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Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: alastantiger on April 09, 2024, 08:22:06 AM

Title: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: alastantiger on April 09, 2024, 08:22:06 AM
In the United states and in some other countries around the world, lotteries are a big deal. They constitute a major part in shaping their cultural and economic atmosphere. Of course they are also operated legally. Wikipedia says that Americans spent $5 billion on various lotteries in 2017 and  $77.7 billion in 2018.

I have observed that there is a U.S., lottery fever from looking at regular headlines about lucky winners. Recent examples include:

- A Virginia woman who became a two-time lottery millionaire after winning $1 million.
- Another Virginian who won a $3 million Mega Millions jackpot with a ticket purchased just weeks earlier.
- A California resident who claimed a $1 billion Powerball prize, one of the largest jackpots in history.
- A man who won $2.6 million on a scratch-off ticket gifted to him by his father.
- A woman who quit her job after scratching off a $90,000 lottery windfall.

If you are reading this and you actively participate in lotteries as an regular player, these kind of lottery success stories can evoke a lot of emotions and responses. Which of these range of thoughts and feelings do you experience;
  • my time is near
  • it can't happen to me
  • I wish I could win, even if it meant lower jackpots
  • Indifferent

News Headline source -
Wikipedia source -

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Oshosondy on April 09, 2024, 08:31:55 AM
I do not have it in mind that I can win lottery. Also I am not expecting any big win in gambling. If it is lottery or gambling, my expectations are very low and I am not expecting to win anything, especially in lottery. But probably one day can be in my favour but I do not expect that day to come.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Betwrong on April 09, 2024, 08:36:15 AM

If you are reading this and you actively participate in lotteries as an regular player, these kind of lottery success stories can evoke a lot of emotions and responses. Which of these range of thoughts and feelings do you experience;
  • my time is near
  • it can't happen to me
  • I wish I could win, even if it meant lower jackpots
  • Indifferent

News Headline source -
Wikipedia source -

I wouldn't mind winning something much lower compared to those Jackpot winners, something like that what that woman who quit her job after winning has won. :) But seriously, I would be very happy about winning $500 too. For sure I can't think like "it can't happen to me", but I know that the chances are low. Yet I keep hoping that "my time is near", I'll tell you that much.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: KiaKia on April 09, 2024, 09:04:49 AM
A win is a win.

I don't even want to win this big like those lottery winners.

I want something similar but from my investment instead of gambling.

To all lottery winners, you guys are simply lucky is all, I won't dare embark on the journey of hoping to win a lottery, I believe that it will mess my mind up to much.

I prefer spending less on luck-based things and spending more on businesses, investments, and others, risks are present but one is bigger than others.

Expecting low results from gambling is all I do, and I feel more healthy this way.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Jawhead999 on April 09, 2024, 09:06:24 AM
- A woman who quit her job after scratching off a $90,000 lottery windfall.
Isn't stupid for the woman to quit her job? I know that $90,000 is really big for most people including myself, but she live in United States where the average annual salary is $50K, such amount is only 2 years annual salaries. $90K will really make she happy, but it's not something that can change her life.

  • my time is near
  • it can't happen to me
  • I wish I could win, even if it meant lower jackpots
  • Indifferent
I voted the third option, it's better to earn less with higher chance to win than earn big amount with almost impossible chance to win.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: angrybirdy on April 09, 2024, 09:49:18 AM
I do not have it in mind that I can win lottery. Also I am not expecting any big win in gambling. If it is lottery or gambling, my expectations are very low and I am not expecting to win anything, especially in lottery. But probably one day can be in my favour but I do not expect that day to come.

Same thoughts, I always say  that if something is meant for me, I can get it at unexpected times or opportunities. I also avoid hoping to win in lottery or any gambling activity because sometimes, the more we hope, the more we don't get what we want. I know that it's kinda impossible to win because there's a lot of people playing it and the chances of winning is very low but as an optimist type of person, I manifesting to win even if it's in lowest prize.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: kotajikikox on April 09, 2024, 10:04:37 AM
Which of these range of thoughts and feelings do you experience;
  • my time is near
This will give gamblers another thing to stay in gambling and stay longer in this kind of gambling.

  • it can't happen to me
desperation in this part , and for me? this is much better to think to how we can survive and forget to gamble finally in future.

  • I wish I could win, even if it meant lower jackpots
  • Indifferent

well that is better to expect , to look for small jackpot instead of that high expectation .

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: DabsPoorVersion on April 09, 2024, 10:09:30 AM
If you are reading this and you actively participate in lotteries as an regular player, these kind of lottery success stories can evoke a lot of emotions and responses. Which of these range of thoughts and feelings do you experience;
  • my time is near
  • it can't happen to me
  • I wish I could win, even if it meant lower jackpots
  • Indifferent

I am more of a man who always thinks of what I want. I like to manifest the positive things and I believe that the more you think, the more you attract luck and the possibility of winning. So, I always think of "my time is near".

I know in lotteries that luck will always be the only way to win jackpots. Based on my experience, gambling is unpredictable, especially in luck-based games. Winning will always come to us in a very unexpected situation, but that's the more reason why I always manifest the things I want which is to win a jackpot.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: bakasabo on April 09, 2024, 10:21:51 AM
I have tried playing lotteries few times when I was much younger, but I was never a huge fun of them. First of all lotteries in my countries are not as popular as in US. Jackpot is greatly lower; I think we have hundred thousands euro jackpot, and I think I saw ads with "win a million in a lottery". Anyway jackpots arent as huge as in US. Second reason is that I like to find if I lose or win instantly. I dont like waiting for draw. Scratch cards arent for me also. I would say that reward experience in other gambling activities raises no interest in lotteries for me.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: aioc on April 09, 2024, 10:45:51 AM

If you are reading this and you actively participate in lotteries as an regular player, these kind of lottery success stories can evoke a lot of emotions and responses. Which of these range of thoughts and feelings do you experience;
  • my time is near
  • it can't happen to me

Hope springs eternal everytime I'm betting in a lottery I imagine myself the next winner, lottery bettors knows that its very hard to win in a lottery, but there's always a winner in a lottery so every winner has equal chance for all bettors.
So I picked this two options my time is near and it can happen to me because if you're going to be the winner you should at least prepare to be one.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Wexnident on April 09, 2024, 11:31:22 AM
I'm in between being indifferent about it and "what'd I'd do I wonder if it was me" kind of mindset. It's not something wrong imo, imagining being in place of someone who got immensely lucky in something (or even someone famous in general really) is something at least all humans have done at least once in their entire lives. Might be happening to me more often though but hey, nothing wrong with imagining if it's kept with me. Sometimes I'm just left with indifference since I know it's not something a "what if" can solve, so I just let it be.

I still play lotteries sometimes, usually whenever there's a meaningful date since I use that and a bunch of other random combinations to use as card combinations for my tickets.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Assface16678 on April 09, 2024, 12:19:27 PM
In my country, the lottery is very popular. In every place, you will see lottery outlets that sell tickets to the players, and you will not see an outlet that doesn't have a player that is participating in it. That's also why the price of each lottery event is so high in a short time. Even though the price is a very huge amount, not all people will win it, and you are not sure that the winners are actually real people. Because there's a recent incident in my country that talks about the suspicious lucky winner of the lottery, the image of the winner is so edited that many people notice it. That's why I also lose hope in the lottery in my country because I think it is possible that the government will fabricate the winner in order to claim the prize and maybe recycle it or what.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: stomachgrowls on April 09, 2024, 12:32:06 PM
I wish I could win, even if it meant lower jackpots

It would really be good on hitting up millions because that would really be a life changing amount which its normal but i do even wish on hitting up a few tens or hundred of thousands. On which it would
really be that an amount that could changed up my life and would be able to make some business and would retire early from my day job.
This is why its not really that surprising that lottery would really be making out that kind of bigger pool.

Here in our country usually the amount of lottery being pooled doesnt really bloat or make that bigger amount because it is really just that too easy
for it to be win.Unlike on other countries on which it is really that hard to win up those lotteries on which it would really be making out that kind of question in mind
on how the heck is this happening.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Davidvictorson on April 09, 2024, 01:26:12 PM
In my country, we do not have the lottery fever like the US do. Although there's a company called Baba Ijebu lotto that works something similar to it but I don't see any one enthusiastic about it.

Reading the headlines of people who have won the lottery only got me feeling like I were the one. I think of the good life the jackpot would bring me and after 20 minutes or so, I am back to my normally self.

I have never seen anyone who buys a lottery tick who isn't optimistic but it seems that it is the less optimistic or indifferent people who end up winning.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Don Pedro Dinero on April 09, 2024, 01:35:26 PM
My response is the following: (

Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.

I play the lottery from time to time, but more for social reasons than anything else. Playing every week and playing several games is putting hope in something where the odds are against you. It is better to put that money in something that will potentially favor you in the future, like buying bitcoin.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: robelneo on April 09, 2024, 01:37:54 PM

If you are reading this and you actively participate in lotteries as an regular player, these kind of lottery success stories can evoke a lot of emotions and responses. Which of these range of thoughts and feelings do you experience;
  • my time is near
  • it can't happen to me
  • I wish I could win, even if it meant lower jackpots
  • Indifferent

I'm a lottery owner and my thought after my bet is my time is near because you never know because all the lottery bettor owners do not know if they are going to win, they hold on to the thought that they are going to be the next winner until it happens.

I congratulate those winners even if they are new bettors or have been betting for many years the fact that they've won when it's against all odds to win, fate has led them to win that jackpot and I have to congratulate for hitting the jackpot.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Wapfika on April 09, 2024, 01:40:54 PM
- A woman who quit her job after scratching off a $90,000 lottery windfall.

This news surely a result of a fever. I can’t imagine quoting my job by just winning 90K USD although it’s already huge but not enough to secure my future without my job. Her decision is probably due to impulse of winning or she really doesn’t like her job for her to quit with this amount of money which is probably a year worth of salary on their country.

What kind of response to the winner are you trying to get here OP? Aside from the woman winning back to back. The shows how Virginia is very lucky to have a lot of lottery winners.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Gozie51 on April 09, 2024, 01:42:34 PM
Maybe I was hopeful to win a lottery ticket far back in time not now. Maybe I have become more knowledgeable and wiser to know such winning is not for everybody so I have to treat it with some unseriousness and don't keep my hope on it

In my jurisdiction, there has also been allegation of manipulation of the numbers that will become the winning numbers for the jackpot. Although this has not been proven but it is making the customers have some doubts in their mind.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Yogee on April 09, 2024, 01:59:09 PM
I also wish to win but it's ironic for me since I seldom buy lottery tickets hehe. Buying some meme coins early hoping it would do 1000x has a higher chance of happening that winning the lottery.

- A woman who quit her job after scratching off a $90,000 lottery windfall.
Isn't stupid for the woman to quit her job? I know that $90,000 is really big for most people including myself, but she live in United States where the average annual salary is $50K, such amount is only 2 years annual salaries. $90K will really make she happy, but it's not something that can change her life.
You forgot to take into account the taxes which is also pretty high in US. Her net winning was worth $64,800 after taxes so that only about one year. The article also stated that she's unhappy with her for job so winning the lottery gave her a breathing space while she looks for another one.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on April 09, 2024, 02:07:36 PM
About 15 years ago my then gf (now wife) bought a Euromillions ticket. The jackpot was €85,000,000 if I recall correctly. To win the Euromillions jackpot you need to get all 5 numbers correct and the 2 stars. Any way to cut a long story short we got 4 numbers and 2 stars.

