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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: kentrolla on March 17, 2024, 10:05:59 AM

Title: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: kentrolla on March 17, 2024, 10:05:59 AM
We have often seen how leaders who got into power because of backing from their tribe, sect or regional and ethnicities are the most corrupt ones because they knows that their people will vote for them regardless they do any good work or not. Look at African nations and even some Arab nations the reason why they are going through corruption and suffering is because people don't vote based on merit rather on personal relationship like sect, ethnicity or religion and then there comes countries like India and Pakistan where they win based on vote from majority community by instilling fear that minorities gonna rule them if not votes to power and next five years everyone suffers.

I would hold people accountable for being in an creating a corrupt leaders rather than the leaders themself.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Marvelman on March 17, 2024, 10:23:59 AM
Yeah, choosing who to vote for because of stuff like ethnicity or religion sometimes means the people in charge don't feel like they gotta answer to voters as much.  But you still gotta think about everything going on and  if some groups keep getting left out or treated bad for a long time, it makes sense why they'd wanna vote for someone who comes from their group and might stick up for them.  That way those people can feel like they actually have a voice.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: btc78 on March 17, 2024, 10:24:10 AM
I agree, mate. When all the political candidates running for positions in the government are corrupt and useless, the country is doomed. We have no choice but only to choose the “least evil” among the candidates. But when there is a candidate that is credible and capable of leading the country and we still don’t choose that candidate, the problem is in the people.

Of course we shouldn’t blame it all on the people. There are still many things to hold a corrupt candidate accountable for. Like maybe that candidate is spreading a lot of lies and misinformation that could have reached the masses and could have influenced their political decisions greatly.

A good leader can only lead when he or she is chosen by the people.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Essential10 on March 17, 2024, 10:58:21 AM
We have often seen how leaders who got into power because of backing from their tribe, sect or regional and ethnicities are the most corrupt ones because they knows that their people will vote for them regardless they do any good work or not. Look at African nations and even some Arab nations the reason why they are going through corruption and suffering is because people don't vote based on merit rather on personal relationship like sect, ethnicity or religion and then there comes countries like India and Pakistan where they win based on vote from majority community by instilling fear that minorities gonna rule them if not votes to power and next five years everyone suffers.

I would hold people accountable for being in an creating a corrupt leaders rather than the leaders themself.
In almost all countries of the world, political figures are involved in corruption. Everything is done with money, and leaders take advantage of that opportunity.  Basically the leader creates a huge network where things like buying votes with money happen. There have also been instances where the common people are disenfranchised, corrupt leaders are elected without a vote by using power. Personally I have seen political figures in the South Asian region, when they hold political power, often build mountains of wealth for personal gain. In many cases, those in power use their influence to protect themselves and their associates from the consequences of their corrupt actions, even as they engage in misappropriation of public funds, bribery, embezzlement and other forms of corruption.

In many cases I cannot blame the people for producing corrupt leaders. Corrupt leaders build powerful terrorist, extortionist organizations to control their areas, and the common people living in those areas live like puppets in their fear.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Negotiation on March 17, 2024, 11:20:05 AM
In fact here we have people who create opportunities for corruption, leaders cannot do corruption at will but a section of common people want to corrupt with their help to make themselves more independent. Because of which the leaders get the opportunity to commit corruption. So I think that common people create the opportunity to do corruption. That's why our leaders took the opportunity. However, there are currently many countries where voting is not required or there is no need to elect a leader.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: |MINER| on March 17, 2024, 11:43:18 AM
Yes I agree with you a lot.  There are many clans who vote an incompetent leader based on their clan to win.  And for five years he was subjected to various abuses.  A tribe or nation plays a major role in a corrupt leader coming to power.  But most of the general public believes in the sweetness of unqualified candidates and they are convinced that voting for this person will improve them.  So they all vote for the incompetent person but as a result a corrupt leader takes the seat and does not keep any of his promises.  It is really very sad and disappointing for the people.  Before the elections every leader tries to heal the people with their sweet language.  What else does the general public have the power to know what is inside the human mind?

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Porfirii on March 17, 2024, 01:17:03 PM
I agree, mate. When all the political candidates running for positions in the government are corrupt and useless, the country is doomed. We have no choice but only to choose the “least evil” among the candidates. But when there is a candidate that is credible and capable of leading the country and we still don’t choose that candidate, the problem is in the people.


Depending on how the electoral rules are designed, by choosing the "least evil" we are excluding those parties which may have good proposals, but we foresee that they won't win.

It's the case of, for example, a country where there are two leading candidates, one of them in the center and the other far-left or right. People would prefer to vote the center in order to make it more difficult for extremists to come to power, rather than voting a third party that has no chance of winning, but it was our favourite.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Gozie51 on March 17, 2024, 04:28:10 PM

I would hold people accountable for being in an creating a corrupt leaders rather than the leaders themself.

Based on the scenario that you are talking about, the third world countries are mostly suffering not because of the people, not the individual people but those institutions that oversee to the election of new government, that is where the fault is. If there is high level corruption within the electoral system, no matter the purity in the election or voting rightly, it will be manipulated at the top and that is at the collation centre. The umpire of elections need to be devoid of interest and bribe taking before the election will produce rightful candidates that are voted by the majority. So most times the people know the right candidate whether he is from minority or not and they turn out in mass to vote but at the dawn of the night the contrary result will be announced.

