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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Moreno233 on April 02, 2024, 01:25:39 PM

Title: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Moreno233 on April 02, 2024, 01:25:39 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: moneystery on April 02, 2024, 01:35:14 PM
that's why it's important for us as parents to be able to provide basic knowledge about gambling to our children. we must be able to tell them that gambling is not as exciting as they imagine, that they can earn money and become rich from it. we must be able to direct them to more positive activities and tell them that for now they must focus on their duties as children and study until they can pursue their dreams. this action should be able to prevent children from getting involved in the world of gambling.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: cabron on April 02, 2024, 01:38:54 PM
Isn't that the job of the local authorities in your town?  You can always get the attention of the authorities in your town and tell them what's happening in those bet shops. If they are not taking some action then there really is a need to call for morality in those officials.

Normally people on social media will look at the parents and probably award them the Father of the Year award and with that I guess the authorities will finally take action. Sometimes it needs a viral video before things get attention.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on April 02, 2024, 01:39:34 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?
Well, the only, which I believe is actually the best way, is for the government in all levels to become more strict to gambling operators, or the betting shops as it's often referred to.
Already, there is an underage law that is already in place and prohibit the participation of young people under the age of 18 from gambling, but the issue is that, many of the gambling operators we have around no longer care about this law, and some don't even know that such laws exists, simply because that governmental body that is charged with the responsibility of enforcing this law are no longer doing their job, they rather stand on the road and extort money from motorists and so, this is me particularly focusing on my country though, for I know that things may be a bit different in other countries, most especially the more developed ones.

So, the solution i can think right now is, for the government to become more strict in enforcing the law against underage gambling, this will ensure and make the gambling operators become more serious in rejecting bet requests from underage that enters their casino and request to play a game, such a person can either be sent away, but if he or' she keeps coming back, the parents of that child can be summoned, arrested and sactions, as a way of reminding them to look after their children more carefully.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Davidvictorson on April 02, 2024, 01:48:34 PM
Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?
Awareness campaigns. Start an awareness campaign in your community to educate parents, guardians , casino and bet shop Owners on the dangers of children getting involved in gambling. The children should not be left out of this advocacy. You should carry out a school outreach. Go to primary schools and secondary schools, go to churches, mosques and other places of worship where there are kids 7 - 17 years old. Carry out social media campaigns to reach a wider audience. This social media campaigns will target the parents, guardians, casino operators, bet shop Owners, and the general public. You can lobby the stakeholders and government to pass bills that will protect children from gambling and to deal with casino owner and bet shop operators who encourage allow kids into their premises.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Oshosondy on April 02, 2024, 02:07:33 PM
Awareness campaigns. Start an awareness campaign in your community to educate parents, guardians , casino and bet shop Owners on the dangers of children getting involved in gambling. The children should not be left out of this advocacy. You should carry out a school outreach. Go to primary schools and secondary schools, go to churches, mosques and other places of worship where there are kids 7 - 17 years old. Carry out social media campaigns to reach a wider audience. This social media campaigns will target the parents, guardians, casino operators, bet shop Owners, and the general public. You can lobby the stakeholders and government to pass bills that will protect children from gambling and to deal with casino owner and bet shop operators who encourage allow kids into their premises.
Just that the government do not care if children are gambling in your country. Anyone that should be allowed to gamble should be someone that is 18 years or above, but which can be 21 years in some countries. If the government made the law, the government also supposed to make sure that casinos and other gambling sites abide to it. The government should make it mandatory to first ask for identity card if new gamblers. This can be the most effective ways. Your idea is also good but it supposed to be secondary.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: un_rank on April 02, 2024, 02:15:23 PM
90% of the job falls on the parents. They get to decide what information the child consumes and the company they keep. If they are addicted to gambling themselves, it becomes more difficult to prevent their children from getting involved, they emulate what goes on around them.

The media can do a job of sensitizing parents on the dangers of minors gambling, especially since those shops will stop them from claiming any wins they have to keep for themselves.

- Jay -

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: coin-investor on April 02, 2024, 02:21:17 PM
.... My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?

It is the responsibility of the parents they are the ones to blame for exposing their children based on your story, it's the parents who should be educated on exposing their children to betting at an early age.
Responsible parenthood includes not exposing your children to a bad environment being a good example and influencing their children to be a good citizen.

The government also has a responsibility and that is to give warnings and penalize platforms that expose children to gambling, they are committing abuse if they expose children to gambling, the parents and the gambling platform should be held liable and there should be laws for that.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Davidvictorson on April 02, 2024, 02:22:04 PM
Just that the government do not care if children are gambling in your country. Anyone that should be allowed to gamble should be someone that is 18 years or above, but which can be 21 years in some countries. If the government made the law, the government also supposed to make sure that casinos and other gambling sites abide to it. The government should make it mandatory to first ask for identity card if new gamblers. This can be the most effective ways. Your idea is also good but it supposed to be secondary.
The government will not care if children are gambling until someone, an ordinary citizen, the parent , sibling, relative, friend of the child who got killed by a drunk driver on their way from the casino or bet shop decides to care. In my country I have seen pressure groups made the government care about a social issue through awareness and advocacy campaigns. These pressure groups and civil society can make the government care by lobbying lawmakers, stakeholders, community leaders, religious leaders and even the international community to lend their voices to underaged gambling and its dangers to the well-being of the child.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: YOSHIE on April 02, 2024, 02:48:00 PM
Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?
If you want to stop your child from getting involved in the world of gambling, especially casinos that operate near you, that's a simple and easy matter.
The method:
• Give your child a school that has a boarding house and teaches your child about religion.
• move house and find a house where offline casinos don't exist.

These two methods are often used by people to keep their children and themselves away from physical casinos.
Placing children in dormitories, Of course it will prevent him from mingling with delinquents and visiting physical casinos and looking for a house where casinos are not available, it can also help you and your family not fall into gambling.

These two methods are often used by those who don't like gambling and have succeeded well. These methods are positive, rather than doing nothing and continuing to pressure your child every day with rules that might make him stressed and frustrated.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Assface16678 on April 02, 2024, 02:54:06 PM
Sad but truth reality, no matter what discussion we will do if this topic and opinions will not reach those parents or children thay is currently being involved in gambling then this discussion is useless, not all peopme or gamblers can see or even know this forum, so what you are saying here about preventing younger age to gamble or educating the parents and children to be more responsible and avoid gambling, you should also do that, dont just talk and do a movement, raise a campaign or spread awareness in that way even in a small deed you can touch some parents or even gamblers that is exposed to gambling at younger age. So take action do some of your part be a voice for those who wants to spread awareness in those children that is already exposed and doing what they think is entertaining and good for them.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Zanab247 on April 02, 2024, 03:02:36 PM
I don't think anything will be done to protect children from gambling because, they know all the strategies their parents are using to gamble whenever they stop at some junction to gamble but they will not do it now when they are still in the primary or secondary school but once they enter higher institution, they will begin to gamble anyhow in the campus with their parents money.

Even in their school, some of their teachers are gamblers which is the reason why I said, it will be very difficult for parents to protect their children from gambling but you can protect them when you are with them but the moment you leave them to be alone in some hours or days, they will begin to have access to all those gambling app in their phone to gamble secretly.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Rruchi man on April 02, 2024, 03:07:09 PM
Just that the government do not care if children are gambling in your country.
I cannot find the topic exactly but I am hoping the OP of that topic sees this and highlights the post that I am about to make reference to.

We had a discussion about a country sometime ago where the government do not have any problems with the citizens gambling but heavily frowns against any form of gambling promotion either online or offline by any gambler or person. If governments of other countries can adopt this kind of policy, Gambling shops and outlets will be forced to take off their billboards and signpost, and it will to a good extent protect the underage from being exposed to gambling.

children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling.
As a parent or a guardian do not try to hide what gambling really is from your children because they will still get to find out and if you are not quick to let them know that gambling should be for fun and should be done responsibly at an age and time when someone has the money to spare for it, some of these children will learn from outside from other people that gambling is a way to make money putting them at the danger of addiction.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Hewlet on April 02, 2024, 03:15:22 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?
children learn more from what they see thier parents doing and regardless of the amount of casino or betting shops that's around your neighborhood, if the child hasn't seen the parent going into such places, it's going to be deficult for the child to start going into gambling or to even have the thought to gamble. But from a place of personal experience, I did high school in a neighborhood where always all the street has at least two betting shops and almost all the youth from fifteen upwards are into sports gambling and the way the gambling shops are designed, you can comfortably sit in the shop and watch live matches which makes the children to comfortably hang around most gambling shops although they don't necessarily gamble. Now the reality is that such children have high probability of engaging in gambling at an early age and because they might not be emotionally matured enough to handle some moment of losses that comes with sports gambling, it's possible they might end easily get addicted to gambling.