I was looking at the numbers on our ticket, frantically checking the numbers online, thinking we’d won something big. Turns out it’s a lot more important to get 5 numbers regardless of how many stars you get. We got 4 out of the 5 numbers and 2 stars. We won approx €4,000 which is nice obviously but not life changing. If we had got 5 numbers & 0 stars or 5 numbers and 1 star it was six figures.

Funnily enough my gf picked the number 24 (which was the 1 incorrect number) and the number we needed to win €85,000,000 was 23. I don’t think I’ll ever forget this experience sadly.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: carlfebz2 on April 09, 2024, 02:16:50 PM
About 15 years ago my then gf (now wife) bought a Euromillions ticket. The jackpot was €85,000,000 if I recall correctly. To win the Euromillions jackpot you need to get all 5 numbers correct and the 2 stars. Any way to cut a long story short we got 4 numbers and 2 stars.

I was looking at the numbers on our ticket, frantically checking the numbers online, thinking we’d won something big. Turns out it’s a lot more important to get 5 numbers regardless of how many stars you get. We got 4 out of the 5 numbers and 2 stars. We won approx €4,000 which is nice obviously but not life changing. If we had got 5 numbers & 0 stars or 5 numbers and 1 star it was six figures.

Funnily enough my gf picked the number 24 (which was the 1 incorrect number) and the number we needed to win €85,000,000 was 23. I don’t think I’ll ever forget this experience sadly.
That was 1 digit close and this is really something that you cant really be able to forget for the rest of your life specially if its an opportunity that you could really be able to changed up your entire life
considering that this one talks about multi millions. You would really be having thought that you have won something big even just hitting that 4 digits and 2 starts. So far in my lottery experience
i havent been able into a situation on hitting up almost hit kind of condition. So far out of 6 digit combinations i do able to hit up 3/6 so far on which i have been betting for several months
and ended up on having realizations that this might not for me. Yes, its no sense that you are expecting on hitting it right away but im really that too skeptical
on the money or funds that you've been using for a long time which it would be better that you should really be making use on other possible things but well its just a peanut
amount and this is why people wont really be bothering much.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: YOSHIE on April 09, 2024, 02:16:59 PM
In the United states and in some other countries around the world, lotteries are a big deal. They constitute a major part in shaping their cultural and economic atmosphere. Of course they are also operated legally.
Not only in the US, if you talk about lottery gambling, I can guarantee that almost all countries in the world have lottery fever, In my country, the money spent on lottery gambling is estimated to reach US$ 1.5 billion per year. Just imagine the enthusiasm of people who want to win many times over in lottery gambling.

For example what happened in Singapore.
Singaporean wins nearly $6 million jackpot with $1 lottery ticket. (

In Singapore the lottery is opened four times a day with predetermined opening times, morning, afternoon, evening twice, this is a sign that public interest in the lottery is very large, compared to other types of gambling, meaning we can know more about how much total assets come into the lottery. on lottery gambling sites.

Apart from that, many people think that lotteries are not too risky because they are not the same as slots, after placing the numbers you are done, just wait for the numbers we have placed to be correct or not, if you are lucky you take the money, that's simple.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Yaunfitda on April 09, 2024, 03:26:36 PM
  • my time is near
  • it can't happen to me
  • I wish I could win, even if it meant lower jackpots
  • Indifferent
Of course as a gambler, we still believed that even if the odds are stack against us, we could win that big jackpot one day. And as you can see, there are people who bet on lottery with the same thought as everyone, to have that windfall, so why not try your luck? You will just win if you don't believed in yourself that you can win it. And with that, from time to time, I will go and buy ticket or if by chance there is one in a gas station, then I will take that risk as you don't know what is instore for you. Maybe you got lucky with one scratch and get $100k, or a pick six that turns out to be the winning number.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: ethereumhunter on April 09, 2024, 03:46:46 PM
That's what people will feels when they see the lottery success stories. They will still buy the lottery ticket as they wants to be the next winners. They will not see that still difficult because they believe that someday, they will be the winner with winning much money like them. That's dangerous for them because they will not stops until they can wins even if they must used more money to buy the ticket lottery. Their dreams to be the winners is so strong and that makes them to allocates some more money to buy the tickets. Yes, seeing the news about the lottery winners can makes their emotion becomes higher and they will dreams to be the top by winning the lottery. It's a life changer when they can wins from the lottery because we talks about much money that people can't imagine.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Juse14 on April 09, 2024, 04:42:44 PM
This is completely a game based on luck, and we never know when luck will strike. Moreover, this is a type of gambling where the chances of winning are very small. I've been playing this type of gambling for quite a long time, even for half a year. But luck never came, and what I bet on, it was all in vain. I ran out of patience waiting for luck, it was really boring, placing and buying lottery continuously, but never getting a win.

And even though there are several people who managed to win the bet, for me I have lost respect and am no longer interested in buying lottery tickets. Because of what I have experienced for half a year, this is more than enough to prove that buying lottery tickets will only waste the money we have for nothing. Even though the price is quite cheap, if you calculate it in total, I have lost quite a lot from this bet.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Ruttoshi on April 09, 2024, 04:57:16 PM
Maybe I was hopeful to win a lottery ticket far back in time not now. Maybe I have become more knowledgeable and wiser to know such winning is not for everybody so I have to treat it with some unseriousness and don't keep my hope on it

In my jurisdiction, there has also been allegation of manipulation of the numbers that will become the winning numbers for the jackpot. Although this has not been proven but it is making the customers have some doubts in their mind.
I have not tried out any lottery game, because people that get those lottery tickets ends up not winning. I have only tried out the American visa lottery, but still I didn't win it. So I believe that lottery isn't my thing.

A friend of mine was lucky to hit the jackpot, and he invested the money into a business. He is doing well now and is successful. I believe that we all have our various time for us to be lucky, and not it is not compulsory that our luck most come from gamble.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Stepstowealth on April 09, 2024, 05:18:42 PM

I have observed that there is a U.S., lottery fever from looking at regular headlines about lucky winners. Recent examples include:

- A Virginia woman who became a two-time lottery millionaire after winning $1 million.
- Another Virginian who won a $3 million Mega Millions jackpot with a ticket purchased just weeks earlier.
- A California resident who claimed a $1 billion Powerball prize, one of the largest jackpots in history.
- A man who won $2.6 million on a scratch-off ticket gifted to him by his father.
- A woman who quit her job after scratching off a $90,000 lottery windfall.

If you are reading this and you actively participate in lotteries as an regular player, these kind of lottery success stories can evoke a lot of emotions and responses. Which of these range of thoughts and feelings do you experience;
  • my time is near
  • it can't happen to me
  • I wish I could win, even if it meant lower jackpots
  • Indifferent

News Headline source -
Wikipedia source -

It is quite fortunate that many of these success stories of lottery winners happen more in the United States than elsewhere. It could be easier to win a lottery there seeing it is a place where dreams easily come true, where it's easier to buy the tickets and because of the advancement and progress the country has made.

As for the thoughts, it couldn't be any different than those one has during betting. While for me, it will always be a wish to win, I sometimes do feel indifferent about the results and go with the flow so as not to get emotionally stressed from the thoughts of how it should be.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Slow death on April 09, 2024, 06:02:22 PM
my time is near

This is the thought of those people who have been buying lottery tickets for many years but have never won anything, so every time they think about giving up and then see some news about a winner, then they get renewed hope, and that's why people Lottery companies market to lottery winners so that other people keep buying lots of tickets thinking that they too can one day win a lot of money like the person they are seeing being presented by the lottery company as the winner of a big prize. lottery companies use the darkness inside people's hearts to keep them buying lottery tickets

it can't happen to me

This is the thinking of people who work to have money, they know that to earn money they need to work hard and that this luck of winning money in the lottery is not something that happens to many people, so they are wasting money on buying tickets while They could use the money to buy something more useful and something that these people think about. and in my opinion they are right. lottery and the kind of thing I prefer to stay away from

I wish I could win, even if it meant lower jackpots

This is the behavior of a desperate person, who has a serious financial problem and is not seeing a solution, so that person starts thinking about these types of things, but the problem with this thinking is that this person will spend money on buying tickets. lottery instead of taking that money and focusing on solving his problem. People often don't realize the power of saving money.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: ChiBitCTy on April 09, 2024, 06:07:37 PM
We certainly do have some big lottery payouts here in the United States.  What I tend to think when I see those payouts is either the person that got lucky and won didn't really even need the money and others are people whom tend to be a bit poor, or not well off and end up blowing through the money like it's nothing.  The reason being is they tend to not have good money management skills. 

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Yatsan on April 09, 2024, 06:19:53 PM
Not fond of lotteries however, it is not a hidden fact that there are people who dies without even winning anything from lottery and it is all because of luck and fate. Happy for those who won but if they will be compiled, of course the number would seem to be big and will make lottery promising. However, keep in mind that they won on different dates and that simply means there is really a huge difference in ratio between people who won and people who keeps on losing. Perhaps 1:10m of bettors as an estimate, now, would it still be promising just because people who experienced winning shared their words which are not even representative to the majority.

i am not against such gambling activity but at least lt us be realistic. There will never be something as success in gambling through consistency and persistence.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: stomachgrowls on April 09, 2024, 06:32:52 PM
Not fond of lotteries however, it is not a hidden fact that there are people who dies without even winning anything from lottery and it is all because of luck and fate. Happy for those who won but if they will be compiled, of course the number would seem to be big and will make lottery promising. However, keep in mind that they won on different dates and that simply means there is really a huge difference in ratio between people who won and people who keeps on losing. Perhaps 1:10m of bettors as an estimate, now, would it still be promising just because people who experienced winning shared their words which are not even representative to the majority.

i am not against such gambling activity but at least lt us be realistic. There will never be something as success in gambling through consistency and persistence.
It could really be ended up on a lifetime kind of betting into it.Just like on my neighborhood on which its been long years that he do constantly going into those lottery outlet on making out such bet on which
hes really hoping that he would really be able to hit up the jackpot and would really be able to make himself that a millionaire and would changed up his life entirely on the money that he could won.
Everyone wishes to be a winner and this is why we do see jackpot prize pool is really that too fast on becoming big just because people are really that desperate on trying out to make out bets and
thinking up on being winners.

So far i havent made myself that constantly betting on lotteries. I do only make up some bets on the time that i do remember but im not really that seriously pouring up some funds
on buying tons of lottery tickets on which we know the odds of winning the game is really just that close to impossible. So better thinking up realistically
rather than on making yourself that delusional.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Queentoshi on April 09, 2024, 06:35:37 PM

  • I wish I could win, even if it meant lower jackpots
Winning will surely be a good feeling after not winning in the few times I have tried the lottery, my wish is that I could be the lucky person someday that is in the headline for winning even if the money is not as big as what these other people have gotten, but just something okay to act on any of my business plans. Hearing people win is always motivative, and since lotteries are not as regular as the everyday gambling, there is a lower chance that you get addicted to it even if you decide to play the lottery occasionally when there is one.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: acroman08 on April 09, 2024, 06:54:35 PM
Which of these range of thoughts and feelings do you experience;
  • my time is near
  • it can't happen to me
  • I wish I could win, even if it meant lower jackpots
  • Indifferent
Pretty sure all of us feels this way in someways, I mean the reason why we bet on lotteries is to try our luck and hope to win even if it is not the jackpot.

