in such ugly such cases we see daily.

It is all about us and no one else, and gambling will always remain the same, the prior understanding of the good and the bad sides of it is very important as well as it prepares us better. With this understanding, one can know how to avoid the bad side of it and embrace the good side, and even maximize it to their advantage better than those who were not very informed before they started. Gamblers should also know that it is all about having their plans, budget and discipline mainly in this regard. They can fight with determination as well, and with this, a balance will surely be made.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Fatunad on February 15, 2024, 08:01:02 AM
I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict. Here are five reasons I've identified.

  • Chasing Losses

I think this is the most logical and I have experienced it. Of course, initially gambling is just for fun, but when we realize that a lot of money has been spent gambling, we start chasing losses. That's when we unconsciously become addicts.

However, not everyone who becomes an addict will continue to be an addict, sometimes gamblers will immediately realize this and begin to reduce the intensity of their gambling or even choose to stop. I think everyone's level of addiction is different and at least every gambler must have had the experience of chasing losses

+1 on this one. This is for me the most common reason of this transition. Rich and poor gamblers usually fall to this trap that is why they did not realize that they already are addicted to gambling because of chasing their losses.
It would really be just that in between chasing loses and chasing win on which both rich and poor would definitely be coming after those things. This is one of the main reason on why people do really
make themselves that getting addicted to gambling and this is why you would really be that important that you should be having those self awareness about on the things you've been doing.
Do have a good control with your bankroll and if its been totally busted then you should be call it a day and would be stopping it completely.

Just on what most people been saying on here is that people do mess up on the time that they would be pursuing and chasing up their loses. More deposit more deep loses
and this might even result into taking up some loan just for them to gamblign on which this do makes the situation even more worst.
This is why it would really be that right that you do know on what you are doing.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: aioc on February 15, 2024, 10:35:01 AM

I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict. Here are five reasons I've identified.

I would like to recommend Gambling satisfies them, I know some rich people who gamble because it satisfies them, they don't care if they lose or win they just want the feeling of being alive and challenging the house, this kind of people can be find on physical casinos they like the ambiance, they like to meet new people and they want the perks on physical casinos, so they don't care if they lose a lot of money.
These are extrovert people who loves to mingle and hang around, they also play on online casinos but they prefer physical casinos because they love to express.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: junder on February 15, 2024, 11:41:20 AM
I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict. Here are five reasons I've identified.

  • To find an alternative full-time earning source
  • Chasing Losses
  • Lack of Alternative Income earning opportunities
  • Using Gambling as an Excuse for Personal/Profesional Problems
  • lDream of Winning Big
  • An excuse

If you have anything else then do write it down on this thread. This thread is only to help anyone who is into daily gambling realize the incident that led to compulsive gambling or everyday gambling.

This is a self-moderated thread that means if anyone here wants to vent out his or her frustration then they are welcome.

Let's hear it so that everyone knows.

In my opinion, there are several factors in someone becoming addicted to gambling, namely.
-excessive expectations
-wrong thoughts responding to gambling
-a reason to help a need
-can't help myself
-Already lulled by victory
-Confidence that you will be able to get a big win
- a combination of biological risk factors, psychological risk factors and social risk factors

Many people are addicted to gambling because they believe they can win big at gambling, but this actually makes them trapped in a loss phase which harms them in all kinds.

The losses that can occur are:

-health (mental or physical)

People who are addicted to gambling tend to experience losses from their mental changes and tend to become more stubborn and unwilling to accept advice from others, and relationships are also affected by changes in the attitudes and behavior of those who are addicted to gambling. and maybe another reason is because they want to get rich quickly.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Peanutswar on February 15, 2024, 12:07:41 PM
I can add due to excessive/aggressive emotions, we know how gambling affects people too much when they lose their money in a game, some of them already accept it as part of the game. Still, some of them cannot accept that they lost all the money not fairly so they make a revenge game, possibly doubling the pay to earn back their losses or we call as Martingale strategy or make a wrong decision in current game result in losing over on their capital and urge to make their money back and make another deposit hoping at least they can manage to reduce their losses. However, the possible outcome make it double their negative losses.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Lorence.xD on February 15, 2024, 03:19:28 PM
People generally addict to something when they want themselves to get distracted from one thing and we usually call it as escapism.

Let's assume someone who gamble responsibly for very long time in their life but recently they have been struggling in their life whether it's personal or financial issues or just not satisfied with current nature of living may see gambling as one because it's just give an immersive experience once someone gets deep into it and the money factor is the key of falling into addiction as well.
Sometimes it is satisfaction.
For me, the thing that makes gambling addictive is the feeling when you win against being thrilled, somewhat related to how adrenaline works, and this is evident with other addictions in particular with vices. Another drive is frustration. If you are in profit there will be greed in most instances to play more but that won't make you addicted into this activity. You'd play more if you are in huge loss or debt in worse case scenario. The drive to get back with loss will continuosly push you to gamble without realizing that the situation is just getting worse and that you are losing more, since we don't have control of the outcome. If you are losing, then you will, and what more if you are just doing it with compulsion nd just having requital as your primary reason to do so. However, knowing what causes this and that, won't do things. We have to focus more on its very root which is the amount we would engage in gambling. If it is just enough or under your bankroll's tolerance, then you won't have such drive.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: khiholangkang on February 15, 2024, 04:12:52 PM
I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict. Here are five reasons I've identified.

  • To find an alternative full-time earning source
  • Chasing Losses
  • Lack of Alternative Income earning opportunities
  • Using Gambling as an Excuse for Personal/Profesional Problems
  • lDream of Winning Big
  • An excuse

If you have anything else then do write it down on this thread. This thread is only to help anyone who is into daily gambling realize the incident that led to compulsive gambling or everyday gambling.

This is a self-moderated thread that means if anyone here wants to vent out his or her frustration then they are welcome.

Let's hear it so that everyone knows.
And your answer is summarized in the last pound, "an excuse" I think that's enough.
But if logic is correct, anything can be a reason why ordinary gamblers transition into addicted gamblers, I will add a point that I often find in my environment, namely the "influence of the environment" invitation of friends, seeing friends gamble on an ongoing basis, seeing friends get a big win so that it attracts us to play and continue to play gambling, there is a sense of competitiveness that arises to be able to beat the winnings that his friend gets, such as wanting to be arrogant to his gambling friend.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Hispo on February 15, 2024, 04:47:14 PM
I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict. Here are five reasons I've identified.

