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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Accardo on February 29, 2024, 11:52:57 PM

Title: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Accardo on February 29, 2024, 11:52:57 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Oshosondy on March 01, 2024, 12:00:31 AM
If you want to borrow money, there must be a collateral. If there is not collateral, there must be one or more guarantors. I do not think anyone can be a guarantor of a gambler. It is the father that have the debt and if he dies, his family will pay with the properties or works that the father left on earth. I do not think the son have any problem with his own property. That is why it is good to have your own property and be independent.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: SamReomo on March 01, 2024, 12:01:48 AM
In most countries when debt is so high then the gambler's family is bound to pay the debt. In most cases they have to sell their properties in order to pay the debt, but if debt isn't too much then the lender allows them to pay him on monthly basis. But, that lender can do so many wrong things with that family and whatever he tells them they'll have to obey his orders. I even heard that some of such lenders often sexually exploits wives and young daughters of those who take loan from them. It's a bitter truth but it happens in many communities. Lenders want their money back badly and for that they can go to any extent.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: leonair on March 01, 2024, 12:06:24 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
We all know that gambling is a risky thing and when we gamble we have to lose our money.  So we should not lose that amount of money in gambling which will put us in danger. Taking loans from family members like us from father when we don't have money is not considered as loan. So we never think about it and on the other hand we lose them without hesitation.  But we should take care of money to learn fund management and lead life well then we will be able to prevent wastage of money.  Otherwise, if we indulge in bad addictions like gambling, we will suffer a lot financially

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: bitzizzix on March 01, 2024, 12:42:39 AM
It depends on the agreement before death arrives. Because there are also questions regarding the borrower or the loan terms agreed upon by both parties and if the borrower cannot pay or repay it because the borrower dies or runs away who is difficult to find, and must be replaced by his family.
And if that happens and family members have to pay it off, then they have to pay it off in whatever way they can by bringing a strong and legal agreement agreed to by both parties. And even if they go to court, the borrower still wins.
And this was a stupid and thoughtless gambler and if that happened, wouldn't he feel sorry for his family if that happened. And this will be a burden that they have to bear because of the borrower's stupid actions, and this is clearly an acute addiction.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Yogee on March 01, 2024, 12:51:35 AM
I don't know if this applies to every country but the process is usually deducting debts to the estate or to the liquidated property that's inherited. If there is no asset to inherit then the creditor has no choice but to say goodbye to the money as he cannot collect from the relatives. Be cautious when some credit companies start pressuring you of a debt they just passed down to you.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: komisariatku on March 01, 2024, 01:22:27 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

The regulations that apply in my country are, if someone dies and still has debts at the bank, the heirs are obliged to pay off the remaining debts. This is very worrying, especially if the debt is used for gambling. It is best to tell all debts to your husband/wife so that if there is a problem in the future, the problem can be resolved together.

However, if your father's loan uses collateral, then you can let the collateral be confiscated by the bank or talk to the bank that you will sell the collateral to pay off the bank debt.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: goaldigger on March 01, 2024, 02:13:57 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
This is just like a normal debt where your family will inherit it if ever, and also a possible seizing of your assets before giving it to your family.
This has been the problem of many especially those who can't settle their debts anymore. Your creditor will not stop even if you die as they have the terms and conditions to follow, if you borrow with the institution they might chase your family if ever and yes it can go through the court.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Darker45 on March 01, 2024, 02:16:41 AM
Of course, it can be brought to the courts of law. As far as my country's laws are concerned as regards this matter, I think the children of the deceased don't have to personally pay for their father's gambling debts. It isn't their personal responsibility.

However, since the father left things of value when he died-- properties, money, and so on-- the debt could be taken from them. The children, as legal heirs, will, of course, divide among them what their father has left them. This can be done only after the debt is settled.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: angrybirdy on March 01, 2024, 02:17:15 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

Here in our country, if a person is deeply in debt and he borrows from a bank or lending company, it is necessary that you put collateral with them just in case you can't pay your debts, they will take the collateral instead with the money you owe, If a person owes money to other people, here I can say that children can inherit their parents' debt because even if the parents are gone, the creditor can charge the various family member

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Samlucky O on March 01, 2024, 02:39:48 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
It is very sad that some dad will have to pass on and leave dept as inheritance for their families. Expecially the next of kin. It is a clear warning to those whom their parents are Gamblers to hold their parents now they are alive to know the lapses they need to cover now they are alive. Because if they are dead the family might loose all what their dad had laboured for due to some Little dept which has no evidence of how much it is. Afterall dead men can't speak, this topic is very important because it educates us on alway tackling issues eailer before it gets too late. I believe this scenerio happens frequently and many people has lost their inheritance due to lack of evidence which the faut is from the dad. Let us make sure we settle every problem when our parents are alive before it get too late when they are no more.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: noormcs5 on March 01, 2024, 02:58:12 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

For a moment. let's forget about gambling. Let's suppose someone takes a loan and he dies without paying the loan. So his children and his remaining like his wife etc are supposed to pay that debt. Unless the other person forgives the loan, there is no other way out but to pay the loan.

So now taking a loan for gambling is no different too. The person who gave the loan wants his loan back, he doesn't care if you gamble and lose everything in the loan. It is the gambler's problem (the one who took the loan) and not his.  The same rules would apply if you take a loan for any other purpose or for the gambling. Also in most cases, if you tell them that you are taking a loan to gamble, most of the people will refuse to give a loan. Therefore most gamblers do not tell that the purpose of the loan is to gamble.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Poker Player on March 01, 2024, 04:33:47 AM
I don't know if this applies to every country but the process is usually deducting debts to the estate or to the liquidated property that's inherited. If there is no asset to inherit then the creditor has no choice but to say goodbye to the money as he cannot collect from the relatives. Be cautious when some credit companies start pressuring you of a debt they just passed down to you.

That is what happens in any country that has rational laws in this regard, and is not a shithole. People can either accept the inheritance or not, which they usually only do if the assets exceed the debts.

The regulations that apply in my country are, if someone dies and still has debts at the bank, the heirs are obliged to pay off the remaining debts. This is very worrying, especially if the debt is used for gambling.

No matter how much you live in Indonesia you don't figure out the laws in force there, and believe the first conspiracy theory you hear on the street. With a simple google search you could have discovered the truth:

Don't Panic, This Is How to Pay Off A Loan If the Debtor Dies (

According to Indonesian law, debts included in the "inheritance" must be borne by the heirs. However, the remaining loan debt burden is only required to be repaid by the heirs who are willing to receive the inheritance in full.

In other words, as I said above, people only accept the inheritance (and are therefore obliged to pay the debt) if the assets to be inherited exceed the amount to be paid.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: tsaroz on March 01, 2024, 04:38:48 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

There are generally two types of loan to take. Collateral or non-collateral. The ones provided by legal financial institutions have some form of collateral and in case of not being able to pay the loan and interest on time would make your collateral being liquidated.
The non legal loan providers like loan shark would go to harsh ways of getting their money back.
The inheritance of loan may also shifts according to the inheritance law of the individual country. If you inherited the property kept as a collateral, you can pay the loan to get back the property or just leave it to get liquidated.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: joniboini on March 01, 2024, 04:41:05 AM
I think you need to specify more things, including what type of debt somebody has, which country he lives in, and so on. For example, AFAIK, any debt that is held only in their name is usually not inherited, some call it "sole name". This won't stop some lenders from arguing that his family still owes them money, but I'm pretty sure if they bring it to court the lenders will lose the case assuming there's no foul play. On the other hand, if some people act as guarantors or if before they die they send some gift away to some people, lenders can pursue them since it can be considered as a way to run away from their obligation to pay their debts. I think this is how it works in my country, but some debt collectors use the lack of knowledge from people to force them to sign something to make sure they can still collect money even after the debtor dies. CMIIW.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Rampagoe004 on March 01, 2024, 04:46:05 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

If it is a loan I think there is an option for his close relatives or children to repay the loan. But of course the regulations in each country are different. In my country you must have collateral or a letter of guarantee before making a loan. And the guarantee is in your own name. So if you have died and you have a loan, the borrower can take your collateral to pay off the debt.

But the problem is loans without collateral. I think it will be difficult because of course you can't demand that the child pay the loan if you don't have any agreement at the beginning.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: goldkingcoiner on March 01, 2024, 04:46:55 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

As I understand it, yes, yes it is. But the circumstances have to be quite right.

Normally somebody's debt is inherited by their children unless they decide to not accept the inheritance. So in other words, if your grandpa leaves you hundreds of thousands of dollars, but he has millions of dollars in gambling debt, you will be responsible for paying off the debt, as you accepted the inheritence.

But realistically, that never happens. Why would someone accept to pay off debt even though they can avoid it? Perhaps some people think that as long as they get the money, they can ignore the debt and somehow things will work out? Sounds like a recipe for disaster.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: qwertyup23 on March 01, 2024, 04:55:52 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

This depends on the law of the country but I will answer it based here in the Philippines.

If you borrow money to a creditor, you as a debtor have an obligation to pay the corresponding debt within the terms agreed upon on the contract. If you pail to settle your obligation upon the stipulated date, with a demand coming from your creditor, then you put yourself into a risk of having a case filed against you (collection of a sum of money). If you still failed to pay despite the court order, then the creditor may order the sheriff to garnish your personal property as payment for your corresponding debt. Assuming that you have no properties left but you have children, the debt will NOT be passed around and the creditor suffers the ultimate injury.

Again, this is highly situational and dependent on the laws of the country that you are staying on. Generally, a debt cannot be transferred nor inherited since the legal personality of a person is extinguished upon his death and there are other ways in order to recover such debt (like the example that I have given above).

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Findingnemo on March 01, 2024, 04:58:03 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

If father has any assets in possession and kids inherit then surely lenders will come back at the one who inherited the assets to collect what the father owes and if it's banking loan then it's already regulated and they gave the loan based on some collateral so if the debt hasn't been paid then most likely the assets will be seized.

Other kind of lenders like loan sharks will come at your face and do what needed to be done to get their money at the end of the day loan has to be paid no matter what.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: CODE200 on March 01, 2024, 05:39:44 AM
Legally, it would fall to the person's next of kin so it's definitely possible to inherit a debt from one another but if there's some lenders that would probably do some debt forgiveness if it's going to become a burden for the family that would inherit the debt, there's also some people that would go to that length and let the debt be inherited by the children or the family especially if it's from a loanshark, there's no way they're going to let that loan get forgiven, they want that sweet sweet interest. Another thing about gambling debt or debt in general, unless you're dead, I don't think that they can be inherited, it's more likely that the person that has loaned you will file a case against you and that's the ultimatum for you, you'll probably never be able to get any formal loan because you've got a case that says that you don't pay your loans.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: SeaCoinCollector. on March 01, 2024, 05:40:42 AM
When people borrow money to gamble and cannot pay it back before they die, it's a big for their family because the lender might get the money back from the gambler's belongings or the family member mights have to pay the debt. Regarding about the law court, egal action may be possible in some cases, but it can be complicated and time consuming.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Asuspawer09 on March 01, 2024, 05:47:20 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

It is possible, I guess with some kind of agreement maybe, but there was no way that it was going to happen automatically, debts are not inherited by family members for sure so you have no obligation to pay or anything something like that if your family or something has somekind of debt or a gambling addict, but for sure it is some kind of problem for the Family members, I mean debt are just personalbut for sure they could totally pay it they really wanted but it wasn't really some kind of inherited thing.

At least in my country, it would probably be a great idea to ask your lawyers about how the law works in your area and ask for advice what you should do, I mean its still kinda different on many countries. Maybe there will be some kind of claim on the personally side of the gambler for sure if there was a huge debt, like if he own a car there might be some claim that the casino could do probably.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Kakmakr on March 01, 2024, 05:47:26 AM
Well, in my country ... you advertice in the news papers that someone passed away and then the companies have a short period to lay claims for outstanding debt and after that period expired, no more claims will be paid.

They will then take money from the estate of the deceased to pay the debt or they will sell things to pay for it.

In most cases, companies write off the debt .. because they did not notice the advertisement in the news papers.  

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: |MINER| on March 01, 2024, 05:55:15 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
As far as I know that when any institution or bank gave the loan they always take collaterals as a security of their loan. So in this case if any person takes a loan from the bank and mortgages his land, if he defaults on the loan, the bank will take his land or other property that he mortgaged. So in this case, I don't think it would be legal to impose any debt on the family. However, the properties in the name of the gambler and if they are part of the mortgage, then his family must be effected.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: danherbias07 on March 01, 2024, 06:09:25 AM
Yes, you might inherit it if a loan is active and the borrower is deceased.
Worse, the borrower used the house or other properties to be as collateral for the loan. Now, I have seen other types of loans like getting the cash if you are a credit card holder, there's no collateral here but only name and trust. This will be a big problem for the next of kin because they might be the ones who will inherit the loan. Or, those who accepted to use their names as co-maker for the loan. That means he guaranteed that if ever the borrower will not pay the loan, he will be the one who will shoulder it or he will try to talk it out with the borrower so that it can be paid.

Sure, gambling addicts are seen as bad especially those who get loans from banks. So if you are a relative of the gambling addict, might as well check his accounts and make sure he is not doing something silly that will get you all in trouble in the future. I think banks will accept some warnings about loans of the borrower if you can prove that you are part of the family of the bank holder. I mean, you are not taking any, you are just restricting it from happening and you can use his gambling addiction to be the reason for doing it.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Churchillvv on March 01, 2024, 10:51:04 AM
First the question is, is it possible for a lender to borrow some one money for gambling? from my perspective it's very difficult if not impossible. so any debt that could be inherited may likely not be borrowed for the purpose of gambling but was either used for gambling that is the truth.

As Oshosondy said there is always the presence of collateral or something for payment so it's quite not possible for the children to inherit the debt rather it will cost them some inheritance to settle those debt. all this are based my location and experience but it could be other wise in other places.

so now it's very much clear that in your location it could be possible, sometime ago I watch a video of how children where to pay the debt of there father who was a gambler, but he gambled for some politicians and with that he lost and was to pay but he died along the way. so the children had to pay for his gambling addiction this could also relate to your perspective of this case.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Hypnosis00 on March 01, 2024, 11:03:30 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

By law, debt is not inheritable because the one that is in a contract, either verbally or written, is the only person that is liable to pay the loan. If he passes, the loan will be paid automatically. That's why in lending practice, the loan is insured so if the borrower dies, the insurance company will take care of the loan. Maybe some lenders could go after the property of the borrower if it was being used as collateral for the loan, but without that agreement, the lender cannot take the property of the borrower.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: virasog on March 01, 2024, 11:10:21 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

For a moment. let's forget about gambling. Let's suppose someone takes a loan and he dies without paying the loan. So his children and his remaining like his wife etc are supposed to pay that debt. Unless the other person forgives the loan, there is no other way out but to pay the loan.

So now taking a loan for gambling is no different too. The person who gave the loan wants his loan back, he doesn't care if you gamble and lose everything in the loan. It is the gambler's problem (the one who took the loan) and not his.  The same rules would apply if you take a loan for any other purpose or for the gambling. Also in most cases, if you tell them that you are taking a loan to gamble, most of the people will refuse to give a loan. Therefore most gamblers do not tell that the purpose of the loan is to gamble.

In some countries, the laws are very strict about the loans and one has to abide by the loan regulations when it comes to the paying off the loan. I think there are two types of loans to be considered here.

1) Those loans which we give to our family and friends. In these types of loans, we usually do not care to write it down on legal papers and these loans are given on good will. So sometimes people do not pay back these loans resulting in conflicts on the families etc,

2) The loans taken from the Loan giving agencies. Here everything is documented and if we fail to return the loan on time, there could be legal penalties. The chances of not paying the loan in this case is very slim.

I would say that even if we give a loan to any of our near and dear ones, better get it legally documented so that in case of any mishap like the death of the person to whom the loan was given, the next course of action is clearly mentioned and can be claimed in the court of law.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Natsuu on March 01, 2024, 11:21:35 AM
Well when a gambler dies, their estate pays their debts.. The people they owe money to go after whatever the person left behind like houses, money, gadgets, you name it. Luckily a regular family members usually don't get stuck paying off those debts, unless they were mixed up in it too, like sharing bank accounts. The legal deal involves sorting out what the person owned, paying off debts from that stash and divvying up whatever's left. If there's not enough, tough luck for the creditors. The rules can change depending on where you are, so it's a good idea to get some legal advice if you find yourself inheriting more than just your parent's old record collection after they've rolled the dice one too many times

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: avp2306 on March 01, 2024, 11:40:39 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

No its not working as that since the person who get the loan is their parent and not their child so they are out on that problem and consider the loan to be gone since the person who borrowed the money is unfortunately passed away. The lender cannot say that they can take their asset not unless if there's signed contract about that but if there's nothing signed then the lender can't take anything from the borrowers children and if they do bad action like threaten or harass then its better to report it to police so that they can leave a statement to the lender that they are out of that problem since they are not the person who have obligation to him.

This is bad on the side of lender but he can't force the childrens to pay the loan which is taken by their parent.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Rabata on March 01, 2024, 12:07:37 PM
In most countries when debt is so high then the gambler's family is bound to pay the debt. In most cases they have to sell their properties in order to pay the debt, but if debt isn't too much then the lender allows them to pay him on monthly basis. But, that lender can do so many wrong things with that family and whatever he tells them they'll have to obey his orders. I even heard that some of such lenders often sexually exploits wives and young daughters of those who take loan from them. It's a bitter truth but it happens in many communities. Lenders want their money back badly and for that they can go to any extent.
Such behaviour can be observed in various communities but not all are exposed. There are some gamblers who gamble silently and at some point they try to gamble with loan money. When their debts become heavy, they are pressured by the lenders to give them various conditions to repay the money, but the lenders do not always believe the gamblers' promises. At some point they come to their parents and stress about the loan. As the amount of debt is high then they have no other option but to sell the fixed assets. And if they fail to pay that money, then they give various unpleasant proposals for that loan. Gambling on loan is one of the biggest vices of gamblers.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Jody.Drummer on March 01, 2024, 12:25:23 PM
Yes indeed, this is indeed a very concerning situation, I think it has become a fact and perhaps a habit for a gambler especially those who have entered the stage of addiction where they make loans as an alternative to financing their gambling activities, basically borrowed money is indeed to be borrowed but in general and overall the money is borrowed only when you experience an urgent situation such as needing money for anything that cannot be tolerated or need funds as soon as possible. but unfortunately the gamblers who are addicted take advantage of this situation which in the end as the OP said that in the end it is their children or their family members who have to pay for something that is actually not their responsibility when the gambler dies, But unfortunately gamblers who are already addicted take advantage of this situation which in the end as the OP said that in the end it is their children or their family members who have to pay for something that is actually not their responsibility when the gambler is dead.

But on the other hand I don't think it will be that easy to make a loan, especially if you borrow from a public service agency, because there are guarantees that must be met, usually the lender will check your financial situation along with the weekly or monthly income you get from work, if the amount is quite good in the sense that there is money left over that is not used for other needs then usually they will just give you a loan, but if there is absolutely nothing that can guarantee the trust of the service then they will not just give the loan, and maybe the answer is that gamblers borrow more from the closest people such as friends or relatives.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Davidvictorson on March 01, 2024, 01:08:31 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
On a foolish person will leave debt for his children. Permit me to back it up with a quote from the good book that says, "A good person leaves an inheritance for their children's children...Proverbs 13:22"

Well the goodnews is that this is not a problem. The law will take its due course and knows how to handle this type of situation. A debt is a debt be it gambling debt or business debt. Read what the law says here-

In the end, the person who leaves debt for his children has indirectly left them no inheritance.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Stepstowealth on March 01, 2024, 01:10:26 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
If the case is not statute barred, any debt can be claimed from the family members even after the debtor has passed away. In the law there is a duration within which a case about debt is valid, and within which a debt can be claimed. So @OP it is very possible to inherit a gambling debt from your parents, because under the law it is considered that your father or mother who is debt entered the debt considering to make profit that will still be of benefit of you.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: MAAManda on March 01, 2024, 01:11:07 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

There's no such thing as inheriting debt in the country where I live, when the loan taker dies, the debt or loan will automatically be paid off. This is also part of the law in our country, so lenders cannot sue loan takers. This law is very useful, especially for someone who leaves behind debts to their family.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Plaguedeath on March 01, 2024, 01:19:33 PM
It's vary from each country to other, so make sure to check the laws and regulations in your country, or a better way contact a lawyer or professional since they know more than Average Joe.

When you may be responsible for someone else’s debt

You’re not typically responsible for repaying the debt of someone who’s died, unless:

    You’re a co-signer on a loan with outstanding debt
    You’re a joint account holder on a credit card. Note: this is different from an authorized user
    You’re a surviving spouse and your state law requires spouses to pay a particular type of debt
    You’re the executor or administrator of the deceased person’s estate and your state law requires executors or administrators to pay an outstanding bill out of property that was jointly owned by the surviving and deceased spouses
    You’re a surviving spouse and you live in a community property state that requires surviving spouses to use jointly-held property to pay debts of a deceased spouse. These states include Alaska (if a special agreement is signed), Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin.

If there was no co-signer, joint account holder, or other exception, only the estate of the deceased person owes the debt.

Above are the legal reasons that someone will bear someone else debts that already died.

But they can use illegal way like force and harass you because you're one of his family, you might get canceled by other people e.g. neighbors, friends etc because they're scared with the debt collectors too.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: ethereumhunter on March 01, 2024, 01:27:22 PM
You can talked or discuss with the lender privately and asked them not to brought the case to the law court. If the family promise to repay the loan as soon as possible to the lender, the lender can accepted that and will just wait for the family repay the money. There should be agreement between the family and the lender when the family repay all of the loans to the lender. But if the lender brought that case to the law court, we don't know what will happens because the family should repay the loan no matter what is the reasons.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: coin-investor on March 01, 2024, 01:28:06 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

The answer depends on the existing law in the country where the debtor is located, here in our country.

...settling of debt and other financial obligations left by the deceased is assumed by his or her successors.

So here in our country, the deceased properties should be sold or they will have to pay the debt first before the inheritors, inherit the deceased properties.
The head of the family should take care of everything in case he passes away and his children are still small and he cannot do this if he is in debt and he is taking loans to sustain his addiction to gambling.
Children expect inheritance from their parents so they can sustain the generations to come that's our tradition here in our country and this will not happen if the head of the family is a chronic gambler, so for head the family if they want to give inheritance to your children, moderate your gambling habit.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: junder on March 01, 2024, 01:53:45 PM

For a moment. let's forget about gambling. Let's suppose someone takes a loan and he dies without paying the loan. So his children and his remaining like his wife etc are supposed to pay that debt. Unless the other person forgives the loan, there is no other way out but to pay the loan.

So now taking a loan for gambling is no different too. The person who gave the loan wants his loan back, he doesn't care if you gamble and lose everything in the loan. It is the gambler's problem (the one who took the loan) and not his.  The same rules would apply if you take a loan for any other purpose or for the gambling. Also in most cases, if you tell them that you are taking a loan to gamble, most of the people will refuse to give a loan. Therefore most gamblers do not tell that the purpose of the loan is to gamble.

In my opinion, someone who has a debt and dies so that he does not have time to pay off his debt, it is likely that the family will become the next responsibility where the family of the main perpetrator must be burdened with the debt that he has not had time to pay off. And to forgive the loans that have been made I don't think it will happen, because everyone is sensitive to the name of money, let alone with other people with blood relatives alone if the problem is money it can be a tenuous relationship. Also if he has his debts in a large company such as a bank which is legitimately a large company I don't think it will just forgive him, still related parties such as family must pay off the debt as you said there is no way out other than paying off the debt, but indeed this will be an additional burden in my opinion.

For gambling addicts, borrowing money is not a strange thing in my opinion, because it will happen if you are addicted to gambling. But it is different if people who are not addicted to gambling borrow money from the beginning with the knowledge of all their families and when the main perpetrator dies, the family should continue that they have to pay the debt in full because of the mutual agreement that was determined from the beginning. But if people who are addicted to gambling in my opinion they will not tell that they make loans for gambling, so when they die or decide to commit suicide like many cases that have occurred because of the stress of excessive pressure, then the family I think will be surprised when they know the main perpetrator leaves a debt that may be large, but right as you say there is no way out other than paying and paying it off, even though this is an additional burden but it must be accepted because I think there is no forgiveness that can be forgotten so I especially related to money. Besides, someone who gambles will not explain the reason for borrowing, if they say the reason for borrowing is to gamble then of course the borrower also I don't think will give it, so with them getting borrowed money I think it is based on lies.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: TheUltraElite on March 01, 2024, 02:02:24 PM
Logically speaking from a lender's standpoint, the gamblers next of kin should bear the debt.

As they say, "The father's sin passes to their son".

Indeed the lender needs to recover their money and for that often it happens that the actual debtor ends up in bad situation and ends their life - eventually the lender would come back to the gamblers family seeking for their money.

I saw some users comment about exploitation here - it is true, but lenders should avoid such things for their own sanity and be professional.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: hedgeh0g on March 01, 2024, 02:15:05 PM
Logically speaking from a lender's standpoint, the gamblers next of kin should bear the debt.

As they say, "The father's sin passes to their son".

Indeed the lender needs to recover their money and for that often it happens that the actual debtor ends up in bad situation and ends their life - eventually the lender would come back to the gamblers family seeking for their money.

I saw some users comment about exploitation here - it is true, but lenders should avoid such things for their own sanity and be professional.
Probably different countries have completely different laws, but as for my country, the debts of a deceased person are passed on to the heirs. This means that if the father lost and has debts, then they will pass on to his children and wife. On the one hand, this is fair, because debts cannot be written off just like that; there is even an expression - debts must always be paid. But I also sometimes think that the children and wife might not know about the debts of their husband or father. Of course, I know of cases where, when taking out a debt, banks or other financial organizations are required to notify the wife of the person who is borrowing a large amount of money. I think this is correct, because if the wife does not agree for her husband to borrow such a huge amount, then she can simply divorce him, because she is not ready for this.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Wapfika on March 01, 2024, 02:25:11 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

It still depends on the contract agreement for the loan because most of the gambling loan usually done on trust basis like the forum lending section. Some loan shark just for collateral and doesn’t have a contract. Inheriting a gambling debt is not possible if the person borrow the money already died while there’s no contract between them and the lender that stated the scenario of the borrower passing away.

If I will be the one who inherit the debt then I will definitely not gonna pay for it because I’m not the one who borrowed it even if he is my parents or family. I will fight them with the court because I will not gonna settle with unknown debt.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Frankolala on March 01, 2024, 02:34:56 PM
This is the problem of addiction, if not why will a gambler pile up debt without paying it, and allow his children to inherit it. Gambling should not be done with loans, so that it will not be a problem to pay back, because it is always hard for someone that is addicted to pay back his debt.

The family of an addicted gambler always get affected by the his lifestyle in one way or the other, and this is why we need to have self control over our gambling activities, and also gamble responsible, so that the properties that we left for our children, will not be used to replace our debts. It is normal in my country, that the family of the deceased will pay off the debts of their father.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Yatsan on March 01, 2024, 02:36:49 PM
If it is loan then yes, but if it is a debt without any papers or contract involved then it's a no and things will be settled through agreement. But this will fall under the term of debt and there's no need to specify gambling as an activity because in any form, debt is debt. There are also instances wherein loans are done through unregistered online loaning applications and in any aspect they cannot force the person in debt to pay them but they often send threats ( evident in my area but I'm not sure if same scheme exists with the others, also a different story or discussion).
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

There's no such thing as inheriting debt in the country where I live, when the loan taker dies, the debt or loan will automatically be paid off. This is also part of the law in our country, so lenders cannot sue loan takers. This law is very useful, especially for someone who leaves behind debts to their family.

This is evident only with properties bought through financing in my country, again it will always depend on the contract. Familiar with this law which for me is a bit unfair on their end. They could also sue "estafa" on the loan takers end  but amounts will not stil be paid in an instant. However, there are a few instances that a gambler dies upon taking a loan which is also another angle of this topic. In most instances, they suffer from the consequences lf their actions which is taking a loan and not being able to pay it before the due. Interest wil just become bigger as the time passes by, making it a bigger burden as well. This is why such action wil never be advisable.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: piebeyb on March 01, 2024, 02:39:44 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
It depends on how much debt, if the debt is big, say when someone borrows money from a loan shark, of course he will be in big debt because the interest will increase if he is late in making payments. I once saw someone around my house where a gambler's father committed suicide just because he was in debt. and the debt was passed on to his children who had to pay their father's debt, but because the children were not yet mature enough and had decent jobs, they were given relief by the loan sharks.

I think we often find this incident everywhere, that's why it's always recommended not to gamble using money from debt because it will ensnare them in the end, gambling is not a place to look for luck, let alone a place to make money, so gambling must use the money you have. ready to be lost, the point is don't gamble to make money because it won't produce anything, especially if you lose, of course anything can be done to be able to continue gambling even if you have to go into debt, that's not really recommended.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Eternad on March 01, 2024, 02:44:48 PM
This is the problem of addiction, if not why will a gambler pile up debt without paying it, and allow his children to inherit it. Gambling should not be done with loans, so that it will not be a problem to pay back, because it is always hard for someone that is addicted to pay back his debt.

The family of an addicted gambler always get affected by the his lifestyle in one way or the other, and this is why we need to have self control over our gambling activities, and also gamble responsible, so that the properties that we left for our children, will not be used to replace our debts. It is normal in my country, that the family of the deceased will pay off the debts of their father.

Any form of debt is the same when the borrower already passed away. Gambling debt, business debt, personal debt and other debt will all inherit by the immediate finally once the borrower died so I don’t see any difference of gambling debt to other type of debt.

Gambling debt is just different if the person who keeps borrowing is still alive since this kind of debt is just a waste of money especially if the borrowed money is loss. A family of a businessman that bankrupt and has a pile of debt will have the same experience to a family of gambler that has debt because they are just both ended up by debt that they will pay by themselves.

Don’t ask for loan in general if you don’t have any collateral.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: bitbollo on March 01, 2024, 02:59:01 PM
a debt is always a debt and of course it depends on who you owe the debt.
General rule you practically always have to pay it.
Worse still if you leave something as collateral... that's where the person who made the loan makes the biggest mistake because the collateral is always greater than the asset you receive on loan.
I find it absurd to go into debt for gamble activity, it's one of the easiest ways to have serious financial problems!

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Coin_trader on March 01, 2024, 03:17:10 PM
What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

The borrower is already died which means the lender only option is to wait for the family pay the inherit doubt. Talking this in court will cost huge sum of money especially hiring a lawyer just to push the family pay the debt immediately while court trial usually took a lot time to have a decision. Also judge will probably agree to the family if they ask for extension time which means taking this to court is useless as lender.

Some lender show violence just to get the money and this should be considered by the father or anyone before taking the loan which they can’t afford to pay or his family when they passed away.

I sometimes take a loan for gambling but only minimal amount which I can immediately using money from my bank account. I never ask for a loan that I can’t pay before the deadline that I set.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Doan9269 on March 01, 2024, 03:21:48 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

There's nothing impossible with this our present generation, if some can go to the extent of consulting the loan shark for money to bet in gambling, then they suddenly left without repayment being made, definitely they will have to come after the children, wife or even the family member, we should be careful not to put those around us into trouble because of our selfish interests. 

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: pawanjain on March 01, 2024, 03:48:00 PM
I have heard stories about gambling debt being inherited and being paid by their family members in real life.
It becomes really frustrating when we have to pay the debt of our elders without us even knowing about it.
Further more, the concern increases when there was no collateral or evidence for that debt.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Solosanz on March 01, 2024, 04:01:52 PM
I have heard stories about gambling debt being inherited and being paid by their family members in real life.
It becomes really frustrating when we have to pay the debt of our elders without us even knowing about it.
Further more, the concern increases when there was no collateral or evidence for that debt.
That's why we need to stay away against gambling addicts when we ever spot them gamble or they tell that to us, even they're our family but it's better to be safe than sorry. There's no way to verify a gambling addict is completely recovered and won't gamble anymore because there's no parents can track everything with what the children doings every day.

Working in order pay off debts is really frustrating.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: yahoo62278 on March 01, 2024, 04:05:56 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
If you're borrowing from the mafia or a loanshark then it's possible they will transfer the debt to you or break some limbs, not sure you can take it to court though and be forced to pay a gambling debt.

I guess it would all depend on the contract you signed, would be incredibly irresponsible of you to sign a document stating your family will pay your debt in the event you die somehow.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: slapper on March 01, 2024, 04:06:51 PM
The estate of a deceased person pays off debts. The catch: if assets don't cover it, debt dies with them. However, if you cosigned a loan or live in a community property state, you may be in trouble

Society should distinguish between inheriting debt and being legally required to pay it. Children and other relatives aren't compelled to pay the deceased's debts. No hot potato here. Laws avoid financial disasters like this. If the estate gets involved, things change. Assets can be liquidated to pay debts, leaving beneficiaries with little

You mention court? Right on. Debt and inheritance disputes go to court. These complicated issues are untangled there. Each case is unique, therefore don't simplify. The true issue? Misunderstanding how debts are handled after deat

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: mindrust on March 01, 2024, 04:09:25 PM
Depends. If the debt was owed to a friend or a family member, I don’t think that you can inherit that debt legally because it doesn’t exist on any records. If the debt was owed to a casino for example, then the company will indeed do whatever necessary to collect that money because they have the records of the debt in this case… but then casinos don’t loan money to their players as far as I know. The players can’t play unless they deposit first. That means the casino won’t find itself in a situation like what you described.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: blckhawk on March 01, 2024, 04:16:54 PM
If you want to borrow money, there must be a collateral. If there is not collateral, there must be one or more guarantors. I do not think anyone can be a guarantor of a gambler. It is the father that have the debt and if he dies, his family will pay with the properties or works that the father left on earth. I do not think the son have any problem with his own property. That is why it is good to have your own property and be independent.
Legally the bolded part is the default thing that's going to happen, the borrower dies without fully paying the debt, the family would inherit it like a property. Definitely not anyone can be a guarantor, remember that some people need to have some form of credibility to be able to give out an assurance that the borrower would pay, I'm personally not a fan of guarantor because most of the time, the people knows the borrower and their verdict or recommendation to get a loan could have some bias mixed in which isn't good. It also depends on what estate was left behind by the borrower, if there's only one land and it's entitled to the son, that land could possibly be used as a form of payment to that debt via liquidation of that land.