But then, as a parent you need to put in all the effort to protecting your childs mental health and ensure that circumstances around his upbringing doesn't shape him into becoming a toxic adult.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: acroman08 on April 02, 2024, 03:19:53 PM
Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?
The best thing you can do if you want kids to be protected is make them aware about gambling and the possible dangers and risks it has if they do it excessively. Trying to completely block children from seeing or knowing about gambling in this time and age is almost impossible, gambling ads is everywhere, so the best thing to protect them is to make them aware about gambling and then educate them.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: aioc on April 02, 2024, 03:33:45 PM
The challenge is on the government and the family, they are the one who will help nurturte the coming generations of the country, so government must educate the parents of the children of the harm of exposing their children at a very young age, and they can also warn or give penalty to gambling platform if they accept children below the age of admittance in gambling premises.

Here in our country, our governemnt is very strict in implementing laws against allowing children to bet, they should have a notification on their premises that they will not allow children to bet, the children cannot protect themselves so we the elder and the one who understand addiction should lead the way.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: alastantiger on April 02, 2024, 03:58:30 PM
Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?
This will sound nuts but physical shops for betting or gambling shouldn't be situated anywhere around schools, residential apartments, markets, religious places. They should be situated far away from places where kids can easily be found. Somewhere far far away. The community should take responsibility for each kids regardless of whether they are their kids or not in sending them away from these places if they are caught gambling. This is the reorientation that they need. Not my kid, not my problem shouldn't be the case because very soon the kid who is gambling and is not yours will soon teach yours how to gamble.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Truthlovecoins on April 02, 2024, 04:15:15 PM
Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?
Nothing can be done really, but it's not because the children know they would be in serious 'pot of soup ' literally, if they get caught by their parents or guardian or someone who knows them and know they shouldn't be there, but because they know their age wouldn't allow them, their knowledge of how to play the bet is often skewed, but if they insist, then the owners of the bet shops or gambling houses knows better than to allow children indulge in such habits unless they are orphans, lack child support or are members of street gangs and cults.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Ruttoshi on April 02, 2024, 04:25:10 PM
The parents are the ones to do this and no one else because they are our children. Everything a child learns starts from the house, and that is why it is the duty of the parents to enlighten their children and the consequences of gambling, and even use someone for an example. Watch the friends that they keep and try to be very close to your children and their friends, so that it will be difficult for your child to hide anything from you.

Parents shouldn't gamble in the present of their children, and always engage them with church activities to enable them work on the right part.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: masulum on April 02, 2024, 04:28:57 PM
support and become more close to their children can be a way to prevent children to gamble. support can provide motivation and a positive mentality to children. The more time spent with parents, the more indirectly parents can prevent children from other activities, including gambling. However, if it is discovered that a child is gambling, parents should start providing more supervision over the child, including finances. Indeed, gambling is not because parents are negligent, but it arises from their own desires. However, being together with children can minimize this.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: mu_enrico on April 02, 2024, 04:33:58 PM
- Knowledge is a must, teach them about probability and how the house edge works.
- If you find them gambling, discipline beat them if their age is still suitable for belting and stuff.
- If they are already addicted to gambling, seek professional help.
- If nothing works, kick them out.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Ever-young on April 02, 2024, 04:36:00 PM
Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?
Nothing can be done really, but it's not because the children know they would be in serious 'pot of soup ' literally, if they get caught by their parents or guardian or someone who knows them and know they shouldn't be there, but because they know their age wouldn't allow them, their knowledge of how to play the bet is often skewed, but if they insist, then the owners of the bet shops or gambling houses knows better than to allow children indulge in such habits unless they are orphans, lack child support or are members of street gangs and cults.

Indeed, children who are underage and still have access to gambling can be really vulnerable to dangers. Casinos and other gambling establishments should know better than to allow minors indulge in gambling activities but this isn't solely the responsibility of the casino or the gambling establishment owners to tackle kids who choose to gamble, the parents of the children or minors also have a vital role to play in detecting signs of gambling or gambling addiction in their kids and do something to help them before it gets out of hand and become a real problem for them and their relatives around them.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on April 02, 2024, 04:38:34 PM
My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?
Physical shops are never a problem to child gambling, because inasmuch as these betting shops are common this day, they are have strict rules to allowing only people above the age of 18years, which has always been the same to online casinos. Hence, judging from the scenerio you just explained above, I think the best and only way to stop children from picking interest in gambling is for parents to stop carrying their kids along while going to gamble, because though this may seem normal, it does have a phycological effect (i.e of want) it stimulates in the heads of these kids whenever they see their parents gambling. Hence, the best solution is to stop exposing them to gambling, be it physical or digital.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Hispo on April 02, 2024, 04:47:41 PM
Theorically, it is within the responsibilities of parents to educate their children and keep an eye on them, so they won't be victim of their own curiosity and start gambling within being aware of what they implications are for them and also for their future (economically speaking).
I can relate to the problem you are talking about because many people ignore that in many developing countries laws against bet shops and casinos providing services to minors are not enforced by police or authorities whatsoever, either because local corruption or because it is perceived not as a problem by police. So it is up only to parents to safeguard their children from all those advertisement billboards on the streets and on internet.
They are two approaches to take as a parent, either to hide gambling completely from children or educate them and break the taboo, so they understand from their childhood that gambling is not a piece of money and it could actually hurt them emotionally.

Children are smarter than their parents assume they are, ironically, so even if they tried to hide gambling from them, children will allow their curiosity to guide them.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Yatsan on April 02, 2024, 04:55:46 PM
They will always find a way to have access on gmbling platforms if they would want to. Best thing is to be a guidance to them and to set a morale that gambling could yield to worse situations. They might be aware of it but everyone needs a reminder from time to time until they possess the initiative of not doing so. Have them watched shows, I believe it is also a primary source of learning for children at a young age. You may also limit their access to money and funds that would allow them to bet. Be on watch as well with your child's friends. There are many ways and the goal should be to keep away their interest in this activity. Also, invest time knowing when did they started gambling and where did they learn about it.
My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?
Physical shops are never a problem to child gambling, because inasmuch as these betting shops are common this day, they are have strict rules to allowing only people above the age of 18years, which has always been the same to online casinos. Hence, judging from the scenerio you just explained above, I think the best and only way to stop children from picking interest in gambling is for parents to stop carrying their kids along while going to gamble, because though this may seem normal, it does have a phycological effect (i.e of want) it stimulates in the heads of these kids whenever they see their parents gambling. Hence, the best solution is to stop exposing them to gambling, be it physical or digital.
You may also block the common gambling sites they are engaging themselves with. Have them supervised as much as possible to be on watch of the things they enjoy; correction of behavior will then be implemented.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: piebeyb on April 02, 2024, 04:59:12 PM
Not all children will fully follow their parents' character, let alone their habits, so there's nothing you need to worry about either, it seems like your country is free and illegal, unlike my country, all offline gambling, such as shops, are not allowed to operate, let alone online gambling here, so still Children can still play online gambling, especially in your country where it is free and legal, of course it will be very easy for children there to try gambling, but again, every child has a different curiosity.

As parents we cannot forbid children to avoid gambling because basically whatever we prevent cannot necessarily prevent them from gambling, for example they can learn it from the internet or from their friends who play with them, so we cannot hide anything or forbid them, especially in countries where it is legal obviously it will be very difficult because they can still find gambling shops everywhere, the best advice is to explain about gambling when they ask what gambling is, so that when we explain it for sure they are very satisfied with the answer and don't want to find out let alone trying to play it.  ;)

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on April 02, 2024, 04:59:57 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?
Children don't go to physical shops to play bet, bet agents don't even give them that privilege to go close to their shops not to talk of entering inside to play a bet. You cannot stop the company from having physical shops because of children. and even if the children go online, most bet companies make your 18+ before they allow you register on their site, with proven ID Cards. Why would a parent even go to a betting shop with his child, that's wrong, the correction should be on the side of the parents not go with their children to a betting shop, because as a parent you must set a standard and protect your children from going into gambling at an early age, and don't play gamble in front of them.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: ryzaadit on April 02, 2024, 05:03:41 PM
Simple, all sites require (KYC) before they can play.

