Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: Onyeeze on February 18, 2024, 06:32:27 AM

Title: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: Onyeeze on February 18, 2024, 06:32:27 AM
Mega threads kept open for long time, in this gambling discussion and the main gambling section I do see a thread that from the first to ten pages all the discussion answers has been given but that thread continues moving whereas all the questions been asked in the thread majority has answered it, why mega thread in gambling section, when you calm down and read some of the trading style or method you can see that some points made us is not longer in line with the aim of the thread.

Some of our discussions and points in mega thread is pointless, does it not good to have a limitations of pages in a thread and immediately the thread get to its limit page it can be lock, so that everyone have it in mind, instead of spamming and be writing in some of the thread that is up to twenty to thirty [20-30] pages, [Observation] Their is some certain things that is not suppose to discuss in thread because people have already said those points,  but base on the thread is still on and they continue to spam, some persons discussed in one thread more than five times both knowingly and unknowingly, so it's good for we to abolish some mega threads depends on the subject.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: Oilacris on February 18, 2024, 06:36:08 AM
It wont be locked until OP would really be decided on doing so, discussions would really be continuing as long as it would get bumped.
Also, i dont believe that this kind of post do belong here on this board. Maybe Meta?

Also,there are poster who do keep on searching for those threads or topics that already existed specially if they have on the same question.
Instead on making a new thread, they would rather be posting into those threads instead.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: Despairo on February 18, 2024, 06:54:10 AM
Why you post in gambling discussion? move this thread to Meta.

If you find a spam mega thread that has been answered by many users, use report to moderators or ask @OP to lock the thread.

Mega threads kept open for long time, in this gambling discussion and the main gambling section I do see a thread that from the first to ten pages all the discussion answers has been given but that thread continues moving whereas all the questions been asked in the thread majority has answered ir
It doesn't make sense if the thread in main gambling section is locked, it's a place for gambling announcement, if those thread are locked, they need to open a new thread? that's make it worse! if you said there are few thread that not a gambling announcement, those thread are posted in a wrong section, it should be moved here. It's either no one report the thread or the moderator didn't move it.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: CODE200 on February 18, 2024, 06:57:41 AM
Also,there are poster who do keep on searching for those threads or topics that already existed specially if they have on the same question.
Instead on making a new thread, they would rather be posting into those threads instead.
And it's probably more efficient to have those mega threads more than anything because if the question inevitably arises again, there's always a good poster that will remind us of the previously buried thread that answered the exact question so I think that in a way, less threads is better than less mega threads in the long run. OP, as @Oilacris has already pointed out, make sure to move this topic to the Meta board, you can locate the button at the lower left of this thread.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: crwth on February 18, 2024, 07:06:04 AM
Well, if some people want to add to the discussion, they can but it's almost always going to be the same. It's important to have the OP to lock it in case it just gets too much. It's up to the OP or a member like you to report the thread. I'm not sure if it's going to be considered by the mod to lock it if it's just too many pages anymore. I see mega threads but it's all about a singular topic and it's being updated every year because it's a different season and it's just that type of thread.

Maybe if the threads are redundant, that can be a parameter to close it or something.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: komisariatku on February 18, 2024, 08:01:00 AM
Ideally, discussions that have been answered should be locked because many discussions will be repeated. However, for discussions that continue to develop, such as discussions regarding the Serie A League which continues to present new matches throughout the season, these discussions do not need to be locked until the season is over.

However, because the only people who can lock the thread are the OP and the moderator, if you find a discussion that is considered finished, you might be able to report it to the moderator so that the discussion is locked.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: mirakal on February 18, 2024, 08:15:51 AM
That's why it has become a mega thread because we are in the "gambling discussion" board. Some threads may have become pointless, but it's up to the mods to decide what to do with them. There are mega threads here that, despite being tagged as "mega thread," are very beneficial to the posters. For example, the NBA, Football, and Soccer threads remain open and mega since there are games or events on a regular basis, and people love to discuss the teams that are playing. We also get some information that we can use for betting.

Additionally, haven't you forgotten that most of the signature participants are advertising a casino? They are required to post on this section to gain popularity in the crowd. Even if mods close or lock a thread, there are still mega threads that will continue to exist.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: Wapfika on February 18, 2024, 08:40:05 AM
Mega threads kept open for long time, in this gambling discussion and the main gambling section I do see a thread that from the first to ten pages all the discussion answers has been given but that thread continues moving whereas all the questions been asked in the thread majority has answered it, why mega thread in gambling section, when you calm down and read some of the trading style or method you can see that some points made us is not longer in line with the aim of the thread.

Because same thread will be created again in the future for the same subject that’s why Mega thread with objective subject always keep open by the moderator unless many user already reported it as spam.

