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Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Claudeake on March 19, 2024, 12:54:42 AM

Title: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Claudeake on March 19, 2024, 12:54:42 AM
Forthnight ago, I sat down under a mango tree whose blossoming flowers are promising to humanity and birds. It gave a complete relaxation to me which enhanced a moment of reflections over events and nature around.
Barely an hour, two birds most probably male and female arrived to have their launch on the nectar of the flowers. Their arrival was heralded with a peculiar song that seemed esoteric, but it's lyrics was a lullaby to me.
Suddenly, there appeared in the scene a dramatic event. Three men were pushing an unkempt brand old Passat car towards me to be kept under the mango tree. It broke down complete while it was on it's way to the city. It is a property of a university Professor of Political science. In fact, the Professor was among the three men who were pushing the car.
Then, my reflection moved to the circumstances around the Professor. How much is the monthly salary of a Professor and other related allowances as are accrued to them in the midst of plenty. In fact, there monthly take home is meagre and is better imagined than experienced.
Is there Prices determined by the market mechanisms of demand and supply or by an authocratic Fiat of the government, thus what must be done to effect justice on this serious matter.
I would want the public in this forum to contribute.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: franky1 on March 19, 2024, 02:15:52 AM
if you think someone's income is measured by the car they drive, you would be incorrect

many people with flashy cars are in debt to the car dealerships lease agreement. they dont have positive net-worth

the smart people realise they should not waste money on a car because car value depreciates minutes after driving out of the dealership, and every 6 months there after

the smart people buy a rust-bucket that is of no consequence, that just gets them to work and home..
where by they can just buy another rust-bucket of a car for just the equivalent of a few months of what would have been a lease agreement..
the smart people saving by not having lease agreements, then throw that extra money into investing = positive net-worth

us minimum wage $2600 a month
us minimum new car lease $520 a month

meaning a leased new car is like 20%+ of someones wage at minimum.. for like $18k in 3 years
people are locked into DEBT lease for 3 years

yet they can buy outright a basic 'get to work' rust-bucket using just 6 months equivalent of lease($3k), but as cash where it should last 3 years, where they then have saved 6x the cost of getting to work, and having no debt

paying ~$3120 for a car for 3 years instead of $18k for 3 years. means $15k then goes to investing instead of some dealerships pocket
smart people(like professors) dont waste money on depreciating assets like flashy cars or flashy dress/suits

so dont base someones income/wealth on what they drive or wear.. reality is those being flashy are flushing their wealth away

its also worth noting the education system has a tier of income/salary
someone working in kindergardens would be recipients of minwage
primary/k-12 would be in receipt of a level higher
secondary/highschool (public funded/state funded) next level up
college next level up
university next level up

so a university professor is not on min wage but several levels higher of income compared to a toddlers nursery/kindergarden

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Apocollapse on March 19, 2024, 04:46:21 AM
if you think someone's income is measured by the car they drive, you would be incorrect

many people with flashy cars are in debt to the car dealerships lease agreement. they dont have positive net-worth
You can't really judge like that, what if the professor gets huge inheritance from his parents? what if he has many businesses and working in the university is just like a part time job?

The real rich will spend their money to buy everything they like because they know their income is way more higher than their spending.

Why did Elon Musk spent $72 Million to buy a big house? ( he can live comfortable in small house because the purpose of house is same, only the size is different.

Let's imagine someone has $100 Million net worth, he's rich right? he can afford to buy lambo, but he keep thinking it's better for him to invest the money. While Elon Musk has $188 Billion net worth, buying one lambo won't hurt him.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Hatchy on March 19, 2024, 07:39:12 AM
Is there Prices determined by the market mechanisms of demand and supply or by an authocratic Fiat of the government, thus what must be done to effect justice on this serious matter.
I would want the public in this forum to contribute.

The varying pay rates and fixed allowances for professors across different countries underscore the importance of considering the context in which someone works. Well, you shouldn't make assumptions about someone's financial situation without understanding the full picture. Factors such as family obligations, lifestyle choices, and current circumstances can significantly impact an individual's financial well-being.Moreover, many individuals face challenges early in life that set them on a difficult financial path. Whether it's unexpected expenses or accumulated debts, these obstacles can shape how someone manages their finances and strives to attain assets.

As a person, when viewing life sometimes, there are moments when prioritizing social harmony over personal status can lead to valuable opportunities for learning and support from others. For instance, the willingness of the professor to seek assistance with his car exemplifies the humility necessary for genuine connection and cooperation.It's not uncommon for individuals to struggle with maintaining humility and empathy once they achieve a certain level of success or status. 

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Hewlet on March 19, 2024, 07:41:55 AM
The information that led to your conclusion is too small to be debated upon. It's possible that's his car or not his. it's also possible that his income is high but his responsibility is too much and he can't possibly meet up with those responsibilities and still get a luxurious car.

Some persons are too business minded that they often don't take things like fancy cars seriously and although there car might not be all that fashionable, there investment and savings can save your flat ass from that shitty situation that brought you under that mango tree. But again, we can't deny the fact that most lecturers are under paid and the ones that have high moral standard and that wouldn't want to extort money from student would normally not leave the kind of life you would normally expect someone of their caliber to live but i still feel that anyone that has that mental capacity that will put him in a position to become a prof should have figured his financially life out such that basic things wont necessarily be his problem.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Uruhara on March 19, 2024, 08:10:32 AM
Forthnight ago, I sat down under a mango tree whose blossoming flowers are promising to humanity and birds. It gave a complete relaxation to me which enhanced a moment of reflections over events and nature around.
Barely an hour, two birds most probably male and female arrived to have their launch on the nectar of the flowers. Their arrival was heralded with a peculiar song that seemed esoteric, but it's lyrics was a lullaby to me.
Suddenly, there appeared in the scene a dramatic event. Three men were pushing an unkempt brand old Passat car towards me to be kept under the mango tree. It broke down complete while it was on it's way to the city. It is a property of a university Professor of Political science. In fact, the Professor was among the three men who were pushing the car.
Then, my reflection moved to the circumstances around the Professor. How much is the monthly salary of a Professor and other related allowances as are accrued to them in the midst of plenty. In fact, there monthly take home is meagre and is better imagined than experienced.
Is there Prices determined by the market mechanisms of demand and supply or by an authocratic Fiat of the government, thus what must be done to effect justice on this serious matter.
I would want the public in this forum to contribute.
I don't know about other countries, but in Indonesia a professor seems to have a decent life thanks to the fairly large salary and allowances they receive. Because a professor is quite respected in my country. But maybe it will also depend on what professor the person is in. Because different areas of expertise also allow for different salaries to be set.
So maybe there are some fields that have low salaries, even for professors. But what I see in my country is that professors always have a decent life and many even have quite high wealth. Because professorships in some fields may also be quite rare in Indonesia, the value can be seen from there.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Jawhead999 on March 19, 2024, 09:03:10 AM
I mean, you can check how much professor get paid in your country, then check the car price, you can calculate how long it takes for him to acquire that car. There's 20/4/10 rule ( if you want to buy car, so if he can't met this rule, I'd say he don't have a good money management.

To be honest I don't understand why you need to care with other people life? I don't care with what people have in their life because there's no point to know that. What you need to look is yourself, try to beat yourself and become better.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: passwordnow on March 19, 2024, 09:31:42 AM
You can't really judge people with what cars they own. If you'd take a look with the wealthiest people, they have fancy cars for sure but many of them are keeping their old cars too because what matters with that is the sentimental value that they'd kept and the struggle on their early journey which keeps them reminded on what they've gone through before. As for the salary of the professor, it is being determined by the university he's teaching and also the experience and probably certificates that he's taken along his professional teaching career. To be honest, I like to see most of the teachers earn more than what they're receiving now because they are the key of honing the next generation.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on March 19, 2024, 10:24:37 AM
Forthnight ago, I sat down under a mango tree whose blossoming flowers are promising to humanity and birds. It gave a complete relaxation to me which enhanced a moment of reflections over events and nature around.
Barely an hour, two birds most probably male and female arrived to have their launch on the nectar of the flowers. Their arrival was heralded with a peculiar song that seemed esoteric, but it's lyrics was a lullaby to me.
Suddenly, there appeared in the scene a dramatic event. Three men were pushing an unkempt brand old Passat car towards me to be kept under the mango tree. It broke down complete while it was on it's way to the city. It is a property of a university Professor of Political science. In fact, the Professor was among the three men who were pushing the car.
Then, my reflection moved to the circumstances around the Professor. How much is the monthly salary of a Professor and other related allowances as are accrued to them in the midst of plenty. In fact, there monthly take home is meagre and is better imagined than experienced.
Is there Prices determined by the market mechanisms of demand and supply or by an authocratic Fiat of the government, thus what must be done to effect justice on this serious matter.
I would want the public in this forum to contribute.
Don't get it wrong OP, Most professor's and academicians are paid handsomely, for the fact that you saw an old car of a professor been pushed doesn't mean he doesn't have a newer car at home or cannot afford a newer car. Don't forget that intellectuals don't always give value to materialism, they tend to leave a very modest lifestyle. To you it might seem that their basic salary is small, but don't forget that they are entitled to allowances another incentives and grants that allows them to afford the basics life can give.

