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Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: teamsherry on March 10, 2024, 07:27:35 AM

Title: A personal view
Post by: teamsherry on March 10, 2024, 07:27:35 AM
I've been around a lot of gamblers and you would find them in all their types according to what they say and do, and there there several arguments and views that they have on different issues, and I'd like to hear your on them too.

👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?

👉how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?

👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?

Let's have fun keep those honest replies coming, nothing to lie about, if you feel shy about the reply then just go for the options that you are okay with 😊😇😇

Okay I've thought of some new fun stuffs to talk about.

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?

Title: Re: A person view
Post by: mammusu on March 10, 2024, 07:37:59 AM
👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?

It's interesting to talk about this, because so many people say gambling is just for fun, including me, I also say the same thing. but I wonder when you ask whether this is really just having fun or are we just covering up our annoyance by saying this is just for fun?

I tried to remember the past when I was new to gambling. At first I also thought that gambling could be used as an activity to earn additional income, at first everything went fine. But after I kept losing and I won't say I wasn't annoyed, I was very angry at that time because the thing I expected to make money actually made me lose money. then before it was too late I realized that what I was doing was wrong, because there is no way to win at gambling other than luck.

After that I no longer thought of it as something that could give me money, I was calmer when I thought like that. So the conclusion is that it depends on what we are looking for in gambling, if we think of it as something that can make money it will make us angry, but if we think of it as filling our time and having fun then the feeling we feel is also different.

Title: Re: A person view
Post by: Oshosondy on March 10, 2024, 07:45:17 AM
how do you view women gambling in your area:
If men have the right to gamble, also women have the right to gamble that is how I see it but most women are not gambling like men.

how do you view notorious gamblers
You said people that are wasting money like their salary on gambling. It is an irresponsible gambling habit

how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
I will feel like I should not lose even as it is a small amount of money. But later I will just let go because of the small amount of money that I used for it.

how do you spend your gambling wins
I would win small because I stake to win small odds. I spend it on beer and enjoyment if I win that week.

Title: Re: A person view
Post by: teamsherry on March 10, 2024, 08:00:45 AM
👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?

It's interesting to talk about this, because so many people say gambling is just for fun, including me, I also say the same thing. but I wonder when you ask whether this is really just having fun or are we just covering up our annoyance by saying this is just for fun?

I tried to remember the past when I was new to gambling. At first I also thought that gambling could be used as an activity to earn additional income, at first everything went fine. But after I kept losing and I won't say I wasn't annoyed, I was very angry at that time because the thing I expected to make money actually made me lose money. then before it was too late I realized that what I was doing was wrong, because there is no way to win at gambling other than luck.

After that I no longer thought of it as something that could give me money, I was calmer when I thought like that. So the conclusion is that it depends on what we are looking for in gambling, if we think of it as something that can make money it will make us angry, but if we think of it as filling our time and having fun then the feeling we feel is also different.

Really happy you guys are giving your honest reply, cause I've seen most people say gambling is for fun but my quest is at what level, if I am a millionaire and I gamble to win millions with astable of 100k above then I should be hurt if it doesn't play out, but if I'm using mere hundred or little thousand like 100-2000k then I'm not affected by my loses and can actually make it a fun habit.

So to me I think it's all about your stake and how financially stable your income is.

Title: Re: A person view
Post by: Hirose UK on March 10, 2024, 08:02:44 AM
I've been around a lot of gamblers and you would find them in all their types according to what they say and do, and there there several arguments and views that they have on different issues, and I'd like to hear your on them too.

👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?

👉how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?

👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?

Let's have fun keep those honest replies coming, nothing to lie about, if you feel shy about the reply then just go for the options that you are okay with 😊😇😇
Here where I live there are not too many female gamblers but looking at how they gamble I don't think it problem because it is everyone decision and also each person right, regardless of gender I think that everything is the same.
If think women are bad when it comes to gambling then that is also not logical thought because aren't we just as fond of gambling, it would be very unfair to think women gamble is bad even though we ourselves are gamblers.

Hahaha they are famous and have lot of money, the only point of view is admiration for those who dare to risk large amounts of money and are like someone who doesn't care about risks.
But whatever they do is based on ability and they will definitely be able to make more consistent money to meet their living needs and those of their families, they will have decent background and of course problems will be very rare.

In the past, might have often thought about trying to recover and not being able to accept defeat, but now thinking like that is useless because what happens will only result in much bigger losses.
Accepting defeat and using the money can afford to lose can be much better because after defeat we can still accept it and really consider everything just payment to be able to have fun.
But I sure there are still very few gamblers who have thoughts like this.

To have fun and do more useful things so that you can get much more guaranteed results such as investing, this is one way I use my winnings.
But everything also depends on how many wins get, if it just small win, maybe it just return for betting capital again at another time.

Title: Re: A person view
Post by: teamsherry on March 10, 2024, 08:12:43 AM
I've been around a lot of gamblers and you would find them in all their types according to what they say and do, and there there several arguments and views that they have on different issues, and I'd like to hear your on them too.

👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?

👉how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?

👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?

Let's have fun keep those honest replies coming, nothing to lie about, if you feel shy about the reply then just go for the options that you are okay with 😊😇😇
Here where I live there are not too many female gamblers but looking at how they gamble I don't think it problem because it is everyone decision and also each person right, regardless of gender I think that everything is the same.
If think women are bad when it comes to gambling then that is also not logical thought because aren't we just as fond of gambling, it would be very unfair to think women gamble is bad even though we ourselves are gamblers.

Hahaha they are famous and have lot of money, the only point of view is admiration for those who dare to risk large amounts of money and are like someone who doesn't care about risks.
But whatever they do is based on ability and they will definitely be able to make more consistent money to meet their living needs and those of their families, they will have decent background and of course problems will be very rare.

In the past, might have often thought about trying to recover and not being able to accept defeat, but now thinking like that is useless because what happens will only result in much bigger losses.
Accepting defeat and using the money can afford to lose can be much better because after defeat we can still accept it and really consider everything just payment to be able to have fun.
But I sure there are still very few gamblers who have thoughts like this.

To have fun and do more useful things so that you can get much more guaranteed results such as investing, this is one way I use my winnings.
But everything also depends on how many wins get, if it just small win, maybe it just return for betting capital again at another time.

I like your view on this matter,

Female gamblers also have the right to gamble and should be view equally as men without disdain but when I see a notorious one that is addicted I won't lie I often get irritated although never meet one just assuming they would be with the way women are gambling these days.

Yeah the idea of gambling for fun is a big lie and just an excuse to cover up for the pain of loses or the addiction that comes with it and you can't have fun in pain, so if you feel bad about your loses them your not having any fun, but random speculation is a ghign I do for fun, just interesting when it plays out fine.

Title: Re: A person view
Post by: Marvelman on March 10, 2024, 08:17:36 AM
Women Gambling:

Brick-and-mortar betting shops may seem like boys' clubs, but make no mistake - women like to gamble too! Many of them just prefer doing it from the privacy of their homes or phones.  And why not? The online sites have just as many fun and exciting games.  Craps, slots, bingo - no matter your taste there's something for every lady gambler out there.  There 's no shame in either!

Notorious Gamblers:

I've seen some folks lose big time when they're gambling.  And sure, blowing that much cash seems pretty dang irresponsible if it means their families are gonna suffer for it.  But I think gambling can be as addictive as anything else - it sinks its hooks in and don't let go easy.  So even as Im shaking my head when someone bets their whole paycheck, part of me also feels bad for them too and  it's like they're trapped. Just stuck in this nasty cycle where they can't stop themselves.  Makes me wanna try helping them rather than just judging.

Losing Money:

Losing money is never fun.  I mean, who actually enjoys losing, right? Even if you're just gambling for a laugh with friends, taking a big loss still kinda bites.  You might pretend it doesn't bother you and just brush it off but deep down inside, that empty feeling still sucks. 

Winning Money:

On the flip side, scoring a windfall definitely gives you a rush! It's a total thrill when luck goes your way. For me personally,, its a chance to indulge in a little treat for myself or maybe sock some cash away toward a bigger goal down the road and  either way there's no right or wrong way to use your earnings - just have fun with it!

Title: Re: A person view
Post by: traderethereum on March 10, 2024, 08:23:56 AM
I don't feel anything when I see women gambling because it is their right to gamble or not. The important thing is that the woman can control herself well while gambling and does not gamble excessively.
I have never seen a famous gambler around my area. Maybe they don't really like to show that they are famous gamblers. And it doesn't make me want to look for it.
My feelings when I lose money will be sad, but that is a normal thing experienced by people who gamble, so they have to know how to limit their money for gambling. By always limiting gambling games and money, a person will not lose a lot of money and can stop gambling at the right time.

Title: Re: A person view
Post by: teamsherry on March 10, 2024, 08:29:29 AM
Women Gambling:

Brick-and-mortar betting shops may seem like boys' clubs, but make no mistake - women like to gamble too! Many of them just prefer doing it from the privacy of their homes or phones.  And why not? The online sites have just as many fun and exciting games.  Craps, slots, bingo - no matter your taste there's something for every lady gambler out there.  There 's no shame in either!

Notorious Gamblers:

I've seen some folks lose big time when they're gambling.  And sure, blowing that much cash seems pretty dang irresponsible if it means their families are gonna suffer for it.  But I think gambling can be as addictive as anything else - it sinks its hooks in and don't let go easy.  So even as Im shaking my head when someone bets their whole paycheck, part of me also feels bad for them too and  it's like they're trapped. Just stuck in this nasty cycle where they can't stop themselves.  Makes me wanna try helping them rather than just judging.

Losing Money:

Losing money is never fun.  I mean, who actually enjoys losing, right? Even if you're just gambling for a laugh with friends, taking a big loss still kinda bites.  You might pretend it doesn't bother you and just brush it off but deep down inside, that empty feeling still sucks.  

Winning Money:

On the flip side, scoring a windfall definitely gives you a rush! It's a total thrill when luck goes your way. For me personally,, its a chance to indulge in a little treat for myself or maybe sock some cash away toward a bigger goal down the road and  either way there's no right or wrong way to use your earnings - just have fun with it!

To be honest I never knew a woman can be so indulged in gambling up to the point that she was busy checking her sporty bet app while in church, I was sitting right behind her and the view was so clear, I was surprised as this was my first time to ever see such from a woman.

You have quite the emotions concerning notorious gamblers, have you actually helped any of them out of such habit before?, did they actually listen to you ? #GENERAL QUESTION: I've tried talking to some but they end up taking about those times that it used to work for them or barely listen, just wondering If I the same experience everywhere.

Title: Re: A person view
Post by: Mrbluntzy on March 10, 2024, 08:29:36 AM
I've been around a lot of gamblers and you would find them in all their types according to what they say and do, and there there several arguments and views that they have on different issues, and I'd like to hear your on them too.

👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?

👉how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?

👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?

Let's have fun keep those honest replies coming, nothing to lie about, if you feel shy about the reply then just go for the options that you are okay with 😊😇😇

If you are interested in seeing women at the casino, come over here and see for yourself. I believe that there are some countries where women may not be coming out openly to bet but is not win for ladies to gamble here.

I have witnessed how some persons can gamble to the last penny in their account and it makes no sense that any body should have a habit of not being able to control themselves during gambling.  

I don't feel happy anytime I lose my bets but I can't do anything than to let go of that hurting feelings and still try more luck.

I spend my gambling wining based on the needs that is available at that moment.

Title: Re: A person view
Post by: arwin100 on March 10, 2024, 08:30:51 AM

👉 how do you view women gambling in your area:

Just the same with men gambler and I don't see anything wrong about it. Women can do what men can do. In some country maybe there's gender discrimination since some may think that male are dominant but they should erase that thoughts since we are now in modern world where everyone is equal.

👉how do you view notorious gamblers:

I view them as sick greedy people who want for more money or attention that's why they experience the worse condition that hard for them to eliminate. Yeah they are irresponsible and for sure they make their family suffer for what they are currently experiencing.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?

If I lose big obviously I will feel bad about it since I think I just waste my money for that sequence. But if I lose small then I will just forget about it and move on.

👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?

Just add it up on my crypto investment. Also I can say it depends on the mood on how I can define gambling.

Title: Re: A person view
Post by: teamsherry on March 10, 2024, 08:33:56 AM
I've been around a lot of gamblers and you would find them in all their types according to what they say and do, and there there several arguments and views that they have on different issues, and I'd like to hear your on them too.

👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?

👉how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?

👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?

Let's have fun keep those honest replies coming, nothing to lie about, if you feel shy about the reply then just go for the options that you are okay with 😊😇😇

If you are interested in seeing women at the casino, come over here and see for yourself. I believe that there are some countries where women may not be coming out openly to bet but is not win for ladies to gamble here.

I have witnessed how some persons can gamble to the last penny in their account and it makes no sense that any body should have a habit of not being able to control themselves during gambling.  

I don't feel happy anytime I lose my bets but I can't do anything than to let go of that hurting feelings and still try more luck.

I spend my gambling wining based on the needs that is available at that moment.

Would you mind giving more information concerning over here, yeah I think some Arab countries would have laws against that judging from their laws and other stuff, or maybe women just don't like the society to view them as irresponsible for gambling since its generally seen that way in most countries or areas.

No-one feels good about loses, but that doesn't mean we wo t try out some more luck, but don't end up in the cycle of chasing loses and losing more.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Maus0728 on March 10, 2024, 08:50:20 AM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area:
I view them the same as any other people out there, with decency and respect, they're just another gambler in my eyes to be perfectly honest. I mean shouldn't that how you treat any gender or sexes in any field or industry?
👉how do you view notorious gamblers:
What do you mean by notorious though? Notorious in gambling could mean anything, it could mean that they're notorious at lending money then my view of them is that they're the saddest kind of people because they don't seem to be able to stop even when they're at a negative balance, or it could also mean that they're notorious at raging or tilting when they're playing, my view on those people are that they're the example that I should never follow no matter what happens, they're a reminder to me to keep my cool under pressure or heat of the moment.
👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
I feel bad, lying to yourself is a bad idea, makes you delusional that things would get better when it's not especially in that situation.
👉how do you spend your gambling wins:
If it's a sizable one, maybe a dinner in a middle class of a restaurant or splurge on some art supplies that I've been wanting to buy for a long time.

Title: Re: A person view
Post by: mammusu on March 10, 2024, 09:00:46 AM
It's interesting to talk about this, because so many people say gambling is just for fun, including me, I also say the same thing. but I wonder when you ask whether this is really just having fun or are we just covering up our annoyance by saying this is just for fun?

I tried to remember the past when I was new to gambling. At first I also thought that gambling could be used as an activity to earn additional income, at first everything went fine. But after I kept losing and I won't say I wasn't annoyed, I was very angry at that time because the thing I expected to make money actually made me lose money. then before it was too late I realized that what I was doing was wrong, because there is no way to win at gambling other than luck.

After that I no longer thought of it as something that could give me money, I was calmer when I thought like that. So the conclusion is that it depends on what we are looking for in gambling, if we think of it as something that can make money it will make us angry, but if we think of it as filling our time and having fun then the feeling we feel is also different.

Really happy you guys are giving your honest reply, cause I've seen most people say gambling is for fun but my quest is at what level, if I am a millionaire and I gamble to win millions with astable of 100k above then I should be hurt if it doesn't play out, but if I'm using mere hundred or little thousand like 100-2000k then I'm not affected by my loses and can actually make it a fun habit.

So to me I think it's all about your stake and how financially stable your income is.
Yes, there is nothing wrong when we say something honestly, especially when it comes to money. And normally anyone who loses money will definitely feel annoyed or regretful, I will not deny that things are something that is very normal like that.

You are right, one of the things that makes us not think much about our losses in gambling is a very good financial situation. Like rich people, for them spending $1000 at a time may not be a problem for them because they earn much more than that in their income. However, for some people, losing just $500 at one time will really make them regret it because if you remember their income is commensurate with what they spend.

I also sometimes hear that rich people will spend a lot of money in one gambling game, but it doesn't cause any problems for them. And if it is done by someone who is in a bad financial situation, it will cause new problems in their life. We have been taught how to manage finances well, don't let our expenses be greater than our income.

Title: Re: A person view
Post by: teamsherry on March 10, 2024, 09:16:41 AM

👉 how do you view women gambling in your area:

Just the same with men gambler and I don't see anything wrong about it. Women can do what men can do. In some country maybe there's gender discrimination since some may think that male are dominant but they should erase that thoughts since we are now in modern world where everyone is equal.

I guess the feminist would feel so good about your reply 😁😁, I'm not any anti but I personally give everyone their equal rights to act as they like but in other areas aside gambling like in the society I see men as head and above and won't like to operate at same level as women.

It's interesting to talk about this, because so many people say gambling is just for fun, including me, I also say the same thing. but I wonder when you ask whether this is really just having fun or are we just covering up our annoyance by saying this is just for fun?

I tried to remember the past when I was new to gambling. At first I also thought that gambling could be used as an activity to earn additional income, at first everything went fine. But after I kept losing and I won't say I wasn't annoyed, I was very angry at that time because the thing I expected to make money actually made me lose money. then before it was too late I realized that what I was doing was wrong, because there is no way to win at gambling other than luck.

After that I no longer thought of it as something that could give me money, I was calmer when I thought like that. So the conclusion is that it depends on what we are looking for in gambling, if we think of it as something that can make money it will make us angry, but if we think of it as filling our time and having fun then the feeling we feel is also different.

Really happy you guys are giving your honest reply, cause I've seen most people say gambling is for fun but my quest is at what level, if I am a millionaire and I gamble to win millions with astable of 100k above then I should be hurt if it doesn't play out, but if I'm using mere hundred or little thousand like 100-2000k then I'm not affected by my loses and can actually make it a fun habit.

So to me I think it's all about your stake and how financially stable your income is.
Yes, there is nothing wrong when we say something honestly, especially when it comes to money. And normally anyone who loses money will definitely feel annoyed or regretful, I will not deny that things are something that is very normal like that.

You are right, one of the things that makes us not think much about our losses in gambling is a very good financial situation. Like rich people, for them spending $1000 at a time may not be a problem for them because they earn much more than that in their income. However, for some people, losing just $500 at one time will really make them regret it because if you remember their income is commensurate with what they spend.

I also sometimes hear that rich people will spend a lot of money in one gambling game, but it doesn't cause any problems for them. And if it is done by someone who is in a bad financial situation, it will cause new problems in their life. We have been taught how to manage finances well, don't let our expenses be greater than our income.

And that's why they always say gamble responsibly cause you won't use someone else stake to be like him not knowing his financal status.

Sometimes this guys that give predictions on X normally stake as high as 1 million on some small odds and woudl advice you to do alike and you know that not every game plays out fine, if you follow suite and lose knowing that your are not as financially stable as them you put yourself in a big state of emergency and might even go into debts.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: EluguHcman on March 10, 2024, 09:19:31 AM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?
I have seen a lot of women gambling but they are usually few comparing to the number of men even withnessed while gambling.
Psychologically, the women are not so proud of being gamblers because they consciously feels it is a hard game that is best fit for men. Some sees it to be an Irresponsible activities but due to the fact that it has a potential profit values they don't mind playing it just to make the money.
Among all the women I have seen gambling no one has ever gambled for fun as we may always say that gambling should be a game for fun and not chasing profits. So these women are mostly stranded and frustrated while gambling, some are tearful after loosing their funds.
Most of them uses the money given to them by their husbands to buy foods for the family to eat and play and at end they looses it all.
Some are their investments funds so they insight to bet and have more money to expand their business and at the cost they looses it all
Women in gambling are more loosed to Irresponsible gambling than the men but you would never know.
They take out of shame and pretends like nothing happened at the moment they are still in the gambling hall. Although I have not seen a women having a private online with her phone but usually the physical store gambling where you have to be attended by a gambling shop representative counter persons.
So, I  have heard of lot of women running astray, commiting suicides and I have also heard of women depositing her child of 9months to the gambling shop so that she could go and look for money to pay her debts after betting til she was indebted to the sum of money she could not afford to pay after playing and did not win.

👉how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?
I take the blame to the gamblers without a pity because their eagerness of chasing after profits and ignorant that they are loosing more than they can afford to loose is not an excuse. Instead I feels for the family because it brings amount shame to them with the fact that they can not reach out to their needs affect the gambler who was supposed to be responsible to afford them those needs has lost his minds at lavishing this hard earned incomes in gambling while chasing more money. So I would address such a gambler to be a greedy one and no pity for him but his family.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
If I must chase after profit while gambling of course I would feel bad like I have lost a valuable but of I am gaming for fun I would just feel like I have lost the round and not being lucky for the day. Maybe I would project other days for a return match with all efforts to win back but not at the cost of staking continuously until I counts winning.
As much as I am gambling for fun winning and loosing do age funs out of it final rounds so, I would take it likely if I have to loose while gambling.
This is usually when I stick with a budget that... Yeah, this fun is deposited for funs while I gambles, I don't think to having it back after staking and loosing but if I can get it back maybe with interest then I am a lucky one.

👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?
If I win-win the gambling I would utilize the fund as my valuable funds while I mains my gambling roles and budgets.
There would not be a different way of spending my gambling winnings other than my normal days expenditures.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Davidvictorson on March 10, 2024, 09:27:46 AM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area:
I am actually indifferent about it. Like, I do not see them any different than I see their male counterpart. The society is more accepting of them and no one is bullying them for it. It is fine as long as they do it responsibly.

👉how do you view notorious gamblers:
What I feel for them is not pity but empathy. I try to put myself in their shoes and I know that if they have and apply the knowledge I have on responsible gambling they will be better. They will be able to fix their lives.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
Naturally, you , anyone would feel terrible about it. I'd be surprise if no one feels any negative emotions after a  gambling loss irrespective of the circumstance of the loss. Whether the money was the one you could afford to lose or not.

👉how do you spend your gambling wins:
I sort out some personal issues if there are any. If there is none I get something nice for myself. I invest a portion of it back into gambling. Is there is anything left to save, I do it.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Coin_trader on March 10, 2024, 09:31:25 AM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area:

I really don’t care personally about the gender since I don’t interact with them and as a gambler that’s their choice to gamble so we don’t have a say on what they really like because being a woman is not a disadvantage or disability to be considered when gambling.

👉how do you view notorious gamblers:

I don’t view them as irresponsible. Maybe that’s their own way on spending their money. Yeah it’s really irresponsible if we view it but that’s his money so we don’t have the right to dictate him how to properly spend his own.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?