It’s better than being lock then another thread will be created just because another user ask it while the thread for that topic is already lock. This is not only happening on gambling board but on all board in the forum especially the Bitcoin discussion board. I think this topic is more suitable than meta because this is not specific topic for gambling.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: SmartGold01 on February 18, 2024, 08:52:22 AM
To me is even more better we have those mega thread to avoid recreating of same topic and thread because most people often come to asked every little question with creating topic. If you follow those mega thread there are things you will discover you never knew before and post leads to post meaning, if you check there carefully its helps clean the forum with the rate people could flooded some sections asking question about a particular thing. Its just a choice for you to keep posting there or not if you felt satisfying by reducing your attention to post there then you can leave but sometimes what makes people comment there regularly is when you were quoted in a discussion if it calls your attention you might go there to respond back.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: alani123 on February 18, 2024, 09:10:57 AM
Personally as someone who writes and posts his own original topics every so often, I will actually go back to the threads I've started myself and do my best to check if the thread has become too bloated with answers.
For instance, in my opinion if a thread with a question in the OP text keeps getting answers and discussion about that question way past page 10, even a long time after it was posted, ten it must be locked. There's no reason to keep giving answers to the OP question past that point. After 200 thread replies at least some people must have gotten it right...

It's ok if discussion between thread participants happens because some people might be interested in the topic past that point and maybe have gotten accustomed to discussing between them. But the ones that keep answering to the OP aren't contributing anything to a discussion process after a certain point. Perhaps the moderators of bitcointalk should take notice also, because they can also lock topics. But users of the gambling board especially should do a better job at being more original. There's so many on-topic things to discuss, more people should be starting their own threads instead of replying to old ones.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: Oshosondy on February 18, 2024, 10:42:58 AM
Move this thread to Meta. It belongs to Meta board.

Mega threads kept open for long time, in this gambling discussion and the main gambling section I do see a thread that from the first to ten pages all the discussion answers has been given but that thread continues moving whereas all the questions been asked in the thread majority has answered it, why mega thread in gambling section, when you calm down and read some of the trading style or method you can see that some points made us is not longer in line with the aim of the thread.

Some of our discussions and points in mega thread is pointless, does it not good to have a limitations of pages in a thread and immediately the thread get to its limit page it can be lock, so that everyone have it in mind, instead of spamming and be writing in some of the thread that is up to twenty to thirty [20-30] pages, [Observation] Their is some certain things that is not suppose to discuss in thread because people have already said those points,  but base on the thread is still on and they continue to spam, some persons discussed in one thread more than five times both knowingly and unknowingly, so it's good for we to abolish some mega threads depends on the subject.
You said that the answers to threads that have 10 pages already would have been posted, which means page 11 and up are not useful. This does not apply to all threads. Example are e the major league discussion threads that people are posting what is happening presently on the leagues there. But I can understand you, some posts are like what you said, but it also applies to many threads that are not under gambling boards. In gambling boards, I noticed that long threads are often locked before, but they are not getting locked as it was before.

Also it is good to know that helpful information are mostly on page one. Those posting on page two and up are likely repeating what people had posted on page one, although they may not be reading it but just having the same opinion with the page one posters.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: cryptomaniac_xxx on February 18, 2024, 10:44:22 AM
Some of our discussions and points in mega thread is pointless, does it not good to have a limitations of pages in a thread and immediately the thread get to its limit page it can be lock, so that everyone have it in mind, instead of spamming and be writing in some of the thread that is up to twenty to thirty [20-30] pages, [Observation] Their is some certain things that is not suppose to discuss in thread because people have already said those points,  but base on the thread is still on and they continue to spam, some persons discussed in one thread more than five times both knowingly and unknowingly, so it's good for we to abolish some mega threads depends on the subject.

LOL, but you replied to this mega thread, 32 pages long (  :o

Not to burst the bubble for you mate, you are also carrying a gambling signature and for sure you should have known better,  ;D just saying.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: KiaKia on February 18, 2024, 10:53:13 AM
It's left for the topic creator to decide to lock down the thread, I've come across few and I replied with the necessary reason to close the thread because all questions have been answered and the new readers are all giving the same exact answers as those in the first few pages have said.

There are so many members on this forum that are into gambling, or maybe a casino promoter, they will see the need to reply their own thoughts to a thread even if it has 30 pages or more, but it only start to look stupid if there is nothing more to share, when answers or replies start looking the same it feels boring.

My advice, just look else where if you come across such thread, highest, you won't drop your own thought in such thread, or maybe PM the OP to make them see reasons why they need to close and lock the thread, and maybe they will listen and do it or not is left to them.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: Kelward on February 18, 2024, 12:56:30 PM
Ideally, discussions that have been answered should be locked because many discussions will be repeated. However, for discussions that continue to develop, such as discussions regarding the Serie A League which continues to present new matches throughout the season, these discussions do not need to be locked until the season is over.

However, because the only people who can lock the thread are the OP and the moderator, if you find a discussion that is considered finished, you might be able to report it to the moderator so that the discussion is locked.

