Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: odolvlobo on March 15, 2024, 07:34:19 AM

Title: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: odolvlobo on March 15, 2024, 07:34:19 AM
Craig Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto or the author of the Bitcoin whitepaper, U.K. Judge James Mellor said after closing arguments in the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) trial on Thursday.

The evidence presented during the month-long trial was "overwhelming," the judge said, adding that he plans to write a ruling detailing his conclusions – including that Wright did not create the Bitcoin system.

"I will make certain declarations, which I am satisfied are useful and are necessary to do justice between the parties. First, that Dr. Wright is not the author of the Bitcoin white paper. Second, Dr. Wright is not the person who adopted or operated under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto in the period 2008 to 2011. Third, Dr. Wright is not the person who created the Bitcoin System. And, fourth, he is not the author of the initial versions of the Bitcoin software. Any further relief will be dealt with in my written judgment," Judge Mellor said.

This ruling will make it impossible for CSW to continue has campaign of lawsuits against developers and others in U.K. courts.

Some have the opinion that his actions in the trial could result in charges of perjury and forgery.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: blckhawk on March 15, 2024, 07:51:01 AM
Thank God that this farce is finally over, this ruling that could've taken a quick deliberation but the lies that was being built led to much more stuff happening that wasn't necessary but fair I guess. Finally, people can move on with all this stuff that's been obvious for everyone. Craig is a really good man when it comes to wasting everyone's time and it's such a funny thing too for him to be providing all the falsified evidences when in reality, the people that wanted to believe that he's Satoshi was asking simple requests that would prove him to be the enigmatic bitcoin founder but no, he attacked and made a circus of himself and the hearings that he's been in. Appeal might still happen but who's the judge that would consider it? Laughable but definitely an admirable fight for Faketoshi's quest for proving what he's really not in any circumstances.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: Amphenomenon on March 15, 2024, 07:55:40 AM
Thank God this whole drama is finally coming to an end. I saw this news yesterday but it's surprising how one will just be too thick skinned to let go off his false claims even from the first time in 2016 when he spoke about it, I wonder what was is drive all these years since we know deep down he knows that in the end he will definitely lose the case

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: EarnOnVictor on March 15, 2024, 08:11:14 AM
It is Faketoshi indeed! Everyone wants to be Satoshi Nakamoto and this is not new only that this is the time that the court would deliver a verdict in this regard. Well, I feel for the real Satoshi right now, I hope he/they are still alive to witness all that is happening as many people are shamelessly laying claims to it.

I know that the project is such that could be done by more than one person with each person given different responsibilities in the project. There could also be a division between them which makes the issue so confusing since it was a project done with the top aim of anonymity. I believe they never expected Bitcoin to be this successful and the pace of the success is so fast as well.

Well, the court has delivered its verdits, he may appeal it if he wants, but if he is not the one, then he could be charged for the whitepaper claims on perjury and forgery if there is a prosecutor. :)

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: headingnorth on March 15, 2024, 08:18:15 AM
Praise Jesus! Thank you Judge Mellor and COPA for putting an end to this ridiculous farce that has been going on far too long once and for all.

I hope Craig Wrong becomes bankrupted by this lawsuit and receives further future legal action against him including criminal charges for perjury and forging evidence which he richly deserves.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: Reatim on March 15, 2024, 08:21:12 AM
It has always been obvious and known just like the judge said the evidence were just
too overwhelming and his stance was just ridiculous. It is regretful that
this whole process came too long but at least now we can put this behind and we can
focus on what lies ahead of us.

Let us not believe anyone claiming to be satoshi let us try to think more critically to
avoid being victimized or scammed

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: Taskford on March 15, 2024, 08:50:08 AM
Craig Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto or the author of the Bitcoin whitepaper, U.K. Judge James Mellor said after closing arguments in the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) trial on Thursday.

The evidence presented during the month-long trial was "overwhelming," the judge said, adding that he plans to write a ruling detailing his conclusions – including that Wright did not create the Bitcoin system.