This is why you don't get into gambling or should start gambling when you're already a family man, you'll almost always drag down your family with you because of that habit and debt is a really bad legacy to leave behind for your loved ones, it's going to make you a one sad grave that nobody visits because you've left them something that was your responsibility in the first place.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: alastantiger on March 01, 2024, 04:21:15 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money?
Who is the lender? A bank? Then collateral will be used to resolve the loan or debt.  Should the lender be a friend and the loan was based on verbal agreement, then it is going to be a tough one for the family.

Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
If you are in debt as a result of your gambling, tell someone. Anyone in this situation that has proof of the loan to a gambler and can prove his case in the law court, will have his debt repaid through any means deemed fit by the court.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Hispo on March 01, 2024, 04:23:41 PM
It depends on the country, actually.
I have done some research about it in the past and out of curiosity. In the case of the United States, debt cannot be inherited by children, unless they also signed the contract or were co-signataries of the debt. Otherwise, the person who is in debt passes away, then the debt gets taken care of by the state or the State administration, obviously, the assets of the person in debt will be auctioned away in order for the lenders to get some of their money back.
Either way, regardless of the laws on debt of one's country, one is never supposed to ask for money to gamble, it should be obvious at this point to anyone with a little bit of common sense, specially since we all have seen examples of people in this forum who took loans to gamble and all ended up badly to them.
If I had to give a personal opinion on the inheritance of debt, I would say it is not supposed to be inherited, sometimes, children do now have anything to do or any responsability on the actions taken by parents.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: aioc on March 01, 2024, 04:39:44 PM
Yes, it's possible here in our country, I know of people who inherited their parents' debt and the successors have to sell all the deceased properties to pay for their debts leaving nothing to all his successors, this is bad for the family, a gambler can play all he wants as long as he is not taking a loan to gamble because in case there something happen to him and he is big debt in gambling, the family is left paying for his debt and this is added burden to the family.
In this life, we don't know what's going to happen tomorrow so never gamble coming from loans.
It is a case-to-case basis in every country but here in our country, it's legal for the loan giver to impose the debt for the family of the deceased.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: electronicash on March 01, 2024, 04:49:35 PM

Yes, it's possible here in our country, I know of people who inherited their parents' debt and the successors have to sell all the deceased properties to pay for their debts leaving nothing to all his successors, this is bad for the family, a gambler can play all he wants as long as he is not taking a loan to gamble because in case there something happen to him and he is big debt in gambling, the family is left paying for his debt and this is added burden to the family.
In this life, we don't know what's going to happen tomorrow so never gamble coming from loans.
It is a case-to-case basis in every country but here in our country, it's legal for the loan giver to impose the debt for the family of the deceased.

even in the death of the addict, he still brings shame to the family. this is a disappointment to the daughters and sons, they have to pay father's mistake. i'm sure this is also happening in my country and the creditors usually will take the valuable stuff of his father.

it's another awful job for the creditors to do something like this. if i were them i would likely avoid giving loans to fathers who gamble or just don't give loans to someone who can't provide collateral.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: EL MOHA on March 01, 2024, 04:59:17 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

One thing is a debt is a debt no matter how it was taking, most of this gamblers do not by any means state their reason of taking loans most of them actually cook up expensive lies and they do take this loans and use it to gamble. This type of Loan will definitely be paid back no matter what the Children made out it either by his family or from his properties.

The other gambling loan which is mostly taken at the casinos or place of gambling either the lender is the casino house or a fellow gambler, this particular case has different legal views, if the debtor didn’t provide a collateral there it will be hard for the lender to get his money back because outside the house it will be difficult to prove your point and most people will actually be against the lender as to why he lend a gambling person money in that case and In an environment that frowns mostly on gambling the lender might even be in trouble for enhancing gambling

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Z390 on March 01, 2024, 05:07:07 PM
If you want to borrow money, there must be a collateral. If there is not collateral, there must be one or more guarantors. I do not think anyone can be a guarantor of a gambler. It is the father that have the debt and if he dies, his family will pay with the properties or works that the father left on earth. I do not think the son have any problem with his own property. That is why it is good to have your own property and be independent.

Are you talking on behalf of other families or just yours? Because every families are different, and that includes culture too, a family member died and his son cleared all his late fathers debt, none of the families care about doing this, so if OP is curious about a son inheriting the debt if his late father it's highly possible.

There are situations where families don't care about someone, they only reveal themselves after the person passed, and that's it, no help from their side to even lay the late father to rest, some families are this useless and I've seen a lot.

OP, lets not just create problems for those around us, make sure you pack all your shits yourself before you are gone, let your pain be on you only, let it end with you, not your son, not your families, and they will pray for you, if you leave too much debt, some of them will lay curse on you.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: asyakashi on March 01, 2024, 05:10:04 PM
it is possible that it could be brought to court and as far as I know, debts cannot be inherited, I think the bank will consider it paid off if the borrower dies first, I mentioned this what I saw from my environment

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Google+ on March 01, 2024, 05:25:39 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

That's why we here have to be able to limit our addiction to gambling because apart from making us lose a lot of money, of course the problems we get due to gambling are not only for ourselves but can actually have an impact on our families, What you are asking is a quite important problem because I am quite sure that 99% of gamblers definitely have debts either to friends or loan sharks, maybe debts from friends will not cause big problems when the gambler dies because after all friends will have compassion for their family, but if the debt comes from loan sharks then You can be sure that the gambler family will get into big trouble if they don't pay, because after all the loan sharks won't care whether the gambler is still alive or dead because the important thing for them is that the debt must be paid off even by the family.

Whoever he is, whether he is a gambler or not, of course the family has a financial obligation to pay the debts left behind by that person, but indeed in my country there are often debates because basically gambling debts do not have strong legal force to be submitted to court if the gambler family doesn't want, apart from that we have a law which states: "does not give the right to sue legally in the event of a debt incurred due to gambling or betting", so that it can protect the gambler family.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: ShowOff on March 01, 2024, 05:34:29 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

I don't know exactly what the terms and conditions are between the borrower and the lender when they both agree to make a loan. In my country, if the borrower dies then the bank will not collect the debt from the heirs and all loans are considered paid. I have heard of many such cases, so the responsibility for paying it off lies solely with who took the loan.

I don't know what the provisions in other countries are regarding such situations, but here at "bitcointalk" there are lenders who have to accept the fact that the loan will only fail because the borrower is certain to die. Inevitably the loan will be considered paid off although I'm sure a neutral tag would explain the situation.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: rozak on March 01, 2024, 05:43:53 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

If the debt problem is written down and you have strong evidence to claim the family's inheritance rights regarding the debt left behind, resolving it through legal channels can be done.
but if there is nothing that binds and strengthens your statement as a debt provider, it is impossible to continue the process.
In fact, when the borrower dies, all unresolved needs and interests are transferred and become obligations to the heirs left behind.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Zlantann on March 01, 2024, 05:45:19 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

It will be very painful to pay such debt because was not beneficial to the family. If it is a verified debt, I will have to arrange with my siblings and see how we can pay the debt because we would have enjoyed his estate together if he had one. But I doubt if a gambler will have an estate because he would have gambled them all before going to borrow.

If you want to borrow money, there must be a collateral. If there is not collateral, there must be one or more guarantors. I do not think anyone can be a guarantor of a gambler. It is the father that have the debt and if he dies, his family will pay with the properties or works that the father left on earth. I do not think the son have any problem with his own property. That is why it is good to have your own property and be independent.

There is some tradition that mandates that people ensure they pay their debt before they die. The children or heirs are obliged to pay the debt in case someone dies without paying. This would be simple if the person was rich and left behind an estate. In law, nobody will receive anything from the estate until all deaths are paid especially if there is a signed agreement. But most people die poor and put their heirs in debt. If an indebted gambler dies without leaving behind any money or property, what will his heirs do?

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Accardo on March 01, 2024, 06:02:12 PM
it is possible that it could be brought to court and as far as I know, debts cannot be inherited, I think the bank will consider it paid off if the borrower dies first, I mentioned this what I saw from my environment

I'm looking into this response, and it's not strange that the debt clears off once the person passes, but the owner of the money, may not be satisfied with the ill treatment. However, losing a person is painful to the family and adding to the grieve, with a debt can put the family in a more severe pain, especially when the money available is not enough to handle the debt. The only good thing is avoiding this, and keeping our reputations clean for the family. Your environment is quite conducive for allowing such a rule. At least, the family knows nothing about the activity, and the funds wasn't used to help the growth of the family, instead the player used it on gambling.

If the heir has to pay off the loan, it should be based on the financial capacity of the person, and how prepared he is regarding the money. That is, he's aware of the loan before the passing on of his gambling dad. Bringing up the issue immediately after the passing on of the debtor is quite very wrong. I think the lender should be visiting the home of the man while he was alive to inform them about the dispute between him and their father.  

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: m2017 on March 01, 2024, 06:20:02 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
This probably depends on the country, local laws and loan agreement.

In my country I know of the following cases. If the borrower has paid for insurance, then the debt doesn't apply to relatives and children. Without insurance, accordingly, debt obligations for an unpaid loan are assigned to the immediate family.

These are not the most pleasant financial and legal moments. From the point of view of moral standards, the actions of an adult (debts) should not extend to other people. Just like you can’t punish someone else for committing crimes. The culprit must personally bear the responsibility and burden of repaying the debts. And no one else.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: mvdheuvel1983 on March 01, 2024, 06:34:29 PM
I have heard stories about gambling debt being inherited and being paid by their family members in real life.
It becomes really frustrating when we have to pay the debt of our elders without us even knowing about it.
Further more, the concern increases when there was no collateral or evidence for that debt.
Just like you said, I've also experienced similar story of a debt that was inherited and paid by family members after the person's demise. But I think that's one of the most frustrating things a bereaved family should go through and would suggest that the international law authorities do something to change such policies. For someone to be indebted in gambling, it simply means that the person was irresponsible in it and telling his family members to pay for his irresponsibility when he's no more doesn't sit well with me. Inheritance of gambling debt is absolutely possible possible must be stopped if you ask me

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Rockstarguy on March 01, 2024, 06:51:57 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
I have not seing where someone's debt is inherited to family members. I think debts are personal and it has nothing to do with other people or family members. I think from where I come from,  the lender has no right to demand debt from family members of debtors. If the debtor is unable to pay back the money it is either hr/she will be charged  to court , doing this the debtor family can decide on their own to clear the debt or not, or the debtor can look for other means of paying the debt.

I think if the handles this as a serious case this is when it can affect members of the family to think of how to solve the problems , but if the lender does not do anything about the money or take it serious if time is not taking the lender may not get back the money because i don't think addicted gamblers will be willing to pay debts.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: MAAManda on March 01, 2024, 06:55:07 PM
If it is loan then yes, but if it is a debt without any papers or contract involved then it's a no and things will be settled through agreement. But this will fall under the term of debt and there's no need to specify gambling as an activity because in any form, debt is debt. There are also instances wherein loans are done through unregistered online loaning applications and in any aspect they cannot force the person in debt to pay them but they often send threats ( evident in my area but I'm not sure if same scheme exists with the others, also a different story or discussion).

Well, I think I've gotten the point from what you said. I once heard a story about someone who took out a loan from an online application and then he died (he died not because of the burden of his debt). Some time after he died, his family received a threatening message from the DC (Debt Collector) who said the family had to pay their debts even though the debt taker had died. They received threats after threats continuously to the point that rumors about the family were spread online which made the family really threatened. I only know the story briefly, I don't know what has happened to the family now. But this is a really serious issue about inheriting debt.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: rachael9385 on March 01, 2024, 07:05:38 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
IMO children that pays the dept of their families members who toke dept from people are the children of those who's family members that collected the dept died at early age and it's bad to keep problems behind for your families to inherit instead of living something important for them. The worst part is when the deptor has sold all his or her properties before they passed away. It's bad and if I am the family of such person I will not pay because he didn't collet the dept to invest and lose rather he collected the dept to gamble. Why I would pay if he invest and lose is because if the investment turn for good everyone will benefit from it.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: borovichok on March 01, 2024, 07:20:23 PM
If you want to borrow money, there must be a collateral. If there is not collateral, there must be one or more guarantors. I do not think anyone can be a guarantor of a gambler. It is the father that have the debt and if he dies, his family will pay with the properties or works that the father left on earth. I do not think the son have any problem with his own property. That is why it is good to have your own property and be independent.

I agree with you. Having collateral and a guarantor is a must-meet requirement before getting any loan and this simply prevents the crisis which is likely to arise by a father failing to pay off debt before his demise. Lenders are aware of the risk involved in lending money and that is why a collateral and a guarantor are imperative to mitigate the risk associated with lending money. In case the borrower defaults on the loan, the lender can seize the collateral to recover the amount owed. For instance, I remember using my TV as collateral to get a loan and when I couldn`t pay back the loan within a stipulated time, the TV was sold by the lender to recover his money. This is a very common practice and it has saved lenders the stress of looking for a debtor or what pays when the borrower is gone.

If a borrower has a creditworthy guarantor, the guarantor will pay the loan if the borrower defaults because being a guarantor automatically makes you part of the loan agreement. This reduces the lender’s financial risk and increases the likelihood of recovering the borrowed funds. I story surfaced online where a son without the notice of his father took a loan and made his father a guarantor when he defaulted his father was asked to pay the loan. Even if the money was used for gambling, it is nobody`s concern hence, it will be recovered by this measures. A loan is a loan regardless of what it was used for.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on March 01, 2024, 07:21:23 PM
Here in my country, when a man is owing and he passes on, the family of the man will have to pay the dept, there is no two ways about it, and there is absolutely nothing to talk over in a law court, this actually have nothing to do with the law.
I remember when my father passed in 2020, when we were about to bury him, the church stopped us, said he was owing them, and that we the children must pay his dept before they can allow us bury his remains, the whole bill was calculated and we had no choice but to pay it all before they allowed us bury his corpse.

Now, this same scenario can be applied to gambling as well, if a gambler is oweing for what ever reason, maybe he borrowed the money and used it for gambling, or he already used all his money for gambling and had to borrow to sort out important things he should have used his money for, and unfortunately, he passes on before he could repay the borrowed money, morally and legally, it's the families responsibility to pay that money, as long as the lender wants the money back.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: chaser15 on March 01, 2024, 07:33:48 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

You should refer to each country's legal process regarding loans.

There should always be an agreement between the lender and the borrower, that was legally and officially signed, and that includes what should be the necessary actions in situations like death, accident, inability to pay the loan, collateral, and anything.

Could it be talked through in the law court?

If the lender, either a person or a company, is not running their operation legally and just running the business to take advantage of high interest they are asking for their borrowers they can't take legal action in the law court. In the event of the lender passing away, they can't pass the responsibility of the original lender to their families.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: killerfrost on March 01, 2024, 07:35:31 PM
Borrowing cash to gamble is like playing a dangerous game of Jenga with your family's future. One wrong move, and everything comes crashing down. Even if there's a legal agreement, leaving your loved ones with a mountain of debt after you're gone is a major bummer, homie.

Gambling can be tricky, especially for folks who struggle with addiction. It's easy to lose track of reality and make choices that hurt the ones you care about. Imagine if your family had to struggle because you took a bad bet? Not cool, right? Leaving them with debt is like dropping a giant anchor on their boat, making it super tough to sail smoothly through life.

Addiction is a real thing, and gambling can be a powerful trigger. If you're feeling like you can't control your gambling, it's crucial to reach out for help, not just for yourself, but for your family too.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on March 01, 2024, 07:36:01 PM
If it is loan then yes, but if it is a debt without any papers or contract involved then it's a no and things will be settled through agreement. But this will fall under the term of debt and there's no need to specify gambling as an activity because in any form, debt is debt. There are also instances wherein loans are done through unregistered online loaning applications and in any aspect they cannot force the person in debt to pay them but they often send threats ( evident in my area but I'm not sure if same scheme exists with the others, also a different story or discussion).

Well, I think I've gotten the point from what you said. I once heard a story about someone who took out a loan from an online application and then he died (he died not because of the burden of his debt). Some time after he died, his family received a threatening message from the DC (Debt Collector) who said the family had to pay their debts even though the debt taker had died. They received threats after threats continuously to the point that rumors about the family were spread online which made the family really threatened. I only know the story briefly, I don't know what has happened to the family now. But this is a really serious issue about inheriting debt.
Alot of things are very possible these days because when money is involved, people will go any length to recover it or get it. That's just how the world is today.
I don't know how possible it is to inherit a gambling debt, but I know that there must first be a disparity in the kind of scenario that plays out, be it online or offline  gambling.

Offline gambling where the gambler has to go to a physical centre to gamble and has built a reputation to the point that they can gamble with loans afforded them by the gambling houses is quite different from online option, where the player takes out a loan to gamble.

As long as it's a loan, the people who gave out such loan will seek different approach to recover their funds even after the demise of the debtor, so long as the debtor did well to drop accurate details of his/her kin or that of a  guarantor or guardian.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Slow death on March 01, 2024, 07:38:20 PM
The law of my country is clear on this issue: any debt contracted by person Z can only be charged to person Z, if person Z dies, so the debt ends immediately. The law of my country punishes and arrests anyone who goes about collecting a debt from other family members who do not pay off the debt and the family member who contracted the debt is dead, in which case the family members can file a complaint in the courts and that A person who keeps collecting debt will be arrested, this is because in my country the law only allows banks to be the only ones that grant loans, and it is a crime for a person without a license, without a bank, to give loans and charge interest, the central bank takes strict measures on these cases

As only banks are allowed to give loans in my country, banks comply with the laws that when the person who made the loan dies, the debt also ends. That's why the banks in my country have a maximum age limit that they won't give loans to, for example the banks in my country don't give loans to people over 65 years of age, because it's a big risk that the bank will be assuming, life expectancy in my country is not very high, and even if it were high, the banks know that at that age it is a risk, that is why banks in my country prefer to grant loans to people aged 25 up to 55 years of age. age and have a job in the government. I read in this thread that there are countries where when the person who owed the debt dies then other relatives must pay the debt, this is a huge senseless absurdity

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Oshosondy on March 01, 2024, 07:46:27 PM
If you want to borrow money, there must be a collateral. If there is not collateral, there must be one or more guarantors. I do not think anyone can be a guarantor of a gambler. It is the father that have the debt and if he dies, his family will pay with the properties or works that the father left on earth. I do not think the son have any problem with his own property. That is why it is good to have your own property and be independent.

Are you talking on behalf of other families or just yours? Because every families are different, and that includes culture too, a family member died and his son cleared all his late fathers debt, none of the families care about doing this, so if OP is curious about a son inheriting the debt if his late father it's highly possible.
This is not about my family and this should be regardless of culture but we are talking about government law. If someone's father do not have any property or way to pay back the loan, there is nothing the loan company can do. That is why the companies that loan make sure that the person that want to borrow money has collateral or guarantor. If a son can be the guarantor is the only reason the son will pay, aside that he has nothing to pay.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Fatunad on March 01, 2024, 07:57:55 PM
If you want to borrow money, there must be a collateral. If there is not collateral, there must be one or more guarantors. I do not think anyone can be a guarantor of a gambler. It is the father that have the debt and if he dies, his family will pay with the properties or works that the father left on earth. I do not think the son have any problem with his own property. That is why it is good to have your own property and be independent.
On the time that you are still that dependent with your parents or simply you havent been able to make yourself made out some savings or having your own family then you wouldnt
really be thinking up on having those kind of separation kind of approach on things in life on which you would really be thinking about having your own property or possession on which
it would really be that separating you with those things that your father have owned. If it turns out that your father had died and made out your house or lots or other possession as collateral
then there's nothing you can do if those companies or lending platforms or similar things will really be getting those collaterals as form of assurance on which it would really be just that a
common approach to have. This is why if you are someone whose a father,husband,provider of a family then we should really be that wise on what we are dealing off with.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Iroh on March 01, 2024, 08:03:39 PM
Yes, it’s quite crazy the growing number of people who take out loans for the primary purpose of gambling with it. And a good portion of these folks end up having massive gambling debts and sometimes, end up kicking the bucket without paying off his debts.
Loans are majorly taken out and backed with a valid collateral that’s equal to or higher than the value of the loan. And just cause it’s termed a gambling debt, doesn’t mean it’s not a debt that should be settled.

If the individual has nothing of value that could be sod to recover monies owed at the time of passing away, then the debt would be written off as a bad debt. It happens.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: livingfree on March 01, 2024, 08:04:35 PM
In most laws, the debt of the father is only his debt and not of his kids. Unless the lender and the father had signed an agreement that if the father passes away, the debt will be continued and becomes the burden of his children.

But for me, what kind of father is that if you're going to inherit your debt to your kids? That's a crazy father to think of. Instead of inheriting will, good things and material posessions, you'll be leaving your kids in this world with a problem that you have taken.

So, that's it. If it's signed and made a contract that if the father can't continue pay the debt and after his death that must be passed onto the kids. Otherwise, the dead person is clear already with his debt.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: agustina2 on March 01, 2024, 08:06:34 PM
Could it be talked through in the law court?

Yes if the said contract between both parties is legal and the agreement is witnessed by both parties' respective attorneys. If not, they are just wasting their time. As per the case in our country, no one is punishable by law by having a debt and can't also ask the person's family or relatives to pay the loan on the borrower's behalf in case of the latter's passing away.

I'm not sure if the legal court honors the contract of the parties that are both individuals and was only signed by a written signature with no legal person to witness the loan agreement. In that case, the lender can't force the borrower's family to pay the loan in case of death.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Nwada001 on March 01, 2024, 08:20:13 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
The agreement that was reached at the time the gambling loan was taken is what's going to determine if the children or the family will be liable for paying back those loans to the person their parents owed them to. 
If the loan was just taken verbally and there was no written agreement showing that if they are unable to pay back those loans, the person should either take a particular thing or the children will pay back the money, then I think they can be able to deny such unless there is substantial proof of that or the children know what their father is capable of and want to clear the loan no matter what; if not, there is a chance that they might not pay the loan if they don't want to.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: boyptc on March 01, 2024, 08:39:54 PM
The lender should always ask for collateral to anticipate things like this because he's in no control in real world situations.

If I am kid with that type of father, I will not take care of it. I have my own life, my own decision to make so as my father.

Even if they have an NDA contract, am I present by that time of signing? No. I will fight for my right that in no way I am associated with my father's decision and debts.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Ever-young on March 01, 2024, 08:56:46 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
True, this can be a heartbreaking burden for their loved ones, with long-term implications. And the truth is that the majority of gambling debts are considered uncollectable, which means that lenders are usually out of luck when it comes to recovering their money. However, this does not make the situation any easier for the families who remain behind.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Fatunad on March 01, 2024, 08:59:05 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
The agreement that was reached at the time the gambling loan was taken is what's going to determine if the children or the family will be liable for paying back those loans to the person their parents owed them to.
If the loan was just taken verbally and there was no written agreement showing that if they are unable to pay back those loans, the person should either take a particular thing or the children will pay back the money, then I think they can be able to deny such unless there is substantial proof of that or the children know what their father is capable of and want to clear the loan no matter what; if not, there is a chance that they might not pay the loan if they don't want to.

When it comes on taking some loan then there would really be some contract or terms that needs to be signed on which if ever there are those terms been mentioned about that whenever the borrower
would pass out or would die then his/her family would really be obliged on paying up the loan on which there's nothing you can do but to pay up on what your father or someone had been left into you
which is really that sad specially if you are just living on a family on having that standard ways of living or when it comes to finances. This is why it would really be always best
that we should really be that held responsible on whatever the things that we are dealing on which we do know that we arent that holding our lives. ANything could happen in an instant
and dont make yourself as a burden on the time that you would die. So its better and sensible that you should be thinking up this way rather than on being that irresponsible
with the actions which would be causing up so much trouble even if you do pass away.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Chibit01 on March 01, 2024, 09:01:29 PM
Noo!! I don't actually believe that anyone can inherit someone's debt in gambling, it is only in loans that I think someone maybe asked to get a garrantor or to bring a collateral before a loan will be disbursed to the peeson.......

But not in gambling there is even an general saying that goes this way between to your own risk/ what you can bear so if what you are staking is not bearable to you so you better do not so I see no reason of some else inheritting one's debt in gambling I don't think possible because no body takes such risk for anyone eveb your best for or even wife and husband can't take such risk for their partners even if you want give a loans it shouldn't be your concern for what the person is going to use the money for and there should be a collateral or a guarantor before the loan will be released because believe me you maybe not be able to control the future situation ....

thanks I believe I have been able to contribute a meaningful answers to this question....

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Oilacris on March 01, 2024, 09:05:18 PM
This might not be pertaining about gambling directly but the idea is really just that the same.

What Debts Can Be Inherited?

Mortgages or home equity loans. If you inherit a house that has an outstanding mortgage, home equity loan or HELOC on it – and want to retain the house – you must stay current with payments. Even if you plan to sell the house, you must stay current with payments, until the house is sold.

Cosigned debts. If you co-sign a loan or credit card agreement with someone, you already agreed to be responsible for payment if they default. That responsibility remains, even after the death of one party.
Joint debt: When a loan or credit card is issued to two people based on their combined income and assets, it is called a “joint debt.” The surviving member is responsible for any joint debts.

Community Property. If you are married and live in one of the nine states that are community property, the surviving spouse must repay all debts acquired during the marriage.
Similar to houses, if you want to retain the benefits of a timeshare, you must keep up the payments.


Dont know about on debt via gambling but to assume out with those things above then i dont see for it to fit out
not unless if there would really be some contracts been signed then as a family then you are obliged to pay up for that.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Heartilly on March 01, 2024, 09:11:34 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

It's possible if the law requires it. But as far as I know, the jurisdiction varies per country, region, or location.

Not sure about other regions but if I talk about our banks here, if someone borrowed a huge amount, collateral is required that is worth and valued as high as the loan amount. Part of the terms is, if the loaner is deceased, and the loan is still not settled yet, the collateral will still be pulled by the bank not unless the family is willing to shoulder the remaining amount to be settled. Settling debt through legal cases is difficult as there are requirements needed and if worst, the lender might also face a lawsuit, especially if not a registered lender.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Falconer on March 01, 2024, 09:11:43 PM
Maybe each country has different rules regarding bank loan or something like that, but in general this can be resolved based on agreed provisions. Banks usually need collateral before giving loan to their customers, but in some cases banks need a reason why you need a loan.

If the gambler owes money to the bank for gambling purposes rather than other needs such as business, then it is very likely that the bank will reject the request. But I can absolutely tell you that a major natural disaster (like Tsunami) and death to the borrower could wipe the loan out of repayment.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: SATWAT on March 01, 2024, 09:54:27 PM
Maybe each country has different rules regarding bank loan or something like that, but in general this can be resolved based on agreed provisions. Banks usually need collateral before giving loan to their customers, but in some cases banks need a reason why you need a loan.

If the gambler owes money to the bank for gambling purposes rather than other needs such as business, then it is very likely that the bank will reject the request. But I can absolutely tell you that a major natural disaster (like Tsunami) and death to the borrower could wipe the loan out of repayment.
Here I am agreed about few things we have different laws and rules in different countries because due to literacy rates are not good at developing countries we have too many issues and things which are never been happened in developed societies because here we have to people those are having all lives as slave due to their elders loans which they are not able to pay so they have to serve just for the food and even many done things which are not mentionable here but its happening even in this era still we have too many areas which are not able to bring themselves as the technology era or having better literacy facing things like these.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Stable090 on March 01, 2024, 10:09:13 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money?
I do really feel bad whenever I see people taking loans just because they want to gamble, why do you have to take that kind of risk, I don’t just know what some people doing that do think, no matter the advice that you give some people, they will still go back to take the loan and gamble with it.
If a gambler couldn’t take care of his gambling debt before passing away, then the properties he left behind will be sold and the debt will be cleared. That’s just something family members can do because people from whom he took the loan will want to get their money back.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: alani123 on March 01, 2024, 10:25:38 PM
This is highly dependent on a country's legislation. For example, in certain countries you can just deny the whole inheritance from your parents and then you also don't inherit the debt.
In other countries one simply can not inherit any debt at all. Other times it can be mandatory to inherit certain kinds of debts.

Honestly though, I don't think gambling debt is as enforceable as debt to a bank. Of course if you deposit in a casino with a credit card, or with money from a bank loan... The casino keeps the money you lost and the bank still goes after you no matter where you spent it at. Moral of the story I think is that everyone should be responsible. Don't go on debt for large risks like that. Better just play with cash you can afford to lose.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: irhact on March 01, 2024, 11:44:50 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

It's possible to inherit a gambling debt, sometimes it mightn't be a gambling debts specifically but a debt owned by someone that put you as their beneficiary can be passed down to you as if the person had money, you'll be the one to have benefited from the inheritance. Some individuals owe many people that they have borrowed money from and can not pay back before they died, gamblers are making life difficult for their relatives and this is the reason why people hate gamblers.

If the gambles were gambling correctly and only using their spare money to gamble, people won't have had a problem with gamblers but this individual go around to borrow money with an excuse of using the money for something important but it's to waste them while gambling on games that they don't know if they can win. They'll be thinking that winning is easily but they're losing always when betting.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Marvelman on March 01, 2024, 11:56:07 PM
In most laws, the debt of the father is only his debt and not of his kids. Unless the lender and the father had signed an agreement that if the father passes away, the debt will be continued and becomes the burden of his children.

Yes, generally speakin', a dad's debt doesn't just get passed on to his kids when he dies.  But there's always some catches, dependin' on where you live and the specific laws.  For instance, the deadbeat dad's estate - I'm talkin' his assets like houses land, money or whatever - that stuff can get used to clear up what he owed before anything gets handed down to next of kin 

Other exception could be like if the kid co-signed on a loan or somethin.  Then the bank might still come knocking.  But short of that, or the kid voluntarily takin' on dad's debt for some reason, they typically in the clear.  It's a nice rule to have letting the children start fresh without inheriting all their old man's baggage.  But the flip side is they don't inherit all his riches neither!

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: topbitcoin on March 02, 2024, 12:15:11 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

From the story you told, it was not mentioned where the person borrowed the money from, from the bank or from a loan shark? Because when borrowing money from a bank, at least the person must have collateral or assets that can be used as collateral. Unless the person borrows money from a loan shark, there is no such thing as collateral, where just by submitting personal data someone can take out a loan. But the minus is that the interest is relatively high. and that is why many people are in debt. And it could be that the person you are talking about has something to do with loan sharks. and it is natural that society's view of a gambler becomes worse, because they judge from what they see.

This story is a lesson and a reminder for us regarding the negative impacts of irresponsible gambling and poor debt management. And it's good if in a situation where we don't have the money to continue gambling, it would be better if we postpone that desire. Indeed, when it comes to gambling, it is full of surprises, which can change our financial condition, but this only happens to a small number of gamblers, for the majority they continue to experience long-term losses.

And can this matter be brought to court, yes actually it is possible, but regarding winning or losing in court, it depends on the efforts made.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: angrybirdy on March 02, 2024, 01:13:41 AM
The lender should always ask for collateral to anticipate things like this because he's in no control in real world situations.

If I am kid with that type of father, I will not take care of it. I have my own life, my own decision to make so as my father.

Even if they have an NDA contract, am I present by that time of signing? No. I will fight for my right that in no way I am associated with my father's decision and debts.

That's the right way to lend money, especially if it's a large amount of money, it's really necessary to have collateral because we're not sure if we'll actually be able to pay what we owe, and it's difficult if we pass it on to our children because they don't have a naive attitude towards loans their parents will do, but just like in other countries, if you borrow from normal people only, it is possible that the charge will happen to different generations of the family of the person who borrowed.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Volimack on March 02, 2024, 06:30:40 AM
Talking to the creditor in person When the creditor won't listen the person can try on their own or take legal action. As far as I am concerned, no collateral loan should be given because everyone is talking and not talking now. If there is any security the person will be able to pay according to his needs. It will not take time to repay the loan. Everything should be done on contract basis.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: pawanjain on March 02, 2024, 07:01:25 AM
I have heard stories about gambling debt being inherited and being paid by their family members in real life.
It becomes really frustrating when we have to pay the debt of our elders without us even knowing about it.
Further more, the concern increases when there was no collateral or evidence for that debt.
Just like you said, I've also experienced similar story of a debt that was inherited and paid by family members after the person's demise. But I think that's one of the most frustrating things a bereaved family should go through and would suggest that the international law authorities do something to change such policies. For someone to be indebted in gambling, it simply means that the person was irresponsible in it and telling his family members to pay for his irresponsibility when he's no more doesn't sit well with me. Inheritance of gambling debt is absolutely possible possible must be stopped if you ask me

I really don't think that the International Law Authorities would be able to help in such cases because a debt is a debt.
The world should stop giving away loans without any collateral and that's the only way how this can change.
In case of any default or demise of the person taking a loan, the collateral can be seized and used for paying away the debt.
In gambling though, this is hard because people are looking for quick profits and giving loans without collaterals have high interest rates.
So people give away loans with high interest rates but then the worst happens and they have no other option to ask their family members to payback the debt.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Promocodeudo on March 02, 2024, 07:57:55 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

This is funny to me, how will a right thinking person borrow to satisfy his gambling curiosity I see this as an education in the highest level, the level of gambling this days is becoming something else, though I have not seen where this happens but I don't know if this is legal in anyway, if a gambling addict borrow money to play gamble, if he didn't present the purpose of his borrowing which I know that it is not possible, this matter can be presented to the competent court of jurisdiction because debt is involved but I know that a good money lender can not give his hard earned money out to anyone without a collateral, no matter you use your borrowed money for it doesn't concern the borrower, what matters to him or her is the repayment of the debt.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: SmartGold01 on March 02, 2024, 08:14:35 AM
Debt is debt be it gambling debt or not, okay, come to think of this if your parents take loan to train you in school and at some points you almost finished (about to graduate) even you have taken your final exams and finishes your defence in school just your convocation then you were called that your Dad is late, what would you do at this point?

