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Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Youngkhngdiddy on February 17, 2024, 09:19:27 PM

Title: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Youngkhngdiddy on February 17, 2024, 09:19:27 PM
 I wasn't really a saving type, but lately looking at the current situation of things in my country, how costly things have gotten, once money enters your account or wallet, you'll be suprised of how you won't be sure of how it vanished, not to talk of having a tangible reason of what you did with the money. So recently looking at how people cry for money and personally looking at how I needed money I decided to start splitting the little allowance I get, saving one part and using the other, I won’t really say that it has made me a billionaire or that I no longer lack money but at least I have cash somewhere that I could call my own and fall back to in cause of emergency.
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: franky1 on February 17, 2024, 09:53:38 PM
alot of people these days are taught to get several credit cards which come with default X limit(usually more then your monthly income). and you are told by some well dressed salesman to spend to that limit and pay it off with next months income, given some smiley workspeak of how its ok to spend, you can pay it off later..

this bad advice makes/pushes people to spend beyond their means because they think if a bank gave them X credit limit, it means some smart bank guy must have valued the assessed you using some magic accounting to work out you can afford to spend X

this is wrong on so many levels..
what people should do is cut up credit cards.. as they only promote overspending..

what they should do is get 4-5 DEBIT cards. and before the month begins.. set a budget
look at the last few months of statements and make notes of your previous spending.
note what was essential and what was wasteful

start planning your money.
many supermarkets have websites that you can create a shopping list. to get a planned total grocery bill cost.
try it, then before going to checkout. look at the shopping cart and see if you can substitute any choices for cheaper brand variants
and then look at the total.
when you income arrives put only that total into a debit card for groceries. this forces you to only spend within that limit if you discipline yourself to only carry/use that card when doing grocery shopping.

look at all your essential bills and put the essential amount into a debit card for bills. and set your subscription/auto payment/regular payments to come from that card.

that way when you develop a budget where each month you are setting auto payments to just put set balances to each card. it then makes you think that those cards have limits whereby it makes you think about your spending.

this is the safe way to spend. as its not debt. its living within your means of your income limit... not some overstretched limit a credit bank profiteer decided he wants to trick you into

doing it right can leave you with a little excess thats not categorised, budgeted for particulars. set a goal for it. and set it into another of those debit cards where you only use/touch that card when goal/target/need/purpose you set is met

basically in short.. its telling your money where to go at start of the month, ensuring it will last atleast and hopefully more then the month... rather than your money going and not remembering where it went before the end of the month.

once you have enough savings to cover any reasonable incident likely to occur. such as any domestic appliance in the home stop working and needing a repair or replacement.. or a month of bills should you suddenly not get income and it takes a few weeks to apply for social security or get another job.. once you have that target savings amount. then stop saving and then put your excess into investing

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on February 17, 2024, 10:02:12 PM
As an entrepreneur, one of the key factors that could secure your way to success and save you from falling back to where you started is savings. If you are a monthly salary earner, when you receive your monthly salary, the first thing you need to do is prepare your spending and make a budget for everything to be used up. This is not a wise decision to be taken by anyone who has hope for tomorrow.
As a businessman, one thing that makes me stand out from whatever challenges come my way is my ability to always have stacked funds set aside that could be used to tackle some unforeseen challenges that could result in unplanned expenses. Savings is never a bad thing, provided that you can afford to save and still foot all your necessary bills for your needs. Savings should be treated as a top priority, as they play an important role in our lives.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Rruchi man on February 17, 2024, 10:05:25 PM
  So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.
But will you keep saving when there's a better way for you to secure tomorrow which is by investing? Investing offers a better option to me than saving because in saving your money may be losing value due to inflation but when it comes to investing the money is building value against tomorrow. Do not save without investing. If you want to have things easier for you tomorrow then it is better to make sacrifices today to make good investments that will be profitable for tomorrow.

If you start investment at an early age you will be able to retire early when you're old.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: franky1 on February 17, 2024, 10:07:18 PM
the first thing you need to do is prepare your spending and make a budget for everything to be used up.
i would not word that advice in that way

id suggest you prepare and set budgets to categorise and split your income into different debit cards for set purposes. where if there was spare cash not used up. it can go towards savings for the emergency pot. and then investments one emergency pot target is reached, thus not spent but set aside on a card you dont touch unless it has a need

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Gozie51 on February 17, 2024, 10:10:43 PM

So recently looking at how people cry for money and personally looking at how I needed money I decided to start splitting the little allowance I get, saving one part and using the other, I won’t really say that it has made me a billionaire or that I no longer lack money but at least I have cash somewhere that I could call my own and fall back to in cause of emergency.

But that same cash you saved in fiat would have been better saved in a stable coin like Usdt so that you are sure inflation will not eat it up and at least you can resell it at the current price of the time you are ready for conversion. If you keep your savings in fiat, it is as good as no savings if you compare it value from the year is stocked it to when you needed to use it.

So we have to be wise to take advantage of some certain facilities like Usdt can help peg your savings for you until a time when you need it .

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: franky1 on February 17, 2024, 10:11:46 PM
 So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.
But will you keep saving when there's a better way for you to secure tomorrow which is by investing?
saving is not about tomorrows wealth creating . its about a temporary filling of a savings account upto a set target to rescue you from incidents. that way after reaching the target and then investing. when an incident occurs. you dont need to go to debt to rescue you, you dont need to sell assets/investments at a loss to rescue you because you have the savings there to save you.. hint is in the name

so when you reach your Xmonth bill savings total target. or X amount that covers a $X home appliance repair/replacement target.
then you can stop adding more of the unspend income into savings account. and instead put ongoing income unspent amount into investing by not needing to add more to the savings account, but put the unspent amount of income into investments

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Casalania on February 17, 2024, 10:13:11 PM
I wasn't really a saving type, but lately looking at the current situation of things in my country, how costly things have gotten, once money enters your account or wallet, you'll be suprised of how you won't be sure of how it vanished, not to talk of having a tangible reason of what you did with the money. So recently looking at how people cry for money and personally looking at how I needed money I decided to start splitting the little allowance I get, saving one part and using the other, I won’t really say that it has made me a billionaire or that I no longer lack money but at least I have cash somewhere that I could call my own and fall back to in cause of emergency.
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.
Consider exploring alternative options beyond simply saving your money in the bank or saving cash. It may be more advantageous to invest your money instead. By investing, you can avoid having your funds sit idle and instead generate additional income. This approach can also provide greater financial security in case of unexpected emergencies.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: topbitcoin on February 17, 2024, 10:26:19 PM
As ordinary people, we will not always be able to work and continue working to earn money, because there are times when we are also sick, so temporarily we cannot work and earn money. or even forever, and it is true what you say, we will never know what will happen tomorrow in our lives.
And to avoid this situation, it is very important to be able to set aside some of our income for savings. It doesn't need to be massive, just as much as you can after a need is met, but as long as it's done consistently.

 And I think only a few of the younger generation are aware of this, in fact they don't care at all about what the future will be like. Meanwhile, being able to know what our future will be like depends on our current habits. If we just laze around and behave wastefully, are unable to manage our finances well, or are not good at managing our time, then it is certain that our future will suffer and will only make things difficult for other people.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Orekelewa Ade on February 17, 2024, 10:27:57 PM
Saving these days has really not been easy especially in this part of the world where you literally spend more than you earn. In such how do u want to go about the saving?

In a case where one earn $30 and your expense is  $45 where would one start the saving knowing you need to get these items to push ahead, one will now have to make use of what you have just to gather all you need and even and that you still won’t get all in such where would the savings opt out

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Bigsharp on February 17, 2024, 10:35:08 PM
The only way you can save money so that money can save you tomorrow is by investing it in a fixed deposit account or something you know can be easily sold when you have problems

If you stop unnecessary spending and save the money in your banks do you think about the economy how it is going price of everything is rising

But when you make some good investment like real estate bitcoin or putting your money in a fix deposit account then you have saved yourself tomorrow

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Youngkhngdiddy on February 17, 2024, 10:49:26 PM

But will you keep saving when there's a better way for you to secure tomorrow which is by investing? Investing offers a better option to me than saving because in saving your money may be losing value due to inflation but when it comes to investing the money is building value against tomorrow. Do not save without investing. If you want to have things easier for you tomorrow then it is better to make sacrifices today to make good investments that will be profitable for tomorrow.

If you start investment at an early age you will be able to retire early when you're old.
Well your opinion is not a bad idea, cause investing money on good investments that could yield profit is one of the best way to double one's income or make more money, I think I really like this idea of yours where you said do not save without investing, but I also think it's not about just investing but investing on business areas you have good knowledge about.
 Take for instance a case where someone end up using the money they've saved up for a long period to invest in a business they have no idea about they might end up losing and that's not wise. But it would be better to make proper research about a business or investment before venturing into it, by then you'll be able to  know if it would you loss much or make more profit. Starting an investment early is not a bad idea but one should make sure they're venturing into the right investment.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Assface16678 on February 17, 2024, 11:31:59 PM
I would like to review what the OP statements are about! I'm more into earning, investing, and saving. Of course, you should have a steady income or profit, so you will find a suitable job that pays a quite fair salary. The second is to invest. If you are just going to save up your money, then it will not grow! What I mean is that if the world keeps on growing in terms of inflation rate, then your money should also be growing or gaining. That's why you should have a passive income through investment so that your money will not just sit there, and the good part of investing is that you could have whatever you want if you are fairly gaining. And lastly, saving money: along with investment, you could do saving, meaning splitting up your salary for investment and for savings, or you could put some of your profit from investment into savings, so that you are not just earning money but also securing your future financially. I think this is the most practical thing to do.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: hatshepsut93 on February 17, 2024, 11:55:20 PM
It has been true at all ages and all countries that you need to have a financial safety net, because unexpected spendings happen in life all the time. Things break down, body gets sick, bad situations happen - all of that requires money to fix. It should be a common wisdom that you can only make unnecessary spending if you have some money saved up and not using your last money for that, but way too many people don't do that because they don't understand the basics of personal finance.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: stomachgrowls on February 18, 2024, 02:23:30 AM
It has been true at all ages and all countries that you need to have a financial safety net, because unexpected spendings happen in life all the time. Things break down, body gets sick, bad situations happen - all of that requires money to fix. It should be a common wisdom that you can only make unnecessary spending if you have some money saved up and not using your last money for that, but way too many people don't do that because they don't understand the basics of personal finance.
Majority do fails into this basic principle on which savings does really play a great or crucial role into someones life on which we know that we cant really be having that money forever or even having that good health
on which everything would really be gradually wither. Hate to say but almost everything could really be fixed by money except time and other non tangible things like relationship and similar stuffs and same
goes with health which we know that this one is one of the most precious thing that we should really be that taking care off so that you wont really be having those regrets.

Saving up on gradually which it shouldnt really be spend up no matter what.If its intended for savings purposes and emergency then you shouldnt be touching it,
The key for success savings is that you should really be that living according into your needs and not wants. Avoid unneccessary spendings then you would
really be just that fine.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: BD Technical on February 18, 2024, 02:43:21 AM
Savings puts people on the light path of future generations and provides an ability to live comfortably in the future.  If you have savings and if he has.  If you have valuable money then you can definitely be successful in future because if you earn something today and save something, you will need that money in future and you can do something with that money.  In that case I can't say whether you can save in share market but if you want you can keep your personal savings in bank or bitcoin as you have good profit potential.  But no matter what you say without saving you are also immobile because everyone saves something because without saving you cannot achieve the dreams of your future son or daughter.  So everyone is definitely saving and I myself am doing some saving. I hope to be able to do something in the future inshallah.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: poodle63 on February 18, 2024, 03:00:34 AM
agreed with this added with the fact that we can be compounding investing with the left over money by not overspending into some useless thing we could be turning it into some life changing amount by investing in certain coin if we brave enough to take the risk.
the idea of investing alone already making me too much lazy to overspend these days im sure its a good thing for me since definitely it will give me good time in the future, not thinking about money or lacking any money for basic needs.
for many though, their overspending has become habit, some might get addicted to being consumptive, thats gonna be tough for them to stop it.
but once they know that they could invest their money instead of overspending it maybe they will realize that maybe there' s much more than just overspending.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Linggajanitra on February 18, 2024, 03:01:52 AM
Saving is the best way to create better financial conditions in the future. But many do not know how important it is to save, especially among young people. The benefits of saving early on or from now on, namely:
1. Help prepare funds for the future.
This can help prepare funds for the future. Because we will never know what expenses we will need in the future. For example for tuition fees, or other needs.
2. Avoid yourself from debt.
Owning is a solution not only for urgent needs, but desire. Want to buy something sometimes it is realized by debt because the funds have not or not enough. For example, buying a car for a day of a heart, but the funds are not enough and in the end we are in debt for credit. Suppose you have savings that have been collected from this, maybe you will be free from the bondage of debt.
3. Preparing emergency funds.
Because an emergency can occur at any time. The benefits of saving in this problem are of course to prepare themselves in dealing with emergencies. If you don't have savings, you will be hassle or difficult to deal with it.

And those are some of the benefits of saving early on. And there is a good way to save. First, determine the nominal savings every month and consistently should not be less than the nominal set beforehand. Second, set aside savings at the beginning of payday, not at the old date at the end of the month. Third, use a special account that is long -term so that the savings cannot be easily withdrawn. Fourth, separate the savings account with a personal account. Fifth, determine financial goals so that the spirit of saving. Sixth, live frugally and do not be too wasteful (saving the base of rich).

But for the long term it is actually good to invest rather than saving. Investments are made for a long target and period of time, for example for the next 10/30 years. But yes on the other hand, investment also has the potential to lose money. This is what makes investment more risky than saving. But saving in an ordinary savings at the bank also has a small risk to lose money, but the money will not increase and usually there is inflation.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: bbigtart on February 18, 2024, 03:10:39 AM
For me, it's not just about saving but also investing. Because the benefits of saving and investing cannot be denied, namely being able to save our finances for the future. It's just that practicing or getting used to being disciplined in saving or investing regularly is difficult, because it's not as easy as turning the palm of your hand. In reality, many people fail to implement these good financial habits, but on the other hand, we need to force this so that we can be consistent.

Actually, this is for all groups, not just the younger generation. In fact, many people aged 17 to 36 years fail to save, because usually half of this group's fixed income is used to finance routine monthly needs and entertainment costs. So you need to get used to it so you can be disciplined and consistent in saving and investing, which does require special effort. However, this must be enforced because if you know what the benefits of both are, then the habit of saving and investing will no longer be difficult to do regularly.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: wxa7115 on February 18, 2024, 03:12:41 AM
I wasn't really a saving type, but lately looking at the current situation of things in my country, how costly things have gotten, once money enters your account or wallet, you'll be suprised of how you won't be sure of how it vanished, not to talk of having a tangible reason of what you did with the money. So recently looking at how people cry for money and personally looking at how I needed money I decided to start splitting the little allowance I get, saving one part and using the other, I won’t really say that it has made me a billionaire or that I no longer lack money but at least I have cash somewhere that I could call my own and fall back to in cause of emergency.
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.
Having an emergency fund is a must, precisely because you have no idea when something bad could happen and you may need money right at that moment to solve the situation.

However it is important to not exaggerate either and become a miser, since we must not try to accumulate wealth just for its sake and instead we need to enjoy it as well, so a balance must be reached in which you spend some of your money in the stuff you want, while you also save a portion of your money.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: sekalitas on February 18, 2024, 04:10:25 AM
I wasn't really a saving type, but lately looking at the current situation of things in my country, how costly things have gotten, once money enters your account or wallet, you'll be suprised of how you won't be sure of how it vanished, not to talk of having a tangible reason of what you did with the money. So recently looking at how people cry for money and personally looking at how I needed money I decided to start splitting the little allowance I get, saving one part and using the other, I won’t really say that it has made me a billionaire or that I no longer lack money but at least I have cash somewhere that I could call my own and fall back to in cause of emergency.
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.

I agree with your tips and would like to add one myself: it's crucial to track your expenses, so you can see how much you're spending, especially on things you don't truly need. By doing this, you can identify areas to cut back and boost your savings for an emergency fund.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: bussybuddy on February 18, 2024, 05:03:18 AM
It's fair to say that saving is always important for the future, but this doesn't always apply to many people. Because life is complicated, not only the luxury lifestyle but also those who cannot afford it, I also live in a country where inflation is quite evident, but I understand that for the finding ways to adapt to the current context.

But on this topic I will think a bit more broadly about not only saving money, but also optimizing life, maybe optimizing daily time at work or living to balance our life. Anyway, the issue of saving will come in many different forms, and the last factor I think about is rebalancing your life.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: 0t3p0t on February 18, 2024, 05:26:38 AM
Saving is better than overspending. I personally divide my funds into three first one is for my daily needs and expenses, second is for saving purposes and third invest on something that makes a passive income. I just allocated 10% of my monthly income for my daily needs, keep 30% for savings and the rest goes to investment in Bitcoin. This is how I managed my overall monthly income. I don't have that much but yeah better than nothing. I already have learned from my mistakes that is why I came across to this management. 😁

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Poker Player on February 18, 2024, 05:36:22 AM
Saving should be a habit like brushing your teeth or taking a shower. If you get into the habit of spending less than you earn, you will greatly improve your financial situation over time. Of course, after you have enough savings for an emergency fund you should invest the money in good quality assets, including Bitcoin of course, because if you simply save in fiat money you will lose purchasing power due to inflation.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: franky1 on February 18, 2024, 05:59:06 AM
Saving should be a habit like brushing your teeth or taking a shower. If you get into the habit of spending less than you earn, you will greatly improve your financial situation over time. Of course, after you have enough savings for an emergency fund you should invest the money in good quality assets, including Bitcoin of course, because if you simply save in fiat money you will lose purchasing power due to inflation.

the savings amount is a small amount that should stay as easy access rescue fund. not locked into investments
once you have a set savings amount as a rescue fund. then use other later income excess for investing and wealth creation knowing you dont need to dip into investments in emergencies, thus no risk of selling assets at a loss because you have the savings fund there as the buffer to save you from needing to mess with investment plans

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Sorryfor on February 18, 2024, 06:26:38 AM
Saving money is a very important and urgent task. I have clear evidence of this from my personal life. After receiving a certain amount of money at the end of the month, I started splurging without any plan. Within a few days of the month, I saw that my wallet was empty. Then I felt helpless. I had to go to different people for even small amounts of money. Then my eyes were opened. In fact, it is more challenging to plan and spend up to a certain period of time than to earn whatever amount of money we earn. So regardless of the amount of money you earn per month or week, you must set a budget to determine how you will last a month or a certain period of time. It is indeed a very difficult matter. But if you can follow it then at the end of the day you won't have to go to anyone else or at least you won't have to touch any of your urgent needs. So learn to save according to a plan.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Egii Nna on February 18, 2024, 07:44:13 AM
To create a savings, you must have a nice and good income because of the poor economic situation around the globe. If not, you will definitely end up suffering. Because you can’t have savings when your income is low, that is not even enough for your personal needs. So then, what is the reason for you saving the money? Is it that you want to be the richest person in your location? Or you just want to see yourself with a lot of savings when you are still poor and filled with depths, because if really your income is not that much, when ever you engage in savings a bit or even half of your income, you will end up borrowing money to settle some of your needs. From there, you have to start accumulating a lot of depths so that even your savings will not be capable of paying what you have borrowed because, when borrowing, you will be thinking you have a savings that is capable of covering all the depths you have already accumulated, which is not. Even though your savings are capable of paying all the debt, you will be left with nothing.

