Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Tbillion on March 12, 2024, 02:07:54 PM

Title: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Tbillion on March 12, 2024, 02:07:54 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: franky1 on March 12, 2024, 03:21:56 PM
dont wait for nations(governments) to come fix it
the problem stems from governments allowing capitalism to shine and thats where funds get trickled up from the individual and into the central(capital) of corporations

if you are personally going hungry try to do everything you can to resolve stuff happening in your home
waiting for someone else wont happen overnight

unless you are unemployed/homeless, (on income of poor/social security), there is always ways to find enough to feed/shelter yourself
many people lived prosperously and want to remain at that living standard even in tough times, but reality is in tough times people need to adjust lifestyle to live within their means

can you downsize your housing costs (move location/move to smaller home)
can you get overtime, an extra job, promotion. a new job
can you change utility providers to cheaper rates
can you find cheaper alternatives to your meals
can you cancel/unsubscribe from subscriptions or other monthly outgoings
if you have credit cards, debts, mortgages.
  - can you temporarily switch them all to interest only/minimum payments.
      - then using the extra you then have,  to pay off the smallest debt, and then repeat

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: snowpega on March 12, 2024, 03:42:05 PM
Ah dear OP indeed your points are accurate but If we keep waiting for these things to happen we have to face even more problems because these kinds of statements/things are counted as excuses i am not saying people are not facing economic problems although they are facing but the point is that these thing make us lazy because this put us in thinking that one day someone will come and help us or solves our problems.

other than that if we keep working on ourselves like if we focus on learning good skills that can help us to solve our problems then there will be no these kinds of thoughts will reflect in our minds. The more you have skills the more you can have benefits of these. Just the main thing is that you have to learn how you can implement your skills in your physical life so that you can overcome your and your family's problems.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: TEBTC on March 12, 2024, 03:55:11 PM
Hardship generally is caused by several factors this is because we can't Solly depends on government to solve the problem of hardship and hunger
This is because government it self is run by politicians and they will use hardship as a tool of political campaign and use it to make unrealistic and unwilling promises to the poor and naive masses  so they can get to political power, hardship is a tool the political elite is using to control society
Secondly hardship is also caused by laziness in the part of individuals who has refused to work and take responsibility for their growth and development depending on government and other people will surely lead to hardship

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: jrrsparkles on March 12, 2024, 03:55:56 PM
The official reports all around the world says otherwise, consumption of goods increases every year it doesn't mean people aren't having difficulty to meet even their basic needs. The priority of people changed and the high unemployment rate forced the people to work for less wages.

Government has to fix it via making changes in their policies but it can take forever so as temporary solution you need to find the solution for your issue at the moment by doing side hustle or learn new skills and get better position in your current work place.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: franky1 on March 12, 2024, 04:00:14 PM
The official reports all around the world says otherwise, consumption of goods increases every year it doesn't mean people aren't having difficulty to meet even their basic needs. The priority of people changed and the high unemployment rate forced the people to work for less wages.

even min wage is higher then unemployment social security. so unless unemployed on social security, even a min wage person can find things within their home to adjust to live within means.. its just they have to ACT like they are living on unemployment SS to then adjust their lifestyle and cut out the luxuries they got used to, and then rebuild their lifestyle from the ground up again rather then fighting the tide trying to stay afloat on a previous wave of prosperity

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Natsuu on March 12, 2024, 04:01:28 PM
Life's tough everywhere these days, not just in one place but all over the globe. It's heartbreaking to see people struggling to get a decent meal, especially in underdeveloped countries. Hardship is like a global epidemic, making our day-to-day survival a constant uncertainty. But the thing is we can actually do something about it. If countries could just join forces and figure out a solution together, we might have a shot at making things better. It's time to ditch the borders and work on a plan that helps everyone out. Let's dream big and create a world where nobody has to worry about where their next meal is coming from. Let's start with the government haha

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: jrrsparkles on March 12, 2024, 04:38:46 PM
The official reports all around the world says otherwise, consumption of goods increases every year it doesn't mean people aren't having difficulty to meet even their basic needs. The priority of people changed and the high unemployment rate forced the people to work for less wages.

even min wage is higher then unemployment social security. so unless unemployed on social security, even a min wage person can find things within their home to adjust to live within means.. its just they have to ACT like they are living on unemployment SS to then adjust their lifestyle and cut out the luxuries they got used to, and then rebuild their lifestyle from the ground up again rather then fighting the tide trying to stay afloat on a previous wave of prosperity

The ratio of salary didn't get appreciated alongside the inflation fo necessary goods which is why someone who is making constant income feel the difficulty of buying everything they used to buy in the previous year which definitely due to the government printing more money but that's a phenomenon is never gonna be changed so as individual we have to reduce the goods from our budget or increase the cash inflow to cope with the inflation rate.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Alpha Marine on March 12, 2024, 04:56:07 PM
The official reports all around the world says otherwise, consumption of goods increases every year it doesn't mean people aren't having difficulty to meet even their basic needs. The priority of people changed and the high unemployment rate forced the people to work for less wages.

The official report is mostly different from the things on the ground. In some countries, the official report says things are good and you can see that in their consumption and their GDP but that doesn't mean a lot of people in the country are not living in poverty. The official report mostly uses one or two factors to determine and also, the government don't tell the whole story of how bad things are in their countries.

This is because the government it self is run by politicians and they will use hardship as a tool of political campaign and use it to make unrealistic and unwilling promises to the poor and naive masses  so they can get to political power, hardship is a tool the political elite is using to control society

This is a problem most countries especially underdeveloped countries are facing. The politicians know exactly what they're supposed to do but they don't want to do it because poverty is a weapon that they use to keep themselves in power.
If the people start doing better for themselves, they won't care about the little promises that politicians make.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Humblevirus on March 12, 2024, 05:02:03 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it

You have points on what you said seriously. The hardship has turned into a global thing that every nation is facing. Even some countries that were not facing the hardship before are now counting among countries facing it. However, I cannot say the main course of these hardships. What I think is coursing through these hardships is inflation, and these have caused many damages to some countries. Their citizens are suffering, and the government did not do anything about it, which is not fair. Furthermore, the only solution to these problems, in my opinion, is the government. I think they are the only ones that can get rid of the hardships happening currently.

However, I don’t think there is a need for nations to come together and solve the problem the world is facing. The reason is that every country has a government that is ruling them, so why are we going to say until they come together to fix the problem the world is facing? I think every government should know what their citizens are facing; they should have solutions for their citizens. They don’t have to come together before solving these problems because every nation knows that these are the problems their citizens are facing. 

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: uneng on March 12, 2024, 05:06:50 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it
Compared to previous times, isn't it better nowadays for underdeveloped countries, since they have access to technology, internet and mobile devices nowadays? Didn't it bring extra resources to the countries and improved access from poor people to food, at least a little bit? I'm not sure if the situation nowadays is worse than it was two decades ago or even more. But if it truly is, I guess it's because the population is increasing too fast, therefore, resources available in the country aren't enough to supply everyone's demands, neither jobs spots are.

There isn't an universal fix for our problems. We have to take responsability for our own acts and adjust our actions accordingly to not harm ourselves in the process of life. An example of that would be to avoid creating a family if you don't have financial conditions to afford it. That is part of being a responsible individual. If you do your part and try educating people who you are in contact with, you are already doing your part to solve the problems faced by your society. Just don't take the full responsability over your shoulders, because you can't and won't fix this wicked world by yourself. So, focus in fixing your life!

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: kentrolla on March 12, 2024, 05:32:25 PM
Hey it's a global issue not only related to under developed nation but yes people in under development nation may be doing more hard work then those who live in develop country but it the same time even those who live than develop countries goes to a different sort of pressure which is a mental work pressure and the reason why people don't overcome heart shape they are dependent on the government who don't care about it people so its high time people work out a way out of poverty be t through learning skills and doing freelance or finding jobs in developed nation about the most important things is they should support their people to grow once they are in a good position.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: btc78 on March 12, 2024, 05:59:14 PM
What could be the universe solution to world hunger? Yes, it is universal but each country is still different and faces different kinds of challenges. One country can not solve all of another country’s problems.

There are many factors that constitute into hunger such as lack of education, lack of job opportunities, lack of housing and many more and not all countries lack each one of those. The UN can just help but the government of that specific country is still responsible to everything else.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: passwordnow on March 12, 2024, 06:04:27 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next.
Everyone has a battle to fight and a struggle to deal with. Whether you're living in a developed or developing countries, it's not all about how we should survive each day. There are battles that can't be seen like in mentality, depression, stress and many more. So, there are a lots of hardships that we have to deal with and it's not easy as what people seem to think when you can't see your enemy. There are people that struggles a lot and don't even want to tell it to anybody because they're shy that someone knows what they're up to and what they're struggling with.

Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it
Nah, most nations won't agree to each other and that's why we're seeing differences and it's a permanent thing that we'll ever see. As for these hardships, we have to deal with it and have our own solution and the government can't even help us on this when it's a personal matter that we need to deal with. Sometimes, you have to look forward and be a positive thinker for you to overcome such situations. Otherwise, you will have to give up without even fighting your own battle and hardship and that's what we don't want to happen to each of us.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: God bless u on March 12, 2024, 06:22:44 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it

Do you think there have never been any propositions for a universal or global solution to hardships people face? A lot of people who are good leaders have tried their best to do that. Still, they couldn't eradicate the roots of the problem because it is not possible as long as people don't work on this themselves. As said by many others, a person shouldn't wait for governments to come together and solve such problems, you should try and remove the hardships from your life yourself.
If you think you are trying too hard on something but it still isn't working, try something else, and keep trying until you make it because that is how you can remove the hardships without being dependent on anyone else.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: khiholangkang on March 12, 2024, 06:47:27 PM
Problems like what the OP said have existed since time immemorial and cannot be eliminated on earth, no matter how strong we are and how much power we have, we will not be able to eliminate difficulties in this world perfectly, in every country and if you count more specific places like in your village, of course there must be one or two people who get difficulties in their lives.

This is not a universal problem, there is no burden on it in my opinion, a small thing to be a solution for you is beneficial for the people around you to be better, either morally or morally, if we talk universally it will have different goals and interests and become a complicated thing.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: bettercrypto on March 12, 2024, 06:50:08 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it

All the countries in the whole world are going through that until now; there is no country in the whole world in this era that has gotten rid of poverty. And I think it's really part of human life.
All we need to do is face it, find a way to face it, and overcome it. Don't avoid it because we can't really avoid it.

Because when we face hardship, the time will come that while we are fighting the hardship, the right time may come when we can overcome it and control the situation that we face.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: MFahad on March 12, 2024, 07:12:18 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it

Do you think there have never been any propositions for a universal or global solution to hardships people face? A lot of people who are good leaders have tried their best to do that. Still, they couldn't eradicate the roots of the problem because it is not possible as long as people don't work on this themselves. As said by many others, a person shouldn't wait for governments to come together and solve such problems, you should try and remove the hardships from your life yourself.
If you think you are trying too hard on something but it still isn't working, try something else, and keep trying until you make it because that is how you can remove the hardships without being dependent on anyone else.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: SOKO-DEKE on March 12, 2024, 07:34:41 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it

Yes, I understand your concern about the widespread hardships faced globally, particularly in underdeveloped countries where the challenges are more pronounced. In many of these regions, individuals endure extreme deprivation, such as going without food for entire days, with no guarantee of when their next meal will come. It's crucial to recognize that the suffering in these areas is not due to laziness but rather the result of systemic issues, including collapsed infrastructure and limited employment opportunities.

