Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Parklane777 on February 23, 2024, 02:06:18 PM

Title: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Parklane777 on February 23, 2024, 02:06:18 PM
So to get more wealth use cheat code:
Give promise today that for example you will have some goal or amount of money after one month.
You promise yourself and even If all of this not become reality some % of this will become into real.
The word " i promise" have strong power more than you could imagine.
So you need to use "i promise" first and then describe the outcome and the magic will make it even happening by someone else If you are not capable to do this by yourself.
Remember universe reads the Code this is correct way to give order to "universe the big computer " the Code example: " i promise myself and others that i have on this date that much money or bitcoin"

Remember universe are designed the way so it will take the order and process it best way possible.
If you do not use right code words nothing happens.
Now the universe will read the code and the computer Will take your order and start processing it.
But the strongest key word are always "i promise"

It's like the universe are one big computer wich reading the Code the way you talking and words you using have power.
The funny part of this are the thing that If you do not have much the resources and capabilities then universe will be like banker he will divide the cost of energy with all the others becouse you use word "i promise" the universe will take that word for sure and will do best way as possible to give you results you described with given time frame.
That's our financial world are based on "i promise" word

Use this method with action becouse without action unlikely Will happening

Try this method and let others know how it was :)

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Husires on February 23, 2024, 02:30:27 PM
Your brain is much smarter than that. If you knew that the promise would not be fulfilled, you would not work hard to fulfill it. We promised ourselves a lot when we were young, such as that I would be first in my class, or that I would get a perfect score on the exam, or that I would stay up late preparing for the test, but we did not fulfill those promises.

When you promise yourself that you will earn a million dollars and you are unable to pay your monthly expenses, this will not help you in any way. Make a realistic plan for dealing with money. Think before you spend any dollar you earn and spend part of your income on entertainment.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Parklane777 on February 23, 2024, 02:56:15 PM
Your brain is much smarter than that. If you knew that the promise would not be fulfilled, you would not work hard to fulfill it. We promised ourselves a lot when we were young, such as that I would be first in my class, or that I would get a perfect score on the exam, or that I would stay up late preparing for the test, but we did not fulfill those promises.

When you promise yourself that you will earn a million dollars and you are unable to pay your monthly expenses, this will not help you in any way. Make a realistic plan for dealing with money. Think before you spend any dollar you earn and spend part of your income on entertainment.

I forget to tell that also some action is required.
The "ipromise" will outcome and "action or movement" will be reason for universe why.
Also If you wish too much ...then give info for universe that you wish to not pay back or "having the liabilities " you just want to enjoy the fruits If you don't state that you might pay back this also with other ways like your health or else better be clear that you agree that cost will be shared or other humans in their liabilities:)

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Kelward on February 23, 2024, 04:50:28 PM
Maybe "I promise" is the magic word, I don't know if I've used that exact word, but I've been determined to do things that I put so much believe that it'll materialize, in the end nothing happened. Just like in crypto trading or gambling, you can tell yourself that the trade or game will play out in your favor, in the end you'll experience lose, so I think that if life were as easy as you said, just say 'i promise, to yourself and put in the work,  then the universe will make it happen, then we'll probably have more millionaires today.

The way I see "I promise" it can be a word of faith that we can tell ourselves and we believe that the thing will happen, a sort of encouragement and morale booster, but the reality is that it can happen when what we seek is realistic and we work towards it. Again we can have all the believes and tell ourselves anything yet it won't happen, perhaps it can happen in another form either favorably to us or not.  Thanks for sharing the inspirational phrase

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on February 23, 2024, 05:04:05 PM
So to get more wealth use cheat code:
Give promise today that for example you will have some goal or amount of money after one month.
You promise yourself and even If all of this not become reality some % of this will become into real.
The word " i promise" have strong power more than you could imagine.
So you need to use "i promise" first and then describe the outcome and the magic will make it even happening by someone else If you are not capable to do this by yourself.
Remember universe reads the Code this is correct way to give order to "universe the big computer " the Code example: " i promise myself and others that i have on this date that much money or bitcoin"

Remember universe are designed the way so it will take the order and process it best way possible.
If you do not use right code words nothing happens.
Now the universe will read the code and the computer Will take your order and start processing it.
But the strongest key word are always "i promise"

It's like the universe are one big computer wich reading the Code the way you talking and words you using have power.
The funny part of this are the thing that If you do not have much the resources and capabilities then universe will be like banker he will divide the cost of energy with all the others becouse you use word "i promise" the universe will take that word for sure and will do best way as possible to give you results you described with given time frame.
That's our financial world are based on "i promise" word

Try this method and let others know how it was :)
Well, in as much as I wouldn't want to underestimate the power of positive declarations and positive thoughts, I also would like to emphasize on the place of hard work which is also one of the ingredients of success.
No matter how much resolutions you make as a person, if you don't put in work it may never yield any returns because proper work has not been applied to the formular as hard work is the catalyst needed.

 so there's a place for work as well as making bold declarations towards your goal and also setting your goals which brings us to another ingredient called willpower which is also similar to hard work.
However I believe with the combination of declaration, hardwork and Willpower, one can be able to archive his or her individual set goals.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Marvelman on February 23, 2024, 05:58:23 PM
OP, don't be delusional. The second you mention "trick to become wealthy" most of us stop reading your ramblings. There are no such tricks! If they existed, you wouldn't be writing about them on an online forum.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: bluebit25 on February 23, 2024, 06:39:51 PM
Hey OP, maybe you just learned about the universal law of gravity. But a fuller approach to the invisible energy around you gives you the ability to get things done, a matter of balance where if you ask for something you should also be satisfied agree with the commitment.

No matter what aspect, I will not deny your point of view, but it is necessary to be more practical in life, if it is only about material things, then do not try to apply methods that are beyond your understanding. knowledge of the crowd (spiritual). But in this topic don't just talk about simplifying stories, work more instead of begging, no one will give you everything without you doing anything, more importantly don't ask for yourself, I hope you pray for that good thing for the people around you first, apply it first and understand it before spreading incomplete messages that can easily cause misunderstandings and conflicts of opinion.

