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Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: Queentoshi on February 27, 2024, 09:45:06 PM

Title: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Queentoshi on February 27, 2024, 09:45:06 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Wiwo on February 27, 2024, 09:53:17 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
The truth is that, overcoming gambling addiction is an individual decision and those around can only support the individual to become better.

 they leave without gambling for a while since it already having bad effects on them,  and also as a family instead of compounding the issues by criticizing the addict,  you can rather allow them to make up their mind to leave gambling and some times when you have seen that the gambler want to make a positive change,  all that you need to do is to give them all the mental support that they need instead of becoming harsh on them.

Overcoming gambling addictions is some kind of a hard job,  and since it is easy to become addicted but extremely hard to overcome the addictions at some point, they need all the help they can get to be able to beat the addictions eventually.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Hispo on February 27, 2024, 09:56:40 PM
I must say, this discussion is something I did not expect to see here in the gambling sections, not written in this way, at least. I have already seen people asking how we are supposed to help those who suffer from addiction: the loving and comprehensible way or the harder rough way. However, the way you open this thread makes me assume you have dealt with someone who is addicted, like in a personal way. Anyways... I understand people who are addicted to gambling and recognize they have a problem are supposed to be given a chance, but one cannot ignore the patience of those trying to help is limited. Who has not heard about someone wanting to change and become better but eventually putting away those who wanted to help because relapses?. Sadly, the image of the problem gamblers is one full of stereotypes and stigma which have been deeply implanted in popular culture and even people who wish to help someone going though that situation have some prejudgments in their mind, contrary to someone who studied psychology to professionally treat those behavioral problems.

I would say, if one has the patience to help then do it, otherwise, direct the person in need to places or people who are more suitable to offer support and help. It would be ideal if mental healthcare was more accesible and widespread around the world.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Oshosondy on February 27, 2024, 09:56:59 PM
Like you all know, I was an addict before. One thing made me stop was when I started to think that gambling is not a way of making money. Instead of me making money, I was losing. I borrowed money to gamble several times. I hardly have money in my bank account at the time. I have not known about cryptocurrencies around the time. When I know that I can not make money from gambling, I stopped after it took much from me. I stopped gambling for a year. If an addict can also realize that, he will stop the addiction by not gambling for a long time just like I did. But an addicted person will always still talk that they see a means of making money from gambling.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: AmoreJaz on February 27, 2024, 10:01:11 PM
Like you all know, I was an addict before. One thing made me stop. That was when I started to think that gambling is not a way of making money. Instead of me making money, I was losing. I borrowed money to gamble several times. I hardly have money in my bank account at the time. I have not known about cryptocurrencies around the time. When j know that I can not make money from gambling, I stopped after it taking much from me. If an addict can also realize that, he will stop nthe addiction by not gambling for a long time just like I did. But addicted person will always still talk that they see a means of making money.

You are lucky that you come to this awareness before you put yourself into a terrible situation. Meanwhile, a lot of gamblers are still in the dark place as they chase their losses. It really needs self intervention on this phase of your life. Because no one will actually help you in sincere way but your own self.

A person who is in this situation should contemplate seriously about his life and what he really wants in life. Because, in gambling life, the happiness or the thrill is temporary. So you should ask yourself if you want to have a different direction in life or just temporary fun for the time being?

Also, you need to pause for a bit and make an assessment of your life in general. Are you really happy on what's happening right now with your life? Do you really see this as a long-term scenario in your daily life? If you are tired of having such feeling, why not alter your lifestyle for the better, right?

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: SmartGold01 on February 27, 2024, 10:03:55 PM
I don't have this feeling that someone can easily becomes gambling addicts without them controlling because gambling addicts come from individual if you say that you can't become a gambling addict then there is no day you would find yourself becoming a gambling addicts, but if they were so carried away by the juicy part of the gambling then it becomes so easily to get addicted without having double taught and, what are the juicy part?

The juicy parts I mean is that always focusing of the profits and how much could make out from gambling and the kind of bonuses being offered to them while gambling, most people are being carried away by either weekly bonus daily bonus or monthly bonus provided that they keeps funding their accounts and playing bets they feels entitled that they would get such bonus at every month so, they ought to wanting and eager to always bet.

Yes I know is not easy but all less a gambler has decided to quit gambling they can never be stored from gambling addictions because when they are still visiting the casino house to gamble it would still increase the urge of gambling. So, the best is to restricts them from visiting the gambling site or the casino house, what they needs is total elimination from interacting with anything that relates with gambling.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Sim_card on February 27, 2024, 10:09:35 PM
Addiction is not something good, and when we see addicted gamblers, it is good that we try to help them out of addiction through any means that we can. However, it also depends on the gambler, if he is willing to give up is addiction or not. If he is willing to give it up, then that will not be a problem to him because he has determined it. Such gamblers can be supported on how he can stay away from gambling, so that he can be free from addiction. On one hand, if the gambler is not ready to give up his addiction, it will become a big problem for whoever, wants to help him from his addiction state. This means that for an addicted gambler to be free from addiction, he must also help himself, by accepting to give up gambling during that given period of time.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: alani123 on February 27, 2024, 11:51:39 PM
It means a lot to have someone you know you can count on. Oftentimes people addicted to gambling have various psychological traumas that are hard to diagnose and quantify especially in countries without a supportive public healthcare system. And oftentimes outreach programs specifically to gambling are also nearly nonexistent.

People in general need good support systems. So don't be judgmental when someone asks for help. Sure try and come up with solutions but most importantly be there to help. This is what matters and this is what will get people through some of their darker times. Think of it this way, if your brother was mourning, would you be there for them or mock them? Oftentimes people see addicts as an easy victim to kick down while they're at their worse, but support to those people can go a long way. But it's really important to do what you can if you care about someone!

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: ralle14 on February 28, 2024, 12:07:33 AM
However, it also depends on the gambler, if he is willing to give up is addiction or not. If he is willing to give it up, then that will not be a problem to him because he has determined it. Such gamblers can be supported on how he can stay away from gambling, so that he can be free from addiction. On one hand, if the gambler is not ready to give up his addiction, it will become a big problem for whoever, wants to help him from his addiction state. This means that for an addicted gambler to be free from addiction, he must also help himself, by accepting to give up gambling during that given period of time.
This is so on point, you can always provide help or support to a gambler who's struggling to break free from their addiction, but if they can't start the change on their own then it might not matter when they don't plan to put in the effort from the start.

There's always someone who will criticize you for what you do and we can't avoid those situations from happening. Instead of taking it to heart, you could view it differently as a form of encouragement or support to start fixing your gambling addiction.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: dansus021 on February 28, 2024, 01:11:29 AM
If I had a close friend that addicted to gambling I gonna criticize them first and bully him for a second and then obviously I'm gonna support him so this word Support, do not criticize only works for other people, not to my close friend hahahaha.

But seriously tho if you just know a person who addicted to gamble you guys should support it, I hear there is hotline call to supporting people who want to stop

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: joeperry on February 28, 2024, 01:33:53 AM
I agree with what you have said but we can't control what people would tell as they are not expert in this kind of things, they will only tell what's on their heart and mind. Some of them might think mocking them would only pursue them to not play anymore after they were criticized and some of them would take it personally and would be more addictive to it. Either way, it's still better if you would go to an expert for help as they would give you different kind of rehabilitation to keep you away from gambling and to discover other things that you can do aside from gambling.

Now, it's important to us that if we are not sure what we are doing or if we would be able to help the person by giving comments, it's better to keep our comments in ourself as we don't know the effects of it to other people. (it might work for you but not for others)

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: bitzizzix on February 28, 2024, 01:42:02 AM
If I had a close friend that addicted to gambling I gonna criticize them first and bully him for a second and then obviously I'm gonna support him so this word Support, do not criticize only works for other people, not to my close friend hahahaha.

But seriously tho if you just know a person who addicted to gamble you guys should support it, I hear there is hotline call to supporting people who want to stop
That's right, criticizing is also important but it depends on the criticism and if the criticism is just to remind you that something is wrong or inappropriate or could be detrimental to yourself, in my opinion that's okay and just a reminder. And being firm is also okay because stopping addiction is not as easy as we imagine and we need to do it firmly but with motivation.
Support must be provided, people who are addicted must have people closest to them such as family, friends and others who will provide support. However, it cannot be denied that they will definitely criticize him, but it is not criticism that intimidates him, it only makes him realize that it is wrong.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: tsaroz on February 28, 2024, 01:44:57 AM
The problem with gambling addiction is the society sees the addicted people as some criminals that could be put in line with some spanking or a grounding. While in reality most of them are battling themselves everyday to bring back their life on track. Not letting someone gamble for a month or two won't make the habit go away.
In order to solve the gambling addiction, we need to find the mental state of the individual and treat them accordingly.
There could be different reasons why people find comfort being indulged in gambling. They might be lonely and find the sense of existence through gambling.
Gambling could be a result or a distraction from severe depression. Sometimes physical conditions like hormonal imbalance too might lead to an addiction. That's why it's better to help and seek help socially and medically.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: zuzie on February 28, 2024, 01:47:18 AM
Actually, trying to advise a friend who is addicted to gambling is the right thing, but sometimes many people are not good at conveying their advice with criticism which will most likely make the heart and mind of the addicted gambler unable to understand and accept it well.
If we want to stop a friend who is addicted to gambling, it's a good idea to understand the inner character of the addict so that we can use safe methods to avoid misunderstandings.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: goaldigger on February 28, 2024, 02:58:53 AM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
We have to normalize this one, and if you have nothing good to say to anyone, better not to say it because everyone if fighting their own battle. That addicted gambler is trying his/her best to recover, it will not be easy of course and might need your help to understand and to give support, don't criticize it instead give your full support and encourage that addicted gambler to do its best to fully recover, this will take time.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: retreat on February 28, 2024, 03:42:56 AM
I don't know what someone is thinking when they criticize a gambling addict who wants to change his addiction. Why do they criticize someone who wants to change? Isn't that a good thing when they want to change. What a gambling addict needs is moral support, so that they can be strong in changing their addiction. Because it is not an easy thing to stop a gambling addiction, it takes a strong determination to be able to fight their urge to gamble and criticism might be able to destroy it all.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Samlucky O on February 28, 2024, 04:22:04 AM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
Criticizing somebody about gambling when dey want to stop, depend on the type of person who you wish to advice about calling it a quit. There are aggressive or addicted gambles and also people whom are not agresive. Those whom are aggressive are the ones that wouldn't want you to explain anything to them, they see anything you tell them as insult and may never listen to you no matter how polite you may say it to them. This kind of people if you tell them politely and yet they became adamant and stagnant in gambling all you need is to handle it in a harsh or disgraceful way. because most people don't like it when you are cool on them. But the less aggressive ones don't have much problem. All what they need is a little advice to make them reduce the habit because they have not yet rooted to the gambling system so such people don't need too much explanation to retrace back their step. So in advising a gambler you must know the type of gambler and how addicted he may be.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: michellee on February 28, 2024, 04:22:37 AM
Supporting someone who wants to stop their gambling addiction can encourage them to continue doing it. Instead of mocking them, it's better to support what they do. It is a good decision if they really want to stop their gambling addiction.

Maybe it will be hard for them but with support from us and others, they won't feel it. They can go through every process they have to do until they can recover. Continuing to support them and reminding them that they can stop gambling will make them not give up before they succeed in stopping gambling.

With support from the people around them, those who are addicted to gambling will see that they can still have a normal life. They will continue to heal even though it is not easy. They have received enough criticism, which might finally bring them to their senses. By continuing to support them, they can cure their gambling addiction.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Assface16678 on February 28, 2024, 05:32:56 AM
With support from the people around them, those who are addicted to gambling will see that they can still have a normal life. They will continue to heal even though it is not easy. They have received enough criticism, which might finally bring them to their senses. By continuing to support them, they can cure their gambling addiction.
Then the most people that could provide that support is the gambler's family, because imagine if the family itself will not support their family member because of that gambling addiction, then it will be devastating for that gambler. With the support and love of the family, the gambler will feel that he is not alone, and with the help of diverting his attention, it will help him in the sense that he can slowly forget about gambling. The recovery or change should be done slowly because suddenly stopping the gambler's addiction will only increase his urge to gamble. Let's remember that not all people or gamblers suffering from addiction don't receive the support they need from their own families, so they will seek out others's support, or worse, they will only divert their attention to gambling. So people shouldn't ignore those gambling addicts if they show a sign of wanting to change.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: komisariatku on February 28, 2024, 05:39:36 AM
A few months ago I experienced a loss of control over my gambling. It seemed like I became a gambling addict at that time but I soon realized it and I admit that it is difficult to stop and take back control of ourselves. So I really agree with you, we have to support if there are people who want to stop gambling because it's not an easy thing.

Before it's too late, it's a good idea to control ourselves or better stop because there are very scary risks if we continue to be addicted gambling. But sometimes there are friends who like to be naughty. When we wanted to stop, they even gave us a small tip on our account so we wanted to try again, which was very annoying. I have not decided to stop gambling but I have limited my allocation for gambling, hopefully I can maintain this limit so that my financial condition does not deteriorate again like before.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Kakmakr on February 28, 2024, 05:53:53 AM
Yes, you should never "punish" people with criticism for trying to improve themselves, but should also not be to soft on them.

A lot of these people need some tough love, to get them to deal with their situation.

They must admit that they have a problem and then they must reach out for help, those people that say that they are not addicted, will avoid the issue and continue as normal.

Do not step on people when they are down, rather reach out and help them to get back on their feet again.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: DubemIfedigbo001 on February 28, 2024, 06:13:04 AM
Like you all know, I was an addict before. One thing made me stop was when I started to think that gambling is not a way of making money. Instead of me making money, I was losing. I borrowed money to gamble several times. I hardly have money in my bank account at the time. I have not known about cryptocurrencies around the time. When I know that I can not make money from gambling, I stopped after it took much from me. I stopped gambling for a year. If an addict can also realize that, he will stop the addiction by not gambling for a long time just like I did. But an addicted person will always still talk that they see a means of making money from gambling.
Exactly, I experienced same wave as yours, I came to my senses and retracted my steps, was not an easy experience to look very stupid to yourself after realizing your mistakes, the criticism most times comes from within and you've to deal with it yourself. Unless you've built an encouragement mindset and remain very optimistic of yourself no matter what happens.

If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them.
there's a kind of criticism called constructive criticism

What is constructive criticism?
Constructive criticism is a feedback method that offers specific, actionable recommendations for change and improvement. Good constructive feedback facilitates positive outcomes and creates a positive working environment. It also provides a safe space where a person feels secure enough to ask questions, seek help, and share ideas.

You can see from the above that criticism isn't totally bad and its necessary for effective change. I  understand you're referring to destructive criticism which is more of destroying the person verbally. You're right in that aspect, but I just want to help you get specific.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Hewlet on February 28, 2024, 06:40:03 AM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
the reality is that most persons that are suffering from addiction don't always see the need to speak out and in most instances they will keep struggling in Thier addictive lifestyle until it directly and evidently tell on them.

It's practically difficult to understand what an addict is going through and sometimes you might find yourself being a bit judgmental about his behaviour but addiction is real and  if you are in a possible to bring a fellow out do it with all you've got because anybody can get addicted and it takes others to basically bring an addict out of his plight.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: rodskee on February 28, 2024, 06:52:02 AM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
Thanks for this generous support , it seems that you are either experiencing addiction or someone
near you does because you have something coming inside you from those words you deliver here, but I support
all you said here because it is not an easy battle in which majority of fighter have lose the battle , because its
hard to deny the fact that addicted gamblers will do everything just to have a bet and try their best to win like
what my cousin do before he ended up in rehabilitation.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: swogerino on February 28, 2024, 06:59:07 AM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

I am myself in such situation yet very few people know I am gambling so I try to encourage myself even though I in some instances go back to gambling.A good way that is working for me is to play little money and spend more time by doing so in choosing the currency that has value like IDR.To me this is working,as I get bored after spending time playing and am not spending more than 20-30 dollars,an amount which is ridiculous nowadays.So yes encourage and support is the way to go.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: danherbias07 on February 28, 2024, 07:04:58 AM
Support or tell them. Some people, family, or friends don't like telling the gambling addict that he is an addict. Why? They are scared he/she might get offended in the process. It's a fact, why will they be offended by it? If they get mad about us telling the truth to them then at least we will give him/her something to think of.
I mean, that will somehow give him a wound that maybe he will try to patch until it is healed. If not, then at least we tried.
In the end, they cannot blame us because we did tell him about what was going on although we didn't have a chance to help out because he kicked us out as soon as we told the truth to him.
Some people have this kind of problem too, they don't want others telling them the truth, they want to be supported/encouraged by their addiction or they want to keep people away from them so they will be left alone with their bad habit.
It's easy to say we should help them, but what if he doesn't want help? Should we force it? I think it could get worse if that happens.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: davis196 on February 28, 2024, 07:20:17 AM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

I don't get the logic behind your statement.
So if you criticize a gambling addict(who is trying to stop), he will feel guilty and he will start gambling again? This doesn't make any sense.
Who is going to criticize a gambling addict, that is actively fighting his addiction? I know that most gambling addicts try to keep their personal issues a secret. Maybe most of them are afraid that they will get embarrassed and ridiculed for revealing their inner struggle.
Everyone with a brain will always try to support a struggling gambling addict. Only the psychopaths/sociopaths would say "nah, you should keep gambling, because it feels good".

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Fatunad on February 28, 2024, 07:22:59 AM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
If those people are in my circle of friends or to those whom i've known then i would make out those kind of suggestions and advises but if its a complete stranger and i have seen him somewhere about those kind of actions then i wont really be that too confidently be able to make those kind of approach specially if its a stranger. I dont like on getting scolded or would really be told that mind your own business, its not your money
or something with those kind of words on which its not really that shocking on this way and this is why if ever i do see someone then better they should be responsible on the actions that they are taking.

Criticism would really be just that normal i should say yet human beings are naturally that on having that kind of behavior. Just let them be on which there are ones who are really that in concern
and there are ones who dont really care and this is something that would really be normal. Criticize or not it doesnt matter. The only ones who could solve out those addiction
problems are to those people who are on such condition. Self realization would be the key.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: junder on February 28, 2024, 07:29:43 AM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

Indeed, stopping gambling addiction must be done, because it is for the good of yourself and your family, if they stop gambling based on the motive of improving their finances then that is good, because someone who is addicted to gambling will certainly have major problems with their finances, where they will only think about gambling. only when you have money. and if they are aware of this, they want to stop being addicted to improve their finances then they must be supported, we all know that quitting gambling addiction is not easy, therefore it is natural that there are gambling addicts who are in the process of stopping gambling but are in the middle of the process. they return to gambling again and might be said to have failed, but this can be prevented by having support from other people such as friends, relatives or family who remind them what the purpose of stopping gambling is for, and maybe in this way they can realign their goals. someone who is addicted to gambling. That's why it's important for an addict who wants to stop to be accompanied and guided, but I think if they have family or friends there will definitely be someone who wants to accompany the process of those who want to leave their gambling addiction. I believe that those who try to stop gambling without a clear goal or clear motive are likely to fail to stop gambling.