  • To find an alternative full-time earning source
  • Chasing Losses
  • Lack of Alternative Income earning opportunities
  • Using Gambling as an Excuse for Personal/Profesional Problems
  • lDream of Winning Big
  • An excuse

If you have anything else then do write it down on this thread. This thread is only to help anyone who is into daily gambling realize the incident that led to compulsive gambling or everyday gambling.

This is a self-moderated thread that means if anyone here wants to vent out his or her frustration then they are welcome.

Let's hear it so that everyone knows.
And your answer is summarized in the last pound, "an excuse" I think that's enough.
But if logic is correct, anything can be a reason why ordinary gamblers transition into addicted gamblers, I will add a point that I often find in my environment, namely the "influence of the environment" invitation of friends, seeing friends gamble on an ongoing basis, seeing friends get a big win so that it attracts us to play and continue to play gambling, there is a sense of competitiveness that arises to be able to beat the winnings that his friend gets, such as wanting to be arrogant to his gambling friend.

I would have indeed "peer-pressure" as a reason for a casual gambler to become addicted to such activity. I believe it is not as common as the other points, specially the loss chasing and the lack of economical opportunities, but I could easily see someone with a group of friend where all are gamblers and addicted to it. Since they are all addicted neither of them realize there is a problem to be solved in their behavior and they encourage each other to gamble. If one of them realized he is wagering more than the rest, then he mentions it,.so the other can catch up with the amount. It would be the equivalent of one of those toxic group of friends we have read about or heard about before, but instead of manipulation or psychological mistreatment, we get something completely different but still pretry much harmful for the well being of all people involved.

Though, I would like to also point out peer pressuring is more common when people start to gamble in the precense of others, while it does not always lead to addiction, it is the first step of one does not know one's limits and feelings when losses start to pile up.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Jody.Drummer on February 16, 2024, 11:39:09 AM
I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict. Here are five reasons I've identified.

  • To find an alternative full-time earning source
  • Chasing Losses
  • Lack of Alternative Income earning opportunities
  • Using Gambling as an Excuse for Personal/Profesional Problems
  • lDream of Winning Big
  • An excuse

If you have anything else then do write it down on this thread. This thread is only to help anyone who is into daily gambling realize the incident that led to compulsive gambling or everyday gambling.

This is a self-moderated thread that means if anyone here wants to vent out his or her frustration then they are welcome.

Let's hear it so that everyone knows.
And your answer is summarized in the last pound, "an excuse" I think that's enough.
But if logic is correct, anything can be a reason why ordinary gamblers transition into addicted gamblers, I will add a point that I often find in my environment, namely the "influence of the environment" invitation of friends, seeing friends gamble on an ongoing basis, seeing friends get a big win so that it attracts us to play and continue to play gambling, there is a sense of competitiveness that arises to be able to beat the winnings that his friend gets, such as wanting to be arrogant to his gambling friend.

Yes, all the lists that are displayed can indeed be simplified or summarized as reasons that encourage gamblers to act crazier which in the end all these actions do not even lead to something they want such as making money but instead make them enter the addiction phase which of course they even suffer the amount of loss. And yes on the other hand what you said is true about environmental factors which is clear that in any case the environment does have a big influence on everyone, especially on behavior change, But on the other hand maybe this is also quite dependent on each of us if for example you do reject some invitations from friends who like to gamble then obviously you can avoid the name of addiction but if you are influenced unconsciously in the sense that you don't really find out about what gambling really is and then you even start trying to play without knowing any of the dangers then obviously a high probability of addiction will occur, especially as you said if they see the victory that some of their friends managed to achieve then obviously it is like a motivation for them to be even more excessive.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Zoomic on February 16, 2024, 01:04:30 PM
I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict. Here are five reasons I've identified.

  • To find an alternative full-time earning source
  • Chasing Losses
  • Lack of Alternative Income earning opportunities
  • Using Gambling as an Excuse for Personal/Profesional Problems
  • lDream of Winning Big
  • An excuse

If you have anything else then do write it down on this thread. This thread is only to help anyone who is into daily gambling realize the incident that led to compulsive gambling or everyday gambling.

This is a self-moderated thread that means if anyone here wants to vent out his or her frustration then they are welcome.

Let's hear it so that everyone knows.

I often advice gamblers to be conscious of themselves whenever they gamble. People might say it is only those who have no other source of income aside gambling that fall victim of gambling addiction but that's not true, anyone can fall victim of gambling addiction if they get carried away with excitement and sweet thoughts of making huge wins. If it was all about having a source of income, many who had jobs won't have gambled to the extent of being victims of gambling problems.

Gambling has a way of playing with people's minds,  making them think gambling everyday draws them closer to winning or if they use all the money they have in their bank accounts to gamble, they'll definitely recover the money or it is very okay for them to sell off properties, take loans or steal just to gamble so they don't get to miss that life changing opportunity. Those who are not conscious of themselves will follow everything their instincts tell them and live to regret it at the end. Only the ones who consider potential consequences before taking any step stay safe.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Wapfika on February 16, 2024, 01:32:36 PM
  • Chasing Losses
If you have anything else then do write it down on this thread. This thread is only to help anyone who is into daily gambling realize the incident that led to compulsive gambling or everyday gambling.

Chasing losses is proven to me that a casual gambler can lead to compulsive gambling for a short period of time. In my case, I have a flu that affect my decision making that’s why I become compulsive gambler for a short time due to chasing losses.

Luckily, I manage to survive this dire situation. I stop gambling for a long time due to the trauma it gives to me that time. You can read my experience on the thread I created before I hope no one here will experience what I encounter before because I thought I already lost my savings instantly due to poor decision making.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: khiholangkang on February 16, 2024, 02:59:15 PM
I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict. Here are five reasons I've identified.

  • To find an alternative full-time earning source
  • Chasing Losses
  • Lack of Alternative Income earning opportunities
  • Using Gambling as an Excuse for Personal/Profesional Problems
  • lDream of Winning Big
  • An excuse

If you have anything else then do write it down on this thread. This thread is only to help anyone who is into daily gambling realize the incident that led to compulsive gambling or everyday gambling.

This is a self-moderated thread that means if anyone here wants to vent out his or her frustration then they are welcome.

