Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: herecomesjohnny on March 23, 2024, 05:12:45 PM

Title: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: herecomesjohnny on March 23, 2024, 05:12:45 PM
While Bitcoin itself doesn't directly influence climate change, there are concerns surrounding the energy consumption associated with Bitcoin mining. The process of mining Bitcoin requires substantial computational power, which in turn demands significant amounts of electricity. This electricity often comes from non-renewable sources, leading to greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to climate change. However, the extent of Bitcoin's environmental impact varies depending on factors such as the energy source used, mining hardware efficiency, and operational location. Efforts within the cryptocurrency community aim to address these concerns by promoting sustainability, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and improving mining hardware efficiency. Thus, while Bitcoin may not directly change climate change, its energy-intensive mining activities raise important environmental considerations.
Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: Queentoshi on March 23, 2024, 05:26:41 PM
Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
There are many things that currently affects and can affects the climate causing unusual changes and Bitcoin mining is not the major concern. If A brief research is conducted, there are many other major causes like industrial activities, manufacturing activities, the activities of oil and gas companies, urbanization, gasses from fuel and diesel engines etc. All these other factors have not yet been addressed completely, so blaming that climate change is majorly a cause of Bitcoin mining and its activities is just an excuse to criticize and speak bad of bitcoins.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: seoincorporation on March 23, 2024, 06:27:44 PM
While Bitcoin itself doesn't directly influence climate change, there are concerns surrounding the energy consumption associated with Bitcoin mining. The process of mining Bitcoin requires substantial computational power, which in turn demands significant amounts of electricity. This electricity often comes from non-renewable sources, leading to greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to climate change. However, the extent of Bitcoin's environmental impact varies depending on factors such as the energy source used, mining hardware efficiency, and operational location. Efforts within the cryptocurrency community aim to address these concerns by promoting sustainability, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and improving mining hardware efficiency. Thus, while Bitcoin may not directly change climate change, its energy-intensive mining activities raise important environmental considerations.
Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?

The Energy consumed by miners is huge nowadays, and not only for bitcoin, remember there are a lot of coins that need hardware miners to validate their blocks. And this energy most of time comes from dirty sources... But if we power off all the miners, did you think the energy production will decrease?, i don't think so. Is like the dilemma of vegans, if you become vegan you think less cows and chickens will die? the answer is no.

And why are we worried about the climate change? what makes you think the climate is a constant? it has always been changing and is a natural process that we can't stop.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: Fiatless on March 23, 2024, 07:09:02 PM
While Bitcoin itself doesn't directly influence climate change, there are concerns surrounding the energy consumption associated with Bitcoin mining. The process of mining Bitcoin requires substantial computational power, which in turn demands significant amounts of electricity. This electricity often comes from non-renewable sources, leading to greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to climate change.
Almost all the sectors that utilize power negatively impact the environment. The government and some organisations have attacked Bitcoins by claiming that Bitcoin consumes more power than other sectors. There have been several anti-campaigns that claim that Bitcoin consumes more power than New Zealand and Belgium put together. But the truth is that Bitcoin mining doesn't consume as much as the power banks and electrical car charging stations consume more power. 

However, the extent of Bitcoin's environmental impact varies depending on factors such as the energy source used, mining hardware efficiency, and operational location. Efforts within the cryptocurrency community aim to address these concerns by promoting sustainability, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and improving mining hardware efficiency. Thus, while Bitcoin may not directly change climate change, its energy-intensive mining activities raise important environmental considerations.
Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Many Bitcoin miners are moving to green energy and some are also recycling the emission that is produced by mining. Some of these by-products have been used for heating and some are been applied in agriculture to raise plants. It is also important to note that Bitcoin miners contribute to the economic development of some countries through taxes. Some countries also generate excess electricity, so Bitcoin miners are assisting them to consume the power. 

