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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Queentoshi on March 29, 2024, 02:39:40 PM

Title: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Queentoshi on March 29, 2024, 02:39:40 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: AbuBhakar on March 29, 2024, 02:44:12 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.

I really doubt that this incident will be forgiven since trust is everything on casino industry especially if it’s involved money. If I’m a casino owner, I will not tolerate this behavior because my company life is based on the funds for gambling so if I have an employee that can’t handle his addiction then he is already considered as incompetent to the job description he is taking part.

Immediate termination is always the right choice here because trust is already broken while there’s a lot of chance that this will occur again in the future because it’s an addiction problem and not a simple mistake at work that related human error. Allowing employees that mix their personal problem to work especially if the problem is related to his work is already a big red flag.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: retreat on March 29, 2024, 02:48:17 PM
Gambling companies are the same as other companies, they have an employee code of ethics where if there are employees who violate ethics and use company money illegally then they will be very likely to be punished and expelled from the company. Because they are the same as criminals who steal people's money and use it for themselves - and they are not worth keeping around and leaving them alone. Even for whatever reason, gambling again or because their wife is about to die, stealing company money is still theft and that is a criminal act, and they deserve to be punished.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: qwertyup23 on March 29, 2024, 02:49:46 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.

There will definitely be consequences that the employee would face.

Remember that the employee misused the company funds for his own game. Regardless of what the purpose may be, be it for gambling or anything else, it does not change the fact that he used funds without the consent of the company for his own gain. That person may be charged with theft and I doubt that casinos would take it lightly as that would be a blatant violation of trust and honesty by the employer.

If I were the owner of that casino and I discovered that my employee stole funds for his own gain, I will let the law decide on what the punishment would be. At the end of the day, business would be business and once you break the trust, you face the music with all its might.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Ruttoshi on March 29, 2024, 02:52:54 PM
The mistake that the casino owner did was to employ a gamble addict, since you said that the employer knows he is battling with his addiction. No matter how hard the addicted employee is, he must gamble with company's funds. This is because addicted people don't think about their actions or the outcome of their actions. The moment that adrenaline feelings have been activated, they can even steal or sell their property to gamble.

I would not blame the employee but the employer who didn't prevent that from happening by employing an addict. If I don't know that he is a gamble addict, I will get him arrested. However, it depends on how much money that we are talking about. You cannot give fish to a cat to secure it for you. I also believe that casino owners must give a proper orientation to their worker never to gamble, because they know the consequences it will bring to their business.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: danherbias07 on March 29, 2024, 02:53:56 PM
I don't think it will be forgiven at the level you are thinking. They will still be punished and the lighter punishment will be to just kick him out of the company which I think is the very least he will receive. The worst part is if it's proven that the employee has not only done it once but many times and the amount is too much he needs to pay it back so that the business could make a little bit of profit from what he has done.

Still, this is a case inside a company so they have the authority on what punishment they would like or what cases they want to file against the person who did it. So, it's all up to his boss.
But, so that it won't be repeated and no one will try to do the same thing as he did, I bet he will take the punishment to a higher level for a good lesson to everyone employed in his company.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: hedgeh0g on March 29, 2024, 02:57:14 PM
I sometimes see how news appears in the news feed about how a bank employee or another person who is connected with the cash desk can steal this money in order to place a bet and give it back, but this is an unjustified risk, because if they lose, they will go to jail and They will give back even more money than they lost. Surely employees of bookmaking establishments who have access to money do the same. Of course this doesn't happen often, but it can happen at any time. That is why only remote employees who have been verified by various methods can have access to money, up to the question of whether you have alcoholics or addicts in your family. Generally speaking, this will happen, but the employee should not be allowed to have access to all the money, but only to that small part that is required for work.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Oshosondy on March 29, 2024, 02:57:39 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.
What to do is very simple. I will arrest him until he pays all the money back. He can do whatever he likes with his salary but not company's money.

The mistake that the casino owner did was to employ a gamble addict, since you said that the employer knows he is battling with his addiction. No matter how hard the addicted employee is, he must gamble with company's funds. This is because addicted people don't think about their actions or the outcome of their actions. The moment that adrenaline feelings have been activated, they can even steal or sell their property to gamble.
The mistake is not that they employ someone that is addicted. The mistake is that they employ an ignorant person. Someone that knows he can go to 5 years or more years in jail will not be stupid to use company's money for anything not to talk of gambling.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: sunsilk on March 29, 2024, 02:58:30 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling?
Misuse of company's fund is an illegal offense and that for sure going to make the company sue the employee for even touching the funds and using it for gambling.

If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform

It won't be an excuse even if the nature of business of the company is gambling. What he did is a crime.

what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.
And that's why he has to face the charges that will be made against him. He has to deal with the consequences.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: cabron on March 29, 2024, 02:59:55 PM
That casino staff would know before he could even manage to spend a thousand from casino funds, they audit it every time. Wherever he gambles, the staff would know since they are a network of gamblers.

But if he really is that good and manages to pocket more money from the casinos then he'd be kicked out of his job unpaid. That's probably a slap to the wrist punishment but we know Casinos are managed by unforgiving leaders, so it might not be the case.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: m2017 on March 29, 2024, 03:04:16 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.
Any casino has a rule not to hire people who gamble as employees. If casino owners (managers) become aware of their employee's addiction to gambling, then this employee will be fired even before he reaches the stage of gambling addiction. This is common practice. If we generalize in relation to business (a casino is a business), then any employee who interferes with business or creates a threat to business through his actions, then this employee will simply be fired. There can be no other options here.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Davidvictorson on March 29, 2024, 03:05:07 PM
There are punishments that will deter such behaviors. I do not care if the employee is addicted or not. Don't steal my companys  funds. If I go bankrupt, will the employee stick with me. I will not accept such behaviors that is detrimental to the growth of my organization. I will arrest the employee until I recover all of the monies that he employee stole.from me. After we have done that, then we will talk about therapy. If you are not hard on that employee another employee will steal from you and the cycle will continue. I will never come such behavior..Never.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Huppercase on March 29, 2024, 03:08:41 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.