Let's hear it so that everyone knows.
And your answer is summarized in the last pound, "an excuse" I think that's enough.
But if logic is correct, anything can be a reason why ordinary gamblers transition into addicted gamblers, I will add a point that I often find in my environment, namely the "influence of the environment" invitation of friends, seeing friends gamble on an ongoing basis, seeing friends get a big win so that it attracts us to play and continue to play gambling, there is a sense of competitiveness that arises to be able to beat the winnings that his friend gets, such as wanting to be arrogant to his gambling friend.

Yes, all the lists that are displayed can indeed be simplified or summarized as reasons that encourage gamblers to act crazier which in the end all these actions do not even lead to something they want such as making money but instead make them enter the addiction phase which of course they even suffer the amount of loss. And yes on the other hand what you said is true about environmental factors which is clear that in any case the environment does have a big influence on everyone, especially on behavior change, But on the other hand maybe this is also quite dependent on each of us if for example you do reject some invitations from friends who like to gamble then obviously you can avoid the name of addiction but if you are influenced unconsciously in the sense that you don't really find out about what gambling really is and then you even start trying to play without knowing any of the dangers then obviously a high probability of addiction will occur, especially as you said if they see the victory that some of their friends managed to achieve then obviously it is like a motivation for them to be even more excessive.
If we look at it from the point of view of each person, I myself will not debate it because it all depends on each person, that sentence is clear in any discussion, but if we look in terms of factor X (which affects) and factor Y (which is affected). of course we will get a lot of elements that can be considered why someone can do that (addiction).

To be honest you are doing a reaffirmation of what I said, thank you because everything seems much clearer about the arguments I made about the reasons that can make someone experience addiction.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Solosanz on February 16, 2024, 03:08:13 PM
It's always related to money.

If you're a person who had a 9 to 5 jobs for many years, but if your company suddenly fire you and you haven't find a new job, you will try to make gambling as a source of income.

When you're single, you know how to manage money, but when you've married with someone, your wife will ask many unnecessary stuffs because she want to enjoy their life or envied with other people's achievement. If your job aren't enough to fulfill your family's lifestyle, you will gamble to earn more money.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Natsuu on February 16, 2024, 11:07:42 PM
I think one morething is that people might get hooked on gambling because it's thrilling and gives them a rush. Also friends or social pressures can play a part in pushing someone from casual gambling to addiction

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Westinhome on February 16, 2024, 11:25:21 PM
It's always related to money.

If you're a person who had a 9 to 5 jobs for many years, but if your company suddenly fire you and you haven't find a new job, you will try to make gambling as a source of income.

When you're single, you know how to manage money, but when you've married with someone, your wife will ask many unnecessary stuffs because she want to enjoy their life or envied with other people's achievement. If your job aren't enough to fulfill your family's lifestyle, you will gamble to earn more money.

The money was the biggest reason for the gamblers to get addicted to the gambling site.Because if the gamblers loss some money,he never get satisfied until the loss was recovered in the gambling site.If the gamblers had achieved some multiple of their capital,he automatically get over confidence in the gambling site.The overconfidence will make the gamblers to increase the per betting amount.So the betting amount will be  keep increased by the gamblers.

The gamblers who get married should manage the money from the income to handle their monthly expenses.Many gamblers will able to manage from the winning money from the gambling site.But for that the gamblers should allot the seperate money to the gambling from their monthly earning.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Quidat on February 16, 2024, 11:26:13 PM
I think one morething is that people might get hooked on gambling because it's thrilling and gives them a rush. Also friends or social pressures can play a part in pushing someone from casual gambling to addiction
Not really that much of a serious thing if we do compare about the solid reason on why people would really be keeping on playing and this is for the love of money making or
having those winnings in mind. This is what makes someone to be pushed on playing further because they do have set out those kind of particular goals into their minds on which we do know
that this is something that would really be making you desperate on playing even further and this what makes you addicted to it. People would really be just that making those realizations
on the time that they would really be seeing themselves suffer from huge money loss. Dont make yourself that get addicted on it then you should really be just that fine.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Hypnosis00 on February 16, 2024, 11:41:05 PM
When they become jobless and desperate. So they spend more time gambling thinking that it would be the solution and making them earn money without realizing that this will make them fall into addiction and lose more.

It is a very usual thing to happen when you have nothing to do in your life, we make gambling a gateway to our problems (sometimes getting drunk) and I did this several times to help calm down my mind but yes, the result is somewhat terrible, and it is too late to realize all the thing I've done are wrong. I know some gamblers are doing the same but despite the mess I made, I still manage to control my gambling habits. It is an individual thinking why we fall into that kind of trap when we have the chance to control it.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: goinmerry on February 16, 2024, 11:41:10 PM
The reason I ended up becoming a much more active gambler is because;

- I've experienced several big wins in my whole gambling career already and that experience is something I can't forget.

Because of that winning experience, I continue to gamble in hoping for another shot at that winning experience. For now, I can consider an addicted gambler but not to the point that I'm already at my worst. I'm still a good person when not doing gambling and my finance are always in shape.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Mr.suevie on February 16, 2024, 11:43:40 PM
It's always related to money.

If you're a person who had a 9 to 5 jobs for many years, but if your company suddenly fire you and you haven't find a new job, you will try to make gambling as a source of income.

When you're single, you know how to manage money, but when you've married with someone, your wife will ask many unnecessary stuffs because she want to enjoy their life or envied with other people's achievement. If your job aren't enough to fulfill your family's lifestyle, you will gamble to earn more money.
Well that's one way to go about and I can totally relate to what you are saying but even single and young guys too with no responsibility can get addicted to gambling especially when they see it as a means to get by with their spare time. I have seen cases of a gambler actually getting involved seriously in gambling at a young age because of thrills he had enjoyed or maybe the money he might won previously that made his taught tied to a fact that the money can be coming always.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: SmartGold01 on February 16, 2024, 11:58:19 PM
I think one morething is that people might get hooked on gambling because it's thrilling and gives them a rush. Also friends or social pressures can play a part in pushing someone from casual gambling to addiction

This differs and is also depends on individuals as none would be pressured on social (Pressure group) to become a gambling addicts because you gamble when you feels like gambling and if you don't wanna gamble you won't become a gambling addicts so i can say it's a choice based option for a gambler to be entirely gambling addicts or lemme say when a gambler focuses more on profits then there is every possibility for she or him to become a gambling addicts.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Jody.Drummer on February 17, 2024, 01:13:33 AM

And your answer is summarized in the last pound, "an excuse" I think that's enough.
But if logic is correct, anything can be a reason why ordinary gamblers transition into addicted gamblers, I will add a point that I often find in my environment, namely the "influence of the environment" invitation of friends, seeing friends gamble on an ongoing basis, seeing friends get a big win so that it attracts us to play and continue to play gambling, there is a sense of competitiveness that arises to be able to beat the winnings that his friend gets, such as wanting to be arrogant to his gambling friend.

