Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Armory => Topic started by: crle on March 17, 2024, 08:47:22 AM

Title: Unconfirmed Transactions
Post by: crle on March 17, 2024, 08:47:22 AM
Please help.  I sent BTC from Armory .96.5

It was sent from a Legacy address to a BC1 native segwit address. It was successfully received, but the transaction still says unconfirmed in Armory, so I can't spend the remaining balance. 

Title: Re: Unconfirmed Transactions
Post by: Hazink on March 17, 2024, 08:49:55 AM
That’s because the transaction is still under blockchain confirmation.It’s showing received in your wallet because it has been sent out from the sender address. You should use the address to check the transaction process on the blockchain. If the transaction has undergone at least one confirmation, it should allow you to spend.

Title: Re: Unconfirmed Transactions
Post by: crle on March 17, 2024, 08:54:05 AM
It has been for 10 hours. Is this normal to take that long?

Title: Re: Unconfirmed Transactions
Post by: Zaguru12 on March 17, 2024, 08:55:21 AM
If It is received in the other address then or wallet and it is showing unconfirmed transaction then you need to fully Sync your armory wallet maybe it is your network. Because a transaction cannot be unconfirmed in one wallet and be confirmed in another. You can check the blockchain explorer and see the number of bitcoin block mined so far and then look at your armory wallet and see if the block number is less which will signifies it hasn’t be synced fully

Or better still a transaction needs to meet some certain confirmation number before armory clears it as successful and maybe it hasn’t reached that confirmation number, which wouldn’t make sense to me. But still nothing to worry about as long as you have your transaction in the right receiving address

Title: Re: Unconfirmed Transactions
Post by: Charles-Tim on March 17, 2024, 09:01:24 AM
What is the fee rate (in sat/vbyte) that you used?

Use it to compare the fee rate in the mempool: for beginners,24h,weight for pro users. I gives detailed information as the fee rate in the present and past minutes/hours etc.

The fee rate you used will be lower. If lower, that is the reason your transaction is not yet confirmed.

Title: Re: Unconfirmed Transactions
Post by: Hatchy on March 17, 2024, 09:45:40 AM
Please help.  I sent BTC from Armory .

I think @Zaguru12 is correct. That because so long your transaction has been broadcasted and added to a block on the Blockchain and it had been received, then has already been confirmed. You should try to sync you armory wallet so it will update it's status and show your current balance status. I really haven't heard of such situations of received in one wallet  and not confirmed on another wallet.

Title: Re: Unconfirmed Transactions
Post by: promise444c5 on March 17, 2024, 09:48:00 AM
It has been for 10 hours. Is this normal to take that long?
You need to understand  how the memepool works  maybe reading  this will help

Once you make any transactions  which is btc it goe through  the mempool  to get mined by the node and added to the full node as well as the blockchain
The mempool  works with respect  of your transaction  fee ... if your fee is quite low compared to required, then it stays unconfirmed until the mempool is less congested

Title: Re: Unconfirmed Transactions
Post by: Marvelman on March 17, 2024, 10:55:15 AM
It has been for 10 hours. Is this normal to take that long?

Yes, this is normal if you created the transaction with a small fee. Keep in mind that it is possible that your transaction will never be confirmed and the funds will be returned to the original wallet. Check the transaction in a blockchain explorer and check the transaction fee amount (sat/vB)

Title: Re: Unconfirmed Transactions
Post by: BitMaxz on March 17, 2024, 11:11:31 AM
Please help.  I sent BTC from Armory .96.5

It was sent from a Legacy address to a BC1 native segwit address. It was successfully received, but the transaction still says unconfirmed in Armory, so I can't spend the remaining balance. 

Can you make this thing clear you mean that you received the BTC successfully in your Segwit address and confirmed but in the Armory wallet it stays unconfirmed?

If the transaction is confirmed on any block explorer but unconfirmed in the Armory wallet it means the Armory wallet is not syncing properly with the Bitcoin node or the Bitcoin core is not syncing properly to download the latest block that includes this confirmed transaction.

A possible cause of this might be the current HDD/SSD space is low.
If not then maybe it's just a system issue you can try to shutdown the Armory and bitcoin core restart the PC and open bitcoin core again and check the transaction again lets see it would sync properly with the updated data from the blockchain.

Title: Re: Unconfirmed Transactions
Post by: crle on March 17, 2024, 11:25:00 AM
Thank you for your responses! They helped assuage my fears of losing the bulk of my BTC. It was a long, sleepless night, but I am happy to report everything is working. I restarted Armory and set it to Rebuild and Rescan Databases. That worked! The funds are now listed with my spendable funds.

I'm not certain if the Rebuild corrected it or if it was just a matter of time, but there are now 77 confirmations, and the block now appears in the transaction info details.  

The fees paid were 10 sat/B, and RBF was not enabled. Would enabling RBF have the transaction settle faster?

Title: Re: Unconfirmed Transactions
Post by: hosseinimr93 on March 17, 2024, 10:20:24 PM
The fees paid were 10 sat/B, and RBF was not enabled. Would enabling RBF have the transaction settle faster?
RBF means Replace By Fee.
If you flag a transaction as RBF, you will be able to replace it with a new one paying higher fee. That would be helpful if the fee rate you used for your transaction is low and you want your transaction to be confirmed fast.

Take note that it's not that a RBF transaction has higher priority than a non-RBF transaction. 

Title: Re: Unconfirmed Transactions
Post by: nc50lc on March 18, 2024, 06:20:53 AM
I'm not certain if the Rebuild corrected it or if it was just a matter of time, but there are now 77 confirmations, and the block now appears in the transaction info details.  
That "77 confirmations" amounts to 77 x 10 minutes (average block time) = 770 minutes / 13 hours (average) of being confirmed.
Then it's just about 3 hours since you've posted the OP where you said it's still unconfirmed.
So it's actually confirmed way before this thread is posted.

That said, there may had been an inconsistency in your database or at least in the wallet's transactions that left that transaction's status unconfirmed.
Performing Rebuild may have "corrected" it or at least the Rescan afterwards.

Title: Re: Unconfirmed Transactions
Post by: BitMaxz on March 19, 2024, 11:41:36 PM
Thank you for your responses! They helped assuage my fears of losing the bulk of my BTC. It was a long, sleepless night, but I am happy to report everything is working. I restarted Armory and set it to Rebuild and Rescan Databases. That worked! The funds are now listed with my spendable funds.

So I'm right in my prediction it's only the system issue, not the fee itself your post is unclear which is why other posts above pointed to the fee you paid but the issue is that the armory isn't syncing properly. Any blockchain explorer should clear your doubts. Also, beware of not shutting down the armory or the PC properly it sometimes corrupts the blockchain data and could result in syncing issues the same as what you experience, always shut down them properly next time to avoid this issue.