Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Parklane777 on March 17, 2024, 11:26:00 AM

Title: Big instutions and Banks have invested too much in Europe
Post by: Parklane777 on March 17, 2024, 11:26:00 AM
Yesterday i had a meeting with very well connected person and educated he said there too much money in Europe invested the new banking cbdc system and also the the circle usdc involvement and a lot private contractors and even Investment in ukraine DIA digital system.
Also ukraine will be part of European Union.
So now all those investors will give russia time stop war becouse time is up If not the money is not limited sources are not limited 2024-2025 should be new time for digital economy and reset not for war.
This clear now the big stakes are on the table the wall street money in on the table and If guys like this wealthy start to lose then this is serious the france are under blackrock private contrator to make sure war will be stop when there is time for that If not then blackrock has the right to ask to money from france.
Money world is serious no joke about it so If war will not stop by the right time blackrock will take russia.
And things what my friend heard from wall st guys they said nobody is not afraid nuclear becouse the west collective Forces can crash all the russia.
The plan B Will be to print money more than was 2021 and then use that money fully to take over russia.
Little bit background story and divine right to rule (the chosen people of GOD power):
People with money don't play around mr Putin should listen money power are only power of MOSES in this world,yes Putin is like RAMSES but Moses snake eated RAMSES two of Snakes so that's why the dollar symbol is S the snake the strongest snake of snakes and dollar is only power in the material world.
that Beeing said i guess they give time to Putin stop and pay for damages and apoligize or they just walk in russia taking the oil gas.
France will wait now If Putin don't stop he will act becouse otherwise france gona pay a lot fines for every delayed days when war not stoped.
The west have too much money on the stake they can not lose it's impossible west can use nuclears first also the usa have now nuclear missiles back in UK and they are pointed to russia just in case.
But off course west will prepare fight without nuclear becouse they want clean land and not so much damaged country to get oil and gas.
People think france will only talk they don't france is ready to send full troops in russia becouse big money instutions want to finally start building and making money in Europe and nobody in the world never ever go against money power you always obey them they even take bitcoin and who Ever go against Will learn the Lesson and will be example what happens If you try go against west money powers.

Title: Re: Big instutions and Banks have invested too much in Europe
Post by: Argoo on March 17, 2024, 03:54:29 PM
An interesting opinion, but it is not without meaning. Putin, from the amount of power he received in Russia, imagined himself to be a god and decided that in the 21st century he can make decisions and act as he wants, regardless of any moral values of our society and treaty obligations of Russia and go down in history as a great conqueror at the level of Napoleon and Hitler. Having massively introduced his spies into the power structures of Ukraine and invested a lot of money to bribe Ukrainian officials, he decided that with their help he would quickly seize Ukraine even before the United States and Western countries had time to react to these actions of his. Moreover, he got away with the forceful seizure of part of Ukraine in 2014 quite easily.

But Putin's plans were disrupted by the people of Ukraine and their armed forces, who put up unexpected and effective resistance to Russia's invading armies. The resistance turned out to be so successful that the United States and Western countries, which saw Russia as a potential enemy, decided that through the hands of the Ukrainians, providing them with weapons and financial support, they could at least weaken Russia militarily and economically and after that no longer consider it as a threat. But Putin is already too bogged down in Ukraine and retreat means for him not only the loss of power, but also his own life. Therefore, he began to raise the stakes and threaten European countries, including with the use of nuclear weapons. And this already affects the political and economic foundations of the powerful.

Therefore, we see that recently French President Macron has sharply changed the tone of his statements and stated that Russia must be defeated in the war it started and now does not even rule out sending troops into Ukraine if the situation at the front for Ukraine worsens sharply. It is unlikely that he would have changed his mind so dramatically if he had not felt strong support behind him. And this support may well come from the world’s money wallets.

Title: Re: Big instutions and Banks have invested too much in Europe
Post by: tyz on March 17, 2024, 07:02:39 PM
Also ukraine will be part of European Union.

