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Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: Crypt0Gore on March 11, 2024, 04:21:32 PM

Title: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Crypt0Gore on March 11, 2024, 04:21:32 PM
I have been thinking about this a lot now and today again, I did the same, it's probably the right time to pour out my mind to my family on this forum, hope in return to get some great answers.

I know that it's not easy to run a casino, hire workers and some professionals and others, my question is. ....

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: AB de Royse777 on March 11, 2024, 04:29:08 PM
1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?
It's not same, in many ways.
Online casino does not need as many manpower as you need in an store
You are reaching to word-wide audience where with a store you are reaching to local audience.
Online casino heavily needs IT infrastructure where offline casino can only use a few slot machines and a cashier
Because the audience is wider you need higher budget for marketing or no one knows you where for the offline store, your local audience easily can see you store and become your customers.

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?
Offline I would say.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Wiwo on March 11, 2024, 04:40:52 PM
I have been thinking about this a lot now and today again, I did the same, it's probably the right time to pour out my mind to my family on this forum, hope in return to get some great answers.

I know that it's not easy to run a casino, hire workers and some professionals and others, my question is. ....

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?
Not the same,  offline casino is based on physical structures and really time human activities with physical attention,  and in offline casinos,  you need to have a building structure depending on the capacity you want to operate on,  and also hire physical staffs and operators.

But online casinos don't require that,  all that it takes is software as no need for physical structures,  so both are operated on different mood.
2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?
The lose revenue, also don't think that online casinos don't requires funding to keep it running live online,  it does and most times you even pay more than the physical casinos.

And again cost of games providers and domain is there to take revenue away.
3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?
Not at all,  it depends on the team mentality and how their chose to spread their limits.
4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?
For me none is easier,  because both online and offline casinos requires consistency and alot of works to keep them running.
And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
Don't know yet.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: famososMuertos on March 11, 2024, 04:48:39 PM
Well, I have had the opportunity to manage linked offline and online businesses, although none in terms of casinos, but lotteries.

 And really, depending on what is done, the startup costs can be very similar, if we talk about doing things right.

 A big difference is the long term where costs for facility, administrative and personnel maintenance can vary, this is generally seen more frequently in physical (offline) businesses.

 But in reality the maintenance of an online casino can entail very significant expenses, people believe that there is no physical infrastructure and that the staff is "cheap", even a programmer, an administrator or an online manager can cost you what you spend in 5 people from a land-based casino.

 In any case, it is cheaper to pay a license to any online casino provider and they provide you with everything, you just put in the money, this is another business model.

 In the case of face-to-face ones, the formula is the same, investing money as a partner is more feasible than assuming the risk alone.

 Now the reality is that in the case of face-to-face there is so much manipulation that just obtaining the licenses is complicated.

 Now, surely you think about a physical and online talantin, you are destined to fail.

 Check the online franchises, there are quite a few and in the case of physical ones, the same casinos that exist are always looking for funds, but believe me, entering there is a very closed circle.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: SamReomo on March 11, 2024, 04:56:47 PM
1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?
No, running an offline casino is much different than running an online casino. In online casino the owner and workers are hidden from the community unless they want to reveal themselves while in offline casino the owner and the workers are fully visible and they have to deal with agencies, and criminal type of players.

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?
Online casino is a tough type of business, if they aren't making money then it's okay they will survive for sometime but if they are losing money then they will not be able to continue their services and finally they will get bankrupt.

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?
Yes and no, in some cases online casinos may not hire many members to look after the casino but in other cases when a casino gets bigger they also have to hire more people to look after the things. In offline casino the number of workers is always higher as compare to online ones.

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?
And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
I believe an online casino is more tough to manage if the owner has less technical skills but if the owner is good technically, then he may handle casino with ease. However, managing of offline casino is always a tough job. I would go for online one if I have resources.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: carlfebz2 on March 11, 2024, 05:08:06 PM
I have been thinking about this a lot now and today again, I did the same, it's probably the right time to pour out my mind to my family on this forum, hope in return to get some great answers.

I know that it's not easy to run a casino, hire workers and some professionals and others, my question is. ....

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?

1. No, and pretty sure that running offline ones is more expensive i do say.
2. Its simply about the demand and recognition. If the operating cost and expenses is way more than on their revenue then expect they do come bankrupt soon.
3. Few staffs would suffice on which i do believe that it would really be just on having that a couple of staffs for support and everything is automated.
4. Online is a bit passive for owner since everything could be done in front of your PC and not physically

In overall running up these businesses would really be costly and something expensive. The thing i do much prefer on running is offlines ones
on which it is more that engaging into those gamblers locally and could hook up people to play real time.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Dickiy on March 11, 2024, 05:13:53 PM
1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?
In terms of offline casino operations, it will obviously take a lot of workers/employees and we may need a little more costs outside of the budget we have because this is not much different from building a shop, there are many parties that have to be involved. I think you already know this comparison

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?
Increased employee salaries, business premises taxes and not least if the offline casino is in an area that we do not control then it has to pay several guards and that is quite large, plus if it doesn't make money the rent payments etc. still apply.

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?
It's true, online casinos provide a little relief, but of course we can't be alone in maintaining server security, promotions, and also endorsements from influencers, which are not cheap. Whereas in offline casinos they only need space, promotional boards are enough to attract users.

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?
Personally, if your budget is limited, then online is an option and the most important thing is that people don't know the owner. Meanwhile, if you have a large budget, I want the casino to operate offline and online, essentially in one place, where we can reach a wider range of people.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: boyptc on March 11, 2024, 05:14:57 PM
I have been thinking about this a lot now and today again, I did the same, it's probably the right time to pour out my mind to my family on this forum, hope in return to get some great answers.

I know that it's not easy to run a casino, hire workers and some professionals and others, my question is. ....

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?
1. Both are completely different.
2. Expenses. Servers, subscriptions, licensing fees.
3. Both can hire as much as they can depending on their growth and the number of their customers and if the demand is quite high.
4. Offline/physical casinos.

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
There are no cloud security concerns that I have to be worried of with offline.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: noormcs5 on March 11, 2024, 05:26:58 PM
And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?

The biggest difference between the two is that with an offline casino (a physical one), you need to either rent a building/room in order to establish a casino or own a building and therefore the start-up cost is very high in an offline casino. Also, you need to abide by the state rules and regulations

As compared to this, offline casinos will have no cost on the assets, building and manpower though you need the developers, hosting and other virtual expenses. Also, you do not have to abide by the country's regulations as the gambling casino can be created anomalously without disclosing any identity or sharing any physical presence.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: un_rank on March 11, 2024, 05:47:42 PM
They are very much different to operate cause they have different characteristics.

In terms of legal licenses, they are pretty much the same. You would need to complete the requirements of the country in which the business is domiciled and every other one they operate in.

Finances are also different and depends on factors like; how many branches you want to open for an offline casino and how many countries you want to be available in for an offline one. But considering all factors it is cheaper for an online casino to be set up than an offline one.

Logistics, including manpower, active hours, etc favors an offline one as well.

Marketing is the same for both.

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
An offline casino

- Jay -

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: ryzaadit on March 11, 2024, 05:56:37 PM
All different.

However, from my perspective running online casino & offline casinos. The biggest different is the human source are needed for running the casino, online casino have less human resource comparing to offline casino.

If you like to be easy, then online casino is the answer.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Slow death on March 11, 2024, 06:02:20 PM
1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

no, they are very different things, despite being casinos, they are different in many ways. In the case of a physical casino there is a lot of bureaucracy, first the person needs to get in touch with the government and government authority responsible for licensing casinos, then the person will need to buy land to build the casino and it will not be an easy step because the land it will need to be located where the government authorizes the construction of the casino or else the person can also buy houses in the cities and destroy them to build the physical casino, this causes the person to spend a lot of money on buying houses, with the company that will tear down the houses and the company that will build the casino, while in the case of online casinos you only need to buy or code the casino website, pay for the server and coders, the cost is much lower in the case of online casinos

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

the casino owner only loses the money he spent on the costs of paying the coder to create the casino, server costs, employee salary costs and the losses he had when he paid the winning players with money from his pocket, but if If it were in the case of the physical casino, the losses would be much greater, because they would have to pay taxes, compensate the casino employees, because the employees of the physical casinos have an employment contract. After the casino goes bankrupt, the owner will have the cost of maintaining the physical casino because although it no longer works, the building still remains his and needs care until he can sell it.

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

the number of online casino employees is much lower than the number of online casino employees, owning an online casino is not easy, and it is not for everyone

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

Without a doubt, managing an online casino is much easier than managing a physical casino. In the physical casino, governments are more attentive and demand that physical casinos respect the laws, which is why there is a lot involved in managing a physical casino, lawyers work a lot in the physical casino, in the physical casino there is a legal department and a financial department, and human resources department and many other departments, in the online casino there is hardly a lawyer as a permanent employee, this is because they operate in many countries and do not even have a fixed headquarters, the license they have is not a license from a country that has strict laws

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?

I would choose to have a physical casino if I had a lot of money and if the feasibility study told me that it could be profitable, a physical casino is a long-term business, something like 10, 20 to 30 years and is closely related to tourism

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Queentoshi on March 11, 2024, 06:25:52 PM
Do not forget that you do not always need to be at the front of a business even if you are the one to finance it. The success of whichever you choose to manage will depend on the experience of the manager and if you know you have no experience as a new person in the business you can seek the employer a manager who has gathered some experience over the years.

which one would you go for if you have the resources?
I will go for establishing an online casino because the world is going digital, and many activities are now shifting to the online space.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: darkangel11 on March 11, 2024, 06:47:56 PM
You're trying to compare completely different businesses. Brick and mortar casinos have nothing incommon with online casinos apart from the fact that people gamble there. The whole idea is different, for instance you have to get local permits to run because it's a special type of business. It can't be next too schools, can't be in a residential building, you need permits for alcohol, you need security, a vault, cashiers...
I'm sure it's much easier to run an online casino, but the type of business differs greatly so it's like making an online game where you shoot targets vs running a shooting range.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: jossiel on March 11, 2024, 06:49:40 PM
I'll answer few from the questions of OP since the rest have almost the same thoughts and so as mine.

which one would you go for if you have the resources?
I will go for establishing an online casino because the world is going digital, and many activities are now shifting to the online space.
This makes sense, as much as I want to build an online casino if I'd be the one to choose because it's true that everything is becoming digital nowadays. Marketing is too easy as you'll just have to have an online presence coming up with people whom you hire and will run the campaigns.

While the rest will make your community stay in shape by being active with how they communicate through chats, socials and other platforms where you can build your community.

But I think that there will be point of time that many gamblers would like to be on an ambience dealing with different types of gamblers and having that physical presence. And with that, if it's possible, I'll build two, having that physical casino and those that are comfortable staying online, they'll also have their dedicated website.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: cabron on March 11, 2024, 06:56:20 PM

If I were to run a casino I would choose online casino. I think it's easier online and you as an owner can travel somewhere and still operate the casino with just the internet, it's much easier this way. Running an offline casino is a much more complicated business since you have to deal with people and authorities as well.

I'm sure you know the huge difference even when you don't own one today. Even when you have only visited an offline casino you can compare how hard it is to operate a traditional casino.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Odusko on March 11, 2024, 06:56:34 PM
First by engaging in such comparisons between online and offline casinos, you should be ready to outline alot of things that differentiate both and also be sure to have the right data and analyse them properly before a final statement about the two and by this, we need to have a real-time experience about two, and being just an end user alone will not give us the proper insight information and only those that engage innthe running and operating a casino can really tell us what it requires to have such a successful business.
Online casinos seem to be more flexible to run and also attract more customers compared to physical casinos.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: DiMarxist on March 11, 2024, 07:00:47 PM
This is not the first time such topics as been created by the Op and the answers have been provided from the previous threads, Op if I could remember you have such topics more in your profile because you have been creating topics on this for friends from the onset. But that is not withstanding. All the two are good to have fun.
But when we talked about population online casinos have more than offline because of the recent population explosion online online cryptocurrency casinos. And the two have advantage and disadvantage. Online could be stressful because of the monitoring and sleepless nights to make sure that gamblers satisfaction is provided while offline casinos has a limit in the day and once night full to some hours, you can close your casino hall and go home but online is not like that. Therefore the offline casino has more advantage than the online.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: electronicash on March 11, 2024, 07:06:41 PM

you would need a lot of money to run an offline casino. this includes the building. but it's much easier i think to establish something like this all you need are friends who gamble. and of course, friends of the same feathers gamble together and all they need is a proper place where they are not afraid of being caught by authorities.

with online casinos, there are already established ones and competing with them is an uphill battle. developing a new online casino will take time to see the money coming especially when the big and well-known casinos are preferred.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Dunamisx on March 11, 2024, 07:14:47 PM
1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

They are different, but the operators can decide to run the two altogether, but before then they have to consider the cost for the two and the required technicality in operating both, also the financial resource needed is very important in other to have a successful one.