Most gamblers who want to stop their addiction fail when they are in the middle of the process and return to gambling which may even become even crazier with the gambling they do. Quitting an addiction is not an easy matter, even though there is support from other people, there are often problems that occur that trigger an addict to return to gambling, such as seeing their friends win at gambling. This can influence the thinking of those who are in the process of recovering from their addiction who may have the thought "my friend can win, but I can't win". To be able to stop being addicted to gambling, I think they have to be able to refrain from all things that trigger gambling, such as the environment where there are currently a lot of people gambling and I think this is an obstacle for those who want to stop their addiction. Supporting an addict who wants to recover from his addiction is a good thing. Don't mock him by breaking his spirit, that's not a good thing to do.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Findingnemo on February 28, 2024, 07:38:44 AM
Someone who made a decision that they are going cold turkey method for stopping their gambling addiction then one important thing they need to do is cut down anyone who they are connected with their gambling activities no matter the person is someone very close to you. I bet the one who really cares about you will encourage you for making such efforts to stay away from something that makes you financially and mentally weak.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: lienfaye on February 28, 2024, 07:42:45 AM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them.
Gamblers who are determine to overcome their addiction really needs an encouragement and not criticism from people who can't understand what they have been going through. Because it's not an easy process thus having someone who can understand the situation (family or friends) is a big help to motivate the gambler to continue walking away from gambling.

On the other side, it's also normal to be judged by others for being an addicted gambler, because in their eyes it's a bad activity or a sin. But if the gambler is a family or a relative, would you let him to be criticize? If you truly care, a simple word of encouragement will do to show your support. Everyone deserves a chance to change what we used to.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Nrcewker on February 28, 2024, 07:51:29 AM
Absolutely, we need to help any guy who wants to quit the addiction of gambling. I am not saying gambling is bad, but yes becoming addicted to it, and to gamble you will go upto any extent, this mindset is wrong. Now if someone trying hard to get away from this, then definitely we need to support him for this. I know many people’s default nature is to criticise people on their mistakes, but if we try our best then we can definitely stop this behaviour of taunting and criticising and can really help the addicted guy.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Lida93 on February 28, 2024, 08:37:13 AM
Quiting gambling is not something that could be done at once the decision is made it got to be a gradual process, depending on the level of addiction it could take months even a year to finally let go of the gambling habit. It's easy to criticize people for things we don't understand as it affects them and that's very bad an approach to take on on people that are in themselves trying their best to quit gambling.

What such persons need is a constant reminder that they can end the bad gamblinh habit, talking them into understanding they are in charge of their decisions and that there's always a way out of any situation when there's a will. Criticizing them of their weakness can only exacerbate their inability to fight against the urge to quit and we should all know this now.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Z390 on February 28, 2024, 08:45:38 AM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

If you know anybody? Many people are trying so hard to stop their addiction but I can't stick my neck out for everybody, they are many in my vicinity, few don't even admit that they are addicted and that's the first solution, the addicted gambler need to accept that he or they are addicted to gambling.

There are some that are addicted to gambling and they want to stop, but they are struggling to beat the addiction, yet they still go back and gamble again, what do you expect me to do? Lock them up in my basement like dogs infected with rabbies?

The person responsible for stopping his addiction is the gambler himself, to stop addiction means staying away from any gambling activities until you get yourself back in control, not going back in the middle of the night to place some bets while everyone is asleep.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: harapan on February 28, 2024, 08:46:17 AM
Like you all know, I was an addict before. One thing made me stop. That was when I started to think that gambling is not a way of making money. Instead of me making money, I was losing. I borrowed money to gamble several times. I hardly have money in my bank account at the time. I have not known about cryptocurrencies around the time. When j know that I can not make money from gambling, I stopped after it taking much from me. If an addict can also realize that, he will stop nthe addiction by not gambling for a long time just like I did. But addicted person will always still talk that they see a means of making money.

You are lucky that you come to this awareness before you put yourself into a terrible situation. Meanwhile, a lot of gamblers are still in the dark place as they chase their losses. It really needs self intervention on this phase of your life. Because no one will actually help you in sincere way but your own self.

They need to do a great rethink to themselves so they can get everything fixed up,yes people around can cheer them up inorder to ease the pains they are passing and  moreso when you tell them most times they won't adhere to.
Some of them might still pretend to come out of that predicament and still venture into it again probably we need to put up our possible best in supporting a whole lot of them  that are close to us.

Some might be out of ignorance, peer pressure and all of that they end up becoming addicted and can't come out of it but to every problem there's a way out of it,so criticizing them won't be a better option rather but instead to have them turn a new leaf by encouraging and supporting them both mentally and physically.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Apocollapse on February 28, 2024, 09:07:05 AM
Most people will mock and criticize unfortunate people because they don't have any empathy.

I'm enough to see people doing like that, when someone make mistakes, they will say "I've told you before, stop gambling!", "This is why I stop to gamble, it's your fault since you didn't follow my advice", "I don't care, I won't help you" etc etc.

A hero will help and guide them to stop gamble, giving such reacts have no impact to the addict.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: irhact on February 28, 2024, 10:06:25 AM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

Supporting gambling addicts that are trying their best to let go of the addiction is the best things to do than mocking them and making it worse for them. Shelters that handle addiction patients should also get our support so they can have things that they'll use to accommodate the addicts. Donations can be sent to facility that handle addiction patients and not only showing support to the patients individually. Those taking care of the patients need to be appreciated too.

As a love one or a family member, being there for an individual that is closed to you that is suffering from addiction problems will help the individual alot. Making them feel loved will make them to want to stop the addiction so their loved ones won't be disappointed with them. I have seen how individuals that are addicted to gambling feel therefore showings them our support to help them to recover is a good thing.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: bitbollo on February 28, 2024, 10:15:42 AM
with a dear friend, who has this addiction, I criticize him instead. even a lot.
or rather I always show my support! helping him when possible but I try to criticize the reality of the game addiction by making some examples so he can see how much money and time he loses in this activity.

It is not true that compulsive gambling cannot be stopped, but I believe that each person must find the "key" to stopping this mechanism on their own.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Eternad on February 28, 2024, 10:22:39 AM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

The problem nowadays for modern era gamblers was they can hide their gambling activities easily due to the existence of online casino. They can play whenever they want with privacy on their room without other people noticing it so it’s really very hard to find who’s addicted to gambling unless they are showing intentionally to other people.

But I agree that comforting them is the best approach rather than criticize since addicted gambler will just make it a secret to you once they knew that people don’t like it. Providing company and engage with socialization is the best way to forget gambling addiction because most addict gambler is just gambling because they don’t have other things to do.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Ultegra134 on February 28, 2024, 10:33:51 AM
I don't get the logic behind your statement.
So if you criticize a gambling addict(who is trying to stop), he will feel guilty and he will start gambling again? This doesn't make any sense.
Who is going to criticize a gambling addict, that is actively fighting his addiction? I know that most gambling addicts try to keep their personal issues a secret. Maybe most of them are afraid that they will get embarrassed and ridiculed for revealing their inner struggle.
Everyone with a brain will always try to support a struggling gambling addict. Only the psychopaths/sociopaths would say "nah, you should keep gambling, because it feels good".
I'm guessing that "criticizing" isn't done exactly as you describe it. No one is going to tell you to keep gambling as a way to criticize you, but they may be harsh against you when you share what's troubling you or how you're suffering. So, if someone maliciously tells you that it's your own fault or that you dug your own hole, although this is true to a great extent, it's probably not the nicest thing to say when someone is struggling and is deciding to share it with you; they trust you, and instead of supporting them, you're being harsh, judgy, and unsupportive.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: alastantiger on February 28, 2024, 11:03:01 AM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
Empathy is not equally distributed. And in terms of gender, one gender gets more empathy than the other.  A male gambling addict on the path to recovery is likely to receive less support than his female counterpart. The male will be teased, mocked, almost insulted for towing the path of recovery. It happens every day especially in places low in empathy and emotional intelligence.

On the side of those who are on their recovery journey. Do not expect everyone to be nice to you. Do not expect that they would not mock, tease, and insult you for having the courage to fight your addiction. You should expect these things so that when they happen, you will not be disappointed. You should grow a thick-skin because that is the way you are going to beat them and overcome.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: coin-investor on February 28, 2024, 11:17:59 AM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them.
We should not, but people cannot stop hurling insults and criticism at people who are addicted to gambling and who want to change their ways, these people are the reason why gamblers are afraid to come out because of the ridicule, they are judged as being weak and they cannot control themselves, for these people they treated gamblers are bad people so gamblers prefer to deny and lie about their addiction, they don't want to feel weak in the eyes of the people

If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
This is why I advise families of gamblers to get help from professionals so they can be guided on what to say and how they should act when their relative who is in the process of recovering should act, gamblers who wish to recover need all the help they need and they need encouraging words to combat the inner evils, the first few weeks is the hardest for the gambler and the family should be there to assist the gambler to overcome his addiction, the battle is in the mind and the only way to combat this inner evil is understanding.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: KiaKia on February 28, 2024, 11:19:14 AM
Well it's not always your business to do this, in fact you could be blame for standing up for a addicted gambler, we are all humans and shit do happen among us, I will only help someone who is in the family, or someone very closed, the way you write your topic up sound like helping any one who is an addict and that's wrong.

Do you know that helping strangers who are addicted is not safe? Some gamblers don't believe that they are addicted, some don't want to change, they know they are in trouble, but they will feel relaxed since they have something else to put the blame on.

Be careful who you choose to help, unless they are very close to you or your family, don't go out there and risk yourself for an addict, sometimes it turns into your regrets, so much that you will feel like turning back the hand of time.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Wexnident on February 28, 2024, 11:45:35 AM
Criticism isn't anything negative really, it's pointing out someone's mistakes or wrongdoings in the most blatant manner, which can be quite helpful when it comes to people who can't seem to understand what they're doing wrong. Though I guess it depends on how someone criticizes others, well, at least that's how I take criticism that comes to me. It's honestly a lot more helpful than empty words and whatnot that seem to support my "psyche" but in reality just build up a fragile ego in me lol.

Again, this depends on a case-by-case basis though, and how the person criticizes the other party. I'd definitely take any criticism on a positive note though, taking in the mistakes they pointed out and ignoring the rest that were seemingly made just to chide me.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: panjul07 on February 28, 2024, 12:14:32 PM
Criticism isn't anything negative really, it's pointing out someone's mistakes or wrongdoings in the most blatant manner, which can be quite helpful when it comes to people who can't seem to understand what they're doing wrong. Though I guess it depends on how someone criticizes others, well, at least that's how I take criticism that comes to me. It's honestly a lot more helpful than empty words and whatnot that seem to support my "psyche" but in reality just build up a fragile ego in me lol.

Again, this depends on a case-by-case basis though, and how the person criticizes the other party. I'd definitely take any criticism on a positive note though, taking in the mistakes they pointed out and ignoring the rest that were seemingly made just to chide me.

Great points and I agree that criticism can be taken as a support as well because some times people will be more affected positively with criticism than soft advices.
Different people may have different reaction for criticism or advice so we should also know the person we are going to criticize or to advice.
If we know them personally well, we know which one will be the best thing to do to remind them.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Peanutswar on February 28, 2024, 12:51:14 PM
People have different perspectives once they know a particular person getting addicted in playing gambling, but to those people who want to help those people to change their path and that person is willing to change its self in too much gambling addiction there's nothing wrong in supporting them, they would like to change but of course they don't know where to start, having a guidance is a must or a therapy if you have a budget so they can fully recover.

Do you know that helping strangers who are addicted is not safe? Some gamblers don't believe that they are addicted, some don't want to change, they know they are in trouble, but they will feel relaxed since they have something else to put the blame on.

Those part seems like they are still in denial and keep focusing on themselves that all things are still alright, we cannot change others' perspectives if even in themselves they don't want to.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Zoomic on February 28, 2024, 01:25:22 PM
Criticism isn't anything negative really, it's pointing out someone's mistakes or wrongdoings in the most blatant manner, which can be quite helpful when it comes to people who can't seem to understand what they're doing wrong. Though I guess it depends on how someone criticizes others, well, at least that's how I take criticism that comes to me. It's honestly a lot more helpful than empty words and whatnot that seem to support my "psyche" but in reality just build up a fragile ego in me lol.

Again, this depends on a case-by-case basis though, and how the person criticizes the other party. I'd definitely take any criticism on a positive note though, taking in the mistakes they pointed out and ignoring the rest that were seemingly made just to chide me.

Great points and I agree that criticism can be taken as a support as well because some times people will be more affected positively with criticism than soft advices.
Different people may have different reaction for criticism or advice so we should also know the person we are going to criticize or to advice.
If we know them personally well, we know which one will be the best thing to do to remind them.

Personalities differ and people react differently to criticism. We are not talking about a gambler with a healthy lifestyle here, but an addict. Most addicts would rather choose to hide their activities from you once you begin to criticize them. When these people who obviously need help begin to feel uneasy telling all they've been through and how much properties, money and opportunities they've lost and even the debt they are struggling to settle then,it might really take time for these addicts to recover.

The best way to support an addict is by putting yourself in their shoes. This way they will trust you enough to tell you stuffs you really don't know about them and they will also trust you to follow your advice and recommendations.

Be careful who you choose to help, unless they are very close to you or your family, don't go out there and risk yourself for an addict, sometimes it turns into your regrets, so much that you will feel like turning back the hand of time.

You wouldn't know someone is addicted from afar except you are close to them to actually know the level of damage done already. Help is not offered out of coercion,  the little advice you render to that person so he doesn't get into further trouble is help. If they refuse the help you are offering, then it is not in your position to force things. Everyone should know the extent they can go when rendering help, there should be no trespassing.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Volimack on February 28, 2024, 01:26:40 PM
Helping a person addicted to gambling can bring him or her to a better position but it will take time because the addiction is not easy for people to give up. Before betting one should be careful in the beginning gambling is thought to be bad. People suffer more financially when they catch bad bets and then it affects their physical health. I also believe that people should consider how to bring them back to normal life without criticizing them.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Mahanton on February 28, 2024, 01:39:41 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
Empathy is not equally distributed. And in terms of gender, one gender gets more empathy than the other.  A male gambling addict on the path to recovery is likely to receive less support than his female counterpart. The male will be teased, mocked, almost insulted for towing the path of recovery. It happens every day especially in places low in empathy and emotional intelligence.

On the side of those who are on their recovery journey. Do not expect everyone to be nice to you. Do not expect that they would not mock, tease, and insult you for having the courage to fight your addiction. You should expect these things so that when they happen, you will not be disappointed. You should grow a thick-skin because that is the way you are going to beat them and overcome.
And this is the sole reason on why those gambling addicts would really be trying out to hide as much as they could on the time that they are already addicted to gambling. We do know that people around even with your closest friend or family would really be having that kind of teasing on which this is something that we do have in mind and this is why we wont really be tending to share up if we do tend to ask for some help.This is why we would really be deciding on taking it solo rather than on asking some help into those people we do know. We dont expect for any help from other people and if there's someone who would be able to see your condition
and made out some advises or any form of help then you are lucky but if someone who do love to tease and having those kind of bullying then for sure it will make things even more worst.

This is why it would really be always important that you shouldn't really be making yourself that getting addicted with gambling. You should really be playing in moderation not only on controlling
your finances but also you should be controlling your emotion and involvement of course.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: moneystery on February 28, 2024, 01:46:06 PM
a gambling addict needs support from someone to be able to fight to stop himself from gambling. criticism from someone is not needed by him because it is only an obstacle for him to recover from his addiction. someone who empathizes and understands what a gambling addict feels is the best support he can get and it can help him speed up the addiction treatment process.

it's best if someone is unable to provide support, there is no need to criticize because that will only add to the person's shame and guilt. it's best to just keep quiet and let the addict try to recover from his gambling.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Juse14 on February 28, 2024, 02:07:46 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

What was previous criticism like? because criticism is constructive, not insulting or ridiculing, if you just talk without providing a solution, that's not criticism, but just commenting. Indeed, sometimes criticism can feel harsh and slapping, because when talking about criticism we will state facts about the person we are criticizing. And criticism should be delivered wisely and with good consideration.

And when we are unable to accept criticism from other people, then don't ever hope that there will be progress within ourselves. So try to be someone who is open and able to accept all opinions and criticism that comes from anyone, and respond to all of it well, indeed sometimes when criticism comes it can feel bitter, but think of it as herbal medicine which even though it tastes bitter but it is a drug that can make us healthy.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Ever-young on February 28, 2024, 02:19:59 PM
Criticism isn't anything negative really, it's pointing out someone's mistakes or wrongdoings in the most blatant manner, which can be quite helpful when it comes to people who can't seem to understand what they're doing wrong. Though I guess it depends on how someone criticizes others, well, at least that's how I take criticism that comes to me. It's honestly a lot more helpful than empty words and whatnot that seem to support my "psyche" but in reality just build up a fragile ego in me lol.

Again, this depends on a case-by-case basis though, and how the person criticizes the other party. I'd definitely take any criticism on a positive note though, taking in the mistakes they pointed out and ignoring the rest that were seemingly made just to chide me.
I really don't know why people see criticism as a very bad thing, sometimes criticism works faster than advice. You can be advising someone about something, maybe a bad habit or something yet the person ignores all the advice and still continue doing what he's doing, but you'll observe that when the person starts getting criticized for that, he'll get tired of being criticized and before you know it, start effecting changes. It's very important to learn from constructive criticism rather than letting it hurt our feelings or make us feel bad about ourselves.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: aioc on February 28, 2024, 02:21:24 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time.

Part of the recovery of gamblers is emotional support, if those who are dear to them cannot give that then their beloved gambler, his life will be wasted, and those people around them should be educated on the right way to treat gamblers who are in the process of healing, gamblers are usually sensitive people, they will not open up easily if they know they can fully trust people around them.

So criticism should have no place or come out of the mouths of people around them, or else they will keep everything to themselves and they will avoid people who criticize them on their actions.
Gamblers do not want to be judged they experience self-pity every time they lose a lot of money, they have low self-esteem so if you criticize them they will treat you as their adversary.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Jawhead999 on February 28, 2024, 02:24:22 PM
There's no right or wrong answer, some people think criticism is better than support because it will make people realize faster if they were doing stupid thing and they shouldn't repeat that in the future, but some people think support is better because it need steps to steps in order to change someone.