P/s: I'm using your own perspective to tell you, hope you understand :)

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Juse14 on February 23, 2024, 06:51:52 PM
I sincerely believe that it is better to speak the truth to oneself instead of giving assurances one cannot fulfill. Throughout their life, everyone has their own shortcomings and limitations, but we are always given an invitation to confront absurdity within us and give meaning to our existence. At the same time, we must also be able to assess our abilities, potential, weaknesses, and current conditions, which then need to be synchronized with our future targets and goals. In order for goals and targets to not only be merely rational for us but also feasible enough for them to happen. yes, we should keep on trying until they become reality.
However, I believe this is more beneficial in terms of continuing with what we have been fighting for and seeking achievements that are attainable rather than constantly promising and then failing to fulfill our own promises. This is because it is only a waste of time and will only squander the efforts we have made.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Orpichukwu on February 23, 2024, 07:33:19 PM
Making it in life is more than just making promises to yourself; it's mostly about the action you take to achieve those things that you believe can change your life and lift it to the level you want it to be. Your decision and determination will do the most good, not just the promises you made to yourself. 
If you have a target you want to meet in life, you start by drawing out plans for that, what you want to achieve, and how you want to achieve it. Those promises are just what you need to look back on to check if you are on track and know you have a target to meet.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: snowpega on February 23, 2024, 07:52:54 PM

hmm, Making goals in life is very important and these goals help you to grow/groom yourself fastly because you are dedicated to some real-time thing that means to you more than everything in this world but not everything. Actually, I believe we should not follow any motivational speaker who also gets paid for their words and who are well trained in saying good words that can easily win the heart of their audience.

The best motivation for us should be ourselves because until we do not know what actually we are how much our presence, and personality worth, and how much we need to make changes in ourselves to grow up we can not get anything we want. I am saying this thing because when we listen to any motivational speaker that puts a good fire of growing up in us but after some time the fire slows down so that kind of motivation you may experience is temporary. That is why always work on permanent things rather than temporary things because you have to grow up by working on yourself continuously and consistently. You are only the sole person who needs to fulfil your own desire no one gonna fulfil your desires as you can fulfil your own after achieveing your goals.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Upgrade00 on February 23, 2024, 09:03:33 PM
The effect of positive affirmations is exaggerated and that's putting it mildly.

Words does not have any direct effect on our subconscious and you do not get to trick yourself into believing sonething just because you repeat it, maybe when looking into a mirror. They can help in building conviction, which spurs one to action, but that is achieved through the presence of other factors.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Gozie51 on February 23, 2024, 09:07:47 PM

Use this method with action becouse without action unlikely Will happening

Try this method and let others know how it was :)

To use the word "I promise" without the intent of it is deceitful because it raises the hope of the second person and it makes them begin to shift ground in expectation of the fulfillment of the promise. This is a P2P level and if this promise isn't fulfilled, it brings distrust that never get to be forgotten except there is an atonement later to placate the distrust.

I promise have been used so much with politicians in their manifestos and program but at the end it turns out to become building bridges that never comes to live and then the hope of the people is dashed to their own heart. Not to fulfill promise has alot to do with disappointment and bringing systems backwards and changing the future of the people because lies are factors of cheating and doesn't lead to any positive outcome.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: topbitcoin on February 23, 2024, 10:24:30 PM
Every word spoken is a promise, and a real man never swallows his saliva or breaks his word. and my promise to myself, "I may not come from a well-off family, but I make sure that in the future my children will be born into a well-off family." In the process of achieving financial stability and becoming a fairly established person, this often involves strong commitment and self-discipline. And regarding the promises we hold, this can be a tool to continue to motivate us to keep going and try to stay focused and responsible in order to make it happen.

However, we need to understand that wealth is not only about the amount of money we have, but also about happiness, prosperity and also the blessing of life as a whole. So that in addition to our financial goals, it is quite important to always maintain a balance in life, lest because we are too focused on pursuing wealth, we sacrifice our own health and neglect the people we love. including family.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Mrbluntzy on February 23, 2024, 10:35:45 PM
"I promise myself this.... I promise myself that" These are just words and if their is no action you take to backup such self promises, you will just keep promising yourself all good things that life have given to some people but you can not have it because you have not perform the right action that can make possible for those promises to come to light. When you keep doing the same thing in the same manners at all time, never expect a different result. If you want a different result from what you are doing, then do things differently.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: AmoreJaz on February 23, 2024, 11:44:27 PM
"I promise myself this.... I promise myself that" These are just words and if their is no action you take to backup such self promises, you will just keep promising yourself all good things that life have given to some people but you can not have it because you have not perform the right action that can make possible for those promises to come to light. When you keep doing the same thing in the same manners at all time, never expect a different result. If you want a different result from what you are doing, then do things differently.

You are insane if you will expect a different result coming from the same action that you are doing. Promises are just words, better work it on actual. And for sure, you will see the fruits of your sacrifices.
Actions are actually needed to implement the changes you want in your life. If all the things you want to do is all in your head, I don't think there will be alterations that will happen in your life.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: terrific on February 23, 2024, 11:48:03 PM
You're talking about some kind of law of attraction as they say. I think having a positivity thinking will definitely manifest into your goal and that's an important matter.
Having a positive mindset helps you out and it may seem to be a trick and a hack that really works but it needs to associate with hardwork, perseverance and having the never giving up mind.
Not just the mind but also our words are powerful.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: SatoPrincess on February 24, 2024, 04:06:08 PM
Your views on money reminds me of a book I read once titled The Magic of Money. The author believed that if you spoke positive words into the atmosphere, you would be able to attract good things to yourself. His second point was that gratitude is the best way to attract success, half of the book was dedicated to how one can be thankful to the universe. I don’t believe in magic. I think it’s delusional to think that you can become successful without working hard, saying positive affirmations may get you in a good mood but how does the Bible say it faith without work is death.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: nara1892 on February 24, 2024, 04:31:05 PM

Use this method with action becouse without action unlikely Will happening

Try this method and let others know how it was :)

It's like dreaming, praying and imagining, everyone has their own dreams and there is no one who doesn't want to achieve financial success in life, but most of them are just dreaming or fantasizing without any action, so obviously it will never happen or succeed. I understand that the OP is talking about taking action and not just dreaming or planning, but the problem here is that you are forgetting that everyone has a sense of "laziness and forgetfulness" which ultimately leads to procrastination.