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: dothebeats on March 23, 2024, 07:18:20 PM
If I remember correctly, there is an ongoing effort from miners themselves to switch to renewable sources of energy. The catch is, the initial investment will be expensive, but the cost per kWh is much lower compared to traditional electricity. Concerns regarding the environment have been raised for years due to the bitcoin network's massive power consumption and requirement, and I believe miners are also into it as a huge number of these miners have made the switch. (Source: Cointelegraph (

The problem with green energy is that it's hard to establish a facility for it, and the outputs are sometimes not enough to satisfy the needs of the people. It's also hard to scale, that's why fossil fuels are still the go-to when it comes to electricity generation. Almost every one wants to use green energy, it's just that it's hard to facilitate and scale up for wide use.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: PrivacyG on March 23, 2024, 07:40:32 PM
Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Yes.  By becoming a Bitcoiner it becomes very likely that you learn more about how the world runs, how Banks enslave you and you will at least partially free your mind.  So instead of supporting Banks who print plastic and paper bills and Governors who use private jets to commute, you end up realizing Bitcoin provokes about zero impact on the environment when compared to every thing else the Government does every DAY through which they likely pollute more in a month than we do by mining or using Bitcoin in years.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: Dailyscript on March 23, 2024, 07:49:36 PM
Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
There are many things that currently affects and can affects the climate causing unusual changes and Bitcoin mining is not the major concern. If A brief research is conducted, there are many other major causes like industrial activities, manufacturing activities, the activities of oil and gas companies, urbanization, gasses from fuel and diesel engines etc. All these other factors have not yet been addressed completely, so blaming that climate change is majorly a cause of Bitcoin mining and its activities is just an excuse to criticize and speak bad of bitcoins.
It is not a major concern, but it is a concern. Bitcoin mining has impacted climate change in the environment, and we cannot disprove that fact. Let us put it into consideration, because whenever the government is ready to act because of that, they will take things into action. It is good that the OP brings up the topic as a reminder. Although it has been discussed in this forum before, it is good that we are aware and make good use of the best mining tools that have a limit on causing harm to the climate.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: SatoPrincess on March 23, 2024, 08:15:03 PM
Did we not have climate crisis before Bitcoin was created? The amount of greenhouse gases that industries generate from fossil fuels cause a huge problem to the environment than miners will ever pose. Governments are after bitcoin miners not because of the ecological impact of mining but because they are not making money from Bitcoin. I think you should read this thread:  Debunking the "Bitcoin is an environmental disaster" argument ( Fillippone makes a better argument.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: The Cryptovator on March 23, 2024, 08:23:32 PM
There is a group of people who have been trying to blame Bitcoin miners for climate change. Because Bitcoin miners have been using energy that isn't renewable, For your information, Bitcoin miners are using a very small percentage of energy that won't be countable at all. A group of people just tried to create FUD. Nowadays, miners have also started using renewable energy, and I can't see much discussion about mining energy consumption. Bitcoin haters will always try to create FUD. There is no such thing as a noteable impact on the climate due to Bitcoin minigs. 

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: Hispo on March 23, 2024, 08:33:35 PM
It would depend of the source of energy being used to power most of the Bitcoin network by the miners, in my opinion. Though, I am the kind of person who believes the climatic impact of Bitcoin is way overestimated and inflated for the sake of FUD, it is pretty convenient for the enemies of decentralization to badmouth Bitcoin and decentralization in general in times like these, when people are so concerned about the climate and the future of the planet.
In reality, what I think it is going to happen is that in the future, most miners living in the developed world would have migrated to green energy and the same will eventually happen to those miners in developing countries, but at all lower pace.
In the end, the world would be still headed to a climate crisis, regardless of the existence of Bitcoin, you know. There are industries which contaminate way more than Bitcoin does: the vehicle industry, mining industry, some would even say the traditional financial industry/institutions pollute more than Bitcoin does nowadays. So no, I don't think Bitcoin will end the planet or will have much on an impact on the future of the ecosystem.

If we truly want to save Earth for future generations, we need to take a look at those industries I just mentioned.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: hatshepsut93 on March 23, 2024, 11:58:59 PM
Even if ALL of Bitcoin's electricity consumption was generated by burning coal, that still would have been a tiny share of the global carbon emissions to the point where removing it wouldn't cause any observable difference as it would be within the statistical margin of error. But those who use energy as an argument against Bitcoin don't care about the numbers, they just need something for their accusations, so they say that big energy use is bad.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: PX-Z on March 23, 2024, 11:59:06 PM
While Bitcoin itself doesn't directly influence climate change, there are concerns surrounding the energy consumption associated with Bitcoin mining.
Those are already debunk with facts and evidence[1]. Only propaganda is shown that bitcoin mining have "potential" impact to climate change disregarding the factories, manufacturers and other stuff that has more negative impact to the climate.


Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: btc78 on March 24, 2024, 03:39:50 AM
Yes bitcoin consumes high amounts of electricity however it is not the most problematic cause of climate change. There is so much more things to change in our world and bitcoin is just a little fraction of it. Other people and factories, etc are contributing much more into climate change. This does not mean we shouldn’t try to perfect bitcoin.

We should acknowledge these issues and aim for bitcoin to be a little more friendlier to the environment instead of denying and ignoring such claims.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: Patrol69 on March 24, 2024, 03:50:58 AM
Ensuring a healthy environment is very important for us because if the environment of the place we are living in is not suitable for living but we cannot live well in that environment. But the reason you mentioned may not be correct. The amount of electricity required to mine Bitcoin is nothing compared to the electricity consumed by industrial plants or various large projects. The world has large factories and factories for the manufacture of various chemicals, but there is a lot of waste and electricity, which has a serious impact on the environment. Apart from these, there are brick kilns, but a large amount of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are emitted, which are all gases that are very harmful to the environment. If we can survive in the environment by accepting these things, then the amount of electricity consumed in Bitcoin mining may not have a very bad effect on our environment.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: bluebit25 on March 24, 2024, 04:18:48 AM
Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?

Honestly, the existence of everything is directly/indirectly related, bitcoin has an impact on the climate. I could mention the situation that Bitcoin mining can also pollute the environment due to noise, heat, and ewaste. Bitcoin mining operations are often located in areas with cheap electricity, often with lax environmental regulations. But to be fair, it's not as harmful as other behavior that we think of as having a different climate impact, and the climate issue is common to everything, not just related to bitcoin.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: arjunmujay on March 24, 2024, 04:55:50 AM
Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
In fact, climate change is not caused by bitcoin mining activities. Other factors also have a big influence on climate change, for example the greenhouse effect, the use of carbon dioxide from vehicle gas and so on which is very intensively carried out by humans, as well as destroying forests as the earth's natural coolant.

Climate change even occurred before Bitcoin itself was created.
- The greenhouse effect itself began in the 1820s
- global warming and an increase in the earth's temperature occurred in 1988

So in my opinion, climate change happening because of Bitcoin is just propaganda to divert attention from the real cause.

Climate Change History

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: Bananington on March 24, 2024, 04:58:43 AM
Just recently I read somewhere in the news about some Bitcoin mining machines being moved to Colorado springs for refurbishment and thereafter sale.
The complaints of heavy cost of operations and heavy electricity consumption and bills is a common thing for those who mine BTC in well developed areas.

Although new upgraded mining machines would be used to replace the older models sent out to be refurbished and sold, it still can't impact climate change as much as combustion engines emitting sooth is, which is known to deplete the ozone layer and is part cause of global warming.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: pooya87 on March 24, 2024, 05:25:32 AM
While Bitcoin itself doesn't directly influence climate change, there are concerns surrounding the energy consumption associated with Bitcoin mining.
This is mostly FUD about Bitcoin, otherwise energy consumption and environmental effects is a comparative factor. Everything we do in this world including breathing has an environmental effect, but can you say our breathing is causing pollution?

There are countless industries that are operating in a much smaller scale in comparison to Bitcoin (a global payment system working 24/7 in a decentralized way) while consuming a lot more energy and creating a much bigger pollution and/or a negative environmental impact.

If anyone is concerned about Climate Change they should start elsewhere, from those severely polluting industries.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: Nothingtodo on March 24, 2024, 05:47:01 AM
I don't know if bitcoin mining has anything to do with environmental change, but if there is any carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide released in bitcoin mining, it will definitely cause environmental damage. As far as I know bitcoin mining only consumes electricity and no carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide is emitted so bitcoin mining is not responsible for any part of the weather and climate change in the environment.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: SquirrelJulietGarden on March 24, 2024, 06:53:52 AM
Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Any activity, industry that consume energy, exhaust gas emission includes green house gases, can contribute to global warming and climate change.

Briefly, Bitcoin mining industry is one of factors that contribute to global warming and climate change.