It is not the people that makes the leader. It is just selected few who organise the onslaught against the people through manipulation of election result and make the people to suffer and live in penury. The law and judiciary is also used to the favour of those who have been manipulated into power and no matter how brilliant the opposition lawyer is, he doesn't succeed to get the people's mandate back and that takes the people backwards until another election year. This is unfortunate and the reason some continent are still backwards, bad leadership is a bane to democracy.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Hispo on March 17, 2024, 05:38:17 PM
That is the role of propaganda and political indoctrination, I think. You know to keep the corrupt leaders in power regardless of their merits, only being based on the power and the shady influence those leaders keep over people who are supposed to know better, for the sake of the future of their country...
Unfortunately, it is something common here in Latin America, where populism and literal brain washing have taken place in our countries. I have never been in Africa, but I guess it must not be very different from what one could find here.

Politics is a topic which unfortunately meritocracy is not as appreciated as It should be. I still believe there is hope for most countries in Africa, but it will take the personal growth of their people and a long period of time for them to self-reflex on their situation.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Barikui1 on March 17, 2024, 07:05:03 PM
We have often seen how leaders who got into power because of backing from their tribe, sect or regional and ethnicities are the most corrupt ones because they knows that their people will vote for them regardless they do any good work or not. Look at African nations and even some Arab nations the reason why they are going through corruption and suffering is because people don't vote based on merit rather on personal relationship like sect, ethnicity or religion and then there comes countries like India and Pakistan where they win based on vote from majority community by instilling fear that minorities gonna rule them if not votes to power and next five years everyone suffers.

I would hold people accountable for being in an creating a corrupt leaders rather than the leaders themself.

It actually true especially in Africa here where their are so many tribes and different enthnic, and to me, it's very wrong and that especially has emboldened the corrupt politicians to do things with reckless impunity believing that his or her tribe are behind them if the people revolt against them.

Lastly, in our society today, mostly in Africa and most part of Asia, evil people are progressing to a higher stage of evil and they are doing more evil with reckless impunity because people that should have stopped them mostly stay silent in the face of evil because they feels like it not affecting them at present, which is very wrong, until they curb that menace, corruption will continue to strive in the society.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Jonyshake71 on March 17, 2024, 07:27:31 PM
Mate, you are taking about voting? I know many counties and many states where correped leaders stealing votes, votes are given by unknown people or authority, even many time they organize dummy election so that they can show the world, they have won the election with majority of votes but people know the truth but most of people become silance due to fair. They can't fight with Such politicial leaders who controls the government, administration and everything. So some people keep supporting them blindly so get some facilities. This is the truth but who cares.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Tmoonz on March 18, 2024, 05:33:47 AM
I would hold people accountable for being in an creating a corrupt leaders rather than the leaders themself.

This depends on the kind of country you come from and their electoral process and how much transparent it is, because in my own country where I come from there is no transparency in the electoral process and the political system in some  cadres are more like a selection than election because individual votes doesn't count but being mastermind or influence by those in authority. The truth remains that the political system are corrupt generally.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: AVE5 on March 18, 2024, 06:36:19 AM
Okay here, how a leader shouldn't even be a bothering if maybe he was manipulated or got into the political positions by sentiments. Already politics is a game of interest whereas everyone do have their rights to decide on who they'd vote for and who to stand by with during political powers but where this problem lies is implying same technical sentiments on a rulership.
While as a leader, there shouldn't be segregation and every regional and ethical sentiments should be abolished and ignored by the political leaders so as to batch a unified, equality and a credible government.

After winning an election or getting into power by politics, the same politics of biasing shouldn't be adopted or elongated during the leadership of the individual because everyone is ought to be under one cabinet of one governance. This is the reason why politics is not meant for the cheap hearts who can't bear pressures or being childish of extending grudges defaulting citizens uncallfully without being deserved with such defaulters.
Hence everyone ethnical, sentimental and incompetent politicians must be aware that the game of Politics has not end nor a retirement stage so, you must understand that you'll always be in need of the masses votes either by voice, accreditation of reputations or otherwise sometimes and or most times. So, when you're opportuned to batch into power, do not abuse the people because you feels you'd not be in need of the masses anymore but if you do, then that is an elementary stage for you as a politician.
So mainly I don't have problem on whether vote counts or not but my problem is the governance of taking everyone all along

All we wanted is nothing but good leaders of credibilities because whom the masses wanted in initially might not really be what he the politicians portrayed in his political reality life.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Frankolala on March 18, 2024, 08:43:24 AM
Nepotism and tribalism has led to bad leadership and corrupt government, and still the citizens will not learn from their mistakes because they feel that it is better for someone that they know to be in power even though he is incompetent. Forgetting the damage that such decisions actions will do to the people and the economy of the country.

In my country, I must say that they citizens have understood that they are the ones to vote out bad government, but the Independent Electoral body is the one kills the meaning of democracy in the country. This is because after collecting bribe, he announces the wrong person as the winner of the election, and put the whole country is a mess and the economy in a very bad shape. That body should be dissolved if my country needs a leader of their choice to be in power.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: kentrolla on March 18, 2024, 06:54:41 PM
Nepotism and tribalism has led to bad leadership and corrupt government, and still the citizens will not learn from their mistakes because they feel that it is better for someone that they know to be in power even though he is incompetent. Forgetting the damage that such decisions actions will do to the people and the economy of the country.