Because from your semantics and story narration, it seems you want to compare professors to business owners and large investors with millions of dollars in The society which to me is incomparable, Because a professor renders service to the society and is paid by the government, The university that the profession is lecturing is not owned by him.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Reatim on March 19, 2024, 10:58:08 AM
An assumption can be made depending on a lot of things. Firstly, which country are we talking about?
In my country, it is well-known that professors have a hard time teaching because of the system. A lot of
them are underpaid compared to the hours they spend in work. Sometimes, your educational attainment and
work experiences will not land you a high-paying job. I know plenty of professors that quit their jobs due to the lack
of proper salary.

Even then, sometimes with a high paying salary it’s still not enough to be able to buy luxurious stuff. Maybe they’re
bad at handling finances or maybe they are the breadwinner of the family and things like that. It’s not
our business to speculate about other people’s salaries and financial situation as we never know what they
might be going through.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Dickiy on March 19, 2024, 11:30:50 AM
Here we can only speculate because we don't know the professor's background so there will be various assumptions about his salary. But if he is a university teacher at a college, of course he has legal status and will definitely receive a standard salary allocation and allowances. Well, if you still say you feel inadequate or perhaps the professor is actually teaching at a private lecture. Furthermore, there is clarity regarding government programs, we also don't know what is happening there, economic growth, etc., it will be very difficult to determine the total average monthly salary of a teaching staff.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: tabas on March 19, 2024, 11:49:42 AM
Then, my reflection moved to the circumstances around the Professor. How much is the monthly salary of a Professor and other related allowances as are accrued to them in the midst of plenty. In fact, there monthly take home is meagre and is better imagined than experienced.
Is there Prices determined by the market mechanisms of demand and supply or by an authocratic Fiat of the government, thus what must be done to effect justice on this serious matter.
I would want the public in this forum to contribute.
It varies and I've known professors and actual professors of mine in college that they've been teaching not just in one university or schools but they've been doing a lot of part time from other schools and institutions too. Upon hearing that, I guess that they don't get pay decently and that's why they have to take every opportunity from other universities to teach and that adds up to their working experience but I can't imagine the time management that they've been dedicating to their profession just to give proper and better education to their students.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Kelward on March 19, 2024, 11:49:52 AM
We shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, sometimes looks can be deceptive because you can see a person that is shabbily dressed or driving a rickety car and you'd think that it's because they're very poor, you wouldn't know whether they have money but they're denying themselves of certain luxuries inorder to save enough to start a business or investment. On the other hand, you can see a person that is living a luxurious lifestyle, without any savings, in their old age you'll see them living in poverty , then you'll be wondering if it's not the same person that lived in riches years back.

As far as labor goes, if a worker's salary is not enough for them, then let them think outside the box, either get a better paying job or learn a skill to earn money by the side, then invest in a valuable asset like Bitcoin.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Fiatless on March 19, 2024, 11:57:10 AM
I would want the public in this forum to contribute.
I know some professors who own very old vehicles not because they cannot afford modern cars but because of their philosophy of life. Some of them believe that spending on new cars when the old ones are still functional is a waste of funds. Some of them are just weird that you can hardly understand them.

Most academics in my country are also underpaid. And the reason is purely because of corruption, fiat money has nothing to do with it. Most of these professors earn less than the lowest political office holders making them live in poverty. In some countries, teachers are one of the highest paid staff because of their importance to the sustainability of the society.

The standard is that if there is inflation, the government is supposed to review the minimum wage to suit current realities. But in many developing countries only politicians enjoy increased pay while others will have to struggle to survive. I restate that the problem is not fiat money but corrupt leadership and poor management of the national economy.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: franky1 on March 19, 2024, 12:31:39 PM
if you think someone's income is measured by the car they drive, you would be incorrect

many people with flashy cars are in debt to the car dealerships lease agreement. they dont have positive net-worth
You can't really judge like that, what if the professor gets huge inheritance from his parents? what if he has many businesses and working in the university is just like a part time job?

The real rich will spend their money to buy everything they like because they know their income is way more higher than their spending.

Why did Elon Musk spent $72 Million to buy a big house? ( he can live comfortable in small house because the purpose of house is same, only the size is different.

Let's imagine someone has $100 Million net worth, he's rich right? he can afford to buy lambo, but he keep thinking it's better for him to invest the money. While Elon Musk has $188 Billion net worth, buying one lambo won't hurt him.

i didnt say all rich people are not flashy
i said SMART PEOPLE dont waste their cash so dont flash it around and instead invest it

elon musk is not cash rich, he is paper rich. he is on paper a near trillionaire so his house was ~0.0072% of his wealth
for him $72m is not flashy nor getting him in debt

this topic is about the OP thinking that his professor is poor due to driving an old car.. yet logic, math and economics show that you cant base someones wealth on their car/house.. as many people might be owning that home/car on some DEBT agreement to appear flashy.. but have costs that bite into their income deeply..
where as smart people would buy cars/homes in full using a small amount of income(that is the professor and even elon)

hardly anyone buys a lambo out-right using a suitcase of cash or a debit card, the majority(stats) finance their cars when getting them new from dealerships.. so dont assume in the rare case of the super rich paying small percentage to buy things, to then assume the working/middleclass are super rich because they have a flashy car(which majority of cases is on finance)
and like i said dont assume a professors of a university is poor/earning min wage because he has a tweed jacket and a old car

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: EarnOnVictor on March 19, 2024, 12:47:53 PM
Then, my reflection moved to the circumstances around the Professor. How much is the monthly salary of a Professor and other related allowances as are accrued to them in the midst of plenty. In fact, there monthly take home is meagre and is better imagined than experienced.
Is there Prices determined by the market mechanisms of demand and supply or by an authocratic Fiat of the government, thus what must be done to effect justice on this serious matter.
I would want the public in this forum to contribute.
Well, I would like you to look at it from different angles, however, it would have been better explained if you had added the country you are living in. In my country, labourers are being cheated and they are voiceless even as the government is busy with their politics and corruption. The labour/work has never been commensurate with the wages/rewards in most cases.

This is so disheartening and what aggravates it is the fact that people do not have a choice. You will hardly get a job in my country not to talk of a befitting job, just for you to know that the rate of unemployment is high. Invariably, this means that the supply is high and the demand is low, so they pay workers peanuts in most cases. If you want to leave the job due to anger and other reasons like the lack of satisfaction, there are millions waiting to take your place, so people do not joke with their jobs despite the poor pay. They'd protested and done all sorts of things to show their dissatisfaction but to no avail. In this condition, you would see a worse situation than that of the professor, because these people have commitments and dependents and it can't be easy, but to continue to management.