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

If you're used to gambling platforms, their first target is to look for for how they can generate traffic, once this is achieved, their first fear is conquered,

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: BABY SHOES on March 11, 2024, 07:42:41 PM
1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?
No! It's different because some physical items must be present and the provisioning required will not be the same as an online casino.

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?
Loss, means they have failed to run the business, sometimes this is not easy maybe people think running a casino will be profitable but if they lack in marketing then the money will run out for ordinary operations.

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?
Like not, it will not be limited in recruitment in terms of the team they will choose in various countries because online casinos may be a little easier than offline casinos.

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?
I think online casinos, this is just my own assumption, while those who run will know which is easier and harder.

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
Of course it's online casinos.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Wexnident on March 11, 2024, 09:12:59 PM
1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?
What are we looking to find here in comparison anyway? Just the platform itself is different so I think that itself answers your question but if there's anything specific say, the variety of games, then no they're pretty similar.
2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?
Hosting stuff online takes money. Getting games to be used on their site also takes money. Maintenance also takes money. I guess the difference is how much it actually scales in comparison to offline casinos.
3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?
Depends. Just as there's engineers for buildings you want to manage the place, there's also engineers for the web.

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?
If you're the one doing the managing, offline. If not and you're hiring people? Online. There's a whole new special skillset in understanding how the web works so relearning that can be hard, unless ofc you hire people.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: komisariatku on March 11, 2024, 09:20:22 PM
I think to get a more accurate answer and from someone who is an expert in the world of gambling and casinos, you can ask in SirJohnVonSlotty's thread. You can find the thread here: AMA: I Operate an Online Casino (

I'd like to give my opinion, but this is just my assumption and may not be accurate

1. It's definitely different
2. The loss that occurs is when not many gamblers play there even though there has been a promotion with a large allocation of funds
3. The number of employees may be less but the funds for promotions may be greater than in land-based casinos
4. I don't know, but maybe both are equally difficult

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: borovichok on March 11, 2024, 09:32:33 PM
1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?
It's not same, in many ways.
Online casino does not need as many manpower as you need in an store
You are reaching to word-wide audience where with a store you are reaching to local audience.
Online casino heavily needs IT infrastructure where offline casino can only use a few slot machines and a cashier
Because the audience is wider you need higher budget for marketing or no one knows you where for the offline store, your local audience easily can see you store and become your customers.

I am in support of your opinion but let me throw more light. The reason online casinos require fewer manpower resources compared to offline stores is that many of the operations in an online casino are automated and can be managed with a smaller team. Tasks such as customer support and game management can be handled through digital platforms without the need for extensive human intervention. With online casinos, you can reach out to a worldwide audience since it can easily be accessed from anything part of the world that supports gambling. This is different from offline casinos that are limited to attracting players within their locality.

Due to the global audience reach of online casinos, they often require a higher marketing budget to promote their services and attract players. With intense competition in the online gambling industry, investing in marketing campaigns becomes crucial to stand out among competitors and gain visibility. On the other hand, offline casinos targeting local audiences may not need  so much marketing.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Adbitco on March 11, 2024, 09:33:23 PM
Offline casino is far more cheaper to run compared to online casino with offline casino it would be only control by you and people around your locality to come gamble or play and this also requires lots of players to play between themselves and it may not attracts more attention compared to when millions of people are having access to it online. The drum line is, running a local casino is more cheaper and doesn't generate profits as online casino because with online you get thousands of people visiting the site to play game and bet on any game they which to but it's more expensive to manage where you need to hire workers and someone who would keep maintaining the site.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: promise444c5 on March 11, 2024, 09:43:32 PM
I have been thinking about this a lot now and today again, I did the same, it's probably the right time to pour out my mind to my family on this forum, hope in return to get some great answers.

I know that it's not easy to run a casino, hire workers and some professionals and others, my question is. ....

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
The  ideology  is simple

Offline  Casino  => physical
Online Casino  => Virtual

Which is easier  ???  A lot of factor should be put into consideration before conclusion
Factors  like Cost of setup cost of maintenance among others are very essential  to put into consideration.

If one is to put almost all the factor into consideration , An online casino should be easier compared to an offline  casino ( Running casino isn't a easy  task generally)

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: acroman08 on March 11, 2024, 09:46:51 PM
SirJohnVonSlotty has a "ask me anything" thread, you should try asking about these questions on his thread[1], the guy seems to be very knowledgeable about the subject and he might be able to answer your questions accurately since he has been in the industry for a while now.

[1]AMA: I Operate an Online Casino (

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
if I had the resources, I'd go for an online casino, I feel like an online casino is far easier to start than an offline casino. while I know it might still be hard to open and keep it running, I think it is still far easier compared to opening an offline casino.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: dansus021 on March 12, 2024, 03:36:48 AM
Fist of all my answer here it is purely my opinion hahah because I never open a casino before

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?
I think it different offline casino is prestige when you watch in vegas or macau different with online casino and in my opinion the management team and etc is little bit different between offline and online casino

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?
Yes but in my perspective they still need to pay the slot game providers like pragmatic, Evolution, play tech etc. Either for their slot or their live card game.

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?
I think the online one but you do still need a lot of team.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: SeaCoinCollector. on March 12, 2024, 05:56:18 AM
1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?
2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?
3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?
4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?
And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
1. They are completely different. Offline casinos need physical space and staff, while online one require technology and online law compliance.
2. Simple. Revenue, tech, marketing, license and rule compliance.
3. I worked with an online casino before, overall, we were few but complete in the staff like tech, marketing, finance, etc. Offline casinos need more staff for security and services.
4. Online casinos, only need to stay updated with tech and market trends. While offline casino needs good locations, physical security, maintenance and law compliance.
5. They both have pros and cons but I'll opt for an online casino since it's convenient and I have a variety of games to choose from.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Strongkored on March 12, 2024, 07:48:02 AM
3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

Many of your questions can only be answered by casino owners, whether online or offline, because of course their experience will provide the real answers.
However, for question number 3, I have read that there are online casinos that are only run by one person, namely the owner himself and it is very possible that this is due to limited funds because he only started the business with limited capital or because he is able to do it himself but don't expect a casino like that will grow to be big because it is only managed by one person, which will make the response required by players slow, such as withdrawals or complaints and also limited funds will only make it difficult for the casino to survive because having an online casino business is not a business that will definitely provide profits, proven by many casinos online which eventually went bankrupt.

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
Neither of the two I would choose as the business I would run as it is not a common business also you need to be in a country that legalizes gambling if you want to be a casino owner including online casinos.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: adpinbr on March 12, 2024, 09:31:42 AM
I don’t really have much knowledge on this and I don’t know, but my advice is online is more better and easier than the off-line casino. If I am to advice on the best way, I will gladly tell you that you should follow the process of the online as you understand that is more better for me because I have seen a lot of Gambling of line that has been a lot of challenge. That is why online casino be more better on anything better, I mean, anything better or gambling online is more better for me because no one can decide it

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Wapfika on March 12, 2024, 09:49:07 AM

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?

Obviously no, you have no physical expenses such your building(taxes), lesser manpower, no electricity cost and other fix expenses applicable only for offline casino. Online casino is much lesser expenses and startup investment compared to offline casino.

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?
License cost, manpower cost and server cost but it’s less when you lose in offline casino because there’s a lot of investment at stake when building an offline casino.

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?


4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

Online casino ofc

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Fiatless on March 12, 2024, 11:31:29 AM
I know that it's not easy to run a casino, hire workers and some professionals and others, my question is. ....

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?
Both of them are the same kind of business which is gambling but the operations are different. Running a physical casino is like having a business with a office address or location. One can work into the casino and meet physical staff. But online gambling is running a casino on the internet. So there is a big difference between them.

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?
The question looks irrelevant to me because the intention for investing in any business is to make a profit. Don't also forget that large funds were invested to set it up, so not making money is a waste of investment.

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?
I have not managed a physical or online casino but common tells me that the former needs more personal. Online casinos can be automated and they could also apply modern technology such as AI to reduce staff. But physical casinos need people to be present to do the tasks.
4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?
Both of them are not easy to manage. Businesses face new challenges everyday so every business owner should be strong and skillful to handle these challenges. Also with a sound knowledge, right staffing and proper planning managing business would be easier. But I conclude that none of these type of gambling is easy to run.

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
I will prefer to go for online gambling because it promotes privacy, modern technology can be applied easily to it and it can be manged from any part of the world.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Hirose UK on March 12, 2024, 12:40:52 PM
Online casinos and offline casinos have clearly different business formats, there are many things that differentiate them and there are also many advantages and disadvantages of each of these businesses.
Business owners will always try to do whatever they can to get more customers and make as many profits as possible and of course competition happens so quickly that in the end online casinos are far superior.
Even though there are so many online casinos that fail to develop so that they are unable to meet the profit or income targets as expected, in the end casinos that fail to develop will only become shady casinos and try to gain profits by cheating or manipulating.
But all this does not only exist in online casinos but also offline casinos, those who cannot compete well will manipulate all types of games or bets with the aim that gamblers will only continue to lose.
This kind of thing is very normal and is no longer secret.

For the gambling business, we will be able to get more convenience in running it online, but we must have adequate support from a financial perspective because we employ team of experts in their respective fields.
If I had the resources and decided to run gambling business, online would be the choice I would prioritize.
Just look at the development of technology which has developed very rapidly and there is lot of artificial intelligence which can help make work easier and in terms of online gambling promotion it is far superior because almost all gamblers have moved online.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: aioc on March 12, 2024, 12:47:12 PM

I know that it's not easy to run a casino, hire workers and some professionals and others, my question is. ....

Here are my answers to these questions

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?
It's much costlier to run an offline casino because you need to set up a facility or building, hire employees and security, and be compliant with the country where you're casino is operating, of course they have to launch targeted marketing on people to play on their casinos because their coverage is limited based on their location.

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?
Not really that large, if they have recovered the initial cost, it's the maintenance and payout of the staff that are on their priorities list.

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?
That's true which is why new casinos are being launched the cost is not very high and so is maintaining the site.

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?
It takes a lot of planning and will take months and years to build the facility, hire and train staff, and fully operate physical casinos, while it only takes a few weeks to a few months to launch an online casino.

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
Based on my answers I'll go for online I can save money, time and resources, and its easy to recover the cost

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Apocollapse on March 12, 2024, 12:51:32 PM
1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?
1. Quite similar, the difference is online casino more efficient while offline casino, you need to visit the place, spend more time with employees etc.

2. Everything, the hosting fees, server fees, license fees, providers fees, employees fees etc.

3. Probably, but it's subjective. In online casino you need to find a good developer which make you need to spend a lot money than just looking for inexperienced people who willing to work and don't mind to get low salary on offline casino.

4. Offline casino I guess, there are many unexpected thing could happen in online casino e.g. hack, server down, virus etc.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: danherbias07 on March 12, 2024, 01:02:07 PM
Online casinos will be my pick.
Offline casino means you need to rent out a place for your structure which also means more expense and they are not cheap. Plus, there are lots of paperwork that need to be fixed like certificates and taxation. Although online casinos also have those there are other things that will be cut. Like sanitation and other things.
An online casino only needs an office, which means people are not getting in and out (only the employees) and that's another perk of it. Overall, I think it's way cheaper but you will have to find the right guys who will fix your website and be sure they are trusted. One mistake and one employee could wreck it all because there's no such thing as a secured vault when it comes to online money unlike physical casinos which are running with cash means you could see where it is going.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: summonerrk on March 12, 2024, 01:30:30 PM
And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?

The main differences between offline casinos and online casinos are the ease of access and the atmosphere of the game.

An offline casino requires large investments in renting premises, staff, and maintenance, but creates a unique atmosphere of excitement.