Surviving under such circumstances is incredibly tough, especially in countries like mine where the economy is severely strained. Even for those fortunate enough to have jobs, the wages are often insufficient to meet basic needs due to the high cost of living. The situation underscores the urgent need for comprehensive solutions to address poverty, improve infrastructure, and create sustainable economic opportunities for all citizens.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on March 12, 2024, 07:49:05 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it

Every country has its own peculiar problem, that is why there is a difference between what a third world country is facing and what a first world country might be facing. So the kind of Hunger and famine that you were talking about might not really be what other countries of the world might be facing it could be food inflation, it could be high cost of living, or low social security system for the citizenry. However I feel these can be mitigated at individual level, where you as an individual can save up some money to start investing in cryptocurrency particularly Bitcoin or start up an enterprise that would fetch you money  little by little.

If you check the history of mankind you will see that poverty, starvation and a whole what not, has been in existence in accordance with the human race but people fight these things individually because waiting for government or international agencies to come and solve some of this problem is like you will be waiting endlessly. Check around the world you will see that we've experience tyranny and state capture in leadership environment across the world, and these people are not ready to develop or give financial freedom to the citizenry unless you are a realistic enough to create something for yourself.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on March 12, 2024, 07:59:19 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it

Do you think there have never been any propositions for a universal or global solution to hardships people face? A lot of people who are good leaders have tried their best to do that. Still, they couldn't eradicate the roots of the problem because it is not possible as long as people don't work on this themselves. As said by many others, a person shouldn't wait for governments to come together and solve such problems, you should try and remove the hardships from your life yourself.
If you think you are trying too hard on something but it still isn't working, try something else, and keep trying until you make it because that is how you can remove the hardships without being dependent on anyone else.
It would seem that being dependent on oneself to survive and live a good life comes with no easy task than said, because even as the idea of crypto currency's number 1 which is Bitcoin clearly stated in its white paper what it stands to represent of which is the decentralization and independence of users, the government of many countries still fight to control it by regulating and taxing every user.

It is to note that hardships come in different forms and I believe every class in a society from the poor to the rich, is faced with a certain kind of hardship that may not in the end boil down to finance or survival in this hard times.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Jegileman on March 12, 2024, 08:12:25 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it

This is no more a hidden fact and not only underdeveloped countries are facing this hardship, even the developing ones are also facing this hardship but it comes lesser for them than how it occurs to those underdeveloped nations. Coming together to solve this issue would have been the perfect solution to all of this economic problems that is leading to this hardship. But when you look at it deeply, you’ll see that it paves beyond the government coming to intervene into it only, it has to start from the lower tier of government, which is the the grassroot of where the hardship is more persistent in. Without solving from the root, it will be difficult for the government to just come with a solution to tackle all of this in the blink of an eye.

Hardship can also come in different ways tgat it affects every class of people in the society. The rich always find a solution to theirs quickly whereby the poor or lower class people find it hard to find a solution to it. So generally, the poor are note affected by the hardship faced in the nation than the rich. If the rich in the lower class of government from the grassroot can help curtail and solve issues of the poor, it will be easier for the government aid to still come down through to help this people generally.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Faisal2202 on March 12, 2024, 08:32:04 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it
I don't think there are any people who don't get to eat a meal, there might be few people like in most countries women don't work, and if they don't have a man in the house, then it becomes hard for them to earn money, so due to there sovereignty and pride they don't beg and they would prefer to avoid meal but they won't beg. At the end, they do search some work that is better for them. Situations like these are of different severity in different regions in the world, it based on religion to religion and place to place. Women are the ones face most issues.

But talking about men, boys, males, I don't think they would not be able to eat for a day, because there are a lot of opportunities for males in all over the world, and if they are active enough to work without considering the type of work (legal one) then they won't be sleeping empty stomach at all. You are overthinking it. I suggest everyone to avoid watching videos on social media, go out, learn some skills, and learn how to hunt clients, find clients, and work is there. Once you got the work, you can eat meal. I know it not that easy as it looks to read, but it is what it is. You have to move your ass if you want meal on the table. Otherwise no one, even the government can't help you.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Fortify on March 12, 2024, 08:33:32 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it

It's not everywhere. In many places like the USA, Europe, Canada, UK, Australia and others - they are facing near all time high employment rates. Sure, the bottom section of society may be getting squeezed a bit more than normal, but life is still pretty good in comparison to many other places. Then you have other countries like Saudi Arabia, that are living in relative peace because they are literally pulling barrels of money out of the ground and dishing it out to their citizens. Unfortunately there are many countries that lack resources to get them on their feet, or have government structures that are so weak and full of corruption, that they are exploited a massive amount. They are destined to continue struggling and only a few lucky breaks may enable them to get free, but it's very challenging in the current world we live in. People often want quick solutions, but great nations have been built up over many centuries.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Die_empty on March 12, 2024, 08:34:13 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it
I had a first-hand experience with poverty and hunger yesterday when I visited a place in my area. I saw children who were malnourished because their parents could not afford to buy food due to inflation and natural disasters. Inflation is a global problem so I wouldn't talk much about it. The parents of these children told me that all their farm produce was destroyed by flooding last year and this year's intense heat has destroyed all the tuber crops they planted. Natural disasters have contributed to food shortages most people in developing nations are facing.

Nations of the world will not come together to solve global problems such as hunger.  Rich nations benefit from the economic problems of poorer nations because without these undeveloped nations developed nations will not make a profit from interest on loans. Also, rich nations only care about their close allies and don't give attention to the needs of others. Every nation should look for avenues to solve their problems because other nations also have their challenges.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: viananda2525 on March 12, 2024, 09:18:40 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it
I don't think there are any people who don't get to eat a meal, there might be few people like in most countries women don't work, and if they don't have a man in the house, then it becomes hard for them to earn money, so due to there sovereignty and pride they don't beg and they would prefer to avoid meal but they won't beg. At the end, they do search some work that is better for them. Situations like these are of different severity in different regions in the world, it based on religion to religion and place to place. Women are the ones face most issues.

But talking about men, boys, males, I don't think they would not be able to eat for a day, because there are a lot of opportunities for males in all over the world, and if they are active enough to work without considering the type of work (legal one) then they won't be sleeping empty stomach at all. You are overthinking it. I suggest everyone to avoid watching videos on social media, go out, learn some skills, and learn how to hunt clients, find clients, and work is there. Once you got the work, you can eat meal. I know it not that easy as it looks to read, but it is what it is. You have to move your ass if you want meal on the table. Otherwise no one, even the government can't help you.
There is certainly some truth to your statement and the conditions you mention may only apply on average, not in conditions like the one OP is referring to. If you look at the world situation which is currently very economically depressed then you must be grateful for what you have got. The food crisis that has hit the world has caused hunger in poor countries and even some developing countries. This condition is very risky and quite sad if we feel something like that. So the current economic conditions are very tense, even though you are still able to work and work, the money you earn is no longer enough to meet your complete kitchen needs.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Hamza2424 on March 12, 2024, 09:30:09 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day.

Every age of humanity goes through some problem and this is how the universe works, this is how nature flows, you find it difficult today to compare it with the previous ages of humanity where there was no transport facility and people just died in their journies because no navigation system, Food resources were rich but not everywhere people of the middle east who are enjoying water today were not able to find water in miles and miles.

Today what we call adventure and vacation has not even come into existence before, still today not everyone can enjoy the same lifestyle, imagine if everyone gets enough food and money how this world will work, will anyone even try to provide any kind of service, how will you build your buildings, how will you avail other resources, Life is the name of efforts, needs and for those need everyone works in his own domain and power.

Just say thanks for what you have to (Allah Almighty), because you are better than millions.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on March 12, 2024, 10:47:57 PM
I will agree with you that there is hardship in some countries in the world today. I have not been to many countries, so I cannot tell how the situation is over there, but I know that no matter how bad the hardship is in any country, there are usually people who don't feel it, and they are the rich. They are comfortably eating three square meals every day because their job, company, or business is highly paying them some money, while there are also the poor masses who are really facing the hardship more and can't even afford a square meal in a day. It is difficult for some people, but where the government is not helping as you expected, make yourself relevant, readjust your plans, and come up with new ideas that can help you survive through the hardship. Just learn to survive and employ every legal means you feel can work. If you wait on the government at all times for everything, you might not feel satisfied with everything they offer you. 

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: sekalitas on March 13, 2024, 04:19:09 AM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it

Yes, hardship is widespread, and it's incredibly difficult for nations to unite and find universal solutions. Why? Because there are countless leaders with conflicting agendas, and not all of them directly experience the same suffering. True cooperation often only arises from a crisis so severe, like a devastating global pandemic, that it threatens everyone, regardless of status.

My suggestion is to focus on what you can control rather than relying solely on governments. Consider any positive policies a bonus, but don't surrender control of your life to external forces.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Samlucky O on March 13, 2024, 04:46:50 AM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it
There is no how nation coming together can creat a universal solution. I think each individual should be capable of trying out ways to scale through the economic problem. Just bear it in mind that there is no peace in the world provided you come to this life. Life is full of ups and downs, and the more we grow the more we get addicted to corruption from the past leaders and it continues lingering for years now. If you are an investor, invest very well. if you are a business man continue and focus on your business to take care of your responsibilities because government money does not put food to someones table but your day in day out is the best. Government don't have a better plan for the masses all what they want is the masses to worship them.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Volimack on March 13, 2024, 05:08:47 AM
Suffering as a global problem is everywhere in all countries and it is very difficult for people to deal with it. These are becoming more serious problems due to economic recession when nations are united. The best way would be to focus on your work and solve the problem. It can be good to invest there is no corruption here. Good investments will help change lives.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Rockstarguy on March 13, 2024, 01:45:14 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it
This have been coming longtime ago but many people did nothing that can help them in this hard time, everyone thought thought it is something that can be solved by the government but it is getting worse this time even everyday.  I think people needs not to depend on the government for things to change, we are in the time time that the government can disappoint and people should learn how to solve the current economy problem and that of the future too. We may be having the mindset that things will get better but it will be to our greatest surprise that the economy problem will keep on getting difficult.

Government are running out of ideas how to make the economy better, it is important not to fold the hand and watch the government and expecting things to be better. When economy is very difficult it is always better for people to make plans ahead.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: boty on March 13, 2024, 05:15:08 PM
Suffering as a global problem is everywhere in all countries and it is very difficult for people to deal with it. These are becoming more serious problems due to economic recession when nations are united. The best way would be to focus on your work and solve the problem. It can be good to invest there is no corruption here. Good investments will help change lives.
To be able to face the suffering and problems that occur, of course we don't need to expect help from other people and we have to be strong in facing difficult times. We have to focus on ourselves to be able to get income for the needs we need and it would be better if we save and also investment to be able to meet the needs we need, because if we don't have resources that we can invest in, of course it will be very difficult to be able to meet the needs we need in difficult times.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Maus0728 on March 13, 2024, 05:46:36 PM
Suffering as a global problem is everywhere in all countries and it is very difficult for people to deal with it. These are becoming more serious problems due to economic recession when nations are united. The best way would be to focus on your work and solve the problem. It can be good to invest there is no corruption here. Good investments will help change lives.
It's not difficult as many think it is, if everyone actually starts caring about the well-being of other people and we start to be aware that politicians should serve the interest of the masses and not their own, we'd actually cut down the suffering that many people are feeling by half if not one third of all that suffering, job security, education, UBI (universal basic income), housing, livable wages, these stuff that I've mentioned aren't that difficult to do because there's money in every country that would be enough to do all of this but at the same time, still do all the things that they're trying to do with it.