The fact is that it's easier said than done, and everyone has this trait, only those people who really have strong determination and sincerity in themselves can ultimately achieve success, on the other hand we must also understand that there is absolutely no guarantee that you can actually achieve financial success as a reward for the efforts you have made. Finally, I admit that what the OP said is indeed a pretty good method to increase one's confidence but humans have traits within themselves that can make them experience delays or even failures.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: jrrsparkles on February 24, 2024, 05:04:06 PM
Is there anyone in the world doesn't dream about achieving big?

Then, why only few can manage to achieve it while the others are keep chasing it forever or change their career completely for so many reasons.

Money is created out of nothing but as an individual, if you need money then you should be very clear in, how you're going to make that money in a year or 10 years or how long you have set your goal.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Yatsan on February 24, 2024, 05:12:42 PM
You're talking about some kind of law of attraction as they say. I think having a positivity thinking will definitely manifest into your goal and that's an important matter.
Having a positive mindset helps you out and it may seem to be a trick and a hack that really works but it needs to associate with hardwork, perseverance and having the never giving up mind.
Not just the mind but also our words are powerful.
It won't mean anything if there will be no committment with that promise. What about the phrase "Promises are meant to be broken?". Words are indeed powerful hut it depends on how it will be recieved and who will make use of it. It will just create a drive within you but it will depend on oneself on how he would make it happen but believing it won't be enough for sure. Circumstances may also take place which would be a hindrance meeting your desires.
Is there anyone in the world doesn't dream about achieving big?

Then, why only few can manage to achieve it while the others are keep chasing it forever or change their career completely for so many reasons.

Money is created out of nothing but as an individual, if you need money then you should be very clear in, how you're going to make that money in a year or 10 years or how long you have set your goal.
Money is created as a system of payment likewise with trading of goods way back then and not because someone just made it to happen; it took agreement between all people. However, indeed it is a good thing to have an achievable goal and not just to have one. The more difficult it ca be achieved, the more an individual will be struggling which could cause low morale which often yield to not being able to fulfill that desire.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: aylabadia05 on February 24, 2024, 05:19:26 PM
The workings of a healthy mind to produce better ways to become rich can be adjusted if we are willing to do it.
Send our brain more advanced ideas, then the brain will work to give us the strength to do it. For example, determine how much income you want for one day, two days or one week. Hard work and thought will give us smart work as long as we are not drunk.

Lying to ourselves will lead to results commensurate with the lie itself.
I believe too much in the power of my mind to achieve the targets I have set now and in the future.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: jrrsparkles on February 24, 2024, 05:33:57 PM
. However, indeed it is a good thing to have an achievable goal and not just to have one. The more difficult it ca be achieved, the more an individual will be struggling which could cause low morale which often yield to not being able to fulfill that desire.

The goal should be realistic as well as something that's not in our comfort zone, most of the common mistake we make that keep us where we are financially is not thinking beyond our comfort zone or just go by the default way, study then get a job and take loan and pay dues for the remaining days in your life while few understand the current dynamics and work towards making something that can give returns sooner.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: _BlackStar on February 24, 2024, 05:44:25 PM
This is one of the so-called affirmations - but sometimes they are useless when your subconscious doesn't respond to them properly. I mean - your reaction doesn't reflect any of that, meaning you're still the guy you were yesterday.

Self-affirmation and self-motivation certainly have their benefits - but you still have to work hard and prove to yourself that you can. Sometimes the results are not as expected - but that doesn't mean it's bad if you know how to be grateful. If you haven't achieved what you want - then the two most important things are, try harder and be patient.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Negotiation on February 24, 2024, 05:51:42 PM
There is no doubt that right hard work and specific goals can definitely give you good things, but many a times it is seen that if luck does not help us we cannot achieve success and even after all efforts we fail. But here efforts and goals are more important and luck plays a helpful role in the end.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: on February 24, 2024, 08:45:40 PM
So to get more wealth use cheat code:
Give promise today that for example you will have some goal or amount of money after one month.
You promise yourself and even If all of this not become reality some % of this will become into real.
The word " i promise" have strong power more than you could imagine.
So you need to use "i promise" first and then describe the outcome and the magic will make it even happening by someone else If you are not capable to do this by yourself.
Remember universe reads the Code this is correct way to give order to "universe the big computer " the Code example: " i promise myself and others that i have on this date that much money or bitcoin"

Remember universe are designed the way so it will take the order and process it best way possible.
If you do not use right code words nothing happens.
Now the universe will read the code and the computer Will take your order and start processing it.
But the strongest key word are always "i promise"

It's like the universe are one big computer wich reading the Code the way you talking and words you using have power.
The funny part of this are the thing that If you do not have much the resources and capabilities then universe will be like banker he will divide the cost of energy with all the others becouse you use word "i promise" the universe will take that word for sure and will do best way as possible to give you results you described with given time frame.
That's our financial world are based on "i promise" word

Use this method with action becouse without action unlikely Will happening

Try this method and let others know how it was :)

I wonder how did you find out about this method? Did you try it yourself? Did it work for you?

Why did you decide to share this method? A couple of years ago I'd say that this is BS and that you'ŗe crazy but I've met a person who could do lots of crazy things including future-telling and some paranormal stuff. This person passed away unfortunately but I now believe that such weird methods may actually work...  8)

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: serjent05 on February 24, 2024, 09:05:23 PM
Use this method with action becouse without action unlikely Will happening

Try this method and let others know how it was :)

Nothing happens if a person only promises and does not act, so yeah make the plan into reality by taking action.   At the end of the day, you are just talking about conditioning of the mind but it is nothing if an action does not follow.  Motivation is good, it gives a person hope and strength to carry on even in the hardest times but there is no other thing that is better than taking action.

By the way,  using the word "I promised" with unknown people isn't effective.  They still have to see our credentials and see if we are capable of performing those promises. 

Is there anyone in the world doesn't dream about achieving big?

Then, why only few can manage to achieve it while the others are keep chasing it forever or change their career completely for so many reasons.

Money is created out of nothing but as an individual, if you need money then you should be very clear in, how you're going to make that money in a year or 10 years or how long you have set your goal.