Isn't stupid for the woman to quit her job? I know that $90,000 is really big for most people including myself, but she live in United States where the average annual salary is $50K, such amount is only 2 years annual salaries. $90K will really make she happy, but it's not something that can change her life.
Normally yeah, $90k is not big enough to quit job but she could have other reason why she did it. a lot of jobs can be toxic and perhaps the winning she got gave her the boost to look for another job without worrying much about money.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Rabata on April 09, 2024, 07:34:51 PM
I love gambling but I'm against the lottery you mentioned. Because I don't believe now that I will win the lottery. Because if luck favored me then I will win otherwise there is no chance of winning. I never thought I would win the lottery. This is unlikely to happen now as I try to avoid lottery games. If I ever win the lottery, I will never worry that I will win the lottery. Lottery winners are definitely the luckiest people. There are many people who believe in lotteries and buy lotteries regularly but not all will win and it is not possible to win if some don't try.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Baofeng on April 09, 2024, 07:47:38 PM
I love gambling but I'm against the lottery you mentioned. Because I don't believe now that I will win the lottery. Because if luck favored me then I will win otherwise there is no chance of winning. I never thought I would win the lottery. This is unlikely to happen now as I try to avoid lottery games. If I ever win the lottery, I will never worry that I will win the lottery. Lottery winners are definitely the luckiest people. There are many people who believe in lotteries and buy lotteries regularly but not all will win and it is not possible to win if some don't try.

If you believed that you are not going to win, then you will not simply as that.

Even here in our country, there is a lotto fever, although lately there was a bit of controversy here in the Philippines and I think majority of you know this issue already as it has been discussed here many times.

Regardless though, winning lottery is a life changer and that's why it a craze everywhere not just in the US. So for me, why not embrace uncertainty that most of us gamblers love? Who knows, we could be the next big lottery winners in our country.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Mahanton on April 09, 2024, 07:53:19 PM
I love gambling but I'm against the lottery you mentioned. Because I don't believe now that I will win the lottery. Because if luck favored me then I will win otherwise there is no chance of winning. I never thought I would win the lottery. This is unlikely to happen now as I try to avoid lottery games. If I ever win the lottery, I will never worry that I will win the lottery. Lottery winners are definitely the luckiest people. There are many people who believe in lotteries and buy lotteries regularly but not all will win and it is not possible to win if some don't try.

If you believed that you are not going to win, then you will not simply as that.

Even here in our country, there is a lotto fever, although lately there was a bit of controversy here in the Philippines and I think majority of you know this issue already as it has been discussed here many times.

Regardless though, winning lottery is a life changer and that's why it a craze everywhere not just in the US. So for me, why not embrace uncertainty that most of us gamblers love? Who knows, we could be the next big lottery winners in our country.
You would really be able to see those lottery outlets been flocked in by people who would really be tending to make out their bets on which this do simply shows that on everyday there's really that hype or interest on winning up the jackpot and this is why it isnt really that shocking that there's so much interest or showing up that there are tons of people whose really that hoping that they would really be able to change their lives.
Its not really that bad on being positive but having that kind of positivity might really be leading into possible desperation on which it might really be that resulting into that impulsive betting.
Yes, it might not be that much about lottery ticket prices but if you do it on excessive manner then it would really be that still big and it would really be that bad for you.

So make those ticket purchases to be in moderation. Always make use of that extra money of yours for you to be able to make up some those bets on lottery.
Just like on what been said by most people on here that chance on hitting up the jackpot is really that close to impossible.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on April 09, 2024, 11:59:13 PM
If you are reading this and you actively participate in lotteries as an regular player, these kind of lottery success stories can evoke a lot of emotions and responses. Which of these range of thoughts and feelings do you experience;
  • my time is near
  • it can't happen to me
  • I wish I could win, even if it meant lower jackpots
  • Indifferent

The truth of the fact is that inasmuch as none of those lucky winners never knew they were to win the lottery game, but tried their luck and eventually saw themselves winning, likewise is that applicable to others who do not give up, because thou the chances of winning a lottery game is very slim, in most cases, it's always worth it, since it requires just a few bucks, or likewise $1. Hence, when it comes to me, I wish I could win, even if it meant lower rank.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Webetcoins on April 10, 2024, 01:17:00 PM
I do not participate in lotteries that much because I know it requires a lot of luck for one to be among the winners who win life-changing amounts of money from lotteries. Lotteries are the most difficult forms of gambling to earn anything from because no matter how much money you spend on lottery tickets, your winning probability will not be that much, and I have seen people having more than a 30% probability and still not winning the highest prize in a lottery.

I wonder how painful it must be to spend thousands of dollars on buying lottery tickets and then winning not even enough to cover the money you have spent on the tickets because you are not lucky enough. So in my opinion, one should never spend a lot of money or lotteries.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Wapfika on April 10, 2024, 01:26:16 PM
Funnily enough my gf picked the number 24 (which was the 1 incorrect number) and the number we needed to win €85,000,000 was 23. I don’t think I’ll ever forget this experience sadly.

Can’t imagine the look on her face when she knew that her pick is the only one got weong to have a life changing jackpot. I usually become regretful and gloomy whenever my decision makes our life miserable with my partner.

I’m not familiar with your lottery system that “start”. Is that 2 number or something? What’s the purpose of that aside from the 6 number. It seems that your lottery format is a bit complicated because our lottery style usually only need 6 numbers or below to win the jackpot while the 5 number win is already a life changing amount.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: qwertyup23 on April 10, 2024, 01:38:44 PM
If you are planning on doing the lottery, then expect nothing at all. The chances of you hitting the jackpot are astronomically low that you are better than experiencing all sorts of things than to win the lottery.

If you have spare cash specifically allocated for the lottery, then feel free to do so since the price of tickets are relatively low. But expect nothing when you try the lottery- just do it for the sake of that hope of winning and nothing more than that.

My father has been consistently buying lottery tickets and there was a time that he won 5/6 numbers. He was able to bag at least $5,000 from that but he was never able to repeat this experience.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Don Pedro Dinero on April 10, 2024, 01:39:28 PM
About 15 years ago my then gf (now wife) bought a Euromillions ticket. The jackpot was €85,000,000 if I recall correctly. To win the Euromillions jackpot you need to get all 5 numbers correct and the 2 stars. Any way to cut a long story short we got 4 numbers and 2 stars.

I was looking at the numbers on our ticket, frantically checking the numbers online, thinking we’d won something big. Turns out it’s a lot more important to get 5 numbers regardless of how many stars you get. We got 4 out of the 5 numbers and 2 stars. We won approx €4,000 which is nice obviously but not life changing. If we had got 5 numbers & 0 stars or 5 numbers and 1 star it was six figures.

Funnily enough my gf picked the number 24 (which was the 1 incorrect number) and the number we needed to win €85,000,000 was 23. I don’t think I’ll ever forget this experience sadly.

A friend of mine had a similar experience in a lottery of the same style but with a smaller prize in Spain. He always played the same numbers but there was one that changed, some weeks he would play the day he met his wife and other weeks the day they hooked up. It turns out that they won 5 numbers + the complementary, with a prize of €3,000, but if he had put the other number that he had not put that week, he would have won €1,000,000. And instead of rejoicing at having won €3,000, he spent the night cursing because he hadn't won a million.

Knowing cases like that, I always choose to have a random combination made by the machine, and I never repeat.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: mirakal on April 10, 2024, 01:48:19 PM
I do not participate in lotteries that much because I know it requires a lot of luck for one to be among the winners who win life-changing amounts of money from lotteries. Lotteries are the most difficult forms of gambling to earn anything from because no matter how much money you spend on lottery tickets, your winning probability will not be that much, and I have seen people having more than a 30% probability and still not winning the highest prize in a lottery.

I wonder how painful it must be to spend thousands of dollars on buying lottery tickets and then winning not even enough to cover the money you have spent on the tickets because you are not lucky enough. So in my opinion, one should never spend a lot of money or lotteries.
I’m also not a fan actually on lottery. Although I have to say I wish I could have some extra luck to win the jackpot prize but I know it won’t be possible for me since I’m not really into it. I would even gamble more and spend more money on slots than gambling on lottery and make a wishful thinking. Because I know it takes hundred thousands of dollars to lose first before you hit the jackpot, and not even sure if you’ll eventually win after a huge amount of losses. So for me, lottery gambling is not actually worthy of my losses. Except for those who bet on small amount and boom, they instantly hit the jackpot.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Julien_Olynpic on April 10, 2024, 02:17:53 PM
I don't buy lottery tickets because the probability of winning in lotteries is very low. You can provide specific calculations of the probability of winning the lottery. But I have come across calculations that the probability of winning a significant amount in popular national lotteries, and even more so the jackpot, is less than the probability of dying from a lightning strike. Even in sports betting, the probability of winning is higher. What can I say, in sports betting the probability of winning in many cases is 50%. Your bet will either work or not. In the long run, you will most likely lose, but you will lose slowly and about half the time you will win. How many lottery tickets do you need to buy to win as much as in sports betting?

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Hirose UK on April 10, 2024, 03:01:18 PM
Everyone luck is different and is related to getting lottery jackpot that can really change lives, in fact, it only happens and is experienced by small number of gamblers.
In total, the percentage of gamblers who succeed with the jackpot is no more than 10% of all existing gamblers.
Those who get it are of course people chosen by luck itself, but if it just small number of wins it still lot to happen.
Only thing that is of concern is that those who get the jackpot and become instant millionaires will never last long, almost everyone who is in this condition will definitely lose all their wealth over time.

Personally, as gambler who really likes and is active in gambling, when I read or see context like this, I will not be affected by anything because I am aware that it all depends on luck.
Moreover, it not certain that I can get the same luck and if I only try to get luck like that then the end result will definitely not be suitable and will only give feeling of disappointment.
It doesn't matter whether I can get it because the most important thing is that I can bet and have fun in every bet.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: yudi09 on April 10, 2024, 03:15:12 PM
- A woman who quit her job after scratching off a $90,000 lottery windfall.

If you are reading this and you actively participate in lotteries as an regular player, these kind of lottery success stories can evoke a lot of emotions and responses. Which of these range of thoughts and feelings do you experience;
  • my time is near
  • it can't happen to me
  • I wish I could win, even if it meant lower jackpots
  • Indifferent
Quit his job after getting a big money windfall from the lottery. I think that players who gamble and win large amounts of money don't need to quit their jobs. It is true that the amount of money won is large, but it will run out slowly if he doesn't use the money to continue earning.

By working, he can earn regular income. If the woman has a business mind, then a large amount of money from the lottery will increase the amount of money she can put back into business.
Don't have to stop after getting a windfall and I won't act like that woman. Not going to happen to me and in that option, rather I choose the third one.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Quidat on April 10, 2024, 03:35:59 PM
I do not participate in lotteries that much because I know it requires a lot of luck for one to be among the winners who win life-changing amounts of money from lotteries. Lotteries are the most difficult forms of gambling to earn anything from because no matter how much money you spend on lottery tickets, your winning probability will not be that much, and I have seen people having more than a 30% probability and still not winning the highest prize in a lottery.