Yes, all the lists that are displayed can indeed be simplified or summarized as reasons that encourage gamblers to act crazier which in the end all these actions do not even lead to something they want such as making money but instead make them enter the addiction phase which of course they even suffer the amount of loss. And yes on the other hand what you said is true about environmental factors which is clear that in any case the environment does have a big influence on everyone, especially on behavior change, But on the other hand maybe this is also quite dependent on each of us if for example you do reject some invitations from friends who like to gamble then obviously you can avoid the name of addiction but if you are influenced unconsciously in the sense that you don't really find out about what gambling really is and then you even start trying to play without knowing any of the dangers then obviously a high probability of addiction will occur, especially as you said if they see the victory that some of their friends managed to achieve then obviously it is like a motivation for them to be even more excessive.
If we look at it from the point of view of each person, I myself will not debate it because it all depends on each person, that sentence is clear in any discussion, but if we look in terms of factor X (which affects) and factor Y (which is affected). of course we will get a lot of elements that can be considered why someone can do that (addiction).

To be honest you are doing a reaffirmation of what I said, thank you because everything seems much clearer about the arguments I made about the reasons that can make someone experience addiction.

Yes because what I mean above is that when someone has the firmness in themselves not to follow or not get carried away with what their friends are doing in their environment then I think it is still quite unlikely that they will eventually get involved in gambling activities, especially if they already know the bad effects along with emphasizing to themselves that they will never want to gamble, unless there is coercion or even threats from people who influence them then obviously there is a high possibility that they will get involved in that activity.

Honestly, because I have a friend in my neighborhood who never wants and is never interested in the gambling that I do, even though most of us are gamblers but he is not at all interested or even tempted when he sees me or my other friends winning. And on the other hand we have agreed that the conclusion to this problem depends on each individual, on the other hand yes it doesn't matter buddy because completing an idea or argument to clarify and direct it in more detail is the obligation of those of us who are here so that there are no misunderstandings and so that people including those here can see from various sides about all possibilities.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Hatchy on February 17, 2024, 10:30:43 AM

Let's hear it so that everyone knows.

Definitely,these are most reasons why a regular gambler suddenly becomes addicted. Just as we all know, gambling activities should be done with full attention and the idea that it isn't a means of earning a living. But most gamlers gradually forgets this important facts as soon as they are able to understand little about gambling and gradually they become addicted unaware to them. Having the mindset that you have to have back you loses is also a wrong taught some Gamblers usually withhold and ends up losing even more to this.
Having dream too much over some gambling wins that haven't even arrived sounds more like lunacy to me. Because if gambling requires luck then you should only expect it to play out and plan less until you made your winnings. Don't go out pricing some stuffs with money that haven't even arrived or has no probability of winning. We should try to follow these few steps and remain a responsible gambler.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: CODE200 on February 17, 2024, 10:52:23 AM
You forgot the obvious one which is gambling gives you the high/happiness that you don't normally get in other things so I'd say that it's probably the most contributor to why someone's addicted to something, maybe forgetting your problems do count as getting the high out of gambling. It's hard to know that you're becoming addicted to something first symptoms you're making an excuse that the excess of that thing was a one time thing and then next thing you know, people are seeing you as an addict so the contributing factor towards the transition from a casual gambler to an addicted one is really difficult to pinpoint if you haven't experienced it yet or you don't conduct the study yourself because it's difficult to do so anyways.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Porfirii on February 17, 2024, 11:56:55 AM
You forgot the obvious one which is gambling gives you the high/happiness that you don't normally get in other things so I'd say that it's probably the most contributor to why someone's addicted to something, maybe forgetting your problems do count as getting the high out of gambling. -snip-

I think that this is the clue. When a substance or activity leads you to a release of your pain, it has the potential to become addictive. The most obvious example is the addiction to painkillers, but other substances and yes, mere activities, have the same potential. For example, with social media there is no "physical product" you take, but infinite scroll makes you forget about everyday worries. If a non-educated or overly sensitive individual get's used to automatically resort to these practices to feel relief, it definitely contributes to becoming addicted in the long term if he loses control over his behaviour.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Blitzboy on February 17, 2024, 12:20:07 PM
In addition to your considerations, I'd mention the psychological excitement. Gambling becomes a desire for some because it excites the brain. Its not just money or getaway, but adrenaline. This thrill-seeking can soon become addictive.

An important aspect is social environment. Casual gamblers can become addicted due to peer pressure or a gambling-glamorized social environment. I's subtle but strong.

And dont disregard mental illness. Gambling often stems from sadness or anxiety. Its a harmful coping strategy.

Taking on these triggers is difficult yet important. Recognizing the issue is step one; getting help is step two. Remember that stopping the cycle starts with you. Be brutally honest with yourself. You'll thank yourself later.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: pakhitheboss on February 18, 2024, 12:46:42 PM
I found out another reason and this time it is about a new gambler. They come into the gambling industry thinking that they can make money and settle their existing debt. This is a myth as gambling can result in more debt if not done properly, I mean a newbie gambling without knowing how to operate a game can be a disaster for. I have experienced it and I did write about it here -

