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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Hispo on March 09, 2024, 01:31:37 PM

Title: Mental healthcare as state policy ?
Post by: Hispo on March 09, 2024, 01:31:37 PM
Hello, and I hope all of you are having a comfortable Saturday.
As usual, I have keep an eye on many news from the United States and from western countries in general and some ideas have crossed my mind about the way the states are supposed to act in order to help people to improve the quality of life. I will summarize my ideas in a single question.

Is the state/public administration of a country to be responsible of the mental health of their citizens?

I have seen several times people in the United States, who belong to the Republican party, blame violence and gun violence on mental illness of perpetrators and yet, it seems that the USA does not make any important effort to make medication and mental health professionals within the reach of anyone who needs it.
In other countries like mine, the access is guaranteed, but the quality of such assistance is very lacklustre.

Would you agree on the idea mental healthcare to be universal and free for anyone who needs it in your country? Do you believe it would help to decrease violence and increase quality of life of people in general?

Source of picture:

Title: Re: Mental healthcare as state policy ?
Post by: rachael9385 on March 09, 2024, 01:56:24 PM
Hello, and I hope all of you are having a comfortable Saturday.
  Yeah, I in particular is enjoying the blissful weekend with my cousins and friends.  ;D ;D
Is the state/public administration of a country to be responsible of the mental health of their citizens?
  Well, I was wondering about this question because it's something that's interesting.
   However, the answers to this question is worth arguing because if I say no others might say yes, but to me and my personal opinions, i think the right answers is yes.
   The reasons is simply, the job of the government is to ensure the well-being of their citizens, if the citizens of America are being affected by some illness, it's the government right to make sure that the illness has a cure. So on this case it's the responsibility of public administrator to take response of the citizens healthcare and so on as long as it's has to do with healthcare issues.
I have seen several times people in the United States, who belong to the Republican party, blame violence and gun violence on mental illness of perpetrators and yet, it seems that the USA does not make any important effort to make medication and mental health professionals within the reach of anyone who needs it.
In other countries like mine, the access is guaranteed, but the quality of such assistance is very lacklustre.

Would you agree on the idea mental healthcare to be universal and free for anyone who needs it in your country? Do you believe it would help to decrease violence and increase quality of life of people in general?
  Every government should take responsible of the citizens healthcare, mostly the children, I mentioned Children because every child is to be the future leader in there own country or.
   But every country are not the same, just as every government are not the same, I just made a little research of countries who's government's afford it's citizens healthcare bills and these are the ones I got,

Title: Re: Mental healthcare as state policy ?
Post by: Alpha Marine on March 09, 2024, 03:01:01 PM
Would you agree on the idea mental healthcare to be universal and free for anyone who needs it in your country? Do you believe it would help to decrease violence and increase quality of life of people in general?

Yes, I believe it would increase quality of life and it would help decrease violence too. A lot of crimes are committed by people with mental illness. A mentally healthy society is a safer, happier, and more productive society. Although a lot of criminals are just criminals and are not mentally ill.

The problem is, how do you get mentally ill people to partake in mental health care? Take therapy for example. First, you have to accept that something is wrong before you seek out help. A lot of people don't do therapy because they believe nothing is wrong with them and they see it as accepting that they have a problem. Others see it as a thing for weak people. A lot of people see mental health as a waste of time and money, so how does the government force the horse to drink water even if they force them to the river?

I have my stance on gun violence, but speaking on it would make me deviate from the topic so I won't.

Title: Re: Mental healthcare as state policy ?
Post by: jrrsparkles on March 09, 2024, 08:35:27 PM
Government plays crucial role in keeping their citizens happy that is what we say as good mental state but making the medication available for everyone is the way to achieve or ruling in the ways that people don't get disappointed?

Ofcourse free health care is essential or atleast to certain class of people to have better health care but the other important factors is to reduce the existence of such people and find ways to make them happier.

Title: Re: Mental healthcare as state policy ?
Post by: johnsaributua on March 09, 2024, 09:24:26 PM
I appreciate the performance of the government every day, even though in the implementation of mengukin it is not too significant but it takes time, energy and their thoughts in designing anything for the community, health is the main thing in life, especially mental, people can survive, fight or contribute to it from a healthy mentality. I agree that everyone deserves comfort in life, even to go to psychologists and psychiatrists are willing to spend money because help in this phase is very important. But if anything it is only limited to facilities because not everyone is in the same condition.

For me, it is better to have regular counseling and debriefing for gradual mental therapy because every day people face different difficulties and habits that they don't like, there should be institutions that provide interactive services and can be done digitally perhaps with pleasant speech and lullaby instrimental music as prevention.