An online casino is easier to maintain, as there is no need for physical premises and staff, but it may lose some of the charm of a real casino. Each format has its pros and cons, and the choice depends on the goals and preferences of the owner.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Sunderland on March 12, 2024, 01:32:59 PM
1. Completely different
2. Time and Money
3. Yes, it will be impossible to run an offline casino with less than 5 people but it is still possible to run an online casino with only 5 staffs or even less.
4. The answer should be an offline casino but it also depends on the region, society, culture, tax, regional income per capita and else.

I prefer to run an online casino, low cost compare with offline casino and the world now is in the internet era.
Nowdays many of the land-based casino all over the world has shutdown their business.
Also online casino mean the regulations and licensing is not that strict as an offline casino.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: rozak on March 12, 2024, 01:33:56 PM
Online casinos will be my pick.
Offline casino means you need to rent out a place for your structure which also means more expense and they are not cheap. Plus, there are lots of paperwork that need to be fixed like certificates and taxation. Although online casinos also have those there are other things that will be cut. Like sanitation and other things.
An online casino only needs an office, which means people are not getting in and out (only the employees) and that's another perk of it. Overall, I think it's way cheaper but you will have to find the right guys who will fix your website and be sure they are trusted. One mistake and one employee could wreck it all because there's no such thing as a secured vault when it comes to online money unlike physical casinos which are running with cash means you could see where it is going.

Moreover, currently, online casinos certainly have a wider scope to get their users than offline casinos which rely on promotions to bring gamblers to the casino.
although I'm sure both still have their complexities in terms of operations. but now that everything is online, of course, there is more enthusiasm from online casino users because easier access must be considered when building this business.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: moneystery on March 12, 2024, 01:47:02 PM
1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

it's certainly different from running an offline casino and an online casino. when you run an offline casino, you need to hire staff and security, for your casino. you need to organize how to manage and maintain your various casino equipment. meanwhile, when you run an online casino, you need to hire programmers and staff to answer various user complaints. you also need to organize promotions and continue to communicate with game providers at your online casino.

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

depending on the size, if the online casino is as big as then you need to hire more people. but if it's only small, you don't need to hire a lot of people, just 10-20 people are enough. and the same goes for offline casinos, if your casino is not too big, then you don't need to hire a lot of people. so it is tailored to the casino's needs.

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?

if i had the resources, of course i would choose an online casino. because my experience with online casinos and programming is quite good and regarding management, online casinos are simpler compared to offline casinos.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: ethereumhunter on March 12, 2024, 01:59:13 PM
1. Basically, it's almost the same but the different is you don't meets your employees physically although some of your employee can lived around your city. You will used internet to communicates with all of your employees.

2. The online casinos can lose if the owner doesn't run any promotions to make money. The important things for online casinos is how the casinos promote and gets many visitor.

3. The number of hiring employee depends on the needs because if the owner can hire someone who can handle some tasks, the casinos doesn't need to have many employee.

4. There are no easier than the other because that depends on how you can manage it. If you can handle offline casinos better, it will be easier for and vice versa.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Maus0728 on March 12, 2024, 01:59:29 PM
1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
1. It's not the same because offline casinos, you've got to deal with the lease and upkeep of the casino and many more, compare that to an online casino, you just need to invest in a really good IT team and a management to deal with customer service and you'd be doing fine.

2. Probably the investment, that's it I think that in any business that does apply too because, you've got into that business because you've wanted to make money than your initial investment right?

3. Exactly, that's why it's easier to fund an online casino, less people to run it means less money will go to paying employees and more money for you.

4. It depends because being the owner doesn't mean that you've got to be the one that does that management, you can always hire someone to do it and you can just sit back and relax.

If I've got the resources, I'll probably run both that is if I'm allowed to pick that but priority would be offline since you have more money that you can get back there even when you don't profit from the gambling side.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: piebeyb on March 12, 2024, 02:07:18 PM
1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?
It's clearly different and moreover, if you look at the system, the way it works is already different between the two, that in an offline casino you might need a lot of workers in it, whereas in an online casino you might only need a few people to work on it so you can cut down on spending money on paying workers, but even if the workers are there Online casinos can be run by just a few people, but usually their salaries are very expensive compared to workers in offline casinos, everything comes back to the budget too, but as far as I know, online casinos don't need to have many workers to be active there.

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?
So far, online casinos rarely don't make a profit, let alone go bankrupt, usually they go bankrupt and don't get income because of lack of marketing. One important thing is that online casinos must be able to get loyal and active gamblers because gambling sites will never lose even though their users can win big. because they still make a profit, let's just say one user wins while 100 people lose at the same time. That's how it works in online casinos, that's why many gambling sites have sprung up lately because this is a profitable business without any loss. online casino losses depend on marketing.

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?
Online Casino

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: carlfebz2 on March 12, 2024, 02:23:39 PM
I have been thinking about this a lot now and today again, I did the same, it's probably the right time to pour out my mind to my family on this forum, hope in return to get some great answers.

I know that it's not easy to run a casino, hire workers and some professionals and others, my question is. ....

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?

1. No it wont really be the same because having offline does involve tons of works in compared on online but both does require good capital or big one.

2. No business would guaranteed out success, failure is still possible. So it would really be just that a normal thing to happen.
3. Staffs on offline is much higher in numbers in compared in gambling online casinos
4. Managing business is never been simple whether it involves online or offline.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Ruttoshi on March 12, 2024, 02:24:09 PM
To me I feel that online casino is less expensive to run than an offline casino.

The cost of setting up an online casino and running it is less expensive, because you have few workers and they operate in a virtual environment, making their overhead cost more affordable and less expensive. Getting the license is also not that expensive.

Offline casino is expensive to operate, because you will need infrastructures, which you will either rent the buildings or you buy your own buildings. You have to also train your workers on different areas with money, and more workers would be needed compared to online casinos, which all these put together makes it more expensive to operate than online casino.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: coin-investor on March 12, 2024, 03:00:36 PM
I have been thinking about this a lot now and today again, I did the same, it's probably the right time to pour out my mind to my family on this forum, hope in return to get some great answers.
I know that it's not easy to run a casino, hire workers and some professionals and others, my question is. ....
1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?
2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?
3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?
4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?
And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
Online casinos are much easier to set up you can set it up in a matter of weeks and everything is automated because of Cron jobs and you don't need a lot of staff it's very manageable, compared to offline casinos where setting up a facility and hiring staffs and training them will cost a lot of money and a lot of time.

In offline casino, you need a lot of managers to oversee the full operation of the casinos and you will spend on close circuit TV and security, something that you need to have in online casinos.

Both ventures are profitable but it takes a large organization to set up an offline casino, while online if you have funds and technical capability you can launch your online casino.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Alphakilo on March 12, 2024, 03:46:06 PM

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?
This is like eBay and Walmart. One is mostly an online business the other has physical offices.

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?
The sole aim of any business is to make money. To make money means to be able to renew licenses, getting latest security software for the website, adding new casino games and marketing. When this doesn't happen, the business dies. 

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?
While this may be true, it doesn't mean that the staff responsibilities are reduced. You still need the software guys, online customer support staff and others.

. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?
An offline casino. A novice cannot handle the management of online casinos. It is kind of complex and requires experienced hands.

which one would you go for if you have the resources?
Resources alone doesn't make an organization successful. You need the experience.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: YOSHIE on March 12, 2024, 03:50:59 PM
1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?
If this is what you have to ask, obviously everyone will answer 'not the same' in terms of how it's run, it's different, what's more in the game, it's clearly not the same even though both have the same type of game, the run is different.

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?
Obviously they will bankrupt the casino business they run, except: they try to cheat users to achieve maximum results.

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?
No, online casinos actually have higher visitors than offline ones.
Online casino registration is free and the money wagered is also unlimited.
Offline casinos are limited, visitors must be those who really have money.

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?
online casinos are easier to manage.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: 348Judah on March 12, 2024, 03:51:11 PM
To me I feel that online casino is less expensive to run than an offline casino.

The cost of setting up an online casino and running it is less expensive, because you have few workers and they operate in a virtual environment, making their overhead cost more affordable and less expensive. Getting the license is also not that expensive.

Offline casino is expensive to operate, because you will need infrastructures, which you will either rent the buildings or you buy your own buildings. You have to also train your workers on different areas with money, and more workers would be needed compared to online casinos, which all these put together makes it more expensive to operate than online casino.

While you're thinking about that, honestly i never own one before but base on my own view, id thought that the online casinos have more capital intensive than the physical, now regardless of the two state in which a gambling casino can exist, it is important that we know this, in setting up a gambling platform, it is capital intensive, we need more money to set up one and also needs a financial back up to make it a sustainable one if we don't want the business to fail after running a start, if there's no capital to fund for it continuation.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: tsaroz on March 12, 2024, 04:03:06 PM
I have been thinking about this a lot now and today again, I did the same, it's probably the right time to pour out my mind to my family on this forum, hope in return to get some great answers.

I know that it's not easy to run a casino, hire workers and some professionals and others, my question is. ....

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?

Running an offline casino depends on individual jurisdiction but have comparatively more restrictions and paper works compared to offline casinos. Most of the largest legal casino operating jurisdiction require you to have a large star hotel before you could apply for a casino license. So, the upfront cost, managerial cost, salaries, maintenance, all are high on offline casino. But when it starts to generate income, it's good and would keep on flowing unless you mess up bad.
Online casinos have lower upfront cost and even high potential as the users are visiting it virtual but the competition is high and so are security risks. You lag a bit in security, you are gone. A small misahndling of user can cost a lot more if you are an online casino.
If I had the resources i.e. millions of dollars, I'd go with offline casino's but if I have limited resource but good knowledge of programming a casino, I'd go with online one.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Yatsan on March 12, 2024, 04:05:30 PM
I have been thinking about this a lot now and today again, I did the same, it's probably the right time to pour out my mind to my family on this forum, hope in return to get some great answers.

I know that it's not easy to run a casino, hire workers and some professionals and others, my question is. ....

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
I'm not into running either online or landbased casino but to give my perspective, running these two has differences. One is with staffs, license, over all operation, and expenses for sure. These things will differ given that online and offline casinos has its own maintanenance depending on the platform it is being operated. Question number two is a bit confusing; does it aim for an act to flip things? Then maybe it is promotions and advertisements in order to gather as much as possible players on their site because that would help them achieve their intended profit goal. With third question, if it is with the number of employees to run the platform then I guess it would be somewhat the same however, given that with online dealers could be replaced by bots or AIs then I guess that would make a difference also with other services within a land based casino. Both are for sure hard to manage and are having its own difficulties in different forms as well.

If ever I will have the resources to run a gambling platform then I'd probably choose online gambling site. One reason is overall convenience with regards to accessibility and another is legalization of gambling activities in many countries; online gambling sites are somewhat more accessible than with land based casinos which often struggle with legal compliance.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: bayu7adi on March 12, 2024, 04:07:20 PM
4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?
I don't have an offline or online casino, but in my neighborhood there is a gambling place that is always busy with visitors every night. Because this gambling place only focuses on the lottery, it is only at certain times that there are lots of visitors.

If we relate to this topic, which touches on offline and online casinos, each model has different conveniences. Moreover, if the casino already has a fairly mature system, both offline and online, it will certainly reach a wider range of online players. So, it is very natural that the competition is not easy to have a successful online casino.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Rampagoe004 on March 12, 2024, 04:45:11 PM
1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?
2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?
3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?
4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other? 

1. Of course it's not the same. Online and offline casinos have their advantages and disadvantages. At online casinos you can work less and you can be anonymous. You can run an offline casino without requiring good technical skills in IT, but you have to take care of permits, licenses and follow the regulations in your jurisdiction.

2. Online casinos need IT experts who can run the systems and servers in your casino. Maintenance and operational costs are also higher compared to offline casinos. But online casinos have a very broad target market. If you can't make a lot of money from online casinos then of course online casinos will be worse than offline casinos because they have higher fees.

3. Do you want to recruit more people? Or recruit according to what you need? Online casinos do not require many people and that means it will be easier for you to handle your employees. But I think it is more difficult to find employees for online casinos than offline.