In another view, some people are practical "economists," they may have more but still do not spend on themselves. Their good earnings are not commensurate with their living standard. They could prioritise savings, investment and other future benefits to living well. For this, we need to know the kind of persons and the conditions we are dealing with before we conclude.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Pi-network314159 on March 19, 2024, 01:49:03 PM
Then, my reflection moved to the circumstances around the Professor. How much is the monthly salary of a Professor and other related allowances as are accrued to them in the midst of plenty. In fact, there monthly take home is meagre and is better imagined than experienced.
The worth of a man is not measured by material things or how they leave their lives, but by the there thinking faculty and what they have upstairs. Wealthy people always hide there identity and behave like a poor who doesn't have anything, but the poor remain poor because they pretend to be rich. And that will eventually make people not help them. So in my point of view peoples appearance is not determined by their aperance but what the have internally. That's why they said that you can not judge a book by its Cover.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Gormicsta on March 19, 2024, 01:50:50 PM
Forthnight ago, I sat down under a mango tree whose blossoming flowers are promising to humanity and birds. It gave a complete relaxation to me which enhanced a moment of reflections over events and nature around.
Barely an hour, two birds most probably male and female arrived to have their launch on the nectar of the flowers. Their arrival was heralded with a peculiar song that seemed esoteric, but it's lyrics was a lullaby to me.
Suddenly, there appeared in the scene a dramatic event. Three men were pushing an unkempt brand old Passat car towards me to be kept under the mango tree. It broke down complete while it was on it's way to the city. It is a property of a university Professor of Political science. In fact, the Professor was among the three men who were pushing the car.
Then, my reflection moved to the circumstances around the Professor. How much is the monthly salary of a Professor and other related allowances as are accrued to them in the midst of plenty. In fact, there monthly take home is meagre and is better imagined than experienced.
Is there Prices determined by the market mechanisms of demand and supply or by an authocratic Fiat of the government, thus what must be done to effect justice on this serious matter.
I would want the public in this forum to contribute.

However, there are certain possible issues with the driven by markets approach. A possible drawback is that it might lead to poverty, as people with popular skills or degree may be able to fetch greater incomes, but those with less useful abilities might be unable to find employment that pays well. Another challenge is that the market is mainly self-monitoring making it challenging for authorities to act to solve concerns such as hunger or injustice. Some opponents believe that this approach promotes an inappropriate preference for profits over people and the environment. Earnings may vary as well in response to economic situations and other variables such as technological advancements or worldwide occurrences.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Bananington on March 19, 2024, 02:55:50 PM
Wise investors know that the car one drives isn't a  true measure of their wealth, because pension for one is a future investment as much as other bonuses and special privileges  that may added to the salary of the professor in this story.
Am sure there are some places he would grace with his presence that you won't dare enter, because he has a wealth of knowledge that he has invested in that you can't begin to comprehend.
He should be worth more, but shouldn't everyone who has a job and takes risk for money also be worth more too?

The economy of your country has to get better and well, everyone has to know that wealth varies and more than a source of income should be the goal to be financially independent and free and be wealthy.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Gozie51 on March 19, 2024, 04:03:21 PM
I understand where you are coming from. You are trying to look at the take home pay for a professor or probably for those working in certain areas of the sectors or civil servants compared to what the politicians take home for themselves and those at the corridors of power. Yes the difference is very wide and clear to everyone living in countries where politics have been monitized and other sectors more or less fight for what they will be paid. They usually constitutes groups and union who advocate salary increments for time to time. Perhaps if the professor is placed in same salary scale of the politicians then he would of certainty be driving same exotic cars just like the politicians are cruising.

It is actually a misplaced priority that a professor who have spent most of his time studying and researching to better the sector he finds himself is living a life below standard.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: tygeade on March 19, 2024, 05:23:43 PM
i didnt say all rich people are not flashy
i said SMART PEOPLE dont waste their cash so dont flash it around and instead invest it

elon musk is not cash rich, he is paper rich. he is on paper a near trillionaire so his house was ~0.0072% of his wealth
for him $72m is not flashy nor getting him in debt

this topic is about the OP thinking that his professor is poor due to driving an old car.. yet logic, math and economics show that you cant base someones wealth on their car/house.. as many people might be owning that home/car on some DEBT agreement to appear flashy.. but have costs that bite into their income deeply..
where as smart people would buy cars/homes in full using a small amount of income(that is the professor and even elon)

hardly anyone buys a lambo out-right using a suitcase of cash or a debit card, the majority(stats) finance their cars when getting them new from dealerships.. so dont assume in the rare case of the super rich paying small percentage to buy things, to then assume the working/middleclass are super rich because they have a flashy car(which majority of cases is on finance)
and like i said dont assume a professors of a university is poor/earning min wage because he has a tweed jacket and a old car
That is almost all the rich people I know, because they realize that every single dollar they spend, could be spent on growing their wealth and business. Imagine this, consider you have a big company, and you can hire people for 50k a year, or you could buy a 1 million dollar superlux car, would you rather get 20 people working for you for a year, or would you rather get that car?

I would definitely get the people. I think it is quite important to consider that we are going to get a lot of smart and rich people picking the same thing as well. This is why it is not about rich or poor, stupid people spend their money on things they do not need, and smart people prefer to spend their money on things that will make the more money.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: ancafe on March 19, 2024, 05:34:47 PM
Is there Prices determined by the market mechanisms of demand and supply or by an authocratic Fiat of the government, thus what must be done to effect justice on this serious matter.
I would want the public in this forum to contribute.
Measuring the income of a person from his vehicle is a wrong practice because in the area where I live there are still many students who have not been able to make money by driving a vehicle that is much better than people who earn. Many problems in human life today so that the value of the currency becomes priceless and at the same time if a person is unable to make money more productively, the income earned will only complicate the fulfillment of the needs of life. Because the price of goods rises so fast while they always get monthly income in the same value.

Smart people and have a good financial plan will not buy luxury cars just for the problem of fulfilling lifestyle, but they see the potential to make money by placing money in far more productive activities. The way people like this have gained a much better life moment than people who pretend to have a lot of money to meet lifestyles.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: sekalitas on March 20, 2024, 03:39:01 AM
Then, my reflection moved to the circumstances around the Professor. How much is the monthly salary of a Professor and other related allowances as are accrued to them in the midst of plenty. In fact, there monthly take home is meagre and is better imagined than experienced.
Is there Prices determined by the market mechanisms of demand and supply or by an authocratic Fiat of the government, thus what must be done to effect justice on this serious matter.
I would want the public in this forum to contribute.

University lecturer salaries vary depending on the country. Based on my internet research, here's how they work in Indonesia: Several factors influence salaries, with the government setting base pay standards for public institutions. Rank and experience play major roles. Private universities may offer higher or lower compensation.  Lecturers can be permanent (full-time, more benefits) or non-permanent (potentially less secure). Salary components include base pay (depending on rank and qualifications) plus allowances for teaching, research, and certifications. Significant salary differences exist between public and private institutions. As a result, lecturers may earn incomes that are above, at, or even below the minimum wage.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Maus0728 on March 20, 2024, 04:01:20 AM
Here we can only speculate because we don't know the professor's background so there will be various assumptions about his salary. But if he is a university teacher at a college, of course he has legal status and will definitely receive a standard salary allocation and allowances. Well, if you still say you feel inadequate or perhaps the professor is actually teaching at a private lecture. Furthermore, there is clarity regarding government programs, we also don't know what is happening there, economic growth, etc., it will be very difficult to determine the total average monthly salary of a teaching staff.
You can always ask, I will assume that professor is an amicable person so I'm definitely sure he wouldn't mind any kind of inquiry and as an inquirer it's your duty to not step over the line, when they say stop, you stop. I don't agree about government programs not being transparent, once it becomes that way, there's something fishy behind it. I think if we're talking about government programs, we should also talk about the people running the show for it, because a program will only be as good and competent as the person that's behind it and if they're incompetent and stupid, rest assured that the program is in the wrong hands.