Title: Re: Mental healthcare as state policy ?
Post by: bluebit25 on March 09, 2024, 10:20:51 PM
The issue of "mental" is quite sensitive, but from the situation the OP mentioned, I understand it as an indirect way of causing the problem. Similar to how we label marital pressure as "mental" and ask the government to take care of it. And IMO, perhaps the government will care but not put too much emphasis on the issue of dependence from them, but protect itself from all problems surrounding life. And understand that the truth is that in life we ​​have billions of different reasons, but asking or maybe blaming one party does not seem to be the solution.

This is quite a broad problem and the connection between the subjects mentioned is there but hopefully strong, I don't know in some other countries but I live in a place where there are not many drug addicts, or gamble. so the responsibility we see comes from the individual, and we also see the cooperation of the executive apparatus, but not everything is considered in detail, it will be distributed to ministries and branches here. The Ministry of Health will be the one to solve the problem.

Title: Re: Mental healthcare as state policy ?
Post by: Marvelman on March 09, 2024, 11:12:12 PM
Of course! A country where people have access to mental health care would likely see many benefits.  With support, people can better manage conditions, reduce self-medication, and contribute more fully at work and home.  However affordable, quality care remains out of reach for too many.  Approaching this comprehensively - from coverage, treatment access, to addressing root causes - could help create a mentally healthier populace.  It won't be quick or easy but could profoundly shape lives and society and  perhaps we cannot instantly achieve an ideal system, but must keep working toward it through thoughtful, compassionate policy.  Even modest steps could positively impact countless individuals.

Title: Re: Mental healthcare as state policy ?
Post by: blckhawk on March 09, 2024, 11:41:22 PM
Would you agree on the idea mental healthcare to be universal and free for anyone who needs it in your country? Do you believe it would help to decrease violence and increase quality of life of people in general?
Mental healthcare should be part of the whole package in terms of healthcare, which means that yes it should be free, the only reason that it's not free is because politicians would rather have you kiss the barrel of a gun than do subsidies on this kind of things when it's literally not that expensive to do so and at the same time would benefit society as a whole.

We definitely need to have a universal healthcare and everyone should have that right but there's also the fact that the responsibility doesn't just sit with the government alone, they can definitely handle the treatment but when it comes to prevention, the government and the people needs to work together because it's not all the time that the government can check up on a person, plus it should be the responsibility of each person to look out for one another.

Title: Re: Mental healthcare as state policy ?
Post by: Hispo on March 10, 2024, 12:24:15 AM
Would you agree on the idea mental healthcare to be universal and free for anyone who needs it in your country? Do you believe it would help to decrease violence and increase quality of life of people in general?

Yes, I believe it would increase quality of life and it would help decrease violence too. A lot of crimes are committed by people with mental illness. A mentally healthy society is a safer, happier, and more productive society. Although a lot of criminals are just criminals and are not mentally ill.

The problem is, how do you get mentally ill people to partake in mental health care? Take therapy for example. First, you have to accept that something is wrong before you seek out help. A lot of people don't do therapy because they believe nothing is wrong with them and they see it as accepting that they have a problem. Others see it as a thing for weak people. A lot of people see mental health as a waste of time and money, so how does the government force the horse to drink water even if they force them to the river?

I have my stance on gun violence, but speaking on it would make me deviate from the topic so I won't.

Many of the people who suffer from mental health can tell something is working with them and hence, they will seek for them in one way or another. In the case of people who are not aware of their problem (but others are), it would be matter of reforming some laws, so people who are a risk to others and themselvws can be involuntarily committed to a mental healthcare facility until their situation improves. Actually, involuntary commitment is one of the most problematic topics when comes to mental healthcare, since there have been very bad precedents already in the history of psychiatry in the western world, but I believe it is necessary in the case someone is not willing to access their problems and they are at risk.

Besides the moral questions of it, we could also talk about the funding for taking care of all the people who needs it. That part of the plan would highly depend on the economy of the country which tried to harbor such system, in the most of the cases, it would be through an increase of taxes, while in countries like mine, where oil is the main source of income, the state would be in conditions to pay for all of it themselves if they wanted to.

Title: Re: Mental healthcare as state policy ?
Post by: btc78 on March 10, 2024, 01:52:15 AM
Yes, I strongly agree and would even advocate for it. Mental health is almost always unnoticed or overlooked and a lot of people even think that it’s not real. But mental health constitutes to a person’s overall well-being as much as physical health does. Mental health affects our physicality just as much as other factors.

This is a hard conversation because in my country, basic healthcare is not even guaranteed so it’s difficult to imagine more. We would have to take a step forward into giving basic healthcare first before we could start thinking about mental healthcare.

Title: Re: Mental healthcare as state policy ?
Post by: Hispo on March 10, 2024, 08:41:48 PM

This is a hard conversation because in my country, basic healthcare is not even guaranteed so it’s difficult to imagine more. We would have to take a step forward into giving basic healthcare first before we could start thinking about mental healthcare.