Because people are trapped with mind conditioning, they do it too much that they get too tired to take action to be able to realize what they promised.  And those promises as people said are meant to be broken, meaning people who keep on promising things often fail to deliver.  That is a possible reason why many individual are still gazing on thing they promised to themselves.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: jrrsparkles on February 24, 2024, 09:45:37 PM
Because people are trapped with mind conditioning, they do it too much that they get too tired to take action to be able to realize what they promised.  And those promises as people said are meant to be broken, meaning people who keep on promising things often fail to deliver.  That is a possible reason why many individual are still gazing on thing they promised to themselves.

I would say every who try genuinely with their 100% still may not able to accomplish what they have dreamt of becoming for reasons like family commitments and this is how the growth structure works so all we can do is set a goal an also we have to make short term goals that can lead us to the ultimate goal. For example, if our journey is 500 miles and want to cross that in 12 hrs then we have to plan like 50 miles per hours is more than enough to get us to the destination that we wish.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: panganib999 on February 24, 2024, 10:22:24 PM
Your brain is much smarter than that. If you knew that the promise would not be fulfilled, you would not work hard to fulfill it. We promised ourselves a lot when we were young, such as that I would be first in my class, or that I would get a perfect score on the exam, or that I would stay up late preparing for the test, but we did not fulfill those promises.

When you promise yourself that you will earn a million dollars and you are unable to pay your monthly expenses, this will not help you in any way. Make a realistic plan for dealing with money. Think before you spend any dollar you earn and spend part of your income on entertainment.
This falls more on the "Law of Attraction" pseudo-science mumbo jumbo that have been the buzz for a whole while now. People suddenly get this idea that their thoughts are more powerful than they let on and are pretty much convinced that they can control their destinies and in this case wealth by introducing meditative activities and slogans to trick their mind into working for them. Personally I don't believe in this bullshit but if that's what gets you going in the morning then by all means, I support you.

The problem starts when people begin to think this is all that they would need to do in order to succeed. They'd stop working, they'd think everything's gonna fall into place anyway someday and all they had to do was just follow some Youtube Guru's advice or whatever, which is very toxic and mind-numbing to say the least.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: johnsaributua on February 25, 2024, 01:26:09 AM
For me it is a form of positive affirmation for a mindset about getting money, of course if you are too comfortable with it, you will be enough with what you get, not wrong but it is better to manage and add more real sources of income, because the money that comes in is characterized by balanced smart work and hard work. If without these affirmations it also feels like life is always lacking with money, both for me are important between action and mindset.

MUngkin will make more excited with definite steps, this is simple but if it has become a habit it is a form of gratitude and positive prayer every morning.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: franky1 on February 25, 2024, 01:30:04 AM
promissory notes (bonds which create money) are not just promises.. they also come with terms and conditions and commitments

promises mean nothing unless there is terms and commitments to ensure actions happen

so instead of just making a promise to yourself, instead commit to a budget by separating your income into different debit cards to ensure you commit to the budget, forcing you to only spend set amounts by only using certain debit card for its purpose

much like how people foolishly spend upto their credit limit because their bank promised them the credit limit is affordable to pay down.
instead set a budget and put money onto a debit card, call that debit card 'groceries' and when you spend it all(hit the limit) then you teach yourself to live within that limit thats a more fair accurate representation of affordability

by setting a budget and committing to it by hard lining a budget in set debit cards.. you then see there can be spare excess funds not assigned which you can then put into savings to create a rescue buffer of emergency funding to avoid using credit..
then after reaching the emergency budget. then put ongoing excess into investments

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: bitterguy28 on February 25, 2024, 03:07:48 AM
It is basically the law of attraction or law of manifestation.

What you believe in will be manifested as an outcome into your reality. they say that constant manifestation of your goals will direct your focus and energy into achieving those goals thats why they come into reality. however true this may be i dont think it will be enough. of course plain manifestations would not be enough we have to work hard to achieve our goals

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: franky1 on February 25, 2024, 03:44:53 AM
It is basically the law of attraction or law of manifestation.

What you believe in will be manifested as an outcome into your reality. they say that constant manifestation of your goals will direct your focus and energy into achieving those goals thats why they come into reality. however true this may be i dont think it will be enough. of course plain manifestations would not be enough we have to work hard to achieve our goals

law of attraction or law of manifestation never work by just thinking it in your head or making conversations of wishes

you actually have to guide yourself in the direction towards your target

you have to prioritise your life that every choice you make goes into the plan direction of your target

if you want a job in animal care
and yet you are sitting at the computer playing call of duty day in, day out.. and you had options of reading a book about animals or doing animal research or job searching for animal care jobs.. or any job animal adjacent..  but instead you are shooting NPC characters and wishing an animal care job just turns up.. you are doing it wrong..
turn the game off and look into things that can get you closer to a job in animal care. this might mean door knocking your neighbours with pets and asking to groom, pet sit, dog walk their pet for a cheap rate to get experience and also earn some references off of it.

wishes dreams and promises are in someones head, you need to physically commit to actions that get you closer to your goal, not wishing your goals come to you

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Pi-network314159 on February 25, 2024, 05:04:22 AM
Using the code "I promise" is not any code to succeed. Just as they said  " action speaks louder than words" no matter how you use any word of encourage to console yourself it will never work except you put action to it. Sometimes the code is a multivator but the multivation comes from the mind. If you don't work towards it, it will still be void. do you know how many times people said "I promise" yet they failed? Life is very difficult so you can't just expect every word you said to come into accomplishment. If words have power like the way you assume, by now many poor people would have been rich. Because most poor people have said that word a thousand times yet nothing to show as result. The word "I promise" is just a motivational word of the mind which may or may not be accomplished so it is not code for success, but a code to change you mind to follow the rule to succeed.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: boty on February 25, 2024, 05:55:17 AM
There is no doubt that right hard work and specific goals can definitely give you good things, but many a times it is seen that if luck does not help us we cannot achieve success and even after all efforts we fail. But here efforts and goals are more important and luck plays a helpful role in the end.
By doing hard work, of course this will give good results according to what we do and we must be confident in the abilities we have to achieve success, but there are some people who don't work hard but can achieve success through the luck they get. but for those who have tried to work hard, of course they will be able to achieve success.