In my country, I must say that they citizens have understood that they are the ones to vote out bad government, but the Independent Electoral body is the one kills the meaning of democracy in the country. This is because after collecting bribe, he announces the wrong person as the winner of the election, and put the whole country is a mess and the economy in a very bad shape. That body should be dissolved if my country needs a leader of their choice to be in power.

That's really bad it's lie entire country suffering for no fault of theirs just because of greedy electoral body and as long as electoral body like this exists nothing is going to change and we have already seen what happens when people raises against government and protest if it's developed nation then it's sorted peacefully by agreeing with demand of people but countries like African nations and Arab countries it becomes genocide where government indiscriminately kills its people and makes it a civil war like we are witnessing in Syria and Yemen.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: boyptc on March 18, 2024, 11:53:27 PM
Politics are easy today to those that have money. As long as they're popular, with money and even celebrities. This is how the politics system in most countries.

But some countries still stand still and straight with principles with their politics. Most that we know of that are involved on it are dirty and they don't really get into the real help to their people but only to take everyone's taxes and put it on their pockets.

Well, this is for the corrupt leaders as I'm talking.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Dunamisx on March 19, 2024, 01:09:02 PM
The leaders are not the only corrupt ones involved in the menace happening in the societies, they make use of the citizens as well in joining them make the practice of these corruption and they accepted working for them as their errand dogs to engage in all forms of corruption, but when we know our rights, no one can deceive us and tell us what is not, we need to just believe in ourselves and the future in us that we can make it even without the help of any corrupt means.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on March 20, 2024, 09:35:52 AM
I would hold people accountable for being in an creating a corrupt leaders rather than the leaders themself.

Well stating this in a nation where the vote if people can't is acceptable not in a nation where citizens vote and right are not considered. The nation like my nation were few lawyers called judges turn down the vote if millions of people and the arm forces stop citizens from protesting and even citizens vote don't count, result are change u can say that stating to hold people or citizens responsible for curruption leaders is not ideal.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: encryptogon on March 20, 2024, 11:01:09 AM
We have often seen how leaders who got into power because of backing from their tribe, sect or regional and ethnicities are the most corrupt ones because they knows that their people will vote for them regardless they do any good work or not. Look at African nations and even some Arab nations the reason why they are going through corruption and suffering is because people don't vote based on merit rather on personal relationship like sect, ethnicity or religion and then there comes countries like India and Pakistan where they win based on vote from majority community by instilling fear that minorities gonna rule them if not votes to power and next five years everyone suffers.

I would hold people accountable for being in an creating a corrupt leaders rather than the leaders themself.

Well, this notion is changing with every passing year. Now, people are more aware of what is best for them and their country. The influence of politicians based on caste and fear is fading and people are looking for a representative who is answerable to them. I am talking about Pakistan. In the recent elections, people have voted against the military-backed political parties and in favour of jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan. Khan's backed independents won over 160 seats as per early estimates and the military rigged the elections in broad daylight to cut Khan's independents to around 90. They won despite a severe crackdown on the Khan's party, kidnapping, snatching nomination papers, sealing and demolishing their businesses and houses etc. Things are continuously changing and it appears that the army is losing control over the people.

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Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Gozie51 on March 20, 2024, 01:53:23 PM

I would hold people accountable for being in an creating a corrupt leaders rather than the leaders themself.

I don't think that is absolutely correct that you will hold people accountable for creating corrupt leader. So in a democracy, before a new government is formed they conduct election for the candidates who have shown interest to to be voted for, so you can only be correct in your submission if people did not come out to vote their choice and most times the people have majority of their vote to one candidate but what happens after election is what determines who the few in power want and they will manipulate the result of the election and announce a wrong candidate. In this case would you say the people voted a corrupt leader?

The bulk of the people leading are not the choice of the people especially in third world countries where corruption is very high.

Therefore, it is not the fault of the people that their leaders are corrupt.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: kentrolla on March 20, 2024, 06:36:10 PM

I would hold people accountable for being in an creating a corrupt leaders rather than the leaders themself.

I don't think that is absolutely correct that you will hold people accountable for creating corrupt leader. So in a democracy, before a new government is formed they conduct election for the candidates who have shown interest to to be voted for, so you can only be correct in your submission if people did not come out to vote their choice and most times the people have majority of their vote to one candidate but what happens after election is what determines who the few in power want and they will manipulate the result of the election and announce a wrong candidate. In this case would you say the people voted a corrupt leader?

The bulk of the people leading are not the choice of the people especially in third world countries where corruption is very high.

Therefore, it is not the fault of the people that their leaders are corrupt.

This may be limited to third world country with extremely corrupt officials as well. I got your point this is something which would be exceptional cases but unfortunately there are higher chances of such things to occur in most of the third world/under developed nations. The only way out for them is a genuine leader coming out of corrupt political party or a change of heart from corrupt leaders.

