Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Hardware wallets => Topic started by: headingnorth on March 23, 2024, 02:53:25 AM

Title: Can't view any funds in Sparrow Wallet
Post by: headingnorth on March 23, 2024, 02:53:25 AM
This is my first time using Coldcard or Sparrow wallets.

I just imported a new Coldcard wallet (generic JSON file) into Sparrow wallet. But the balance under Sparrow transactions shows zero.
I tried both generic JSON and Sparrow JSON but both have same result of zero balance.

I am recovering my wallet from Trezor into a new Coldcard. I just verified my funds are present with Trezor Suite and Bluewallet but for some reason Sparrow wallet gves me only zero for the balance.

Does Sparrow allow you to see all your funds in a recovered seedphrase or does it only show the amounts transacted with Sparrow?

Title: Re: Can't view any funds in Sparrow Wallet
Post by: Pmalek on March 23, 2024, 05:05:42 PM
Let's try to figure out what exactly you have done.
I have never done anything with JSON files, so I don't know what kind of recovery that is.

You currently have a Trezor. Do you have multiple funded bitcoin addresses? Could you check on a blockchain explorer if the coins are still there? You can use for instance.

When you set up your Trezor, you were shown a recovery phrase. Have you imported that recovery phrase into your Coldcard? Did it work? After you do that, you could export your master public key from the Coldcard and import that into Sparrow wallet. That should allow you to see your old balances and generate new receiving addresses. You then have to move PSBTs back and forth from the Coldcard and the Sparrow wallet.

When you imported the JSON file, did Sparrow wallet show any transaction history? Did it show the same addresses you used before with your Trezor? Did it show the same address format you saw before (addresses beginning with 1, 3, or bc1)? Perhaps the issue is a wrong derivation path or something related to the JSON file.

Title: Re: Can't view any funds in Sparrow Wallet
Post by: Yamane_Keto on March 23, 2024, 06:55:22 PM
You need to check the Script Policy (taproot address, P2SH,P2WPKH,P2PKH) and Keystores (derivation) If you make sure that both Script Policy and Keystores are correct, then the problem is with synchronization.
What is your final goal? If you can spend from Trezor Suite and Bluewallet, including the same wallet seed in an additional wallet may reduce your security significantly.

Title: Re: Can't view any funds in Sparrow Wallet
Post by: headingnorth on March 24, 2024, 06:02:03 AM
I just downloaded Wasabi wallet and Nunchuck wallet no problem setting up and seeing my funds and tx history even from my hidden wallets.
Very quick and easy to set up from Coldcard and everything worked right away. Much easier to use than Sparrow.

For Sparrow it appears you have to manually connect to a server to see your funds and transactions. Never used a wallet that made you do that before.
I wouldn't mind that if it simply prompted you to connect a server during the setup process but it doesn't tell you anything. Would have saved me a lot of time.

Title: Re: Can't view any funds in Sparrow Wallet
Post by: satscraper on March 24, 2024, 08:07:39 AM
This is my first time using Coldcard or Sparrow wallets.

Read this. (

Why to create the same topic twice?

Title: Re: Can't view any funds in Sparrow Wallet
Post by: Pmalek on March 24, 2024, 08:15:53 AM
I just downloaded Wasabi wallet and Nunchuck wallet no problem setting up and seeing my funds and tx history even from my hidden wallets.
Very quick and easy to set up from Coldcard and everything worked right away. Much easier to use than Sparrow.
Have you imported your seed that you originally generated on Trezor across all these hot wallets you mentioned in your posts? Blue Wallet, Sparrow, Nunchuck, etc.?
What is the end goal here, and what is wrong with your Trezor HW? Did it stop working?

Title: Re: Can't view any funds in Sparrow Wallet
Post by: headingnorth on March 25, 2024, 03:48:18 PM
Nothing is wrong with my Trezor wallet. It is a great wallet. I have a Trezor One that I still use, in bitcoin only mode. No shitcoins for me.

Title: Re: Can't view any funds in Sparrow Wallet
Post by: dkbit98 on March 26, 2024, 04:44:46 PM
For Sparrow it appears you have to manually connect to a server to see your funds and transactions. Never used a wallet that made you do that before.
I wouldn't mind that if it simply prompted you to connect a server during the setup process but it doesn't tell you anything. Would have saved me a lot of time.
This is actually a good thing, not bad, especially for privacy and if you don't trust third parties.
You have the option to choose your own node in Sparrow or node from someone else (like other wallets are doing).
Sparrow is much better wallet, but you need to spend few minutes to learn how it works, and it's nothing complicated.