When? 2100? To be admitted to the European Union, a country must meet a number of requirements. This is determined by laws and regulations. At the moment, Ukraine (even regardless of the war) does not meet most of requirements. Countries that have wanted to join the EU for a long time (Georgia, Turkey, Balkan countries) have been on hold for admission for many years, and some of these countries now meet the majority of the requirements. That alone shows how far the road still is for Ukraine to be admitted.

Title: Re: Big instutions and Banks have invested too much in Europe
Post by: electronicash on March 17, 2024, 07:24:21 PM

it's not up to Putin to stop the war. one of the parties has to surrender for the war to be over or simply just peace talk and accept the condition of Putin since he has the leverage to give the condition. Ukraine also will not accept the condition of Putin since it's going to appear NATO to be weak for they are the ones backing the country. there's the reason for war to continue.

blackrock does have a plan to rebuild Ukraine which they bid an enormous amount of money but if Putin controls the country that money won't be going to Ukraine.

Title: Re: Big instutions and Banks have invested too much in Europe
Post by: Argoo on March 18, 2024, 08:35:47 AM

it's not up to Putin to stop the war. one of the parties has to surrender for the war to be over or simply just peace talk and accept the condition of Putin since he has the leverage to give the condition. Ukraine also will not accept the condition of Putin since it's going to appear NATO to be weak for they are the ones backing the country. there's the reason for war to continue.

In this case, I would like to know your opinion about whether you would consider it necessary to capitulate if your country is attacked by a stronger neighbor? Do you simply agree to give up your country, your property, your wife, your children at the disposal of the occupiers and will not fight and defend yourself just because the attacking side looks stronger? If yes, then I can only feel sorry for you for such a slavish choice.

Ukraine has been fighting an enemy superior in strength for the third year now, and mind you, it’s fighting well. Have you seen what the Russian occupiers did and are doing in the occupied settlements of Ukraine? Mass extermination of the civilian population just because they consider themselves Ukrainians and do not renounce their nationality. Torture, murder and rape of civilians throughout the advance of the Russian horde. The conclusion of a truce and leaving part of the Ukrainian territories under occupation will make it possible to continue this genocide of Ukrainians. In this case there will be no peace. This will be a further systematic destruction of the Ukrainian people. The Russians entered Ukraine under the pretext of protecting the Russian-speaking population. But it was they who killed Russian speakers in Ukraine the most, because their goal is completely different - the destruction of Ukraine as a state and Ukrainians as a nation. Ukraine will fight in any case, because it has no decent choice. Russian occupiers will find only their death on Ukrainian soil.

Title: Re: Big instutions and Banks have invested too much in Europe
Post by: Ozero on March 18, 2024, 11:55:37 AM
Also ukraine will be part of European Union.

When? 2100? To be admitted to the European Union, a country must meet a number of requirements. This is determined by laws and regulations. At the moment, Ukraine (even regardless of the war) does not meet most of requirements. Countries that have wanted to join the EU for a long time (Georgia, Turkey, Balkan countries) have been on hold for admission for many years, and some of these countries now meet the majority of the requirements. That alone shows how far the road still is for Ukraine to be admitted.
Ukraine can become a member of the European Union faster than you think.
Ukraine has been a participant in the European Union's Eastern Partnership program since 2009. In 2014, Ukraine and the European Union signed an Association Agreement, replacing the previous Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and Ukraine.
February 28, 2022. Ukraine has officially applied for EU membership. A day earlier, a number of heads of European countries spoke out in support of integration with Ukraine.

On March 1, 2022, the European Parliament recommended granting Ukraine the status of a candidate country for accession to the EU.

On June 17, 2022, the European Commission supported a resolution granting Ukraine candidate status for accession to the EU.

On 23 June 2022, the European Parliament overwhelmingly adopted a resolution supporting EU candidate status for Ukraine, and the Council of the European Union awarded Ukraine EU candidate status.

On December 14, 2023, the Council of the European Union decided to begin negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the European Union.

Currently, countries such as Algeria, Chile, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, South Africa, Syria, and Tunisia are at the first stage of joining the European Union. Most of the listed countries have low chances of becoming members of the European Union for various reasons, both because they are not European countries and for other economic, social and political reasons.

Kosovo is currently in the third stage.