I'm not sure if a betting company will be silly to allow a casino funds to be controlled by a single person. Companies knows the risk associated with their money so what they do is they make sure that the money of the company is deposit into account with multi signature, a single person can't move money without the consent of others and any money that is move will be accounted for, that's why transparency is need by the financial secretary, every money spent most be pen down and where the money went.

Similarly, crypto casino aren't different from this, funds are kept in a multi sig wallets before anyone can access the wallet and incase any person from the company use the money for anything, it can be trace and if they found out that there is some foul play, investigation would be carried out and if it warrant been sack, that would be decided by the company. I just think of will be foolish for any person to even try such scam to his company.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Zanab247 on March 29, 2024, 03:10:27 PM
Don't forget that casino or betting company are like normal companies we operate by employed employees to help the companies to generate money and, you found out that your employees is using the company money to build houses, buy cars and moving from one club partys to parties with the company money.

If you find such employees in your betting company is to use police to arrest he or she, so that you can recover your money back because if you fail to take action on such issues, it can make your casino or gambling center to collapse which I have seen many casino owner who have fold up for such issues because they failed to take action on time.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: coin-investor on March 29, 2024, 03:19:55 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.

This is a betrayal of trust and malversation of funds or can even go to qualified theft, gambling addiction is not a good reason why you steal from your company.

The company puts you in that position because they trust you. You are so lucky if your manager forgives you but even if you are forgiven you should pay the money that you diverse, because if the manager tolerates your wrongdoing and forgives you without paying.

Those who will hear this story will think that using other people's money is ok as long as you ask for forgiveness.
It is okay to forgive and to make mistakes is human but you have to be responsible for all your mistakes and pay for them.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Sunderland on March 29, 2024, 03:20:12 PM
It is unlikely that this will happen in online casinos because only a few people have access to open their hot wallets or cold wallets.
In fact, in many online casinos, only the owner can access it.

In land-based casinos, supervision is also very very strict, CCTV is definitely everywhere.
It would be very stupid if anyone dare to use/steal casino money to gamble again, the consequences could be very harsh and cruel considering that land-based casino owners are clearly not just ordinary people.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: uneng on March 29, 2024, 03:20:37 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling?
I don't think the company will understand, because they will be suffering a direct impact over the sustainability of their business, what can completely compromise the capacity of this company paying their operational expenses, besides paying gamblers' withdrawals. In other words: the mistake of a single employee can lead the casino to bankruptcy, if the issue isn't addressed in time.

If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment?
Maybe. It will depend on who this employee is, what he has already done for the company and how the relationship with his boss is. Then the manager may be more or less strict with him when deciding for an appropriate punishment.

If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.
As said earlier. It will always depend on who the employee is. If I see he is a good person, but is struggling to fight addiction back, I could have mercy, but if the bad character of the employee is immediately identified, I wouldn't be merciful to his cause. In every cases, the fact is that the employee has to be instantly removed from his functions in order to not generate further prejudices for the business.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: coolcoinz on March 29, 2024, 03:26:21 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling?

Are you in this situation? Are you asking us if you should do it because they might not be harsh on you if you claim to be an addict? :D

This reminds me of that thread where someone asked if we'd trust an employee who is a known gambler.

It doesn't matter. If you steal from a company you will be fired and most likely they'll notify the police. Maybe if this was a small family owned company and you gave the money back or worked overtime for free, but 99% of such crimes will be prosecuted.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on March 29, 2024, 03:27:26 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.
I doubt any casino owners will allow such an issue slide without taking drastic measures against such an employee to recover their funds, even if it means arresting such an employee and alerting the family members to pay a substantial amount before being released under a signatory bail.
For me, such an employee would have to work from them on, for half the amount of wages he already receives till whenever it has balanced the books for monies he/she gambled away.

Such an excuse of gambling addiction shouldn't make an employee use company funds because he/she must understand that there must always be a time to give account or present the account of business done for a day, week, month and year.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: alastantiger on March 29, 2024, 03:32:59 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling?
If I am a gambling operator, I will ensure that as part of the recruitment process, that applicants state whether they are suffering from gambling addiction or not. And I will have them undergo a gambling addiction test. It is not meant to discriminate against anyone but to protect my business. Anyone whose results shows that they are high in gambling addiction, they will be screened out and not be selected. That way it saves me loss of money in the Long term when they eventually get employed.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Hispo on March 29, 2024, 03:34:22 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.

Well. In the first place, I doubt any kind of employee would be in the position to use the money of the casino or the sport book in order to gamble by its own. It would take someone within the administrative rank of the casino for them to be able to withdraw or misuse the money in such a way. The low positions of the casino where most of the workers to their business are highly controlled and restricted when comes to the financial access of the casino trunk of cryptocurrency.
But assuming somehow this person has access to the casino money and indeed loses much of it to other gamblers through sport betting, then I don't have any doubt he would be fired and charged with misuse of funds. The company and the staffers of the casino would not care whether he is addicted to gambling or not. Since we are talking about a crime, justice does not take those sort of justifications into consideration when arresting a prosecuting anyone.

Still, I insist it sounds rather unlikely for a casino to happen.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: aioc on March 29, 2024, 03:48:46 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling?
What's the reason the management will forgive him, you committed a crime so you should be punished for your crime, this qualifies theft and qualified theft is stealing from people who trust you, here in our country there is a jail sentence for this crime

If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.
In the first place, he should be honest to tell the management that he is battling a gambling addiction, it is all his fault if I were the manager the lighter punishment I could give him is to return all the money at a specific time and fire him, and the worst if he cannot return the money is to charge him

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Accardo on March 29, 2024, 03:57:47 PM
First, he'll be replaced by a competent employee, second, the funds will be deducted from his salary. I think it's an excellent method to deal with this betrayal. The problem will be taken seriously because it's in the gambling niche. An employee in a casino setting isn't meant to be a compulsive gambler. They prefer employees who don't look into gambling. That's why most casino attendants can't answer some gambling questions. Responding to this question, it'll be difficult for an employee to access the fault where casino funds are being stored. Except he plotted this with some criminals. Speaking of online casinos, I think the private key is held by the boss or owner of the casino. And the withdrawal method is quite automated with some codes, I guess. As it doesn't look manually done. Hence accessing the funds isn't simple for any employee. I understand that every organization owns a treasurer, but they need to have a joint signature with the casino owner. No amount will be moved without the approval of the casino. Figuring a way as an employee to go against this and stealing the money for gambling purposes will be a punishable offense.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: betswift on March 29, 2024, 04:06:23 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.

