Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Trading Discussion => Topic started by: peerwallet on March 22, 2024, 09:19:46 PM

Title: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: peerwallet on March 22, 2024, 09:19:46 PM
Recently, I've observed a trend targeting the founders of groundbreaking technological ideas whose identities remain unknown. Reflecting on this, I believe that had Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, been apprehended in 2013 during Bitcoin's early rise to popularity, it could have spelled the demise of the entire cryptocurrency movement. Without Satoshi's innovation, Ethereum may never have been conceived, and countless individuals might never have ventured into the realm of cryptocurrency investment.

Why might Satoshi have faced arrest?

  1) Uncharted Financial Territory Requiring Licensing: Satoshi would have encountered significant regulatory hurdles, as his invention operated within a financial space devoid of established regulations. Authorities would have questioned the target market, geographical reach, fraud prevention measures, and other critical aspects. Without proper licensing, the project would have likely been denied approval.

   2) Potential for Illegal Activities: Due to its decentralized nature, Bitcoin could have been exploited for illicit purposes. Law enforcement agencies would undoubtedly have scrutinized its potential use in criminal activities, raising the risk of Satoshi's arrest.

    3) Tax Evasion Concerns: Cryptocurrencies can facilitate tax evasion, prompting governments to oppose their widespread adoption. Without adequate mechanisms to address tax compliance, authorities would likely have rejected Satoshi's project.

Fast forward to subsequent years, as cryptocurrencies gained unstoppable momentum, governments worldwide grappled with regulating this emerging asset class. Some nations imposed strict regulations, while others outright banned cryptocurrencies. Nonetheless, despite governmental opposition, many citizens continued to engage in crypto trading.

In conclusion, it's highly plausible that Satoshi Nakamoto would have faced legal repercussions had his identity been exposed. However, this remains a topic open to discussion and differing viewpoints.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: Dailyscript on March 22, 2024, 09:45:26 PM
Staying anonymous is good for bitcoin more than Satoshi. That lack of central authority on it has made everyone who has an interest in stealing the idea, controlling the idea, or manipulating the idea be eliminated. If there were a central authority, the government would find a way to lure the owner into making decisions that would affect bitcoin.

The other advantages of staying anonymous are good as well. I only appreciate the aspect of decentralization and would forever be grateful to Satoshi.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: EL MOHA on March 22, 2024, 10:16:32 PM
if you search through the forum i think you might have seen lots of this similar thread all over, you could have just replied your views there so as not to be seen as a spammer.

The advantage that an anonymous Satoshi gives to bitcoin can easily be spotted if you follow the news of how anything that affects both CZ; founder of binance and Vitalik, founder of ethereum how it affects their entities. if at all Satoshi was to be, a word only from him will manipulate the market which defeats decentralization

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: boyptc on March 22, 2024, 10:37:59 PM
In conclusion, it's highly plausible that Satoshi Nakamoto would have faced legal repercussions had his identity been exposed. However, this remains a topic open to discussion and differing viewpoints.
It will remain as the greatest unsolved mysteries that this world has ever had. Even the FBI or secret service or call all of those agencies of the US government that are good in tracking and any other countries too.

He was just too perfect when he'd proven that it's not just Bitcoin that's anonymous but also him. It's best for him if ever he's still alive somewhere to remain where he is and live a peaceful and quiet life.

It will create a storm if ever he conceals and proves his identity not just to the entire crypto market but also in the entire world.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: dothebeats on March 22, 2024, 11:58:40 PM
Satoshi knows that if there is one central figure in bitcoin, it would not flourish and might be seen as something similar to other currencies out there. He wanted the project to continue as he envisioned and it's what's happening now. If he's still around, he will also be attacked by different governments and would possibly be held prisoner for different crimes he didn't commit. I'd say Satoshi's decision to remain truly anonymous is what makes bitcoin great. Imagine its creator sticking up to what his visions are, and not trying to profit off of his creation and just wanted give people what they should really have by giving the power of 'keeping value' to them directly.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: Denamen on March 23, 2024, 12:19:09 PM
I don't think it's important for Satoshi Nakamoto to show up now or in the future. Bitcoin can now run decentralized by the community. He can't do anything to it right now. The issue here is that if he were to suddenly make transactions with the large amount of Bitcoin he holds, it could potentially hurt the market.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: Husires on March 23, 2024, 12:23:34 PM
Why were the same accusations not directed at Vitalik, Charlie Lee aka creator of Litecoin, or other founders of cryptocurrencies?
Satoshi cannot face major problems due to the decentralized nature of Bitcoin, such that if Satoshi decided, for example, to block a transaction in the network or allow the mining of more than 21 million Bitcoins, he would not be able to do so.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: moneystery on March 23, 2024, 05:05:39 PM
satoshi himself had planned that he would disappear in order to make bitcoin run truly decentralized. he wants bitcoin to be run by the community and developed by the community. he doesn't want his figure as the founder of bitcoin to disrupt the decentralized system that exists in bitcoin, so disappearing is the only best way he can take.