I marvel too when I see mega threads, and I often wonder why they're still relevant after they've surely exhausted every areas to touch pertaining the discussion raised in the OP, I've never researched in the forum to know whether it's the moderators that intentionally leaves the threads. Although having mega threads for continuous events in the gambling section like different sports leagues is good, instead of starting a new topic on them, it'll be better to continue on the existing thread, it's also good because you can get information of previous games that have been played in the league.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: Beparanf on February 18, 2024, 01:02:22 PM
Some of our discussions and points in mega thread is pointless, does it not good to have a limitations of pages in a thread and immediately the thread get to its limit page it can be lock, so that everyone have it in mind, instead of spamming and be writing in some of the thread that is up to twenty to thirty [20-30] pages, [Observation] Their is some certain things that is not suppose to discuss in thread because people have already said those points,  but base on the thread is still on and they continue to spam, some persons discussed in one thread more than five times both knowingly and unknowingly, so it's good for we to abolish some mega threads depends on the subject.

Mega threads collect all the garbage post on one location. It’s really helping the forum to contain spam post rather than spread it on multiple thread that has similarities on topic.

It’s normal that some discussion will repeat since every thing that happening on gambling is just a repeated cycle. Also it doesn’t harm either a user personally unless you have the fetish to read all the post on a certain thread before you do a reply even if the thread already have many pages. If you are a regular forum user then this spam post on mega thread doesn’t bother much since you will just focus on opinion that you want to reply on that thread.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: danherbias07 on February 18, 2024, 01:17:25 PM
I don't think this should be in the "Gambling Discussion" more like in Meta if you are having problems with Mega Threads.

Look, there may be reasons that it could go longer to 10 pages.
First, what if in all the 9 pages, the OP didn't find the answer or it's just full of spammers that answered earlier?
Second, it's up to the OP if he wants to close the thread. There's always the lock topic options and it's just one press away.
Third, lazy to lock it. Most of the time they will just leave it behind and would not even care what happened to it.
Finally, there may be something that happened to the forum member where he could share on the same thread.

What you are proposing cannot work one way only. If the OP thinks he ain't seen the perfect answer yet then I doubt it will be locked immediately.
So forum members' answers are definitely important at this point.
Now, they could lock it if it takes long and there's no good answer yet, but I doubt that can happen. There are thread makers who open a thread and do not even read the reply of the members. Some just want to share their experience.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: acroman08 on February 18, 2024, 01:26:45 PM
if you think that the discussion on a thread has become pointless/senseless and has derailed from the topic and should be locked you can report it to the mods.

does it not good to have a limitations of pages in a thread and immediately the thread get to its limit page it can be lock
doing this could restrict actual discussions which could result to members creating another thread to continue the discussion. As I have mentioned before, if you think that the thread has become pointless you can report it to the mods.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: Cantsay on February 18, 2024, 02:41:08 PM
This type of thread was created in the past (if my memory serves me right) and some users suggested that campaign managers should stop paying for posts that were made in a mega thread (except in some cases). Just as you have described - I have seen users go back to a mega thread and reply the Op as if it was the first time they were replying to the thread, while some just go there and make anything that comes to their mind even if it’s not aligned with the topic with the mindset that no one will read and discover what they have written.

The truth is that, most people that are supposed to report the thread for it to be locked are the ones that are making comments in it - and because they can easily complete their weekly quota there without having to worry about others calling them out for spamming. Just to echo what others have said - if you do come across any one that you feel does not require any further reply then you can simply report it to the moderator for it to be locked.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: bittraffic on February 18, 2024, 03:35:36 PM

Mega threads in the gambling section are continuous discussions of the topic, it has to be kept open otherwise each user will just be opening new threads every time there is a sports event. The last pages in the discussions of Football, NBA to Cricket threads are updated information on new events.

These threads are easily seen by those who subscribed to the threads, they would have to scan page after page looking for new threads every time threads are created.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: coin-investor on February 18, 2024, 03:47:09 PM
some persons discussed in one thread more than five times both knowingly and unknowingly, so it's good for we to abolish some mega threads depends on the subject.

I agree with that, but there are threads like sporting events that are an event in progress and those parts of the discussion discuss what's already happening in those events, like my favorite sport, boxing the actual date of the fight is announced here months earlier because so many things are happening leading to that event, there's press con announcements, history of both fighters, what's happening during their training and finally on their weight in and finally face off, after that the fight itself analysis of the fights and what's coming after the fight.
When it comes to sporting events the topic is not redundant because all of us here have different opinions and biases on the fighters and the fights leading to debate about the fight or events.

I like to agree or contradict what Bisdak, Baofeng FinneysTrueVision and many boxing enthusiasts are posting here in our community, when it comes to events like boxing spam seldom happens.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: Agbe on February 18, 2024, 04:21:03 PM
Op when you notice sush and you know that the main question nod the thread has been answered then you can report the thread to be locked 🔐. There are sometimes the Op of the thread might not aware or the Op want other people to make an input on the topic at hand. And there are some thread that is not good to be locked because they are seasonal. And such mega threads like Premier League, La Liga and African Nations Cup etc. Even after the tournament at the moment there is another season coming up again every year so there is no need to lock those threads because people would be discussing till the other season begins.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: Crypto Library on February 18, 2024, 04:34:51 PM
Mega threads kept open for long time, in this gambling discussion and the main gambling section I do see a thread that from the first to ten pages all the discussion answers has been given but that thread continues moving whereas all the questions been asked in the thread majority has answered it, why mega thread in gambling section, when you calm down and read some of the trading style or method you can see that some points made us is not longer in line with the aim of the thread.