"I will make certain declarations, which I am satisfied are useful and are necessary to do justice between the parties. First, that Dr. Wright is not the author of the Bitcoin white paper. Second, Dr. Wright is not the person who adopted or operated under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto in the period 2008 to 2011. Third, Dr. Wright is not the person who created the Bitcoin System. And, fourth, he is not the author of the initial versions of the Bitcoin software. Any further relief will be dealt with in my written judgment," Judge Mellor said.

This ruling will make it impossible for CSW to continue has campaign of lawsuits against developers and others in U.K. courts.

Some have the opinion that his actions in the trial could result in charges of perjury and forgery.

Good to see an update that all lies of CW has been ended and for sure there's no confusion will happen towards his claims that he is the real Satoshi Nakamoto since the judge has closing any arguments and prove that he is not.

For sure this will serve a lesson to some other people that their lies will be busted and they can't easily claim that they are Satoshi since there are great guys that can investigate and verify their claims. Right now much really better for anyone to buried up their thoughts or curiosity about the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto and respect his total disappearance since this is maybe what he like so people could focus on anything they want to do with bitcoins he or they created.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: SamReomo on March 15, 2024, 09:06:44 AM
Finally that fake Satoshi get his answer from a reputed judge. Craig Wright isn't Satoshi and most of us knew that from the start, he was just claiming to be Satoshi because he wanted to have people's attention. 

Fame and attention led him to claim that he created Bitcoin. But, lies can't stand for long and his lies took away everything from his. He has not only lost the case but also lost his reputation throughout all those years.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: Silberman on March 15, 2024, 09:48:05 AM
Thank God that this farce is finally over, this ruling that could've taken a quick deliberation but the lies that was being built led to much more stuff happening that wasn't necessary but fair I guess. Finally, people can move on with all this stuff that's been obvious for everyone. Craig is a really good man when it comes to wasting everyone's time and it's such a funny thing too for him to be providing all the falsified evidences when in reality, the people that wanted to believe that he's Satoshi was asking simple requests that would prove him to be the enigmatic bitcoin founder but no, he attacked and made a circus of himself and the hearings that he's been in. Appeal might still happen but who's the judge that would consider it? Laughable but definitely an admirable fight for Faketoshi's quest for proving what he's really not in any circumstances.
This just confirms what we have known all along, but it is nice to be vindicated, CW has spend so much time trying to convince everyone that he is Satoshi that it seems to me he really believes his own lies, fortunately for us the facts have demonstrated once again that he is not the person that created bitcoin or anyone related to it, still I do not believe for a second he will accept this and it is likely he will keep claiming that he is Satoshi despite the ruling.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: dzungmobile on March 15, 2024, 10:45:20 AM
The Faketoshi Craig Wright is very Narcissist, nothing more.

Try many times to be recognized as person he is not. What a damn shameful!

Finally the case is closed and it's a big win for Bitcoin community especially during the trial, many Cypherpunks raised their hands and provided evidence against Craig Wright. These actions from them, show that Bitcoin community are decentralized and strong.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: goldkingcoiner on March 15, 2024, 11:16:18 AM
Faketoshi is going to spend the rest of his life being mocked by strangers. He really should have known better but maybe his insane ego is a symptom of some kind of mental illness? It really is embarrassing to what lengths some people go to gain an advantage over others. Lying, cheating, pretending to be someone else... It never ends well with these sociopaths.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: kotajikikox on March 15, 2024, 11:23:09 AM
Now this name of Him being Faketoshi will be carried by his generation after generation as Bitcoin continued to succeed in the decades to come, he tried fooling cryptonians for many years and still claiming up to now as he is the creator of Bitcoin.
Now that is has proven to be not Him  , hoping that he will lay his cards and move on in reality of life.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: 0t3p0t on March 15, 2024, 11:43:52 AM
Finally that fake Satoshi get his answer from a reputed judge. Craig Wright isn't Satoshi and most of us knew that from the start, he was just claiming to be Satoshi because he wanted to have people's attention. 