Regarding the price of labour, my only take on this is that we're not being taken advantage of by the company or organizations that we're working for, and that we all should be able to demand a salary increase because the inflation rate is skyrocketing and the salary hasn't even increased, the productivity also increased but there seems to be no indication that salary increase is nigh, I think that it should be a basic human right to be working and getting paid the appropriate amount to live and not survive.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: franky1 on March 20, 2024, 04:48:13 AM
i didnt say all rich people are not flashy
i said SMART PEOPLE dont waste their cash so dont flash it around and instead invest it

elon musk is not cash rich, he is paper rich. he is on paper a near trillionaire so his house was ~0.0072% of his wealth
for him $72m is not flashy nor getting him in debt

this topic is about the OP thinking that his professor is poor due to driving an old car.. yet logic, math and economics show that you cant base someones wealth on their car/house.. as many people might be owning that home/car on some DEBT agreement to appear flashy.. but have costs that bite into their income deeply..
where as smart people would buy cars/homes in full using a small amount of income(that is the professor and even elon)

hardly anyone buys a lambo out-right using a suitcase of cash or a debit card, the majority(stats) finance their cars when getting them new from dealerships.. so dont assume in the rare case of the super rich paying small percentage to buy things, to then assume the working/middleclass are super rich because they have a flashy car(which majority of cases is on finance)
and like i said dont assume a professors of a university is poor/earning min wage because he has a tweed jacket and a old car
That is almost all the rich people I know, because they realize that every single dollar they spend, could be spent on growing their wealth and business. Imagine this, consider you have a big company, and you can hire people for 50k a year, or you could buy a 1 million dollar superlux car, would you rather get 20 people working for you for a year, or would you rather get that car?

I would definitely get the people. I think it is quite important to consider that we are going to get a lot of smart and rich people picking the same thing as well. This is why it is not about rich or poor, stupid people spend their money on things they do not need, and smart people prefer to spend their money on things that will make the more money.

yep, exactly

on another note about OP observations
i once(before i settled down) seen a woman at a bar on a first date. she was an obvious gold digger, and she just bluntly asked how much was in my bank account.
i literally laughed..
.. firstly she was playing low ball games and obviously new to gold digging/dating..
i knew things wouldnt go further with her as i was not interested in gold digging, so i friendzoned her that second and gave her some advice
(we still talk occasionally, and she has upped her game since, and found her sugar daddy)

"when your dating someone, and assessing if they is rich. dont look at the car they drive or clothes they wear as they could have rented a car/suit to impress you for a one night stand but be broke at the end of the month, those people are called 'players'. and dont ask about bank account balance.. majority of rich people keep their wealth in investments, not their debit card account, they only keep a couple months of living in a debit card, max. so instead no matter what they wear or drive, just ask them if they invest much.. as thats a sign they have more money than the average guy that lives pay-cheque to pay-cheque"

i gave her a few other tips to gauge a guys wealth in a more stealthy way without bluntly sounding like a gold digger (without asking/interrogating for exact numbers)

anyway back to the topic title
as i said before
labour roles do come with a tiered ranking of income

a college janitor gets paid less than a TA/RA a TA/RA gets paid less than a college receptionist/admin, a admin gets paid less than a professor.. so the professor is on more then the OP thinks

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Helena Yu on March 20, 2024, 07:24:15 AM
so instead no matter what they wear or drive, just ask them if they invest much.. as thats a sign they have more money than the average guy that lives pay-cheque to pay-cheque"

i gave her a few other tips to gauge a guys wealth in a more stealthy way without bluntly sounding like a gold digger (without asking/interrogating for exact numbers)
And the wealthy man will lie to her by saying he don't invest in anything because he know that woman only want his money. :)

You can't trust every words that come from someone else mouths except verify it. You should ask what he do in his daily life, check where he work or his business, even better if you work as tax officer, so you know how much tax he pays.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Silberman on March 20, 2024, 07:58:10 AM
Then, my reflection moved to the circumstances around the Professor. How much is the monthly salary of a Professor and other related allowances as are accrued to them in the midst of plenty. In fact, there monthly take home is meagre and is better imagined than experienced.
The worth of a man is not measured by material things or how they leave their lives, but by the there thinking faculty and what they have upstairs. Wealthy people always hide there identity and behave like a poor who doesn't have anything, but the poor remain poor because they pretend to be rich. And that will eventually make people not help them. So in my point of view peoples appearance is not determined by their aperance but what the have internally. That's why they said that you can not judge a book by its Cover.
You touch an interesting point, those that do not have money have an idea of what being rich is about, and in their attempt to emulate it, they only do so at a superficial level, but those that have become rich through their own efforts had to deprive themselves and live well below their means in order to raise the capital necessary to become an investor or to start their own business, and only once they achieved the success they were looking for they began to spend some of that money, while those that are not rich only care about spending their money on luxuries without increasing their income.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on March 20, 2024, 08:16:37 AM
The matter is purely speculation, I can even say that measure of appearance is relative to individual believe and choice not on fiat salary or level of income. The level if comfort if well paid professor with a statistics of 5 to 10 will differs because it's individualistic choice if living. Except where the government happened to give them the same car, same house but if it's the individual to make choices it will differs.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: AVE5 on March 20, 2024, 08:43:33 AM
I wouldn't stand here to defend the welfares of the professors who ain't doing right financially because there are lot of people in the streets that their state of being too also matters so also there are graduates who graduated from the universities but could not bust of achieving any nature of earning through their academic certificates.
Instead of agitating for these old folk profs, I'd rather argue about why can't the government create job opportunities for the masses and to those who're skillful to engage on and earn better livings.
Talking about the professors are like when you try to make the riches richer while you yourself still remains poor because I don't think if live was so good for you that you'd prefer and comfortably sitted under the mango tree like a frustrated human without having a roof to get on to.

I believe this story of you happens in the underdeveloped countries which the professors have major roles to play in the governments but they either decides to go low, keep their mouths shuts, hands folded comfortably to say there's no problem, we'd take it anyhow the wave of the government pushes us to. Literally they're dump upstairs loosing their potentials and roles meant to play in advancing the wellbeing of the societies including their potential honouranary influences ought to play on how they could bring solutions for the government and how they can offer soluable opinions to the society at large.
So who's worthy of fighting for them? The youths with muscles or the illiterates or the poors in the streets?
Less I know, the professors from the underdeveloped countries has lost their rights for briberies from the political levels and so they've lost their values and influences in the society.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: retreat on March 20, 2024, 09:08:20 AM

I don't know about other countries, but in Indonesia a professor seems to have a decent life thanks to the fairly large salary and allowances they receive. Because a professor is quite respected in my country. But maybe it will also depend on what professor the person is in. Because different areas of expertise also allow for different salaries to be set.

Not all professors in Indonesia receive a decent salary for their position. My neighbor is a professor at a campus, he only has an old Inova car and his two children only work as civil servants and bank employees. Even though their parents were professors, this title is not easy for academics to get, but because he only worked at a campus that was not well-known and he only expected a salary from the campus and refused all the gifts from his students, he ended up living an ordinary life.
So not all professors can get a high salary, because depending on the campus they teach at and how they live, a professor can be ordinary or quite rich.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: BD Technical on March 20, 2024, 10:53:19 AM
A typical daily wage earner should not earn as much as they work hard.  Because you can see that they work as day laborers or earn money, ordinary people, they work very hard, and you make a profit on that work, and you charge a higher price for that work.  In that case, the salary of a day laborer can never be 200,300 rupees, his minimum income should be ten dollars per day.  Because at the level he earns it becomes very difficult to live with his family for a day laborer or a common man to eat day to day or understand how much hardship he has.  Because nowadays people are growing up with daily wage labor very hard or their in-laws or their families are driving them.  But currently, the salary of a common day laborer should be increased and Bangladesh should be made. In Bangladesh, people of very low literacy are living in a difficult situation.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: viananda2525 on March 20, 2024, 11:39:41 AM
The matter is purely speculation, I can even say that measure of appearance is relative to individual believe and choice not on fiat salary or level of income. The level if comfort if well paid professor with a statistics of 5 to 10 will differs because it's individualistic choice if living. Except where the government happened to give them the same car, same house but if it's the individual to make choices it will differs.
I am enough to believe that every job already has a minimum wage standard set by the government. So someone's income has been measured by workload and daily needs. So in my opinion the appearance is not a benchmark that can be used as a reference, because it is very relative. It is very difficult to guess the will and measure a person's level of happiness because basically it is something that is carried out instinctively not to the personal how much money he gathered