So which ones better? support or criticize? that depends on each person.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Woodie on February 28, 2024, 02:34:23 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them.
Trying to snap out of this vice of gambling addiction is a long process which relies on support from family & friends, but as humans I honestly think criticism will always be there and what counts is it being positive and not negative...besides there is always going to be that person that wants to be negative about everything and it's these people you want to avoid.

If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time.
Fighting gambling addiction has to start with you first, if we are going to expect others to do it for us but don't want to put in the effort then am afraid all this will be for nothing!! And AFAIK for as long as the will power is there, not even the negative critiques can stop this as change begins with you.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: SatoPrincess on February 28, 2024, 04:32:43 PM
Criticizing never helps, it will only drive the person into hiding and gambling in secret. Overcoming an addiction is not a easy task, you need all the help you can get. Support from family and friends is much needed. Even professionals recommend that the addict joins a support group where they can feel free to talk about their problem without fear of being judged. Being in a room with people who have been where you are and understand your situation plays a major role in helping the addict recover. Seeing others overcome the same problem you’re fighting is a great motivation.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: teamsherry on February 28, 2024, 05:39:51 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

The truth is that, overcoming gambling addiction is an individual decision and those around can only support the individual to become better.

Problems that have not been accepted can not be addressed, most gamblers don't want to accept that they have a gambling addiction problem and they just give themselves stupid excuses that makes them feel better, and some of them are quite stubborn and won't accept your advice if you try to point it out to them they might get into an argument with you especially if they know that your also gamble like them.

Criticizing isn't a good practice at all cause, not everyone is happy with their habit and might be looking for a means to stop it, so what I actually do myself is to be plain with them I'll tell them the effects of their habit on their finance and how it's ruined them, I just keep pointing out the bad side to them and at times mostly not direct so it doesn't look like I am insulting them, then I offer to be of help is I see a sign of them weakend by my speach, if you really want to be of help I think you must tell them the truth not to criticize but to show them that they are wrong.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: uneng on February 28, 2024, 06:22:13 PM
You have to balance criticism with support. To only go for one or another is a bad idea, because or it will put the addicted individual in a hostile position towards you and the treatment, or it will put him in a comfort zone where he will feel like no effort and changes should be done by him, because he is going to be supported in every cases.

Support must be offered when he adopts positive instances towards the treatment, so you use support as encouragement, reinforcement. On the other hand, criticism can be used when you feel like the addicted person is getting too loose, and retreating on his progress, so you use this as punishment.

You have to know when to use both of them in a way the gambler won't understand support as a reinforcement to his addiction. That would be devastating, and actually that is the problem with every permissive socities.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: ryzaadit on February 28, 2024, 06:29:00 PM
Based on how experience and case from most people in gambling.

In first place, the family are supporting any victim or gambler addiction. However, the former gambler addiction sometimes doing the same things again and repeated the cycle. It's hard but in the end the family or people had enough for him.

To be honest, It's really hard especially while they already started to do a crime, borrowing money, or selling some stuff.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: ChiBitCTy on February 28, 2024, 06:30:05 PM
Very good topic and well said.  I hate when people get bashed over stuff like this, as so many people simply have no compassion.  Gambling addiction is a disease, plain and simply.

It's sort of like in the Netherlands ( I believe thats where it is).  Criminals (no hardcore, ie not murderers) I reformed in jail.  Taught to learn from their mistakes, understand why they made them, and work towards not making them again.  Stark contract from jail here in the US where you'll be raped, treated like shit, and given few opportunities to better yourself. 

Damming and shaming people does not help.  Support and education does!

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Hirose UK on February 28, 2024, 06:42:40 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
Support is symbolic form of caring for other people, especially if this is related to people closest to them or even family members, so support really needs to be given so that they can continue to maintain and do what they have really started, such as efforts to recover from addiction gambling.
Support provided can trigger feelings of enthusiasm with the belief that they can do it and be able to get through everything by suppressing various desires in gambling.
If they decide to recover and one day want to try again, we have the right to give advice that indirectly reminds them to stick to what has been previously determined.
Giving criticism will never help but it will make them feel like they don't care and can create bad feelings towards the people around them.

Previously, it has often been said that support and care from the people around especially family, will always have good impact on person development in overcoming the problem of gambling addiction.
Role of the family will be the same as doctor when in hospital, the doctor will provide medicine and encouragement, while the family will provide support and advice in solving problems related to gambling addiction.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Zigabel on February 28, 2024, 06:47:38 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
Not showing support to anyone who's trying to quit gambling addiction is actually not a good thing to do because it will only cause this persons to go back to such unhealthy habit and probably turn out to be a menace to the society, it's actually a difficult decision for someone to take in the direction of quiting gambling so it's worthy of note that not giving them the needed support can actually be traumatic and may cause them not to ever be able to come out of the gambling habit because they aren't get the needed support that will foster their exit or give them enough reason to know that they shouldn't continue with such as it's only detrimental to them.

Always show support to people who are trying to quit gambling addiction, as much as you can show that supports, probably pay for their therapy sections, help them avoid triggers and assist them with some funds when they need according to how much you can help them with. Apart from gambling addiction, there are other forms of addiction that you can actually help people quit too.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: topbitcoin on February 28, 2024, 07:00:26 PM
It should be when someone realizes the bad behavior they often do and the gambling addiction they experience. He is able to open his heart and mind so that he can accept criticism and suggestions that come to him. Because this is what can help him get out of this condition (gambling addiction).

And we need to know that criticism is constructive, not intimidating or bad-mouthing. So before a criticism is delivered, it must be thought carefully first. Good communication is the key to awakening someone from their addiction problem. We all know that gambling addicts cannot control their emotions well, so it is very easy for them to be offended by some of the words we try to convey. Therefore, convey this criticism with full empathy and understanding, by being able to understand the individual's situation. well, this can help us to create an inclusive and supportive environment. And if, for example, we still express criticism emotionally, then what is the difference between us and a gambling addict who is unable to control his emotions well?

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: len01 on February 28, 2024, 07:12:22 PM
If the concept of this story is for a very serious gambling addict, they will definitely need a professional expert to deal with the addiction problem and when they are in the rehabilitation room, their family members or relatives will definitely be told the expert to provide guidance on how to provide support to someone who is addicted and of course, the family or relatives will follow the recommended rules to provide support so that the addict recovers from gambling addiction.
but if this case is in a gambling addict who is not too serious, it is better to provide gentle support or not need to use harsh criticism, such as when the gambler promises not to gamble again but one day he is caught betting again, we don't need to give harsh criticism enough do something that makes him feel that we really appreciate him so that the addict doesn't feel annoyed, for example, when we find out he is gambling again, it would be better if we approached him and pretended to ask him to go somewhere to buy something and talk about the purpose of stop gambling with soft talk.

I am sure that if we can appreciate the difficult efforts of a gambling addict who must be given support slowly, the addict will definitely have more positive thoughts thinking that he is really appreciated by all his family so that he continues to try to avoid gambling.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Die_empty on February 28, 2024, 07:22:42 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
I don't think anybody intentionally became addicted to gambling. Most people suffering from gambling disorder are not happy with their condition and they might do anything to come out of it. Mocking someone with any form of disorder is not only childish but dehumanizing. We should put ourselves in people's shoes before we criticise or blame them for their condition. I will always support anyone who needs support to become a responsible gambler. Even if they go back after some rehabilitation process, we still need to show them love and encourage them that the can achieve it. I have seen people who are addicted to gambling And I can tell you that it is not easy to gain freedom. It takes a lot of determination and sacrifice.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: acroman08 on February 28, 2024, 07:37:53 PM
I hope people can realize that you can criticize and support someone at the same time, mentioning the issues you see that they have is a great way to identify and acknowledge the problem so it can be properly handled. criticism does not always mean that you are discouraging or mocking someone, it also shows the person you are criticising what improvement needs to be worked on, and from that, you can support them achieve those improvements.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Crypt0Gore on February 28, 2024, 07:51:31 PM
For people that face reality, they quickly learn to control themselves, there are gamblers who are once addicted to gambling but after experiencing the losses they turn around and walk away, they only come back after they found how to risk minimal amount on gambling and they are doing well.

You must lose in gambling, it's not a free money making ATM machine, it's reality, you need lucky to defeat the casinos, so get used to using small money, this is what will keep you going, for a long period of time until you get lucky.

Some gamblers need criticism, you can use it on one and he will get curious why, telling them a harsh truth about gambling sometimes looks like criticism in their eye, that's why I said some of them need it, they will probably believe that you don't want the best for them, In their eye and mind, it's another version of criticism.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: goinmerry on February 28, 2024, 08:07:37 PM
The truth is that, overcoming gambling addiction is an individual decision and those around can only support the individual to become better.

This is true and I agree with this.

But having an individual decision depends on how far the person's gambling addiction level is.

Some addicted people, at the extreme worst level, can't properly think of any good things and just focus on how to fulfill their gambling desires. These people need immediate help not just from those people around them but a top form of rehabilitation. Gamblers at that level didn't even know how to decide properly that's why even if we say that the decision to stop gambling is an individual decision, it can't be applied to these gamblers on that critical level.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: stomachgrowls on February 28, 2024, 08:11:18 PM
For people that face reality, they quickly learn to control themselves, there are gamblers who are once addicted to gambling but after experiencing the losses they turn around and walk away, they only come back after they found how to risk minimal amount on gambling and they are doing well.

You must lose in gambling, it's not a free money making ATM machine, it's reality, you need lucky to defeat the casinos, so get used to using small money, this is what will keep you going, for a long period of time until you get lucky.

Some gamblers need criticism, you can use it on one and he will get curious why, telling them a harsh truth about gambling sometimes looks like criticism in their eye, that's why I said some of them need it, they will probably believe that you don't want the best for them, In their eye and mind, it's another version of criticism.
Agree into this point somehow on which it is really that a valid one on which we know that there are people who do make out realizations on the possible harsh way rather than on being soft to them.
They wont really be making out those realization not until they would really be hearing out those kind of harsh words or criticisms. This is why we cant really be able to tell on what method or ways
that would work out or not. When it comes on making some advises then im not really that good into that, if we are talking into those close friends and known people or inside the family
then you would easily be able to say up such things into them, but for other people? For sure you would really be having those doubts on telling on.

This is why whenever i do saw someone whom i dont know but obviously he's already that addicted to gambling due to the actions that they are making then i do just
simply skip out and wouldnt really be putting up that much attention on how they should really be dealing up with the current things that they are
engaging with.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Baofeng on February 28, 2024, 08:12:00 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

I don't see anyone criticizing a addict trying to stop gambling here. Even in real life when I here someone trying to quit, I will definitely support it. Not just gambling addiction, anything that is bad and that affected that I known, I will be on their side and praying that they can overcome it.

And we all know what is going on behind, if we ourselves have gone on that same path before and we did recover. It's going to be very difficult and they should get the support and not to mock them, but to help them in every way we can.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: lizarder on February 28, 2024, 08:17:10 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away.
That is why someone who wants to stop gambling must limit their activities and it is best that they be supervised by those closest to them by refraining from going out. Support from those closest to you is needed for gamblers who want to stop and ridiculing or belittling their desire to stop will actually cause bad psychology. Encourage them to do other activities so he can forget about gambling and make his life more busy with other activities so he has the ability to be in activities that are more beneficial to him.

It is not easy to make gamblers stop because it will be much more difficult for them to stop if there is no support from those closest to them. But for someone who has the patience to want to help then do it and if not then look for a place that can make him stop gambling, such as a rehabilitation center because there the treatment will be much better.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Marvelman on February 28, 2024, 08:44:57 PM
That's a kind thought, supporting someone struggling with addiction is tricky.  You wanna be gentle but honest too.  Sugarcoating don't make problems vanish.  Maybe something like, "Hey friend, how're you holding up? I know quitting ain't easy, but remember why you started this journey.  We got your back but gotta keep sight of your goals too" and  no judgement, just care plus a friendly nudge back on track.  Its a balancing act for sure, being both understanding and keeping it real. 

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Cookdata on February 28, 2024, 08:48:18 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

Trying to gamble shame anyone is the least thing any serious person will engage into, it can happen to any person because no person is too big to be a victim and no small person that is too little to be affected by gambling, we are all potential victim until you lose some money to it and get out of your mind. I always tell beg my sprit to lead me well if one day gambling try to make a mess of me, I should have the sense and ways to go over it like it never even happened in the first place.

We should also be proactive than aftermath, there are many ways to never addicted to gambling but people don't want to lewrn, when they say gamble with the amount you can lose isn't like the phrase was coin from anywhere, it was done to protect the interest of gamblers but many chose to ignore. When advice not to chase after loss, it should be practice but people don't adhere to that, these are the little things that matters but we just turn blind eyes and do what we like and then cry later.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: iv4n on February 28, 2024, 09:36:57 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

I agree that people who are "down" need support, but that support is different for all of us. We can't generalize this... Each of us has a different character, for some people, a "softer" approach is better than a "harder" approach. So while some people need some gentle approach and sweet talk to change their mind, some people need to be criticized and maybe even have a tougher approach. Understanding someone's psychology is not easy and simple, usually, we need to take some steps before we learn what works better... I guess that means knowing someone deeply and how that someone thinks and reacts is crucial for making/creating the best approach.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: angrybirdy on February 28, 2024, 09:41:28 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

This statement is on point, It's a mind over matter so we need to be more careful on our actions and words that may come out in our mouth, because we have no idea in the struggles of other people and maybe the words that come out of our mouths are one of the reasons why a person's addiction never goes away. This situation is not a joke and it is really difficult to overcome it especially if a person is in a severe condition, because it also depends on the person how he will help himself, also we can't rely on giving advice, medicine, extra care from the people around them because sometimes, they themselves are the ones who can help them the most.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on February 28, 2024, 09:58:26 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away.
sometimes in life, you don't really need to put much pressure into things happening around you; if the person is an addict, he's definitely battling with anger issues too. So you get snarled at, insulted or probably slammed outta his ruthless anger for getting too close or tryna make him recall what he said? You don't take such risk especially if the said person is also into drugs.

Most addicts have been out of the system permanently, and that hasn't been as a result of anyone bugging them... They sometimes get into real, challenging situations and that's it for them.

Sandra 🧑‍🦰

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: passwordnow on February 28, 2024, 10:04:52 PM
I agree, it is not going to lose you money when you see an individual trying to overcome his addictions and trying to win against them by supporting them. And one of hows is by giving them the thought that you're with them and you want them to win over these addictions especially in gambling because you just want them to get better in life. Having this type of support to that person might boost his confidence and there's someone that's counting on him for him to win over this gambling addiction. But, if you are someone that sees it as mind your own business and you have nothing good to say, much better to leave it as is and don't say anything bad at all.

Ignoring the guy is much better and saying nothing at all. Because who knows what the other person is going through and how tough he's been doing everything in his capacity to do these necessary steps just to quit gambling. We don't know the battles that the other people are going through so, please be gentle with everyone and shut your mouth when you have nothing to say. Words of encouragement are powerful so as words of discouragement that shall embedded to their minds and they will remember you as that guy that never helped them to give a support and when you're at the time of needing some support, you won't be able to see them there for you.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Nwada001 on February 28, 2024, 10:13:32 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
Me I have also been in support of giving gambling addicts all the support that we can render to them, provided that they are willing to learn and give up on their addiction. 
The best form of people that these gambling addicts listen to are those who are close to them and who they consider and call family, so if you are opportuned to be part of them, then we can use that to your advantage and give them all the advice and tools you can guide them through in order for them to get off that addiction stage. Even if it will take you to also stop your own small gambling habit in front of them in order to prove a point for them, you should also do it.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Natsuu on February 28, 2024, 10:39:24 PM
That's a kind thought, supporting someone struggling with addiction is tricky.  You wanna be gentle but honest too.  Sugarcoating don't make problems vanish.  Maybe something like, "Hey friend, how're you holding up? I know quitting ain't easy, but remember why you started this journey.  We got your back but gotta keep sight of your goals too" and  no judgement, just care plus a friendly nudge back on track.  Its a balancing act for sure, being both understanding and keeping it real. 

Right? If someone's kicking the gambling habit, be their cheerleader not their critic. Relapses happen but instead of giving them a hard time, remind them why they decided to quit in the first place. Quitting isn't a walk in the park and imagining a lifetime without gambling can be overwhelming. They need your support, not your judgment or mockery. If you make them feel like it's impossible, they might give up trying. Encouragement goes a long way and it helps them stay on track. Be the friend who believes they can do it. Everyone's journey is tough but with the right support, overcoming gambling addiction becomes a real possibility

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: boyptc on February 28, 2024, 10:42:14 PM
Most addicts have been out of the system permanently, and that hasn't been as a result of anyone bugging them... They sometimes get into real, challenging situations and that's it for them.

Sandra 🧑‍🦰
And that's why they need a helping hand.

If you have a relative or an immediate family or friend that's dealing with this, and you're there to help.

Try to show them your one hand that you're there to help. But you have to make sure that you'll only help them in the means that you can.

Because there could be moments that these people might abuse your kindness so watch yourself too.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Queentoshi on February 28, 2024, 10:50:53 PM
Most addicts have been out of the system permanently, and that hasn't been as a result of anyone bugging them... They sometimes get into real, challenging situations and that's it for them.

Sandra 🧑‍🦰
And that's why they need a helping hand.
This is exactly my point and what I'm trying to say because criticism on addicts can be very tough, and we may even forget that some of these people have it in mind or have discussed with us sometime that they wish to change. When they start making efforts, we have to try to help them so that they keep going until they're able to achieve an addiction free life.
If you are a gambler and you are friends with some of these kinds of people trying to stop gambling because of the adverse effect on them, help them by not gambling in front of them, and not discussing gambling in a way that reveres it.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: rodskee on February 28, 2024, 11:20:04 PM
There are people that think they are bright or felt like they are helping when mocking with others
but do not know that it's not helping instead crating more damage,people that having issue in gambling felt like they
 are good and better but the truth is they are in the verge of losing their future ,because there's nothing in their mind
 but to become instant millionaire but even if they won million they will continue to gamble and will lose again
and again not until they realized how important money and time .

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: iBaba on February 28, 2024, 11:59:55 PM
The truth is that, overcoming gambling addiction is an individual decision and those around can only support the individual to become better.

 they leave without gambling for a while since it already having bad effects on them,  and also as a family instead of compounding the issues by criticizing the addict,  you can rather allow them to make up their mind to leave gambling and some times when you have seen that the gambler want to make a positive change,  all that you need to do is to give them all the mental support that they need instead of becoming harsh on them.