Some of our discussions and points in mega thread is pointless, does it not good to have a limitations of pages in a thread and immediately the thread get to its limit page it can be lock, so that everyone have it in mind, instead of spamming and be writing in some of the thread that is up to twenty to thirty [20-30] pages, [Observation] Their is some certain things that is not suppose to discuss in thread because people have already said those points,  but base on the thread is still on and they continue to spam, some persons discussed in one thread more than five times both knowingly and unknowingly, so it's good for we to abolish some mega threads depends on the subject.
Actually, there are some types of mega thread, like- One person ask something to the community to know or learn. On the others hand there are also some mega thread like discussion about the sports update and predictions, and here also included the Gambling site ANN thread, Also Wall Observer BTC/USD  (
The examples of the types of mega threads that I have given above can be divided into two parts, for example, in one there is nothing like giving any new updates, just the previous discussion is constantly being repeated like spamming and in the other there are things like giving updates and those threads are constantly The discussion is going away. We cannot call them spam. But topics or threads in which old words are repeated again and again can be caught in the queue of spam, I often report such topics to the moderator.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: aioc on February 18, 2024, 04:45:07 PM
I guess many of us here are guilty of this discussion about gambling problems and issues but sometimes it happens because of the many active posters here in the discussion you know that you have something to say about the subject and you cannot read the entire discussions to see if what you're going to post is already here so you just dropped your opinion.
If you think that the topic becomes redundant you can ask the creator of the thread or moderator to lock the thread, but you can not ask the topic to the locked if the topic happens to be sporting events like boxing, or football, because the topic is a discussion what's happening on the event, sporting events discussions are dynamic, there's always something new that will pop up on that event, leading to further discussion if you are not participating on this kind of discussion you will wonder why the topic is that long or has become a mega thread but for participants the best part of the discussion is still coming.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: iv4n on February 18, 2024, 07:42:47 PM
Some of our discussions and points in mega thread is pointless...

I agree. But there is an explanation for that. Many people who comment do not gamble and they fill the pages with unnecessary comments, and every day new people come who want to be informed more but are too lazy to read dozens/hundreds of pages, so they ask the same questions over and over again, and of course, they get the same new/old answers again.

Another reason is that some mega threads are simply long-term threads! Some threads follow certain sports leagues for years, and it's normal to see these threads getting everyday attention.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: Davidvictorson on February 18, 2024, 09:21:12 PM
Many signature campaign managers hate mega threads because most of them after a certain page are just field with spams and no-sense replies. There are those users who are late to the party and still feel they have a very important thing to add to it and so they make their contribution.

You could write the moderators about this whenever you come across a mega thread, request that they lock the thread to prevent spamming. Further, if you can also write the OP and ask after giving them good reasons for the thread to be lock if there is a delay from the moderators.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on February 18, 2024, 11:22:24 PM
Mega threads usually end up being feed on by trolls, and just as Cantsay has said, in the past it has been suggested that campaign managers should not consider posts made on Mega threads, which have already been adopted by some managers. Some people comment on mega threads just for the sake of completing the weekly post count. If it was in the past when I come across a mega thread and read through the comments, I usually find a lot of shit posts to report and also correct so many misconceptions.

What I will suggest is that if you come across any mage thread that serves its purpose already but is still open for trolling, report the topic to the moderator and suggest it be locked.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: Weawant on February 18, 2024, 11:50:16 PM
Mega threads sometimes are not there because they want people to Spam but you should understand that if a thread remains open there will always be a contribution someone out there will want to add to the thread and so the ideas remain unending because the thread is open.

The response given on a thread isn't all the time about what was exactly the reason such thread was started but then it's mostly that they may be responding to some other persons idea on the thread and it's nothing wrong with it and that's why until the thread is locked, there's always something to talk about on such threads, just like the thread of major football leagues and sports that are been discussed, there's always a respoy to what people have said they may sometimes be outside the main topic of discussion

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: Rruchi man on February 18, 2024, 11:55:41 PM
Some mega threads are kept open because the discussions in them are continuous and not ending.

Some mega threads are kept open because maybe the question asked by OP has not been well answered.

Some mega threads are still open because the people who started them have forgotten to revisit the topic they started, so the topic is left open to spammers.