However, most casinos do not provide these. Because user don't like being ask by KYC, the only things in online we can do for verified the age is always based ask the KYC in front before they actually can access the website.

Make the website cannot being access after the register before the KYC is passed.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: coolcoinz on April 02, 2024, 05:14:44 PM
- Knowledge is a must, teach them about probability and how the house edge works.
- If you find them gambling, discipline beat them if their age is still suitable for belting and stuff.
- If they are already addicted to gambling, seek professional help.
- If nothing works, kick them out.

Just make sure no social worker, or neighbor sees you doing it because in many countries they will take your children away. I've heard that in the EU, especially Sweden and the Nederlands if someone finds out you hit your child even once you'll get the police knocking on your door.  For the record, I don't beat mine, but I do shout and threaten them at times with a TV or sweets ban because there's no other way of getting to that little brain of theirs.

The best way to stop children from gambling at early age is to set a clear age rule and not even allow them to step in the door of a casino, but stopping children from gambling online is more of  job for the parents.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Marykeller on April 02, 2024, 05:19:43 PM
90% of the job falls on the parents.
The remaining 10% is our responsibility, meaning that when we witness children under the age of eighteen gambling in a gambling house, we should warn them and get them out of there. We should also exercise caution when discussing our gambling successes and losses in front of children, as doing so without minding may encourage them to place a wager and experience winnings or losses of their own in the future. Finally, we shouldn't let the kids know how to interpret gambling ticket bets or accompany us to a gambling house.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: DabsPoorVersion on April 02, 2024, 05:19:59 PM
Simple, all sites require (KYC) before they can play.

However, most casinos do not provide these. Because user don't like being ask by KYC, the only things in online we can do for verified the age is always based ask the KYC in front before they actually can access the website.

Make the website cannot being access after the register before the KYC is passed.
That's actually the case, gamblers do not like to undergo the KYC process. Gambling sites with KYC most likely be avoided by a lot of gamblers, this is not to hide their age, but it is to maintain anonymity. However, to simply verify the age of the users before they can access the website, children can simply deceive the website by entering an incorrect age. There's no way to remove their access this way until the website verifies the true age of the user.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: GxSTxV on April 02, 2024, 05:25:41 PM
I think the big responsibility here goes on parents first because they are the ones who are placed to educate their children on what it is good and what is bad. We all know that gambling is considered as a bad habit since it has a lot of negative sides such as addiction.

Because of the Internet, we can say that it is inevitable for someone to not face any of those casinos ads especially if you have a very smart and curious child. So it is necessary that you educate your child and supervise his network activities, because even if some casinos require a significant age to enter we all know that this option is easy to zap and our generation is getting smarter especially when it comes to the new technologies. When it comes to physical casinos and betting places as you mentioned,  I don't think they let children go in especially if they are not with a company of an adult person. It is important to educate your children about the risks that comes with gambling and to set rules that they should follow to know that there are boundaries and structures to follow and explain the consequences of breaking those rules. Most importantly be a good example for your kids, show them what how a real good behaviour with money should be and keep communicating with you children, make them comfortable to talk about any concern or subject and try to make them discover an activities they can occupy themselves with instead of going into a toxic environment such as gambling world.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: bitzizzix on April 02, 2024, 05:37:05 PM
support and become more close to their children can be a way to prevent children to gamble. support can provide motivation and a positive mentality to children. The more time spent with parents, the more indirectly parents can prevent children from other activities, including gambling. However, if it is discovered that a child is gambling, parents should start providing more supervision over the child, including finances. Indeed, gambling is not because parents are negligent, but it arises from their own desires. However, being together with children can minimize this.
This is completely the fault of parents as well as the government, because these are physical casinos or betting shops just like any other business and it's just that the government does not implement strict regulations that strictly prohibit minors. And also the prohibition on making large signboards on every gambling shop which in my opinion is too conspicuous is also very important, where it is better to use another name that adults know is a gambling shop.
Apart from that, parents also play a role in not inviting their children when they want to gamble and perhaps because of this there are no regulations from the government that allow parents to freely take their children to casino shops which is actually a big mistake.
And for online casinos, in my opinion, there is no solution yet because minors can do it in various ways, including KYC which can be manipulated. And for this problem, in my opinion, only parents can play a role in this problem, they must be given understanding and also prohibit that online gambling is not good. And always control when your child holds the gadget and checks it, as well as blocking all gambling sites on the gadget, and many other ways.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: angrybirdy on April 02, 2024, 05:38:11 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?

there's nothing we can do if they see big signage on the streets because that's part of the business, advertising. As a parent, the way I can think of to prevent young people from getting involved in gambling is that while they are still children, they should be given enough knowledge or a little background on what the things they read on the signage are for, since we know how curious young people are today and so that they don't reach the point where they want to try it because they are curious, let's go ahead of them by giving them an idea of ​​what it is because we can't control what they can see or know, all we can do is properly teach and guide them.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: BABY SHOES on April 02, 2024, 05:47:39 PM
Parents play an important role in the supervision of children to avoid addiction, then the rules of physical casinos must also be tightened maybe it will be stronger if the government supports where when parents bring children to physical casinos for fast bets then they cannot bring children but if physical casinos do not make strict rules then they are sure they just want more visitors no matter parents bring children or not.

Back to individuals who have a parental role in their children, if I myself am clear that I will avoid, while there are still many people who do not care about this.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: mu_enrico on April 02, 2024, 06:03:03 PM
Just make sure no social worker, or neighbor sees you doing it because in many countries they will take your children away. I've heard that in the EU, especially Sweden and the Nederlands if someone finds out you hit your child even once you'll get the police knocking on your door.  For the record, I don't beat mine, but I do shout and threaten them at times with a TV or sweets ban because there's no other way of getting to that little brain of theirs.
Relax mate, I'm not in Europe ;D
That's how we "educate" our children...
Thanks for the reminder, I should've put the disclaimer: may not be suitable for your culture, DWYOR.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Adbitco on April 02, 2024, 06:08:01 PM
I must confess that is a difficult thing say because we can't control this from them, especially when their parents can't even control themselves while they are with their kids. Sometimes we felt they don't know or take records of what we are doing, they are surly taking records probably they can start gambling secretly when the finance needed gets to their hands. There are kids under 15 that has started gambling in the village where I think things are much more difficult for them and they don't have any other alternatives than to just join themselves into all kinds of hustling that could make them secure some money, and these sets of kids are too smart enough and we can't actually stops them when this feeling of gambling has taken over them. For instance, if they managed to see winning for like 2 to 4 consecutive times this will triggered their interest to keep gambling with the hope that everyday is certainly winning for them.

To stop this is to actually meet the village crier who goes around the village giving information to restrict some under age children who are gambling, with this they can enact a law to governed them that any agent who allows under age chldren to gamble will pay some specific 'fine' (ransome) to allow under age bet. With this they would like the children, because I know no casino would allow children play without passing KYC which they must provide before either withdrawing their funds or placing games.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Hirose UK on April 03, 2024, 09:22:02 AM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?
Awareness of parents as role models plays an important role in this matter, as parents must guide and direct their children to good environment and avoid various activities that could have bad impact.
Even though there are many physical gambling places in the environment and also lot of online gambling advertising that can be seen on social media, it will never affect children if parents can provide extra education and supervision to their children.
But from what you have said, it is very unfortunate and incidents like this have happened lot, many parents even deliberately tell their children to go to betting shops to buy lottery tickets or place bets.
It is the fault of parents who do not consider and think about child growth and development, if something like this continues then the chances of children starting to know and dare to gamble will increase significantly.

Only way is to provide education and really supervise and limit exposure to environments that can attract children to gambling.
But this will require lot of time and the majority of parents cannot do it due to work reasons.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Lida93 on April 03, 2024, 02:55:03 PM
Isn't that the job of the local authorities in your town?  You can always get the attention of the authorities in your town and tell them what's happening in those bet shops. If they are not taking some action then there really is a need to call for morality in those officials.
Could be that the authorities are less concerned about taking such matters seriously as it should and have now made it a core responsibility of parents rather than the government as an authority to do that. Although, there are gambling shops that rebukes parents that takes kids with them to their shops, they even bar the kid from entering and either sit outside wait for his/her gambling parent.