Fame and attention led him to claim that he created Bitcoin. But, lies can't stand for long and his lies took away everything from his. He has not only lost the case but also lost his reputation throughout all those years.
And now his fight is over and his ambition will now turn into the opposite. There are actually a lot of things that faketoshi can't prove himself so there is no doubt from the beginning of that trial where he is just wasting his precious time and effort for nothing.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: NotATether on March 15, 2024, 12:24:32 PM
What about the UK ban in

Certainly that has to be overturned, no?

No point in keeping it forever just because Cobra doesn't want to dox himself.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: sokani on March 15, 2024, 03:13:00 PM
This is a big win for COPA, the Bitcoin community and every lover of open source projects. The Judge has finally made the ruling on the long moth trial and Faketoshi can now go and hide his face in shame. I don't know what makes him think he was going to win when he lacks compelling evidence to present to the court. If his main objective was to get some sort of attention, he has achieved that but l hope he gets slammed for perjury. In the UK, he can get a maximum of 7 years or a fine for perjury.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: m2017 on March 15, 2024, 04:46:43 PM
This can be considered a triumph of justice and a happy ending, as well as Craig Wright’s official innoguration to the title Faketoshi. :)

Initially, the entire BTC-community understood the absurdity of his statements (except for people outside the community) and now everyone will know about it. I would like this to serve as a lesson to all those who want to declare themselves as creator of bitcoin.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: nelson4lov on March 15, 2024, 07:43:29 PM
I'm glad to hear that this is over. Tbh, its really tiring to hear or read about Craig Wright and his shenanigans in the news. I didn't follow the progress of the court case because I didn't really see why this guy is pushing so hard to be named Satoshi even though he very know that he isn't. It's hard to understand why people like CSW do why they do things like this.

Now that the Faketoshi saga has come to a close, the community can start focusing on more important things.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: aoluain on March 15, 2024, 08:03:41 PM
OMG - Two finally's

Finally Faketoshi's house of cards came tumbling down and that he has been found out
for the greedy impersonator he was.

Finally someone in authority has been both presented with an overwhelming amount of
evidence and was able to understand the history of Bitcoin and CSW.

This ruling will make it impossible for CSW to continue has campaign of lawsuits against developers and others in U.K. courts.

Some have the opinion that his actions in the trial could result in charges of perjury and forgery.

Thats important that he cannot harassing developers and charges of perjury and forgery
are for sure due, he has done some damage on his crusade, Is that what the judge
means by this statement?

I will extend time for filing any appellant's notice until 21 days after the form of order
hearing, which will be appointed following the hand down of my written judgment and I
ask the parties to seek to agree an order giving effect to what I have just stated.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: Davidvictorson on March 15, 2024, 08:19:48 PM
This ruling will make it impossible for CSW to continue has campaign of lawsuits against developers and others in U.K. courts.

Some have the opinion that his actions in the trial could result in charges of perjury and forgery.
I count people who didn't know that this faketoshi saga has been ongoing for sometime very lucky. This man literally bullied developers and  everyone who was bold enough to tell him that he isn't the creator of bitcoin. It is such a relief to see justice being served.
The two next steps I want to see is the UK justice system, putting this charlatan in jail and secondly for the community to look past this and towards the beautiful bitcoin future that awaits only the true believers.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: hatshepsut93 on March 15, 2024, 08:43:29 PM
But he'll continue to claim to be Satoshi just like he did after getting initially debunked many years ago when he fooled some journalists who didn't understand how signatures work. And I'm sure his cult won't lose any followers as the result of this ruling, because, well, it's a cult and nothing can change their mind.

TBH I won't even be surprised if he'll attempt legal trolling in some other country if he still has money to do so.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: darkangel11 on March 15, 2024, 08:57:30 PM
I saw a great comment on this "saga" not long ago and the author roughly said something like: we can all claim to be Satoshi apart from Craig Wright who is the only person in the world told by the court that he is not. The clown should be punished for doing that as he damaged the reputation of the real Satoshi, whoever he is. I can't run around town saying I'm the president. They'd probably arrest me for that and put me up for mental health check, but Craig can lie for years and not even get thrown in the loony bin?