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: milewilda on March 20, 2024, 11:53:59 AM
Forthnight ago, I sat down under a mango tree whose blossoming flowers are promising to humanity and birds. It gave a complete relaxation to me which enhanced a moment of reflections over events and nature around.
Barely an hour, two birds most probably male and female arrived to have their launch on the nectar of the flowers. Their arrival was heralded with a peculiar song that seemed esoteric, but it's lyrics was a lullaby to me.
Suddenly, there appeared in the scene a dramatic event. Three men were pushing an unkempt brand old Passat car towards me to be kept under the mango tree. It broke down complete while it was on it's way to the city. It is a property of a university Professor of Political science. In fact, the Professor was among the three men who were pushing the car.
Then, my reflection moved to the circumstances around the Professor. How much is the monthly salary of a Professor and other related allowances as are accrued to them in the midst of plenty. In fact, there monthly take home is meagre and is better imagined than experienced.
Is there Prices determined by the market mechanisms of demand and supply or by an authocratic Fiat of the government, thus what must be done to effect justice on this serious matter.
I would want the public in this forum to contribute.
Actually its obvious that wages would really be something be set up by the government and this is one of the main reasons for people to go overseas if they do find out that their salary isnt really that enough.
In regarding about the car they do possess or on how much they do earn then satisfaction would really be just that depending into a certain individual whether they would really be contented on that
or wouldnt really be having so and this would really be just that on someones way of living. We cant really be able to judge them just because on how they do look and what they do own.
You dont know their backgrounds whether its their passion to be a professor and not minding about those other opportunities that gives out better pay but he/she did really
that choose up on remaining still on what they do have now.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Tigerheart3026 on March 20, 2024, 03:06:45 PM
Then, my reflection moved to the circumstances around the Professor. How much is the monthly salary of a Professor and other related allowances as are accrued to them in the midst of plenty. In fact, there monthly take home is meagre and is better imagined than experienced.
Is there Prices determined by the market mechanisms of demand and supply or by an authocratic Fiat of the government, thus what must be done to effect justice on this serious matter.
I would want the public in this forum to contribute.

University lecturer salaries vary depending on the country. Based on my internet research, here's how they work in Indonesia: Several factors influence salaries, with the government setting base pay standards for public institutions. Rank and experience play major roles. Private universities may offer higher or lower compensation.  Lecturers can be permanent (full-time, more benefits) or non-permanent (potentially less secure). Salary components include base pay (depending on rank and qualifications) plus allowances for teaching, research, and certifications. Significant salary differences exist between public and private institutions. As a result, lecturers may earn incomes that are above, at, or even below the minimum wage.
i have no idea about other countries salaries scale for university professor or lecturer. in my country private universities lecturer salary is more then high from public universities,
because government only set base salary for public universities. private universities lecturer got high salary but their job is not permanent, it's disadvantages.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Agbe on March 20, 2024, 03:10:08 PM
This is a kind of tale I heard when I was a kid that when one sit under a big tree that is when inspiration comes upon him to write or create innovative. That was nice reaction under the tree. As for the professor, it is a personal decision or a philosophy that he has believed so using a old car as him, he is okay because likely he doesn't want to promote capitalism. A professor can buy a new innovated cars because a professor salary can be $600 to $1,000 monthly and if he wants to buy a car, five months savings can buy him a good condition car. Although that should be depends on the area of his professor. Because not all professors received the same salary. And also the cost of living recently in the country could make a professor to pipe low because if his salary was big enough to buy car in 2022 and 2023, it will not in this 2024 because everything just skyrocket to the up.

As of 2022 and 2023 $1 was NGN400 exchanged with the fiat currency but right now it is $1 is NGN1,600 and it was NGN1,900 last month. So if someone is receiving $600 as salary monthly, it is a small change when you went to the market with it. The best way to solve this issue is to increase salary of civil servants to meet up the present situation. But will the government increases salaries?

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: boty on March 20, 2024, 04:13:56 PM
The matter is purely speculation, I can even say that measure of appearance is relative to individual believe and choice not on fiat salary or level of income. The level if comfort if well paid professor with a statistics of 5 to 10 will differs because it's individualistic choice if living. Except where the government happened to give them the same car, same house but if it's the individual to make choices it will differs.
I am enough to believe that every job already has a minimum wage standard set by the government. So someone's income has been measured by workload and daily needs. So in my opinion the appearance is not a benchmark that can be used as a reference, because it is very relative. It is very difficult to guess the will and measure a person's level of happiness because basically it is something that is carried out instinctively not to the personal how much money he gathered
That's right, of course we will get paid according to the work we do but in terms of a person's appearance it will really depend on a person's personality and if we see someone's appearance is normal but we don't know that they have an income above the average government minimum wage and In terms of happiness, of course we can't know for sure because there are some people who have a lot of problems in their lives but still look normal because they can manage their emotions so they don't look like they have problems in their lives.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: electronicash on March 20, 2024, 04:47:47 PM

people have money, their wants are bought, not just their needs. if they prioritized their wants, it's those luxurious cars they display in their garage.

people wanna show off their success with the car they own. but just like frank said, we don't know how much debt they have. there wouldn't be rest for those who are just showing off but the ones who can sleep well without worries are the ones who doesn't have debts and are just using the most basic Toyota car.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: kryptqnick on March 20, 2024, 05:00:22 PM
If a country is fairly democratic and somewhat transparent, you can usually find out the salaries of professors online (not of specific professors if they're not public figures, but of people with such and such credentials and job positions). In my country, universities are generally public, not private, so the salaries are paid from taxpayers' money by the state. So there's no market here, it's just a regulated thing. And the salaries aren't high in my country. But if it's a country where higher education is actually like a business, then salaries and social status can be very different.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: dothebeats on March 20, 2024, 05:27:15 PM
Sometimes it's based on the negotiations between the professor and the educational institution that they are in.

Professors are paid based on their experience, domain, and how they haggle. There isn't a fixed rule through which their salaries are based on. Also, the cars these professionals drive are not reflective of their salaries. Sometimes, you see a millionaire driving a beat down 20-year old car just because of its value to them, and there are times you see someone who's not earning much but is driving a brand new car.

There's also the effect of networking and connections. It helps influence salary ranges if you know a certain someone in an organization and this person vouches for you positively.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Stepstowealth on March 20, 2024, 06:30:00 PM
Then, my reflection moved to the circumstances around the Professor. How much is the monthly salary of a Professor and other related allowances as are accrued to them in the midst of plenty. In fact, there monthly take home is meagre and is better imagined than experienced.
The professor may actually earn well or may have other businesses that they are involved with but because of their mindset towards money and how difficult it was for them to make the money, they are not very liberal in spending and maybe that's the reason why this professor has particularly refused to get a new vehicle and has stuck to driving the old faulty vehicle. I have learnt not to judge people by the clothes they wear, or their shoes, or the cars they drive , or by their phones.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Fortify on March 20, 2024, 08:20:12 PM
Forthnight ago, I sat down under a mango tree whose blossoming flowers are promising to humanity and birds. It gave a complete relaxation to me which enhanced a moment of reflections over events and nature around.
Barely an hour, two birds most probably male and female arrived to have their launch on the nectar of the flowers. Their arrival was heralded with a peculiar song that seemed esoteric, but it's lyrics was a lullaby to me.
Suddenly, there appeared in the scene a dramatic event. Three men were pushing an unkempt brand old Passat car towards me to be kept under the mango tree. It broke down complete while it was on it's way to the city. It is a property of a university Professor of Political science. In fact, the Professor was among the three men who were pushing the car.
Then, my reflection moved to the circumstances around the Professor. How much is the monthly salary of a Professor and other related allowances as are accrued to them in the midst of plenty. In fact, there monthly take home is meagre and is better imagined than experienced.
Is there Prices determined by the market mechanisms of demand and supply or by an authocratic Fiat of the government, thus what must be done to effect justice on this serious matter.
I would want the public in this forum to contribute.