More details, if anyone attacks this industry and says it is like a most polluted contributor on global warming and climate change, it's lie and untrue.

You can debunk such lies by.
Debunk Bitcoin Energy fud "Bitcoin wastes energy" (
Reports from Bitcoin Mining Council ( Their abstract has basic information but you can have more details by watching their video on Youtube for each report.

Some attackers changed their mind like Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock.
World Economic Forum (WEF) Describing The Positive Impact Of Bitcoin (
WEF in 2017:

“Bitcoin mining is dirty, wasteful & on track to consume all of the worlds energy by 2020. We must stop it.”

WEF in 2024:

“Bitcoin mining is clean, creates jobs, and is powering chocolate factories in the African rainforest.”🌍
So don't believe in their words, there is no absolute enemies, there is only absolute benefit.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: Crypto Library on March 24, 2024, 06:54:14 AM
While Bitcoin itself doesn't directly influence climate change, there are concerns surrounding the energy consumption associated with Bitcoin mining. The process of mining Bitcoin requires substantial computational power, which in turn demands significant amounts of electricity. This electricity often comes from non-renewable sources, leading to greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to climate change. However, the extent of Bitcoin's environmental impact varies depending on factors such as the energy source used, mining hardware efficiency, and operational location. Efforts within the cryptocurrency community aim to address these concerns by promoting sustainability, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and improving mining hardware efficiency. Thus, while Bitcoin may not directly change climate change, its energy-intensive mining activities raise important environmental considerations.
Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
It is actually true that Bitcoin mining costs a lot of energy and some of its effects will fall on the environment it will natural. But it would be a mistake to think of Bitcoin mining alone as a potential cause of climate change because there are many other factors besides mining that have a greenhouse effect on our planet, especially the smoke from mills and their waste products Green house effect is constantly increasing in our world due to various reasons.
Moreover, Bitcoin mining is also starting to read from renewable energy sources such as solar panels. No one should blame Bitcoin mining alone because mining has a large part on alternative coin mining as well. The future will see that mining will be done using renewable energy solar panels, so the small losses that are currently being incurred will also be reduced in the future. And those who care more about the environment should do this renewable energy if they want to do mining.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: 0t3p0t on March 24, 2024, 07:35:01 AM
While Bitcoin itself doesn't directly influence climate change, there are concerns surrounding the energy consumption associated with Bitcoin mining. The process of mining Bitcoin requires substantial computational power, which in turn demands significant amounts of electricity. This electricity often comes from non-renewable sources, leading to greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to climate change. However, the extent of Bitcoin's environmental impact varies depending on factors such as the energy source used, mining hardware efficiency, and operational location. Efforts within the cryptocurrency community aim to address these concerns by promoting sustainability, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and improving mining hardware efficiency. Thus, while Bitcoin may not directly change climate change, its energy-intensive mining activities raise important environmental considerations.
Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Technological advancement is inevitable so for me maybe in the future it will become possible for Bitcoin to have the potential positive impact in the climate change by using high technological source of energy. Renewable energy is still at an early stage so we can expect more improvements and upgrades on it or even new technology will exist in the near future and become a sustainable source of energy.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: |MINER| on March 24, 2024, 08:45:39 AM
BTC does not directly contribute to climate change. But we do know that producing BTC requires a lot of electricity.  It also does not affect the climate much.  But if the fuel used to make BTC is renewable, it does not harm the environment.  But if it is non-renewable, it destroys the environment. We need to make sure that the energy used to generate BTC is renewable. Because above all, we should do everything with the climate in mind.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: Farhan99 on March 24, 2024, 08:51:30 AM
While Bitcoin itself doesn't directly influence climate change, there are concerns surrounding the energy consumption associated with Bitcoin mining. The process of mining Bitcoin requires substantial computational power, which in turn demands significant amounts of electricity. This electricity often comes from non-renewable sources, leading to greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to climate change. However, the extent of Bitcoin's environmental impact varies depending on factors such as the energy source used, mining hardware efficiency, and operational location. Efforts within the cryptocurrency community aim to address these concerns by promoting sustainability. Thus, while Bitcoin may not directly change climate change, its energy-intensive mining activities raise important environmental considerations.
Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
I Think Bitcoin's impact on climate change is a topic of debate and a valid concern because the mining process of Bitcoin is highly energy consuming process. But in my opinion it's common mis conception on media that bitcoin is bad for the environment and Bitcoin used to much energy for the Mining process. Gold is also the nearest competitor of bitcoin and gold mining is destructive industries in all over the world. [1]According to the research of Cambridge university Bitcoin mining is powerd by as low as 20% to as high as 70% of renewable energy and they think Bitcoin is much more efficient then traditional banking and finicial systems as well as gold mining. [1] (