I wonder how painful it must be to spend thousands of dollars on buying lottery tickets and then winning not even enough to cover the money you have spent on the tickets because you are not lucky enough. So in my opinion, one should never spend a lot of money or lotteries.
I’m also not a fan actually on lottery. Although I have to say I wish I could have some extra luck to win the jackpot prize but I know it won’t be possible for me since I’m not really into it. I would even gamble more and spend more money on slots than gambling on lottery and make a wishful thinking. Because I know it takes hundred thousands of dollars to lose first before you hit the jackpot, and not even sure if you’ll eventually win after a huge amount of losses. So for me, lottery gambling is not actually worthy of my losses. Except for those who bet on small amount and boom, they instantly hit the jackpot.
Im a fan but everything changed up on the time that i have seen that im already spending too much and i have realized that i might not be able to hit up a win even if i do bet even with my life time.  :D
For the sake of entertainment then it would really be just that fine and buying 1-2 tickets per draw is just fine. What sucks on here is that there are couple of types of draws per day on which means
that you would really be costing up more money on buying tickets but since it is really just that cheap then its just fine but if you are someone whose really that saving up money then better think
not to deal up with lottery.  There would be winners but there would be tons of losers which its understandable on how lottery do works. This is why you shouldnt really be expecting or
making yourself that positive on winning up so that you wont really be ending up on being disappointed.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Findingnemo on April 10, 2024, 04:05:17 PM
I think rationally which always gives me an impression that lottery is not for me, it may look like odd but that's what my feelings about lotteries. I try once in a while and see how my luck at the present but all the time it's just went in vain.

Whenever I see lottery winners stories, it makes me feel that it's just a promotion from the lottery company to attract more people.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: FortuneFollower on April 10, 2024, 04:21:39 PM
In the United states and in some other countries around the world, lotteries are a big deal. They constitute a major part in shaping their cultural and economic atmosphere. Of course they are also operated legally. Wikipedia says that Americans spent $5 billion on various lotteries in 2017 and  $77.7 billion in 2018.

I have observed that there is a U.S., lottery fever from looking at regular headlines about lucky winners. Recent examples include:

- A Virginia woman who became a two-time lottery millionaire after winning $1 million.
- Another Virginian who won a $3 million Mega Millions jackpot with a ticket purchased just weeks earlier.
- A California resident who claimed a $1 billion Powerball prize, one of the largest jackpots in history.
- A man who won $2.6 million on a scratch-off ticket gifted to him by his father.
- A woman who quit her job after scratching off a $90,000 lottery windfall.

If you are reading this and you actively participate in lotteries as an regular player, these kind of lottery success stories can evoke a lot of emotions and responses. Which of these range of thoughts and feelings do you experience;
  • my time is near
  • it can't happen to me
  • I wish I could win, even if it meant lower jackpots
  • Indifferent

News Headline source -
Wikipedia source -

Personally, I'm drawn to the optimism these stories inspire. They spark a bit of that "what if" curiosity, making me wonder about the endless possibilities life holds. While I recognize the odds are slim, the idea that anyone could suddenly find their life transformed is a powerful and hopeful aspect of human stories. It's a reminder that sometimes, the unexpected can happen, fueling dreams and conversations. Whether or not one chooses to play, the narratives around lotteries serve as fascinating glimpses into the dance of fate and fortune.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Betwrong on April 15, 2024, 09:50:32 AM
I prefer spending less on luck-based things and spending more on businesses, investments, and others, risks are present but one is bigger than others.

The risk in the lottery game is huge. The chance of you winning is incomparable with your chance of succeeding in business, it's way smaller for sure. BUT. The question is what amount of your money you are putting at risk? With lottery it's $2-$3, and with business ... Often people risk everything they have when opening a business or at least they risk thousands of USD. Again, amounts are incomparable.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: TheUltraElite on April 15, 2024, 10:12:28 AM
The common response I have seen is that I can also be a winner. But as I gradually understood how casinos and gambling work, it came to me that these games are all ending up the same way for almost evryone, a loss of money buying the ticket. The news is made to induce the greed and sense of challenge among the gamblers, so does big wins being posted on social media.

You have to see the logic and then only you can realise that these thoughts are wrong and that no one wins from the casino without losing more already.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: jossiel on April 15, 2024, 10:27:28 AM
I don't bet in the lottery because I know that I'll never win. I don't even take chances even I know that there's the slightest chance that I can win there.

But with that revenue that the government of US getting from their citizens who consistently bet on their lottery, it's because that the pot is also growing.

I've heard that the pot has increased up to $1-B and that's why everyone is getting crazy trying to hit that jackpot.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: danherbias07 on April 15, 2024, 10:28:35 AM
I've heard a lot of stories but I am still pessimistic about the lottery. Never have I ever bet using my own money, it's just my grandfather who always asks me to bet for him and then I bring his pet numbers and the money to the lottery booth.

Of all the stories, I think they are mostly lies. The only truth that I heard is from my neighbor about his brother having pet numbers too and one day he forgot to make a bet and all the numbers came out.
I simply said to my neighbor that it was because the lottery system saw that no one made a bet on that and so all of it came out. But if his brother did make a bet that day, different numbers would come out of the lottery.
It's rigged, that's for sure. But still, many people are getting their hopes up thanks to the promised high jackpot amount and the stories that we don't know if they are real or not.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: coin-investor on April 15, 2024, 11:28:47 AM

If you are reading this and you actively participate in lotteries as an regular player, these kind of lottery success stories can evoke a lot of emotions and responses. Which of these range of thoughts and feelings do you experience;
  • my time is near
  • it can't happen to me

As a lottery bettor, I'm always positive about my chances I'm picking these two options because these are actually what I feel my time is near and this can happen to me.

When you're betting you're betting with hope and you pray that luck will hit you because there's no skill that you can use to have a good chance of winning chances so you rely on hope and prayers.

The majority of lottery bettors I talked with are betting because it's their way to change their lives and they told me that the numbers they picked are random or based on their favorite numbers or combination of their loved ones' birthdays and they put their trust to luck and their belief that their time to win is near.[/list]

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: mu_enrico on April 15, 2024, 12:16:02 PM
I'm a Toto (4-digit lottery) player and haven't won anything lol. The chance of a 4-digit lottery is already slim, and you said that people were able to win on Powerball? Well, their luck must be crazy. To get a better idea of how lucky they are, I'd use myself as an example, I bought like 100 combinations out of 10,000 possible combinations (0000 - 9999) at least once a week this year, and got 0 winnings from it.

The lottery is a fun game if you somehow got some combination "revealed" to you via dream or whatever, and you bet a rather substantial amount (for a lottery) with the hope of getting rich and don't have to work for the rest of your life ;D

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: bitbollo on April 15, 2024, 12:19:51 PM
I am not playing Lottery since like... forever!
There are some online tools that allow you to calculate the real odds of winning in a game like this...
when you realize the real odds you have you should not play.
In my opinion, stop playing completely even though there are many winners and it is practically impossible for it to happen to you ::)

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Oilacris on April 15, 2024, 12:22:03 PM
it can't happen to me

This is what i do have in mind when it comes to gambling which it isnt really just that limited to lottery but also in other games as well on which if ever i do see someone do make out some huge wins
then i dont really make myself that trying out to reflect myself as a winner. Why? If you would really be trying out on having this kind of approach then you would really be definitely make yourself that desperate and we do know that one you do make yourself that desperate then you would really be ending up on making yourself that becoming impulsive on which it would really be ending up for you
to make out some bets on which it might really be ended up on tons of mistakes.

Just let them be to be winners, the important thing on here is that you dont make yourself on trying out to copy them because this is one of the most common reasons
on why people do really end up miserable just because they do find themselves that trying out to make themselves winners.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: AbuBhakar on April 15, 2024, 12:57:38 PM
I don't bet in the lottery because I know that I'll never win. I don't even take chances even I know that there's the slightest chance that I can win there.

You will never win if you didn’t make a bet. Having 1 ticket is enough for you to have a chance to win. I always purchase 1 to 10 tickets whenever the jackpot prize is already high just to try my luck.

But with that revenue that the government of US getting from their citizens who consistently bet on their lottery, it's because that the pot is also growing.

I've heard that the pot has increased up to $1-B and that's why everyone is getting crazy trying to hit that jackpot.

I check the powerball website of US but I don’t see the billion dollars jackpot prize anymore. I read to in the news before that the pot prize increase to that level but there’s no news about who win that powerball.

It’s so awesome being a billionaire by just purchasing a ticket that cause only few dollars out of your pocket. :o

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: jossiel on April 15, 2024, 01:01:02 PM
I don't bet in the lottery because I know that I'll never win. I don't even take chances even I know that there's the slightest chance that I can win there.

You will never win if you didn’t make a bet. Having 1 ticket is enough for you to have a chance to win. I always purchase 1 to 10 tickets whenever the jackpot prize is already high just to try my luck.
Yeah, no chance if I won't bet but as I've said it's best for me not to take any chances cause it's gotta be a waste of money for me. I'm not from the US but if the prize is like then why not?

But with that revenue that the government of US getting from their citizens who consistently bet on their lottery, it's because that the pot is also growing.

I've heard that the pot has increased up to $1-B and that's why everyone is getting crazy trying to hit that jackpot.

I check the powerball website of US but I don’t see the billion dollars jackpot prize anymore. I read to in the news before that the pot prize increase to that level but there’s no news about who win that powerball.

It’s so awesome being a billionaire by just purchasing a ticket that cause only few dollars out of your pocket. :o
Well, if the chance is higher by being struck with a lightning. I cannot think of how much chance someone needs in winning that billion.

The prize pot has been reported reach into a billion just a few weeks ago.

US Powerball jackpot worth $1 billion up for grabs (

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: topbitcoin on April 15, 2024, 01:20:48 PM
I once spent a lot of money on lottery tickets, I once suffered from lottery fever. It was a very stupid experience, because I lost a lot of money on bets that had very little chance of winning. And what started me feeling obsessed with this type of gambling, was not because I had won it, but because at that time my brother managed to win the lottery and get a very large prize, which was thousands of times the amount bet. At that time I hoped that I would have the same luck, so I bought so many lottery tickets. But still, even though I had placed a lot of numbers, the luck never came, so I only got losses.

Departing from this experience, I feel tired if I have to return to that kind of gambling, even though currently there may be several people who have succeeded in getting prizes from the lottery they bought. However, with the large amount of losses I have experienced, for now I am no longer interested in having to buy lottery tickets again and spend a lot of money for uncertain results.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Julien_Olynpic on April 15, 2024, 01:28:38 PM
I once read with interest an article about lottery strategies. Yes, lotteries also have strategies, although in general the likelihood of winning in lotteries is much lower. Than in trading and betting. If you want excitement and winning at the same time, then I would probably recommend sports betting. But if for some reason you are a fan of lotteries, then this can sometimes make sense too. But I would share the goals in the lottery. One goal is to obtain a minimally significant win and a completely different one is a strategy focused on getting the jackpot. As for the jackpot, I read about a mathematician couple who deliberately bought large quantities of lottery tickets and eventually won the jackpot. It was a fun strategy. As for the minimally significant winnings, the only thing that can help here is regular purchases of lottery tickets.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: rodskee on April 16, 2024, 11:43:39 AM
We have our own way of betting and while many are expecting too much when they bet ? Well I am not because first?