That is why sometimes not everything that someone does and succeeds will also be copied, because what works for Mr. A. might not work for you, so copying someone's lifestyle is not always recommended, so you only need to create your own personal life style. Like me, I didn’t start saving a bit of what I have until I started having several sources of income, and after I invested and paid all my bills and needs, I will still have an emergency fund apart from my main savings. So my main savings now I don’t even see it as the money I will like to spend because I already have what can sustain me for some time. So the only thing I will recommend is that when you are starting a savings plan, make sure you have a strong and many sources of income. 

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Husires on February 18, 2024, 07:49:13 AM
Saving advice is basic, but with inflation, increasing prices of goods and services, health insurance problems, and much more, saving is no longer ideal advice. Save, but think about investing, because without investment, any amount saved will end up with the first financial problem that happens to you.

Investment is not limited to Bitcoin, but anything that you feel is in demand and has value in itself.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: TheUltraElite on February 18, 2024, 07:52:54 AM
Necessary and unnecessary spending need to be segregated first. That eating out every week needs to be reduced to once per month, stop smoking, alcohol and hookers and using public transport or your own cycle instead of a cab might be the first things certain people need to do. These are not necessities of life and can be reduced.

There are more ways to save money too - things can be done for TV shows and movies, but this generation will not remember our times of torrents anymore. I dont promote the idea of piracy but they should learn about it too.

Savings will help in times of emergency, bitcoin may not because your country may not be the lenient few who allowed crypto use, so indeed it is important.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: demonica on February 18, 2024, 07:59:33 AM
  So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.
But will you keep saving when there's a better way for you to secure tomorrow which is by investing? Investing offers a better option to me than saving because in saving your money may be losing value due to inflation but when it comes to investing the money is building value against tomorrow. Do not save without investing. If you want to have things easier for you tomorrow then it is better to make sacrifices today to make good investments that will be profitable for tomorrow.

If you start investment at an early age you will be able to retire early when you're old.
Investing will surely bring your profit unlike with saving, you're just keeping your money without gaining something. But the thing is, saving is also important. You may have investments and could be making profit but what if your investments didn't do well and then an emergency happen. Where will you get money from? You can invest to to earn profit from it, but you can also save at the same time. Start saving even a portion from your profits so when there's an emergency, you wouldn't have to sell your investments or use them since you have other money that you saved for such unexpected events.

With your investments, it can help you to add more money to your savings. But it doesn't mean that if you have investments, you're already secured and won't be needing to save money for the future. Investment involves risks so you can't fully rely to it for your emergency fund. It's still better to have savings even when you already have investments.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: ARTOIS on February 18, 2024, 08:14:45 AM

Where do you hide it? In the bank, for example!
Do not save your money, but rather secure it by investing it in projects, no matter how small or large. The important thing is that investment doubles your money, but saving keeps it as it is.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: bayu7adi on February 18, 2024, 08:29:56 AM
As long as your concept of saving differs from the commonly known concept of saving money, I can still grasp your idea of saving. Honestly, I'm not really into living frugally because someone who shops wisely knows better what they need, whereas someone with a saving mindset tends to complicate and limit our wise decisions.

If you're aware that the financial situation in your country isn't great, investing with your savings isn't a bad idea either. Assets that are immune to inflation are always more appealing and make us feel more secure in the future. The key is to plan wisely, not being too frugal and not being extravagant either.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: nngella on February 18, 2024, 08:38:48 AM
As i quote from the book The Richest Man in Babylon, "Pay Yourself First".

You need to set aside a specific percentage of your income for yourself first before spending to other needs. In my case, I first set aside a certain amount and be committed in it in a monthly basis.  The first goal that I dedicated myself with before was to establish an emergency fund.  (Some say that emergency fund is 24 months equivalent of your monthly expenses, but in my case I saved around 6months worth of my monthly income).  This will help you prepare on rainy days.  In case that you will lose your job or source of income, you have 6months of buffer to find another one. 

After this, you will be more confident to spend your money on other investments like time deposits and bonds/money market.  The more you gather money, the more you will be comfortable to invest on riskier investments because you know that you can recover because you have emergency funds and safer investments even though you lose certain amounts on riskier investments.  Money also earn more money as it accumulates and compound through interests and dividends. 

Overall, we really do not know what will happen in the future and hence beneficial to save to prepare for it (or leave as bequest to the next generation).

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: harapan on February 18, 2024, 08:52:58 AM
Savings;its so pointless to think that you can save your way into millions these days.You wake up every morning and your so called savings cannot even afford or cannot be summed up to your needs or upkeep.Saving is obviously meant to cover emergencies and it's not like it can maintain your lifestyle for a lifetime.
 People have a problem with overspending,and they know their income is insufficient to carry out their daily individual responsibilities Financial illiteracy is one of the reasons why people have difficulty with saving and investing money.
  Its not just savings for me,while your saving,also invest.The difference between saving and investing is the risk management and the earning aspects.The outcome  of saving money can be relatively small compared to what you get from the aftermaths of investing.Investing requires a lengthy risk factors while saving bears no risks for once.
  Since the Goal is to make life more comfortable for oneself,its important to be creative,and  put your money into things that will make you more money.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: bestcoins1 on February 18, 2024, 08:59:48 AM
I wasn't really a saving type, but lately looking at the current situation of things in my country, how costly things have gotten, once money enters your account or wallet, you'll be suprised of how you won't be sure of how it vanished, not to talk of having a tangible reason of what you did with the money. So recently looking at how people cry for money and personally looking at how I needed money I decided to start splitting the little allowance I get, saving one part and using the other, I won’t really say that it has made me a billionaire or that I no longer lack money but at least I have cash somewhere that I could call my own and fall back to in cause of emergency.
This kind of thing may have also been implemented by many other people in the past when facing difficult times in conditions of economic crisis with the aim of not having too much difficulty when facing emergency conditions due to the high cost of basic goods in life. But you are also not too late to start doing this, even though some people might say you are a little late in realizing this because money will never be enough and will always run out easily if it is not managed well by the owner himself.

    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.
Being thrifty in life by not spending money on many unnecessary things has become an important point since everyone grows up or when they start to bring their own business and family into life. So actually things like that have long been considered important by everyone even though there are still people who haven't done things like that in their own lives for certain reasons that are quite reasonable. But basically this has to be a priority now because major changes in current economic conditions have been quite visible and very real so that some people who do not save or save in their lives will continue to face difficulties in the future.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Cryptmuster on February 18, 2024, 09:32:19 AM
Saving advice is basic, but with inflation, increasing prices of goods and services, health insurance problems, and much more, saving is no longer ideal advice. Save, but think about investing, because without investment, any amount saved will end up with the first financial problem that happens to you.

Investment is not limited to Bitcoin, but anything that you feel is in demand and has value in itself.

Bitcoin is a good investment, but any good investment plan requires diversification, otherwise it will be too shaky. You need to expand your investment portfolio as much as your savings allow you to do so. There is no need to be afraid of inflation, if you have good investments, then inflation will work in your favor, so save and invest, it will definitely bring results. And try to avoid a situation where you invest all your savings in one asset...

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Beparanf on February 18, 2024, 09:47:38 AM
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.

Saving is always the right thing to do regardless if there’s economic crisis or not since you don’t know what will be your expenses in the future. This is the golden rule of every house hold in my country because poverty is high here. I’m not sure how the first world country does when it regards to savings but it should be the golden rule in general unless you have unlimited source of income that is too much greater for your expenses.

I have a newborn child now that we celebrate her 1st birthday and christening on the same date to save money. This is what I will teach to her when she gets older so that he can learn how to value money.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Natsuu on February 18, 2024, 09:51:26 AM
It has been true at all ages and all countries that you need to have a financial safety net, because unexpected spendings happen in life all the time. Things break down, body gets sick, bad situations happen - all of that requires money to fix. It should be a common wisdom that you can only make unnecessary spending if you have some money saved up and not using your last money for that, but way too many people don't do that because they don't understand the basics of personal finance.

Right. Knowing how to handle money is like having a superpower in real life. It's about making smart choices like budgeting, saving and investing. Stashing away some cash for a rainy day is like having a financial cushion when unexpected things pop up. Its always a matter of priorities

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: tyz on February 18, 2024, 10:46:25 AM
Actually, this is for all groups, not just the younger generation. In fact, many people aged 17 to 36 years fail to save, because usually half of this group's fixed income is used to finance routine monthly needs and entertainment costs. So you need to get used to it so you can be disciplined and consistent in saving and investing, which does require special effort. However, this must be enforced because if you know what the benefits of both are, then the habit of saving and investing will no longer be difficult to do regularly.

I belong to this generation and I can partly confirm this. As always, this doesn't apply to everyone, but it certainly applies to the majority. Today's young generation often thinks in YOLO mode. You only live once. And that's exactly how they deal with money. Why should you do without something today to be better off in 20 years' time? Many people simply can't comprehend that, which is why a lot of money is spent on nonsense today if money is left over.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Lida93 on February 18, 2024, 10:58:13 AM
  So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.
But will you keep saving when there's a better way for you to secure tomorrow which is by investing? Investing offers a better option to me than saving because in saving your money may be losing value due to inflation but when it comes to investing the money is building value against tomorrow. Do not save without investing. If you want to have things easier for you tomorrow then it is better to make sacrifices today to make good investments that will be profitable for tomorrow.
From what Op has addressed about savings he didn't seem to despite investment but only laying emphasis on the importance of savings and how it could salvage us in an emergency times. Investment is indispensable in this harsh economy where inflation is ravaging and devaluing the proceeds of our efforts but investment can't plays a different role as it can't meet emergency demand but savings can be taken out immediately to solve emergencies as immediately they arise.

So I'll suggest, if the size of your income isn't efficient to start investing from it based on your responsibilities then make room for savings and save as much possible in the little ways you can. If you fall to invest don't fail to save, if possible don't fail to key into the two areas.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: ThePromise on February 18, 2024, 11:20:14 AM

Where do you hide it? In the bank, for example!
Do not save your money, but rather secure it by investing it in projects, no matter how small or large. The important thing is that investment doubles your money, but saving keeps it as it is.

As a matter of fact, it is not advisable to save a large amount in the bank unless the purpose of your depositing money in them is savings & investment type. The interest you get from the money you put in the bank is very low, so it's okay to save there if it's for an emergency fund or monthly expenses. It's even better if you can find an investment with a good return and can double up your initial money that you've invest, you can take a risk for that.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: mindrust on February 18, 2024, 11:22:01 AM
That's the main idea of saving money. Spend less today so you can spend more tomorrow. That's why people make investments. Spending usually means buying stuff which don't generate any cash flow or capital increase and most of the time, they generate negative cash flow.

-You may go to a fancy restaurant, at the end of the day you only spent a hundred bucks for a good meal. The good news is, you only pay when you eat. That was just an expensive purchase. No cash flow.

-If you buy a fancy car on the other hand, you will be paying for its maintenance and it will cost a lot. It won't be a one time fee too. That's called a liability. It generates a negative cash flow.

-If you buy a real estate and rent it out on the other hand, you will collect payment every month. That's called an asset. It generates a positive cash flow.

Which one of these is the smartest purchase financially?

a- An expensive meal
b- A luxury car
c- A real estate
d- None of them
e- All of them

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: m2017 on February 18, 2024, 11:53:33 AM
So recently looking at how people cry for money and personally looking at how I needed money I decided to start splitting the little allowance I get, saving one part and using the other, I won’t really say that it has made me a billionaire or that I no longer lack money but at least I have cash somewhere that I could call my own and fall back to in cause of emergency.
Has saving money helped you get rid of your lack of money? Do you only store in cash?

Of course, you should always have a reserve of cash for emergencies, but I don’t think that all your savings should be set aside in cash alone.
To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem.
Thrift is necessary not only for young people, but for all people in general. Especially when the world economy is bursting at the seams and it is unknown what awaits in the near future.

So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.
For some, "things that doesn’t really matter" doesn't matter, but for others it is an integral part of everyday life. With the rise in living standards, the list of "things that doesn’t really matter" is only growing.

The money you save today will depreciate tomorrow and become cheaper. It is very not practical to save money for the future in the form of money. The value of money should be converted into something else: something more liquid in the short term, and something less liquid and profitable in the long term.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: franky1 on February 18, 2024, 12:01:12 PM
-If you buy a real estate and rent it out on the other hand, you will collect payment every month. That's called an asset. It generates a positive cash flow.

not every month
some tenants refuse to pay rent,
some tenants damage the property
some houses require ongoing costs that all combined are above the market rate of rents.
its not a guarantee of perfect profit, just take a look at all the buy-to-rent people now selling-to-dispose of assets due to market downturn and inflation of maintenance costs. interest rates, taxes, state requirements

As a matter of fact, it is not advisable to save a large amount in the bank unless the purpose of your depositing money in them is savings & investment type. The interest you get from the money you put in the bank is very low, so it's okay to save there if it's for an emergency fund or monthly expenses. It's even better if you can find an investment with a good return and can double up your initial money that you've invest, you can take a risk for that.

investments are not meant for the large amount, nor the long term. its small amounts for short term emergency

for instance. lets say you had saved a months incidentals.. then you would stop inputting your income excess into savings. and put the income excess into investments.
if you then had a medical emergency which later came to a huge bill.. instead of panic selling investment assets to pay the large medical bill. usually selling assets at a bad time, thus at a loss.. you would instead arrange a payment plan with the medical institution. by which the payments initially are affordable to use the rescue(savings) to cover 1+ payment. to buffer you and save you from the panic. to then organise peacefully and effectively how to dip into investments to pay down the bill over months.. rather then rash decisions in days of incident

The money you save today will depreciate tomorrow and become cheaper. It is very not practical to save money for the future in the form of money. The value of money should be converted into something else: something more liquid in the short term, and something less liquid and profitable in the long term.

yep savings for short term small needs. investment for long term future needs. dont worry about inflation in regards to savings. the small amount of say $1000 even at 5% inflation is only $50 spread over a year is only $4 a month.. thus not something that will break the bank compared to putting $500 excess initially in savings for a couple months and then $496 excess going into investments per month

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Woodie on February 18, 2024, 12:41:17 PM
I think as of the 21st century, every investment or financial playbook out there encourages saving as a means to take care of you and your family when you can nolonger work because you grow older or retire early ..but the problem with this model is that it does not shield you from inflation, or generally loss of buying power of a currency.

And besides keeping money💰 in a bank is loss of opportunity to grow your bank account as its gaining little to no interest at all while banks themselves  make money off your deposits, which is why business minded people never let it sleep there but invest it in other ventures that can make so cash for you whether big or small profits they can make a huge difference.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Bloodseekers on February 18, 2024, 12:47:51 PM
As a matter of fact, it is not advisable to save a large amount in the bank unless the purpose of your depositing money in them is savings & investment type. The interest you get from the money you put in the bank is very low, so it's okay to save there if it's for an emergency fund or monthly expenses. It's even better if you can find an investment with a good return and can double up your initial money that you've invest, you can take a risk for that.

It's true, it's true that we shouldn't keep the money we have in the bank and if the purpose of saving is to invest, of course this will be better and this will really benefit us when the investment goes well. Yes, if we save the money we have in the bank, of course it won't. profitable for us because the interest given is very little and is not very profitable for us and the bank which receives more profits.

Investing will really benefit us for the future, but if we don't understand investment well and how to make a profit from that investment, it would be better for us to learn first so that we don't experience difficulties when entering into that investment.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: franky1 on February 18, 2024, 12:49:23 PM
I think as of the 21st century, every investment or financial playbook out there encourages saving as a means to take care of you and your family when you can nolonger work because you grow older or retire early ..but the problem with this model is that it does not shield you from inflation, or generally loss of buying power of a currency.

And besides keeping money💰 in a bank is loss of opportunity to grow your bank account as its gaining little to no interest at all while banks themselves  make money off your deposits, which is why business minded people never let it sleep there but invest it in other ventures that can make so cash for you whether big or small profits they can make a huge difference.

savings is not for the long term future, nor suppose to be for big amounts of years worth of lifestyle. its the short term rescue to avoid the initial panic of a change of circumstance. for small incidents saves you from even needing to touch your investments..

for larger cost incidents, savings give you just enough breathing room to then organise how to expend the investments via making good investment decisions without the initial panic/worry, immediacy. (if big enough incident)

the small amount meant for savings wont be big enough for inflation concern. because you can plan in the small 2-5% inflation of a small amount and spread it over the year(0.17%-0.42% a month) to not really dig deep into your funding amount for other things like investments

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Kelward on February 18, 2024, 01:47:37 PM
The one phrase that I can use to qualify this topic is for use to live bellow our means or income, with this method it'll be easier to be able to save money, because if you plan your expenditure based on the income that you get, then it'll be very difficult to have savings. The economic hardship in my country today makes it very difficult for any average income earner to save money, because our currency is devaluing everyday while the prices of goods keeps skyrocketing everyday, to be able to save, the only option that is left for most of us is to drastically cut down on expenses, have a tight budget and be very disciplined to spend within that budget. The savings can be invested in a valuable asset like Bitcoin, which always apreciates in price if held on a long term.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: mindrust on February 18, 2024, 02:29:12 PM
-If you buy a real estate and rent it out on the other hand, you will collect payment every month. That's called an asset. It generates a positive cash flow.

not every month
some tenants refuse to pay rent,
some tenants damage the property
some houses require ongoing costs that all combined are above the market rate of rents.
its not a guarantee of perfect profit, just take a look at all the buy-to-rent people now selling-to-dispose of assets due to market downturn and inflation of maintenance costs. interest rates, taxes, state requirements

We know that smart ass. Focus on the general idea.

A car > a liability (could be an asset if you own a car rental business)
A house > an asset (could be a liability if you don't rent it out)

A house can become a liability too if you don't take care of it or keep it empty. It is because maintaining a house is not free. However, if you take the right steps, it will be an asset. I know that some tenants are assholes but not all of them are. I know it because I know most homeowners are making money. If it were the other way, none of these home owners would want to keep their assets. They keep them because their assets keep them making money.