Franky definitely has a similar mindset to me. For those people who are able to earn money and retain some of it after all bills are able to start accumulating wealth. Anyone can earn money - there are millions of activities and goods out there that are vying for your attention in order to take your money. People who are able to find the right balance, where they save / invest as much of their remaining capital as possible will be setting themselves up in the best position throughout life. Those who live for every pay day, in order to spend it all very quickly, will find that a desperate habit a few years down the line, so it's better to learn that lesson as early as possible. You don't need a fancy car to prove your worth to random strangers.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Mame89 on March 20, 2024, 09:45:50 PM
The matter is purely speculation, I can even say that measure of appearance is relative to individual believe and choice not on fiat salary or level of income. The level if comfort if well paid professor with a statistics of 5 to 10 will differs because it's individualistic choice if living. Except where the government happened to give them the same car, same house but if it's the individual to make choices it will differs.
I am enough to believe that every job already has a minimum wage standard set by the government. So someone's income has been measured by workload and daily needs. So in my opinion the appearance is not a benchmark that can be used as a reference, because it is very relative. It is very difficult to guess the will and measure a person's level of happiness because basically it is something that is carried out instinctively not to the personal how much money he gathered
Agree with you. A person's appearance does not determine the high or low opinion of a person. Because this is purely a matter of managing finances well, we can only speculate about people's appearances but don't know what really happened.

There are also some people who have high incomes but they really appreciate the money they have. I also saw a professor in my area. His appearance is shabby, wears a t-shirt, often walks everywhere. But his property business is everywhere, his cars are also luxurious.

And usually people who are rich from hard work are different from people who are rich from instant results, so they enjoy it differently. if it is the result of hard work he will think about buying something that suits function, not prestige and will be more humble. It's different if someone obtains their wealth in an instant way, then they will waste their wealth even more because they never experienced the process of achieving it.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Darker45 on March 21, 2024, 02:46:20 AM
I don't know about the situation in your country but here in mine professorship isn't really a high-paying job. If you reach a certain point where you are receiving a high salary, it simply means you deserve more. And that if you were working in a private company instead, you'd surely be receiving a much higher pay.

Forget about justice. We're living in an unjust world. The highest position in my land is taken by somebody who is a mere dropout. If you apply for a job position that pays the minimum wage, you'd be asked for a college degree.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Natsuu on March 21, 2024, 01:11:53 PM
I don't know about the situation in your country but here in mine professorship isn't really a high-paying job. If you reach a certain point where you are receiving a high salary, it simply means you deserve more. And that if you were working in a private company instead, you'd surely be receiving a much higher pay.

Forget about justice. We're living in an unjust world. The highest position in my land is taken by somebody who is a mere dropout. If you apply for a job position that pays the minimum wage, you'd be asked for a college degree.

Right? Sounds like a hopeless land. It's tough to hear about professors not getting the recognition and pay they deserve and it's frustrating when education doesn't seem to count for much in the job market. It's a reminder that there's still a lot of work to do to make things fairer for everyone but seems like those in power are ignoring it for their own benefits

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Belarge on March 21, 2024, 11:24:07 PM
I don't know about the situation in your country but here in mine professorship isn't really a high-paying job. If you reach a certain point where you are receiving a high salary, it simply means you deserve more. And that if you were working in a private company instead, you'd surely be receiving a much higher pay.

Forget about justice. We're living in an unjust world. The highest position in my land is taken by somebody who is a mere dropout. If you apply for a job position that pays the minimum wage, you'd be asked for a college degree.
There's nothing like watching the youths sitting in political or important positions, only the aged citizens that have experience will do. We can only be dependent on ourselves because winning is more tougher than expected but losing is very easy and straight. The prices we've paid doesn't match our energy for most of us. We're in the hard times and most of us will find it hard enough to become successful in life. I know it's not easy but we should be employing techniques that would inturn help us in challenging moments.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: STT on March 21, 2024, 11:43:08 PM
The general take on this applicable for a long time is that the greatest profits go to people able to put a product into the economy, usable by the masses.   Inventing or being a great mind in the theories of a product is not always as rewarding financially.  I agree with the other points made, a car is a depreciating asset and also costs alot of tax many places so some dont want or need it especially.

The invention of cars paid less then those able to invent a good process of supplying cheap cars to many people.   Some of the greatest cars are limited run builds, I'll never see or drive one probably but the biggest amount of money is the product for many people not the elite.  Its a dynamic of revenues over margins that is ironically repeated in capitalism, people who argue for other systems like government based forget how awful government operates unmodified by open competition alot of the time.    Education is overwhelmed and biased by its government ties, its why the whole subject of economics has to be read while sitting on a block of salt to season all that nonsense with.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Volimack on March 22, 2024, 10:18:36 AM
It is not possible to get justice in today's age there is hidden personal interest in everything. Due to political and corruption common people never get more than their expectations and their needs remain unfulfilled. Wherever we work the owner does not make more work than the workers but does not pay the minimum wage. Companies have to suffer from the same situation to do the job. These conditions are very difficult for everyone to ignore.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: mamesso on March 22, 2024, 02:53:25 PM
You can't judge a person's level of financial security based on the car he uses, maybe the car is part of his success story as a professor or maybe it's a family heirloom. Someone who looks economically deficient does not necessarily not have the money to buy a new car and it is not necessarily the case that someone who owns a new car has succeeded in achieving financial freedom. In a more objective calculation, maybe the professor has several other businesses that you don't know about.

It is wrong if you judge someone by what they use because a person's level of happiness cannot be measured by how luxurious the car they own. As a person who has gone through various obstacles in life, the professor prefers to live without any burdens borne by his limited salary level. He prefers a simple life rather than having to follow his desires by buying a new car but having to pay it in installments every month for two or three years.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: adiksau0414 on March 22, 2024, 03:58:18 PM
Prices are typically determined by market mechanisms of demand and supply in a free market economy, where prices are set based on the interactions between buyers and sellers. This allows for goods and services to be priced efficiently based on their perceived value and scarcity.

However, in some cases, governments may intervene and set prices through regulations or price controls in order to ensure fairness or address market failures. This is known as a command economy or an autocratic fiat, where the government dictates prices.🙂

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: |MINER| on March 22, 2024, 04:24:48 PM
One should not judge someone or their situation after a few moments of acquaintance. Because every context can have a different story. And a professor's financial situation can never be bad.  A country's government provides a good salary for professors, and his car shows his generosity.  We see a lot of things on the road, but we don't have to take everything for granted, because what we see at first sight may not be the story behind it.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: TEBTC on March 22, 2024, 04:56:54 PM
The professor was just stranded that day professors make allot of morning even apart from their monthly salary
Personal am of the view that it's better you be self independent starting your own business rather than working for government or other organizations as what your been paid can't be equivalent to your work output

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Juse14 on March 22, 2024, 05:49:45 PM
Forthnight ago, I sat down under a mango tree whose blossoming flowers are promising to humanity and birds. It gave a complete relaxation to me which enhanced a moment of reflections over events and nature around.
Barely an hour, two birds most probably male and female arrived to have their launch on the nectar of the flowers. Their arrival was heralded with a peculiar song that seemed esoteric, but it's lyrics was a lullaby to me.
Suddenly, there appeared in the scene a dramatic event. Three men were pushing an unkempt brand old Passat car towards me to be kept under the mango tree. It broke down complete while it was on it's way to the city. It is a property of a university Professor of Political science. In fact, the Professor was among the three men who were pushing the car.
Then, my reflection moved to the circumstances around the Professor. How much is the monthly salary of a Professor and other related allowances as are accrued to them in the midst of plenty. In fact, there monthly take home is meagre and is better imagined than experienced.
Is there Prices determined by the market mechanisms of demand and supply or by an authocratic Fiat of the government, thus what must be done to effect justice on this serious matter.
I would want the public in this forum to contribute.

an unexpected event involving a Passat car and a Political Science Professor jolts us back to reality where life can be cruel and unpredictable. In spite of a person's job may seem glamorous or high-status, the truth about their financial situation may not always align with those perceptions.

Your question about whether prices are determined by market forces or government policy is an important economic and political question. It is known that the prices of goods and services are usually determined by market mechanisms such as supply and demand, but some forms of government intervention can also play a role in determining how the economy should be regulated. To address this serious problem fairly, a comprehensive approach is needed. This approach can be carried out through increasing community access to education and economic opportunities for every individual in society and also implementing policies aimed at redistributing wealth and equalizing opportunities. It also requires everyone's efforts and commitment to uphold a fair and inclusive system and combat injustice in our daily lives.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: JollyGood on March 22, 2024, 09:37:12 PM
As far as stories are concerned, yours is not too indifferent from what we have read before.