I am not a fan of Lottery .

Second ? I don't wanna bet and expect too much because this will only lead me to disappointment .
instead I just love trying bet but don't want to expect so much .

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: dunfida on April 16, 2024, 06:46:28 PM
I once read with interest an article about lottery strategies. Yes, lotteries also have strategies, although in general the likelihood of winning in lotteries is much lower. Than in trading and betting. If you want excitement and winning at the same time, then I would probably recommend sports betting. But if for some reason you are a fan of lotteries, then this can sometimes make sense too. But I would share the goals in the lottery. One goal is to obtain a minimally significant win and a completely different one is a strategy focused on getting the jackpot. As for the jackpot, I read about a mathematician couple who deliberately bought large quantities of lottery tickets and eventually won the jackpot. It was a fun strategy. As for the minimally significant winnings, the only thing that can help here is regular purchases of lottery tickets.
The only way i have been on mind on how to win up the lottery is to bet on tons of combinations on which this means that this would really require tons of money. In regarding on trying out to
make out some strategies and calculations then this is something that would really be out of hand. Combinations in overall is something that cant be done by a single person.
Winning up lottery is really that close to impossible but surprisingly there are tons of people who do really likes on changing up their lives once they do hit up the jackpot.

It cant really be denied that lottery could really give out that kind of chance but of course you would really be needing that all luck in the world.
Just dont make yourself that desperate on betting out of hand.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: o48o on April 16, 2024, 07:46:32 PM
My response is the following: (

Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.

I play the lottery from time to time, but more for social reasons than anything else. Playing every week and playing several games is putting hope in something where the odds are against you. It is better to put that money in something that will potentially favor you in the future, like buying bitcoin.
We don't even need to be bad in math for not grasping probabilities. We are able to think it logically and act like we would grasp such low winning odds, but in reality our brains aren't build to understand it as we never in our evolutional development needed to understand nothing but small groups and small numbers. We can vividly imagine spending a jackpot, so that seems like a possibility in our guts. We can't howevere see how small part our bet is on that raffle. Just the facts that we can see all the numbers throws us off and makes our lizard brain think that it's a possibility to guess them.

And yes, someone will win them, but someone will get hit by meteors too. We don't believe those odds either.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Betwrong on April 22, 2024, 11:36:24 AM
~ And yes, someone will win them, but someone will get hit by meteors too. We don't believe those odds either.

The difference between winning in a lottery and being hit by a meteor is that if you don't have a ticket it's a guarantee that you won't win. With meteor, on the other hand, it's different. We all have our "tickets" so to speak. But I agree with you that the odds of winning the Jackpot and being hit by a meteor are more or less the same. We just shouldn't forget that when we don't buy a ticket our chances of succeeding with lottery are zero.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: fullhdpixel on April 26, 2024, 08:20:30 AM
~ And yes, someone will win them, but someone will get hit by meteors too. We don't believe those odds either.
The difference between winning in a lottery and being hit by a meteor is that if you don't have a ticket it's a guarantee that you won't win. With meteor, on the other hand, it's different. We all have our "tickets" so to speak. But I agree with you that the odds of winning the Jackpot and being hit by a meteor are more or less the same. We just shouldn't forget that when we don't buy a ticket our chances of succeeding with lottery are zero.
There is nothing wrong with buying a few tickets to try your luck in a lottery, but what some people do is spend a lot of money on buying tickets because they believe this increases their chances of winning the jackpot amount which isn't true. After all, buying more tickets will only increase the probability but that doesn't guarantee that you will win the main prize, at the end of the day, the results are influenced by luck and if you are not lucky, you won't win even if you have a probability of more than 90% and someone with just 2% will win it over you.

So, such people need to understand that lotteries are all about trying your luck and they aren't supposed to spend so much money on them because they can win with just a few tickets and they can't win even with a 100 thousand based on whether they are lucky or unlucky.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Hirose UK on April 26, 2024, 08:53:47 AM
~ And yes, someone will win them, but someone will get hit by meteors too. We don't believe those odds either.

The difference between winning in a lottery and being hit by a meteor is that if you don't have a ticket it's a guarantee that you won't win. With meteor, on the other hand, it's different. We all have our "tickets" so to speak. But I agree with you that the odds of winning the Jackpot and being hit by a meteor are more or less the same. We just shouldn't forget that when we don't buy a ticket our chances of succeeding with lottery are zero.
But I think everything will be the same, especially in gambling, anyone who dares to take risks will definitely have luck, as the saying goes, luck only belongs to those who take risks.
Every gambler will risk money and hope for luck to come, after all in lottery no gambler will be able to win big or get the jackpot if it is not influenced by luck.
Strategy in lottery is actually just kind of belief that clearly does not show any guarantee of winning, so basically gamblers who bet on lottery are just gamblers who prepare money to lose.
This will never depend on who buys the ticket and wins, but logically if want to win have to risk certain amount of money and after that leave the results to our own fate.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: dansus021 on April 26, 2024, 09:02:04 AM
First of all that Americans spent $5 billion on various lotteries in 2017 and  $77.7 billion in 2018. if your story are true that is a huge jump really and the loteries companies is swimming in cash by now if the trend keep it up.

and second lottery in my country doesnt exist since it like gambling and gambling is illegal here in Indonesia but I tried a lot of time lottery in crypto back then there is site called moonpoot and you can win a prize by deposit certain amount of token and till the site closed I never win single penny haha

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: bitterguy28 on April 26, 2024, 09:02:13 AM
Not sure if I can still try my luck in gambling specially in lottery because I am not as lucky as others. because as far as I remember ? i tried betting in lotto for couple of years and indeed just a few small wins that I gather and my losses are truly huge so maybe this fever is not for me to enjoy lol.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: angrybirdy on April 26, 2024, 10:15:14 AM
Not sure if I can still try my luck in gambling specially in lottery because I am not as lucky as others. because as far as I remember ? i tried betting in lotto for couple of years and indeed just a few small wins that I gather and my losses are truly huge so maybe this fever is not for me to enjoy lol.

Maybe you should try other type of gambling because maybe you aren't lucky when it comes to lottery but in slot games or sports betting you can make a win? Why not give it a try, that's what you should do, explore other gambling activities and just don't focus in 1 game. You already saw and experience that your chances of winning in lotto is very low which indicates that you should try other because if you will continue playing that game, possible that you will lose more.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: o48o on April 26, 2024, 01:10:38 PM
But I think everything will be the same, especially in gambling, anyone who dares to take risks will definitely have luck, as the saying goes, luck only belongs to those who take risks.
Every gambler will risk money and hope for luck to come, after all in lottery no gambler will be able to win big or get the jackpot if it is not influenced by luck.
Strategy in lottery is actually just kind of belief that clearly does not show any guarantee of winning, so basically gamblers who bet on lottery are just gamblers who prepare money to lose.
This will never depend on who buys the ticket and wins, but logically if want to win have to risk certain amount of money and after that leave the results to our own fate.
I disagree with you there. People who take risks don't "definitely have luck". They have near zero probability. Not zero, like people who don't buy a ticket, but almost as significant as zero.
You are correct about the risk, but it mostly applies to other things than gambling. "High risk, high gains" might be a common concept. But when you do lottery, that risk is insanely high for your bet, even if that bet is low.

And it's not like it's all about risk. It's about risk management. You need to accept risk (which is just too high in lottery, but maybe worth a dollar if you don't need that dollar to other things. And you have higher change to make profits by putting that dollar to something else. And when or if you gain that money you were looking for, may it be via gambling or working, risk avoidance becomes way more important factor, as you might want to keep that money, instead of risking it more.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: danherbias07 on April 26, 2024, 02:04:39 PM
Not sure if I can still try my luck in gambling specially in lottery because I am not as lucky as others. because as far as I remember ? i tried betting in lotto for couple of years and indeed just a few small wins that I gather and my losses are truly huge so maybe this fever is not for me to enjoy lol.
A couple of years and you give up. :D
My grandfather had been betting for the national lottery in almost his whole life and he lived until 82 years old. The very lucky ones are the only people who would win the lottery in 2 years of betting. Indeed, just step away from it if you feel like losing your money big time. I think that is cool, save that money for something else and maybe you will make millions.
I mean imagine, that's $1 per game and if there are 4 games a week, that's $4/week. In two years you can save $418 which I think is a good amount. What about those who are betting for 2 or 3 liners per game? Ergh, that will be lots of money.
That's the same computation I used when I stopped smoking, then I think about the health of my children. Now, I am saving a lot of money because a pack of smoke cost a lot of money due to the yearly increase in sin tax.
So, it's up to you. No one is forcing anyone to bet for the lottery but the jackpot always looks tasty. :D

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: livingfree on April 26, 2024, 09:45:17 PM
It's always been the same feeling about lottery when I see winners being proclaimed. But I do accept the fact that this is actually a game of fact, sometimes my lips would say that the same thing you've mentioned OP as "my time might be near".

But I don't lean towards it, yes, I was able to mention that for so many times but it's never happening and I accept that fact as well.

With those winners, I'm just happy for them and wishing them that they're going to be responsible with the amount they've won and will be able to grow it overtime and won't just let the lottery take it back from them.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Mia Chloe on April 26, 2024, 10:37:26 PM
Overthinking is a very wrong thing to practice when it comes to gambling activities. Aside from the fact that it affects the gamblers ability to focus properly, it often signifies the fact that the gambler probably either staked a huge amount of cash or staked his last cash and therefore is scared or tensed about losing it all. This is one of the major reasons why gamblers are often advised to stake what they can afford to lose so that they don't get emotional affected when they lose.

People who win during most gambling activities, aside from analysis and level of experience also had a nice amount of luck on their side especially when the chances of winning is very thin.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: AmoreJaz on April 26, 2024, 11:07:49 PM
It's always been the same feeling about lottery when I see winners being proclaimed. But I do accept the fact that this is actually a game of fact, sometimes my lips would say that the same thing you've mentioned OP as "my time might be near".

But I don't lean towards it, yes, I was able to mention that for so many times but it's never happening and I accept that fact as well.

With those winners, I'm just happy for them and wishing them that they're going to be responsible with the amount they've won and will be able to grow it overtime and won't just let the lottery take it back from them.

From time to time, we also want to hit our luck from this game. In my case, I seldom buy lottery tickets, only when I feel about buying and if I do have extra. Because we all know that the chance here is very slim. So better not use money that is needed to buy food or other important expenses.

For those who already got their luck from this game, better use it wisely. Invest in business that you think you can grow over time. Or buy tangible assets if you are not a business person. Don't buy luxury items that you won't need. Always think of something that you can gain before you spend something out of your winnings.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: bitterguy28 on April 29, 2024, 05:00:03 AM
Not sure if I can still try my luck in gambling specially in lottery because I am not as lucky as others. because as far as I remember ? i tried betting in lotto for couple of years and indeed just a few small wins that I gather and my losses are truly huge so maybe this fever is not for me to enjoy lol.