also, satoshi is perhaps one of the important figures in the disruption of the global payment system. what it offers is an innovation that the government does not like. his disappearance was the best way for him to prevent the government from tracking him and interfering with bitcoin.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: Nrcewker on March 23, 2024, 05:27:49 PM
Satoshi himself wanted to remain anonymous and hidden. If he wanted, he could have easily proved his identity through the address he stacked here in the forum account. He has created this amazing masterpiece for the well being of the people, so it’s our duty to let him live peacefully. Yes if the identity is revealed then the market can really go up down, and the consequences can be very hard, like the OP has mentioned in the post. So whatever happens, it happens for the good.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: mk4 on March 23, 2024, 06:06:26 PM
Even outside regulatory issues, Satoshi is better off anonymous because of political and idealistic reasons. Imagine if Satoshi was a Trump supporter — die-hard Biden fans would hate him, and vice versa. Same thing with the leftist and rightist movements.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: bluebit25 on March 24, 2024, 04:13:15 AM
This is another interesting issue that is discussed a lot on the forum. I still remember many times people searched for Satoshi with hypotheses, and the curiosity about his identity never ended. But the person impersonating to attract attention, or even the people in question who could be Satoshi, have never been confirmed.

Since bitcoin is already in operation, I also just want to know if the role of its operation, who started it, is really the problem in the middle of it all, but have people ever questioned who created Satoshi to really understand that is the beginning.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: tsaroz on March 24, 2024, 05:18:47 AM
One another noble thing to remember is if we find the true satoshi, we might not like him as much or at least some people would be unhappy of him/her/it.
Considering how rich and probably powerful he is, might have some form of business or a job and and he might have done something or taken decision that might be controversial or have hurt some. His personal principle and bitcoins theoretical ideology might differ to some extent.
Mortal beings have flaws and it's human nature to exaggerate it. Satoshi is appreciated as god of crypto but when we realize he is just another human with his own flaws, me might be disappointed.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: Text on March 24, 2024, 06:01:32 AM
The potential for illegal use of Bitcoin was (and still is) a concern. If Satoshi was a known figure, Bitcoin could have been labeled a criminal tool, hindering its adoption. Anonymity helped it gain traction for legitimate purposes.

As we witness the continued evolution and adoption of cryptocurrencies, it's evident that Satoshi's decision to remain anonymous has left a profound legacy. Without the distractions of legal battles that might have ensued from revealing his identity, Bitcoin has flourished, paving the way for subsequent innovations like Ethereum and inspiring a global movement toward decentralized finance.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: |MINER| on March 24, 2024, 06:47:22 AM
Yes, Satoshi is better off staying anonymous. Because he may face many problems when he comes in public. Also, theft, kidnapping can cause other problems.  It is very dangerous for him to go out in public. He is better and safer anonymously.  They will face various legal problems such as tax evasion, potential for illegal activities. He can get involved in police trouble for various other problems.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on March 24, 2024, 08:11:22 AM
Satoshi was a mastermind, undoubtedly, because someone without extraordinary abilities wouldn't be able to create something like Bitcoin. However, I sometimes wonder, why and how did he decide to stay anonymous after creating Bitcoin? Was it only because he didn't want people to think that Bitcoin is centralized because its owner exists and is always around and that would have collided with the fact that Bitcoin is decentralized? Or he anticipated that if Bitcoin manages to gain enough success in the future, he can get in trouble because of many things that we are discussing here.