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: maydna on February 18, 2024, 04:40:17 PM
I found out another reason and this time it is about a new gambler. They come into the gambling industry thinking that they can make money and settle their existing debt. This is a myth as gambling can result in more debt if not done properly, I mean a newbie gambling without knowing how to operate a game can be a disaster for. I have experienced it and I did write about it here -
If there are people who think they can make money from gambling and pay off their debts, they are losing without realizing it because gambling will not allow them to make a lot of money. They could make money but in small amounts, which is still smaller than the losses they experience. They should realize this immediately, and you can also always advise them to pay off their debts immediately and not to take on any more debts if the previous debts have not been paid off. That will only burden them more, so they will have difficulty paying off their debts.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: fullhdpixel on February 18, 2024, 06:38:05 PM
I would like to recommend Gambling satisfies them, I know some rich people who gamble because it satisfies them, they don't care if they lose or win they just want the feeling of being alive and challenging the house, this kind of people can be find on physical casinos they like the ambiance, they like to meet new people and they want the perks on physical casinos, so they don't care if they lose a lot of money.
These are extrovert people who loves to mingle and hang around, they also play on online casinos but they prefer physical casinos because they love to express.
Each of us has our own definition of satisfaction. For some it is when they use their allocated amount but I know there are gamblers who can't be contented with it so they end up depositing more. It's only sad that some leads to an addiction. Gambling is for all, not only for the rich and then not all rich are careless but in fact, they are the ones who are more careful about their spendings and this is why they are rich. For those who want to enjoy, indeed they can achieve it better on a physical casino even though there are also social-based casino now where we can chat and pm other gamblers. This makes them stay relevant in the scene.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: kojektea on February 18, 2024, 11:09:23 PM
Unexpected big wins are also the reason for some people who lead them to become gambling addicts, when regular gamblers win with big results they will be surprised and it encourages them to be more active in gambling, and they continue to imagine that winning will happen again, we knowing what the ending will be like, they end up throwing away more money compared to the winnings they get

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: fullhdpixel on February 25, 2024, 02:39:33 PM
I found out another reason and this time it is about a new gambler. They come into the gambling industry thinking that they can make money and settle their existing debt. This is a myth as gambling can result in more debt if not done properly, I mean a newbie gambling without knowing how to operate a game can be a disaster for. I have experienced it and I did write about it here -
If there are people who think they can make money from gambling and pay off their debts, they are losing without realizing it because gambling will not allow them to make a lot of money. They could make money but in small amounts, which is still smaller than the losses they experience. They should realize this immediately, and you can also always advise them to pay off their debts immediately and not to take on any more debts if the previous debts have not been paid off. That will only burden them more, so they will have difficulty paying off their debts.
Why not? Each gambler must have a time that they are lucky but we only don't know it and it may come later, so we could lose a lot first or not as it may come too early. Me and others, I know are successful already to pay our debts after winning in gambling but we are not advising it though.

Yes, it was only small amounts are the ones that will usually give to us by our games and when we play we should erase our previous losses, so that we can appreciate even the small winnings we get and it won't let us to be greedy and end up as a loser instead. Loaning money is addicting and people can make another loan to pay the other, no wonder why many of us are stuck on this problem.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: maydna on February 26, 2024, 03:52:11 PM
Why not? Each gambler must have a time that they are lucky but we only don't know it and it may come later, so we could lose a lot first or not as it may come too early. Me and others, I know are successful already to pay our debts after winning in gambling but we are not advising it though.

Yes, it was only small amounts are the ones that will usually give to us by our games and when we play we should erase our previous losses, so that we can appreciate even the small winnings we get and it won't let us to be greedy and end up as a loser instead. Loaning money is addicting and people can make another loan to pay the other, no wonder why many of us are stuck on this problem.
If they can prevents a big loss using limitations, they will not feel sad, even if they use money from the loan because they can manage the money properly. And when the times for them to win comes, they can get some money so they can pay their debts. But taking loan is not recommended, especially if that money will be used for playing gambling. That can only gives much troubles than they can realize so they need to be careful before they want to taking a loan.

When we playing gambling using small amounts, we avoid the big loss and only playing gambling with carefully so we don't have to regret of anything. We can appreciate any winnings and consider to quit gambling when we can win so we can anticipate another losing of the money. We can prevent greedy that always comes to a gambler who can win because we know that continuing playing gambling can make us gets another losses.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Unbunplease on February 26, 2024, 04:05:20 PM
One of the reasons why a player becomes addicted is the constant desire to win back (it seems that the jackpot is about to be hit). Another reason is the internal atmosphere of the casino (use of special substances, well-chosen music and food, exciting shows). Another reason - a person gets emotions that he does not get in normal life

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: pawanjain on February 26, 2024, 04:15:29 PM
I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict. Here are six reasons I've identified.

  • To find an alternative full-time earning source
  • Chasing Losses
  • Lack of Alternative Income earning opportunities
  • Using Gambling as an Excuse for Personal/Profesional Problems
  • lDream of Winning Big
  • An excuse
  • Setteling ongoing debt

If you have anything else then do write it down on this thread. This thread is only to help anyone who is into daily gambling realize the incident that led to compulsive gambling or everyday gambling.

This is a self-moderated thread that means if anyone here wants to vent out his or her frustration then they are welcome.

Let's hear it so that everyone knows.

You are missing one of the major contribution to become addicted which is greed.
Then there are also people who don't have anything to do and so they just keep gambling and eventually become addicted to it.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: arimamib on February 26, 2024, 04:27:17 PM
If they can prevents a big loss using limitations, they will not feel sad, even if they use money from the loan because they can manage the money properly. And when the times for them to win comes, they can get some money so they can pay their debts. But taking loan is not recommended, especially if that money will be used for playing gambling. That can only gives much troubles than they can realize so they need to be careful before they want to taking a loan.

When we playing gambling using small amounts, we avoid the big loss and only playing gambling with carefully so we don't have to regret of anything. We can appreciate any winnings and consider to quit gambling when we can win so we can anticipate another losing of the money. We can prevent greedy that always comes to a gambler who can win because we know that continuing playing gambling can make us gets another losses.
Having clear boundaries and sticking to them can significantly reduce the risk of experiencing substantial losses and subsequent regret. Setting limitations can indeed help mitigate potential losses and prevent overwhelming regret. By managing finances prudently and being aware of the inherent risks associated with gambling, individuals can make more informed decisions. Taking out loans specifically for gambling purposes is extremely risky and can quickly spiral into financial turmoil. Gamblers have to carefully evaluate the potential consequences before resorting to such actions, as the long-term repercussions can be severe.

Playing with small amounts and exercising self-discipline can help individuals enjoy gambling as a form of entertainment without succumbing to excessive losses. Knowing when to stop, appreciating any winnings, and resisting the urge to chase losses are fundamental principles of responsible gambling behavior. Prioritizing financial stability and personal well-being should always take precedence over the allure of potential gambling wins.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: maydna on February 29, 2024, 12:45:42 PM
Having clear boundaries and sticking to them can significantly reduce the risk of experiencing substantial losses and subsequent regret. Setting limitations can indeed help mitigate potential losses and prevent overwhelming regret. By managing finances prudently and being aware of the inherent risks associated with gambling, individuals can make more informed decisions. Taking out loans specifically for gambling purposes is extremely risky and can quickly spiral into financial turmoil. Gamblers have to carefully evaluate the potential consequences before resorting to such actions, as the long-term repercussions can be severe.