Two countries are in the fourth stage: Bosnia and Herzegovina and Georgia. They have candidate status for EU membership.

Ukraine is already at the fifth stage of joining the EU together with North Macedonia, Albania, Turkey, Serbia, Moldova and Montenegro.

Title: Re: Big instutions and Banks have invested too much in Europe
Post by: BIT-BENDER on March 18, 2024, 02:55:43 PM

it's not up to Putin to stop the war. one of the parties has to surrender for the war to be over or simply just peace talk and accept the condition of Putin since he has the leverage to give the condition. Ukraine also will not accept the condition of Putin since it's going to appear NATO to be weak for they are the ones backing the country. there's the reason for war to continue.

blackrock does have a plan to rebuild Ukraine which they bid an enormous amount of money but if Putin controls the country that money won't be going to Ukraine.
For peace to reign both parties need to put up an argument or what they want and not just that they should also be ready to accept each others opinions and be willing to be live by some point made by the other country even if it is against what they believe in.

Peace is not the absence of grievance or faults but the ability to see through them and accept one another.

I think peace is still very possible but the support game should be dropped and rather in the interest of the world we all try to put peace between both countries.

Title: Re: Big instutions and Banks have invested too much in Europe
Post by: electronicash on March 18, 2024, 05:29:24 PM

it's not up to Putin to stop the war. one of the parties has to surrender for the war to be over or simply just peace talk and accept the condition of Putin since he has the leverage to give the condition. Ukraine also will not accept the condition of Putin since it's going to appear NATO to be weak for they are the ones backing the country. there's the reason for war to continue.

blackrock does have a plan to rebuild Ukraine which they bid an enormous amount of money but if Putin controls the country that money won't be going to Ukraine.
For peace to reign both parties need to put up an argument or what they want and not just that they should also be ready to accept each others opinions and be willing to be live by some point made by the other country even if it is against what they believe in.

Peace is not the absence of grievance or faults but the ability to see through them and accept one another.

I think peace is still very possible but the support game should be dropped and rather in the interest of the world we all try to put peace between both countries.

when the soviet union gave up their territories, they sought peace also. ukraine was part of soviet union at that time. well, it's just an old story really as far as i know the Berlin wall is their border. Putin was willing to negotiate in the first days of this war. this time, however, i think the conditions may change.  

the world back then was that the Soviet Union was a big Bloc and then now there is Europe but there is one that is rising such as BRICS. so things will change in the future. it may not be in our lifetime but BRICS will also be gone in a few hundred years. nothing lasts forever they say.

Title: Re: Big instutions and Banks have invested too much in Europe
Post by: God bless u on March 19, 2024, 04:52:32 AM
I think this dilemma that if you go against the west you will have to face the repercussions shall end soon.I think the west has lost his power. its power was dropped the day Russia broke into Ukraine and the day  the USA was forced to retreat from Afghanistan. so it's not that your mentioning about that if you go against the west you know you have to face anything.

Another block is being lifted up to the power that is the China and Russia block so I think it has more potential to reach up to the heights of power.USA will now have to accept defeat possibly it can lead to a big war and catastrophic damage to the world but you know it has to now because two lions can't be into the same cage. there are not two infact there are three of them the Russia , China and the USA so they have a fight together and only one will remain because the ultimate power will be you know belonging to the one particular giant. so yes we have to face that.

Title: Re: Big instutions and Banks have invested too much in Europe
Post by: Argoo on March 19, 2024, 05:05:17 AM

I think peace is still very possible but the support game should be dropped and rather in the interest of the world we all try to put peace between both countries.
I wonder how you are trying to establish peace if you are calling for an end to the support game. As I understand it, this is a call not to support a country that has been attacked by an aggressor. So what will happen then? Strong countries will capture the weak, the rest will only look at this and declare that they want peace. Meanwhile, the aggressor will do his job. In the future, there will be a lot of such aggressors, because in reality the international community will not help countries that have been attacked and this will encourage other potential aggressors to seize foreign territories. There will be chaos where the might will rule. Is this the kind of world you want?
Real peace is possible only when the aggressor, who encroached on someone else's territory, will immediately get hit in the teeth, so much so that his head will fly off and others will be discouraged from committing similar war crimes.