For me it is a form of positive affirmation for a mindset about getting money, of course if you are too comfortable with it, you will be enough with what you get, not wrong but it is better to manage and add more real sources of income, because the money that comes in is characterized by balanced smart work and hard work. If without these affirmations it also feels like life is always lacking with money, both for me are important between action and mindset.

MUngkin will make more excited with definite steps, this is simple but if it has become a habit it is a form of gratitude and positive prayer every morning.
Having a good mindset in terms of earning money will certainly make us more enthusiastic in completing the work we do and will try as hard as possible to produce good work and we will be able to get good results too, starting a new day with positive thoughts of course we will be able to get a good income too and we will be eager to make money with new enthusiasm too.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: AVE5 on February 25, 2024, 06:24:30 AM
It is courageous to be determinant if we must have to posses our possessions but yet most of the things we promised ourselves never came to reality neither has all that we have been earnestly striving and pushing to achieve been successful.
Oh yes you must have to gain visions of yourself, definitely a vision of your future being and then put actions up to practice and mustn't get our hands tied up and expect manners of magics and wonders. Any hope that is not of your own self capacity is a false one until it is realized so, there is no point of reliability that someone would always do it for you when you tries but couldn't do it. Just keep trying and trying with the sensory perceptions of decoding your lapses and be endivoired to adjust and  eliminate them and then, there comes the realms of actualizing your dreams comes through of success.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: oktana on February 25, 2024, 11:19:47 AM
Those are just words, you have to put in the action. This is the reason why many people are poor today. If you ask who wants to make a million dollars everyone raises their hands, if you ask how many who will put in the work, everyone raises their hands, but when the work comes, little or no effort is put to make it happen. So it isn’t just about saying it. Don’t forget empty promises are a thing. And I believe is easier to fulfill a promise than makes sense. But any how you choose to go about it, you will need to put in the WORK!

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: dezoel on February 28, 2024, 04:44:33 PM
I don't know how many times I have used this cheat word in my life and promised myself and others a lot of things that aren't yet fulfilled by the universe ;D.

Jokes aside, I don't believe in such things. I believe in hard work and dedication and people that work hard in their crafts and with their skills tend to gain success if they make use of the opportunities they get in life.
The primary challenge is to make use of the opportunities laid in front of you by life and you need to make sure that you are in the right place at the right time to be able to do that.

Luck might play it's role in some cases, but not in most, the primary focus should be hard work if someone wants success in their life.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: MFahad on February 28, 2024, 05:49:52 PM
Those are just words, you have to put in the action. This is the reason why many people are poor today. If you ask who wants to make a million dollars everyone raises their hands, if you ask how many who will put in the work, everyone raises their hands, but when the work comes, little or no effort is put to make it happen. So it isn’t just about saying it. Don’t forget empty promises are a thing. And I believe is easier to fulfill a promise than makes sense. But any how you choose to go about it, you will need to put in the WORK!

Yep, I completely agree with that. When it comes to hard work and putting in some effort, many take steps back because people want to gain everything but they don't want to work for it. You will see a lot of people in this world who are always dreaming to have all the luxuries in their lives, and they are always day dreaming of having the best life possible, but when you ask what their plans are for that, you would find them having no plans at all, they won't even be ready to work for their dreams.

So resolutions and promises made to yourself are good only if you work on them. You can't just promise something to yourself and then expect the universe to get it done for you without you doing anything about it. As they say, god helps those who help themselves.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Coyster on February 28, 2024, 06:11:25 PM
The word " i promise" have strong power more than you could imagine.
What sort of power, i don't believe in things such as this, but if you do and you think it works for you, then that is fine. You can promise yourself that you are going to achieve X in a specified period of time and still fail to get it, making promises without any action or knowledge on how to get it done is just empty promises that would yield nothing.

Having said that, instead of believing that the word "i promise" has powers and your life can be better if you say it to yourself, work on acquiring useful skills, knowledge and education, these are more important and "powerful" things than "i promise".

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: oktana on February 28, 2024, 10:16:14 PM
The word " i promise" have strong power more than you could imagine.
What sort of power, i don't believe in things such as this, but if you do and you think it works for you, then that is fine. You can promise yourself that you are going to achieve X in a specified period of time and still fail to get it, making promises without any action or knowledge on how to get it done is just empty promises that would yield nothing.


Same thing I told him. It reminds me of a video I saw on Instagram where someone said that wishing to do the thing isn’t doing the thing, talking about doing the thing is not doing the thing, he mentioned a lot of possible behaviors and lastly he said that the only thing that’s doing the thing is you actually doing the thing. Though certain statements can be motivation but it’s all empty after all, if you don’t push it, it wouldn’t move.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: sekalitas on February 29, 2024, 03:17:21 AM
So to get more wealth use cheat code:
Give promise today that for example you will have some goal or amount of money after one month.
You promise yourself and even If all of this not become reality some % of this will become into real.
The word " i promise" have strong power more than you could imagine.
So you need to use "i promise" first and then describe the outcome and the magic will make it even happening by someone else If you are not capable to do this by yourself.
Remember universe reads the Code this is correct way to give order to "universe the big computer " the Code example: " i promise myself and others that i have on this date that much money or bitcoin"

Remember universe are designed the way so it will take the order and process it best way possible.
If you do not use right code words nothing happens.
Now the universe will read the code and the computer Will take your order and start processing it.
But the strongest key word are always "i promise"

It's like the universe are one big computer wich reading the Code the way you talking and words you using have power.
The funny part of this are the thing that If you do not have much the resources and capabilities then universe will be like banker he will divide the cost of energy with all the others becouse you use word "i promise" the universe will take that word for sure and will do best way as possible to give you results you described with given time frame.
That's our financial world are based on "i promise" word

Use this method with action becouse without action unlikely Will happening

Try this method and let others know how it was :)

You're right, your method won't work without action. Therefore, I'd like to suggest adding an action plan after making a promise. This plan should consist of small, achievable steps. For example, instead of simply saying "I promise to get rich," you could say "I promise to apply to one company each day." Breaking your promise down into bite-sized actions makes them seem less daunting and increases the likelihood of following through.