Would you say since is not you who took the loan you won't pay the loan borrowed on behalf of you to take care of your schooling or what?

Of course you would pay the loan but not as immediate as you could asked for extension or go plead with the lender to cease the interest since your father is late and the bill will keep accumulating for you. So, it is to gambling loan when your parents took loan and happened to passed away the loan remains for their children or anyone who is financial stable to come clear them off because if when they were alive and they took the loan to gamble then it turns that they made fortune out of it there is no day you would say you won't touch your father's wealth since they aren't alive to enjoy that money.

Man, to some wayward girls and son's that will be their best time to flirt with their parents property and wealth since no one is there to control them or give them instructions. When you turn it the other way round you would see that all still bounce back to the children to pay out those loan kept by their late parents there is nothing to shy away from because you that are living will have to pay the loan.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Agbe on March 02, 2024, 10:30:15 AM
Paying debt you didn't owe is not easy and in some cases those parents didn't have any property for the children to sell to pay those debts. Even at that if the Children have money and if they were in good term with the gambler father before they can pay that debt if not most children refused to pay those debts and left it for the family members to pay those debts. Individual debt can't make the society nto be angry and I don't know the area you are talking about. Though society frown about bad behavior because it affects the interaction of members. Even though the father was a gambler and he owe debt. Good fathers look for a solution for their children before dieing.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Jody.Drummer on March 02, 2024, 01:02:23 PM
Paying debt you didn't owe is not easy and in some cases those parents didn't have any property for the children to sell to pay those debts. Even at that if the Children have money and if they were in good term with the gambler father before they can pay that debt if not most children refused to pay those debts and left it for the family members to pay those debts. Individual debt can't make the society nto be angry and I don't know the area you are talking about. Though society frown about bad behavior because it affects the interaction of members. Even though the father was a gambler and he owe debt. Good fathers look for a solution for their children before dieing.

Sure, paying for something you've never done before or paying for a loan that someone else took out is something that most people wouldn't do, but on the other hand, no matter how bad it is, it's their own father or family member and there's no one else to answer to except their own family if the gambler who inherited the debt is dead, and after all, the people who will collect the debt are the family and not the dead person.

On the other hand, I would say that you would not have any obligation to pay the debt if you were a nobody, or if the person who owed the debt and died was someone else who was not related to you. Sometimes I like to hear cases similar to this where the parents leave a debt when they die and this is not only the case in gambling, because loan services are generally used for many things, such as business capital or urgent living needs or other things, and still in the end it is the closest people, especially family members who are responsible for it,

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Chibit01 on March 02, 2024, 01:11:35 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

This is funny to me, how will a right thinking person borrow to satisfy his gambling curiosity I see this as an education in the highest level, the level of gambling this days is becoming something else, though I have not seen where this happens but I don't know if this is legal in anyway, if a gambling addict borrow money to play gamble, if he didn't present the purpose of his borrowing which I know that it is not possible, this matter can be presented to the competent court of jurisdiction because debt is involved but I know that a good money lender can not give his hard earned money out to anyone without a collateral, no matter you use your borrowed money for it doesn't concern the borrower, what matters to him or her is the repayment of the debt.

You just made it very clear to us here because I don't understand why and how a right thinking person will go to borrow money to just to cure his gambling curiosity it is done anyway... Yes indeed it is done but brother believe I have seen people like that more than twice they even go ahead to even take things forcefully from people in the order you say stealig from people just to cure their own curiosity towards gambling....

I have been able to meet people who are ready to do undoable things just to satisfy their gambling habits and they always believe that the last one which they didn't participate on is the game that they are going to win..

Sone even forge ahead to sell either their property father or relative properties just to make sure they gamble because they believed once they gamble the money will be doubled so definitely after their withdrawal they can get replaced the property or even get new on and till have some money left with me... When it turns out well they have left the debt for their parents or spouse

I have met some students who ends up gambling with their schools fees just to double up so if a gambler and they will still go back to their parents by so doing they have also left the debt for their parents to pay by coming up with one excuse or the other .....

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: arjunmujay on March 02, 2024, 01:18:14 PM
a loan is for oneself and the responsibility of the person making the loan and will not be passed on to our children. After death, usually active loans will be removed by the system with proof that the person actually died.
it seems like that.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Zanab247 on March 02, 2024, 01:19:13 PM
Yes, someone can inherit gambling debt if the gambler that loan the money from the gambling center and something bad happen to take his or her life, the person that stand as a guarantor will totally inherit the debt and, we have seen many cases like this in court and the person that stand as a guarantor will be the one to pay the money.

I don't know why some gamblers will finish the money they budgeted for the gambling and still borrow money from the owner of the gambling center, which they know that the owner don't joke with their money because they have two ways to collect their money back from such gamblers either arrest or Sue the gambler to court to recover his or her money back.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: EarnOnVictor on March 02, 2024, 02:45:50 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
Let me start by saying it's highly irresponsible of any father to be collecting loans for gambling, it is just unspeakable and will truly anger the children especially when they are not following his gambling path. Fathers should be saving and preserving assets for their children, and not otherwise. But still, it is not as thought and obliging as you think, it is subjected to many considerations.

When you take a loan and couldn't pay it until death, no one is responsible for the payment other than you unless there are signed legal documents to back the transfer of payment up which could make another person than the direct debtor liable for payments. For this, the children are never responsible for the collection of the loan, so they can't pay the loan unless they are legally involved. But at times, to avoid shame or just want to clear the name of the father to honour him, they might choose to pay off the debt.

Also, in the case that the debtor uses certain assets as collateral, the creditor will come for the asset to either take possession of it or sell it and set off the bet if anyone can't pay the debt for the deceased. In this case, as well, the children might not want the asset to be sold and be forced to pay the debt. I hope you get the gits? Inasmuch as the children are not co-signers to the loan collection, they are not responsible for it and will not be obliged to pay unless they feel like due to one reason or another. This is one of the risks that banks and loan companies face too if they do not properly document their clients/customers to make them accountable.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: uneng on March 02, 2024, 02:57:48 PM
Also, in the case that the debtor uses certain assets as collateral, the creditor will come for the asset to either take possession of it or sell it and set off the bet if anyone can't pay the debt for the deceased. In this case, as well, the children might not want the asset to be sold and be forced to pay the debt. I hope you get the gits? Inasmuch as the children are not co-signers to the loan collection, they are not responsible for it and will not be obliged to pay unless they feel like due to one reason or another. This is one of the risks that banks and loan companies face too if they do not properly document their clients/customers to make them accountable.
That is, in case of debt, the heirs won't inherit the patrimony of the deceased one, as it will be used to pay the debt left by him in life. If after the debt is paid, there is still patrimony left, the heirs will receive the surplus, but in case the patrimony isn't enough to pay the debt, heirs don't receive anything, what is good from a certain point of view, since debt left isn't inherited too.

The reason why many people get revolted on this matter, it's because they think it's absurd to not have access to the heritage, so they consider they inherited the debt somehow. It's understandable they feel like this and blame banks, loan sharks, gambling on the process, although they forget it was mainly fault of the deceased individual who compromised his finances, patrimony and the future of his heirs.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Mauser on March 02, 2024, 03:09:42 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

Yes, I think that gambling debt can be inherited after the death of a relative. This might be different in other countries depending on specific laws, but in my country you don't only inherit assets, you also have to take care of the liabilities. When it comes to debt I don't think that gambling debt is any special, it will just be summarized across all type of debts. For example, your dad owns his own house worth 500,000 USD, with a 100,000 USD mortgage on it. On top if it he has a gambling loan worth 100,000 USD. Then if you are the only heir you will have to pay back the loans So, if you want to get the assets of your father, you will have to pay back his loans. In the end you only would inherit 300,000 as the debt is not written off. The good thing is that the loans are not being called back in full at the time of death. You will just have to pay the monthly rates for the two loans and are not being forced into selling the house. In case your father has no assets at all, you would still have to pay back the 200,000 USD. However, in that case you can not accept the inheritance and it's not your problem anymore.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: madnessteat on March 02, 2024, 03:11:15 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

This is funny to me, how will a right thinking person borrow to satisfy his gambling curiosity I see this as an education in the highest level, the level of gambling this days is becoming something else, though I have not seen where this happens but I don't know if this is legal in anyway, if a gambling addict borrow money to play gamble, if he didn't present the purpose of his borrowing which I know that it is not possible, this matter can be presented to the competent court of jurisdiction because debt is involved but I know that a good money lender can not give his hard earned money out to anyone without a collateral, no matter you use your borrowed money for it doesn't concern the borrower, what matters to him or her is the repayment of the debt.

I really dislike the situation of someone gambling with borrowed money. Such a gambler is clearly not aware of his actions and exposes not only himself and his family, but also the entire gambling community.

In my opinion, to sue the debtor you must have a loan agreement, otherwise you simply can not prove that the transfer of money is a loan. At least this is the case in some jurisdictions.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: slapper on March 02, 2024, 04:19:15 PM
Debt is debt be it gambling debt or not, okay, come to think of this if your parents take loan to train you in school and at some points you almost finished (about to graduate) even you have taken your final exams and finishes your defence in school just your convocation then you were called that your Dad is late, what would you do at this point?

Would you say since is not you who took the loan you won't pay the loan borrowed on behalf of you to take care of your schooling or what?

Of course you would pay the loan but not as immediate as you could asked for extension or go plead with the lender to cease the interest since your father is late and the bill will keep accumulating for you. So, it is to gambling loan when your parents took loan and happened to passed away the loan remains for their children or anyone who is financial stable to come clear them off because if when they were alive and they took the loan to gamble then it turns that they made fortune out of it there is no day you would say you won't touch your father's wealth since they aren't alive to enjoy that money.

Man, to some wayward girls and son's that will be their best time to flirt with their parents property and wealth since no one is there to control them or give them instructions. When you turn it the other way round you would see that all still bounce back to the children to pay out those loan kept by their late parents there is nothing to shy away from because you that are living will have to pay the loan.
Debt, whether we sign or inherit it, binds us. Your scenario is harsh, yet duties don't die with the debtor. Though severe, it's the foundation of financial knowledge. Your loan is for education, a great cause. You face a crossroads when your father, your guarantor, disappears suddenly. Do you avoid accountability because you didn't sign the agreement? Not at all. It's about honour and your father's legacy, not just law

Next, negotiate with the lender. Communication and compromise are key, not evasion. Financial institutions know life's uncertainties. Your approach should be direct, realistic, and focused on honouring your father's wishes without ruining your finances. The principle applies to gambling debts. Responsibility remains. Fortunes would assist the family, right? Conversely, debts persist and require payment. This doesn't include judgement; it's about accepting financial repercussions regardless of their type

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: 0t3p0t on March 02, 2024, 04:42:17 PM
If you want to borrow money, there must be a collateral. If there is not collateral, there must be one or more guarantors. I do not think anyone can be a guarantor of a gambler. It is the father that have the debt and if he dies, his family will pay with the properties or works that the father left on earth. I do not think the son have any problem with his own property. That is why it is good to have your own property and be independent.
Well yeah, for me this is the safest thing we need to do if one of the member of the family especially our parents are into gambling because we do not know what they are doing in there either they already makes the property we are in as a collateral or any other properties that will affect each members of the family so better to prepare for the worst. For me this is just an isolated case here in my area not unless gambling addiction is common in a particular place.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: southerngentuk on March 02, 2024, 05:39:37 PM
So gambling and debt can be a real downer. Especially when the debt gets out of control, like that story you shared about the gambler's dad. It's a bummer and a reminder that things can get seriously messy if you're not careful.

Gambling can be fun, but it's not a magic money machine. In fact, it's more like a risky rollercoaster that might leave you feeling empty-pocketed at the end. The key is to play it safe. Only gamble with money you can afford to lose, like that leftover cash from your last paycheck after bills are paid. And remember, winning is a bonus, not the main goal. If you're just playing for fun, losing shouldn't feel like the end of the world.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: tread93 on March 02, 2024, 05:46:05 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

I want to say that the short answer is yes, your kids could aquire your debt even if they had nothing to do with it and you are dead. It just depends on the country you are in and the type of debt that has been accrued. It is quite a shame, I know for your credit card debt it is an absolute, but for gambling debt it think it may vary. Do you have any statistics/source link to the claim that most peole that have alarming loan/gambling debt are fathers to kids? I've never heard of this before....

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Quidat on March 02, 2024, 05:50:16 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

I want to say that the short answer is yes, your kids could aquire your debt even if they had nothing to do with it and you are dead. It just depends on the country you are in and the type of debt that has been accrued. It is quite a shame, I know for your credit card debt it is an absolute, but for gambling debt it think it may vary. Do you have any statistics/source link to the claim that most peole that have alarming loan/gambling debt are fathers to kids? I've never heard of this before....
Totally depends if there would really be those contracts that had been signed and there are ones who had been that not that mentioned. There are really indeed debts that could be inherited or transferred on which it is really that sad with that kind of condition on which to those family members who had been left out are the ones who would really be suffering into the debts that you have left behind.
They are the ones who would really be suffering on trying out to resolve into those things that you have created. Therefore, before you die then it would be always best that everything should
be cleared up not unless if you dont have that kind of pity into those family of yours then you wouldnt really be showing up some care but well this is really that situational i should say.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: SmartGold01 on March 02, 2024, 06:02:09 PM
Debt, whether we sign or inherit it, binds us. Your scenario is harsh, yet duties don't die with the debtor.
This may seems to be harsh but it's a bitter truth we need to know about debt that are being inherited, some people always trying shy away from their responsibility what just happened is that we can also try to talk to our parents that are living a debtful life to reduce also considering their ages. When they are of age we should at least try talking to them to limit their gambling activity in order to reduce being indebted, and again we must check if our (your) parents are those people who loves taking loans even though not for gambling purpose but they might take loan for other aspects of life were we may not know the reason for them to take such loan.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Antotena on March 02, 2024, 06:18:02 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

You sound like you have statistics to this numbers that is bothering you. This borrowing of a thing isn't only fathers who have kids and responsibilities, but have you look into number of students that gamble these days? They are very cumbersome in number and you see them everywhere, some used their school fees to gamble when they are supposed to use it to pay their school fees on the resumption date but because the school fees portal is open for some month, they leverage on that to bet and if doesn't go as they expect it, they start running here and there for help.

Gambling has consume a lot of people, some is because some of their parent refuse to take responsibility of their children and they result into gambling because there is no other way easy alternatives for them. A student is supposed to have textbooks, feeding allowances, assignments and projects work money but all these are not taken care by he parent and is among the reason why student are frustrated to gamble, not just the father's with kids.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Zigabel on March 02, 2024, 06:50:31 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
I don't think the child will have any business with such debts except the were filed as the next of kin or guarantor after seeking their consent but if their consent wasn't sought after then such can be contested in a competent court of law and such person be free of such dept so it's something we have literally see happened in various Case so most times the creditors request a collateral so I'm cases of such recovery of the funds becomes easy .

Kids who aren't aware of any debt arrangements between their dad and a third party can always contest such in court and will be exempted from such a case but then I'd they are aware and consented to it then they may have to inherit such

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: carlfebz2 on March 02, 2024, 07:16:43 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
I don't think the child will have any business with such debts except the were filed as the next of kin or guarantor after seeking their consent but if their consent wasn't sought after then such can be contested in a competent court of law and such person be free of such dept so it's something we have literally see happened in various Case so most times the creditors request a collateral so I'm cases of such recovery of the funds becomes easy .

Kids who aren't aware of any debt arrangements between their dad and a third party can always contest such in court and will be exempted from such a case but then I'd they are aware and consented to it then they may have to inherit such
These things or argument could really go into distance on which on the time that you would really be finding yourself trying out to fight if ever there's some debt that you would really be needing out to be paid up
just because your father or someone in your family have left out such loans. It do really sucks if you do end up on paying up on something that you havent been able to make use of.
The worst thing on here is that this is a gambling debt on which this isnt a debt that it has been used on worth manner but rather it is really just that leisure.
It would really be that best if someone is really that harassing you to pay up some loan just because your father have left something then you could approach for some professional advise or seek of help.

Im not really that good when it comes to legal aspects but if it turns out that there is some sort of agreement on which it is clearly stated
that you are obliged to pay as family members then you wont really be having no choice but to deal up with it.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: 2Pizza410000BTC on March 02, 2024, 08:37:21 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
There are many people who take loans to participate in gambling, they go into a lot of debt to get loans, so lenders come to them for loans, they have to sell their houses and land to pay off their loans. I have seen many people around me who take loans from moneylenders to gamble. They take loans and participate in gambling and at some point they lose everything as lenders come to them for loans, they have to sell their houses and land to pay off their debts. Such gamblers are the most hated people in the society, especially in the rural society these people are very hated by all the people. A small budget should always be used for gambling and never more than a small budget. Those who have spent all of their life's income on gambling are the ones who suffer the most and end up in debt.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Docnaster on March 02, 2024, 08:58:05 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
There are many people who take loans to participate in gambling, they go into a lot of debt to get loans, so lenders come to them for loans, they have to sell their houses and land to pay off their loans. I have seen many people around me who take loans from moneylenders to gamble. They take loans and participate in gambling and at some point they lose everything as lenders come to them for loans, they have to sell their houses and land to pay off their debts. Such gamblers are the most hated people in the society, especially in the rural society these people are very hated by all the people. A small budget should always be used for gambling and never more than a small budget. Those who have spent all of their life's income on gambling are the ones who suffer the most and end up in debt.
When a gambler becomes addicted to gambling, the possibility of controlling his gambling activities becomes almost impossible and at that time, he's very likely to make decisions that'll affect him deeply. I've been opportuned to see gamblers who sold off almost everything in their custody including the ones they that aren't legally their own just to fund their gambling addiction and I've also seen others who went as far as borrowing money from money lenders while using their landed properties as collateral just to also find their gambling addiction. But the good thing about the above mentioned actions some addicted gamblers take is that they'll end up suffering the consequences of their actions by themselves unlike what happens when the take loans without a collateral and probably promise the loanee that they're going to pay later and dies without paying those loans.

When a gambler takes a loan or borrows money and fails to repay before dying, the debts are in most times going to be inherited by his close relatives who will now have to go through the pain of paying for a debt they didn't know when it was incurred but that's not the most painful part of paying such debts. The most painful thing about paying for such debts is that the debts will be payed with the knowledge that the  diseased used the proceeds of the borrowed money to gamble. My opinion about this kind of scenerio is that the law should be more kind to the relatives of such person so they stop paying for a debt they didn't incure

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: GxSTxV on March 02, 2024, 09:30:51 PM
Yes it is quite possible to inherit a gambling debt in case it was that kind of signed ones. To be honest, I haven't witnessed any case like that before, maybe the ones we see in real live gambling for instance, a father who played poker in a local place or small village then the father died, so everyone knows that family is in debt and a member of that family should pay it back otherwise they would have many troubles and threats from that local casino or table.

Paying debts of passed away relatives is only related to the agreement of that loan for whatever use, or the casino you palying with, before this happens, both sides should sign the agreement otherwise nobody will inhert debs of someone else even close relatives.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Taskford on March 02, 2024, 10:55:35 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
I don't think the child will have any business with such debts except the were filed as the next of kin or guarantor after seeking their consent but if their consent wasn't sought after then such can be contested in a competent court of law and such person be free of such dept so it's something we have literally see happened in various Case so most times the creditors request a collateral so I'm cases of such recovery of the funds becomes easy .

Kids who aren't aware of any debt arrangements between their dad and a third party can always contest such in court and will be exempted from such a case but then I'd they are aware and consented to it then they may have to inherit such

If there's a contract signed that the asset will be the collateral of the loan then yes they can take the property written on the contract but they can't asked any further more payments from their children since as being said that they are out of that. Well if the lender is pursuant and eager to get his money back the only thing he can do is to take the property for sure he can't do anything with it as the court will also clear the name of the children out of their parents debt.

They can always contest in that situation and for sure the court will be on their side especially that they are not the one who take the money from the lender. But maybe if there's also a guarantor involve as third party maybe the lender can sue that guy since for sure he is included in the contract and liable to pay those remaining debts.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: angrybirdy on March 03, 2024, 01:24:50 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
I don't think the child will have any business with such debts except the were filed as the next of kin or guarantor after seeking their consent but if their consent wasn't sought after then such can be contested in a competent court of law and such person be free of such dept so it's something we have literally see happened in various Case so most times the creditors request a collateral so I'm cases of such recovery of the funds becomes easy .

Kids who aren't aware of any debt arrangements between their dad and a third party can always contest such in court and will be exempted from such a case but then I'd they are aware and consented to it then they may have to inherit such

If there's a contract signed that the asset will be the collateral of the loan then yes they can take the property written on the contract but they can't asked any further more payments from their children since as being said that they are out of that. Well if the lender is pursuant and eager to get his money back the only thing he can do is to take the property for sure he can't do anything with it as the court will also clear the name of the children out of their parents debt.

They can always contest in that situation and for sure the court will be on their side especially that they are not the one who take the money from the lender. But maybe if there's also a guarantor involve as third party maybe the lender can sue that guy since for sure he is included in the contract and liable to pay those remaining debts.
On point! if there is a contract that has been signed and it is necessary to reach the court to settle the lending issue, it is better to go to the court in a legal way and avoid the things that should be avoided like charging debts until the legal age of children.If I am the one who is put in the situation, no matter how much they try to get the money owed by my parents, as long as there is no document and my signature, I will never pay no matter how much they threaten and terrorize me. I will fight for my rights and I will not let the things that are happening to other people happen to me now that until the borrower dies, the families left behind are also charged.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: 2Pizza410000BTC on March 03, 2024, 02:04:48 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
There are many people who take loans to participate in gambling, they go into a lot of debt to get loans, so lenders come to them for loans, they have to sell their houses and land to pay off their loans. I have seen many people around me who take loans from moneylenders to gamble. They take loans and participate in gambling and at some point they lose everything as lenders come to them for loans, they have to sell their houses and land to pay off their debts. Such gamblers are the most hated people in the society, especially in the rural society these people are very hated by all the people. A small budget should always be used for gambling and never more than a small budget. Those who have spent all of their life's income on gambling are the ones who suffer the most and end up in debt.
When a gambler becomes addicted to gambling, the possibility of controlling his gambling activities becomes almost impossible and at that time, he's very likely to make decisions that'll affect him deeply. I've been opportuned to see gamblers who sold off almost everything in their custody including the ones they that aren't legally their own just to fund their gambling addiction and I've also seen others who went as far as borrowing money from money lenders while using their landed properties as collateral just to also find their gambling addiction. But the good thing about the above mentioned actions some addicted gamblers take is that they'll end up suffering the consequences of their actions by themselves unlike what happens when the take loans without a collateral and probably promise the loanee that they're going to pay later and dies without paying those loans.

When a gambler takes a loan or borrows money and fails to repay before dying, the debts are in most times going to be inherited by his close relatives who will now have to go through the pain of paying for a debt they didn't know when it was incurred but that's not the most painful part of paying such debts. The most painful thing about paying for such debts is that the debts will be payed with the knowledge that the  diseased used the proceeds of the borrowed money to gamble. My opinion about this kind of scenerio is that the law should be more kind to the relatives of such person so they stop paying for a debt they didn't incure
When a gambler borrows from his moneylender, he never borrows from the moneylender by telling his moneylender about gambling, he always borrows from the moneylender by telling his moneylender about family difficulties or some other difficulty. When a moneylender is given a loan due to family difficulties or for the treatment of a sick person, the moneylender is bound to give the loan because the moneylender's duty is to stand by the family of his worker. But here I want to say that the moneylender must talk to his family and give the loan to his worker after asking what he is using. There are many people in my area who tell such lies to their close relatives and participate in gambling by taking money from moneylenders. There comes a time when they become so addicted to gambling that they are forced to commit suicide or leave the country for a distant country. So if every close relative moneylender is careful it is possible to solve such problems.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on March 03, 2024, 03:49:27 AM
Gambling is a bad thing and because of gambling if one person takes a loan then every other individuals of a family suffer from this thing because most of the time gambler takes laon and then go away from the sight leaving behind their family who suffers alot due to such burden.

It is reality that gambler loss all the money before passing away in gambling and also he has taken laon as without burrowing money he cannot sustain gambling. After leaving the world, the family members feel sad for his father's act as everyone is not able to give such a huge amount to lender and this is a reason that gambler loss their respect in society.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: gunhell16 on March 03, 2024, 05:40:31 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

When the situation is like that, the gambler is loaned to the gambling owner. Most of the time, when something like that happens to the gambler himself, we don't know if it is stated in the contract that his family or those close to him will be responsible if something ever happens to the gambler. not good, they will be liable for its debt.

But if we look at it literally, there is no such thing as inheriting the debt from our loved ones unless it is written in the contract that the family and relatives will continue when the debtor dies; this is the only reason that can be seen.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Belarge on March 03, 2024, 06:19:08 AM
Gambling is a bad thing and because of gambling if one person takes a loan then every other individuals of a family suffer from this thing because most of the time gambler takes laon and then go away from the sight leaving behind their family who suffers alot due to such burden.

It is reality that gambler loss all the money before passing away in gambling and also he has taken laon as without burrowing money he cannot sustain gambling. After leaving the world, the family members feel sad for his father's act as everyone is not able to give such a huge amount to lender and this is a reason that gambler loss their respect in society.
Is possible to inherit the gambling debts of your dad as long it's been granted a loan when he was alive. He must place something tangible, more like a collateral inchange for the loan. The collateral is collected or documented, it usually pops up when the person in question failed to meet up the requirements and giving room for the firms to triggers the last option which is collateral. They're not to be blame because they're just trying to re-take their money but this time, in different measures. It becomes complicated for everyone especially the children of the gambler, it worsen when gamblers raise up their profits and become adamant to pay back.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: MainIbem on March 03, 2024, 06:44:36 AM
It's very possible to inherits a gambling debt just like every other debt out there it's one thing we can never run away if out brother, sister or parents were debtors before departure from the face of the earth. It's only the living relatives that will pay the outstanding debt or any person who is genuinely connected to debtors will payout those debt. As living Being we are we should try as much as possible to reduce from involving ourselves taking debts because we might know when to leave the surface of the Earth and our children could be the ones to pass through the hard time to pay those debt.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Outhue on March 03, 2024, 06:52:52 AM
From the little experience that I have seen, many fathers have passed away and they left behind some debts that's needed to be settled, because it's even a sin to have debts on you after passing, I have heard from religious people that you getting through the heavens gate will be hard if you have debt on you.

In my country older people are now used to telling their children the amount they owe someone or some organization, just in case, because some people might decide to use lie and take money from the children, telling them that their dead father is owing them some money.

My father did the same, and we still see someone who came out and said he was owing her some money, and later I found out from my siblings that she lied, my father never mentioned her name as one of those he was owing some money, when the issue was dragged to a point, she claimed he already paid her some while ago and she just remember.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Wexnident on March 03, 2024, 07:42:32 AM
I mean if it's bound by the law then it should be inheritable no? Just like regular debts. Now I think that anyone who faulted a loan afaik just forfeits their properties and stuff till they're able to pay the total amount, or slowly pay it out.

Afaik you can't exactly get jailed for being under debt? At least in my country anw, I don't think that's an issue there. it is an issue when the debt is so large that even working your ass for your entire life isn't enough to pay it. I don't think you'd ever get out of paying your debt though even if you tell them your circumstances of only inheriting it.

That said though I think such issues only happen in extreme cases? Since loans and the like are now done under scrutiny and if you don't have any collateral or your livelihood doesn't show any signs of being able to pay said loan, it'd never get accepted.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Marykeller on March 03, 2024, 07:48:03 AM
If there was a written agreement that the gambler was loaned a said amount before their dismissal from Mother Earth, the family of the gambler has to pay back the loan money their father borrowed and that would be paid gradually depending on the financial capacity of the family. But if the family of the dismissed father is not buoyant enough, that's when disagreement will arise about not paying the acquired loan of their father because to them, it is very annoying that ought to pay for a loan that they don't know of.

In most of the cases, I have heard of, the gambler's families don't usually pay off the loaned money completely and that will amount to a loss to the loan firm.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Assface16678 on March 03, 2024, 08:07:02 AM
The thing is, will the parents let that happen? As a parent, of course it's your responsibility to secure the future of your children's. If the parents are already under the influence of gambling, then as a parent, it's your responsibility to not involve your children, your partner, or any of your relatives in your gambling habit. In terms of inheriting the debt of a parent to children, I don't think there will be a law about that unless there is a written agreement about it, but what parent will let that happen? What parent will let the parent make his or her children suffer from debt? Because it will be a trauma for that child because even without starting to work, they already have the burden of paying debt from their parents, and it will be a bad thing because the child will surely have grudges and anger towards the parents.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Wexnident on March 03, 2024, 08:08:24 AM
I mean if it's bound by the law then it should be inheritable no? Just like regular debts. Now I think that anyone who faulted a loan afaik just forfeits their properties and stuff till they're able to pay the total amount, or slowly pay it out.

Afaik you can't exactly get jailed for being under debt? At least in my country anw, I don't think that's an issue there. it is an issue when the debt is so large that even working your ass for your entire life isn't enough to pay it. I don't think you'd ever get out of paying your debt though even if you tell them your circumstances of only inheriting it.

That said though I think such issues only happen in extreme cases? Since loans and the like are now done under scrutiny and if you don't have any collateral or your livelihood doesn't show any signs of being able to pay said loan, it'd never get accepted.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: entertheabyss on March 03, 2024, 08:17:02 AM
The thing is, will the parents let that happen? As a parent, of course it's your responsibility to secure the future of your children's. If the parents are already under the influence of gambling, then as a parent, it's your responsibility to not involve your children, your partner, or any of your relatives in your gambling habit. In terms of inheriting the debt of a parent to children, I don't think there will be a law about that unless there is a written agreement about it, but what parent will let that happen? What parent will let the parent make his or her children suffer from debt? Because it will be a trauma for that child because even without starting to work, they already have the burden of paying debt from their parents, and it will be a bad thing because the child will surely have grudges and anger towards the parents.
Inherit a gambling debts? It's not appropriate because it's totally against the rules of humans. Our children take after out footsteps, there's no limit to what we can become, probably making the right choice of life, rather we should be having our best moment craving for excellence in the system. Everyone is held to a responsibility in the system, we just have to know what's best for us and ensure we do it with everything within our reach. I know how challenging the system can become when we try our best to gamble and end up losing everything.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Makus on March 03, 2024, 08:37:49 AM
If you mean taking loan to gamble, then definitely before taking the loan, you'll have to drop a coleteral almost worth or higher than the loan amount, so I don't think situations like this would be inherited by the the children of the deceased gambler but rather if the loan is  not paid before the agreed duration then the loaner has all right to take full possession of the coleteral it might be a house or any landed property.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: moneystery on March 03, 2024, 08:48:03 AM
There are many people who take loans to participate in gambling, they go into a lot of debt to get loans, so lenders come to them for loans, they have to sell their houses and land to pay off their loans. I have seen many people around me who take loans from moneylenders to gamble. They take loans and participate in gambling and at some point they lose everything as lenders come to them for loans, they have to sell their houses and land to pay off their debts. Such gamblers are the most hated people in the society, especially in the rural society these people are very hated by all the people. A small budget should always be used for gambling and never more than a small budget. Those who have spent all of their life's income on gambling are the ones who suffer the most and end up in debt.

these types of people are the worst because if it's his own home, it doesn't matter, the problem is that it's the home with his family, where he lives with his wife and children, it's very sad to see a family become homeless just because the head of their household was involved in gambling debts. it would be too selfish if he only thought about his own pleasure and didn't think about what would happen to his family in the future. and usually people like this will be hated by their wives and children.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Fortify on March 03, 2024, 08:56:11 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

There are some possible ways that you could inherit gambling debt, but they will generally be cases where you have agreed to be a guarantor on a loan or opened a joint account on a credit card. Most countries have laws that do not pass down debt, but they may extract any outstanding debt from the estate of the deceased before the remainder gets distributed as per the will. If the person has no other assets to distribute at the time, then the company that lent them money will have to accept the loss. It would not surprise me if certain countries were less forgiving when it came to debt and who must pay it, so you'd have to do research on this area for the country you live in. I don't think anyone is getting especially angry about this area in relation to gamblers..

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: dothebeats on March 03, 2024, 09:30:24 AM
I've heard of families getting harassed by collectors but not debts being transferred over to them. I guess it's illegal to do that unless you have a contract or a binding agreement wherein if you failed to pay your debt or say, you happen to die and still have unpaid debts, your family will shoulder that debt and will be in charge of repaying it all. I'm not entirely familiar with how this works, but I know for a fact that if someone dies and they left you as a beneficiary of their estate/will, the liabilities will be transferred unto you, and you have to continue that obligation.

I personally won't leave any liabilities to my family, and I'll make sure to clear all of those before I pass. Organizations looking to go after the immediate family for unsettled debts without contracts due to gambling or whatever reason is simply predatory.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Jody.Drummer on March 03, 2024, 12:05:27 PM
There are many people who take loans to participate in gambling, they go into a lot of debt to get loans, so lenders come to them for loans, they have to sell their houses and land to pay off their loans. I have seen many people around me who take loans from moneylenders to gamble. They take loans and participate in gambling and at some point they lose everything as lenders come to them for loans, they have to sell their houses and land to pay off their debts. Such gamblers are the most hated people in the society, especially in the rural society these people are very hated by all the people. A small budget should always be used for gambling and never more than a small budget. Those who have spent all of their life's income on gambling are the ones who suffer the most and end up in debt.

these types of people are the worst because if it's his own home, it doesn't matter, the problem is that it's the home with his family, where he lives with his wife and children, it's very sad to see a family become homeless just because the head of their household was involved in gambling debts. it would be too selfish if he only thought about his own pleasure and didn't think about what would happen to his family in the future. and usually people like this will be hated by their wives and children.