Maybe you should try other type of gambling because maybe you aren't lucky when it comes to lottery but in slot games or sports betting you can make a win? Why not give it a try, that's what you should do, explore other gambling activities and just don't focus in 1 game. You already saw and experience that your chances of winning in lotto is very low which indicates that you should try other because if you will continue playing that game, possible that you will lose more.
correct mate, I am not lucky in lottery but i am lucky in other gambling such as Roulette and Color games, I remember in color game here in our local online game that i manage 3 color combination for 5 consecutive betting and that gives me x40 of my total capital in which i decide to stand from the table and leave the gambling for a week.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: zuzie on April 29, 2024, 05:09:19 AM
To be honest, I don't really like lottery games because the game is really very boring for me when I play it because in my opinion, apart from being brave enough to bet money, the lottery game also requires supporting skills to get a chance of winning.
And when compared to online gambling games, we feel that apart from getting pleasure from playing, online gambling games also provide entertainment for us, sometimes we often get opportunities to win there.
Therefore I am more interested in online gambling games than lottery games.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: lienfaye on April 29, 2024, 05:23:42 AM
We know our chances to win in lottery is slim so these lottery winners are indeed fortunate to win a life changing amount. I rarely buy tickets (usually if I only have numbers in mind) because I always have this thought instead of buying ticket, I'd rather spend the money on something else so it won't be wasted (though the price of ticket is cheap).

I have a relative who's a fan of lottery and a regular bettor. He had the chance to win a small prize but not able to win a decent amount wherein he can recover all the money he spent on tickets.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: swogerino on April 29, 2024, 05:56:58 AM
We know our chances to win in lottery is slim so these lottery winners are indeed fortunate to win a life changing amount. I rarely buy tickets (usually if I only have numbers in mind) because I always have this thought instead of buying ticket, I'd rather spend the money on something else so it won't be wasted (though the price of ticket is cheap).

I have a relative who's a fan of lottery and a regular bettor. He had the chance to win a small prize but not able to win a decent amount wherein he can recover all the money he spent on tickets.

The lotteries are strange.In my country I have noticed that the winners of the state lottery are usually of old age when they show them on Tv as everything is shown on Tv,this means that these people are truly lucky as they buy on average as they tell 1-5 tickets spending 2-10 Euro maximum weekly as this is a weekly lottery and the prizes are not huge like 10.000 Eur on average up to 100.000 Eur on special days like public holidays in here.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Betwrong on April 29, 2024, 02:00:15 PM
~But I agree with you that the odds of winning the Jackpot and being hit by a meteor are more or less the same. We just shouldn't forget that when we don't buy a ticket our chances of succeeding with lottery are zero.
There is nothing wrong with buying a few tickets to try your luck in a lottery, but what some people do is spend a lot of money on buying tickets because they believe this increases their chances of winning the jackpot amount which isn't true.~

Hold on,  mate, no, it's actually true, the chances do increase with buying more tickets. The question is, how much? What are you chances of hitting the Jackpot after you bought 1,000 tickets instead of just one? Well, let's figure that out, shall we?  For example, the popular Mega Millions lottery has odds of approximately 1 in 175,711,536 or 0.0000006 % if you buy only 1 ticket. So, when you buy one thousand of them your chance of winning increases 1,000 times. But how much exactly it will be then? Well, it will be around 0.0006%. You can spend $2,000 on your 1,000 tickets and still have a minuscule chance to win.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: el kaka22 on April 29, 2024, 08:08:03 PM
Honestly, I never feel like I would win, but I know that even 1 ticket would have infinite amount of higher chance than zero tickets, so I do not see the point of having zero tickets. One ticket doesn't cost much in most lotteries, we do not get to see that many different situations and we can't really talk about that like it is a big deal. Whereas, if we are talking about a deal where they could cost so little and I get only one ticket then I feel more comfortable about it.

Not because I think I will win, the odds of someone with a single ticket to win the lottery is astronomically low, but I also do not want it to be zero. Like for example has lottery and two of them, and I always have at least one ticket for both of them each time, just in case.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: letteredhub on April 29, 2024, 08:31:59 PM
- A woman who quit her job after scratching off a $90,000 lottery windfall.
Isn't stupid for the woman to quit her job? I know that $90,000 is really big for most people including myself, but she live in United States where the average annual salary is $50K, such amount is only 2 years annual salaries. $90K will really make she happy, but it's not something that can change her life..
We can say it was stupid or not as the nature of job and the salary she earns a month isn't known to be attractive or not leading to her choice of quiting. $90k well invested could triple before a year end, and more importantly, not every individual have the ambition of working for people, they want to be self established, self employed having their own company in their name no matter how small it might be in size. It's just their dream.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: bitterguy28 on May 01, 2024, 07:32:48 AM
We know our chances to win in lottery is slim so these lottery winners are indeed fortunate to win a life changing amount. I rarely buy tickets (usually if I only have numbers in mind) because I always have this thought instead of buying ticket, I'd rather spend the money on something else so it won't be wasted (though the price of ticket is cheap).
but imagine how slim the chances are yet there are still millions of bettors around the world is trying their luck to win and change their life in single win.
but indeed that this is not the best way to let our life believing in short time becoming millionaire.

I have a relative who's a fan of lottery and a regular bettor. He had the chance to win a small prize but not able to win a decent amount wherein he can recover all the money he spent on tickets.
its common that we have relatives and friends of course who is continues betting in lotto but not even won a big wins instead a cheap winning that they are gaining .

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Poker Player on May 01, 2024, 07:55:24 AM
My thoughts have to do with the lottery winners who end up worse off  ( before they won the lottery, totally broke and with more debt. They had better learn how to manage their wealth and not get carried away by the drunkenness of joy when it comes to spending their winnings. Have a little brains, please.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Crypt0Gore on May 01, 2024, 10:25:52 AM
They got lucky, it doesn't mean I will too, and lottery is even more harder than normal gambling, I am protecting my mental health because my life depends on it, I don't want my life to be about chasing something that I may never get because trying to make money this way is not even fair to begin with.

I believe those people are just lucky, and I am not confused about going down the same path as them, nah, I will stick with my slots games when I have the money to lose, many lives must have been ruined before these few people became the lottery winners, some people pushed away important things in life just because they believe that lottery is the solution.

Be careful what you wish for and never compare yourself with another, it is not a must to make it in life in the same way that others took, you are different and so must your ways.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: angrybirdy on May 01, 2024, 07:24:12 PM
My thoughts have to do with the lottery winners who end up worse off  ( before they won the lottery, totally broke and with more debt. They had better learn how to manage their wealth and not get carried away by the drunkenness of joy when it comes to spending their winnings. Have a little brains, please.

sometimes when a person holds a large amount of money, they don't think about what can happen because they are focused on enjoying themselves and how they will spend the money they received. So a gambler should know better what needs to be done once he experiences winning at gambling so that the money does not run out in an instant. Yes, there is a saying that it is easy to run out of money without working hard, but if you are strategic and think practically, you know that the money you won in gambling will not just be used up on meaningless things.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: stomachgrowls on May 01, 2024, 07:42:45 PM
My thoughts have to do with the lottery winners who end up worse off  ( before they won the lottery, totally broke and with more debt. They had better learn how to manage their wealth and not get carried away by the drunkenness of joy when it comes to spending their winnings. Have a little brains, please.

sometimes when a person holds a large amount of money, they don't think about what can happen because they are focused on enjoying themselves and how they will spend the money they received. So a gambler should know better what needs to be done once he experiences winning at gambling so that the money does not run out in an instant. Yes, there is a saying that it is easy to run out of money without working hard, but if you are strategic and think practically, you know that the money you won in gambling will not just be used up on meaningless things.
People would really be able to realize things when its already too late or something that do talks about that experiencing those unfortunate conditions on which they should have been able to avoid it if they were really just that sensible into their own actions and really having that awareness about those condition on which we know that money could really be that easily be spent it all without you noticing or you arent that being wary just because you are really just that too confident that you could really be able to make out such money again in gambling or lottery or whatever source it would be which it is really that a very wrong approach.

Whenever you do win up something big then it would really be best that you should really be making use of it on the most beneficial or something that would really be worth and not really just that
buying up something which is useless because on the time that you wont really be having more money then you would really be coming back on where you are before
and this would really be bringing out that lifetime kind of regret just because you hadnt think up well and made out some right decisions.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: DaNNy001 on May 01, 2024, 08:07:13 PM
One of the mistake made by gamblers is to harbor the though of winning always. Gamble is a game of luck and you don't always get lucky, and that's why you need to spend your money wisely. I've come across some gambler who spend their money first on drinks after wining a bet, though we cannot all have the same mindset but a good spending habits is essential to all. Gamble can be fun at times, but that fun can only last when you spend wisely else you'll become addicted and even irresponsible in your gambling. The most important lesson to be learnt as gamblers is financial management.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: dezoel on May 01, 2024, 08:15:04 PM
Not sure if I can still try my luck in gambling specially in lottery because I am not as lucky as others. because as far as I remember ? i tried betting in lotto for couple of years and indeed just a few small wins that I gather and my losses are truly huge so maybe this fever is not for me to enjoy lol.
Anyone who sees and observes that they are constantly losing money either in gambling or in lotteries should get away from them because there is no wisdom in the continuation of a thing that is constantly making you fail in it. So to save yourself from more losses, you should stop doing it and you did the right thing. Gambling and lotteries are all about luck, and when your luck isn't supporting you, you can barely be able to win anything significant from them.

A lot of people involved either in gambling or lotteries don't take the necessary steps that can save them from extreme losses. They keep gambling or buying lottery tickets even when they see it evidently that they aren't winning, but they still keep hoping to win despite all this.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Mahanton on May 01, 2024, 08:23:09 PM
Not sure if I can still try my luck in gambling specially in lottery because I am not as lucky as others. because as far as I remember ? i tried betting in lotto for couple of years and indeed just a few small wins that I gather and my losses are truly huge so maybe this fever is not for me to enjoy lol.
Anyone who sees and observes that they are constantly losing money either in gambling or in lotteries should get away from them because there is no wisdom in the continuation of a thing that is constantly making you fail in it. So to save yourself from more losses, you should stop doing it and you did the right thing. Gambling and lotteries are all about luck, and when your luck isn't supporting you, you can barely be able to win anything significant from them.

A lot of people involved either in gambling or lotteries don't take the necessary steps that can save them from extreme losses. They keep gambling or buying lottery tickets even when they see it evidently that they aren't winning, but they still keep hoping to win despite all this.
If you are in for the money or profit then this is the wrong approach that you do have because the ideal thing that you should be having in mind on the time that you do gamble is to have fun
but just been said that on the time that if those things changes up then this is where issues would really be starting to come out and this what makes you push even more out of your limitation
and the worst you would be spending up too much and losing because of gambling addiction whether betting on lotteries or dealing up with those casual casino games or everything which is related to gambling. When it comes to those winnings then we do have the full rights on what we should gonna do with our money but its not bad to consider on why some people do make out some advises
on which its not really that bad at all that making use of your winnings into more worthy way rather than on totally wasting it out.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Betwrong on May 06, 2024, 11:09:17 AM
My thoughts have to do with the lottery winners who end up worse off ( before they won the lottery, totally broke and with more debt. They had better learn how to manage their wealth and not get carried away by the drunkenness of joy when it comes to spending their winnings. Have a little brains, please.