Mix feeling, I will first feel bad about my loss since it’s money that I earn through labor but I cope up easily since I only use an amount that I afford to lose. The fun part comes later after I cope up because I think about strategies and what if’s idea on my previous game.

👉how do you spend your gambling wins:
I sent it to my wife bank account. Seeing her happy is already enough for me to satisfied myself from my gambling win.  ;)

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: teamsherry on March 10, 2024, 09:32:01 AM
I've added some edits to it, sorry guys fir not adding them earlier, those questions just came up now, of you have any controversial question you can also tell me to add it up, let's have fun.

Only honest opinion don't be shy if your views are different, it's just a fun thread, you can add suggestions to the topic.

Is there any way to allow the topic to be editable by everyone.
Little help here.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Moreno233 on March 10, 2024, 10:34:10 AM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?
Female gamblers are not much in my area but the few I know are extremely lucky. There is a kind of gamble that is popular here and there good participation of women but the number is insignificant when compared to men. Where you see more women in the gambling business is as staff in physical shops. Most of the workers in casinos in my area are women and sometimes they do gamble but not as much as the men.

👉how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?
They actually bring bad image to gambling. They make people see gambling for the wrong reasons and that is not something good for the gambling community. Such people need help and the first help they should seek is to stop gambling and focus on other ways of earning income.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
Sometimes winning will come as long as it is gambling. A gambler is already accustomed to losses, it is nothing new so there is no need of feeling bad for a long time, just a short period of bad feelings that goes away easily as one prepare for the next round of gambling. Drawing gambling plans require that plans are made to also compensate for the losses that will surely come irrespective of how uncomfortable they make the gambler.

Title: Re: A person view
Post by: Marvelman on March 10, 2024, 10:41:32 AM

To be honest I never knew a woman can be so indulged in gambling up to the point that she was busy checking her sporty bet app while in church, I was sitting right behind her and the view was so clear, I was surprised as this was my first time to ever see such from a woman.

Hahah, that's funny coincidence!  Maybe Sunday prayers and sporty bets go hand in hand for her.  :D

You have quite the emotions concerning notorious gamblers, have you actually helped any of them out of such habit before?, did they actually listen to you ? #GENERAL QUESTION: I've tried talking to some but they end up taking about those times that it used to work for them or barely listen, just wondering If I the same experience everywhere.

I can't say I have. Those are not really my inner circle. Gambling addiction is a tough one - people can be defensive.  Your experience sounds typical though.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Wexnident on March 10, 2024, 11:14:05 AM
how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?
I'd certainly look twice, but that's it. They're rare, yes, but that doesn't mean I'd judge them for gambling.
how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?
Irresponsible yep. Pity? That ain't going to change people, especially ones that brought it upon themselves. The only party here that's worthy of pity is whoever is going to be affected by the wasteful spending of said gambler.

how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
Frustrated ofc. I gamble for fun, yes, aka I'm not necessarily chasing big wins or big money, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to win lol. In gambling winning = getting money because that's how it was designed so it can't be helped that they're associated together, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I want to win cause I want to chase money, I want to win simply because I want to win.

how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?
I leave it in my gambling account and just add whatever amount is missing from my regular deposits and use it to play. It may change if I ever win a pretty big amount, not to the point of life changing but probably at least 10x of my usual deposit? At that point I'd probably withdraw and treat myself to something good or whatever I want at the time.

how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?
I politely tell them no while probably cursing them a bunch of times about taking loans to gamble lol. As for debts, big no.

Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?
Yes. I've done and told this in the past, still continuing to do so to this date.

behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?
I'd probably still gamble every now and then. Probably will do a bunch of other stuff first though since hey, I'm rich.

Is there any way to allow the topic to be editable by everyone.
Little help here.
I don't think that's possible. I'd probably either make multiple posts instead every now and then if you segregate them or just ask a general purpose question for every categorization.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: piebeyb on March 10, 2024, 11:38:03 AM

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
I know this is often questioned whether they really feel happy when they lose, in fact when people gamble just for fun they usually limit their budget properly or indeed the money they lose is ready to be lost, so of course there is no feeling of annoyance or even the slightest disappointment because they play for fun and not to make money so you can't lie, their feelings won't be the same as gamblers who are looking for money, obviously it's different when people gamble to make money, usually they will feel disappointed because they are playing with unlimited money and also money they are not prepared to lose. Personally, and in my view, that's how they feel, they won't be disappointed when they lose, let alone lie to themselves.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?
Yes and it's not more than $100 and indeed I only gamble on weekends because on weekdays I'm busy working and spend little time with my family, so I only gamble on weekends so I still have lots of time for my family and having fun with what I want to do includes gambling, I have done that consistently in the past few months because I believe that this can prevent me from being addicted to gambling, that's why I give my wife the trust to set my budget every weekend for gambling because she has to know my habits gamble. Being honest with our partner will enable us to play more responsibly.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Eternad on March 10, 2024, 11:53:28 AM
👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?

You have answer on the other question somI decided to just answer the last 3 questions that newly added on this thread. First this one.

Of course no one like people asking money for gambling since he should earn it by himself if he want to gamble. I never gamble with debt because I never ask loan for gambling.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplined enough to know when to stop?

I’m disciplined enough to know when to stop because I only use campaign earnings for gambling so I have a very limited bankroll that being addicted is almost impossible now.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?

Gambling is a source of entertainment for rich people because it promise a high chance of lose to players. I’m not gambling because I want to get rich so I will still gamble more frequently when I’m rich because I have a lot to spend. Fingers crossed!

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Porfirii on March 10, 2024, 12:04:57 PM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?

It is true that I usually see male gamblers in these stores, but when you go online you can see many female nicknames. I'm not sure about the reason. Maybe it's simply that many male gamblers use feminine names in order to trick other users. Maybe because cultural reasons, but I think that there is a clear gender gap in this industry.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?

I feel bad, and that's why I bet little, even when I'm mentally prepared for the loss on beforehand.

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?

I would NEVER gamble with other people's money, so don't count on me to lend you money for that.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?

I don't gamble weekly so I don't set rules or limits in that way. But every time I decide to gamble I set a limit and stick to it no matter what.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?

If I got rich I would definitely gamble more. For example, I'd visit Las Vegas, which is not currently in my plans.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Quidat on March 10, 2024, 12:14:20 PM
👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?
Getting loans for you to gamble? You are doing suicide. Only make use of the amount on which you can afford to lose. Dont expect about sure win because
everything would matter with luck.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplined enough to know when to stop?
All matters with self control and discipline because if you cant do such thing then expect for failures.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?
I do still play but of course im already that wary on making use of the amount of winnings on the proper or right way.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Hatchy on March 10, 2024, 12:15:01 PM
I've been around a lot of gamblers and you would find them in all their types according to what they say and do, and there there several arguments and views that they have on different issues, and I'd like to hear your on them too.

Well, all these are the issues affecting a lot of gambling activities in our world today. Ranging from religious beliefs, gender inequality and addiction. Gambling like other Normal activities in so many society is seen an illicit activity and so many people are against for women in gambling, I don't think there should be any problem with that. So long she is able to carry along her responsibilities as a woman and not over Shadow them in the name of gambling then shes fine. But in our society, most women who gamble are seen as irresponsible and not fit to be wife's.
Notorious gaming to me, is a wrong means for gambling which at the end, lead to addiction or issues that may affect you in real life.
I'm gambling, no one will be happy to loss money, that's why it's adviced to only gamble what you can afford to loss.itsnnot funny actually when you loss any gamble.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: dothebeats on March 10, 2024, 12:33:29 PM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area

I view them as normal gamblers that also takes the same risks as men. I don't view gamblers based on their gender at all.

👉how do you view notorious gamblers

They are, IMO, people who have relied too much on the promises of riches offered by gambling that they lost sense of reality and have staked everything and lost everything. They deserve a second chance if they can acknowledge that they are the problem and not their luck.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?

Never really staked a huge amount ever. Most of what I spent on gambling are considered for fun or to kill time. It is only recently that I have decided to gamble for profit and try my luck more seriously.

👉how do you spend your gambling wins

It stays in my account to fund my future sessions. If there is any excess, I withdraw it and just keep it as btc.

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game?

I usually tell people that I don't have any money when they're borrowing, especially if I know that that person is just going to gamble and not really do anything important with the money. As for gambling with debt, that is an absurd idea that I would never even thought of when gambling. You're just digging an even deeper hole when you gamble with money that came from debt.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?

Yes. For more than 3 years, I have limited myself to only $20 per week on casino games. Just compute how much I lost in the span of that 3 years and that may be everything I have ever lost in gambling.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?

Of course! I might consider high stakes gambling if I get rich for the thrill and the lulz but of course, with limits and awareness.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Frankolala on March 10, 2024, 12:37:43 PM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?
I don't see anything wrong in women gambling, the fact is that ladies that I came across that gambles, only gamble when they have a game sent to them by their game provider, because they are gambling for profit. I don't think that they will get addicted from what I saw because they just do it once in a while. When I asked her why she gambles, she said she needs money but not with all eagerness.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
If it is the amount that I cannot afford to lose, I do feel bad, but if it is the amount that I can afford to lose, I don't care about it, because it is fine.

👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?
It depends. If I win big, I will use it for something valuable, but if it is a small win, I will use it to gamble.

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?
I don't give people money to gamble, because I already know that you want to use the money on something that you will not win, and I will help the gambler not to gamble if I am the only one that can give if such money. Anyone that take loan to gamble is not gambling responsible, and either he is already an addict, or will finally become an addict. This is because he cannot control himself, no money, don't gamble.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?
I am not discipline enough to quit the game, but I have a gamble budget that whenever it has been exhausted, I don't gamble anymore, or whenever I have a straight three losses, I quit the game.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?
Since I gamble for fun, if I become rich, I will continue gambling. It is if I hit the jackpot, and become rich with gambling, that I will not gamble again, but once in a while.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: len01 on March 10, 2024, 12:38:21 PM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?
since the development of technology in my area there are a small number of women who gamble, even in open places they gamble playing slots and there are also women who play slots from home without showing their activities and it's all about whether they think about anonymity which provides many benefits.
a female gambler who prefers to gamble at home has many benefits to be kept away from robbery when there is one of the criminals who knows that winnings from gambling is an option.

👉how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?
never thought about anything because it was none of my business and it was his own choice.
whatever the gambler does must have been planned beforehand and we all don't know whether they really lost a large amount or only lost a small portion for them and for us the amount is too large.
it's not good to have prejudice against other gamblers and just let them continue to gamble in their own way.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
every gambler will not be a hypocrite because all professional gamblers or ordinary gamblers, even gambling addicts, still want to win and losing money is something to regret.
but there is a difference if you just bet for fun and try your luck with money you can afford to lose, of course the regret is only temporary.

👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?
uncertain and depends on the situation.
When I get a big win and at that time I or my family don't need anything, I usually invest it in BTC. but if when I win I need something very important, I will use it to buy something that is really needed.

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?
if a friend asks for a loan to gamble I will say "we better be friends in a better way"
this means that money can ruin anyone's friendships and even money can ruin a sibling so you will never lend money to anyone if you use it for gambling.
I may have done this in the past but after I got better I never did something bad like this again.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?
I did both, limiting and being disciplined according to the rules that I had planned beforehand.
only in this way can I bet comfortably without having any burdens.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?
Is gambling only used for poor people?
well, that's the answer because for me gambling is a place to find fun and try your luck and if one day you become very rich, you will still gamble, just stick to the limits you have planned.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: swogerino on March 10, 2024, 12:50:59 PM
I've been around a lot of gamblers and you would find them in all their types according to what they say and do, and there there several arguments and views that they have on different issues, and I'd like to hear your on them too.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?

Once a gambler always a gambler as that old saying goes.Of course though once you get rich you would think twice to gamble again as from your gambling experience you would have come to some conclusions which overall you would be losing money in the long run and getting rich is something that happens extremely rarely.I personally would stop gambling right away though as I know people who have won lotteries of multi million dollars and still managed to ruin their lives because of their gambling addiction,bad friendship and relatives and many other things that impacted their life,so once you get rich put the money in the bank and call it a day.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: mindrust on March 10, 2024, 01:13:35 PM
👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?

I don't lie to myself. When I say It was for fun, it is the truth. It is because I don't make big bets in the first place. Let's say I made a $10 bet and lost. That's nothing for me. Why would I be lying If I lost that $10 and still had some fun doing it? I could have bought something equally silly for that $10 (like drinking a few beers) and it would have made a difference. People spend money on silly stuff all the time. The reason is they want to have fun. If you are an investor, that may sound weird to you because investors usually don't purchase silly stuff. Real wealthy people don't show off. They drive Toyota Camry's and live in small flats. Even these people want to have fun every once in a while and gambling is one of the most entertaining way of having fun.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Gozie51 on March 10, 2024, 01:38:09 PM

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?,

No body ask me for money to gamble and that is wrong to do. If you want to gamble then you have to use your money to do that and bear the consequences either for winning or losing.

do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ? [/b]

Never to do that because you there is no guarantee to win. Gamble with money you can afford to lose.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?

This is the best way to get good gambling habit. Setting limit is already what is connected with discipline, if you are not discipline even if you set limit, you will violent it by gambling beyond the limit when you are at lose.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?

Those who feel that gambling is for fun may perhaps keep gambling despite the outcome in riches but for those seeking profit alone may discontinue if they get rich through gambling.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Slow death on March 10, 2024, 06:01:07 PM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?

Honestly, I also don't see women from my country playing on slot machines, but I see a lot of men playing, there are a lot of men surrounding the slot machine because they all want to be the first to play, that's probably why women from my country stay away from the slot machines in my country, they may not feel very comfortable fighting with men to be able to play, and another thing that I noticed is that women in my country play the lottery, and they do it for the possibility that in the lottery people buy a ticket that has a very low cost and they win a lot of money if they are lucky enough to get the ticket right, women have more ambition to always want more

👉how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?

I see these guys as being very irresponsible people, when they take money to pay bills and take it to play, then they are no longer responsible people and they become people who have problems with gambling and need help from a doctor to cure this addiction, that's it. becomes a case of serious illness that needs urgent treatment, some people may think that taking the money intended to pay bills and taking it to play in a casino is something normal, but it is not normal, when this level of irresponsibility is reached then the person is addicted to gambling

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?

I feel bad, but I don't chase losses because before playing I draw up my entire game plan, I created my limits that I don't break, I follow my bankroll management. but I'm not happy with losses, I don't see how anyone could be happy losing

👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?

Every time I won a lot I always took it out of my country's bank account and bought things I like, I've been doing this to always remember the good times when I won a lot, I think it's a good thing that I do that. because this way, at least when I have sequences of losses that make me sad, all this sadness disappears when I win a lot and withdraw it to my bank account and use it in the real world, gambling is something very difficult to win, so we have to enjoy when we win a lot

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?

I definitely wouldn't lend money to someone to play, I already did that in the past and regretted it, not because of the money I offered it to him, but because I made the person start overdoing the games and I had no way to stop him.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?

Yes, I have always set a weekly and monthly limit on the amount of money I can use to play and I don't go beyond that limit, I think it is very important to set that limit, of course when I win a lot in a month then I increase the limit, that way I can grow my bankroll

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?

If I were rich I would continue playing with small amounts as I have always done, I place sports bets because I like it

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: goinmerry on March 10, 2024, 06:19:10 PM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling,

Just a normal scene in gambling to see women. Just be used to it.

I understand that maybe in some places, women are not seen usually involved in gambling but that should be normal.

👉how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?

If we will be based on the cover of the book, that's our usual impression of those types of people.

 But are you sure they are chasing their losses? Maybe you are right about most gamblers there but still, there are addicted and notorious gamblers but not show any shitty attitude outside their gambling activity.

Are they irresponsible to their families? No one knows unless you will personally investigate their lives.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?

It's hypocritical for a gambler to say that it's fun losing the money even if they afford to lose that amount.

Title: Re: A person view
Post by: Findingnemo on March 10, 2024, 06:42:49 PM
Women have always been a part of gambling, especially in casinos, even in the good old days women used to play slots, dice, and many more games in Vegas and now everything has become online its hard to know whether the user is male or female and its not necessary too because it doesn't play any role in the game like actual sports where they are separated from men's games for fair results due to the biological nature of physique difference.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Zoomic on March 10, 2024, 06:45:08 PM

👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?

I do not have a problem with women gambling provided they gamble responsibly. Most times it is not common seeing women in casinos or betting shops struggling with the male counterparts to gamble, they do most of the gambling online. This online gambling has really been beneficial to women, especially the ones who are not comfortable with the society's opinions about them.

👉how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?

I see notorious gamblers as victims of reckless gambling. They are really working hard trying to recover all they've lost, unknown to them that they are causing more damages to themselves. I feel pity for everyone going through gambling problems but will be careful not to offer unsolicited help to strangers.

how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?

No one feels happy losing money he did not get benefits from. I am able to put my emotions under control because I spend only the amount I can afford to lose.

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?

A person who asks for money to gamble whether as loans or free money has no control over his gambling habits and this is not healthy for any gambler. I will not give out money to such a gambler.

Title: Re: A person view
Post by: Su-asa on March 10, 2024, 06:49:19 PM
Women have always been a part of gambling, especially in casinos, even in the good old days women used to play slots, dice, and many more games in Vegas and now everything has become online its hard to know whether the user is male or female and its not necessary too because it doesn't play any role in the game like actual sports where they are separated from men's games for fair results due to the biological nature of physique difference.
anything that you do and women can't do that same thing that means the things is not legitimate, moreover I haven't seen anything that women doesn't do. Both gambling, military, these days in some societes there are no much men and so their women are the ones to go for military training same as men. If you are in a society that men are countable they morally threats the men well because they are not much.
So in gambling there is not ban for women to gamble. Women can gamble as long as they have the money..

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on March 10, 2024, 06:54:54 PM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?
Neither of the two.. what do you mean "pretenders"? Is anyone gonna be pretending on what they really desire for ? Understanding that they've got to pay for their bills and not anyone else? I've seen several women troop into my casino, wagering good funds on virtual games. This whole thing is basically about the person in question...what if the lesser part of women that gamble don't wanna wager online cus they simply don't know how to navigate?
👉how do you view notorious gamblers:
As irresponsible people.

Sandra 🧑‍🦰

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: serjent05 on March 10, 2024, 07:20:21 PM

👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?

I view them as normal people.  I do not think men and women are different when it comes to gambling.  I think both men and women can pretend and hide their image, they are both human after all.  So we should not be sexist when it comes to gambling engagement.

👉how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?

Gambler who bet more than they can afford to lose and does not concern themselves on their family needs is surely to be viewed as irresponsible people.  I feel sorry to their family because they are to suffer due to the irresponsibility of their bread winner.  I do not pity these kind of people instead I despise them.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?

Nothing, I don't regret or feel remorseful when I lost my bankroll.  I engage in gambling with a mind set that I already lost the money anyway.  I don't feel bad nor lie to myself since I am ready to what ever the outcome of my gambling session.

👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?

I give them to my parents to use in our house needs.  It is enough for me to see my parents happy and relief that they have extra fund for the family expenses.

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?

No one asked me this thing but I guess I feel irritated since I do not pester other people for my gambling activity so I feel that I should not be pestered by other people if they wanted to engage in gambling activity.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?

I do set rules and limits to my gambling activity. I set the target maximum amount to win and I stop when my initial bankroll deposit is depleted.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?

Of course I will continue to gamble.  There is enough fund to play so there is no reason to stop gambling.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: alastantiger on March 10, 2024, 07:24:29 PM
👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?
- Asking me for money to gamble is a waste of time. I do not give money for gambling. That would be me encouraging the addict because it is only an addict that you resort to borrowing money to gamble with.

- No really rules per say, but I have plans and weekly budget. If I stick to it, I have more to gamble with in the coming week. If I default, I have less to gamble with.

- What makes you think that we are not rich and gambling is just a hobby? By the way, what is your definition of "rich"?

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: carlfebz2 on March 10, 2024, 07:30:25 PM
👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?
#When someone approach me to take up some loan and i do know that someone is a gambling addict then it would really be automatically be rejected.
   Its likely that you wont really be getting paid in due time.

#Moderation is the key but not all people would really be having this and this is why they do messed up. This is something that we should really be that
  careful for it to be strictly be implemented towards self because if you dont then getting addicted would be easy.

#If ever i do become rich with gambling then i wont really be that stopping as long i do know on what im doing and i do know
  that when it comes to fund management then this would be always the key.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: acroman08 on March 10, 2024, 08:12:43 PM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?
maybe they are just trying to hide their image, as far as I remember there is a bad stigma about women gambling in some countries, but for me, seeing women gambling is the norm, throughout my life, I have seen women gambling and I can't fathom why it would be bad for them to gamble.

👉how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?
yeah, they are irresponsible, gambling a monthly worth of money and chasing losses is one of the worst ways you can do as a gambler, it will almost always end with you losing more money than earning them back.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
I am not sure why I have to lie, playing the gambling game that you enjoy the most, is fun. while losing money can make you feel bad it doesn't remove the fact that the gambling game you played is fun and you enjoyed it.

👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?
if it is sizable enough, pay bills, buy things that I like, save the rest.

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?
Annoyed, I mean, it is annoying when someone asks you for money just to use it for gambling, whats worse is that there is a chance that they'll make it extremely hard for you to get your money back. also, gambling with debt makes me uneasy, so no.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?
I have a fixed amount of funds that I gamble, and if that runs out, I stop until I save up again.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?
yeah, but I would most likely do it rarely, because there are things that I would love to do more than gambling.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: EarnOnVictor on March 10, 2024, 08:28:38 PM
These are a whole lot of questions and show you are conversant with the forum. Regardless, permit me to answer them in twos on subsequent visits to your thread.

👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?
Well, I have seen women gambling physically, only that it is not as rampant as men gambling and it depends on the environment they are in. But at times, it could be that women have a better focus than gambling, but this is a school of thought. In another school of thought, the environment matters so much. Some women may not want to be seen in such places where they could be tagged as gamblers, so they hide from it.

Yet, this does not concern those local women who do not care because it is a norm in their locality. But mostly in an urban area where more civility is seen, women often hide from this and it could only be to avoid stigmatisation. Do they pretend? Yes, they do, because what they could not do offline, they are doing it online. This is simply a fake life.

👉how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?
We should not find any excuse for these guys, and you've said it all, they are notorious. However, I can help them add "irresponsibility" to it because whether you are righteous or not, you may be responsible, and that would be seen in your attitude and character. Can the same be said of the character you explained here? Certainly not, so they should be rebuked in all its entirety.