Owning real estate is not the only source of cash flow anyway. Dividend stocks are a nice way to generate cash income. Bonds are another option but the underlying asset of bonds is a cash equivalent so it is no good in an inflationary environment and we have been always in an inflationary environment since I don't know when.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: southerngentuk on February 18, 2024, 03:18:46 PM
It's true that inflation can erode the value of your savings over time, while investing can offer opportunities for growth. Saving is like building a sturdy emergency fund, your financial safety net. It's crucial for unexpected expenses, job loss, or that leaky roof that suddenly demands attention. Without this safety net, even the best investments can be derailed by unforeseen circumstances. Investing, on the other hand, is like planting a money tree. It has the potential to grow your wealth over time, beating inflation and potentially securing your future. But remember, it's not a magic money machine. There's risk involved, and you might not always hit the jackpot. Investing definitely offers the potential for higher returns, but it also carries greater risks. While saving may not generate significant gains, it provides a secure safety net. Both strategies have their place in a balanced financial plan.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: umbara ardian on February 18, 2024, 03:53:51 PM
Saving is your trusty shield, always there to block unexpected financial blows. But investing? That's your magic growth potion, helping your money multiply over time for bigger goals like early retirement, dream vacations, or your kid's future spaceship.

You don't have to go all in on investing right away. Start small, maybe by diverting a portion of your unspent income, while keeping your emergency fund stocked. As your investments grow, you can adjust the balance, like a financial ninja mastering the art of both offense and defense.

Remember, saving and investing are teammates, not rivals. One keeps you safe in the short term, the other helps you build wealth for the long haul. Think of it as building a fortress of financial security, with both a sturdy wall and a secret stash of gold.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Lorence.xD on February 18, 2024, 03:54:59 PM
Saving will always be advised to anyone not only with youth. Small or big amounts, to save should always be considered. It could be used for emergencies, financial circumstances, or even wants. However, it depends on how long would you be saving and the amount you will be allotting for that savings. Therefore, you cannot expect more than what you put into it, concluding that it will be limited.  For sure it would be convenient by the time you will need it. The only factors affecting how an individual saves is financial capacity to do so, lifestyle he/she is having, and dedication to do so. It is  good practice to start as long as you are young however, its consistency matters on your perspective and that changes as you age. You could be engaging with the "wants" on a certain age as well as the drive you will be having. Investment is also considered over saving because it is expected to do more.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: pusaka on February 18, 2024, 05:03:08 PM
I think as of the 21st century, every investment or financial playbook out there encourages saving as a means to take care of you and your family when you can nolonger work because you grow older or retire early ..but the problem with this model is that it does not shield you from inflation, or generally loss of buying power of a currency.

And besides keeping money💰 in a bank is loss of opportunity to grow your bank account as its gaining little to no interest at all while banks themselves  make money off your deposits, which is why business minded people never let it sleep there but invest it in other ventures that can make so cash for you whether big or small profits they can make a huge difference.
Just saving money is not enough in my opinion because its value will decrease over time. And we should use our money for something that can produce or be productive. I won't say it's the wrong thing to do, but we can definitely judge which one is better for us to do.
I also save money, but it's a diferent form of money that I use for business or investing. Although the amount is not much, I do my best to save and invest at the same time. I always set aside a few percent of my income, and I use that amount to invest and save the rest. There are actually many ways we can do it, but again it comes from our big desire.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Baki202 on February 18, 2024, 05:19:06 PM
I think as of the 21st century, every investment or financial playbook out there encourages saving as a means to take care of you and your family when you can nolonger work because you grow older or retire early ..but the problem with this model is that it does not shield you from inflation, or generally loss of buying power of a currency.

And besides keeping money💰 in a bank is loss of opportunity to grow your bank account as its gaining little to no interest at all while banks themselves  make money off your deposits, which is why business minded people never let it sleep there but invest it in other ventures that can make so cash for you whether big or small profits they can make a huge difference.
Yeah, people have gotten wiser and don't want to leave there money dormant again, and people are trying by all means to invest the money. At this point in time, I don't think anyone will even take savings as an option. And if there is any money, it can be divided between investing and keeping some for yourself. And those who are retired, need to choose what they intend to do with there money if they don't make good use of it.

If not for that, everyone is affected by this inflation, and gradually people are losing the power to be able to purchase most of these products. Even if you want to keep your money in the bank and talk about fixed deposits, you gain a lot of profit from them, so its better to invest.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: kentrolla on February 18, 2024, 05:41:26 PM
This stands true for most of the countries but it would be s stupid move if you save it in form of money because you will never be able to catch up with inflation hence I would say it's not just saving but rather it should be an investment which should help us to overcome or atleast have break even with inflations. I think instead of saving fiat we should explore options like real estate, bitcoin, gold, stocks as these assets will help us to multiply our money else we will not be able to have sufficient money even if we save for ages with just fiat.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: kryptqnick on February 18, 2024, 05:46:13 PM
There's nothing wrong with savings, and I agree that having some extra for special occasions or emergencies can be very useful. But if you live in a country with unstable fiat, you should mind the inflation rate and consider keeping savings in a more stable fiat currency (like the USD) or in something different altogether (like Bitcoin).
Regularly setting aside some money for savings is also useful to make one more organized and more mindful of one's spendings.
In my country, saving some money is considered fairly common, whereas taking loans or using credit cards is considered risky and unfortunate, so the op's advice falls in line with our local culture, but I suppose things are different in other places.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Dzwaafu11 on February 18, 2024, 06:18:13 PM
To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.

Many individuals are unable to differentiate between what they want and what they need. and that is why many people are still squandering their money on things that will not benefit them either now or in the future. It is very good if we can be able to detect these two things because it is very important to us to know as it will help us to be successful in the future. Furthermore, we don't know what will come up at any time that will need financial assistance. We will not boarder ourselves to go and borrow money. However, saving money is not really an easy thing to do. I can personally testify that because we cannot save money when we have financial problems to solve, you can see that it is not really an easy thing to buy. It is something that will help us if we have patience and do it.

This stands true for most of the countries but it would be s stupid move if you save it in form of money because you will never be able to catch up with inflation hence I would say it's not just saving but rather it should be an investment which should help us to overcome or at least have break even with inflations. I think instead of saving fiat we should explore options like real estate, bitcoin, gold, stocks as these assets will help us to multiply our money else we will not be able to have sufficient money even if we save for ages with just fiat.

You cannot decide for them if they should invest in bitcoin or not. The only advise you can give to someone is to save money. Let me tell you that your bitcoin investments are a choice. You cannot force anyone to participate. You're already aware that the bitcoin has a certain risk, and it's obvious that not everyone is willing to take it. People who are not aware of investing will not want to invest; instead, they will save in fiat; they are unconcerned about inflation; and the majority of them are not saving to multiply; rather, they are saving for emergencies.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Myleschetty on February 18, 2024, 06:21:15 PM
I wasn't really a saving type, but lately looking at the current situation of things in my country, how costly things have gotten, once money enters your account or wallet, you'll be suprised of how you won't be sure of how it vanished, not to talk of having a tangible reason of what you did with the money. So recently looking at how people cry for money and personally looking at how I needed money I decided to start splitting the little allowance I get, saving one part and using the other, I won’t really say that it has made me a billionaire or that I no longer lack money but at least I have cash somewhere that I could call my own and fall back to in cause of emergency.
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.

What you said is quite the right thing for everyone to do due to the world economic situation and the government level of management is leading to recession in most countries and different economic problems. However, you advise the people to save some part of the salary and funds, and if the saving is not done in the right way it will lead to loose of the value of the fund.
You ought to advise people to save funds in cryptocurrency not in fiat currency. I believe that's what you mean but some newbies will understand you and have the belief of saving in fiat.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: nara1892 on February 18, 2024, 06:46:04 PM
I wasn't really a saving type, but lately looking at the current situation of things in my country, how costly things have gotten, once money enters your account or wallet, you'll be suprised of how you won't be sure of how it vanished, not to talk of having a tangible reason of what you did with the money. So recently looking at how people cry for money and personally looking at how I needed money I decided to start splitting the little allowance I get, saving one part and using the other, I won’t really say that it has made me a billionaire or that I no longer lack money but at least I have cash somewhere that I could call my own and fall back to in cause of emergency.
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.

However having good management of money is always recommended, and when you are able to appreciate the value of money then I think you will prioritize considering first before you finally spend the money, on the other hand most people these days have difficulty in distinguishing between needs and wants, they are always trapped in the thought that it is their needs but in fact there is no benefit that is too important from the items they buy which in the end the money goes to expenses that should not be necessary, Therefore, if you are able to appreciate and manage money well then I think you will prioritize function over prestige, but unfortunately most of today's youth always prioritize prestige over needs and saving is an action that they ignore when in fact this is an action that must be considered and done because it is for their own benefit, as the OP said that you will really feel that money is very valuable when you are already in a situation that is quite alarming, right, surprised when you see the increase of some necessities. So the bottom line is the mindset in terms of the perspective of money that must be corrected in my opinion and also they must change the habit of buying something that is basically not too important and then menga

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Viscore on February 18, 2024, 07:01:53 PM
 So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.
But will you keep saving when there's a better way for you to secure tomorrow which is by investing? Investing offers a better option to me than saving because in saving your money may be losing value due to inflation but when it comes to investing the money is building value against tomorrow. Do not save without investing. If you want to have things easier for you tomorrow then it is better to make sacrifices today to make good investments that will be profitable for tomorrow.

If you start investment at an early age you will be able to retire early when you're old.
Saving will always be a must have for us. Not only it will serve as our emergency funds, but it will also be a good source of our investment capital. First, you save regardless of any amount and when you have good amount, reserve a portion for investment that you can afford to lose, but still continue to save to back up your finances.

While saving is a good start, investing is the end goal. Your savings would save you tomorrow but investment profits will multiply your savings amount, which means you will establish a better and brighter tomorrow, not just for you, but also for your whole family.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: EarnOnVictor on February 18, 2024, 07:41:17 PM
You might just notice the importance now but our forefathers had noticed and I've put enough advice down for us even without the economic situation we are all facing these days. Saving is good, but I advise that you save wisely. You may save but the money will just depreciate due to inflation and poor economic management by our leaders. Where you save also matters, and I like to save in an investment package or in an asset so that will not be affected by inflation.

I can't believe that anyone can save their money in the bank these days, they better have it in a better portfolio where the money can yield for them. Like in Bitcoin and others that will ever be a hedge against this heavily biting inflation. It is worse in my country, even without hyperinflation. Savings are good but investment is better, and the wise ones saved and invested even before now, so that their retirement can be better than it was for their parents. We all need to be wise now, it's so sad the situation we find ourselves in, yet with savings and good investment, we can lessen the negative effects.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Issa56 on February 18, 2024, 09:14:24 PM
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem.
But just a few younger generations are saving and investing right now, others prefer spending on luxury, going to club, and spending on things that are not necessary. If they end up going broke, they will end up regretting why they spent the money like that. When you are young and you are earning well, then it’s better you save for your future. If you don’t plan for the future when you are young, then you might end up regretting it later because the opportunity that some people have when they are young won’t have that kind of opportunity when they are old, and sometimes things might not go well for you, so you will be able to fall back on the savings or investments that you made.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Sanitough on February 18, 2024, 09:30:16 PM
   To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem.
But just a few younger generations are saving and investing right now, others prefer spending on luxury, going to club, and spending on things that are not necessary. If they end up going broke, they will end up regretting why they spent the money like that. When you are young and you are earning well, then it’s better you save for your future. If you don’t plan for the future when you are young, then you might end up regretting it later because the opportunity that some people have when they are young won’t have that kind of opportunity when they are old, and sometimes things might not go well for you, so you will be able to fall back on the savings or investments that you made.
We can’t control these young generation not to spend on luxuries as they can also afford that type of living. But I believe in the end, they will learn their lesson as well. Especially if they see some other young people who are already successful at their young age and living their dream life, while leaving them struggling to sustain their daily needs.

It’s not bad to spend but spend only within your limits. Or the best advice is, save first for your future investment, and when you have reserved already some funds to save, then treat yourself as well using your extra money.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Renampun on February 18, 2024, 09:59:30 PM
I wasn't really a saving type, but lately looking at the current situation of things in my country, how costly things have gotten, once money enters your account or wallet, you'll be suprised of how you won't be sure of how it vanished, not to talk of having a tangible reason of what you did with the money. So recently looking at how people cry for money and personally looking at how I needed money I decided to start splitting the little allowance I get, saving one part and using the other, I won’t really say that it has made me a billionaire or that I no longer lack money but at least I have cash somewhere that I could call my own and fall back to in cause of emergency.
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.

from what I have learned, saving alone will never be enough to make you survive the current world economic uncertainty, you must be able to make more money and have many sources of income. if you keep saving, you will only torture yourself and make the things you want never achieve, but if you have investments, you will be able to manage your money well and also have good achievements too.
My advice, invest in bitcoin and if you want to split your investment then you can also choose to invest in gold, Don't let your money evaporate in the bank.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Bitco55 on February 18, 2024, 10:14:42 PM
I wasn't really a saving type, but lately looking at the current situation of things in my country, how costly things have gotten, once money enters your account or wallet, you'll be suprised of how you won't be sure of how it vanished, not to talk of having a tangible reason of what you did with the money. So recently looking at how people cry for money and personally looking at how I needed money I decided to start splitting the little allowance I get, saving one part and using the other, I won’t really say that it has made me a billionaire or that I no longer lack money but at least I have cash somewhere that I could call my own and fall back to in cause of emergency.
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.

Well, my story is quite contradictory. I was a saving type, the hardcore saving type, the type who'd save more than half of my money and tell myself it's for my future self, until I realized, at that rate my future self was going to be flat-out, an ulcer patient, and have lots of health problems if I don't play my cards right. Saving is good really, but I can never emphasize too much on how bad it'll be if you don't learn how to manage your money.

You see managing your money doesn't just have to do with not overspending, it simply has to do with channeling your money into the right investments, yourself, first always.

Don't get me wrong, please save, your future self deserves that. But make sure you're earning enough so you can save properly, instead of saving on low funds.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: LastKiss on February 18, 2024, 10:24:33 PM
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.

Many reasons why they didn't save at their young age or at any age, most reasons are because they want to enjoy their youth so they won't regret it when they're married, their salary is not enough to save because the cost of goods is really expensive, they focus to invest and forget to save their money in the end, and many more reasons. saving is really helping us when something emergency happens because with saving we can keep our crypto Investment from being used. I hope that young people start to saving in their early so they won't regret it in the future.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: LogitechMouse on February 19, 2024, 02:13:54 AM
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.
In short, save for emergency funds. :)
It's not always good to buy some things that you don't need, but if you will then at least consider saving some money for emergency funds first. I said "emergency funds" twice because, for me, that's the only reason why we need to save money.

Saving for the sake of saving will not help you because of this stupid inflation. Saving for emergency funds would be helpful for us because like OP said, we don't know when will be the time when we might need that money for something whether it's for an emergency, or somebody from our family needs urgent help, etc. Well, of course always don't forget to invest still. Don't save only, but invest as well if you have money of course. :)

There are many reasons why there are many people who aren't saving, but one reason is they are lacking financial literacy. Another reason is that they can get easily attracted to these sales in malls or whatever establishments it is. Like I said, save early, but don't save only. Invest as well. :)

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Patrol69 on February 19, 2024, 02:39:58 AM
We are at that stage of age where we don't pay much attention to how to save money now we try to do whatever comes to our mind. But now is a good time to build the future, if we can save money now and plan for the future then we can get multiple returns from the money we save now in the future. Whenever we have money we spend it without thinking anything but when we don't have money to spend we realize how hard the world is for us. Instead of understanding the importance of money when money is not around, when we have enough money, we should understand the highest importance of money. When we have enough money we have to think that maybe we have money now but in the future when we don't have money our life may be worse then we have to try to save money. In addition to saving money, we should always plan what will increase our money in the future.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Dr.Osh on February 19, 2024, 02:40:33 AM
Well, since ancient times, saving has been important. This could be aid funds for urgent needs, or things we don't know about. However, before saving, we should first improve our money management strategy. I once read an article that no matter what your salary is, if you have bad management, your salary will disappear very quickly. So, I also suggest trying to manage the finances we have. This is an important foundation for saving money.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Volimack on February 19, 2024, 04:45:42 AM

Where do you hide it? In the bank, for example!
Do not save your money, but rather secure it by investing it in projects, no matter how small or large. The important thing is that investment doubles your money, but saving keeps it as it is.

As a matter of fact, it is not advisable to save a large amount in the bank unless the purpose of your depositing money in them is savings & investment type. The interest you get from the money you put in the bank is very low, so it's okay to save there if it's for an emergency fund or monthly expenses. It's even better if you can find an investment with a good return and can double up your initial money that you've invest, you can take a risk for that.

Yeah by investing right investment money grows fast but by investing you have to take risk if you don't invest in the right sector then you lose money. But the risk is less by keeping the money in the bank here the interest rate is lower but the amount of money is right you can withdraw it as you wish it is not possible in investment.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Adreman23 on February 19, 2024, 04:54:20 AM
Saving money can provide us with security during times of hardship or unexpected events. However, there are also risks associated with saving money, such as inflation. What if a country suddenly experiences hyperinflation? The value of your savings accumulated over years of work may decrease significantly, and you may only be able to afford very cheap items. It's better to save in assets that tend to increase in value over time, such as bitcoin, gold, land, and others.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Kakmakr on February 19, 2024, 05:42:30 AM
So, based on what you wrote... I take it that you are still a student, because students normally get allowances and workers get salary or wages.

As a student, I studied part-time...because I had to pay for my own studies... with the money I earned from my salary... so I did not have a lot of money to spend on savings.

The small amount I had, I used to buy bitcoins when the price was about $300 and I sold it for $33 000... and made some good profit.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Xcode7 on February 19, 2024, 06:06:21 AM
Saving money can provide us with security during times of hardship or unexpected events. However, there are also risks associated with saving money, such as inflation. What if a country suddenly experiences hyperinflation? The value of your savings accumulated over years of work may decrease significantly, and you may only be able to afford very cheap items. It's better to save in assets that tend to increase in value over time, such as bitcoin, gold, land, and others.
As has happened in the last few years, inflation has not occurred significantly and the percentage that will occur is very small so I don't think it is a high risk.
Saving is indeed quite important for the future because no one knows what will happen in the future when we are in trouble so saving is one thing that can save us.
And regarding how people save, they each have their own way, investing in crypto or real estate, there are even people who just save their money, I think they all have the same goal even though the methods are different.
And the risks that will be faced will be quite worth it with the possible possibilities that we will get from these choices.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Xampeuu on February 19, 2024, 06:17:39 AM
The most important thing is to understand needs and desires, so that the income we have can be allocated to saving, it would be even better if invested, so that we will get a profit from it, especially if we are still young, so we still have a long way to go in planning the future, as well as maybe we can prepare, while we don't have much to spend on, therefore financial management must be done well

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: blckhawk on February 19, 2024, 06:44:31 AM
That's easy to say but think about the circumstances of each individual, it's unfathomable but we all know that they're different for each other which means that you can probably save but there's other person out there that can't do it because the situation that they're in doesn't allow them to save up, for example, a person that works a minimum wage has all that salary enough for them to survive the month with no extra because it's the exact amount and even at times they have to borrow to make ends meet. Sure saving money can be a really good thing and it will definitely help you, no doubt about that but remember that you need to straighten your priorities, if your money is only enough for survival mode then don't consider saving yet because you'll just spend that savings prematurely when the need for money inevitably happens, get a raise for your job or find other ways to make money so you can be comfortable saving money.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Asuspawer09 on February 19, 2024, 08:27:51 AM
I wasn't really a saving type, but lately looking at the current situation of things in my country, how costly things have gotten, once money enters your account or wallet, you'll be suprised of how you won't be sure of how it vanished, not to talk of having a tangible reason of what you did with the money. So recently looking at how people cry for money and personally looking at how I needed money I decided to start splitting the little allowance I get, saving one part and using the other, I won’t really say that it has made me a billionaire or that I no longer lack money but at least I have cash somewhere that I could call my own and fall back to in cause of emergency.
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.