I guess the answer of this question will remain unknown forever just like Satoshi himself.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: Husires on March 24, 2024, 09:42:32 AM
Even outside regulatory issues, Satoshi is better off anonymous because of political and idealistic reasons. Imagine if Satoshi was a Trump supporter — die-hard Biden fans would hate him, and vice versa. Same thing with the leftist and rightist movements.
We cannot say that Satoshi was far from politics, as the first message he chose for the Genesis block was “The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on the brink of second bailout for banks.” Many of Satoshi's writings, although they do not clearly indicate political leanings, are that the ideas illustrate flaws in current financial systems, but in the end the network is decentralized, and if the founder's opinions affect the currency, it is not centralized. Charlie Lee sold a large portion of his holdings to Litecoin, and this currency still exists and has popularity.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: Asiska02 on March 24, 2024, 08:30:17 PM
In conclusion, it's highly plausible that Satoshi Nakamoto would have faced legal repercussions had his identity been exposed. However, this remains a topic open to discussion and differing viewpoints.

I don’t even care how he looks like or what he is up to about bitcoin, let bitcoin continue to thrive is what all bitcoin enthusiasts are after. Unlocking and knowing who the real Satoshi should forever remain history to come. The search for who the real Satoshi is will never end even when many have agreed in the past even in this forum to let it be. Satoshi’s face unlocked could have an adverse effect on the future of bitcoin and not even in the aspect of using it. It will begin to affect people’s perception on things because of how trusted the words and choice of Satoshi will be to a lot of people especially the bitcoin enthusiasts.

This is beyond just about bitcoin, he has gone as far as poisoning the minds of people to love him and look up to him always. He is a great person, so will a lot of people want to follow his footsteps, wishes, wants and dreams etc. Satoshi’s faceless identity should remain like this, if not forever, it should only be known when bitcoin is not in safe hands and cannot be tempered which I feel a day like that will never come by anytime in the future.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: yhiaali3 on March 24, 2024, 10:18:43 PM
I believe that the existence of Bitcoin to date is due to Satoshi's disappearance and his remaining anonymous. If Satoshi had submitted a request to the authorities to approve his invention, his request would certainly have been rejected and Bitcoin may not have existed in the first place.

Perhaps he will not be arrested at that time because of his crazy invention for the governments, but it is certain that if he appeared now, he would most likely be arrested, so he is still hidden from sight and his true identity has not been revealed, despite all these years having passed since his great invention.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: adaseb on March 24, 2024, 10:42:05 PM
I think the mystery of Satoshi is a good feature for Bitcoin. And the mystery is what gives it value. We all know that Vitalik created Ethereum and it doesnt have the same history since the Genesis block.

I dont think he will surface. Even if he decides to sell some of his coins, it would be near impossible to do it anonymously since we got state of the art blockchain tracking technology. So unless he mined some coins in late 2009 and early 2010 which he plans on selling, I dont think those early 2009 coins will ever be moved due to the fact that everyone is keeping an eye on them. Imagine the early blocks being sent to Binance, his identify would be in jeopardy. So its best left as a mystery.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: OcTradism on March 25, 2024, 02:17:35 AM
Even outside regulatory issues, Satoshi is better off anonymous because of political and idealistic reasons. Imagine if Satoshi was a Trump supporter — die-hard Biden fans would hate him, and vice versa. Same thing with the leftist and rightist movements.
It can be bad in politics but if it relates to financial benefit, I really believe that even die-hard Biden fans or die-hard Trump fans will still invest in Bitcoin if they see ROI history of Bitcoin and opportunities to enrich their finance by investment in Bitcoin.

In politics, they can disagree and hate Satoshi Nakamoto but in finance, they will stick with Bitcoin. Believe me, when it comes to money, it has some unrejectable reasons to break own logical thinking and chase profit, benefit.

Are politicians themselves very flexible with their words of mouth? We can call them as liars if we want and it is not wrong.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: husencoe on March 25, 2024, 02:08:44 PM
In conclusion, it's highly plausible that Satoshi Nakamoto would have faced legal repercussions had his identity been exposed. However, this remains a topic open to discussion and differing viewpoints.