Overcoming gambling addictions is some kind of a hard job,  and since it is easy to become addicted but extremely hard to overcome the addictions at some point, they need all the help they can get to be able to beat the addictions eventually.

I appreciate your insights into this topic. It reflects your deep understanding and experience with addiction and addiction is a kind of illogical behavior or, as some people call it, a trauma that individuals engage in. It occurs when someone repeats a particular behavior multiple times until it becomes ingrained in their mind, making it difficult to let go. It then becomes a subconscious drive for them, compelling them to continue engaging in the activities they are addicted to, despite the negative consequences. This repetitive behavior can affect the brain, leading one to seek relaxation through these activities, even though they are aware of the harmful effects.

Addiction have oftentimes resulted to loss of control, where those involved in it find it challenging to resist the urge to return to their addictive behavior. Whether it involves substance abuse like drugs or behavioral addictions like gambling, firstly, you will need to make a solitary decision and intention to stop gambling. Then, seek support from friends and family who can advise you on the best ways to break those gambling habits. They can also assist you in creating distractions, which is one effective method to curb gambling urges. Surround yourself with people who can easily divert your attention towards positive activities instead of negative ones that may lead you back to gambling.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: SeaCoinCollector. on February 29, 2024, 04:39:21 AM
It's important to offer support to those trying to overcome their gambling addiction. Relapses can happen, they need encouragement to remember why they wanted to quit instead of judgment. Quitting gambling is not easy and criticizing them makes it even harder, that's why they need our support and motivation in their recovery.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: pinggoki on February 29, 2024, 04:52:18 AM
I hope people can realize that you can criticize and support someone at the same time, mentioning the issues you see that they have is a great way to identify and acknowledge the problem so it can be properly handled. criticism does not always mean that you are discouraging or mocking someone, it also shows the person you are criticising what improvement needs to be worked on, and from that, you can support them achieve those improvements.
But during their recovery or intervention, it's not really the right time to criticize someone that's trying their best to recover from their addiction sure it does work for some but do you want to risk on knowing whether it works on them or not when the alternative isn't to criticize at all and just give them all the love and support that they're going to need in their healing journey? I think that it's a matter of time before you can do that criticism part and in my opinion, that part only should happen when the recovering person permits you to do so and sometimes, what you think might be constructive criticism might not be for that person and the tone of your voice might also play a part on the reason why criticism isn't bad. Sometimes the people that are having problems don't really want solutions, they want someone to vent their emotions their problems and how they're dealing with it, if all you do when someone's telling you their problem is to give them solution instead of just hearing them out then you're never going to really help someone.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: bettercrypto on February 29, 2024, 05:16:57 AM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

You know it's not easy to become addicted to gambling because there is a process and it takes time before you get into that situation. And when you become an addict and the time comes when you want to change or quit being addicted to gambling, it is not easy to get out of a situation like that.

And that's where the support of your loved ones comes in; they will remind you, support you, and understand you in your situation. Even your other close friends will also remind you because they want to help you and get rid of the addiction that can destroy you.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: EluguHcman on February 29, 2024, 05:20:29 AM
You are right OP, criticizing an addicted gambler simply because he was advised or you had wanted to stop gambling and with all of your efforts contributed for the gambler to get to an end of his gambling habits become null and invaluable, please do not be so hash at him.
Addiction is some kind of habits that has dwelled to the vein and the soul and if no time taken, some ends their lives by it without the knowledge of their endivoirs is being a sock to their awful state of life.

It requires a psychological aids of qualities of you must stand in a better position to stop an addicted gambler but it you persist that the addicted gambler must do it on your own way then you could get the situation worse and that is definitely not the solution to it.

It is better of if you could always have eom cool times of discussions with him about life supposing to be of interacting about how some person's indulges in one or two ways of activities which has the potnetials to ruin their lives by themselves. If you have some references persons whom you could bring to his ideal about what gambling addictions had done to them then it is a good on for him to virtualize on that aspect and probably he would not want to be a victim to that even if he has already but at  such state of mind, he would be of tendencies to be a change person.
Don't ridiculous a gambling  addicted person who is not flexible to your wills of advices. Be technical and psychological thrilling enough to tolerate the unpleasant conducts at times.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: klidex on February 29, 2024, 06:19:24 AM
Yes, I completely agree with you that people who are addicted to gambling doesn't mean they are doing bad things, so we shouldn't mock them for their addiction, because after all, no one wants to experience something like this. Indeed gambling addiction is their own fault for not being able to control it themselves, but that doesn't mean we have to judge them and make it seem as if their actions are very bad, if they want to stop gambling that is a good intention and if we know them it would be better if we provide support to them so that they will be more enthusiastic about being able to cure their addiction. Support from the family and close friends are a very important role for an addict because they have become a part of the gambler's life.

Indeed, curing gambling addiction is not an easy matter, but if we mock him and say something that seems to discourage him mentally, he will become even more frustrated because according to him, addiction is impossible to cure. Even though gambling addiction can still be cured if we provide support and assistance to those who suffer from it needs and advises him well without discriminating so he will slowly try to stop it, just having the intention is good because usually people who don't have the intention to stop will be more difficult to cure because they continue to gamble continuously, so as long as he has the determination it is better to support so that the level of addiction in our country decreases.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: boyptc on February 29, 2024, 06:28:33 AM
Most addicts have been out of the system permanently, and that hasn't been as a result of anyone bugging them... They sometimes get into real, challenging situations and that's it for them.

Sandra 🧑‍🦰
And that's why they need a helping hand.
This is exactly my point and what I'm trying to say because criticism on addicts can be very tough, and we may even forget that some of these people have it in mind or have discussed with us sometime that they wish to change. When they start making efforts, we have to try to help them so that they keep going until they're able to achieve an addiction free life.
If you are a gambler and you are friends with some of these kinds of people trying to stop gambling because of the adverse effect on them, help them by not gambling in front of them, and not discussing gambling in a way that reveres it.

If seen that they're making a change and doing efforts as much as they can, they really should be given some help. They need someone to pat their back and support them at all cost because they're just starting out.

As long as there's the will that you can see from them, you're for sure not going to get tired of helping them.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: UchihaSarada on February 29, 2024, 11:52:45 AM
Criticism only makes things worse, especially for people facing psychological problems. Gambling addiction is also a psychological problem. They need more sympathy than alienation and criticism, which will push them away from us because at that time they will form a psychological resistance to our words. It is a natural reflex of the brain. When faced with criticism, most people will oppose those words. Even though it's clear that their actions may be wrong, and are affecting many people, including you, no one will admit their addiction and mistakes right away. It requires a process of self-enlightenment.
We should act as people next to them, cheering and encouraging them to do the necessary things to quit addiction. They have to do those things themselves, we cannot do them for them, so using words of encouragement instead of criticism will help them be more motivated to quit gambling addiction

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Slow death on February 29, 2024, 12:58:36 PM
Well, I have had members of my family who unfortunately became addicted to gambling and I must say that they were very difficult and complicated moments in which our patience was constantly tested, because that addicted relative of ours made many promises that he would change his behavior. , but after a few months he would make the same mistake again, but we managed to remain calm and motivate him not to give up despite the difficulties he was facing, even at that moment he had the mental strength to continue with the treatment , but some members of my family who were very close to him, were criticizing him and when he said that he was suffering in the rehabilitation hospital where he was isolated from the world so that the treatment would be effective

These people from my family went to take him out of the hospital and in a short time he went back to his addiction, but as he was afraid of going back to the hospital, he hid his illness and also hid that he went back to his addiction, only when he realized that he was dying and that he needed to urgent hospital treatment was when he asked for help from the tough family members who always supported him to undergo treatment, they didn't criticize him but they were tough in isolating him in the clinic so that he could undergo treatment, he went back to treatment, but unfortunately days later he died because it was already too late when he arrived at the hospital. By this I mean that often the people who criticize us are the ones who want our best and truly love us.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: HelliumZ on February 29, 2024, 01:06:27 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
Of course, if someone wants to stop himself from gambling, then instead of scolding him, he should go to his side and give advice on how to get rid of gambling easily. If a severely addicted gambler makes a plan to stop gambling, it is really good human behavior to advise him to carry it out. It is very difficult to devise a plan to stop a gambler from gambling, and if he is criticized without lovingly standing by, he is not doing his duty as a good man. It is definitely a duty to support him and his family as much as possible by extending a hand of help, cooperation and sympathy to his family. If a gambler is treated cordially and treated well by his family members, he can easily get rid of the terrible gambling addiction very quickly.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: JMBitcointernational on February 29, 2024, 01:22:37 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
op criticizing them will not actually help them but the issue here is that addiction i like something that is already part of you so it actually takes a whole lot of courage and sensitization to achieve.

lets take chain smokers for example , it is always very hard for any chain smoker to tell you that he /she wants to quit smoking whereas he/she stays with the company of smokers ,this is always very easy to say buy very hard to accomplish unless the person avoids his company of friends that he keeps.

lastly ,criticizing gamblers will not actually make them to stop rather supporting them with words of encouragement will help them reduce their addiction. and also every addicted gambler who wants to quit gambling should also stay away from his collage of friends that gamble too.   

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Oilacris on February 29, 2024, 01:48:08 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
Of course, if someone wants to stop himself from gambling, then instead of scolding him, he should go to his side and give advice on how to get rid of gambling easily. If a severely addicted gambler makes a plan to stop gambling, it is really good human behavior to advise him to carry it out. It is very difficult to devise a plan to stop a gambler from gambling, and if he is criticized without lovingly standing by, he is not doing his duty as a good man. It is definitely a duty to support him and his family as much as possible by extending a hand of help, cooperation and sympathy to his family. If a gambler is treated cordially and treated well by his family members, he can easily get rid of the terrible gambling addiction very quickly.
When you are tending to advise someone specially if its someone whom you do know then you would really be going into that soft method but on the time that they do still on proceeding on playing
without tending or planning to stop then this is the time you would really be doing it on harsh way. Yes, it is something that wont really be that not all would really be liking to heard of but if you are really that serious on trying out to help someone at least then you would really be giving out those kind of words but well its not something a guarantee that it would really be giving out that kind of solution.
The only solution with gambling addiction is into those people who would really be having that kind of seriousness on quitting it on the first place.

When it comes to criticism then you cant really stop people on not to have those kind of stopping themselves on telling or something to say. There would really be those words
that would really be coming out into someones mouth and this is something that really very normal. So better to ignore if there would be someone who would
be advising that you shouldnt be wasting up your time on helping those addicts. They do need help at least.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Marykeller on February 29, 2024, 02:33:23 PM
For someone to be able to stop the addiction of gambling on their self, they ought to have it in their mind that gambling is not the way to make money. Having that kind of mindset alone would help them minimize their addictions to gambling.

Showing addicted gamblers support is quite okay but they ought to accept on their own that gambling is not the way to financial breakthrough. If their belief in gambling doesn't change and remains the same, no matter how hard you try to support them, they will find their way back to gambling.

I know how many times, I have tried to show support to gamblers to quit gambling, a repeated attitude of going back to gambling is what I do see.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: uneng on February 29, 2024, 02:42:53 PM
For someone to be able to stop the addiction of gambling on their self, they ought to have it in their mind that gambling is not the way to make money. Having that kind of mindset alone would help them minimize their addictions to gambling.

Showing addicted gamblers support is quite okay but they ought to accept on their own that gambling is not the way to financial breakthrough. If their belief in gambling doesn't change and remains the same, no matter how hard you try to support them, they will find their way back to gambling.

I know how many times, I have tried to show support to gamblers to quit gambling, a repeated attitude of going back to gambling is what I do see.
Yes, the initial desire to overcome addiction has always to come from the addicted individual. It doesn't work to have a vast network of support around the addicted gambler if he himself doesn't care about how important it is for his recovery. That is what brings up a reflexion on why many people who are loved, supported and cared don't value such gifts from life, while others live on loneliness, without anyone caring for them, although they would give their best if they had support and were loved by someone.

It makes me believe support in excess, without the individual supported retributing anything in counterpart, contributes to selfish, egoistical and cold behaviors, not only towards his pairs, but also towards the value of his own life and integrity, as we see such individuals completely destroying their lives through addictive behaviors and showing little or no regrets after all.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: boty on February 29, 2024, 03:16:02 PM
There are people that think they are bright or felt like they are helping when mocking with others
but do not know that it's not helping instead crating more damage,people that having issue in gambling felt like they
 are good and better but the truth is they are in the verge of losing their future ,because there's nothing in their mind
 but to become instant millionaire but even if they won million they will continue to gamble and will lose again
and again not until they realized how important money and time .
Those who help other people and also mock the people they help, of course this will be very detrimental to the people they help and if the people they help cannot control their emotions, of course this will be very bad and things could even happen that they don't want. It is true that some gamblers certainly expect big wins on the bets they play and only some people can feel satisfied with the winnings they have gotten and they take the winnings to enjoy and others will continue to gamble until they again lose the winnings they have made. get and also the capital they bring to gamble.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: qwertyup23 on February 29, 2024, 03:45:38 PM
If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

There is a technique called "negative reinforcement" where you apply a punishment for people who perform badly on their respective duties. On the other hand, there is also what we call "positive reinforcement" where we reward people when they perform an activity that is commendable.

In the given scenario that you have provided OP, it is better if we apply positive reinforcement wherein we give commendations and rewards for people who show progress in dealing with their addiction in gambling. Instead of humiliating or punishing them for their behavior due to relapses, it is definitely better if we continue to encourage and show support to their progress.

At the end of the day, if you show your genuine support and care for these people who struggle in combating addiction, then the chances of them getting better would be higher.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: lizarder on February 29, 2024, 04:36:35 PM
For someone to be able to stop the addiction of gambling on their self, they ought to have it in their mind that gambling is not the way to make money. Having that kind of mindset alone would help them minimize their addictions to gambling.

Showing addicted gamblers support is quite okay but they ought to accept on their own that gambling is not the way to financial breakthrough. If their belief in gambling doesn't change and remains the same, no matter how hard you try to support them, they will find their way back to gambling.
In fact that is the key to stopping gambling because if they don't realize that gambling as an addiction is not a way to make money then it will be much more difficult for them to stop. Their mindset is ingrained in gambling as a way to earn money so it is difficult to stop. Even though in a conscious state we realize that gambling is an activity carried out for fun and making money from gambling is only greater than the luck we will get.

If it's family or friends, maybe we have a responsibility to heal and indeed we need to provide support so that they are more enthusiastic about stopping. But if it is someone else then there is no obligation for us to provide support because whether they want to be heard or not is their individual responsibility.

I know how many times, I have tried to show support to gamblers to quit gambling, a repeated attitude of going back to gambling is what I do see.  
Worse, we will receive threats when advising or providing support to them, because they think we want to take care of their lives and interfere too much in other people's lives.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: shield132 on February 29, 2024, 04:55:08 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
I think it's important to talk about this issue and supportive care. Many people don't realize that it's adding fuel to the fire when they are strict and aggressive toward addicted gamblers. The best approach in this case, like you said, is to be supportive even when they fail. I was reading about scientific research that stated that it's easy for an addict to recover if they get love and care from their family. Usually, a bad life is the reason for every addiction, people feel depressed because of a bad relationship with their family and become addicted to gambling because gambling makes you a little high. Gambling addicts need support from their families instead of anger and criticism, society needs to be enlightened about that.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: goldkingcoiner on February 29, 2024, 05:30:19 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

In my experience, to criticize someone is nothing but purely counterproductive. The person will not be able to accept the criticism and will only blockade any further input from you, no matter how useful it might be.

I think supporting them but also leading them unto a better path, by making them comfortable with confronting their problems is the best way to help someone with their gambling addiction (or any other addiction, really).

Although how exactly you do that is hard because everybody is different. A psychotherapist might be a better help.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on March 02, 2024, 06:36:28 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

In my experience, to criticize someone is nothing but purely counterproductive. The person will not be able to accept the criticism and will only blockade any further input from you, no matter how useful it might be.

I think supporting them but also leading them unto a better path, by making them comfortable with confronting their problems is the best way to help someone with their gambling addiction (or any other addiction, really).

Although how exactly you do that is hard because everybody is different. A psychotherapist might be a better help.

Well, we are people who are always going to see things from different points of view, for example when we are in a casino we know that the main thing is to play and try to win. If this is not achieved, it is not professional to start seeing that the Things can be criticized to improve, no, in addition we must be very careful with these things, because we do not know the problems that people are facing and what they have to solve, this is something that not everyone starts to see, also as They say where I live, "No one knows what the cross that each person carries is" in recognition of these we always do our best to do what is necessary not to bother, much less criticize, I am not critical of people because I am the same a human with mistakes and everything, normal as everyone is, in view of these things we do not have to feel that we have the right to criticize.

If someone is in a casino, whether they win or lose, we should not criticize, we are not owners of things as they happen, we have to be very aware of everything, if it is not for us we should not criticize that is all we should learn.

From criticism something very ugly comes out and that is gossip, which brings problems for what everyone has to do, I am in favor of not criticizing or anything, because absolutely all of us have straw tails, which at any moment cannot be grabbed. candle, then we must be aware of not speaking too much.

I will always think that things with criticism and Games of chance , we are adults, and each of us must be consciously aware that this is an act of our own free will, and that criticism has no place here, only now this is so open, That any topic is discussed in the social networks and you have to see very pleasant and personal events of the people who share it , so now that is so Common , that yes, that is why criticism is generated.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Quidat on March 02, 2024, 07:12:20 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
I think it's important to talk about this issue and supportive care. Many people don't realize that it's adding fuel to the fire when they are strict and aggressive toward addicted gamblers. The best approach in this case, like you said, is to be supportive even when they fail. I was reading about scientific research that stated that it's easy for an addict to recover if they get love and care from their family. Usually, a bad life is the reason for every addiction, people feel depressed because of a bad relationship with their family and become addicted to gambling because gambling makes you a little high. Gambling addicts need support from their families instead of anger and criticism, society needs to be enlightened about that.

There are people who do really tend to listen up if someone does really have that kind of approach but there are ones who would really be that be listening if someone would really be having
that kind of aggressive or someone who would really be that scolded up before they would really be having those kind of realizations on which it wont really be that a bad thing
i would say but of course it would really be that recommended that you should really be going into that soft side first kind of approach before trying out to make some adjustment
if things doesnt really work on what you are really thinking.

Its true that once people do become that addicted, then they cant really be able to think up clearly and this is why advices could neither be effective or not because most of the time
on which people would really be just that simply on having in denial state on which as long they are able to hit up their preference and interest in then
what do counted the most.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: wiss19 on March 03, 2024, 05:40:32 PM
Yes, you should never "punish" people with criticism for trying to improve themselves, but should also not be to soft on them.