If an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling, this constitutes a serious breach of trust and legal boundaries, regardless of the nature of the business. Betting companies and casinos, like any other business, are bound by legal and ethical standards that include how employees handle company funds. Misuse of funds is, fundamentally, a form of embezzlement or fraud.

While personal struggles do not excuse illegal activities such as misappropriating funds.
However, the response to such an incident can be like offer support for rehabilitation as part of or alongside punitive measures, recognizing that the employee is battling a gambling addiction.

While a compassionate approach towards an employee’s addiction is important and can be part of the overall response, it does not negate the need for accountability and measures to safeguard the company’s assets and reputation.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Yatsan on March 29, 2024, 04:08:24 PM
I think it is obvious to think that the management won't allow a normal employee to have access in the platform's fund and most of the time, the 'heads' are the only ones who has full control of it and that is for the same reason which is to avoid such tendency that could obviously cause a huge problem for the site's fund. They won't want such risk to take place given how complicated running a gambling site is. They'd for sure be able to track the transaction assuming that it would be a big one given that it is the house's fund, and that should be an enough warning to this employee.
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling?
If I am a gambling operator, I will ensure that as part of the recruitment process, that applicants state whether they are suffering from gambling addiction or not. And I will have them undergo a gambling addiction test. It is not meant to discriminate against anyone but to protect my business. Anyone whose results shows that they are high in gambling addiction, they will be screened out and not be selected. That way it saves me loss of money in the Long term when they eventually get employed.
Sometimes it is no longer gambling addiction but overall thinking of an individual. A gambling addict would be an employee to a gambling site? Sounds unrealistic I guess. If they're addicted to gambling, they won't have time to be in a site since they will be tempted to just spend their time playing due to compulsion.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: 348Judah on March 29, 2024, 04:11:59 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.

Do you think the gambling company will just employ someone randomly without having his KYC information's, know about where he lives and have his guarantors before they can entrust him their business, and after doing all the necessary means of verifying his identity, they will also have such gambler sign in through their agreements forms and letter of contract with their terms and conditions included in which can be used against such employee in the future if anything of this nature happens.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: robelneo on March 29, 2024, 04:17:46 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.

We're talking about a casino, not a charitable institution of course they will arrest and charge the employee, this is in-house stealing, here in our country it is punishable by imprisonment if you steal $400 your punishment is 12 years and an additional year for every $200 that's qualified theft if you steal from your company.

The employee can make a bargain if the operators agree to return the money but he will have a criminal record to warn his potential employers, there's a stiff punishment for stealing from your employers here in our country, the employee should just request to transfer to another department that doesn't deal with money to avoid this scenario.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: passwordnow on March 29, 2024, 04:27:51 PM
Being an addicted gambler that works for a gambling company doesn't define and support that person who's using the excuse of being addicted to be spared from the consequences of stealing money or misusing the company's money. There is no need to reason out that you as an employee is addicted to gambling and as someone being trusted by the company with their funds, you don't have any means of right to spend them to anything that you want and it's truly stealing if you've used them for your personal usage and much worse if you've spent them to gambling. Yes, they're a gambling business but they won't tolerate such actions that are being done by their employees because it is company's property and money that you've used without any permission and they can file for a lot of case with that. If this is a real situation, I've read many of them and that didn't really turned out to be good as if you'll just kneel down to the owners and ask for their forgiveness. Maybe, they'll reciprocate and might give you forgiveness but you have to deal with any counter action that they'll send back to you.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Ever-young on March 29, 2024, 04:35:51 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling?
If I am a gambling operator, I will ensure that as part of the recruitment process, that applicants state whether they are suffering from gambling addiction or not. And I will have them undergo a gambling addiction test. It is not meant to discriminate against anyone but to protect my business. Anyone whose results shows that they are high in gambling addiction, they will be screened out and not be selected. That way it saves me loss of money in the Long term when they eventually get employed.
This infact could prove to be quite an effective and interesting strategy for managing the risk of gambling addiction in your workforce.  I believe this could actually turn out to be a win-win for both the employer as well as the employees. The employer would avoid paying the costs associated with addictive gambling, and the employees on the other hand would not be in a situation where they could potentially damage their livelihood and reputation by losing their job due to excessive and uncontrollable gambling. I believe many operators that fail to take such actions are those that likely to fall into or be affected by the impact of the losses associated by gambling addiction.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: acroman08 on March 29, 2024, 04:43:02 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment?
I doqubt it. betting companies or casinos are businesses, a lot of them wouldn't care if you are battling gambling addiction. If you steal from them they'll most likely get you arrested.

If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.
I may sound harsh but being addicted is not an excuse to steal. I'd most likely get the employee arrested, and who knows perhaps experiencing the consequences of their action would make them reevaluate their life.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Ever-young on March 29, 2024, 04:56:24 PM

Gambling addiction test? Is there something like this exists because there’s no way to determine this unless the addicted person admits it. A lie detector test might possibly work but an addicted gambler can lie to hide their addiction.

Background check from previous work and contract agreement is commonly use by the casino to ensure that their employees is suitable for the job. A gambling addiction test is useless to do on a casino industry because there’s no such method like that in reality.