I think anonymous Satoshi is indeed the best thing for this technology.  But something always bothered me about Satoshi's anonymity.  I think there is some kind of conspiracy here that makes Satoshi disappear forever.  I think if Satoshi was really searched and traced with today's sophistication, I think it would definitely be possible to find out who the real Satoshi is.  And I think Satoshi didn't work alone, I think the developers were a group of experts who dedicated themselves in their research.  I think Satoshi was killed after they succeeded launching Bitcoin so no one can really claim to be Satoshi.  But whoever he is and wherever he is, I am very grateful for this creation.  He truly provides freedom in a world full of financial restraints and rulers.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: justdimin on March 26, 2024, 06:32:05 AM
In conclusion, it's highly plausible that Satoshi Nakamoto would have faced legal repercussions had his identity been exposed. However, this remains a topic open to discussion and differing viewpoints.
I think anonymous Satoshi is indeed the best thing for this technology.  But something always bothered me about Satoshi's anonymity.  I think there is some kind of conspiracy here that makes Satoshi disappear forever.  I think if Satoshi was really searched and traced with today's sophistication, I think it would definitely be possible to find out who the real Satoshi is.  And I think Satoshi didn't work alone, I think the developers were a group of experts who dedicated themselves in their research.  I think Satoshi was killed after they succeeded launching Bitcoin so no one can really claim to be Satoshi.  But whoever he is and wherever he is, I am very grateful for this creation.  He truly provides freedom in a world full of financial restraints and rulers.
That is one part of being the best thing, second would be decentralization for true technological sense. Sure if the governments go out and say they ban it, the "price" will be volatile, but what is decentralized is not the price, it is the tech behind it, no government can print bitcoin, unlike they can do with their fiat, no human in the world could, whatever happens at blockchain, happens because we want it, like how we all moved to segwit because the legacy one became expensive.

So all in all, I would say Satoshi is definitely something that matters, him not being around does matter a lot, but he built something so great that even if he existed then it would mean nothing since he wouldn't have any power over it.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on March 26, 2024, 04:32:04 PM
I don't know where I stumbled upon a certain content that spoke about Satoshis Nakamoto being a psuedonym for the group of people who came up together, hatched the Bitcoin crypto currency idea and perfectly executed the initiative. I have come to believe this tale for a long time now and I do not like to bother my head if the name Satoshi Nakamoto comes up, with questions of if it's an individual or a group of persons.
The idea of Bitcoin sure worked and is still working while gaining adoption and making progress with new innovations to show its commitment.

Dr. Wright sure claimed to be the real Satoshi Nakamoto and I think everyone could see right through his lies and fabrications of documents. At this point, it would be dangerous to have the real Satoshi Nakamoto somewhere who invented the cryptocurrency idea  exposed or revealed because then he would be a living target as well as his family.

One question though, has there been any country currency that has an individual founder?

 I think people come together to make an idea work with a leader of course and am sure that's why Bitcoin remains the leader having been original to the idea and has been facing major hurdles prior to its current success.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: Zanab247 on April 24, 2024, 02:57:20 PM
Quote from: Dailyscript
Staying anonymous is good for bitcoin more than Satoshi. That lack of central authority on it has made everyone who has an interest in stealing the idea, controlling the idea, or manipulating the idea be eliminated. If there were a central authority, the government would find a way to lure the owner into making decisions that would affect bitcoin.
The anonymous the founder of BTC has made himself to be has brought a lot of progress to BTC and bitcoiners in the world because he knew what will happen in the future that made him to remain anonymous, which we have heard many stories from some people who pretend to be Satoshi Nakamoto but no evidence to proof it to the whole world.  

What many countries couldn't do to eliminate unemployment or delay in transactions Satoshi Nakamoto has brought it through BTC, that is dominating all over the world, and some government are seriously angry with the founder who made himself anonymous over some years.

The other advantages of staying anonymous are good as well. I only appreciate the aspect of decentralization and would forever be grateful to Satoshi.
Stay anonymous has reduced many things that use to caused people blood pressure, when their money is missing in the bank or when government purposely freezes some people account, which such thing will never happen to decentralized currency which are some of the reasons some people will trust decentralized currency forever.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: justdimin on April 25, 2024, 06:42:53 AM
Quote from: Dailyscript
Staying anonymous is good for bitcoin more than Satoshi. That lack of central authority on it has made everyone who has an interest in stealing the idea, controlling the idea, or manipulating the idea be eliminated. If there were a central authority, the government would find a way to lure the owner into making decisions that would affect bitcoin.
The anonymous the founder of BTC has made himself to be has brought a lot of progress to BTC and bitcoiners in the world because he knew what will happen in the future that made him to remain anonymous, which we have heard many stories from some people who pretend to be Satoshi Nakamoto but no evidence to proof it to the whole world.  