4. I think online casinos. You need a lot of money to start an online casino. But if you are lucky and you are willing to learn and develop your business, running an online casino that already has customers is much easier than an offline casino that already has customers.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Hispo on March 12, 2024, 04:47:10 PM
4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?
I don't have an offline or online casino, but in my neighborhood there is a gambling place that is always busy with visitors every night. Because this gambling place only focuses on the lottery, it is only at certain times that there are lots of visitors.

If we relate to this topic, which touches on offline and online casinos, each model has different conveniences. Moreover, if the casino already has a fairly mature system, both offline and online, it will certainly reach a wider range of online players. So, it is very natural that the competition is not easy to have a successful online casino.

It is very situational, in my opinion, on whether one is willing to try to reach a big market on the internet or go completely local and start a small gambling place in one's home. One of the biggest inconveniences (besides of the hive competition) within the community of online casinos and Bitcoin gambling, is how one could be targgeted by hackers and scammers in order to drain the bankroll one is using to keep the business going.
Keeping in mind it happened to Stake, then it could happen to any small one out there. Fortunately, Stake is such a big and reliable casino and it did not affect the operation of their casino. Though, if something like that happened to a small casino which is just starting, then it would be devastating.
Part of my family used to have a small lottery business and they kept it for a long time, hosting games at dusk, if they wanted to expand it, they could have but I assume it was never within their ideas.

If I was from a place with little access to internet, and I did not have enough budget to hire someone in charge of the cyber security of the casino, then I would not even try to start an online enterprise, better to buy a roulette and host parties in my porch.  :P

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: DubemIfedigbo001 on March 12, 2024, 07:11:11 PM
3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?
Yes, digital projects requires lots of hands to embark on the software development, maintains and upgrades. Secondly, project managers will be employed to help guide the activities of setting up the project.  Thirdly, the marketing team that will advertise the project

While in offline casinos, employers are the cashiers and the branch manager of the respective branch, the more the branches, the more the employees and most times, these branches needs no advertisement as the sign board alone is enough to draw gamblers to it. The more the number of branches, the more workers are employed to service that branch leading to more workers if there are many branches.

The main thing is that online casinos is very much capital intensive, you must have bulk money to embark on it in order to maintain, but offline casino can be started with limited funds, and expand  along the way.

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?
On A large scale, online casinos are easier to manage since its only the software that is centered upon as against offline casino that has different branches scattered all over and a lot of employees to manage differently.

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
Online casinos of course. As far as the software is performing accurately, your job is to keep updating the security features to ensure the system is free from hack and user funds are protected.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: entertheabyss on March 12, 2024, 07:59:44 PM
To me I feel that online casino is less expensive to run than an offline casino.

The cost of setting up an online casino and running it is less expensive, because you have few workers and they operate in a virtual environment, making their overhead cost more affordable and less expensive. Getting the license is also not that expensive.

Offline casino is expensive to operate, because you will need infrastructures, which you will either rent the buildings or you buy your own buildings. You have to also train your workers on different areas with money, and more workers would be needed compared to online casinos, which all these put together makes it more expensive to operate than online casino.
We're all different and also having different plans for gambling. We can't agree on a particular thing because we know what we're expecting. We calculate ourselves, the total expenditures before going into running casino. Both online and offline do costs money because it's a complex and broad sites to follow. I'm never giving up on my dream because it comes with alot of sacrifice. An online casino is more easier compare to offline that require more of physical strength and components to set. Remember, not everyone welcomes stress because this is the modern world where everything is been sorted online.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: hedgeh0g on March 12, 2024, 08:38:54 PM
First by engaging in such comparisons between online and offline casinos, you should be ready to outline alot of things that differentiate both and also be sure to have the right data and analyse them properly before a final statement about the two and by this, we need to have a real-time experience about two, and being just an end user alone will not give us the proper insight information and only those that engage innthe running and operating a casino can really tell us what it requires to have such a successful business.
Online casinos seem to be more flexible to run and also attract more customers compared to physical casinos.
Yes, online has more flexibility and location independence. Many online casinos have equal conditions of competition, while offline casinos are located in a specific country, which not everyone can get into due to the cost of flights from other countries and the lack of a visa, for example, Las Vegas is at the other end from me light, and I think that I will never find myself in it, although I would really like to go there once in my life. In general, offline is a relic of the past, but the atmosphere that is created there attracts many older players, because it can remind them of their youth, and such players also need communication there more. But time moves forward and I think that there will be a little less offline establishments, but the process will not be as fast as many people assume and I’m glad about it.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Fortify on March 12, 2024, 08:59:20 PM
I have been thinking about this a lot now and today again, I did the same, it's probably the right time to pour out my mind to my family on this forum, hope in return to get some great answers.

I know that it's not easy to run a casino, hire workers and some professionals and others, my question is. ....

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?

Realistically you need a huge amount of resources to get started in either of these two operations now and there are probably easier ways to earn more money if you're starting with large amounts. They both pretty much face the same challenges, but I'd say that it is probably slightly easier to get an online casino up and running - because while you have a whole set of different security challenges, that can still get expensive, you can outsource some of other elements of the operation more easily. Like possibly using third party customer services, employing third party security systems (in a cheaper way than physical buildings) and don't have to deal with as much violence that can come with some gamblers losing large amounts of money in a real world setting.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Aniel Jay on March 12, 2024, 09:24:36 PM
Running an online casino typically involves lower initial costs, broader market reach, and continuous accessibility for players. Offline casinos require substantial upfront investments, localized customer base, and face operational expenses but provide a physical social experience. Each has its own advantages and challenges, influenced by factors like target audience, regulations, and business objectives.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: fullhdpixel on March 14, 2024, 02:29:23 PM
I don’t really have much knowledge on this and I don’t know, but my advice is online is more better and easier than the off-line casino. If I am to advice on the best way, I will gladly tell you that you should follow the process of the online as you understand that is more better for me because I have seen a lot of Gambling of line that has been a lot of challenge. That is why online casino be more better on anything better, I mean, anything better or gambling online is more better for me because no one can decide it
Then why give an advice if you don't know much about this? Lol. I'm afraid they won't take you seriously but at least you are honest right? :D. For me, I think each ( offline and online ) has their own pros and cons. If it's true that online is easier, many are doing it and it will be hard for our business to stand out. We think online is easy because we only need a website, but what about the design and others? At the end of the day, a challenge is only normal but if one is truly eager, they can think of solutions to overcome it. About the last thing that you said, what do you mean by that? It may take time for some of us to decide but we can always choose if what we think is good for us.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: killerfrost on March 14, 2024, 02:33:39 PM
Many people think online casinos are a breeze to set up – all you need is a website, right?  Wrong.  Regulations, licensing, and building a secure platform can be just as costly as building a fancy brick-and-mortar casino.  It's like building a house – you might save on bricks, but the foundation still needs to be solid.

Online casinos don't have to pay for carpets or slot machines.  But don't underestimate the ongoing expenses.  Cybersecurity is a constant battle, top-notch programmers are worth their weight in gold, and keeping the platform running smoothly requires a dedicated team.  Those "cheap" online staff add up quickly.

While buying into an established online casino franchise might seem appealing, it's not a risk-free shortcut.  You're still on the hook for licensing fees and a share of the profits.   Think of it like buying a fancy restaurant franchise –  you might have a recognizable name, but success depends on your management and a bit of luck.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: someone703 on March 14, 2024, 03:17:27 PM
Online casinos exist in a curious state of efficiency. They're global amusement parks, accessible from any corner of the world with an internet connection. This global reach, however, comes at the cost of a scaled-down workforce. Unlike their brick-and-mortar counterparts, online casinos don't require an army of dealers, security guards, and waitstaff. Automation reigns supreme, with algorithms dealing the cards and resolving bets. It's a world of virtual croupiers and self-service entertainment.

This automation creates a fascinating paradox. While the online realm offers a wider audience, it fosters a sense of isolation. The camaraderie of a crowded casino floor, the clinking of chips, and the shared gasps of anticipation – these are all sacrificed for the convenience of the digital experience. The human touch is replaced by the sterile efficiency of code.

There's a trade-off at play. Online casinos gain efficiency and a global reach, but they lose the social aspects that define the traditional casino experience. They become solitary amusement parks, a universe of flashing lights and spinning reels devoid of the human connection that can make gambling so enthralling.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Wapfika on March 14, 2024, 03:23:16 PM
Many people think online casinos are a breeze to set up – all you need is a website, right?  Wrong.  Regulations, licensing, and building a secure platform can be just as costly as building a fancy brick-and-mortar casino.  It's like building a house – you might save on bricks, but the foundation still needs to be solid.

Do you even know that even offline casino has a license too and additional taxes for all their expenses. Their license cost is costly and much more requirements due to standards for their permits.

Online casino license can be done online if you have money. It’s expensive too but not as expensive as the physical casino. I really doubt that you can setup a brick and mortar casino using the funds for online casino operations. Maybe you are describing an alley brick and mortar casino and not the typical big casino that you can see on Vegas or even the cities of different country.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on March 16, 2024, 01:53:47 PM
Regarding Op's question, I consider that at one point I have also asked myself the same question, that is why I dare to answer based on what I think, I don't know if it is the best answer but I will be very sincere:

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

It is not the same, I consider that online casinos represent a greater expense of money due to all the regulations that must be met and apart from the expense in computer security, due to possible hacks.

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

A lot of money, obviously to set up an online casino you have to spend a lot of money on designs, security, marketing, licenses, among other things, they are very big expenses.

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

Maybe not, currently there are many tools that can help manage an online casino, for example the help of an AI is very useful for administration experts.

4.-Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

Based on my personal opinion, I would say that it is much easier to manage a physical casino than an online casino, in an online casino you have to manage many bosses for many of its departments.

I would choose, without a doubt, the physical casino, even though the physical casino would have to invest in security and in certain things that the online casino does not have, in this case incentives, such as gifts, meals, something like that, but that partly come out of the same losses of the players, even so I think that the expense is less than that of an online casino.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: noormcs5 on March 16, 2024, 02:22:04 PM
4.-Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

Based on my personal opinion, I would say that it is much easier to manage a physical casino than an online casino, in an online casino you have to manage many bosses for many of its departments.

I would choose, without a doubt, the physical casino, even though the physical casino would have to invest in security and in certain things that the online casino does not have, in this case incentives, such as gifts, meals, something like that, but that partly come out of the same losses of the players, even so I think that the expense is less than that of an online casino.

Actually, we don't own any online or physical casino, therefore we can only speculate as to which is easy to manage online or offline casino.
The ones who are actually involved in the two businesses can tell us the exact pros and cons of both setups.

However, I would not necessarily agree with the last question's answer that it is difficult to manage an Online Casino as compared to an offline casino. Don't you think that managing a physical casino is more difficult as you have to hire people, manage the building (rented or owned), manage the people coming to the casino etc etc. With online casinos, all of the things will be taken care of by the casino developer when it comes to the design and security etc and it is just a one-time payment as opposed to the physical casino where you have to pay the rent and hire staff to m whom you will need to pay monthly.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: qwertyup23 on March 16, 2024, 02:33:55 PM
I know that it's not easy to run a casino, hire workers and some professionals and others, my question is. ....

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

No they are different.

An online and an offline setting are different in multitude of ways given that there are different factors to consider especially in the handling of employees. In an online setting, what you need is an active customer service that can reply to queries as soon as possible. On the other hand, an offline casino must be present at the establishment at all times.

Though there are still many ways that they differ, the biggest difference here lies on the amount of capital needed. Operating an online casino is much cheaper compared when operating an offline casino since the latter requires you to have an establishment, etc.

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

If an online casino is not making much money as intended, then there lies somehow on how it is being operated.

Naturally, advertisements are key in order for your casino to be known by users. Also, there are operation expenses that are definitely needed in the online setting given on how crucial it is to attract users. Lastly, having rewards and bonuses can have an impact to future/potential customers for you to keep retention as high as possible.

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

Yes- the amount of people you hire in an online casino is relatively lower compared to an offline casino. The biggest difference is its nature- an online setting exists on the internet; while an offline casino requires a designated establishment which requires tons of capital for operation.

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

This actually depends but I do think that an online casino is relatively easier to manage due to its nature. Given on how flexible managing online platforms are, operating them may be simpler compared to operating an offline casino.

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?

I would definitely consider operating an online casino.

