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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Cossyblack on April 10, 2024, 02:26:27 PM

Title: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: Cossyblack on April 10, 2024, 02:26:27 PM
This world have experience more War and her very foundation have been built with blood.Nations fought against nations,Brothers against Brothers,Father's against their Sons,Religion leaders have fuel more hatred than achieving peace in our society.We have seen how powerful Nations Uses Weapons of mass destruction(Nuclear weapons) against weaker Nations not even minding the Number of deaths and excruciating pains this weapons can cause, are we  gonna continue killing ourselves all in the name of power.Can we ever live in peaceful coexistence in this world.

The people of Ukraine and Palestine have the right to live in peace.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: Loveday422 on April 10, 2024, 02:56:19 PM
Yes of course we can brother,let's take for an extance now in a community we are supposed to leave in harmony then billions of naira comes in ,and the chiefs and Eze conspired to eat the money alone ,in this case others didn't benefit from the billions of naira,and they will likely to be a part of it ,now their where a great issues that happens,the youth know about the money but the chiefs didn't like them to know about it so that them can just share the money among few,

This is a big problem, people can't longer live in peaceful coexistence,now if the revarce is the case like  this ,like the eze and the chiefs bring the billions naira so that everyone can be a partaker of the money did you think fight or any issue will come up of course no,so with this little experience and explanation you will know thatvwe can leave inva peaceful coexistence, without having someone in mined

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: Dunamisx on April 10, 2024, 03:42:09 PM
Yes, we can achieve this, only if we all come in alignment to having the same positive intentions towards one another, the problem the world is facing today is as a result of their self proclamations on what they think they have and others don't and such makes them to use those things against one another, nature is not the one fighting against us, we are the one having issues with our fellow human beings in life because of ranks and positions to achieve over others.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: Gozie51 on April 10, 2024, 04:03:47 PM
Maybe I will have a divergent view towards this but more realistic and factual. So long human is concern in living as group and associating together then peace is a mirage, it is not achievable that in human society that you have total peace, I don't see that to happen. The world conflict has been existing because of the incidence of what it is even in the history of bible, cain was not at peace with Abel as brothers so expecting total peace is looking for what is not in existence. We can only try to settle conflict and reduce the occurrence of it.

There is a reason that there is law and punishment, it is for all to know where the acts that they do belong to.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: Hispo on April 11, 2024, 01:14:55 AM
It would be almost Utopic to assume it would be possible for people from all nations to get along with one another and there would never be more wars and the sacrifice of innocent people for the sake of the ambitions of others in the top of the power pyramid. Whether we like it or not, it would be very unlikely we will ever see an era of world peace, since the beginning of civilization human kind as kept conflicts going. At first it was for religion and the seizing of land, nowadays is for the access to natural resources which will eventually become scarce.

I don't want to discourage anyone to believe a better world is possible though, I just think there is a very long path ahead before anyone of us could even see a fraction of what world peace could actually look like.
It is said money is the root of all evil, which we could argue to be true or not, I sincerely believe politics and selfishness only makes the evil coming from money to be more overwhelming.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: moneystery on April 11, 2024, 05:44:36 AM
you can't. because it is human nature to be greedy and envious of what other people have. especially the problems in ukraine and palestine, from these two wars we can see that each country said that they were the most right and it was very complicated to be able to discuss this problem. so wherever it is, there will definitely be war and bloodshed. because human civilization has developed through this, don't you believe it? try looking at the timeline of human civilization, even though humans kill each other, it produces a new, more advanced civilization.

so no matter what, if humans are still divided between countries, religions, etc., then it has become a law of nature that they will clash and fight.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: AVE5 on April 11, 2024, 09:11:15 AM
The impossibilities of regaining a peaceful and oneness society is more of the possibilities because even the weak countries being oppressed by the strong countries wouldn't still be submission to give up with the wars.
That provocative statements that says "we better die fighting and folding hand while they kill us all" has brought too much extension of crisis in the World today.
Sometime we should just swallow our prides and pretends to be cowards if only that fact would bring peace but no on wants to feel being a coward so how does the peace come when everyone wants to claim king of the jungles even when at the point of hopelessness.

We ain't in the military livelihood where the military has no choice than fighting til death and only the survival gains the victory.
We must understand that this is civil era and we must reduce that too much interests in building arms and weapons as projects to be used in the future else there'd always be certain times we'd want to have them in used as they seems weapons to conquer whenever we're engaged on wars.
All are so much unnecessary and waste of resources. Much are being spent for wars than for the civil welfares in the World of today. So adjectively, the hatred of one another has actually come to say as what the reality looks like. We can only pretend to some points by ceasing fire but there would always be that fumes of crisis blasting where lives and valuables wouldn't be undermined.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: aoluain on April 11, 2024, 09:31:56 AM
Not a notion of this ever happening, its only a dream to think it could be possible.