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: The Cryptovator on March 15, 2024, 09:14:51 PM
I don't know what's wrong with Faketoshi. I think he has mental issues; otherwise, how could he claim to be Satoshi when the real Satoshi wants to hide his identity? So he should be sent to the metal hospital. However, Satoshi Nakamoto cannot prove his identity without singing a message from his Bitcoin address. The legend who created Bitcoin won't lose his wallet credentials. If it is lost, then we lose Saatoshi forever. There is no other trustworthy source to verify real Satoshi. 

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: stompix on March 15, 2024, 09:34:07 PM
Thank God that this farce is finally over, .

You're underestimating Craig, and if somebody feels the need to puke but is afraid of taking meds:
Read the comments and try not to break something.

Any body can prove that he, she or they are Satoshi Nakamoto they will get a big bounty as big as 100 BTC.

So anyone who can prove he has access to 1 million coins will get 100 btc as a reward for revealing himself?
That sounds....

Anyhow, can now someone please end that BSV's misery, it dropped to less than 0.1% of Bitcoin's haashrate, just 51% it and end it

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: adaseb on March 16, 2024, 04:59:15 AM
Yeah it’s great that this is finally put to an end.

I don’t know if this was the original cause or not but the crash in Nov 2018 might of been due to Bitcoin SV. CSW was saying he is going to dump all 1M of his coins and BTC will be dead and BSV will replace it. And shortly after is when we broke the $6K support and went down to like $3.5K.

Pretty sure the BSV mess is what started that crash.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: pakhitheboss on March 16, 2024, 10:19:12 AM
I do not understand what he accomplished by all of these. For fake fame and name, he ruined his life and his reputation and would now become a laughing stock for his entire life. He had known that in the end he would be declared as faketoshi by the court and now we are reading it and everyone globally is now knowing it. In a way, he did give Bitcoin a lot of publicity as news media outlets have been covering this case from the beginning.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: livingfree on March 16, 2024, 11:30:11 AM
What a lively day even without the judge's verdict, we all knew it all along that he's just a decoy pretending to be satoshi.

We even called him faketoshi but it's good that this saga has already ended and I hope that he will also stop his delusions about proclaiming that he's satoshi.

I do not understand what he accomplished by all of these. For fake fame and name, he ruined his life and his reputation and would now become a laughing stock for his entire life.
Credentials and as you've said, fake fame and wanting to proclaim that he's the father of creation of Bitcoin which is just an illusion of him.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: pakhitheboss on March 16, 2024, 12:16:17 PM
Credentials and as you've said, fake fame and wanting to proclaim that he's the father of creation of Bitcoin which is just an illusion of him.

Why? Is my question to him and to anyone who tries to impersonate anyone. Is that worth doing for short term gain and fame. The price of his shit coin is now taking a deep down intervention due to his greed and his community is suffering.

There was a time when his community would come up and bash everyone as they believed him to Satoshi. Imagine how those retards are feeling after hearing he is not. He was trying to be a legend and now he became a shit.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: Natsuu on March 16, 2024, 12:24:57 PM
I do not understand what he accomplished by all of these. For fake fame and name, he ruined his life and his reputation and would now become a laughing stock for his entire life. He had known that in the end he would be declared as faketoshi by the court and now we are reading it and everyone globally is now knowing it. In a way, he did give Bitcoin a lot of publicity as news media outlets have been covering this case from the beginning.

Right? It's hard to fathom why Craig Wright would go to such lengths for fake fame, only to end up ruining his life and reputation. Despite this his antics did put Bitcoin in the spotlight, with media covering the trial extensively. But it's not the kind of attention he wanted, as it just exposes his lies. In the end he's left with nothing but a legacy of deceit and embarrassment, rather than the respect he craved

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: bettercrypto on March 16, 2024, 03:50:40 PM
This is actually good news. I remember when I heard about this self-proclaimed person who is said to be Satoshi Nakamoto. I was really annoyed with that person at that time, to be honest. Because it is obvious that he is lying.