I have seen parent's coming to the gamble shop's with their underage kids and it's irksome to me when I see them doing that but on the contrary I just give a blind eye under the thought that it's not my business how they chose to groom their kids. Except in the case of those I am close I just politely talk to them about the harm and negative impact it could possibly be on their kid seeing that they embrace parents as role model to them.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: junder on April 03, 2024, 06:20:52 PM
Awareness of parents as role models plays an important role in this matter, as parents must guide and direct their children to good environment and avoid various activities that could have bad impact.
Even though there are many physical gambling places in the environment and also lot of online gambling advertising that can be seen on social media, it will never affect children if parents can provide extra education and supervision to their children.
But from what you have said, it is very unfortunate and incidents like this have happened lot, many parents even deliberately tell their children to go to betting shops to buy lottery tickets or place bets.
It is the fault of parents who do not consider and think about child growth and development, if something like this continues then the chances of children starting to know and dare to gamble will increase significantly.

Only way is to provide education and really supervise and limit exposure to environments that can attract children to gambling.
But this will require lot of time and the majority of parents cannot do it due to work reasons.

I agree with you friend. because of course it is clear that parents will definitely educate their children on the right things, it is impossible for them to direct their children to something that will have a bad impact in the future, such as introducing them to gambling, which I think is impossible. But are there parents who introduce their children to gambling clearly?
It's true that if this really exists, I think it's terrible, because it could ruin a child's future, even if he or she is only told to go to a betting shop to buy a lottery ticket or place a bet, it can make them interested in taking part in gambling. and of course this can have an impact on their child's future.

That's right, parents have to give extra supervision to their children in getting to know the environment, especially now that children are no stranger to gadgets and the internet where there are lots of gambling advertisements clearly displayed which they can see every once in a while, but indeed parents also definitely have their own lives include having to go to work, so they cannot fully supervise their children 24 hours a day. but if their initial upbringing is correct, perhaps their children will not do anything rash.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Quidat on April 03, 2024, 06:33:48 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?
One of the hardest part of parenting is on trying out to monitor everything on where your children is really that been doing on which it would really be just that not that limited on gambling alone but also in other things as well on which it could potentially be able to influence our children in going into that path which it might really be that resulting on having that kind of bad conditions or situations or simply they are messing up. Speaking about protecting your children to gambling then as much as possible then you would really be telling them about on what are the cons of gambling, you would be needing to make them realize that as much as possible they should really be avoiding it. Somewhat it would really be just that depending on a certain child because there are ones who are really that too curious into the things around on which they wont really be stopping on trying out discover anything that it seems that looks interesting. This is why it isnt really just that right that everything would really be blamed into parents because there are really tons of scenarios that no matter how hard their parents been doing such strict parenting but there are really that those kiddos who would really be trying out their very best on bypassing things.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Nwada001 on April 03, 2024, 06:37:59 PM
I think it was also in this forum that I read about banned gambling ads in a particular country, a country where gambling is legal, but if you post any content or information about gambling on a billboard or even on social media, you will be sanctioned by the country's authority. Part of the reason why this is done is to protect those who can't make personal decisions for themselves, and this includes children.
Any parent who is seen taking a child who is not of age yet into a casino house to go and gamble is not giving that child good parenting unless they are ready to take the consequences of what that action will bring afterward to the children, because taking your child on a regular basis into a gambling house can make that child make a move some day to try out what the father or mother have been doing there.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Zlantann on April 03, 2024, 06:38:21 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?

We face the same problem in my location because these physical bet shops have taken over almost all the streets of my city. You can hardly see any street without a betting shop. They also have large billboards advertising these bet shops indiscriminately without showing restraints to school or religious locations. I am very concerned about these gambling shops that are situated close to primary and secondary schools in my area. Although there are laws that forbid this indiscriminate location and advisement of these betting shops they are hardly implemented. Some of the enforcement officers receive bribes from these casino operators and fail to enforce the laws. It is also common to see suspected underage gamblers place bets on these casinos since they are not expected to present any form of age identification document.

As parents, guardians, or law-abiding citizens we have to do our best to limit underage gambling. As parents, we should closely monitor children and also ensure they are enlightened about the consequences of underage gambling as well as addiction. We should also be a good role model to our children by not gambling in their presence and also continually gambling responsibly. It is also our responsibility to report underaged gamblers to casino operators so that they can be blocked or stopped from engaging in gambling.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Wiwo on April 03, 2024, 06:47:02 PM
Even as a parent, I always try to stay away from my kids whenever I am gambling the reason is because I don't want to indirectly exposed them to I by gambling in they presence thinking they are too young to understand what gambling is and how it risk pur freedom.

Until they are 18+ and ready to gamble on they own, it is better for them to develop the interests by themselves before teaching them the risk that is involved.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Dewi Aries on April 03, 2024, 06:50:35 PM
I think this concern is felt by all parents who already have children, especially if they know about the dangers of the impact of gambling itself, but sometimes there are some parents who are so liberating their children in their relationships and maybe that's because the parents don't care about their children or maybe they don't know about the development of the gambling world which is increasingly accessible to anyone, especially children.

I think we all know about what should be done to prevent children from getting involved in gambling, the advice is always about limiting various aspects of their lives, such as limiting their association in the outside world and not allowing them to go out alone, or that means you should always look after and supervise them and also limit their use of smartphones because it is clear that lately many casinos have made social media the biggest place to do promotions or advertisements with the aim of attracting more people to gamble, I think some of the points above are quite effective as a preventive measure.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Salahmu on April 03, 2024, 07:13:07 PM
90% of the job falls on the parents. They get to decide what information the child consumes and the company they keep. If they are addicted to gambling themselves, it becomes more difficult to prevent their children from getting involved, they emulate what goes on around them.

If the parents are gamblers it will be very difficult to protect there children from gambling because one of the things about children is that they are very smart so one way or the other they will  likely follow the foot step of the father and with that age if they eventually start gambling it will become difficult stopping them, so actually you are very correct because it will be very easy to guide the children if there parents are not a gambler.

And also just like most people above has mentioned, parents should prioritize by knowing the kind of friends there children keeps because if we check very well majority of children who venture into gambling is as a result of wrong friends because with the kind of mindset children have they are mostly vulnerable to be lured into something that could affect them in the future so is totally depend on the parents.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Obim34 on April 03, 2024, 07:16:01 PM
Even as a parent, I always try to stay away from my kids whenever I am gambling the reason is because I don't want to indirectly exposed them to I by gambling in they presence thinking they are too young to understand what gambling is and how it risk pur freedom.

Until they are 18+ and ready to gamble on they own, it is better for them to develop the interests by themselves before teaching them the risk that is involved.
This is the one reason why I support online gambling other than visiting physical gambling stores, because children even at tender age can read and understand, the moment they should witness their parent frequent the gambling store they become so much inquisitive to know what they do and why they do visit there and if they should realized that money can be made from such activities then they strive to give trials, unlike when dealing with online gambling, certain restrictions are placed which limits their chances of getting to know about gambling activities.

I think if any underage should be found in any physical gambling store then the owner or management should be held responsible because they failed to initiate the restrictions placed on this underage.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Zlantann on April 03, 2024, 07:26:22 PM
90% of the job falls on the parents. They get to decide what information the child consumes and the company they keep. If they are addicted to gambling themselves, it becomes more difficult to prevent their children from getting involved, they emulate what goes on around them.

If the parents are gamblers it will be very difficult to protect there children from gambling because one of the things about children is that they are very smart so one way or the other they will  likely follow the foot step of the father and with that age if they eventually start gambling it will become difficult stopping them, so actually you are very correct because it will be very easy to guide the children if their parents are not a gambler.

I wouldn't want my children to engage in gambling because I am concerned about their ability to gamble responsibly. That is why I don't expose them to gambling because I hide the activity from them. The truth is that when they are mature they might end up knowing that I am gambling. Don't forget that these children are also exposed to all sorts of gambling advertisements on social media and other channels. Paraventure the child ends up indulging in gambling, the responsibility of the parents will now shift from stopping the child from gambling to helping the child to gamble responsibly. They should be exposed to how to have a gambling budget and how not to chase losses to avoid gambling addiction. His finances and time should also be monitored just to ensure that he is gambling responsibly.