What many countries couldn't do to eliminate unemployment or delay in transactions Satoshi Nakamoto has brought it through BTC, that is dominating all over the world, and some government are seriously angry with the founder who made himself anonymous over some years.
The fact that he is anonymous is the greatest thing he could have done for bitcoin. Imagine if it was someone we knew, and I am sure that there are a lot of people who "know" who he is as well but the reality is that we don't or we are unsure. That means that we are looking to the situation as the most important part, and we could definitely consider the situation as very profitable.

So all in all, we should consider the situation to be sensitive and we could profit from it as much as we possibly could. I believe that if we knew who he was, anything he says would be under microscope and it would have caused chaos in the crypto world, because no matter how sensible you are, there will always be people who are against you, just to be against you.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: Razmirraz on April 25, 2024, 03:39:47 PM
The reasons Satoshi Nakamoto remained anonymous could include many things, the simple reason is he just wanted to introduce Bitcoin to the public without anyone being able to recognize his true identity. The pseudonym he uses can also optimize the security of his safety and that of his family. Any bad possibilities that might come to him were foreseen because after introducing Bitcoin to the public (an alternative currency) it could attract the attention of authorities such as the FBI and criminals.

Bitcoin which can be owned by everyone and functions like fiat money has played an important role as a popular means of payment. The absence of leadership that can control Bitcoin movements has given each investor freedom in assessing where Bitcoin will go in the future. Its value is determined by supply and demand and its decentralized nature is a feature that can strengthen Bitcoin durability in terms of value and usefulness.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: Ndabagi01 on April 25, 2024, 08:26:01 PM
 2) Potential for Illegal Activities: Due to its decentralized nature, Bitcoin could have been exploited for illicit purposes. Law enforcement agencies would undoubtedly have scrutinized its potential use in criminal activities, raising the risk of Satoshi's arrest.

If Satoshi didn’t kept himself anonymous till date, he would have been arrested on this charges for a long time even as he doesn’t have anything or the purpose of the creation of bitcoin was to facilitate this. Before cryptocurrency invention, illegal activities of money laundering through other means have been prevalent, why will a new system that is clear and definite of its purpose be accused of such crimes? But the power belongs ti the government, so nothing can be done about it.

    3) Tax Evasion Concerns: Cryptocurrencies can facilitate tax evasion, prompting governments to oppose their widespread adoption. Without adequate mechanisms to address tax compliance, authorities would likely have rejected Satoshi's project.