What important is to learn how you are going to manage your finances, this is the thing that I learned that made me realize how important knowledge in finances is, I mean our education doesn't really have something that is going to help us learn to be a financial literate it almost like they don't want us to know this kind of things, wanted us to be working that is working 8-5 daily and then spend our money on something that we can't really afford offering us like credit cards, etc.

It is actually really easy just save a huge amount of your money instead of probably 20% up to 40% of your salary or your sources of income, the higher you save or invest the better it is going to be, with the trick don't buy anything that you don't really afford, if your card buys a phone just don't buy it yet, consider if you could recover from for example like 100$ your spending it on something if your salary is about 1000$ it is probably just a small percentage and you could easily recover from what you spend, But if you're going to spend around 1000$ on just one thing which is already your whole salary it is probably something that you need to think about first since you cant really afford it, or probably your just end up using a credit card which is the main problem that could make it difficult when it comes to your financial.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: cakravothy on February 19, 2024, 08:38:04 AM
prices continue to creep up and expensive prices mean that inflation in your country is not controlled. if money is only kept in the bank and not used for investment, it is even a loss in addition to the admin fees, the value of your money will also decrease its purchasing power every year due to inflation. so frugal living is for investment not just saving it.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: GeorgeJohn on February 19, 2024, 09:40:12 AM
In some certain countries saving money in that country may cause you more harm because the value of the currency maybe depreciating everyday the money you are serving in the bank might continue to depreciate and they cannot afford something in future again for you depending the time you stuck your money in the bank so what I'm saying in essence is that instead of you to bank your money it is good or better for you to invest it into something else that will be giving you daily weekly and monthly return, so is better for we to ensure that we diversify our money to different business or investment that will give us return instead of keeping our money in a bank, it is obvious the bankers trade with our money without our permission.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: edy_58 on February 19, 2024, 09:54:37 AM
Saving money can provide us with security during times of hardship or unexpected events. However, there are also risks associated with saving money, such as inflation. What if a country suddenly experiences hyperinflation? The value of your savings accumulated over years of work may decrease significantly, and you may only be able to afford very cheap items. It's better to save in assets that tend to increase in value over time, such as bitcoin, gold, land, and others.
By having savings, of course this will make it easier for us when we have emergency needs and we can use these savings when we need them, but related to inflation we cannot know for sure when it will happen and we have to be prepared for this and the money we save will still have value. it's the same and what differentiates the money that we previously used for a need is very different if we shop when inflation occurs.

What you say is right, if we save in assets whose value tends to increase this will be very profitable and we can choose according to the money we have from the three you mentioned, all of which are good, but if we want to buy land then we have to have a lot of new money can buy it and Bitcoin and gold will make it very easy for us and can buy it whatever we can afford and it will continue to increase in price and can profit from it.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: wiss19 on February 19, 2024, 10:09:22 AM
Those who have the possibility of saving money should use their privilege and save money while they can because not everyone in the world can do that.

People who barely earn enough money to cover the monthly expenses or feed their family for a whole month will barely be able to save any money even without spending a penny on useless things because they are not earning a lot of money, but someone who earns more than they need for a month, they shouldn't waste it because life is unpredictable like the cryptocurrency market, there will be ups and downs and you should always be prepared to face any situation, and remember, the world we live in today is all about money, you can't do anything without it. So, prepare for the future while you can.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: YOSHIE on February 19, 2024, 02:41:13 PM
Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
If you talk about being thrifty, of course it is a sacred thing that every human being must do. Frugality is one method for success in life, wasteful is the source of trouble in the future, It is indeed a phenomenon that occurs in people's lives.

But if we talk about economics or saving and saving money, for me money cannot save us in the future, for example what happened to the people of Zimbabwe, Venezuela, money like rubbish there has no value, maybe saving and saving gold for me is a good opportunity to save us in the future, in my opinion gold is better than money in saving.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Xxmodded on February 19, 2024, 03:06:37 PM
Spending few percent of salary for saving assets is very good ideas exactly for young generation, but not all true with saving money help us in the future regarding the inflation values of fiat and hold it in the bank. Better save money trough investment such as gold assets or could be investing in cryptocurrency more save us tomorrow than saving only without yet increasing the value.
Young generation actually has stable financial and they not spending all salary for daily needed, they don't have many responsibility except their self and very difference with some one has family and spent their salary all four their children, wife and their household needed. Make your young age moment for investing money and enjoying the profitable in the future.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: nara1892 on February 19, 2024, 03:09:41 PM
prices continue to creep up and expensive prices mean that inflation in your country is not controlled. if money is only kept in the bank and not used for investment, it is even a loss in addition to the admin fees, the value of your money will also decrease its purchasing power every year due to inflation. so frugal living is for investment not just saving it.

True, on the other hand I think few people can think this far, they just think that saving in the bank or manual can save them in the future, but it is a fact that inflation will never be avoided, and one of the right solutions here is as you said that we should turn to other alternatives that are indeed the right idea such as investment, by having this place then you will be able to get additional value and amount of money over time and this will be very useful to balance your financial value with the increasing purchasing power due to inflation. On the other hand I am not saying that saving money is bad, because it is a good idea that leads to preventive measures, but on the other hand we must be more careful and look for alternatives that are truly a solution.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: mirakal on February 19, 2024, 03:55:17 PM
Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
If you talk about being thrifty, of course it is a sacred thing that every human being must do. Frugality is one method for success in life, wasteful is the source of trouble in the future, It is indeed a phenomenon that occurs in people's lives.

But if we talk about economics or saving and saving money, for me money cannot save us in the future, for example what happened to the people of Zimbabwe, Venezuela, money like rubbish there has no value, maybe saving and saving gold for me is a good opportunity to save us in the future, in my opinion gold is better than money in saving.
Saving money alone cannot save us from the future's uncertainty but saving and investing as well will secure us a brighter future. While investing in gold can bring us a fortune, then the more that we can achieve financial freedom through saving and accumulating bitcoin.

However, saving gold is always the traditional form of investment and will never be underrated. But since we are now in the world of technology and innovation, saving bitcoin could perfectly suit the demands of our future.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: mammusu on February 19, 2024, 04:20:44 PM
prices continue to creep up and expensive prices mean that inflation in your country is not controlled. if money is only kept in the bank and not used for investment, it is even a loss in addition to the admin fees, the value of your money will also decrease its purchasing power every year due to inflation. so frugal living is for investment not just saving it.

True, on the other hand I think few people can think this far, they just think that saving in the bank or manual can save them in the future, but it is a fact that inflation will never be avoided, and one of the right solutions here is as you said that we should turn to other alternatives that are indeed the right idea such as investment, by having this place then you will be able to get additional value and amount of money over time and this will be very useful to balance your financial value with the increasing purchasing power due to inflation. On the other hand I am not saying that saving money is bad, because it is a good idea that leads to preventive measures, but on the other hand we must be more careful and look for alternatives that are truly a solution.
Saving money in a bank account or manually at home provides a sense of security, but the purchasing power of those savings may diminish due to inflation. Investment indeed offers a promising alternative to combat the effects of inflation and grow one's wealth over time. By allocating funds into various investment vehicles such as stocks, bonds, real estate, or mutual funds, individuals have the opportunity to earn returns that outpace inflation and increase their financial value.

Investment needs to be appraoched with caution and diligence, beucause it carries risks. If you want to invest, you need to conduct thorough research, seek advice from financial professionals, and diversify investments. These can help mitigate risks and maximize potential returns. By striking a balance between saving and investing wisely, individuals can better safeguard their financial future and achieve long-term financial stability.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Wakate on February 19, 2024, 04:31:17 PM
Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
If you talk about being thrifty, of course it is a sacred thing that every human being must do. Frugality is one method for success in life, wasteful is the source of trouble in the future, It is indeed a phenomenon that occurs in people's lives.

But if we talk about economics or saving and saving money, for me money cannot save us in the future, for example what happened to the people of Zimbabwe, Venezuela, money like rubbish there has no value, maybe saving and saving gold for me is a good opportunity to save us in the future, in my opinion gold is better than money in saving.
Those who has the habit of saving money would never lack, that is one thing we need to know and keep doing so that we didn't fall victim of becoming bankrupt without any preparation of whatever that will help us to stay safe and not become a victim of brokenness.There are many ways we can save our funds making sure that it is available whenever we needed it. We can decide to use the fund to invest in cryptocurrency buy buying good crypto projects and leaving it for it to grow so that we can make money from it. This is also a way for us to make money and not to spend money extravagantly.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: BABY SHOES on February 19, 2024, 04:41:39 PM
By saving it will be safe in the sense that when there is something mendeksa or needs that are needed because the money is ready that you save.

But if you make an investment -> it will increase your wealth or you can say rich starts from investment.

Back to the issue of saving and money that you talked about.

I know there are still many people who prioritize unnecessary items for the sake of momentary satisfaction just for their socialite while they will not think about how tomorrow because what is important now is enjoying tomorrow will be thought about again, so with this way of thinking it is clearly wrong because they have never learned how to manage money properly.

I don't recommend saving all your money, you should still set aside some for investment because here you will have a decent return rather than saving money which will eventually be affected by inflation.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Mpamaegbu on February 19, 2024, 05:53:48 PM
In some certain countries saving money in that country may cause you more harm because the value of the currency maybe depreciating everyday the money you are serving in the bank might continue to depreciate and they cannot afford something in future again for you depending the time you stuck your money in the bank so what I'm saying in essence is that instead of you to bank your money it is good or better for you to invest it into something else that will be giving you daily weekly and monthly return, so is better for we to ensure that we diversify our money to different business or investment that will give us return instead of keeping our money in a bank, it is obvious the bankers trade with our money without our permission.
Your comment hit close home. I feel you on that one. My suggestion to people in countries like that is for them to save their local currency in dollar or any other they know is relatively stronger than theirs (that's if they can) or save in stablecoin if they've knowledge of cryptos. That's the way to go about it. Then only convert to local currency and use when the need arises or exchange the dollar/coin directly for goods and services. Without this, the person trying to save in their local fiat will continue to be at a great loss.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: slashz9 on February 19, 2024, 07:00:02 PM
yes good advice to save but to achieve financial freedom or reach a higher level than that, we all know we have to invest, or create a business, otherwise we will be trapped forever in that condition, but because everyone's start is different, so in the beginning saving is not being a bad choice, it indicates the person can set aside his income.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Bd officer on February 20, 2024, 02:45:17 AM
Savings is very important in all of our lives. You may have a situation where you may lose your job if you are employed or your business may suffer if you are in business Now if you don't have savings then your life will become difficult to live. So thinking about the future we should save as much as we can afford. But currently inflation is increasing so it is better to keep investing in bitcoins if you can afford it then you can save by investing in gold silver or land.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: khiholangkang on February 20, 2024, 09:13:22 AM
Savings is very important in all of our lives. You may have a situation where you may lose your job if you are employed or your business may suffer if you are in business Now if you don't have savings then your life will become difficult to live. So thinking about the future we should save as much as we can afford. But currently inflation is increasing so it is better to keep investing in bitcoins if you can afford it then you can save by investing in gold silver or land.
Frugality and saving money are different things but in English they have the same sentence actually, but maybe what is meant is frugality, but I don't know what saving money actually means in the argument.

Saving as much as possible is certainly foolish, because inflation and bank interest will eat our money slowly, it's a fact that we often don't see, but can't be seen by people who don't understand the financial system. Judging from the investment that you suggested, in my opinion, for land itself it is difficult to sell when we need money quickly, it is better in crypto or gold so that it can be easily sold without having to negotiate prices and find buyers, and if today entering crypto is a very potential profit where we will face halving and the end of the bitcoin cycle.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: KiaKia on February 20, 2024, 10:19:08 AM
There are too many bad advice that people like sharing to other people, you should invest your money today is that you will save yourself tomorrow, savings won't safe you tomorrow, because the amount you saved is still the exact amount you save.

There was a time where people are advising people to start saving, now the currency of my country is losing value faster, not only are they getting the amount they saved, but the value isn't there anymore, it's a bigger loss for them.

It's good to save money, but depending on what the economy will look like tomorrow, your saved money might not help you in anyway that you thought it would, when you have income problem, don't solve with savings, find how you will have better income stream and instead of focusing on savings, it's better to start investing.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: |MINER| on February 20, 2024, 03:57:51 PM
Always be thrifty. Today you are fine, you have a job but can you guarantee that tomorrow there will be no calamity in your life? Don't say no.  We cannot tell what will happen in the future.  So we should always save money for future and then spend it. There is no harm if you keep the amount of money you spend in your daily life and deposit the rest immediately.  We all should save a certain amount of money. And this money must be deposited in a trusted place. You can deposit the fixed amount from your earned money in BTC, USDT.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on February 20, 2024, 04:21:43 PM
Saving can save you from hard circumstances and when you need money in emergency then you have not to worry about it and will not beg in front of others to handle the situations but you can freely use your saved amount. People do not understand the benefit of saving when they are young because they find everything they wants from their parents but when they grow up and manage their needs with their own salaries then they regret for their past.

I think young generation are spending more money on useless things as Compared to old generation because they either have no idea about saving or they are not using money of their efforts. So when they initiate using their own money then they will understand that how important saving of money is.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Marvelockg on February 20, 2024, 04:38:03 PM
It's not just about saving money, it's about saving it in the right form and way. If you save your money in fiat currency you are putting yourself in a serious disadvantage because fiat doesn't appreciate but in nost cases depreciate in it value. If you are currently doing a job that is paying you an amount that's above your daily expenses and you can afford to save some, don't just save it in the bank. Use it to purchase asset that's of value or better still invest it into something that will increase in value with time.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Lukmanfirdaus1 on February 20, 2024, 04:53:07 PM
yeppp, I agree with you about saving money, dividing it into several parts, saving and not spending on unnecessary needs. Steps like this can save us from poverty or at least can help during emergencies such as accidents, being fired or even pandemics like Covid-19 a few years ago. but it would be wise if you already have a lot of money in savings, don't save it in fiat, because your money will be eaten up by inflation, you can buy gold which has been proven to be reliable for centuries in fighting inflation.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: knowngunman on February 20, 2024, 04:55:50 PM
But will you keep saving when there's a better way for you to secure tomorrow which is by investing? Investing offers a better option to me than saving because in saving your money may be losing value due to inflation but when it comes to investing the money is building value against tomorrow. Do not save without investing. If you want to have things easier for you tomorrow then it is better to make sacrifices today to make good investments that will be profitable for tomorrow.

If you start investment at an early age you will be able to retire early when you're old.

This is the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the topic before even opening the thread but Op had a different opinion. I see it as unwise decision for someone to be saving their money when there are better opportunities out there that one can venture into with some reasonable capital. However, I realized that two things are the main reason why people are scared of investing their money. To some, it's the risk involved but I don't see that as an excuse. Taking no risk is the most riskiest and it's imperative for one to take risk if you want to be successful. Taking risk has just two result, either you succeed in it or you learn from it. Secondly, lack of knowledge is another reason why people are not investing. They see themselves as if they will not survive in investment due their lack of knowledge. No one was actually born a genius, you dedicate your mind and time to whatever you want to learn and you'll become pro with time.

Saving money is actually good but investing the money is the best thing to do at the moment. When you take a look at the influential people on earth, they are not people with huge money on their account but rather, they are people with high investment.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: killerfrost on February 20, 2024, 06:27:45 PM
It's not a question of "investing versus saving," but rather finding a healthy balance between the two. Both strategies play crucial roles in securing your financial future, but for different reasons.

Saving is your safety net, your financial airbag. It's the pool of money you can readily access for emergencies, unexpected bills, or short-term goals. Think of it as your peace of mind fund, knowing you have a buffer against life's curveballs. Investing, on the other hand, is about growing your wealth over time. It's like planting a seed – you put in your money, nurture it with research and patience, and reap the rewards in the future. It's a strategy for long-term goals like retirement or building wealth for your family.

The key is to strike a balance based on your individual needs and risk tolerance. A good rule of thumb is to build a solid emergency fund before venturing into significant investments. This way, you can weather unexpected storms without jeopardizing your long-term plans. Ultimately, it's not about choosing one over the other, but about combining saving and investing for a well-rounded financial strategy.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: tyz on February 20, 2024, 06:59:32 PM
Saving money alone cannot save us from the future's uncertainty but saving and investing as well will secure us a brighter future. While investing in gold can bring us a fortune, then the more that we can achieve financial freedom through saving and accumulating bitcoin.

Saving and investing is the key. Investing alone is not a guarantee of having a better live later. Investing is an art, apart from throwing your money into an S&P 500 ETF and hoping it will go up like it has over the last few decades.  People believe that because it was so easy to make money with the American index in the past, it will be easy in the future. But nobody knows what the future looks like. It may be that only special investments will really make money in the future.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: acener on February 20, 2024, 09:25:01 PM
Instead of saving why not invest it, saving money doesn't give you profit and the value would decrease as the cost of living is constantly increasing.
What I am doing is I am holding or saving for a month and at the end of each month the money that I've save would be put into investment or I would use it to buy crypto and hold or stake it.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: MissNonFall9 on February 26, 2024, 09:50:31 AM
In today's competitive market and rising commodity prices, there is no alternative to saving money. Because we don't know where it ends. Since none of us have a firm idea of ​​the consequences, we should save some of our income and focus on moderate spending. Because I have seen and seen how the rise in commodity prices is accelerating day by day.
What I am doing myself is saving some part of my income without thinking about the expenses in advance. Because if I think about buying first I find I don't get any surplus money for savings. Yes but if I save before spending then I can handle the expenses with the amount of money I have. But it's just that while maintaining house expenses, I have to cut some expenses that are necessary but will not affect me even if I don't.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on February 26, 2024, 10:25:23 AM
I wasn't really a saving type, but lately looking at the current situation of things in my country, how costly things have gotten, once money enters your account or wallet, you'll be suprised of how you won't be sure of how it vanished, not to talk of having a tangible reason of what you did with the money. So recently looking at how people cry for money and personally looking at how I needed money I decided to start splitting the little allowance I get, saving one part and using the other, I won’t really say that it has made me a billionaire or that I no longer lack money but at least I have cash somewhere that I could call my own and fall back to in cause of emergency.
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.