They are such that makes gambling to be tagged with bad names. They will just be gambling with a lack of common sense and are greedy, and that's why the outcome is often bad for them. I wonder how these people could be useful to themselves, not to mention their families. It's just a pity for them, but certainly, I will not pity them, they are the ones who should turn a new leaf.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: boyptc on March 10, 2024, 08:32:30 PM
I do not gamble with debt and that's what I will never do and the same goes for investing. Investing and gambling with the use of debt is a big no for me.

I might understand if people that own businesses and they're asking for loans for expansion and more inventories as that's needed for them to cope up with demand.

But in gambling it's different, that's why I'll never do that. I'm more comfortable to gamble with my own money so even if I lose, I have no obligation to pay anyone.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: FatFork on March 10, 2024, 10:22:41 PM
Okay I've thought of some new fun stuffs to talk about.

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?

It just doesn't make good financial sense to risk money I don't have.  Asking others to loan you money to gamble seems especially concerning - that's asking for trouble in my book.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?

Setting limits is always a good idea, even for things you enjoy.   Maybe a weekly "gamble budget" for harmless fun?  As for me, discipline is definitely key in any situation.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?

If I suddenly came into a whole lotta money, I don't know if gambling would be the first thing I'd want to blow it on. But hey, maybe I'd give one of those fancy, high-stakes game a try, just for kicks! Just once, though - I ain't gonna turn into some high roller overnight.  To be totally honest, I got no clue what Id actually do if I became stinkin' rich.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: danherbias07 on March 10, 2024, 10:37:34 PM
Wow! That's a lot of questions.

1. Women. I see less of them who are gambling but I guess they have other things to do that risk their money. My view? None. They are just gamblers too.
2. I've only seen one notorious gambler and I do believe they can go as far as selling their properties just so they can chase their losses.
3. I still feel bad. That's still my money. I didn't get it for free so it hurts to see it leaving my account wallet slowly. But, I won't regret it way too much because I was also ready to lose it while I played.
4. My gambling wins were mostly spent on my kids. I took them to the mall, let them eat their choice of food, pay for whatever rides they wanted and just enjoy their day.
5. I would never ever try to take a loan or borrow money from the bank just to gamble. I promised myself I wouldn't do that and thankfully I have been keeping that promise intact for years.
6. I have limits and I think that's important as a gambler. We must have a plan and we cannot just keep on betting because it feels right.  It's part of having fun if we want to prolong the battle and maybe win through rakeback and bonuses.
7. If I get rich, I will prioritize a business and I already have one in my mind. I just lack the resources.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: o48o on March 10, 2024, 10:45:14 PM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?
👉how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?
👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?
👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?
👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?
👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?
1. I don't know what you mean by bet stores as we don't have those, almost every store is a bet store here. But i think we have around 50/50 ratio on women and men gambling. In fact in physical slot machines they are majority and i know personally couple older women who play way more then i do online.
2. I feel sorry for them as addiction is a real problem. Big part of the winnings in my country are directed to help gambling victims. Which some people in here see hypocritical, but i rather see them do that then not. Other way would be just ban gambling and i don't think it's ever going to happen in here. Those people, who want to do that wouldn't get voted in the government-
3. It doesn't feel good to lose, but it's part of the fun not to win all the time.
4. I am using winnings for either investing or living and buying something cool for my kids and my girlfriend
5. I am NOT lending anyone money for gambling, and i prefer people wouldn't lend me money for that if i would ask. That's really horrible idea, both lending and asking. Maybe my friends are smart enough so they haven't even asked.
6. I am watching my budget closely and never go over it. It's my rule nr 1 in gambling. Because i know my gambling addiction kicks in if i ever cross it. That's just how addiction works. It needs absolute rules to keep in check. For some people it could mean never gambling ever, and i totally understand why. Everyone has their own ways to not to get in trouble.
7. I have thought about this. I might quit for a while and have a vacation. At least i wouldn't be gambling anything that takes a lot of my time. As time is money and that's what i am buying with my money.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: alegotardo on March 10, 2024, 10:50:42 PM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?

In my country gambling is prohibited, so I don't see women in casinos and I also don't know any friends or relatives who are women and who gamble on casino sites. However, I know women who play the lottery or bet money on snooker or card games... I treat them with the same view I have of a man... nothing different.

👉how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?

Crazy, addicted, irresponsible.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?

Obviously I feel less happy than if I had won, but saying I'm lying to myself, why???
In the same example as the first question: I also play snooker or card games with my friends, betting money, but the main purpose is to have fun... have a beer and talk. If I lose I'm less happy, but I never need to lie to myself and say it was just for fun, because that's actually why I was there playing. It's the same thing with gambling.... what's your problem with that?

I'm sorry, but the conversation ends here. I'm very sad to know that there are still people who cannot see gambling as a means of entertainment.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Wiwo on March 10, 2024, 11:22:52 PM
I do not gamble with debt and that's what I will never do and the same goes for investing. Investing and gambling with the use of debt is a big no for me.

I might understand if people who own businesses and they're asking for loans for expansion and more inventories as that's needed for them to cope with demand.

But in gambling it's different, that's why I'll never do that. I'm more comfortable to gamble with my own money so even if I lose, I have no obligation to pay anyone.
No sane person will gamble with loan money,  because at the end of the day, you will lose the money and become indebted at the end so we have to agree that taking a loan to gamble with is not a welcome idea and such should be discouraged.

Gambling should be done with money that you don't need and should be able to put away for a long time or lose it totally without any feelings of disappointment or discomfort,  but if you take loans to gamble with,  you can forget the amount if you lose it to gambling since there will be a point where you will be asked to pay back such debt

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Natsuu on March 10, 2024, 11:56:09 PM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?
it's all about personal choice. Some might enjoy it privately, while others prefer discussing it openly. It doesn't necessarily make them pretenders; everyone has their comfort zone

👉how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?
Notorious gamblers vary like some may be irresponsible but others could be struggling with addiction. It's important to approach with empathy rather than judgment, recognizing the complexities of their situations

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
Of course it stings but i think it's normal to feel bad. Acknowledging the emotions is crucial, whether it's for fun or not

👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?
More plays and wins haha Gambling wins are diverse. Some indulge in enjoyment, others prioritize responsible use. It ultimately depends on individual values and priorities and i prefer use my winnings to do it again

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?
Asking for money to gamble can be tricky. Personally, avoiding gambling with debt is a wise choice, ensuring a healthier relationship with those people

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?
Yep. Smart move to get overboard and addicted

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?
Maybe but will not spend those money i worked hard for. Winnigns will do. If there are no winnings then better take a pause

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Die_empty on March 11, 2024, 12:26:17 AM
I've been around a lot of gamblers and you would find them in all their types according to what they say and do, and there there several arguments and views that they have on different issues, and I'd like to hear your on them too.

👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?
Cultural factors are the main reason why women tend to hide their gambling activities. In some societies, gambling is seen as men's activity and women are even forbidden from engaging in gambling. These female gamblers prefer to gamble online because it helps them to hide their identity. However female gambling is common in most developed countries where women enjoy equal rights to men.   

👉how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?
Someone might gamble with your one-month salary but that's his level. I have seen rich gamblers who stake more than my one-year salary in bets because they can afford to lose it. But gambling with your one-month salary and chasing losses is a sign of gambling addiction. It is our responsibility to support people who are suffering from gambling disorders in the best way we can. We can advise them and even help them seek professional assistance. They shouldn't be segregated because it could be anybody.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
If you gamble with more than you can afford to lose, you will be very anxious and sad if you lose. But gambling within your means is the pathway to fun. Gambling is like buying a ticket to watch a movie in a cinema. 

👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?
I spend my money on any need that I have. However, Big wins can be invested in a business or project.

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?
Gambling is for people who have a source of income and not for dependents. Anyone who does not have any source of income shouldn't gamble. Taking loans to gamble is risky because gambling is not an investment. Gambling with borrowed money might be a sign of gambling addiction.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?
I have a gambling budget that dictates how much I spend on gambling. Immediately my allocated funds are exhausted, I would have to wait for next week to add to my weekly budget. I try as much as possible to follow my gambling plans.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?
Gambling might end up being a lifelong entertainment for me. I will keep gambling even if I get wealthy, it is just part of my list of pleasure activities.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Dewi Aries on March 11, 2024, 01:12:22 AM
I do not gamble with debt and that's what I will never do and the same goes for investing. Investing and gambling with the use of debt is a big no for me.

I might understand if people who own businesses and they're asking for loans for expansion and more inventories as that's needed for them to cope with demand.

But in gambling it's different, that's why I'll never do that. I'm more comfortable to gamble with my own money so even if I lose, I have no obligation to pay anyone.
No sane person will gamble with loan money,  because at the end of the day, you will lose the money and become indebted at the end so we have to agree that taking a loan to gamble with is not a welcome idea and such should be discouraged.

Gambling should be done with money that you don't need and should be able to put away for a long time or lose it totally without any feelings of disappointment or discomfort,  but if you take loans to gamble with,  you can forget the amount if you lose it to gambling since there will be a point where you will be asked to pay back such debt

Exactly, basically loans are provided only for someone or anyone who is experiencing financial problems in an urgent manner, or simply money loans are more prioritized to be used as an alternative to solve financial problems in life, such as when you are in a situation of need and quickly due to anything like maybe your family member who is experiencing illness or other scenarios, but if you don't have any financial problems and try to make loans as an alternative to finance gambling activities then obviously it is a very bad idea and not recommended and as you said that in the end they will only get into debt.

Yes of course, gambling with money that will not be used for other needs or is money left over from needs is always recommended if you want to get involved in gambling and that does not mean you do or justify all means just to gamble, after all this is an activity that has a high risk, there are already a lot of cases that can actually be used as examples and lessons that many people end up with a downturn when trying to make gambling a place to earn, and also the point is that it is a stupid act and mindset if you put seriousness or hope in a place that does not actually have any certainty.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Don Pedro Dinero on March 11, 2024, 06:14:09 AM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area:

I don't usually watch. I've only seen a few older, unkempt looking women playing slots in the casino but they are in the minority.

👉how do you view notorious gamblers:

I don't see them or I don't pay attention.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  

Fairly neutral, fortunately. As it's money I take for granted, if I lose it, it doesn't usually affect me. I'm happier if I win.

👉how do you spend your gambling wins:

Like extra money for leisure, going out or dining out.

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?

It doesn't happen to me. No. I don't think so.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?

In general I respect the limits, what happens is that if I'm betting and I don't win anything at all, I might bet a little more than I had planned, but not much. On the contrary, if I win a big win soon I cash out and leave, even if I've only been there for 5 minutes.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?

I suppose so, but it is a question of percentages. I would always do it with money that I would not be affected by losing.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: OceanBit on March 11, 2024, 06:37:26 AM
how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?
I'm a woman and do casual gambling. It's more common to see women involved in gambling, whether it's physical or online. It's unfair to label us pretenders just because women may not be as visible in public due to societal norms, one of the reasons why I prefer gambling online. Regardless of the gender, everyone should enjoy gambling.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: boty on March 11, 2024, 06:55:40 AM
how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?
I'm a woman and do casual gambling. It's more common to see women involved in gambling, whether it's physical or online. It's unfair to label us pretenders just because women may not be as visible in public due to societal norms, one of the reasons why I prefer gambling online. Regardless of the gender, everyone should enjoy gambling.
It is true that when we want to gamble of course we have to do it where we feel comfortable to gamble so that we will be able to enjoy gambling so that we will not feel uncomfortable when gambling, because if we do not have comfort when gambling of course we will not be able to play. playing well and will greatly influence the decisions we make in placing bets and we could experience defeat quickly because we don't feel comfortable with where we are gambling. For some women, they don't really like it when their gambling habits are known to many people, so they have to choose online gambling when they want to gamble.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: knowngunman on March 11, 2024, 07:14:46 AM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?

Well, I have seen women gambling in a bet shop on a various occasions and also see them working as agents in a betting shops but this is actually not a very common case as compared to men. Many factors contribute to the limited participation of women in gambling such as shyness and dependency. Women are naturally a shy type and can not withstand the crowd in a betting shops where men usually see as a place of relaxation. Women are also dependent on their parents or spouse with less freedom unlike men that can make decisions for themselves and move freely unchecked or with less supervision.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?

Money is not being plug from trees, we work hard to get this money and as such, one must definitely feel sad when they are lost. Feeling bad about losing the money to gambling doesn't mean you're lying to yourself. You can of course enjoy the fun of gambling despite losing money and this is the reason you are recommend to gamble with amount that you won't feel too bad when you lose it.

This is actually interesting thread for discussion but unfortunately, it's Monday morning and Monday is for works.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: angrybirdy on March 11, 2024, 08:35:37 AM
how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?
I'm a woman and do casual gambling. It's more common to see women involved in gambling, whether it's physical or online. It's unfair to label us pretenders just because women may not be as visible in public due to societal norms, one of the reasons why I prefer gambling online. Regardless of the gender, everyone should enjoy gambling.
It is true that when we want to gamble of course we have to do it where we feel comfortable to gamble so that we will be able to enjoy gambling so that we will not feel uncomfortable when gambling, because if we do not have comfort when gambling of course we will not be able to play. playing well and will greatly influence the decisions we make in placing bets and we could experience defeat quickly because we don't feel comfortable with where we are gambling. For some women, they don't really like it when their gambling habits are known to many people, so they have to choose online gambling when they want to gamble.

yeah right, When you don't feel comfortable playing, you can't focus and you don't realize that you lose your focus, you lose playing and you can't do what you need to do correctly. There are times when we can focus on gambling especially if the place is quiet and peaceful and not crowded, that is one of the reasons I see why the number of gamblers who gamble through online gambling sites has increased, especially those gamblers who have a privilege and a good place inside their house, that's where they sit to be able to gamble well.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: MarissaLopez on March 11, 2024, 11:21:17 AM
I've been around a lot of gamblers and you would find them in all their types according to what they say and do, and there there several arguments and views that they have on different issues, and I'd like to hear your on them too.

👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?

👉how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?

👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?

Let's have fun keep those honest replies coming, nothing to lie about, if you feel shy about the reply then just go for the options that you are okay with 😊😇😇

Okay I've thought of some new fun stuffs to talk about.

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?

Well I would say this thread is massive and has cut across so many dimensions of how we see things work around us.
But in my own view I'm seeing all of this so fascinating especially women gambling by not wanting to show out their identify to the public. It's more or less better of that way,for me I wouldn't want to gamble or bet in a public place as to be an example to my subordinate or offsprings,so I would prefer doing it online and booking games and it has helped me a lot,so most women too like myself do same also.

In the aspect of notorious gamblers I would adhere to the fact that they are being irresponsible with their dealings with funds and not minding what the outcome may be,and they are the masterpiece of their decision making so wherever action taken irrespective of that would be of great damage and loss to themselves and not anyone else.
So it's better of they be discipline with finances as pertaining that.

Then in regards to how I spend my gambling wins..its something have made up my mind to do.whenever I make a win instead of using it for refreshments and merriments I  prefer investing it,and which has helped me in so many ways and I know in the long run it will fetch me a huge some that will make me to stop gambling at a point.
Sometimes when I'm out of funds  for gambling or betting I become relax cause I have a lot working for me and I keep a low but when my stipends percentage for it arrives I do so.i do all of this because I don't spend all my wins,I save them and invest for the future .

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: boyptc on March 11, 2024, 11:33:47 AM
I do not gamble with debt and that's what I will never do and the same goes for investing. Investing and gambling with the use of debt is a big no for me.

I might understand if people who own businesses and they're asking for loans for expansion and more inventories as that's needed for them to cope with demand.

But in gambling it's different, that's why I'll never do that. I'm more comfortable to gamble with my own money so even if I lose, I have no obligation to pay anyone.
No sane person will gamble with loan money,  because at the end of the day, you will lose the money and become indebted at the end so we have to agree that taking a loan to gamble with is not a welcome idea and such should be discouraged.

Gambling should be done with money that you don't need and should be able to put away for a long time or lose it totally without any feelings of disappointment or discomfort,  but if you take loans to gamble with,  you can forget the amount if you lose it to gambling since there will be a point where you will be asked to pay back such debt
Well, if you have read some story from the forum. There were gamblers that have loaned just for them to gamble.

It's hard to imagine but there certainly are people that can do such if they are desperate from doing so. But for me, as I have said, I won't do it because I know the consequences of it.

It's best to gamble with your own money and it doesn't matter if you lose because you can just leave it like that and won't think of any loan to pay later on.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Quidat on March 11, 2024, 11:42:24 AM
👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?
Gambling with loan money is suicide and its never been that good or recommended on doing so. You would be making your life miserable
because losing that loan money will surely lose in the end. So thats a double problem for you.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?
Control is recommended but people would really be only be making such action on the time that they would really be on a tough situation
or on the time that they do get addicted.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?
Gamble for fun, If you do have the money then why not? Moderation would be always the key.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: mirakal on March 11, 2024, 11:54:40 AM
I do not gamble with debt and that's what I will never do and the same goes for investing. Investing and gambling with the use of debt is a big no for me.

I might understand if people that own businesses and they're asking for loans for expansion and more inventories as that's needed for them to cope up with demand.

But in gambling it's different, that's why I'll never do that. I'm more comfortable to gamble with my own money so even if I lose, I have no obligation to pay anyone.
Probably for some beginners in gambling, taking debt is a big NO. However, for those who have been gambling in years and have already developed addiction, taking debt is very welcome for them. That’s why a lot of addicted gamblers drown into debt, not because they’re unable to pay, but because they have put in mind that gambling can be a reliable source of income to pay their debts when in reality, it’s not.

I might be addicted into gambling somehow but at the end of the day, I still manage not to cross my betting budget and limit my expenses and losses as well. But taking debt just to gamble, I will never do that. However, when it comes to investment, taking a loan is acceptable as long as you’re able to pay and you have your stable job that will back up you when your investment does not work based on planned.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on March 11, 2024, 12:11:03 PM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?

I also have never seen young girls who engage in gambling physically, but on gambling or betting social groups, like on WhatsApp and telegram, even Facebook, I usually come across profiles of supposedly young beautiful girls who supposedly are into gambling.
I honestly do not feel  anything about this, since I simply assume it's their basic right, there was never a time it was made as a rule that, gambling was only meant for men, women too can gamble as long as they learn to keep to the limit and never risk above what they can comfortably afford to lose.

👉how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?

I honestly don't pity gambling addicts, if any thing, they actually amuze me, most gambling addicts become addict not by mistake, but by their very own actions born out of greed, no body is ever forced into gambling, people gamble on their own will and terms.
So, for anyone who gets addicted to it, it's simply the result of their own actions and I honestly don't pity such persons.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?

Gambling itself is supposed to always be a fun venture,  but it's rather unfortunate that majority of gamblers have turned gambling into something they do to earn money.
I personally always try my best to stay within my limit, and each time I lose money that I can afford to lose to gambling, I honestly don't feel a thing, because the amount is always so insignificant to me, so, even if I had the intention of winning, but I end up not winning, I simply just move on to the next bet or simply relax for that time being, there is absolutely no need crying over a milk that is already spilled - right?.

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?

I don't gamble with dept, and no one has ever asked a loan from me to use for gambling, I won't give that person such a loan, for it is absolutely irresponsible to gamble with money that is borrowed.
I have witnessed a case where a fight broke out in a casino because some one played a bet on credit, he lost the bet and then refused to pay the cashier, the cashier insisting on collecting the money for the bet, a fight broke out between them and from what seemed like a minor thing, two lifes were lost in the process.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: EarnOnVictor on March 11, 2024, 01:15:57 PM
Like I said yesterday, I will be answering these questions in twos to avoid cumbersomeness. This is the next two.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
I have read the context of gambling loss and fun many times and my conclusion is that it is all about your disposition about gambling. Indeed, gambling could be done for fun and it could be done for the money, nand if you played games for fun, you will surely not feel it when you lose, but of course, if you gamble for the money, you will feel hurt when you lose the money. Again, those who are gambling for the fun are not using big money for it which is one of the main differences here, and if you are gambling for the fun, ensure you use a ridiculous amount of money for it, and this amount should have been well-budgeted and the mode of spending it must have been well-calculated even before you visit the gambling house or opened the gambling platform.

And if it is for the money, just gamble right and plan your gambling very well with a very managed portfolio so that it will not hurt you. Most people who pretend to gamble for fun could be hurt because the sincerity is not there but you can only pretend to people you, can never pretend to yourself. It will definitely show in the form of pain. That's normal

👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?
To be honest with you, my friend, I do not know how I spent my gambling winnings, I do not even take any inventory of it because I have never taken gambling so seriously to avoid psychological issues. And since I do not depend on it for the money, it makes it easier for me. Still, what I normally do that I can remember now is that I have some treats with gambling money at times instead of using the money in my bank account. This is especially true when I am broke or do not want to touch the money in my bank account due to lack of excess money to spare.

Also, when I lose in my casino accounts or want to fund a newly opened gambling account, I do not use the money in my bank account but the ones in my sports betting account. With these, I think I am doing just fine with the money.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: borovichok on March 11, 2024, 01:57:11 PM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area:

I don’t feel anything when I see women gambling. I feel it's their life and money and so I don’t care. I don`t segregate between a male and a female gambler and so it becomes normal for me to see a woman gambling.

👉how do you view notorious gamblers:

I am very pissed off when I see someone losing badly and yet refusing to stop. Like why would you put your hands in fire and refuse to remove it even when it is hurting? Such gamblers can easily transfer aggression to another person and so I am very careful with them.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling? 

I feel bad even though I always gamble with what I can afford to lose. Sometimes, my mood is not because of the amount I lost but because it is a good feeling when you win.

👉how do you spend your gambling wins:

It depends on the amount. However, most times when I win, I pay bills and chill with friends.

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?

I don’t give people money to gamble. If you ever mention to me that the reason for asking me for money is to gamble, I will not give. I don’t encourage people to borrow money to gamble.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?

I always set a budget for myself but I must say I don’t stick to the budget all the time.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?

Even if I become the world`s richest man, I will still gamble. I gamble for fun and I cannot stop having fun because I am rich.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: ralle14 on March 11, 2024, 04:14:45 PM
👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
It usually feels bad because we always expect to walk away with a win, but once you have a low enough bankroll it becomes easier to let go of most losses and emphasize the fun side of gambling.

👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?
I sometimes do the same and use my winnings to buy the things I like. I would also spend it to pay my monthly bills or use it for groceries, I wouldn't hesitate to spend it in a way that would save me money on other stuff.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?
I'd likely gamble again because the entertainment experience that gambling provides is something i'd always enjoy.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: passwordnow on March 11, 2024, 04:54:57 PM
👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?
I am ignoring them. I don't even ask money to gamble and if I want to gamble, I'd use my personal money for that.

do you gamble with debt?  

Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?
Even if I am pretty much sure with my analysis for the games that I am betting, I have no confidence of asking money to gamble. This shouldn't be removed from everyone's personal list.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?
I am disciplined enough to stop so, whether I set a limit or not. What matters to me is I control my emotion and I can do whatever I want and whenever I want to stop.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?
Yup, I'd still do that but with moderation as wealth from gambling can easily be gone without discipline. So, being wise with the money that I've won, I'll put that into investments and businesses but I'll still take a little amount from it to gamble.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Yatsan on March 11, 2024, 05:12:33 PM
I will just answer categorically, I guess to avoid redundancy. Gambling chooses no gender, age, race or such; if you can afford betting and testing your luck, then you'd be fine. I don't care that much with people around me such as notorious bettors because in the first place that won't be my problem and I prefer minding my own. Winning and losing will be both part of the game and the extent on how you will react on each instances depends on your expectation as a player; if you want to get rich from gambling then either outcome will push you to just continue playing but on my end, I tend to secure a portion of my profit and won't hesitate to rest from this activity if I'm already losing that much. I gamble only a small proportion of my salary and this is why I don't support people who are willing to borrow money for this activity because that's irresponsibility already on their end and I don't want to be a part of it. And if I ever will be rich from gambling, I would personally prefer quitting and using the money in a profitable and more secured investment such as properties.

These questions are a bit mixed but all of it falls under gambling responsibility. Might be cliché to some but at least this could remind those who are being compulsive with their gaambling habits not as a leisure but in some instances, as a career. Nothing's wrong as long as you could handle the consequences of losing.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: ajiz138 on March 11, 2024, 05:49:27 PM

👉 how do you view women gambling in your area:
Not a problem ... it's their right to want to play gambling or not because in gambling there are no certain gender restrictions, all are free as long as they know the risks they will face.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
When losing in gambling I must be honest emotions must exist but you must understand that gambling must make it fun, whether you lose or win, make it fun, not looking for money there.

👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?
After the victory will not spend directly I prefer to enjoy it first and then leave a little to play again, if from the winnings continue to play then there is no fun in gambling games.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: 348Judah on March 11, 2024, 06:02:41 PM
how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?

Poor participation in my locality because women are not that much interested in gambling like the way men do appear, some young women do go to the gambling house together with their boyfriends and not going there because they wanted to gamble themself, so i can conclude this by saving that it is very rare for you to see women involving in gambling from where i live except on rare occasions.

how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?

Unless you witness seeing someone behaving like one you may not actually know whether they are notorious or not, some may also not be as you have thought expects we see them in practical, i will advise the word addiction to be used instead of notorious in this context to be able to carry what you mean or portray from the content on discussion.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Hatchy on March 11, 2024, 07:32:18 PM
👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
No one is happy, when they encounter losses. Though we all gamble for fun sake and a bit of the cash which comes along side the fun, no one is really going to be happy that they lost any game.
some people don't gamble for fun just like most people do and this often lead to addiction which is the problem most gamlers encounter in the gambling journey. As a gambler, no matter how fun your gambling activities are, you do feel it most time when you loss.
No one lies to himself that those losses doesn't really affect them. One has to be less emotional to be able to control himself during losses. Avoiding thinking too much about it.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: borovichok on March 11, 2024, 07:43:13 PM
I am disciplined enough to stop so, whether I set a limit or not. What matters to me is I control my emotion and I can do whatever I want and whenever I want to stop.

Knowing when to stop gambling as a gambler is crucial. It will save a gambler a lot. Some gamblers don’t know when to stop gambling. Even when they are winning they keep gambling with the hope of winning more and also, when they lose they continue to gamble to recoup their loss. This is a very bad way of gambling. In my submission, any gambler who knows when to stop can never be addicted or have a gambling-related problem such a gambler can easily overcome so many problems simply by stopping when it is necessary.

But then, I have a concern with you not setting a limit for your gamble. Even though you know when to stop and control your emotions, it is still imperative to set limits and stick to them. If you don’t set a limit you will gamble more in some days depending on your income which is not proper. It is better to have a fixed amount regardless of how much you have.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Kavelj22 on March 11, 2024, 09:49:27 PM

👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?

There is a qualitative change taking place in society, which changes all the roles that the individual plays within his societal environment. Women are the biggest beneficiaries because they will at least give up traditional roles.
It is an approach that will remain a subject of moral controversy indefinitely because the phenomenon is provocative and it is not easy to come up with an objective assessment without falling into gender classifications, even though the comparison is between two different genders. I believe that the issue can only be studied from the point of view of analytical psychology, which classifies activities according to gender. For example, we find that men lead in the gambling industry, while women excel at excessive consumption of clothing and cosmetics.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: justdimin on March 12, 2024, 05:22:10 AM
how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?
We are living in a modern world, most people these days gamble online except for those who find physical gambling more enjoyable because of the thrill and the fun they can find in land-based and physical casino establishments. When it comes to women, they barely get time to go out and gamble at physical casinos unless they are completely free and independent and have enough time to do that but it's rare.

So women these days use online gambling platforms as well if they gamble, the percentage of female gamblers is generally very low but that doesn't mean women don't gamble at all, they do, but they mostly do it online and that is the reason why you barely see any on the betting shop.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Kakmakr on March 12, 2024, 05:40:24 AM
I am going to Cherry pick some questions and then answer them randomly.

Question 1 "How do you see women gamblers..."
Answer : I see no difference between the two genders. Every person is different and the gender makes no difference between how you gamble or how much you gamble.

Question 2 "How do you feel when you lose..."
Answer : I have a mixture of feelings that range from being sad and some times feeling anger. (Anger when I gambled too much and when I lose everything)

Question 3 "How do you spend your winnings.."
Answer : I seldom have anything to spend, because I gamble for entertainment and the money that are deposited or winnings, stay there so that I can play for a longer period.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Nheer on March 12, 2024, 07:30:42 AM
how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?
We are in a different world now where girls seem to be engaging in things men do so i am not surprised just that the rate of women who engage in gambling keeps rising by the day and i just hope they are aware of the dangers of gambling addiction and they are educated enough to prevent themselves to becoming an addict. Anyone can gamble irrespective of their gender if they are up to the age range allowed to gamble.

how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?
Chasing ones loss is what lead to gambling addiction and people needs to understand that what is lost is lost. Once you start to involve emotions into your games gambling will get the best of you so when you lose you need to understand that it is not your day and instead of chasing your losses you just have to wait for another day and try again.

how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
Of course i feel bad. No one wants to lose money especially when you worked so hard to earn it so i do feel bad but i don’t let it get the best of me.

how do you spend your gambling wins:
I try to spend it on my needs that’s more pressing at the moment i believe it’s better that way than to spend it my wins on gambling again.

Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?
I am disciplined enough to know when to stop but i just set limits on the amount to spend on gambling per week.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: junder on March 12, 2024, 09:58:22 AM
I am disciplined enough to stop so, whether I set a limit or not. What matters to me is I control my emotion and I can do whatever I want and whenever I want to stop.

Knowing when to stop gambling as a gambler is crucial. It will save a gambler a lot. Some gamblers don’t know when to stop gambling. Even when they are winning they keep gambling with the hope of winning more and also, when they lose they continue to gamble to recoup their loss. This is a very bad way of gambling. In my submission, any gambler who knows when to stop can never be addicted or have a gambling-related problem such a gambler can easily overcome so many problems simply by stopping when it is necessary.

But then, I have a concern with you not setting a limit for your gamble. Even though you know when to stop and control your emotions, it is still imperative to set limits and stick to them. If you don’t set a limit you will gamble more in some days depending on your income which is not proper. It is better to have a fixed amount regardless of how much you have.

That's right, this is very important, because with awareness we can stop gambling when we should, such as when we lose, which is what usually makes many gamblers unable to stop, they tend to gamble again by depositing money again and Again, maybe this happens because they hope that in the next gambling game they can get a win that can reverse the losses that have occurred. and of course thoughts like that tend to make us trapped ourselves. We also have to pay attention to this, if we have wrong thoughts then it is possible that in the future we will also be wrong. it's the same as when they get a win, gamblers who are thirsty for victory or still feel dissatisfied, of course they won't stop gambling, in fact, when they get a win, maybe it's time for them to place a bigger bet to be able to get a bigger win, but of course The factor of losing still applies, so as usual, it is very likely that the gambling you do will end in defeat. Whether the bet amount is large or small does not guarantee that you can win easily.
I agree with you, of course, if we have limits then we should be able to obey them and do them, because it is also for our own good primarily.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Z390 on March 12, 2024, 10:10:47 AM

👉how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?

We all have different views about gambling, understanding of something among people is on different levels, and I believe that these people are slaves to their level of understanding, if they truly understand what gambling means, no one will dare to risk a lot of money on gambling.

Poor souls, they must have thought that it would be very easy to get lucky, but they failed to understand that luck doesn't come by every day, it's irresponsible gamblers' way, but at the same time I don't blame them, their mindset is not that great and wise.

The word 'irresponsible to their families' is true, but in the minds of these gamblers, they are probably thinking that they will be able to safe their families if they take huge risks, if something is wrong and your mind keeps telling you that it's right, you will do it thinking it's right....

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: passwordnow on March 12, 2024, 11:35:30 AM
I am disciplined enough to stop so, whether I set a limit or not. What matters to me is I control my emotion and I can do whatever I want and whenever I want to stop.

Knowing when to stop gambling as a gambler is crucial. It will save a gambler a lot. Some gamblers don’t know when to stop gambling. Even when they are winning they keep gambling with the hope of winning more and also, when they lose they continue to gamble to recoup their loss. This is a very bad way of gambling. In my submission, any gambler who knows when to stop can never be addicted or have a gambling-related problem such a gambler can easily overcome so many problems simply by stopping when it is necessary.
It's not really crucial at all. What you need to understand is when you should stop. Most of us only stop when we've got nothing left and that's how we're realizing that it's the time that we must stop. Some don't realize to stop when they're winning because the emotions are high and they think that they're at the top of the world thinking that they've got plenty of money and they're not going to lose any moment from that high they're experiencing.

Gamblers only keep on moving when they have money left on their pockets and balances. But when they're out of it, still two things, that's to stop or to continue and have another deposit. These are the realities being set and we're seeing from time to time when we're in such situation as we gamble.

But then, I have a concern with you not setting a limit for your gamble. Even though you know when to stop and control your emotions, it is still imperative to set limits and stick to them. If you don’t set a limit you will gamble more in some days depending on your income which is not proper. It is better to have a fixed amount regardless of how much you have.
Don't worry about me, as I've said. I am disciplined and I know what I am doing. I've gone through worst experiences about finances and gambling and that had taught me a lot of lessons that I am bringing up to this point of life. I know my limits and that's why whether I set it or not, when I have to stop then I'll just stop indefinitely and that's what I think is good about me. I'm not an addicted gambler and I understand my situation.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Queentoshi on March 12, 2024, 11:40:26 AM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?
If there are betting shops that are exclusive to only women, I'm very sure that even though the crowd and number of women who will come to gamble will not be as the number of males gambling in their own place, but you would see women in those places gambling freely without the fear of being stigmatized by men who are still local in their reasoning. Online gambling has even made it possible for women to gamble that is why you even see that there are women in some telegram channels, WhatsApp channels or any place where gambling predictions and tips are being given or discussed.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: GideonGono on March 12, 2024, 01:00:36 PM

👉 how do you view women gambling in your area:
I don't really care about it, I grew up seeing women gamble in our area, and I think it is normal.
Gambling doesn't have to be just for the boys.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
Of course I would feel bad, like it would come up to me that the amount that I've lost could be used in other things.
But honestly there are times that I would really enjoy gambling so it doesn't matter much to me if I lose.

👉how do you spend your gambling wins:
Most of the time I would eat out with my friends or family, buy some things that I like.
👉how do you feel when people ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?
I don't get it why people would borrow or take a loan just to gamble, if they couldn't afford it then don't, we should only gamble what we could afford to lose so why would they even gamble if they don't have enough to support it.
👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?
Yes I set up a limit on how much I would deposit to gamble, and a timeframe to stay out on gambling.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?
Yes, I would still continue to gamble maybe the difference is that, when I am rich it is more for fun not for profit.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: boyptc on March 12, 2024, 06:54:25 PM
I do not gamble with debt and that's what I will never do and the same goes for investing. Investing and gambling with the use of debt is a big no for me.

I might understand if people that own businesses and they're asking for loans for expansion and more inventories as that's needed for them to cope up with demand.

But in gambling it's different, that's why I'll never do that. I'm more comfortable to gamble with my own money so even if I lose, I have no obligation to pay anyone.
Probably for some beginners in gambling, taking debt is a big NO. However, for those who have been gambling in years and have already developed addiction, taking debt is very welcome for them. That’s why a lot of addicted gamblers drown into debt, not because they’re unable to pay, but because they have put in mind that gambling can be a reliable source of income to pay their debts when in reality, it’s not.
And that's what people shouldn't imitate them for doing so. Gambling and asking for a loan shouldn't be a tandem and done by any gambler because you're just pushing yourself too much and giving the bad view about what being a gambler is.

I might be addicted into gambling somehow but at the end of the day, I still manage not to cross my betting budget and limit my expenses and losses as well. But taking debt just to gamble, I will never do that.
IMO that contradicts. When you're addicted to gambling, you can't manage anything as there's only one thing on your mind and that's to gamble and you won't be able to control that.

However, when it comes to investment, taking a loan is acceptable as long as you’re able to pay and you have your stable job that will back up you when your investment does not work based on planned.
I won't also do this.

If you are going to take loan for investing, you might just save your salary and use that.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: teamsherry on March 12, 2024, 06:57:06 PM
I've been around a lot of gamblers and you would find them in all their types according to what they say and do, and there there several arguments and views that they have on different issues, and I'd like to hear your on them too.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?

Once a gambler always a gambler as that old saying goes.Of course though once you get rich you would think twice to gamble again as from your gambling experience you would have come to some conclusions which overall you would be losing money in the long run and getting rich is something that happens extremely rarely.I personally would stop gambling right away though as I know people who have won lotteries of multi million dollars and still managed to ruin their lives because of their gambling addiction,bad friendship and relatives and many other things that impacted their life,so once you get rich put the money in the bank and call it a day.

Most people often delude themselves that they could leave old habits just like that especially when it was part of what get them rich, I've heard some notorious gamblers that indulge often say if I win a huge amount I won't gamble again but yet when they do they would only increase their stake and even plan to stake more than they do before.

So yeah most people would say they won't but we all know deep down that we would

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Odohu on March 12, 2024, 07:18:05 PM
I've been around a lot of gamblers and you would find them in all their types according to what they say and do, and there there several arguments and views that they have on different issues, and I'd like to hear your on them too.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?

Once a gambler always a gambler as that old saying goes.Of course though once you get rich you would think twice to gamble again as from your gambling experience you would have come to some conclusions which overall you would be losing money in the long run and getting rich is something that happens extremely rarely.I personally would stop gambling right away though as I know people who have won lotteries of multi million dollars and still managed to ruin their lives because of their gambling addiction,bad friendship and relatives and many other things that impacted their life,so once you get rich put the money in the bank and call it a day.

Most people often delude themselves that they could leave old habits just like that especially when it was part of what get them rich, I've heard some notorious gamblers that indulge often say if I win a huge amount I won't gamble again but yet when they do they would only increase their stake and even plan to stake more than they do before.

So yeah most people would say they won't but we all know deep down that we would
Most gamblers always use this line to motivate themselves and make it appear like they have a target in their gambling business. Unknown to them is the fact that once you are committed to gambling, it becomes part of you and you can only control your involvement and not stop out rightly especially when you succeed in hitting the jackpot. It is the control that makes one able to utilize winning properly and also what differentiates an addict from none addict. I even noticed that those who plans to quit when they win big money never win the kind of money they target, it is always little wins, some loses and such sequence. Huge wins from gambling always come when not expected, that is the strange thing about gambling.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Zanab247 on March 12, 2024, 07:26:23 PM
I don't feel bad seeing women gambling in the gambling center because, gambling is not made for only men alone and there are some husband that permitted their wife to be gamble if she have the money and, such woman can reader help to her husband when she win huge amount of money from gambling.

I feel bad whenever I lost in the gambling but I don't want to stop gamble because, it makes me not to feel bad in some things that hot me sometime but the moment I go into gambling, it make me feel relief and to be happy with everybody around me because I don't take gambling as an investment like the way some gamblers took gambling as an investment.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: mammusu on March 12, 2024, 07:33:49 PM
Most people often delude themselves that they could leave old habits just like that especially when it was part of what get them rich, I've heard some notorious gamblers that indulge often say if I win a huge amount I won't gamble again but yet when they do they would only increase their stake and even plan to stake more than they do before.

So yeah most people would say they won't but we all know deep down that we would
Those are words that I often hear from many gamblers, they say exactly the same as you said. This is like something that will continue to repeat itself, because it will be very difficult to stop the gambling habit, especially if the person is already addicted to gambling.

This is a story that I recently heard from one of my friends who gambles, actually this is an old experience but this is the first time he is telling it. My friend said he would stop when he had won a large amount, and at that time he luckily got the maximum win from the slot game. After that he stopped gambling, and can you guess how long it took him to stop? yes, only a week. He didn't gamble at all for a week and I thought it would be forever, but what happened was that he played again and that has lasted until now. Even when he told me he would stop, I would no longer believe him because it is something very difficult to stop the habit of gambling, and even if he stopped it was only for a moment like what my friend experienced.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: entertheabyss on March 12, 2024, 08:19:39 PM
I don't feel bad seeing women gambling in the gambling center because, gambling is not made for only men alone and there are some husband that permitted their wife to be gamble if she have the money and, such woman can reader help to her husband when she win huge amount of money from gambling.

I feel bad whenever I lost in the gambling but I don't want to stop gamble because, it makes me not to feel bad in some things that hot me sometime but the moment I go into gambling, it make me feel relief and to be happy with everybody around me because I don't take gambling as an investment like the way some gamblers took gambling as an investment.
Gambling is not for the weak but for strong humans, the ones that will be able to withstand the top run and also doing everything within their reach to enable them move higher in the space. Gambling can be fully examined by the pro gamblers in the space, it's doesn't matter the age but what's crucial is the main thing called experience. Both genders can successfully gamble because its becoming clearer as the day passes by. Everyone is equal in the system and it might turn out to be a surprise to see the women doing exceptionally better than the men in the space. I've come in contact with experience gamblers who are women and they're the best.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: sokani on March 12, 2024, 08:53:11 PM
I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?
I guess you're familiar with the saying that what a man can do a woman can do better. The world has evolved and gone are those days when it's a taboo for a female to gamble. Now everyone is hustling for the money and ladies have equal rights just the male folks, so it's unwise to think they're wasting their time.

have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves?
Yes, they're irresponsible for spending all of what they earn on gambling. A gambler should have a gambling budget (normally 5% salary) and work with it.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Dewi Aries on March 12, 2024, 09:03:03 PM
I don't feel bad seeing women gambling in the gambling center because, gambling is not made for only men alone and there are some husband that permitted their wife to be gamble if she have the money and, such woman can reader help to her husband when she win huge amount of money from gambling.

I feel bad whenever I lost in the gambling but I don't want to stop gamble because, it makes me not to feel bad in some things that hot me sometime but the moment I go into gambling, it make me feel relief and to be happy with everybody around me because I don't take gambling as an investment like the way some gamblers took gambling as an investment.

Yes it means gambling for everyone, and it is true that everyone can gamble as long as they have the money to bet on two possibilities at the end of the session between winning or losing, simply put gambling never looks at whether you are male or female all have the freedom to gamble. But if you are asking something else then yes obviously I would say that gambling is recommended only for those or people who do not have any problems in life especially financial, because honestly lately I see quite a lot of people who come with the aim of overcoming their personal problems such as gambling to pay off debts or gambling to improve their financial situation, that is very wrong because gambling is not a solution because there is absolutely no certainty in terms of the results at the end of the session about winning or losing.

You said that you feel bad or uncomfortable when you lose in gambling but on the other hand you also said that you don't want to stop gambling because this can make you relieved and happy, so maybe I would say that you are not one of the responsible gamblers because you feel bad when you lose, and my suggestion is that if you want to continue gambling and don't want to stop then you have to re-justify your understanding of gambling, you must understand that gambling is always about winning and losing, and losing can never be avoided completely, so the choice may be between you stopping or being able to accept the consequences of losing.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Volimack on March 13, 2024, 05:57:45 AM
how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?
I'm a woman and do casual gambling. It's more common to see women involved in gambling, whether it's physical or online. It's unfair to label us pretenders just because women may not be as visible in public due to societal norms, one of the reasons why I prefer gambling online. Regardless of the gender, everyone should enjoy gambling.
Nowadays there is no gender discrimination for gambling everyone can gamble according to their needs and ability. Men and women are keeping pace with each other so I have seen women gambling in many places. Online gambling has become easier for women. Many women enjoy gambling along with housework at home so women gambling is natural.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Samlucky O on March 13, 2024, 06:44:27 AM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?
Women are highly respected in the society for there responsible habits compeard to that of a man, and they usually try to maintain such prestige by not involving themselfs on public gambling. What they do mostly is online gambling, when ever they ask for bookies they want to use it to play online gambling than offline. They are not pretenders but has a dignity and pride they have to cover in the society. If you as a man see any lady who comes to the casino hall to play gamble, you will see such lady as a wayward type, just like they usually call men that gamble too.

👉how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?
Lolz, I never knew such Gamblers are taged notorious gamblers. I thought it was gambling addict or compulsive Gamblers. Anyway I have come across such a situation where a guy is always know for booking down a particular computer just for only his use whenever he comes to play gamble. He will make sure they fund the bet account, he will play and play and play till he exhaust the amount in the system before he will go back home. Although some day are also lucky days to him when he wins big but looses more frequently. I see it as his own way of gambling because everyone must not play thesame way.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: junder on March 13, 2024, 07:50:16 AM
I don't feel bad seeing women gambling in the gambling center because, gambling is not made for only men alone and there are some husband that permitted their wife to be gamble if she have the money and, such woman can reader help to her husband when she win huge amount of money from gambling.

I feel bad whenever I lost in the gambling but I don't want to stop gamble because, it makes me not to feel bad in some things that hot me sometime but the moment I go into gambling, it make me feel relief and to be happy with everybody around me because I don't take gambling as an investment like the way some gamblers took gambling as an investment.