Yes, it is true that this is indeed a very worrying situation, and this can really be a reason that the impact of gambling addiction can cause many problems, not only financially but destroying all their family relationships and also obviously with problems like this, their family will be displaced due to the behavior of a father who is too reckless and excessive in gambling and has to lose their only place of residence along with other assets they own such as land or anything else to pay off debts.

This is the danger when someone has entered the addiction phase, especially if that person's background is not good, or that means they have a personality that is quite sensitive and easily provoked, then clearly this behavior will encourage more impulsive gambling activities, because usually people who easily provoked, they will be easier to get emotional and clearly I can't imagine what decisions they will choose when they are in a stressful situation with lots of pressure, especially when they have a problem of piling up debt. Yes, I also agree with you that most of his family will hate him, but yes, the rice has become porridge and there is nothing they can do except accept the situation and circumstances. I think we can really learn from this by always implementing lots of actions. prevention when gambling.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Baki202 on March 03, 2024, 12:12:56 PM
Gambling is a bad thing and because of gambling if one person takes a loan then every other individuals of a family suffer from this thing because most of the time gambler takes laon and then go away from the sight leaving behind their family who suffers alot due to such burden.

It is reality that gambler loss all the money before passing away in gambling and also he has taken laon as without burrowing money he cannot sustain gambling. After leaving the world, the family members feel sad for his father's act as everyone is not able to give such a huge amount to lender and this is a reason that gambler loss their respect in society.
I don't think that is right everyone that gambles, gamble at there own responsibility. And a gambler putting is family in danger i don't also think is right because plenty of gamblers always want to keep there gambling habit a secret. And It is really not important to take a loan to gamble. But since gambling is all about risk if the bettor should win, he could pay back the loan and make profit out of it sometimes the risk is worth taking. And eventually if the bettor should take a loan and went out if sight then I don't see the reason why the family should be held accountable for such act.

The person giving out the money on loan for the bettor should know the risk behind borrowing a gambler money because if he does not pay back. If does not win another money from gambling then it will be difficult to pay if not that he or she as a job. And if the bettor is a professional gamblers then the person have to wait until there is a win.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: robelneo on March 03, 2024, 12:32:47 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

It's an added burden to the family of the deceased, but here in our country the law protects the lender there is a law that the family of the deceased will inherit the debt, and the properties of the departed should be sold to buy all the debts of the deceased whatever the debt comes from, even on gambling.

This is why it's not recommended that a gambler take a loan because if an unexpected happens, the family will have an additional burden, and if the loan is too big the family will bear the burden for a long time depending on how huge the loan is.
It's better to sell a property than take a loan, a loan should be taken in times of emergency, or if you have a business venture and there's potential profit on that venture.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Kelward on March 03, 2024, 12:55:04 PM
People inherit depts, whether the deacesed borrower used it for gambling or for any other purposes, but it'll be most painful for a person to inherit a dept that was used to gamble, especially if there was no wealth left behind to show for the deacesed gambling. If it's proven that the lender knows that the borrower was going to use the money for gambling and went ahead to borrow him, then I believe that who inherited the dept can have a case against the lender not to repay the loan. People should be responsible about gambling, that's why it's said that we should gamble with the amount that we can afford to loose.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: slapper on March 03, 2024, 02:26:30 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
There are many people who take loans to participate in gambling, they go into a lot of debt to get loans, so lenders come to them for loans, they have to sell their houses and land to pay off their loans. I have seen many people around me who take loans from moneylenders to gamble. They take loans and participate in gambling and at some point they lose everything as lenders come to them for loans, they have to sell their houses and land to pay off their debts. Such gamblers are the most hated people in the society, especially in the rural society these people are very hated by all the people. A small budget should always be used for gambling and never more than a small budget. Those who have spent all of their life's income on gambling are the ones who suffer the most and end up in debt.
When a gambler becomes addicted to gambling, the possibility of controlling his gambling activities becomes almost impossible and at that time, he's very likely to make decisions that'll affect him deeply. I've been opportuned to see gamblers who sold off almost everything in their custody including the ones they that aren't legally their own just to fund their gambling addiction and I've also seen others who went as far as borrowing money from money lenders while using their landed properties as collateral just to also find their gambling addiction. But the good thing about the above mentioned actions some addicted gamblers take is that they'll end up suffering the consequences of their actions by themselves unlike what happens when the take loans without a collateral and probably promise the loanee that they're going to pay later and dies without paying those loans.

When a gambler takes a loan or borrows money and fails to repay before dying, the debts are in most times going to be inherited by his close relatives who will now have to go through the pain of paying for a debt they didn't know when it was incurred but that's not the most painful part of paying such debts. The most painful thing about paying for such debts is that the debts will be payed with the knowledge that the  diseased used the proceeds of the borrowed money to gamble. My opinion about this kind of scenerio is that the law should be more kind to the relatives of such person so they stop paying for a debt they didn't incure
When a gambler borrows from his moneylender, he never borrows from the moneylender by telling his moneylender about gambling, he always borrows from the moneylender by telling his moneylender about family difficulties or some other difficulty. When a moneylender is given a loan due to family difficulties or for the treatment of a sick person, the moneylender is bound to give the loan because the moneylender's duty is to stand by the family of his worker. But here I want to say that the moneylender must talk to his family and give the loan to his worker after asking what he is using. There are many people in my area who tell such lies to their close relatives and participate in gambling by taking money from moneylenders. There comes a time when they become so addicted to gambling that they are forced to commit suicide or leave the country for a distant country. So if every close relative moneylender is careful it is possible to solve such problems.
We're dealing with a genuine issue, not an excuse playground. Fraudulent borrowing? That route is ethically treacherous. Money isn't everything; trust is. If that breaks, good luck reconstructing

However, the gambler is not solely responsible. Two-way street. Moneylenders (or family and friends) must be more careful. Accountability and support are essential. Question, demand transparency. It's not prying; it's preventing disaster. Let's not demonize gambling. Hobbies are different from habits. Responsible, limited gaming is healthy. Like fire, it's a tool when controlled but a calamity when uncontrolled

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Blitzboy on March 03, 2024, 04:20:28 PM
From the little experience that I have seen, many fathers have passed away and they left behind some debts that's needed to be settled, because it's even a sin to have debts on you after passing, I have heard from religious people that you getting through the heavens gate will be hard if you have debt on you.

In my country older people are now used to telling their children the amount they owe someone or some organization, just in case, because some people might decide to use lie and take money from the children, telling them that their dead father is owing them some money.

My father did the same, and we still see someone who came out and said he was owing her some money, and later I found out from my siblings that she lied, my father never mentioned her name as one of those he was owing some money, when the issue was dragged to a point, she claimed he already paid her some while ago and she just remember.
Its almost as if every family has that one "mystery creditor" who pops out of the woodwork with claims that smell fishier than a week-old sushi. A family bonding experience like no other, isnt it? Always, always verify those claims. Its like a detective game, minus the fun and with added paperwork. Your story? Its a classic. The sudden appearance of a "creditor" with a conveniently foggy memory? Priceless. Its as if they think the afterlife comes with a debt ledger.

Getting into heaven with debt? Thats one way to add a spiritual twist to financial planning. Maybe we should start betting on how many of these "creditors" would try their luck. It could be our own version of fun gambling - family edition.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Quidat on March 03, 2024, 06:59:20 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
There are many people who take loans to participate in gambling, they go into a lot of debt to get loans, so lenders come to them for loans, they have to sell their houses and land to pay off their loans. I have seen many people around me who take loans from moneylenders to gamble. They take loans and participate in gambling and at some point they lose everything as lenders come to them for loans, they have to sell their houses and land to pay off their debts. Such gamblers are the most hated people in the society, especially in the rural society these people are very hated by all the people. A small budget should always be used for gambling and never more than a small budget. Those who have spent all of their life's income on gambling are the ones who suffer the most and end up in debt.
When a gambler becomes addicted to gambling, the possibility of controlling his gambling activities becomes almost impossible and at that time, he's very likely to make decisions that'll affect him deeply. I've been opportuned to see gamblers who sold off almost everything in their custody including the ones they that aren't legally their own just to fund their gambling addiction and I've also seen others who went as far as borrowing money from money lenders while using their landed properties as collateral just to also find their gambling addiction. But the good thing about the above mentioned actions some addicted gamblers take is that they'll end up suffering the consequences of their actions by themselves unlike what happens when the take loans without a collateral and probably promise the loanee that they're going to pay later and dies without paying those loans.

When a gambler takes a loan or borrows money and fails to repay before dying, the debts are in most times going to be inherited by his close relatives who will now have to go through the pain of paying for a debt they didn't know when it was incurred but that's not the most painful part of paying such debts. The most painful thing about paying for such debts is that the debts will be payed with the knowledge that the  diseased used the proceeds of the borrowed money to gamble. My opinion about this kind of scenerio is that the law should be more kind to the relatives of such person so they stop paying for a debt they didn't incure
When a gambler borrows from his moneylender, he never borrows from the moneylender by telling his moneylender about gambling, he always borrows from the moneylender by telling his moneylender about family difficulties or some other difficulty. When a moneylender is given a loan due to family difficulties or for the treatment of a sick person, the moneylender is bound to give the loan because the moneylender's duty is to stand by the family of his worker. But here I want to say that the moneylender must talk to his family and give the loan to his worker after asking what he is using. There are many people in my area who tell such lies to their close relatives and participate in gambling by taking money from moneylenders. There comes a time when they become so addicted to gambling that they are forced to commit suicide or leave the country for a distant country. So if every close relative moneylender is careful it is possible to solve such problems.
We're dealing with a genuine issue, not an excuse playground. Fraudulent borrowing? That route is ethically treacherous. Money isn't everything; trust is. If that breaks, good luck reconstructing

However, the gambler is not solely responsible. Two-way street. Moneylenders (or family and friends) must be more careful. Accountability and support are essential. Question, demand transparency. It's not prying; it's preventing disaster. Let's not demonize gambling. Hobbies are different from habits. Responsible, limited gaming is healthy. Like fire, it's a tool when controlled but a calamity when uncontrolled
Once trust is broken then taking it back into its original couldnt be possible, once that is broken then people wont be able to trust you back just like before. So its never been that an advisable thing for you to do so. This is why it would really be always best to go into that good side of things rather than on going into that swindler like kind of mindset.  ;D
Gambling debt? Its never been that a good idea nor really that suggested on trying out to tolerate yourself on doing such thing because if you do go into this path and keeps on piling up
on the time that you do keep on playing or engaging and keeps borrowing, then you are just likely that digging up your own grave.

When it comes to legal aspect then i dont know if debt could really be possibly be inherited but it would be understandable that those people who had been borrowed from
would surely be trying out to ask the family members that you would needing up to pay on what you have borrowed on which its common sense.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: wheelz1200 on March 03, 2024, 07:02:18 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

I don't think a gambling debt can be passed down.  I could be wrong but that would seriously suck.  What happens in the case where you don't even speak with your parents how would that debt come down to you now.  Same goes with all regular debt that doesn't have collateral tied to it.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Zoomic on March 03, 2024, 07:34:10 PM
People inherit depts, whether the deacesed borrower used it for gambling or for any other purposes, but it'll be most painful for a person to inherit a dept that was used to gamble, especially if there was no wealth left behind to show for the deacesed gambling. If it's proven that the lender knows that the borrower was going to use the money for gambling and went ahead to borrow him, then I believe that who inherited the dept can have a case against the lender not to repay the loan. People should be responsible about gambling, that's why it's said that we should gamble with the amount that we can afford to loose.

These are one of the reasons lenders should always tie their loans to a collateral so they will have what to fall back to in the case of a default in payment. Before you grant an unsecured loan to anybody,  you might have made some verifications and are now certain about the person's credit worthiness.  Granting an unsecured loan to a gambler is very risky, even riskier than gambling itself. Not many will be willing be willing to inherit gambling debts they can't really account for because most gamblers who take loans to gamble are very irresponsible. Lenders need to scrutinize their borrowers very well so as not to grant loans (especially unsecured loans) to irresponsible people.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: marcous on March 03, 2024, 07:39:10 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

I don't think a gambling debt can be passed down.  I could be wrong but that would seriously suck.  What happens in the case where you don't even speak with your parents how would that debt come down to you now.  Same goes with all regular debt that doesn't have collateral tied to it.
That's right, in essence children are not collateral when taking out a loan. Gamblers usually owe money to close friends or the bank to take out loans. However, as far as I know, if someone dies, the bank loan does not have to be repaid. Meanwhile, debts with individuals or debts with relatives are very conditional, where to collect them from their children or their families, they must also include evidence such as notes or proof of loan transactions. Of course it was very annoying, because when his father died he hoped he would be fine, not inheriting debt, especially debt that was used for gambling, that would really break his heart.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Saint-loup on March 03, 2024, 07:51:47 PM
It depends of the law and the regulations of the country where it's happening but usually debts can be inherited and the children can only reject the whole legacy if they don't want to have to pay them. That could be seen as unfair for many people but I think it's a protection for lenders and a better guarantee for borrowers who have children. Lenders are rarely responsible of the death of their debtors so it would be also unfair for them to lose their money because of that actually.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: PytagoraZ on March 03, 2024, 07:55:39 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

I don't think a gambling debt can be passed down.  I could be wrong but that would seriously suck.  What happens in the case where you don't even speak with your parents how would that debt come down to you now.  Same goes with all regular debt that doesn't have collateral tied to it.
That's right, in essence children are not collateral when taking out a loan. Gamblers usually owe money to close friends or the bank to take out loans. However, as far as I know, if someone dies, the bank loan does not have to be repaid. Meanwhile, debts with individuals or debts with relatives are very conditional, where to collect them from their children or their families, they must also include evidence such as notes or proof of loan transactions. Of course it was very annoying, because when his father died he hoped he would be fine, not inheriting debt, especially debt that was used for gambling, that would really break his heart.

If the debt is to a bank, usually the collateral is given to the bank and if someone dies, the collateral will be auctioned to pay off the debt. However, if the loan is without collateral, the bank can charge the family and if it turns out they have assets, the assets are sold to pay off the bank.

But if he dies and does not have any assets left, then the debt cannot be inherited.

The most difficult thing is if the debt is owed to an individual because usually there is no demand agreement so it will be difficult to know how much the debt is if there is no clear agreement. It must be annoying if someone dies but leaves behind debts, that person is really troublesome even after he dies

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Juse14 on March 03, 2024, 08:06:24 PM
People inherit depts, whether the deacesed borrower used it for gambling or for any other purposes, but it'll be most painful for a person to inherit a dept that was used to gamble, especially if there was no wealth left behind to show for the deacesed gambling. If it's proven that the lender knows that the borrower was going to use the money for gambling and went ahead to borrow him, then I believe that who inherited the dept can have a case against the lender not to repay the loan. People should be responsible about gambling, that's why it's said that we should gamble with the amount that we can afford to loose.

This incident is very ironic, because even though he is dead, he still makes things difficult for other people. and you can't imagine how confused the family left behind is. where on the one hand, maybe they also feel sad because they were abandoned by their late father, but on the other hand, they also feel quite annoyed about the problems their father inherited.

And based on that, this is quite an important lesson, especially for those of us whose daily lives involve gambling. Being able to be responsible when gambling is a very important principle for us to have, and it is also important to always ensure that we only gamble with an amount of money that we are prepared to lose, so that the gambling activities we do do not have a negative impact. also losses, both to yourself and others.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: serjent05 on March 03, 2024, 08:26:18 PM
In most countries when debt is so high then the gambler's family is bound to pay the debt. In most cases they have to sell their properties in order to pay the debt, but if debt isn't too much then the lender allows them to pay him on monthly basis. But, that lender can do so many wrong things with that family and whatever he tells them they'll have to obey his orders. I even heard that some of such lenders often sexually exploits wives and young daughters of those who take loan from them. It's a bitter truth but it happens in many communities. Lenders want their money back badly and for that they can go to any extent.

As far as I know, only the debtor is responsible for his debt.  If there is a guarantor then the guarantor will take responsibility depending on the signed agreement.  As what I have read, children have nothing to do with their parents debt, even the wife has no obligation to pay for his husband's debt except if the person in debt has properties under his name then this properties will be liquidated.  Just like what is stated in this article:

It may come as a relief to find out that, in general, you are not personally liable for your parents' debt. If they pass away with debt, it is repaid out of their estate. However, this means that debt repayment could diminish or eliminate assets and property you could have inherited from your parents.

It may look like that the family is paying for the debt but they are just liquidating the property of the family member in debt to pay for that person's debt.  Anyone harassing a family member of the person who has debt is against the law and the family member can file a case against that harasser.

However, if the loan is without collateral, the bank can charge the family and if it turns out they have assets, the assets are sold to pay off the bank.

In my country, if the asset is not under that person in the debt's name, the bank doesn't have the right to liquidate that asset even if it is known as a family asset.  In case there is a conjugal property, It can't be used to pay for the husband or wife debt unless the debt benefited the family. So to say by default even the conjugal property can't be used to pay the personal debt of the husband or the wife if the debt does not benefit the family.

Quote from:
The payment of personal debts contracted by the husband or the wife before or during the marriage shall not be charged to the conjugal properties partnership except insofar as they redounded to the benefit of the family. Neither shall the fines and indemnities imposed upon them be charged to the partnership

So the family property can't be used to pay a personal debt especially when the case is about gambling debt since it does not give benefit the family .  Here is an article[1] that further explains about conjugal property on personal debt...
But like most provisions of law, there are exceptions. If the husband incurred indebtedness but did not accrue an actual benefit to the family, his personal payment on the said debts shall not be charged to the conjugal properties.

So the answer to the title is no at least in my country,  since gambling debt is more on a personal gain and the debt incurred on that activity does not give benefit to the family.


Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: SeriouslyGiveaway on March 07, 2024, 02:35:47 AM
If a gambling addict dies and leaves debt to children or relatives, we need to consider how that person previously borrowed money. If it is a loan with collateral (for example, a house or car), it can affect their relatives. If it is a loan with handwritten documents stating that someone will pay the debt on their behalf, it will be an extremely big problem for the person staying, but I think the lenders will not choose this form ,because they cannot prove whether the person can repay them later or not. They usually choose to mortgage the property, it will be safer for them. There is another case of borrowing debt just through word of mouth. When the borrower passes away, relatives have no obligation to repay the debt. They can ask the government to intervene if the borrower comes to bother them. These undocumented loans often happen to close relatives or friends. Theoretically, relatives have no obligation to pay, but emotionally, they may have to bear the debt if they know that the deceased borrowed money from their people.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: carlfebz2 on March 11, 2024, 01:32:18 PM
If a gambling addict dies and leaves debt to children or relatives, we need to consider how that person previously borrowed money. If it is a loan with collateral (for example, a house or car), it can affect their relatives. If it is a loan with handwritten documents stating that someone will pay the debt on their behalf, it will be an extremely big problem for the person staying, but I think the lenders will not choose this form ,because they cannot prove whether the person can repay them later or not. They usually choose to mortgage the property, it will be safer for them. There is another case of borrowing debt just through word of mouth. When the borrower passes away, relatives have no obligation to repay the debt. They can ask the government to intervene if the borrower comes to bother them. These undocumented loans often happen to close relatives or friends. Theoretically, relatives have no obligation to pay, but emotionally, they may have to bear the debt if they know that the deceased borrowed money from their people.
There are loans which been given might not really be that too big for them to ask some collateral in the loan whether it would be a house or your car but if it would really be that something big
then it would really be understandable that they would really be asking in equal into those amounts on which it would really be that a common approach.
It is really just that sad if ever that there would really be something that stated on the contract which possibly that it would be included if ever the loan taker died.
If there's none then the family members wont really be needing to pay up such loan.

This is actually one of the main risks of those lendors whenever that someone do really die and cant be able to pay those loan amounts.
It would really be considered to be a total loss on that case.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: nara1892 on March 11, 2024, 02:18:34 PM
People inherit depts, whether the deacesed borrower used it for gambling or for any other purposes, but it'll be most painful for a person to inherit a dept that was used to gamble, especially if there was no wealth left behind to show for the deacesed gambling. If it's proven that the lender knows that the borrower was going to use the money for gambling and went ahead to borrow him, then I believe that who inherited the dept can have a case against the lender not to repay the loan. People should be responsible about gambling, that's why it's said that we should gamble with the amount that we can afford to loose.

This incident is very ironic, because even though he is dead, he still makes things difficult for other people. and you can't imagine how confused the family left behind is. where on the one hand, maybe they also feel sad because they were abandoned by their late father, but on the other hand, they also feel quite annoyed about the problems their father inherited.

And based on that, this is quite an important lesson, especially for those of us whose daily lives involve gambling. Being able to be responsible when gambling is a very important principle for us to have, and it is also important to always ensure that we only gamble with an amount of money that we are prepared to lose, so that the gambling activities we do do not have a negative impact. also losses, both to yourself and others.

I think that when someone is addicted to gambling, of course they have a lot of problems with their gambling that makes them unable to stop. including having debt due to gambling. and with those who are addicted it is already a burden for their family because there will most likely always be conflict with their family, and obviously it makes it difficult for other people, and with too much pressure that they cannot accept it so that they may end their life by committing suicide and leaving The outstanding debt is very difficult for his family who do not know anything about the gambling carried out by the main perpetrator.

I agree with you, we must be able to take this as a lesson so that it doesn't happen to those of us who also gamble. take full responsibility for everything we do ourselves so as not to harm ourselves and other people such as our own family. We should allocate money that we can afford, don't gamble beyond our financial capabilities which will torture us in the future.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: sunsilk on March 11, 2024, 02:25:03 PM
There is a term 'debt condonation' or 'debt forgiveness'. But this shall come from the lender if he'd just forgive the borrower upon death.

I think there are certain laws that will make the debtor totally debt free after his death and there won't be any inheritance from that person if ever it's a battle from the court and that lender will take all of the assets that should be for the kids.

It's kind of complicated because it depends on the lender, the country and its rules and laws about such issue.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Toro iskandar on March 11, 2024, 02:56:40 PM
There is a term 'debt condonation' or 'debt forgiveness'. But this shall come from the lender if he'd just forgive the borrower upon death.

I think there are certain laws that will make the debtor totally debt free after his death and there won't be any inheritance from that person if ever it's a battle from the court and that lender will take all of the assets that should be for the kids.

It's kind of complicated because it depends on the lender, the country and its rules and laws about such issue.

In my area there is still a term for debt forgiveness for the deceased and this raises the question of whether the family left behind will just keep quiet and let it go without paying the debts of the deceased or whether someone will actually do that. there are still family members left behind who can afford it. To get around this, the point is to return to each person's point of view.
If I hear that there are people who forgive people who are in debt, it would be noble if they only gave them the money they lent, but this is probably only a small percentage of people who have a generous spirit.
Because what is happening now is that it is very difficult to make money so only 1 in 10 people are able to do it and most people will still survive to get their money back.
If we look at it from a legal perspective, I see that up to now there is no law regarding debts and receivables, but if previously the borrower and debtor had mutually agreed regarding stamp duty, perhaps if the debtor broke his promise then the borrower could sue. for his mistake. carried out by the debtor.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Gheka on March 11, 2024, 03:40:10 PM
There is a term 'debt condonation' or 'debt forgiveness'. But this shall come from the lender if he'd just forgive the borrower upon death.

I think there are certain laws that will make the debtor totally debt free after his death and there won't be any inheritance from that person if ever it's a battle from the court and that lender will take all of the assets that should be for the kids.

It's kind of complicated because it depends on the lender, the country and its rules and laws about such issue.

In my area there is still a term for debt forgiveness for the deceased and this raises the question of whether the family left behind will just keep quiet and let it go without paying the debts of the deceased or whether someone will actually do that. there are still family members left behind who can afford it. To get around this, the point is to return to each person's point of view.
If I hear that there are people who forgive people who are in debt, it would be noble if they only gave them the money they lent, but this is probably only a small percentage of people who have a generous spirit.
Because what is happening now is that it is very difficult to make money so only 1 in 10 people are able to do it and most people will still survive to get their money back.
If we look at it from a legal perspective, I see that up to now there is no law regarding debts and receivables, but if previously the borrower and debtor had mutually agreed regarding stamp duty, perhaps if the debtor broke his promise then the borrower could sue. for his mistake. carried out by the debtor.
I think forgiveness and debt forgiveness often happen at this time, it belongs to the spiritual perspective as well as human kindness, lenders sometimes have already received enough interest, so continuing to hang on to the deceased is not a good idea. In addition, loans are sometimes unclear about the source of money, increasing the pressure on a family that will also be involved in the law and when this involves a human life, it will be a huge problem, therefore, it feels like inheriting very little debt from gambling, most likely there will be measures to keep both parties stable and not incur major losses.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Roseline492 on March 11, 2024, 06:19:29 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing.

Is very common in most places, were a father will use his house or other valuable properties as a collateral that if he doesn't pay on a particular time they should hold the property until the depth is being paid, that's what most family are passing through especially when the gambler is the father, however I have actually witnessed a case were a father borrowed a huge sum of money and submitted his house documents that if he did not meet up on the required date they should claim the house, although the reason why he borrowed the money was because of a game that he was certain will play so out of greed he decided to stake the game with everything he has, to his greatest surprise he lost the game and he could not withstand the trauma so died leaving the family homeless. This is the reason why people should control there gambling emotion so that they will take a decision that would affect them tomorrow.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: darkangel11 on March 11, 2024, 07:13:28 PM
I can tell you how it works in the EU and I bet it's very similar in other countries. When your parent passes away, you either go to a notary or to court, depending if you have a last will, or not and you decide if you accept the inheritance, or not. Usually if the debt is higher than the inheritance value, people don't accept it, but you cannot accept it partially and once it's done you receive everything, meaning the whole estate and all debt. You can't say you accept this and not that, so be careful what you sign.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: borovichok on March 11, 2024, 07:18:25 PM
It depends of the law and the regulations of the country where it's happening but usually debts can be inherited and the children can only reject the whole legacy if they don't want to have to pay them. That could be seen as unfair for many people but I think it's a protection for lenders and a better guarantee for borrowers who have children. Lenders are rarely responsible of the death of their debtors so it would be also unfair for them to lose their money because of that actually.

I don’t think any country`s law permits children must inherit their father`s debt. This used to be the old practice but today, most practices have changed since man is dynamic and so society changes. Before a person is given a loan, there must be collateral which is equivalent to the loan collected. A child can decide to inherit his father`s debt willingly if he is capable of paying and also doesn’t want to lose a family`s property because of the loan.

This is a similar case to what happened to a friend. A friend of mine cleared his father`s debt after his father`s demise. His father owed the bank and used his house as collateral. When the bank came to claim the house he offered to pay his father`s debt to retain the ownership of the house and the bank accepted. So, it is possible to inherit a father`s debt but you are not legally bound to clear the debt.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on March 11, 2024, 07:20:31 PM
Its very possible to inherit gambling debt especially when one is surrounded by addicted gamblers close to him, buts to say the truth, its a very bad thing to see that parents are into gambling and they are in debt, this will be a loads of headache on the children they are leaving behind, parent are meant to be so concerned about the future for their children and the possible ways they could help the situation with that and not to make the worst and be inconsiderate about the consequence to every of their actions in gambling, we don't have to be an irresponsible gambler, instead be considerate and think as accordingly for the future to our children.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: red4slash on March 11, 2024, 07:36:52 PM
A loan is a guarantee, so in this case i think it is possible to collect the guarantee that was previously promised if the debtor dies but still has a debt or if they can pay then the guarantee will be returned and the family will be asked to pay the remaining debt.
This kind of loan case is not only for gambling in the end because after all in this case i think it is included in the loan even if the money is used up in gambling but it is still a loan in the end.

But its indeed the worst possibility and should be avoided so that we do not harm others including families when our gambling activities are carried out because we dont know what happens in the future so we should think more logically. so that the gambling we doesnt become a burden for our closest people when we die .

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: coolcoinz on March 11, 2024, 09:20:04 PM
Yes, of course it's possible to inherit a gambling debt.

I don't know how often this happens, but inheriting a debt in general is a pretty common thing.

There was a case that I read about years ago where a small child inherited a debt because by law when someone dies you have 6 months to notify the court that you don't want the inheritance and this clears you of any debt, but if you don't do it, it's all on you. The problem starts when you're a child because in such case your parents have to do that for you, but what if you don't even know that someone close has died. Let's say you have a grandfather who lives abroad and you don't stay in touch. He dies, gets buried by some friends, but friends don;'t inherit stuff, so it all fall on you, you accept it and then get to know about the debt.
Pretty shitty situation if you ask me.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: adpinbr on March 12, 2024, 08:25:24 AM
There Is a process of borrowing money from any loan company or through a loan agent different loan companies have their own way and rules of borrowing money. Some people ask for Collateral some people ask for grantor some people also ask for some of your Bank details to be sure that you can be able to pay back the debt if you truly get, such money a few months a few years depending on the duration of the loan, so also, we definitely check your account statement and see what has gone in to see if you’re capable of releasing such amount of loan to you. Different companies have their own way if anyone should borrow someone alone without asking or Acces  for anything that will enable the person come back to pay the loan it’s on the person,you can’t blame the gambler.because the person might not know they don’t care axing much about that because even if they ask, no no one will ever tell loan  company that he or she’s borrowing money for gambling.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: mammusu on March 12, 2024, 09:50:25 AM
Its very possible to inherit gambling debt especially when one is surrounded by addicted gamblers close to him, buts to say the truth, its a very bad thing to see that parents are into gambling and they are in debt, this will be a loads of headache on the children they are leaving behind, parent are meant to be so concerned about the future for their children and the possible ways they could help the situation with that and not to make the worst and be inconsiderate about the consequence to every of their actions in gambling, we don't have to be an irresponsible gambler, instead be considerate and think as accordingly for the future to our children.
As a parent, you should not do something that will burden your child when he or she is gone, especially if they leave gambling debts, which in my opinion is completely unreasonable. Because how could they think of going into debt to gamble? I think that is something that is not wise at all. Especially if they are parents who should set a good example for their children, because in my opinion there are two possibilities if a child sees their parents' behavior, the first will follow and the second will reject it. And what I worry about is that when they try to follow what their parents did in gambling, it will be something bad for them in the future.

Parents must set a good example for their children, don't let what they do become an example of bad behavior. I'm sure if parents still had a good mindset, they wouldn't do something like this. However, I will not deny that there are some who do something like this, maybe this is only a small part, but still that cannot be a justification.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: sunsilk on March 12, 2024, 01:39:43 PM
There is a term 'debt condonation' or 'debt forgiveness'. But this shall come from the lender if he'd just forgive the borrower upon death.

I think there are certain laws that will make the debtor totally debt free after his death and there won't be any inheritance from that person if ever it's a battle from the court and that lender will take all of the assets that should be for the kids.

It's kind of complicated because it depends on the lender, the country and its rules and laws about such issue.

In my area there is still a term for debt forgiveness for the deceased and this raises the question of whether the family left behind will just keep quiet and let it go without paying the debts of the deceased or whether someone will actually do that. there are still family members left behind who can afford it. To get around this, the point is to return to each person's point of view.
If I hear that there are people who forgive people who are in debt, it would be noble if they only gave them the money they lent, but this is probably only a small percentage of people who have a generous spirit.
Because what is happening now is that it is very difficult to make money so only 1 in 10 people are able to do it and most people will still survive to get their money back.
If we look at it from a legal perspective, I see that up to now there is no law regarding debts and receivables, but if previously the borrower and debtor had mutually agreed regarding stamp duty, perhaps if the debtor broke his promise then the borrower could sue. for his mistake. carried out by the debtor.
If the family has been given the debt forgiveness then their silence makes sense because they won't be charged anymore. But this really depends on the loaner if they'll apply this.

I think what makes the argument strong is about the contract of the borrower if any of his family member co-signed in that contract. Otherwise, there's no sense for the loaner to push through with the debt of the deceased gambler.

The family can typically say that they have no obligation in paying of their loved ones that already passed and they have no idea about that debt.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Hirose UK on March 12, 2024, 01:44:01 PM
I don't think a gambling debt can be passed down.  I could be wrong but that would seriously suck.  What happens in the case where you don't even speak with your parents how would that debt come down to you now.  Same goes with all regular debt that doesn't have collateral tied to it.
That's right, in essence children are not collateral when taking out a loan. Gamblers usually owe money to close friends or the bank to take out loans. However, as far as I know, if someone dies, the bank loan does not have to be repaid. Meanwhile, debts with individuals or debts with relatives are very conditional, where to collect them from their children or their families, they must also include evidence such as notes or proof of loan transactions. Of course it was very annoying, because when his father died he hoped he would be fine, not inheriting debt, especially debt that was used for gambling, that would really break his heart.
Problem of borrowing when the person concerned is gone will become more complicated, if it is bank or company that offers loan then not everything will be easy and can be lost without needing to be repaid because each country has different regulations.
Moreover, there will always be guarantee when borrowing from bank or certain company, even with friends or relatives if it is large amount there will also be guarantee and also an official statement regarding the loan agreement.
But it cannot be imposed on children because child cannot take over his parents debts even under certain conditions because there will always be written agreement regarding all these things.
Usually there will be confiscation carried out by auctioning the loan collateral and the remaining money from the auction which is used to pay off the debt will be handed over to the family, this is little knowledge that I have.

It just that usually if they are gambler and are in debt due to gambling activities, they will very rarely take out loans from the bank because they will be more likely to borrow from friends or relatives with an agreement agreed to by both parties.
But there are some who borrow from loan sharks in casinos and this will be much more difficult because loan shark will have an unfair way of collecting debts, even though the person concerned is dead, the debt will still be collected no matter what.
It just that lending money to loan sharks in casinos can only happen in offline casinos.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Crypt0Gore on March 12, 2024, 04:19:25 PM
It doesn't end with gambling debts, as a good son or child that you are, you must clear the debts of your parents after laying them to rest, it's the right thing to do, and if the children are still very young then families should be able to handle the debts.

Maybe it's not the same in every other country since traditions aren't the same but this is how things are in my country, as an upcoming parent myself I don't recommend having debts on you, I am not the type that use debts to do anything, it's not in my nature.