           -   All people know that saving money is a good thing, but that's why the majority of them don't do it because the reason for the majority is that they don't have a large salary; rather, they say it's not enough. These are their reasons, most of the time.

But there are others who, even though their salary is small, are able to save money, while others have a large salary but are not able to save money. That means it is a matter of determination and willingness to do it, right? There are others who earn a lot but don't know how to manage their money.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: fadhilz123 on February 26, 2024, 10:39:23 AM
Instead of saving why not invest it, saving money doesn't give you profit and the value would decrease as the cost of living is constantly increasing.
What I am doing is I am holding or saving for a month and at the end of each month the money that I've save would be put into investment or I would use it to buy crypto and hold or stake it.

Money that is saved every month and ultimately used for investments or other work is an important part of earning more money through this. Because money that is just sitting around will clearly not produce anything other than the money itself, the value of which can even decrease when the cost of living starts to increase every month. So it is indeed the best option for anyone to use their money in work that they love and are good at, such as Bitcoin investment and also in more profitable businesses so that we can continue to make more money every month.

I think this is not only about how to save or save, but also about how each person knows how to use and use money for things that are more important and more profitable for themselves every month. Because we all know that money saved at home or in the bank will not get better or make more money unless we take that money and use it as capital to attract more money through business and other jobs such as investing in the best crypto assets.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: GigaBit on February 26, 2024, 01:02:48 PM
To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.
There is no substitute for savings when it comes to living a healthy and secure life. People who don't save I think don't have a specific goal either. Even a poor man should have tendency to save. My today's situation will not be the same for tomorrow. So I have to act accordingly today for tomorrow's security. Moreover, human performance also decreases with age. So we should have a saving attitude in advance for how we can survive in the future days.

Those who have the attitude of saving they can do it. But saving money is definitely difficult for some people especially who don't know about the importance of saving. An earner should commit to savings even if it is small. The amount of savings may be very small but if one can save that money will turn into an asset after a certain period of time.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Humblevirus on February 26, 2024, 03:03:50 PM

    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.

In the current economic climate, it can be challenging to manage finances, but it's crucial to seize opportunities to save whenever possible. Saving isn't just about preparing for emergencies; it's also about securing your future. As we age, our energy levels decrease, making it harder to earn money through work. Therefore, it's essential for young people to start saving now to alleviate potential financial struggles in old age when they may no longer have the capacity to work.

By planning and setting aside money early on, they can build a financial cushion that will support them during retirement when they may be unable to actively seek employment. Thus, embracing a habit of saving today can significantly mitigate the hardships that may arise in the distant future, ensuring a more secure and comfortable retirement.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: terrific on February 26, 2024, 03:48:34 PM
Instead of saving why not invest it, saving money doesn't give you profit and the value would decrease as the cost of living is constantly increasing.
It is because there are people that can't take to invest. They're okay with deposits and savings but they can also earn a bit of interest from that. Not that much but it's still a return for them and their purpose is just to save.

What I am doing is I am holding or saving for a month and at the end of each month the money that I've save would be put into investment or I would use it to buy crypto and hold or stake it.
We've got different style of how we're going to use and keep our money and if this is the approach that works for you and most of us, we'll just continually going to do that because we know how effective it is. And those people that are scared of taking risk, they don't have to dive in with two feet on it, just try and see how it works and if it will work for them.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: tbterryboy on February 26, 2024, 04:44:31 PM
Saving money alone cannot save us from the future's uncertainty but saving and investing as well will secure us a brighter future. While investing in gold can bring us a fortune, then the more that we can achieve financial freedom through saving and accumulating bitcoin.

However, saving gold is always the traditional form of investment and will never be underrated. But since we are now in the world of technology and innovation, saving bitcoin could perfectly suit the demands of our future.
I think you are right, and that is because the value of money can decay overtime, and this is why like you said we also need to have an investment because it acts as a counter to the inflation. We only need to choose our assets wisely as some are still poor in quality and only just a scam.

Anyway, Both Gold and BTC can bring us a fortune which can also equates to being financially free, but it's just that BTC is only known to be a decentralized currency and the title of financial freedom is its tag line. BTC is more techy than Gold but I heard there is also digital gold now? And they might be back by a real gold. For me, both assets are still important because each has their own pros and cons.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: erep on February 26, 2024, 06:02:56 PM
Anyway, Both Gold and BTC can bring us a fortune which can also equates to being financially free, but it's just that BTC is only known to be a decentralized currency and the title of financial freedom is its tag line. BTC is more techy than Gold but I heard there is also digital gold now? And they might be back by a real gold. For me, both assets are still important because each has their own pros and cons.
Both types of investment need to be added in asset diversification mode to stabilize asset values if one asset experiences a loss, we can also add other assets including real estate, shares, land and others. Don't place on one asset as we are advised to have at least 2 different assets, however gold and BTC are the perfect combination for long term assets.

The situation of fiat is increasingly worrying due to the impact of global finance, the value of fiat is getting lower but the prices of goods and services are increasing greatly, so prepare yourself to choose assets that you think have the potential for future profits.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: boty on February 26, 2024, 06:12:07 PM
Both types of investment need to be added in asset diversification mode to stabilize asset values if one asset experiences a loss, we can also add other assets including real estate, shares, land and others. Don't place on one asset as we are advised to have at least 2 different assets, however gold and BTC are the perfect combination for long term assets.

The situation of fiat is increasingly worrying due to the impact of global finance, the value of fiat is getting lower but the prices of goods and services are increasing greatly, so prepare yourself to choose assets that you think have the potential for future profits.
If we have several types of investments that we make, of course this will be very good for our future, because this will make it easier for us to meet our needs in the future and if we don't have investments for the future, of course this will be very makes things difficult for us and we have to try our best to be able to meet the needs needed in the future.
So it would be very good to save and use the income we have well so that we can invest for our future.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: MarjorieZimmermanGinger on February 26, 2024, 08:02:47 PM
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.
I prefer to save a small percentage and much prefer to invest in assets that maintain value. Saving is not productive because money cannot produce income and instead money can depreciate over time. Even so, savings are very important because when we suddenly need them there is no need to sell the assets we have. Spending on something that is much more important and not prioritizing spending money on needs that are not urgent because this is the only way that can be done.

If we only rely on savings, it is not certain that we will be able to save ourselves in the long term amidst increasingly bad economic conditions because the price of goods continues to rise while money always depreciates. It is better to place money that is much more productive by buying several assets that have the power to maintain value. At least this can provide benefits in the future and we can take advantage of the investments we make.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Miles2006 on February 26, 2024, 09:06:36 PM
I prefer you say invest in a value asset cause this is the best way to store wealth, investing and saving should work together but you should determine the choice you want like where will you like to store your wealth or rather save your money, you can take time to carefully observe the asset that might likely gain value within 2_3 years and invest. Saving your money in the bank sounds outdated in my opinion cause it has no value attached, a lot of individual choosing fiat is just a matter of ignorance and if going for an asset or investment you'll definitely have the mindset of earning extra profit as time goes on. Don't just save your money because others are saving too, save with the right motive and make right decision when saving.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: icalical on February 27, 2024, 03:47:06 AM
I agree that emergency fund is important, and everyone should aware of that, but only relying on saving is not a good thing too. Our money will be eroded by inflation, so we might have the same amount of money that we have today for tomorrow, but the value will not. So, other than saving for emergency fund, put some money in investment like crypto or stock is also a good idea. Tho we would still need to have emergency fund in case we need quick cash.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: reagansimms on February 27, 2024, 05:20:33 AM
If measured by the benefits of saving, you have done something that can make things easier for you in the future, by saving you will also be free from debt, but it needs to be underlined, saving will not make you rich. Managing finances is very important in order to achieve financial success in the future. There are two ways you can achieve better financial goals, you can choose between saving or investing.
Instead of setting aside some of your money for savings, I prefer investing because it has the potential to provide higher returns. Investment is also a way to protect wealth assets so that their value is not eroded by inflation.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Dr.Osh on February 27, 2024, 07:13:19 AM
I agree that emergency fund is important, and everyone should aware of that, but only relying on saving is not a good thing too. Our money will be eroded by inflation, so we might have the same amount of money that we have today for tomorrow, but the value will not. So, other than saving for emergency fund, put some money in investment like crypto or stock is also a good idea. Tho we would still need to have emergency fund in case we need quick cash.
Well, that's why we need to pay more attention to what we invest than what we save. we need savings to meet the emergency needs we have. Without savings, all the investments we have could be at risk.
Even though saving is something that needs to be considered, I think it's a good idea to do that while investing. Investment is an important thing. In fact, I think that when we have 100% of our money, 70% is for investment purposes, and 30% is for savings. it's better than to focus on one of them. That way, we have reserve funds or savings, and also investments that can give us profits every month or year.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Mahanton on February 27, 2024, 08:02:21 AM
I wasn't really a saving type, but lately looking at the current situation of things in my country, how costly things have gotten, once money enters your account or wallet, you'll be suprised of how you won't be sure of how it vanished, not to talk of having a tangible reason of what you did with the money. So recently looking at how people cry for money and personally looking at how I needed money I decided to start splitting the little allowance I get, saving one part and using the other, I won’t really say that it has made me a billionaire or that I no longer lack money but at least I have cash somewhere that I could call my own and fall back to in cause of emergency.
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.

           -   All people know that saving money is a good thing, but that's why the majority of them don't do it because the reason for the majority is that they don't have a large salary; rather, they say it's not enough. These are their reasons, most of the time.

But there are others who, even though their salary is small, are able to save money, while others have a large salary but are not able to save money. That means it is a matter of determination and willingness to do it, right? There are others who earn a lot but don't know how to manage their money.
Yes, it is really that too easy to say about saving up but in todays reality on day to day living on which it is already that a huge challenge for us and  this is something that not all people would really be capable on doing such thing on which we know that there are ones who do have huge salaries and there are ones which is really just that ample or just that exact into their daily needs thats why they cant be able to save up.
I could attest this to myself when i was still that a worker or having a day job on which the salary isnt really that big for you to boast of and would really be having those thoughts that it is really not that enough.
Yes, you do really like on having that savings but we do know that we cant really be able to do so because of such condition.

This is why it would really be that so wrong that we do blame out other people just because they cant be able to save up. We dont know on whats their situation and this is why
it is really that something that better to leave them alone since we do have our own struggles in life and the solutions that we are seeking into.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: cryptoWODL on February 27, 2024, 09:33:13 AM
We all need to have savings for the future. We all need to have an emergency fund because we have no idea when our financial problems will occur. If we follow some rules in our life then maybe we will be able to save our money.

We need to set specific goals: we need to plan our spending levels from the amount of money we earn and even spend accordingly and motivate ourselves to increase savings. This is how we can gradually reach our ultimate goal faster.
Avoid unnecessary expenses: We are often forced to spend unnecessarily on our friends and family. We need to stop this unnecessary spending to keep our goals in life. So we all should be frugal and stop unnecessary expenses.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Minor Miner on February 27, 2024, 10:04:15 AM
I wasn't really a saving type, but lately looking at the current situation of things in my country, how costly things have gotten, once money enters your account or wallet, you'll be suprised of how you won't be sure of how it vanished, not to talk of having a tangible reason of what you did with the money. So recently looking at how people cry for money and personally looking at how I needed money I decided to start splitting the little allowance I get, saving one part and using the other, I won’t really say that it has made me a billionaire or that I no longer lack money but at least I have cash somewhere that I could call my own and fall back to in cause of emergency.
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.

           -   All people know that saving money is a good thing, but that's why the majority of them don't do it because the reason for the majority is that they don't have a large salary; rather, they say it's not enough. These are their reasons, most of the time.

But there are others who, even though their salary is small, are able to save money, while others have a large salary but are not able to save money. That means it is a matter of determination and willingness to do it, right? There are others who earn a lot but don't know how to manage their money.
Yes, it is really that too easy to say about saving up but in todays reality on day to day living on which it is already that a huge challenge for us and  this is something that not all people would really be capable on doing such thing on which we know that there are ones who do have huge salaries and there are ones which is really just that ample or just that exact into their daily needs thats why they cant be able to save up.
I could attest this to myself when i was still that a worker or having a day job on which the salary isnt really that big for you to boast of and would really be having those thoughts that it is really not that enough.
Yes, you do really like on having that savings but we do know that we cant really be able to do so because of such condition.

This is why it would really be that so wrong that we do blame out other people just because they cant be able to save up. We dont know on whats their situation and this is why
it is really that something that better to leave them alone since we do have our own struggles in life and the solutions that we are seeking into.

There may be people with low income who have difficulty saving, but I believe that if they are determined enough, they can still save a little. Just like some people here they say they can't save but they have money to gamble online or they have money to invest in bitcoin. But when it comes to saving, they always give dozens of reasons because they simply want to find a way out of poverty by investing. But they don't know that saving for emergencies is much more important than making high-risk investments.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on February 27, 2024, 05:12:58 PM
If measured by the benefits of saving, you have done something that can make things easier for you in the future, by saving you will also be free from debt, but it needs to be underlined, saving will not make you rich. Managing finances is very important in order to achieve financial success in the future. There are two ways you can achieve better financial goals, you can choose between saving or investing.
Instead of setting aside some of your money for savings, I prefer investing because it has the potential to provide higher returns. Investment is also a way to protect wealth assets so that their value is not eroded by inflation.

Saving will not make you rich but it is a fact that in the situations of emergency you will need it more and you will have saved amount to use it to handle the situations. Saving is not possible to do at once but if you save amount on monthly basis or weekly basis depends on your salary then it will become Easy for you and will not be burden upon you.

Investment is needed when one needs to enhance the value of his money but I think investment amount cannot be taken out during emergency while Saving amount is in your hand and you can use at anytime for anything. Divide your Saving into two part one for investment and another for Saving so this will be better in case of emergency situations as well as to enhance money worth.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Cookdata on February 27, 2024, 10:09:27 PM
To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.

I think the subject should be invest some money today, so your investment would save you tomorrow. Everyone obviously need investment and if you have the opportunity to do, take advantage of it because it's now easier to make first million but not many people knows how to adhere to that status for long, they make the money and then blow it like it's nothing and when they try to make another one again, the luck don't come to their side again and after that one finish, they blame their self later for wrong move and it's already late.

To avoid had I know, better do when you have the means. There are time for everything, just because you made enough money doesn't mean you should go get a car and just because you want to buy a care doesn't mean you should get a car that you can't maintain, these are the problems we don't discuss enough because a lot of young lads has been mislead by the society lifestyles and peer pressure.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: eightdots on February 27, 2024, 10:34:13 PM
To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.

I think the subject should be invest some money today, so your investment would save you tomorrow. Everyone obviously need investment and if you have the opportunity to do, take advantage of it because it's now easier to make first million but not many people knows how to adhere to that status for long, they make the money and then blow it like it's nothing and when they try to make another one again, the luck don't come to their side again and after that one finish, they blame their self later for wrong move and it's already late.

To avoid had I know, better do when you have the means. There are time for everything, just because you made enough money doesn't mean you should go get a car and just because you want to buy a care doesn't mean you should get a car that you can't maintain, these are the problems we don't discuss enough because a lot of young lads has been mislead by the society lifestyles and peer pressure.

Investing is becoming a necessity. The deterioration of economies and the depreciation of local currencies push people more to invest.

Avoiding unnecessary expenses and deciding to save is a good start. A person's desires and needs are endless, and if a person does not limit himself in unnecessary needs, he cannot save. In order for a person to decide on this issue and start saving, he/she must first know how to classify his/her needs. When most people buy something they don't need, they feel like they are buying something they need, and they make the mistake of buying something they don't need.

Just because people around you are buying things or spending money doesn't mean you should too. Everyone manages their own budget. Deciding to save is the first step to take. People who make this decision usually realize that they made the right decision when they look at their savings after a while.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: bitterguy28 on February 27, 2024, 10:42:59 PM
once money enters your account or wallet, you'll be suprised of how you won't be sure of how it vanished, not to talk of having a tangible reason of what you did with the money.
totally agreed there were times wherein i found myself confused where this and that money went? even with quite a big amount of money is spent in just a few days and it will have you thinking whether you’re just a irresponsible spender or the prices of goods nowadays are just too expensive?

    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.

another good point thankfully i have not yet found myself in a predicament wherein i have literally nothing at all i suggest you have money saved and money in case of emergency that is always on you and you shall never spend this unless it is important and you need to call someone or get to somewhere

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Distinctin on February 27, 2024, 10:59:21 PM
We all need to have savings for the future. We all need to have an emergency fund because we have no idea when our financial problems will occur. If we follow some rules in our life then maybe we will be able to save our money.

We need to set specific goals: we need to plan our spending levels from the amount of money we earn and even spend accordingly and motivate ourselves to increase savings. This is how we can gradually reach our ultimate goal faster.
Avoid unnecessary expenses: We are often forced to spend unnecessarily on our friends and family. We need to stop this unnecessary spending to keep our goals in life. So we all should be frugal and stop unnecessary expenses.
Saving is always necessary. You don’t know what your future holds so always be ready whatever circumstances that will try to attack you. With sufficient amount of savings, you can always find time to invest for long term without being pressured on how long this investment will go far before you are going to gain profits from it. Saving alone will not save you as inflation will certainly affect the future amount of you savings, but if you are more than knowledgeable and capable to invest most likely on higher risk like bitcoin, I’m sure you will have the highest benefits and profits from your bitcoin investment.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Mame89 on February 28, 2024, 04:09:29 AM
We all need to have savings for the future. We all need to have an emergency fund because we have no idea when our financial problems will occur. If we follow some rules in our life then maybe we will be able to save our money.

We need to set specific goals: we need to plan our spending levels from the amount of money we earn and even spend accordingly and motivate ourselves to increase savings. This is how we can gradually reach our ultimate goal faster.
Avoid unnecessary expenses: We are often forced to spend unnecessarily on our friends and family. We need to stop this unnecessary spending to keep our goals in life. So we all should be frugal and stop unnecessary expenses.
Saving is always necessary. You don’t know what your future holds so always be ready whatever circumstances that will try to attack you. With sufficient amount of savings, you can always find time to invest for long term without being pressured on how long this investment will go far before you are going to gain profits from it. Saving alone will not save you as inflation will certainly affect the future amount of you savings, but if you are more than knowledgeable and capable to invest most likely on higher risk like bitcoin, I’m sure you will have the highest benefits and profits from your bitcoin investment.
Yes, exactly. When you are young and have a job, saving and investing are things that must be done to save us in the future because in the future we don't know what will happen. Always try to save, invest in property, and invest in Bitcoin. So that in old age we will only reap the results of what we are doing now, in essence we need to do these two things and we need to master them. Saving will not protect us from inflation, but saving is also needed as an emergency fund.