Regulations is what many governments that are ready to accept or legalise the use of bitcoin in their countries are mostly parading on. The benefits attached to paying of tax using and transacting on bitcoin services is what makes them to be so strict on its rule making it hard for those finding comfort in using the currency. Where one find comfort, the obstacles doesn’t bother them much but will always look for a way to settle for it and use it like that, that’s the case of many people using it in many of the countries that have imposed strict regulations on it.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: goaldigger on April 25, 2024, 08:48:33 PM
Satoshi is the only anonymous left in crypto, so yeah staying anonymous can be a big factor to Bitcoin.
There’s a lot of rumors about who is Satoshi but I think we will never know this as Satoshi wants to remain unknown and prove that you can still be anonymous especially in crypto. This is the purpose of crypto in the first place, it’s just that we are being force to do the kyc.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: batang_bitcoin on April 25, 2024, 09:25:52 PM
It's best for him to remain anonymous so that he can preserve the anonymity of Bitcoin as well. But if the time comes and he has revealed himself, we can't do anything for now but everyone starts to claim that they are satoshi and there's even court battle on it but no one can prove an authenticity of their claim that they are the real satoshi. It's hard to prove that and one of the most common proof that people are asking are about the kept bitcoins around 1M of its supply.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: Bushdark on April 26, 2024, 10:34:03 PM
It's best for him to remain anonymous so that he can preserve the anonymity of Bitcoin as well. But if the time comes and he has revealed himself, we can't do anything for now but everyone starts to claim that they are satoshi and there's even court battle on it but no one can prove an authenticity of their claim that they are the real satoshi. It's hard to prove that and one of the most common proof that people are asking are about the kept bitcoins around 1M of its supply.
The government has been desperately looking for whomis the Satoshi Nakamoto so that they could get more information about why he created Bitcoin and what could have inspired him. Also they are planning to get the 1 million Bitcoin they we all believed that he mined and kept it for himself alone. I think it is high time we continue doing what is going to make us profits than waiting for the continuous findings of who could be Satoshi and how and where he conducted everything we are enjoying now.
Still waiting to see the price of Bitcoin skyrocket.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: freedomgo on April 26, 2024, 10:52:21 PM
Satoshi is the only anonymous left in crypto, so yeah staying anonymous can be a big factor to Bitcoin.
There’s a lot of rumors about who is Satoshi but I think we will never know this as Satoshi wants to remain unknown and prove that you can still be anonymous especially in crypto. This is the purpose of crypto in the first place, it’s just that we are being force to do the kyc.
Satoshi builds crypto in order to gain anonymity from banks and other group entities, so his own anonymity serves as the model itself. If he can’t be anonymous, he will beat his own purpose why he designed bitcoin in the first place. Good thing Satoshi remains anonymous up to the present, and I think he’ll stay that way forever, as he has no personal intentions to own the spotlight, but to bring people closer to bitcoin and benefit from its highest advantage.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: Distinctin on April 27, 2024, 04:33:57 PM
It's best for him to remain anonymous so that he can preserve the anonymity of Bitcoin as well. But if the time comes and he has revealed himself, we can't do anything for now but everyone starts to claim that they are satoshi and there's even court battle on it but no one can prove an authenticity of their claim that they are the real satoshi. It's hard to prove that and one of the most common proof that people are asking are about the kept bitcoins around 1M of its supply.
I guess if Satoshi had kept himself unknown for more than a decade, then I think he can leave it that way forever. And besides, bitcoin will never change even if Satoshi will come out, so it’s better to see him anonymous forever. And people can’t do nothing about it but just face the reality that anonymity in bitcoin really exists. And for me, it would be better and safer for Satoshi not to reveal his own identity, otherwise his life will certainly become the target of the government and the bad guys around.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: KingsDen on April 27, 2024, 09:28:35 PM
Recently, I've observed a trend targeting the founders of groundbreaking technological ideas whose identities remain unknown. Reflecting on this, I believe that had Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, been apprehended in 2013 during Bitcoin's early rise to popularity, it could have spelled the demise of the entire cryptocurrency movement. Without Satoshi's innovation, Ethereum may never have been conceived, and countless individuals might never have ventured into the realm of cryptocurrency investment.
I am of the opinion that if or assuming satoshi was arrested when you stipulated (2013), bitcoin would have still survived. The reason I said this is because, bitcoin was not centralized and later on became decentralized. It was just decentralized and open source protocol code from day one. Even in the absence of satoshi 4 years after creating the Bitcoin, there would have been many people to further the journey of Bitcoin as of then.
Again, in as much as satoshi already sent email to some developers and released the Bitcoin white paper where he pened down all his ideas and the working principle of Bitcoin, people would have soldiered on from there and bitcoin would still exist. Although there would actually have been some controversies but bitcoin would have eventually find his way to succeed. The biggest advantage of Bitcoin which is the reason it wasn't aborted in its early stage is not the disappearance of satoshi, rather the decentralization of Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: Russlenat on April 27, 2024, 09:36:34 PM
Satoshi is the only anonymous left in crypto, so yeah staying anonymous can be a big factor to Bitcoin.
There’s a lot of rumors about who is Satoshi but I think we will never know this as Satoshi wants to remain unknown and prove that you can still be anonymous especially in crypto. This is the purpose of crypto in the first place, it’s just that we are being force to do the kyc.
Well, KYC beats the purpose of staying anonymous but we all know this is also crucial in order to secure our safety not to lose our hard-earned crypto coins. This become a big issue way back then but now, we can say that this has been slowly accepted by the crypto enthusiasts.