This is the one reason why I support online gambling other than visiting physical gambling stores, because children even at tender age can read and understand, the moment they should witness their parent frequent the gambling store they become so much inquisitive to know what they do and why they do visit there and if they should realized that money can be made from such activities then they strive to give trials, unlike when dealing with online gambling, certain restrictions are placed which limits their chances of getting to know about gambling activities.

Children are very inquisitive and they would definitely ask several questions about where they saw you. And you would have to tell them the truth because they will get it from someone else if you try to twist your response. Online gambling can be done secretly and they will hardly know that you are betting unless they have access to your phone.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: rachael9385 on April 03, 2024, 07:36:49 PM
Even as a parent, I always try to stay away from my kids whenever I am gambling the reason is because I don't want to indirectly exposed them to I by gambling in they presence thinking they are too young to understand what gambling is and how it risk pur freedom.

Until they are 18+ and ready to gamble on they own, it is better for them to develop the interests by themselves before teaching them the risk that is involved.
This is the one reason why I support online gambling other than visiting physical gambling stores, because children even at tender age can read and understand, the moment they should witness their parent frequent the gambling store they become so much inquisitive to know what they do and why they do visit there and if they should realized that money can be made from such activities then they strive to give trials, unlike when dealing with online gambling, certain restrictions are placed which limits their chances of getting to know about gambling activities.

I think if any underage should be found in any physical gambling store then the owner or management should be held responsible because they failed to initiate the restrictions placed on this underage.
In the areas were I lived, I have there are a lot of gambling shops the way people visits gamble shops in my environment it's something that can't be compared to other things, the registered betting shops are more than other shops in some places. However one reason why people likes gambling there is because in a week they likely get a big win. But most of them don't use their winning perfectly.
These betting shops are polluting the mindset of children, children can gamble for fun because they don't work to get the money so even when they lose it they will still be happy and they are children after all. It's not good to gamble in the front of a child/children because they learn easily.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: lizarder on April 03, 2024, 08:01:24 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?  
Believe it or not, it is difficult to prevent children from getting to know gambling because nowadays technological sophistication makes it much easier for them to get to know gambling on smartphones. But what parents need to do is control and explain the bad effects when they are involved in gambling at an immature age. Children must be told about the impact of gambling so that they know why people forbid them from getting involved in it because if they forbid it but don't explain it, then they will become more curious about learning about gambling.

In terms of physical stores, my area is much safer because there is almost no place for anyone to place a bet. Maybe there is only a lottery and even then they are not free to place bets because they will get into legal trouble. What worries me is online gambling because it is now so easy for anyone to get involved in it. Moreover, almost everyone has a smartphone and there are many sites that are always advertised on social media, making it easier for anyone to press one command.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Ryu_Ar1 on April 03, 2024, 08:09:31 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?
With the current situation where the development of technology is getting faster and children's ability to catch up is quite good, it is a little difficult to limit this because sometimes even not a few parents are actually inferior in terms of proficiency in running gadgets or devices such as computers compared to their children which makes this a little difficult to overcome.
But on the other hand, as long as we are good at monitoring children's behavior, I think things like this can still be minimized. Indeed, we cannot completely limit it, but to provide an overview of which things are good and which are bad I think it is still a situation that can be done so that our children can know what they should do at their current age.

When gambling before the legalized age is the same as making them damaged because it can mature prematurely so it is important for us as parents to provide a good role so that our children do not fall into it. As for if they are already adults, that is another matter, the most important thing is to instill a good attitude of responsibility from an early age so that they know the limits and they can sort out what is good and what is bad for them later.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Wiwo on April 03, 2024, 08:51:11 PM

In the areas were I lived, I have there are a lot of gambling shops the way people visits gamble shops in my environment it's something that can't be compared to other things, the registered betting shops are more than other shops in some places. However one reason why people likes gambling there is because in a week they likely get a big win. But most of them don't use their winning perfectly.
These betting shops are polluting the mindset of children, children can gamble for fun because they don't work to get the money so even when they lose it they will still be happy and they are children after all. It's not good to gamble in the front of a child/children because they learn easily.
The thing we should note in this kind of discussion we need to make some clear terms and how to apply hem in our comments,  as regards to under age gambling and how the impact of this could be on the future freedom of those kids, so ket outline those objectives.

1: what a casino is from vs betting agents/store,  this is why we all have to subject ourselves to that understanding.

2: how kids love footballs games which makes them to go to betting shops to get entertained and not actually gambling,  so we need to understand this facts and how to propeller analys them.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Aniel Jay on April 03, 2024, 09:15:15 PM
The challenges include online accessibility, exposure to gambling advertising, inadequate regulation, parental awareness, and ineffective age verification.
Addressing these challenges requires collaboration among government agencies, regulators, industry stakeholders, educators, parents, and communities to implement robust policies, raise awareness, and provide support services for families affected by underage gambling.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Obim34 on April 03, 2024, 09:15:44 PM
Even as a parent, I always try to stay away from my kids whenever I am gambling the reason is because I don't want to indirectly exposed them to I by gambling in they presence thinking they are too young to understand what gambling is and how it risk pur freedom.

Until they are 18+ and ready to gamble on they own, it is better for them to develop the interests by themselves before teaching them the risk that is involved.
This is the one reason why I support online gambling other than visiting physical gambling stores, because children even at tender age can read and understand, the moment they should witness their parent frequent the gambling store they become so much inquisitive to know what they do and why they do visit there and if they should realized that money can be made from such activities then they strive to give trials, unlike when dealing with online gambling, certain restrictions are placed which limits their chances of getting to know about gambling activities.

I think if any underage should be found in any physical gambling store then the owner or management should be held responsible because they failed to initiate the restrictions placed on this underage.
In the areas were I lived, I have there are a lot of gambling shops the way people visits gamble shops in my environment it's something that can't be compared to other things, the registered betting shops are more than other shops in some places. However one reason why people likes gambling there is because in a week they likely get a big win. But most of them don't use their winning perfectly.
These betting shops are polluting the mindset of children, children can gamble for fun because they don't work to get the money so even when they lose it they will still be happy and they are children after all. It's not good to gamble in the front of a child/children because they learn easily.
Going down to some undeveloped areas, we can count a good number of gambling shops which at most becomes their major source of income, these gamblers are increasing where as people now invest in owning a gambling store and as a matter of fact the owners/management are making quite enough profits. It should not interest me on how they decide to use their win, when they are not profounded with the right knowledge they are prone to making selfish and wrong decisions. For instance, I know a few people whom after winning their gambling, will immediately reimburse the gambling store by gambling even more to win bigger but how unfortunate they ends up going home with little or nothing.

I wonder what penalty should be given to this gambling store defaulters, when they allow underage to pertake in gambling activities?

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Alone055 on April 03, 2024, 09:25:46 PM
Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?

Yes, don't stop for a quick bet when you are with your children, and always keep telling them that gambling is a negative thing and one shouldn't gamble. They might come to know about it later on but they will remember your words and teachings and will hopefully not become gambling addicts.

When you want to gamble, you are not supposed to do it when you have your kids with you. If you feel an strong urge for gambling at some point when you are passing by the casino, just go home, drop the kids home, and then go back to the casino for making the few quick bets you were about to make.

Upbringing of children play a great role at safeguarding them from negative aspects of the society because they would have everything in their minds and wouldn't go towards things that their parents have asked them not to do.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Issa56 on April 03, 2024, 09:27:51 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos.
The worst mistake parents will do is to allow children to gamble, they can’t control themselves by then, because they are still young, and they might end up doing crazy things which they are not suppose to do. When you notice any strange behavior about gambling from your children, then try to stop them, and make sure you enlighten them about gambling, and the bad aspects of gambling which is addiction.

Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?
As a parents if your children see you visiting a gambling house, then you are encouraging your children also to gamble, and whenever they start gambling, and they get addicted to gambling, you can never blame them, because you introduced them to gambling indirectly, and you can’t convince them to stop gambling, because they know you are also a gambler.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: stomachgrowls on April 03, 2024, 09:41:54 PM
The challenges include online accessibility, exposure to gambling advertising, inadequate regulation, parental awareness, and ineffective age verification.
Addressing these challenges requires collaboration among government agencies, regulators, industry stakeholders, educators, parents, and communities to implement robust policies, raise awareness, and provide support services for families affected by underage gambling.
If there would really be some sufficient budget then it would really be great but actually this kind of problem is something that falls down into that parenting matters on which we know that whenever your children
do get involved into something then parenting would really be taking up some part with that on which i do partly agree but not in general. I do agree into those words above that not everything would be solely
be blamed into parenting because there are really children whose really that hard headed on which no matter how well their parents giving out those warnings and advises about things but still
ends up on dealing up with something those risky things then this one is really up into their decisions.