Yes, I cannot blame people in this situation and I think Egypt and Syria are great example wherein the opposition is selected by the ruling party which eradicates the chances of genuine opponents.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Natsuu on March 20, 2024, 07:26:34 PM
Well it's frustrating how leaders bank on tribal or sectarian support, ignoring merit and fostering corruption. Holding people accountable for enabling these leaders is a big deal. Until voters prioritize merit over identity, change won't happen. It's up to all of us to demand integrity from our leaders. Let's break the cycle and elect those who truly serve the people, not their own interests

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Y3shot on March 23, 2024, 08:03:44 PM
This is just the reason why Africa is backwards in development because they do not do the real thing. Instead to vote for a leader that can deliver , can  do the job very well they will prefer to choose someone from same tribe, religion who can not do anything, forgetting that bad governance doesn't know tribe , it affects every one. This has been the way Africa people have been choosing their leaders, they don't choose someone who can deliver but choose people according to tribe.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Ndabagi01 on March 23, 2024, 10:01:30 PM
I would hold people accountable for being in a creating a corrupt leaders rather than the leaders themself.

You may be saddened by the nature of global leadership, but I respectfully disagree that the people only should be held accountable for producing a bad and corrupt leader in the nation. Many people are uninterested in political power, and they are powerless to do anything if political leaders want it. Standing firm on their mandate may cost them their lives, if not more. Corrupt leaders are always the most powerful in politics, and their success and power stem from arrogance and corruption. They are the most difficult to fight with unless you have a strong person who can stand for the people and be the voice of the people with some strong political power.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Bushdark on March 23, 2024, 10:21:35 PM
This is just the reason why Africa is backwards in development because they do not do the real thing. Instead to vote for a leader that can deliver , can  do the job very well they will prefer to choose someone from same tribe, religion who can not do anything, forgetting that bad governance doesn't know tribe , it affects every one. This has been the way Africa people have been choosing their leaders, they don't choose someone who can deliver but choose people according to tribe.
Corruption is not something that we need to talk about because there are lots of things involved and it usually started like a smoke from a basket, with time it will diffuse to other regions making things worse for the common people.
There is nothing we could do about it, all we have to keep doing is to protest, complain or cause conflict but corruption might still not end like that. It is very important we need to do things that would help us vote out the bad government but this could also be a difficult approach.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Zoomic on April 14, 2024, 06:28:43 PM
It is quite pathetic to see that the very people who promised us all the good benefits of governance change completely immediately after being voted into office and it is very obvious that we the masses are the ones who empower them to do what they do. Corruption is not promoted by one person alone, both the leaders and the masses are guilty in one way or the other of corrupt practices. During elections, the masses have the power to choose who they want to govern them, but they are often blindfolded by  ethnic sentiments, religious sentiments and other forms of sentiments. Our leaders cannot cheat us all the time if we do not empower them to cheat us. We can only make them accountable if we stop accepting bribes and unsolicited benefits from them for selfish favours that will be detrimental to the whole nation.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Kelward on April 15, 2024, 09:34:49 AM

I would hold people accountable for being in an creating a corrupt leaders rather than the leaders themself.
There's always that tribalistic sentiment when it comes to appointing or electing people into leadership positions, people will want the leadership to come from their tribe or family, they're not even concerned if they don't have qualified candidates from their tribe, region or party, this is why most underdeveloped countries or communities never experience progress.

What about when majority of people in a country comes together and votes a credible candidate that they believe will better their economy, then the electoral body rigs the election? So it's not in every election that the electorates will vote based on tribal sentiments, sometimes they vote based on track records of the candidates to deliver excellent leadership, but higher powers will rig the election, this practice is very common in Africa.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: ferida504 on April 15, 2024, 11:51:36 AM
In fact here we have people who create opportunities for corruption, leaders cannot do corruption at will but a section of common people want to corrupt with their help to make themselves more independent. Because of which the leaders get the opportunity to commit corruption. So I think that common people create the opportunity to do corruption. That's why our leaders took the opportunity. However, there are currently many countries where voting is not required or there is no need to elect a leader.

Corruption occurs because the monitoring system during campaigns and elections is weak. It should be noted that when a candidate during the campaign period commits fraud, for example by distributing money during the campaign, when he becomes a leader, he will still use the wrong methods in leading. , whether he is a council member, regent, mayor or even president, because if we do the wrong thing then our thoughts and every step we take will continue to be directed down the wrong path. So in choosing a leader there must also be good criteria, otherwise there will be destruction somewhere if the wrong leader is chosen

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Ruttoshi on April 15, 2024, 02:02:49 PM
I would hold people accountable for being in an creating a corrupt leaders rather than the leaders themself.
You should know that there are some countries that the people cannot decide who will be their leader, because the people in charge of the government have made life miserable for the citizens, by putting them in a poverty level. This is done in other for them to make the people not have that power to go against their will. If you talk against the government, you get killed. No freedom of speech and everyone is living in fear.

No matter what the people do, to vote out these bad leaders, it will be in vain because they have corrupt people like them that should be able to challenge them or put a stop to their evil intentions, but these people will even support them, because everyone is after their pockets.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Zanab247 on April 15, 2024, 03:29:37 PM
People are not the ones that made the corrupt leaders, and some of the leaders has corrupt before in the society which people know so much in the society before going into politics, and if you look at their history in politics you will discover that they got their political appointment based on the influence of family members, and such people will never be a good leader than to be a corrupt leaders in the society.