However, when it comes to seeing Satoshi remains anonymous, I do think that’s a lot better for him. No need to reveal his own identity so he will continue to carry on the legacy of crypto anonymity forever.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: lalabotax on April 27, 2024, 09:36:50 PM
I think anonymous Satoshi is indeed the best thing for this technology.  But something always bothered me about Satoshi's anonymity.  I think there is some kind of conspiracy here that makes Satoshi disappear forever.  I think if Satoshi was really searched and traced with today's sophistication, I think it would definitely be possible to find out who the real Satoshi is.
If the identity of Satoshi isn't revealed, Bitcoin future will remain safe. And Bitcoin will be always fully decentralized because no one owns Bitcoin and controls the price. There is no conspiracy, Satoshi has planned it since the beginning to make it decentralized. If Satoshi continues to manage Bitcoin, it will be the same as altcoins. Anyway, it won't be easy to trace Satoshi because he left no evidence. I'm sure Satoshi is somewhere in this world, he isn't captured.

And I think Satoshi didn't work alone, I think the developers were a group of experts who dedicated themselves in their research.  I think Satoshi was killed after they succeeded launching Bitcoin so no one can really claim to be Satoshi.  But whoever he is and wherever he is, I am very grateful for this creation.  He truly provides freedom in a world full of financial restraints and rulers.
We can assume there are some people behind the name of Satoshi. But it is just purely speculation, we can't claim it with no strong proof. You did a wrong thing to claim he is dead or killed. No evidence that tells us if Satoshi is dead already. Honestly, this is not so important anymore because Bitcoin can survive without the help of Satoshi anymore.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: tygeade on April 28, 2024, 05:08:03 PM
The anonymous the founder of BTC has made himself to be has brought a lot of progress to BTC and bitcoiners in the world because he knew what will happen in the future that made him to remain anonymous, which we have heard many stories from some people who pretend to be Satoshi Nakamoto but no evidence to proof it to the whole world.  

What many countries couldn't do to eliminate unemployment or delay in transactions Satoshi Nakamoto has brought it through BTC, that is dominating all over the world, and some government are seriously angry with the founder who made himself anonymous over some years.
The fact that he is anonymous is the greatest thing he could have done for bitcoin. Imagine if it was someone we knew, and I am sure that there are a lot of people who "know" who he is as well but the reality is that we don't or we are unsure. That means that we are looking to the situation as the most important part, and we could definitely consider the situation as very profitable.

So all in all, we should consider the situation to be sensitive and we could profit from it as much as we possibly could. I believe that if we knew who he was, anything he says would be under microscope and it would have caused chaos in the crypto world, because no matter how sensible you are, there will always be people who are against you, just to be against you.
I totally agree, I am sure that there will be some media people who would turn it into political as well. I mean there are so many people who are not in politics at all, literally sports people and business people who are not in political world, and they just share their own views, just like any of us, we all have our preference (well some like me don't) and because of that they get hatred.

So all in all, I have to say that we are going to end up with a Satoshi political war. He would be asked his views on wherever he is from, or if not at least USA because that is the most commonly talked about. If he says he likes Biden then all Trump voters will hate him and sell their coins, if he says Trump then the same will be done by Biden voters and there is no win.

Title: Re: Satoshi Nakamoto remaining anonymous is good for Bitcoin!
Post by: mirakal on April 28, 2024, 10:59:24 PM
In conclusion, it's highly plausible that Satoshi Nakamoto would have faced legal repercussions had his identity been exposed. However, this remains a topic open to discussion and differing viewpoints.

I think anonymous Satoshi is indeed the best thing for this technology.  But something always bothered me about Satoshi's anonymity.  I think there is some kind of conspiracy here that makes Satoshi disappear forever.  I think if Satoshi was really searched and traced with today's sophistication, I think it would definitely be possible to find out who the real Satoshi is.  And I think Satoshi didn't work alone, I think the developers were a group of experts who dedicated themselves in their research.  I think Satoshi was killed after they succeeded launching Bitcoin so no one can really claim to be Satoshi.  But whoever he is and wherever he is, I am very grateful for this creation.  He truly provides freedom in a world full of financial restraints and rulers.

Yes Satoshi is the best thing for bitcoin not only because he is the foundation, but because he lives being anonymous as the best feature of bitcoin. However, talking about his sudden lost, I guess that’s already part of his creation with bitcoin. No one needs to reveal his real identity just because he is into bitcoin. He can be successful with bitcoin without disclosing private information about him. That’s why if Satoshi is alive at the present, I don’t think he will agree with this KYC verification. It completely breaks the nature of bitcoin, but what else can we do if that’s the only way we can gain higher security from not losing our coins into the hands of scammers.