There are various techniques and approaches available to determine whether someone is at risk for gambling disorders. The Gamblers Anonymous 20 Questions is a self-assessment questionnaire that asks about a person's gambling behaviours and how they feel about it. Other resources include the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for gambling problem, which are based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, and again, the South Oaks Gambling Screen, a questionnaire that evaluates both gambling behaviour and its impact on a person's life could also turn out to pretty much effective.
You can equally Google the concepts if you're not conversant or familiar with them

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Ojima-ojo on March 29, 2024, 05:01:03 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.
This sounds so trivia but then let check some facts about the matter, how can you use a company fund to gamble, I don't think any casino staff will need to have money to gamble since they are part of the house and will always get some kinds of bonus that could exceed the possibility of having to need extra funds to gamble with.

But should in any case the situation play out that way, just know that the staff will be arrested and forced to refund the money by the law.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Asuspawer09 on March 29, 2024, 05:12:03 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.

I mean addiction is not going to be an excuse for sure to do such a thing to your company if they can prove that you use the company funds on gambling, For sure it is easily going to be jail time for you because you use the funds that are not yours, that is just theft or could be fraud there was no way around it even though you are a gambling addict, I mean if you take a look drug addict, being an addict doesnt really save them from jail, especially if there are the law of illegal usage or drugs, you use drugs which is illegal that is why you became an addict, so the fault is surely yours.

You might probably be able to argue at some point with the judge but it wasn't going to save you, probably you could lower your sentence if you have a good lawyer but it's not going to save you at all. I mean who in the right mind would use the company funds for something like gambling, if your going to think about it, its a money already using it on gambling doesnt really make any sense because your just putting the money at risk, if your goal is just to earn a money, if you have the company funds then just steal the company funds then you have your money end of the story, there was no need to put it on gambling right because you might only lose it, probably because he is already addicted, there was some possibility that he probably just want to borrow the money thinking that he has a better chance of winning but in the end, he just end up losing the bet then he can't repay the funds anymore.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Dewi Aries on March 29, 2024, 05:13:21 PM
All companies engaged in any field, of course they have their own rules where all the rules are for the good and progress of the company that is being run and if you ask about whether someone who is addicted who works in a casino is not in question if it turns out that they are misusing company money then obviously that is another thing, I mean the rules are still rules, nothing to do with whether they are addicted or not and there will also be no tolerance whatsoever from the casino to just because the employee has entered the addiction phase, in the sense that the law will still be applied.

Because after all the actions taken by the employee have harmed the casino where they misused company money to finance their gambling activities driven by addiction, after all they work there where they will get a salary and also of course they have agreed to follow all the rules in the casino about something that is allowed and something that is prohibited, so I think addiction is not an excuse to make them get tolerance from the casino regarding the mistakes they made.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Zlantann on March 29, 2024, 05:19:32 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.

Businesses in serious activities are operated sometimes without emotions or sympathy. The casino owner incurs so many expenses and has to pay so many bills to keep the business running and suddenly someone claims to be addicted and misuse funds. The employer would have to seek means to repay the amount he has wasted. Nevertheless, my decision will depend on the amount he misused. If the fund is high, he would have to repay it but if it is negligible I might forgo it. I might give him a long-term repayment plan which will suit him. I might also give him an option to keep working in the casino and deductions will be made from his salary. However, for me to adopt this last option, I would ensure that he goes through a rehabilitation process that will make him a responsible gambler. Who knows, he might in big and repay his debt ;D.       

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Reid on March 29, 2024, 05:24:39 PM
Then everyone would just claim they have a gambling problem/addiction just so they can escape the punishment. First of all, he/she has a contract with the business and I bet it says there to not be urged to gamble or gamble at the same premises on where they work. Perhaps they can do that on other gambling dens but not there.
Then, that's robbery. I don't think anyone would go unpunished with that even if you say you have a mental problem because you won't be employed there if you do.
I wish OP created an example to stretch the story because it is not easy to just judge what happened base on what he used.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: |MINER| on March 29, 2024, 05:34:54 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.
First of all I think the guy should be fired up then the company should take legal statement about that person. It not only the gambling addiction it is also his greedyness . If he didn't get proper punishment then he / she will do this again and again and that will be more dangerous. Moreover by his punishment all others people will got understand that they should also keep them self aways from these works.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Richbased on March 29, 2024, 05:40:32 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.

It is really difficult to work for a casino company and not get tempted to gamble with company's funds because I have been a witness to several occasions where the casino agent misused companies funds for gambling and the casino owner end up getting him arrested. This is the reason why most casino company prefers to hire a lady as their agent instead of guys because they know that the men may be tempted to gamble with companies funds and sometimes it isn't even that the person is addicted to gambling but they are just tempted to give a trial and see if they could be lucky and when they have lost some money they try to recover the lost amount and end up losing a lot of money. Again, another thing that leads to this act is that in a case whereby a customer wins a huge amount of money, they too will begin to imagine a possibility of trying their luck as well.

It is advisable to employ someone who have no knowledge of gambling to manage a casino otherwise if you employ someone who have knowledge of gambling, there is no way they won't be tempted to gamble with company's funds.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: adultcrypto on March 29, 2024, 05:50:22 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.
This is a big problem with many physical gambling shops and what discourages many of my friends from opening physical gambling shops because of various stories of employees of physical casinos mismanaging funds. Some of the stories I heard has it that some agents gamble with company funds and end up losing them.

The right punishment is to report them to the authorities instead of taking laws into your hands. If they face arrest and prosecution, that will be a legal way of settling the matter with the option of out of court settlement if they agree to return the money they misappropriated. If there are many cases of this disciplinary measures, others will learn and refrain from such habits.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Queentoshi on March 29, 2024, 06:02:59 PM
Any casino has a rule not to hire people who gamble as employees. If casino owners (managers) become aware of their employee's addiction to gambling, then this employee will be fired even before he reaches the stage of gambling addiction.
Is this a general rule with all betting companies? how do you know this please?
If a betting company will fire their staff or not choose to employ someone because of their gambling addiction, who then can employ these addicts? Or can we conclusively say that gambling addicts are unemployable?