A lot of these people need some tough love, to get them to deal with their situation.

They must admit that they have a problem and then they must reach out for help, those people that say that they are not addicted, will avoid the issue and continue as normal.

Do not step on people when they are down, rather reach out and help them to get back on their feet again.
I think that a simple criticism is different from a true punishment, so it may be fine and in fact, it may still not be enough for some heavily addicted gamblers, as they will just close their ears either by using their hands or not, or they can also listen to our criticisms but the words will only pass from their one ear to the other, straight from the outside.

We still can monitor them and maybe give them a warning first that if they won't still change, we will now be tough on them next time. When we are just a kid, we are always being criticized and punished by our parents and we think we are not being loved but this is wrong. They can do these things actually because they care.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: piebeyb on March 03, 2024, 05:54:13 PM
We will not be able to stop anyone from stopping gambling, basically it is a bad habit that is inherent in gambling addicts, so there are stages to be able to support them to recover, namely helping to introduce and change their views about gambling, that gambling is actually just for fun. I'm happy so we can introduce him to new games or hobbies so he can have fun with other games besides gambling. I often help my friends not to continue gambling and support them to try playing outside with new hobbies.

A gambling addict cannot be criticized because they will not listen to the people around them who do not provide support for them so in the end they need advice and moral support to get out of their addiction, but this must be done gradually and slowly in order to change their bad gambling habit. The point is, it doesn't have to be stopped, it's just asking him to reduce and limit his time so that he doesn't get too addicted to gambling, which ultimately makes him lose a lot of money and time during his life, so that his life doesn't go to waste and he regrets it later.  ;)

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Crypto Library on March 03, 2024, 06:05:14 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
You raise a good point, I have seen many topics on how to recover from gambling addiction-related suggestions but no one speaks against the criticism that people hear when recovering from gambling addiction. I think many times people's harsh words became an issue to addicted gambler from coming back from his addiction. In that case it can be seen that the people responsible are the ones who when an addicted gambler wants to come back from gambling but cannot, go back to gambling out of frustration. I appreciate your topic. I myself have made this mistake of criticizing a friend of mine, but he is now much less addicted, to say the least, he is now gambling less than me.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Su-asa on March 03, 2024, 06:33:47 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
This is a good pint, it's not easy to quit from gambling mostly when you have been addicted you might try your best to stop gamble. The was to know if one is trying to stop gambling is when you don't see him/her in a gambling arena again, though it might not be as easy the way we say it, but if you were able to become addicted to gamble you can also work yourself out from that mess. Supporting one from coming out in the mess of gambling addiction is good because some gamblers have committed suicide because they can't stop gambling, I read a story on how a man killed himself because he used all his savings to gamble then he lose everything at ones. If you help ones from addiction you have also helped the person, because you don't know if tomorrow the person might not be able to overcome the regrets for his mistakes.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: dansus021 on March 08, 2024, 12:40:01 PM
If I had a close friend that addicted to gambling I gonna criticize them first and bully him for a second and then obviously I'm gonna support him so this word Support, do not criticize only works for other people, not to my close friend hahahaha.

But seriously tho if you just know a person who is addicted to gambling you guys should support it, I hear there is a hotline call to supporting people who want to stop
That's right, criticizing is also important but it depends on the criticism and if the criticism is just to remind you that something is wrong or inappropriate or could be detrimental to yourself, in my opinion that's okay and just a reminder. And being firm is also okay because stopping addiction is not as easy as we imagine and we need to do it firmly but with motivation.
Support must be provided, people who are addicted must have people closest to them such as family, friends and others who will provide support. However, it cannot be denied that they will definitely criticize him, but it is not criticism that intimidates him, it only makes him realize that it is wrong.

Yeah, Criticize only happens to my real close friends, not to friends that I barely know about. So I might bully him little bit tho hahahha but Like I was said before Im gonna support him even tho he want to stop the addiction and stop to do gambling

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: arjunmujay on March 08, 2024, 01:31:50 PM
If I had a close friend that addicted to gambling I gonna criticize them first and bully him for a second and then obviously I'm gonna support him so this word Support, do not criticize only works for other people, not to my close friend hahahaha.

But seriously tho if you just know a person who is addicted to gambling you guys should support it, I hear there is a hotline call to supporting people who want to stop
That's right, criticizing is also important but it depends on the criticism and if the criticism is just to remind you that something is wrong or inappropriate or could be detrimental to yourself, in my opinion that's okay and just a reminder. And being firm is also okay because stopping addiction is not as easy as we imagine and we need to do it firmly but with motivation.
Support must be provided, people who are addicted must have people closest to them such as family, friends and others who will provide support. However, it cannot be denied that they will definitely criticize him, but it is not criticism that intimidates him, it only makes him realize that it is wrong.

Yeah, Criticize only happens to my real close friends, not to friends that I barely know about. So I might bully him little bit tho hahahha but Like I was said before Im gonna support him even tho he want to stop the addiction and stop to do gambling
so true. I have a friend who is a gambler who, when my friend experiences defeat in gambling, I will definitely support him to stop gambling by saying words that can stab him from all directions. So not criticizing anymore, but more of a slightly harsh word about the stupidity of him betting on gambling.
I even often support him by borrowing some of his money, so that he doesn't run out when gambling. Only when he really loses and needs money to live will I return the money.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: avp2306 on March 08, 2024, 02:34:43 PM
If I had a close friend that addicted to gambling I gonna criticize them first and bully him for a second and then obviously I'm gonna support him so this word Support, do not criticize only works for other people, not to my close friend hahahaha.

But seriously tho if you just know a person who is addicted to gambling you guys should support it, I hear there is a hotline call to supporting people who want to stop
That's right, criticizing is also important but it depends on the criticism and if the criticism is just to remind you that something is wrong or inappropriate or could be detrimental to yourself, in my opinion that's okay and just a reminder. And being firm is also okay because stopping addiction is not as easy as we imagine and we need to do it firmly but with motivation.
Support must be provided, people who are addicted must have people closest to them such as family, friends and others who will provide support. However, it cannot be denied that they will definitely criticize him, but it is not criticism that intimidates him, it only makes him realize that it is wrong.

Yeah, Criticize only happens to my real close friends, not to friends that I barely know about. So I might bully him little bit tho hahahha but Like I was said before Im gonna support him even tho he want to stop the addiction and stop to do gambling
so true. I have a friend who is a gambler who, when my friend experiences defeat in gambling, I will definitely support him to stop gambling by saying words that can stab him from all directions. So not criticizing anymore, but more of a slightly harsh word about the stupidity of him betting on gambling.
I even often support him by borrowing some of his money, so that he doesn't run out when gambling. Only when he really loses and needs money to live will I return the money.

But do you think he will listen to any discouragement you said about him? Are you prepared to lose your friend? Do you think he realize the mistake he do for just like that? Since as been called a gambler or worst been addicted already for sure that he might just ignore all of negative approach for dealing his current situation. Not everyone can understand that you that just for their own good since sometimes there are people will feel bad about what you said to them and instead you think you will be corrected for that matter he became your enemy because he take all of it badly and will never talk to you anymore.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: TheUltraElite on March 08, 2024, 02:43:25 PM
Addicts might have to face a lot of anger from their nearby family members, lenders and so on. So eventually that anger ends up in criticism, so its common and not everyone is going to be supportive.

The gambler is at fault because it was their choice to play with their luck and they did not stop themselves unlike other who moved on. If they chance their attitude to gambling they might be able to come out of this rabbit hole, pay back their debts and be proud of their conversion to a new human.

Support from family and friends is important, but how they provide it is also important. Sometimes its not possible and the gambler has to cope up on their own.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Viscore on March 08, 2024, 03:42:21 PM
Addicts might have to face a lot of anger from their nearby family members, lenders and so on. So eventually that anger ends up in criticism, so its common and not everyone is going to be supportive.

The gambler is at fault because it was their choice to play with their luck and they did not stop themselves unlike other who moved on. If they chance their attitude to gambling they might be able to come out of this rabbit hole, pay back their debts and be proud of their conversion to a new human.

Support from family and friends is important, but how they provide it is also important. Sometimes its not possible and the gambler has to cope up on their own.

If an addicted gambling himself will try to change for the better, we should set aside that criticism as it will not help at all. Besides, this gambler if he will be able to successfully cure his gambling addiction, he will not be a problem in the community especially with his family. The problem with non supportive family is they are the ones that are good in criticizing gambling addicts, instead of helping since he is part of the family.

Actually it's not easy to get out from addiction, but it will only be easier if the family member are supportive, so that's the key.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Dewi Aries on March 08, 2024, 05:49:05 PM
Addicts might have to face a lot of anger from their nearby family members, lenders and so on. So eventually that anger ends up in criticism, so its common and not everyone is going to be supportive.

The gambler is at fault because it was their choice to play with their luck and they did not stop themselves unlike other who moved on. If they chance their attitude to gambling they might be able to come out of this rabbit hole, pay back their debts and be proud of their conversion to a new human.

Support from family and friends is important, but how they provide it is also important. Sometimes its not possible and the gambler has to cope up on their own.

If an addicted gambling himself will try to change for the better, we should set aside that criticism as it will not help at all. Besides, this gambler if he will be able to successfully cure his gambling addiction, he will not be a problem in the community especially with his family. The problem with non supportive family is they are the ones that are good in criticizing gambling addicts, instead of helping since he is part of the family.

Actually it's not easy to get out from addiction, but it will only be easier if the family member are supportive, so that's the key.

Yes, as the OP said that what we should do is support them in any way or at least say "encouragement" I think that's good instead of criticizing them which in the end will actually be able to thwart their struggle to quit. I think we all know that quitting gambling is a difficult act to overcome especially if you have entered the addiction phase where your brain and mind are filled with everything about gambling. On the other hand, I think it is quite unlikely for them to criticize if they are basically family or family members of the addicted gambler because obviously the family always wants the best for their fellow family members and I think it is likely that they will support the healing process that is being carried out by the addicted gambler.

For the problem of criticizing or ridiculing, in my opinion, this is more likely to be done by others who are not related to the gambler, such as maybe some friends in the neighborhood or hangout who usually prefer to say or say something that is not based on any consideration that leads to ridicule or criticism.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Salahmu on March 08, 2024, 07:29:12 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time.

You are right people should always encourage an addict who was able to realize himself that aggressive gambling is not good for his health because it takes a very strong courage and determination for someone who has drawn himself on gambling to just woke up one morning and totally decided to quit gambling for is not easy and at that moment he will need all the support and encouragement from people around him so that he would be able to stick to his decision because the journey is not going to be Rossy for him because since the spirit of gambling has entered his blood he may likely be tempted sometimes to try it out but if he is not determine enough there is every chance he will go back to his old way.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Rockstarguy on March 08, 2024, 07:30:42 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
It is impossible to change people by criticising and putting blame on them like they are the cause to their problems , you can only change people when you approach them with love, this will bring a good bond that will make things easy for you to convince them. When you criticise people when trying to change them  they will think you are against them and they will never take your correction or let you come closer to them.

Love and kindness is the easiest way to convince people about anything. People that are in difficult challenge always go to a Councillor that  will not judge them.

I doubt if criticising someone that is addicted will ever help the person to change . When trying to help someone that is addicted you make feel they are not the cause for their problems and it is possible for them to change.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: killerfrost on March 08, 2024, 07:35:51 PM
Wasn't expecting this topic in the gambling section, but hey, here we are. You mentioned someone struggling with gambling addiction, and yeah, it's a rollercoaster for everyone involved. We all see those stories of people who want to quit, but then ditch the folks trying to help. Frustrating, right?  Like, come on, we're on your team here!

But the thing is, gambling addiction is a tricky beast. It's not like a bad habit you can just kick.  There's a whole stigma around it, making it even harder for people to open up. Imagine asking for help and getting judged instead. Yikes.

So, what can we do?be patient, but also be smart. You can't force someone to quit, but you can offer support without enabling the addiction. Kind of like that friend who loves bad fast food, you know

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Quidat on March 08, 2024, 07:40:47 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
It is impossible to change people by criticising and putting blame on them like they are the cause to their problems , you can only change people when you approach them with love, this will bring a good bond that will make things easy for you to convince them. When you criticise people when trying to change them  they will think you are against them and they will never take your correction or let you come closer to them.

Love and kindness is the easiest way to convince people about anything. People that are in difficult challenge always go to a Councillor that  will not judge them.

I doubt if criticising someone that is addicted will ever help the person to change . When trying to help someone that is addicted you make feel they are not the cause for their problems and it is possible for them to change.
When you do criticize someone then for sure it would really be making out such kind of feeling which they would really be down and whenever that getting depressed or sad would really be fueling out
their gambling  addiction even more because they do thought that anyone is already that having a bad view towards him, this is why it would really be that best that you should really know
on how to have that kind of good approach into someone who does have that kind of gambling problem because if you do find out yourself having that kind of aggressive approach then instead
on helping out someone into its addiction, you would really be rather seeing it to become worst. It would really be just that common sense on how you would really be needing to deal up
something such as this on which it would be impossible that you cant be able to determine on which one is needed up to do first than the other.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: arimamib on March 08, 2024, 10:30:38 PM
When you do criticize someone then for sure it would really be making out such kind of feeling which they would really be down and whenever that getting depressed or sad would really be fueling out
their gambling  addiction even more because they do thought that anyone is already that having a bad view towards him, this is why it would really be that best that you should really know
on how to have that kind of good approach into someone who does have that kind of gambling problem because if you do find out yourself having that kind of aggressive approach then instead
on helping out someone into its addiction, you would really be rather seeing it to become worst. It would really be just that common sense on how you would really be needing to deal up
something such as this on which it would be impossible that you cant be able to determine on which one is needed up to do first than the other.
It's indeed important to have empathy and a constructive approach when dealing with individuals struggling with gambling addiction. Criticizing someone who is already grappling with gambling addiction can exacerbate their feelings of inadequacy and despair. Such criticism may fuel their addiction further, as they perceive themselves as being judged negatively by others, that leads to heightened emotional distress and potentially intensifying their reliance on gambling as a coping mechanism.

If You adopt an aggressive or confrontational approach, it can have detrimental effects, as it may push individuals deeper into their addiction rather than facilitating positive change. Instead of feeling supported and understood, they may feel alienated and defensive that makes it harder for them to seek help or make progress towards recovery. It needs compassion and support to create a safe space for people to open up about their struggles and seek assistance without fear of judgment or condemnation. Empathy, support, and constructive communication over criticism or aggression are the best approaches to facilitate positive outcomes and foster a conducive environment for recovery.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Shamm on March 08, 2024, 10:41:18 PM
Wasn't expecting this topic in the gambling section, but hey, here we are. You mentioned someone struggling with gambling addiction, and yeah, it's a rollercoaster for everyone involved. We all see those stories of people who want to quit, but then ditch the folks trying to help. Frustrating, right?  Like, come on, we're on your team here!

But the thing is, gambling addiction is a tricky beast. It's not like a bad habit you can just kick.  There's a whole stigma around it, making it even harder for people to open up. Imagine asking for help and getting judged instead. Yikes.

So, what can we do?be patient, but also be smart. You can't force someone to quit, but you can offer support without enabling the addiction. Kind of like that friend who loves bad fast food, you know

addiction is a serious thing and once a gambler got addicted it will not easy for them to let go in gambling cause everyday they will go and play in casino and it's their routine. But if they want to go in outside world then they must need a companion that can help them through their situation we need to give them our fully support so that they can make things more impossible in their life. Like controlling themselves into gambling and overcome so that in the end that addict will not play gambling anymore.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Accardo on March 08, 2024, 11:14:33 PM
You raise a good point, I have seen many topics on how to recover from gambling addiction-related suggestions but no one speaks against the criticism that people hear when recovering from gambling addiction. I think many times people's harsh words became an issue to addicted gambler from coming back from his addiction. In that case it can be seen that the people responsible are the ones who when an addicted gambler wants to come back from gambling but cannot, go back to gambling out of frustration. I appreciate your topic. I myself have made this mistake of criticizing a friend of mine, but he is now much less addicted, to say the least, he is now gambling less than me.

your last line is funny, moving ahead, it's a mistake to criticize an addict. The atonement shown is acknowledged, revealing that you had a wrong gambling addiction perspective in the past. But have initiated a freshly learned knowledge to your recent day perspective. The broader a gambler understands gaming, he'd smoothly excel in money and risk management. Both the addicts and responsible players should be equipped with a tool like emotional intelligence. In dealing or interrelating with an addict. Traditional thoughts aren't all the time. Players are free to go beyond the norms of gambling, for securing other gamblers from suffering. One shouldn't be comfortable to see suffering people, in an obstacle he's most likely, going, to undergo. It could be anybody, no gambler is perfect.

No plan or method is adequate or correct. We all should know this. The struggle, though, is much for an individual, a consistent teamwork cripples its strength. It'll only consume time, yet the end will arrive, definitely. Same end may not easily appear for a lonely addict. He's chained psychologically and gets dragged every moment of his life, by addiction. A person who is chained can't unchain himself, without some help. The more people battle problem gambling, the industry will face a huge decline. Gamblers should promote responsible gambling, in real action, to stop such a big decline.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: mirakal on March 08, 2024, 11:35:01 PM
Addicts might have to face a lot of anger from their nearby family members, lenders and so on. So eventually that anger ends up in criticism, so its common and not everyone is going to be supportive.

The gambler is at fault because it was their choice to play with their luck and they did not stop themselves unlike other who moved on. If they chance their attitude to gambling they might be able to come out of this rabbit hole, pay back their debts and be proud of their conversion to a new human.

Support from family and friends is important, but how they provide it is also important. Sometimes its not possible and the gambler has to cope up on their own.
While emotional support from family and friends is vital, the addict itself has also to do his part by doing his best to avoid getting tempted to gamble again or to minimize gambling activities until he can readily leave gambling for good. Everything is only hard in the beginning but when you realized that leaving gambling for good will make you a better person, and that better opportunities will enter your door, then most possibly you will really continue to leave gambling for good.

However, if you are only good in words but lacking in action, and your family and friends have witnessed that, then  never expect that they will be supportive like you wish to have. Always start the change within yourself, and eventually your loved ones will start supporting you all the way.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: GigaBit on March 08, 2024, 11:36:08 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
If you can observe the presence of addiction among gamblers then you can definitely give them good advice to bring them back. There is no harm in a gambler gambling as long as he conducts the gambling within his control. Just as an addicted gambler brings about his own destruction, he can bring no good to society. On the other hand, if the extreme level of addiction is reached, the existence of various types of criminal behavior will be found by him. However, if a gambler decides to change his position on his own, he must be supported. Maybe if you support him at that time he can get out of his addiction. There are many gamblers who cannot identify their addiction and there are many who realize they are addicted but cannot get rid of it. Gamblers who want to recover on their own must help them understand that this is only for entertainment purpose but not for income.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: alegotardo on March 08, 2024, 11:50:42 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

The support of family and friends is essential to help in the treatment of a person who goes through this type of addiction, and certainly criticizing is not a good thing as the process to "deconstruct" the addiction and develop healthier habits is quite long, it has relapses and also awakens many negative emotions in the person trying to recover. So, a criticism or word that is said badly will certainly make this recovery much worse.