The reasons are numerous.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: SatoPrincess on February 19, 2024, 08:15:45 PM
Some of those mega threads are continuous topics, it would be counterproductive to lock them because more threads will be created in its place. I suggest you report those threads, if the report remains unhandled, you can send a PM to the OP to lock the thread. It’s more easier for moderators if the topic has a question that has been answered in the first 1-5 pages, locking the thread at this point is not a bad thing as the OP should have gotten his answer.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: wheelz1200 on February 19, 2024, 10:26:37 PM
Agreed for the most part the answers have been had but sometimes the thread migrates into a different topic that's where I think it should be closed if it goes off the rails.  Generally speaking it's tough to moderate just because an answer was made on a specific thread who's idea is it that it's been satisfied other than the OP.  Message the OP of a specific thread to close it if you think it should be and they just vanished.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: robelneo on February 19, 2024, 10:42:37 PM
After reading I have closed all my topics that are gambling discussion-related but not related to sports, some topics need to remain open usually sporting events because the news keeps coming and every news that comes along is content worth discussing, as long as the sporting event is not yet finished it can still go on until he final result or it can be extended to give members their views about the results, there is a lot to be discussed after the result especially if its something controversial and the topic is more interesting after the result that if the event is just coming.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: Onyeeze on February 22, 2024, 09:11:39 PM
Some of our discussions and points in mega thread is pointless, does it not good to have a limitations of pages in a thread and immediately the thread get to its limit page it can be lock, so that everyone have it in mind, instead of spamming and be writing in some of the thread that is up to twenty to thirty [20-30] pages, [Observation] Their is some certain things that is not suppose to discuss in thread because people have already said those points,  but base on the thread is still on and they continue to spam, some persons discussed in one thread more than five times both knowingly and unknowingly, so it's good for we to abolish some mega threads depends on the subject.

Mega threads collect all the garbage post on one location. It’s really helping the forum to contain spam post rather than spread it on multiple thread that has similarities on topic.

It’s normal that some discussion will repeat since every thing that happening on gambling is just a repeated cycle. Also it doesn’t harm either a user personally unless you have the fetish to read all the post on a certain thread before you do a reply even if the thread already have many pages. If you are a regular forum user then this spam post on mega thread doesn’t bother much since you will just focus on opinion that you want to reply on that thread.
but they are not creating any good impact in the forum any longer because they are accumulating the thread with a garbage post so that does not show the quality that does not show a continuous discussion at least what we needed in a threat is to have a good suggestions in one particular thread but when you come across of all this mega thread you will see a lot of repeatable sentence and also a repeatable suggestion, I think its unfair, I know even myself respond to a thread more three times unknowingly because I have saw what I don't like or what i like in someone comment, I have no issues with the mega threads being open since every one wants it to be continued.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: CryptSafe on February 22, 2024, 10:45:50 PM
OP, I think mega threads are meant to be like that because from my little observations, it does not necessarily means that some of.the conversations on such thread as invalid. In most cases, some words or quoted and the replies are based on the quoted comments or replies which keeps prolonging and some of those quotes might not be inline with the sole purpose of the thread but people are reading it and quoting it and it keeps extending and so on and so forth.

I believe each thread has something to learn from. So therefore non of them is a waste  as they are educative and entertaining. But however, only the OP has the ability to lock such thread followed by moderators and that can only be done if the admin and moderators finds it unwanted on the platform.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: Wexnident on February 22, 2024, 11:03:17 PM
Aren't most megathreads in the first place about a series of tournaments for a specific sport and not really about people asking questions and someone else answering them? At least, the ones that I've visited are centered on that. If it were other general threads that just keep on going, then well I guess OP just didn't give a damn anymore about what was happening or still hasn't gotten an answer he liked. More often those threads deviate to their own topic hence why it can just keep on going and going.

I'd say you can just ignore or report them to moderators if the threads just end up cycling back to the same discussion over and over. Except ofc for the sports threads, those were made to be that long in the first place. Anyone who has the same question can just reopen a new topic about it anyway if they can't find the old one on the first page of the post list.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: panganib999 on February 23, 2024, 10:03:10 PM
Mega threads kept open for long time, in this gambling discussion and the main gambling section I do see a thread that from the first to ten pages all the discussion answers has been given but that thread continues moving whereas all the questions been asked in the thread majority has answered it, why mega thread in gambling section, when you calm down and read some of the trading style or method you can see that some points made us is not longer in line with the aim of the thread.

Some of our discussions and points in mega thread is pointless, does it not good to have a limitations of pages in a thread and immediately the thread get to its limit page it can be lock, so that everyone have it in mind, instead of spamming and be writing in some of the thread that is up to twenty to thirty [20-30] pages, [Observation] Their is some certain things that is not suppose to discuss in thread because people have already said those points,  but base on the thread is still on and they continue to spam, some persons discussed in one thread more than five times both knowingly and unknowingly, so it's good for we to abolish some mega threads depends on the subject.
Good question, but the thing is that it's better to have these mega-threads around and not need them than actually not have a well-established thread when we need one. Besides, the mega-threads made by most of the folks here especially for dedicated sports fans are doing their job of making sure there's no clutter of posts from other enthusiasts who wanted to talk about their sports/topic. So yeah, mega-threads will remain open until we no longer find a need for them to be.