But country where vote are count for the favour of the country, I don't think such country will make corrupt people to be their leaders, and such country leaders will be doing the right thing for the favour of their country because they know how they got to their position.

 Yes, you can find such corrupt leaders in Africa because the leaders of Africa are not ready to stop such habit among themselves, that is why you see upcoming leaders are still planning to follow the corrupt way.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: yazher on April 15, 2024, 03:59:26 PM
In the past, only leaders from different tribes and groups were allowed to vote so the candidates were wisely chosen and the result was satisfying they ended up getting real leaders who could lead their countries to success and that was the real freedom is because you put the trust to your leader rather than giving everyone the freedom to vote and the result is horrible just like what happens to the other countries right now, the result of their past elections was wild and their leader is clearly a not eligible to run countries which always ended up in regret and our own country is suffering the same as well. If only we could use the same strategy right now, we could have gotten some real leaders like Bukele of El Salvador to run our countries so that they won't be having any corruption.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: oktana on April 18, 2024, 11:52:48 PM
The sad truth is that this may never change, it is possible that people would never stop blindly voting for people just because they come from the same ethnicity or religion instead of the capability to handle the said position. Hopefully the people who do such act can decrease in number so there is a more genuine selection.

I am sure that if a black man was to contest as the president of America, a huge majority (not all) will vote for him irrespective of his ability to manage the nation if he won.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Gozie51 on April 19, 2024, 12:24:02 PM
Hopefully the people who do such act can decrease in number so there is a more genuine selection.

To what level exactly can they reduce to? Those who are hodling country to her knees are usually very very few but are backed by government.

I am sure that if a black man was to contest as the president of America, a huge majority (not all) will vote for him irrespective of his ability to manage the nation if he won.

Except you were trying to mean a Nigerian contesting for the president of America and of course it is the Nigerian religious bigots that will vote a Nigerian as the president of America.

However, talking of black man being the president of America, there have been Barack Obama as African American black president and Kamala Harris as vice president.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: moneystery on April 19, 2024, 01:31:09 PM
that is a reality that people have to accept, especially people in developing countries where the influence of religion is still very strong. usually they will choose leaders based on their religion or ethnicity, but the most frequent choice is based on religion. even in my country, the funniest thing is that many people here say that it would be better for them to choose a corrupt leader who has the same religion as them, compared to a good leader who has a different religion, that's quite funny, isn't it? but that's what they are.

i don't want to blame them for choosing a leader like that, because according to them it is the teachings of their religion to choose a leader who is of the same religion as them. and i think this also has something to do with their knowledge which is also quite limited, so it is difficult to make them aware.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: jrrsparkles on April 19, 2024, 06:45:51 PM
Important thumb rule to be successful politician is divide and conquer. It can be based on religion, race, etc as long as they can influence people in the way they want to. We can say we need a change in the way we elect our leaders but it looks like the change is impossible with the democracy.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: oktana on April 19, 2024, 10:28:22 PM

I am sure that if a black man was to contest as the president of America, a huge majority (not all) will vote for him irrespective of his ability to manage the nation if he won.

Except you were trying to mean a Nigerian contesting for the president of America and of course it is the Nigerian religious bigots that will vote a Nigerian as the president of America.

However, talking of black man being the president of America, there have been Barack Obama as African American black president and Kamala Harris as vice president.

I don’t know about Nigeria, but when Barack Obama was contesting, his support came mostly from blacks. Right? The whites hated him (till he left) just because he was black and many blacks liked him because he was black. I know certain people liked him because they knew he was a capable president, however, most of the votes, likes, and dislikes were based of on factors like what I just described which isn’t the real thing to be worried about. That’s what I mean.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: johnsaributua on April 19, 2024, 11:23:39 PM
It may be a difficult thing if faced with the opportunity and circle of irresponsible people even though it is wrapped in familiarity. In fact, it is easier for people to corrupt because there is opportunity and good land with surrounding support. It is also a tradition in my country that democracy with big money is likely to seek funds to compensate for what it has spent including for its marketing team. Really, fishing for money is all about money, for whatever reason, but it is criminal. There are also those who make it seem like this is democracy from the beginning so that it is not too contrasting and veiled, a strategy that is not commendable, oppressing the people for personal interests.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Dunamisx on April 20, 2024, 12:44:14 AM
The foolish people are not the corrupt leaders alone, but anyone who indulges self in making what is not right is foolish because such is an inconsiderable fellow, in everything we do in life, we should first consider how the effects from our actions will take affect other individuals, we shouldn't be always walking with one eye closed, instead we should be intentional about any deliberation we are considering that it works for our good and the wellbeing of others.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Volimack on April 20, 2024, 05:15:09 AM
Leaders must take the right steps to activate the people. People can get honesty from them if they elect the right leaders. Some are widely criticized within the state. Common citizens of any country do not like a corrupt government. People want peace and service. But the corrupt are busy picking their own sugarcane, forgetting about peace and service.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Smilevictorobinna on April 20, 2024, 10:48:48 AM
The right thing to do is vote for who is capable of handling that position very well someone who can bring in positive changes an intellectual.
Voting for someone because he or she is practicing same region with you or because his from your city or community or because he or she is same color with you should be set aside when choosing a leader because when we put all that into consideration when choosing a leader we will be blind to see if truly his intelligent enough to handle that position and bring positive changes.
All we need to consider in choosing a leader is if he or she can handle such position very well and bring positive changes.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Obulis on April 20, 2024, 12:51:46 PM
We have often seen how leaders who got into power because of backing from their tribe, sect or regional and ethnicities are the most corrupt ones because they knows that their people will vote for them regardless they do any good work or not. Look at African nations and even some Arab nations the reason why they are going through corruption and suffering is because people don't vote based on merit rather on personal relationship like sect, ethnicity or religion and then there comes countries like India and Pakistan where they win based on vote from majority community by instilling fear that minorities gonna rule them if not votes to power and next five years everyone suffers.