In todays technology advancement then it would really be that totally prone into these kind of things on which our children would be or something that do talks
about being non avoidable. This is why self awareness and explanation is something that relevant.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: goaldigger on April 03, 2024, 09:45:31 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?
Educate them, this is the only way to protect them especially if their parents are into gambling as well.
With the technology that we have right not, the risk of getting exposed are high and we can’t stop them if they already know how to gamble, what we can do is to educate them and let them understand the risk of gambling and the possible effect of this if they will gamble irresponsibly. As a parent, we should do our best to protect our children and guide them, this is our role.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: yazher on April 03, 2024, 09:57:31 PM
Well, you need to take some countermeasures at first because these things are inevitable even if you don't talk about them in front of them when they are young, eventually, they will find out about it and get influenced by their friends or some other people they see on the internet. By nurturing them well while they are young and still listening to you, you can just prevent them and tell them everything about it so that they are aware of everything they come across in the future. At least they already know the danger ahead of them and with consistent supervising them everyday, you can protect them easily from getting addicted with it.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Rockstarguy on April 03, 2024, 10:02:11 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?
Children get familiar with gambling when they are in an environment that gambling is exposed to them, this can lead them to quickly embrace gambling.  That is why it is the duty of parents to choose environment where their kids should be raised. Another way of children getting into gambling is when they are exposed to the Internet and social media early,  their are lots of gambling advertisements on social media, a child who have been hearing about gambling can pick interest to give a try to play gamble. Peer group,  can also be the a reason why a child should pick interest in playing gambling.

Parents have lots of role to play to make sure their children don't become gamblers at a tender age, with help of parents playing their role it will really help their kids going into gambling which can really affect them.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: topbitcoin on April 03, 2024, 10:10:17 PM
Basically, children may be a little reluctant to enter a brick-and-mortar casino, as the place is filled with adults. but taking a minor to a place where they are not allowed to go (a brick and mortar casino), this is clearly behavior that can harm the child. Because it is feared that later children will imitate what their parents do (gamble). Because he is still a minor and does not yet have financial independence and mature thinking, it is feared that his gambling activities could hinder his growth and development and have a negative impact on the child's future. Apart from that, this can also encourage the child's behavior to be dishonest and often lie, in order to get some money for gambling.

However, compared to physical casinos, it seems that online casinos are more dangerous than physical casinos, because nowadays children's lives cannot be separated from cellphones and social media. On social media there are lots of advertisements and content related to gambling. Therefore, it is very important for us to always ensure and monitor our child's development and behavior as best as possible.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Natsuu on April 03, 2024, 10:11:01 PM
that's why it's important for us as parents to be able to provide basic knowledge about gambling to our children. we must be able to tell them that gambling is not as exciting as they imagine, that they can earn money and become rich from it.

However this is not easy. Yes education is good, but with proper guidance and restriction provided by casinos or house itself will be very good. Just imagine the amount of information that those kids can get from social media, online platforms, yt shorts, and advertisements. That can easily surmount the teachings of the parents. But if the casino itself, have regulations that minor cannot play, these things can easily be stopped. However it is the other way around.

For me, I would expose my children more unto sports for the meantime. So when he is in the right age, still he may have the hunger, but at least my kids already are at the right age to make their own decisions.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Onyeeze on April 03, 2024, 10:22:41 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?
Gambling is not really good for children because they don't have their own personal money to gamble, and secondly when you are a gambler you should not allow your children to know exactly the protocols of gambling when they are not up to twenty years because if they start gambling at tender age that will lead them to stealing, gambling is directly meant for someone who is already working and earning like monthly or weekly, not someone who is feeding under the parents, its an independent person that have the full rights to gamble because when the gambling is against him or her it will be the one that will carry the cross alone.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Miles2006 on April 03, 2024, 10:23:29 PM
This is a tough one but this actually depends like where are you located for example in my area before getting to a casino shop you'll have to walk for awhile. Parents can actually protect their kids from all sort of distraction if only the parent is willing to do so. As a child growing up, I never learnt some certain things from my parent so what I'm trying to say is every parent have a role to play, if you actually want your child to gamble you can send that child to a casino shop always or probably never hide such act from the child, children nowadays can be so sensitive. The only thing that bothers me is the social media, we all know social media do advertise betting sites and app or even go further to educate the public on how to gamble, seeing little children with android phones and from my opinion they easily get this mindset of gambling at a young age.  

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Accardo on April 03, 2024, 10:39:36 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?

This is true, I've seen a gambler with his daughter on the counter placing bets. At first, I had to think about it, but overlooked the thought on other distractions. It's quite a serious trouble because some of these places are not being regulated towards parents coming in with their kids. Players who do this, don't know about the implications of taking children to gambling shops, as you said. In a situation like this, where a parent unknowingly encourages their kids to become future avid gamblers, I don't see any valid means of stopping the child. The best security for a child's safety is his parent. Not just on physical gambling platforms but gambling online around kids isn't encouraged. Who would stop this, aside from the other spouse in the family, if they discover that such a thing is happening? I think the world will have to deal with a lot of gambling issues in the future.

With the increasing number of parents warming up their kids toward premature gambling habits. Recently, people don't talk much about some issues, for their mental health, but if a spouse tries to stop her husband from gambling within the vicinity of kids, a quarrel could erupt. Thereby, affecting the serenity of the home. And adding insult to the injury, by getting the kids more emotionally demoralized. I'd allocate the solution to gamblers to be watchful of their behavior towards kids. Respecting one's habit and controlling it will help a gambler to rethink whenever he wants to take such silly actions. An external force may not be efficient in saving kids, from this painful experience. If their protector doesn't care about safeguarding them, who would? Parents should be prepared or trained to appropriately safeguard their kids from problem gambling or reckless lifestyle.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Zoomic on April 03, 2024, 10:47:28 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?

The first teachers of every child is the parents therefore,  parents should educate their children about some sensitive things even before the children get to know them on their own.  As children, their brains tend to absorb every information they come accross. We are now in an era where children are exposed to different information from the Internet. Most of these information can either make or mar the child, this is why parents have to first educate their children about some sensitive things adults do which includes gambling and let them know their disadvantages too. Parents too who gamble should be careful not to gamble in front of children who might want to try it out one day. It is very dangerous to allow children learn about gambling on their own because it is difficult for children to control their emotions. Children easily get carried away with fun and excitement. A child who begins to gamble at an early age might get too excited with the fun or money he/she is getting and with time addiction will set in.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on April 03, 2024, 10:54:54 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?

We are in computer age right now where everything is going digital and children become so smart to knowing some certain things they ought not to know at a tender age so the only way to exonerate one's children from playing gambling is to make sure that they have something they are always occupied with such that they will not have time to be influenced by things that their friends are doing and again, to protect your children from gambling you must make sure that they haven't caught you playing gambling and if you are a gambler, don't be too open to discuss about your gambling life with others in front of your children because children easily starts to copy what they see there parents does.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: boyptc on April 03, 2024, 10:57:04 PM
You're worried with the physical casinos that are being seen by kids through signboards but you know what's worrying? The swarm of ads from a lot of casinos that are in the banners of search engines that they're showing results of anything that are not even related to casino.

That's more worrying and with a lot of influencers having to attach a video of a casino ad at the end of their contents, that seems crazy as they get hefty amount of money there and they're getting a lot of money out of those videos and as well as commissions.

There's no restriction on what age bracket can see those ads.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Dewi Aries on April 04, 2024, 06:25:58 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?

We are in computer age right now where everything is going digital and children become so smart to knowing some certain things they ought not to know at a tender age so the only way to exonerate one's children from playing gambling is to make sure that they have something they are always occupied with such that they will not have time to be influenced by things that their friends are doing and again, to protect your children from gambling you must make sure that they haven't caught you playing gambling and if you are a gambler, don't be too open to discuss about your gambling life with others in front of your children because children easily starts to copy what they see there parents does.