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Rockstarguy on March 29, 2024, 06:50:34 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.
I don't think no gambling company will tolerate it employees for spending fund that belongs to the company with the consent of the company.  Whether addiction or no addiction their will be a punishment for any employees that tampers with the fund that belongs to the company. Every company believes if the company fund is used on things that makes no sense for the company it can affect the  company.   I have never seen a company that let go workers for taking fund that belongs to the company. Whenever companies come across workers for stealing they lose trust and interest to still keep such worker because they wouldn't want such thing to repeat again.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Rampagoe004 on March 29, 2024, 07:08:34 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.

He admits he is addicted to gambling, and expects lighter punishment, after spending my company's money? I don't think I would be so stupid as to let him keep working at my company. He has stolen my money and I will not tolerate it for any reason. Because if I let it go I think I'll be a joke to my other employees and there's a chance they'll do the same. I really hate betrayal. I will not try to sympathize with him because he is addicted to gambling and therefore he misuses my company funds.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Stalker22 on March 29, 2024, 07:09:00 PM

Stealing company funds is stealing company funds, gambling addiction or not.  What should they understand?  Its their money, not a personal piggy bank to feed your betting habit.

Casinos and companies are not charities. They will likely fire the employee, press charges, and maybe even claw back the stolen funds, and they have every right to take legal action.  Addiction might explain the behavior, but does the behavior excuse the theft?  No!  This person needs professional help, but that doesnt come at the expense of the company's security.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Z-tight on March 29, 2024, 07:14:52 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling?
What you used stolen funds to do does not matter, the point is that you stole the funds and that is a crime and you will surely face the music. Betting companies pay their staffs, they don't work for free, so if they want to gamble, they should do so with their salary or any of their own money. If the worker is an addict, then they should be placed under suspension until they seek help and solve their gambling addiction problem, or put in a department were they do not have any contact with business funds.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: bitzizzix on March 29, 2024, 07:16:57 PM
It seems counterintuitive, because I think most casinos definitely don't allow their employees to gamble at the casinos where they work. For reasons that I think make sense, those employees have an advantage because they are there all day and there is a good chance they know which machines will win or know some tricks on all the machines there.
And if I were a casino owner and I found out one of my employees was doing that, I would fire him because not only is he hurting my business, he's also hurting his already addicted self, and potentially making things worse.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Odusko on March 29, 2024, 07:22:05 PM
If the casino allows the staff to have access to such money it then means that they should be ready to face any thing that comes out from such access to company's money when the CEO knows the individual to have a gambling problem because even though he works in the casino, that doesn't mean that he can win over the house in any game.
He must have to pay back the full amount since he should know better how risky gambling is most especially when gambling under pressure to win just like in his case where he is gambling with company money.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Juse14 on March 29, 2024, 07:23:05 PM
Of course you and I both understand that gambling addiction can influence a person's decisions. However, in order to maintain financial integrity and security, it is of course important to implement disciplinary action or punishment if employees use company funds for gambling activities, especially if these actions violate company policy.

In this case, companies can provide help and support to employees to help them overcome their addiction problems, while taking appropriate disciplinary action under the misconduct policy. Additional measures may also be necessary, such as limiting the use of company funds or further consolidating employee financial activities.

As a casino or gaming platform owner, it is important to have a clear policy regarding gambling addiction among your employees and provide support and resources to help them overcome the problem. In this way, the company can maintain its integrity while safeguarding the well-being of its employees. his employees.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: piebeyb on March 29, 2024, 07:34:55 PM
I would not hire an employee who is addicted to gambling, obviously if I knew maybe I would expel him from his job because this company is a profitable business and it would be very detrimental if there was an employee who dared to try to take advantage of it and obviously it would be followed by other employees, so it is very It's dangerous to maintain it, although sometimes I also don't find it strange to see even the founder of an online casino site broadcasting live gambling on their site.

So if we are talking about people playing with the company's money, it is clear that it is clear that it is not permissible except for personal money to gamble so that it will not interfere with the company's finances either, but you need to be careful about people in the employees who work at the betting company to manipulate and take advantage of the company's access to win big money there. , so in my opinion it should not be maintained, employees like that should be dismissed because they are fighting gambling addiction and should be kept away from gambling, not allowed to continue gambling because it will have no results.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: decodx on March 29, 2024, 07:36:54 PM
Yeah. The company has every right to take legal action and get him arrested.  But sending someone to jail often just makes the roots of the addiction deeper.  This guy needs counseling and a path to make amends, not just punishment.  There should be opportunity for grace too.  The betting company could get its money back and maybe help reform an employee rather than ruin a life.  Just a thought.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: ajiz138 on March 29, 2024, 07:43:54 PM
Usually employees will not have access to company funds, they only work according to what has been their share if it happens and when the company audits financial management, the employee will be followed up as a punishment, maybe he will be fired without any defense.

I am sure the company has a way to deal with fraudulent employees they will not be that easy for staff or other employees to have access to it, this is not their domain unless there is something else that makes the employee able to access or misuse company funds.

Especially if it is a crypto casino then the hot wallet will not be accessible to them.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: alegotardo on March 29, 2024, 07:50:52 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.

All theft must be strictly punished, regardless of its motives.
Regarding the emotional state of the defendant who committed the crime, it is not up to the company that was the victim to consider the circumstances, but rather to justice.

Your post reminded me of the robbery at Soboba Casino, in California, which occurred in 2007. An employee committed a robbery of 1 and a half million dollars at Soboba Casino, and used all his knowledge about the inner workings of the casino to carry out the robbery, even holding his co-workers at gunpoint.

Ramos took wads of money from the casino's safe, put it in a backpack and ran away... luckily he couldn't hide forever because the police found him in a hotel near the airport and arrested him, but at that point he had already spent almost all of it. money with women, accommodation and drugs.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: DaNNy001 on March 29, 2024, 07:58:08 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.
I doubt anyone would even consider this without first given him the beating or drilling of that he deserves. Collecting something that doesn't belong to you is called stealing and there is no excuse to justify what he did and moreover it's a business ground and whatever is done their should be strictly related to business. If you know you are gambling addict then why would even volunteer to go get a job at a casino firm.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: swogerino on March 29, 2024, 08:15:20 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.