I would hold people accountable for being in an creating a corrupt leaders rather than the leaders themself.

 One of the most wicked part is the religious affiliations,.. What does this religions really teach that they will support their members only for them to assume office as devil incarnates...
 Somehow, this leaders manipulates the environment and the people carry out the results from what you just pointed
So the people/majority can say no to bad governance by living above the immediate time of manipulation and vote on merit for the future to get at least good government.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Dewiana on April 20, 2024, 07:20:35 PM
I agree, mate. When all the political candidates running for positions in the government are corrupt and useless, the country is doomed. We have no choice but only to choose the “least evil” among the candidates. But when there is a candidate that is credible and capable of leading the country and we still don’t choose that candidate, the problem is in the people.

Of course we shouldn’t blame it all on the people. There are still many things to hold a corrupt candidate accountable for. Like maybe that candidate is spreading a lot of lies and misinformation that could have reached the masses and could have influenced their political decisions greatly.

A good leader can only lead when he or she is chosen by the people.

The election of a corrupt leader is the effect of the electoral system during the election, when the system is not clean then be prepared when he becomes a leader he will do things that are detrimental to the country. because this happens from below, so to avoid this, choose a leader from among people who have good moral ethics, don't bribe or engage in money politics when inviting people to elect him, another thing is that there is public space to control it. Another thing is not giving capital to owners when they become leaders because that opens up space for chaos within the government

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: SATWAT on April 20, 2024, 09:28:49 PM
I agree, mate. When all the political candidates running for positions in the government are corrupt and useless, the country is doomed. We have no choice but only to choose the “least evil” among the candidates. But when there is a candidate that is credible and capable of leading the country and we still don’t choose that candidate, the problem is in the people.

Of course we shouldn’t blame it all on the people. There are still many things to hold a corrupt candidate accountable for. Like maybe that candidate is spreading a lot of lies and misinformation that could have reached the masses and could have influenced their political decisions greatly.

A good leader can only lead when he or she is chosen by the people.

The election of a corrupt leader is the effect of the electoral system during the election, when the system is not clean then be prepared when he becomes a leader he will do things that are detrimental to the country. because this happens from below, so to avoid this, choose a leader from among people who have good moral ethics, don't bribe or engage in money politics when inviting people to elect him, another thing is that there is public space to control it. Another thing is not giving capital to owners when they become leaders because that opens up space for chaos within the government
Currently, where I am living we are casting our votes but still we are having not right leaders because our vote is not going on right path, and they are stealing things which are completely destroying country and peoples are suffering due to these corrupt leaders and their policies but nothing positive happening which is surely going to have the worst things in future as well.
Current concept of democracy or choosing our leaders are also having nothing with system as now they are having all control, and they can do things which are right for them and their policies which are never been ideal for the common peoples if we need better leaders and better future we need to have good education and rule of law which is most important.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: peter0425 on April 20, 2024, 10:09:59 PM
don't bribe or engage in money politics when inviting people to elect him, another thing is that there is public space to control it.

The thing is that these running candidates often target those in poverty and they offer them money and support so of course what stupid person will say no to help right? But the short term benefit will result to a longer destruction of the country and the system. Some have given up on the country and do not want to even partake anymore in the election

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Bushdark on May 04, 2024, 09:28:57 AM
We have often seen how leaders who got into power because of backing from their tribe, sect or regional and ethnicities are the most corrupt ones because they knows that their people will vote for them regardless they do any good work or not. Look at African nations and even some Arab nations the reason why they are going through corruption and suffering is because people don't vote based on merit rather on personal relationship like sect, ethnicity or religion and then there comes countries like India and Pakistan where they win based on vote from majority community by instilling fear that minorities gonna rule them if not votes to power and next five years everyone suffers.

I would hold people accountable for being in an creating a corrupt leaders rather than the leaders themself.
Tribalism and racism is the same and we all need to ensure that it does not have so much effects on us.
We need to be prepared and worked hand in hand with people around us even though they are not from our particular ethnic group or froma different colour. The world needs to be a better place not a place of violence and hatred which could bring about war.
If everyone works hand in hand to help their neighbors and community to be better, the problems of the world would be lesser.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Hispo on May 05, 2024, 02:43:29 PM
don't bribe or engage in money politics when inviting people to elect him, another thing is that there is public space to control it.