True, the digital world is the single biggest trigger for someone to fall into the world of gambling, no matter the age, children, youth and even the elderly are very likely to get involved in the world of gambling when they are active enough in terms of playing social media, And yes what is worrying is someone who is still underage where now I see that children of that age spend more time playing smartphones which they can operate by themselves and this intelligence can make it very easy for them to reach the world of gambling, plus as we see that now social media is one of the biggest places for most casinos to promote with the aim of attracting more customers.

This is a worrying situation in the midst of the onslaught of an increasingly sophisticated digital world that can reach everyone regardless of age, and obviously this is a big task for all parents who have children who are still minors where they must really limit the activities of their children in various ways such as limiting their play environment and also limiting them in terms of smartphone use, and also yes as you said that if for example we are a gambler then try us to really keep our gambling activities secret, do not let children who are minors see it.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Mahanton on April 04, 2024, 06:40:08 PM
You're worried with the physical casinos that are being seen by kids through signboards but you know what's worrying? The swarm of ads from a lot of casinos that are in the banners of search engines that they're showing results of anything that are not even related to casino.

That's more worrying and with a lot of influencers having to attach a video of a casino ad at the end of their contents, that seems crazy as they get hefty amount of money there and they're getting a lot of money out of those videos and as well as commissions.

There's no restriction on what age bracket can see those ads.
If you are really that worried for your kids to see those things then i could say that there's no way that you could really be able to stop it out since those things are already that been part of our daily lives
considering that ads could really be flashed out on everywhere and since everything could be connected to internet then it would really be  that basically inevitable on not to see those.
This is why if you are really that having those doubts then it would really be better that you should really be that having that kind of self awareness and making up those kind of explaination into your children
that gambling is something that should really be avoided out because of the things that it could possibly give into someones life.

It is really just that a matter of parenting since not all would really all the time we are watching them on the things that they do see and done on everyday on which it really that so hard
for you to monitor on everything. Therefore, you would really be educating them on what are the things that must be done if you do like for them to be wary on things and wont
really be that easily be ended up on miserable or having those engagement.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on April 04, 2024, 06:44:20 PM
In our country there are no physical shops for gambling but still people are gambling and don't let the faculty and public to know about this fact. Those who are talented will never go towards gambling and also I have noted one thing that if a family member of an individual is involved in gambling then others will also be effected by his activities so try to make sure that your child is far from that person.

Don't give enough money to your child and always keep check on their pocket money that on which things he is spending his money because so many individuals are wasting money in bad activities like gambling. We cannot deny the fact that gambler will always focus on collecting money to gamble but they will not utilize their money to make their family happy and home prosperous.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Alpha Marine on April 04, 2024, 06:49:25 PM
I think it's irresponsible of a parent to take their kid into a casino or sports betting shop. Parents have a very crucial role to play in this. They have to constantly educate the kids not to gamble and let them know that while gambling is not illegal, it is not allowed for kids below the age to gamble in that jurisdiction making it a crime for them to be involved in gambling, both online and offline. It's just like constantly warning them against smoking.

Also, casinos and sports betting outlets should have a strict policy against underage gambling. If a kid comes to gamble in their shop they should ask for an ID. I know kids can always get fake IDs but that will limit the rate at which they gamble.
Another thing is the government having strict laws against it too. If you allow a kid to gamble in your shop without an ID, you face a penalty. So asking for an ID is a way of freeing yourself from any punishment if it's a fake ID.

A lof of the job of keeping the kid off gambling is the parent's. With advancing technology, parents have to keep looking for ways to build a bridge of trust with their kids so when they tell them not to involve in a thing they listen.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Orpichukwu on April 04, 2024, 07:33:49 PM
90% of the job falls on the parents. They get to decide what information the child consumes and the company they keep. If they are addicted to gambling themselves, it becomes more difficult to prevent their children from getting involved, they emulate what goes on around them.

The media can do a job of sensitizing parents on the dangers of minors gambling, especially since those shops will stop them from claiming any wins they have to keep for themselves.

- Jay -
It was very easy before for the parent to control what the children actually had access to; that was in the old days, but not now that the children have access to smart phones. Even child control settings on those children's phones don't help enough, as they can figure out ways to access whatever they want to access. 
The parent can't limit their gambling activity when they are around their kids, and they still have control over themselves. When they see the child coming of age little by little, they should try and get the child educated about how gambling works and what it could lead to so that they will be aware and get the lesson from not just an experienced gambler but also their parent. That way, it will help put them in the right place.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Fatunad on April 04, 2024, 07:47:48 PM
90% of the job falls on the parents. They get to decide what information the child consumes and the company they keep. If they are addicted to gambling themselves, it becomes more difficult to prevent their children from getting involved, they emulate what goes on around them.

The media can do a job of sensitizing parents on the dangers of minors gambling, especially since those shops will stop them from claiming any wins they have to keep for themselves.

- Jay -
It was very easy before for the parent to control what the children actually had access to; that was in the old days, but not now that the children have access to smart phones. Even child control settings on those children's phones don't help enough, as they can figure out ways to access whatever they want to access. 
The parent can't limit their gambling activity when they are around their kids, and they still have control over themselves. When they see the child coming of age little by little, they should try and get the child educated about how gambling works and what it could lead to so that they will be aware and get the lesson from not just an experienced gambler but also their parent. That way, it will help put them in the right place.

This is what makes it hard for you to monitor them up completely on which we know that they can access on everything with their smartphone and you arent that someone whose really that been able to see and monitor on what are the sites
or things that they've been accessing in silent. This is why you cant really be able to blame out directly into those parents who had been that also trying out their very best on having that kind of monitoring into their kids. It is really just that these
technology are really that so hard to tell on what they are watching or following with. This is why the only thing you can do is to preach them about into the things which arent supposed to be engaged or or something that you would be needing to avoid. It is really that a very tough challenge as a parent nowadays on where you cant really be able to monitor everything but well it doesnt mean that you would really be stopping there as a parent. It would really be always our responsibility
on how we would gonna handle them and if we do see they are acting odd or something that not right then it would be always best on having that approach and asking them on whats wrong.
Be open minded to them and really that guiding them as best as you could as a parent, we might not be perfect but at least we do our very best.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: iv4n on April 04, 2024, 07:51:16 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?

I have already written about this on several occasions. In my country, advertisements about casinos are everywhere, on the streets, on TV, on the radio, and on the internet... casinos are almost on every corner, and they are clearly visible. It's almost impossible to protect kids from this. My kids are young now, and they don't ask too many questions, but I am already thinking what will I say to them when the time comes... and for now, I don't have any clues. I guess I will wait for them to grow up and try to postpone these explanations as long as possible. When the right time comes I will try to explain all the positive & negative sides of gambling, I think it will be better for them to hear it from me than from someone else.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Juse14 on April 04, 2024, 08:23:27 PM
Where I live, gambling is an activity that is prohibited because it is considered against the rules or illegal. However, it is felt that this is still not enough to limit our children from the world of gambling, because in fact the challenge of protecting children from online gambling is more real than offline gambling or physical casinos. This is because today's life cannot be separated from the internet and cyberspace, where online casinos often carry out promotions there, and not to mention the content or shows made by gambling streamers. So there is a possibility that our children will be influenced by these advertisements and shows, and in the end they will gradually enter the world of gambling. In fact, there is nothing wrong when they gamble, because this is just a form of entertainment, but because their thoughts and actions are still considered unstable, there is great concern that their gambling activities could have a bad impact on their lives and future.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: rachael9385 on April 04, 2024, 08:42:28 PM
Where I live, gambling is an activity that is prohibited because it is considered against the rules or illegal. However, it is felt that this is still not enough to limit our children from the world of gambling, because in fact the challenge of protecting children from online gambling is more real than offline gambling or physical casinos. This is because today's life cannot be separated from the internet and cyberspace, where online casinos often carry out promotions there, and not to mention the content or shows made by gambling streamers. So there is a possibility that our children will be influenced by these advertisements and shows, and in the end they will gradually enter the world of gambling. In fact, there is nothing wrong when they gamble, because this is just a form of entertainment, but because their thoughts and actions are still considered unstable, there is great concern that their gambling activities could have a bad impact on their lives and future.
Anything internet is hard to limit people from, you can protect your children from offline gambling for you can not protect them totally from online gamble, there are different sources were they can gamble from the internet. But the only way I think you can stop them is by not sending fiat to their bank accounts you can give them money on cash but don't give them through the internet because it would be easier for them to fund their betting accounts then physical fiat.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: angrybirdy on April 04, 2024, 08:44:03 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?