Plus we also have to consider the fact that most of these mega-threads are self-moderated, meaning the OP got full-on liberty to whatever they wanted to do with the thread, for most of them they'd rather keep it up and moderate the thread on their own than stop the flow of conversation for the sake of "giving space to even more worthwhile topics"

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: Nwada001 on February 23, 2024, 10:30:38 PM
OP, I think mega threads are meant to be like that because from my little observations, it does not necessarily means that some of.the conversations on such thread as invalid. In most cases, some words or quoted and the replies are based on the quoted comments or replies which keeps prolonging and some of those quotes might not be inline with the sole purpose of the thread but people are reading it and quoting it and it keeps extending and so on and so forth.
Another thing about some threads is that most people think the purpose of the thread has been served, but most of the time there are others who might not have the time to read through the whole page to find the answer to their question.

They can just come to a similar thread, drop their questions, and others can answer them based on what they understand, and from there, the conversation will still continue.
A lot of threads with 10 pages or more might appear to have repeated comments and opinions, but if you look deep down, you can still find some meaningful feedback from members who were unable to share their thoughts the first time the thread was created.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: alastantiger on February 23, 2024, 10:58:53 PM
Mega threads kept open for long time, in this gambling discussion and the main gambling section I do see a thread that from the first to ten pages all the discussion answers has been given but that thread continues moving whereas all the questions been asked in the thread majority has answered it, why mega thread in gambling section, when you calm down and read some of the trading style or method you can see that some points made us is not longer in line with the aim of the thread.
Mega threads will always exist on the forum. I think that there are some  users who avoid posting on a thread once its page has gone past a certain number. I share in the same opinion with the OP about his  frustration with the longevity of mega threads.

It bothers me that it exist like that and that there will always be mega threads unless the moderations gets approval from the overall administrator to do something about such threads once they reach a certain point there by preventing what the OP is talking about.

However, I think that, there are some mega threads that do not fall into this category depending on the subject and discussions involved.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: alegotardo on February 23, 2024, 11:53:22 PM
Mega threads kept open for long time, in this gambling discussion and the main gambling section I do see a thread that from the first to ten pages all the discussion answers has been given but that thread continues moving whereas all the questions been asked in the thread majority has answered it, why mega thread in gambling section, when you calm down and read some of the trading style or method you can see that some points made us is not longer in line with the aim of the thread.

Moderators rarely close threads unless someone asks for it, so it's the OP's responsibility to manage it.

However, there is another problem: The number of repeated topics!
Even if a topic is closed, as soon as it disappears from the first page (TOP 20) someone opens a new topic with the same subject. In other words... perhaps it would have been better to have left the first topic open?

Some topics like Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions New (
they remain open forever, and this is correct because it is a topic where the discussion never ends.

On the other hand, for example, I tend to create topics about the main Brazilian championship every year... as one championship ends I close it and open the next one.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: Reid on February 24, 2024, 12:00:50 AM
Depending on the subject. If it sports discussions then they must stay because trades, injuries, coach changes, sign ups, and more are updated every day so it is necessary than gamblers must receive those news because it's a matter of the odds going up or down and their chance of winning can go slim or high.

Other threads though like questions for the rules in game or in the gambling platform must be asked on their threads so that it could be answered accurately by the their managers who are keeping the threads updated in this forum.

I understand the frustration but it's also the fault of OP if he is not locking his topic and it's not self moderated.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: yahoo62278 on February 24, 2024, 01:11:03 AM
Some megathreads are not worthless as far as the different leagues for soccer or the NBA thread and some cricket leagues as well. Those threads are busier during their respective seasons and people are always discussing what's going on in the leagues.

I think if a megathread is useless, report it and see if a moderator agrees.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: Samlucky O on February 24, 2024, 02:12:06 AM
I do not see anywhere on this forum that says there is limitations on any page. Talking about ending the page does not mean anything to me. Sofer the conversation is still active and interesting, it can continue. What I discovered is that sometimes the thread is not only a topic of discussion but people find another thread in a particular thread. That is to tell you that you can generate more discussions in an ongoing discussion. And that is what makes some thread so long. If there is any need to lock thread I believe it will be the OP initiative.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: Nerdy doctor on February 24, 2024, 02:28:19 AM
I would say a lot of people try to spam by creating threads asking a question that has been already asked and can be easily found if the OP would go out of his way to use the search button. After opening such a thread, they wouldn’t be bothered to reply/ engage with other members who are only too happy to give their opinions/answers on the thread.
The topic won’t be locked cause the OP has long  moved on and likely busy opening another spammy thread, again asking questions that have been asked a thousand times.
Some mega threads on the gambling board aren’t actually spammy as the discussions on sports would be ongoing as games are being played.

Some members have already pointed out that this topic isn’t actually gambling related. 