Furthermore, I believe the biggest issue with your method is the reliance on hope and lack of action. Simply promising yourself or others something and hoping the universe will manifest it isn't enough. This approach often leads to self-doubt when the desired outcome isn't achieved.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Kakmakr on February 29, 2024, 05:34:18 AM
You are basically promoting a positive attitude, but this can easily backfire on you, if you make unrealistic "promises" to youself and to people around you.

My friends son is a trader, he promised his parents that he will be a succesful trader, like the social media traders that are promising the world to other people around them. (It has been 6 years now and he cannot even help to pay the rent)

You have to set realistic goals for yourself, before you take on the world, then you will be succesful.  ;)

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: retreat on February 29, 2024, 06:26:14 AM
What you are saying is like a religious person who every day keeps praying to God to help him get 1 million dollars. Every day he prayed and kept convincing himself that his God would give him 1 million dollars, if he really believed in Him and believed in his prayers. But instead of getting 1 million dollars, every day he had difficulty meeting his needs and gradually he began to doubt the existence of God.
What I want to convey is, you have to be realistic in your life, just convince yourself and believe in God, the Universe, or whatever is not enough. In my religion we are taught not only to believe, but also to act, just like the wise man said "ora et labora" to work and pray, because faith and believing in something is not enough, you have to work to get it.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Natsuu on February 29, 2024, 01:48:59 PM
Basically saying positive stuff like making promises to yourself can boost your motivation. But for real results, you gotta mix it with actual actions. So talk the talk with goals and promises but also walk the walk by putting in the effort. Sometimes i feel that i am lucky because the universe is always in my favor. i give little credit to myself until someone told that it is actually because im doing well and the universe knows

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: 0t3p0t on February 29, 2024, 02:14:51 PM
Your brain is much smarter than that. If you knew that the promise would not be fulfilled, you would not work hard to fulfill it. We promised ourselves a lot when we were young, such as that I would be first in my class, or that I would get a perfect score on the exam, or that I would stay up late preparing for the test, but we did not fulfill those promises.

When you promise yourself that you will earn a million dollars and you are unable to pay your monthly expenses, this will not help you in any way. Make a realistic plan for dealing with money. Think before you spend any dollar you earn and spend part of your income on entertainment.
The promises we have in our lives cannot be trusted to be honest, why? Because it was just made to be broken. Though not all of it but most of the time depending on the situation. Always remember that Change is the only constant. So don't be fooled with what our plans today because anytime it could change.

There is no trick to become rich instantly not unless you won the jackpot on lottery. We need to be smart, dedicated, hardworking and skillful to achieve financial freedom. Our mindset is what makes us what we become. Invest in Bitcoin or cryptocurrency as a whole, precious metals and real estate because those assets is what make you rich one day.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on February 29, 2024, 02:16:32 PM
Money is a reward of value. Many wealthy people actually came into wealth by doing something only they believed in, despite the naysayers and haters, they kept doing what they believed in and prayed for breakthrough.
Breakthrough comes when the work of ones hand, creates a reputation that befits and causes value, in that the only way any other person could access the value that has been so spoken about, they would have to pay.

Good affirmations are a great way to keep the mind clear and focused, but for the goddess of goodwill and riches to visit any true faithful person, there must be a medium in the form of acts of service or work, that warrants such blessings. Be valuable, use affirmations, study and be faithful to any work thy hand finds and watch how wealth would come.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: CageMabok on February 29, 2024, 02:33:27 PM
Basically saying positive stuff like making promises to yourself can boost your motivation. But for real results, you gotta mix it with actual actions. So talk the talk with goals and promises but also walk the walk by putting in the effort. Sometimes i feel that i am lucky because the universe is always in my favor. i give little credit to myself until someone told that it is actually because im doing well and the universe knows
More precisely, it is God because the one who controls this universe is God so that when you are fine you can still praise yourself for your achievements so far. It could be said that you may be being well looked after by God :D, but in terms of trying I also agree with what you say because if motivation and desire are not integrated into real actions in our own lives. Of course, there will be no results that we can achieve well, so this has become mandatory for all people who want positive results in their lives to combine.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: slapper on February 29, 2024, 02:52:27 PM
You mean "I promise," brings wealth? If throwing words into the universe created riches, we'd all be billionaires. What you do matters more than what you say. Without action, discipline, and real-world strategies, promises are empty. Cosmos isn't an ATM. Wealth building requires market, investing, and compound interest knowledge. This is risk management, not wishful thinking. You promise yourself a month of wealth? Where's the plan? The budget? Investment strategy? The universe wants action, not promises

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: kryptqnick on February 29, 2024, 03:02:40 PM
So many things to note here. One, there's no evidence we're living in a simulation or some sort of well-structured universe where promises materialize. Two, people break their promises all the time, and promising to have a certain amount of money can just be added to the list. Three, if a person takes promises very seriously and realizes that there's no good way of keeping that promise about having a certain amount of money by the end of the month, it can lead to terrible decisions like resorting to crime to keep the promise.
In a milder form of setting up realistic goals and making plans of reaching them, the idea has some merit, but we should still be mindful of the circumstances that usually define the opportunities or lack thereof of financially improving one's life.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: |MINER| on February 29, 2024, 04:22:27 PM
It is not only a commitment but also a reality.  Suppose you promised yourself at the beginning of the year that you will build a 50-story building but you did not work hard enough to build it and your promise is broken.  Determination is good but it is more important to think things through realistically.  Practical activities are more helpful in turning dreams into reality.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Cityhunter34 on February 29, 2024, 07:21:49 PM
So to get more wealth use cheat code:
Give promise today that for example you will have some goal or amount of money after one month.
You promise yourself and even If all of this not become reality some % of this will become into real.
The word " i promise" have strong power more than you could imagine.
So you need to use "i promise" first and then describe the outcome and the magic will make it even happening by someone else If you are not capable to do this by yourself.
Remember universe reads the Code this is correct way to give order to "universe the big computer " the Code example: " i promise myself and others that i have on this date that much money or bitcoin"

Remember universe are designed the way so it will take the order and process it best way possible.
If you do not use right code words nothing happens.
Now the universe will read the code and the computer Will take your order and start processing it.
But the strongest key word are always "i promise"

It's like the universe are one big computer wich reading the Code the way you talking and words you using have power.
The funny part of this are the thing that If you do not have much the resources and capabilities then universe will be like banker he will divide the cost of energy with all the others becouse you use word "i promise" the universe will take that word for sure and will do best way as possible to give you results you described with given time frame.
That's our financial world are based on "i promise" word

Use this method with action becouse without action unlikely Will happening

Try this method and let others know how it was :)
Okay, "I promise" myself to be wealthy in the next two years. Lol it's good to understand that it takes dedication, perseverance and determination to build wealth for the Future, I agree with you to try this method with action as speaking positive affirmation to myself without hard work or action is nothing. I have heard that making promises to yourself or making wishes and saying it out loud for the universe to hear brings good luck, but what are mere words without action?