The number of threads with stories concocted specifically for the purpose of trying to get merits is quite extensive therefore it has to be the sceptical element in me but whenever I read these types of stories from members that do not have a high ranking (and as in your case the account was created just one month ago), I tend to not believe a word.

If you are telling the truth, there are better ways to discuss fiat, governments, Bitcoin, supply and demand as well as a lot more than a Newton style apple falling on the head before a vision of a grand opening OP.

Forthnight ago, I sat down under a mango tree whose blossoming flowers are promising to humanity and birds. It gave a complete relaxation to me which enhanced a moment of reflections over events and nature around.
Barely an hour, two birds most probably male and female arrived to have their launch on the nectar of the flowers. Their arrival was heralded with a peculiar song that seemed esoteric, but it's lyrics was a lullaby to me.
Suddenly, there appeared in the scene a dramatic event. Three men were pushing an unkempt brand old Passat car towards me to be kept under the mango tree. It broke down complete while it was on it's way to the city. It is a property of a university Professor of Political science. In fact, the Professor was among the three men who were pushing the car.
Then, my reflection moved to the circumstances around the Professor. How much is the monthly salary of a Professor and other related allowances as are accrued to them in the midst of plenty. In fact, there monthly take home is meagre and is better imagined than experienced.
Is there Prices determined by the market mechanisms of demand and supply or by an authocratic Fiat of the government, thus what must be done to effect justice on this serious matter.
I would want the public in this forum to contribute.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: someone703 on March 22, 2024, 09:47:57 PM
A professor's old car doesn't necessarily reflect their overall financial situation.  Imagine someone who prioritizes intellectual pursuits and a simple life over material possessions. The emphasis on professors' intellectual value is insightful.  They contribute significantly to society by shaping future generations and advancing knowledge.  This contribution deserves recognition and appreciation.

The clarification regarding professorial salaries and benefits is helpful.  While base salaries might seem low, allowances, grants, and other incentives can improve their overall compensation picture. However, the underlying concern about professorial compensation shouldn't be dismissed.  The narrative you describe, with a seemingly modest lifestyle despite academic prestige, suggests a potential disconnect.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: goaldigger on March 22, 2024, 09:56:18 PM
The professor was just stranded that day professors make allot of morning even apart from their monthly salary
Personal am of the view that it's better you be self independent starting your own business rather than working for government or other organizations as what your been paid can't be equivalent to your work output
That professor is serving a different purpose in life and that is his advocacy and beside you can’t really tell the financial status of someone on their material possession because we all have our own preference and maybe that professor is not materialistic and really love his profession. Having your own business is the key to become richer in life when it comes to increasing your financial value, workers will surely experience a hard time to become rich because they don’t have much time as they are working most of their time for others company.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: southerngentuk on March 22, 2024, 10:05:05 PM
A single observation about a professor's car doesn't tell the whole story.  Imagine someone prioritizing financial security over material possessions, choosing to invest wisely even if it means driving a modest car. The distinction you draw between frugality and financial hardship is insightful.  Professors with strong business acumen could be making responsible financial choices, saving and investing for the future.

However, your concern about underpaid professors with high moral standards is well-founded.  Imagine someone dedicated to education but struggling to make ends meet.  This creates a difficult situation where financial pressures could compromise academic integrity. The argument that professors with exceptional intellectual abilities should have financial security is compelling.  Imagine attracting and retaining top academic talent by offering competitive compensation packages.  This could contribute to a higher quality of education.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: topbitcoin on March 22, 2024, 11:32:08 PM
An intellectual and someone who is able to think positively, they will never allow themselves to be in a difficult situation. They will always try to solve all the problems they experience, and always plan how they can minimize the difficulties that will occur in the future. And as for some of them who feel quite depressed with all the difficulties that are currently happening, basically they are people who lack knowledge and are unable to think to find a way out of all the problems they are experiencing. They are only able to imagine and wish that their situation could be better than before, which means they do not make any efforts that can help themselves become better, apart from surrendering to the situation and waiting for a miracle to come to them.

And in my opinion, the old car owned by the professor is not the main reflection in describing the real life of this intellectual as a whole. Because perhaps this person is trying to cover up the wealth he has by appearing modest. And I think, for a professor who has above average knowledge, even if they don't appear in a luxurious style. Without needing to appear like that, other people know that he is much more valuable than the things he wears

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Egii Nna on March 24, 2024, 08:21:55 AM

I will say you were just wise to write a strong story that is a bit useful to the forum, but almost every detail in the story you have brought is useless. If I may ask, what is the relationship between the topic and the content you wrote? This is just bullshit, but mind you, not every time you will just wish to create a story or narrate everything that you witness in reality. The main point of the content is the professor’s car: What is the essence of the first paragraph? Why not go to the main point so that you won’t stress people in the forum? 

I even see no point in comparing the car that person drives with his income. In economics, it can’t be comparable because those who practice finance management won't even buy the car because it is a liability, and a person who knows more about finance management will not advise anyone or see himself buying a liability for himself, because they believe anything that is not bringing you income is just a liability, so I see no reason for comparing a book by its cover. 

Normally professors practice a low-budget life, because they do everything in their life with budget which is the use of the knowledge they acquired. In other words, don’t judge a book by its cover. At the same time, when creating a topic, you should make sure you are bringing what will be very helpful to the forum society or any relevant issues affecting this society in order to make it more educational, but to me, this is of no use to the forum. 

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Dzwaafu11 on March 24, 2024, 12:18:02 PM
At the same time, when creating a topic, you should make sure you are bringing what will be very helpful to the forum society or any relevant issues affecting this society in order to make it more educational, but to me, this is of no use to the forum. 

I don't like it when I see a new member who is supposed to learn bringing up topics that will not help the forum members or the author. I think they often forget what the forum needs from them, or maybe they think they can get merit by creating a thread that will not help them in any way. However, this is a story that the Op brings up.

This is just a fishing story, as I didn't even see any point in that post that he made. I think he should go and learn so that he will know what the forum needs from him because without doing what the forum wants, which is the creation of meaningful contents, you won't get merit, and people will start critiquing every single post made by you. In summary, this is not how to get merit; you don't create lies. We have a lot of discussions going on in the forum. You can contribute, and if it's worth it, people will send it.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: 0t3p0t on March 24, 2024, 12:30:08 PM
Then, my reflection moved to the circumstances around the Professor. How much is the monthly salary of a Professor and other related allowances as are accrued to them in the midst of plenty. In fact, there monthly take home is meagre and is better imagined than experienced.
The worth of a man is not measured by material things or how they leave their lives, but by the there thinking faculty and what they have upstairs. Wealthy people always hide there identity and behave like a poor who doesn't have anything, but the poor remain poor because they pretend to be rich. And that will eventually make people not help them. So in my point of view peoples appearance is not determined by their aperance but what the have internally. That's why they said that you can not judge a book by its Cover.
Well yeah, that is what it should be. This also depends on where or what country that professor is in, wages are also different by countries. The story itself isn't that detailed so we cannot really judge based on that scenario because it might be that the car has been serving that professor for some years or that car is just a rental car or not even the professors car so hard to say something one sided. For me cars really does not define who we are or the capacity of our purses it is just the matter of preferrable choices. Poor people in America have cars on them though some are not but unfortunately here in my country being poor is really different and of course not able to have cars.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: $anounimus$ on March 24, 2024, 01:16:40 PM
Then, my reflection moved to the circumstances around the Professor. How much is the monthly salary of a Professor and other related allowances as are accrued to them in the midst of plenty. In fact, there monthly take home is meagre and is better imagined than experienced.
The worth of a man is not measured by material things or how they leave their lives, but by the there thinking faculty and what they have upstairs. Wealthy people always hide there identity and behave like a poor who doesn't have anything, but the poor remain poor because they pretend to be rich. And that will eventually make people not help them. So in my point of view peoples appearance is not determined by their aperance but what the have internally. That's why they said that you can not judge a book by its Cover.
Well yeah, that is what it should be. This also depends on where or what country that professor is in, wages are also different by countries. The story itself isn't that detailed so we cannot really judge based on that scenario because it might be that the car has been serving that professor for some years or that car is just a rental car or not even the professors car so hard to say something one sided. For me cars really does not define who we are or the capacity of our purses it is just the matter of preferrable choices. Poor people in America have cars on them though some are not but unfortunately here in my country being poor is really different and of course not able to have cars.
Yes, if you listen closely, it is difficult to draw conclusions from the story OP describes so it becomes ambiguous and gets wild answers too. But I want to answer that regarding style and salary, I think it is completely irrelevant. Every person certainly has a different standard of living depending on their mindset and environment, but that's not necessarily true either. What is certain is that everyone must first focus on their respective jobs. Signs must spend energy to measure someone's standard of living. Each job also has a standard pay, which is not determined by a person or company arbitrarily.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: bitzizzix on March 24, 2024, 01:26:14 PM
Maybe because OP met or saw him for the first time and concluded the professor's fate, without doing research or trying several meetings with the professor to find out the truth.
And it happens that my friend's parents are professors at a private university, and as far as I know, their salary depends on each university and not just one university and they also have several businesses.
And what you need to know is. That my friend's parents who work as professors only look normal and don't even look like professors. And what you need to know, apart from going to teach or important things that require him to look neat, he only looks simple, only wearing shorts, a T-shirt and flip-flops when shopping or something else. And he only uses his used motorbike which I think is very old and often breaks down, but if I see him he is very happy using it and also really likes the old motorbike.
So from what I actually see, we should not judge people just because of their disguise or only seeing or meeting them once, so that there is no misunderstanding in judging that person who is actually an extraordinary person.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: JollyGood on March 24, 2024, 03:22:16 PM
Here we are all these days later and OP cannot reply to posts in his own thread in which he asked forum members to contribute. This is not the first time we see newbie accounts doing this, especially when they do not receive any merits for the stories they have posted. As soon as they realise it was a wasted exercise they create other threads and focus attention (and new stories) elsewhere in the hope to get merits in order to rank up.