Playing with small amounts and exercising self-discipline can help individuals enjoy gambling as a form of entertainment without succumbing to excessive losses. Knowing when to stop, appreciating any winnings, and resisting the urge to chase losses are fundamental principles of responsible gambling behavior. Prioritizing financial stability and personal well-being should always take precedence over the allure of potential gambling wins.
With a clear boundaries and sticks to them will prevents a gambler to gambling excessively. They will not try to uses big money to gamble because they know that will gives them more losses. They will not wants to see their losses become big and will try to prevents as they always trying to hold themselves not to get tempts by many promotions. They will trying to reduce the losses because they know that is not worth losing more money just to playing gambling as they use gambling for fun. They will trying to manages their finances with good as they know that they have the other things that needs money and they must fills it.

Playing gambling doesn't need to use big money because that can prevent them from losing big that can make them feel stress. When they feel that their self-control start reduce, they will stop gambling immediately before they lose their self-control. They don't want to have the same experience like the other gamblers and will always carefully when they playing gambling. They know how to treat gambling as a fun things so they will trying to use big money to gambling.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Coin_trader on February 29, 2024, 12:54:57 PM
One of the reasons why a player becomes addicted is the constant desire to win back (it seems that the jackpot is about to be hit).

Desire to win back or chasing loses is really the major contributing factor for a casual gambler to become addicted. At some point of my gambling career I became a victim of this killer chasing losses. I keep tracking all my loss and consider it as target profit whenever I’m gambling. This is the reason why I keep coming back until the loss started to become huge.

I just escape this curse by properly controlling gambling expectations and play without considering my previous losses. Learning how to play Blackjack is also one of the way that makes me strive in gambling.

Another reason is the internal atmosphere of the casino (use of special substances, well-chosen music and food, exciting shows). Another reason - a person gets emotions that he does not get in normal life

I experienced playing in IRL casino in my country. The service is great but the travel time and food/hotel cost is very expensive for those casual gamblers. Only VIP players have a discount on their paid service offer that’s why this thing doesn’t make me attracted to gambling more frequently in there.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: rodskee on February 29, 2024, 01:07:02 PM
I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict. Here are six reasons I've identified.

  • To find an alternative full-time earning source
  • Chasing Losses
  • Lack of Alternative Income earning opportunities
  • Using Gambling as an Excuse for Personal/Profesional Problems
  • lDream of Winning Big
  • An excuse
  • Setteling ongoing debt

Looks like there are nothing to add here because as far as I learned and read from this forum for
how many years now and being active here in gambling section? these are all the reason for a casual gambler
to becoming a badly addicted one.

But the number 1 reason is Dreaming winning big time  and followed by Chasing losses , because these
two main reason is what are some of my group mates have experienced why they are now an addict gambler.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: KiaKia on February 29, 2024, 01:10:44 PM
Impatience, trying to achieve something that should take you five years under a month, gamblers spirit is something I hate because it's very misleading, especially when you start as a newbie and win few rounds of games, you will think the same will keep happening.

The second one is losing and losing until you risk the money that you are not ready to lose and you still end up losing the money, now since its money that you aren't ready to lose, probably it's not even yours, you will want to get it back, that's when the chase will begin, you will start running after your losses until things get very ugly.

There are few traps like these in gambling, that's why you are warned to never risk more than you can afford to lose, always make sure that you cross your boundary, risk only what you can, because if you do this and you get loss in return there won't be any desperation to recover your loss.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Jody.Drummer on February 29, 2024, 01:38:01 PM
One of the reasons why a player becomes addicted is the constant desire to win back (it seems that the jackpot is about to be hit). Another reason is the internal atmosphere of the casino (use of special substances, well-chosen music and food, exciting shows). Another reason - a person gets emotions that he does not get in normal life

True, I agree with the statement you mentioned here that indeed one of the causes of a gambler falling into and entering the phase or zone of addiction is due to those who always want to win, or those who are too focused on pursuing victory which they will not always be able to get because obviously gambling is about winning and losing, and it is very natural if you experience defeat in one of the sessions you do, but yes it is very difficult to accept the fact of defeat if basically someone does not have the right understanding of gambling which makes them too focused on actions to realize victory.

From some cases, usually someone who is too focused on winning opportunities usually will not realize that they have entered the addiction phase, and all they will feel is experiencing a lot of financial problems that interfere with their lives, especially making it difficult for them to meet the needs of life that cannot be tolerated. On the other hand, the internal atmosphere in the physical casino is also very likely to affect them in terms of treating gambling, as you said there are several things that can push them closer to addiction, namely the consumption of intoxicating drinks and the crowd of people along with some exciting performances and all of that can make a gambler forget about his limits so that they gamble without direction which can make them realize that they have lost most of their money when the session is over and it can increase emotions when they are unable to be a responsible gambler.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: harapan on February 29, 2024, 02:37:03 PM
I found out another reason and this time it is about a new gambler. They come into the gambling industry thinking that they can make money and settle their existing debt. This is a myth as gambling can result in more debt if not done properly, I mean a newbie gambling without knowing how to operate a game can be a disaster for. I have experienced it and I did write about it here -
I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict. Here are six reasons I've identified.

  • To find an alternative full-time earning source
  • Chasing Losses
  • Lack of Alternative Income earning opportunities
  • Using Gambling as an Excuse for Personal/Profesional Problems
  • lDream of Winning Big
  • An excuse
  • Setteling ongoing debt

If you have anything else then do write it down on this thread. This thread is only to help anyone who is into daily gambling realize the incident that led to compulsive gambling or everyday gambling.

This is a self-moderated thread that means if anyone here wants to vent out his or her frustration then they are welcome.

Let's hear it so that everyone knows.