Title: Re: Big instutions and Banks have invested too much in Europe
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on March 19, 2024, 05:17:33 AM
Also ukraine will be part of European Union.

When? 2100? To be admitted to the European Union, a country must meet a number of requirements. This is determined by laws and regulations. At the moment, Ukraine (even regardless of the war) does not meet most of requirements. Countries that have wanted to join the EU for a long time (Georgia, Turkey, Balkan countries) have been on hold for admission for many years, and some of these countries now meet the majority of the requirements. That alone shows how far the road still is for Ukraine to be admitted.

Yes that is correct,  but with the way Ukraine is trying to pave their way in joining the union I think their may be some consideration, of admitting them but can only align their specifications of meeting condition on given period after been accepted.
Though this my observation not proven, is open for argument and stand to be corrected.

Title: Re: Big instutions and Banks have invested too much in Europe
Post by: Kakmakr on March 19, 2024, 05:51:15 AM
The large financial institutions that supports the governments, will try to avoid WWIII at all cost, because they will not profit from a global economy that are destroyed.

They know their investors will "sell" their stocks and bonds when there are the slightest indication of a global war and that will hurt their wealth and income.

Yes, they might be connected to smaller proxy wars, because they want the markets to correct themselves to create opportunities to make more profits. (They influence goverment leaders with bribes and they help to fund these wars, because they want to buy on the lower end of the price drop and sell for profit after it was pumped)

Title: Re: Big instutions and Banks have invested too much in Europe
Post by: Ozero on March 19, 2024, 05:57:27 AM

when the soviet union gave up their territories, they sought peace also. ukraine was part of soviet union at that time. well, it's just an old story really as far as i know the Berlin wall is their border. Putin was willing to negotiate in the first days of this war. this time, however, i think the conditions may change.  

There are so many contradictions and incorrectly stated facts in one paragraph. Let me start with the fact that the Soviet Union never renounced its territories. I don't know where you got this from.

From your statements it is also clear that the Berlin Wall was the border of the USSR, which is also incorrect. The Berlin Wall separated the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany, into which Nazi Germany was divided after its defeat. But neither the GDR nor the FRG were ever part of the USSR.

Ukraine was part of the USSR, that is, one of 15 republics, and was forcibly included in it after the conquest of its territory by the Bolsheviks led by Lenin. The USSR was actually a prison of peoples, from which they had no opportunity to leave, although such a right was declared in the absence of real mechanisms for such an exit.

Was Putin ready for negotiations in the first days of the war? That is, in the first days of the attack on Ukraine? Then why was it necessary to attack? It is obvious here that these were not negotiations, but an ultimatum to surrender the interests of Ukraine, and such ultimatums have been put forward by Putin to this day. But now he still wants the conquered territories of Ukraine to remain with Russia.

Title: Re: Big instutions and Banks have invested too much in Europe
Post by: harapan on March 19, 2024, 09:01:38 AM

it's not up to Putin to stop the war. one of the parties has to surrender for the war to be over or simply just peace talk and accept the condition of Putin since he has the leverage to give the condition. Ukraine also will not accept the condition of Putin since it's going to appear NATO to be weak for they are the ones backing the country. there's the reason for war to continue.

blackrock does have a plan to rebuild Ukraine which they bid an enormous amount of money but if Putin controls the country that money won't be going to Ukraine.

The Russian invasion literally has incalculable effects on the European stability and governmental policies.

Everyone wants the Russo-Ukrainian War to end, but it is unusually not easy to maintain peace and order and it is to be achieved is rather not clear. Easy solutions rest on unrealistic assumptions and impossible efforts.
 The case for reaching a compromise with Putin rests on the assumption that he wants and needs peace and that he isn’t really committed to destroying Ukraine and Ukrainians.