I think not only in this case but also in every other business an employee who misuses funds will simply be arrested or at least be punished with being fired and with a bad reference for any other company that may want to employ that person.I think that we all sign our NDA-s (non disclosure agreements) with the company we sign a new contract of work so I would not tolerate any employee who breaks this rule of the job,I would not care if he said he is fighting gambling addiction,gambling addiction cannot be fought by using funds don't belong to you,gambling addiction needs professional help and recovery.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Issa56 on March 29, 2024, 08:16:53 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling?
Definitely the person is going to be punished for that, it doesn’t make sense how will you gamble with companies funds, why will you even be thinking to make you do such a crazy activity? Am sure the gambling company will definitely request for a refund of their money, and immediately they get that, they will be sacking the staff. Whenever you are putting anyone in your accounting department, make sure the person is not a addicted gambler, you will be surprised about the crazy behavior that some addicted gamblers do, they are ready to risk anything just to gamble.

If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment?
If I own a company, and something like this happens, I don’t care if the staff is battling with gambling addiction, all I will request for is to get my money back, the amount the staff decided to gamble with, and after that, am going to sack the person from my company, someone like that can’t take care of a company.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on March 29, 2024, 09:32:40 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.
First of all, using a fund that is not yours is an act of stealing, which shouldn't be tolerated by any company or organization who intends to maximize profit, because for me, the best & only advice I can give for an employee of a casino who misuses fund is for such individual to be sacked or arrested immediately, because being a gambling addict is never a reason for one to mismanage funds placed under his/her custody, as keeping such people will be causing more harm than good for such casino.
However, when it comes to employing people in a casino or any sector at all, I think running a test of personal fitness would have been far better, rather than employing someone not fit for such job, that is for example, putting a gambling addict in a gambling environment.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: angrybirdy on March 29, 2024, 09:40:26 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.

that kind of sin in a company is not just tolerated and ignored, just like in normal business companies, there is a sanction given to such employees especially the funds themselves are being discussed here, it seems like internal fraud/theft happened , you even mentioned that if the employee is suffering from a gambling addiction, that's when there will be a problem because it is possible that such an issue will repeat itself if the incident is ignored.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: TravelMug on March 29, 2024, 09:43:31 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.

There is one such case in our country, 4 Korean employees caught on camera stealing from NCR casino. (

CCTV cameras at a casino in Metro Manila caught four employees stealing at least P6 million from the establishment's coffers.

CCTV footage showed the suspects—all Korean—stuffing money into paper bags and handing them over to an accomplice.

They even destroyed a CCTV camera, but missed another.

And they all have been arrested already, not sure what the jail time will be, but since they are caught red-handed, and even if they destroyed the camera, they don't know that there are still one hidden around. So for sure this South Koreans will have to be punished and let this be a lesson for other employees not to steal.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Casdinyard on March 29, 2024, 10:07:40 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.
They will be incarcerated. And I don't think gambling addiction is a clinically-recognized mental disorder, so no lighter punishments will be administered to you just cause you're arguing gambling addiction.

On the side of the employer, it all depends on how much they are able to steal from the casino, There are denominations set by some companies that would determine whether they deserve to be laid off without any felonies or misdemeanors in their name, or if they really need to get jailed lol. For some it's as little as a 100 bucks, for some there may not even be any type of denomination and you'll automatically be carried to court if you're caught on the act. So don't bother stealing something from your company, the money that you took from them won't be worth shit to how much they can charge you back when you get put into court for the crime, and you also run the risk of doing the time itself, and getting a hit on your name which won't be good for employment. Don't be stupid, stay on the right and narrow and do not risk your life getting ruined over a couple hundred or thousands of dollars.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: AmoreJaz on March 29, 2024, 10:18:08 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.
They will be incarcerated. And I don't think gambling addiction is a clinically-recognized mental disorder, so no lighter punishments will be administered to you just cause you're arguing gambling addiction.

On the side of the employer, it all depends on how much they are able to steal from the casino, There are denominations set by some companies that would determine whether they deserve to be laid off without any felonies or misdemeanors in their name, or if they really need to get jailed lol. For some it's as little as a 100 bucks, for some there may not even be any type of denomination and you'll automatically be carried to court if you're caught on the act. So don't bother stealing something from your company, the money that you took from them won't be worth shit to how much they can charge you back when you get put into court for the crime, and you also run the risk of doing the time itself, and getting a hit on your name which won't be good for employment. Don't be stupid, stay on the right and narrow and do not risk your life getting ruined over a couple hundred or thousands of dollars.

In this case, it depends on the company policies regarding misuse of funds, no matter where they used it. Because some companies are indeed strict when it comes to implementation of their policies especially if the funds involved is big. But for small companies, and the amount is not significant, they may settle it with the employee like being laid off and paying what he owed to the company.

I doubt anyone would even consider this without first given him the beating or drilling of that he deserves. Collecting something that doesn't belong to you is called stealing and there is no excuse to justify what he did and moreover it's a business ground and whatever is done their should be strictly related to business. If you know you are gambling addict then why would even volunteer to go get a job at a casino firm.

If the gambling addict still continue to work even if he knows he has gambling problem, then, I would say, he is indeed looking for a chance to get money from the casino coffers and use it. The casino will determine if it is misdemeanor (petty theft) or a felony (grand theft) and punish the person accordingly.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Quidat on March 29, 2024, 10:21:30 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.
Everything would really be depending into the casino owner or business owner whether he/she would really be having that kind of pity towards the employee and having some considerations or not.

In my case if this one happens then it would be something that not tolerable. He/she would really be needing to suffer the consequences, im not really that kind of person who doesnt have considerations but such act would have put up the business that you do have in trouble. What if the funds on that moment had lost all? Where you would really be getting those funds back?
For sure it would really be giving out that kind of impact on which you might be suffering that extreme loses in that case.

If someone of your employee broke out that trust then it would be better on laying it off while its still early because if you do still accept that then you are just basically
putting up yourself into such possibly another trouble.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: mirakal on March 29, 2024, 10:36:18 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.