The key word is not how much money you need to make, but how much money you need to spend. So you can always save and invest. Especially if we are still young, of course we are still healthy and have a long future, make the best use of our time, don't regret it when we are old.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: justdimin on February 28, 2024, 08:39:32 AM
There may be people with low income who have difficulty saving, but I believe that if they are determined enough, they can still save a little. Just like some people here they say they can't save but they have money to gamble online or they have money to invest in bitcoin. But when it comes to saving, they always give dozens of reasons because they simply want to find a way out of poverty by investing. But they don't know that saving for emergencies is much more important than making high-risk investments.
I do not think so, these days the people who have nearly no money are not people who can save, they are literally making debt to just survive, so the idea of saving to make some money doesn't really come easy for them, it is not that possible at all. We should consider the economy we are in as something that requires drastic change in your life to get enough money, like starting a business maybe or something else.

When I say starting a business many think that I mean like a shop, you rent, you hire employee maybe, you get inventory and many other costs. I do not mean that, just start a website, even something as common and as saturated as a news/blog website, write there 2-3 times a day, for 2-3 years, and eventually it will have enough traffic to sell and make you money.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: arwin100 on February 28, 2024, 11:46:29 AM
We all need to have savings for the future. We all need to have an emergency fund because we have no idea when our financial problems will occur. If we follow some rules in our life then maybe we will be able to save our money.

We need to set specific goals: we need to plan our spending levels from the amount of money we earn and even spend accordingly and motivate ourselves to increase savings. This is how we can gradually reach our ultimate goal faster.
Avoid unnecessary expenses: We are often forced to spend unnecessarily on our friends and family. We need to stop this unnecessary spending to keep our goals in life. So we all should be frugal and stop unnecessary expenses.
Saving is always necessary. You don’t know what your future holds so always be ready whatever circumstances that will try to attack you. With sufficient amount of savings, you can always find time to invest for long term without being pressured on how long this investment will go far before you are going to gain profits from it. Saving alone will not save you as inflation will certainly affect the future amount of you savings, but if you are more than knowledgeable and capable to invest most likely on higher risk like bitcoin, I’m sure you will have the highest benefits and profits from your bitcoin investment.

Saving is really necessary since its important for people to have back up funds so whatever emergency cases that they are going thru they have money to spend and will not get broke by taking loans anywhere. But we also need to consider some situation that saving is not enough especially if we are relying on single source of income since everyone will fall once our main source to get money will gone. That's why as early as we can we should take action to grow or multiply our savings so that there's bright future ahead of us. Lucky for us to know bitcoin since we have good choice to invest and there are lot of other more in crypto that can potentially give us decent profit if we are careful dealing with good investment choices.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: hyudien on February 28, 2024, 06:01:36 PM
once money enters your account or wallet, you'll be suprised of how you won't be sure of how it vanished, not to talk of having a tangible reason of what you did with the money.
totally agreed there were times wherein i found myself confused where this and that money went? even with quite a big amount of money is spent in just a few days and it will have you thinking whether you’re just a irresponsible spender or the prices of goods nowadays are just too expensive?

I think that most people cannot manage their money when they have a large enough amount of money and it runs out somewhere in my opinion because they only think about what they want to buy instead of what is needed, because what they want themselves will definitely be bought when we have money but don't consider it well in advance, in contrast to buying what is needed, sometimes buying equipment or items that are needed is still being considered even though it is clearly what is needed, maybe this happens because a sense of desire overcomes a sense of need. Where many people have problems with their finances because they cannot manage their finances properly. Only some people can manage their finances well and think about their needs and put aside their desires in buying goods, I mean they only prioritize needs not desires.
This in my opinion mostly happens to young people who are already working, most of the horses who have worked they are because they have goals such as wanting to have a motorcycle, a gadget that is trending or others, and when they already have what they want they stop working, it is not wrong, this is good because they are trying to get what they want with their own efforts. But in my opinion, if we already have a job, we should be able to utilize it in the long term not only until our goals are achieved in owning an item, we must be able to see the future that must be prepared early on, but this is still widely ignored among young people, my advice is that when you are young, please work hard and save for the future, someday we will have our own responsibilities such as our own family.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: stomachgrowls on February 28, 2024, 07:15:40 PM
We all need to have savings for the future. We all need to have an emergency fund because we have no idea when our financial problems will occur. If we follow some rules in our life then maybe we will be able to save our money.

We need to set specific goals: we need to plan our spending levels from the amount of money we earn and even spend accordingly and motivate ourselves to increase savings. This is how we can gradually reach our ultimate goal faster.
Avoid unnecessary expenses: We are often forced to spend unnecessarily on our friends and family. We need to stop this unnecessary spending to keep our goals in life. So we all should be frugal and stop unnecessary expenses.
Saving is always necessary. You don’t know what your future holds so always be ready whatever circumstances that will try to attack you. With sufficient amount of savings, you can always find time to invest for long term without being pressured on how long this investment will go far before you are going to gain profits from it. Saving alone will not save you as inflation will certainly affect the future amount of you savings, but if you are more than knowledgeable and capable to invest most likely on higher risk like bitcoin, I’m sure you will have the highest benefits and profits from your bitcoin investment.

Saving is really necessary since its important for people to have back up funds so whatever emergency cases that they are going thru they have money to spend and will not get broke by taking loans anywhere. But we also need to consider some situation that saving is not enough especially if we are relying on single source of income since everyone will fall once our main source to get money will gone. That's why as early as we can we should take action to grow or multiply our savings so that there's bright future ahead of us. Lucky for us to know bitcoin since we have good choice to invest and there are lot of other more in crypto that can potentially give us decent profit if we are careful dealing with good investment choices.
Emergencies and problems in life isnt something that you could be able to know and there's no such thing about assurance that it wont really be happening on you. You would really be only finding the relevance of savings
on the time that you are on such situation or hard moments into your life. You would really be finding only its relevance on the time that you are experiencing some issues or problems on which it is really something that you could really be able to avoid if you have just that mindful about into this aspect and not really just that making yourself having no care about saving up just because you've thought that this isnt something
that could happen into your life.

Savings would really be always relevant on which it isnt really just that for the sake of emergency but also you could really be able to make use of those funds if ever you have plans on having some
investment or having some business on which you could really be able to make yourself venture into those stuffs and since you do have that financial capacity
then you wont really be having no issues when it comes to money.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: kawetsriyanto on February 28, 2024, 09:26:55 PM
Saving is always necessary. You don’t know what your future holds so always be ready whatever circumstances that will try to attack you. With sufficient amount of savings, you can always find time to invest for long term without being pressured on how long this investment will go far before you are going to gain profits from it. Saving alone will not save you as inflation will certainly affect the future amount of you savings, but if you are more than knowledgeable and capable to invest most likely on higher risk like bitcoin, I’m sure you will have the highest benefits and profits from your bitcoin investment.
Indeed. Saving is an important part in our life. I'm sure everyone wants to allocate their money for saving. But the amount of money for saving must be different among us. It depends on the monthly income and the priority for the money. When we have other priority for the money, the amount of money for saving should be decreasing a bit. For example when you need to pay an urgent need, you must prioritize it firstly. Also, the amount of monthly income must be determined the allocation for saving.

Yep. It is a good idea to have investment besides having the saving money. Saving won't increase the amount of money, but investment can multiply the amount of money. In my life, I also invest in real things (gold, lands, real estate) and digital matters such as Bitcoin and altcoins. I sometimes take the money from my savings a bit if it is necessary. I think it is no problem as long as we invest in something quite secure for he future.  :)

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: sulendra12 on February 28, 2024, 10:58:06 PM
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.
It's always a good idea to save your spare money. Who knows you might need that money for future or even emergency funds. Having a list of what to spend and have a good expense would really beneficial especially when you are young, the consumptive behavior is slowly killing Gen Z people and if you are not into that then you should invest into gold or crypto and save your money for your future although be aware of the risk.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: MFahad on February 29, 2024, 12:55:51 AM
Lucky for us to know bitcoin since we have good choice to invest and there are lot of other more in crypto that can potentially give us decent profit if we are careful dealing with good investment choices.

I don't recommend investing your savings in Bitcoin or anything that tends to provide profit but also loss in situations where you might need your funds but the price of the asset is lower than when you have bought it. Let's say, you have $10,000 in savings, you invest your savings in Bitcoin when it's price is $30k. Unfortunately, after your investment, Bitcoin's price drops to $15k, it loses 50% value, and so does your investment. Now, we know that it usually recovers in the long run, but what if you need your savings when the price is still lower than $30k? If you sell, you will be at a huge loss.
This is why, it's always recommended that you keep your savings separate and have another funding account for your investments.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Sarah_Jannat42 on February 29, 2024, 01:23:29 AM
There are two lines of popular poetry in our country which are- "Tiny grains of sand dot the water make the continent-ocean deep." That is, no matter how small the particles are and how small the water drops are, the accumulated part of them takes a large size.
The present world market situation and standard of living are increasing day by day. If the market system continues like this, we may face a crisis shortly. So to survive this uncertain recession economy we should start saving today and we should stay away from unnecessary and luxury spending. Remember today's savings will become a buffer against future economic downturns.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: oktana on February 29, 2024, 11:52:43 PM
I’d say; avoid spending that isn’t on something you need, invest as much money in as much places as possible, and save money just about the amount you need. One of the mistakes people make is saving too much money when you are supposed to invest the most part of it and save some for just emergency. While that is something to consider, the generation today doesn’t even think that deep on either saving or investing. Most youthful people are wasting their money and time doing things that would never benefit them.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: puloweh555 on March 01, 2024, 09:31:06 AM
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.
It's always a good idea to save your spare money. Who knows you might need that money for future or even emergency funds. Having a list of what to spend and have a good expense would really beneficial especially when you are young, the consumptive behavior is slowly killing Gen Z people and if you are not into that then you should invest into gold or crypto and save your money for your future although be aware of the risk.
The idea of saving is good for our finances in the future but don't just focus on saving and saving, focus on making more money. Logically, we might be able to save money until we don't engage in consumptive behavior, but if the money we earn is only that much, when there is a very important need, we end up using the money we saved from saving. In contrast to people who find it easier to earn a lot of money, apart from being able to meet their needs, they can also save and invest.

So in essence, it is very important that when we are young and healthy, we have to look for lots of opportunities to increase our income so that the income we earn can be allocated to saving and investing. Because investing will bring financial freedom in the future, while saving does not change anything, especially if we save in the bank our money will decrease in value due to inflation.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: angrybirdy on March 01, 2024, 10:18:25 AM
I’d say; avoid spending that isn’t on something you need, invest as much money in as much places as possible, and save money just about the amount you need. One of the mistakes people make is saving too much money when you are supposed to invest the most part of it and save some for just emergency. While that is something to consider, the generation today doesn’t even think that deep on either saving or investing. Most youthful people are wasting their money and time doing things that would never benefit them.

That's my mantra for this year, I told myself that I would pay more attention to investing in different things than accumulating or piling my money in savings accounts. if I invest my money, it is still possible to make a profit if I handle it properly, unlike money in the bank that only receives very little interest annually,
just like you said, this is one of the wrong things people do but we can't blame them because not everyone has extra money to invest, because they don't even have savings.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: dezoel on March 01, 2024, 10:34:02 AM
I agree that emergency fund is important, and everyone should aware of that, but only relying on saving is not a good thing too. Our money will be eroded by inflation, so we might have the same amount of money that we have today for tomorrow, but the value will not. So, other than saving for emergency fund, put some money in investment like crypto or stock is also a good idea. Tho we would still need to have emergency fund in case we need quick cash.
Money that you save for emergencies cannot be used for investments or anything because you need it readily available at all times, after all, they are supposed to be used for emergencies and emergencies don't knock before they arrive which means that you need funds available at all times in case there is an emergency.

If you invest that money somewhere like maybe in Bitcoin, and if Bitcoin's price goes down, your money lose value and then you face an emergency, what would you do? You can't sell your Bitcoins because if you do so, you will lose money, and in such a situation, you will be compelled to borrow money from somewhere for the emergency. That's why, one should have a different account for emergency funds and one account for investment and savings funds.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Bobrox on March 01, 2024, 11:49:08 AM
I don't know which one is trues about save money today would save you tomorrow or spent as much your money having because life is once time only, if prepare for saving money only without enjoying what have achieved I scared with how many people working hard in their life but can't take advantage from their money by priority saving only. Its right when saving money will help us tomorrow but we don't know still a life or not on tomorrow day and we have the only one opportunity for enjoying our life.
In my environment have some one with saving money priority in their life spend every day working hard, but can't enjoying with how much achieving he was pass away and leaves much saving money without enjoying yet. Need balance between how much money for saving and enjoying for our life if won't loss opportunity to enjoy what have to achieved.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Youngkhngdiddy on March 01, 2024, 12:02:37 PM
That's the main idea of saving money. Spend less today so you can spend more tomorrow. That's why people make investments. Spending usually means buying stuff which don't generate any cash flow or capital increase and most of the time, they generate negative cash flow.

-You may go to a fancy restaurant, at the end of the day you only spent a hundred bucks for a good meal. The good news is, you only pay when you eat. That was just an expensive purchase. No cash flow.

-If you buy a fancy car on the other hand, you will be paying for its maintenance and it will cost a lot. It won't be a one time fee too. That's called a liability. It generates a negative cash flow.

-If you buy a real estate and rent it out on the other hand, you will collect payment every month. That's called an asset. It generates a positive cash flow.

Which one of these is the smartest purchase financially?

a- An expensive meal
b- A luxury car
c- A real estate
d- None of them
e- All of them
    If I’m to get the question right you ask which of the above is the smartest to purchase, well since you said smartest, I will go for the option C which is the Real Estate. As we all know that going into real estate is a good way of doing business. I don’t think there’s no billionaires or millionaires who are not into the real estate business. Real estate is a fix assets that appreciate  in the long run. Having an expensive meal is not an investment the only investment you doing is to your body and to the owner of the restaurant. So in my own opinion I don’t see going out to any expensive restaurant as an investment so should be place in contest with real estate. Although they are some luxury cars that are worth investing on, even though you might no be lucky to get the exact amount you bought it, reselling it might give you a significant amount. Unless you’re fortunate to get one of the rare and limited editions of some cars you can place on auction.
    Nonetheless, one need to make smart choices when dealing with money, becomes money stays in the hands of people that can handle it, very hard to make and easy to waste. In all your options, real estate is the smartest purchase, though you will have to wait for a certain period of time to yield the returns of the investment.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: CageMabok on March 01, 2024, 12:14:23 PM
It's always a good idea to save your spare money. Who knows you might need that money for future or even emergency funds. Having a list of what to spend and have a good expense would really beneficial especially when you are young, the consumptive behavior is slowly killing Gen Z people and if you are not into that then you should invest into gold or crypto and save your money for your future although be aware of the risk.

Generation Z should be able to realize this from now on so that their future can be brighter even though they have to continue to work hard at this time through some of the things you have mentioned. Because investing in crypto and gold and trying to save money for emergency savings and long-term business capital, will definitely make your future brighter.

Especially in difficult conditions like now, everyone and any generation should really realize that planning for the future must start from now before they all face even more difficult things in the future. Another small example at this time is that the difficulty of finding work for most people is still very visible so that everyone is expected to be able to create new opportunities and take advantage of every opportunity that exists in order to make money in their own lives.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Negotiation on March 01, 2024, 12:57:41 PM
There are two lines of popular poetry in our country which are- "Tiny grains of sand dot the water make the continent-ocean deep." That is, no matter how small the particles are and how small the water drops are, the accumulated part of them takes a large size.
The present world market situation and standard of living are increasing day by day. If the market system continues like this, we may face a crisis shortly. So to survive this uncertain recession economy we should start saving today and we should stay away from unnecessary and luxury spending. Remember today's savings will become a buffer against future economic downturns.
There is no end to uncertainty in our lives any unexpected event can happen at any moment. Planning ahead for these unexpected expenses is good for the future but the biggest obstacle to saving money now is current needs. All the time it seems let this problem be over I will save money from then on if you want to save put that thought aside and start with the problem. Do not accumulate a large amount at once but in small amounts.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Bitco55 on March 01, 2024, 04:21:56 PM
I wasn't really a saving type, but lately looking at the current situation of things in my country, how costly things have gotten, once money enters your account or wallet, you'll be suprised of how you won't be sure of how it vanished, not to talk of having a tangible reason of what you did with the money. So recently looking at how people cry for money and personally looking at how I needed money I decided to start splitting the little allowance I get, saving one part and using the other, I won’t really say that it has made me a billionaire or that I no longer lack money but at least I have cash somewhere that I could call my own and fall back to in cause of emergency.
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.

Honestly, I'm not gonna lie, it is very difficult to save money, especially in a bad economy. You aid it yourself OP, you don't even understand how your money finishes on expenses and bills you have to pay... Imagine adding saving to the list. It's going to be extremely difficult.

But, I don't think it was meant to be easy right? Get a side hustle, an extra job where money earned there would be totally ( or partially) saved. Reducing costs in order to save money only works for people who at least have a little bit of comfort in their earnings. You can't earn 10 dollars and save expecting even $9 to do you good for a while. That's of course, unless you still live under your parent's roof. You can even decide to save all.

So, more savings isn't always the solution, but more earning sure is the solution.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Dunamisx on March 01, 2024, 04:35:47 PM
If you're to save money today, then make it an investment in bitcoin and not to leave your money in fiat currency, then you can proudly announce that you're holding and saving, this will be the only sure rescue for once lack tomorrow because money we save
needs to appreciates in value over time and not that it depreciate, many people cant deny themselves with the needs to make saving and keep for the future, which is one of the principal means why they are getting richer everyday.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: AYOBA on March 01, 2024, 07:36:50 PM
I don't believe money can be preserved during this difficult time because money is now the way we obtain it and the way we spend it. I may even say that before it reaches a person's hand, it will be calculated. How do you encourage individuals to save their own money in this economic climate? The only way that I believe people may save money is to invest in or start a business that will generate more income. If not, how can someone save money in the era of Unger? How is this possible? I realize we're individuals, but for me, I would rather invest money if I truly want to save it in my account than come and take it.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: tyz on March 01, 2024, 07:47:20 PM
So, more savings isn't always the solution, but more earning sure is the solution.

I don't think you can say that one is more important than the other. The right way is certainly a mixture of more saving or investing and trying to increase your income at the same time. And another important point that came up a bit too short in the discussion is to reduce your expenses as much as possible.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Hamphser on March 01, 2024, 08:22:04 PM
So, more savings isn't always the solution, but more earning sure is the solution.

I don't think you can say that one is more important than the other. The right way is certainly a mixture of more saving or investing and trying to increase your income at the same time. And another important point that came up a bit too short in the discussion is to reduce your expenses as much as possible.
In reality on which people wont really be minding on creating or taking up such steps specially that they arent on a tough condition or situation but on the time that they are on those conditions or sentiments then this is where people would really be starting on minding on making out such step and would really be thinking about having those kind of adjustments on which they would really be having those thoughts that they should be stepping up their game via looking for another source of income, on which they should have done it earlier and dont wait up for things to get messy before they would really be taking such action.