Maybe the reason why we think that alleviating or struggling to end the suffering is a fruitless endeavor is because we're all losing something in life and that we're so content with what we all got right now that it's difficult for us to really think outside ourselves and it also makes us do difficult things and we're brainwashed that if we want to be a hero, it needs that we put our life on the line, if only people do the opposite and force the government to give us what we deserve, we'd probably be see a better future.

I still believe in people though despite my pessimism that we're not going to be able to do what needs to be done, we all probably just need an icon, an idol, a spark that would start the wildfire to drive towards change that would give us a better future and not just the politicians.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Faisal2202 on March 13, 2024, 07:06:07 PM
There is certainly some truth to your statement and the conditions you mention may only apply on average, not in conditions like the one OP is referring to. If you look at the world situation which is currently very economically depressed then you must be grateful for what you have got. The food crisis that has hit the world has caused hunger in poor countries and even some developing countries. This condition is very risky and quite sad if we feel something like that. So the current economic conditions are very tense, even though you are still able to work and work, the money you earn is no longer enough to meet your complete kitchen needs.
You are right, as I can't cover all the possibilities in my last reply, so I only tried to remain optimistic so it could motivate the OP and other similar readers too. I don't deny the fact that situations are not the same everywhere, while they are a lot different. If I am putting food on my table, then it doesn't mean that others are also. So we have to help each other, instead of relying totally on governments or government funds.

I have learned it the hard way that you should not trust or depend on the government, they are no good to you, only yourself is good to you, and care about you. So don't rely on others but only rely on yourself. Be independent. I know this must be seem as a motivation speak but it is what it is.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Obari on March 13, 2024, 08:00:50 PM
Everyone is selfish as I guess the world has made it so, as everyone always want to participate in mostly things that would alone benefit them and I guess that’s the major problem of the world.
A lot is going on currently in the world but since I can’t speak for other countries, I think it will be nice talking about just my own country and I must say that, the level of hardship and hunger is seriously in another level with extremely high rate of inflation.
Most times, we don’t have to blame government for every predicament but rather seek possible ways we can tackle these issues but rather, the average citizen is seeking for every possible way to earn from every happenings around the country be it good or bad at all cost.

Charity begins at home, is a popular saying in my home land and I think, if you want to impact the world, then you should start from your home and the local community around you before wanting to impact the entire world.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: AYOBA on March 13, 2024, 08:31:42 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it
We are aware that adversity exists worldwide, but Nigeria seems to be the worst place for it. Do you believe that a country can come together and establish a universal? Since the leaders who are meant to improve the country are the ones creating the biggest problems for it, are you convinced they can find solutions to these problems that so many other countries are facing? The country has already become corrupted. Furthermore, I've seen that our nation has a superior administration than strong leadership.
The only thing blocking them from being considered by our people is that all senators other than the government are not helping the country to move forward.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Hamphser on March 13, 2024, 08:39:50 PM
dont wait for nations(governments) to come fix it

Totally agree into this line on which this is really that something which is precise on where you've seen these kind of problems in regarding about financial problems or shortage then
you cant really just that put all of your blame into the government just because they've been not able to provide something or would be resolving those global problems that we are having.
Instead on trying out to cry and whine all over just because you do really believe that government is the main fault of your suffering then better think not on which it would
be more sensible and more ideal that you should be acting out fast and wise on securing another source of income on which it is really that able to save up yourself
and get out with that kind of miserable life that youve been experience.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: harapan on March 13, 2024, 09:12:48 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it

Honestly,the emergence of this global hardship is unbearable and surmounting so many casualties to our wellbeing.Since it's difficult place to be and live in,let's all find another way to live comfortably.

So far,all these years the governments doesn't seen to have a plan to resolve the crisis in its nations/countries or even the globe at large.The solution seems or needs to be personal,from oneself.Everyone should on no account depend or rely on the/its government for assistance,support or even to be compensated.The only change and solution you need right now should only come from you and yourself.
The truth be told,we don't have to always blame the governments for all our predicaments,at least by now,the average adult in the society should know what he/she wants respectively.There's always something in every individual,but its all up to you to discover it,own it,and make it happen for yourself.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: oktana on March 13, 2024, 10:28:53 PM
There has always been hardship and poverty and the only set of people who find their way out of it are those who decide their life and not wait for the nations to come together or make any decision. The best we can do is that while hoping that a better nation will be built and the world at large would be an easier place, we can continue working hard at whatever we are doing. Learn a skill, improve, master it. If you prefer businesses, open one. It’s your life and if you delay to make things happen, you might as well not make anything happen.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: arimamib on March 13, 2024, 11:53:38 PM
There has always been hardship and poverty and the only set of people who find their way out of it are those who decide their life and not wait for the nations to come together or make any decision. The best we can do is that while hoping that a better nation will be built and the world at large would be an easier place, we can continue working hard at whatever we are doing. Learn a skill, improve, master it. If you prefer businesses, open one. It’s your life and if you delay to make things happen, you might as well not make anything happen.
Hardship and poverty have indeed to be handled by individual agency and self-determination. Taking proactive steps to improve can lead to tangible progress and personal fulfillment. Personal initiative and hard work can carve out their own paths and create opportunities for themselves, regardless of external circumstances. Learning new skills, honing existing talents, and pursuing entrepreneurial endeavors are all valuable avenues for personal and professional growth, because these contributes to greater self-reliance and resilience in the face of adversity.

Broader societal changes may take time to materialize, but individuals have the power to effect positive change in their own lives through determination, perseverance, and resourcefulness. Seizing control of their destinies and actively pursuing their goals can transcend limitations and build brighter futures for themselves and their communities. Fostering a culture of self-reliance and empowerment can contribute to the overall strength and resilience of nations, because empowered people contribute to the collective progress and prosperity of society as a whole.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Bananington on March 14, 2024, 01:26:15 AM
It has to do more with the mindset of poverty rather than hardship. The term hardship in this post sounds more like an individual problem rather than a global one because there are still persons whose greatest wish right now, is to
just see another day.
I know it ain't good economically for many countries mostly where they depend on oil or export and import products and food items to survive.

If individual adults who are able to earn or still trying to earn can stop waiting on the government to always assist in every situation, the disappointment alone that comes with making one become unproductive and undisciplined will be far away and the instinct to live in abundance and be peaceful while seeking a better way forward creatively, despite the scarcity and hardship of the economy, will forthcome with ease.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Hewlet on March 14, 2024, 07:10:49 AM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it
when it comes to dealing with hardship, it's more of a person work than a government or public responsibility. It's true that the role of the government in providing basic jobs and good environment that will support businesses can't be overemphasized but at the end of the day, the ball is always in your court and the decision is always left for you to take if you r life seriously or not.

If you even look at jobs that are available in different part of the world, you will know that the pay isn't always good enough to Carter for your needs and as someone that's just starting life, looking for what your leaders can do for you or looking out for ready made job will not bring out the best in you. You've got to make use of your thinking ability and think out solutions to the basic problems in your neighborhood and work on solving those problems and by so doing you will not just end up providing jobs for yourself but for people around you.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: EarnOnVictor on March 14, 2024, 09:21:37 AM
I don't know your country but it seems you are in one of the African countries. Bro, don't let me deceive you, you are not right about this, and do not let anyone in your country deceive you or give you the vain relief that hardship is a global thing, most countries are not facing hardship, though the economy may be challenged. The world has faced enough and the countries with wise leaders overcome, however, if your country lacks wise leaders, it can result in something else where the hardship will be so bitting and become unbearable. I said that to prepare you as it often starts from inflation, and from there grow worse to hyperinflation and it could be so bad if food insecurity is now added to this due to the bad leadership and lack of productivity in the country caused by many negative factors.

This could now be happening in your country but I must tell you that it is not happening in all countries of the world, it could just be inflation in some places and not hyperinflation. Even though many countries are facing inflation, you should certainly know that it is not an automatic hardship for them, they are merely paying more, the two (inflation and hardship) are different things. Hardship is when people cannot afford to buy goods and hire services. Despite inflation in some countries, they can still afford it and not slip into the poverty level the way most African countries are increasingly slipping into the poverty index level, which includes Nigeria.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: MissNonFall9 on March 14, 2024, 09:24:59 AM
In today's world, suffering is everywhere, but this suffering is not for everyone. I don't think that powerful people have problems. Yes common people like us are suffering. Those who are always suffering or working hard all day and night to get rid of suffering. The government of any country can solve this problem. If there are syndicate traders who are not too profitable and conduct their business honestly, then the common people of the country can get relief from the hardships. At the same time, the government should also supervise the market so that the common people have normal access to the daily market goods and get some relief from the hardship. Currently, the world is going through various complications, due to various problems including wars, and natural environmental disasters, the common citizens of the whole world are going through a difficult environment.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: $anounimus$ on March 14, 2024, 09:26:23 AM
It has to do more with the mindset of poverty rather than hardship. The term hardship in this post sounds more like an individual problem rather than a global one because there are still persons whose greatest wish right now, is to
just see another day.
I know it ain't good economically for many countries mostly where they depend on oil or export and import products and food items to survive.

If individual adults who are able to earn or still trying to earn can stop waiting on the government to always assist in every situation, the disappointment alone that comes with making one become unproductive and undisciplined will be far away and the instinct to live in abundance and be peaceful while seeking a better way forward creatively, despite the scarcity and hardship of the economy, will forthcome with ease.
Yes, as much as possible we must stop complaining and do nothing, this reflects a poor and lazy mentality. There are no eternal difficulties if you are always able to try and strive, there are quite a lot of ways out if you have the will to get out of the black zone. People feel the need for attention more than trying independently. The government will be present if the difficulties have struck as thoroughly as a disaster, but no matter how good the government is, it will not allow its people to continue to stand idly by without having the initiative to work.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Davidporter on March 14, 2024, 10:14:15 AM
Hardship is an inevitable global crisis the world is facing and will continue to be a major problem. Even in developed country and with the best economy is till a problem.


Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Promocodeudo on March 14, 2024, 01:31:40 PM
The global economic problem has been a major condition being faced or encountered by many nations, though there are some countries that encounters this problems in a minimal level, be it as it may, it is a recognised global thing, the west with there advancement in different sector has been trying there best to mange the situation in there zone and beyond.
It is only in Africa where this matter is not been given due attention, when a nation is faced with hardship, the government are fully involved with the partnership of the private sectors to work out modalities on how to salvage the situation but in most African countries their leaders see it differently, for them this a time to loot more and give it a name as a bill in the parliament.
The world can not totally eradicate hardship but to an extent with God helping us everyone can leabe well as far as food stuffs,goods and housing are subsidized to the level of a common man in the society.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: slapper on March 14, 2024, 02:33:33 PM
Hardship, which looms over humanity, engulfs whole societies, causing despair. A global solution sounds like a light of hope in a storm of pain. The truth is that each nation is a world of its own, with its own economic, political, and social issues

Try not to despair. A bright side. Documented and actual collaboration. Innovation and technology aren't simply buzzwords; they're our weapons against poverty. Unlocking potential and fighting poverty requires microfinance, education, and sustainable development. Giving people the tools to overcome sadness is powerful

Simple? Quite the contrary. Necessary? Absolutely. Human spirit and challenge are massive. Take advantage of it and turn it into deeds that speak louder than words. We must stand up and fight for change one step, one person at a time, rather than sit and face survival

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: someone703 on March 14, 2024, 02:35:52 PM
Dwelling on problems can be paralyzing.  There's a difference between acknowledging challenges and using them as excuses to stay stagnant.  The key is to shift from a "wait and see" mentality to a "get up and go" one. It's easy to fall into the trap of excuses.  "The system is rigged," "I don't have the resources," – these can become self-fulfilling prophecies.  The truth is, there are almost always ways to overcome obstacles.  It might take some creativity, some hustle, but it's possible.