I really doubt that this incident will be forgiven since trust is everything on casino industry especially if it’s involved money. If I’m a casino owner, I will not tolerate this behavior because my company life is based on the funds for gambling so if I have an employee that can’t handle his addiction then he is already considered as incompetent to the job description he is taking part.

Immediate termination is always the right choice here because trust is already broken while there’s a lot of chance that this will occur again in the future because it’s an addiction problem and not a simple mistake at work that related human error. Allowing employees that mix their personal problem to work especially if the problem is related to his work is already a big red flag.
Dishonesty is a big threat to all companies. Whether it’s a betting company or not, the fact that your employee breaks the rule and misuse the company’s funds, that employee deserves to be fired immediately. Otherwise, it’s like you are tolerating his behavior because he’s a gambling addict and would definitely do it again thinking that he’ll be forgiven again.

Gambling addiction is like a disease that it’s hard to be cured if the person itself does not allow it to be cured. So if one adopts gambling addiction in any company, that would be a threat for the welfare of the company, most particularly if the company caters majority on funds.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Orpichukwu on March 29, 2024, 10:47:53 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.
There is no amount of excuse that's enough to justify the misuse of companies funds. No matter what the issue is supposed to be, using company funds shouldn't be tolerated at all, the person should be arrested, and all funds used should be paid back to the company, and such a person should not even be retained.
I just remember a case that happened in my old street where a cashier working in a physical betting shop used up most of the company's money to play bets in that shop.

At first, he started with a small amount, which his salary was able to cover until he got to a point where he got involved, and the guy got arrested by the owner of the shop.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: GigaBit on March 29, 2024, 10:56:06 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.
An addicted gambler can definitely be profitable for that gambling company. But addicted employees are never good for any company. If you are a company owner, what kind of employees would you like to have in your company? Of course we will try to ensure that every employee is not addicted to anything. Because it is never possible to get the expected service from an addicted employee. The employee may not be able to use the company's money, he may gamble with his own money. But still the loss of that company. Because the addicted gambler can never concentrate fully on his task. And if there are any employees who have company funds who behave in such unprofessional manner then those employees should be removed from the company immediately. Otherwise the company may face huge losses at any time. The company may even collapse.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: livingfree on March 29, 2024, 10:58:53 PM
I doubt anyone would even consider this without first given him the beating or drilling of that he deserves. Collecting something that doesn't belong to you is called stealing and there is no excuse to justify what he did and moreover it's a business ground and whatever is done their should be strictly related to business.
I agree, he has stolen money from the company.

There is no excuse for that and he can't reason out that he's a gambler so it's okay to use the company's money for his own purpose, it's not like that.

Corporations have their way of keeping their funds and audits them typically as a compliance for tax purposes and as well as to keep some records updated.

If you know you are gambling addict then why would even volunteer to go get a job at a casino firm.
If it's a real thing, lucky that the person passed and got the job.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: LDL on March 29, 2024, 11:03:23 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.
All these matters are basically internal matters of the company and how an employee will be treated by a company and how much positive or negative assessment will be made on him is only the company's prerogative. If an employee takes access from a company fund or steals money and spends it in an unethical way, then that employee must face disciplinary action. If a company forgives the employee or gives him a second chance, it will be a significant step for the company. However, if a gambling or casino company does such an unethical act, the company can punish the employee and conduct a financial audit. Any employee who commits such unethical acts in my casino or gambling establishment must be punished.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Slow death on March 29, 2024, 11:04:22 PM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling?

Most companies have very strict rules, they are always aware of any mistake that an employee might make so they can punish that employee and as a result they don't pay him a salary and fire him because that way they can hire another employee who will receive a very high salary. low, this very ugly and bad scheme has been done by companies since many years. In the event that an employee robbed the casino, I believe that the casino owners would fire the employee and complain to the police and that employee would be arrested and paid for all the money he stole from the casino, unfortunately the casino owners would have no mercy

If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment?

no, the casino owners would not consider that, they would complain to the police and the judge and they could analyze whether he was a person addicted to gambling or not and based on that the judge will determine the sentence he will impose, the The judge can sentence him to undergo treatment for addiction in isolation and then pay the money he used from the company to gamble and if he is cured then the judge could let him live in freedom. These are cases in which only the judge will decide

If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.

If I were the owner of a casino and were faced with a situation like this, I would just force the employee to undergo treatment to cure his addiction, I wouldn't report him to the police, I wouldn't charge him for the money he lost, I I would just fire him and tell him to go get treatment to cure his addiction

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: taufik123 on March 29, 2024, 11:50:48 PM
I just remember a case that happened in my old street where a cashier working in a physical betting shop used up most of the company's money to play bets in that shop.
There are many similar cases of using company funds for gambling or even for other things.
This is indeed the wrong path and will not be justified because it uses money that is supposed to be for the company but is used personally for gambling.

People who are usually involved in cases of misuse of money like this are people who do not have a good way of thinking, they just want more funds to start gambling.

If we can relate a case like this, maybe we can see how the case of former FTX CEO, SBF, who misappropriated company money or FTX members' money for his personal needs. This is a serious indictment because it will lead to embezzlement.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: betswift on March 30, 2024, 12:14:55 AM
I think it is obvious to think that the management won't allow a normal employee to have access in the platform's fund and most of the time, the 'heads' are the only ones who has full control of it and that is for the same reason which is to avoid such tendency that could obviously cause a huge problem for the site's fund. They won't want such risk to take place given how complicated running a gambling site is. They'd for sure be able to track the transaction assuming that it would be a big one given that it is the house's fund, and that should be an enough warning to this employee.
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling?
If I am a gambling operator, I will ensure that as part of the recruitment process, that applicants state whether they are suffering from gambling addiction or not. And I will have them undergo a gambling addiction test. It is not meant to discriminate against anyone but to protect my business. Anyone whose results shows that they are high in gambling addiction, they will be screened out and not be selected. That way it saves me loss of money in the Long term when they eventually get employed.
Sometimes it is no longer gambling addiction but overall thinking of an individual. A gambling addict would be an employee to a gambling site? Sounds unrealistic I guess. If they're addicted to gambling, they won't have time to be in a site since they will be tempted to just spend their time playing due to compulsion.