Everything here are quite correct and have spoken so well about what contributes to one being chronic addict from a casual gambler but what I can add to this is peer pressure,it's a wide range of influence to so many addicts out there in the gambling world.
Because most of them might not see it as that,but it's the reason why a lot of them end up becoming addicted gamblers

It's starts most times when one is idle and doesn't have much to do,so friends around will be like let's go and to this, everyone is doing it,and you seeing them often it will seem like your left behind,so it don't end there they keep putting that in your mind and at the end of it that pressure of doing what others are doing,you now decide to make a try and boom you finally become an addict,that's it.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: boty on February 29, 2024, 02:57:25 PM
One of the reasons why a player becomes addicted is the constant desire to win back (it seems that the jackpot is about to be hit). Another reason is the internal atmosphere of the casino (use of special substances, well-chosen music and food, exciting shows). Another reason - a person gets emotions that he does not get in normal life
Those who gamble in the hope of winning will of course continue to gamble until they don't realize the time they use to gamble and if they have won a big win of course there are those who can stop and there are also those who continue in the hope of getting a bigger win but if If they continue gambling, it is not certain that they will win and some will even lose and they will not be able to enjoy the winnings they have obtained.
In my opinion, the casino atmosphere has no influence on people who are betting and hoping to win from the bets they play, because in this game of course they have to be more focused so as not to make a mistake in deciding the bets they play.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: angrybirdy on March 01, 2024, 10:49:15 AM
One of the reasons why a player becomes addicted is the constant desire to win back (it seems that the jackpot is about to be hit). Another reason is the internal atmosphere of the casino (use of special substances, well-chosen music and food, exciting shows). Another reason - a person gets emotions that he does not get in normal life

In my opinion, the casino atmosphere has no influence on people who are betting and hoping to win from the bets they play, because in this game of course they have to be more focused so as not to make a mistake in deciding the bets they play.

I don't think so? it seems based on my observation, the casino atmosphere has a greater influence on a player so they continue to gamble even if they lose more, because other players find peace when they are inside the casino. I know others who say that they enjoy themselves more when they are inside the casino because that is where they release all their stress in life, I also don't see where they release their stress because in fact, for me, it is bigger it's a problem if I run out of gambling money.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: arjunmujay on March 01, 2024, 12:56:02 PM
One of the reasons why a player becomes addicted is the constant desire to win back (it seems that the jackpot is about to be hit). Another reason is the internal atmosphere of the casino (use of special substances, well-chosen music and food, exciting shows). Another reason - a person gets emotions that he does not get in normal life

In my opinion, the casino atmosphere has no influence on people who are betting and hoping to win from the bets they play, because in this game of course they have to be more focused so as not to make a mistake in deciding the bets they play.

I don't think so? it seems based on my observation, the casino atmosphere has a greater influence on a player so they continue to gamble even if they lose more, because other players find peace when they are inside the casino. I know others who say that they enjoy themselves more when they are inside the casino because that is where they release all their stress in life, I also don't see where they release their stress because in fact, for me, it is bigger it's a problem if I run out of gambling money.
Maybe someone like you said only uses a small part of their money to gamble. and indeed the main goal is to have fun and relieve the stress he is experiencing. because how to relieve stress is different for each person. it could be eating, going on holiday and maybe your friends choose to have fun by gambling.
However, you also need to be reminded not to spend a lot of money on gambling, which actually makes it more stressful.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: danherbias07 on March 01, 2024, 02:32:51 PM
Unexpected big wins are also the reason for some people who lead them to become gambling addicts, when regular gamblers win with big results they will be surprised and it encourages them to be more active in gambling, and they continue to imagine that winning will happen again, we knowing what the ending will be like, they end up throwing away more money compared to the winnings they get

I agree with that. It's not always the losers who are prone to addiction, winners too. Once they taste that one big win, there's a chance they might not stop because they will get hungrier to receive that feeling of joy again with a high multiplier win.
I think this is why the system of online gambling sites is mostly giving away wins to the non-VIP ranks. I know it because it happened to me and now that I am VIP, I can see the difference. Newbies are mostly winning because it's like an invitation to keep on betting until they run dry. But casinos do give back faster when you are a non-VIP so the feeling of going back and forth against the house will make you keep on betting until they feel like winning.
But I think it's still mostly those who are chasing losses who are infected by gambling addiction. I mean, there's a bigger percentage of them than the winners.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: AicecreaME on March 01, 2024, 02:44:35 PM
Most of the casual gamblers started as their pastime only, like trying to experience it, to have some "fun", to have something to do as a hobby whenever they finished doing their job, etc.

And as the days goes by, their experience became the reason why they evolved to an addicted gambler, whether they won big a couple of times but sadly they've lost it eventually and it became a habit for different reasons. But mostly, in a third world country to be specific, gambling is their way of having false hope kind of idea as a source of income, which in reality, it is the entire opposite.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on March 02, 2024, 08:44:02 PM
I have a friend, who is the one who took me to a physical casino for the first time, he is the cousin of a friend who studied with me at the university, but he has a problem, although I don't know if it is an addiction, I don't know if I should call it that, because it is A very strange case, when all the money he has in his pocket goes, he wastes it, he doesn't mind being left with nothing, he simply enjoys the game like that with that total irresponsibility, I call it irresponsibility because it's like I see him and I think that's the case, but he doesn't go to the casino every day, nor does he go crazy looking for more money, nor does he sell things nor is he compulsive about finding the money, but when he has everything it goes away and he continues his normal life, sometimes I laugh because he seems like a child, he runs out of money and accepts it and then goes to work and hopes he earns his money and everything, but it's something that sometimes I don't understand, it's like very crazy what he does, that is, if he sees me, he tells me that if I have some money to lend him, the same thing happens to him with trading, as he goes to exchange it is like Kucoin and that's why he Earn money.