Even when people lie and cheat, it never results in good results. And now, he will reap the rewards of the fraud he committed in the cryptocurrency community. Now, he has been exposed to shame, and many people will now not believe the lie he made.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: acroman08 on March 16, 2024, 04:44:11 PM
I just stumbled on this article earlier today and it made me laugh, It looks like Craig "the only not satoshi by law" Wright is not having a good day. his days of bullshitting the UK courts are over. I can't wait for the day that this greedy guy to finally shuts his mouth up and lets go of his delusion of being Satoshi(we all know the whole reason why he is doing all this).

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on March 16, 2024, 05:32:38 PM
Am glad it's finally coming to an end because it is because of a comment I made, thinking it was against him that I earned a neutral tag and am going to be much happy if this trial is over and the real Satoshi reclaiming his name.

With all the fake documents presented am sure he would resort to his calm corner to think on what he has done because as far as am concerned many individuals will run the other way if he shows his face in public or run for a public post or management position in any big company.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: amishmanish on March 16, 2024, 05:47:49 PM
Since the start of the trial, Judge Mellor had shown real restraint. If you followed Norbert on Twitter, you would have enjoyed his minute-by-minute updates about the cross examinations as he was present inside the courtroom. The court even had a provision for getting access to the live feed but it was illegal to make any sort of recordings.

There were some hilarious moments including wright being asked what a "const unsigned int" means. He was unable to explain what unsigned was.

Then there was the amazing stuff about wright talking about hosted platforms changing his documents, the new excuse about the watermark in whitepaper. It truly was like the narcissistic, pathological liar was inventing lies on the fly. At a lot of points, he has his own lawyers embarrassed. If i recall correctly, his lawyer at one point said, "I am not sure my client knows what he is talking about my lord".

The high point of course was the closing remarks by Judge Mellor recounted below for your enjoyment. Read every line to your heart's content for all the times that you had been exasperated seeing that slickly dressed, smug SoB bamboozle people with his feigned expertise and jargon. Here is what Judge Mellor said at closing:

MR JUSTICE MELLOR: Thank you. Well, I thank all the parties for their written closing and oral arguments, and they've been very helpful indeed.They will require me to prepare a fairly lengthy written judgment, which will be handed down in due course.  And for all those who have already been hassling my clerk as to when the judgment will be ready, the short answer is as follows: it will be ready when it's ready and not before.

However, having considered all the evidence and submissions presented to me in this trial, I've reached the conclusion that the evidence is overwhelming. Therefore, for the reasons which will be explained in that written judgment in due course, I will make certain declarations which I am satisfied are useful and are necessary to do justice between the parties.

  • First, that Dr Wright is not the author of the Bitcoin White Paper.
  • Second, Dr Wright is not the person who adopted or operated under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto in the period 2008 to 2011.
  • Third, Dr Wright is not the person who created the Bitcoin System.
  • And, fourth, he is not the author of the initial versions of the Bitcoin software.


Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: Viscore on March 16, 2024, 10:29:49 PM
It has always been obvious and known just like the judge said the evidence were just
too overwhelming and his stance was just ridiculous. It is regretful that
this whole process came too long but at least now we can put this behind and we can
focus on what lies ahead of us.

Let us not believe anyone claiming to be satoshi let us try to think more critically to
avoid being victimized or scammed
The real Satoshi will never claim its name if ever, either the forum itself. But the people will certainly determine him because of what he is, not because of self-proclamation as it turns out that you have an intention to steal other spotlight. Good thing this comes to an end, and Wright will no longer have to lie anymore and influence newbies about his fake identity. There are a lot of scams happening in crypto, that even the name Satoshi itself has many times steal by fake ones.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: mirakal on March 16, 2024, 10:59:43 PM
I saw a great comment on this "saga" not long ago and the author roughly said something like: we can all claim to be Satoshi apart from Craig Wright who is the only person in the world told by the court that he is not. The clown should be punished for doing that as he damaged the reputation of the real Satoshi, whoever he is. I can't run around town saying I'm the president. They'd probably arrest me for that and put me up for mental health check, but Craig can lie for years and not even get thrown in the loony bin?
But now Craig faketoshi saga has come to an end which is certainly a good thing for us. Although this has not affected us so much since we all know actually that he’s a fake one, but I believe a lot of beginners have still fall on his trap and believed on his lies. And most probably, sooner in the future, there will be another VIP who’ll claim to be Satoshi, because as long as bitcoin remains on top of the newsfeed, the name Satoshi will always be taken advantage.