However, addiction is complex, and it's not just about the time spent; it's about the compulsive behavior and relationship with gambling. An individual who is addicted could very well work in a gambling environment—it might even fuel their addiction, having such close proximity to the source of their compulsion. This doesn't necessarily mean they'll be playing all the time; addiction can manifest in different ways. Some might find themselves constantly thinking about the next gamble, while others might engage in risky betting behavior outside of work hours. It's a risky situation, and it requires a lot of self-control and professional boundaries, which can be incredibly challenging for someone struggling with addiction.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Pi-network314159 on March 30, 2024, 04:32:02 AM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.
He will not be considered for any reason, if he has the enfontry to use his boss money to gamble, he will not be set free because he already knew the purnisent or law governing iligal activities, so doing it is like Dearing to see the out come which may never end well. Though the response of such situation will be determined by the boss of its an agresive boss, the person in question will really face the penalty by going to jail but if it's a good boss slow such person to work for some period of month without paying him salary. And that will be done on agreement between both parties.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: boyptc on March 30, 2024, 11:46:34 AM
It is a serious matter that will be seriously taken by the company. I won't be surprised if that employee will go to the office and will be lured by the company just to get arrested.

That will be the kind of setup that will happen if the betting company finds out that there's one employee that has became a culprit to the misusage of their funds.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Dewi Aries on March 30, 2024, 04:12:48 PM
It is a serious matter that will be seriously taken by the company. I won't be surprised if that employee will go to the office and will be lured by the company just to get arrested.

That will be the kind of setup that will happen if the betting company finds out that there's one employee that has became a culprit to the misusage of their funds.

Yes that's right, there is no such thing that companies will tolerate their employees just because the employee is confirmed that they suffer from addiction, because after all rules are rules and mistakes are mistakes, so of course as you said that this is a pretty serious problem for companies and not just companies engaged in gambling because this is a problem that involves misuse of money which is very sensitive.

In the end, the company will still bring this problem to the law especially when the amount of funds misused is very large which can harm the casino itself, firing the person and then imprisoning him is the right decision because he has a very bad personality who dares to take and misuse company money. This incident will certainly be a valuable lesson for a casino where with this happening, they will definitely be more careful in choosing and hiring people, especially in the financial department.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Lida93 on March 31, 2024, 05:28:07 AM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.
The act by the employee is an act of stealing and the law will have to take it course knowing fully that being a gambling addict is not an excuse to go against the company's working policy.

Assuming I have to let such worker go free without any consequential punishment it's as though I am abetting and endorsing his action by being emotional to an administrative case that am supposed to act impersonal about it and by doing so another employee could act in like manner and come up with another excuse of probably mentally illness this time. And that alone can cause the downfall of my company because every business needs money to keep running it's affairs and be in competition with their counterparts.

I do believe that punishing that employee is another way of making him understand the negative impact of gambling addiction on his person and if he is wise enough, after facing the punishment he will seek for support from professionals therapists on how to kill the addiction.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: macson on March 31, 2024, 07:25:32 AM
no company is willing that their money will be used carelessly, even by their own employees. even though the employee said that he gambled the money for a reason, none of the reasons would justify his actions for using money that was not rightfully his. if i were the owner of the casino, i would immediately imprison him and not listen to any reason.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: Megha_1 on April 02, 2024, 03:05:51 AM
I would really understand an employee of a betting company or casino who does not have access to the company's funds because he has misused gambling. If this employee claims that I am struggling with a gambling addiction, he will be considered for a light sentence.  or the owner of the gambling platform then such employee should suffer some penalty irrespective of gambling cannot give unexpected decisions to people

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: peter0425 on April 02, 2024, 05:05:04 AM
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.
it is not an exemption because they did not obey the rules and the law, and addiction is not a reason for us to make such mistakes so for me they must be put in Jail and suffer for their mistakes.

this is something like we should let the serial killer be free because they are addicted in killing people?and just say they are battling from killing ? ;D ;D

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: mich on April 02, 2024, 05:14:12 AM
Well I think that it can happen for other types of companies too. It must not only be just a gambling company.
We know it does happen for a big company with many funds. There is people who can steal from the company for his bad gambling habit.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: rodskee on April 02, 2024, 06:54:27 AM
It is a serious matter that will be seriously taken by the company. I won't be surprised if that employee will go to the office and will be lured by the company just to get arrested.

That will be the kind of setup that will happen if the betting company finds out that there's one employee that has became a culprit to the misusage of their funds.
and that employee seems to deserve such because he fails the trust of the
whole company to bring profit instead of losses.
Do you think a betting company or casino will understand and not arrest an employee who has access to company funds and then misuses it for gambling? If this employee claims that he is battling from gambling addiction, will he be considered for a lighter punishment? If you own such a casino or betting platform, what will you do to such an employee, understanding that addiction to gambling can make people make decisions that are unexpected.
I believe that I have come across this kind of issue back years and yeah the
company just noticed that the funds was being misused in long years after(but this
is not about casino employee but a regular company employee) but same faith that
he was brought into justice.
and If I were be the owner of the casino? I will not give consent to that attitude
because he will serve as an example to other employee to never use our funds to

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: kotajikikox on April 02, 2024, 10:54:45 AM
I think that being in business of gambling and exposing each time ? seems like normal for the employee to be lured and attracted to what they are seeing each day.
so for me? the employee has a second chance or should be given enough justice , giving 1 month of no payment is enough and charge those amount he spent for all his years in the company.

Title: Re: What if an employee of a betting company misuses company funds for gambling?
Post by: m1nu5 on April 02, 2024, 01:30:14 PM
Companies can implement safety measures such as regular audits, strict access controls, and employee training on ethics and addiction awareness. These measures can help identify potential issues early and prevent misappropriation of company funds.