Indeed, sometimes women have more charisma than men, and also gambling is not only for men, gambling is intended for those who have the money to be able to do it, some people think that women are better at managing finances, so maybe they can manage their finances well even though they like to gamble. but in my opinion, even though that doesn't mean they won't become addicted, of course the opportunity to become addicted is definitely there, especially as we know that everyone is sensitive to money, therefore women can also become addicted and go crazy with the gambling they do if they lose self-control.

In my area there is also a woman who gambles online, and as far as I know her partner also likes gambling online, I can't understand how it is possible that they both like gambling, I'm afraid they will experience conflict when their finances are destroyed and It's a mess too, I'm sure they must have their own egos which may not want to give in to each other. I hope you can still control yourself well, so that something undesirable doesn't happen, because gambling is not an investment.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: SeriouslyGiveaway on March 14, 2024, 02:30:00 AM
👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?
I see that most people who win money often continue to use this money to gamble. Few people can spend it in a more enjoyable way unless it is unexpected that they will win large sums of money. For me, I usually use a portion of my gambling winnings for the longterm investment.

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?
Of course I wouldn't like someone to borrow money from me to gamble, and conversely I would never borrow money from someone to fund my gambling, that's my gambling principle. Because I think gambling activities are more about entertainment, not suitable for borrowing money, only playing when you have money. I only lend money to someone or borrow money from someone for life's urgent needs or serious investments.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?
I always set for myself certain rules on how to bet as well as the limit amount for each bet. I have been following it for a long time, I find it works well for me. And when I strictly follow these principles, I find that I no longer play as crazy and blindly as before, eliminating the feeling of addiction every time I don't gamble.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Strongkored on March 14, 2024, 06:06:31 AM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?

I don't really care about this because it is their right and as long as the activity doesn't disturb other people then go ahead and I quite often see women gambling in my area, it's just that it's done in secret but many people already know about this activity, or also women who regularly buy lotteries or what is usually called togel in my area and it has become a common thing.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?

Even though many gamblers consider gambling as a fun activity or to get pleasure, it is still not easy to accept losing, but those who gamble, because they want to have fun, will be able to accept it even though it takes time because usually they only gamble using money that they can afford to lose. and that's me because today I just lost a sports bet but that's acceptable because the amount is still within my limits.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: taufik123 on March 14, 2024, 08:50:04 AM
Even though many gamblers consider gambling as a fun activity or to get pleasure, it is still not easy to accept losing, but those who gamble, because they want to have fun, will be able to accept it even though it takes time because usually they only gamble using money that they can afford to lose. and that's me because today I just lost a sports bet but that's acceptable because the amount is still within my limits.

Just for the sake of fun and this also depends on how much betting is used to bet.
It would be a different story if you bet a considerable amount and lose, nonsense if you just say it's a pleasure.

There is a limit where the minimum possible bet amount is just to make a pleasure bet,
if lucky it will be doubled and the opportunity to play more without regard to how much profit.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: ethereumhunter on March 14, 2024, 09:15:03 AM
Most people often delude themselves that they could leave old habits just like that especially when it was part of what get them rich, I've heard some notorious gamblers that indulge often say if I win a huge amount I won't gamble again but yet when they do they would only increase their stake and even plan to stake more than they do before.

So yeah most people would say they won't but we all know deep down that we would
They do that because they thinks that they can win much money from gambling so they delude themselves. They pretends that they will win from gambling someday so they will still playing gambling without stops because they thinks that they still have a chance to win. That's why we must knows how to control ourselves and always used limitations so we know that playing gambling is just for fun and not have any intention to win because winning will be our bonus. Let them still often say that if they win a huge amount, they will not gamble because that is not important to us. The important things for us is how we can treat and used gambling as it should be so we don't have or face any problems like them. Playing gambling is fun, but behind the fun, we must be aware that playing gambling can cause us becomes addicted to gambling.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Jawhead999 on March 14, 2024, 11:25:15 AM
Nowadays there is no gender discrimination for gambling everyone can gamble according to their needs and ability. Men and women are keeping pace with each other so I have seen women gambling in many places. Online gambling has become easier for women. Many women enjoy gambling along with housework at home so women gambling is natural.
Actually the casino owners and other gamblers are very welcome with women, some offline casinos even give free drink for women.

There's nothing new for women wants to gamble, but for discrimination, I guess it's happen in everywhere. Even you live in the most non discrimination country, there's will be always a person will make fun about you. Discrimination never ends except every people in the world have a same height, body, face, color, ethic etc.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Gozie51 on March 14, 2024, 12:08:13 PM
I don't feel bad seeing women gambling in the gambling center because, gambling is not made for only men alone and there are some husband that permitted their wife to be gamble if she have the money and, such woman can reader help to her husband when she win huge amount of money from gambling.

If the man realize that there is an area of sports or games to gamble on that the woman is good at, he is likely to give her that chance to exibit her gambling talent but not that the man should be expecting such kind of help from the woman because if you get your mind fixed on the woman helping you afterwards winning her bet and then she doesn't begin to act or do to your expectations of help, that may cause some reaction from you and eventually would cause trouble in the home. So, it is better not to keep your hope on the winning from the woman or wife but if the husband is lucky that the woman supports him from her gambling winning then that is fine.

I feel bad whenever I lost in the gambling but I don't want to stop gamble because, it makes me not to feel bad in some things that hot me sometime but the moment I go into gambling, it make me feel relief and to be happy with everybody around me because I don't take gambling as an investment like the way some gamblers took gambling as an investment.

If you see gambling as fun then you will always run back to it whenever you want to be happy. Some people when they get angry, they resort to smoking or drinking so likewise if you like to gamble for fun. So instead of transferring aggression, you can relax with your favorite gambling game and forget the anger. This is a very good strategy from men and that has really helped to control certain perceived eruptic situations in the family.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Ever-young on March 17, 2024, 09:05:51 AM
I don't feel bad seeing women gambling in the gambling center because, gambling is not made for only men alone and there are some husband that permitted their wife to be gamble if she have the money and, such woman can reader help to her husband when she win huge amount of money from gambling.

I feel bad whenever I lost in the gambling but I don't want to stop gamble because, it makes me not to feel bad in some things that hot me sometime but the moment I go into gambling, it make me feel relief and to be happy with everybody around me because I don't take gambling as an investment like the way some gamblers took gambling as an investment.

Yes it means gambling for everyone, and it is true that everyone can gamble as long as they have the money to bet on two possibilities at the end of the session between winning or losing, simply put gambling never looks at whether you are male or female all have the freedom to gamble. But if you are asking something else then yes obviously I would say that gambling is recommended only for those or people who do not have any problems in life especially financial, because honestly lately I see quite a lot of people who come with the aim of overcoming their personal problems such as gambling to pay off debts or gambling to improve their financial situation, that is very wrong because gambling is not a solution because there is absolutely no certainty in terms of the results at the end of the session about winning or losing.

You said that you feel bad or uncomfortable when you lose in gambling but on the other hand you also said that you don't want to stop gambling because this can make you relieved and happy, so maybe I would say that you are not one of the responsible gamblers because you feel bad when you lose, and my suggestion is that if you want to continue gambling and don't want to stop then you have to re-justify your understanding of gambling, you must understand that gambling is always about winning and losing, and losing can never be avoided completely, so the choice may be between you stopping or being able to accept the consequences of losing.
Absolutely, this is an important rule for all bettors to remember. Diversification is essential in any investment or financial decision, but it is particularly vital in gambling. Putting all of your money on one event is not only hazardous, but also leaves little opportunity for mistake. Spreading your bets across multiple events allows you to reduce your losses while still having the opportunity to reap the benefits.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Outhue on March 17, 2024, 09:07:18 AM
I've been around a lot of gamblers and you would find them in all their types according to what they say and do, and there there several arguments and views that they have on different issues, and I'd like to hear your on them too.

👉 how do you view women gambling in your area:

I've never seen one either but thats because it looks immoral for a woman to visit a gambling location, its something that men do, but today we have online casinos, and its a perfect fit for females that want to take risks on sports and others.

👉how do you view notorious gamblers:

Its not doubt, such people are irresponsible gamblers, they choose to risk all they have and they are the type that cares about themselves only, gambling is risky and many people know this, but they believe that they are diffrent, they knew what could probably happen to them, so I don't pity.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?

I don't feel bad when I gamble, because the money I use to lose is not worth feeling bad about, its the type of money that one can easily spend on drinks and foods, unless they don't have a source of income.

👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?

I haven't win any life changing amount from gambling before but when I win I always keep some amount aside for future gambling and I put some money back into Bitcoin too, holding Bitcoin is far better than risking money on gambling, just a plus.

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?

No one has ever ask me for money to gamble, if this is what they plan to use the money for, I am sure that they won't tell because its easier to be pissed and say no to them.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?

We all have our own rules, if you don't I advise you should consider one, I have my own limit that I risk on gamble and I have limited days in a week for gambling also, I am very much discipline to stop gambling when I lose my balance and I don't move funds that I am not ready to lose into any casino acc.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?

I could, because I am gambling to have some fun, and that's a good reason to always come back and gamble, for many its only money but for people like me, fun is a huge plus why we gamble.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Mrbluntzy on March 17, 2024, 09:24:00 AM
Absolutely, this is an important rule for all bettors to remember. Diversification is essential in any investment or financial decision, but it is particularly vital in gambling. Putting all of your money on one event is not only hazardous, but also leaves little opportunity for mistake. Spreading your bets across multiple events allows you to reduce your losses while still having the opportunity to reap the benefits.

One must learn to manage their bank role while gambling, that's what contribute to a responsible gambling habits. Anyone that makes drastic while gambling can experience more significant loses because they stake too much on one game that has a 50/50 chance to be a win or lose. Some gambler don't know how to manage their bankroll or they just gamble with their emotions.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Ever-young on March 17, 2024, 09:30:42 AM
Absolutely, this is an important rule for all bettors to remember. Diversification is essential in any investment or financial decision, but it is particularly vital in gambling. Putting all of your money on one event is not only hazardous, but also leaves little opportunity for mistake. Spreading your bets across multiple events allows you to reduce your losses while still having the opportunity to reap the benefits.

One must learn to manage their bank role while gambling, that's what contribute to a responsible gambling habits. Anyone that makes drastic while gambling can experience more significant loses because they stake too much on one game that has a 50/50 chance to be a win or lose. Some gambler don't know how to manage their bankroll or they just gamble with their emotions.
One thing that affect most gamblers which lead them to behave the way they behave on the aspect of wager amount is over confidence, they don’t treat gambling the way it should as something that the possibility of winning is very slim, but rather some gamblers after making a little prediction about a particular game they see the game as something that deserve a high staking which most of them time some of them go as far as taking loan due to the high trust they  have for a game that will end up playing against their prediction.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: blckhawk on March 17, 2024, 09:47:17 AM
I know I'm from a younger generation so my answer is going to be a little bit different, whenever I see women in gambling, my first instinct is to try and get her attention unless it's an online gambling, it's going to be a different thing. I don't believe though that men are going to be indifferent when there's a women out there in the gambling scene though, when something is unusual, you almost always want to try and get their attention especially if they're your type. I can't be saying that all men are like that but I'm a man so I know how our mind's work, some of us aren't that different when a woman is involved. Regarding feeling about them being on the gambling scene though, I think it's nice because that means that everyone's got a fair chance and everyone's allowed unlike back then where one gender is strictly assigned to a role that a deviation from it would lead to a punishment.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Gormicsta on March 17, 2024, 10:06:46 AM
Absolutely, this is an important rule for all bettors to remember. Diversification is essential in any investment or financial decision, but it is particularly vital in gambling. Putting all of your money on one event is not only hazardous, but also leaves little opportunity for mistake. Spreading your bets across multiple events allows you to reduce your losses while still having the opportunity to reap the benefits.

One must learn to manage their bank role while gambling, that's what contribute to a responsible gambling habits. Anyone that makes drastic while gambling can experience more significant loses because they stake too much on one game that has a 50/50 chance to be a win or lose. Some gambler don't know how to manage their bankroll or they just gamble with their emotions.
One thing that affect most gamblers which lead them to behave the way they behave on the aspect of wager amount is over confidence, they don’t treat gambling the way it should as something that the possibility of winning is very slim, but rather some gamblers after making a little prediction about a particular game they see the game as something that deserve a high staking which most of them time some of them go as far as taking loan due to the high trust they  have for a game that will end up playing against their prediction.
Overconfidence can indeed be a big issue when it Gambling. The problem with most gamblers is that they overestimate their chances of winning and this often leads to reckless decisions with their money and high risk taking that'll likely have consequences.
 This is mostly common for gamblers who have had series of success in the past, they'll feel like their chances of loosing are very slim which is very unwise, and this will lead them to taking bigger and bigger risks. Of course just like you pointed out, this could lead most people into serious debt because of their Gambling habits.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Joseph-P on March 17, 2024, 10:10:53 AM

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
I genuinely do feel bad about it each time I lose a gamble (usually on cryptocurrencies). But then I think- "it's all part of the game" and I instantly feel better again, HA!

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: summonerrk on March 17, 2024, 10:25:55 AM

Self-deception in gambling is perhaps one of the most confusing stories on this topic.
When you get caught up in gambling and can't stop, it's easy to start deceiving yourself. You may think, “It's just fun, I'm in control,” but that's often not the case. You may tell yourself that you “just want to relax a little,” but this is a dangerous delusion. It seems to me that women are especially susceptible to self-deception in gambling.
But it's important to be honest with yourself and admit the problem. Discuss your feelings with loved ones and seek help from specialists. This is the only way to begin the healing process. Don't lie to yourself - you deserve a better life without gambling.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: teamsherry on March 17, 2024, 10:35:04 AM
👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?
I see that most people who win money often continue to use this money to gamble. Few people can spend it in a more enjoyable way unless it is unexpected that they will win large sums of money. For me, I usually use a portion of my gambling winnings for the longterm investment.

Yeah this is very true most peopel often get lost in over excitement of winning and tend to play more games that they out to and spend all their wins on gambling again, this is a very honest opinion, I know the tendencies of this happening amongst gamblers especially when  won through virtual or simulated games like casino games, but those that win of rela live features don't always have thsi attitude cause it takes patience for their to come.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Z-tight on March 17, 2024, 11:00:08 AM
👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
I don't feel bad whenever i lose money when gambling, but that is because i don't gamble with an amount that i cannot afford to lose, people who feel terrible when they lose money to gambling is mostly people who put too much money into it, money that they cannot afford to lose. I can feel bad if i was unlucky in a bet, i.e. if i go for soccer betting and i got one prediction wrong, i would feel bad, but not because of the money i lost, but because of i was not lucky.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: teamsherry on March 17, 2024, 11:11:41 AM
👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
I don't feel bad whenever i lose money when gambling, but that is because i don't gamble with an amount that i cannot afford to lose, people who feel terrible when they lose money to gambling is mostly people who put too much money into it, money that they cannot afford to lose. I can feel bad if i was unlucky in a bet, i.e. if i go for soccer betting and i got one prediction wrong, i would feel bad, but not because of the money i lost, but because of i was not lucky.

Yeah not everyone has a good mindset on this, some just gamble too much and lose a lot of money and often get too sad about it, I have a friend who likes to stake high like me, although it's not that much that would make me feel uneasy and him too but when ever he loses he feels that it woudl have been better he had spend his money on  something more productive maybe food or go out chilling with it, so in that case I'll say he wasn't ready to lose that amount and gambling isn't fun that way, if you ask me.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: moneystery on March 17, 2024, 11:22:47 AM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?

not everyone wants to gamble by showing their face, there are some who deliberately hide their identity so that other people don't recognize them. in particular, most people today still think that women's involvement in gambling is still taboo and they will be seen as negative, and perhaps for this reason many women who want to be involved in gambling prefer to hide their identity as happened in your case.

however, i personally don't see that women's involvement in gambling is something that needs to be a problem, because whether they are women or men, everyone should have the same rights to be able to access gambling.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Rabata on March 17, 2024, 11:23:31 AM
I've been around a lot of gamblers and you would find them in all their types according to what they say and do, and there there several arguments and views that they have on different issues, and I'd like to hear your on them too.

👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?
In my opinion woman gamblers are much less than male gamblers so male gamblers dominate all gambling platforms where women are not seen much. Moreover, the number of women gamblers is very less in other countries except some developed countries. I have not seen any female gamblers gambling directly but I have some female friends on online platforms who enjoy gambling in their free time. From the more conversations I have had with them, I understand that they are very careful about gambling. They try very hard to hold on to their money. It seems to me that they are somewhat more conservative than men. I think they can't take risks like men.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: slapper on March 17, 2024, 12:24:39 PM
Doesn't charisma, regardless of gender, hide human behavior's complexities? You're highlighting a major misconception: that financial success protects against addiction. Isn't it fascinating that men and women fall into the same psychological pitfalls despite financial management narratives? Gambling is a test of self-control and impulse, not financial competence.

Your local gambling couple? A glimpse of a more comprehensive picture. Two people sharing a vice walk the line between financial ruin and relationship disaster. Recognizing that gambling's appeal often blindsides rationality, regardless of gender, is the issue.

Self-control isn't simply about going against the temptation to gamble; it's about understanding why. Self-awareness and the realization that gambling is a trap are the keys for them and everyone else. Instead of climbing, it dives deeper and darker until investment is forgotten. Thus, discussions that transcend gender norms and focus on the common struggle against addiction are essential.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: danherbias07 on March 17, 2024, 02:44:48 PM
I know I'm from a younger generation so my answer is going to be a little bit different, whenever I see women in gambling, my first instinct is to try and get her attention unless it's an online gambling, it's going to be a different thing. I don't believe though that men are going to be indifferent when there's a women out there in the gambling scene though, when something is unusual, you almost always want to try and get their attention especially if they're your type. I can't be saying that all men are like that but I'm a man so I know how our mind's work, some of us aren't that different when a woman is involved. Regarding feeling about them being on the gambling scene though, I think it's nice because that means that everyone's got a fair chance and everyone's allowed unlike back then where one gender is strictly assigned to a role that a deviation from it would lead to a punishment.

You mean you will hit on them. :D
I understand. Maybe it's because we rarely see a woman in a physical casino and I think you are not the only one who would do the same thing. Maybe others will even try to offer a drink just to get their attention or to approach them. I believe I have done those things too back when I was young and hot-blooded. ;D
I am not like other traditional people who think women should not be in a gambling place. We have different stories in our lives and we should not just judge anyone because of their sex, race, or how they look. They could be rich people who are just trying to be entertained or they could be the ones working for their family and just trying to have some fun on their day off at work. Stress relieving. Different purposes, and different reasons, and that should be enough basis to respect them and just let them play if they want to.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Awaklara on March 17, 2024, 03:16:13 PM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?
Currently, in several countries, gambling is still dominated by men. Even though it is true, currently and perhaps for a long time women are also involved in gambling. and it is considered normal. that's also my opinion in cases like that.

👉how do you view notorious gamblers: I've been around some bet shop and have seen people watse more than a months salary on virtual or very huge amounts and woudl be sweating out of lose and have no choice but to chase their loses and end up losing even more. Do you view this persons as irresponsible to their family and themselves? Or do you pity them as victims of gambling habit as it can happen to even the most righteous person?
when a gambler loses control of himself which results in losses to himself or others. then what is wrong is not the gambling. but the gambler is in the wrong.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
there must be a feeling of disappointment. but it won't be long. Lying to ourselves about the defeat we received can also help us not to get lost in regret. in the end, the decision to play is up to us. So even though there are regrets, we must still accept them wisely.

👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?
I don't know for sure where my gambling winnings ended up. but what is certain is that if it is a big win, I will make it into an item. such as smartphones or other real assets.
but if it's a small win, usually I'll just stop playing and hold onto my assets for another game.

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?
I will refuse it, even when the person borrowing it is a friend of mine who also knows that I also gamble. I always avoid borrowing for my gambling activities. I've experienced it and it's bad for me.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?
to stop I can't limit such pleasure. but I did limit the amount of funds I allocated for betting. that's the only control I can continue to exercise in my gambling activities.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?
After a big win, I usually stop for a while. but to completely quit gambling, might be difficult for me. at least for now, don't know tomorrow.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Zoomic on March 17, 2024, 03:20:11 PM
I've been around a lot of gamblers and you would find them in all their types according to what they say and do, and there there several arguments and views that they have on different issues, and I'd like to hear your on them too.

👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?
From the more conversations I have had with them, I understand that they are very careful about gambling.They try very hard to hold on to their money. It seems to me that they are somewhat more conservative than men. I think they can't take risks like men.

I don't think the issue right now is about holding tight their money, women right now are gradually coming out of their shell and the only challenge they are having right now in  the gambling industry is the society's opinion about women who gamble. We all know the society we find ourselves in does not approve of women gambling, once people see women gambling,  negative thoughts begin to set in. Women who gamble are being stereotyped and this is the major reason women who are interested in gambling are being careful while many others shy away from it completely.  All thanks to online gambling which allows women to gamble from the comfort of their homes and still have their identities protected from the society.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: bitLeap on March 17, 2024, 03:26:09 PM
👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
I don't feel bad whenever i lose money when gambling, but that is because i don't gamble with an amount that i cannot afford to lose, people who feel terrible when they lose money to gambling is mostly people who put too much money into it, money that they cannot afford to lose. I can feel bad if i was unlucky in a bet, i.e. if i go for soccer betting and i got one prediction wrong, i would feel bad, but not because of the money i lost, but because of i was not lucky.
Yes that's right, those who are sad to lose their money because of gambling are those who use more money than what they can afford to lose in gambling, maybe someone's view of having fun in gambling is different, the case may be like what you said we feel happy but we also feel bad because we lose like unlucky. This can also be different, there is someone who gambles no matter he loses even though the upset is there because he lost the bet to his friend, but does not see how much money is lost, but sees that when watching the ball is fun if betting, and losing is a reasonable option when not lucky, the important thing is that we are not impulsive if take a bet.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: uneng on March 17, 2024, 03:31:58 PM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area:
Nothing unusual with that. Women are no different than men on this matter. They are citizens with the same rights and duties, therefore gambling will be disponible for them, just like it's for men.

