Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: KawalGrover on March 30, 2014, 12:16:26 AM

Title: Bitcoin ≡ Namaste
Post by: KawalGrover on March 30, 2014, 12:16:26 AM

Let me explain. You see, those smarty pants cryptographers like to use the symbol ‘≡‘ for saying “Is congruent to”.

Namaste is an acknowledgement to your soul from mine. Direct. With Existence itself as the witness to that acknowledgement. To you from me.

Bitcoin is very similar to that. Its a transfer of a token to you from me. Direct. Without relying on a third party.

Direct. To you from me. Without a third party!

So, whats the big deal?

Well. You know how abundant breath is and yet most people take it a little too much for granted. Spend some time with some yogis and you realize how important the significance of that breath is.

Just like the breath which we never question, we don’t pay much attention to our daily interactions with each other. All these interactions for the most part are governed through a medium we all have come to love and call ‘money’. Most of the times it’s issued by the state (or banking structures of your country) and how it works is usually not taught in schools or colleges. Its just left out. Its significance is not questioned or wondered for the most part.

And just like the breath pervades its energy into your very being, money pervades into all aspects of our society. This hidden energy affects us in more ways than you can imagine.

And though the US Internal Revenenue Service calls it an asset. Fincen calls it a ‘virtual currency’. Germany treats it like a ‘private money’. And there are many many more interpretations of it. Its much much much more than that.

Bitcoin is a protocol. Just like the TCP/IP (on which the internet is built) is a protocol. In the early stages of internet, it was just used to share static documents in plain HTML mostly by professors and people in academic circles. That is where Bitcoin is today.

But soon. Very soon, we’ll see some of the first distributed applications built on top of this protocol coming out. And just like Javascript, AJAX and various other Web 2.0 technologies transformed the internet to where it is today, we’re about to see a radical transformation in the arena of financial products.

If you haven’t heard of Bitcoin yet, or are still waiting on the sidelines, I suggest you start to get to know it. Its about to rock your world (for the better)!

Bow your head to it and wish it NaMasTe. :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin ≡ Namaste
Post by: CoinRocka on March 30, 2014, 12:32:36 AM
Nice post Grover!

I agree, day trading Bitcoin is doing it a great injustice...

Title: Re: Bitcoin ≡ Namaste
Post by: Beliathon on March 30, 2014, 01:25:01 AM
And just like the breath pervades its energy into your very being, money pervades into all aspects of our society. This hidden energy affects us in more ways than you can imagine.
Beautiful and poignant. Thank you for sharing.

Oh, and about the dollar (

Title: Re: Bitcoin ≡ Namaste
Post by: KawalGrover on March 30, 2014, 11:47:57 PM
Nice post Grover!

I agree, day trading Bitcoin is doing it a great injustice...

Thanks CoinRocka. I'm sure the day traders are serving some purpose. More people know about Bitcoin because of them. :)

But I'm more excited about all these 'DAC', 'DAO' and 'DAPPs' as they call them.

The more people interact directly, the faster we start fixing our own issues.

Title: Re: Bitcoin ≡ Namaste
Post by: KawalGrover on March 30, 2014, 11:50:48 PM
And just like the breath pervades its energy into your very being, money pervades into all aspects of our society. This hidden energy affects us in more ways than you can imagine.
Beautiful and poignant. Thank you for sharing.

Oh, and about the dollar (

Thanks Beliathon. And thank you for sharing that link. That was some awesome and scary insight.

Title: Re: Bitcoin ≡ Namaste
Post by: sundance on March 31, 2014, 12:11:11 PM
Thank you for that. Bitcoin is a way to support awakening consciousness and end our slavery.

Title: Re: Bitcoin ≡ Namaste
Post by: Beliathon on March 31, 2014, 12:52:14 PM
Thank you for that. Bitcoin is a way to support awakening consciousness and end our slavery.
Indeed, Carl Sagan said, "we are a way for the universe to know itself".

I would add, "we are a way for the Earth to heal itself... or destroy itself. That's up to us."