As for anything else regarding birds or a lullaby, three (wise) men and a Passat or mango trees: how do members contribute to fabricated stories in the OP?

As far as stories are concerned, yours is not too indifferent from what we have read before.

The number of threads with stories concocted specifically for the purpose of trying to get merits is quite extensive therefore it has to be the sceptical element in me but whenever I read these types of stories from members that do not have a high ranking (and as in your case the account was created just one month ago), I tend to not believe a word.

If you are telling the truth, there are better ways to discuss fiat, governments, Bitcoin, supply and demand as well as a lot more than a Newton style apple falling on the head before a vision of a grand opening OP.

Forthnight ago, I sat down under a mango tree whose blossoming flowers are promising to humanity and birds. It gave a complete relaxation to me which enhanced a moment of reflections over events and nature around.
Barely an hour, two birds most probably male and female arrived to have their launch on the nectar of the flowers. Their arrival was heralded with a peculiar song that seemed esoteric, but it's lyrics was a lullaby to me.
Suddenly, there appeared in the scene a dramatic event. Three men were pushing an unkempt brand old Passat car towards me to be kept under the mango tree. It broke down complete while it was on it's way to the city. It is a property of a university Professor of Political science. In fact, the Professor was among the three men who were pushing the car.
Then, my reflection moved to the circumstances around the Professor. How much is the monthly salary of a Professor and other related allowances as are accrued to them in the midst of plenty. In fact, there monthly take home is meagre and is better imagined than experienced.
Is there Prices determined by the market mechanisms of demand and supply or by an authocratic Fiat of the government, thus what must be done to effect justice on this serious matter.
I would want the public in this forum to contribute.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Zoomic on March 24, 2024, 06:55:53 PM
Forthnight ago, I sat down under a mango tree whose blossoming flowers are promising to humanity and birds. It gave a complete relaxation to me which enhanced a moment of reflections over events and nature around.
Barely an hour, two birds most probably male and female arrived to have their launch on the nectar of the flowers. Their arrival was heralded with a peculiar song that seemed esoteric, but it's lyrics was a lullaby to me.
Suddenly, there appeared in the scene a dramatic event. Three men were pushing an unkempt brand old Passat car towards me to be kept under the mango tree. It broke down complete while it was on it's way to the city. It is a property of a university Professor of Political science. In fact, the Professor was among the three men who were pushing the car.
Then, my reflection moved to the circumstances around the Professor. How much is the monthly salary of a Professor and other related allowances as are accrued to them in the midst of plenty. In fact, there monthly take home is meagre and is better imagined than experienced.
Is there Prices determined by the market mechanisms of demand and supply or by an authocratic Fiat of the government, thus what must be done to effect justice on this serious matter.
I would want the public in this forum to contribute.

The price for labour will always be salary and wages. If you decide you want to earn only by offering your labour services,  then you should live within your salary range until you are willing to come out of your comfort zone and begin to invest or diversify so as to get good returns instead of just salaries and wages. There are still some salary earners who are rich and really living comfortable lives, but we still have many salary and wage earners who are actually living from hand to mouth with nothing to write home about. These set of labourers who are not getting good benefits for their labour should  stop deceiving themselves and begin to look both inwards and outwards for means to increase their earnings.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: btc78 on March 30, 2024, 10:36:28 AM
Forthnight ago, I sat down under a mango tree whose blossoming flowers are promising to humanity and birds. It gave a complete relaxation to me which enhanced a moment of reflections over events and nature around.
Barely an hour, two birds most probably male and female arrived to have their launch on the nectar of the flowers. Their arrival was heralded with a peculiar song that seemed esoteric, but it's lyrics was a lullaby to me.
Suddenly, there appeared in the scene a dramatic event. Three men were pushing an unkempt brand old Passat car towards me to be kept under the mango tree. It broke down complete while it was on it's way to the city. It is a property of a university Professor of Political science. In fact, the Professor was among the three men who were pushing the car.
Then, my reflection moved to the circumstances around the Professor. How much is the monthly salary of a Professor and other related allowances as are accrued to them in the midst of plenty. In fact, there monthly take home is meagre and is better imagined than experienced.
Is there Prices determined by the market mechanisms of demand and supply or by an authocratic Fiat of the government, thus what must be done to effect justice on this serious matter.
I would want the public in this forum to contribute.

The price for labour will always be salary and wages. If you decide you want to earn only by offering your labour services,  then you should live within your salary range until you are willing to come out of your comfort zone and begin to invest or diversify so as to get good returns instead of just salaries and wages. There are still some salary earners who are rich and really living comfortable lives, but we still have many salary and wage earners who are actually living from hand to mouth with nothing to write home about. These set of labourers who are not getting good benefits for their labour should  stop deceiving themselves and begin to look both inwards and outwards for means to increase their earnings.

The thing is lots of workers have no more choice. Even if they work double jobs, sometimes it’s not even enough.

They can’t quit one job because they might never find a new one no matter how bad it is. And we can’t blame them because life is hard as it is even more so without a job. Sometimes we just have to accept things are what they are for the mean time, but this does not mean that we give up. It just means that we have to deflect and accept that there is nothing we can do right now.

Title: Re: The Prices of Labour.
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on March 30, 2024, 11:00:29 AM
The price for labour will always be salary and wages. If you decide you want to earn only by offering your labour services,  then you should live within your salary range until you are willing to come out of your comfort zone and begin to invest or diversify so as to get good returns instead of just salaries and wages. There are still some salary earners who are rich and really living comfortable lives, but we still have many salary and wage earners who are actually living from hand to mouth with nothing to write home about. These set of labourers who are not getting good benefits for their labour should  stop deceiving themselves and begin to look both inwards and outwards for means to increase their earnings.

The problem with most labour workers is that they are too dependent on their salaries and wages and doesn't even like doing other jobs or making investments for the future as their reasoning is just that after service they will be granted pensions and gratuity then they can invest the money on a project. This is a very wrong idea of most labour workers because the future is uncertain and unexpected things might occur before their retirement so it is their duty to make good use of their income no matter how little it may be and learn some investment strategy that will aid them when they retire and maybe didn't receive their entitlement on time. Before getting to retirement age some of them might die along the line and since they have not completed their services,  their entitlement may not be given to their offspring so at that time when your salary is coming on regular basis is the right time to take positive decisions that will pave way for a brighter future.