It's better if we learn from this instead of just discussing about it, don't grow some stupid debts on yourself, if anything happen to you, your kids will be the ones to pay up, and that's not good, really.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Sim_card on March 12, 2024, 04:31:25 PM
It doesn't end with gambling debts, as a good son or child that you are, you must clear the debts of your parents after laying them to rest, it's the right thing to do, and if the children are still very young then families should be able to handle the debts.

Maybe it's not the same in every other country since traditions aren't the same but this is how things are in my country, as an upcoming parent myself I don't recommend having debts on you, I am not the type that use debts to do anything, it's not in my nature.

It's better if we learn from this instead of just discussing about it, don't grow some stupid debts on yourself, if anything happen to you, your kids will be the ones to pay up, and that's not good, really.
Yea, of course it is a norm for children to inherit their late father's debt and pay it up, so that they can live peacefully. A child should not only inherit something good from his father, but should also welcome the ugly ones like debts. If a man dies does not mean that he goes to grave with his debts, but whoever is in the shoes of paying such debt would be held responsible to pay it. If the gambler left properties or money equivalent behind, it would be converted to cash and clear up the debt.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: 348Judah on March 12, 2024, 04:38:32 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing.

Is very common in most places, were a father will use his house or other valuable properties as a collateral that if he doesn't pay on a particular time they should hold the property until the depth is being paid, that's what most family are passing through especially when the gambler is the father, however I have actually witnessed a case were a father borrowed a huge sum of money and submitted his house documents that if he did not meet up on the required date they should claim the house, although the reason why he borrowed the money was because of a game that he was certain will play so out of greed he decided to stake the game with everything he has, to his greatest surprise he lost the game and he could not withstand the trauma so died leaving the family homeless. This is the reason why people should control there gambling emotion so that they will take a decision that would affect them tomorrow.

It would have been better if they are the ones that face the consequences to what they have done than leaving those debts for their children or family to be battling with after which they are nowhere to be found, this calls for us as well to be very mindful on the ways of how we gamble, we shouldn't go over in taking some steps that will have a negative future repercussion, we have to be attentive to the way we gamble and be also considerate of those around us if the way we are gambling will not one day put them in trouble. 

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: piebeyb on March 12, 2024, 05:07:35 PM
It's better if we learn from this instead of just discussing about it, don't grow some stupid debts on yourself, if anything happen to you, your kids will be the ones to pay up, and that's not good, really.
At least as parents, if throughout our lives we cannot make our children or partners happy, let alone family, at least don't make it difficult for them when they die, let alone leaving behind debts and our children have to bear it, that should also be a warning to ourselves that never make it difficult for anyone when gambling. Gambling must be done with money that is ready to be lost, not gambling with borrowed money, that is clearly not a good way to do it, even though there are many cases like that, it is clear that this problem must be used as a lesson and also a lesson so that we don't do it.

I think we all know that there are many cases out there where lots of gambling addicts commit suicide because they are in debt to loan sharks and they have no other way but to end their lives, it is clear that borrowing money to gamble is not a solution, gambling must be a place to have fun, not to look for money, let alone wealth, because that's not the place but people always expect it when gambling, I'm not a hypocrite and I also want to win but we have to be able to control ourselves by changing our mindset by making gambling something It's a fun thing not to take it too seriously and play with good control, this way allows us to avoid gambling addiction, anything related to gambling addiction will always end up bad.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: bettercrypto on March 12, 2024, 05:25:44 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

If you borrow a large amount, for sure there is collateral; it cannot be without it because the lender is poor. Now, if the collateral is the house and lot that his own family lives in and they don't know what he did and suddenly something unexpected happens to the gambler who took a loan, for sure there are only two things they can do: either pay his family that lives in the collateral they live in or they leave home.

So it is not good to borrow with collateral that is actually given. It's okay to provide a document like a valid ID or certificate of employment; that's fine, I think.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: BlackBaron on March 12, 2024, 05:35:36 PM
It would have been better if they are the ones that face the consequences to what they have done than leaving those debts for their children or family to be battling with after which they are nowhere to be found, this calls for us as well to be very mindful on the ways of how we gamble, we shouldn't go over in taking some steps that will have a negative future repercussion, we have to be attentive to the way we gamble and be also considerate of those around us if the way we are gambling will not one day put them in trouble. 
That right, if you no longer get pleasure from gambling, it is a sign that it is time to stop. Don't force yourself to gamble too much, it's not a good idea to take out a loan or get into debt to gamble. It is important to look far ahead, not involve other people in the problems we create by gambling. Close people or family are not assets that can be used as collateral to pay off gambling debts.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: danadc on March 12, 2024, 05:56:42 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

If you borrow a large amount, for sure there is collateral; it cannot be without it because the lender is poor. Now, if the collateral is the house and lot that his own family lives in and they don't know what he did and suddenly something unexpected happens to the gambler who took a loan, for sure there are only two things they can do: either pay his family that lives in the collateral they live in or they leave home.

So it is not good to borrow with collateral that is actually given. It's okay to provide a document like a valid ID or certificate of employment; that's fine, I think.

Sometimes it is better not to lend money, especially with such delicate collateral, apart from that if you lend money to play in a casino it is the worst thing you can do, the person is condemned for his financial life, and if that person loses the money because the only thing left is to look for money to try to recover your collateral and pay as soon as possible and that this serves as a lesson so that you learn that you don't play with that, wasting money is not a game, they can take even your money walking, if someone starts lending money to dangerous organizations they are capable of killing them and everything, that is something that you have to be very careful with.

In different parts of the world each loan has its conditions, so when taking a loan you have to think about all the possible scenarios, so that it is not taken as a surprise.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: boty on March 12, 2024, 06:09:16 PM
It would have been better if they are the ones that face the consequences to what they have done than leaving those debts for their children or family to be battling with after which they are nowhere to be found, this calls for us as well to be very mindful on the ways of how we gamble, we shouldn't go over in taking some steps that will have a negative future repercussion, we have to be attentive to the way we gamble and be also considerate of those around us if the way we are gambling will not one day put them in trouble. 
That right, if you no longer get pleasure from gambling, it is a sign that it is time to stop. Don't force yourself to gamble too much, it's not a good idea to take out a loan or get into debt to gamble. It is important to look far ahead, not involve other people in the problems we create by gambling. Close people or family are not assets that can be used as collateral to pay off gambling debts.
Choosing to stop gambling activities when you can no longer enjoy gambling will certainly be better and this will not put us in financial trouble, because if we continue to force ourselves to gamble it will of course put us in financial trouble and even worse we will take out loans to gambling and if we can't pay it, of course it will make the people closest to us have to pay the loan that we have lent, of course this is very detrimental to them with our gambling habits.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: promise444c5 on March 15, 2024, 07:43:00 AM
It would have been better if they are the ones that face the consequences to what they have done than leaving those debts for their children or family to be battling with after which they are nowhere to be found, this calls for us as well to be very mindful on the ways of how we gamble, we shouldn't go over in taking some steps that will have a negative future repercussion, we have to be attentive to the way we gamble and be also considerate of those around us if the way we are gambling will not one day put them in trouble. 
That right, if you no longer get pleasure from gambling, it is a sign that it is time to stop. Don't force yourself to gamble too much, it's not a good idea to take out a loan or get into debt to gamble. It is important to look far ahead, not involve other people in the problems we create by gambling. Close people or family are not assets that can be used as collateral to pay off gambling debts.
Choosing to stop gambling activities when you can no longer enjoy gambling will certainly be better and this will not put us in financial trouble, because if we continue to force ourselves to gamble it will of course put us in financial trouble and even worse we will take out loans to gambling and if we can't pay it, of course it will make the people closest to us have to pay the loan that we have lent, of course this is very detrimental to them with our gambling habits.
That's it ! Everything  should have a limit  to avoid wreckage and this is a good practice  under gambling, there should be a time to know when to stop unless you're  only playing  for fun and might not consider  any outcome from it .
(Gamble  Responsibly)

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: KiaKia on March 15, 2024, 08:37:39 AM
It depends of the law and the regulations of the country where it's happening but usually debts can be inherited and the children can only reject the whole legacy if they don't want to have to pay them. That could be seen as unfair for many people but I think it's a protection for lenders and a better guarantee for borrowers who have children. Lenders are rarely responsible of the death of their debtors so it would be also unfair for them to lose their money because of that actually.

I don’t think any country`s law permits children must inherit their father`s debt. This used to be the old practice but today, most practices have changed since man is dynamic and so society changes. Before a person is given a loan, there must be collateral which is equivalent to the loan collected. A child can decide to inherit his father`s debt willingly if he is capable of paying and also doesn’t want to lose a family`s property because of the loan.

This is a similar case to what happened to a friend. A friend of mine cleared his father`s debt after his father`s demise. His father owed the bank and used his house as collateral. When the bank came to claim the house he offered to pay his father`s debt to retain the ownership of the house and the bank accepted. So, it is possible to inherit a father`s debt but you are not legally bound to clear the debt.
Things have changed is why the world is in so much mess today.

In my country, it's not about if the law permits or not, it's simply culture, and in religion aspect it's wrong for a deceased to have some debts on their head.

It makes their RIP to be a hard one, rumour has it that if you are in debt and you die you will have a difficult time passing the right spirit world gates after gates, and the only way you can pass is if your child or your family member settles your debts.

That's why parents are telling all their children the names of people they are owing, even when they are not prepared to pay the debts yet.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: arwin100 on March 15, 2024, 09:08:56 AM
It would have been better if they are the ones that face the consequences to what they have done than leaving those debts for their children or family to be battling with after which they are nowhere to be found, this calls for us as well to be very mindful on the ways of how we gamble, we shouldn't go over in taking some steps that will have a negative future repercussion, we have to be attentive to the way we gamble and be also considerate of those around us if the way we are gambling will not one day put them in trouble. 
That right, if you no longer get pleasure from gambling, it is a sign that it is time to stop. Don't force yourself to gamble too much, it's not a good idea to take out a loan or get into debt to gamble. It is important to look far ahead, not involve other people in the problems we create by gambling. Close people or family are not assets that can be used as collateral to pay off gambling debts.
Choosing to stop gambling activities when you can no longer enjoy gambling will certainly be better and this will not put us in financial trouble, because if we continue to force ourselves to gamble it will of course put us in financial trouble and even worse we will take out loans to gambling and if we can't pay it, of course it will make the people closest to us have to pay the loan that we have lent, of course this is very detrimental to them with our gambling habits.
That's it ! Everything  should have a limit  to avoid wreckage and this is a good practice  under gambling, there should be a time to know when to stop unless you're  only playing  for fun and might not consider  any outcome from it .
(Gamble  Responsibly)

Gambling Responsibly will just remain a reminder if people don't totally apply it for their selves that's the reason why we can see a lot of gambler messed up with this since they are out of control and didn't listen to the advices of people concerned to them. That's why it create deep trouble to people surrounds them since those people who owe him money trying to get back the funds which has been compromised.

But they should know that people can't charge or ask to pay the debts of their deceased love ones since no one can force them to do that. Gamblers need to learn a lesson from other experiences so they can reflect to theirselves that what they have done will not have bad effect to his family.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Obari on March 15, 2024, 09:19:52 AM
If you want to borrow money, there must be a collateral. If there is not collateral, there must be one or more guarantors. I do not think anyone can be a guarantor of a gambler. It is the father that have the debt and if he dies, his family will pay with the properties or works that the father left on earth. I do not think the son have any problem with his own property. That is why it is good to have your own property and be independent.
Exactly 👍
I was just about writing same thing, not until I came across this your response and bless God else it would have seem more like plagiarism and this is also a clear indication that people can be more of like minds and reading comments before responses also does matters.
Everybody going to get a loan irrespective of the purpose for the loan ought to have a collateral depending on the terms of the lender, which at some point, most lenders do ask for collaterals worth twice or even thrice the value of the loan, so as to avoid cases like this and most of them, also ask for guarantors so in case they can’t claim the property or collateral, the guarantor stands in the gab for the borrower, I don’t think this case should be a burden to anyone who isn’t part of the loan terms.

But let’s just assume things don’t go as planned and there was no collateral or maybe a guarantor as well and the loan was given out of trust, and incase of death, I think the family of the borrower should be held responsible for the loan and if there isn’t a peaceful negotiation, then it can be settle in the court.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Gozie51 on March 15, 2024, 09:41:59 AM

Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives.

Well in the past maybe society don't recognize gamblers are maybe talk down on them and that is because of the kind of life that they live that is full of lies and deceit, distrust and untrustworthy, lacking capacity for keeping to their words, speaking and acting in vogue ways and most especially capable to hoodwink you out of your own money but things have changed lately . This time around there are different reputable people and influencers that are earning a living through gambling and gambling streaming. There are also different companies that are running under gambling business and government is generating huge tax income from them, so that line of anger doesn't really exist because whatever happens can be taken care of since gambling is now regulated.

Could it be talked through in the law court?

I don't think someone will be made to face the punishment of another person, if you owe debt to someone I believe the judgement will be how to pay that debt using the debtor's resources and not the descendants. Therefore, if the debtor has properties that has been transferred to the descendants then it can be confiscated IMO.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Hirose UK on March 17, 2024, 01:12:17 PM
That's it ! Everything  should have a limit  to avoid wreckage and this is a good practice  under gambling, there should be a time to know when to stop unless you're  only playing  for fun and might not consider  any outcome from it .
(Gamble  Responsibly)
Gambling Responsibly will just remain a reminder if people don't totally apply it for their selves that's the reason why we can see a lot of gambler messed up with this since they are out of control and didn't listen to the advices of people concerned to them. That's why it create deep trouble to people surrounds them since those people who owe him money trying to get back the funds which has been compromised.

But they should know that people can't charge or ask to pay the debts of their deceased love ones since no one can force them to do that. Gamblers need to learn a lesson from other experiences so they can reflect to theirselves that what they have done will not have bad effect to his family.
True and gambling responsibly is just reminder statement but it won't be able to have any influence when gambler is unable to implement it, they can think but their desire makes the thought of implementing the right thing forgotten.
In fact, the advice and suggestions of other people are very important, but all of this is also taken for granted by most gamblers and they more often forget about self-control and then just act according to what they want in every gambling activity.
Problems that occur must be resolved well, but sometimes many people don't really care about any problems that arise from their own attitude, difficulties in the future become an end point that people like this definitely experience.
Indeed, it would be better to always consider the risks and impacts that could occur in every decision, such as the decision to borrow money, there must be many things taken into consideration so as not to cause problems in the future.

Learning from other people experiences is sometimes very important and useful, this is why everyone needs to have lot of experience and be able to see other people experiences to use as motivation to be careful in acting in certain activities such as gambling.
But unfortunately some people think experience is not important because they think they are smart enough and know what to do.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: TheUltraElite on April 01, 2024, 04:06:54 PM
But unfortunately some people think experience is not important because they think they are smart enough and know what to do.
Experience will only teach you one truth - do not gamble if you want to make money and not waste it.

That if followed immediately corrects the question in the OP, if someone learns from gambling that it can lead to serious debts and bankruptcy issues, they would not gamble in the first place or stop it as soon as possible.

However most are unable to reach the conclusion and they ignore it and continue to play, endangering the lives of their close ones and next of kin. Most debt collectors in todays world are not that brutal but they try to persuade people and that can be scary. From a lenders point of view, such debt should be passed on to next of kin once they are old enough.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Wiwo on April 01, 2024, 04:19:10 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
It depends on what the agreement because if the dad is not aware of the debt in the first place and none of his signatures or properties is used for collateral to take the loan then I will say that it still nit your obligations to take or inherit such debts so you have every right to deny consent and be debt free.

But in situations where maybe you dad used the house for collateral for the loan and now he I unable to pay, then you may be indirectly obligated to make a refunds.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: adpinbr on June 02, 2024, 10:59:58 AM
Well I feel like it happens but what don’t know if they inherit or not

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Strongkored on June 02, 2024, 02:41:23 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
Is there any data? because if we only look at a few cases around us, we can't describe the truth.
Gamblers who are in debt are very likely to take out loans not through official parties, for example from banks unless they borrow from the bank for business but in reality they spend it on gambling, so it could be that they will be in debt from loan sharks and that is dangerous for their families, their families could be terrorized by loan sharks, which can be dangerous, but do loans from loan sharks have official documents? otherwise it doesn't seem like it will be able to ensnare his family, because loans from loan sharks do not have legal force or there are official laws that regulate them.
However, as far as I know, official loans such as through banks will depend on agreements, but maybe each country is different so you have to look at the laws that apply in that country.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: dezoel on June 04, 2024, 02:51:32 PM
I don't think someone will be made to face the punishment of another person, if you owe debt to someone I believe the judgement will be how to pay that debt using the debtor's resources and not the descendants. Therefore, if the debtor has properties that has been transferred to the descendants then it can be confiscated IMO.
I don't know if there are any laws regarding this or not, but I feel like a child will generally accept the debts and be ready to pay the ones who the money was taken from if they can easily afford it. In case the child can't afford to pay the debt taken by the late father, I guess they can appeal to the court that the father has passed away and they can't afford to pay the debt he has taken, and there might be some ruling regarding this.

Generally, people who pass away are exempted from the debts and whatever they had on them if those they have taken the money from have moral values because it's not right to ask someone else to pay what a late person had taken unless they are rich and can easily afford to pay the debt back.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Toro iskandar on June 04, 2024, 03:53:32 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

It sounds very sad if the incident really happens in our family members, but for me personally, an incident like what you said actually does exist in someone's life, what I mean is that I have heard that there is a child who bears and is responsible for the debt left by his father because his father used to like to gamble or could be called a gambling addict or crazy and the father may not have dared to tell his bad behavior to family members, even the father dared to borrow money from his friend to gamble, but according to the agreement only the father and his friend knew and the child would be fully responsible for paying the loan to his father's friend.
So in the end the only way is for the child and his family to have to return it immediately or they will often experience terror from the borrower.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Bravut on June 04, 2024, 04:10:01 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

It sounds very sad if the incident really happens in our family members, but for me personally, an incident like what you said actually does exist in someone's life, what I mean is that I have heard that there is a child who bears and is responsible for the debt left by his father because his father used to like to gamble or could be called a gambling addict or crazy and the father may not have dared to tell his bad behavior to family members, even the father dared to borrow money from his friend to gamble, but according to the agreement only the father and his friend knew and the child would be fully responsible for paying the loan to his father's friend.
So in the end the only way is for the child and his family to have to return it immediately or they will often experience terror from the borrower.

It is very possible to inherit gambling debt, by nature and custom, after the death of either the Father or Mother the children or family left are expected to pay the debt if demanded. I have read and also heard about cases like this, and is so bad to pay a debt which was used for gambling with interest already yielded.
This is one of the many reasons I emphasize on limits, risk control and Moderation in gambling because only an addicted gambler will borrow money just to gamble to satisfy his urge.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Frankolala on June 04, 2024, 04:19:04 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

It sounds very sad if the incident really happens in our family members, but for me personally, an incident like what you said actually does exist in someone's life, what I mean is that I have heard that there is a child who bears and is responsible for the debt left by his father because his father used to like to gamble or could be called a gambling addict or crazy and the father may not have dared to tell his bad behavior to family members, even the father dared to borrow money from his friend to gamble, but according to the agreement only the father and his friend knew and the child would be fully responsible for paying the loan to his father's friend.
So in the end the only way is for the child and his family to have to return it immediately or they will often experience terror from the borrower.

It is very possible to inherit gambling debt, by nature and custom, after the death of either the Father or Mother the children or family left are expected to pay the debt if demanded. I have read and also heard about cases like this, and is so bad to pay a debt which was used for gambling with interest already yielded.
This is one of the many reasons I emphasize on limits, risk control and Moderation in gambling because only an addicted gambler will borrow money just to gamble to satisfy his urge.
In some countries, it is lawful to pay the debt owed by the deceased. The family of the deceased will be help responsible to pay up such debt. If the debtor has a property, it would be sold to make payments and if he does not have, his family members will look for a means to pay back the debts.

This is why irresponsible gambling is not good and can lead to a great pain on the family, if the late person had a gambling debt before he passed on. Be a responsible gambler and don't put too much burden on your family after death.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: pinggoki on June 04, 2024, 04:25:22 PM
Depending on what do you mean, if it's a debt or loan from a person, yes you can definitely inherit a debt, in the case of establishments like casinos, bar, and other gambling amenities, it might be possible that they don't mind not forgiving the debt, the most difficult one would be those debts that got some written contracts in it, if the clause says your family would inherit the debt, you'd definitely have to obligate yourself to pay that debt. It's a sad and pathetic ending for some gambling addict to be in because you're the only one that has done it to you and now you're letting in others to take the blame.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Cookdata on June 04, 2024, 04:33:42 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

I'm not sure if you are aware of credit loan insurance policy, the banks that offer loans make use of this insurance for most of their customers. Now, what I'm not sure about the loan you are talking about is whether the loan was taking from bank to gamble or it was taking from another person. If the loan the person taking to gamble is from the bank, there is a credit insure on the loan and what the decease people need to do is to provide the bank with a death certificate and the bank will take care of it.

However. If the loan is coming from a random person and there was agreement of payment between the lender and the decease, then the family must provide alternative to pay back the loan the person must have owe alive or dead, there is no two ways about that unless the lender decide to forget about the loan.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Chilwell on June 04, 2024, 04:59:12 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
It depends on what the agreement because if the dad is not aware of the debt in the first place and none of his signatures or properties is used for collateral to take the loan then I will say that it still nit your obligations to take or inherit such debts so you have every right to deny consent and be debt free.

But in situations where maybe you dad used the house for collateral for the loan and now he I unable to pay, then you may be indirectly obligated to make a refunds.
Base on Islamic rules we should make sure we don't have debt after we have died, but it very difficult to see died person debt free, that why during the funeral prayer the Imam that will lead the prayer will ask whether the person is owning anyone and also who are owning the person too before performing the salat, from this point we will no who is owning and who are owning too then after the will try to resolve the issue.

Once it is noticed that the person is owning, the only thing we think of is how to repay back the money, if the person have properties then we rise the money from there and if the person doesn't have anything left than we will source the money somewhere else to make the repayment. In our believe if the person comes with prove we pay, we don't care how the person spent it or what he used it for, the best we pay back so that the person soul will rest.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Lanatsa on June 04, 2024, 05:21:57 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

I'm not sure if you are aware of credit loan insurance policy, the banks that offer loans make use of this insurance for most of their customers. Now, what I'm not sure about the loan you are talking about is whether the loan was taking from bank to gamble or it was taking from another person. If the loan the person taking to gamble is from the bank, there is a credit insure on the loan and what the decease people need to do is to provide the bank with a death certificate and the bank will take care of it.

However. If the loan is coming from a random person and there was agreement of payment between the lender and the decease, then the family must provide alternative to pay back the loan the person must have owe alive or dead, there is no two ways about that unless the lender decide to forget about the loan.
I can attest to this on which i do have a credit card back in the past on which i have used all the credit limit of it on which its already that too big for me to pay it up the whole amount, which i do really end up on having that paying that monthly amount due and its been a long time i've been paying the interest. On the moment that the bank been trying to put up that insurance then it is really that an another add up into the whole amount which is really that a burden. Just in case that there's something  that happened into you then since you do have the insurance then all of those debts would really be paid up.
For those loved ones on whom you had left on then for sure they would really having no problems about paying up those debts.

Somehow, if this one would really be that in between other people like having those kind of agreements then it could really be potentially be possible that there would really be passing up
that kind of responsibility on which it do really sucks on that case.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Z_MBFM on June 04, 2024, 05:29:00 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
Banks will never lend money to someone who cannot afford to pay it back. If you want to take a loan from a bank or an organization, you have to keep some collateral or show a strong source of income and give a loan after taking the signature of some guarantors, so no one will take a loan and do not care where the money will be used. If the loan is overdue, they will own the collateral or collect the money from the guarantors. such is the case with loans.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: JunaidAzizi on June 04, 2024, 05:43:14 PM
I don't know about the debt rules in other countries, and sometimes it varies from place to place but in my place where I live there is a rule of debt if some one borrows money he must give some coletral to the person from whom he borrows money and if he doesn't pay at the time or unable to pay then the person keeps the coletral.But when a gambler died in a way that he has borrowed many from person then the borrower took some part from his property to the same amount he gave to the gambler with or without the help of court depend on the situations that the gambler family giving his money or not.
In my personal view, no one needs to give money to the gambler, first there is no specified time for death and the second is that gambler got addiction and he lost everything in the gambling at the end he came to you for money, so this means that there is nothing in his pocket from which you can refill your payment.
But I have a small question from all of you and if you want to know about it then share it with me.
What if we do wrong with him by not giving him loan, maybe by giving him this loan he can get some money and clear all his debt along with yours.Does in selfishness we can ruin his life?

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Dewi Aries on June 04, 2024, 06:40:26 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
Banks will never lend money to someone who cannot afford to pay it back. If you want to take a loan from a bank or an organization, you have to keep some collateral or show a strong source of income and give a loan after taking the signature of some guarantors, so no one will take a loan and do not care where the money will be used. If the loan is overdue, they will own the collateral or collect the money from the guarantors. such is the case with loans.

Yes that's true, but I think it's still possible to happen when someone has collateral or when someone dares to pledge something big that they own like a vehicle or land or even their own house, meaning the bank will still give you a loan if there is one. something that can be used as collateral, and also what this means is that it doesn't mean the bank won't lend money unless, for example, a gambler doesn't have anything that can be used as collateral at all.

In the end, this is what is worried about when a gambler has reached a level of chronic addiction to gambling where they can do anything or justify any means just to fund their gambling activities, whether it is borrowing, stealing or deceiving many people in order to get the big win they have always dreamed of.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: OgNasty on June 04, 2024, 07:36:22 PM
Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt...  This is a loaded question.  As others have stated, when getting a loan you typically have to put up collateral, so in the event someone dies and their heirs aren't willing to pay their debts, the lender just takes that collateral.

All that said, the answer to this question really depends on who loans you the money.  If you borrow money from the mob and die without paying them back, your heirs may find themselves in a sticky situation when the mob comes looking for their money.  That's why collateral exists in the first place. 

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Woodie on June 04, 2024, 08:02:58 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids.
Without any bias or prejudice...don't you think having a family puts pressure on the man as he needs to find resources to take care of the family, and in some households the women usually don't work which means one person is bringing in the money and you can never take a break when it comes to paying bills💰  ::)

Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad.
It depends on how the agreement was setup, and how the lenders business was some scenarios insurance can cover the lender, or family can step in if evidence can be produced...

And btw when it comes to debt it's never about he or she is a gambler...debt is handled the same gambler or not !

Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
If person is alive yep Court can handle this...but for a dead guy I don't think so unless collateral is involved and other members of the family don't want you to have the collateral...

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Samlucky O on June 05, 2024, 12:29:31 AM
What you said is true, as a matter of fact many father has kept a whole lots of depth for their children from the loan they took from gambling. But I don't think such case may be judged in the law court because it is the case of a deceased that has transferred loan indirectly to their children. If atol such case may exist in Court, The judgement may just be slim, like such person will pay %50 or funny enough %60 of the total amount of loan owed by the father. Reason may be that such person was not the one that directly owe the loan and perhaps he was not part of the agreement so he has the right to shear the Dept with the second person and not paying for all the loan. So it's a normal thing though which is not sorpos to be normal, but there is no how government will hold a debtor to pay back his loan after death, but this things can be fixed by colethral agreement. Sothat after passing away such agreement can be used to pay off the loan owed by the debtors before they pass on.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: klidex on June 05, 2024, 12:51:47 AM
Indeed, that is what will happen if the gambler dies but has not paid off the debt, then the family will bear the consequences even though the family does not eat the money that has been borrowed but has to bear the burden which should not be their responsibility and if the loan is large and includes collateral then the family will lose one of the valuables because the borrower uses collateral. But if you borrow without collateral, the family is also obliged to pay because if you don't pay, the family will most likely be sued by the person who lent the money, the person who lent the money doesn't care even if the borrower has died because the most important thing is for them they can get the money back along with interest which the borrower must bear somehow.

This is like the case of my neighbor, my friend's father borrowed money from a fairly large bank and used a mortgage, the borrower used it to gamble but for some reason the money didn't produce anything and over time it ran out and not long after, his father died and the family was forced to bear the burden. created by his father and because they were poor and didn't have a job, their house was confiscated and finally the family was burdened because they no longer had anything. This is what makes us think twice if we want to borrow money to gamble.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: dansus021 on June 05, 2024, 04:19:22 AM
If you ask like this Is it possible to inherit a debt? the answer is yes most of the debt is inherent to their kid or relatives when the person that has debt is die, and in this case the debt to other user not a debt with bank or loan App like Defi or something like that.

and if the question like this Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt? Just don't do gamble frennn if you don't have money I mean what are you doing if you still insist to do gamble then use a collateral don't inherit your debt to someone else

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Dewi Aries on June 05, 2024, 06:54:42 PM
If you ask like this Is it possible to inherit a debt? the answer is yes most of the debt is inherent to their kid or relatives when the person that has debt is die, and in this case the debt to other user not a debt with bank or loan App like Defi or something like that.

and if the question like this Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt? Just don't do gamble frennn if you don't have money I mean what are you doing if you still insist to do gamble then use a collateral don't inherit your debt to someone else

Yes it is true, that when the person with the debt dies then the responsibility will pass to their family members such as their children or siblings or spouse, but I think this covers all loan services, or what it means is that no matter where they borrowed then eventually the loan service will look for people closest to them to be held accountable which usually if they cannot pay the debt then the service or even confiscate certain items or assets that have the same value as the loan amount.

Yes, the point is that if you or anyone does not have money that we can be responsible for if in the end we lose then it is clearly better not to gamble at all, there is no other way but not to do it because after all prevention is always better than cure, and we can see that lately there are quite a lot of addicted gamblers who have problems in terms of loans such as debt.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Accardo on June 05, 2024, 07:08:45 PM
If you ask like this Is it possible to inherit a debt? the answer is yes most of the debt is inherent to their kid or relatives when the person that has debt is die, and in this case the debt to other user not a debt with bank or loan App like Defi or something like that.

and if the question like this Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt? Just don't do gamble frennn if you don't have money I mean what are you doing if you still insist to do gamble then use a collateral don't inherit your debt to someone else

Yes it is true, that when the person with the debt dies then the responsibility will pass to their family members such as their children or siblings or spouse, but I think this covers all loan services, or what it means is that no matter where they borrowed then eventually the loan service will look for people closest to them to be held accountable which usually if they cannot pay the debt then the service or even confiscate certain items or assets that have the same value as the loan amount.

Yes, the point is that if you or anyone does not have money that we can be responsible for if in the end we lose then it is clearly better not to gamble at all, there is no other way but not to do it because after all prevention is always better than cure, and we can see that lately there are quite a lot of addicted gamblers who have problems in terms of loans such as debt.

It's tempting mostly as a gambler to pick up borrowing money as the option to solve the problem of not having money for gambling. Have watched multiple families complaining bitterly online about the challenges they're facing regarding the loan their parents took for gambling purposes before leaving the world. However, the information that loan sharks require to hand out money to people is quite too enormous to make a gambler feel threatened not to borrow the money again.

I've been there and was not conductively convinced to borrow money because I had to fill a form that gets the phone number of my family and friends. In a decentralized world as this, information is the most important of all. The worst thing about being a gambler is getting our loved ones into severe trouble even when we are not here. Instead of instigating such traumas on them, it's better to relieve ourselves of gambling with borrowed money and wait until we've made money, then gambling can be the next option.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: shivansps on June 05, 2024, 07:19:05 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

I think it depends on the law, but personally I think that none of the children should pay off debts for their parents. You can understand when a person took out a loan to buy a house or build it. Everything here is clear and simple. The house will be inherited by the children, they will have to pay for it when they are able to do so, or the house will be sold and the difference will be returned. It’s another matter when a person took money and spent it at his own discretion, leaving nothing behind. Why should children give money here?

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: teamsherry on June 05, 2024, 07:20:08 PM
It depends on how the loan is inquired and the conditions in place before the laon deal is struck, if there agreed to take a collateral then the lender would have to take that collateral should in case he dies or anything happens or if his family can pay off the debt then no issue, but if its a non collateral loan then I don't know how it would go down cause the trusted party has died and his family might chose not to bear the burden of the loan, when dealing with giving out loan whether to gamblers or non gamblers is good to take a collateral that is worth Your money cause taht that is equal to gone if s/he is a very irresponsible one.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: ndutndut on June 05, 2024, 07:34:32 PM
It is very possible to inherit gambling debt, by nature and custom, after the death of either the Father or Mother the children or family left are expected to pay the debt if demanded. I have read and also heard about cases like this, and is so bad to pay a debt which was used for gambling with interest already yielded.
This is one of the many reasons I emphasize on limits, risk control and Moderation in gambling because only an addicted gambler will borrow money just to gamble to satisfy his urge.
In my country, if a person dies still has debts, they must be paid off by their surviving children or wife by selling the assets or valuables left behind by the deceased person to pay off all debts, including gambling debts. Cases like this often occur so it is not surprising that many people hate gambling because it has damaged the minds of many people with the winnings on offer, making them trapped in debt.

This is the result of someone who is addicted to gambling will do anything to get money so they can gamble even though the money comes from debt. They don't think about the impact in the future, even though a debt is still a debt that must be repaid even if the owner of the debt has died. Gambling addiction is not only a problem for ourselves but will also be a nuisance for those closest to us, therefore gamble responsibly. Use OP's case or cases in our environment as a lesson for us so we can be smarter in carrying out gambling activities.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: GideonGono on June 05, 2024, 08:26:32 PM
I think it would depend on the contract that they signed, but I guess it is possible and it is happening in some countries.
Even if it isn't gambling debt, just a normal loan there are times that the children would inherit it, and the collectors would come to the family members.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Wiwo on June 05, 2024, 08:39:29 PM
If the loan is taken from an individual and there is an agreement it shows that the family will have to pay off the debt and at the level of that the one own will have to take a legal action if the family refuse to take care of the debt outside the court. 