Title: Re: Big instutions and Banks have invested too much in Europe
Post by: slapper on March 19, 2024, 09:27:55 AM
Big institutions, banks, and high-flying investors control Europe through CBDC, USDC, and whatever digital sparkle they're betting on. Ukraine wants EU membership like a gold ticket. However, time is ticking, and if Russia doesn't cease the conflict, the financial titans will apply real pressure

Blackrock is playing chess, not checkers, and will pull strings in France to secure peace and profit. This is a high-stakes game where losing is unacceptable. These people view nuclear as a boogeyman. They're counting on economic might over military dread and pumping out more money to maintain their hegemony

Putin received a clear message from Wall Street: Money talks, BS walks. Not just gasoline and fines, but who controls this global rodeo. Western financial power is playing to win, nuclear footballs be damned. They're all in, hoping economic might will beat force

In this world, you're either at the table or on the menu. Putin must pick whether to feed with sharks or get swallowed. The financial world doesn’t bluff; it buys out

Title: Re: Big instutions and Banks have invested too much in Europe
Post by: Argoo on March 19, 2024, 01:13:51 PM

Everyone wants the Russo-Ukrainian War to end, but it is unusually not easy to maintain peace and order and it is to be achieved is rather not clear. Easy solutions rest on unrealistic assumptions and impossible efforts.
 The case for reaching a compromise with Putin rests on the assumption that he wants and needs peace and that he isn’t really committed to destroying Ukraine and Ukrainians.
The civilized world has recently lost its illusions that Putin wants peace and is not trying to destroy Ukraine and Ukrainians. It's quite the opposite. Putin can stop the war he started any day. To do this, it is enough for him to withdraw his occupation troops from Ukraine and peace will come. Before Russia’s attack, Ukraine did not attack its territory and does not intend to do so in the future. The whole question is in Russia's territorial appetites. In the early days of the large-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Putin tasked his troops to approach Kyiv on the first day and a victory parade over Ukraine was planned on the central Khreshchatyk street in Kyiv. Putin has not abandoned this intention to seize all of Ukraine to this day. All his plans were disrupted only by the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people and their armed forces. The only opportunity to achieve a just peace in Ukraine is the military defeat of Putin’s Russia. The people of Russia now are silent slaves who are not capable of much resistance to the aggressive intentions of Putin, who imagines himself to be the second Hitler and the conqueror of Europe.

The article that you attached as a link says exactly this, namely:
"Putin also does not want or need peace. Given the catastrophic consequences of war - for Russia, its army, economy and people - Putin knows that his political and physical survival directly depends on either a Russian victory (which is practically impossible) or a protracted continued bloodshed (which seems to be his strategy now)."

Title: Re: Big instutions and Banks have invested too much in Europe
Post by: uneng on March 19, 2024, 02:26:52 PM
Your post makes me think: who is a more imminent threat to the world, Russia's axis or Blackrock? The global scenario nowadays is so confusing. You never know who the good and bad guys are anymore, and if in the end there are any good guys at all. It seems you can't trust or admire anyone these days, because there are lots of hidden interests on the backgrounds going on... The material world has heavily distanced itself from the world of ideas. Men aren't lead by principles anymore, rather it's money which drives every actions.

Money which should be just a simple and useful tool used by men to achieve a better life quality and prosperity, helping them to balance all their needs, and finally reaching happiness, has become the main purpose and sole goal in life. Men who can't be happy and can't understand the meaning of happiness, have turned themselves into devious ways to replace their shortage for an insatiable thirst for power, for enslaving other people into their totalitarian regimes, and consequently inflicting death and pain to everyone who isn't obedient to their excesses.

Where is the sovereignty of free and honored nations which have been built over the blood and sweat of many generations to brake the excesses of greedy and sadistic men and corporations? Ironically Russia's axis attempts to turn the Western world into its vassal, although the West is already a vassal of Blackrock.

Title: Re: Big instutions and Banks have invested too much in Europe
Post by: electronicash on March 19, 2024, 03:34:47 PM

it's not up to Putin to stop the war. one of the parties has to surrender for the war to be over or simply just peace talk and accept the condition of Putin since he has the leverage to give the condition. Ukraine also will not accept the condition of Putin since it's going to appear NATO to be weak for they are the ones backing the country. there's the reason for war to continue.

blackrock does have a plan to rebuild Ukraine which they bid an enormous amount of money but if Putin controls the country that money won't be going to Ukraine.