Learning new skills is like building a toolbox.  The more tools you have, the more problems you can solve.  Focus on acquiring skills that are in demand, that can help you navigate the economic landscape.  It's an investment in your future, a way to take control of your circumstances. But skills alone aren't enough.  You need to know how to apply them in the real world.  Research, network, find mentors – do whatever it takes to bridge the gap between what you know and how you can use that knowledge to create opportunities.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: moneystery on March 14, 2024, 02:47:36 PM
"lack is what the rulers want" you have to understand these words, because the rulers want the poor to remain poor, so that order in society will be created and the rich will remain rich. even when billions of dollars would be better spent by the government to support wars in various countries, for their citizens who need to eat they don't want to use the money. and many other things that the government could actually do for the poor, but they are reluctant to do it.

this is the reality today, it looks very funny, because how can the government pour so much money into things that are so unimportant, but they turn a blind eye to this fact.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: topbitcoin on March 14, 2024, 05:07:25 PM
It could be said that the current situation is truly difficult, where farmers are experiencing crop failures, wars between countries continue to rage and global economic conditions are uncertain, this has caused food and energy prices to continue to skyrocket. These difficulties make some people quite worried about whether they will still survive and be able to buy a handful of wheat or rice to eat. Currently, poor people are busy continuing to search for and collect small change, while rich people are busy trying to determine how they can continue to maintain the wealth they have.

Workers complain that wages have never increased, income is not commensurate with expenses because needs continue to increase and prices continue to increase. So how is it possible for him to ensure that his needs will always be met. and worse, some of them have to lose their jobs, because their positions are slowly being replaced by technology and AI. And in overcoming these difficulties, the role of government and cooperation between countries is quite important. But on the other hand, we must not depend completely on the government, we must also make efforts to get out of this difficult situation together.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Queentoshi on March 14, 2024, 08:31:50 PM
The economy has been tougher in some countries than in some other countries so the hardship may not be global. In many countries where there is good governance the government by now must have made measures to reduce the effects of the harsh economic climate on their citizens, the countries where they will feel the hardship the most are in countries where there is bad governance.
Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it
This will not be an effective solution to the problem of global hardship because all leaders of the world will have to make and come to resolution on some major things like the cost of trading, that is importation and exportation of some commodities.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: AmoreJaz on March 14, 2024, 10:01:06 PM
There has always been hardship and poverty and the only set of people who find their way out of it are those who decide their life and not wait for the nations to come together or make any decision. The best we can do is that while hoping that a better nation will be built and the world at large would be an easier place, we can continue working hard at whatever we are doing. Learn a skill, improve, master it. If you prefer businesses, open one. It’s your life and if you delay to make things happen, you might as well not make anything happen.

Help yourself, first and foremost. Think of ways not to be a burden of the society. Even small contribution to the community can help other people, that is, if you still have extra resources that you can offer. And also, so long you are not creating a problem to anyone, you can move forward. Business is not for all individuals, you need to be well-prepared considering all angles of it.

Hardship is an inevitable global crisis the world is facing and will continue to be a major problem. Even in developed country and with the best economy is till a problem.

And if you won't help yourself, you won't get out of this situation. Don't wait for the government to offer help, because, you will already be in a terrible situation if you try to wait such assistance.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: oktana on March 14, 2024, 11:13:01 PM
It could be said that the current situation is truly difficult, where farmers are experiencing crop failures, wars between countries continue to rage and global economic conditions are uncertain, this has caused food and energy prices to continue to skyrocket. These difficulties make some people quite worried about whether they will still survive and be able to buy a handful of wheat or rice to eat. Currently, poor people are busy continuing to search for and collect small change, while rich people are busy trying to determine how they can continue to maintain the wealth they have.

Workers complain that wages have never increased, income is not commensurate with expenses because needs continue to increase and prices continue to increase. So how is it possible for him to ensure that his needs will always be met. and worse, some of them have to lose their jobs, because their positions are slowly being replaced by technology and AI. And in overcoming these difficulties, the role of government and cooperation between countries is quite important. But on the other hand, we must not depend completely on the government, we must also make efforts to get out of this difficult situation together.

This conversation about AI/Technology replacing people in their jobs isn’t entirely true to me. What I believe is that people have to adapt. They have to learn to adapt. Think of when cameras used to print photos immediately it’s taken as it doesn’t give the ability to be previewed. Think of how that has changed today. Someone who doesn’t throw their old camera away and adapt to the new technology would fall out of business. Even ChatGPT and other AI tools, people who know to adapt have learnt and now apply it in their daily lives and jobs so they are even better. Just my thoughts.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: adiksau0414 on March 15, 2024, 06:55:17 AM
To address global hardships, we need to focus on economic development, social safety nets, education, healthcare access, tackling inequality, and promoting global cooperation. By investing in these areas, we can help alleviate poverty, provide support to vulnerable populations, empower individuals with skills and education, ensure access to healthcare, reduce inequality, and work together on a global scale to address common challenges.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: poodle63 on March 15, 2024, 07:35:24 AM
waiting for the country to take care of your problem is mediocre at best in term of building wealth I mean what you expect from a country to solve your financial problem.
its just gonna drain the wallet of the government to be honest if we are talking about universal basic income meanwhile productivity keep going downhill.
I mean i understand that there are people out there that are doing two jobs shift a day and couldn't even make ends meet but thats exactly why we should find loophole.
nobody is gonna be solving our problem, we ourselves thats gonna be solving our own problem.
waiting for someone to come and give aid is hardly a good solution for literally anyone therefore i will advise against waiting for government aid.
do something unique, creative where it has place in marketplace then you will gain some meaningful financial fix towards your own.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on March 15, 2024, 07:56:03 AM
Every country is facing troubles and hardship but we should not put all responsibilities on government but sometimes we have to do good things and hardwork to make our financial system better.

Government can just provide us resources but earning abilities are based on our efforts and there is something more important that Government has given us numerous opportunities of jobs, businesses and many more so if we are setting quite without doing nothing then it will hard for us to meets a demands of our life.

A person should live their life according to their salary not by fallowing the lives of others because everyone is spending money according to their expenses. We can manage everything and if we are living a better life by eating well, clothing well and living well then we should be thankful for it and should not blame government because everyone gets income according to their efforts.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: |MINER| on March 15, 2024, 09:37:26 AM
Poverty has become a major problem throughout the world.  It has the greatest impact on underdeveloped and all developed countries.  Middle class living in less developed countries is becoming more and more difficult.  Because of rising commodity prices and income stagnation.  The prices of goods are increasing but the standard of income of people is not increasing.  Therefore, the condition of the people of the less developed and underdeveloped countries is very deplorable.  Racial unity can solve this problem but it is also a matter of concern whether it is actually possible.  Thinking about the solution to this problem leads to nothing but frustration.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Y3shot on March 15, 2024, 03:01:18 PM
Hardship is an inevitable global crisis the world is facing and will continue to be a major problem. Even in developed country and with the best economy is till a problem.
The problem is very obvious right now that no one knows when everything will okay but it seems things are getting worse, leaders are finding it very difficult and are out of ideas to make the economy to be better.   I think this should be a time people needs not to depend in government so much, depending in government can be very disappointing and annoying when things keeps getting worst and the expected is not done.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: el kaka22 on March 15, 2024, 05:10:34 PM
The resources in the world is finite, and the number of people is technically infinitely growing. Of course at some point humanity will realize that the world is too small to have nearly 10 billion population, and in many cases the nations who realize this early on, started to grow smaller, with either government decision, or basically just they realized it themselves, so the population is growing smaller eventually in some places.

However, this also causes hardship, not the population drop part, the part where we are so high that we should drop the population. Because high amount of population means that the finite resources are not enough for all the people that live in the world, sometimes simple stuff, sometimes expensive ones.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Wakate on March 15, 2024, 06:23:58 PM
It has to do more with the mindset of poverty rather than hardship. The term hardship in this post sounds more like an individual problem rather than a global one because there are still persons whose greatest wish right now, is to
just see another day.
I know it ain't good economically for many countries mostly where they depend on oil or export and import products and food items to survive.

If individual adults who are able to earn or still trying to earn can stop waiting on the government to always assist in every situation, the disappointment alone that comes with making one become unproductive and undisciplined will be far away and the instinct to live in abundance and be peaceful while seeking a better way forward creatively, despite the scarcity and hardship of the economy, will forthcome with ease.
The level of poverty is the world is increasing without any plan for the government to make life easier for the masses. People are suffering and there is nothing the government has to say about this than to keep enriching there own pocket. There are many people that are sleeping on the street without any how for them to live.

That is why we keep seeing workers taking extra jobs to ensure they have savings and money to take care of there bills when they are sick and don't have the funds to pay there bills and take care of themselves. We need to be wise and keep working because if we decide to depend on the government for survival, we might not be able to get the kind of aid we need and we'll keep doing is to keep paying tax even with a little salary.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: topbitcoin on March 15, 2024, 07:33:50 PM

This conversation about AI/Technology replacing people in their jobs isn’t entirely true to me. What I believe is that people have to adapt. They have to learn to adapt. Think of when cameras used to print photos immediately it’s taken as it doesn’t give the ability to be previewed. Think of how that has changed today. Someone who doesn’t throw their old camera away and adapt to the new technology would fall out of business. Even ChatGPT and other AI tools, people who know to adapt have learnt and now apply it in their daily lives and jobs so they are even better. Just my thoughts.

However, the problem is that not everyone is able and willing to adapt to all existing changes. Where they just stay in their comfort zone which will soon be shifted. and if we don't have creativity and skills that are skilled and capable enough, then this is very likely to happen. And in the end they will lose their jobs and income that can support their lives. So it is quite important for us to be able to be aware of and sensitive to all changes that occur, so that we are always able to take steps to anticipate these problems.

To address global hardships, we need to focus on economic development, social safety nets, education, healthcare access, tackling inequality, and promoting global cooperation. By investing in these areas, we can help alleviate poverty, provide support to vulnerable populations, empower individuals with skills and education, ensure access to healthcare, reduce inequality, and work together on a global scale to address common challenges.