The shift from vising offline casinos to accessing online platforms is the new trend. More and more people are exploring technological advancements which means that products/services may very soon shift to an online setting.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: alani123 on March 16, 2024, 11:28:17 PM
Online casinos try to imitate offline casinos in many aspects. I think the more pronounced differences are in table games and slots though. At least if we're talking about the technical differences.

For instance, table games in offline casinos have much more relaxed rules. It's easier to play at an offline casino for a long time because statistically speaking, even with a bank that's not as big, the risk of ruin is much lower. However if you're noticed placing certain strategies that are akin to card counting the surveillance in an Offline casino would get to you eventually.

Online casinos on the other hand, even though they try to imitate the offline play stile with live dealers, have certain rules that make them much more random. For example frequent shoe changes, the shoe changes while it's half, you're not given as much freedom with splits etc. So all these eventually add up to having less options for a profitable strategy.

Now with slots, online slots tend to have a higher RTP, but always a higher volatility also. Players offline tend to want to win more frequently without caring about huge wins all the time. So offline has more variety for slots in terms of volatility, but online there's more variety in terms of graphics etc. So it's no wonder that many companies focus on promoting their slot games so much. With a high house edge, they can profit off of them a lot more reliably than with other games.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Casdinyard on March 16, 2024, 11:33:39 PM
I have been thinking about this a lot now and today again, I did the same, it's probably the right time to pour out my mind to my family on this forum, hope in return to get some great answers.

I know that it's not easy to run a casino, hire workers and some professionals and others, my question is. ....

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
As someone who's worked with webapp development as a community and project manager, and with an offline product which pretty much works like a regular casino as well, here are some of my thoughts and inputs

1. Running an online casino is way different from running an offline casino. When you manage an offline casino, it's almost always expected that your maintenance and management fees will always be a top expense on their end, not to mention the fact that they are going to be paying off employees as well, which is something that online casinos have been able to avoid for the longest time.

2. Capital for the most part. Money doesn't grow on trees, and even in-house employees and developers would need to be paid regardless of how they got hired or if they are a diehard employee. Not getting the proper attention and funding will lead to talents looking elsewhere and capitals being lost, projects going bankrupt and owners left with little to nothing to work with.

3. Yup. Most of the very expensive stuff that these online casinos have to shell out money on lies in UI and UX development, as well as backend and frontend along with licensing fees. All of these could be paid in one-time big time basis if they are hired on-the-go, and even if they were paid on a monthly basis they still would count as the highest paid employees in an online casino.

4. Online casinos all the way. most of the stuff that you'd have to really do that's major is make sure everything works and that you market the casino properly. Other than that you're good.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Oilacris on March 16, 2024, 11:39:05 PM
Many people think online casinos are a breeze to set up – all you need is a website, right?  Wrong.  Regulations, licensing, and building a secure platform can be just as costly as building a fancy brick-and-mortar casino.  It's like building a house – you might save on bricks, but the foundation still needs to be solid.

Do you even know that even offline casino has a license too and additional taxes for all their expenses. Their license cost is costly and much more requirements due to standards for their permits.

Online casino license can be done online if you have money. It’s expensive too but not as expensive as the physical casino. I really doubt that you can setup a brick and mortar casino using the funds for online casino operations. Maybe you are describing an alley brick and mortar casino and not the typical big casino that you can see on Vegas or even the cities of different country.
I could really say that offline/physical casinos are much more that expensive than on online ones but actually this isnt really something that could be precise because no one really knows
about the exact figures and numbers in speaking about in between gambling businesses but one things for sure that this business venture wont come cheap.
It is something that profitable and something that would really be that could make shorter ROI considering that this industry does have tons of gamblers or simply with the demand
then taking back your investment wont really be taking too much time. Hope that there would really be some sort of people who do know the actual figures.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: junder on March 17, 2024, 12:01:23 PM
Online casinos exist in a curious state of efficiency. They're global amusement parks, accessible from any corner of the world with an internet connection. This global reach, however, comes at the cost of a scaled-down workforce. Unlike their brick-and-mortar counterparts, online casinos don't require an army of dealers, security guards, and waitstaff. Automation reigns supreme, with algorithms dealing the cards and resolving bets. It's a world of virtual croupiers and self-service entertainment.

This automation creates a fascinating paradox. While the online realm offers a wider audience, it fosters a sense of isolation. The camaraderie of a crowded casino floor, the clinking of chips, and the shared gasps of anticipation – these are all sacrificed for the convenience of the digital experience. The human touch is replaced by the sterile efficiency of code.

There's a trade-off at play. Online casinos gain efficiency and a global reach, but they lose the social aspects that define the traditional casino experience. They become solitary amusement parks, a universe of flashing lights and spinning reels devoid of the human connection that can make gambling so enthralling.

I agree with you, currently popular online casinos can be accessed by many people all over the world with an internet connection and a cellphone or other gadget. Of course, this online casino has its own marketing strategy, such as being marketed by influencers who have many followers, sometimes they advertise it by doing live streaming so that many people see it because nowadays it is likely that everyone spends their daily lives using cellphones or other gadgets. have an internet connection. This is different from offline casinos which may only advertise their promotions directly so it's possible that not everyone can see them.

In my opinion, currently the most popular thing is online casinos, because they are easy to access by everyone who really understands, also in my opinion it is also easy to access them, for those who don't understand, if they are taught once, they will probably be able to understand in a short time. . and maybe this physical casino requires large taxes, because in reality this business is profitable online or offline the same. and licensing by law or government.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on March 19, 2024, 09:52:30 PM
4.-Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

Based on my personal opinion, I would say that it is much easier to manage a physical casino than an online casino, in an online casino you have to manage many bosses for many of its departments.

I would choose, without a doubt, the physical casino, even though the physical casino would have to invest in security and in certain things that the online casino does not have, in this case incentives, such as gifts, meals, something like that, but that partly come out of the same losses of the players, even so I think that the expense is less than that of an online casino.

Actually, we don't own any online or physical casino, therefore we can only speculate as to which is easy to manage online or offline casino.
The ones who are actually involved in the two businesses can tell us the exact pros and cons of both setups.

However, I would not necessarily agree with the last question's answer that it is difficult to manage an Online Casino as compared to an offline casino. Don't you think that managing a physical casino is more difficult as you have to hire people, manage the building (rented or owned), manage the people coming to the casino etc etc. With online casinos, all of the things will be taken care of by the casino developer when it comes to the design and security etc and it is just a one-time payment as opposed to the physical casino where you have to pay the rent and hire staff to m whom you will need to pay monthly.

Yes, I understand the point, but it is easier to manage than a large conglomerate where you have to deal with security, it is easier to deal with hiring staff and renting a site than to Complain to IT security because you let a certain amount be stolen of money? How does the Security entity respond? It is difficult, you cannot determine things like that, currently there Are many security updates, and all that has a big cost, the administration is not complicated, the hard part is the expense, and in a company what is sought is to reduce expenses and That everything is cheaper, that is the objective, in a physical casino the subcontracting of rental staff is only taken as a liability, but the mere fact of protecting Capital is everything, in a casino or online if all the security measures are in place. They are affected, everything fails and money disappears, and that is really delicate.

There are online casinos that do not last much, they become decapitalize and cannot respond to withdrawal requests, some say that they allow manual withdrawals, in a physical casino the movement of money is instantaneous, so for me it seems to be easier.

And that's right, it's difficult to Speculate , but roughly I see things like this, I've done some work for people in companies, but they don't have problems with hacks where their money is compromised, maybe their database or something like that. , but it is not worth Worrying about, however in an online casino that risk is always there.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Rengga Jati on March 19, 2024, 09:59:14 PM
1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?
There are several aspects that may be the same, but most will be different. Each casino, both online and offline, will of course have its own pros and cons. Such as in terms of operational costs, maintenance, taxes, employee salary, and others. because, offline casinos are much more complex and require higher costs, not only in setting up and building the casino but also in its daily operations.
Some of information here may be useful.

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?
It will depend on what kind of necessary they need and what kind of  casinos it will be.
If it is a large casino and requires many workers for each table, then that will result in quite large costs too. But on the other hand, online casinos also of course have to pay large costs for online advertising and other things.

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

Not really sure. But if  gambling is legal in such country, it won't be big difficulty to run offline casino. But if it is restricted, online casino will be much easier.  As in my country, gambling is restricted, but we can find out many online casinos, at  least we can find them out, so many, in the online advertisement.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Onyeeze on March 19, 2024, 09:59:23 PM
Many people who is intega gambling especially people who Gamble with casino does not like to Gambling offline they always concentrate on online gambling because that will be the easiest way for them to gamble but those ones who Gambling offline I don't think that then do win the gambling because they will not be consistent in gambling due to them must go directly to casino gambling Center before they can be able to stake their game, the things I understand in gambling is that it has to do with different things and opportunity neither you gamble offline or online its your turn to win gambling you definitely win gambling,

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Assface16678 on March 19, 2024, 10:08:15 PM
Well, to be specific, online or offline casinos have their own pros and cons. The pros of offline casinos are that if you gamble with such wealth, you have a guarantee that many more of its friends will be in your casino frequently. Also, as we all know, many people are still into physical casinos. The cons are that the expenses are greater, and of course maintaining a business is not that easy, so you will really have to be hands-on in the casino.

Meanwhile, we all know that online casino is much easier than physical casino, and that is the pros of online casino; it is more reachable by gamblers anytime or anywhere, and it will also be less costly than physical casino. The cons of online casino are that you have many competitors, meaning that we know that there's a lot of online casino right now. Your struggle is how can you market your online casino and what uniqueness you have in order for gamblers to choose your website to play on.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: redsun114 on March 24, 2024, 04:56:06 PM
1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?
No, it is not. Running an offline casino is way harder than running an online casino for so many things to be considered in both. Moreover, with certain limited feature you may run a complete anonymous online casino where you never require any licence nor regulation compliance.

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?
The money that has been used to create the casino, obviously, but matters like these can be tackled with good and improved marketing campaigns and promotional events run across different platforms over the internet.

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?
It surely is, you can start an online with a small team because it doesn't require a lot of people for you to be able to manage an online casino. Still, what are the things you cover in your casino is a big deciding criteria here. For example, if you include sportsbetting then you must need big to decent team for sure.

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?
Online casino is way easier to manage than an offline casino at so many levels including the ease of managing the employees, not a lot of regulatory issues, no issue of relocating every now and then for any reason, etc.

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
Online casino, without a doubt.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: danadc on March 24, 2024, 07:00:49 PM
Well, to be specific, online or offline casinos have their own pros and cons. The pros of offline casinos are that if you gamble with such wealth, you have a guarantee that many more of its friends will be in your casino frequently. Also, as we all know, many people are still into physical casinos. The cons are that the expenses are greater, and of course maintaining a business is not that easy, so you will really have to be hands-on in the casino.

Meanwhile, we all know that online casino is much easier than physical casino, and that is the pros of online casino; it is more reachable by gamblers anytime or anywhere, and it will also be less costly than physical casino. The cons of online casino are that you have many competitors, meaning that we know that there's a lot of online casino right now. Your struggle is how can you market your online casino and what uniqueness you have in order for gamblers to choose your website to play on.
Each casino has its advantages and as you can see, we or most of us have more action in online casinos, so it turns out to be easier, we are from home we are from the phone, all this can influence doing things better , I would say that since we are not in an online casino, the bad thing is the KYC, but knowing that things are always mandatory for this because there is a lot to talk about.

I rarely go to physical casinos, maybe it's because of my job, I don't have enough time to go to an offline casino, because you need to take half an hour or 1 hour to be able to play calmly, plus the atmosphere in a casino Offline is different because all the time you have a lot of things to do, to eat, to drink, so the experience is different from offline casinos, I think the administration of both is equally complicated.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Orpichukwu on March 24, 2024, 08:42:40 PM
Many people who is intega gambling especially people who Gamble with casino does not like to Gambling offline they always concentrate on online gambling because that will be the easiest way for them to gamble but those ones who Gambling offline I don't think that then do win the gambling because they will not be consistent in gambling due to them must go directly to casino gambling Center before they can be able to stake their game, the things I understand in gambling is that it has to do with different things and opportunity neither you gamble offline or online its your turn to win gambling you definitely win gambling,
There are people who were good with local gambling houses before they discovered online casinos, and they have diverted their attention to the online casinos, but that does not mean they don't like the local gambling houses again.
The thing there is that they might use the online casinos when it comes to easy access and privacy, but when it comes to some kind of fun, the gambling houses most times give a different kind of fun that it gives, especially when you go there and see your fellow gamblers either on the same fan team or on the opposite side, which you can debate with, and the rest of them debate and argue as long as it doesn't result in violence, giving a different kind of energy in gambling. 