👉how do you view notorious gamblers:
I see them as lucky individuals who belong to the slight percentage of total gamblers who achieved profit and a career through this activity, or as charlatans who built fake reputations by using their influence to lie to people about their personal experiences with gambling and to deceive people on what they can expect from gambling. It really depends on each notorious gambler, individually.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
I felt bad when treating gambling as investment, because that way I put a burden over my shoulders that I must have made profit from it in order to hit determined financial results. As consequence, I didn't, so I felt really sad about it, but at same time I learned I shouldn't gamble with that purpose in mind anymore, neither chase losses, because it would in fact bring me further losses. If you want to play, do this for fun, or don't do it at all...

👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?
If you are able to profit from gambling at some point, a good idea is to invest the profit in order to generate more money in a relatively safe way, without involving the random risks gambling exposes us to. Don't spend all your money with clothes, accessories, dinners, fancy items, because you won't have an income to maintain your luxurious lifestyle later, anyway.

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?
I don't lend money to gamblers. I don't borrow money to gamble. Doesn't matter how secure I'm regards a match result, I would never take a loan in order to place a bet on it.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?
Limits are a must for every gamblers. That is the most essential rule of gambling: just risk money you can afford to lose. If you don't follow this basic guideline, you are busted.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?
Yes, especially because gambling is an activity mainly for rich people, since they are the ones who can afford to lose money.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: salad daging on March 17, 2024, 03:51:47 PM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area:
It's unusual for women to gamble and stand in shops because I don't usually see that in this area, so maybe if a woman gambled in a physical shop then it would be considered bad but there are no traditional casino shops so I've never seen it.

👉how do you view notorious gamblers:
Looking at the most famous gamblers, just looking at the Internet with millions of dollars of bets like Drake and other streamers spend the game with a lot of money.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
Losing money in gambling would be upsetting... But again, this is just fun, of course, losing should be considered normal in gambling, not too deep in resentment or emotion.

👉how do you spend your gambling wins:
Will not spend the winnings in gambling again, I might buy things that I like or invest again if it is a large amount of winnings.

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?
Will not ask for money to gamble.
Will not borrow money to gamble.
Do not care even if the game in the match will win.
If I do not have money, I will not gamble.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on March 17, 2024, 07:44:13 PM

👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?

It's a very interesting thread, because the truth is that in my area there are always women who go and play, but they usually go at certain hours, most of the time they go around 6-7pm and that I know surprises me because Basically They do it when they leave work or at that time they are unoccupied, but I am surprised that they go to the casino and do not last more than 1 hour, it is as if they were against the clock all the time and when they do, they always play the same games , they do not vary, at least that is the only thing I have seen in the 2e go to the physical casino where I sometimes play.

On the other hand, in those places they are free, they don't Interact with anyone and they play very punctually, I don't see them sad or making faces that cost them a lot of money, I think they are very careful with money, and that's something that shows.

Regarding what you say that there are women who are more in the whtas app or in any social network, it is something natural, the majority of us who are in this casinos are men and many of them dedicate themselves to looking for these women to try to conquer them and that is something that Sometimes they don't like it, on online platforms you rarely know which woman is, and even so I don't care, I think they have the right to play whatever they want.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: arimamib on March 17, 2024, 10:58:33 PM
👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
I don't feel bad whenever i lose money when gambling, but that is because i don't gamble with an amount that i cannot afford to lose, people who feel terrible when they lose money to gambling is mostly people who put too much money into it, money that they cannot afford to lose. I can feel bad if i was unlucky in a bet, i.e. if i go for soccer betting and i got one prediction wrong, i would feel bad, but not because of the money i lost, but because of i was not lucky.
Yes that's right, those who are sad to lose their money because of gambling are those who use more money than what they can afford to lose in gambling, maybe someone's view of having fun in gambling is different, the case may be like what you said we feel happy but we also feel bad because we lose like unlucky. This can also be different, there is someone who gambles no matter he loses even though the upset is there because he lost the bet to his friend, but does not see how much money is lost, but sees that when watching the ball is fun if betting, and losing is a reasonable option when not lucky, the important thing is that we are not impulsive if take a bet.
There are varying perspectives for people have regarding gambling and their reactions to losses. People who feel sad because of wagering more than they can afford to lose. This can lead to feelings of regret, frustration, and even guilt, particularly if the loss has significant financial implications. There are other people who focus more on the enjoyment of the experience rather than the financial outcome. For these people, the entertainment value of gambling may outweigh the negative emotions associated with losing money. They may view losses as a natural part of the gambling experience.

The social aspect of gambling, such as betting with friends or enjoying the excitement of watching sports events, can also influence the perception of losses. In these cases, the camaraderie and shared experience may mitigate the disappointment of losing money. Regardless of people attitudes toward winning or losing, the key to responsible gambling lies in maintaining control over their impulses and behaviors.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Accardo on March 17, 2024, 11:58:38 PM
I know I'm from a younger generation so my answer is going to be a little bit different, whenever I see women in gambling, my first instinct is to try and get her attention unless it's an online gambling, it's going to be a different thing. I don't believe though that men are going to be indifferent when there's a woman out there in the gambling scene though, when something is unusual, you almost always want to try and get their attention especially if they're your type. I can't be saying that all men are like that but I'm a man so I know how our mind's work, some of us aren't that different when a woman is involved. Regarding feeling about them being on the gambling scene though, I think it's nice because that means that everyone's got a fair chance and everyone's allowed unlike back then where one gender is strictly assigned to a role that a deviation from it would lead to a punishment.

There are multiple means of dealing with it, and seeing a woman who gambles doesn't make many differences. Reaching out to them is fine, but not all the time, as the woman could be there with a spouse. So, may not need much attention from you. Although your contribution to the game is quite needed going for some answers to questions regarding her habit, will return void. However, it's not unusual to find a woman that spends her time gambling. Even before the introduction of online casinos, women gambled in casinos. I developed the habit of asking women if they gamble, when on a conversation with them. It helps me chime in my view and get a quality answer from the lady.

The casino is not a better place to hold such a discussion. You may be surprised to know that a female friend you've been in touch with is a gambler or close to becoming one. When I see a woman in a casino and want to discuss, it'll be based on the game and what she should wager. The gambling niche has been open for all genders to participate. Unless in some regions where women think they shouldn't gamble due to their beliefs. However, the government doesn't have any rules against women for gambling. Hence in your context, while moving ahead to attract her attention, be prepared to offer her a winning decision one that'll yield her money. That's if you are prepared to pull her attention towards you.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Dewi Aries on March 18, 2024, 12:40:42 AM
Yes that's right, those who are sad to lose their money because of gambling are those who use more money than what they can afford to lose in gambling, maybe someone's view of having fun in gambling is different, the case may be like what you said we feel happy but we also feel bad because we lose like unlucky. This can also be different, there is someone who gambles no matter he loses even though the upset is there because he lost the bet to his friend, but does not see how much money is lost, but sees that when watching the ball is fun if betting, and losing is a reasonable option when not lucky, the important thing is that we are not impulsive if take a bet.
There are varying perspectives for people have regarding gambling and their reactions to losses. People who feel sad because of wagering more than they can afford to lose. This can lead to feelings of regret, frustration, and even guilt, particularly if the loss has significant financial implications. There are other people who focus more on the enjoyment of the experience rather than the financial outcome. For these people, the entertainment value of gambling may outweigh the negative emotions associated with losing money. They may view losses as a natural part of the gambling experience.

The social aspect of gambling, such as betting with friends or enjoying the excitement of watching sports events, can also influence the perception of losses. In these cases, the camaraderie and shared experience may mitigate the disappointment of losing money. Regardless of people attitudes toward winning or losing, the key to responsible gambling lies in maintaining control over their impulses and behaviors.

You are talking about two different types of gamblers here where the first are those addicts who always overdo their gambling activities such as by putting a budget amount that they are not able to account for which ultimately makes them end the session with various frustrations and regrets, but it is a fact that it keeps repeating or meaning they always repeat the same mistakes which ultimately experience the same situation of regret for the umpteenth time, and the second type of gamblers are those who treat their gambling activities reasonably or in terms of moderation and no excessive actions where they come with the intention only to seek entertainment in the middle of boring leisure time so obviously their main priority is to fill the time with pleasure and as you said that they consider that losing is a natural part or a natural thing that happens in gambling.

From the two types of gamblers above, it is clear that we can see and conclude that the second type is those who have a correct understanding of what gambling activities actually are, one of the reasons is because there is absolutely no certainty that can guarantee you to always win in gambling and if you overdo it then obviously you will only experience many bad things such as losing a lot of money, and this is why the goal of entertainment is more recommended in gambling than earning because gambling is not a place to solve financial problems or not a place to make you rich instantly.

In the case that you mentioned above about the scenario of dealing with losing situations when you gamble with other people or friends I think you are right here, which is that togetherness can indeed reduce the disappointment of losing a little, the reason I think it is because the situation of togetherness indirectly makes the situation and circumstances exciting so that maybe they are not too fixated on the loss they experience, this is possible regardless of whether you are a responsible gambler or not.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Oasisman on March 18, 2024, 12:58:20 AM

👉 how do you view women gambling in your area:
Well, I've seen quite a lot in all different types of gambling, and no they are not pretenders they are actually there for the game and the pot money. The only worst thing that I've seen is when a woman ran out of resources that she won't be able to continue betting, she's gonna bargain her body in exchange for some cash. That is actually a quite popular scenario in movie scenes, but it is happening in real life.

👉how do you view notorious gamblers:
Irresponsible? Obviously yes. Pity them because they are just a victim in gambling addiction? Maybe a little, since upon entering the gambling world, we are all well aware of such possibility to happen, so that made us a willing victim. Can't do much about it though, it's their life, their rules, and their sufferings as well.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
I don't know if I'm lying to myself sometimes when I feel like "it's fine that's how gambling works, I lose today, I might win back tomorrow", so these lines and thoughts made me feel at ease even after a lose. However, most of the time when I lose I feel bad and frustrated. I think that's just a normal reaction for a person who lost.
👉how do you spend your gambling wins:
I'm not a materialistic person so I usually spend it with foods and drinks. Foods for my fam and beverages or liquor for office mates and friends.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Bitcoin Smith on March 18, 2024, 08:18:18 AM

👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?

It's a very interesting thread, because the truth is that in my area there are always women who go and play, but they usually go at certain hours, most of the time they go around 6-7pm and that I know surprises me because Basically They do it when they leave work or at that time they are unoccupied, but I am surprised that they go to the casino and do not last more than 1 hour, it is as if they were against the clock all the time and when they do, they always play the same games , they do not vary, at least that is the only thing I have seen in the 2e go to the physical casino where I sometimes play.

On the other hand, in those places they are free, they don't Interact with anyone and they play very punctually, I don't see them sad or making faces that cost them a lot of money, I think they are very careful with money, and that's something that shows.

Regarding what you say that there are women who are more in the whtas app or in any social network, it is something natural, the majority of us who are in this casinos are men and many of them dedicate themselves to looking for these women to try to conquer them and that is something that Sometimes they don't like it, on online platforms you rarely know which woman is, and even so I don't care, I think they have the right to play whatever they want.

Casino is a place where anyone who is above certain age allowed to gamble but the nature of gender in the wider scale have their own preferences that lead to lack of their activity on other field but as always there are always exceptions and that's how we find few women in casinos. I haven't witnessed them in public casinos but here women even own casinos too so gender doesn't decide what we can and can't do, our preference does.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: KiaKia on March 18, 2024, 09:16:40 AM

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
I genuinely do feel bad about it each time I lose a gamble (usually on cryptocurrencies). But then I think- "it's all part of the game" and I instantly feel better again, HA!
You shouldn't be feeling this way at all, this is revealing how much you are reckless with your gambling activities, like I used to tell my friends, if you are feeling hurt after gambling you are using too much to take risks on gambling and you need to check yourself.

Forget about what you plan to make from gambling, it's all about what happens to you after losing some money, you should feel nothing and also be able to enjoy your gambling activities.

People tend to take higher risks that's why they feel bad when they lose money, even if it hurt to lose a dollar, it means that you can't afford to lose that dollar, take the amount down to half a dollar or even lower.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Hewlet on March 18, 2024, 09:31:06 AM
👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?

it's a normal thing with most gamblers to share prediction with themselves and some will believe certain predictions to the extent that they might even decide to give you some money to make the stake if you are not with one. Most sports gamblers bond like one happy family because of the normal gambling shops that brings them together and so it's normal to ask for help when they don't have money to gamble at the moment.

Generally, it's not a good practice to gamble to a point were you have to beg others for money to aid you in your gambling but let's say the person has no choice than getting the help from me, I won't hesitate to give him/her. Have I ever given anyone money for gambling? Not one I can remember. Has anyone ever asked me money to be used for gambling? Yeah, but he was a reckless gambler and I didn't even take him seriously so I refused him.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: borovichok on March 18, 2024, 09:56:14 PM
👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?

it's a normal thing with most gamblers to share prediction with themselves and some will believe certain predictions to the extent that they might even decide to give you some money to make the stake if you are not with one. Most sports gamblers bond like one happy family because of the normal gambling shops that brings them together and so it's normal to ask for help when they don't have money to gamble at the moment.

Generally, it's not a good practice to gamble to a point were you have to beg others for money to aid you in your gambling but let's say the person has no choice but to get help from me, I won't hesitate to give him/her. Have I ever given anyone money for gambling? Not one I can remember. Has anyone ever asked me for money to be used for gambling? Yeah, but he was a reckless gambler and I didn't even take him seriously so I refused him.

Friends who gamble together will not see anything wrong in sharing predictions. It is common for me and my friends to share predictions. We believe that gambling especially sports betting isn't something that should be predicted by only one person. Individuals view games differently and so when friends come together to analyze and exchange predictions, it brings them closer to winning because factors capable of influencing the games can be unraveled by one of the friends in the course of analysis.

I can remember vividly when during prediction, a friend gave a reason why a particular game would not produce the outcome we intended and so we considered the reasons he gave and avoided the game completely to avoid regret. Luckily, the game we played won and the game we removed would have spoilt the ticket.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: FanEagle on March 19, 2024, 02:12:34 PM
I play online, so I do not see women or men when gambling, I see usernames and that means I do not know if that person is a woman or a man, and to be fair I have never cared about it, it is just not the part that I care about.

Big famous gamblers are fun to follow, they are actually quite entertaining because they are gambling with amounts that I would never be able to do, so that makes it fun, like I do a proxy gambling via them and have fun with their money when watching them. I do not get upset too much of course but it is at least fun and I get to end up being a lot better with it over time. These are some personal questions that's true, but I do not really get the results of it, like what does OP get when they learn the answers?

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Rampagoe004 on March 19, 2024, 02:54:41 PM
👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
👉how do you spend your gambling wins: I know a lot of persons that woudl say gambling wins is for enjoyment and would use to to buy cloths or shoes or may go out to have fun. And you also like this? Or do you use you gambling wins for other issues?

I never spend my money on gambling. This means I never go all out all my cash to win a bet. I only use a few pennies to gamble and of course it's just for fun. Those who lie to themselves by saying that it is just money for fun are those who use most of their income to gamble. That is a mistake made by irresponsible gamblers.

That's why I never spend my winnings on something like buying branded clothes or my favorite shoes. Because I really didn't win a few thousand dollars from gambling.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: danadc on March 19, 2024, 07:38:20 PM

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
I genuinely do feel bad about it each time I lose a gamble (usually on cryptocurrencies). But then I think- "it's all part of the game" and I instantly feel better again, HA!
You shouldn't be feeling this way at all, this is revealing how much you are reckless with your gambling activities, like I used to tell my friends, if you are feeling hurt after gambling you are using too much to take risks on gambling and you need to check yourself.

Forget about what you plan to make from gambling, it's all about what happens to you after losing some money, you should feel nothing and also be able to enjoy your gambling activities.

People tend to take higher risks that's why they feel bad when they lose money, even if it hurt to lose a dollar, it means that you can't afford to lose that dollar, take the amount down to half a dollar or even lower.

If we lose a lot in the casino the best thing to do is to buy, not do things just to do them or because we play with a lot of money we have to win, that doesn't work like that, we do lose a lot of money to avoid the pain, the sadness, maybe the stress and pressure of not having that money already available to us, what is recommended is not to play with so much money and avoid playing too much in a casino, playing all day in a casino is not good, playing in a casino should be done once a week or maximum two, but a month it would represent at least 6 times and that is enough.

In addition, we must know how to play, we don't have to go crazy and be very careful with our money, because it is very easy to spend it but it is very difficult to get it back, those are the things that we must see to avoid going through bad experiences among those losing money.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Assface16678 on March 19, 2024, 11:11:35 PM

👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?

It's a very interesting thread, because the truth is that in my area there are always women who go and play, but they usually go at certain hours, most of the time they go around 6-7pm and that I know surprises me because Basically They do it when they leave work or at that time they are unoccupied, but I am surprised that they go to the casino and do not last more than 1 hour, it is as if they were against the clock all the time and when they do, they always play the same games , they do not vary, at least that is the only thing I have seen in the 2e go to the physical casino where I sometimes play.

On the other hand, in those places they are free, they don't Interact with anyone and they play very punctually, I don't see them sad or making faces that cost them a lot of money, I think they are very careful with money, and that's something that shows.

Regarding what you say that there are women who are more in the whtas app or in any social network, it is something natural, the majority of us who are in this casinos are men and many of them dedicate themselves to looking for these women to try to conquer them and that is something that Sometimes they don't like it, on online platforms you rarely know which woman is, and even so I don't care, I think they have the right to play whatever they want.

Casino is a place where anyone who is above certain age allowed to gamble but the nature of gender in the wider scale have their own preferences that lead to lack of their activity on other field but as always there are always exceptions and that's how we find few women in casinos. I haven't witnessed them in public casinos but here women even own casinos too so gender doesn't decide what we can and can't do, our preference does.
It is certain that there are fewer women who play gambling, there are women who gamble, and of course there are also addicted women to gambling, but the thingare women who gamble, and of course there are also addicted women to gambling, but the thing is, compared to the men, there are just a few. We don't know why, but I guess it's because women have more priorities and interests than men, and they are more careful and treat money as their valuables that they can't afford to lose, compared to men who like to play, so they automatically get hooked on gambling games because it has an added thrill, which is staking money. And based on norms, seeing a woman who gambles is a shame or not acceptable in most countries, which is not good in the sense that the views of female and male are still not the same. Anyway, it's more good that there are fewer women who gamble because it means not all people can be addicted and waste their money on gambling.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: arimamib on March 19, 2024, 11:52:56 PM
It is certain that there are fewer women who play gambling, there are women who gamble, and of course there are also addicted women to gambling, but the thingare women who gamble, and of course there are also addicted women to gambling, but the thing is, compared to the men, there are just a few. We don't know why, but I guess it's because women have more priorities and interests than men, and they are more careful and treat money as their valuables that they can't afford to lose, compared to men who like to play, so they automatically get hooked on gambling games because it has an added thrill, which is staking money. And based on norms, seeing a woman who gambles is a shame or not acceptable in most countries, which is not good in the sense that the views of female and male are still not the same. Anyway, it's more good that there are fewer women who gamble because it means not all people can be addicted and waste their money on gambling.
This is a common case in many aspects of life, especially the activities that need to spend money. The lower prevalence of women in gambling is caused by societal norms and expectations that play a significant role in shaping behaviors and attitudes towards certain activities. Gambling has been perceived as a male activity, and cultural stigmas may discourage women from participating in gambling to the same extent as men. This societal pressure can indeed influence women to prioritize other interests and activities over gambling.

Women often bear greater responsibilities in caregiving roles, such as raising children or managing household finances. This may leave them with less time and disposable income for recreational activities like gambling. Women may approach money and risk differently than men due to societal conditioning or personal preferences. Women may be more inclined to view money as a resource to be managed carefully and invested in necessities rather than as a source of entertainment through gambling.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: STT on March 19, 2024, 11:58:20 PM
If you get rich and then stop gambling did you ever really love the game you were playing, if you do stop thats kind of sad because you are now with less in life after somehow having more that seems negative.   Play for the game always the money should be secondary and if you dont love the game dont continue because this situation really doesnt deserve a win its against the grain to hope you would gain from something you dont even enjoy.

Its a fair argument you could be so rich and busy with other things you no longer could have the effort left to enjoy gambling.  All or nothing kind of approach but I wouldn't stay away completely.    I can believe some people find no special buzz from gambling anything then large amounts but personally I dont need to risk need financial death to get a thrill from it, the win alone is what I like and the rest confirms the win.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: inthelongrun on March 20, 2024, 03:23:02 AM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area:
I felt like people that are questioning about women into gambling aren't exposed in the modern world. What is the difference between a man and a woman betting anyways?

👉how do you view notorious gamblers:
We need to gamble responsibly. I have seen people gambling with huge amounts. We do not know them personally. They're rich people so I assume they are successful in their own careers. What we consider as big amounts are small to them.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
Lying to yourself is an act of immaturity or ignorance. Don't bet if you're just lying to yourself.

👉how do you spend your gambling wins:
It depends. Most likely around half of them remains in my betting portfolio. I usually do not have any cravings so the winnings could be spend to anything or just leave it in my wallet.

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?
I now assume that OP knows little about betting. There is no such thing as 100% sure in betting. And it is basic understanding not to borrow money with interest in order to bet.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?
A responsible gambler has a rule even before starting to bet.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?
I did not even think of becoming rich because of betting. I bet on the sports, teams and players that I am following so becoming rich is not a factor.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Stable090 on March 20, 2024, 10:08:41 AM
👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?
If you ask me for money for something reasonable, if am having then I will give, but if you ask me for money to gamble, then I will never give. It doesn’t make sense to me, if you don’t have money to gamble, then don’t gobble, you shouldn’t go to the length of asking people to give you money to gamble, it doesn’t make any sense to me. When you don’t have money to gamble, then stay away from gambling.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?
Sure I have the amount of money which I gamble with weekly, immediately I exceed my limit, then I will have to stop gambling for that particular week. If you don’t discipline yourself when gambling, then you will end up turning to an addicted gambler without you even knowing.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?
Na matter how rich I am, I will keep on gambling, because gambling is not either for the rich or poor, and am not the type that gamble just for the sake of money, I gamble for fun, so even when am rich, I will keep on gambling whenever am bored and I want to feel relaxed.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: ethereumhunter on March 20, 2024, 11:40:52 AM
Your right about this it's good to set a limit to everything so you don't overdo it and in such addictive habits like gambling we should even set extra rules and try to be more careful about how much we allocate to doing so, so we don't end up wreking our finances or becoming notorious with gambling.