But I still believe that support from family and friends alone is not enough, no matter how good their intentions are... in addition to them needing to be very careful with what they say and also patient, they should encourage the addicted person to seek professional psychological assistance to avoid relapses or replace this addiction with a worse one such as alcohol, cigarettes or illicit drugs.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Accardo on March 09, 2024, 09:56:50 AM
The support of family and friends is essential to help in the treatment of a person who goes through this type of addiction, and certainly criticizing is not a good thing as the process to "deconstruct" the addiction and develop healthier habits is quite long, it has relapses and also awakens many negative emotions in the person trying to recover. So, a criticism or word that is said badly will certainly make this recovery much worse.

But I still believe that support from family and friends alone is not enough, no matter how good their intentions are... in addition to them needing to be very careful with what they say and also patient, they should encourage the addicted person to seek professional psychological assistance to avoid relapses or replace this addiction with a worse one such as alcohol, cigarettes or illicit drugs.

Family shapes the life of anybody and causes or improves any development that occurs in a person's life. Family is almost all we've got and the society. When those people help out during a period of trouble, we tend to adhere to treatment faster than ever. But their absence only stresses the gambler and puts him into a bad financial shape. And suffering his ego, about himself, and being the man of the family. Gamblers shouldn't get degenerated due to gambling. They need to understand and follow a good instinct on money management and self-control. Wagering money can't be the only financial responsibility of a gambler.

Looking into other aspects of life, fixes the home of anybody, including a gambler. Neglecting those responsibilities, births, misunderstanding in the family. The problem or downside on the person's family, which I attribute to business and work, is that many don't observe the behavioral change of those around them. Addiction arrives with symptoms that increases to a high stage if not attended to while it's fresh. If a home cares so much about their ward, once they begin to finalize a change in his character, they should begin a therapy session with the person. While he still has some self-control left. It helps a long way.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: ethereumhunter on March 09, 2024, 01:29:08 PM
The support of family and friends is essential to help in the treatment of a person who goes through this type of addiction, and certainly criticizing is not a good thing as the process to "deconstruct" the addiction and develop healthier habits is quite long, it has relapses and also awakens many negative emotions in the person trying to recover. So, a criticism or word that is said badly will certainly make this recovery much worse.

But I still believe that support from family and friends alone is not enough, no matter how good their intentions are... in addition to them needing to be very careful with what they say and also patient, they should encourage the addicted person to seek professional psychological assistance to avoid relapses or replace this addiction with a worse one such as alcohol, cigarettes or illicit drugs.
No doubt that the support of family and friends is essential and needed for people who gets addicted to gambling so they can follow every step recovery phases that help him to solve his addiction. Without that, he can't pass every recovery phase and will give ups without having a chance to cure his addiction. He will not sees the support from his family and that makes him feel sad and will run away from the recovery.

Besides of the support from family and friends, the addicted to gambling must have strong intention from themselves to solve his problems so he will have more powers to pass every recovery steps. Many people can't be able to survived from the recovery phase without other people's supports or don't have a strong intention to solved the addiction. Only some people who has strong intention and power that can solves his addiction and back to his family and friends.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: slapper on March 09, 2024, 01:37:54 PM
The support of family and friends is essential to help in the treatment of a person who goes through this type of addiction, and certainly criticizing is not a good thing as the process to "deconstruct" the addiction and develop healthier habits is quite long, it has relapses and also awakens many negative emotions in the person trying to recover. So, a criticism or word that is said badly will certainly make this recovery much worse.

But I still believe that support from family and friends alone is not enough, no matter how good their intentions are... in addition to them needing to be very careful with what they say and also patient, they should encourage the addicted person to seek professional psychological assistance to avoid relapses or replace this addiction with a worse one such as alcohol, cigarettes or illicit drugs.

Family shapes the life of anybody and causes or improves any development that occurs in a person's life. Family is almost all we've got and the society. When those people help out during a period of trouble, we tend to adhere to treatment faster than ever. But their absence only stresses the gambler and puts him into a bad financial shape. And suffering his ego, about himself, and being the man of the family. Gamblers shouldn't get degenerated due to gambling. They need to understand and follow a good instinct on money management and self-control. Wagering money can't be the only financial responsibility of a gambler.

Looking into other aspects of life, fixes the home of anybody, including a gambler. Neglecting those responsibilities, births, misunderstanding in the family. The problem or downside on the person's family, which I attribute to business and work, is that many don't observe the behavioral change of those around them. Addiction arrives with symptoms that increases to a high stage if not attended to while it's fresh. If a home cares so much about their ward, once they begin to finalize a change in his character, they should begin a therapy session with the person. While he still has some self-control left. It helps a long way.

Our lives are built on family, society, and the individual. You accurately call family a cornerstone. Let's cut through the noise: accountability and tough love. A gambler's demise is a call to arms for his loved ones. Family helps avoid falls as well as cushion them

Vigilance is about recognizing addiction early on. It's not enough to be present when the ship sinks. Avoiding the iceberg from the start is key. As you indicated, therapy is important, but so is a home setting that encourages or discourages gambling

Your remark about neglecting duties is spot-on. A common war, not simply the gambler's. The public typically ignores, judges, and fails to help. Change that narrative and let the gambler realize it's about life, not just money. It's a shared obligation, pal

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: zuzie on March 09, 2024, 01:55:36 PM
The support of family and friends is essential to help in the treatment of a person who goes through this type of addiction, and certainly criticizing is not a good thing as the process to "deconstruct" the addiction and develop healthier habits is quite long, it has relapses and also awakens many negative emotions in the person trying to recover. So, a criticism or word that is said badly will certainly make this recovery much worse.

But I still believe that support from family and friends alone is not enough, no matter how good their intentions are... in addition to them needing to be very careful with what they say and also patient, they should encourage the addicted person to seek professional psychological assistance to avoid relapses or replace this addiction with a worse one such as alcohol, cigarettes or illicit drugs.
No doubt that the support of family and friends is essential and needed for people who gets addicted to gambling so they can follow every step recovery phases that help him to solve his addiction. Without that, he can't pass every recovery phase and will give ups without having a chance to cure his addiction. He will not sees the support from his family and that makes him feel sad and will run away from the recovery.

Besides of the support from family and friends, the addicted to gambling must have strong intention from themselves to solve his problems so he will have more powers to pass every recovery steps. Many people can't be able to survived from the recovery phase without other people's supports or don't have a strong intention to solved the addiction. Only some people who has strong intention and power that can solves his addiction and back to his family and friends.

Agree with your opinion, support from family and close friends is very important for us to maintain good and correct behavior in the gambling games we play and especially if we lose, it could be that people around us will get medicine. to cure him. ourselves when we are sad.
Yes, it is from family support that we will try to recover from addictive behavior, although little by little if done confidently and consistently, it will most likely be successful.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: GxSTxV on March 09, 2024, 03:05:09 PM
I totally agree on this, instead of criticising and making things worse for the addicted gambler you happen to know, try to be supportive and compassionate.

Understanding that addiction is a complex and challenging battle is a must, people suffering with gambling issues often need encouragement rather than judgment. Instead of pointing fingers, relatives and family of the addict need to put their efforts into raising awareness about the complexities of gambling addiction.

It is better to start cutting those gambling habits little by little because it is impossible to just stop it at once, so it would be better for the addict to have someone by his side supporting him through his journey trying not to go back to it.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: EarnOnVictor on March 09, 2024, 04:13:07 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
Fine, it is good to support a gambling addict and provide the necessary help we can afford, but I do not agree with you that mocking gamblers will make them believe gambling addiction can never be overcome, these are two different situations. Mockery sometimes is what brings out the need in some people for a change so that they can put to shame those who are looking down on them and believe they can't make a change. But it is not good to mock anyone, especially those who are facing one challenge or the other, they need our support, at least for humanitarian sake.

As I mentioned a while ago, though some people supported it and some people were against it, nonetheless, I still believe that we should not wait for any gambler to tell us that they are addicted and need help before we render the help. By doing this we are indirectly helping the society as gambling addiction can never be positive to society and all of us cannot be a social worker before we help humanity in our little way. Such kind that you help this way will never forget you for the rest of their lives if it eventually works, so let's always be positive and impact positively into people's lives.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Viscore on March 09, 2024, 05:20:10 PM
Addicts might have to face a lot of anger from their nearby family members, lenders and so on. So eventually that anger ends up in criticism, so its common and not everyone is going to be supportive.

The gambler is at fault because it was their choice to play with their luck and they did not stop themselves unlike other who moved on. If they chance their attitude to gambling they might be able to come out of this rabbit hole, pay back their debts and be proud of their conversion to a new human.

Support from family and friends is important, but how they provide it is also important. Sometimes its not possible and the gambler has to cope up on their own.

If an addicted gambling himself will try to change for the better, we should set aside that criticism as it will not help at all. Besides, this gambler if he will be able to successfully cure his gambling addiction, he will not be a problem in the community especially with his family. The problem with non supportive family is they are the ones that are good in criticizing gambling addicts, instead of helping since he is part of the family.

Actually it's not easy to get out from addiction, but it will only be easier if the family member are supportive, so that's the key.

Yes, as the OP said that what we should do is support them in any way or at least say "encouragement" I think that's good instead of criticizing them which in the end will actually be able to thwart their struggle to quit. I think we all know that quitting gambling is a difficult act to overcome especially if you have entered the addiction phase where your brain and mind are filled with everything about gambling. On the other hand, I think it is quite unlikely for them to criticize if they are basically family or family members of the addicted gambler because obviously the family always wants the best for their fellow family members and I think it is likely that they will support the healing process that is being carried out by the addicted gambler.

For the problem of criticizing or ridiculing, in my opinion, this is more likely to be done by others who are not related to the gambler, such as maybe some friends in the neighborhood or hangout who usually prefer to say or say something that is not based on any consideration that leads to ridicule or criticism.

That is why sometimes it's hard to get out from addiction because instead of getting a help, you are getting criticized like you have no chance to correct your mistakes. The closest people to understand you is your family as they know you better, but there are still those who are from the family, not so close that might criticize. As a gambler, we have to accept criticism as that is one of the consequences of our wrong action, if we have prevented ourselves from getting addicted, then it could have not happen.

Everyone makes mistake, right? So there's no need to push that burden more to ourselves, instead, let us forgive ourselves and move on to what makes us a better person. After all, gambling is just an entertainment, it's us who only created a problem, but when the time comes that we will be able to control ourselves and be responsible, we can fully enjoy the essense of gambling.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Promocodeudo on March 09, 2024, 06:01:54 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

OP you just nailed it, people criticise all the time forgetting that this can happen to anybody, though we might not know what resulted to one being an excessive gambler which is addicted gambler, there are better ways of telling an addicted person something than trying to bully him or her, op I so much love this thread people see addicted gamblers as useless people but in real sense this are humans like us that may have turn to be addicted because of one reason or the other, the best way to even make them reduce this is by tell them the damage and the danger ahead if they continue in such act, at this point they need us and we must render this help to them if we really want them to change.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on March 09, 2024, 09:18:02 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

OP you just nailed it, people criticise all the time forgetting that this can happen to anybody, though we might not know what resulted to one being an excessive gambler which is addicted gambler, there are better ways of telling an addicted person something than trying to bully him or her, op I so much love this thread people see addicted gamblers as useless people but in real sense this are humans like us that may have turn to be addicted because of one reason or the other, the best way to even make them reduce this is by tell them the damage and the danger ahead if they continue in such act, at this point they need us and we must render this help to them if we really want them to change.

I agree, in fact I have realized and I have been saying it many times, in the forum there must be people who have the problem of addiction and sometimes do not know how to face it, sometimes the eproans lock themselves away and think they are alone, those who I Dedicate myself to Judging others, I simply tell them that they have straw tails and that any spark can make them light up, that is something that we should all see, that is why it is very easy to Criticize, it is very easy to judge, but those who do it they do, are they Prepared for them to judge? Or are they too perfect to have no errors? Sometimes the subject of addiction there are many who can say and say, but it is so cruel when people suffer from it, you have to be in the middle to know what it feels like, I have never been in that situation, but I have seen addictions, I have seen drug addicts, I have seen alcohol addicts, but based on this the things with a casino Addict , well I have not dealt with them.

As a person, it is very easy to reach out to someone who needs it, sometimes it is difficult to help with money because that is what you often do not have, but since advice can be given here I am sure that it helps a lot and that can be harmful, sometimes it is hard to accept this type of thing, but it is the reality, I think anything to help addicted people is the Best thing that can be done.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Casdinyard on March 09, 2024, 11:29:53 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
Nope. Babying them and "supporting" them is only going to cause you and the gambler even more problems. What they need is an intervention, not a fucking echo chamber telling them that "they can do it if they put their minds in it". And trust me when I say this because I am a gambling addict that was able to recover from my affliction all because I got some tough love and a pretty nasty real talk session from my bros and my relatives.

Imagine this, you have a friend that's already addicted to gambling. And instead of pushing them to face their problems head-on or actually encouraging them to forge the right path towards gambling addiction recovery all you did was stroke their ego and "inspire" them. That's not gonna work in the slightest cause all these gambling addiction clowns are going to justify every single instance of them betting with the most remote and stupidest thing out there. So when a friend that you know is addicted to gambling speaks up about having some massive difficulty in pushing towards quitting gambling, instead of telling them "nah bro you can do it, just remember why you stopped in the first place" (which by the way, is fucking corny to say the least), you give them contacts to a good therapist that would help them get into a recovery regimen that would give them the fix they need for their lives. Stop with this corny shit.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: arimamib on March 09, 2024, 11:47:37 PM

OP you just nailed it, people criticise all the time forgetting that this can happen to anybody, though we might not know what resulted to one being an excessive gambler which is addicted gambler, there are better ways of telling an addicted person something than trying to bully him or her, op I so much love this thread people see addicted gamblers as useless people but in real sense this are humans like us that may have turn to be addicted because of one reason or the other, the best way to even make them reduce this is by tell them the damage and the danger ahead if they continue in such act, at this point they need us and we must render this help to them if we really want them to change.
There would need empathetic, compassion and support when addressing addiction, including gambling addiction. Criticizing people struggling with addiction without understanding the underlying factors contributing to their condition is counterproductive and can exacerbate feelings of shame and isolation. Addiction can affect people from all walks of life, regardless of their background or circumstances. It's a complex issue that that stems from a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors.

Approaching addicted people with empathy, understanding, and non-judgmental support is a proper way in fostering positive change. People struggling with addiction need to gain insight into the impact of their actions and feel empowered to seek help. Encouraging addicted individuals to seek professional help from trained therapists, counselors, or support groups can provide them with the necessary tools and guidance to overcome their addiction.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: FinePoine0 on March 09, 2024, 11:51:51 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

If a person is addicted to gambling, he must try even if it is impossible to get him back. Because when he is addicted to gambling or when gambling time is made according to his routine, keep him busy, and you plan to take him away and distract him with various suggestions. Although a gambling addict will not get addicted easily he has to try I am still a current gambler but not as addicted I retire two days a week and gamble the other five days. A gambling addict will never earn money from gambling, and he will destroy his family and destroy society from the loss. So I think it is most important to protect a gambling person from addiction.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: criptoevangelista on March 10, 2024, 01:45:21 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

If a person is addicted to gambling, he must try even if it is impossible to get him back. Because when he is addicted to gambling or when gambling time is made according to his routine, keep him busy, and you plan to take him away and distract him with various suggestions. Although a gambling addict will not get addicted easily he has to try I am still a current gambler but not as addicted I retire two days a week and gamble the other five days. A gambling addict will never earn money from gambling, and he will destroy his family and destroy society from the loss. So I think it is most important to protect a gambling person from addiction.

The difficult thing about all this is that the addict is the last to recognize their addiction, they will always deny it and say they can stop whenever they want... Which is a lie, they lie to themselves.

So it is very important that family, friends and loved ones keep an eye on any situation that gets out of control, addiction really is a very complicated thing to deal with.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: dothebeats on March 10, 2024, 02:56:58 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

If a person is addicted to gambling, he must try even if it is impossible to get him back. Because when he is addicted to gambling or when gambling time is made according to his routine, keep him busy, and you plan to take him away and distract him with various suggestions. Although a gambling addict will not get addicted easily he has to try I am still a current gambler but not as addicted I retire two days a week and gamble the other five days. A gambling addict will never earn money from gambling, and he will destroy his family and destroy society from the loss. So I think it is most important to protect a gambling person from addiction.

There must always be someone who will wake these guys to their senses, especially if they are in too deep in gambling. They don't know that they have a problem until you talk sense to them. They'll believe anything isn't their fault, and that it always has to be someone else's doing why they're having a series of bad luck. That's a mindset you can't take away from people that are too deep into the gambling pit, so I believe that someone should always act as a support to these guys to get out of that pit.

Of course, there are still those that are self-aware but not trying hard enough to get out of their state. They also need some help, too.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: ethereumhunter on March 10, 2024, 04:56:42 PM
Agree with your opinion, support from family and close friends is very important for us to maintain good and correct behavior in the gambling games we play and especially if we lose, it could be that people around us will get medicine. to cure him. ourselves when we are sad.
Yes, it is from family support that we will try to recover from addictive behavior, although little by little if done confidently and consistently, it will most likely be successful.
Supports from family and close friends will gives a good affect to addicted to gambling because they will knows that their families and friends is not leaved them and stills cared to them. That can gives more power to addicted to gambling so they will try to pass every steps to recovery their addiction. They will not feels too difficult to pass everything that's necessary to cure their addictions because they feel that they are not alone to do that. It's why the family and friends supports is always needed to helped the addicted gambling to realizes that he still have a second chance to have his lives back.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Hispo on March 10, 2024, 05:39:48 PM
Agree with your opinion, support from family and close friends is very important for us to maintain good and correct behavior in the gambling games we play and especially if we lose, it could be that people around us will get medicine. to cure him. ourselves when we are sad.
Yes, it is from family support that we will try to recover from addictive behavior, although little by little if done confidently and consistently, it will most likely be successful.
Supports from family and close friends will gives a good affect to addicted to gambling because they will knows that their families and friends is not leaved them and stills cared to them. That can gives more power to addicted to gambling so they will try to pass every steps to recovery their addiction. They will not feels too difficult to pass everything that's necessary to cure their addictions because they feel that they are not alone to do that. It's why the family and friends supports is always needed to helped the addicted gambling to realizes that he still have a second chance to have his lives back.