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: oktana on March 24, 2024, 11:43:54 AM
Yes, it indirectly impacts climate change, but I believe this will reduce over time as people will slowly fade out of mining. However, I am not saying we should just continue putting more gas in the fire. But if this concern was from the government (just saying) and this was their why to not accepting Bitcoin, then why not accept it and make provisions for renewable energy so it’s a win-win situation. Because like it or not, Bitcoin mining can’t stop.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: Maus0728 on March 24, 2024, 11:56:41 AM
The way that a lot of people became aware of climate change because of FUD that was spread many years ago about bitcoin being a big contributor to climate change is probably a good contribution already of bitcoin to the awareness in climate change so yes, the potential is already there and a lot of bitcoin miners are already using renewable sources of energy for their mining rigs are already a good contribution too in advocating the use of renewable sources of energy instead of relying on fossil fuels. There's not a lot that bitcoin has given to the climate change awareness but boy do those few that bitcoin was a part of is almost always more impactful than most.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: barto123 on March 24, 2024, 12:16:28 PM
like convid, climate change is a scam to usher in communism, it's not getting hotter/the seas aren't rising

however the weather is changing due to geo-engineering - have you looked at the skies lately? nothing is organic

we are all carbon based life forms, no co2 means no life - funnily enough the super rich are trying to massively reduce world population

bitcoin uses renewable energy & fossil fuel. heck, it doesn't matter to be honest. if bitcoin replaced fiat it would fix climate change lol because fiat is one of main underlying scams in the matrix

so yes it does have the potential to impact climate change lol

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: Marvell1 on March 24, 2024, 01:39:10 PM

Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?

Any industry or sector that consumes energy will produce emissions, and bitcoin mining is no exception. But the problem here is that the climate change impact from bitcoin mining is negligible compared to many other sectors, but many people are over-exaggerating it and cause unnecessary misunderstandings.
Bitcoin is also a field that is bringing benefits like many other industries and the benefits it brings to us are even greater so consuming energy or creating emissions is acceptable.
Whether we have bitcoin or not, climate change will still happen, don't just blame bitcoin or any other field, instead it is us humans who are destroying this earth.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: Blitzboy on March 24, 2024, 01:42:28 PM
While Bitcoin itself doesn't directly influence climate change, there are concerns surrounding the energy consumption associated with Bitcoin mining. The process of mining Bitcoin requires substantial computational power, which in turn demands significant amounts of electricity. This electricity often comes from non-renewable sources, leading to greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to climate change. However, the extent of Bitcoin's environmental impact varies depending on factors such as the energy source used, mining hardware efficiency, and operational location. Efforts within the cryptocurrency community aim to address these concerns by promoting sustainability, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and improving mining hardware efficiency. Thus, while Bitcoin may not directly change climate change, its energy-intensive mining activities raise important environmental considerations.
Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
It is actually true that Bitcoin mining costs a lot of energy and some of its effects will fall on the environment it will natural. But it would be a mistake to think of Bitcoin mining alone as a potential cause of climate change because there are many other factors besides mining that have a greenhouse effect on our planet, especially the smoke from mills and their waste products Green house effect is constantly increasing in our world due to various reasons.
Moreover, Bitcoin mining is also starting to read from renewable energy sources such as solar panels. No one should blame Bitcoin mining alone because mining has a large part on alternative coin mining as well. The future will see that mining will be done using renewable energy solar panels, so the small losses that are currently being incurred will also be reduced in the future. And those who care more about the environment should do this renewable energy if they want to do mining.
Recent trends indicate that Bitcoin mining could be very sustainable. Solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources are growing.  This shows industry commitment to innovation and responsible growth.