Those are interesting stories, actually, thanks for sharing! Yes, "lucky winners" can become very unlucky ones if they if they use all the won money the wrong way. We should never forget about that and we should know that money alone can't bring us happiness. We have to be wise enough to really enjoy our winnings and for that we have to be educated. For those who are uneducated but won big money by chance, I would suggest to spend the money on education. That would be the best way to spend it.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Casdinyard on May 06, 2024, 02:42:16 PM
Definitely paints the idea that you could be the next guy that would hold that big check, but at the same time, if you're a sensible human being with common sense, you'd realize that the odds of you being that guy is just slim to none, and that guy who won the lottery? There's a really good chance he's not gonna win it again, so he better make the money count or it's donezo.

Not saying you guys shouldn't shoot your shot, especially since tickets are just cheap, but if you go out there hoping you're the next big millionaire on TV, you're just a tad bit delusional. So same as with regular gambling, people who play the lottery should also just play for the lols and not really hope that they are the next guy. The moment they do they'd end up spending more than they are supposed to, which would end up with them spending more time and effort, and especially money on an ordeal as trivial as the lottery.

Be smarter as usual, don't let your feelings get the better of you. Gambling is good but if you get in there hoping you'd win and all that shit, you'll be the next guy that it'll chew up and spit out.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: AbuBhakar on May 06, 2024, 02:57:36 PM
My thoughts have to do with the lottery winners who end up worse off ( before they won the lottery, totally broke and with more debt. They had better learn how to manage their wealth and not get carried away by the drunkenness of joy when it comes to spending their winnings. Have a little brains, please.

Those are interesting stories, actually, thanks for sharing! Yes, "lucky winners" can become very unlucky ones if they if they use all the won money the wrong way. We should never forget about that and we should know that money alone can't bring us happiness. We have to be wise enough to really enjoy our winnings and for that we have to be educated. For those who are uneducated but won big money by chance, I would suggest to spend the money on education. That would be the best way to spend it.

There’s a lot of lottery winners in my country that suffer same outcome. They all purchase luxury cars, huge houses and other things which is too expensive for their normal lifestyle.

They ended up spending most of their money on this asset that later on turn into liabilities because they can’t pay repairs, taxes and other sort of maintenance since they don’t have job to sustain this kind of lifestyle. In the end, They all sold the properties and use the money to pay loans until they become broke again after the excessive lifestyle change.

It’s very hard to maintain the rich lifestyle if you just rely on the winning money without any source of income to add on your winning money.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Betwrong on May 13, 2024, 09:22:35 AM

There’s a lot of lottery winners in my country that suffer same outcome. They all purchase luxury cars, huge houses and other things which is too expensive for their normal lifestyle.

They ended up spending most of their money on this asset that later on turn into liabilities because they can’t pay repairs, taxes and other sort of maintenance since they don’t have job to sustain this kind of lifestyle. In the end, They all sold the properties and use the money to pay loans until they become broke again after the excessive lifestyle change.

It’s very hard to maintain the rich lifestyle if you just rely on the winning money without any source of income to add on your winning money.

And all of that happens because of their lack of education. How can you buy a house, a car and some other things that you will not be able to sustain in the near future? That's why I say, spend the money you won on your education. Then you will be able to calculate how much you will need to spend each year on keeping those luxury things, and that you maybe don't need most of them to live a happy life, in the first place.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Hispo on May 13, 2024, 11:36:06 AM
Those news and stories of people winning the lottery in the United States and Europe do not have much on an impact on my perception on what gambling is supposed to be or over the chances I actually have to pull off some big win with change my life forever. Though, it is important to understand for any gambler out there, than those lotery businesses/organizations benefit greatly from the advertisment of the winners and the amount of money they have got, it obviously incite other to try their luck and buy their own tickets. It also happens with casinos when someone has the good luck to hit a jackpot.

By the way, it may be a little bit off topic, but I personally think there is some strategy being carry out by lotteries and Google News or certain news agencies, because I see sometimes in my feed several news about people who managed to become millionaire because of their local lottery, this cases you listed are an example. I would seem lotteries have paid some money for news to further advertise their services. It must be very effective, I assume.

My strategy as always been buying tickets with my family (when we used to) and keep a realistic/pessimistic approach.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Strongkored on May 13, 2024, 02:39:58 PM
In my country there is no official lottery because gambling is illegal so I only participate in online casinos but so far it hasn't worked because winning is not easy.
I read how happy people are who can win the lottery but there are also quite a few whose lives are ruined because the money they get turns out to change their life for the worse. It could be said that if you can win the lottery with fantastic value but our mentality is not good enough to bear it then everything will be bad for the one who wins it.
I'm sure that everyone who buys the lottery hopes to get the prize, and should also prepare themselves so that when it does happen it won't be a surprise and the money won will be unprofitable for the winner's life.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Slow death on May 13, 2024, 03:48:15 PM
My thoughts have to do with the lottery winners who end up worse off  ( before they won the lottery, totally broke and with more debt. They had better learn how to manage their wealth and not get carried away by the drunkenness of joy when it comes to spending their winnings. Have a little brains, please.

Unfortunately, this sad scenario has happened not only to lottery winners, but it has also happened to the winners of TV show competitions. In my country, for example, there was a guy who participated in a TV contest and he was the winner of that contest. Before entering the competition, they lived in their parents' house in a very poor neighborhood. but after he won the contest and consequently won a lot of money, he started living in a very expensive hotel in my country, the guy didn't even think about buying a house for himself, he got a girlfriend who lived in another country

but she moved to my country and went to live with him in the hotel, he bought her very expensive jewelry, he bought her very expensive cell phones, he bought her expensive cars, he traveled with her constantly to her country, In a few years all the money ran out and when he was poor again, she immediately abandoned him, and as he no longer had money to pay for a hotel, he returned to live at his parents' house. To this day he is still poor, he is poorer than before he won the competition

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on May 13, 2024, 03:56:40 PM
I don't think if people are that much interested in participating for lottery because they are now open to several opportunities whereby they can apply to participate in, when it comes to being lucky, we already know that as one of the attributes associated to lottery, secondly, those that were being lucky in playing lottery don't see it as gambling at all, instead its something they just took their time in taking risk with to see how they could have opportunity in it.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Lida93 on May 13, 2024, 04:13:22 PM
If you are reading this and you actively participate in lotteries as an regular player, these kind of lottery success stories can evoke a lot of emotions and responses. Which of these range of thoughts and feelings do you experience;
  • my time is near
  • it can't happen to me
  • I wish I could win, even if it meant lower jackpots
  • Indifferent
Honestly, I don't think have had any feeling that makes me think my time for a near win might be close after reading about another gamblers huge win story online, but I don't contend the fact that a huge win can happen to me.

Why I fight not to hold on to these sort of emotions is that they have a way of instigating an unimaginable loss to gamblers as they get carried away with those feelings.  In my few years of gambling, I have observed that the casino get packed by many unfamiliar faces after the news of huge win about one of the gamblers hits the neighborhood. And it happens that the casino get to make a bulk of profit during those periods when this kind of news spread out.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Silberman on May 13, 2024, 05:16:20 PM
Honestly, I don't think have had any feeling that makes me think my time for a near win might be close after reading about another gamblers huge win story online, but I don't contend the fact that a huge win can happen to me.

Why I fight not to hold on to these sort of emotions is that they have a way of instigating an unimaginable loss to gamblers as they get carried away with those feelings.  In my few years of gambling, I have observed that the casino get packed by many unfamiliar faces after the news of huge win about one of the gamblers hits the neighborhood. And it happens that the casino get to make a bulk of profit during those periods when this kind of news spread out.
This is why casinos that cheat their customers have no idea what they are really doing, the best promoters casinos could ever hope to have are their winners, as they are living proof that someone can make a bet, win and get paid a handsome amount of money, so when people hear that, they cannot avoid to think if the same could happen to them, and casinos can recover all the money they lost very quickly, so I do not find it surprisingly that this happened on your neighborhood.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: AmoreJaz on May 13, 2024, 05:18:29 PM
Honestly, I don't think have had any feeling that makes me think my time for a near win might be close after reading about another gamblers huge win story online, but I don't contend the fact that a huge win can happen to me.

Why I fight not to hold on to these sort of emotions is that they have a way of instigating an unimaginable loss to gamblers as they get carried away with those feelings.  In my few years of gambling, I have observed that the casino get packed by many unfamiliar faces after the news of huge win about one of the gamblers hits the neighborhood. And it happens that the casino get to make a bulk of profit during those periods when this kind of news spread out.
This is why casinos that cheat their customers have no idea what they are really doing, the best promoters casinos could ever hope to have are their winners, as they are living proof that someone can make a bet, win and get paid a handsome amount of money, so when people hear that, they cannot avoid to think if the same could happen to them, and casinos can recover all the money they lost very quickly, so I do not find it surprisingly that this happened on your neighborhood.

As winning big in gambling is quite difficult, it is seen as a very good example that a gambler can still be lucky from time to time. So players are renewing their interest when they learn someone got his winnings and they feel that they can also be lucky with their games, hence, continued interest in betting.

Most gamblers feel that their luck will also come if they will continue to play. However, we all know that being lucky is quite difficult in this game. But guess what, even if they know their chances, they still play and try their luck.

I don't think if people are that much interested in participating for lottery because they are now open to several opportunities whereby they can apply to participate in, when it comes to being lucky, we already know that as one of the attributes associated to lottery, secondly, those that were being lucky in playing lottery don't see it as gambling at all, instead its something they just took their time in taking risk with to see how they could have opportunity in it.

But looking at the number of people who are buying lottery tickets, you will believe that this game is not yet dead. Because if it is, I don't think we will still see these lottery games in the market.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: bitterguy28 on May 18, 2024, 08:49:40 AM
Not sure if I can still try my luck in gambling specially in lottery because I am not as lucky as others. because as far as I remember ? i tried betting in lotto for couple of years and indeed just a few small wins that I gather and my losses are truly huge so maybe this fever is not for me to enjoy lol.
Anyone who sees and observes that they are constantly losing money either in gambling or in lotteries should get away from them because there is no wisdom in the continuation of a thing that is constantly making you fail in it. So to save yourself from more losses, you should stop doing it and you did the right thing. Gambling and lotteries are all about luck, and when your luck isn't supporting you, you can barely be able to win anything significant from them.
but how can you tell that in addicted gamblers mate?
remember that they are constantly looking for chance to bag money and yeah , lotteries or gambling are the place where they can gather too much but also will lose much.

A lot of people involved either in gambling or lotteries don't take the necessary steps that can save them from extreme losses. They keep gambling or buying lottery tickets even when they see it evidently that they aren't winning, but they still keep hoping to win despite all this.
anyway there is a little capital in lottery comparing to other form of gambling that you need to lose higher and higher in short term.
while in lottery limited game per day is available .