The thing is that these running candidates often target those in poverty and they offer them money and support so of course what stupid person will say no to help right? But the short term benefit will result to a longer destruction of the country and the system. Some have given up on the country and do not want to even partake anymore in the election

That is a very common and sadly a very effective for authoritarian governments to control the population, specially those who are not educated enough to see beyond their basic and immediate needs. Actually, of you take a look on the arguments people who are against the rule of socialism and communism says, they will often give you examples about how current authoritarian governments use the needs of people to access to food, education, shelter and even health to control their vote.
Here in Venezuela, the president and the rest of the people who is involved in high politics try to make an emphasis on how good they are because they have programs (which are very ineffective) to offer people food, money and shelter. Though, they do not mention the existence of organized groups who take note on whether someone has voted against them during a presidential or general election, so they can withdraw all those benefits from those who received them and dared to vote against.

That is simply not a democracy, it is the lowest class of politics one could ever found. In the contemporary history of humanity and it is going on right now as we speak.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Riginac111 on May 09, 2024, 10:16:40 PM
We have often seen how leaders who got into power because of backing from their tribe, sect or regional and ethnicities are the most corrupt ones because they knows that their people will vote for them regardless they do any good work or not. Look at African nations and even some Arab nations the reason why they are going through corruption and suffering is because people don't vote based on merit rather on personal relationship like sect, ethnicity or religion and then there comes countries like India and Pakistan where they win based on vote from majority community by instilling fear that minorities gonna rule them if not votes to power and next five years everyone suffers.

I would hold people accountable for being in an creating a corrupt leaders rather than the leaders themself.
it is very difficult before you see a good politician who is not corrupt because it is obvious that interest of politicians in a society most especially un civilized countries is to enrich their family not to do something that will profit the Citizens so we cannot blend them because they don't have the people that are leading in mind majority leaders in a country that is not civilized is performing such action everyday but their is no penalty for them because their government is corrupt

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Alpha Marine on May 15, 2024, 06:53:37 PM
These leaders, especially the ones in Africa know these things, so they weaponize it. They know with exposure, literacy, and personal growth people would move past mindsets like that, so they make sure these people don't have these things. Instead, they just keep promising them these things and never give them anything.

The majority of the voters in these African countries are either illiterate, have very poor education, or have no education at all so they're easier to manipulate. This makes it easy to weaponize what they can use against their people. This is one reason why the region is in a pitiful state. The whole system is so rigged to the extent that the ones who understand and know what should be done are either too blinded by greed and selfishness that they'll only seek to enrich themselves through corruption or too blinded by tribe. They have the fallacy believe that if a politician is from their tribe or region, it will benefit them.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Scarlett_23 on May 16, 2024, 11:41:59 AM
Most of the world's leaders are corrupt. In monarchical countries, the rule of power continues from generation to generation. Among them, some of the rulers protect the rights of the people because they are ideals of morality. And those who remain corrupt oppress people as they wish and collude with powerful world leaders to maintain power. Also in democratic countries corrupt governments are killing people's rights. Leaders promised good deeds before the elections but brutally oppressed the people after the elections. Although some countries of the world follow the democratic process, in many countries of the world the government comes to power dishonestly and tries to maintain it. Many times, the military forces run the government in democratic states by force. To elect a leader, an ideal leader should be selected, leaving aside the party and tribe. People should remember that a true leader does not seek ideals but creates ideals. And if a leader is honest, his followers cannot be dishonest.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Tahid12 on May 16, 2024, 11:56:28 PM
You said the truth mate. That's why it very important to investigation about that leader whom you are going to vote. And it is far better to vote a honest person even he doesn't belong to your community. And I think that's far better than voting him who are corrupted enough and not going to doing anything for people even after get elected. But there are some problems too. Honest person can't stand before them cause corrupted leader always threatening good leader, not to election against him or result will be bad or he will be endanger. That's the normal people don't have any option rather than voting that corrupted leader

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: pinggoki on May 17, 2024, 04:38:08 AM
They wouldn't be there if it weren't for us the people anyway, if everyone is just a tad bit more smarter than the average, we would all be electing the right people and we will go on a violent outburst whenever there's a possibility that there's a rigging in the election. But that's not the case, the masses are pretty stupid when they get into crowds and they end up believing in the one that speaks loudest the most even if what they're saying doesn't make sense, there's a reason why Hitler came into power, his policies might be evil but he was a really good orator and knows how to manipulate the masses into believing his cause as the solution to the problem that Germany was facing at that time. France is a really great example of how the masses should work when it comes to getting what they want, they really care about how they do protests and they're famous for the French Revolution after all.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Dunamisx on May 18, 2024, 07:01:54 PM
Corruption does not only applies to the leaders aloe, anyone in a leadership position or not and is engaging in any form of corrupt practices is a fool, its only a self centered person who will be involved in any form of corruption, but when we are so mindful about the welfare of others, we will realized that there is no need for being too greedy and to engage in corrupt practice, only if we can discipline ourself on that.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Jegileman on May 23, 2024, 06:25:52 PM
We have often seen how leaders who got into power because of backing from their tribe, sect or regional and ethnicities are the most corrupt ones because they knows that their people will vote for them regardless they do any good work or not. Look at African nations and even some Arab nations the reason why they are going through corruption and suffering is because people don't vote based on merit rather on personal relationship like sect, ethnicity or religion and then there comes countries like India and Pakistan where they win based on vote from majority community by instilling fear that minorities gonna rule them if not votes to power and next five years everyone suffers.