The Russian invasion literally has incalculable effects on the European stability and governmental policies.

Everyone wants the Russo-Ukrainian War to end, but it is unusually not easy to maintain peace and order and it is to be achieved is rather not clear. Easy solutions rest on unrealistic assumptions and impossible efforts.
 The case for reaching a compromise with Putin rests on the assumption that he wants and needs peace and that he isn’t really committed to destroying Ukraine and Ukrainians.

i don't think Putin is committed to wiping out Ukraine, if he is it will be like Gaza. Kyiv is closer to Russia but the Russians left it out. they instead head to the Blacksea area leaving Kyiv alone.

what was being talked about in different channels was that NATO's plan was just to drain Russia's resources as the war prolong. but it wasn't that easy since Russia is backed by China and Russia has gas to sell.

Was Putin ready for negotiations in the first days of the war? That is, in the first days of the attack on Ukraine? Then why was it necessary to attack? It is obvious here that these were not negotiations, but an ultimatum to surrender the interests of Ukraine, and such ultimatums have been put forward by Putin to this day. But now he still wants the conquered territories of Ukraine to remain with Russia.

the West and Russia are both meddling in Ukraine.

Title: Re: Big instutions and Banks have invested too much in Europe
Post by: Eternad on March 19, 2024, 03:46:36 PM

it's not up to Putin to stop the war. one of the parties has to surrender for the war to be over or simply just peace talk and accept the condition of Putin since he has the leverage to give the condition. Ukraine also will not accept the condition of Putin since it's going to appear NATO to be weak for they are the ones backing the country. there's the reason for war to continue.

blackrock does have a plan to rebuild Ukraine which they bid an enormous amount of money but if Putin controls the country that money won't be going to Ukraine.

Your opinion is contradicting itself. You mention that it’s not up to Putin to stop the war yet the condition for stopping the war is accept the condition given by Putin itself which means if Putin doesn’t demand to Ukraine then this war is already over because it’s still up to Putin(Russia) decision on when they will stop the war because they are the only one invading Ukraine while the other country is just on defensive position.

This war is all about Putin(Russia) goal, which will not happened if they just agree to a proper settlement between 2 party.

Title: Re: Big instutions and Banks have invested too much in Europe
Post by: electronicash on March 19, 2024, 04:22:05 PM

it's not up to Putin to stop the war. one of the parties has to surrender for the war to be over or simply just peace talk and accept the condition of Putin since he has the leverage to give the condition. Ukraine also will not accept the condition of Putin since it's going to appear NATO to be weak for they are the ones backing the country. there's the reason for war to continue.

blackrock does have a plan to rebuild Ukraine which they bid an enormous amount of money but if Putin controls the country that money won't be going to Ukraine.

Your opinion is contradicting itself. You mention that it’s not up to Putin to stop the war yet the condition for stopping the war is accept the condition given by Putin itself which means if Putin doesn’t demand to Ukraine then this war is already over because it’s still up to Putin(Russia) decision on when they will stop the war because they are the only one invading Ukraine while the other country is just on defensive position.

This war is all about Putin(Russia) goal, which will not happened if they just agree to a proper settlement between 2 party.

both are attacking each other, Moscow was even hit. they are at war.
we are talking about after the war started. after the war started, it's not up to Putin anymore. this is not stopping anymore until Ukraine has no weapons as they call it demilitarization.  when the war hasn't started yet they can negotiate and stop the war. all Putin asked for was No NATO membership.

but now that institutions are involve, this is just about controlling the debts. that's why the war will continue and will even escalate more.

Title: Re: Big instutions and Banks have invested too much in Europe
Post by: crwth on March 19, 2024, 04:30:44 PM
From what I understand, your post is that the investments towards the EU are just driving the political decisions of different places. Pressuring countries that might have future conflicts if they have contact with each other or something. I do hope that somehow it would be transparent and be held accountable on what happens on the investments.

Title: Re: Big instutions and Banks have invested too much in Europe
Post by: iBaba on March 19, 2024, 06:20:59 PM
For peace to reign both parties need to put up an argument or what they want and not just that they should also be ready to accept each others opinions and be willing to be live by some point made by the other country even if it is against what they believe in.