Though, people struggling the addictions (regardless whether one is talking about addiction to gambling or addiction to illicit substances) one needs to keep in mind those chances given by family and friends are limited. They will be able to understand you have a problem at first, and they are likely to help you to overcome those obstacles when you first mention them, but as time passes and they catch you doing the same thing and committing the same mistakes again and again, sadly they will start losing hope and patience on you, they would even start to neglect you and abandon you because they assume there is nothing which can be done to help you out.
In the end, the willpower needed to overcome those very serious situations are supposed to come directly from the inside of the person suffering from the addiction, family support helps, but it is useless if one takes it all for granted and do not take advantage of it to seek for professional help to curb the addiction and regulate the way one spends money.

It is a cruel and sad reality of people who end up homeless and we see walking around on the street. Because if it, we must appreciate the support our family give us all, and in the same way support them as much as possible, for our households to stand indefinitely in all difficulties.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: zuzie on March 11, 2024, 05:07:16 AM
Agree with your opinion, support from family and close friends is very important for us to maintain good and correct behavior in the gambling games we play and especially if we lose, it could be that people around us will get medicine. to cure him. ourselves when we are sad.
Yes, it is from family support that we will try to recover from addictive behavior, although little by little if done confidently and consistently, it will most likely be successful.
Supports from family and close friends will gives a good affect to addicted to gambling because they will knows that their families and friends is not leaved them and stills cared to them. That can gives more power to addicted to gambling so they will try to pass every steps to recovery their addiction. They will not feels too difficult to pass everything that's necessary to cure their addictions because they feel that they are not alone to do that. It's why the family and friends supports is always needed to helped the addicted gambling to realizes that he still have a second chance to have his lives back.

Yes, the most important thing is support from your own family to treat feelings of sadness due to experiencing the risk of gambling, namely losing a lot of money without having anything left and not only that, because support from the family is very possible. that a gambler will try to be more careful and try not to overdo the betting he plays there so that indirectly the gambler will realize that thanks to the motivation of support and attention from his family he can recover from his gambling addiction.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: ethereumhunter on March 11, 2024, 05:57:44 AM
Though, people struggling the addictions (regardless whether one is talking about addiction to gambling or addiction to illicit substances) one needs to keep in mind those chances given by family and friends are limited. They will be able to understand you have a problem at first, and they are likely to help you to overcome those obstacles when you first mention them, but as time passes and they catch you doing the same thing and committing the same mistakes again and again, sadly they will start losing hope and patience on you, they would even start to neglect you and abandon you because they assume there is nothing which can be done to help you out.
In the end, the willpower needed to overcome those very serious situations are supposed to come directly from the inside of the person suffering from the addiction, family support helps, but it is useless if one takes it all for granted and do not take advantage of it to seek for professional help to curb the addiction and regulate the way one spends money.

It is a cruel and sad reality of people who end up homeless and we see walking around on the street. Because if it, we must appreciate the support our family give us all, and in the same way support them as much as possible, for our households to stand indefinitely in all difficulties.
The chances are limited but that doesn't means family and friends can't gives their supports to the addicted to gambling because they should helps the addicted to gambling to cure his addiction. It needs awareness from the addicted to gambling knowing that he already have addiction to gambling and he must talk to his family and friends about his problems so they can immediately helping him by seeking a way to start curing his addiction. When family and friends with the addicted to gambling can realize and give supports to him, he will knows that he is not alone because his family and friends will always besides him. This also gives trusted from his family and friends that he is serious to cure his addiction, especially if the addicted to gambling already seen what happens to him. Together, they will have a chance to helped the addicted to gambling and maybe doesn't need to takes too long to see the addicted can slowly cure his addiction. People deserves a second chance to get his normal life back but that depends on how the addicted to gambling wants to cures his addiction.

Those who doesn't get any supports from their family and friends can't survive from his addiction and become worst because they don't know how they must do and how they can cure his addiction. Yes, supports from family and friends gives an impact to the addicted person to gambling to realizes about his problems and cure his addiction.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Porfirii on March 11, 2024, 06:12:08 AM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. -snip-

I'm experiencing a similar case with one of my closest friends, although the problem he has has nothing to do with gambling. I'm sure that if I was critical with him, he would've stopped telling me about his problems. On the contrary, he knows that I'll always offer him unconditional love and won't judge him, and that's why he tells me about his improvements and relapses.

You shouldn't force someone to do something he doesn't like, it has to come from him. Making an addict feel bad about himself doesn't help, but sharing love and company can shed some light into his life.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Rabata on March 11, 2024, 06:19:49 AM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

OP you just nailed it, people criticise all the time forgetting that this can happen to anybody, though we might not know what resulted to one being an excessive gambler which is addicted gambler, there are better ways of telling an addicted person something than trying to bully him or her, op I so much love this thread people see addicted gamblers as useless people but in real sense this are humans like us that may have turn to be addicted because of one reason or the other, the best way to even make them reduce this is by tell them the damage and the danger ahead if they continue in such act, at this point they need us and we must render this help to them if we really want them to change.
The difference between an addicted gambler and a normal gambler is not much. Addicted gamblers cross their gambling limitations whereas general gamblers gamble within control. But this gap does not allow them to be socially distanced. Rather if we support them there then they can come back from that stage. I don't think there is any chance to ever neglect or degrade them. It should be remembered that if an addicted gambler does not get proper support, at some point he will make bad choices. As a result, social security can also be threatened. Gambling addiction is not uncommon. Therefore, addicted gamblers must be supported with proper support to help them recover from their addiction.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: madnessteat on March 11, 2024, 06:28:45 AM
I don't understand the point at all in criticizing a person if they are trying to get rid of any addiction. In fact, it doesn't really matter how many times he or she relapses before he or she completely gets rid of his or her addiction. The only thing that matters is to achieve the result, even if the path to it will not be the easiest. In my opinion, support is something that we should provide to our loved ones, no matter if they are struggling with an addiction, gaining experience in something or just want to become a better person.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Strongkored on March 11, 2024, 07:11:19 AM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
For people who know that someone in their family or someone close to them is addicted to gambling, even after they have previously been able to recover from their addiction, it is not a fact that will be easily accepted so that the wrong response will arise, such as criticizing and so on, especially when they don't know how to handle or deal with people who are addicted, so it's not only addicts who face difficult situations but also the people closest to them.
Apart from trying to advise and continue to provide support so that he can recover from his addiction, also taking him to a professional is the right step because the addict will get the right treatment so that he can really recover of his gambling addiction, even when playing he does it responsibly or knowingly people closest to him so that when he exceeds the limit, he can immediately stop it because there is someone who controls it.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Dewi Aries on March 11, 2024, 07:23:46 AM

OP you just nailed it, people criticise all the time forgetting that this can happen to anybody, though we might not know what resulted to one being an excessive gambler which is addicted gambler, there are better ways of telling an addicted person something than trying to bully him or her, op I so much love this thread people see addicted gamblers as useless people but in real sense this are humans like us that may have turn to be addicted because of one reason or the other, the best way to even make them reduce this is by tell them the damage and the danger ahead if they continue in such act, at this point they need us and we must render this help to them if we really want them to change.
The difference between an addicted gambler and a normal gambler is not much. Addicted gamblers cross their gambling limitations whereas general gamblers gamble within control. But this gap does not allow them to be socially distanced. Rather if we support them there then they can come back from that stage. I don't think there is any chance to ever neglect or degrade them. It should be remembered that if an addicted gambler does not get proper support, at some point he will make bad choices. As a result, social security can also be threatened. Gambling addiction is not uncommon. Therefore, addicted gamblers must be supported with proper support to help them recover from their addiction.

Yes and that means the difference is in "managing and controlling", basically anything done in excess always results in something bad and especially if we are talking about gambling which is an activity that has an even higher risk than we imagine when you treat gambling in the wrong way.  Talking about healing or recovering someone from the addiction phase is a really difficult problem to overcome and we all recognize that.

But actually it all depends on the person, I say that gambling addiction is difficult to cure when you really don't realize that you have entered the addiction phase, because sometimes experiencing financial problems does not always make someone realize that all of that is due to wrong gambling, because gambling addiction lies in a person's wrong mindset which means that gambling addiction will not be too difficult to overcome if for example they want and have a strong determination to change, and after that we can help them with some support even if it's just a suggestion, and in my opinion what should be prioritized is to emphasize awareness, not to let them experience interest in gambling again, meaning that if possible, the healing must be supervised by several closest people, especially family.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Odusko on March 11, 2024, 07:39:16 AM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time being. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in their hearts the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
This approach works alot like magic because when you support someone who is in a mess of a stage a gambling addiction, you tend to show the brighter side of things that you could not have noticed since you are seeing things from the outside, and with that you can easily buy their interest and attention to listen to you after all, you doing that out of love, which helps them to come out of the situation on time.
But criticism on the other hand will definitely affect the victim's overall morale and motivation, so the best result when dealing with a case of addiction is to truly support the victim in the best possible that you can and try to avoid overdoing it in such a way that he may lose interest in overcoming the addictions at all seeing it as way of resistance.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on March 11, 2024, 07:41:01 AM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

      -      Well, you have a point about that. Having a decision is a matter of choice; if the time comes that an addicted gambler wants to let go, it is considered his choice, and he may have seen that it is in his best interest to give up gambling. .

Then one more thing: we can go through everything with a proper discussion and a proper reminder to them that we don't need to get angry or yell at them. That is why our understanding must be broad in all circumstances.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Outhue on March 11, 2024, 11:16:54 AM
I don't understand the point at all in criticizing a person if they are trying to get rid of any addiction. In fact, it doesn't really matter how many times he or she relapses before he or she completely gets rid of his or her addiction. The only thing that matters is to achieve the result, even if the path to it will not be the easiest. In my opinion, support is something that we should provide to our loved ones, no matter if they are struggling with an addiction, gaining experience in something, or just want to become a better person.
When the time is right, an addicted person will break free from his or her addiction, if the time is wrong there is nothing that anyone can do to make them stop, this is what I have learned from the experience that I have with gambling addicts.

Some people do need to be criticized before they wake up from their stupid dreams, they might be able to think about themselves after criticism, so I am not entirely against this idea, people are always different.

I have a cousin who is too rowdy, if you want him to listen to you, do not try to speak to him like a gentle person, as if you are preaching to him for a change, it won't go through his ears, but if you directly use some harsh worlds, in a way like you are trying to pick a fight with him, you will get his attention and also his senses.

It depends on the person that you are trying to change, I prefer the truth, in a gentle manner than trying to use harsh words, I won't even listen to your advice, I feel more pained with words than brute force.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: adpinbr on March 11, 2024, 12:43:59 PM
Many people actually want to stop gambling , but they are not seeing the right position . So Encourage them actually don’t really have what they do to spend some time so they use gambling definitely make money and spend a lot of time in the process they lose more than they can afford to lose and it become a problem if you are in a situation whereby someone is gambling and passing challenges and you feel like the person needs help all you need to do is to advise and tell them to stop the person from gambling for a while

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Quidat on March 11, 2024, 01:48:08 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

      -      Well, you have a point about that. Having a decision is a matter of choice; if the time comes that an addicted gambler wants to let go, it is considered his choice, and he may have seen that it is in his best interest to give up gambling. .

Then one more thing: we can go through everything with a proper discussion and a proper reminder to them that we don't need to get angry or yell at them. That is why our understanding must be broad in all circumstances.
Solving out addiction could really be just that done into those people who are really that willing to quit gambling for good and that would be already enough for them to get away such addiction.
Yes, its hard but its not impossible. It is really just that when it comes to seriousness and discipline then each person does have that different levels on which there are ones who could easily do it
and there are ones who do fail on this one. For those people whose around them and tending to make out some advises then there are individuals who are really that open to some advises and there are ones who arent and  this is why they would really be tending to hide as much as they could. As someone who do tend to make some advises then it would be always best on having that non aggressive approach rather than on scolding them.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: nara1892 on March 11, 2024, 01:57:29 PM
The difference between an addicted gambler and a normal gambler is not much. Addicted gamblers cross their gambling limitations whereas general gamblers gamble within control. But this gap does not allow them to be socially distanced. Rather if we support them there then they can come back from that stage. I don't think there is any chance to ever neglect or degrade them. It should be remembered that if an addicted gambler does not get proper support, at some point he will make bad choices. As a result, social security can also be threatened. Gambling addiction is not uncommon. Therefore, addicted gamblers must be supported with proper support to help them recover from their addiction.

Yes, that's true, addicted gamblers tend to gamble excessively so that it is detrimental to themselves and also to other people such as relatives or friends. in my opinion we have to support something that leads to the positive, like they want to stop their addiction, at that time we have to support them, so that they can go through process after process because stopping gambling is not easy, many gamblers fail when they want to stop gamble. It requires determination and strong intentions that are not easily shaken, which must be paid attention to.

It's true what you say, with those who are addicted to gambling, of course there is a big possibility that they will take bad actions, to the point that it is detrimental to themselves. like excessive gambling, which of course shouldn't be done, then we should be able to support them to recover from this detrimental addiction, even though it's not family, there's no harm in helping other people by giving them encouragement to recover.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Rampagoe004 on March 11, 2024, 02:08:30 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

I agree with you. Don't bring up his past when he was addicted to gambling. And and underestimate someone's desire to stop gambling addiction. Sometimes someone who wants to quit really needs support from those closest to them and their friends. He needs moral support and motivation to fully recover from addiction. Give them space to change and recover from addiction. Because if we don't support him then he may think that he can no longer escape the label of a gambling addict and if his desire to stop is not appreciated, some people will return to being addicts because they think their family and friends no longer accept them.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: borovichok on March 11, 2024, 02:10:06 PM
The chances are limited but that doesn't means family and friends can't gives their supports to the addicted to gambling because they should helps the addicted to gambling to cure his addiction. It needs awareness from the addicted to gambling knowing that he already have addiction to gambling and he must talk to his family and friends about his problems so they can immediately helping him by seeking a way to start curing his addiction. When family and friends with the addicted to gambling can realize and give supports to him, he will knows that he is not alone because his family and friends will always besides him. This also gives trusted from his family and friends that he is serious to cure his addiction, especially if the addicted to gambling already seen what happens to him. Together, they will have a chance to helped the addicted to gambling and maybe doesn't need to takes too long to see the addicted can slowly cure his addiction. People deserves a second chance to get his normal life back but that depends on how the addicted to gambling wants to cures his addiction.

Those who doesn't get any supports from their family and friends can't survive from his addiction and become worst because they don't know how they must do and how they can cure his addiction. Yes, supports from family and friends gives an impact to the addicted person to gambling to realizes about his problems and cure his addiction.

The journey must begin with the addicted gambler. Some addicts prefer talking to a stranger about their addiction than to a friend or family member. This is wrong in my thinking. Friends and family are in the best position to help out. After an addict has accepted that he is into problem gambling, the support of friends and family becomes imperative since it will help the gambler to heal faster. The feeling of being loved and wanted by friends and family is good support for the addicted gambler. When one considers that family will not laugh at the addicted gambler but rather give a helping hand, the role of family becomes indispensable.

I remember gambling with money that was supposed to be used to settle some family bills. When my mom found out she didn’t talk down on me but handled the matter in a way that I felt self-guilt and vowed within myself not to repeat such behaviour. This lays credence to the fact that family support is key in helping an addict.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Accardo on March 11, 2024, 02:20:40 PM
Family shapes the life of anybody and causes or improves any development that occurs in a person's life. Family is almost all we've got and the society. When those people help out during a period of trouble, we tend to adhere to treatment faster than ever. But their absence only stresses the gambler and puts him into a bad financial shape. And suffering his ego, about himself, and being the man of the family. Gamblers shouldn't get degenerated due to gambling. They need to understand and follow a good instinct on money management and self-control. Wagering money can't be the only financial responsibility of a gambler.

Looking into other aspects of life, fixes the home of anybody, including a gambler. Neglecting those responsibilities, births, misunderstanding in the family. The problem or downside on the person's family, which I attribute to business and work, is that many don't observe the behavioral change of those around them. Addiction arrives with symptoms that increases to a high stage if not attended to while it's fresh. If a home cares so much about their ward, once they begin to finalize a change in his character, they should begin a therapy session with the person. While he still has some self-control left. It helps a long way.

Our lives are built on family, society, and the individual. You accurately call family a cornerstone. Let's cut through the noise: accountability and tough love. A gambler's demise is a call to arms for his loved ones. Family helps avoid falls as well as cushion them

Vigilance is about recognizing addiction early on. It's not enough to be present when the ship sinks. Avoiding the iceberg from the start is key. As you indicated, therapy is important, but so is a home setting that encourages or discourages gambling

Your remark about neglecting duties is spot-on. A common war, not simply the gambler's. The public typically ignores, judges, and fails to help. Change that narrative and let the gambler realize it's about life, not just money. It's a shared obligation, pal

The public fail to help in many situations, where a victim is in trouble. Human race is now headed towards jobs, wealth, and building economy. Barely do we see a scenario where humans collectively decide to help another. This attitude increases the troubles of addicts in the society. People now stay very careful, due to such stigmas. Like a friend would say, one can't be always careful. Gamblers are meant to be executing their skills with not much fear of failing. The fear of getting addicted, also leads to problem gambling. Removing such fear is important.

The societal negligence has affected the confidence of gamblers and make them to be careful not to end up addicted. But sooner, such players get addicted into gambling, due to lack of confidence. If players are given the opportunity to discuss with non-gamblers or family members without having any stigma or getting neglected, they'll feel relaxed while gambling. Knowing fully well that they're people who got his back. Gamblers, all, need an outside observer, that can detect the slightest change of behavior. Like I said previously, most people are occupied with their business, and the human race doesn't have such luxury to care about another. Even growing kids, barely get to see their parents.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: slapper on March 11, 2024, 02:52:41 PM
Though, people struggling the addictions (regardless whether one is talking about addiction to gambling or addiction to illicit substances) one needs to keep in mind those chances given by family and friends are limited. They will be able to understand you have a problem at first, and they are likely to help you to overcome those obstacles when you first mention them, but as time passes and they catch you doing the same thing and committing the same mistakes again and again, sadly they will start losing hope and patience on you, they would even start to neglect you and abandon you because they assume there is nothing which can be done to help you out.
In the end, the willpower needed to overcome those very serious situations are supposed to come directly from the inside of the person suffering from the addiction, family support helps, but it is useless if one takes it all for granted and do not take advantage of it to seek for professional help to curb the addiction and regulate the way one spends money.