I would hold people accountable for being in an creating a corrupt leaders rather than the leaders themself.

Don’t you think that not all can still be hold accountable for the bad leaders that have been put into power to represent them. When we have a minority group with the intention to vote out the bad leader and another majority group that are already bribed by those corrupt leaders, with a free and fair elections, the majority groups will be the winners of that election.

With anticipation for a change in the leaders that rule corrupt nations like that, without the majority not corrupt and have that corrupt mindset already instilled in them by the system, the election will never be in favour of the minority that have the will mindset for a change of leadership. Every nation and country have what most affects them, and it is on them to find out what is the problem and how to find solutions to them for the betterment of their country.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: teamsherry on May 29, 2024, 09:11:19 AM
We have often seen how leaders who got into power because of backing from their tribe, sect or regional and ethnicities are the most corrupt ones because they knows that their people will vote for them regardless they do any good work or not. Look at African nations and even some Arab nations the reason why they are going through corruption and suffering is because people don't vote based on merit rather on personal relationship like sect, ethnicity or religion and then there comes countries like India and Pakistan where they win based on vote from majority community by instilling fear that minorities gonna rule them if not votes to power and next five years everyone suffers.

I would hold people accountable for being in an creating a corrupt leaders rather than the leaders themself.

Mate you need to understand African politics, its really based on merit but what am I going to get from this person, those people that really have the power to put those guys in  positions don't acre about the masses that wiudl suffer from it, its just business to them and yeah I can't blame them cause if anyone was as rich as they are you would be more bothered about staying onto than think about a poor person that you don't even know, so yeah that's how life is, I just pity those that take bribe to do things cause at the end if they are not well established and the elected leader is corrupt everyone suffers including them.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Ever-young on May 31, 2024, 02:12:21 PM
In fact here we have people who create opportunities for corruption, leaders cannot do corruption at will but a section of common people want to corrupt with their help to make themselves more independent. Because of which the leaders get the opportunity to commit corruption. So I think that common people create the opportunity to do corruption. That's why our leaders took the opportunity. However, there are currently many countries where voting is not required or there is no need to elect a leader.

Of course, you are right, some people don't want to useful to themselves, they want to be a tool to our leaders and when they are caught, they will say it's the hand work of the devil, when they volunteering themselves to be used to cause havoc for the people and also make it uncomfortable for people to live in, and the worst part is that they are not also living comfortable, because they will vow to keep the secret of our leaders, if not they will die, especially if they fail to do their duty or wants to back down, so let's not promote corruption by doing what we know it's wrong.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: Albarq on June 01, 2024, 12:05:04 AM
Corruption does not only applies to the leaders aloe, anyone in a leadership position or not and is engaging in any form of corrupt practices is a fool, its only a self centered person who will be involved in any form of corruption, but when we are so mindful about the welfare of others, we will realized that there is no need for being too greedy and to engage in corrupt practice, only if we can discipline ourself on that.

It's difficult at this time, there's a lot of corruption they're doing, it's even rampant from the top to the bottom it's hard to overcome all of that, because their thoughts are only about pursuing wealth, they don't reflect wise leaders and no broadly about advancing the welfare of the people starting it,s hard to do it all with  not to do anything negative.

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: teamsherry on June 03, 2024, 09:10:12 AM
Your right bro, it has become quite a thign that trust is lacking in the nation, no one wants to look past the insecurites of sec or ethnic and vote bases on trust, besides they would say its better a devil we know than an angel we don't know, everyone is accountable for the suffering that they are passing through and people won't still listen, right now in the US there are still those that that vouching for biden even after his bad performance and its true that trump is far better than him but yet no one would listen they woudl still prefer to make the same mistake all over again over a fake promise .

Title: Re: Corrupt leaders are made foolish people.
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 03, 2024, 05:33:01 PM
We have often seen how leaders who got into power because of backing from their tribe, sect or regional and ethnicities are the most corrupt ones because they knows that their people will vote for them regardless they do any good work or not. Look at African nations and even some Arab nations the reason why they are going through corruption and suffering is because people don't vote based on merit rather on personal relationship like sect, ethnicity or religion and then there comes countries like India and Pakistan where they win based on vote from majority community by instilling fear that minorities gonna rule them if not votes to power and next five years everyone suffers.

I would hold people accountable for being in an creating a corrupt leaders rather than the leaders themself.
Background One: Many people vote in constituencies for some money. Again when they see that there is no development in the area they say that there is no development in my area, and the leaders loot all the money. At such a time I am talking about all the leaders who came to power in exchange for money will they do the welfare of the people with their own money? Answer: Never.

Background Two: When a government comes to power it wants to stay in power again and again. So when the election comes they don't want to give a chance to the opposite party to participate in the election. But their opportunity to participate is disclosed. Then anyone from among the people of his party is chosen and stood for election. Then what will the general public do and who will vote?

So I think people will be responsible according to the context. But it can be said that the common people cannot escape the responsibility for producing corrupt leaders either through ignorance or purposefully.