Also if the loan is taken from a bank that will be an automatic demand and requirement, because the collateral for the loan will be revoked and taken in as the property of the bank, this collateral could be landed property even a family house.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Tmoonz on June 05, 2024, 08:39:37 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

This act is mostly associated with those indulging in irresponsible gambling, which includes borrowing money to gamble, betting more than what they can afford to loss, gambling in order to make profit rather than a game or fun play, that reminds me of senerio cases where a family lost one of their only inherited landed property their late used for collateral unknowingly to them not until the death of their late father which was not even equivalent to the amount owed, what a tragedy. However, greed is one of the thing that will any one to borrow money in order to gamble, staying within your allocated fund for gambling is the best where if you lost you lost and never chase losses for he who fight and run away lives to fight another day.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: tread93 on June 06, 2024, 01:24:19 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

Man, isn't that the opposite of leaving an inheritance? Maybe have to call that one an outheritance because they ain't getting squat but have to shell out instead when their dad dies. Especially if he was a POS gambler, its one thing if he was at least present and has a good relationship with their family but if he was a shit dad and a shit gambler then that's quite a double whammy. Whether or not it can be talked through in a court of law I think it just depends on the country and laws, i'm not so sure it would work tho I think most folks are tied to family debt and can't get away with it at least thats how it is in the US.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: LogitechMouse on June 06, 2024, 03:32:04 AM
Generally speaking, debt of any kind can't be inherited to your heirs (and they aren't responsible as well), but there are legal actions that the creditor can do to pay those debt.

The total value of the assets and liabilities can be used to pay those debts (including gambling debts). Now if the total value will not be enough then the creditor will get a portion or maybe all of those assets to at least pay those debts. I believe these needs legal actions, but most of the time especially when it's a small amount of debt, it's often being forgotten. This depends on the country though, but most are doing this.

I know some here in our community who are now deceased that has debts when they're still alive, and they just completely forgotten it. Both the creditor and the side of the deceased borrower agreed on it though.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Sakanwa on June 06, 2024, 05:40:03 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

that's why it's not good to become so addicted to gambling, and if you watch very well it's only the addicted one's behave this way. And it's because of this set of people that makes gambling looks so bad in the eyes of the society, which are the addicted ones and when you're addicted it doesn't only affect you it's also affect your self-esteem and your relationship, relatives. Why because once you go too far or to the extreme of loaning money it will surely involve your love ones, of which in the process while gambling then you lose it all. And you can't afford to pay off the debt all by yourself, the owner of the money most involve your relationship or your family's so that's why the society sees gambling as an effective or insane people.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Sakanwa on June 06, 2024, 05:52:49 AM
If you want to borrow money, there must be a collateral. If there is not collateral, there must be one or more guarantors. I do not think anyone can be a guarantor of a gambler. It is the father that have the debt and if he dies, his family will pay with the properties or works that the father left on earth. I do not think the son have any problem with his own property. That is why it is good to have your own property and be independent.

what if the person loaning money is not aware that the money it's for gambling? No matter collateral it'll surely involve to your relatives because gambling it's not a everyday winning and we all know that it's a game of luck and risk. I believe all gamblers in the world knows that it's a game of risk and luck but what is that thing that always gives them stronger feelings, that they'll definitely win no matter what and they'll go to the extend of borrowing money from someone meanwhile not knowing the two elements of gambling. *Risk, *luck. Do you think they're at their normal senses? While knowing this two elements and still go ahead to borrow money.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Dewi Aries on June 06, 2024, 07:45:02 PM

Yes it is true, that when the person with the debt dies then the responsibility will pass to their family members such as their children or siblings or spouse, but I think this covers all loan services, or what it means is that no matter where they borrowed then eventually the loan service will look for people closest to them to be held accountable which usually if they cannot pay the debt then the service or even confiscate certain items or assets that have the same value as the loan amount.

Yes, the point is that if you or anyone does not have money that we can be responsible for if in the end we lose then it is clearly better not to gamble at all, there is no other way but not to do it because after all prevention is always better than cure, and we can see that lately there are quite a lot of addicted gamblers who have problems in terms of loans such as debt.

It's tempting mostly as a gambler to pick up borrowing money as the option to solve the problem of not having money for gambling. Have watched multiple families complaining bitterly online about the challenges they're facing regarding the loan their parents took for gambling purposes before leaving the world. However, the information that loan sharks require to hand out money to people is quite too enormous to make a gambler feel threatened not to borrow the money again.

I've been there and was not conductively convinced to borrow money because I had to fill a form that gets the phone number of my family and friends. In a decentralized world as this, information is the most important of all. The worst thing about being a gambler is getting our loved ones into severe trouble even when we are not here. Instead of instigating such traumas on them, it's better to relieve ourselves of gambling with borrowed money and wait until we've made money, then gambling can be the next option.

In fact, it is a fact that loans are a service that is truly useful, especially for people who really have urgent problems that require them to spend money at the right time to solve the problem, but borrowing money just to gamble is clear. It shouldn't be done, because gambling is not something that should be prioritized. This means that loans are only allowed to be used when you or anyone else has an urgent problem that can only be solved with money and outside the context of gambling.

 But yes, lately gamblers are always trying to use loans as an alternative to fund their gambling habits, and I am sure they are doing this because they are unable to resist all temptations in gambling. And on the other hand, I am sure that the children or families of the gamblers do not know that their parents have such large debts, because of course the gamblers will borrow secretly because the money will be used for gambling. And in the end, this action will only cause problems for the family members left behind. The point is that I would say that it doesn't matter if you want to get involved in gambling, but make sure that you are able to treat gambling well, the aim is none other than so that we or our family members do not have a bad impact due to the actions we have taken.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: redsun114 on June 07, 2024, 05:46:23 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
Banks will never lend money to someone who cannot afford to pay it back. If you want to take a loan from a bank or an organization, you have to keep some collateral or show a strong source of income and give a loan after taking the signature of some guarantors, so no one will take a loan and do not care where the money will be used. If the loan is overdue, they will own the collateral or collect the money from the guarantors. such is the case with loans.
You are right but some people don't know this, they either don't know it for real or act like they don't because we live in an era where no one can be unaware of something this important, but we also often see people willing and trying to take loans from banks and other organizations when they don't have a stable source of income without understanding that they are not going to get anything from them without any valid collateral.

In some countries, banks and organizations would give out small loans to people and businesses without requiring a lot of paperwork but the amount given wouldn't be a lot and it can barely be enough for an individual to do something or for a business to expand their business with the money.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: ethereumhunter on June 07, 2024, 09:19:57 AM
If you want to borrow money, there must be a collateral. If there is not collateral, there must be one or more guarantors. I do not think anyone can be a guarantor of a gambler. It is the father that have the debt and if he dies, his family will pay with the properties or works that the father left on earth. I do not think the son have any problem with his own property. That is why it is good to have your own property and be independent.

what if the person loaning money is not aware that the money it's for gambling? No matter collateral it'll surely involve to your relatives because gambling it's not a everyday winning and we all know that it's a game of luck and risk. I believe all gamblers in the world knows that it's a game of risk and luck but what is that thing that always gives them stronger feelings, that they'll definitely win no matter what and they'll go to the extend of borrowing money from someone meanwhile not knowing the two elements of gambling. *Risk, *luck. Do you think they're at their normal senses? While knowing this two elements and still go ahead to borrow money.
Someone who borrow money for gambling will not tells the reason he borrow the money to his family. Even he will not tells his family that he gets the money from borrowing the money and he use it for playing gambling. But when he lose that money in gambling and hides himself from the lender, his family will meet with the lender and must repay the money. The lender will not stops to asks them to repay the money and that can gives more troubles for that family if they can't repay the money.

So when someone borrow money and died, his family must repay the money except there's an agreement from the lender that they doesn't have to repay the money. But if that debt is for playing gambling, his family must gives back the money because that person borrow money for playing gambling and lose the money in gambling.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: sompitonov on June 07, 2024, 10:02:45 AM
Each country has its own laws regarding debt repayment. When someone dies and leaves behind large debts, for example after a gambling addiction, it is logical to assume that they are transferred to close relatives, such as the wife and children, perhaps the parents of this gambler. Why is this happening? Because obligations come first, and the bank is only interested in having cash flows and cannot eliminate these debts. If they wiped out these debts, the banks would eventually go bankrupt. Bookmaker establishments will also not pay these debts, because they have legally protected themselves with excellent lawyers from such cases, so only close relatives remain.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: hyudien on June 07, 2024, 10:19:39 AM
If you ask like this Is it possible to inherit a debt? the answer is yes most of the debt is inherent to their kid or relatives when the person that has debt is die, and in this case the debt to other user not a debt with bank or loan App like Defi or something like that.

and if the question like this Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt? Just don't do gamble frennn if you don't have money I mean what are you doing if you still insist to do gamble then use a collateral don't inherit your debt to someone else
with gamblers, in my opinion, they are no longer strange about borrowing money, of course they will have problems that will make them difficult in the future. if they have debt, of course they have to pay it off, but gamblers who are addicted to gambling will not be able to easily pay and pay off their debt if they don't have money or when they have money, they might even have the thought of going back to gambling first to double up. their money and hope to win, the aim of which is to cover all losses including the debts that surround them. and when someone who is addicted has debts they will not be able to easily pay and repay them and if they are unable to live they may end their life and these debts become the responsibility of the people closest to them.
I agree with you, indeed if you don't have money then it's best not to gamble, let alone take actions that carry big risks such as borrowing money; I think they borrowed the money because they wanted to get a win that could help their financial problems. Apart from that, it is possible that the addict might run away and isolate themselves to avoid the debt that is chasing them, of course this is irresponsible, and as a result their family will be the one to help them.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Betwrong on June 07, 2024, 10:33:29 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. ~

Why are you saying that? Like, if he, the heir, was a gambler it would be easier for him to inherit a debt?

I think it depends on the country whether the heir should pay off the debt or not, but in my personal opinion if he inherited a lot of money and valuable property then he should pay all debts, gambling debts included.

I always thought gambling addicts were a pain for their relatives during their life, but now I see it can continue after their death too. What a shame!

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: junder on June 07, 2024, 12:24:07 PM
what if the person loaning money is not aware that the money it's for gambling? No matter collateral it'll surely involve to your relatives because gambling it's not a everyday winning and we all know that it's a game of luck and risk. I believe all gamblers in the world knows that it's a game of risk and luck but what is that thing that always gives them stronger feelings, that they'll definitely win no matter what and they'll go to the extend of borrowing money from someone meanwhile not knowing the two elements of gambling. *Risk, *luck. Do you think they're at their normal senses? While knowing this two elements and still go ahead to borrow money.

Gambling is indeed a game that involves the risk of loss and gain, also the risk of loss is greater and is something that is certain to happen with gambling. I once had an experience where I had a friend who borrowed money for other reasons, not saying it was for gambling use, I lent it because I didn't know that my friend's purpose in borrowing it was for gambling, because if I knew he was borrowing money for gambling, of course I wouldn't lend it because it is unlikely he will return my money. and indeed it was very difficult for him to return my money to the point that he himself tried to avoid meeting me in person or even communicating via cell phone, this was annoying until in the end I no longer had hope for him to be able to pay the debt, in fact I could have told his family that he borrowed money for gambling and I haven't paid it for a long time, but I don't care about it because the money I lent to my friend wasn't that big. and this is a lesson for me not to easily lend money to other people, especially if we know that the person borrowing it likes to gamble.

by borrowing money to gamble, of course they have thoughts about the gambling they do and will be able to produce a win, therefore they believe that by gambling again they can win and their mistake when they gamble is not using personal money but using borrowed money because maybe they are They have run out of money from gambling so they take out a loan to gamble again, but clearly borrowing money to gamble is not right, because it will only make the situation worse, even their family could be affected.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: ultrloa on June 07, 2024, 01:00:27 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. ~

Why are you saying that? Like, if he, the heir, was a gambler it would be easier for him to inherit a debt?

I think it depends on the country whether the heir should pay off the debt or not, but in my personal opinion if he inherited a lot of money and valuable property then he should pay all debts, gambling debts included.

I always thought gambling addicts were a pain for their relatives during their life, but now I see it can continue after their death too. What a shame!

I don't know if there's something rules related to that. But as far as I know that children's can't inherit the debt of their father.

Maybe those people which have borrowed money from the deceased person will told that since they are desperate to get their money back. But the lender can't really push their children to pay what their father owe to other people. But you have a point that if they inherit a lot of wealth from their father and that loan amount is not big which can lead to run out of wealth then they could pay it just to clear up the name of their father. That's why its important to know our priorities so that we will not follow what those addicted father done to their child since it really bring huge shame to them if someone will come to them and ask to repay the debt of their father due to their gambling activities done when they are alive.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Questat on June 07, 2024, 01:08:21 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. ~

Why are you saying that? Like, if he, the heir, was a gambler it would be easier for him to inherit a debt?

I think it depends on the country whether the heir should pay off the debt or not, but in my personal opinion if he inherited a lot of money and valuable property then he should pay all debts, gambling debts included.

I always thought gambling addicts were a pain for their relatives during their life, but now I see it can continue after their death too. What a shame!

I don't know if there's something rules related to that. But as far as I know that children's can't inherit the debt of their father.

Maybe those people which have borrowed money from the deceased person will told that since they are desperate to get their money back. But the lender can't really push their children to pay what their father owe to other people. But you have a point that if they inherit a lot of wealth from their father and that loan amount is not big which can lead to run out of wealth then they could pay it just to clear up the name of their father. That's why its important to know our priorities so that we will not follow what those addicted father done to their child since it really bring huge shame to them if someone will come to them and ask to repay the debt of their father due to their gambling activities done when they are alive.

There's no such rule that the debt can be inherited, it's only properly or belongings to the person that passed away. However, if there's a contract where a family member is a co-maker, then he'll assume the debt once the principal borrower died. However, in banking industry scenario, a co-maker is only liable if a borrower choose not to pay, because banks have minimize the risk by getting the loan insured so in case of debt, it's the insurance company that will settle the loan in favor of the lender. That's how i understand it, it's the standard, but I never know what the terms in the gambling scenario.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: angrybirdy on June 07, 2024, 01:24:02 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. ~

Why are you saying that? Like, if he, the heir, was a gambler it would be easier for him to inherit a debt?

I think it depends on the country whether the heir should pay off the debt or not, but in my personal opinion if he inherited a lot of money and valuable property then he should pay all debts, gambling debts included.

I always thought gambling addicts were a pain for their relatives during their life, but now I see it can continue after their death too. What a shame!

Yup, it also depends on which country you are in, because here in our country, in some particular provinces, even if there is no agreement or signed document, when a parent passes away and there are debts left behind, it is customary for others to claim and collect debts from the person's children, which for me is a very wrong idea and should not be, because the children they are charging have no idea, there are even instances where they make the children of the person who owes a debt to be a payment like in exchange of being household maid to its creditors.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Nwada001 on June 07, 2024, 01:39:07 PM
If you ask like this Is it possible to inherit a debt? the answer is yes most of the debt is inherent to their kid or relatives when the person that has debt is die, and in this case the debt to other user not a debt with bank or loan App like Defi or something like that.
I also think the same. The only thing here is the method the person uses to borrow the money. If he or she can prove that the dead person actually borrowed money, then the children are going to pay back such debt, but if there is no way to prove it, then it might be impossible because someone can't just walk up to me and tell me that my dad owes him or her some money without proof, and I will just rush and pay it back. 

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: DaNNy001 on June 07, 2024, 02:00:13 PM
I don't know if there's something rules related to that. But as far as I know that children's can't inherit the debt of their father.

Maybe those people which have borrowed money from the deceased person will told that since they are desperate to get their money back. But the lender can't really push their children to pay what their father owe to other people. But you have a point that if they inherit a lot of wealth from their father and that loan amount is not big which can lead to run out of wealth then they could pay it just to clear up the name of their father. That's why its important to know our priorities so that we will not follow what those addicted father done to their child since it really bring huge shame to them if someone will come to them and ask to repay the debt of their father due to their gambling activities done when they are alive.

I totally agree with you mate. Children are not to be held for debts owed by their parents except there were use as shorty or guarantor to get access to the loan. You can pay back for someone out of generousity but when it comes legal arrest or ability to Sue someone  for money owed by another person without any involvement of  contract or signed deal. It's illegal to request payment from such instances. However we shouldn't do anything that might implicate someone else in the first place, so it's better to quit addiction or borrowing money without a secured source to payback. And I also advise we decline requests to stand as a guarantor to loan by others, because it's the only way to escape being guilty of any legal involvement with the loan.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on June 07, 2024, 02:07:12 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

   -   I think that the person who will be left connected to the real debtor has no responsibility, unless there is an agreement written in the agreement that the person who will be left who
is close to the debtor will continue to pay the debt.

But always, if there is no such type of agreement, I think that the person who gave the loan to the connected person who borrowed from them also has no claim; this is just my opinion.
However, I am not sure if we have a law here in our country in that kind of situation.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: JMBitcointernational on June 07, 2024, 03:05:39 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

If it is a loan I think there is an option for his close relatives or children to repay the loan. But of course the regulations in each country are different. In my country you must have collateral or a letter of guarantee before making a loan. And the guarantee is in your own name. So if you have died and you have a loan, the borrower can take your collateral to pay off the debt.

But the problem is loans without collateral. I think it will be difficult because of course you can't demand that the child pay the loan if you don't have any agreement at the beginning.
It is very obvious that it is a debt but cannot be fully termed as a loan because there is no collateral which will make it very difficult for someone to inherit it because it is not documented, and anyone can deny it. But it is very stupid of someone to borrow money to gamble because i did not see any explanation that the person might give me to lend him money, for me i cannot inherit any debt that has no source or that has no document to back it up.

Gambling is all about risk which you can lose or gain, but the annoying part of it is going to the extent of borrowing money just to gamble and there are virtually things to be considered before a debt can be inherited
1. There should be something in return before it can be called a loan. (collateral)
2. there should be proof or any form of evidence that such transaction took place and should be dated.
3. The reason for the loan must be specifically stated.
if these following points listed are not provided there is no way i can accept to pay a debt that i don't know about. and i can never accept to inherit gambling debt.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Chilwell on June 07, 2024, 04:23:47 PM
Why are you saying that? Like, if he, the heir, was a gambler it would be easier for him to inherit a debt?
Is responsible for everyone to take care of the family members either being alive or dead, and the important person to everyone of us are our parents, it is compulsory to us to take care of our parents mess either alive or dead, it touch me when he said gambling bad, no matter how bad your parents is, still they are your parents which means they most be respect either dead or alive.

I think it depends on the country whether the heir should pay off the debt or not, but in my personal opinion if he inherited a lot of money and valuable property then he should pay all debts, gambling debts included.

I always thought gambling addicts were a pain for their relatives during their life, but now I see it can continue after their death too. What a shame!

I 100% agreed with you, debts is debts being gamble or something else, in many occasions people don't care about debts and it very dangerous because it can't allow the dead person to rest according to my religion believe.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Dewi Aries on June 07, 2024, 04:34:24 PM
If you ask like this Is it possible to inherit a debt? the answer is yes most of the debt is inherent to their kid or relatives when the person that has debt is die, and in this case the debt to other user not a debt with bank or loan App like Defi or something like that.
I also think the same. The only thing here is the method the person uses to borrow the money. If he or she can prove that the dead person actually borrowed money, then the children are going to pay back such debt, but if there is no way to prove it, then it might be impossible because someone can't just walk up to me and tell me that my dad owes him or her some money without proof, and I will just rush and pay it back. 

True, a child or the family left behind should ask for evidence of the track record of the borrowing action taken by their parents to the service, because if there is no evidence then obviously it could be fraudulent information from the service, but I am sure if their parents borrowed from a loan service such as a local bank then surely the evidence will be complete and detailed because each customer usually has a clear track record along with the date of the loan application and the search for loan funds.

This means that if the person borrows from someone else personally, such as a friend or someone else, it is usually very unlikely that the person will have evidence, because usually the loan agreement is only made by word of mouth without collateral and without written evidence. Therefore, this incident can also be used as an example and lesson that if you want to lend money to others for any reason, make sure you make a note or anything that can be used as evidence so that the second party responsible can believe that the loan was really done by that person.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Zanab247 on June 07, 2024, 05:00:34 PM
It depend the agreement they made before collecting the loan, if the person collect a loan and use his or her house or business as collateral, and the person use the money to gamble and some things happen that take the person life, I guess his or her children will surely inherit the loan.

Assuming the person use the money to gamble and win billions and establish other business, will his or her children allow the person that gave their parent the loan to gamble to win huge amount of money to have the property? No, which is the reason I said gambling loan can be inherited base on the agreement involved.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Bravut on June 07, 2024, 05:16:03 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

If it is a loan I think there is an option for his close relatives or children to repay the loan. But of course the regulations in each country are different. In my country you must have collateral or a letter of guarantee before making a loan. And the guarantee is in your own name. So if you have died and you have a loan, the borrower can take your collateral to pay off the debt.

But the problem is loans without collateral. I think it will be difficult because of course you can't demand that the child pay the loan if you don't have any agreement at the beginning.
It is very obvious that it is a debt but cannot be fully termed as a loan because there is no collateral which will make it very difficult for someone to inherit it because it is not documented, and anyone can deny it. But it is very stupid of someone to borrow money to gamble because i did not see any explanation that the person might give me to lend him money, for me i cannot inherit any debt that has no source or that has no document to back it up.

Gambling is all about risk which you can lose or gain, but the annoying part of it is going to the extent of borrowing money just to gamble and there are virtually things to be considered before a debt can be inherited
1. There should be something in return before it can be called a loan. (collateral)
2. there should be proof or any form of evidence that such transaction took place and should be dated.
3. The reason for the loan must be specifically stated.
if these following points listed are not provided there is no way i can accept to pay a debt that i don't know about. and i can never accept to inherit gambling debt.

Well said, there is always a place for collateral, same time if the provision of the loan states that the next of kin will pay you have no choice, i do not believe there is room for someone to state the purpose for which the loan is obtained, only Non Governmental Organisation (Agriculture, health, etc sectors) demand that. My point is we may never know wether the money was used for gambling or not except our "Parents" tell us what it was used for, so in essence Parents need talk to there children early about stuffs like this.

Man, if you are the first, and very important in your family you cannot be in a position to pay and not do so, because for me it would be very embarrassing.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: slapper on June 07, 2024, 06:27:27 PM
If you ask like this Is it possible to inherit a debt? the answer is yes most of the debt is inherent to their kid or relatives when the person that has debt is die, and in this case the debt to other user not a debt with bank or loan App like Defi or something like that.

and if the question like this Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt? Just don't do gamble frennn if you don't have money I mean what are you doing if you still insist to do gamble then use a collateral don't inherit your debt to someone else
with gamblers, in my opinion, they are no longer strange about borrowing money, of course they will have problems that will make them difficult in the future. if they have debt, of course they have to pay it off, but gamblers who are addicted to gambling will not be able to easily pay and pay off their debt if they don't have money or when they have money, they might even have the thought of going back to gambling first to double up. their money and hope to win, the aim of which is to cover all losses including the debts that surround them. and when someone who is addicted has debts they will not be able to easily pay and repay them and if they are unable to live they may end their life and these debts become the responsibility of the people closest to them.
I agree with you, indeed if you don't have money then it's best not to gamble, let alone take actions that carry big risks such as borrowing money; I think they borrowed the money because they wanted to get a win that could help their financial problems. Apart from that, it is possible that the addict might run away and isolate themselves to avoid the debt that is chasing them, of course this is irresponsible, and as a result their family will be the one to help them.
This gambling thing? It's not only pushing a lever or rolling dice. That rabbit hole is dark and twisted. You hunt that first high, that win, but then it turns on you. You lose; you try to recover; you lose more; the next thing you know is debt drowning. It is similar to quicksand. You drop farther the more you fight. You start borrowing; probably from friends, relatives, then loan sharks. You are gambling your life, your relationships, your peace of mind, not only money now

The truth is, though, addiction is not a character defect. It is a true goddamn sickness of the brain. These people are sick not weak. Their need is for assistance rather than criticism. What then is our next action? We reach out. We offer support, understanding, therapy, whatever it takes. We have to help them to realize they are not alone and break the stigma. Everyone is fighting their own war. Be gentle, patient, and maybe just maybe we might help them back off the brink

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Moeda on June 07, 2024, 06:53:00 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
When people borrow money they don't mention it to gamble. So the debt that someone owes his family is not a gambling debt, but is based on a loan. If someone takes out a loan or goes into debt stating that the money is used for gambling, then they are not allowed to give the loan. If we give him a loan, and one day he dies, then we cannot charge his family. It is haram to give a loan if you know it will be used for gambling, and it is haram to collect it.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Jaycoinz on June 07, 2024, 07:32:02 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
Well when it comes to loan, be it gambling or whatever type, there is always a possibility that you can inherit it if there is someone that can be held responsible if that particular person who took the cannot pay and that's why the need for collateral is always advice before ever a loan is granted. But the issue is that, I don't feel anyone with his normal sense can stand as a shotee for someone that's what's to take loan for gambling.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Crypto Library on June 07, 2024, 07:53:25 PM

When people borrow money they don't mention it to gamble. So the debt that someone owes his family is not a gambling debt, but is based on a loan. If someone takes out a loan or goes into debt stating that the money is used for gambling, then they are not allowed to give the loan. If we give him a loan, and one day he dies, then we cannot charge his family. It is haram to give a loan if you know it will be used for gambling, and it is haram to collect it.
Sometimes helping people by giving loans but it brings something bad for them and that is when a person takes loans for gambling. And for this reason, before giving a loan, these things should be verified that where the funds of the loan will be used. And of course if he is a gambler then it is better not to give the loan. Rather, a normal gambler should bring those people right.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Dailyscript on June 07, 2024, 08:07:44 PM
If you ask like this Is it possible to inherit a debt? the answer is yes most of the debt is inherent to their kid or relatives when the person that has debt is die, and in this case the debt to other user not a debt with bank or loan App like Defi or something like that.
I also think the same. The only thing here is the method the person uses to borrow the money. If he or she can prove that the dead person actually borrowed money, then the children are going to pay back such debt, but if there is no way to prove it, then it might be impossible because someone can't just walk up to me and tell me that my dad owes him or her some money without proof, and I will just rush and pay it back. 
Your right here. A debt is a debt whether gambling debt or not. If the deceased has been irresponsible to the extend of taking loan to gamble, then his people must pay the money back. The sadden truth is that he must has lied that the money was to be use for something else, because that is what so many gambling addict do say. But its a lie, the y only wanted to use that lies to persuade the person to grant them the loan. Gambling debt should be paid in full just like any other reason for debt.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Huppercase on June 07, 2024, 08:26:49 PM
If you ask like this Is it possible to inherit a debt? the answer is yes most of the debt is inherent to their kid or relatives when the person that has debt is die, and in this case the debt to other user not a debt with bank or loan App like Defi or something like that.

and if the question like this Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt? Just don't do gamble frennn if you don't have money I mean what are you doing if you still insist to do gamble then use a collateral don't inherit your debt to someone else

In this century, I'm not sure if that's possible as most people gives a condition before they give out money and I'm not sure if there is any bank that will give you loan without having a collateral. It's either you have a physical collateral with them or you are a salary earner so they deduct money monthly, they can't give loan without having something they can have access to when you try to default a payment or decide to run away from the country.The only problem I think might happen is that if you died and your salary don't come again that's when they might perhaps come after the relative if there is any agreements of sort before the deceased died.

I'm not sure there is any gambling that offer "play and later", you must pay up before you are allow to play unless when there is bonus for you. So I'm not sure if a gambler would even allow this from customers, no money no gambling for anyone.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: stomachgrowls on June 07, 2024, 08:40:27 PM
If you ask like this Is it possible to inherit a debt? the answer is yes most of the debt is inherent to their kid or relatives when the person that has debt is die, and in this case the debt to other user not a debt with bank or loan App like Defi or something like that.
I also think the same. The only thing here is the method the person uses to borrow the money. If he or she can prove that the dead person actually borrowed money, then the children are going to pay back such debt, but if there is no way to prove it, then it might be impossible because someone can't just walk up to me and tell me that my dad owes him or her some money without proof, and I will just rush and pay it back. 
Your right here. A debt is a debt whether gambling debt or not. If the deceased has been irresponsible to the extend of taking loan to gamble, then his people must pay the money back. The sadden truth is that he must has lied that the money was to be use for something else, because that is what so many gambling addict do say. But its a lie, the y only wanted to use that lies to persuade the person to grant them the loan. Gambling debt should be paid in full just like any other reason for debt.
Debt should be paid up and it would really be your responsibility but on the  time that if you die then possibilities that your loved ones would really be paying up the loan. This is why as much as possible then it would really be better that you should really be clearing up your debt. Its true that it wont really be just that on gambling debt but also in other debts as well. As much as possible we should really be not having that kind of
behavior on taking debts or loans because we do know that paying up would really be a huge challenge specially if the loans are keep on piling up, and also its never been that ideal or worth on taking up some loan
just for you to gamble and it would really be better that you should be taking up some loans when you are really that having that business or investment.

Inheriting gambling could be possible depending on whats the agreement of the debtor and the ones who grant it, if there would really be some agreement and signed
then if its stated then it would be responsible for them to pay up on what you have spent.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Fiasem20 on June 07, 2024, 08:55:23 PM
First and foremost lending funds to gamble is actually an irresponsible gambling,so clearing a gambling debt it's possible in most countries while most countries it's impossible because lenders ought to clear their debt before their dismissal and not something that should be passed to the children as an inheritance but incase such happens the children will have no other option than to sell theirs dads' properties to clear the debt.
Gamblers should learn to avoid mistakes like lending huge amount of funds to gamble with the expectation of winning, gambling it's a game no one can predict it's outcome so it should be done the right way by gambling with the funds you have.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Egii Nna on June 07, 2024, 09:10:26 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. ~

Why are you saying that? Like, if he, the heir, was a gambler it would be easier for him to inherit a debt?

I think it depends on the country whether the heir should pay off the debt or not, but in my personal opinion if he inherited a lot of money and valuable property then he should pay all debts, gambling debts included.

I always thought gambling addicts were a pain for their relatives during their life, but now I see it can continue after their death too. What a shame!

Gambling is actually a shameful act, especially when you are already addicted to it, because even if you don’t have the money to gamble, someone will go and sell you valuable items and properties. If they finish and you have nothing to give, then you will definitely go and collect a loan to do that, and that is where the problem will start because when collecting a loan, you most Have an application letter, and in that application most of your information will be there, which includes the information of the next of kin. So definitely, if the person who collected the loan passes away, the next of kin will pay off everything, which is when you will inherit a painful loan.
And that doesn’t affect only gambling addiction but anything that can be addictive because it can lead you to your early grave, because it deals with your mental health, and when it is critical, it can cause mental disorders, which can lead to death, madness, or even more complications. 

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: lienfaye on June 07, 2024, 10:17:30 PM
Inheriting gambling could be possible depending on whats the agreement of the debtor and the ones who grant it, if there would really be some agreement and signed
then if its stated then it would be responsible for them to pay up on what you have spent.
That's true. It would be wise to have a signed agreement with a collateral so just incase something unexpected happened, the lender can still get his money even after the death of the borrower. Because the debt can't be pass to the relatives unless the person has a properties left then that's where they'll get the money to be use to pay the loan. I'm not certain if this is the legal way but here this is what's happening. Especially if the lender can present an evidence that the person really have a loan from him before his passing.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Onyeeze on June 07, 2024, 10:35:37 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
someone can inherit debts of gambling, when your friend is addicted gambler and ask you to accompany him to gambling center and your friend have no money to gamble and he gambles on credit, if time is due to repay the debt from the management of the gambling center, and they look for the person for two days without knowing the person way about, I believe that the friend if is available they will get him arrested, and he will pay the debts, we have different ways someone can inherite someone debts, which I know vividly from my own understanding and observation.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: danherbias07 on June 07, 2024, 11:57:50 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
someone can inherit debts of gambling, when your friend is addicted gambler and ask you to accompany him to gambling center and your friend have no money to gamble and he gambles on credit, if time is due to repay the debt from the management of the gambling center, and they look for the person for two days without knowing the person way about, I believe that the friend if is available they will get him arrested, and he will pay the debts, we have different ways someone can inherite someone debts, which I know vividly from my own understanding and observation.
That's not legal. First of all the friend is not the one who was registered for the loan, he may be there but they cannot just arrest him for that. Sure, they can question him about the whereabouts of his friend so that the authorities can track him but not force arrest him just because he became a friend with a problem gambler.
So that's a no-go and the authorities will have a big problem if they do that.
The borrower on the other hand will be in trouble for escaping the debt and all his friend can do is update the police when he suddenly comes out and seeks help. Inherited debt mostly came from mortgages and maybe credit card loans especially if the registered borrower also input his relative name in his application.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: hyudien on June 08, 2024, 04:19:10 AM
with gamblers, in my opinion, they are no longer strange about borrowing money, of course they will have problems that will make them difficult in the future. if they have debt, of course they have to pay it off, but gamblers who are addicted to gambling will not be able to easily pay and pay off their debt if they don't have money or when they have money, they might even have the thought of going back to gambling first to double up. their money and hope to win, the aim of which is to cover all losses including the debts that surround them. and when someone who is addicted has debts they will not be able to easily pay and repay them and if they are unable to live they may end their life and these debts become the responsibility of the people closest to them.
I agree with you, indeed if you don't have money then it's best not to gamble, let alone take actions that carry big risks such as borrowing money; I think they borrowed the money because they wanted to get a win that could help their financial problems. Apart from that, it is possible that the addict might run away and isolate themselves to avoid the debt that is chasing them, of course this is irresponsible, and as a result their family will be the one to help them.
This gambling thing? It's not only pushing a lever or rolling dice. That rabbit hole is dark and twisted. You hunt that first high, that win, but then it turns on you. You lose; you try to recover; you lose more; the next thing you know is debt drowning. It is similar to quicksand. You drop farther the more you fight. You start borrowing; probably from friends, relatives, then loan sharks. You are gambling your life, your relationships, your peace of mind, not only money now

The truth is, though, addiction is not a character defect. It is a true goddamn sickness of the brain. These people are sick not weak. Their need is for assistance rather than criticism. What then is our next action? We reach out. We offer support, understanding, therapy, whatever it takes. We have to help them to realize they are not alone and break the stigma. Everyone is fighting their own war. Be gentle, patient, and maybe just maybe we might help them back off the brink
It is true that many people say that the more we bet, the more money we lose and that's it. With those who chase victory, it can be said that they are digging a hole to bury themselves in, because by chasing victory, what will happen is that they will lose more. a lot of money and it will make them feel pressure if they keep losing money, every now and then they might be able to get a win but unfortunately the win they get won't be able to make them stop completely, because there are gamblers who can't wait when they get a win, they end up betting again. by increasing the number of bets which ultimately only results in the winnings that have been obtained being lost again and that is where their mentality can be affected which makes it possible for them to become stressed, especially if they are already in a lot of debt.
Indeed, for those who become addicted, it is a brain disease, where they are so completely influenced by gambling that they don't think about anything else, they only think about gambling and what they want to do. and being able to recover from this addiction is certainly not easy, even with help from someone who is an expert such as psychology, it does not guarantee that someone who is addicted can recover completely and be clean despite their addiction.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Julien_Olynpic on June 08, 2024, 06:22:23 AM
If a person dies with debts, then it is logical that his debts can be paid with property belonging to him after his death. This means that his heirs, if they want to receive an inheritance, must pay the debts of the person whose property they inherit. On the other hand, a number of countries are beginning to adopt more progressive laws. I know that in Russia they have now passed a law according to which family members are not obliged to repay loans taken by other family members. For example, if the husband has a loan, then the wife should not repay it if something happens to the husband. And moreover, even if the husband takes out a loan, he must take the consent of his wife. This is logical, because most often they own common property.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on June 08, 2024, 07:08:09 AM
Inheriting gambling could be possible depending on whats the agreement of the debtor and the ones who grant it, if there would really be some agreement and signed
then if its stated then it would be responsible for them to pay up on what you have spent.
That's true. It would be wise to have a signed agreement with a collateral so just incase something unexpected happened, the lender can still get his money even after the death of the borrower. Because the debt can't be pass to the relatives unless the person has a properties left then that's where they'll get the money to be use to pay the loan. I'm not certain if this is the legal way but here this is what's happening. Especially if the lender can present an evidence that the person really have a loan from him before his passing.