My advice to everyone is that don’t easily believe on strangers. Regardless if they have high position in the industry, that won’t guarantee that they’re being honest and would never do such scamming. Any person can imitate what Wright has done, and everyone that turns out claiming Satoshi’s name are directly named as scammers.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: Churchillvv on March 17, 2024, 08:02:59 AM
Faketoshi, the fact that he claims to be who his not is insane! like how the heck will someone try to claim who his not. maybe he thought it would be a favour for him, now that it's proven what will be his fate?
At least the case is coming to an end, I don't know why people don't want the case of satoshi anonymity to go to rest, if they find Satoshi what will they do with him if they could.

Greed is one thing that drive Craig, and his nich to become famous wit his claims. I think he already achieved fame in most areas by now but the truth remains that his the faketoshi keeping his family and relatives in shame of faketoshi. perhaps it was fun to see him disgrace himself in court where he couldn't defend some things, like the meaning of "Unsigned". for me I would just like his name and case to go into extinction where nobody would remember his name.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: Outhue on March 17, 2024, 11:19:23 AM
Thank God this whole drama is finally coming to an end. I saw this news yesterday but it's surprising how one will just be too thick skinned to let go off his false claims even from the first time in 2016 when he spoke about it, I wonder what was is drive all these years since we know deep down he knows that in the end he will definitely lose the case
Its nothing to thank God about.

Assuming that this man somehow confused us all that he is Nakamoto, will you believe him? Because I won't.

Until he is able to proof that he is the real Nakamoto, maybe by

1. Siginig into his BTT account thats been less active for a very long time already.

2. Sign some contract on chain? I believe this is possible since many knew Nakamoto's original address, can someone confirm this for me?

Sometimes, lies find its way to the top, Faketoshi just isn't confusing enough that's why he failed, you need to find answers yourself even when those around you believe something to be true, don't just make up your mind due to what others believe.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: Darker45 on March 17, 2024, 11:46:13 AM
I don't think the faketoshi saga would ever come to a full close. This is just a part of it. For one, the hunt won't end. It's because Satoshi would remain to be anonymous.

Somebody will definitely come forward with a crazy claim every once in a while. Although most of them are obviously deranged faketoshis, who knows there might be another CSW who has to be taken a little bit seriously?

Of course, the court's decision is a big welcome. I hope it will finally end CSW's harassment. I hope it will also kill BSV once and for all.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: erep on March 17, 2024, 04:58:07 PM
But now Craig faketoshi saga has come to an end which is certainly a good thing for us. Although this has not affected us so much since we all know actually that he’s a fake one, but I believe a lot of beginners have still fall on his trap and believed on his lies. And most probably, sooner in the future, there will be another VIP who’ll claim to be Satoshi, because as long as bitcoin remains on top of the newsfeed, the name Satoshi will always be taken advantage.
Whatever efforts craig faketoshi makes will never succeed because the real owner never claims himself for legal proof but he can do the simplest action to activate a new transaction on satoshi's wallet, of course there is nothing anyone can do, so satoshi has already claimed he is anonymous and will not open new history to show his face. It seems that the judge's decision has signaled that Craig's drama has ended with an embarrassing decision because there are no facts that can prove the truth of him as Satoshi, he has failed before he acts.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: LogitechMouse on March 17, 2024, 06:52:15 PM
Nothing surprising because we on this forum knew from the start that Faketoshi isn't the real Satoshi Nakamoto. Well, that's why he's been called as "Faketoshi" at first place. He's a fake Satoshi wannabe, and can't prove anything at all.

With this statements coming from a judge, I just hope that "Dr. Wright" will stop claiming that he is Satoshi because TBH, nobody cares anymore (or it's only me that doesn't care about who is Satoshi). Not surprising, but happy at the same time because of what happened.