I agree with that, to be able to overcome this problem, infrastructure and superstructure development needs to be increased again, and evenly distributed in every region. Of course, this cannot be separated from the role of a country's government itself. Good cooperation between countries is quite crucial in overcoming existing global problems. Although, in reality this cooperation between countries is divided into several parts or blocks.This has given rise to quite complicated problems and trade wars.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Ben Barubal on March 15, 2024, 08:00:54 PM
I don't know your country but it seems you are in one of the African countries. Bro, don't let me deceive you, you are not right about this, and do not let anyone in your country deceive you or give you the vain relief that hardship is a global thing, most countries are not facing hardship, though the economy may be challenged. The world has faced enough and the countries with wise leaders overcome, however, if your country lacks wise leaders, it can result in something else where the hardship will be so bitting and become unbearable. I said that to prepare you as it often starts from inflation, and from there grow worse to hyperinflation and it could be so bad if food insecurity is now added to this due to the bad leadership and lack of productivity in the country caused by many negative factors.

This could now be happening in your country but I must tell you that it is not happening in all countries of the world, it could just be inflation in some places and not hyperinflation. Even though many countries are facing inflation, you should certainly know that it is not an automatic hardship for them, they are merely paying more, the two (inflation and hardship) are different things. Hardship is when people cannot afford to buy goods and hire services. Despite inflation in some countries, they can still afford it and not slip into the poverty level the way most African countries are increasingly slipping into the poverty index level, which includes Nigeria.

     The African country is only one of the countries listed in the world as a poor country, and life in that country is not easy. That's why the people there are doing their own thing just so they can survive the hardship they are going through.

     And it is difficult for the government of the African country to solve that for all the citizens that are also under their control. It has been going through several decades and is still facing a situation like that.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: KingsDen on March 15, 2024, 08:47:47 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it
The hardship is not global,  maybe we can say that what is global is inflation.  Some countries are doing absolutely well and her Citizens are doing great. Some other countries are still toiling the tunnel and there's no clear notification when the light will appear at the end of the tunnel.  The leaders of Some countries are just the greatest problem the countries have. Especially African leaders,  the embezzle the national treasury and export most of them to the Western countries where there colleagues accept them.

Calling for global Brotherhood is not easy to attain. The world is in continuous war, the several calls for peace have not yielded any result, so uniting to fight hunger might not be feasible because hunger is not the problem of most countries rather advancement of technology and Arsenal.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: RockBell on March 15, 2024, 08:56:51 PM

The African country is only one of the countries listed in the world as a poor country, and life in that country is not easy. That's why the people there are doing their own thing just so they can survive the hardship they are going through.

And it is difficult for the government of the African country to solve that for all the citizens that are also under their control. It has been going through several decades and is still facing a situation like that.
Am sure is not only Africans who are facing challenges but the only good thing is that our government has failed us and our system is not working what surprises me the most is our corrupt our leaders are and where they will not steal money they do not give attention to that. and I love one thing about we Africans we are fighters and we are doing everything possible to survive because of the nature of our countries. A time will come when all these things will be corrected and I know we are getting to that point very soon. just that is slow and people are tired of the way the government is operating not doing the proper things let it not get to a point people will turn against the government. That is when they will get what people are saying and that is when they will listen to people.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: oktana on March 15, 2024, 08:58:08 PM
Hardship is an inevitable global crisis the world is facing and will continue to be a major problem. Even in developed country and with the best economy is till a problem.
The problem is very obvious right now that no one knows when everything will okay but it seems things are getting worse, leaders are finding it very difficult and are out of ideas to make the economy to be better.   I think this should be a time people needs not to depend in government so much, depending in government can be very disappointing and annoying when things keeps getting worst and the expected is not done.

One of the factors that really affect hardship is the world economy. COVID-19 ruined a lot of things, tho the effects are fading as time passes but it made very strong impact when countries were closing their borders and business couldn’t go on as usual. But yes, do not depend on the government to get you out of hardship or poverty, strive in every possible way that you can.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Mame89 on March 15, 2024, 10:49:13 PM
Hardship is an inevitable global crisis the world is facing and will continue to be a major problem. Even in developed country and with the best economy is till a problem.
The problem is very obvious right now that no one knows when everything will okay but it seems things are getting worse, leaders are finding it very difficult and are out of ideas to make the economy to be better.   I think this should be a time people needs not to depend in government so much, depending in government can be very disappointing and annoying when things keeps getting worst and the expected is not done.

One of the factors that really affect hardship is the world economy. COVID-19 ruined a lot of things, tho the effects are fading as time passes but it made very strong impact when countries were closing their borders and business couldn’t go on as usual. But yes, do not depend on the government to get you out of hardship or poverty, strive in every possible way that you can.
Yes, right. When the pandemic occurred, the economic difficulties in each country were very clear and many countries used this as a lesson when facing economic difficulties. Even though currently many countries are starting to return to normal after the pandemic, this is certainly not over yet, there will still be economic difficulties in the future. We as ordinary people should not expect more from the government to get out of poverty or face economic problems. This is where we need to turn the worst situation into an opportunity. Investment is a solution when the economy is not good.

In my country, many people suffer from poverty due to lack of education, parental mistakes, and use of illegal drugs. All these factors resulted in many crimes thereafter. Additionally, poor governance adds to the life cycle of many communities in my country from local to national levels. There is still corruption and manipulation. And I realized that it was this wrong attitude that made us poor. Therefore, it is difficult to wake up.

The solution does not only depend on the government or prayer, but we can also start from small steps, starting from ourselves. starting from small things starting from will and hard work.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: God bless u on March 16, 2024, 08:00:32 AM
Yes it's a fact that hardship is very much increased nowadays and it has become difficult to Survive in this world. What we need to understand here is that we need to work for ourselves rather than working for others. We need to focus to grow our wealth rather than participating in others plans to make them earn and grow.

Entrepreneurship is a key that will lead people to beautiful lives. Life in which there will be no tension and fear of sleeping without eating properly. It's not about eating nowadays rather the wishes and standards of people have increased so much that they have raised their circles of wishes that's why it has become difficult to fulfill that long and deep circle.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: AVE5 on March 16, 2024, 08:59:38 AM
The same nation which you think of coming together to bring solutions to the hardened economy situation at now is the same national governments that structured the same hardship. So there's no way to depend on them bringing solutions to it unless they on their own has decided to bring an end to it. This happens when there are political bigots who has corrupted they governing and the economical systems of the people.
Something we and you should ask yourself is that what's really the bottom root of this situation on ground? Is it about climate changes? Not enough resources? Not enough manpowers? Lack of technologies or incompetent entrepreneural innovations?
I guess not because are these are being considered enough and sufficient to enhance the economy to a booster Instead of this crawlings.
It's very much oblivious that this ugly situation is a political infrastructures sentimenting against when masses while the riches getting richer.
At Op, things are going hard and rough for you, for me and some others but not everyone that are in this same situation because there are those who're hugely benefiting as a caused of this trending hardships while you are thinking everyone's in the mess together.
This is literally an infrastructure basically a benefitial portfolios that's adding more to the pockets of our looting leaders whom you Op thinks they're to bring forth solutions to the aid.

Let me just say this up and loudly, don't what for what the government would do for you for all hopes are lost in them and so, think about what you'd do for yourself else you'd perish and no one would care about eand not even the so expectant nations that's rebelling you.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Egii Nna on March 16, 2024, 09:30:21 AM
In today's world, suffering is everywhere, but this suffering is not for everyone. I don't think that powerful people have problems. Yes common people like us are suffering. Those who are always suffering or working hard all day and night to get rid of suffering. The government of any country can solve this problem. If there are syndicate traders who are not too profitable and conduct their business honestly, then the common people of the country can get relief from the hardships. At the same time, the government should also supervise the market so that the common people have normal access to the daily market goods and get some relief from the hardship. Currently, the world is going through various complications, due to various problems including wars, and natural environmental disasters, the common citizens of the whole world are going through a difficult environment.

Knows that hardship and suffering are one of the global disasters in almost every country. It is a nice one, but the main point we are to stand on is the solution, and when you depend on the government to do all that, you are not helping matters. Because when you are talking about hardship, you don’t select because the people leaving in that particular environment are those that will definitely suffer from it. If they come together, they can find a proper solution to their problem, but depending on the government is not usually recommended, so looking for solutions between you and the community members will be highly accepted.
For instance. The community is suffering a lot from hunger and a poor water supply. You know this is a critical issue that can cause death due to the suffering in the community. First, you will identify the problem: why is your community suffering from hunger and poor water supply? After identifying the main problem, you will move directly to the analysis and find a proper solution to the problem in the community. If the main problem is because there are fewer farmers or less importation of food items and other factors, you will create a solution for that. For the water supply, you can easily create a committee that will write a letter to the leaders of their community and follow up in order for the letter to go to the appropriate channel (government). Before that, you will bring out a temporary solution that is within the community. 
You see, in this problem, not only the government will not be included, but the community members have almost solved more than half of their community problems before approaching the government. This will even pique the interest of the government to come and intervene as early as possible. 

Entrepreneurship is a key that will lead people to beautiful lives. Life in which there will be no tension and fear of sleeping without eating properly. It's not about eating nowadays rather the wishes and standards of people have increased so much that they have raised their circles of wishes that's why it has become difficult to fulfill that long and deep circle.

Entrepreneurship is definitely the key, but most of the time people find it hard to understand because they are directly dependent. Most people who have such problems are not creative and only wait for someone else to come and give them all they need, which isn't possible. You, as a person with a problem, need to identify a solution for yourself without waiting for the government or someone else's opinion.
Because most people in this problem fail to do things according to their sources of income, and they don’t want to be creative in order to find another way that they will start getting income, which might help to reduce their needs because most of their needs are not tangible, but they put it as a most to achieve it. That is why I mostly say people find it difficult to differentiate between their wants and needs, which is the main problem that is causing this hardship and suffering around the globe.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Gormicsta on March 16, 2024, 12:45:20 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it

One policy that I believe would be especially helpful is the adoption of a universal basic income (UBI). UBI is an idea in which every citizen will receive an adequate basic revenue, irrespective of their profession or financial level. This approach has the potential to reduce hunger and poverty while simultaneously promoting economic growth. Some countries, including as Finland, Canada, and Kenya, have already tested with UBI. Citizens and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) can play an important role in providing relief and support to those in need, while the World Bank can contribute assets and knowledge to help governments.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: nngella on March 16, 2024, 03:08:58 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it

I think what you are really referring to is poverty.  Many households are experiencing hardship in terms of getting food, getting their income, and having their basic needs.  The United Nations are implementing development programs to assist nations to alleviate poverty and minimize income disparity.  I think it really boils down to the sinful nature of man.  People in power (or in government) taking advantage the taxpayers' money and use it for their personal interest and not to help their constituents.  As a result, the community will lack the necessities to help its citizens, increasing the poverty level of the community.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Youngkhngdiddy on March 16, 2024, 04:01:36 PM
right. When the pandemic occurred, the economic difficulties in each country were very clear and many countries used this as a lesson when facing economic difficulties. Even though currently many countries are starting to return to normal after the pandemic, this is certainly not over yet, there will still be economic difficulties in the future. We as ordinary people should not expect more from the government to get out of poverty or face economic problems. This is where we need to turn the worst situation into an opportunity. Investment is a solution when the economy is not good.

In my country, many people suffer from poverty due to lack of education, parental mistakes, and use of illegal drugs. All these factors resulted in many crimes thereafter. Additionally, poor governance adds to the life cycle of many communities in my country from local to national levels. There is still corruption and manipulation. And I realized that it was this wrong attitude that made us poor. Therefore, it is difficult to wake up.