Yes that may not actually be the legal way but seem to be, u duely concur that most people today has such treaty because even when you want to get your money back after the passing away of the person who lend the money it's very hard because you can't go to court without evidence beside it's not also correct if you take person to court has had nit even enter any contract with you remember there is a saying that Nemo quod non havet that is to say no body can give what he don't have it's what you have as evidence you will tender in court and court will now see it and asked the people to pay back since they are the man's children as they had benefits from the man directly or indirectly, but without evidence it won't work.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: klidex on June 08, 2024, 07:09:22 AM
I also think the same. The only thing here is the method the person uses to borrow the money. If he or she can prove that the dead person actually borrowed money, then the children are going to pay back such debt, but if there is no way to prove it, then it might be impossible because someone can't just walk up to me and tell me that my dad owes him or her some money without proof, and I will just rush and pay it back.
If the father owes a debt to someone who is not a loan shark or bank, there is no proof whatsoever and the heir also needs to ask for proof so he can pay because other people could lie to get money from the heir. But if your father borrow from a bank or loan shark, there must be proof of the record the borrower and heirs are obliged to pay the debt if the borrower takes out a loan from them. If they are not paid, there is a high possibility that valuable assets could be confiscated. It is the family's responsibility if one of the family dies and leaves debts because as we live, no one knows when will die.

Borrowing debt, whether for gambling or for other things, the bank or loan sharks don't want to know because for them the borrower borrows money with interest and those who lend the money also don't want to know who is paying. Either directly or their other family members at the bank or The loan shark will definitely find out about the borrower's family so that if anything happens the family will be the one to cover the debt even though they don't know what the debt is for even though they didn't use it.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: passwordnow on June 08, 2024, 07:15:06 AM
If a person dies with debts, then it is logical that his debts can be paid with property belonging to him after his death. This means that his heirs, if they want to receive an inheritance, must pay the debts of the person whose property they inherit. On the other hand, a number of countries are beginning to adopt more progressive laws. I know that in Russia they have now passed a law according to which family members are not obliged to repay loans taken by other family members. For example, if the husband has a loan, then the wife should not repay it if something happens to the husband. And moreover, even if the husband takes out a loan, he must take the consent of his wife. This is logical, because most often they own common property.
It varies for this kind of laws but I find it more fair when the deceased gambler had some properties on his name and that can be used to pay the debt that he has left. It's fair for the lenders that have spent money on lending them and they need to take it back as well but in a form of other asset or collateral that they can pay for that. For the side of the family of the borrower, probably many of them aren't going to agree with that because they might find it a waste of money and inheritance but if we play fair and square, they just have to let go of it together with their old man.

someone can inherit debts of gambling, when your friend is addicted gambler and ask you to accompany him to gambling center and your friend have no money to gamble and he gambles on credit, if time is due to repay the debt from the management of the gambling center, and they look for the person for two days without knowing the person way about, I believe that the friend if is available they will get him arrested, and he will pay the debts, we have different ways someone can inherite someone debts, which I know vividly from my own understanding and observation.
That is different case. A debt from a friend should be paid but it's different from inheriting a friend's debt to be taken care of yours. You have no obligation about that if he took that debt from other people. But then, if that friend of yours took the loan from you then you have to ask and collect the payment from him. An inheritance comes from someone who has passed away and with your example, it's certainly a different case but still a debt and gambling related situation.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: junder on June 08, 2024, 07:43:20 AM
That's true. It would be wise to have a signed agreement with a collateral so just incase something unexpected happened, the lender can still get his money even after the death of the borrower. Because the debt can't be pass to the relatives unless the person has a properties left then that's where they'll get the money to be use to pay the loan. I'm not certain if this is the legal way but here this is what's happening. Especially if the lender can present an evidence that the person really have a loan from him before his passing.

Indeed, it would be better like that, and in my opinion it is only done by those who borrow from official parties such as banks, because if you borrow from a friend you might not do it either because you feel like you know each other or what is clear is that this is rarely done if you borrow from each other. friends, but even if you borrow from a friend, of course you have to pay it off, borrowing from your own friend doesn't mean you can ignore the loan you made, in fact, if you borrow from a friend and are not paid or repaid then what will happen is the destruction of your relationship with each other, it could be the friend who lent you the money. This will result in a loss of respect because there is no good responsibility in paying off the debt that has been incurred, and even if our friend borrows money and then he goes somewhere leaving his responsibility, the rest of the decision is up to the borrower, if the borrower wants the money back then he has to tell If one of their family members has debt and doesn't pay it, the news will disappear.

If they write proof before making a loan, such as the person borrowing signing on the agreement paper, I think the borrower can show this to the family if one of their family members has a certain amount of debt that must be paid off. Even though the family doesn't know about this, I think the family must pay off and repay the debt.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: FanEagle on June 08, 2024, 08:24:45 AM
In almost all the countries, no. Because in most countries, gambling isn't something you can do, gambling is illegal in most nations, and there are only few places that would let you get debt while gambling as well. So, unless we are talking about taking out a loan at a bank and then gambling with it, then you are not going to inherit gambling debt.

Most places that let you gamble and get a debt, like open a credit for you, are places that aren't all that legal, and in illegal sense if you inherit debt or not, depends on the bad people who run those illegal places, if they want to then they do, if they do not want to then they can't. I believe that "officially" the answer to this question is a no, but of course you have to live it to see it.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: teamsherry on June 08, 2024, 08:36:10 AM
If you want to borrow money, there must be a collateral. If there is not collateral, there must be one or more guarantors. I do not think anyone can be a guarantor of a gambler. It is the father that have the debt and if he dies, his family will pay with the properties or works that the father left on earth. I do not think the son have any problem with his own property. That is why it is good to have your own property and be independent.

Well it's possible that the garantoors maybe trusted friends or even family member that had no idea that he wanted to use the money for gambling, its also possible that it wasn't his initial reason to borrow the money and maybe passing by a gambling shop he couldn't control himself or maybe just decided to fund his betting account and that's how he ruined it all.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: rahmad2nd on June 08, 2024, 09:09:46 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?

It shouldn't be, because it is very likely that the loan agreement was carried out by both parties without involving the other party. for example, children, wife, who are part of the loan. In particular, the money borrowed in this discussion is for gambling. nothing is inherited, because if that happens it means someone else is involved. for example, when borrowing a child and maybe the wife participates or agrees or even signs. but in this context, I believe that is not the case. So, I'm not sure whether this will be strong enough to be brought to court. Likewise with the borrower, they do not have the right to require the child to pay his father's debt, especially for gambling loans. even if the borrower comes to collect their rights and money, if the person who borrowed it is gone as implied in this thread. which means, no one can be held responsible for his father's debts. except, the child and family are willing to resolve the problems that the father has created. In this context, perhaps moral obligations are taken into consideration by the family.

Now we are at the point of addiction, the problem of addiction is actually almost the same as other addictions. It's just that, in this discussion we are talking about gambling addiction. In fact, the problem we face is not just a problem of gambling addiction, this is just part of other addictions that can ensnare someone into taking out lots of loans. After all, there is something much worse than gambling addiction, it's just that gambling has too much of a negative connotation in society. especially, those that are attached to a belief.
The point of this thread is that if there is no express agreement, nothing can be brought to court.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: ultrloa on June 08, 2024, 10:37:00 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. ~

Why are you saying that? Like, if he, the heir, was a gambler it would be easier for him to inherit a debt?

I think it depends on the country whether the heir should pay off the debt or not, but in my personal opinion if he inherited a lot of money and valuable property then he should pay all debts, gambling debts included.

I always thought gambling addicts were a pain for their relatives during their life, but now I see it can continue after their death too. What a shame!

I don't know if there's something rules related to that. But as far as I know that children's can't inherit the debt of their father.

Maybe those people which have borrowed money from the deceased person will told that since they are desperate to get their money back. But the lender can't really push their children to pay what their father owe to other people. But you have a point that if they inherit a lot of wealth from their father and that loan amount is not big which can lead to run out of wealth then they could pay it just to clear up the name of their father. That's why its important to know our priorities so that we will not follow what those addicted father done to their child since it really bring huge shame to them if someone will come to them and ask to repay the debt of their father due to their gambling activities done when they are alive.

There's no such rule that the debt can be inherited, it's only properly or belongings to the person that passed away. However, if there's a contract where a family member is a co-maker, then he'll assume the debt once the principal borrower died. However, in banking industry scenario, a co-maker is only liable if a borrower choose not to pay, because banks have minimize the risk by getting the loan insured so in case of debt, it's the insurance company that will settle the loan in favor of the lender. That's how i understand it, it's the standard, but I never know what the terms in the gambling scenario.

Only those loan sharks will go after that since they wanna try to install fear from the family so that they can get something to them. But if the head of their family know that they can't go after with them then provably that they cannot do anything. But its different story if they agree to became a co-maker but for sure most likely this scenario doesn't happen since most of the gambler hide all their activities especially for gambling and their loan taken out from other people. So the lender cannot do anything in this case and can't sue their children to the loan gotten by the deceased person. But in banks I'm not sure about that but there is interesting article that we could read since we could learn something from this

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Viscore on June 08, 2024, 10:38:44 AM
If you want to borrow money, there must be a collateral. If there is not collateral, there must be one or more guarantors. I do not think anyone can be a guarantor of a gambler. It is the father that have the debt and if he dies, his family will pay with the properties or works that the father left on earth. I do not think the son have any problem with his own property. That is why it is good to have your own property and be independent.

Well it's possible that the garantoors maybe trusted friends or even family member that had no idea that he wanted to use the money for gambling, its also possible that it wasn't his initial reason to borrow the money and maybe passing by a gambling shop he couldn't control himself or maybe just decided to fund his betting account and that's how he ruined it all.

It's possible, but if I were to be a guarantor for a borrower, I would make sure I know the purpose of the loan because I feel like I'm the second borrower. In the event the main borrower fails to pay, the lender will certainly come after me, which means trouble on my part.

I think it's better if the borrower has something to use as collateral. That way, there's no burden on the lender to collect the money, as they can just sell the property or asset and liquidate it to settle the remaining loan balance.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: mirakal on June 08, 2024, 12:22:39 PM
In almost all the countries, no. Because in most countries, gambling isn't something you can do, gambling is illegal in most nations, and there are only few places that would let you get debt while gambling as well. So, unless we are talking about taking out a loan at a bank and then gambling with it, then you are not going to inherit gambling debt.

Most places that let you gamble and get a debt, like open a credit for you, are places that aren't all that legal, and in illegal sense if you inherit debt or not, depends on the bad people who run those illegal places, if they want to then they do, if they do not want to then they can't. I believe that "officially" the answer to this question is a no, but of course you have to live it to see it.
Some casinos don't just focus on gambling, they also offer loans for addict gamblers to make more money.
Even if it was illegal debt, these people would force the family member to pay the debt of their father/mother. They will take it the hard way, that is how this debt business runs in gambling. They let you borrow but you can never run from them because the consequences are too regretful if ever. Indeed, it is NO but no way they can disregard it because they will come into their house and get all their assets and valuable belongings.

Banks will never approve loans if that is for gambling that is why some people make denials. For the sake of their addiction, they will do everything just to have some funds. This is how addiction ruins our lives, not just our personal lives but also the entire family.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Dewi Aries on June 08, 2024, 07:20:20 PM

Well it's possible that the garantoors maybe trusted friends or even family member that had no idea that he wanted to use the money for gambling, its also possible that it wasn't his initial reason to borrow the money and maybe passing by a gambling shop he couldn't control himself or maybe just decided to fund his betting account and that's how he ruined it all.

It's possible, but if I were to be a guarantor for a borrower, I would make sure I know the purpose of the loan because I feel like I'm the second borrower. In the event the main borrower fails to pay, the lender will certainly come after me, which means trouble on my part.

I think it's better if the borrower has something to use as collateral. That way, there's no burden on the lender to collect the money, as they can just sell the property or asset and liquidate it to settle the remaining loan balance.

I am sure that lenders will prefer to look for something that can be used as collateral such as valuables or assets owned by the borrower such as land or even a house if the loan service is engaged offline such as a local bank where the collateral can really be used as a second escape if the borrower cannot pay the debt, but so far I have seen that loan services that are engaged online through an application or website always experience problems where many of their customers do not pay their debts and run away.

Usually when people borrow from online lenders, they will usually make someone else the second party responsible by only entering someone else's cellphone number, and I have experienced this incident where one of my friends borrowed from one of the applications and made my cellphone number the second party responsible which in the end of course the service always contacted me but the problem could be solved only by selling my cellphone because of course everyone will not want to take responsibility for something he did not do. This means that the incident you described will probably only happen when the loan scenario occurs individually such as to another person or one of their friends or it could also be online, because if the loan service operates offline such as a local bank then usually they will choose a valuable item owned by the borrower as collateral.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: stomachgrowls on June 08, 2024, 07:47:23 PM
Inheriting gambling could be possible depending on whats the agreement of the debtor and the ones who grant it, if there would really be some agreement and signed
then if its stated then it would be responsible for them to pay up on what you have spent.
That's true. It would be wise to have a signed agreement with a collateral so just incase something unexpected happened, the lender can still get his money even after the death of the borrower. Because the debt can't be pass to the relatives unless the person has a properties left then that's where they'll get the money to be use to pay the loan. I'm not certain if this is the legal way but here this is what's happening. Especially if the lender can present an evidence that the person really have a loan from him before his passing.

Yes that may not actually be the legal way but seem to be, u duely concur that most people today has such treaty because even when you want to get your money back after the passing away of the person who lend the money it's very hard because you can't go to court without evidence beside it's not also correct if you take person to court has had nit even enter any contract with you remember there is a saying that Nemo quod non havet that is to say no body can give what he don't have it's what you have as evidence you will tender in court and court will now see it and asked the people to pay back since they are the man's children as they had benefits from the man directly or indirectly, but without evidence it won't work.
For someone who do offers that kind of lending money to other people then you should really be always thinking up on advance specially or including for that borrower for them to possibly die on which it will really be causing up that total loss on the moment that you wouldnt really be getting any of those loan amount. We arent that being that too greedy but it is really just that right because its our money. We should really be wise on how to get at least and wont really be totally considered to be forfeited and this is why these kind of agreement could really be applied and if ever that there would be those arguments in between that lender and the borrower. If things turns out to be severe then lender would be having that something to be able to represent on which he/she could have a chance on getting those amounts back and those loved ones are the
ones will be continuing the loan.

Inheriting pending loans is something that give out that headache, were not really that lawyers or someone whose that good on legal aspects but
if there would be those contracts or agreements that been signed or agree upon then it could really pushed through legal means.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on June 08, 2024, 08:55:02 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
It could definitely be settled in court, but the defendant needs to pay up the money. That statement depends on where the loan came from; if it were a bank loan, the already paid collateral will be used to clear the loan and, there's certainly no case for his children. If he got it from any other monetary institutions, it'll not just need a refund but they'll calculate penal interest, should he fail to make payment .

What's the essence of putting people through some unnecessary stress of working to pay up a huge debt that you accumulated, all by yourself? What ideas are you passing on to your kids on good parenting?

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: hyudien on June 09, 2024, 04:01:23 AM
It could definitely be settled in court, but the defendant needs to pay up the money. That statement depends on where the loan came from; if it were a bank loan, the already paid collateral will be used to clear the loan and, there's certainly no case for his children. If he got it from any other monetary institutions, it'll not just need a refund but they'll calculate penal interest, should he fail to make payment .

What's the essence of putting people through some unnecessary stress of working to pay up a huge debt that you accumulated, all by yourself? What ideas are you passing on to your kids on good parenting?
Even borrowing money from your own friends is already wrong if the purpose of borrowing the money is for gambling, let alone borrowing the money from a large and official company such as a bank and the purpose of the loan is for gambling, of course it is very wrong to do that. I think those who dare to borrow money from Banks to get money and use it for gambling are people who have lost their sanity because if they do that there is little chance they will be able to pay it, not to mention the interest which will be even greater if they are late in paying it or can't pay it, of course it will involve family and the law. which could result in the borrower being subject to large and severe penalties for not being able to pay the debt. Apart from that, their family could also be involved in being responsible if the borrower hides or shirks responsibility.
If the debt is done by yourself without anyone else knowing about it, of course it is your own responsibility and you have to resolve it yourself, maybe by telling a story, that's fine, but if you ask for help to pay off the debt, I don't think it will work, especially when they find out that he those whose debts are caused by gambling are unlikely to be liable. Apart from that, giving good ideas must of course be done, and I think you yourself also know the ideas that should be given to children regarding good parenting.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Ever-young on June 09, 2024, 05:16:59 AM
If you want to borrow money, there must be a collateral. If there is not collateral, there must be one or more guarantors. I do not think anyone can be a guarantor of a gambler. It is the father that have the debt and if he dies, his family will pay with the properties or works that the father left on earth. I do not think the son have any problem with his own property. That is why it is good to have your own property and be independent.

You are absolutely right, so that if a gambler gambles and couldn't pay up, if he borrows money to gamble, he should be hold responsible and not the parents.

I don't think it's wise to even borrow money to go and gamble, what if they lose all the money in the process, as for me I can't borrow money to someone who gambles, I don't want stories as well as problems and also if I borrow money to gamble to use it to go and gamble, I'm not helping him as well, I'm still leading him or pushing him to go and be irresponsible, which they will not be useful to themselves and to the society, in the sense that they can't be able to save up or they can't even think of working or looking for a job to be earning because they think the only source of income is by gambling.

So the best thing to do it's just to help them in a way we can, by providing job opportunities for them etc and not to borrow money to them, even if they keep collateral or even have guarantor.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: taufik123 on June 09, 2024, 09:23:47 AM
What's the essence of putting people through some unnecessary stress of working to pay up a huge debt that you accumulated, all by yourself? What ideas are you passing on to your kids on good parenting?
Only a stupid parent would do this to his offspring.
The debt due to gambling will be large because the interest continues to run,
but some loan sharks who give debt will usually provide relief to pay if the debtor is dead.

What kind of inheritance if you have to pay off debts because of gambling,
it is not an inheritance, but a disaster that will befall our children and grandchildren.

So from now on, you must be aware, gambling is entertainment and don't use money that shouldn't be used, don't borrow just because you want to gamble.
Thinking about the lives of our children and grandchildren after we die is necessary to do, don't just think about your own pleasures that are only temporary.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Orpichukwu on June 09, 2024, 07:20:56 PM
Well it's possible that the garantoors maybe trusted friends or even family member that had no idea that he wanted to use the money for gambling, its also possible that it wasn't his initial reason to borrow the money and maybe passing by a gambling shop he couldn't control himself or maybe just decided to fund his betting account and that's how he ruined it all.
To the best of my knowledge, guarantors can't agree to sign something they do not understand, no matter what kind of relationship they share with the person they went to sign the guarantor agreement for, because signing that type of agreement means that if the person who's taking the loan doesn't pay back, they should hold you accountable to either pay back the loan or provide the person with the opportunity with the opportunity to come and take appropriate action.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Mia Chloe on June 09, 2024, 07:34:05 PM
Only a stupid parent would do this to his offspring.
The debt due to gambling will be large because the interest continues to run,
but some loan sharks who give debt will usually provide relief to pay if the debtor is dead.
What kind of inheritance if you have to pay off debts because of gambling,
it is not an inheritance, but a disaster that will befall our children and grandchildren.
So from now on, you must be aware, gambling is entertainment and don't use money that shouldn't be used, don't borrow just because you want to gamble.
Thinking about the lives of our children and grandchildren after we die is necessary to do, don't just think about your own pleasures that are only temporary.
Like what the heck. Why would a parent do something as stupid as go into debt because of gambling. Most of the time we often use the statement of gambling being a neutral act but the fact is things like this are what makes a great deal of people very gambling as a wrong act. Infact I personally have this idea that every single idea of gambling being a negative act is as a result of the damages gambling addicts have caused over time.
Things like this are the reason why gambling should be done with caution. A gambler in the first place should not even have the urge to consider borrowing or taking a loan just to meet his mere gambling pleasures for the time being. In fact the truth is only a gambling addict would give such idea a thought in the first place.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: taufik123 on June 10, 2024, 02:26:22 AM
A gambler in the first place should not even have the urge to consider borrowing or taking a loan just to meet his mere gambling pleasures for the time being. In fact the truth is only a gambling addict would give such idea a thought in the first place.

then the crux of the problem is "ADDICTION" it will make everything look negative,
every addict will spend more money on gambling without thinking about how much they will get.

It has become an acute mental illness that is difficult to cure if not cured immediately. Parents need to be a good example for their children.
I knew gambling could be a hobby. But don't sacrifice the lives of children in the future with debt because of addiction.

I know some people who are quite fond of gambling, but they have control and don't cross the boundaries they set themselves.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: wxa7115 on June 10, 2024, 03:22:59 AM
Only a stupid parent would do this to his offspring.
The debt due to gambling will be large because the interest continues to run,
but some loan sharks who give debt will usually provide relief to pay if the debtor is dead.

What kind of inheritance if you have to pay off debts because of gambling,
it is not an inheritance, but a disaster that will befall our children and grandchildren.

So from now on, you must be aware, gambling is entertainment and don't use money that shouldn't be used, don't borrow just because you want to gamble.
Thinking about the lives of our children and grandchildren after we die is necessary to do, don't just think about your own pleasures that are only temporary.
How this issue could be solved will depend on the laws of the country in question, where I live except for taxes, every single debt that a person may have had is forfeited at the time of their death, and even those that had legally bind themselves to pay it back do not have to do so.

So in a country like that it is impossible to inherit your gambling debts to your friends or your family, however it would not surprise me if this was possible at some other countries.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: retreat on June 10, 2024, 03:30:15 AM
It could definitely be settled in court, but the defendant needs to pay up the money. That statement depends on where the loan came from; if it were a bank loan, the already paid collateral will be used to clear the loan and, there's certainly no case for his children. If he got it from any other monetary institutions, it'll not just need a refund but they'll calculate penal interest, should he fail to make payment .

What's the essence of putting people through some unnecessary stress of working to pay up a huge debt that you accumulated, all by yourself? What ideas are you passing on to your kids on good parenting?

As far as I understand, if the loan comes from a bank, then the loan will be paid off when the borrower dies and family members no longer need to be burdened with the loan. However, if the loan is from a third party, for example a loan shark or cooperative, which has a loan agreement which states that family members need to pay the loan even when the borrower dies, then the family members or children will inherit the loan. And that is what usually happens in casinos, where they design the loan to be passed on to family members/heirs appointed by the borrower. And people like this who are in debt and pass on their debts to others are the type of people who are selfish and have no feelings.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Casdinyard on June 10, 2024, 09:44:35 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
In the law the kids or any paying relative of the deceased will be required to pay the deceased's debts, based on certain stipulations that is. However, some courts of justices either forgive the loans due to the nature of the situation that the bereaved are put into, or just take out the interest and have the mourning pay the capital amount. It's just how the way works and an even bigger reason why people with families should be on the lookout with their gambling behaviors, cause we have no way of knowing when and how we'll die here on this planet, we can only prepare ourselves and our loved ones for when it does happen, and if you're out here ruining your life knowing you got a wife and kids at home waiting for you then let me just say you're a horrible father and honestly speaking, they'd be better off without you than have you around them and experience life with a subpar partner and parent who's got no regard for the future of his kids cause he'd rather gamble his life savings than prepare for when he has to leave his family.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: EarnOnVictor on June 10, 2024, 03:39:01 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
It could definitely be settled in court, but the defendant needs to pay up the money. That statement depends on where the loan came from; if it were a bank loan, the already paid collateral will be used to clear the loan and, there's certainly no case for his children. If he got it from any other monetary institutions, it'll not just need a refund but they'll calculate penal interest, should he fail to make payment .

What's the essence of putting people through some unnecessary stress of working to pay up a huge debt that you accumulated, all by yourself? What ideas are you passing on to your kids on good parenting?
This is a huge irresponsible act. Others are striving to leave something meaningful for their children when they answer the ultimate call, but others are busy living their lives uselessly. This could be to the extent that some children will be faced with the problem of some debt settlements. Regardless, cases like this are different with different possible solutions to them, and in all, the children may or may not pay the debts. Under the law, it is the person who offended that will suffer the brunt, the same thing is applicable to a loan and ist settlement, it is only the person who borrowed the money that is liable to pay it. This is why you are at your own risk if you lend money out without some proper agreements, guarantor(s) and collateral that will back that agreement up. If there are agreements/collaterals in case of eventualities, then the creditor is empowered by law to enforce his debt recovery agreement.

But in case the property, for example, is worth more than the debt, the remaining shall be returned to the deceased family. If it is a guarantor's agreement as well, the guarantor will be made accountable. However, if there are no such things as mentioned above and the deceased dies, even if he has 100 houses, so far they are not linked to the agreement, the benefactors after his death can decide whatever they like on the matter of whether they should pay or not. In some cases, even if the deceased did not leave any properties for the family, the family may decide to clear the debt in his name to honour him (if they have).

No amount of court can change this stance unless there are some legal backings and I know that creditors are getting wiser these days to avoid issues like this, except for the Loan Sharks with huge interest rates due to their desperation.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: uneng on June 10, 2024, 03:46:08 PM
However, if the loan is from a third party, for example a loan shark or cooperative, which has a loan agreement which states that family members need to pay the loan even when the borrower dies, then the family members or children will inherit the loan. And that is what usually happens in casinos, where they design the loan to be passed on to family members/heirs appointed by the borrower. And people like this who are in debt and pass on their debts to others are the type of people who are selfish and have no feelings.
I have never seen a situation where family members had to use money from their own pockets to pay off debt from a dead family member. It doesn't seem constitutional in any cases, because nobody can force third party people to honor their agreements, in case they can't. At least, not without the agreement of this third person as well on the moment the contract was signed by both parties. That is what we call guarantor. And only in this case the debt will be passed ahead, to the guarantor in this case.

Loan sharks are another story, though, because they can use illegal coercive measures to force family members to pay off debt, otherwise they will suffer the consequences... But that is something completely outlaw, so I don't think we could consider it a inherited gambling debt. In fact, people should call the police in these cases, so they can be protected against the loan sharks' threats.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Accardo on June 10, 2024, 04:02:58 PM
However, if the loan is from a third party, for example a loan shark or cooperative, which has a loan agreement which states that family members need to pay the loan even when the borrower dies, then the family members or children will inherit the loan. And that is what usually happens in casinos, where they design the loan to be passed on to family members/heirs appointed by the borrower. And people like this who are in debt and pass on their debts to others are the type of people who are selfish and have no feelings.
I have never seen a situation where family members had to use money from their own pockets to pay off debt from a dead family member. It doesn't seem constitutional in any cases, because nobody can force third party people to honor their agreements, in case they can't. At least, not without the agreement of this third person as well on the moment the contract was signed by both parties. That is what we call guarantor. And only in this case the debt will be passed ahead, to the guarantor in this case.

Loan sharks are another story, though, because they can use illegal coercive measures to force family members to pay off debt, otherwise they will suffer the consequences... But that is something completely outlaw, so I don't think we could consider it a inherited gambling debt. In fact, people should call the police in these cases, so they can be protected against the loan sharks' threats.

Involving the police, does it sound like a way to settle the problem? The cops can decide to side the loan shark. Because his money is at stake and it'll be also injustice on the loan shark's end if his money is not given to him. I understand that people are not meant to pay for loan they don't know about, but they are better means of settling such matters.

Provided the loan shark has given out proof about the deceased person owing him, talking to him to atleast reduce the amount of money for the moarning family is the best idea. Trying to go it the aggressive way will only piss off the loan shark to take silly decisions. The loan sharks also take this steps of asking for the player's family contacts for the same reason. If the person doesn't come back to pay back or leaves this earth, they'll trace him to his family using the information he's provided.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: knowngunman on June 10, 2024, 04:03:09 PM
To the best of my knowledge, guarantors can't agree to sign something they do not understand, no matter what kind of relationship they share with the person they went to sign the guarantor agreement for, because signing that type of agreement means that if the person who's taking the loan doesn't pay back, they should hold you accountable to either pay back the loan or provide the person with the opportunity with the opportunity to come and take appropriate action.

People actually stand as a guarantor for debtors if the debtor is a trustworthy person and the loan purpose is justifiable and necessary. Although, in this case I don't think any sane and reasonable person will agree to stand as a guarantor for someone who needs the loan for gambling purpose regardless of their relationship. It's very wrong decision to think of borrowing money from close friends or family members to play gambling talk more of taking a loan that will require a guarantor just to satisfy your gambling urge and leave the debt for innocent family members to pay when you are no more.

There is no case here as far as I know about debt and loan. It is a tradition and norms to pay back debt they inherit from any member of the family when the debtor is not more regardless of how the debt was acquired or the purpose it was acquired for. Collateral can be used to settle the debt if the family members can not be able to pay the debt but in the case of no collateral, properties can be sold to settle it. For every gambler out there please play responsibly and stay away from taking loan to gamble. It's unhealthy to us and our loved ones.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: GigaBit on June 10, 2024, 04:14:58 PM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
Many people look at borrowing negatively but I think it is positive. There are many people who are successful with loans and there are many people who fail. It will mainly depend on the borrower. Because a person who takes a loan and gambles without thinking about repaying the loan, he must face danger. Borrowing leads to a more precarious situation for those who do not have the source of income or money to repay the loan. The father of the family who has to struggle to run the family with his income will surely run towards debt if he takes a loan. Since gambling has not yet been legalized in many countries, one person's debt cannot be imposed on another. But when anything goes too far, it is no longer normal. Of course the number of such gamblers should be reduced otherwise the society may be affected.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: taufik123 on June 10, 2024, 04:19:40 PM
How this issue could be solved will depend on the laws of the country in question, where I live except for taxes, every single debt that a person may have had is forfeited at the time of their death, and even those that had legally bind themselves to pay it back do not have to do so.
It depends on who is lending, if it comes from a government agency or body that is official and known to the government,
maybe the regulation will apply, but not all debts will be forfeited.

Maybe only a few percent because the Bank or such a savings and loan cooperative place does not want to get losses because one of its customers died.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Coin_trader on June 10, 2024, 04:20:01 PM

Many people look at borrowing negatively but I think it is positive. There are many people who are successful with loans and there are many people who fail. It will mainly depend on the borrower. Because a person who takes a loan and gambles without thinking about repaying the loan, he must face danger. Borrowing leads to a more precarious situation for those who do not have the source of income or money to repay the loan. The father of the family who has to struggle to run the family with his income will surely run towards debt if he takes a loan. Since gambling has not yet been legalized in many countries, one person's debt cannot be imposed on another. But when anything goes too far, it is no longer normal. Of course the number of such gamblers should be reduced otherwise the society may be affected.

Although I’m not against with borrowing since I’m doing it myself but I don’t consider it as positive since you are paying premium(interest) once you borrow which you didn’t have to just to gamble if you will just wait.

I said that I’m not against since borrowing helps a gambler like me to play in advance while waiting for the payday but it incorporates some additional expenses which is painful if you loss the borrowed funds so in general it’s both good and bad depending on the user but it’s not positive tool since of high interest rate for a shourt period of time which is unavoidable if the person is willing to wait.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: pawanjain on June 10, 2024, 04:23:30 PM
I have often heard about such incidents where the gambler or let's say the person in debt passes away and then their family had to repay the debt.
So yes, in many the debt is inherited by his family and in some cases I guess the debt becomes invalid since the person himself passes away.
But according to me people should not let the debt be passed on to their family at first place.
If someone is taking a debt they should make sure to clear it out ASAP and if not then they should have a back up plan in place in case of such mishaps so that their loved ones don't suffer.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: uneng on June 10, 2024, 04:36:30 PM
Involving the police, does it sound like a way to settle the problem? The cops can decide to side the loan shark. Because his money is at stake and it'll be also injustice on the loan shark's end if his money is not given to him. I understand that people are not meant to pay for loan they don't know about, but they are better means of settling such matters.