F*ck Faketoshi, and F*ck BSV. For those who have BSV right now, just dump it already and buy the real Bitcoin.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: JollyGood on March 17, 2024, 07:06:05 PM
His claim to be Satoshi has been a time consuming endeavour that was completely unnecessary. Craig Wright will one day look back and question if it was wise for him to constantly claim he is Satoshi. What did he eventually gain from claiming to be Satoshi when he had zero chance of proving it in or out of a Court of law?

Craig Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto or the author of the Bitcoin whitepaper, U.K. Judge James Mellor said after closing arguments in the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) trial on Thursday.

The evidence presented during the month-long trial was "overwhelming," the judge said, adding that he plans to write a ruling detailing his conclusions – including that Wright did not create the Bitcoin system.

"I will make certain declarations, which I am satisfied are useful and are necessary to do justice between the parties. First, that Dr. Wright is not the author of the Bitcoin white paper. Second, Dr. Wright is not the person who adopted or operated under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto in the period 2008 to 2011. Third, Dr. Wright is not the person who created the Bitcoin System. And, fourth, he is not the author of the initial versions of the Bitcoin software. Any further relief will be dealt with in my written judgment," Judge Mellor said.

This ruling will make it impossible for CSW to continue has campaign of lawsuits against developers and others in U.K. courts.

Some have the opinion that his actions in the trial could result in charges of perjury and forgery.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: NeuroticFish on March 17, 2024, 07:34:06 PM
What did he eventually gain from claiming to be Satoshi when he had zero chance of proving it in or out of a Court of law?

He had some successes - from intimidating devs to quit, to the point when a judge ruled that Cobra has to filter UK users from accessing the whitepaper at
I expect that he thought that his bullshitting will convince eventually everybody, at least until the point he gets the patents he wanted.
There may also be that he didn't want to go this far, he expected to only con some non-technical rich peeps to get an easy life, but it all went on with his backer(s) pushing him into this... shit show.

I really hope it's over.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: nakamura12 on March 17, 2024, 07:44:13 PM
What did he eventually gain from claiming to be Satoshi when he had zero chance of proving it in or out of a Court of law?

He had some successes - from intimidating devs to quit, to the point when a judge ruled that Cobra has to filter UK users from accessing the whitepaper at
I expect that he thought that his bullshitting will convince eventually everybody, at least until the point he gets the patents he wanted.
There may also be that he didn't want to go this far, he expected to only con some non-technical rich peeps to get an easy life, but it all went on with his backer(s) pushing him into this... shit show.

I really hope it's over.
Let's hope that CW action will stop there and it's finally over. We don't want more of this shit show just like him claiming to be Satoshi Nakamoto and well, I think he also gain something else from it if you ask me and I think he really is what he claim which is Faketoshi Wrightmoto. In my opinion, it is Wright for him to be called Faketoshi Wrightmoto and should right his own whitepaper. Well, it could be that he has other goal in doing this in the first place.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: PX-Z on March 17, 2024, 07:46:11 PM
Sometimes i'm really amazed how perverse this man is could be will ask why this man is still trying to pursue his ambitions to make people believe he is Satoshi when almost everyone in the community Satoshi created is opposed to him and his ideals. In which contradicts everything what was Satoshi said.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: livingfree on March 17, 2024, 07:48:55 PM
Credentials and as you've said, fake fame and wanting to proclaim that he's the father of creation of Bitcoin which is just an illusion of him.

Why? Is my question to him and to anyone who tries to impersonate anyone. Is that worth doing for short term gain and fame. The price of his shit coin is now taking a deep down intervention due to his greed and his community is suffering.
Yeah, I think so that it's worth it to him with that short term fame that he did on his own. And that there's the intention as planned all along with the launch of his forked shtcoin.

There was a time when his community would come up and bash everyone as they believed him to Satoshi. Imagine how those retards are feeling after hearing he is not. He was trying to be a legend and now he became a shit.
That's okay, we all know the truth.

And if they've been doing that for so long, it's crazy to think that they've been following him blindly without having that common sense that it's obvious he's not satoshi by any means.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: AmoreJaz on March 17, 2024, 07:49:29 PM
What did he eventually gain from claiming to be Satoshi when he had zero chance of proving it in or out of a Court of law?