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: dothebeats on February 29, 2024, 09:48:39 PM
You must have some sort of credibility to pull this off. Commonfolks wouldn't be able to do this unless their credit scores are good and their financial well being is in good standing. No one is gullible enough to trust the words of a nobody especially when it comes to business. If that is how easy it is, I'm pretty sure a lot of people will be doing this and get busted because there's just not a lot of bright minds to use that money well and actually make money off of it.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Negotiation on March 01, 2024, 12:15:44 PM
There is no doubt that right hard work and specific goals can definitely give you good things, but many a times it is seen that if luck does not help us we cannot achieve success and even after all efforts we fail. But here efforts and goals are more important and luck plays a helpful role in the end.
By doing hard work, of course this will give good results according to what we do and we must be confident in the abilities we have to achieve success, but there are some people who don't work hard but can achieve success through the luck they get. but for those who have tried to work hard, of course they will be able to achieve success.
Your success is more through hard work but if you achieve success through luck, luck will be good once, but luck is not good again and again. Hard work is the only determinant behind the success of any individual or nation. People may not succeed in any task the first time. Long term hard work or continuous hard work leads to the desired success it is definitely possible to succeed if you do not get frustrated if you fail in something and focus hard on it.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Adreman23 on March 01, 2024, 02:25:55 PM
So to get more wealth use cheat code:
Give promise today that for example you will have some goal or amount of money after one month.
You promise yourself and even If all of this not become reality some % of this will become into real.
The word " i promise" have strong power more than you could imagine.
So you need to use "i promise" first and then describe the outcome and the magic will make it even happening by someone else If you are not capable to do this by yourself.
Remember universe reads the Code this is correct way to give order to "universe the big computer " the Code example: " i promise myself and others that i have on this date that much money or bitcoin"

Remember universe are designed the way so it will take the order and process it best way possible.
If you do not use right code words nothing happens.
Now the universe will read the code and the computer Will take your order and start processing it.
But the strongest key word are always "i promise"

It's like the universe are one big computer wich reading the Code the way you talking and words you using have power.
The funny part of this are the thing that If you do not have much the resources and capabilities then universe will be like banker he will divide the cost of energy with all the others becouse you use word "i promise" the universe will take that word for sure and will do best way as possible to give you results you described with given time frame.
That's our financial world are based on "i promise" word

Use this method with action becouse without action unlikely Will happening

Try this method and let others know how it was :)

Believing in something gives a person strength to reach their goals. When someone promises, it shows they're thinking positively and are determined to achieve what they want. Some things in our world are hard to understand. Having a positive attitude might make someone feel connected to God. But, just to be clear, when you talk about the universe, are you talking about God? Because the universe is the space where planets and stars are, and it's all created by God.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Davian144 on March 01, 2024, 02:40:26 PM
Believing in something gives a person strength to reach their goals. When someone promises, it shows they're thinking positively and are determined to achieve what they want. Some things in our world are hard to understand. Having a positive attitude might make someone feel connected to God. But, just to be clear, when you talk about the universe, are you talking about God? Because the universe is the space where planets and stars are, and it's all created by God.
I think it also depends on each person's beliefs when it comes to what the universe can influence them to achieve something better. I personally always look more at logic so that I can digest it well for anything, because when you ask like that and remind the OP about God, of course that also makes sense because this universe was not created by humans. However, in this case I will not equate someone's perception of the beliefs that have been embedded within each person.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: God bless u on March 01, 2024, 05:56:18 PM
A very effective way in my opinion. But the point here is first you need to be honest with yourself for this. If you're not honest and loyal to yourself than you'll promise each day and you'll end up breaking one. If a person is able to drag himself into the court, a court whose judge is himself whose lawyer is himself whose victim is himself then you can always have very good chances of growing and have a good future.

Life never waits for someone it's you who could have a great impact on your life. Never ever let yourself down for some temporary things.Get yourself out of your comfort zone and then see magic happens.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Wakate on March 01, 2024, 06:36:29 PM
You are basically promoting a positive attitude, but this can easily backfire on you, if you make unrealistic "promises" to youself and to people around you.

My friends son is a trader, he promised his parents that he will be a succesful trader, like the social media traders that are promising the world to other people around them. (It has been 6 years now and he cannot even help to pay the rent)

You have to set realistic goals for yourself, before you take on the world, then you will be succesful.  ;)
Things are difficult and we don't have to promise people or ourselves or something we are not sure about. Sometimes things could backfire and we could end up losing if we have promised people around us already or having a great lifestyle and business inventions without working hard enough to earn such a money. Things are becoming worse these days and sometimes what we think going to be possible might become the negative. This is one reason I am very careful the kind of word I alter to people because the people can use it against us if we are not that wise enough to be bold and do the right thing.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: skarais on March 01, 2024, 06:43:43 PM
I like self-affirmation because in certain circumstances it can raise my enthusiasm for doing a job. Maybe things like this are not always useful for everyone because it is still very possible for someone to not appreciate themselves, let alone motivate themselves to be better.

Regarding money and wealth, everything requires effort and following a process. We can't be rich just because we always motivate ourselves with positive words, but hard work and never giving up is a process that must be done to achieve it. Some take decades to become millionaires, while others only need one year. In my opinion, a person's fate, no matter what, will only change when that person wants to change it, including how they get the wealth they desire.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Antotena on March 01, 2024, 07:07:30 PM
So to get more wealth use cheat code:
Give promise today that for example you will have some goal or amount of money after one month.
You promise yourself and even If all of this not become reality some % of this will become into real.
The word " i promise" have strong power more than you could imagine.
So you need to use "i promise" first and then describe the outcome and the magic will make it even happening by someone else If you are not capable to do this by yourself.