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Frankolala on March 24, 2024, 08:56:53 PM
I have been thinking about this a lot now and today again, I did the same, it's probably the right time to pour out my mind to my family on this forum, hope in return to get some great answers.

I know that it's not easy to run a casino, hire workers and some professionals and others, my question is. ....

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?

1. They are similar but not the same because online casino is cheaper to run than an offline casino. This is because you will need a lot of physical things to put in place for a startup.

2. Online casino will be affected if they don't have much customers, and it might lead to packing up, because they need funds for maintenance and payment of their staffs, and whoever wins from the casino.

3. Yeah, online casino don't need much staffs like the offline casinos who needs a lot of staff in place to run the casino activities. They need security personnel.

4. I don't have a casino, so I cannot say which one is easy to run, but from the amount that is needed to set it up, I will go for an online casino, be ause there will be more customers than offline casino, due to easy access.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: South Park on March 24, 2024, 09:12:05 PM
I have been thinking about this a lot now and today again, I did the same, it's probably the right time to pour out my mind to my family on this forum, hope in return to get some great answers.

I know that it's not easy to run a casino, hire workers and some professionals and others, my question is. ....

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
The main difference between the two is the competition you will face and the costs, an offline casino only has as its competitors the local casinos that are near it, while an online casino is competing against all online casinos around the world, however offline casinos are way more expensive to run, as just the rent you will have to pay and the slot machines and other games you will need to put in place will be many times more expensive than what you will need to pay with an online casino, while you will need more personal to manage it, so all in all if I had the choice I will probably go for an online casino over an offline one.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: serjent05 on March 24, 2024, 10:09:25 PM

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

No they are different, even though they are both in gambling industry, there is huge difference in running an online casino from offline casino.  In online casino there is no need to rent a space in order to place the gambling games devices.  There is no need to hire maintenance people to clean the place and many more.

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

Money, time and effort.  If a casino is not making much money, their capital, time of planning and effort in implementing the plan are the one affected.

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

Yes the number of employee will be limited, online casinos only need web developer, customer support and their online security personnel.

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

I think online casinos are easier to manage because staff is limited, and all the activities are done online and is easier to monitor than the offline casinos.

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?

Definitely an online casino.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Oilacris on March 24, 2024, 10:23:32 PM
1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?
No, physical casinos do need more set up and would be having that bigger expenses considering that machines are far more expensive than coding.  :D

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?
Everything that involves digital which is unlike when offline casinos would be having.

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?
I do believe that online casinos are having that less staffs than on offline ones. We arent that blind on not to see and observe on which
is far more needing to exert effort and work in between the  two.

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?
Managing business is never been easy and even if online looks like simple but actually its not.

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
I would prefer offline casino on which this is something that getting much attention than online.
Im not sure somehow though.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: adpinbr on March 26, 2024, 08:41:57 AM
Well, are we just see this in general concerning online and offline crypto casino the both have their differences, I think the online make more money than the offline because of location, if you are running offline you will just have a limited gamblers that play in the area meanwhile online you can play from anywhere or even a different country.
Offline is just limited to a community meanwhile online you can play from different part of the country, I prefer online to Offline but if the online casino also have the offline that is more good

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: South Park on March 31, 2024, 09:59:20 PM
Well, are we just see this in general concerning online and offline crypto casino the both have their differences, I think the online make more money than the offline because of location, if you are running offline you will just have a limited gamblers that play in the area meanwhile online you can play from anywhere or even a different country.
Offline is just limited to a community meanwhile online you can play from different part of the country, I prefer online to Offline but if the online casino also have the offline that is more good
We must not forget the higher costs of offline casinos, the amount of money you will have to spend to get all of the slot machines and other games in place, the maintenance of the machines, paying all of that staff and the bills is simply too much, to the point it is impossible for any one person to start an offline casino anymore due to the high costs involved, so if a person wants to get involved in the industry they do not have too much of a choice but to try their luck with an online casino.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: wiss19 on April 02, 2024, 09:46:43 AM
Well, are we just see this in general concerning online and offline crypto casino the both have their differences, I think the online make more money than the offline because of location, if you are running offline you will just have a limited gamblers that play in the area meanwhile online you can play from anywhere or even a different country.
Offline is just limited to a community meanwhile online you can play from different part of the country, I prefer online to Offline but if the online casino also have the offline that is more good
We must nor forget the higher costs of offline casinos, the amount of money you will have to spend to get all of the slot machines and other games in place, the maintenance of the machines, paying all of that staff and the bills is simply too much, to the point it is impossible for any one person to start an offline casino anymore due to the high costs involved, so if a person wants to get involved in the industry they do not have too much of a choice but to try their luck with an online casino.
Those are much bigger concerns than the location part because finding a good location might not be that big of a problem. Still, as you mentioned, a person cannot simply start a casino if they have put together some money because it would require a huge budget for someone to start a land-based casino business. It's not possible for a normal person and only politicians, businessmen, and those who are millionaires can get into that.

When we talk about an online business, it doesn't require a lot of money from the person who is willing to start one, all one needs is a budget that can cover all the costs which aren't that much, and maybe a few colleagues to help manage the casino once it has been established.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Antotena on April 02, 2024, 12:42:07 PM
I have been thinking about this a lot now and today again, I did the same, it's probably the right time to pour out my mind to my family on this forum, hope in return to get some great answers.

I know that it's not easy to run a casino, hire workers and some professionals and others, my question is. ....

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

The operation is not the same but depending on what you call online and offline casino. Here in my place, casino aren't too patronized like they do in other places but sports bookies are many here. Howe, whether online or offline, you need to have a computer engineer that understands the web and the game structure for people to play.

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

They will lose money of course and that means they will be running on lost with less money available to service the running cost of the casino, you need money to settle the engineers and bookmakers may stop providing service to your casino.

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?

Online casino gives you advantage to hire less staffs but virtual staffs for online casino are damn expensive and also risky. You don't know what your staff that is remotely located will do to your casino, you don't know if you can trust. You need to have someone around you to work with you which I see as disadvantage.

Don't underestimate the amount that you will spend running a casino either online or offline, just know that online requires less staffs but that doesn't mean you wouldn't spend.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Quidat on April 05, 2024, 10:48:14 PM

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?

1. Same business, different set up or venue
2. If less demand then less revenue. Common sense
3. When it comes to staffs then it would be have more than when having that offline casinos.
4. Managing business? no matter what it is, its never been that easy. Tons of factors which you would be needing to check out.

If i do have the money or financial capacity?for sure i would really be creating one no matter what.
We do know on how profitable gambling business is, it is really just that too expensive or does require big capital
for building one.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: AmoreJaz on April 05, 2024, 11:01:31 PM
Well, are we just see this in general concerning online and offline crypto casino the both have their differences, I think the online make more money than the offline because of location, if you are running offline you will just have a limited gamblers that play in the area meanwhile online you can play from anywhere or even a different country.
Offline is just limited to a community meanwhile online you can play from different part of the country, I prefer online to Offline but if the online casino also have the offline that is more good
We must nor forget the higher costs of offline casinos, the amount of money you will have to spend to get all of the slot machines and other games in place, the maintenance of the machines, paying all of that staff and the bills is simply too much, to the point it is impossible for any one person to start an offline casino anymore due to the high costs involved, so if a person wants to get involved in the industry they do not have too much of a choice but to try their luck with an online casino.

The business permit alone to operate a gambling business is already tedious for offline casino, let alone all the infrastructures to be placed inside. Gambling license for online casinos for me is much easier as you can transact online like the one from Curacao gaming license.

Offline gambling business will need a lot of funds before you even begin with your operations, whereas, online casinos may need few bucks to start with. But both will need long-term plans to sustain the business. Launching may be easy for online, but the sustenance is hard as the competition is getting tough owed to numerous online sites available.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Sanitough on April 05, 2024, 11:17:54 PM
Well, are we just see this in general concerning online and offline crypto casino the both have their differences, I think the online make more money than the offline because of location, if you are running offline you will just have a limited gamblers that play in the area meanwhile online you can play from anywhere or even a different country.
Offline is just limited to a community meanwhile online you can play from different part of the country, I prefer online to Offline but if the online casino also have the offline that is more good
We must nor forget the higher costs of offline casinos, the amount of money you will have to spend to get all of the slot machines and other games in place, the maintenance of the machines, paying all of that staff and the bills is simply too much, to the point it is impossible for any one person to start an offline casino anymore due to the high costs involved, so if a person wants to get involved in the industry they do not have too much of a choice but to try their luck with an online casino.

The business permit alone to operate a gambling business is already tedious for offline casino, let alone all the infrastructures to be placed inside. Gambling license for online casinos for me is much easier as you can transact online like the one from Curacao gaming license.

Offline gambling business will need a lot of funds before you even begin with your operations, whereas, online casinos may need few bucks to start with. But both will need long-term plans to sustain the business. Launching may be easy for online, but the sustenance is hard as the competition is getting tough owed to numerous online sites available.

That's why those who tries to operate a physical casino will do every business analysis to ensure that what they have invested will result to a proper in an expected time. I guess we call them the big boys in the gambling industry, as not only they run a casino although that's their main but they are also making money with their hotels and other facilities that gamblers could use and enjoy during their stay. Let's consider vegas for example, they are popular for a reason and despite the advente of online casinos, they still stand strong with their growing business.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: alegotardo on April 05, 2024, 11:32:55 PM
I have been thinking about this a lot now and today again, I did the same, it's probably the right time to pour out my mind to my family on this forum, hope in return to get some great answers.

I know that it's not easy to run a casino, hire workers and some professionals and others, my question is. ....

Can I answer you openly with my opinion?

I believe that in an online casino your investment is smaller, the chance of reaching a larger audience is greater and the risks are much lower.
In an online casino you can already outsource a lot of things or even integrate ready-made solutions. Work with trusted software providers to ensure your casino is packed with high-quality games that will attract and retain players. This could include a varied range of slots, classic table games like blackjack and roulette, poker, bingo and perhaps even a sports betting offer. The possibilities are countless, much greater than in a physical casino.

Another crucial aspect of creating an online casino is licensing and regulatory compliance, which in my opinion should be much easier to obtain and less bureaucratic than for a land-based casino. To operate an online casino legally and transparently, you need to obtain a proper gaming license. The jurisdiction in which you choose to obtain your license will determine the laws, rules and regulations you will need to adhere to, but remember that you can open your website in any country, so look for one that suits your needs, some of the gaming jurisdictions Most popular and respected include Malta, Gibraltar, the Isle of Man and Curacao.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: 2Pizza410000BTC on April 05, 2024, 11:54:52 PM
I have been thinking about this a lot now and today again, I did the same, it's probably the right time to pour out my mind to my family on this forum, hope in return to get some great answers.

I know that it's not easy to run a casino, hire workers and some professionals and others, my question is. ....

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
In my view, running an online and offline casino is almost the same. Because if you think deeply, you can see that running an offline casino requires exactly the same things as running an online casino, but in this case, some money may be different in the case of an online casino platform because the number of people to run an online casino platform and online may be a bit more complicated. In terms of management, running an online casino platform is a bit more difficult than an offline casino platform. Although a bit difficult, running an online casino platform is very profitable because online casinos can be joined from anywhere in the world but offline casinos cannot be joined by anyone from anywhere in the world. If I have the resources I will never go to an offline casino I will always rely on online casinos because I must use online to protect my privacy.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: dezoel on April 06, 2024, 07:09:35 PM
Offline gambling business will need a lot of funds before you even begin with your operations, whereas, online casinos may need few bucks to start with. But both will need long-term plans to sustain the business. Launching may be easy for online, but the sustenance is hard as the competition is getting tough owed to numerous online sites available.
Well, starting an online casino would also require a lot of money and not just a few bucks because there are expenses such as buying games, creating the platform by hiring developers, hiring customer service agents, and having an office to manage everything though this can be managed through an in-house office but still, if you have more employees, you will need a bigger space, and on top of everything, marketing expenses.