He had some successes - from intimidating devs to quit, to the point when a judge ruled that Cobra has to filter UK users from accessing the whitepaper at
I expect that he thought that his bullshitting will convince eventually everybody, at least until the point he gets the patents he wanted.
There may also be that he didn't want to go this far, he expected to only con some non-technical rich peeps to get an easy life, but it all went on with his backer(s) pushing him into this... shit show.

I really hope it's over.

Now, he will be the laughing stock in the crypto community. Because the truth is, if he really is Nakamoto, it is easy to prove because he can just sign one of the early bitcoin addresses that Satoshi was using. But instead, he pushed himself to be the Satoshi who didn't have very solid proof in front of the court of law.

I don't know if he will retaliate after this ruling. But he should stop his madness, before he got the label as the "crazy guy" in crypto world. Or he's been already is known to a lot as the crazy one.  ;D

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: Cricktor on March 17, 2024, 08:01:26 PM
Is it really time to say: finally!? While I hope so, I'm not yet fully confident until this Faketoshi got his due punishment for all the lies, harrasments and pain he brought over many people. It doesn't feel like justice has been served yet to all who suffered from this psychopath.

The liar whose name shall not be spoken or written anymore deservers to be forgotten, erased from collective memory. For this will be the worst for him to endure.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: JollyGood on March 17, 2024, 08:06:40 PM
Without doubt it was an impossible task to convince all the people that he was Satoshi. He must have known that before he embarked on his journey to get involved with various litigation around the world yet he went on to do it. Whoever it is/was behind him providing financial support to bankroll his agenda cannot have endless pockets.

He will not receive any intellectual property with regards to Bitcoin therefore maybe the ruling is a wake up call for him and his supporters to realise now is a good time to stop this charade.

He had some successes - from intimidating devs to quit, to the point when a judge ruled that Cobra has to filter UK users from accessing the whitepaper at
I expect that he thought that his bullshitting will convince eventually everybody, at least until the point he gets the patents he wanted.
There may also be that he didn't want to go this far, he expected to only con some non-technical rich peeps to get an easy life, but it all went on with his backer(s) pushing him into this... shit show.

I really hope it's over.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: ChiBitCTy on March 17, 2024, 08:25:14 PM
I sure can't say this comes to any surprise, and my only question is how people become so caught up in a web of lies that is honestly very easy to see thought.  I guess I shouldn't be surprised by it, just look at how many shitcoin scams people have fallen for and continue to fall for.  People don't see to want to learn, which is the amazing aspect of it all. 

Craig has proven to me personally that he's not Satoshi by some tweet he made ousting himself. He's a fool and glad everyone will know now (though some will still believe him, I'm sure).

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: boyptc on March 17, 2024, 08:27:35 PM
But he should stop his madness, before he got the label as the "crazy guy" in crypto world. Or he's been already is known to a lot as the crazy one.  ;D
There is now the basis for his madness and for being imaginative. If the time comes and that he won't stop, people will just throw the decision of the court.

That's much better preference as there's the basis and it's the court that had told him to stop him being crazy and it is nonsense to make people believe that he's satoshi.

And it's not just being told by the courts but has been spread quickly by the publications.

Title: Re: The Faketoshi saga is now coming to a close...
Post by: JollyGood on March 17, 2024, 10:10:19 PM
That tweet aside, there was nothing presented as proof in any of his evidence that support he is Satoshi. He does not even have the private keys from the addresses that are known to be associated with Satoshi. He did a lot of talking but he never provided anything that could prove he is Satoshi. It would be interesting to know what he wrote in that tweet you refer to.

I sure can't say this comes to any surprise, and my only question is how people become so caught up in a web of lies that is honestly very easy to see thought.  I guess I shouldn't be surprised by it, just look at how many shitcoin scams people have fallen for and continue to fall for.  People don't see to want to learn, which is the amazing aspect of it all. 

Craig has proven to me personally that he's not Satoshi by some tweet he made ousting himself. He's a fool and glad everyone will know now (though some will still believe him, I'm sure).