The solution does not only depend on the government or prayer, but we can also start from small steps, starting from ourselves. starting from small things starting from will and hard work.
The government can’t save you from poverty that is solely your responsibility and it left for you to either make a move for a better life for yourself or you remain stagnant where you are. There are still poor people even in wealthy countries, we still have homeless people around despite their blossoming economy. Coming out of poverty solely depends on you and the actions you’ve made or about to make.  There is no country where corruption and manipulation doesn’t exist, they is so much we don’t know happening behind the scenes, Bill Gate one of the influential in the world once said “ it is not your fault if you come from a poor family,  but it your fault when you die poor”. They are lot of resources the world has given us to beat this matrix, not every one has that drive to beat the matrix. Government can only make life better and easy for their people and not feed them what to eat, you got to show some working too.
 However, it can only become worse when the government is not doing well enough, like you said in your country they are upraising of crime and vices going on in your country. These may result to lack to employment for the youth causing desperation in the country, this may lead to people taking laws to their hands. In a well organized country. Governmental body can only provide with 40% of resources to help people succeed, while the 60% is up to you. If you keep waiting for the government to put you on some kind of payroll when you are not working for them, then be prepared to face the dance of the talking drum. Go out there and make the difference. Show the world your potential and what you have to offer, make waves for yourself make sure you try to beat the matrix.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Belarge on March 17, 2024, 06:28:33 AM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it
The universal can be reduced but it can not be permanently eliminated, a temporal phase that will become less inactive as the days pases by. No one really care about the hardship until they're affected. We can continue to grow in the system, it can be rapidly or slowing, but whatever happens, always ensure to be on the Wilmington paths. We can quenched our hope because it's definitely to fueled our motivation and bringing about the best results. Hardship are for those that finds it difficult explore in the current world.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Casdinyard on March 17, 2024, 09:09:37 AM
dont wait for nations(governments) to come fix it
the problem stems from governments allowing capitalism to shine and thats where funds get trickled up from the individual and into the central(capital) of corporations

if you are personally going hungry try to do everything you can to resolve stuff happening in your home
waiting for someone else wont happen overnight

unless you are unemployed/homeless, (on income of poor/social security), there is always ways to find enough to feed/shelter yourself
many people lived prosperously and want to remain at that living standard even in tough times, but reality is in tough times people need to adjust lifestyle to live within their means

can you downsize your housing costs (move location/move to smaller home)
can you get overtime, an extra job, promotion. a new job
can you change utility providers to cheaper rates
can you find cheaper alternatives to your meals
can you cancel/unsubscribe from subscriptions or other monthly outgoings
if you have credit cards, debts, mortgages.
  - can you temporarily switch them all to interest only/minimum payments.
      - then using the extra you then have,  to pay off the smallest debt, and then repeat

Kinda sad that we can't really rely on the government for assistance when in the first place since History's oldest annals they were created for the sole purpose of helping the public, but you're damn right. You can't depend on a concept that is actively trying its best to deafen your screams for help and is constantly blind to your struggles.

So what to do right besides mutinying and making a living amongst the mountains with the tree people? Grind as much as you can that when things fall into place you wouldn't have to worry about how to find food to eat tomorrow. Living frugally is one of the best things you can do but if I may add up, you might want to learn a new craft or skill as well that pays great. If you're already in such a bracket then look into finding another job that would act as your side hustle. As of the moment you can't really rely on a sole stream of income to lift you out of poverty anymore, and that's true even for countries like Philippines where living expenses are a little bit cheaper than the rest of the world's. Find another income stream and use that to pile up on savings and investment ventures. Once you've accumulated enough wealth that your money-making systems are already sustainably generating income for you, you can drop it off and finally retire. That's the game plan today.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: edy_58 on March 17, 2024, 05:39:12 PM
The universal can be reduced but it can not be permanently eliminated, a temporal phase that will become less inactive as the days pases by. No one really care about the hardship until they're affected. We can continue to grow in the system, it can be rapidly or slowing, but whatever happens, always ensure to be on the Wilmington paths. We can quenched our hope because it's definitely to fueled our motivation and bringing about the best results. Hardship are for those that finds it difficult explore in the current world.
Difficulties will always be there if someone does not know how to solve the problems they face, but for those who are trying to find a way of resolution, of course, will find a path that will be faced because it is impossible for someone to find a solution from the difficulties they face if They do not try to find solutions, so it is important for us to try to find solutions from the difficulties we are facing and we must be sure of the abilities we have in order to have the motivation to find solutions to the difficulties we face.

Yes, of course, everyone has a different response from the difficulties that others are natural, for those who have a sense of mercy will certainly care about the difficulties of others and will help as much as they can solve the problem being faced by others, but there is also Those who do not want to care about the problems that other people face because they themselves have problems that they cannot solve.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: target on March 17, 2024, 06:05:06 PM
dont wait for nations(governments) to come fix it
the problem stems from governments allowing capitalism to shine and thats where funds get trickled up from the individual and into the central(capital) of corporations

if you are personally going hungry try to do everything you can to resolve stuff happening in your home
waiting for someone else wont happen overnight

unless you are unemployed/homeless, (on income of poor/social security), there is always ways to find enough to feed/shelter yourself
many people lived prosperously and want to remain at that living standard even in tough times, but reality is in tough times people need to adjust lifestyle to live within their means

can you downsize your housing costs (move location/move to smaller home)
can you get overtime, an extra job, promotion. a new job
can you change utility providers to cheaper rates
can you find cheaper alternatives to your meals
can you cancel/unsubscribe from subscriptions or other monthly outgoings
if you have credit cards, debts, mortgages.
  - can you temporarily switch them all to interest only/minimum payments.
      - then using the extra you then have,  to pay off the smallest debt, and then repeat

Kinda sad that we can't really rely on the government for assistance when in the first place since History's oldest annals they were created for the sole purpose of helping the public, but you're damn right. You can't depend on a concept that is actively trying its best to deafen your screams for help and is constantly blind to your struggles.

So what to do right besides mutinying and making a living amongst the mountains with the tree people? Grind as much as you can that when things fall into place you wouldn't have to worry about how to find food to eat tomorrow. Living frugally is one of the best things you can do but if I may add up, you might want to learn a new craft or skill as well that pays great. If you're already in such a bracket then look into finding another job that would act as your side hustle. As of the moment you can't really rely on a sole stream of income to lift you out of poverty anymore, and that's true even for countries like Philippines where living expenses are a little bit cheaper than the rest of the world's. Find another income stream and use that to pile up on savings and investment ventures. Once you've accumulated enough wealth that your money-making systems are already sustainably generating income for you, you can drop it off and finally retire. That's the game plan today.

Philippine government is just the same as other governments that are not helping its people. Our lawmakers are even drafting policies that will make us more vulnerable to capitalism as said by frank. More importers of products coming from other countries will come and the local producers suffer especially the farmers today who should have been the priority. We are a rice producer country but we import more rice.

The war in Middle East I think will cause more suffering as it can escalate even further since this is becoming a proxy war between powerful countries such as US, Russia and China. Those are the cause of higher price of oil and gas.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Juse14 on March 17, 2024, 06:32:54 PM
It cannot be denied that the current situation is very difficult. They are small people who do not have savings or investments, and have an income that is only able to meet their needs, and sometimes they still lack it. Their current condition is truly worrying. And I felt quite concerned when I found news in the local media that there was an elderly woman who had not eaten rice for days because she could not afford it, and to satisfy her hunger, every day the old woman only cooked leaves without seasoning. This is a condition that is quite worrying, and I believe that this is not only happening in my country, but also in several other countries, especially underdeveloped and poor countries. However, the difference is, my country is a country rich in natural resources, where gold mines are everywhere but the people are not prosperous.

And of course, to overcome this gap, the role of the government is needed as well as good cooperation between countries. But when you see the condition of the government like this, which doesn't care about the welfare of the people, This makes me feel quite pessimistic that the difficulties that occur at the bottom of society can be resolved.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: lizarder on March 17, 2024, 07:34:28 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day.
Then what can be done by some people who are unable to meet the need to eat and how the role of the government as one of the official institutions that is obliged to protect its people. I see this problem in a much smaller and lucky aspect in my region, there are no people who are unable to meet the needs of eating even though globally the source of income is so difficult to get now.

Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it
Do not expect this to be resolved globally together because every country has its own interests for the process of sustainability of the state. If you want this problem to be resolved, see how the government makes a program for its people and even though the government cannot reach the entire poor but at least they have a special program to explore this problem. Every individual does not need to wait for a government program for eating problems because if they want to have a way out that can be taken

Look at how much vacant land is unproductive and not used and this should be an opportunity for the community to develop the agricultural sector. The country will prosper when the food sources they have are sufficient and able to accommodate the needs of the community. The problem arises when the country does not have land to develop the agricultural sector and the government should be able to develop other resources.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Benedictare on March 17, 2024, 08:24:53 PM

  War and conflict , are the fastest way of
bringing hardship on a country,and to maintaining peace and security is important to preventing poverty and hardship in a country with the increasing number of terrorist becoming conflict zone,the number of poor and displaced women and children is increasing , causing the spread of diseases and a distabilization to economic growth.

   Inflation tackling ,in other to control inflation, government has to enforce price regulation on various products,also the central banks should take a strong stand when making decisions and adjust policy properly and communicate clearly to her citizens.

   These two factors can also brings down a country's economy very fast and can lead to poverty.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Hewlet on March 18, 2024, 08:22:06 AM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it
hardship has always been a part of the global economy since the inception of the world and regardless of whatever policies the government and the world leaders might bring on board, hardship can't be eradicated out of the world.  I know that the policies of our leaders can go a long way in reducing the rate of hardship that's ravaging the land but when it comes to a long term solution to reducing the rate of hardship in the land, it's more of the ability of individuals to take their lives seriously and become more responsible for their lives.

Every need to have that mentality that their life is first off, their number one priority and what they decide to make out of it is first off, their responsibility. There can't come a time when the whole world can decide that hardship should stop and it will just stop. There had been series of plans and policies and organization that had been set up to help reduce the rate of hardship in the world and although they have been doing their best, there are and there will still exist countless numbers of people that arw still in hardship and that will still continue in hardship. Their is nothing like a perfect society and so we just have to work a bit towards getting to becoming a bit better than how we are and that's just it.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: NewRanger on March 18, 2024, 02:59:00 PM
The focus of this discussion is towards food security. What you said above is true and if you look at it globally, especially in the countries you mentioned, it is visually very clear if you look closely that this gap is widening and becoming deeply entrenched to this day. However, in my opinion, this is not an easy matter even though there are initiatives to reduce the scope of this problem through universal collective action from various countries. So, I think a strong initiative needs to come from the community first and support must also come from the government of each country, of course in implementing food security programs so that people no longer experience difficulties and suffering.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: MissNonFall9 on March 18, 2024, 04:50:06 PM
In today's world, suffering is everywhere, but this suffering is not for everyone. I don't think that powerful people have problems. Yes common people like us are suffering. Those who are always suffering or working hard all day and night to get rid of suffering. The government of any country can solve this problem. If there are syndicate traders who are not too profitable and conduct their business honestly, then the common people of the country can get relief from the hardships. At the same time, the government should also supervise the market so that the common people have normal access to the daily market goods and get some relief from the hardship. Currently, the world is going through various complications, due to various problems including wars, and natural environmental disasters, the common citizens of the whole world are going through a difficult environment.