Though, do you think people in your country would be willing to pay for more taxes, so all citizens could have universal and free access to healthcare or do you believe it would be a big problem for the general population to pay more taxes, based on their income.
Because whether we would like to admit it or not, much of the budget which is needed for a functioning healthcare system to exist needs to come from somewhere and that somewhere usually is the taxpayer pocket.
There are some countries which have attempted to seize and take over all the institutions related to healthcare and maintain them using the money coming from oil, gold and other natural resources, it is a practice which is typical of socialism/communism, in the long term, it cannot be substained when a large a mount of corruption is goin on under the table. Here in my country we know it from experience.  :(

Title: Re: Mental healthcare as state policy ?
Post by: Kelward on March 14, 2024, 08:12:17 AM
Mental healthcare should be a concern to the citizens and the government at large in every country, because unstable minds can be a threat to themselves and others, and if not handled well will lead to all sorts of misbehaviors and violence in the society. I'll really support the idea if governments will take the responsibilities of treating and rehabilitating people who have mental health conditions, to reduce the chances of having them being nuisances in the societies, a lot of criminalities, destitutes and insanity will reduce and people will feel more secured.

My fear is the probable repercussions if the treatment of mentally challenged individuals are being catered by the government for free, that it can make many irresponsible people to engage in drug abuse and addiction, knowing that afterall they'll get help it their conditions degenerates, we have sets of crazy people who will align with these thoughts.

Title: Re: Mental healthcare as state policy ?
Post by: Promocodeudo on March 15, 2024, 02:43:07 PM
Government plays crucial role in keeping their citizens happy that is what we say as good mental state but making the medication available for everyone is the way to achieve or ruling in the ways that people don't get disappointed?

Ofcourse free health care is essential or atleast to certain class of people to have better health care but the other important factors is to reduce the existence of such people and find ways to make them happier.

You made a very good point here, the government has to create a good impact in the life of their citizen to balance them mentally,
Health care assessment is the right of the citizens and the government should prioritize it, they should make it a law, though this should be for some certain people as you said, for example eve though there is availability of job there is a certain age that a man will reach, he can no longer be able to carter for himself, this are are the people that the government should take care of, the elderly and the mentally unstable people should be given utmost preference.

Title: Re: Mental healthcare as state policy ?
Post by: aioc on March 15, 2024, 05:12:18 PM

Would you agree on the idea mental healthcare to be universal and free for anyone who needs it in your country?

It should be, but here in our country where corruption is rampant, so many funds that are intended to health care are going to corrupt officials, during the pandemic a lot of corrupt officials made a lot of money because of their kickbacks from medicines.
If you're living in a third-world country and you have a serious illness you will have to beg from different government agencies to get free medication, it's very costly to have an illness in a third-world country when it's the right of every citizen.

Title: Re: Mental healthcare as state policy ?
Post by: darkangel11 on March 15, 2024, 09:10:27 PM
In general, I'm against anything being free and provided by the state at the expense of taxation. When you support OP's idea, you agree to pay for that out of your own pocket. Every new thing that the government has to take care of will either be paid for by citizens directly (taxes) or indirectly (money printing that causes inflation which is a hidden tax). I'd rather have a government that takes very little and provides only the essential services, like the army, border control, EMS, than a government that tries to fix all of your problems with your own money.

Title: Re: Mental healthcare as state policy ?
Post by: Gormicsta on March 18, 2024, 06:12:53 PM
Hello, and I hope all of you are having a comfortable Saturday.
As usual, I have keep an eye on many news from the United States and from western countries in general and some ideas have crossed my mind about the way the states are supposed to act in order to help people to improve the quality of life. I will summarize my ideas in a single question.

Is the state/public administration of a country to be responsible of the mental health of their citizens?

I have seen several times people in the United States, who belong to the Republican party, blame violence and gun violence on mental illness of perpetrators and yet, it seems that the USA does not make any important effort to make medication and mental health professionals within the reach of anyone who needs it.
In other countries like mine, the access is guaranteed, but the quality of such assistance is very lacklustre.

Would you agree on the idea mental healthcare to be universal and free for anyone who needs it in your country? Do you believe it would help to decrease violence and increase quality of life of people in general?

Source of picture:

A major difficulty here is ensuring that any system put in place truly works and offers excellent medical care. There are numerous elements that contribute to this, including the education and skills of mental health practitioners, the accessibility of services in various places, and ethnic and social perceptions regarding mental health. If a poorly designed system is carried out, it may cause more damage than good. So we should also be helpful by paying our taxes so that it might be used to offer or create better health centers, as well as provide nice facilities so that it would be easy for people who have no way to pay hospital fees and... those who do not have someone to assist them, exactly as some other countries finance their medical care systems. It can be done at the local or state level as well.