Peace is not the absence of grievance or faults but the ability to see through them and accept one another.

I think peace is still very possible but the support game should be dropped and rather in the interest of the world we all try to put peace between both countries.

I almost agree with your opinion, although it's challenging to achieve, given the intricacies involved. Based on my study of the scenario, I believe Vladimir Putin would never agree to NATO's establishment in Ukraine. He perceives NATO as spies infiltrating the country, which is why he's seemingly against it.

In my view, Ukraine should refrain from arming itself and realize that international support, even from NATO members, may wane, leaving each country to fend for itself. The countries involved in the conflict have their own national interests at heart, rather than a genuine concern for Ukraine's peace.

Therefore, Ukraine must make diplomatic decisions and avoid escalating tensions, as resorting to arms will only worsen the situation. Ukraine being able to win over Russia would be akin to the David and Goliath story.

Title: Re: Big instutions and Banks have invested too much in Europe
Post by: Argoo on March 20, 2024, 06:44:46 AM

both are attacking each other, Moscow was even hit. they are at war.
we are talking about after the war started. after the war started, it's not up to Putin anymore. this is not stopping anymore until Ukraine has no weapons as they call it demilitarization.  when the war hasn't started yet they can negotiate and stop the war. all Putin asked for was No NATO membership.

Ukraine did not shell Russian territory until the full-scale attack on it in February 2022 and even in the first year of this war. But the Russian occupation forces cannot be stopped unless Ukraine destroys military factories, military units, airfields from which bombers take off and fly to Ukraine, oil refineries that supply troops with fuel and everything that helps Putin’s Russia attack Ukraine. Therefore, having established its own production of drones, Ukraine is now also actively destroying military installations on the territory of Russia itself.

Negotiate with Putin and his entourage, who have already included four Ukrainian regions and the Crimean peninsula as territories in their Constitution. which are part of Russia is meaningless. And even if Ukraine makes these territorial concessions, the war will not stop and there will still be no peace. Putin is accustomed to regard any concessions as a sign of weakness, and therefore he will want to seize all of Ukraine. Therefore, in Ukraine there is no other way than to defend our freedom and independence with arms in hand.

Anyone who wants peace in Ukraine through its territorial concessions to Russia can offer Putin the territory of their country. I think Putin will not refuse this. But whether he will stop after this is the second question. You can take his word for it, but he never kept his promises. This is evidenced by the experience of the ten-year war in Ukraine.

Title: Re: Big instutions and Banks have invested too much in Europe
Post by: Ozero on April 02, 2024, 02:24:13 PM

I almost agree with your opinion, although it's challenging to achieve, given the intricacies involved. Based on my study of the scenario, I believe Vladimir Putin would never agree to NATO's establishment in Ukraine. He perceives NATO as spies infiltrating the country, which is why he's seemingly against it.

In my view, Ukraine should refrain from arming itself and realize that international support, even from NATO members, may wane, leaving each country to fend for itself. The countries involved in the conflict have their own national interests at heart, rather than a genuine concern for Ukraine's peace.

Therefore, Ukraine must make diplomatic decisions and avoid escalating tensions, as resorting to arms will only worsen the situation. Ukraine being able to win over Russia would be akin to the David and Goliath story.
Why should Ukraine, when choosing its foreign policy course and global security system, take into account the opinion of Putin or another ruler of Russia? Ukraine's mistake was that it was too trusting. Under guarantees from Russia and other countries of non-aggression and assistance, Ukraine abandoned the world's third most powerful nuclear weapon, and even transferred its military aircraft, missiles and other weapons to the same Russia. The production capacity in Ukraine is sufficient to produce any weapons ourselves and not ask for them from others, as now, when Ukraine was deceived by the same Russia.

To refrain from resisting with weapons means complete capitulation and the cessation of existence as an independent state and Ukrainians as a nation. And this also means harsh terror in the occupied territories with further massive and constant killings of Ukrainians using various methods. No thanks. Ukraine will continue to resist with or without the help of the United States and other states.