Knows that hardship and suffering are one of the global disasters in almost every country. It is a nice one, but the main point we are to stand on is the solution, and when you depend on the government to do all that, you are not helping matters. Because when you are talking about hardship, you don’t select because the people leaving in that particular environment are those that will definitely suffer from it. If they come together, they can find a proper solution to their problem, but depending on the government is not usually recommended, so looking for solutions between you and the community members will be highly accepted.
For instance. The community is suffering a lot from hunger and a poor water supply. You know this is a critical issue that can cause death due to the suffering in the community. First, you will identify the problem: why is your community suffering from hunger and poor water supply? After identifying the main problem, you will move directly to the analysis and find a proper solution to the problem in the community. If the main problem is because there are fewer farmers or less importation of food items and other factors, you will create a solution for that. For the water supply, you can easily create a committee that will write a letter to the leaders of their community and follow up in order for the letter to go to the appropriate channel (government). Before that, you will bring out a temporary solution that is within the community. 
You see, in this problem, not only the government will not be included, but the community members have almost solved more than half of their community problems before approaching the government. This will even pique the interest of the government to come and intervene as early as possible. 
Yes a global disaster is called hardship or suffering. In this case it is very important to be aware of your own place to solve any problem and be fully engaged in solving the problem. But my point is that since the overall management and control of a country rests with the government, if the government is conscious and insightful and performs all its activities smoothly and honestly then there will be no suffering in that country. The internal situation of all countries is not the same. Sometimes to get back your rights you have to inform the authorities and sometimes you have to embark on a wide-scale movement to get back your rights. But yes no matter what the internal situation of the country is, in the critical situation of any country if we work according to the chart given by you, we will get very quick benefits and everyone will come forward to help everyone.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Sorryfor on March 18, 2024, 05:43:01 PM
Everything in this world has never been perfect and never will be. It is never possible And this world is a place of suffering. Happiness will come here, suffering will come, we have to move on.  You said people are in a lot of trouble, especially in less developed countries. I admit this but personal decision plays a big role in getting out of here. Let's say if you are unemployed and have no skills then you can improve your skills on your own initiative and focus more on learning new things through which you will get money. Today's world has become mostly dependent on technology, in this case you can acquire skills in many things from anywhere in the world through the internet through which you can solve your personal problems as well as fulfill the needs of some people around you. That's why we should not think negative but plan how we can overcome it and try our best to transform the work according to the plan. Change is never possible if you are only in despair. Rather, the first step should be taken by me and you.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: rangga28 on March 18, 2024, 05:48:09 PM
The focus of this discussion is towards food security. What you said above is true and if you look at it globally, especially in the countries you mentioned, it is visually very clear if you look closely that this gap is widening and becoming deeply entrenched to this day. However, in my opinion, this is not an easy matter even though there are initiatives to reduce the scope of this problem through universal collective action from various countries. So, I think a strong initiative needs to come from the community first and support must also come from the government of each country, of course in implementing food security programs so that people no longer experience difficulties and suffering.
The food crisis is the most frightening specter for anyone, global economic conditions, especially food issues, seem to be getting bleaker. Prolonged conflict and extreme climate change are the main triggers for the crisis. If food supplies are empty then the situation is very bad, I can just imagine certain countries that don't have anything at all, their lives are very threatened.

So it would be better for developed countries to think about people who are starting to be threatened with starvation for the sake of humanity. And as soon as possible to leave the never-ending conflict behind for global recovery.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: lixer on March 19, 2024, 02:16:22 PM
It has to do more with the mindset of poverty rather than hardship. The term hardship in this post sounds more like an individual problem rather than a global one because there are still persons whose greatest wish right now, is to
just see another day.
I know it ain't good economically for many countries mostly where they depend on oil or export and import products and food items to survive.

If individual adults who are able to earn or still trying to earn can stop waiting on the government to always assist in every situation, the disappointment alone that comes with making one become unproductive and undisciplined will be far away and the instinct to live in abundance and be peaceful while seeking a better way forward creatively, despite the scarcity and hardship of the economy, will forthcome with ease.
Poverty is not a human that has a mindset. Hardship on the other hand, can be separated from poverty or it does not depend on our financial status. Hardship may be a problem of a single individual rather than a group but there are lots of people who can experience it around the world, that is why we can say that it is still global. Each countries must have their own charm or products.

One may lack in oil but the other can also lack in food crops for example, so what can happen is these two countries will just trade products, in order to fulfil their needs. If you are earning well, you can depend less on the government but those who aren't, well they may rely on them for a while (not permanently). I don't see that as a big issue.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Zanab247 on March 20, 2024, 03:19:45 PM
That is why is very good to create your own business when you have the capital, but if you don't have the capital to create your own business you can look for some job that will be bringing you weekly money or monthly money to invest in BTC and you will not follow them to experience any hardship.

 Despite the hardship in the land, there are still some people who are busy building houses, buying cars and creating companies that worth millionaires because they prepared before the hardship begin in the land and, it can also make some  people to learn lesson from all those wealthy people to always prepare ahead.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: gabbie2010 on March 20, 2024, 04:13:35 PM
Truly the less or underdeveloped countries would feel more impact on the current global hardship, the developed countries would have provided means to cushion their own hardship while tackling this global menace, unfortunately the third world countries probably due to their corrupt leaders might not be able to provide the necessary succour to assist the less prevailed and the vulnerable people in those countries consequently might triggers high crime rate, I think this is right time for international organizations like iMF and World Bank to come into the aid of those struggling countries by providing loans to ameliorate the suffering of the masses

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: JoyMarsha on March 20, 2024, 07:56:28 PM
If you are waiting for the entire world to band together to find a solution to this global hardship, you are wasting your time because it is not going to happen. The only way to overcome this hardship is to work wisely and with a hustle mentality. Every nation's citizen are faced with a financial crisis that they are powerless to resolve. But now is not the time to whine loudly about hardship. instead, it's the time to get a job by learning skills that are in demand that will help you to survive in this global hardship.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Dailyscript on March 20, 2024, 09:14:09 PM
The focus of this discussion is towards food security. What you said above is true and if you look at it globally, especially in the countries you mentioned, it is visually very clear if you look closely that this gap is widening and becoming deeply entrenched to this day. However, in my opinion, this is not an easy matter even though there are initiatives to reduce the scope of this problem through universal collective action from various countries. So, I think a strong initiative needs to come from the community first and support must also come from the government of each country, of course in implementing food security programs so that people no longer experience difficulties and suffering.
The food crisis is the most frightening specter for anyone, global economic conditions, especially food issues, seem to be getting bleaker. Prolonged conflict and extreme climate change are the main triggers for the crisis. If food supplies are empty then the situation is very bad, I can just imagine certain countries that don't have anything at all, their lives are very threatened.

So it would be better for developed countries to think about people who are starting to be threatened with starvation for the sake of humanity. And as soon as possible to leave the never-ending conflict behind for global recovery.
This climate causing crisis is for some countries and not globally. In my country, it is perfect to give enough produce for the country to have enough to feed and export. Instead, we still have a lot of people who are starving, and the rate of poverty is high. It is so funny because how would a country with lots of mineral resources and good soil for agriculture be complaining about the lack of food and electricity?

Truly, hardship is a global problem, and it would be very difficult for a country to recover from it. In the US, the rate of inflation is so high that it has persisted for years now. I could remember that since the time of Donald Trump, the citizens have been complaining about inflation, and up until now, there has not been any solution for it Right now, they are complaining about the high cost of getting an apartment in the US.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Claudeake on March 20, 2024, 10:35:35 PM
My brother, you should understand that in all ages, production of goods and services are the antidotes to poverty and the hardship you are talking about here. So, it's not peculiar to this present time. The global arena has remained same in the historical epoch of all ages in respect to inequality in all ramifications.
So, the only way to come out from this abrasive inequality, poverty and hardship is to engage oneself in the production of goods and services to earn a living in various capacities of income in the society.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Vinaa77 on March 21, 2024, 08:58:05 AM
If you are waiting for the entire world to band together to find a solution to this global hardship, you are wasting your time because it is not going to happen. The only way to overcome this hardship is to work wisely and with a hustle mentality. Every nation's citizen are faced with a financial crisis that they are powerless to resolve. But now is not the time to whine loudly about hardship. instead, it's the time to get a job by learning skills that are in demand that will help you to survive in this global hardship.
Indeed, this is very unlikely to be possible and what you say is very true, of course thinking about our own fate is more important and we also have to work harder to be able to avoid the difficulties that we could face at any time, by complaining we will not be able to solve the problem. the financial crisis that we are currently facing and this cannot help us in dealing with this situation, so it would be better for us to be able to do things that can provide us with income to be able to meet our needs during this time of crisis, when we realize that by having skills we will be able to helping us to meet the needs we need, of course this will be able to provide us with income.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: wxa7115 on March 21, 2024, 09:14:38 AM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it
If a problem could be solved so easily, it is to be expected that such a problem should have been solved already, but this has not happened, giving a clear hint the problem is bigger than what you think.

Right now, it is estimated there are 8.1 billion people around the world, that is a lot of people to feed three times per day for the rest of their lives, even if governments made an effort to fed those people, something they are already doing, not only they will have to concentrate on producing all of that food, but on the distribution and the corruption an effort like that would entail, so this idea that politicians can solve world hunger by just willing themselves to do it is too idealistic.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Antotena on March 21, 2024, 05:55:37 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it

Hardship is all about how the government is working. There is suffering everywhere but it's not obvious in some places. Some of these underdeveloped countries or developing countries are sacrificing a lot trying to build there nation and a lot of sacrifices has to be made, unlike th develop countries that has sacrificed a lot in the past and enjoying today. Though, some undeveloped countries are filled with a lot of corrupt government officials, instead of them to be working, they are stealing money and hiding it overseas for some business and laundering the rest and yet they don't probe them for doing that, the new government will come to office and continue the looting while the rest of the poor people continue to suffer.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: southerngentuk on March 21, 2024, 06:01:53 PM
Poverty manifests differently across the globe.  Hunger and famine might plague some regions, while others grapple with high living costs or inadequate social safety nets.  Imagine a spectrum of hardship, with each country facing its unique set of challenges.

The idea of individual mitigation through savings and cryptocurrency investment is intriguing.  While personal responsibility is crucial, it shouldn't overshadow the need for systemic change.  Imagine a single raindrop trying to extinguish a raging fire – individual action has limitations.

Looking at history, you highlight the persistent nature of poverty.  But you also point out the human spirit's resilience.  People have always fought for a better life, individually and collectively.  This spirit of self-reliance is commendable, but it shouldn't negate the need for fair and transparent leadership that prioritizes the well-being of its citizens.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Ben Barubal on March 21, 2024, 06:46:02 PM
If you are waiting for the entire world to band together to find a solution to this global hardship, you are wasting your time because it is not going to happen. The only way to overcome this hardship is to work wisely and with a hustle mentality. Every nation's citizen are faced with a financial crisis that they are powerless to resolve. But now is not the time to whine loudly about hardship. instead, it's the time to get a job by learning skills that are in demand that will help you to survive in this global hardship.
Indeed, this is very unlikely to be possible and what you say is very true, of course thinking about our own fate is more important and we also have to work harder to be able to avoid the difficulties that we could face at any time, by complaining we will not be able to solve the problem. the financial crisis that we are currently facing and this cannot help us in dealing with this situation, so it would be better for us to be able to do things that can provide us with income to be able to meet our needs during this time of crisis, when we realize that by having skills we will be able to helping us to meet the needs we need, of course this will be able to provide us with income.