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: CryptSafe on February 24, 2024, 09:52:27 PM
OP, I think mega threads are meant to be like that because from my little observations, it does not necessarily means that some of.the conversations on such thread as invalid. In most cases, some words or quoted and the replies are based on the quoted comments or replies which keeps prolonging and some of those quotes might not be inline with the sole purpose of the thread but people are reading it and quoting it and it keeps extending and so on and so forth.
Another thing about some threads is that most people think the purpose of the thread has been served, but most of the time there are others who might not have the time to read through the whole page to find the answer to their question.

They can just come to a similar thread, drop their questions, and others can answer them based on what they understand, and from there, the conversation will still continue.
A lot of threads with 10 pages or more might appear to have repeated comments and opinions, but if you look deep down, you can still find some meaningful feedback from members who were unable to share their thoughts the first time the thread was created.

It is true that most people would not bother themselves reading comments of others to see if the comment would answer their question but they just  ignore and ask their question at the last page for others to reply them and when that happens, you see that the thread keeps extending and sometimes same question repeats itself over and over again. I have observed such and accounts that mostly does that are newbie account. They do not take their to read through but rather they jump to the last page of the thread to ask question which someone must have possibly asked and got a response from the beginning of the thread.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on February 24, 2024, 09:55:53 PM
Mega threads kept open for long time, in this gambling discussion and the main gambling section I do see a thread that from the first to ten pages all the discussion answers has been given but that thread continues moving whereas all the questions been asked in the thread majority has answered it, why mega thread in gambling section, when you calm down and read some of the trading style or method you can see that some points made us is not longer in line with the aim of the thread.
This is exactly what a user was tryna sight on meta and I said alot about it already... The incessant spamming, bursting and derailment of threads (especially mega threads) is becoming very rampant and the insane part is how fast it's growing on other vital threads, around the forum...

I'd say - the people in question (including every other regular alt farmers) have majorly been spamming shit on this board and it's appalling!! But them threads need to stay open cus someone might decide to make any vital update, upgrade or reference to it.

Sandra 🧑‍🦰

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: Oilacris on February 24, 2024, 09:57:55 PM
OP, I think mega threads are meant to be like that because from my little observations, it does not necessarily means that some of.the conversations on such thread as invalid. In most cases, some words or quoted and the replies are based on the quoted comments or replies which keeps prolonging and some of those quotes might not be inline with the sole purpose of the thread but people are reading it and quoting it and it keeps extending and so on and so forth.
Another thing about some threads is that most people think the purpose of the thread has been served, but most of the time there are others who might not have the time to read through the whole page to find the answer to their question.

They can just come to a similar thread, drop their questions, and others can answer them based on what they understand, and from there, the conversation will still continue.
A lot of threads with 10 pages or more might appear to have repeated comments and opinions, but if you look deep down, you can still find some meaningful feedback from members who were unable to share their thoughts the first time the thread was created.

It is true that most people would not bother themselves reading comments of others to see if the comment would answer their question but they just  ignore and ask their question at the last page for others to reply them and when that happens, you see that the thread keeps extending and sometimes same question repeats itself over and over again. I have observed such and accounts that mostly does that are newbie account. They do not take their to read through but rather they jump to the last page of the thread to ask question which someone must have possibly asked and got a response from the beginning of the thread.
I would say that it isnt newbies on why these megathread bumps but rather than into those users or forum members who do keep on piling on the same response all over again and again on which it causes for the threading to become a huge one. Somewhat you do have a point that there are some new questions been raised up along the thread on which it isnt really just that limited to
newbies but also into those older members on which it is something correlated to topic as well, with that then it would be molding up with different discussion on the thread
and this is sometimes one of the reason on why topics getting derailed or being that off topic because of these conditions.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: CryptSafe on February 24, 2024, 10:07:28 PM
OP, I think mega threads are meant to be like that because from my little observations, it does not necessarily means that some of.the conversations on such thread as invalid. In most cases, some words or quoted and the replies are based on the quoted comments or replies which keeps prolonging and some of those quotes might not be inline with the sole purpose of the thread but people are reading it and quoting it and it keeps extending and so on and so forth.
Another thing about some threads is that most people think the purpose of the thread has been served, but most of the time there are others who might not have the time to read through the whole page to find the answer to their question.

They can just come to a similar thread, drop their questions, and others can answer them based on what they understand, and from there, the conversation will still continue.
A lot of threads with 10 pages or more might appear to have repeated comments and opinions, but if you look deep down, you can still find some meaningful feedback from members who were unable to share their thoughts the first time the thread was created.