Provided the loan shark has given out proof about the deceased person owing him, talking to him to atleast reduce the amount of money for the moarning family is the best idea. Trying to go it the aggressive way will only piss off the loan shark to take silly decisions. The loan sharks also take this steps of asking for the player's family contacts for the same reason. If the person doesn't come back to pay back or leaves this earth, they'll trace him to his family using the information he's provided.
Unless the police is corrupt, involving them is the most reasonable alternative if the loan shark is threating to do something against the family in case they don't pay off the debt of a dead family member. Personally, I wouldn't negotiate with thieves and murderers, so I definitely wouldn't wish to directly talk to him on that hypothetical situation. The debt isn't mine, I did nothing wrong, while I'm being physically threated. Since we live in a civilized society, there must be civilized means to solve the situation, what involves demanding action from authorities.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Hispo on June 10, 2024, 04:40:10 PM

As far as I know, in the modern western countries is not possible for a person to inherit debt at all, that including gambling debt. Once the person passes away, the state takes care to reach a settlement with the lender of the money. Though, there are relatively few documented cases of that happening.
The only way I could see someone inheriting debt from a family member would be if the money was borrowed from a criminal organization or a criminal syndicate, they obviously do not care about legislation and the laws of the country, so they threaten the family of the deceased gambler and pressure them into paying all back in a fixed period of time. Having inherited gambling debt while living in a third world country dominated by corruption, must be a very nasty experience, since one is paying for the  pleasures and entertainment someone already had and never took responsibility for that money.  ::)
I pity anyone in such situation   :(

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Pandu Geddon on June 10, 2024, 04:46:19 PM
I have often heard about such incidents where the gambler or let's say the person in debt passes away and then their family had to repay the debt.
So yes, in many the debt is inherited by his family and in some cases I guess the debt becomes invalid since the person himself passes away.
But according to me people should not let the debt be passed on to their family at first place.
If someone is taking a debt they should make sure to clear it out ASAP and if not then they should have a back up plan in place in case of such mishaps so that their loved ones don't suffer.

However, the heirs will be obliged to pay off the debts left behind. whether the money is used for gambling or other purposes. heirs or family members cannot just claim or enjoy pleasure when they have money alone. but when a person dies but still leaves debts, then there is an obligation for family members or heirs to pay those debts.

but we don't know what the agreement is between the lender and the person who borrows. but in my opinion, the debt still has to be paid. even with requests for relief or other forms of negotiation.
Of course we have to see the proof and legality of the loan made. it could also be an opportunity for blackmail that could occur to the heirs. We also have to see whether the loan uses collateral or not. because it is related to the assets owned, of course it must be resolved properly.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on June 10, 2024, 04:49:48 PM
Well, yes I think debt can be inherited from parents or relatives, depending on the person that is very close to the debtor or the person that stood as a guarantor for the gambler. Before someone takes loan, they usually use someone as their guarantor which is liable to pay the loan if the real borrower is unable to repay or perhaps the person dies. If the children of the borrower are wealthy enough, they will be entitled to clear their dad's debt to avoid drama from the lender. This kind of issues have caused several issues in my place.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: STT on June 10, 2024, 05:22:37 PM
I think the estate of a person deceased does have to clear loans and debts owing, so that'd wipe out some or all of the asset worth passing onto family.   Its possible the debts can exceed the capital left in a will or estate which means nothing at all passes on, the children arent liable for the debt they didnt take up.

  Children still lose some or all of the capital that they might have otherwise inherited.   A good Will prepared legally will be able to protect asset worth in a trust and that might survive debts, this requires proper legal work beforehand though.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Wakate on June 10, 2024, 05:25:28 PM
Well, yes I think debt can be inherited from parents or relatives, depending on the person that is very close to the debtor or the person that stood as a guarantor for the gambler. Before someone takes loan, they usually use someone as their guarantor which is liable to pay the loan if the real borrower is unable to repay or perhaps the person dies. If the children of the borrower are wealthy enough, they will be entitled to clear their dad's debt to avoid drama from the lender. This kind of issues have caused several issues in my place.
Why would someone inherit gambling debt? This is ridiculous and I don't think this would be accepted everywhere.
There are some places where inheriting gambling debt is impossible and can never be tolerated. Everyone needs to carry their cross and should not be extended to others that do not partake in it. Gambling debt can be possible in some advanced countries but their world be a lot of consideration that need to put into a book. I think for a person to inherit gambling debt, their should be a written agreement or something that would be shown in court that such an agreement to structured on behave of the two parties with a written legal reference.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: d3nz on June 10, 2024, 05:26:43 PM
Involving the police, does it sound like a way to settle the problem? The cops can decide to side the loan shark. Because his money is at stake and it'll be also injustice on the loan shark's end if his money is not given to him. I understand that people are not meant to pay for loan they don't know about, but they are better means of settling such matters.

Provided the loan shark has given out proof about the deceased person owing him, talking to him to atleast reduce the amount of money for the moarning family is the best idea. Trying to go it the aggressive way will only piss off the loan shark to take silly decisions. The loan sharks also take this steps of asking for the player's family contacts for the same reason. If the person doesn't come back to pay back or leaves this earth, they'll trace him to his family using the information he's provided.
Unless the police is corrupt, involving them is the most reasonable alternative if the loan shark is threating to do something against the family in case they don't pay off the debt of a dead family member. Personally, I wouldn't negotiate with thieves and murderers, so I definitely wouldn't wish to directly talk to him on that hypothetical situation. The debt isn't mine, I did nothing wrong, while I'm being physically threated. Since we live in a civilized society, there must be civilized means to solve the situation, what involves demanding action from authorities.

In this situation, I would recommend seeking legal aid or community support services for protection since loan sharks are already involved in this. And, I think that the police cannot do anything and most likely suggest settling it in court. Some people who are in huge debt are going to different countries to flee from them.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Coin_trader on June 10, 2024, 05:36:25 PM
And, I think that the police cannot do anything and most likely suggest settling it in court. Some people who are in huge debt are going to different countries to flee from them.

What country do you live because police doesn’t seem working based on their job description. Police should act if there’s already threatening involved since it’s more on public safety rather than loan issue if violence is already looming.

Reporting it to the police is the right choice so that the loan shark will be automatically the prime suspect if ever they issued the violence. But also the debt should be paid even on terms with the help of the court or just an agreement between 2 party.

Loan shark will not harm anyone as long as they are being paid even in terms so reporting them to police is the right choice.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Mr.sprin on June 10, 2024, 05:40:15 PM
Well, yes I think debt can be inherited from parents or relatives, depending on the person that is very close to the debtor or the person that stood as a guarantor for the gambler. Before someone takes loan, they usually use someone as their guarantor which is liable to pay the loan if the real borrower is unable to repay or perhaps the person dies. If the children of the borrower are wealthy enough, they will be entitled to clear their dad's debt to avoid drama from the lender. This kind of issues have caused several issues in my place.

Talking about debts that must be paid, if the debtor has died then the heirs are obliged to pay and pay off all the debts left behind by the deceased, because no matter what, a debt is still a debt even if it is a debt from gambling profits, which in essence the debt must be paid and paid off. by the heirs or close relatives of the deceased, because in any case there is no tolerance for debt, everything has an agreement from the start, whether he wants to borrow money for gambling or other things is his right, because from the start he only lent the money and it will be pay when he has other money.

Talking about whether it is permissible or not depends on who wants to pay the debt, if you say it is not permissible, what do you want, it is also a debt, so it must be repaid by the immediate family, whether it is a gambling debt or something else, the debt still has to be paid, because the party The authorities can't even buy the debtor himself, because of the agreement from the first time before asking for a loan with the debtor, where one day when he has the money he has to pay, if the debtor dies then his heirs or relatives are the ones who have to pay all the debt.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: dunfida on June 10, 2024, 05:48:50 PM
Well, yes I think debt can be inherited from parents or relatives, depending on the person that is very close to the debtor or the person that stood as a guarantor for the gambler. Before someone takes loan, they usually use someone as their guarantor which is liable to pay the loan if the real borrower is unable to repay or perhaps the person dies. If the children of the borrower are wealthy enough, they will be entitled to clear their dad's debt to avoid drama from the lender. This kind of issues have caused several issues in my place.

Talking about debts that must be paid, if the debtor has died then the heirs are obliged to pay and pay off all the debts left behind by the deceased, because no matter what, a debt is still a debt even if it is a debt from gambling profits, which in essence the debt must be paid and paid off. by the heirs or close relatives of the deceased, because in any case there is no tolerance for debt, everything has an agreement from the start, whether he wants to borrow money for gambling or other things is his right, because from the start he only lent the money and it will be pay when he has other money.

Talking about whether it is permissible or not depends on who wants to pay the debt, if you say it is not permissible, what do you want, it is also a debt, so it must be repaid by the immediate family, whether it is a gambling debt or something else, the debt still has to be paid, because the party The authorities can't even buy the debtor himself, because of the agreement from the first time before asking for a loan with the debtor, where one day when he has the money he has to pay, if the debtor dies then his heirs or relatives are the ones who have to pay all the debt.
Talking ethically then it should really be paid but what if that deceased borrower having that a family which is really that struggling on day to day living. Then what would  you do?
Also, inheriting gambling wont really be something could be applied not unless if there would really be that some stated agreement in regarding about that having that kind of condition on which your
dependants or to those someone whom you do connected into or simply with your family would really be having that kind of miserable paying up those pending loans or debts.

If ever that there would really be some sort on waivering it out since there are no mentions about paying it up, then to those indviduals or people will really be that rejecting such paying up those debts.
Unless if they would be able to present up some solid agreement and signed up then it would really be that something strong evidence or proof that you would really be needing up to pay.
Gambling isnt that bad but at the moment that you are digging with your own grave.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: darkangel11 on June 10, 2024, 07:13:46 PM
Well, yes I think debt can be inherited from parents or relatives, depending on the person that is very close to the debtor or the person that stood as a guarantor for the gambler.

Talking about debts that must be paid, if the debtor has died then the heirs are obliged to pay and pay off all the debts left behind by the deceased, because no matter what, a debt is still a debt even if it is a debt from gambling profits, which in essence the debt must be paid and paid off.

It's not like that guys, at least not in first world countries. You can either accept the inheritance or not. If the debt is higher than inherited assets, you refuse to accept any of it and get nothing, but don't have to repay any debts. Should you accept the inheritance, you also accept the debt and have to pay it, sooner the better because it's going to keep rising as debtors can add interest.
It doesn't matter if you have the money. If you make the mistake of accepting inheritance with large debt, you have to pay it back even if you're a teenager and have no money.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: UmerIdrees on June 10, 2024, 07:25:53 PM
Well, yes I think debt can be inherited from parents or relatives, depending on the person that is very close to the debtor or the person that stood as a guarantor for the gambler. Before someone takes loan, they usually use someone as their guarantor which is liable to pay the loan if the real borrower is unable to repay or perhaps the person dies. If the children of the borrower are wealthy enough, they will be entitled to clear their dad's debt to avoid drama from the lender. This kind of issues have caused several issues in my place.

First of all, there is no debt as "Gambling Debt". A debt is a debt, no matter for what purpose you took it. It makes no difference whether the debt was taken to gamble or for any other purpose, it has to be repaid.

In most cultures, the debt is to be paid by the person who took it and in case he dies, it becomes an obligation on this inherits to pay the debt. This is true in our culture and also in our religion. Some other cultures may have different norms. However, if the person who gave the loan is generous enough to forgive it, then there is no better thing than this. If the deceased family is poor, it is better to help the family by forgiving the loan.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: 348Judah on June 10, 2024, 07:52:25 PM
It's very possible that some may have to inherit this even though it's a bad thing to see happening, there are laws and agreements in place that surrounds some gambling deals between the gambler and the gambling platform, whereby they may engage into agreements and make use of the surety or something to serve as collateral, some in their own foolishness will also make use of any of their close related family member to stand in for them, gambling is not a thing of force to do, we have to consider the future implication of everything we are doing and how such could affect others arounds us.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: rachael9385 on June 10, 2024, 07:52:50 PM
Well, yes I think debt can be inherited from parents or relatives, depending on the person that is very close to the debtor or the person that stood as a guarantor for the gambler. Before someone takes loan, they usually use someone as their guarantor which is liable to pay the loan if the real borrower is unable to repay or perhaps the person dies. If the children of the borrower are wealthy enough, they will be entitled to clear their dad's debt to avoid drama from the lender. This kind of issues have caused several issues in my place.
I don't think it's possible for a friend to inherit his/her friends dept, as long as the friend is not a family member to the dept or I don't think it would be possible for a friend to inherit a friends dept. I can say that families are the ones who is suppose to inherit the dept of their member, it's unless the a close friend to the family would like to assist them to pay but it's not a must for a friend to inherit any dept from his or her friend.
The essence of bringing a guarantor to collect a loan is for the sake that the loner ran away or something bad happened, then the guarantor who sighed the agreement for the loan will repay the loan.
However I have seen a case were the children are paying the loan that the father collected but the late father to the children didn't collect the loan to gamble.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Lanatsa on June 10, 2024, 08:44:31 PM
Well, yes I think debt can be inherited from parents or relatives, depending on the person that is very close to the debtor or the person that stood as a guarantor for the gambler. Before someone takes loan, they usually use someone as their guarantor which is liable to pay the loan if the real borrower is unable to repay or perhaps the person dies. If the children of the borrower are wealthy enough, they will be entitled to clear their dad's debt to avoid drama from the lender. This kind of issues have caused several issues in my place.
I don't think it's possible for a friend to inherit his/her friends dept, as long as the friend is not a family member to the dept or I don't think it would be possible for a friend to inherit a friends dept. I can say that families are the ones who is suppose to inherit the dept of their member, it's unless the a close friend to the family would like to assist them to pay but it's not a must for a friend to inherit any dept from his or her friend.
The essence of bringing a guarantor to collect a loan is for the sake that the loner ran away or something bad happened, then the guarantor who sighed the agreement for the loan will repay the loan.
However I have seen a case were the children are paying the loan that the father collected but the late father to the children didn't collect the loan to gamble.
Friend or any non blood relative then there's no way that they could be tied up to paid up someones loan or your friends loan. So its impossible, not unless if you are that part of the family
and there were some agreements in between lendor and the borrower then there would really be some responsibilities that needs to be settled or to be paid up. Of course this would really be that situational because we dont know on what are their payment agreements on the time that the gambler is still living. It do really indeed sucks that you would really be needing on paying up something which you havent
been able to make use in the right way or something worth but rather those amounts had been completely being used purely in gambling.

So as for those loved ones who are left behind then it would be just that a pain on paying up those loans if ever they would really be needing to pay up those loans
but most of the time it would really be that quits or waivered or something like this.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Cityhunter34 on June 11, 2024, 07:23:17 AM
The high rate of gamblers who take loan for gambling purposes is quite alarming, and most of them are fathers to kids. Most of them don't end up taking care of their debt before passing. What happens to the funds, when the lender comes for his money? It's quite a tough one for a person who isn't a gambler to inherit a trouble from a gambling dad. Such things also increase the anger of the society on gamblers, because the addicts are, also, good at extending their problem gambling to other close relatives. Could it be talked through in the law court?
It is very sad that some dad will have to pass on and leave dept as inheritance for their families. Expecially the next of kin. It is a clear warning to those whom their parents are Gamblers to hold their parents now they are alive to know the lapses they need to cover now they are alive. Because if they are dead the family might loose all what their dad had laboured for due to some Little dept which has no evidence of how much it is. Afterall dead men can't speak, this topic is very important because it educates us on alway tackling issues eailer before it gets too late. I believe this scenerio happens frequently and many people has lost their inheritance due to lack of evidence which the faut is from the dad. Let us make sure we settle every problem when our parents are alive before it get too late when they are no more.
The worst thing that a father we do is living a dept inheritance for his families is very bad to witness such a bad habit from your dad more especially when you are the next of king because you will feel very bad you we not be happy actor, however that's why is always good as a next of king when ever you notice that your dad is getting addicted into gambling to the extent of borrowing money to play gambling you are meant to tackle him very well because once you didn't do that when he's not alive you are the one that is going to bear the consequences.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: wiss19 on June 11, 2024, 08:44:22 AM
but gamblers who are addicted to gambling will not be able to easily pay and pay off their debt if they don't have money or when they have money, they might even have the thought of going back to gambling first to double up. their money and hope to win, the aim of which is to cover all losses including the debts that surround them.
That's the problem and that is the reason why a gambler should never borrow money from anyone to gamble with it because they will never be able to return the money because as you said, even if they manage to get some money from somewhere, they will think of gambling with it again so that they can win more money with it and have something left for them after they repay the loan but what happens is that they lose the money again and then again have nothing to repay the loan.

I have also seen gamblers taking loans on top of current loans, which means that they take a bigger loan from somewhere else to repay a pending loan and have some money left that they can use for gambling hoping for a win and repaying the loan but that barely happens and they eventually lose it all and then have more burden.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Assface16678 on June 11, 2024, 09:17:05 AM
but gamblers who are addicted to gambling will not be able to easily pay and pay off their debt if they don't have money or when they have money, they might even have the thought of going back to gambling first to double up. their money and hope to win, the aim of which is to cover all losses including the debts that surround them.
That's the problem and that is the reason why a gambler should never borrow money from anyone to gamble with it because they will never be able to return the money because as you said, even if they manage to get some money from somewhere, they will think of gambling with it again so that they can win more money with it and have something left for them after they repay the loan but what happens is that they lose the money again and then again have nothing to repay the loan.

I have also seen gamblers taking loans on top of current loans, which means that they take a bigger loan from somewhere else to repay a pending loan and have some money left that they can use for gambling hoping for a win and repaying the loan but that barely happens and they eventually lose it all and then have more burden.
Taking loan or borrowing money just to use for gambling is like a trap or you are digging your grave more deeper, I witnessed many friends and colleagues that does borrow money and also those who discover loan apps and because they saw it convenient they keep on borrowing because they hope that they hit big win then they can pay off all their debt but its like a double edge sword, you can win or hit a jackpot in gambling truly, but again you should also consider the risk and consequences, the more you lose the more you suffer, and what more you are loaning and borrowing money? Then imagine the chaos that might happen to your life, so gamblers should be contented on what money they have to use for gambling, if they lose it all atleast it will only affect them and they can still fix it. So gamble responsibly, think before you decide and think twice before you commit to an action.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: pawanjain on June 11, 2024, 05:23:35 PM
I have often heard about such incidents where the gambler or let's say the person in debt passes away and then their family had to repay the debt.
So yes, in many the debt is inherited by his family and in some cases I guess the debt becomes invalid since the person himself passes away.
But according to me people should not let the debt be passed on to their family at first place.
If someone is taking a debt they should make sure to clear it out ASAP and if not then they should have a back up plan in place in case of such mishaps so that their loved ones don't suffer.

However, the heirs will be obliged to pay off the debts left behind. whether the money is used for gambling or other purposes. heirs or family members cannot just claim or enjoy pleasure when they have money alone. but when a person dies but still leaves debts, then there is an obligation for family members or heirs to pay those debts.

but we don't know what the agreement is between the lender and the person who borrows. but in my opinion, the debt still has to be paid. even with requests for relief or other forms of negotiation.
Of course we have to see the proof and legality of the loan made. it could also be an opportunity for blackmail that could occur to the heirs. We also have to see whether the loan uses collateral or not. because it is related to the assets owned, of course it must be resolved properly.

Don't you think that's not fair ? What happens in case a gambler takes a loan and loses it and then dies ?
Why is his family obliged to pay the debt ? I know that if he would have won then he would have spent some portion of the money on his family but that doesn't mean he took their permission to take the risk to gamble.
Also, there might be a chance that the person who gave t him loan would have cheated the gambler's family and made them pay more than what was asked.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: rojan on June 12, 2024, 02:17:01 AM
Sometimes helping people by giving loans but it brings something bad for them and that is when a person takes loans for gambling. And for this reason, before giving a loan, these things should be verified that where the funds of the loan will be used. And of course if he is a gambler then it is better not to give the loan. Rather, a normal gambler should bring those people right.
Gamblers try hard to get loans from people close to them after their funds are exhausted. My friend lost money by gambling after taking a loan from me. Now I can't contact him in any way and he is far away from me.I didn't realize that he would gamble with money from me. I would have never given him a loan if I could. Several days after the loan I was able to leave, he gambled with loans from several other people and exhausted the funds.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: adpinbr on June 12, 2024, 07:04:27 AM
Tell me the person is dead and the person is dead if there is money in the person's account that is only reason where we can be talking about taking money out from his account to settle the debt but the children inheriting the depth is not making any sense to me because I don't see someone inheriting depth than does not mean much in the family just a gambling depth I don't think it will be possible and well I don't know much about this and believe more to reply has already been done on it so whatever it happens to be that is it I just give my little opinion to me if I am to be in a position of asking this question to people or judging or if I'm in position to be a judge on this, I will not let anyone inherit any debt that involve anything gambling because it's not a reasonable debt how would someone go and borrow money to gamble it is really bad

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: ethereumhunter on June 12, 2024, 08:51:53 AM
Gamblers try hard to get loans from people close to them after their funds are exhausted. My friend lost money by gambling after taking a loan from me. Now I can't contact him in any way and he is far away from me.I didn't realize that he would gamble with money from me. I would have never given him a loan if I could. Several days after the loan I was able to leave, he gambled with loans from several other people and exhausted the funds.
If they trying to get loans to keeps playing gambling, that will not be a good idea for them because they must realizes that no matters how much money they use to gambling, they will still difficult to win in gambling. They should not inherit their gambling debt to their families because their family doesn't knows anything about their gambling activity. That will gives a problem to their families because their families must repay the debts.

That's why when we wants to playing gambling, we must have allocation for the funds so we don't use the money for other needs. We will not trying to breaks the limitation because that can cause us in trouble which we can't fills our daily needs. We always remember that gambling is just a fun thing and we don't have to use much money or even take a loan from other people.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Webetcoins on June 12, 2024, 11:41:41 AM
It could definitely be settled in court, but the defendant needs to pay up the money. That statement depends on where the loan came from; if it were a bank loan, the already paid collateral will be used to clear the loan and, there's certainly no case for his children. If he got it from any other monetary institutions, it'll not just need a refund but they'll calculate penal interest, should he fail to make payment .

What's the essence of putting people through some unnecessary stress of working to pay up a huge debt that you accumulated, all by yourself? What ideas are you passing on to your kids on good parenting?
As far as I understand, if the loan comes from a bank, then the loan will be paid off when the borrower dies and family members no longer need to be burdened with the loan. However, if the loan is from a third party, for example a loan shark or cooperative, which has a loan agreement which states that family members need to pay the loan even when the borrower dies, then the family members or children will inherit the loan. And that is what usually happens in casinos, where they design the loan to be passed on to family members/heirs appointed by the borrower. And people like this who are in debt and pass on their debts to others are the type of people who are selfish and have no feelings.
I have never heard that banks don't take loans from the family members of a person if they pass away because when you are filling a loan for anything in a bank, you are asked for all this information and they don't do it uselessly but they do it only for such purposes so that they can contact those people on behalf of the person writing the application or taking a loan just in case they disappear or don't pay the loan or even if they pass away.

A good idea for people taking gambling loans or any sort of loans would be to have life insurance so that when they pass away, their family get some money that they can use to repay the loans they have taken when they were alive. This way, their family members wouldn't have any burden when they leave this world.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on June 12, 2024, 12:46:13 PM
Well, yes I think debt can be inherited from parents or relatives, depending on the person that is very close to the debtor or the person that stood as a guarantor for the gambler. Before someone takes loan, they usually use someone as their guarantor which is liable to pay the loan if the real borrower is unable to repay or perhaps the person dies. If the children of the borrower are wealthy enough, they will be entitled to clear their dad's debt to avoid drama from the lender. This kind of issues have caused several issues in my place.
Why would someone inherit gambling debt? This is ridiculous and I don't think this would be accepted everywhere.
There are some places where inheriting gambling debt is impossible and can never be tolerated
. Everyone needs to carry their cross and should not be extended to others that do not partake in it. Gambling debt can be possible in some advanced countries but their world be a lot of consideration that need to put into a book. I think for a person to inherit gambling debt, their should be a written agreement or something that would be shown in court that such an agreement to structured on behave of the two parties with a written legal reference.

In my comment, when I said that "borrowers often uses a guarantor because it is most times requested by the lender" I was not only referring to debts incurred for the sake of gambling. I was generally referring to loans collected for what so ever reasons. It doesn't means if it's for gambling purpose, medical purpose, business purpose and personal use. Loan is what it is no matter the purpose it was used for.

Take for example, someone collected a loan and used his house as a collateral without any guarantor and used the money to gamble and lost it. Due to some circumstance, he passed away and couldn't repay the loan. If the kids of this man is alive and they have the financial capability to repay the loan, will they repay it or allow the house of their Dad to be claimed by the lender?

 Such a situation will definitely force the children to repay the loan or stand the chance to lose their fathers house.

In that situation, what the money was used for doesn't matter to the lender.

Well, yes I think debt can be inherited from parents or relatives, depending on the person that is very close to the debtor or the person that stood as a guarantor for the gambler. Before someone takes loan, they usually use someone as their guarantor which is liable to pay the loan if the real borrower is unable to repay or perhaps the person dies. If the children of the borrower are wealthy enough, they will be entitled to clear their dad's debt to avoid drama from the lender. This kind of issues have caused several issues in my place.

First of all, there is no debt as "Gambling Debt". A debt is a debt, no matter for what purpose you took it. It makes no difference whether the debt was taken to gamble or for any other purpose, it has to be repaid.

I was not specific on any debt, my comments clearly suggest that I am not specifically referring to only loans collected for gambling sake. As a matter of fact, if loan is collected, what ever the loan was used for doesn't primarily concern the lender. The lender's primary concern is to get his money and interest back from the borrower.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Gheka on June 12, 2024, 01:22:00 PM
I have often heard about such incidents where the gambler or let's say the person in debt passes away and then their family had to repay the debt.
So yes, in many the debt is inherited by his family and in some cases I guess the debt becomes invalid since the person himself passes away.
But according to me people should not let the debt be passed on to their family at first place.
If someone is taking a debt they should make sure to clear it out ASAP and if not then they should have a back up plan in place in case of such mishaps so that their loved ones don't suffer.

However, the heirs will be obliged to pay off the debts left behind. whether the money is used for gambling or other purposes. heirs or family members cannot just claim or enjoy pleasure when they have money alone. but when a person dies but still leaves debts, then there is an obligation for family members or heirs to pay those debts.

but we don't know what the agreement is between the lender and the person who borrows. but in my opinion, the debt still has to be paid. even with requests for relief or other forms of negotiation.
Of course we have to see the proof and legality of the loan made. it could also be an opportunity for blackmail that could occur to the heirs. We also have to see whether the loan uses collateral or not. because it is related to the assets owned, of course it must be resolved properly.

Don't you think that's not fair ? What happens in case a gambler takes a loan and loses it and then dies ?
Why is his family obliged to pay the debt ? I know that if he would have won then he would have spent some portion of the money on his family but that doesn't mean he took their permission to take the risk to gamble.
Also, there might be a chance that the person who gave t him loan would have cheated the gambler's family and made them pay more than what was asked.
There is no theory of fairness here, it is an agreement between the borrower and the lender, and if we have agreed to such terms, it is difficult for us to label this as an injustice because almost both sides are at a voluntary level, although this family may be dragged into these contracts, papers and documents are the clearest evidence, agreeing that there will be a level of sympathy for the family. However, corporations and lending systems also have employees and their families, and cannot afford to lose money in such a way, it will certainly be the original price and a little interest but looking at the situation, they will adjust so that both sides are in harmony

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Bravut on June 12, 2024, 02:49:17 PM
Well, yes I think debt can be inherited from parents or relatives, depending on the person that is very close to the debtor or the person that stood as a guarantor for the gambler. Before someone takes loan, they usually use someone as their guarantor which is liable to pay the loan if the real borrower is unable to repay or perhaps the person dies. If the children of the borrower are wealthy enough, they will be entitled to clear their dad's debt to avoid drama from the lender. This kind of issues have caused several issues in my place.
Why would someone inherit gambling debt? This is ridiculous and I don't think this would be accepted everywhere.
There are some places where inheriting gambling debt is impossible and can never be tolerated
. Everyone needs to carry their cross and should not be extended to others that do not partake in it. Gambling debt can be possible in some advanced countries but their world be a lot of consideration that need to put into a book. I think for a person to inherit gambling debt, their should be a written agreement or something that would be shown in court that such an agreement to structured on behave of the two parties with a written legal reference.

In my comment, when I said that "borrowers often uses a guarantor because it is most times requested by the lender" I was not only referring to debts incurred for the sake of gambling. I was generally referring to loans collected for what so ever reasons. It doesn't means if it's for gambling purpose, medical purpose, business purpose and personal use. Loan is what it is no matter the purpose it was used for.

Take for example, someone collected a loan and used his house as a collateral without any guarantor and used the money to gamble and lost it. Due to some circumstance, he passed away and couldn't repay the loan. If the kids of this man is alive and they have the financial capability to repay the loan, will they repay it or allow the house of their Dad to be claimed by the lender?

 Such a situation will definitely force the children to repay the loan or stand the chance to lose their fathers house.

In that situation, what the money was used for doesn't matter to the lender.

Well, yes I think debt can be inherited from parents or relatives, depending on the person that is very close to the debtor or the person that stood as a guarantor for the gambler. Before someone takes loan, they usually use someone as their guarantor which is liable to pay the loan if the real borrower is unable to repay or perhaps the person dies. If the children of the borrower are wealthy enough, they will be entitled to clear their dad's debt to avoid drama from the lender. This kind of issues have caused several issues in my place.

First of all, there is no debt as "Gambling Debt". A debt is a debt, no matter for what purpose you took it. It makes no difference whether the debt was taken to gamble or for any other purpose, it has to be repaid.

I was not specific on any debt, my comments clearly suggest that I am not specifically referring to only loans collected for gambling sake. As a matter of fact, if loan is collected, what ever the loan was used for doesn't primarily concern the lender. The lender's primary concern is to get his money and interest back from the borrower.

You are right. The lender has no business whatsoever concerning how the borrower spent the money, the borrower many at times would not explain what the money was used for to the family, probably might give half portion for family projects use the rest for gambling, sometime the family know nothing about it, so when the next of kin is alive, the collateral is valid, nothing can be done rather than pay. It would be embarrassing to have the capacity to and not pay, the only thing wrong here is the borrower should make the family aware.
Borrowing money to gambling is one of the most stupid action any gambler would take.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: junder on June 12, 2024, 03:20:15 PM
Gamblers try hard to get loans from people close to them after their funds are exhausted. My friend lost money by gambling after taking a loan from me. Now I can't contact him in any way and he is far away from me.I didn't realize that he would gamble with money from me. I would have never given him a loan if I could. Several days after the loan I was able to leave, he gambled with loans from several other people and exhausted the funds.

This is done by gamblers who are already addicted to gambling, because if they become addicted to gambling they will not be able to stop gambling even though they have experienced many losses and defeats. as you said, when gambling addicts run out of money they still have a mind where they can think about doing things that can make money, but the mistake of thinking like this usually leads to negative things such as stealing other people's rights, or borrowing money. Borrowing money to gamble is of course the wrong choice because this can endanger themselves and their families if the addict cannot pay off the debt. However, this may only be done by official borrowers such as banks which are large money companies.

Apart from that, addicts may initially borrow from friends or people close to them. In my opinion, this is unlikely to involve the addict's family, but there is a chance of this happening if the friend who lent the money tells the addict's family that he already owes a certain amount of money. to gamble, and when this happens I think the addict and his family will experience serious conflict because the addict has taken quite excessive actions. With what you are experiencing, maybe you can involve the addict's family in the way I have mentioned above. unless you really let it go.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: piebeyb on June 12, 2024, 03:25:31 PM
Borrowing money to gambling is one of the most stupid action any gambler would take.
Yes, that's right, it's clear that it's not a good decision when gambling, you have to borrow money, let alone be in debt to loan sharks, don't inherit debts from your family, don't let yourself as a human being from life cause trouble to your family because of gambling or addiction and then die and leave debts and inherit them to your family, that's it. not the right way, don't be too quick to decide to borrow money, especially if you don't have the knowledge to pay it back, it will definitely be difficult in the future.

I often hear about many cases of gambling addicts who commit suicide because they are in debt, so many lives are wasted just because they are in debt because they are gambling addicts, it is time to open their eyes to this, that gambling is not a game that can make players fast. rich, that doesn't exist in reality and in fact more people lose money from gambling, that's why gambling is actually just a place of entertainment to have fun, not to make money or other things that can harm yourself, gamble wisely, use the money you are ready to lose It will definitely prevent us from getting addicted, let alone wanting to go into debt to gamble.

Title: Re: Is it possible to inherit a gambling debt?
Post by: Juse14 on June 12, 2024, 06:53:34 PM
It's very possible that some may have to inherit this even though it's a bad thing to see happening, there are laws and agreements in place that surrounds some gambling deals between the gambler and the gambling platform, whereby they may engage into agreements and make use of the surety or something to serve as collateral, some in their own foolishness will also make use of any of their close related family member to stand in for them, gambling is not a thing of force to do, we have to consider the future implication of everything we are doing and how such could affect others arounds us.

Gambling is not meant to be forced but there is a broader perspective. Gambling practices have a detrimental impact on the financial and emotional health of a family. Laws must be firm and regulations must be tightened to protect communities and households from the threat of excessive gambling which can have a negative impact on their lives.

In contrast, most gambling platforms operate on simple terms and conditions: players are assumed to understand the risks they are taking. In addition, the platform provides users with various tools to help with responsible gambling, for example setting deposit limits or self-excluding from playing.

The contribution of education and awareness cannot be ignored in overcoming the negative impacts of gambling. It is important for people to be well informed about the risks involved and how to gamble safely. A comprehensive method must be adopted where we aim to limit the negative impacts of gambling, allowing individuals to gamble without restrictions but responsibly.