Some ways to achieve this is by seting rules to how much we give, how much time we spend and even how much we engage in such discussions with notorious gamblers so we don't end up breaking our set rules.
Yes, having a limit in gambling will helps you to prevents the losses so you don't have to spends much money to playing gambling. You will know when you must stop playing gambling, especially if your money is almost runs out and you will not force yourself to continue playing gambling. You will not deposits more money to continue playing gambling because that means can makes you lose more money. You will stick to your rules and not playing gambling excessively because that can makes you forget about your rules and that means your losses will becomes bigger.

When we can stick to our rules, we will prevents the lose and not trying to playing longer than before because we can loses more money. We will not trying to breaks the rules because we really care with ourselves and considers that gambling is just for fun and not have to be too serious in playing gambling.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on March 20, 2024, 04:44:29 PM

?? how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?

It's a very interesting thread, because the truth is that in my area there are always women who go and play, but they usually go at certain hours, most of the time they go around 6-7pm and that I know surprises me because Basically They do it when they leave work or at that time they are unoccupied, but I am surprised that they go to the casino and do not last more than 1 hour, it is as if they were against the clock all the time and when they do, they always play the same games , they do not vary, at least that is the only thing I have seen in the 2e go to the physical casino where I sometimes play.

On the other hand, in those places they are free, they don't Interact with anyone and they play very punctually, I don't see them sad or making faces that cost them a lot of money, I think they are very careful with money, and that's something that shows.

Regarding what you say that there are women who are more in the whtas app or in any social network, it is something natural, the majority of us who are in this casinos are men and many of them dedicate themselves to looking for these women to try to conquer them and that is something that Sometimes they don't like it, on online platforms you rarely know which woman is, and even so I don't care, I think they have the right to play whatever they want.

Casino is a place where anyone who is above certain age allowed to gamble but the nature of gender in the wider scale have their own preferences that lead to lack of their activity on other field but as always there are always exceptions and that's how we find few women in casinos. I haven't witnessed them in public casinos but here women even own casinos too so gender doesn't decide what we can and can't do, our preference does.

Well, that is very nice to know, that even women are owners of their casinos, I think it is very good, they are the things that exalt a woman, because a woman can have the ability to do all those things, due to her knowledge , skills and Do not fall into beliefs that seem in bad taste to me like the "feminisitas" in fact I love "feminine" women because they make a difference. It is as if they put a guarantee seal on it, however there are many who do not accept the triumph of a woman just for being a woman, I also believe that just as there is "feminism" there is still "machismo" and it seems to me that there is a high level of being "primitive" people, but it is a purely social issue that we often refer to , I like to see people who succeed, because I classify them at the top, regardless of gender, (as for gender I mean male and/or female, and with great respect to the hundreds of genders that have now been released. know, which I honestly don't understand, I classify women and/or men because their information in their DNA is like that, the rest is their decision, which I still respect) so that idea of seeing women more often in the casino, at least I like it, because you always see beautiful things and that also makes you want to keep going to the casino.

This can be exploited as marketing, a marketing that some classify as something sexy focused on sexual attraction, but come on, a normal attraction, if you go to a place and see pretty women, as a man you feel good, I don't know what's in the information of our DNA.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: noormcs5 on March 20, 2024, 05:32:54 PM
There are varying perspectives for people have regarding gambling and their reactions to losses. People who feel sad because of wagering more than they can afford to lose. This can lead to feelings of regret, frustration, and even guilt, particularly if the loss has significant financial implications.

Isn't it the fault of the gamblers that they put more money than they can even afford to lose? No one forces them to do so but it is one's greed that they think that if they put a lot of money in gambling, the turn around will be big but usually taking a lot of risk will just cause them to make even bigger losses.

There are other people who focus more on the enjoyment of the experience rather than the financial outcome. For these people, the entertainment value of gambling may outweigh the negative emotions associated with losing money. They may view losses as a natural part of the gambling experience.

Those people are very less in number who gambles only for the sake of fun and do not care for the money. Really you need to have a lot of money with you in order to have this mindset. Usually, the gamblers belong to poor or mid class families, can never think of losing money only for fun.  :o
Most people do not have extra money which they can afford to lose for having fun only.

The social aspect of gambling, such as betting with friends or enjoying the excitement of watching sports events, can also influence the perception of losses. In these cases, the camaraderie and shared experience may mitigate the disappointment of losing money. Regardless of people attitudes toward winning or losing, the key to responsible gambling lies in maintaining control over their impulses and behaviors.

When you met another gambler who is your friend or relative and if he tells about his wins in gambling (and if you are a lose at gambling), then it can create a lot of depression and disappointment in yourself as you start to feel the most unlucky person on earth not having big wins in gambling. I do not think that the social aspect of a loser in gambling has anything positive for the gambler.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Ever-young on March 20, 2024, 08:38:44 PM

👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?

It's a very interesting thread, because the truth is that in my area there are always women who go and play, but they usually go at certain hours, most of the time they go around 6-7pm and that I know surprises me because Basically They do it when they leave work or at that time they are unoccupied, but I am surprised that they go to the casino and do not last more than 1 hour, it is as if they were against the clock all the time and when they do, they always play the same games , they do not vary, at least that is the only thing I have seen in the 2e go to the physical casino where I sometimes play.

On the other hand, in those places they are free, they don't Interact with anyone and they play very punctually, I don't see them sad or making faces that cost them a lot of money, I think they are very careful with money, and that's something that shows.

Regarding what you say that there are women who are more in the whtas app or in any social network, it is something natural, the majority of us who are in this casinos are men and many of them dedicate themselves to looking for these women to try to conquer them and that is something that Sometimes they don't like it, on online platforms you rarely know which woman is, and even so I don't care, I think they have the right to play whatever they want.

Casino is a place where anyone who is above certain age allowed to gamble but the nature of gender in the wider scale have their own preferences that lead to lack of their activity on other field but as always there are always exceptions and that's how we find few women in casinos. I haven't witnessed them in public casinos but here women even own casinos too so gender doesn't decide what we can and can't do, our preference does.
It is true that casinos welcome people of all genders, but you are correct that there are still certain distinctions in how men and women view gambling. According to studies, males prefer high-risk, high-reward games like poker and blackjack, but women choose games that need more skill and strategy, such as slots and bingo. It's not just gender that influences gambling behaviors; age, wealth, and other characteristics can all have an impact. There is a lot of study being done on this topic, and it's amazing to observe how different variables interact.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: dezoel on March 21, 2024, 11:19:41 PM
Many people are making a lot of answers for questions that are not need to be questioned. Don't get me wrong if you want to, then that is fine and there is nothing wrong with that but the idea that someone could question YOU, like not ask a question, like "how can I do a 30x rollover to get my bonus", that's literally requesting help, no no in this case this dude is basically questions who YOU are by asking you personal questions.

I respect every single one that answered these questions and you have my deepest applause, but at the same time I would rather not answer it, and guessing many people who didn't and just closed this topic without writing anything felt the same way. Why would we let OP question who we are.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: fullhdpixel on March 22, 2024, 02:21:53 PM
I genuinely do feel bad about it each time I lose a gamble (usually on cryptocurrencies). But then I think- "it's all part of the game" and I instantly feel better again, HA!
Is it that easy for you to do that? ;D Most gamblers would at least take a day or two to get out of the remorse when they lose something significant, by something significant I mean money that is higher than the decided budget, and if you lose that, you would probably hate gambling and your decisions for a couple of days and then you will get back to it thinking that you wouldn't make the same mistake again.  ;D

If your emotions are so soft that you can just think that it's part of the game and you instantly feel better, you are lucky, because most gamblers would not be able to have such control over their emotions which is the basic reason why they get addicted to gambling because they can't convert their minds and control the urge to gamble more.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: danherbias07 on March 22, 2024, 02:49:01 PM
I play online, so I do not see women or men when gambling, I see usernames and that means I do not know if that person is a woman or a man, and to be fair I have never cared about it, it is just not the part that I care about.

Big famous gamblers are fun to follow, they are actually quite entertaining because they are gambling with amounts that I would never be able to do, so that makes it fun, like I do a proxy gambling via them and have fun with their money when watching them. I do not get upset too much of course but it is at least fun and I get to end up being a lot better with it over time. These are some personal questions that's true, but I do not really get the results of it, like what does OP get when they learn the answers?
Who knows. Maybe it's a research thing or a social experiment. Well, this is a forum so I guess anyone could ask anything, it will just depend on us if we want to answer it.

Same thing for me, I don't see any women gambling anymore and  I don't want to conclude that those who have usernames with a woman's name are real women because there will be times when they are using those things to scam others or to extort a rich gambler.
About famous gamblers, I only follow Drake with his bets because they are crazy numbers and it's fun to see the results of where he put his money for. Because of that, I end up watching the whole game/fight or whatever sport he bet for. ;D It's a good thing, somehow he made me watch a game that I have no interest in and I think the gambling sites are successful in using these popular names to use their platform to gamble because in some cases maybe gamblers are copying him or going against him, not just watching.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: EarnOnVictor on March 22, 2024, 05:00:11 PM
This is the continuation of the answers in twos as I mentioned earlier.

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?
This is an idiocy of the highest order, it is bad and unspeakable for some to borrow money to gamble or beg money from people to gamble. Well, the purpose of asking for money from people is not often known, so I may not know if a person asked for money from me and later went to gamble with it. But if such a person dared to ask me for the money and also told me the reason for asking for the money, which was to gamble, then I would not give the person.

If you want to gamble, go and work for the money, it is not my money you would waste on such a quest. If I give anyone money, I do that due to my kind gesture but it is no longer a kind gesture if the money is used for some kind of betting which I view as ugly in that sense. One has to reasonably gamble only with the money they can afford to lose which also is the money they worked for, and not mine. He should bet with his money to make him know how it feels to waste one's sweat.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?
Of course, I do. I know my limits in casinos and sports betting and this has always helped me to manage myself and my gambling portfolio properly. No one can prevail in gambling without the limit set and the right management calculations, such a person will entirely only be gambling anyhow and the results can never be encouraging.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Lanatsa on March 22, 2024, 05:21:02 PM
👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?
Gambling with borrowed money or loan then it would really be that a suicide on doing such thing. Gambling is really just that for fun
dont tend that this is some sort of money making or income stream because its not really that on this way.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?
Self control might hard but its not impossible on which it would really be that depending on a certain person because moderation and control
would really be that totally different to each other.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?
Cant guarantee, because once we do win up huge money in gambling then that kind of urge would really be
there in hoping that you might be able to get more.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: 348Judah on March 22, 2024, 05:27:12 PM
Firstly, no one dares ask me for money to gamble in which i will give, if you want to gamble, then learn to earn the money for that purpose, secondly, it you're asking me for money, i will ensure that you're not a gambler and not going to use my money to gamble, so in times of uncertainties in knowing whether such a person is a gambler or not, i will rather prefer paying for the exact needs he want to use the money for than giving a random person my money when am not sure if the need is truly genuine or not, why he is asking me for money.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Dewi Aries on March 22, 2024, 05:56:25 PM
I genuinely do feel bad about it each time I lose a gamble (usually on cryptocurrencies). But then I think- "it's all part of the game" and I instantly feel better again, HA!
Is it that easy for you to do that? ;D Most gamblers would at least take a day or two to get out of the remorse when they lose something significant, by something significant I mean money that is higher than the decided budget, and if you lose that, you would probably hate gambling and your decisions for a couple of days and then you will get back to it thinking that you wouldn't make the same mistake again.  ;D

If your emotions are so soft that you can just think that it's part of the game and you instantly feel better, you are lucky, because most gamblers would not be able to have such control over their emotions which is the basic reason why they get addicted to gambling because they can't convert their minds and control the urge to gamble more.

Basically having the ability to accept the fact of risk and losing in gambling is good and is indeed one of the requirements for responsible gambling and is indeed quite recommended because with this you will not be trapped by your own emotions when you lose, but on the other hand this ability should not be utilized, or it means that you continue to gamble indefinitely and if you lose then you will say that "this is part of the game", The concept is not like that, which is where losing should be a lesson, I'm not saying that you can refuse to lose because the name of defeat will not be avoided completely, but what I mean is that you also have to have limits both in terms of budget and also the time of involvement which will make you probably lose less often because you have limited or not too frequent involvement time.

Yes, it is true that most gamblers do not have this ability, or they are not able to accept the consequences of losing at the end of the session where most of them are stuck in their own emotions due to not being able to accept the fact of losing, and maybe I would mention that it is a typical irresponsible gambler or loser who wants to win but is not ready to lose.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on March 24, 2024, 09:20:13 PM

Basically having the ability to accept the fact of risk and losing in gambling is good and is indeed one of the requirements for responsible gambling and is indeed quite recommended because with this you will not be trapped by your own emotions when you lose, but on the other hand this ability should not be utilized, or it means that you continue to gamble indefinitely and if you lose then you will say that "this is part of the game", The concept is not like that, which is where losing should be a lesson, I'm not saying that you can refuse to lose because the name of defeat will not be avoided completely, but what I mean is that you also have to have limits both in terms of budget and also the time of involvement which will make you probably lose less often because you have limited or not too frequent involvement time.

Yes, it is true that most gamblers do not have this ability, or they are not able to accept the consequences of losing at the end of the session where most of them are stuck in their own emotions due to not being able to accept the fact of losing, and maybe I would mention that it is a typical irresponsible gambler or loser who wants to win but is not ready to lose.

Well losing is a natural part of life, not all the time things have to go as you predict, sometimes you lose, sometimes you win, that's what life is about, in a casino the hardest thing for everyone is always They will be the losses, because in part when we enter a casino, we do so with high hopes of winning, and that is something that cannot be taken away from anyone, but we must understand that the casino is a form of adult entertainment, which is It was done first to have a different time, enjoy and see the possibility of winning some money, but just as you win there is the possibility of losing, and as I have said on many occasions, the house edge is something that we have to consider Always when it comes to playing, we know that we cannot get millions of dollars or win big, much less if we bet with little money, losing is something we must accept with great maturity to learn.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: redsun114 on March 25, 2024, 06:19:22 AM
If you get rich and then stop gambling did you ever really love the game you were playing, if you do stop thats kind of sad because you are now with less in life after somehow having more that seems negative.   Play for the game always the money should be secondary and if you dont love the game dont continue because this situation really doesnt deserve a win its against the grain to hope you would gain from something you dont even enjoy.

Its a fair argument you could be so rich and busy with other things you no longer could have the effort left to enjoy gambling.  All or nothing kind of approach but I wouldn't stay away completely.    I can believe some people find no special buzz from gambling anything then large amounts but personally I dont need to risk need financial death to get a thrill from it, the win alone is what I like and the rest confirms the win.
I also don't think that a gambler can stay away from gambling if they become rich because of gambling in the first place. How can you forget or abandon the source that has changed your life? Whether it's gambling or something else that has given you money that you can spend for years to come, you should keep visiting frequently and spend some money from what you have gotten, you don't need to spend a lot of it though.

If I manage to win a large sum of money through gambling, I would obviously start some businesses, make investments, but I'm positive that I wouldn't leave gambling forever, and whenever I get time and want to relax, I would gamble because if I'm rich, I wouldn't mind spending a few hundred dollars on my gambling activities.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: EarnOnVictor on March 27, 2024, 04:08:32 PM
👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?
Finally, I am privileged to answer the last one.

My answer is Yes here, and the reason is that my mindset about gambling has never been money-based. It has been on the fun side and a sense of doing it without being left out despite watching various sports events. This is merely the feeling of "belonging" in most cases and if I do not gamble when I want to, I do not always feel comfortable about it, especially if my speculation later becomes right. This mostly happens with sports betting.

With it, despite taking it more seriously to at least earn something from it no matter how little it is, I have not taken it as what will be earning my living, so it helps that way and it will not change regardless of my status. And this same mindset is what I believe I will still preserve when I am rich. The only thing that could change then is the amount I wager per bet because I would have had more access to funds, so there is no way I would not be thinking bigger at the time.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: TheUltraElite on March 27, 2024, 04:24:47 PM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area:
Women shape their children and hence I am of the opinion that they should restrict their gambling habits if any once they start to get settled.

👉how do you view notorious gamblers:
Addicted gamblers need professional help. There is no glory in being that person.

👉how do you really feel when you lose money on gambling?  Do you feel bad or just lie to yourself that's it was for fun?
If I lose I do feel bad and that stops me from playing more. I rarely play anymore because I understood how the industry works a long time back. At present I only invest in casino bankrolls and that is a profitable investment in the long term.

👉how do you spend your gambling wins:
I dont as of now.

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?
I dont lend and neither do I play on debt. I think that is a very risky thing to do.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?
If I would play, then yes I would.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?
Never again is what I am following.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Oilacris on May 16, 2024, 08:56:20 PM

👉how do you feel when peopel ask you for money to gamble?, do you gamble with debt?  Or would you never indulge in such no matter how sure you are about the game ?
Feel pity at the same time i do have those thoughts that they should need to learn those lessons and made themselves realize that gambling shouldnt really be treated up on that way.

👉Do you set rules or limits on how much you stake per week to control your addiction or you are disciplinedenough to know when to stop?
Limit and moderation is crucial on which this isnt only applied on gambling but also in other things in life as well. Having no control would really be putting you up on shit condition.

👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?
Human beings are greedy, so it would be understandable that majority would really be continuing and aiming for more.Its not really that shocking.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: teamsherry on May 20, 2024, 11:30:41 PM
Absolutely, this is an important rule for all bettors to remember. Diversification is essential in any investment or financial decision, but it is particularly vital in gambling. Putting all of your money on one event is not only hazardous, but also leaves little opportunity for mistake. Spreading your bets across multiple events allows you to reduce your losses while still having the opportunity to reap the benefits.

One must learn to manage their bank role while gambling, that's what contribute to a responsible gambling habits. Anyone that makes drastic while gambling can experience more significant loses because they stake too much on one game that has a 50/50 chance to be a win or lose. Some gambler don't know how to manage their bankroll or they just gamble with their emotions.

Your right about this it's good to set a limit to everything so you don't overdo it and in such addictive habits like gambling we should even set extra rules and try to be more careful about how much we allocate to doing so, so we don't end up wreking our finances or becoming notorious with gambling.

Some ways to achieve this is by seting rules to how much we give, how much time we spend and even how much we engage in such discussions with notorious gamblers so we don't end up breaking our set rules.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: FinePoine0 on May 20, 2024, 11:58:51 PM
Absolutely, this is an important rule for all bettors to remember. Diversification is essential in any investment or financial decision, but it is particularly vital in gambling. Putting all of your money on one event is not only hazardous, but also leaves little opportunity for mistake. Spreading your bets across multiple events allows you to reduce your losses while still having the opportunity to reap the benefits.

One must learn to manage their bank role while gambling, that's what contribute to a responsible gambling habits. Anyone that makes drastic while gambling can experience more significant loses because they stake too much on one game that has a 50/50 chance to be a win or lose. Some gambler don't know how to manage their bankroll or they just gamble with their emotions.

Your right about this it's good to set a limit to everything so you don't overdo it and in such addictive habits like gambling we should even set extra rules and try to be more careful about how much we allocate to doing so, so we don't end up wreking our finances or becoming notorious with gambling.

Some ways to achieve this is by seting rules to how much we give, how much time we spend and even how much we engage in such discussions with notorious gamblers so we don't end up breaking our set rules.

When a person gets addicted to gambling and if he remembers the rules before then, he will definitely get rid of the addiction. Because gambling addiction is one of the leading causes of gambling losses alone, where thousands of people suffer from this problem and lose their money. Gambling is such a place where people get so addicted to it that they don't realize when they face losses. That is why he has to follow the highest rules that can save him.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Hispo on May 21, 2024, 01:03:25 AM


👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?

I believe it could perfectly be any of those two options, to be honest. Since we are talking about people interacting on WhatsApp and perhaps even on Telegram, there is always a chance one could be dealing with a scammer masquerading as a woman in order to go for the pig butchering scam in the long term. Though, we should also keep in mind women within the world of gambling can suffer important stigma, leading for them to co tinur to gamble and bet in the shadows, without their family members to know about their activities.
Whatever the case, I don't think all people on the internet claiming to be a woman are scammers or anything, regardless of the alledged gender of anyone on the internet, one needs to be careful and always assume one could be a target of a scam at any time, specially on Telegram, which is unfortunately full of scammers and people into shady business.

On a side note, I have not seen women partaking in gaming either in my area, some of them would rather to go to the casino because beer is cheaper there, though.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Natsuu on May 21, 2024, 03:00:39 AM
👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?

No. If I'm rich enough, I will lessen my exposure into it and instead dedicate my time to my family and my passion. In terms of money, I would put it on a business or a secured asset that would help me generate income to make my ends meet. Because at the end of the day, my reason for gambling is to support my family and when I have the money to do that, I will stop and pursue things I truly want. It's like a target hit and needed to put my aim on another target.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: inthelongrun on May 21, 2024, 07:18:08 AM
👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?

No. If I'm rich enough, I will lessen my exposure into it and instead dedicate my time to my family and my passion. In terms of money, I would put it on a business or a secured asset that would help me generate income to make my ends meet. Because at the end of the day, my reason for gambling is to support my family and when I have the money to do that, I will stop and pursue things I truly want. It's like a target hit and needed to put my aim on another target.

So you are gambling in order to support your family? So you are earning regularly from gambling? Is it on casino games or sports betting? But I do not think we rely on gambling winnings for our family's need. It is way too risky. So I am curious if you are indeed earning well.

What I understand about gambling is for entertainment purposes and only allocate some free time and money. So if ever I get rich from gambling I will also continue to play within my limits. But getting rich from gambling is mission impossible to me because I only bet on sports betting with around 50/50 odds of winning.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: jaberwock on May 23, 2024, 07:11:32 PM
getting rich from gambling is mission impossible to me because I only bet on sports betting with around 50/50 odds of winning.
Sportsbetting is better than in casino games because we can even increase our chances of winning if we will team it up with research and analysis.

So you are gambling in order to support your family? So you are earning regularly from gambling? Is it on casino games or sports betting? But I do not think we rely on gambling winnings for our family's need. It is way too risky. So I am curious if you are indeed earning well.
I think he won't say that if he is not earning well. There might only be days that he can earn less or not earn anything at all but he might have a savings already to be used for spendings during his bad days. If this how things work for him, then we shall not worry but it is not advisable for us or others to try and follow his approach because we can end up losing huge in the process and we may not accept it which can result for us to do unwanted things. The worse is we can even damage the thing or the people around us.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Dewi Aries on May 23, 2024, 07:59:15 PM

Basically having the ability to accept the fact of risk and losing in gambling is good and is indeed one of the requirements for responsible gambling and is indeed quite recommended because with this you will not be trapped by your own emotions when you lose, but on the other hand this ability should not be utilized, or it means that you continue to gamble indefinitely and if you lose then you will say that "this is part of the game", The concept is not like that, which is where losing should be a lesson, I'm not saying that you can refuse to lose because the name of defeat will not be avoided completely, but what I mean is that you also have to have limits both in terms of budget and also the time of involvement which will make you probably lose less often because you have limited or not too frequent involvement time.