To say that he has the technique to do the trading, no, the only thing he does is capture the whales and he knows them because he knows how to read the volume well, and that he goes to the highs that are pump and dump, according to him what he does That's it, but of course that's something that I don't see well at least, because he says he wins, if he wins 1mBTC he wants to take it to 8mBTC and that's something he always looks for, and when he runs out of money he starts asking the promoter to make trading, then in chaos on the contrary, he works, he is very hard-working, but the bad thing is that he comes across a casino, or comes across the idea of doing tanig, is that he does not skimp on playing, but he is not a person who is addicted, only because he spends his money in full, he doesn't have children or anything, I imagine, he shouldn't even have a girlfriend, why can someone like that have a wife? But is this a case of addiction? The way he acts makes me doubt a lot, it's really confusing.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: Oilacris on March 02, 2024, 08:51:41 PM
Unexpected big wins are also the reason for some people who lead them to become gambling addicts, when regular gamblers win with big results they will be surprised and it encourages them to be more active in gambling, and they continue to imagine that winning will happen again, we knowing what the ending will be like, they end up throwing away more money compared to the winnings they get

I agree with that. It's not always the losers who are prone to addiction, winners too. Once they taste that one big win, there's a chance they might not stop because they will get hungrier to receive that feeling of joy again with a high multiplier win.
I think this is why the system of online gambling sites is mostly giving away wins to the non-VIP ranks. I know it because it happened to me and now that I am VIP, I can see the difference. Newbies are mostly winning because it's like an invitation to keep on betting until they run dry. But casinos do give back faster when you are a non-VIP so the feeling of going back and forth against the house will make you keep on betting until they feel like winning.
But I think it's still mostly those who are chasing losses who are infected by gambling addiction. I mean, there's a bigger percentage of them than the winners.
One win would really be able to cover all the small losses that you do have earlier on which your main thoughts that you are still doing pretty fine and this is something that you should be avoiding
on thinking up this way because it would really be creating such emotion that would really be leading into that desperation on which it would really be leading into further dealing which
might lead into addiction until you would be messing up your life with because your finances had been greatly been affected on which this is something that must be avoided in the first place.
Gambling isnt that bad and as long you arent that getting off balance in between time and money then you are really just that doing fine.

The only issue on here is that when a person do really goes beyond those border or limits then this is where things turns out to be salty. You cant really be able to think up well on whats wrong and whats
right because you have already put up yourself into such condition that you are already mainly thinking on doing gambling or simply having those kind of thoughts in mind that you are
that having that aim that you could easily make out some quick money or easy money with gambling on the time that you do play.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: junder on March 03, 2024, 09:29:41 AM
One win would really be able to cover all the small losses that you do have earlier on which your main thoughts that you are still doing pretty fine and this is something that you should be avoiding
on thinking up this way because it would really be creating such emotion that would really be leading into that desperation on which it would really be leading into further dealing which
might lead into addiction until you would be messing up your life with because your finances had been greatly been affected on which this is something that must be avoided in the first place.
Gambling isnt that bad and as long you arent that getting off balance in between time and money then you are really just that doing fine.

The only issue on here is that when a person do really goes beyond those border or limits then this is where things turns out to be salty. You cant really be able to think up well on whats wrong and whats
right because you have already put up yourself into such condition that you are already mainly thinking on doing gambling or simply having those kind of thoughts in mind that you are
that having that aim that you could easily make out some quick money or easy money with gambling on the time that you do play.
I agree with you. Gambling addiction will really affect our finances, where finances will most likely become a mess because gambling will most likely only result in defeat and loss of money as well as a strong temptation to continue gambling without thinking about the downside, with the many losses that occur in my opinion that is because of not being ready for something certain (defeat) or losing the money that has been bet, by not being able to accept this, of course it will trigger us to become vengeful and want to return to gambling in the hope of getting a win that can cover the loss that has occurred, but it is clear that everything there will be no end if we will not be able to realize the real gambling. Even though we have won, I don't think the temptation will disappear. In fact, by winning, of course the temptation to gamble will be stronger, it can trigger us to be more confident that we can get a bigger win, with decisions that are not considered, it can make us take the wrong steps. , continue gambling even though you have won. That's not the solution, when you win, the best option is to cash it out. If you continue gambling when you've won, you could lose all the winnings you've won. in the end you will only be annoyed and disappointed.

indeed, if we can control ourselves and not lose our limits in gambling, everything will be fine, after all,  gambling should be done in a reasonable manner, not exceeding normal or reasonable limits with many gamblers experiencing big losses or having problems because gambling is based on with one's own wrong actions, excessive gambling can lead to gambling addiction  as you say someone really goes beyond the limits until the bad effects and other problems start to come. It's not right to think of gambling as a way to make money quickly and surely, because it will only make us lose money and other things.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: zuzie on March 03, 2024, 09:47:00 AM

The only issue on here is that when a person do really goes beyond those border or limits then this is where things turns out to be salty. You cant really be able to think up well on whats wrong and whats
right because you have already put up yourself into such condition that you are already mainly thinking on doing gambling or simply having those kind of thoughts in mind that you are
that having that aim that you could easily make out some quick money or easy money with gambling on the time that you do play.

That's right, if a person has exceeded the limits of his abilities then he will immediately encounter unnatural changes, meaning changes in behavior that are unnatural, previously he behaved well, but if he overdoes it then goodness will occur in him. becomes bad and it will be a disaster for his life in the future. .
If it is related to gambling, excessive or excessive behavior is certainly not good for him when gambling and if he thinks he will immediately make a lot of money quickly and easily by gambling, that is a wrong perception.

Title: Re: What contributes to a casual gambler becoming an addicted gambler?
Post by: JMBitcointernational on May 12, 2024, 12:40:24 AM
I was wondering what makes someone transition from a casual gambler to a gambling addict. Here are six reasons I've identified.

  • To find an alternative full-time earning source
  • Chasing Losses
  • Lack of Alternative Income earning opportunities
  • Using Gambling as an Excuse for Personal/Profesional Problems
  • lDream of Winning Big
  • An excuse
  • Setteling ongoing debt

If you have anything else then do write it down on this thread. This thread is only to help anyone who is into daily gambling realize the incident that led to compulsive gambling or everyday gambling.

This is a self-moderated thread that means if anyone here wants to vent out his or her frustration then they are welcome.

Let's hear it so that everyone knows.

most casual gamblers turn to addicted gamblers because of series of the own personal reasons that a best known to them but from own perspective they turn addicts because of selfishness, envy, greed, lack of funds just like you cited earlier. when i was trying to involve myself in gambling in my school days when i often follow my friends to visit a betting shop. i saw one guy who usually visit from time to time to gamble so i asked why he always coming here to gamble all the time, the answer that i got from him shocked me, he told me that he saw one his classmate that won huge AMOUNT of money and his life changed for good and that he is going to continue trying till he wins big. At that point i as so amazed because i can't imagine myself visiting betting shop just to win big like my fellow human being. There is grace in all we do, and gambling is not an exception to that believe and that gambling is a game of chance and luck, and we should not imitate others because we must definitely turn to addicts because for the fact that it favored Mr. A does not really mean that it is going to Favour Mr. B. so let's try as much as possible eliminate greed and selfishness to avoid turning to gambling addicts.