Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: ukaddict on March 04, 2024, 06:37:16 AM

Title: Is a block equivalent to a bitcoin
Post by: ukaddict on March 04, 2024, 06:37:16 AM
Is that right?

Title: Re: Is a block equivalent to a bitcoin
Post by: Findingnemo on March 04, 2024, 06:39:35 AM
Nope. A block is set of transactions that is included by the miners which meets their criteria generally the transactions with higher fees.

For example the block 833067 ( included 2925 TXs

In the above picture you can see how much the miners made which is fees + block reward.

Title: Re: Is a block equivalent to a bitcoin
Post by: Zaguru12 on March 04, 2024, 06:40:46 AM
No it’s not, but for every bitcoin block mined you get incentives or reward in bitcoin. It is on this block that bitcoin transaction are recorded and stored on the blockchain permanently. So it stores data and not a bitcoin itself, you can have more than one bitcoin transactions on a block

For bitcoin network the mining of bitcoin is associated to block as incentives that’s for every block mined there is an bitcoin rewarded attached to it which is halved after every 210000 blocks until all bitcoin has been mined

Title: Re: Is a block equivalent to a bitcoin
Post by: Hatchy on March 04, 2024, 06:43:39 AM
Is that right?
No, a block contains transaction data and is recorded on the Blockchain. They are two different things, so don't get confused. Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that operates using Blockchain technology. Every Bitcoin transaction is recorded using the Blockchain. Think of a block as a unit of data within the Blockchain that records transactions which have been verified and confirmed.  
How a Block in the Bitcoin Blockchain Works (

Title: Re: Is a block equivalent to a bitcoin
Post by: Mia Chloe on March 04, 2024, 06:48:41 AM
No blocks contain Bitcoin data.
Every Bitcoin block is a cluster of hashes nonce and transaction data. When miners solve cryptographic math they get Bitcoins as rewards for it . Those new Bitcoin data are recorded in that block. When you make a transaction it is also broadcasted to the Bitcoin network in the latest block. Miners are then able to confirm those transactions and get the fees attached to it as rewards in that block. So the more you mine and confirm new transactions the more rewards you get.

It is also estimated that about 6.25BTC is mined in every successive block so instead, you can apparently say every block contains about 6.25BTC new Bitcoins.

Title: Re: Is a block equivalent to a bitcoin
Post by: _act_ on March 04, 2024, 08:04:06 AM
In 10 minutes average but which might not be exactly 10 minutes, new block is mined. The blocks are called the chain of blocks which is refered to as blockchain. The block contains newly mined bitcoin and transaction fee of people that make transactions. Which means bitcoin is contained in each block. They are not the same thing.

Title: Re: Is a block equivalent to a bitcoin
Post by: mocacinno on March 04, 2024, 08:20:57 AM
The other users are correct, but since this question is so simple, i fear their explanation might be a tad to difficult (no offence OP, we all have to learn).
I'm going for an ELI12 explanation which is seriously simplified, but should (more or less) explain the difference between "block", "transaction" and "bitcoin".

Let's start :)

There is no such thing as a "physical bitcoin" (unless you're talking about those novelty coins, or artwork or something). When you get a bitcoin, it's basically an entry in our public ledger... So, basically, our ledger now contains a piece of text that says "sombody used a previous output noted in our ledger to fund one of the addresses of ukaddict with 1 BTC".

When the sender just created this piece of text (the transaction), it's usually just floating around in our network. Nodes receive this piece of text and put it in their mempool (literlly, they just put it in their memory). This also means the piece of text can be lost (and if it's lost, the network no longer knows the transaction, and your 1 BTC is gone)...

A miner's task is to take transactions (pieces of text) from their nodes' mempool and bundle them into a block. Think of one block as an excelsheet containing several thousands of transactions (unspent outputs being spend to fund addresses belonging to people). There's a lot of technical details involved in mining, but in this ELI12, we're not going to go into these details.

If a miner finds a valid block, it becomes part of the blockchain. He sends his block to the other nodes, and they save the valid block on disk... At this point, it's very hard to rollback your transaction, since it's no longer in memory, but it's actually written in a block that's part of the blockchain on the disk of thousands of nodes.

The blockchain is basically a string of blocks, think of it as excelsheets that are numbered: block0001.xlsx, block0002.xlsx, block0003.xlsx,... The sheets HAVE to be read in sequence, you cannot read block0009.xlsx before you've read block0008.xlsx. This is technically enforced. In reality, block0010.xlsx might contain a transaction that funds your address, and block0099.xlsx might contain a transaction where you use the unspent input from block0010.xlsx to pay somebody else (so it'll contain a record saying that you've spent the funds you got in block0010.xlsx to fund the address you've gotten from a seller somewhere).

Do realise this is an ELI12 explanation, it's far from complete (it's not even 100% correct, since it's simplified quite a bit).