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Local => Off-topic (Naija) => Topic started by: Obulis on April 09, 2024, 08:32:36 PM

Title: Objective look at jobs
Post by: Obulis on April 09, 2024, 08:32:36 PM
Getting a job could be challenging. As there are different kinds of jobs, ranging from skilled jobs to unskilled jobs which also get to do with graduate and non graduate jobs.
Getting a job is an everyday life activity. Whether schooled or not, skilled or not. The move for a job is there, even when you say that you are an entrepreneur, what that means is that you employed yourself and you pay yourself.
Jobs getting is something geographical, since it tells differently on people in different communities, cities, states and countries..
To get a job, schooling is not necessarily required but education is needed at all cost

Title: Re: Objective look at jobs
Post by: promise444c5 on April 09, 2024, 09:55:12 PM
To get a job, schooling is not necessarily required but education is needed at all cost
Don't  contradict your statement.... the proper way of getting  a good education  is through schooling , getting to be skilled might not really  depends  on your schooling but skills can also be acquired  from school not  to mention  the basic skill that canbe acquired through  schooling  which is reading and writing  skill and a little  of Language  speaking  skills , schooling is very important though :)

Title: Re: Objective look at jobs
Post by: Obulis on April 10, 2024, 05:49:51 AM
To get a job, schooling is not necessarily required but education is needed at all cost
Don't  contradict your statement.... the proper way of getting  a good education  is through schooling , getting to be skilled might not really  depends  on your schooling but skills can also be acquired  from school not  to mention  the basic skill that canbe acquired through  schooling  which is reading and writing  skill and a little  of Language  speaking  skills , schooling is very important though :)

Well, rereading with unbiased mind would explain how objective look at jobs Is a comprehensive look at all medium through which jobs are available not objecting or downgrading any means of job getting.
However inhuman jobs are highly exclusive....