Yes, it is true that most gamblers do not have this ability, or they are not able to accept the consequences of losing at the end of the session where most of them are stuck in their own emotions due to not being able to accept the fact of losing, and maybe I would mention that it is a typical irresponsible gambler or loser who wants to win but is not ready to lose.

Well losing is a natural part of life, not all the time things have to go as you predict, sometimes you lose, sometimes you win, that's what life is about, in a casino the hardest thing for everyone is always They will be the losses, because in part when we enter a casino, we do so with high hopes of winning, and that is something that cannot be taken away from anyone, but we must understand that the casino is a form of adult entertainment, which is It was done first to have a different time, enjoy and see the possibility of winning some money, but just as you win there is the possibility of losing, and as I have said on many occasions, the house edge is something that we have to consider Always when it comes to playing, we know that we cannot get millions of dollars or win big, much less if we bet with little money, losing is something we must accept with great maturity to learn.

The first thing you should understand as a gambler is that when you want to engage in gambling, the first thing you should understand is that losing is a result that can never be avoided at any time as long as you are still involved in gambling, because in gambling there is nothing that can make you avoid losing and there is also nothing that can guarantee that you will be able to win at the end of the session.

This means that there is absolutely no way that you can guarantee that you will not lose or that you will definitely win, and this is why gambling is called an activity that can never be predicted and this is also the reason why gambling cannot be used as a place to make a living, This is because as I said above that there is absolutely no way that can give you an indication that you will win at the end of the session, therefore we always recommend that it is better to make gambling an entertainment activity without putting excessive expectations on winning, and yes as you said that we must be adult gamblers by having the ability to accept the fact of losing.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Slow death on May 23, 2024, 10:10:25 PM
Absolutely, this is an important rule for all bettors to remember. Diversification is essential in any investment or financial decision, but it is particularly vital in gambling. Putting all of your money on one event is not only hazardous, but also leaves little opportunity for mistake. Spreading your bets across multiple events allows you to reduce your losses while still having the opportunity to reap the benefits.

One must learn to manage their bank role while gambling, that's what contribute to a responsible gambling habits. Anyone that makes drastic while gambling can experience more significant loses because they stake too much on one game that has a 50/50 chance to be a win or lose. Some gambler don't know how to manage their bankroll or they just gamble with their emotions.

Your right about this it's good to set a limit to everything so you don't overdo it and in such addictive habits like gambling we should even set extra rules and try to be more careful about how much we allocate to doing so, so we don't end up wreking our finances or becoming notorious with gambling.

Some ways to achieve this is by seting rules to how much we give, how much time we spend and even how much we engage in such discussions with notorious gamblers so we don't end up breaking our set rules.

I believe that the main rule that all people should follow is: don't play to forget your problems if the person knows they have problems at work, they are sad, they cannot think of a solution to that problem, they cannot stop thinking about that problem, they have financial problems, when they receive a salary the money is not enough to pay all the bills, they do not have a job, they are every day thinking about where and how you are going to get a job. he has problems in his relationship, he cannot overcome lost love or problems with his girlfriend, he has depression, so this person should stay away from gambling. because gambling is the type of fun that is not recommended for people to forget the problems they have

If people want to forget their problems, then they should seek help elsewhere, but not gambling. The biggest problem people have is that they get into gambling because they want to forget about a problem they are having or want to solve a problem they are having, for example a person who has financial problems, this person looks at gambling as solution and starts playing with money that he cannot afford to lose, and when he loses at gambling, his despair increases and he can commit suicide or develop depression or addiction.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Volimack on May 24, 2024, 03:28:11 AM
Gambling to overcome problems is not a good thing it will put more people into problems. Attention must always try everything carefully and enjoy the game. It is important to remember that besides potential winnings, gambling also provides pleasure and entertainment. Balancing gaming enjoyment and financial opportunity will make your gaming experience more enjoyable and valuable while also maintaining a disciplined and analytical approach.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Dewi Aries on May 24, 2024, 07:58:51 AM
Gambling to overcome problems is not a good thing it will put more people into problems. Attention must always try everything carefully and enjoy the game. It is important to remember that besides potential winnings, gambling also provides pleasure and entertainment. Balancing gaming enjoyment and financial opportunity will make your gaming experience more enjoyable and valuable while also maintaining a disciplined and analytical approach.

Of course, gambling with the intention and aim of overcoming problems is not a good decision, and as you said, this idea will actually cause more problems and that is a fact, but on the other hand there are always some people who try to take advantage of the opportunity to win in gambling is used as an opportunity to make a lot of money with the intention and aim of overcoming the financial problems they are experiencing, such as being in debt or other things, but of course in the end this idea will actually make them experience a much worse situation, most likely they it can be stress, depression or even suicide and there have been those who have experienced terrible scenarios like this. And I am sure that carrying the intention and goal to produce results in gambling will make them experience a lot of stress and tension especially when they experience defeat. Therefore, this is the reason why on several other pages I always talk about "proper understanding", or suggest that it is better to first understand thoroughly what gambling actually is like, don't just look at the chances of winning, but also look at the bad impacts, especially It is a fact that there is no guarantee at all for anyone to always win at the end of the session.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: slapper on May 24, 2024, 01:40:20 PM
Gambling to overcome problems is not a good thing it will put more people into problems. Attention must always try everything carefully and enjoy the game. It is important to remember that besides potential winnings, gambling also provides pleasure and entertainment. Balancing gaming enjoyment and financial opportunity will make your gaming experience more enjoyable and valuable while also maintaining a disciplined and analytical approach.

Of course, gambling with the intention and aim of overcoming problems is not a good decision, and as you said, this idea will actually cause more problems and that is a fact, but on the other hand there are always some people who try to take advantage of the opportunity to win in gambling is used as an opportunity to make a lot of money with the intention and aim of overcoming the financial problems they are experiencing, such as being in debt or other things, but of course in the end this idea will actually make them experience a much worse situation, most likely they it can be stress, depression or even suicide and there have been those who have experienced terrible scenarios like this. And I am sure that carrying the intention and goal to produce results in gambling will make them experience a lot of stress and tension especially when they experience defeat. Therefore, this is the reason why on several other pages I always talk about "proper understanding", or suggest that it is better to first understand thoroughly what gambling actually is like, don't just look at the chances of winning, but also look at the bad impacts, especially It is a fact that there is no guarantee at all for anyone to always win at the end of the session.
Gambling is about chance and risk. There are occasional winners, but the chances are always against you. I'm not pessimistic; these are facts. Gambling with money you can't afford to lose doubles your losses. Both in the pocketbook and head. Stress, depression, and suicide become dangers

What keeps individuals gambling despite the risks? How our minds work matters. We often detect false patterns, overestimate our control, and fall into mental traps. Understanding these biases explains why the house always wins. We need an honest discourse about this for gamblers and their family and loved ones. With such enormous stakes, we can't dismiss it as a personal choice

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: ethereumhunter on May 24, 2024, 02:00:05 PM
Gambling to overcome problems is not a good thing it will put more people into problems. Attention must always try everything carefully and enjoy the game. It is important to remember that besides potential winnings, gambling also provides pleasure and entertainment. Balancing gaming enjoyment and financial opportunity will make your gaming experience more enjoyable and valuable while also maintaining a disciplined and analytical approach.
People must not thinks to use gambling to makes money because that can gives them a problem. People must knows that they playing gambling because of have fun and not makes money or gets trouble in gambling. It's right gambling provides pleasure and entertainment but we must remember that gambling can cause us lose much money so we must prevents that happens to us. We must trying to limits ourselves when playing gambling or we will gets trouble in gambling or after we finish playing gambling. We must use or treats gambling as a fun thing to avoids lose much money or the addiction because many people already gets that problem and they are difficult to cure it. We can use other people's experiences as our lesson so we don't have the same experiences like them.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: moneystery on May 24, 2024, 02:17:28 PM

Of course, gambling with the intention and aim of overcoming problems is not a good decision, and as you said, this idea will actually cause more problems and that is a fact, but on the other hand there are always some people who try to take advantage of the opportunity to win in gambling is used as an opportunity to make a lot of money with the intention and aim of overcoming the financial problems they are experiencing ....

there are many people like that where they try to gamble their money with the aim that they can get more money from gambling. but on the contrary, they lose all their money and become stressed because they cannot get the money they expected. but we also can't blame them completely because it is difficult for them to get a loan and access to gambling is only a few dollars to get hundreds of dollars. so they prefer to gamble because it is much more affordable even though their risk of losing money is higher.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: DaNNy001 on May 24, 2024, 03:03:55 PM
The problem with most gamblers is that they fail to understand with simple logic that gamble is not a place where you are guaranteed to become rich with just little effort, though most person get lucky with a jackpot or with a bet but that's luck speaking, they might not be lucky all the time. And that is why you should put in what you can afford to loose. If you get lucky in wining a bet keep your profit far from the gambling site else you might get tempted to still take from your profit when the other one gets finished. Chasing after your loss is common amongst gamblers at first, but it all depends on how you handle it.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Dewi Aries on May 25, 2024, 08:28:30 PM

Of course, gambling with the intention and aim of overcoming problems is not a good decision, and as you said, this idea will actually cause more problems and that is a fact, but on the other hand there are always some people who try to take advantage of the opportunity to win in gambling is used as an opportunity to make a lot of money with the intention and aim of overcoming the financial problems they are experiencing, such as being in debt or other things, but of course in the end this idea will actually make them experience a much worse situation, most likely they it can be stress, depression or even suicide and there have been those who have experienced terrible scenarios like this. And I am sure that carrying the intention and goal to produce results in gambling will make them experience a lot of stress and tension especially when they experience defeat. Therefore, this is the reason why on several other pages I always talk about "proper understanding", or suggest that it is better to first understand thoroughly what gambling actually is like, don't just look at the chances of winning, but also look at the bad impacts, especially It is a fact that there is no guarantee at all for anyone to always win at the end of the session.
Gambling is about chance and risk. There are occasional winners, but the chances are always against you. I'm not pessimistic; these are facts. Gambling with money you can't afford to lose doubles your losses. Both in the pocketbook and head. Stress, depression, and suicide become dangers

What keeps individuals gambling despite the risks? How our minds work matters. We often detect false patterns, overestimate our control, and fall into mental traps. Understanding these biases explains why the house always wins. We need an honest discourse about this for gamblers and their family and loved ones. With such enormous stakes, we can't dismiss it as a personal choice

Yes gambling is a game of chance and a game of risk, a gambler's chances are not determined by how smart they are but how lucky they are, but for the issue of risk it depends on how a gambler treats his gambling activities and this is why many always say or suggest to always manage risk carefully. good or take risks that do not exceed our capabilities. This means that taking excessive risks is unreasonable when there is no certainty and guarantee in terms of chances of winning.

On the other hand, yes, what you say is true about the reasons why gamblers still persist even though it has been proven that gambling has risks which in some cases can even make someone end up crazy because of the amount of pressure they feel due to the many problems that come, gamblers always overdo it - increase the possibility of winning which actually only depends on luck, even though many have experienced setbacks, that is the personality of a coward who wants to get a lot of money with little effort.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: SmartGold01 on May 25, 2024, 08:34:52 PM
The problem with most gamblers is that they fail to understand with simple logic that gamble is not a place where you are guaranteed to become rich with just little effort, though most person get lucky with a jackpot or with a bet but that's luck speaking, they might not be lucky all the time. And that is why you should put in what you can afford to loose. If you get lucky in wining a bet keep your profit far from the gambling site else you might get tempted to still take from your profit when the other one gets finished. Chasing after your loss is common amongst gamblers at first, but it all depends on how you handle it.
You know many people had this mindset that gambling is place to automatically turns the life of man over night,and of a true no doubt that this is very possible but it shouldn't be a thing that would over ride us to an extent one could feels overwhelmed with it where they wouldn't want to control their behavior or attitudes toward channeling their goals to become what they want through gambling. If a gambler has the mindset that gambling is not a place to get instant Rich then the better they control their risk level and minimize the risk of losing huge through gambling.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: nimogsm on May 25, 2024, 08:48:28 PM
Gambling to overcome problems is not a good thing it will put more people into problems. Attention must always try everything carefully and enjoy the game. It is important to remember that besides potential winnings, gambling also provides pleasure and entertainment. Balancing gaming enjoyment and financial opportunity will make your gaming experience more enjoyable and valuable while also maintaining a disciplined and analytical approach.
Often in movies, casinos are very romanticized; they show how people become fabulously rich at one moment and many then want to repeat their success; just as often, casinos and various gambling games are popular in not very prosperous areas of cities.You are right, games should bring a pleasant pastime and pleasure from the game, if you play only for profit, most often it will be a one-way ticket.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Juse14 on May 25, 2024, 09:44:29 PM
Gambling to overcome problems is not a good thing it will put more people into problems. Attention must always try everything carefully and enjoy the game. It is important to remember that besides potential winnings, gambling also provides pleasure and entertainment. Balancing gaming enjoyment and financial opportunity will make your gaming experience more enjoyable and valuable while also maintaining a disciplined and analytical approach.

I'm in total concurrence that gambling as a problem-solving strategy doesn't hold water. If anything, it can muddy the waters further and lead individuals into a quagmire of even greater problems. It is essential to approach play with prudence at all times; make sure you find enjoyment in the game as simply a source of amusement, not a mechanism for addressing personal or pecuniary issues.

Gambling is a game of two halves: riches untold and fun beyond measure. But remember this above all else, strike a balance between the two. Don't let your focus be solely on the money; instead, revel in the enjoyment that the game can bring. Take off that heavy cloak of desperation to always win, and simply bask in the pleasure of playing. Remember: with a right approach, you can find joy in the game while still holding onto the other threads that make up your life's rich tapestry.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on May 29, 2024, 04:54:58 AM

The first thing you should understand as a gambler is that when you want to engage in gambling, the first thing you should understand is that losing is a result that can never be avoided at any time as long as you are still involved in gambling, because in gambling there is nothing that can make you avoid losing and there is also nothing that can guarantee that you will be able to win at the end of the session.

This means that there is absolutely no way that you can guarantee that you will not lose or that you will definitely win, and this is why gambling is called an activity that can never be predicted and this is also the reason why gambling cannot be used as a place to make a living, This is because as I said above that there is absolutely no way that can give you an indication that you will win at the end of the session, therefore we always recommend that it is better to make gambling an entertainment activity without putting excessive expectations on winning, and yes as you said that we must be adult gamblers by having the ability to accept the fact of losing.

That's right, as players what we have well defined and certain is losing, we always fight to have that window of opportunity to win something, and waiting for that victory to be enough for us to say, I'm going to retire, even though I have a "I don't think" very widely in withdrawing funds, when I see that my Balance is the amount required to make the Withdrawal I do not think about that, I withdraw my money because things can get very Complicated when we say that we do not want to withdraw but rather keep the money in the casino, because it is very tentative, there is Always the possibility of losing and losing everything if we are careless, that is why I always Recommend Withdrawing even just a little.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: wxa7115 on May 29, 2024, 05:03:47 AM
I'm in total concurrence that gambling as a problem-solving strategy doesn't hold water. If anything, it can muddy the waters further and lead individuals into a quagmire of even greater problems. It is essential to approach play with prudence at all times; make sure you find enjoyment in the game as simply a source of amusement, not a mechanism for addressing personal or pecuniary issues.

Gambling is a game of two halves: riches untold and fun beyond measure. But remember this above all else, strike a balance between the two. Don't let your focus be solely on the money; instead, revel in the enjoyment that the game can bring. Take off that heavy cloak of desperation to always win, and simply bask in the pleasure of playing. Remember: with a right approach, you can find joy in the game while still holding onto the other threads that make up your life's rich tapestry.
Whoever is using gambling in that way is completely lost, and most likely has a lot of issues to believe gambling can help them to solve anything over their lives.

Gambling is supposed to just be a hobby, a very entertaining one without a doubt, but nothing more than that, so by trying to use gambling as a way to solve some of their economic issues, those people are just demonstrating the difficult situation they are in, and most likely the only thing they will achieve is to put themselves in an even more difficult situation.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: maydna on May 29, 2024, 05:45:58 AM
I'm in total concurrence that gambling as a problem-solving strategy doesn't hold water. If anything, it can muddy the waters further and lead individuals into a quagmire of even greater problems. It is essential to approach play with prudence at all times; make sure you find enjoyment in the game as simply a source of amusement, not a mechanism for addressing personal or pecuniary issues.

Gambling is a game of two halves: riches untold and fun beyond measure. But remember this above all else, strike a balance between the two. Don't let your focus be solely on the money; instead, revel in the enjoyment that the game can bring. Take off that heavy cloak of desperation to always win, and simply bask in the pleasure of playing. Remember: with a right approach, you can find joy in the game while still holding onto the other threads that make up your life's rich tapestry.
Whoever is using gambling in that way is completely lost, and most likely has a lot of issues to believe gambling can help them to solve anything over their lives.

Gambling is supposed to just be a hobby, a very entertaining one without a doubt, but nothing more than that, so by trying to use gambling as a way to solve some of their economic issues, those people are just demonstrating the difficult situation they are in, and most likely the only thing they will achieve is to put themselves in an even more difficult situation.
Playing gambling is for fun. That is what we always remember so we don't chases the win or trying to recovers our losses before. That will difficult for us to get our money back from gambling because we will face more losses and if we can not control ourselves, we will lose more and more money even we can bankrupt at once.

Gambling is not a solution to make money but it is just for enjoy our free time and have fun. But many people still think that they can make money from gambling. They must open their eyes and minds that they can not make money easily. We have to enjoy the gambling games and if we don't get fun from gambling, we must leave gambling immediately before we get trouble while playing gambling.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: GigaBit on May 29, 2024, 06:25:11 AM
👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?
I didn't start gambling to get rich so if the chance to get rich comes I will definitely be happy there but I can't quit gambling. I can take break to enjoy my win but I can't give it up completely because that's where I find my joy. I don't believe that gamblers will quit gambling if they hit the jackpot because when the winnings run out they will gamble again. But there are many gamblers who lose repeatedly and think that if they can win more money once, they will quit gambling. Those emotional words have no basis in reality. The truth is that those who love gambling will never quit gambling. I have heard stories of some jackpot winners who continued gambling after winning the jackpot. They do not actually earn money from gambling but enjoy it.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Juse14 on May 31, 2024, 05:27:06 AM
I'm in total concurrence that gambling as a problem-solving strategy doesn't hold water. If anything, it can muddy the waters further and lead individuals into a quagmire of even greater problems. It is essential to approach play with prudence at all times; make sure you find enjoyment in the game as simply a source of amusement, not a mechanism for addressing personal or pecuniary issues.

Gambling is a game of two halves: riches untold and fun beyond measure. But remember this above all else, strike a balance between the two. Don't let your focus be solely on the money; instead, revel in the enjoyment that the game can bring. Take off that heavy cloak of desperation to always win, and simply bask in the pleasure of playing. Remember: with a right approach, you can find joy in the game while still holding onto the other threads that make up your life's rich tapestry.
Whoever is using gambling in that way is completely lost, and most likely has a lot of issues to believe gambling can help them to solve anything over their lives.

Gambling is supposed to just be a hobby, a very entertaining one without a doubt, but nothing more than that, so by trying to use gambling as a way to solve some of their economic issues, those people are just demonstrating the difficult situation they are in, and most likely the only thing they will achieve is to put themselves in an even more difficult situation.
And it is a wrong thought if someone intends to gamble to fulfill their needs. This is wrong thinking, because remembering that the final result of gambling or betting is always unreliable and unpredictable. So we cannot make gambling a permanent source of income.

Gambling is simply a form of entertainment and nothing more than a hobby. So always make sure that you have set a time limit for gambling and a maximum deposit limit for betting. Always make sure that you only gamble once your needs are met, not the other way around, where you gamble to fulfill your needs.

Although in reality, someone gambles to fulfill their needs. They try their luck in gambling with the hope that through gambling, all needs can be met and financial problems can be resolved. an impossible thing, but people keep repeating it.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: Hirose UK on May 31, 2024, 06:56:39 AM
👉behind the mask of loving to gamble if you get rich would you still gamble or never again?
I didn't start gambling to get rich so if the chance to get rich comes I will definitely be happy there but I can't quit gambling. I can take break to enjoy my win but I can't give it up completely because that's where I find my joy. I don't believe that gamblers will quit gambling if they hit the jackpot because when the winnings run out they will gamble again. But there are many gamblers who lose repeatedly and think that if they can win more money once, they will quit gambling. Those emotional words have no basis in reality. The truth is that those who love gambling will never quit gambling. I have heard stories of some jackpot winners who continued gambling after winning the jackpot. They do not actually earn money from gambling but enjoy it.
Hahaha that good but unfortunately the percentage of big wins that can lead us to become rich is so small that it almost impossible to get, but personally I will always say that if want more wealth have to do business and also do some positive things like trading or investing.
Rich people are not all based on billionaire family backgrounds because there are some who were able to get it all thanks to their own hard work in business or work, I personally have never thought about enriching myself from gambling.
Moreover, when they get wealth from winning gambling, it can be bad start if they cannot take responsible attitude, they will think find it easy to get money and still have lot of money saved until they end up wasting all the money.
In the end, bankruptcy and destruction will definitely be felt, most gamblers will really find it difficult to stop even if they are successful in winning jackpot or big loss.

Title: Re: A personal view
Post by: teamsherry on June 01, 2024, 12:54:23 AM
👉 how do you view women gambling in your area: I've never seen a woman standing in any bet store before gambling, but I've been on many WhatsApp channels that you would see a lot of girls that are present asking for bookies and predictions on sports match to play at home. Do you see them as pretenders or just trying to hide their image?
Female gamblers are not much in my area but the few I know are extremely lucky. There is a kind of gamble that is popular here and there good participation of women but the number is insignificant when compared to men. Where you see more women in the gambling business is as staff in physical shops. Most of the workers in casinos in my area are women and sometimes they do gamble but not as much as the men.

I guess you haven't meet the notorious women that gamble a lot without really caring about the image I would give them publicly, you know women are supposed to show off good attitudes and try to have better self control than men.

I seen women workers in gamble shops but I never have seen any gamble before.