Savings is really that relevant not only on the sense that it is really just that being used on emergency purposes but also it could be possible that you would really be able to make
out those investment or business out of those funds if you are really that having that kind of savings of course.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: erep on March 01, 2024, 10:59:07 PM
How do you encourage individuals to save their own money in this economic climate? The only way that I believe people may save money is to invest in or start a business that will generate more income. If not, how can someone save money in the era of Unger? How is this possible? I realize we're individuals, but for me, I would rather invest money if I truly want to save it in my account than come and take it.
The average economic condition in various countries has been hit by inflation and other influences, the income we have is not enough to save for savings, we even have to go into debt at the end of the month to meet basic needs, so the only way to have savings is to work extra to increase monthly income. Once we have extra income, we can determine savings options or choose potential investment assets for future profits.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: GideonGono on March 02, 2024, 01:34:35 PM
I wasn't really a saving type, but lately looking at the current situation of things in my country, how costly things have gotten, once money enters your account or wallet, you'll be suprised of how you won't be sure of how it vanished, not to talk of having a tangible reason of what you did with the money. So recently looking at how people cry for money and personally looking at how I needed money I decided to start splitting the little allowance I get, saving one part and using the other, I won’t really say that it has made me a billionaire or that I no longer lack money but at least I have cash somewhere that I could call my own and fall back to in cause of emergency.
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.
Same here, I don't really care much about money before I would spend it how I want after paying all of what is needed to be paid, and setting the amount that I need to survive till my next salary comes.
But seeing some of the people I am close to or know buying real estate and settling down, that is when I started to save and invest avoid unnecessary expenses like going out and ordering food when I could just cook for myself.
It is hard to start over when you have nothing at all, been there done that and don't want to experience it again so I am going to save as much as I could so that money that I am saving today would save me in the future when I really need it.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: oktana on March 02, 2024, 02:28:45 PM
I’d say; avoid spending that isn’t on something you need, invest as much money in as much places as possible, and save money just about the amount you need. One of the mistakes people make is saving too much money when you are supposed to invest the most part of it and save some for just emergency. While that is something to consider, the generation today doesn’t even think that deep on either saving or investing. Most youthful people are wasting their money and time doing things that would never benefit them.

That's my mantra for this year, I told myself that I would pay more attention to investing in different things than accumulating or piling my money in savings accounts. if I invest my money, it is still possible to make a profit if I handle it properly, unlike money in the bank that only receives very little interest annually,
just like you said, this is one of the wrong things people do but we can't blame them because not everyone has extra money to invest, because they don't even have savings.

Well, I’m saying so because I know there are people who have money in their bank account but don’t have any investments, or just a few investments. They are the ones I’m talking to because I don’t see how smart it is to save thousands of dollars in your bank account when you can invest it and let it generate you steady income (even if it is small). This is how people get wealthy, because asides investments, one is just rich (superficial wealth).

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Juse14 on March 02, 2024, 03:26:21 PM
Having savings and investments is everyone's dream, because this is what will save them in the future. However, currently the situation is really difficult, especially being able to save and start investing, even being able to meet your daily needs feels very difficult. Where at my relatively young age, I have to carry quite a heavy burden, because apart from me also having to be responsible for myself personally for a better future, but I also have to be responsible for my family, remembering that currently I am the most take responsibility and be the backbone of the family. So that forces me to continue working in a job that doesn't pay much, because after all I have to have a steady income every month to ensure the family's survival.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: hyudien on March 02, 2024, 10:46:34 PM
Having savings and investments is everyone's dream, because this is what will save them in the future. However, currently the situation is really difficult, especially being able to save and start investing, even being able to meet your daily needs feels very difficult. Where at my relatively young age, I have to carry quite a heavy burden, because apart from me also having to be responsible for myself personally for a better future, but I also have to be responsible for my family, remembering that currently I am the most take responsibility and be the backbone of the family. So that forces me to continue working in a job that doesn't pay much, because after all I have to have a steady income every month to ensure the family's survival.

Yes, I agree with you, that is the dream of every person who thinks about their future. If a person is thinking about the future and needs to be prepared, then that person will definitely want things that can be profitable in the future, such as investing or saving. It's just that not everyone can do it, some people have unstable finances, sometimes people have jobs that earn money but can only meet their daily needs as you said.

My advice is to stay enthusiastic, don't complain because at a young age, some of us will definitely have to meet the needs of the family or bear more burdens, but what can we do, therefore we have to try as much as possible to do the best for ourselves and family,  especially if there is no one else to look to besides us. I appreciate what you are doing, and I am amazed by it. whatever you do for your family is the best.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: pusaka on March 03, 2024, 06:21:38 AM
Having savings and investments is everyone's dream, because this is what will save them in the future. However, currently the situation is really difficult, especially being able to save and start investing, even being able to meet your daily needs feels very difficult. Where at my relatively young age, I have to carry quite a heavy burden, because apart from me also having to be responsible for myself personally for a better future, but I also have to be responsible for my family, remembering that currently I am the most take responsibility and be the backbone of the family. So that forces me to continue working in a job that doesn't pay much, because after all I have to have a steady income every month to ensure the family's survival.
Not everyone is lucky enough to be born into a wealthy family, for example, but that doesn't mean we can't improve on our efforts. Hard work is the key to everything, do whatever you can do while continuing to seek knowledge and experience, I believe one can turn a difficult situation into an easy situation as long as we strive to make it happen.
I think it doesn't matter how much we earn even if it is relatively small, rather than having no income at all. Because I see some people who want to have a high income so they skip low-paying jobs, in the end they don't have any income. Don't want to be someone like that, because they are actually building their own difficulties.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: viananda2525 on March 03, 2024, 09:38:18 AM
Having savings and investments is everyone's dream, because this is what will save them in the future. However, currently the situation is really difficult, especially being able to save and start investing, even being able to meet your daily needs feels very difficult. Where at my relatively young age, I have to carry quite a heavy burden, because apart from me also having to be responsible for myself personally for a better future, but I also have to be responsible for my family, remembering that currently I am the most take responsibility and be the backbone of the family. So that forces me to continue working in a job that doesn't pay much, because after all I have to have a steady income every month to ensure the family's survival.
I really understand your condition and you have to survive by earning income whatever the results. In conditions like that, you only need to focus on work that can generate money for your and your family's daily life. You don't need to worry about some of the arguments on forums regarding savings and investment, although this is good, it doesn't apply to everyone. I believe that with your hard work you will be a winner in the future. Don't give up, sweat it out while you are still young and make your family smile and make you one of the most successful people.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Ricardo11 on March 03, 2024, 02:09:00 PM
We must saving more or less, because we never know when danger will strike. Danger can strike at any time and you will find yourself in a situation where you cannot even ask anyone for money. Then if you don't have the money yourself, you can get into a lot of trouble. Don't depend on others all the time, sometime you have to protect yourself at your own risk, you should avoid unnecessary expenses and save some things from yourself without relying on others. And yes keeping money depreciates so you can use it as a long term investment in Bitcoin if you want.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Yatsan on March 03, 2024, 09:24:58 PM
I’d say; avoid spending that isn’t on something you need, invest as much money in as much places as possible, and save money just about the amount you need. One of the mistakes people make is saving too much money when you are supposed to invest the most part of it and save some for just emergency. While that is something to consider, the generation today doesn’t even think that deep on either saving or investing. Most youthful people are wasting their money and time doing things that would never benefit them.

That's my mantra for this year, I told myself that I would pay more attention to investing in different things than accumulating or piling my money in savings accounts. if I invest my money, it is still possible to make a profit if I handle it properly, unlike money in the bank that only receives very little interest annually,
just like you said, this is one of the wrong things people do but we can't blame them because not everyone has extra money to invest, because they don't even have savings.

Well, I’m saying so because I know there are people who have money in their bank account but don’t have any investments, or just a few investments. They are the ones I’m talking to because I don’t see how smart it is to save thousands of dollars in your bank account when you can invest it and let it generate you steady income (even if it is small). This is how people get wealthy, because asides investments, one is just rich (superficial wealth).
Question is, what investment will give you assured and constant profit? Every investment has its own risk and it just happened that some people are not into such concept of investment which is why they choose saving for their future 'coz in such way they would be assured of their future including circumstances. Imagine not having that much of money and choosing investing it; things will become unfortunate if you will be losing that small amount. This is the stand of those who avoid the concept of investment. They're most of the times the old ones which is simply because that's what they saw as they grow up, validating their feelings and all. Of course saving has its downside; the amount you will be able to use in the future depends on how much you would be alloting for your savings. If you are not having that much and it would be hard to stop in an instant.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: oktana on March 04, 2024, 08:34:05 PM
I’d say; avoid spending that isn’t on something you need, invest as much money in as much places as possible, and save money just about the amount you need. One of the mistakes people make is saving too much money when you are supposed to invest the most part of it and save some for just emergency. While that is something to consider, the generation today doesn’t even think that deep on either saving or investing. Most youthful people are wasting their money and time doing things that would never benefit them.

That's my mantra for this year, I told myself that I would pay more attention to investing in different things than accumulating or piling my money in savings accounts. if I invest my money, it is still possible to make a profit if I handle it properly, unlike money in the bank that only receives very little interest annually,
just like you said, this is one of the wrong things people do but we can't blame them because not everyone has extra money to invest, because they don't even have savings.

Well, I’m saying so because I know there are people who have money in their bank account but don’t have any investments, or just a few investments. They are the ones I’m talking to because I don’t see how smart it is to save thousands of dollars in your bank account when you can invest it and let it generate you steady income (even if it is small). This is how people get wealthy, because asides investments, one is just rich (superficial wealth).
Question is, what investment will give you assured and constant profit? Every investment has its own risk and it just happened that some people are not into such concept of investment which is why they choose saving for their future 'coz in such way they would be assured of their future including circumstances. Imagine not having that much of money and choosing investing it; things will become unfortunate if you will be losing that small amount. This is the stand of those who avoid the concept of investment. They're most of the times the old ones which is simply because that's what they saw as they grow up, validating their feelings and all. Of course saving has its downside; the amount you will be able to use in the future depends on how much you would be alloting for your savings. If you are not having that much and it would be hard to stop in an instant.

Every investment has risks but even keeping your money in the bank is a risk itself. It’s a risk because if inflation. Imagine if what you could buy with $30 now needs $60, that means that the value of your saved money has slashed by half.

You don’t have to invest little amount of money just because you want to invest, you will have to weigh what you want to invest in, can you money achieve it? There are different things one could invest in; crypto, stocks, or even your own business.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Kelvinid on March 04, 2024, 09:13:40 PM
Well, I would say that saving money alone never saves us tomorrow instead of doing this better use that money to invest so the profit we get will be able to sustain our needs and our money is intact. In fact, this is what smart people do because our savings will just drain if we never find a way to grow it.

That is why many people after retiring, they get empty and broke because while they still have income they never mind about saving and investment as they give priority to enjoying life first rather than making sacrifices and suffer later. That is why we should be wise enough to our money and think on how to grow it rather than thinking on how to spend it in useless stuff.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: $anounimus$ on March 05, 2024, 04:52:36 AM
We must saving more or less, because we never know when danger will strike. Danger can strike at any time and you will find yourself in a situation where you cannot even ask anyone for money. Then if you don't have the money yourself, you can get into a lot of trouble. Don't depend on others all the time, sometime you have to protect yourself at your own risk, you should avoid unnecessary expenses and save some things from yourself without relying on others. And yes keeping money depreciates so you can use it as a long term investment in Bitcoin if you want.
It's true that we have to be aware of ourselves not to be careless in managing our finances. When you don't have problems, maybe everything will look comfortable, but if problems arise and you don't have money, it will make the problems even more complicated. I always remind myself and the people around me to be more diligent in working to earn money not only to meet their living needs but also to be able to develop their business by investing in various platforms.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Barikui1 on March 05, 2024, 05:40:23 AM
To me savings is actually good to be frank, but I dont really fancies it, what I usually do is, I try to cut my coat according to my size, by drawing down a budget, and in that budget I will create room for emergency fund that I believe that can sustained me in case of any unforseen circumstances.

Why I don't like to save nowadays is because of inflation, because I believe that is the real enemy to any money saved up, so I prefer holding that money in anything that appreciate in value overtime, like Bitcoin gold or land, than to hold fiat in the name of savings.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Bravut on March 05, 2024, 09:13:47 PM

    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.

 OP you are making  a clear point, saving helps and also takes care of emergencies, and other situations that might arise.
   But, I strongly believe the tomorrow you are talking about, savings won't help that time. Simply because saving fait currency for long is waste of time(just lying in bank,depreciating everyday).
  A quick example is the current economic situation in countries today,just imagine those that have there save,how do they feel now, the money can't yield there needs,only inflation eats up part of the money.
 In a clear time I think what would have  been the best advice for youth should be them understanding money management and investing for tomorrow not saving for tomorrow.
So as to secure the tomorrow as a financially Independent person with freedom.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Finestream on March 05, 2024, 09:56:24 PM
So, more savings isn't always the solution, but more earning sure is the solution.

I don't think you can say that one is more important than the other. The right way is certainly a mixture of more saving or investing and trying to increase your income at the same time. And another important point that came up a bit too short in the discussion is to reduce your expenses as much as possible.
You can’t save and invest at the same time if you cannot manage your expenses well. Know what’s necessary to buy and ignore that are not. With that, it’s highly possible that you can save a lot. However, saving should not be the last option but certainly investing in bitcoin or any other potential investment that is capable to give you high returns. When you invest, you will have something to gain and earn, but if you focus more on saving and let your money sleep in your bank account, you are only helping the banks to get richer while they offer your money to other people.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: OrangeII on March 06, 2024, 12:48:22 AM
If the choice is to spend money on nothing and save, then saving is much better than that. However, saving money has very positive things in the future. This can encourage someone to invest, or own real estate in the future. Saving little by little is the best thing if we don't have much income. However, if we have quite a lot of income, it would be better if we save and invest simultaneously. After all, investing is better than saving. Because with investment, our income has the potential to increase. This can encourage someone to have more savings

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Vinaa77 on March 06, 2024, 04:14:16 AM
If the choice is to spend money on nothing and save, then saving is much better than that. However, saving money has very positive things in the future. This can encourage someone to invest, or own real estate in the future. Saving little by little is the best thing if we don't have much income. However, if we have quite a lot of income, it would be better if we save and invest simultaneously. After all, investing is better than saving. Because with investment, our income has the potential to increase. This can encourage someone to have more savings
If we only have savings and don't invest some of the savings we have, of course the money we save will decrease in value when inflation occurs and if we can invest some of the savings we have, of course we will be able to maintain the value of the assets we own and there will also be profits. what we get from the investment.

When we have a lot of income, of course it will be easy to invest and also save because it will be very difficult to be able to do this simultaneously if we have income that we can only use for daily needs and we also have to be able to save so that if If we have enough savings, we will be able to invest to prepare for our future.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: slapper on March 06, 2024, 06:05:54 AM
I’d say; avoid spending that isn’t on something you need, invest as much money in as much places as possible, and save money just about the amount you need. One of the mistakes people make is saving too much money when you are supposed to invest the most part of it and save some for just emergency. While that is something to consider, the generation today doesn’t even think that deep on either saving or investing. Most youthful people are wasting their money and time doing things that would never benefit them.

That's my mantra for this year, I told myself that I would pay more attention to investing in different things than accumulating or piling my money in savings accounts. if I invest my money, it is still possible to make a profit if I handle it properly, unlike money in the bank that only receives very little interest annually,
just like you said, this is one of the wrong things people do but we can't blame them because not everyone has extra money to invest, because they don't even have savings.

Well, I’m saying so because I know there are people who have money in their bank account but don’t have any investments, or just a few investments. They are the ones I’m talking to because I don’t see how smart it is to save thousands of dollars in your bank account when you can invest it and let it generate you steady income (even if it is small). This is how people get wealthy, because asides investments, one is just rich (superficial wealth).
Question is, what investment will give you assured and constant profit? Every investment has its own risk and it just happened that some people are not into such concept of investment which is why they choose saving for their future 'coz in such way they would be assured of their future including circumstances. Imagine not having that much of money and choosing investing it; things will become unfortunate if you will be losing that small amount. This is the stand of those who avoid the concept of investment. They're most of the times the old ones which is simply because that's what they saw as they grow up, validating their feelings and all. Of course saving has its downside; the amount you will be able to use in the future depends on how much you would be alloting for your savings. If you are not having that much and it would be hard to stop in an instant.
Everything we do involves risk, even avoiding danger. If you fear losing that modest amount by investing, have you considered the daily inflation loss your funds suffer? The quiet thief is real. I know, saving feels safe, especially when generations have done it. Is safe always effective? World and money rules have altered. Make your money work for you now, not just save. Diversification, financial understanding, and willingness to leave the shadows can improve your future

If you know your stuff, investment isn't risky. Making informed choices. Yes, you may not have much, but the appropriate investment approach can change that. Instead of gambling, take thoughtful, gradual financial resiliency initiatives. We shouldn't close the future because we're afraid to leave the past

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: $anounimus$ on March 06, 2024, 06:24:09 AM
If the choice is to spend money on nothing and save, then saving is much better than that. However, saving money has very positive things in the future. This can encourage someone to invest, or own real estate in the future. Saving little by little is the best thing if we don't have much income. However, if we have quite a lot of income, it would be better if we save and invest simultaneously. After all, investing is better than saving. Because with investment, our income has the potential to increase. This can encourage someone to have more savings
Both are certainly very good things to do, but if we continue to save for the long term it will be very detrimental because of the influence of inflation. In my opinion, if we already have savings, it is better to invest it in gold because it has no risk. Apart from that, investing in property is also quite good because having fixed assets is also the safest part of investment. But it depends on each person's management style, sometimes some people are more ready to spend their savings to expand the business they are currently involved in.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Fortify on March 06, 2024, 07:13:32 AM
I wasn't really a saving type, but lately looking at the current situation of things in my country, how costly things have gotten, once money enters your account or wallet, you'll be suprised of how you won't be sure of how it vanished, not to talk of having a tangible reason of what you did with the money. So recently looking at how people cry for money and personally looking at how I needed money I decided to start splitting the little allowance I get, saving one part and using the other, I won’t really say that it has made me a billionaire or that I no longer lack money but at least I have cash somewhere that I could call my own and fall back to in cause of emergency.
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.