It is true that most people would not bother themselves reading comments of others to see if the comment would answer their question but they just  ignore and ask their question at the last page for others to reply them and when that happens, you see that the thread keeps extending and sometimes same question repeats itself over and over again. I have observed such and accounts that mostly does that are newbie account. They do not take their to read through but rather they jump to the last page of the thread to ask question which someone must have possibly asked and got a response from the beginning of the thread.
I would say that it isnt newbies on why these megathread bumps but rather than into those users or forum members who do keep on piling on the same response all over again and again on which it causes for the threading to become a huge one. Somewhat you do have a point that there are some new questions been raised up along the thread on which it isnt really just that limited to
newbies but also into those older members on which it is something correlated to topic as well, with that then it would be molding up with different discussion on the thread
and this is sometimes one of the reason on why topics getting derailed or being that off topic because of these conditions.
Actually, there are some quotes that might be off topic as well and not related to the real discussion but for the fact that such comment is there, some members would quote it and reply in tandem with the quote which is not inline with the sole purpose of the thread and it seems as though it is off topic but it was actually a quote that resulted to it.  This is amongst the reasons why threads sometimes looks detailed, prolonged and sometimes off topic.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: nara1892 on February 24, 2024, 10:34:07 PM
I would say that it isnt newbies on why these megathread bumps but rather than into those users or forum members who do keep on piling on the same response all over again and again on which it causes for the threading to become a huge one. Somewhat you do have a point that there are some new questions been raised up along the thread on which it isnt really just that limited to
newbies but also into those older members on which it is something correlated to topic as well, with that then it would be molding up with different discussion on the thread
and this is sometimes one of the reason on why topics getting derailed or being that off topic because of these conditions.
Actually, there are some quotes that might be off topic as well and not related to the real discussion but for the fact that such comment is there, some members would quote it and reply in tandem with the quote which is not inline with the sole purpose of the thread and it seems as though it is off topic but it was actually a quote that resulted to it.  This is amongst the reasons why threads sometimes looks detailed, prolonged and sometimes off topic.

This is a discussion forum where it is normal for many people to wander around even just in one thread by posting several times, no problem because this is the purpose of the discussion where we give each other's perspectives on the topic in question or something that is questioned by the OP. And on the other hand as you said and I admit that there are some statements that deviate and are not in line with the topic being discussed but that is what makes others more interested in then quoting people who are not in line which is likely they have not really understood what the other person meant. Actually, the longer the thread lasts, the more important points will be made as well as some possibly very important advice from various people's perspectives that are needed by some people who don't really understand.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: dezoel on February 25, 2024, 03:41:44 PM
It wont be locked until OP would really be decided on doing so, discussions would really be continuing as long as it would get bumped.
Also, i dont believe that this kind of post do belong here on this board. Maybe Meta?

Also,there are poster who do keep on searching for those threads or topics that already existed specially if they have on the same question.
Instead on making a new thread, they would rather be posting into those threads instead.
Sometimes it will be locked by the moderators too if the topic is already inappropriate and then there are many users who report it. A thread can be bumped but it's not always mean that the discussion will continue. It will still depend on the message being posted there.

I have seen many threads who got bumped and then locked because they are too old already and the bump is only like a spam. This thread we got here now still talks about gambling so I think this is also appropriate to be placed on this section. Yes, it's a must to just search for existing thread rather than creating a new one, so that the load on the forum will get lesser.

Title: Re: Why mega threads always be kept open
Post by: CryptSafe on February 25, 2024, 04:12:09 PM
I would say that it isnt newbies on why these megathread bumps but rather than into those users or forum members who do keep on piling on the same response all over again and again on which it causes for the threading to become a huge one. Somewhat you do have a point that there are some new questions been raised up along the thread on which it isnt really just that limited to
newbies but also into those older members on which it is something correlated to topic as well, with that then it would be molding up with different discussion on the thread
and this is sometimes one of the reason on why topics getting derailed or being that off topic because of these conditions.
Actually, there are some quotes that might be off topic as well and not related to the real discussion but for the fact that such comment is there, some members would quote it and reply in tandem with the quote which is not inline with the sole purpose of the thread and it seems as though it is off topic but it was actually a quote that resulted to it.  This is amongst the reasons why threads sometimes looks detailed, prolonged and sometimes off topic.

This is a discussion forum where it is normal for many people to wander around even just in one thread by posting several times, no problem because this is the purpose of the discussion where we give each other's perspectives on the topic in question or something that is questioned by the OP. And on the other hand as you said and I admit that there are some statements that deviate and are not in line with the topic being discussed but that is what makes others more interested in then quoting people who are not in line which is likely they have not really understood what the other person meant. Actually, the longer the thread lasts, the more important points will be made as well as some possibly very important advice from various people's perspectives that are needed by some people who don't really understand.

Your point is valid to say, and quoting people here is also very important to call their attention for further discussion, which requires them to either give more explanation to their post so that readers can be able to pick their point  and digress with it or they object to it. However, these are just the reasons amongst why you get to see mega threads but in all, the sole reasons for threads are for discussion and education, which give members the opportunity to learn more added to their knowledge.

I think one of the too numerous reasons for mega thread is mostly as a result of people sharing their experience as to the particular post or maybe somebody trying to illustrate  some particular experience they have had which further attracts more conversations and you know what? most of these experience shared are story to teach a lesson to others who deem it fit learning from and that is another reason why threads keeps rolling over and over.