All sectors have an environmental footprint, but Bitcoin mining is taking proactive initiatives. This switch to renewables shows environmental awareness and smart economic strategy. Market fluctuations are expected, but renewables in Bitcoin mining could improve stability and efficiency.  Solar electricity is a promising option for mining companies seeking environmental compliance. It promotes energy independence, environmental sustainability, and cryptocurrency growth.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: Yatsan on March 24, 2024, 03:55:12 PM
Energy consumption? Only a few percentage of total people in Bitcoin community are miners if that what's we are being concerned of here. Bitcoin is a digital currency therefore it has no direct relationship or effect to environmental problems. However, there's a tendency for indirect environmental issues concerning energy consumption. But practically speaking, should it be really solely blamed for Bitcoin itself? If you are a Bitcoin miner, would your energy consumption in each mining rigg would be limited to mining alone? I highly doubt.

Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?

Any industry or sector that consumes energy will produce emissions, and bitcoin mining is no exception. But the problem here is that the climate change impact from bitcoin mining is negligible compared to many other sectors, but many people are over-exaggerating it and cause unnecessary misunderstandings.
Bitcoin is also a field that is bringing benefits like many other industries and the benefits it brings to us are even greater so consuming energy or creating emissions is acceptable.
Whether we have bitcoin or not, climate change will still happen, don't just blame bitcoin or any other field, instead it is us humans who are destroying this earth.
Climate change is affected by many factors and energy consumption related issues are just one of it but we cannot simply put it in general. If it is with climaate change there are more toxic chemicals and smoke that destroys our environment which should be given more attention than with Bitcoin alone as a digital currency.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: kryptqnick on March 24, 2024, 05:29:07 PM
Bitcoin can have both positive and negative impact on climate change, depending on existing policies, and on the sources of energy. If a country's already very eco-friendly, Bitcoin miners there are using clean energy, so there's nothing bad going on. If a country's relying heavily on fossil fuels, then miners are probably using such sources of energy and are contributing negatively to climate change. But influence can be positive because Bitcoin miners can be big buyers of clean energy, creating a demand for it and boosting further growth of that industry.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: Zoomic on March 24, 2024, 06:36:33 PM
Just like every other power houses and production houses, Bitcoin mining consumes lots of energy. During the mining process, dangerous chemicals (carbon dioxide) are emitted into the air, thereby polluting the environment which in turn contributes to climate change. What ever has an advantage also has disadvantages, but the Bitcoin mining activity can actually be regulated so as to enable an clean environment free from pollution generated by Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies mining activities. It is even safer to know that Bitcoin mining doesn't really pose as an environmental threat since we only have few miners in the world.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: Assface16678 on March 24, 2024, 08:53:06 PM
Just like every other power houses and production houses, Bitcoin mining consumes lots of energy. During the mining process, dangerous chemicals (carbon dioxide) are emitted into the air, thereby polluting the environment which in turn contributes to climate change. What ever has an advantage also has disadvantages, but the Bitcoin mining activity can actually be regulated so as to enable an clean environment free from pollution generated by Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies mining activities. It is even safer to know that Bitcoin mining doesn't really pose as an environmental threat since we only have few miners in the world.
Notice that if you will search online for bitcoin miners you will see a lot of bitg operations that run bitcoin mining, i've watched a vlog topic about bitcoin mining and there's an operation that is so big and only dedicated for bitcoin mining I think this kind of big infrastructure is what OP is pertaining, because this big space has many gpu's or computer thatbis being operational for bitcoin mining solely and we know the energy consumption of an bitcoin mining device consumes a lot of electricity, the more powerful thr device the more energy it requires, although bitcoin mining is not the only or major contributor to climate change or greenhouse gases they still can contribute and that's a fact. But we can't just blame or see bitcoin as the major contributor to climate change; there are more things out there—factories, appliances, power plants, and many more—that are more harmful than what bitcoin mining does.

Title: Re: Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
Post by: NeuroticFish on March 24, 2024, 09:00:59 PM
Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?

Yes and you will find stories about it and a lot of FUD too.
* Bitcoin mining consumes a lot of energy (and OMG we gonna die because of this /sarcasm)
* Bitcoin mining can be used to consume excess energy in many cases, including, for example methane that would otherwise be burned or released to the atmosphere
* Bitcoin is money and money drives to both good and bad, depending on the people having it