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: ethereumhunter on May 18, 2024, 09:39:05 AM
I don't think if people are that much interested in participating for lottery because they are now open to several opportunities whereby they can apply to participate in, when it comes to being lucky, we already know that as one of the attributes associated to lottery, secondly, those that were being lucky in playing lottery don't see it as gambling at all, instead its something they just took their time in taking risk with to see how they could have opportunity in it.
But some people still thinks that lottery can be their fast ways to makes money although they must realizes that to wins in the lottery, they must have luck. People buys many tickets and hopes that they can be one of the winners of the lottery and that makes many people still wants to use lottery to wins money. The lucky winners on lottery can gets the jackpots and change their lives because they now have a lot of money from the lottery and they can use it for many things. But playing lottery still one of the gambling games because they risks their money to gets the wins money so that makes many people wants to try their luck in the lottery. If they can realizes that lottery can't gives wins easily to them, they should not buy many tickets because that can risks much money.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Betwrong on May 20, 2024, 09:09:20 AM
I don't think if people are that much interested in participating for lottery because they are now open to several opportunities whereby they can apply to participate in, when it comes to being lucky, we already know that as one of the attributes associated to lottery, secondly, those that were being lucky in playing lottery don't see it as gambling at all, instead its something they just took their time in taking risk with to see how they could have opportunity in it.

That's actually gambling by definition, innit? Regarding people being not that much interested in participating in lottery, I think you are wrong, mate. According to the stats provided by Lottoland UK, 70% of the UK citizens over 18 take part in the national lottery on a regular basis. That's around 45 million people in the UK only! People see the lucky winners on TV screens, in newspapers on the Internet, and they want to try their luck too, especially when it doesn't cost much.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: piebeyb on May 20, 2024, 10:04:17 AM
A lot of people involved either in gambling or lotteries don't take the necessary steps that can save them from extreme losses. They keep gambling or buying lottery tickets even when they see it evidently that they aren't winning, but they still keep hoping to win despite all this.
anyway there is a little capital in lottery comparing to other form of gambling that you need to lose higher and higher in short term.
while in lottery limited game per day is available .
Yes, it's true that playing the lottery only uses a little capital, but usually people who are addicted to the game will consistently play every day to buy lottery tickets and that definitely costs a large amount of money over a long period of time, so people spend all their money on the game. This lottery even though it is a game full of luck but still people who have more views about lottery will not care what people say, they continue to play it all the time and buy lottery tickets even with less money than in sports betting or playing in online casino games.

Actually there is nothing wrong with this game because my uncle still plays the lottery to get big wins, for me the lucky winner has got it as natural selection where luck comes to anyone regardless of their status, whether they are rich or poor gamblers, we even know that anyone can be lucky enough to win the lottery, I often find where I live they win the lottery and often share their winnings with me, buy me drinks and even food as winning prizes for me. Apart from that, there are also lottery gamblers who get rich when they win big prizes. in the lottery. I admit that this lottery game is based on luck so seeing a lucky winner is just normal for me.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Betwrong on May 28, 2024, 06:48:47 AM
Yes, it's true that playing the lottery only uses a little capital, but usually people who are addicted to the game will consistently play every day to buy lottery tickets and that definitely costs a large amount of money over a long period of time, so people spend all their money on the game. This lottery even though it is a game full of luck but still people who have more views about lottery will not care what people say, they continue to play it all the time and buy lottery tickets even with less money than in sports betting or playing in online casino games.

For some people it's not even "over a long period of time". When I was a kid I saw people playing instant lottery in some resort town, and some of them were buying the whole boxes of those tickets, hundreds of tickets in each box. They knew that there was a possibility of winning a car, and for some reason they thought that in a box with hundreds of dollars worth of tickets there will be a ticket winning a car worth of thousands. People act crazy sometimes.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Hirose UK on May 28, 2024, 08:22:33 AM
I don't think if people are that much interested in participating for lottery because they are now open to several opportunities whereby they can apply to participate in, when it comes to being lucky, we already know that as one of the attributes associated to lottery, secondly, those that were being lucky in playing lottery don't see it as gambling at all, instead its something they just took their time in taking risk with to see how they could have opportunity in it.
But some people still thinks that lottery can be their fast ways to makes money although they must realizes that to wins in the lottery, they must have luck. People buys many tickets and hopes that they can be one of the winners of the lottery and that makes many people still wants to use lottery to wins money. The lucky winners on lottery can gets the jackpots and change their lives because they now have a lot of money from the lottery and they can use it for many things. But playing lottery still one of the gambling games because they risks their money to gets the wins money so that makes many people wants to try their luck in the lottery. If they can realizes that lottery can't gives wins easily to them, they should not buy many tickets because that can risks much money.
Only reason for all of this is because lottery can provide the opportunity to win the jackpot even if it is only small bet, but the percentage of success is really very small considering that lottery is bet that is purely based on luck.
Without luck, all the money at stake cannot produce anything and talking about buying lots of lottery tickets may increase winnings, but it does not guarantee that will be able to recover all the money have lost.
Just imagine, every day gambler buys 20 to 30 lottery tickets with bet of $1 and if he is lucky enough to get the jackpot then from that $1 he might be able to earn thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars but maybe only one in many gamblers can get it.
For small wins, may get more often, but if only win small then the percentage of losses from the total money spent on betting will never be covered and in this percentage only losses will be obtained.
This is why so many people are aware and say that getting rich from gambling is just dream that is impossible to realize, maybe there are, but only few people are able to have that kind of luck.

In fact, the best way to bet on the lottery is just to spend few dollars and place bet no more than once week and this is done just for fun or to try because that way we will never experience really big loss.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: ethereumhunter on May 28, 2024, 04:56:36 PM
Only reason for all of this is because lottery can provide the opportunity to win the jackpot even if it is only small bet, but the percentage of success is really very small considering that lottery is bet that is purely based on luck.
Without luck, all the money at stake cannot produce anything and talking about buying lots of lottery tickets may increase winnings, but it does not guarantee that will be able to recover all the money have lost.
Just imagine, every day gambler buys 20 to 30 lottery tickets with bet of $1 and if he is lucky enough to get the jackpot then from that $1 he might be able to earn thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars but maybe only one in many gamblers can get it.
For small wins, may get more often, but if only win small then the percentage of losses from the total money spent on betting will never be covered and in this percentage only losses will be obtained.
This is why so many people are aware and say that getting rich from gambling is just dream that is impossible to realize, maybe there are, but only few people are able to have that kind of luck.

In fact, the best way to bet on the lottery is just to spend few dollars and place bet no more than once week and this is done just for fun or to try because that way we will never experience really big loss.
You said it with right because people doesn't have to use much money at once to buy the tickets and they can use small money to buy one by one until they thinks that's enough to have the tickets. With many tickets they had, they will thinks that they have the opportunity to wins the jackpot but they don't realizes that actually, their chances still not too big compares to other people who buys many tickets than them. The percentage to wins in the lottery games is not too big and they must realizes that wins in the lottery needs luck so they will rely on their luck to wins. The chance to wins the jackpot makes many people doesn't stops buying many tickets because they thinks that they can wins someday.

It's better to allocate some money to buy some tickets, especially if we can only use the money that we can affords to lose so we will not lose much money. That will still gives us a chance to wins although that's not a big chance but we knows about the risks so we don't use much money to buy the tickets.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Betwrong on June 04, 2024, 07:59:39 AM
Only reason for all of this is because lottery can provide the opportunity to win the jackpot even if it is only small bet, but the percentage of success is really very small considering that lottery is bet that is purely based on luck.

And that's the beauty of it: you can win big while staking only a small amount. That's why so many people, many millions of them, are so attracted to lottery.

Without luck, all the money at stake cannot produce anything

Yes, but it's a small amount, innit?

and talking about buying lots of lottery tickets may increase winnings, but it does not guarantee that will be able to recover all the money have lost.

Buying more tickets in order to increase your chances of winning is not a good idea, to be honest. You can spend thousands of USD on your tickets, and your chance will still be way under 0.01%. How do you expect to win with that chance?

This is why so many people are aware and say that getting rich from gambling is just dream that is impossible to realize, maybe there are, but only few people are able to have that kind of luck.

Not impossible, but highly unlikely. That's why buying only one or two tickets is the best option. You don't lose much, but you still have a chance to win.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: wiss19 on June 05, 2024, 12:25:02 PM
For some people it's not even "over a long period of time". When I was a kid I saw people playing instant lottery in some resort town, and some of them were buying the whole boxes of those tickets, hundreds of tickets in each box. They knew that there was a possibility of winning a car, and for some reason they thought that in a box with hundreds of dollars worth of tickets there will be a ticket winning a car worth of thousands. People act crazy sometimes.
I have also seen people spending crazy amounts of money on lottery tickets only to win the jackpot. I'm talking about the's lottery which used to have 10 prizes in total and the first prize at that time used to be about 2 Bitcoin or more, they used to announce the results for each week along with the number of tickets each winner had and the amount they won, and in those lists, I used to see people having hundreds of thousands of tickets that used to be worth more than 0.2 Bitcoin at least and their winnings weren't higher than 0.002 BTC or something.

So, such people need to understand that it is never about the probability, it's all dependant on one's luck, if you are unlucky, no matter how many tickets you have or how high your winning probability is, someone with luck and way less tickets than you will take the prize away from you.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Marykeller on June 05, 2024, 02:39:03 PM
Since lottery wins are mostly done by one being lucky, I don't put much emphasis on it, that I am going to be among the lucky winners someday. That's why if I don't get lucky to win, I will still be cool and act like "nobody bad happened" That's how anything that lies on lucky most ends up as being unlucky mostly.

I have tried lottery wins twice(a long time ago). I didn't put my mind to it because I heard that, millions of people have bought the lottery ticket also. I am not the only one. Hearing that, made me think less and try on the lottery only twice because trying my luck on things that lies on luck, don't favor me

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: pinggoki on June 05, 2024, 02:57:21 PM
Since lottery wins are mostly done by one being lucky, I don't put much emphasis on it, that I am going to be among the lucky winners someday. That's why if I don't get lucky to win, I will still be cool and act like "nobody bad happened" That's how anything that lies on lucky most ends up as being unlucky mostly.
You don't exactly have luck as your only weapon when it comes to lottery or gambling for that matter because there's ways that you can calculate the probability and the odds and you'd see how you're able to play things out. If you know the most likely numbers to pop out in the lottery, you're probably going to see which numbers that are likely to get shown the most, it just so happens that you can't really calculate really fast when you're playing the lottery. I got to agree with you on that one about brushing it off as if nothing happened, I mean, it's gambling after all and that's just not your day I guess.

Title: Re: Lottery Fever. What are your range of thoughts in response to Lucky Winners?
Post by: Betwrong on June 11, 2024, 10:22:23 AM
I have also seen people spending crazy amounts of money on lottery tickets only to win the jackpot. I'm talking about the's lottery which used to have 10 prizes in total and the first prize at that time used to be about 2 Bitcoin or more, they used to announce the results for each week along with the number of tickets each winner had and the amount they won, and in those lists, I used to see people having hundreds of thousands of tickets that used to be worth more than 0.2 Bitcoin at least and their winnings weren't higher than 0.002 BTC or something.

I remember someone's winning the top prize in the's weekly lottery which was around 1 Bitcoin at the time. The guy had just one ticket. Can you imagine that? If you make an hourly freeroll there you get 2 tickets, but he had just one. All of us in their official thread were wondering who's that possible, and finally one guy explained: It meant he got his one ticket from a referral, only this way you can get just one ticket. But, I mean, people with millions of tickets win nothing, or a very small amount, while the guy with just one ticket won the 1st place.