     Well, to be honest, the hardships in our lives also help us to learn and have pride in the life we have. Whether the person is rich or poor, they go through this because, in my opinion, if there is no hardship, we will not learn how to strategize correctly in everything we do in our lives, right?

     And there are also many ways for us to solve this hardship that we will face in life. If there are many problems, there are also many solutions for them; all we need to do is take action by looking for them.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Baki202 on March 22, 2024, 10:08:33 AM
The focus of this discussion is towards food security. What you said above is true and if you look at it globally, especially in the countries you mentioned, it is visually very clear if you look closely that this gap is widening and becoming deeply entrenched to this day. However, in my opinion, this is not an easy matter even though there are initiatives to reduce the scope of this problem through universal collective action from various countries. So, I think a strong initiative needs to come from the community first and support must also come from the government of each country, of course, in implementing food security programs so that people no longer experience difficulties and suffering.
The issue of food security is a global problem and we have been looking for ways to even improve the whole production but we are still having difficulty in solving the issue of food security The problem that it comes with is that food is expensive and it is gradually becoming out of reach for average people There are food items that an average person will find difficult to purchase. and as the world population is increasing, the issue of food security is widely expanding, and it is getting to the point that we have to encourage ourselves to go back to the farm.

And most of all, with this problem, we as a society have a very big role to play, We don't expect the government to do everything for us, as we have failed to help That is why the problem remains unsolved.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: DeathAngel on March 22, 2024, 09:56:36 PM
It’s tough to predict the future but the idea of nations coming together to address hardship globally is not impossible. It would require strong international cooperation, shared values & effective leadership. Overcoming challenges like poverty, inequality & conflict on a global scale would require a collective effort & a shift in mindset towards viewing hardship as a shared problem rather than individual nations responsibility. It’s complex & a long term process but the potential for nations to unite & work towards universal solutions does exist.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Mauser on March 23, 2024, 07:48:04 AM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it

I fully agree with you that the world could be a much better place if all countries would work together, sadly this is not really realistic at the moment. The world is still struggling with wars, many economies are moving away from free trade and try to protect their local industries, and there is a growing number of people trying to migrate to different countries. All these problems could be adresed if the world would act as one and the countries wouldn't fight each other. Unfortunately, most of us are not in any place of power to have real influence over the world and should focus more on our own family and how we can do the best in our situation. For me saving is an important concept that hopefully many people learned from their parents and grandparents. Without any form of saving, we will be doomed in case of an emergency. Nobody knows the futures and we need to plan ahead always for some unforeseen events that could hurt us or our family. Having some emergency fund that we saved before can make a big difference, because without it we would need to try and get a loan that will have very high interest payments in the future. At least in my family it was normal to always save some small part of your monthly income for a rainy day. Also, saving money is the first step to have money for investing. Once we saved some larger amounts of money, we can start buying assets which are going to lead to a higher return than saving money in a bank account. Cutting back on unnecessary purchases and putting that money to work for us is going to make a big difference the longer we are saving and investing.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: dezoel on March 23, 2024, 06:11:32 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it
The hardship is not global,  maybe we can say that what is global is inflation.  Some countries are doing absolutely well and her Citizens are doing great. Some other countries are still toiling the tunnel and there's no clear notification when the light will appear at the end of the tunnel.  The leaders of Some countries are just the greatest problem the countries have. Especially African leaders,  the embezzle the national treasury and export most of them to the Western countries where there colleagues accept them.

Calling for global Brotherhood is not easy to attain. The world is in continuous war, the several calls for peace have not yielded any result, so uniting to fight hunger might not be feasible because hunger is not the problem of most countries rather advancement of technology and Arsenal.
That's right, inflation can be a global issue but most developing countries can fight it and such countries don't leave their citizens to suffer but they do everything they can to ease the problems of their people. In developing countries, if there is high inflation, they tend to increase the wages of employees inn every sector by a certain percentage to fight inflation so that they don't face issues in hard times that they are going through.

Besides, a country that has a government that works for their people and not just to fill their own bank accounts will barely have very high inflation because they will always have their strategies to reduce inflation as much as possible, they always have their economy stabilized.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: arimamib on March 25, 2024, 02:29:35 PM
The hardship is not global,  maybe we can say that what is global is inflation.  Some countries are doing absolutely well and her Citizens are doing great. Some other countries are still toiling the tunnel and there's no clear notification when the light will appear at the end of the tunnel.  The leaders of Some countries are just the greatest problem the countries have. Especially African leaders,  the embezzle the national treasury and export most of them to the Western countries where there colleagues accept them.

Calling for global Brotherhood is not easy to attain. The world is in continuous war, the several calls for peace have not yielded any result, so uniting to fight hunger might not be feasible because hunger is not the problem of most countries rather advancement of technology and Arsenal.
That's right, inflation can be a global issue but most developing countries can fight it and such countries don't leave their citizens to suffer but they do everything they can to ease the problems of their people. In developing countries, if there is high inflation, they tend to increase the wages of employees inn every sector by a certain percentage to fight inflation so that they don't face issues in hard times that they are going through.

Besides, a country that has a government that works for their people and not just to fill their own bank accounts will barely have very high inflation because they will always have their strategies to reduce inflation as much as possible, they always have their economy stabilized.
Many of developing countries implement strategies to mitigate the impact of inflation on their citizens, recognizing the potential hardships it can bring. One common approach is adjusting wages to keep pace with rising prices, thereby helping workers maintain their purchasing power during periods of inflationary pressure. That is how the governments aim to alleviate the financial strain on their populations and ensure stability amid economic challenges. Developing countries commonly have wide farming land that produce basic need, This is another reason these countries survived inflation.

A government that prioritizes the well-being of its people and implements effective economic policies is more likely to keep inflation in check and maintain a stable economy. Prudent fiscal and monetary policies can curb inflationary pressures and promote sustainable growth. Prioritizing measures to combat inflation and bolster the economy can foster an environment where citizens are better equipped to weather economic challenges and pursue opportunities for advancement.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: Youngkhngdiddy on March 26, 2024, 06:15:31 AM
Many of developing countries implement strategies to mitigate the impact of inflation on their citizens, recognizing the potential hardships it can bring. One common approach is adjusting wages to keep pace with rising prices, thereby helping workers maintain their purchasing power during periods of inflationary pressure. That is how the governments aim to alleviate the financial strain on their populations and ensure stability amid economic challenges. Developing countries commonly have wide farming land that produce basic need, This is another reason these countries survived inflation.

A government that prioritizes the well-being of its people and implements effective economic policies is more likely to keep inflation in check and maintain a stable economy. Prudent fiscal and monetary policies can curb inflationary pressures and promote sustainable growth. Prioritizing measures to combat inflation and bolster the economy can foster an environment where citizens are better equipped to weather economic challenges and pursue opportunities for advancement.
  Enforce use of Food Stamps only for purchase of raw vegetables and not for prepared foods like TV diners, exclude expensive foods from the list of foods allowed to be purchased with Food Stamp. Most people can’t afford Prime Rib, Scallops, Shrimp and Lobster so why should welfare recipients be allowed to purchase such costly foods. Do not allow Food Stamps to be used as a currency to buy peeled frozen French fries, for example, and to buy drugs, liquor, and tobacco products. Encourage private charity to run soup kitchens. Currently the government has been closing soup kitchen down because of rigid standards requiring stainless steel cabinets and stainless steel commercial food processors, rather than allowing food to be prepared on the same tables using the same equipment private taxpayers prepare their own food.
   Homeless people should be required to rent multifamily apartments. Sure it is cramped, but many working immigrants voluntarily live with large numbers of people in cramped apartments until they rise to the middle class and can afford to rent larger apartments or buy a home. Teach poor people to shop for clothes at Goodwill and Salvation Army Stores where used clothes are sold cheaply. People should not qualify for welfare if they take expensive trips with expensive hotel costs, nor should they subsidize people who own very very expensive pets like a welfare person I knew who owned and rented stable space and pastures for 4 horses! Horses are a pure luxury hobby. It is an insult to taxpayers to be taxed to support people in lavish life styles.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: harapan on March 26, 2024, 08:33:27 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it

To be honest with you,that time for nations to come together and resolve such crisis will not or never hold/commence.My advice to anyone who believes this shit statement is to find a means to meet your needs without any interruption whether legal or illegal.
 We keep hoping for a change but the only available change will possibly come from us,individually,trying to figure out and configure possible solutions for personal growth and progress.

Unfortunately,this is not a realistic idea to ascertain at this point in time.The government can be looking forward to carry out thier mischievous plans to disappoint and abandon  people and they'll bodly call it or say thier initiating progress to the society.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: dunfida on March 26, 2024, 09:23:11 PM
Currently in the world today.hardship is every where, it is not just a country problem but a universal phenomenon that is occurring rapidly. It is clearly seen that people are literally not able to eat even a square meal for a day. Especially those in under developed countries.hardship which is now a global spread has taken its roots in the world today. We now seat and face our day to day survival with no hope of what would happen next. Sincerely I think this great problem can be resolved if nations could come together and create a universal solution to it
So the question is, do you just simply wait up for things to be like this? Government aid? Begging? Doesnt take any action?. Yes, we are living in a world where economical problems and inevitable inflation that we could
be facing but doesnt mean that we wont really be taking any actions or would really be doing work for us to make a better living. Dont make yourself that just simply stagnant and wait up for some aid.
You wont really be changing up your life if you wont really be taking any hard work or finding ways to sustain and survive. You arent that disable. .Come to think that even those PWD do make out some living.
How much more that you are someone whose complete and able?

Each person does have their own problems in life but mostly it would really be sticking into financial problems on which this is always be the main challenge but somewhat
we could really be able to changed up things if we are really just that thinking up wisely plus some hard work that we would be doing.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: iamsange on March 26, 2024, 10:25:32 PM
So the question is, do you just simply wait up for things to be like this? Government aid? Begging? Doesnt take any action?. Yes, we are living in a world where economical problems and inevitable inflation that we could
be facing but doesnt mean that we wont really be taking any actions or would really be doing work for us to make a better living. Dont make yourself that just simply stagnant and wait up for some aid.
You wont really be changing up your life if you wont really be taking any hard work or finding ways to sustain and survive. You arent that disable. .Come to think that even those PWD do make out some living.
How much more that you are someone whose complete and able?

Each person does have their own problems in life but mostly it would really be sticking into financial problems on which this is always be the main challenge but somewhat
we could really be able to changed up things if we are really just that thinking up wisely plus some hard work that we would be doing.
Yes, as much as possible, we must always be strong and continue to work to continue living. Chaos is increasingly real, but that doesn't mean we have to always complain and raise our hands to the government. I totally agree with your answer!

Nimble people will definitely not complain even though they are faced with any situation, they will always think that in hardship there must be ease. Therefore, it is better to die by our own efforts than to wait for a helping hand because we are still very strong to work.

Title: Re: Hardship as a global problem
Post by: boyptc on March 26, 2024, 10:47:28 PM
It's been there since the old times and we're going to bring it as long as we live.

And that's why people are finding their ways to avoid these hardships through mindsets and how they deal with the stress that these hardships are providing to each everyone of us.

Life today is all about how you'd make your story the happiest and you don't care about the others but only focuses on how you and your family (if you are family oriented) will live it.