An online casino can only be profitable if you have an amazing marketing team that knows how it's done so that the team can create marketing campaigns that would bring a lot of gamblers for the platform because as you said, there is a lot of competition in the online gambling industry and it's not easy to compete with casinos that have been operating for so long.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Sunderland on April 06, 2024, 08:13:13 PM
Offline gambling business will need a lot of funds before you even begin with your operations, whereas, online casinos may need few bucks to start with. But both will need long-term plans to sustain the business. Launching may be easy for online, but the sustenance is hard as the competition is getting tough owed to numerous online sites available.
Well, starting an online casino would also require a lot of money and not just a few bucks because there are expenses such as buying games, creating the platform by hiring developers, hiring customer service agents, and having an office to manage everything though this can be managed through an in-house office but still, if you have more employees, you will need a bigger space, and on top of everything, marketing expenses.

Yeah it also takes a lot of money to start an online casino. Casino owners would cry if they read "only cost a few bucks to create their platform" lol.
The cost to build a land based casino will always be expensive because the owner must buy or rent many assets such as land, buildings, machines, equipment for games, etc + license and tax which more expensive than an online casino.
I dont think its possible to build a land based casino with only $300K, but that amount would be enough to build an online casino.

An online casino can only be profitable if you have an amazing marketing team that knows how it's done so that the team can create marketing campaigns that would bring a lot of gamblers for the platform because as you said, there is a lot of competition in the online gambling industry and it's not easy to compete with casinos that have been operating for so long.

Yep, online casino marketing costs can be bigger than the costs of creating the platform itself.
Online casinos that only locate a small amount of funds for marketing will certainly not survive long enough compared to their competitors who are more aggressive in terms of marketing.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: iv4n on April 06, 2024, 08:32:14 PM
And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?

You asked some interesting and extensive questions, and going through the comments I read a lot of interesting answers... some I agree with some I don't. First of all, I think we can't generalize these things, it's not only a question of which casinos earn more, but it is also a question of where they are located, in which countries they operate, and whether they have enough qualified people (I would say that is the most important factor). Without qualified people, every business will fail sooner or later.

I quoted just the last question for a reason. Since I am not qualified enough to run an offline/online casino I think I would probably hire someone to do that for me and continue to be a gambler. I guess it's like that with many others from here.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: btc_angela on April 06, 2024, 08:42:37 PM
Well, are we just see this in general concerning online and offline crypto casino the both have their differences, I think the online make more money than the offline because of location, if you are running offline you will just have a limited gamblers that play in the area meanwhile online you can play from anywhere or even a different country.
Offline is just limited to a community meanwhile online you can play from different part of the country, I prefer online to Offline but if the online casino also have the offline that is more good
We must nor forget the higher costs of offline casinos, the amount of money you will have to spend to get all of the slot machines and other games in place, the maintenance of the machines, paying all of that staff and the bills is simply too much, to the point it is impossible for any one person to start an offline casino anymore due to the high costs involved, so if a person wants to get involved in the industry they do not have too much of a choice but to try their luck with an online casino.

The business permit alone to operate a gambling business is already tedious for offline casino, let alone all the infrastructures to be placed inside. Gambling license for online casinos for me is much easier as you can transact online like the one from Curacao gaming license.

Offline gambling business will need a lot of funds before you even begin with your operations, whereas, online casinos may need few bucks to start with. But both will need long-term plans to sustain the business. Launching may be easy for online, but the sustenance is hard as the competition is getting tough owed to numerous online sites available.

That's why those who tries to operate a physical casino will do every business analysis to ensure that what they have invested will result to a proper in an expected time. I guess we call them the big boys in the gambling industry, as not only they run a casino although that's their main but they are also making money with their hotels and other facilities that gamblers could use and enjoy during their stay. Let's consider vegas for example, they are popular for a reason and despite the advente of online casinos, they still stand strong with their growing business.

If we look at the casinos in Las Vegas, it's mostly operated by group of individuals who are really into this business, like Wynn and others so they know what they are doing and yeah, they are the big boys in the gambling industry. But online is totally different, it's like a wild wild west. Anyone can open their casinos, if they have the budget, but it's hard to maintain it as competition is very hard.

Just like in this community, we have like 5-6 competing and high level casinos, they could be earning big amount of money right now, but they really have to awaken the gamblers here with their promotions to stay and play with them.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: uneng on April 06, 2024, 08:50:03 PM
1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?
Just like any other business, they have to close the doors if they aren't making enough income to keep the business sustainable. Some crypto online casinos have already ceased their services, but I'm not sure why they did it, since it seems unlikely their platforms weren't making profit. I believe it was due to low traffic of gamblers, generating less money than they intended, as you said.

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?
It depends on the number of customers they have. More customers mean the platform needs more employees. Anyway, it will be always proportional to the profit made. So, for online casinos, even if they have to hire more employees than a small offline casino, it's still a good deal, because it means they are making huge income which is pretty enough to pay everyone and still make big income for the owners.

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?
It also depends on the size of the casino. A small offline casino can be easier to manage than a global online platform. The pros of online casinos is the convenience of managing them, since everything is done virtually, through electronic devices, so you can work and manage the platform from anywhere where there is internet connection.

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
Online casino. Nowadays it's the best alternative for entrepreneurs and that is what many people are doing. If I had interest in exploring this niche of the industry I would go for a 100% digital platform. The potential customers you can achieve is also superior to offline casinos, which are pretty restricted on the range the business operates.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Huppercase on April 06, 2024, 08:51:58 PM
1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

The running is the same because they both involved players playing, the same thing but the little difference is the online and offline, onw require you to go to a place where there is gambling and the other one need just any device that can get you and internet.

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

It's definitely profits, if you are not making much money, it's means that you will be making loss and that means they will be losing much on the profits the casino is expected to make at then end of the month or th year.

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

I think depends on how large the offline casino is. If the offline casino is large, you will need much number of staffs to manage it together but if it's small, then you need just few people but as for online casino, even if the games are large in number or small in number, you can hire any numbers you think it's okay for the online casino. However, you need to have a web developer to be active if you own online casino.

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?

Casino are all diffict to manage and supervise. I think online can only be supervise by a web developer but as for offline  casino, you need every staff to be available to monitor your business and every activities.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: GxSTxV on April 06, 2024, 09:07:08 PM
1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?
It is totally a different thing from many perspectives, starting with the ability of running a real casino and launching it, this one requires a license and legality of your county for gambling, as long as you are not in a country where gambling in legal or allowed then you can’t even start one, in my county for instance there is 0 legal open casino. If you are in a country where gambling and casinos are allowed, you will need to start full documentation and registration to have your license first, hiring workers and buying machines, systems and buildings that you are willing to use and provide for gamblers.
While online casinos, I believe anyone with a good capital can buy a license and start one, some companies are selling ready to use templates and scripts.

The first thing that can help you decide which investment is better for you is the size of the casino, as you can start a small offline casino where you can sell sport tickets or have few tables. Same as running a small online casino with few games or using only slots offered by providers.

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
I would definitely go for online casino, especially that in my region we are not allowed to start any gambling business.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: |MINER| on April 06, 2024, 09:34:52 PM
I will say that obviously running a authentic online casino is not a easy job and also it not a deal of small funds investing it may be looks simple but there many things are included what is made it harder than physical offline casinos. Most of the offline casino is local people based and on the others and online casino work with globally. And here lot of thing to do designing of casino development with the era and the technical supports and security and licensing. And also the proper marketing which are not included into a physical offline casino.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: criptoevangelista on April 06, 2024, 09:41:13 PM
It's the same thing as opening a physical and digital store, with physical stores the costs increase considerably, it's the location, decoration, employees, taxes, rent, maintenance...

Online the number of employees is very small, you just need to have a good website, maybe a good subscription campaign to promote it... and start working, there will be much more profit left over than in a physical casino, for sure.

In short... online Casino is the best option.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: entertheabyss on April 07, 2024, 05:37:55 AM
I will say that obviously running a authentic online casino is not a easy job and also it not a deal of small funds investing it may be looks simple but there many things are included what is made it harder than physical offline casinos. Most of the offline casino is local people based and on the others and online casino work with globally. And here lot of thing to do designing of casino development with the era and the technical supports and security and licensing. And also the proper marketing which are not included into a physical offline casino.
The odds of engaging in gambling is highly risky. The offline and online casino are both recommendable but we tends to follow the one that's does suit our style in the system. Be ready to face the pretty rough path and also dive in for improved phase of the system. Everything connecting to a casino does require money. We should be ready to face profits and losses because we'll be seeing these results steadily without any significant changes.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Ever-young on April 07, 2024, 06:49:18 AM
I will say that obviously running a authentic online casino is not a easy job and also it not a deal of small funds investing it may be looks simple but there many things are included what is made it harder than physical offline casinos. Most of the offline casino is local people based and on the others and online casino work with globally. And here lot of thing to do designing of casino development with the era and the technical supports and security and licensing. And also the proper marketing which are not included into a physical offline casino.
The odds of engaging in gambling is highly risky. The offline and online casino are both recommendable but we tends to follow the one that's does suit our style in the system. Be ready to face the pretty rough path and also dive in for improved phase of the system. Everything connecting to a casino does require money. We should be ready to face profits and losses because we'll be seeing these results steadily without any significant changes.

Whether online or offline casinos, it really doesn't matter because both can be both pleasurable and harmful at the same time, but it depends on how you approach them, that's why people who go into gambling should do so with the understanding that we may face both wins and losses and also prepare for whatever outcome we meet, and we should also know that the chances of losing money is way more higher than the chances of winning.
More than anything people should try more to approach gambling with a sense of responsibility and awareness of the potential risks involved in gambling, perhaps this could help gamblers make more informed and responsible decisions while gambling.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Mauser on April 07, 2024, 07:28:41 AM
1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

1. No, I would say the two are very different from each other and can't be compared that easily. A physical casino needs staff to run the games, the people need breaks and vacation and won't be available all the time. Online casinos are all about the software and games that are available 24/7 all around the world. Security here is all about IT and protecting the money of the clients. As with a physical casino it's all about security personnel that is trained and can spot people abusing the games like card counters.

2. The fix cost of online casinos is definitely lower; they have a much smaller head count and don't need to rent a fancy building for their operations. It's easier to close down the online casino than with a physical casino.

3. Not really, you can hire as many people as you make profits with your online casino. Having more people available means that your support staff can resolve issues much faster and you can develop new games also much faster. I don't think that there is a fixed number of employees a online casino can have.

4. This is hard to say and depends on the type of casino. If you are looking at one of the large casinos in Las Vegas than I would say it's much harder to run such a huge operation with hotel, restaurants, bars, shops and the casino itself. There is such a high number of employees and visitors that requires a lot of management.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: KiaKia on April 07, 2024, 09:04:20 AM
I have been thinking about this a lot now and today again, I did the same, it's probably the right time to pour out my mind to my family on this forum, hope in return to get some great answers.

I know that it's not easy to run a casino, hire workers and some professionals and others, my question is. ....

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?

Offline casinos target the local audience and this doesn't mean they can't be successful, someone once told me that if I want to run a offline casino I should move to Las Vegas, its a base for gamblers and every offline casinos always have customers.

Online casinos have no limit here, it always target world wide audiences, in most parts of the world, this shows that running a online casino can brings more success than an offline casino.

It is also easier to run an online casino by two or three persons, you don't need a large numbers of workers and in fact, online casino is better in this area, you pay fewer workers and you also make more money, in return you get more customers since all they need is your website, not your actual location.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: betswift on April 07, 2024, 10:02:48 AM
Running an offline casino versus an online one offers different challenges and opportunities. Offline casinos require more physical infrastructure and staff, making them potentially costlier and more complex to manage. Online casinos, while possibly easier and cheaper to set up due to less need for physical space and fewer staff, face their own challenges, like cybersecurity and creating a compelling digital experience.

As for ease of management, online casinos might edge out simply because of logistics and the ability to automate many processes. However, each type has its unique managerial challenges.