I have already written about this on several occasions. In my country, advertisements about casinos are everywhere, on the streets, on TV, on the radio, and on the internet... casinos are almost on every corner, and they are clearly visible. It's almost impossible to protect kids from this. My kids are young now, and they don't ask too many questions, but I am already thinking what will I say to them when the time comes... and for now, I don't have any clues. I guess I will wait for them to grow up and try to postpone these explanations as long as possible. When the right time comes I will try to explain all the positive & negative sides of gambling, I think it will be better for them to hear it from me than from someone else.

it's better that our child will hear it from us than they hear this from other people, and even if they don't ask, let's observe them in what they're doing, we won't invade their privacy, so we'll just observe a little. we will do it because there are other children who are not used to opening up or asking their parents. It's also good if you have casual me time or family time to talk about different things about life and you can insert the one about gambling using the right explanation about it. We can no longer control what is happening around us or how the posters about gambling are spread publicly because of course advertising is part of the business so we must ourselves make a way about how our children will look at what they watch or read about gambling.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Obari on April 04, 2024, 08:44:29 PM
I’m not really bothered about the physical shops and parents stopping by to place a quick bet as that I can tag as carelessness from the parents but I’ve you thought of how they can’t be limited from the use of internet and the very high rate of advert for gambling platforms?
There is no single day I open my browser and internet without hearing an advert about gambling, either from google ads to promotions from content creators and I’m actually tempted to ask if the internet space if even safe for children anymore.
These topic of children and gambling is a very broad topic and we shouldn’t try to squeeze all the sun topics into just one but rather we just tackle each challenge extensively before moving to the next one.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: |MINER| on April 04, 2024, 09:17:13 PM
In my opinion I think that if we give the steering of a car on that person who don't have knowledge about driving then how danger will be the situation is kind same will be for if children under as people play gambling. To protect our children we have to aware them the negative sides of gambling and when they play it. And always get them far from the any kind of interesting ads of gambling.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: DaNNy001 on April 04, 2024, 09:24:39 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?

I have already written about this on several occasions. In my country, advertisements about casinos are everywhere, on the streets, on TV, on the radio, and on the internet... casinos are almost on every corner, and they are clearly visible. It's almost impossible to protect kids from this. My kids are young now, and they don't ask too many questions, but I am already thinking what will I say to them when the time comes... and for now, I don't have any clues. I guess I will wait for them to grow up and try to postpone these explanations as long as possible. When the right time comes I will try to explain all the positive & negative sides of gambling, I think it will be better for them to hear it from me than from someone else.

The world today is filled with technology and it has make everything so open and this also applies in the field of gambling and since it's a fast growing industry and aslo a lucrative one for the businessmen and that's why they are pushing it up everywhere and making it exposed to everyone and with this kind of level of exposure that the society has it is very difficult for anyone especially the children to not being influenced by this kind of exposure.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Jating on April 04, 2024, 09:34:20 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?

Well if they have their own gadgets like mobile phone and tablets, then as parent you need to check it from time to time and see what sites they are visiting. As for physical shops or arcades, then you have to accompany them. Just like in thread about claw machine thread wherein it was like sort of gambling already as it involves money and subconsciously they could have been gambling for all we know.

However, we can be there for them 24x7 and so the best weapon is to just really educate them and let them know the bad effects of gambling in their lives if ever they fell on it. Just be open minded about our kids now, it's a different generation and everything is online now.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: mirakal on April 04, 2024, 10:47:01 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?
First and foremost, parents should serve as role models first. If they can’t stop theirselves from gambling when they are with their children, then they should expect in the future that their children will also be gamblers because they were exposed into it an early age. Second, the government should strengthen rules about gambling casinos that can be seen by children. It should be moved into closed areas, so that it won’t be seen by these young minds, and set an age limit so that these children will be prohibited to gamble.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on April 04, 2024, 11:02:53 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?
First and foremost, parents should serve as role models first. If they can’t stop theirselves from gambling when they are with their children, then they should expect in the future that their children will also be gamblers because they were exposed into it an early age. Second, the government should strengthen rules about gambling casinos that can be seen by children. It should be moved into closed areas, so that it won’t be seen by these young minds, and set an age limit so that these children will be prohibited to gamble.
Sorry to sound pessimistic but I think as a people and generation, we have allwoed gambling eat deep into our system, so deep that I feel that we have gone past the stage at which gambling can be easily controlled in our societies by the governments, what I did tell you is that, governments rising up now to tighten gambling rules that prohibits under-aged gambling can no longer be effective as it ought to be, and this is because, today, with the help of technology, we now have the ability to gamble online, and we have alot of under-aged individuals who now own their own smartphones, many of this under-aged individuals are on YouTube, and they subscribe to channels that possibly promote gambling activities and other, they are at liberty of watching gambling streams, participate in casino bonuses and so on.

If such individuals have gotten themselves involved in online gambling activities even as under-aged, do you really think there is anything the government can do to bring such people out? Most especially if the casino they are playing on are casinos that does not require kyc verification from their users?.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: alegotardo on April 04, 2024, 11:23:41 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?

The best way to protect your children is to talk to them.
Before even talking about gambling, you need to have a trusting relationship with them, you need to demonstrate that you are an intelligent and responsible parent, they need to understand that what you say is correct or with the intention of protecting them.

Your children also need to trust you to tell you when something is not right, and you to trust them that they are doing things right.

If this is not possible, it is possible to use technology to track them and also find out what they do online, but this will be a temporary solution... at some point they will have the autonomy to do what they want and go where want.

Dialogue and trust, this is the best way to protect our children.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Volimack on April 04, 2024, 11:28:42 PM
Gambling is not for children when he is addicted to gambling from a young age he will go towards further destruction. As far as I know the biggest challenge to protect children from gambling is to make them aware about gambling. Every thing has both good and bad sides these should be explained and warned. Many times it is seen that if the environment is bad children get involved in gambling so they have to be controlled by keeping the environment favorable.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: DiMarxist on April 04, 2024, 11:48:17 PM
Op in most cases gambling starts from home u der the supervision of the parents and some time it is unknown to them and sometimes.they know that the playing normal games. And sometimes he would be playing games online with friends to win a price and all those ones are part of the gambling awareness at home and unknown to the parents. I have seen a 13 years old boy was playing online game in Facebook and was telling me that if he won they would give him a reward.of $50 and he was playing that game every day. But I didn't stay with see the end.
And this boy was even told to do that by his mother. So to prevent children from gambling is hard because if they didn't learn at home then peer pressure from the group. And also I have also seen a father told his son to go the betting hall to give money to the bookmarkers to print gambling slips. And all these ones are part of the practice. And if you want to or don't want them to involve in gambling then we have to prevent them from all di ramifications. No sending and no video games for them at home.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: mich on April 05, 2024, 04:35:28 AM
Well for me I do not think children belong any where near gambling. Gambling is only for adults and it is like drinking and smoking. Not something for children to do.
But if they are older and want to take their chance that is up for them to choose. My nephews play some games on their phones that is like gambling but I do not think so addictive.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: shasan on April 06, 2024, 06:56:32 PM
Gambling is definitely not good for children, that is why there is age limitation in virtually all casinos. Unfortunately, children are becoming too smart and inquisitive, so I was just thinking about the possibilities of protecting children from getting involved in gambling. My worries was increased by the fact that there are physical casinos and betting shops(as they are called in my town) in many streets with big signboards. Children passes these places and some parents do stop by with their children to place a quick bet. Is there anything that can be done to protect children from gambling with reference to physical shops that they see everyday?
Age restrictions are on all the physical gambling areas as well as virtually. But virtually if parents and other family members are not aware of their children then there is almost no possible to prevent their children from gambling. Because The children may use the gambling account of their parens as well as of other family members.

Title: Re: The challenges of protecting children from gambling
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on April 06, 2024, 10:32:20 PM
Well for me I do not think children belong any where near gambling. Gambling is only for adults and it is like drinking and smoking. Not something for children to do.
But if they are older and want to take their chance that is up for them to choose. My nephews play some games on their phones that is like gambling but I do not think so addictive.

Your view is correct because despite the global changes there are things that need to restrict children out of it, as the name implied, children it means their decision is not certain it's best that they reached the point of making good decision before venturing into such game of gambling.

Early involvement of children in gambling can't yield good results but destroy the child because it will turn to addiction and can't be control as those decisions where made from childhood.