This sound like an advise that is coming from Disney movie, when you go into reality you will understand that having objectives and positive aims doesn't fulfill anything in life even though you put a lot of effort in it.
I remember back the when I was in Uni, I did everything I could to graduate with a first class, I work for it, pray for it and hope for it but it never came, it was almost but somehow because my academics were affected in my early days in the beginning of academics. I called God, I called on myself and call on my brain not to fail me but I guess the universe forgot me.

Life is not fair, the ealeir we realized that not everyone is going to be reach, the better for everyone. This money making of thing, it's not everyone that is going to make this money, a lot of us would make the ones to solve our personal problems, foot bills but having much to make names, not everyone will reach thy level in life.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: someone703 on March 01, 2024, 07:48:24 PM
Folks be out there wishing on stars for fancy cars and dream vacations, but when it comes to actually hustling for it, they peace out faster than a greased-up cheetah. Dreaming big is cool, but it's like staring at a delicious pizza picture – ain't gonna fill your belly, right? You gotta get up, grab some ingredients, follow that recipe, and bam! Pizza time, baby.

Resolutions and promises are like the first step on a hike – they get you started, but the real journey is the climb. So, dust off those dreams, map out a plan, and get your hustle on. The universe might give high fives to hard work, but it don't hand out free wins. Remember, the only way to reach your goals is to chase after them, homie. And who knows, maybe on your journey, you'll discover something even cooler than you ever dreamed of!

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: johnsaributua on March 01, 2024, 11:20:02 PM
You are basically promoting a positive attitude, but this can easily backfire on you, if you make unrealistic "promises" to youself and to people around you.

My friends son is a trader, he promised his parents that he will be a succesful trader, like the social media traders that are promising the world to other people around them. (It has been 6 years now and he cannot even help to pay the rent)

You have to set realistic goals for yourself, before you take on the world, then you will be succesful.  ;)
That's right I agree with you that trading both offline and online today relies heavily on branding, the market segment will choose the more in demand even though it's a transaction whether when it happens because trading is like speculating even though it follows the trend but there are many competing sellers. I also once had a dream to prioritize that selling is an easy and flexible way to work, especially online shops. I only lasted maybe about 2 years.

Promising to yourself is a form of self-encouraging words, but when pledging to fellow humans sometimes we just want branding so that many are interested in the seller. maybe trading and working are different segments but what you are talking about I have experienced.

affirmations are also important for mental building and improving moods by being positive.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: dezoel on March 13, 2024, 06:48:43 AM
There is no doubt that right hard work and specific goals can definitely give you good things, but many a times it is seen that if luck does not help us we cannot achieve success and even after all efforts we fail. But here efforts and goals are more important and luck plays a helpful role in the end.
By doing hard work, of course this will give good results according to what we do and we must be confident in the abilities we have to achieve success, but there are some people who don't work hard but can achieve success through the luck they get. but for those who have tried to work hard, of course they will be able to achieve success.
Your success is more through hard work but if you achieve success through luck, luck will be good once, but luck is not good again and again. Hard work is the only determinant behind the success of any individual or nation. People may not succeed in any task the first time. Long term hard work or continuous hard work leads to the desired success it is definitely possible to succeed if you do not get frustrated if you fail in something and focus hard on it.
Another negative thing about achieving success through luck is that a person may not really appreciate it, in a way that they will now care less or spend their wealth recklessly. This is why many of them still ended up as a failure. People can learn from this post or to others, just in case they are lucky to become one on it. When we don't give up easily, that can also be defined as hard work.

It is necessary for everything that we do but if we think we already did what we can and the results are still the same poor, I guess that will now be safe from us to quit on it because it can only do more harm to us than good, and besides there are still lots of opportunities out there that we can try.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: Jatiluhung on March 13, 2024, 07:18:18 AM
The discussion raised by the OP is actually related to financial improvement by improving ourselves, which starts with the way we think (avoiding pessimism and adopting optimism). Yes, this is also included in the discussion of economics in an approach that is rarely discussed. Because this discussion will even spread to discussions about the quantum dimension which people rarely study. But the important point is that we have to be people who are always optimistic and don't give up easily. We must always be grateful for what we have. And we must always make plans with careful analysis. And the most important thing is that we have a goal from the start. Because most successful people are those who already have goals they want to achieve from the start. And never be afraid to try. Because daring to try means we are people who dare to take steps.

Title: Re: The Same way like money is created you can use this trick to become wealthy
Post by: MissNonFall9 on March 15, 2024, 09:55:12 AM
So to get more wealth use cheat code:
Give promise today that for example you will have some goal or amount of money after one month.
You promise yourself and even If all of this not become reality some % of this will become into real.
The word " i promise" have strong power more than you could imagine.
So you need to use "i promise" first and then describe the outcome and the magic will make it even happening by someone else If you are not capable to do this by yourself.
Remember universe reads the Code this is correct way to give order to "universe the big computer " the Code example: " i promise myself and others that i have on this date that much money or bitcoin"

Remember universe are designed the way so it will take the order and process it best way possible.
If you do not use right code words nothing happens.
Now the universe will read the code and the computer Will take your order and start processing it.
But the strongest key word are always "i promise"

It's like the universe are one big computer wich reading the Code the way you talking and words you using have power.
The funny part of this are the thing that If you do not have much the resources and capabilities then universe will be like banker he will divide the cost of energy with all the others becouse you use word "i promise" the universe will take that word for sure and will do best way as possible to give you results you described with given time frame.
That's our financial world are based on "i promise" word

Use this method with action becouse without action unlikely Will happening

Try this method and let others know how it was :)
Your approach using the phrase "I promise" seems to be very nice and effective. Because to move forward everyone needs influence which we can get by using the words "I am committed." But in this case we must use it within our capacity. Because if there is a huge difference between wanting and getting then if you don't get it later, you will get pain from there. But it is also true that we are not fully aware of our capabilities as is the case with elephants. In this case I also have a promise to myself that within the next year I will own a Bitcoin.