It is a cruel and sad reality of people who end up homeless and we see walking around on the street. Because if it, we must appreciate the support our family give us all, and in the same way support them as much as possible, for our households to stand indefinitely in all difficulties.
The chances are limited but that doesn't means family and friends can't gives their supports to the addicted to gambling because they should helps the addicted to gambling to cure his addiction. It needs awareness from the addicted to gambling knowing that he already have addiction to gambling and he must talk to his family and friends about his problems so they can immediately helping him by seeking a way to start curing his addiction. When family and friends with the addicted to gambling can realize and give supports to him, he will knows that he is not alone because his family and friends will always besides him. This also gives trusted from his family and friends that he is serious to cure his addiction, especially if the addicted to gambling already seen what happens to him. Together, they will have a chance to helped the addicted to gambling and maybe doesn't need to takes too long to see the addicted can slowly cure his addiction. People deserves a second chance to get his normal life back but that depends on how the addicted to gambling wants to cures his addiction.

Those who doesn't get any supports from their family and friends can't survive from his addiction and become worst because they don't know how they must do and how they can cure his addiction. Yes, supports from family and friends gives an impact to the addicted person to gambling to realizes about his problems and cure his addiction.
Simply put, awareness is the first step out of any abyss, especially the gambling pit. Admitting and discussing addiction is the actual challenge. The reality is brutal, right? Opening is dangerous because it demands vulnerability. Healing begins there, too. Family and friends are lifelines, not spectators. Their assistance is essential. Imagine realising you're not shouting into space. A hand is waiting to draw you back. It's powerful, right? Trust, trust binds. Knowing an army is behind someone fighting their demons changes the game

Two-way street. The addict must want and be ready for this trip. And supporters? Be prepared for the long haul. They don't have quick remedies. A marathon, not a sprint. Transformation occurs when people resolve to change, support, and travel this path together. No sugarcoating; it's hard. But is it worthwhile? Absolutely

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: rahmad2nd on March 11, 2024, 03:48:14 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

Obviously, I really support it according to the theme of your thread title. however, the first and most important support is: from the addict himself. if you don't have strong intentions, determination and so on. then the support given by family, relatives, friends, is only considered as a passing wind. I mean, someone who wants to recover from their addiction, whatever type it is. The first and most important thing is yourself. The question is, are they truly and sincerely willing to change. If so, intention and determination must be a package as initial tools to start fixing the addiction.

I'm interested in what you said, I'll quote it "It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them:". well, if it were easy there would be no non-profit communities, rehabilitation and so on related to gambling addiction. so, that's why it's not easy. and therefore also, an addict must support himself before getting support from his environment. whether it's family, friends, or relatives. If someone shows determination and strong intentions, support will flow automatically because that person shows their seriousness.

For me, criticism is important, but constructive criticism, not criticism that brings down. So, the point is not that someone or part of the family is criticizing. but show sincere intentions, strong determination if you want change. As for criticism, it is something that is normal and use the opposite, such as motivation, as a means of encouragement. prove it, if we can. well, something like that for me personally.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: danherbias07 on March 11, 2024, 04:55:57 PM
I don't understand the point at all in criticizing a person if they are trying to get rid of any addiction. In fact, it doesn't really matter how many times he or she relapses before he or she completely gets rid of his or her addiction. The only thing that matters is to achieve the result, even if the path to it will not be the easiest. In my opinion, support is something that we should provide to our loved ones, no matter if they are struggling with an addiction, gaining experience in something or just want to become a better person.
I agree with you. There are matters that we have to take seriously and gambling addiction is one of those. We are not supposed to criticize them but instead, we should be supporting them. Offer any help that we could give and even if it is the simplest one, I bet it will be appreciated especially from a person who is having trouble letting go of his bad habit.
Some will not just criticize, they will do the worse by gossiping it around until the gambling addict doesn't feel like he is safe in his environment anymore. This could lead to a person being unsocial or worse, he could become a suicidal person which ain't good. Some people just don't think before they talk and they don't even know that it is hurting another human life. They need help, it's either we just shut our mouths or we offer our hand so that he will feel like there are people who do care. Who knows, maybe that's all he needs. Someone who would be there and will not let him feel alone.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: AmoreJaz on March 11, 2024, 05:37:13 PM
I don't understand the point at all in criticizing a person if they are trying to get rid of any addiction. In fact, it doesn't really matter how many times he or she relapses before he or she completely gets rid of his or her addiction. The only thing that matters is to achieve the result, even if the path to it will not be the easiest. In my opinion, support is something that we should provide to our loved ones, no matter if they are struggling with an addiction, gaining experience in something or just want to become a better person.

This is like any other addiction, the path to recovery is always not smooth. But if you have the will and determination, in time, you will also achieve the change that you want for your life. That is, if you won't give up. It is normal that you will have a relapse, but what matters here is that once you figured out that you are going back to old habits again, you change the path and try to get out as soon as possible.

I'm experiencing a similar case with one of my closest friends, although the problem he has has nothing to do with gambling. I'm sure that if I was critical with him, he would've stopped telling me about his problems. On the contrary, he knows that I'll always offer him unconditional love and won't judge him, and that's why he tells me about his improvements and relapses.

You shouldn't force someone to do something he doesn't like, it has to come from him. Making an addict feel bad about himself doesn't help, but sharing love and company can shed some light into his life.

I believe that kind of support to a friend is very much needed not the nagging type one. Because all they need is love and understanding as they have inner battles to overcome as well.
If you are really a very close friend of an addict, try to look at other activities that you think will divert his attention from going back to his old habits such as -
> go to camping / hiking / road trip
> go to the beach and soak yourselves
> look for sports that you think he/she will be interested in
> go travel the world, or local tourist spots
> join charitable causes
> join meditation group

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: o48o on March 11, 2024, 05:58:44 PM
I don't understand the point at all in criticizing a person if they are trying to get rid of any addiction. In fact, it doesn't really matter how many times he or she relapses before he or she completely gets rid of his or her addiction. The only thing that matters is to achieve the result, even if the path to it will not be the easiest. In my opinion, support is something that we should provide to our loved ones, no matter if they are struggling with an addiction, gaining experience in something or just want to become a better person.
If they indeed are trying to get rid of it, they need more compassion, and people who listen. But if they try to justify their actions by reasoning with illogical arguments to keep their addiction alive, i would say confrontation and critisizm are in order. Because there's a change that addicts surround themselves with yes men, and that nothing is their fault, and that they are fine as they are, then they don't need to change. Because in that way they don't have ever face the facts. They are loved as they are. No work required.

Wanting to change needs to come from inside, but what i mean with that is that i don't think any need for change would happen without clashing with real world and real people. Sometimes people need to face reality, and that can come in form of confrontation. To hear that they hurt others, to realize they need to change. Beacuse if all they get is endless accepting and no criticizim, that won't cut it for some people. As some of us can just use people as endless cargabe cans to pour their problems on. That kind of abuse happens as well, especially if addict is feeling so bad, that they don't have enough energy for empathy to see friends as humans. Then they become somekind of psychology relief machines to tell all their endless problems to. That gives them fast relief wihout needing to do any emotional heavy lifting for on themselves

So some people need to hear critizism too. Not just acceptance. It's like with our own kids when they have done something bad. We can love them as they are, even though we don't accept their actions.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: nara1892 on March 12, 2024, 12:00:58 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

I agree with you. Don't bring up his past when he was addicted to gambling. And and underestimate someone's desire to stop gambling addiction. Sometimes someone who wants to quit really needs support from those closest to them and their friends. He needs moral support and motivation to fully recover from addiction. Give them space to change and recover from addiction. Because if we don't support him then he may think that he can no longer escape the label of a gambling addict and if his desire to stop is not appreciated, some people will return to being addicts because they think their family and friends no longer accept them.

Bringing up a person's past when he is in a period of improvement for a change will clearly be able to make someone brood and feel not cared about at all, we must understand that the process of healing from gambling addiction is not easy and must also be done by the person himself, and when they have managed to reach the realization that what they did was wrong and then they are determined to make changes in a better direction then obviously some support is needed even if it is at least just a suggestion, because for them such support can increase their enthusiasm to be stronger in carrying out the process of change.

On the other hand, it is quite natural that there are some people who ridicule or scorn them because the point of view of an addict in the eyes of society is quite negative so maybe this is what makes some people criticize rather than support, but yes, everyone must have made mistakes in their lives that can even harm others such as people affected by the person's gambling addiction, but as you said that there is nothing wrong with giving new space if indeed the addict has reached awareness and wants changes in his life, because after all they have good intentions to stay away from gambling.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: junder on March 12, 2024, 01:32:04 PM
If they indeed are trying to get rid of it, they need more compassion, and people who listen. But if they try to justify their actions by reasoning with illogical arguments to keep their addiction alive, i would say confrontation and critisizm are in order. Because there's a change that addicts surround themselves with yes men, and that nothing is their fault, and that they are fine as they are, then they don't need to change. Because in that way they don't have ever face the facts. They are loved as they are. No work required.

Wanting to change needs to come from inside, but what i mean with that is that i don't think any need for change would happen without clashing with real world and real people. Sometimes people need to face reality, and that can come in form of confrontation. To hear that they hurt others, to realize they need to change. Beacuse if all they get is endless accepting and no criticizim, that won't cut it for some people. As some of us can just use people as endless cargabe cans to pour their problems on. That kind of abuse happens as well, especially if addict is feeling so bad, that they don't have enough energy for empathy to see friends as humans. Then they become somekind of psychology relief machines to tell all their endless problems to. That gives them fast relief wihout needing to do any emotional heavy lifting for on themselves

So some people need to hear critizism too. Not just acceptance. It's like with our own kids when they have done something bad. We can love them as they are, even though we don't accept their actions.

That makes sense, maybe it is necessary to criticize every once in a while to make those who are addicted realize that what they are doing is wrong, because in reality someone who is addicted of course will not easily accept input from other people and with this also other people. being afraid to give harsh advice, only a few people and only certain people dare to advise those who are addicted harshly or with criticism that really slaps them. because to be able to recover from addiction is not easy, they have to be able to go through process after process and maybe it will be hard for them to go through.

I agree with you, of course if they really want to change they have to have their own desire first, because it's no use if other people criticize and advise them and if they themselves don't have awareness then it will be difficult for them to stop or recover from their addiction. They must be able to be open with everything, including accepting advice and direction from other people which helps to make them aware because it is also for their good in the future. It's true what you said, maybe some people really need to listen to criticism, also in my opinion there must be someone who can help their mindset change, if they can't change then there must be someone who can make them change.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: ethereumhunter on March 12, 2024, 03:23:42 PM
The journey must begin with the addicted gambler. Some addicts prefer talking to a stranger about their addiction than to a friend or family member. This is wrong in my thinking. Friends and family are in the best position to help out. After an addict has accepted that he is into problem gambling, the support of friends and family becomes imperative since it will help the gambler to heal faster. The feeling of being loved and wanted by friends and family is good support for the addicted gambler. When one considers that family will not laugh at the addicted gambler but rather give a helping hand, the role of family becomes indispensable.

I remember gambling with money that was supposed to be used to settle some family bills. When my mom found out she didn’t talk down on me but handled the matter in a way that I felt self-guilt and vowed within myself not to repeat such behaviour. This lays credence to the fact that family support is key in helping an addict.
If the addicted people talking to a stranger, they will not have a way to solve their problems because they can't get a solution from the right person. If they talking to their family or friends, they will gets suggestions from their family or friends that can makes them realizes what they did is wrong. They will gets a solution how to changes their habits because of playing gambling and will see supports comes from their family and friends. The important thing from the addicted person can do is accepting his addiction and trying to search for the solutions by asking for helps from their family and friends. But that depends on how their family and friends react with their addictions.

I also have the same experienced using the money for bills to playing gambling. I lose that money and yes, I regrets and trying to avoids that happens again. Yes, if we can be honest to our family about what we did, they will gives their hands to helps us and gives the solutions. Yes, I agree that supports from family is needed to helping the addict.

Simply put, awareness is the first step out of any abyss, especially the gambling pit. Admitting and discussing addiction is the actual challenge. The reality is brutal, right? Opening is dangerous because it demands vulnerability. Healing begins there, too. Family and friends are lifelines, not spectators. Their assistance is essential. Imagine realising you're not shouting into space. A hand is waiting to draw you back. It's powerful, right? Trust, trust binds. Knowing an army is behind someone fighting their demons changes the game

Two-way street. The addict must want and be ready for this trip. And supporters? Be prepared for the long haul. They don't have quick remedies. A marathon, not a sprint. Transformation occurs when people resolve to change, support, and travel this path together. No sugarcoating; it's hard. But is it worthwhile? Absolutely
Yes, awareness is needed when someone playing gambling to realizes that he doesn't have a big chance to win the gambling games and needs to accepting whatever the outcomes. He can playing gambling but with limitations so he can enjoy playing gambling for having fun. If he can used gambling for having fun, he will not any problems because he will always manage his money and time that he used for playing gambling. When he is addicted to gambling and talks to his family, it's better his family supports him and not abandon him because that will makes him will thinks that he is alone solving his matters. He will not thinks long about what will happens next because when he feel alone, he can thinks shortly and no one will knows what he will do.

Yes, the addict needs to have awareness that he is addicted and needs helps from other people. The family must helps the addicted to cures his addiction so the process can works properly for the addicts.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: TheUltraElite on April 01, 2024, 04:03:26 PM
Yes, the addict needs to have awareness that he is addicted and needs helps from other people. The family must helps the addicted to cures his addiction so the process can works properly for the addicts.
The addict often denies the addiction but eventually it catches up to them and they realize that they have been trying to hide it for too long. It is how addiction and guilt works. But then the addict does not have any other place to go to unless their family supports them to come out of it. In the long run the cure is possible if the family works to help the family member in their journey.

The money of course is never coming back, so some criticism is normal from members and friends. That should motivate the person to make up the money.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on April 01, 2024, 04:16:16 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.
Needless say that this is a really good advice, addiction is not a thing to be proud of, and it doesn't matter the kind or type of addiction, for whether it be addiction to gambling, porn and masturbation, alcohol, or drugs, non of this things is good to be addicted in, and someone who is addicted and wants to stopped have really seen the ugly side of the effect of this addiction, and have realized they need to stop before they are absolutely consumed.

The best we can really do for such people is to support them, being addicted to gambling and not finding help or support any where to aid the addicted to stop gambling and come out from such addiction have lead several young gamblers into destroying themselves, that is, committing suicide and so on.
Addiction is not what is to be joked with, and I hope that we all realize this and do our best to help the next addicted gambler we come across instead of mock the person.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: khiholangkang on April 01, 2024, 04:21:27 PM
Yes, the addict needs to have awareness that he is addicted and needs helps from other people. The family must helps the addicted to cures his addiction so the process can works properly for the addicts.
The addict often denies the addiction but eventually it catches up to them and they realize that they have been trying to hide it for too long. It is how addiction and guilt works. But then the addict does not have any other place to go to unless their family supports them to come out of it. In the long run the cure is possible if the family works to help the family member in their journey.

The money of course is never coming back, so some criticism is normal from members and friends. That should motivate the person to make up the money.
A form of support for someone to stop so that it does not become a gambling addict again can be with many things, besides continuing to provide positive motivation and support such as encouraging beautiful words and can be accepted by a gentle human heart.

But criticism with negative delivery can also be a motivation and form of support for people who are addicted, like things underestimate people who want to stop gambling and then we underestimate it like "I am sure you will not be able to stop gambling because you are a fool" if you are a fool "if Consumed well and give rise to the spirit that you can quit addiction, isn't that a good thing, precisely people who are provoked emotions to change themselves for the better will be much faster in the process of achieving successfulness than people who are only given enthusiasm , as in the case in order to make money with hard work (but this method depends on the response of the person and the way he thinks).

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Ndabagi01 on April 01, 2024, 04:41:02 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

OP, your talk makes a lot of sense. And how these gamblers feel while trying to quit gambling is similar to what happens to drug addicts, which is known as withdrawal syndrome. They should receive all of the encouragement and support they require without being criticised. It is difficult to stop or put an end to what the body and soul have become accustomed to over time, especially when it brings them pleasure.

It is true that the process of overcoming your addiction is more difficult than it was when your body became accustomed to it. It causes trauma and damage to the brain and body system if you simply want everything to cease operations immediately. It requires a gradual process and should not be rushed. Every addiction was once not in the body, so if you make the decision to stop it, it will undoubtedly leave your body one day.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: Fortify on April 01, 2024, 04:48:57 PM
If you know anybody trying to stop the addiction of gambling to become better for themselves and their family, try and show them support by not criticizing them. If you observe that they experience some kind of relapse and go back to gamble even when they said they were not going to gamble, try to encourage them to remember why they wanted to stop gambling for the time. It is not an easy decision for some of them to make, and even imagining that they will never gamble again can make it worse for them, most of them need all the support they can get to help them maintain the decision to give gambling some time away. If you criticize and mock them, they may nurse in the heart the mindset that gambling is impossible to stop, or even stop trying to stop gambling because you have already made them feel like they can never do it.

You're right, be you should even be measured in your support and try not to be overly proactive. Take someone that is quitting smoking as another example, you should avoid asking them how it's going, because it might trigger something or engage a certain reflex - just avoid all mention of the subject, because you can probably figure out if it's succeeding or not based on other indicators. Sometimes it might even engage an unconscious act of rebellion, if you feel like someone else is influencing your decision or making you act a certain way. Give someone who's trying to quit an addiction a lot of space and try to avoid any mention of the subject, as they're probably constantly trying to redirect their mind away from it as they recode their thought patterns.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: TheUltraElite on April 15, 2024, 10:08:15 AM
A form of support for someone to stop so that it does not become a gambling addict again can be with many things, besides continuing to provide positive motivation and support such as encouraging beautiful words and can be accepted by a gentle human heart.
It depends on the person as to how they see the incoming statement. Most addicted people are very defensive about their addiction and will not accept the fact that they need help and you have to respect that too if you want to change anything in their addiction. This is a tough mental discussion to pursue and not everyone can do it without being judgemental or angry. Often professional help will be oa use and that is what I usually suggest to any addict who wants help.

Of course the days are not bleak for them, hope is there for such addicted gamblers to become diligent gamblers.

Title: Re: Support, do not criticize.
Post by: adpinbr on June 02, 2024, 08:50:32 AM
Yes that is really true because a lot of things has really happened to different gamblers in different area and different part of the world, they are always Afraid of even thinking about it or have any thoughts of it any time, I just feel like talking to them and make them feel happy on the decision they took that it a right thing, that will really make them happy and it the right thing to do more and more, they just need a little happiness more in their life and it all done, it is not easy to take that decision