When you are young you should try to enjoy life through experience and travel, rather than materialistic things like chasing the latest iPhone or Apple headset. However peer pressure can be surprisingly powerful at that age and many only start to think independently of it into their twenties. It's a very hard balance to find, as they can often be on low wages anyway, but when you are young is the best time to make financial mistakes as you have plenty of time to rectify it later - just try to avoid going into debt as that brings it's own problems.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Kingperry22 on March 06, 2024, 07:43:42 AM
wise and smart choices in saving pave the way for financial resilient tomorrow. it is never late to start saving, economist emphasis the important of saving as a vital component of stability and freedom

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Gormicsta on March 06, 2024, 11:30:37 AM
It is good to save money now because that same money can save us. In the event of an emergency, for example, if you invest in health today, your health will do the same, requiring us to eat well, sleep well, and exercise regularly in order to stay in excellent shape. So that we may count on a robust support system when we need it. It also pertains to relationships, in the sense that if we provide and be there for our loved ones when they need us, they will be there for us when we need them and support us in whatever manner they can.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: huu78 on March 06, 2024, 12:04:35 PM
I have reminded my friends about that and some don't consider it, most of them when they get money they spend it and spend it, because they think that the money can be recovered, even though from there we can see that it will start again from 0.
and there will be no increase in his savings.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: pinggoki on March 06, 2024, 12:12:09 PM
wise and smart choices in saving pave the way for financial resilient tomorrow. it is never late to start saving, economist emphasis the important of saving as a vital component of stability and freedom
Yeah that's right and even though I agree with you about this one, I can never do this even though I preach these, maybe because I'm too fond if not addicted to buying collectibles and such, although they grow or retain their value, it's almost always that I feel like after I've spent my money in them, I always have this unsatisfactory feeling where no matter how much of these collectibles that I buy, I almost always end up having to spend more to increase but I feel like I am still in control though as when this happens, I still haven't sold my bitcoins yet so in a way, I still have that consolation that I can still spend because there's still my investments that are growing everyday.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: moneystery on March 06, 2024, 01:12:18 PM
that's right, we don't know what will happen the next day, whether we will get sick or be fired from work, no one can predict what will happen tomorrow. and before that happens it is important for us to be able to have savings which can later be used for emergencies and prevent us from getting into trouble.

even though it is currently quite difficult to save, cutting unnecessary expenses and preventing spending on expensive items, someone should be able to save and it should not be difficult to do.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: boty on March 06, 2024, 02:28:56 PM
It is good to save money now because that same money can save us. In the event of an emergency, for example, if you invest in health today, your health will do the same, requiring us to eat well, sleep well, and exercise regularly in order to stay in excellent shape. So that we may count on a robust support system when we need it. It also pertains to relationships, in the sense that if we provide and be there for our loved ones when they need us, they will be there for us when we need them and support us in whatever manner they can.
Maintaining our health is certainly a very good thing to do because if we force ourselves too often to work beyond working hours, of course this will not be good for our health and we also have to spend the income we have on treatment to be able to restore our health, it has become an obligation for us. We must be able to support the people who have accompanied us and they will always support us in various things that we do and we must be able to have savings to be able to meet our needs in old age.

I have reminded my friends about that and some don't consider it, most of them when they get money they spend it and spend it, because they think that the money can be recovered, even though from there we can see that it will start again from 0.
and there will be no increase in his savings.
Reminding other people about saving is indeed a good thing if they can save for their difficult times and if possible to be able to invest for their future, but not everyone can follow what we suggest for the various reasons they give and if they use to spend their money on things they don't need, of course this is a choice they shouldn't make and they will experience financial difficulties if they continue to do this.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Taricoins on March 06, 2024, 02:49:47 PM
Well it's not bad to save money, saving money is very important for tomorrow's need and it help you get opportunity at the right time and most people find it difficult to save their money for the benefit of tomorrow

For me i will advise anyone who want to save their money should invest it in business rather than to save it because saving money is not people who don't have anything doing for a living

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on March 06, 2024, 05:00:31 PM
If the choice is to spend money on nothing and save, then saving is much better than that. However, saving money has very positive things in the future. This can encourage someone to invest, or own real estate in the future. Saving little by little is the best thing if we don't have much income. However, if we have quite a lot of income, it would be better if we save and invest simultaneously. After all, investing is better than saving. Because with investment, our income has the potential to increase. This can encourage someone to have more savings

We should spend money but on useful and essential things and keep in mind that the money which you are spending on useless things can provide you an opportunity if you start to save it for future. We cannot save whole amount at once and also if we wants investment in property and something else then we cannot invest huge sum so if we start investment now and invest little by little then there is a possibility that we will not be in depression if we wants investment in future.

We should plan certain percentage for saving because with saving we can overcome future problems and the percentage should be based on the amount of salary we are getting. If someone makes investment then if he gets old and have no support then he can easily gets his salary from his investment.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: someone703 on March 06, 2024, 05:37:32 PM
Saving is crucial. It's your financial safety net, there to catch you if life throws a curveball. Plus, it helps you reach those short-term goals, like finally snagging that down payment for a car or that dream trip to Bali.

But saving alone might not be enough to outrun the inflation gremlin. That's where investing comes in. Think of it as your money-growing machine. Stocks, bonds, and even real estate can potentially grow your wealth over time, making that inflation gremlin look like a chump.

Now! Starting early allows you to benefit from something called compound interest, which is basically like getting paid interest on your interest.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: OrangeII on March 07, 2024, 04:01:28 AM
that's right, we don't know what will happen the next day, whether we will get sick or be fired from work, no one can predict what will happen tomorrow. and before that happens it is important for us to be able to have savings which can later be used for emergencies and prevent us from getting into trouble.

even though it is currently quite difficult to save, cutting unnecessary expenses and preventing spending on expensive items, someone should be able to save and it should not be difficult to do.
Well, saving does have many benefits. That's why so many people recommend saving when you're young. However, actually, apart from saving, it would be great if we saved and invested at the same time. However, when we are old, or when we are sick or unable to work, by having business investments, or similar, our income will still continue. Because that is the benefit that is really desired from investment. Therefore, sometimes people put more money into investments than they save. Because with investment, the value of the assets we own can increase over time, while savings will be affected by inflation.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Dewi Aries on March 08, 2024, 12:12:35 AM
that's right, we don't know what will happen the next day, whether we will get sick or be fired from work, no one can predict what will happen tomorrow. and before that happens it is important for us to be able to have savings which can later be used for emergencies and prevent us from getting into trouble.

even though it is currently quite difficult to save, cutting unnecessary expenses and preventing spending on expensive items, someone should be able to save and it should not be difficult to do.
Well, saving does have many benefits. That's why so many people recommend saving when you're young. However, actually, apart from saving, it would be great if we saved and invested at the same time. However, when we are old, or when we are sick or unable to work, by having business investments, or similar, our income will still continue. Because that is the benefit that is really desired from investment. Therefore, sometimes people put more money into investments than they save. Because with investment, the value of the assets we own can increase over time, while savings will be affected by inflation.

If you are still young you should be able to take advantage of the situation, where we have to be ambitious to achieve financial freedom, by working hard this can be achieved, because no amount of effort betrays the results. by having a job that makes money, we will have money and be able to save for the future, it's just that not everyone thinks about this even though what you say is true, saving has many benefits, such as helping to overcome something that happens suddenly, such as a disaster that can happens at any time without knowing, because no one knows about the disaster.

of course everyone wants financial freedom, therefore they have to do things they should like investing or saving, but some people think saving is bad, because it doesn't make you rich, even though if you think about it, I think saving is a good thing , because with that we can make investments. it is impossible for us to invest with money that suddenly comes in large amounts, of course to be able to invest we have to save first, and here money management is clearly very important.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: 8rch7 on March 08, 2024, 03:27:58 AM
Lets change with this quote about "Save money today so money would save you tomorrow" replacing to be invest money today will so investment save you tomorrow. Not significant increasing the values of our saving assets why have to make Bank earn much profitable with our money and better put on investment assets with lower risk and has bigger profitable or return ROI.
I think this ideas come from the Bank want to get much profitable with their costumer save much money and they have enough to make loan with higher interest, not benefit yet with saving much money and better change with difference thing can give us much profitable in the future and our saving money not decreasing values such as inflation. Be smart if saving can increase our assets but investing help us to earn much profitable, our assets increasing and less decreasing values or inflation.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: shinratensei_ on March 08, 2024, 04:04:56 AM
that's right, we don't know what will happen the next day, whether we will get sick or be fired from work, no one can predict what will happen tomorrow. and before that happens it is important for us to be able to have savings which can later be used for emergencies and prevent us from getting into trouble.

even though it is currently quite difficult to save, cutting unnecessary expenses and preventing spending on expensive items, someone should be able to save and it should not be difficult to do.
saving for emergency might do, but always know that there are some other thing that might helps relief for emergency situation i've found that sometime saving for emergency isn't enough.
investing is also a way to keep fund for managing finance and also preparing for emergency case if the investment is liquid enough in my opinion crypto and stocks are definitely one of the investments that are liquid enough you could literally just sell your coin whenever you're in need if you are trading and investing spot.

therefore for anyone thats interested in saving some money maybe just increase the worth of that saving to investment
because it might helps a lot in the long run at least if the money isn't really needed it gonna grow itself.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: martinex on March 08, 2024, 09:17:08 AM
Both are certainly very good things to do, but if we continue to save for the long term it will be very detrimental because of the influence of inflation. In my opinion, if we already have savings, it is better to invest it in gold because it has no risk. Apart from that, investing in property is also quite good because having fixed assets is also the safest part of investment. But it depends on each person's management style, sometimes some people are more ready to spend their savings to expand the business they are currently involved in.

Gold is indeed a good investment and that was the style of our parents in the past, but if we expect the price to rise quickly, I think it will take a very long time, at least the price will rise if you keep it for 2-5 years and then it will go up and when you sell it, it always goes to the taker maker from the gold shop owner.

In my opinion. We can buy gold again if we are sure about what we are trying to make a profit from, for example buying and holding BTC like during the crash last year and just waiting 1 year, the asset will have risen 100% if not sold.. ;D ;D

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: arufox on March 08, 2024, 09:49:06 AM
For me, it is better to save in the form of gold than money because money often experiences inflation, while gold is relatively stable, even if we sell it in the next few years, our assets will actually increase if converted into money. but if we save money in the next few years, for example today we save $100 and if we buy a bicycle we might still get it, but if we buy it in the next few years maybe with $100 we won't be able to get a bicycle anymore because the price is already high. Therefore, I think it is better to save in the form of gold rather than money so that in the future it will not be difficult for us to face life's needs.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: bitzizzix on March 08, 2024, 10:15:07 AM
In my opinion, saving is the process of saving so that your money is only stuck in places that are unproductive and even prone to inflation. However, it is important to be able to use it as emergency funds or other important needs that occur suddenly.
However, investment itself is the process of adding money so that the money we invest becomes productive and your money increases in the form of investment, but we have to invest it in the right place and it also has to be profitable in the long term.
However, the requirement to be able to invest is to save first, and if you have enough money then you can invest and it can also be used as an emergency fund when you really need it. Especially when you are sick and other things that require you to cash in your investment, apart from that, investment can also guarantee your future when you are old and don't have the ability to work anymore. And it also functions for other things that make you feel safe and comfortable in financial matters.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: 2Pizza410000BTC on March 09, 2024, 12:15:18 PM
I wasn't really a saving type, but lately looking at the current situation of things in my country, how costly things have gotten, once money enters your account or wallet, you'll be suprised of how you won't be sure of how it vanished, not to talk of having a tangible reason of what you did with the money. So recently looking at how people cry for money and personally looking at how I needed money I decided to start splitting the little allowance I get, saving one part and using the other, I won’t really say that it has made me a billionaire or that I no longer lack money but at least I have cash somewhere that I could call my own and fall back to in cause of emergency.
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.
Saving money is very important for everyone's survival and future life. I am definitely saving something to manage my life well and be happy with my children wife and parents. If from now on I can save and if it is through bitcoin or ethereum that would be better I will definitely be saving in these two currencies. I hope that the way I am saving from now on, I will be able to live happily with my wife, children and parents in the future. I would like to say to every person that you should save something to make your future brighter, spend all the money you are spending unnecessarily or if you save it, you will definitely get a lot of support in your old age.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Jody.Drummer on March 09, 2024, 12:41:22 PM
I wasn't really a saving type, but lately looking at the current situation of things in my country, how costly things have gotten, once money enters your account or wallet, you'll be suprised of how you won't be sure of how it vanished, not to talk of having a tangible reason of what you did with the money. So recently looking at how people cry for money and personally looking at how I needed money I decided to start splitting the little allowance I get, saving one part and using the other, I won’t really say that it has made me a billionaire or that I no longer lack money but at least I have cash somewhere that I could call my own and fall back to in cause of emergency.
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.
Saving money is very important for everyone's survival and future life. I am definitely saving something to manage my life well and be happy with my children wife and parents. If from now on I can save and if it is through bitcoin or ethereum that would be better I will definitely be saving in these two currencies. I hope that the way I am saving from now on, I will be able to live happily with my wife, children and parents in the future. I would like to say to every person that you should save something to make your future brighter, spend all the money you are spending unnecessarily or if you save it, you will definitely get a lot of support in your old age.

However management must be applied and especially when it comes to money which as you said that we all need money for survival, I'm not saying and not prohibiting you from buying something today using that money but my advice is that if for example something you want to buy is not too important for you then obviously it's better to save that money for another day, or that means save the money in your savings wherever you save, as you said it doesn't matter if you want to save through bitcoin or etherium, it doesn't matter because the most important thing is to "save" the money for another day like for future needs.

We are living beings who will always need money to survive and everyone will never know about what will happen in the future, and obviously the money you save will be very useful to minimize things that are quite urgent in the future when you really need money. But on the other hand it is a fact that young people today prefer to spend the money they have at one time, such as buying something that is actually just to brag to others, and obviously the risk is that they will be difficult when one day they are in an urgent situation, so long-term thinking and management must be applied such as saving money because it can save you.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Dewi Aries on March 09, 2024, 06:05:02 PM
Saving money is very important for everyone's survival and future life. I am definitely saving something to manage my life well and be happy with my children wife and parents. If from now on I can save and if it is through bitcoin or ethereum that would be better I will definitely be saving in these two currencies. I hope that the way I am saving from now on, I will be able to live happily with my wife, children and parents in the future. I would like to say to every person that you should save something to make your future brighter, spend all the money you are spending unnecessarily or if you save it, you will definitely get a lot of support in your old age.

That's true, saving is important, some people think saving is a waste of time because it won't make you rich, I don't agree with that statement. It's true that saving can't make you rich, but of course as we live we will definitely experience urgent needs such as disasters that can come at any time, and to deal with these disasters of course we have to have money, and if we don't have savings it will be difficult to overcome them, possible steps What you will take is taking out a loan, which of course will have interest over time and of course that could be a problem because it will be a burden on your mind too.

However, not everyone has enough income to be able to set aside money for savings. there are some people who have a limited income with only enough to meet their daily needs, but of course it doesn't stop there, that's not the end of everything, of course we have to be able to think of ways to have more income, such as doing or looking for a side job, by Of course, we can make more than enough money and save. But to find or do a side job, of course you have to take into account several things such as energy and time. make sure there is enough time for work and rest, and whether or not we ourselves are able to do longer work.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on March 09, 2024, 09:52:42 PM
As an entrepreneur, one of the key factors that could secure your way to success and save you from falling back to where you started is savings.

Savings is a future relief to any one who wish to have a better living when you will not be strong enough to work too much again and saving money also help in times when your business or a place where you get your earnings is not coming regularly as before then you can use your savings to sustain yourself at that material time till things normalize again.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: MiF on March 10, 2024, 01:19:33 AM
Saving money is always good,than spending it on things that is not important, because we don't know when the emergency come and if we don't have money we will be force to get a loan with a big interest and it will surely bring us down in the future, so if we save money we will also save the future if there is an emergency and calamity we will not suffer so much because we have savings to spend for good.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: n0ne on March 10, 2024, 08:23:03 PM
Saving money is always good,than spending it on things that is not important, because we don't know when the emergency come and if we don't have money we will be force to get a loan with a big interest and it will surely bring us down in the future, so if we save money we will also save the future if there is an emergency and calamity we will not suffer so much because we have savings to spend for good.
Saving money is really a needed thing, considering the ongoing economic situation. When we prefer to save, we should save the money, avoiding unwanted spending. Quite often, we end up with different needs, and if we postpone the requirement for a few days, we'll come to understand whether the requirement is a must-have or not. This way, one can increase the saving capability. While giving importance to savings, we should learn about investment, because it is the only way through which one is able to make better money than just saving.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Huppercase on March 10, 2024, 09:42:01 PM
I wasn't really a saving type, but lately looking at the current situation of things in my country, how costly things have gotten, once money enters your account or wallet, you'll be suprised of how you won't be sure of how it vanished, not to talk of having a tangible reason of what you did with the money. So recently looking at how people cry for money and personally looking at how I needed money I decided to start splitting the little allowance I get, saving one part and using the other, I won’t really say that it has made me a billionaire or that I no longer lack money but at least I have cash somewhere that I could call my own and fall back to in cause of emergency.
    To cut the story short, I’m advising mostly the young people of our generation to save, avoid unnecessary spendings and save even if it’s so little, cause you might find yourself in a situation tomorrow and you wouldn’t want to call home or ask for help, cause you have a second choice, that means you are literally getting yourself out of a problem. So please it’s not too late to stop spending on things that doesn’t really matter, so basically the money you saved today could literally save you tomorrow.

In the late 90s, that's the advice you hear from people that you should save for rainy days when things are bright for you, a time will come when some of the opportunities you have now might not surface again but today, they don't tell you to save as inflation has eaten up many countries currencies that used to be valuable. Today, you don't save money but you invest into something that can give you a meaningful return on your money, this money will give you help you in solving many things later.

I also think that despite these generation been the luckiest ones with many opportunities, they are the laziest because they want to have things easily, even when they do have the money, they spend the money on luxurious lifestyle that will only add zero to nothing into their life. They don't realize until those opportunities becomes the things of the past and they regret their whole life.

Title: Re: Save money today so money would save you tomorrow.
Post by: Lantind on March 11, 2024, 04:05:53 AM
Saving money is always good,than spending it on things that is not important, because we don't know when the emergency come and if we don't have money we will be force to get a loan with a big interest and it will surely bring us down in the future, so if we save money we will also save the future if there is an emergency and calamity we will not suffer so much because we have savings to spend for good.
Saving money is really a needed thing, considering the ongoing economic situation. When we prefer to save, we should save the money, avoiding unwanted spending. Quite often, we end up with different needs, and if we postpone the requirement for a few days, we'll come to understand whether the requirement is a must-have or not. This way, one can increase the saving capability. While giving importance to savings, we should learn about investment, because it is the only way through which one is able to make better money than just saving.
Reducing expenses that we don't need can of course make it easier for us to save for our future, because when we can't endure expenses that we don't need of course we won't be able to have savings for our future and this will make us we have to continue working until we are old and there will always be desires that we have, but that is not necessarily what we want, we don't kill it, but we can still postpone it to be able to have savings. If we can have savings, it will be better if we can learn about investments that can increase the savings we have, because when we only save and don't use our savings to invest, of course we will have problems when inflation occurs and the savings we have remain the same but the value of those savings decreases.