If I had the resources, my choice between the two would hinge on personal interest in the interactive experience of either an online platform or the tactile, social atmosphere of an offline casino. Both have the potential to be rewarding ventures with the right approach.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: ethereumhunter on April 07, 2024, 10:56:38 AM
Whether online or offline casinos, it really doesn't matter because both can be both pleasurable and harmful at the same time, but it depends on how you approach them, that's why people who go into gambling should do so with the understanding that we may face both wins and losses and also prepare for whatever outcome we meet, and we should also know that the chances of losing money is way more higher than the chances of winning.
More than anything people should try more to approach gambling with a sense of responsibility and awareness of the potential risks involved in gambling, perhaps this could help gamblers make more informed and responsible decisions while gambling.
Running online casino and offline casino will have different in everything. The business type is also different although online and offline casino have the same target which is the gamblers. The internet will be the help for the online casino to grows fast and online casino can gets many customers from all countries, especially if many people comes from the country that allows gambling.

But people who wants to playing gambling, they will needs to search which casino that can gives them convenient and they needs to find by themselves. Some people wants to playing gambling in online casino but the other people wants to stay at the offline casino. Different people will have different wants to playing gambling so we must search what we wants. Maybe we can try one by one of the online and offline casino to knows the difference.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: South Park on April 07, 2024, 08:53:09 PM
I have been thinking about this a lot now and today again, I did the same, it's probably the right time to pour out my mind to my family on this forum, hope in return to get some great answers.

I know that it's not easy to run a casino, hire workers and some professionals and others, my question is. ....

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?

Offline casinos target the local audience and this doesn't mean they can't be successful, someone once told me that if I want to run a offline casino I should move to Las Vegas, its a base for gamblers and every offline casinos always have customers.

Online casinos have no limit here, it always target world wide audiences, in most parts of the world, this shows that running a online casino can brings more success than an offline casino.

It is also easier to run an online casino by two or three persons, you don't need a large numbers of workers and in fact, online casino is better in this area, you pay fewer workers and you also make more money, in return you get more customers since all they need is your website, not your actual location.
However the issue with running an online casino is to secure it properly against external threats like hackers, because unlike with what happens with an offline casino, the threats you will have to endure are global, while at the same time hackers have all the time on the world to find a single vulnerability, so even if you could repeal most attacks, as long as one is successful that could be enough not only to make you lose a lot of money, but such a hack could also ruin the reputation of that casino and make it disappear.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: dothebeats on April 07, 2024, 09:10:01 PM
I have been thinking about this a lot now and today again, I did the same, it's probably the right time to pour out my mind to my family on this forum, hope in return to get some great answers.

I know that it's not easy to run a casino, hire workers and some professionals and others, my question is. ....

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?

Offline casinos target the local audience and this doesn't mean they can't be successful, someone once told me that if I want to run a offline casino I should move to Las Vegas, its a base for gamblers and every offline casinos always have customers.

Online casinos have no limit here, it always target world wide audiences, in most parts of the world, this shows that running a online casino can brings more success than an offline casino.

It is also easier to run an online casino by two or three persons, you don't need a large numbers of workers and in fact, online casino is better in this area, you pay fewer workers and you also make more money, in return you get more customers since all they need is your website, not your actual location.
However the issue with running an online casino is to secure it properly against external threats like hackers, because unlike with what happens with an offline casino, the threats you will have to endure are global, while at the same time hackers have all the time on the world to find a single vulnerability, so even if you could repeal most attacks, as long as one is successful that could be enough not only to make you lose a lot of money, but such a hack could also ruin the reputation of that casino and make it disappear.

And this is why you need to hire cybersecurity experts that are really the experts in the field. If you will be skimping on this aspect of your casino, then I see no reason why you still want to pursue the casino business in the first place. As you said, one single attack can ruin the whole operation, so it's best to not let that attack happen at all, and you can only do that by hiring the right people to do the job.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: DaNNy001 on April 07, 2024, 09:15:38 PM
I will say that obviously running a authentic online casino is not a easy job and also it not a deal of small funds investing it may be looks simple but there many things are included what is made it harder than physical offline casinos. Most of the offline casino is local people based and on the others and online casino work with globally. And here lot of thing to do designing of casino development with the era and the technical supports and security and licensing. And also the proper marketing which are not included into a physical offline casino.
The odds of engaging in gambling is highly risky. The offline and online casino are both recommendable but we tends to follow the one that's does suit our style in the system. Be ready to face the pretty rough path and also dive in for improved phase of the system. Everything connecting to a casino does require money. We should be ready to face profits and losses because we'll be seeing these results steadily without any significant changes.

Whether online or offline casinos, it really doesn't matter because both can be both pleasurable and harmful at the same time, but it depends on how you approach them, that's why people who go into gambling should do so with the understanding that we may face both wins and losses and also prepare for whatever outcome we meet, and we should also know that the chances of losing money is way more higher than the chances of winning.
More than anything people should try more to approach gambling with a sense of responsibility and awareness of the potential risks involved in gambling, perhaps this could help gamblers make more informed and responsible decisions while gambling.
We all know this but to stop it is very hard for those that lack self discipline and that's why many people have fallen victim to the harmful effects that comes with gambling, sometimes all what we ever think of is to actually find anything at all that can yield small profits and in this course some persons relate it to Gambling which is really sad because it takes a well discipline mind and person to gamble and not turn addicts.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: stomachgrowls on April 07, 2024, 09:19:22 PM

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

1. Running online ones is much not that hassle since everything would be done offline, not speaking about physical hardwork and hassles.
2. Losing capital or revenue or whatsoever would really be just that the same in speaking about physical ones. There's no much difference.
3. Staffs on running an online which would really be less rather than on a physical or offline one.
4. Managing business is never been easy, big or small. There would really be no exemption.

It would really be just that a matter of choice as an investor on which one you would really be referring on trying out to deal on with.
Whether you do go offline or online, then it would be depending on risks appetite and preference.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: erep on April 07, 2024, 10:11:10 PM
And this is why you need to hire cybersecurity experts that are really the experts in the field. If you will be skimping on this aspect of your casino, then I see no reason why you still want to pursue the casino business in the first place. As you said, one single attack can ruin the whole operation, so it's best to not let that attack happen at all, and you can only do that by hiring the right people to do the job.
Every casino definitely employs professional staff to handle access security issues and important data, so they work to protect the security system from hacker attacks and immediately update the system after bugs are found which can become a major problem that must be resolved immediately. The job of security staff is very hard to keep website access smooth without being affected by hacker threats, they are the main gate that keeps casinos safe from hacker threats.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: EarnOnVictor on April 23, 2024, 08:27:03 AM
I have been thinking about this a lot now and today again, I did the same, it's probably the right time to pour out my mind to my family on this forum, hope in return to get some great answers.

I know that it's not easy to run a casino, hire workers and some professionals and others, my question is. ....

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?
Perhaps, it's time for you to own your casino and I can't but wish you well in this quest. After all, those who own it today started conceiving it the way you do now. You should go ahead with this if you so desire.

As for your questions,

1. Well, it depends on you, because the capacity of the casino matters. You may have a physical structure that will be worth a little bucks, while the weekly running costs of a certain online casino will be multiple of the entire money you spend on it. And you may have an online casino that will be worth less to the point that the money you spent to put it together and the gains you make in it in 10 years will still not be able to pay for the ordinary physical structure of some offline casinos not to mention of the rest. So, it depends on your taste, the plan and the resources at hand.

2. Well, it is business, it all depends on many factors, which include, quality service, marketing and luck. If the casino is not making as much as expected, I think such should restrategize and hope for the best. It is obviously the state of an insolvency calling in this regard.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: bakasabo on April 23, 2024, 08:33:07 AM
I think it will be correct to say that offline and online casinos are two different kind of businesses. For an online casino not much is needed. Security, page design, stability of server. People go to online casinos only to gamble. For offline casino, owner must invest a lot on how to keep client inside. People go to offline casino not only to play. Someone goes there to spend time. So bar, sitting area, more stuff is needed. As well as all gaming equipment, all furnishing have its maintenance period and must be changed regularly. Offline casinos is way more complicated business.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: EarnOnVictor on April 25, 2024, 06:35:04 AM
3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
3. The running cost can't be viewed that way, and the size of the casino matters regardless of whether it is an offline or online casino. People are often deceived by the physical structure of the business, neglecting the fact that online services need more hands too, especially, since they are not seeing their customers directly and their customers are not seeing them, but still,  they need to satisfy their customers and to do that, more employees are needed in all departments just like we see in the offline casinos. But one important thing is that, since they are offline, more support staff would be trained for the purpose and work for them for smooth operations.

Take for example, if you see some fintech staff room, you will be amazed, their staff are in their hundreds. I've witnessed a local one, not to mention what it will be on the international standard when the casinos are dealing globally. So, I do not believe that being an online casino will limit the cost, it depends on standard and size.

4. I am not in the business, but as a business-oriented person myself, the two should be managed equally the same way if all conditions are the same. You will always need employees to manage and customers to serve, experts to hire, software to upgrade and maintain, and so on for the two of them.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: harapan on April 25, 2024, 07:00:44 AM
I have been thinking about this a lot now and today again, I did the same, it's probably the right time to pour out my mind to my family on this forum, hope in return to get some great answers.

I know that it's not easy to run a casino, hire workers and some professionals and others, my question is. ....

1. Is running offline casinos the same as running an online casino?

2. What do online casinos have to lose if they aren't making as much money as they intended?

3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?

They are all okay to start with as a business but firstly I'll go by answering your question one after the other.

1. Running offline casinos is never the same as running online casino,for online you'll need more of experienced technical know-how hands to  run it as workers but for online it's quite different and abit tactical.

2. We'll I think in that aspect I would say if there's a Network hitch or unstable network to access the sites and all of that,there would be so much loss as people will find it difficult to gamble,play bets and so on.

3. Yea, for this I can't really tell but I feel they have robotting equipments that works in check to that.

4. For me I think offline is more easier to manage than online,it depends on the nature of the both business,cause mostly we may not know how this online casinos operate but talking from my own perception.
 I don't think I can choose one out of both but they are all good and do their best to achieving effectiveness and results.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: Zoomic on April 25, 2024, 07:30:58 AM
3. With online casinos, isn't the number of hiring being limited compared to someone who wants to run an offline casino?

4. Which one is more easier to manage than the other?

And the last question is, which one would you go for if you have the resources?
3. The running cost can't be viewed that way, and the size of the casino matters regardless of whether it is an offline or online casino. People are often deceived by the physical structure of the business, neglecting the fact that online services need more hands too, especially, since they are not seeing their customers directly and their customers are not seeing them, but still,  they need to satisfy their customers and to do that, more employees are needed in all departments just like we see in the offline casinos. But one important thing is that, since they are offline, more support staff would be trained for the purpose and work for them for smooth operations.

Take for example, if you see some fintech staff room, you will be amazed, their staff are in their hundreds. I've witnessed a local one, not to mention what it will be on the international standard when the casinos are dealing globally. So, I do not believe that being an online casino will limit the cost, it depends on standard and size.

People think running an online business like an online casino means working with no staffs at all. They think it involves setting up a website, after the setup the owners go to sleep while money keeps coming in. The thought of this alone makes me laugh. They fail to understand that online casinos don't just operate, they pay huge amount of money to build a website and maintain it too. They invest a lot of money in ensuring the safety and security of their casino as well as the security of gamblers who would be using the online platform. They partner with other online companies like the fintech companies and security agencies and ofcourse they still need licences to operate. Online casinos invest more in promotions than the offline casinos,  who would patronize them if they don't promote their business? With all this workloads, the online Casinos still need people on ground to work.

Title: Re: About running an online casino vs an offline casino
Post by: redsun114 on April 29, 2024, 06:42:23 AM
I think it will be correct to say that offline and online casinos are two different kind of businesses. For an online casino not much is needed. Security, page design, stability of server. People go to online casinos only to gamble. For offline casino, owner must invest a lot on how to keep client inside. People go to offline casino not only to play. Someone goes there to spend time. So bar, sitting area, more stuff is needed. As well as all gaming equipment, all furnishing have its maintenance period and must be changed regularly. Offline casinos is way more complicated business.
And apart from all those things in an offline casino, the number of employees needed is enormous, every gaming table will need an operator, there is a need for waiters to serve gamblers on their tables, there is a need for sweepers to keep the place clean and tidy, there is a need of having security guards both inside and outside of the establishment, there is a need for people who would watch around to see if everything is okay, and these are just to name a few.

So, there is no doubt that a land-based or a physical casino costs way more than an online casino where all you need is a running casino platform with working games and maybe a few employees among them will be marketing experts, customer service agents, and website maintainers, etc.