IMO the biggest single cause of conflict is land. Land around the world has changed hands
and 'ownership' by force throughout human history.

Starting with hunter gatherers defending their patch which yielded an abundance of food,
they would have protected it and prevented other groups or tribes entering that area. 

Fast forward through the ages of wars waged by neighbouring provinces and countries in
conflict with each other over certain territories right up to today . . .

Today there are two wars* being waged

Russia v Ukraine - again this is over land/territory
Israel v Gaza - technically this is not a war, it is one country which has for decades been
invading Palestinian land to use as its own as new settlements

On a micro level we as humans are generally an aggressive species we fight and kill each
other over various things, this will not stop.


Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: Kelward on April 11, 2024, 10:35:20 AM
Peace and war have, love and hate has always been there since the beginning of mankind, so it's a part of human nature to have conflicts and resolutions, but so far peace is greater than wars, then the world will still be coexisting. I don't think that it's possible to totally eradicate hate and war, but we can minimize it by respecting the rights of others to exist and freedom to make their own choices, but to achieve these is not easy, because there'll always be those that'll want to marginalize and oppress others. So in the end everybody needs to fight for their rights, inorder to get the respect that they deserve, whether it's individuals or countries, this is the inevitable truth.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: passwordnow on April 11, 2024, 10:47:43 AM
I think that we can achieve that but it all takes a leader that understands the welfare of their people and willing to be the underdog of any deal that they would have. The matter of most countries now is all about territories and how powerful they are. If one leader is willing to subject and just make a deal with the other one who's more aggressive then the war will be stopped. But this is all about pride, power and influence for which no one is willing to do. But we see those countries that are just having some border lines with their territories and yet they make peaceful resolution with those borders and they are living equally in peace. So, every problem that each other deals is about the peaceful talks that both or all of the affected countries will agree with. It's just all about how the equal trades, deals and agreements will be that will no one gonna look like an underdog. But those countries that are willing to subject and become an underdog has got the true hero of a leader and understands the importance of peaceful talks for their people. Not having any personal matters and always put their people first in every situation.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: o48o on April 11, 2024, 11:25:40 AM
This world have experience more War and her very foundation have been built with blood.Nations fought against nations,Brothers against Brothers,Father's against their Sons,Religion leaders have fuel more hatred than achieving peace in our society.We have seen how powerful Nations Uses Weapons of mass destruction(Nuclear weapons) against weaker Nations not even minding the Number of deaths and excruciating pains this weapons can cause, are we  gonna continue killing ourselves all in the name of power.Can we ever live in peaceful coexistence in this world.

The people of Ukraine and Palestine have the right to live in peace.
From the same reasons we have bullies in our own countries, we most likely can't have world peace. As nations are acting very much like people, because they are build from people. But we are further on that road to world peace then ever in the history of man. As now we have laws at least inside most countries preventing most horrible people acting as they wish. Now we just need an economic system that supports that peace. In capitalism it's world trade, as everyone needs each others we need to use more diplomacy for communication.

Leaders of early countries were basically successful bullies. As there basically strongest made the laws and made everyone worship them. Next they write their rules, and after they collapse, their rules disappear with them and it starts again from and outrageous and horrendous bully usually wins. So, when the starting point of civilization is that, and we are biologically same as back then. It doesn't take much to push us back there.

Good thing currently is that have some safeguards in place like constitutions and contracts to preventing wannabe dictators making hasty decisions and keeping regions more stable, so we can continue to develop them, even though leaders change.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: Dunamisx on April 11, 2024, 12:25:48 PM
Everyone have the right to live at peace with each other, the governments can also in their own capacity help and encourage for more peaceful coexistence among the people by introducing many things that could aid the unity of peaceful lifestyle of the people, this start with when there is no hunger and they have full provisioned for the youths in the society to be fully engaged with employment opportunities, if the leaders are in peace with each other, this will extend towards the other nations and they will all work in hands towards a peaceful coexistence.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: bluebit25 on April 11, 2024, 02:33:23 PM
(...)The people of Ukraine and Palestine have the right to live in peace.

Learn more about the story of the war in Vietnam, or maybe you should also read about the war in Korea to get a feel for it.

What is considered "peace" is not decided by someone, that people have the right to decide their own fate. Although I can also feel that conflicts will never be resolved, and wars will always leave glory/hatred for generations. So when faced with such nuances in life, I really feel sorry for them, but I can't do anything to help them because the nature of life is like that, the peace that we demand without facing the truth. fierceness will repeat the same conflict. I can only express that, to strengthen peace within ourselves, our views on life and social prejudices lead those involved to mingle with chaos.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: Zonyebuchi on April 11, 2024, 03:52:55 PM
On the subject of the discussion in the quote "Can we ever live in peaceful coexistence". In my opinion, it is possible in our society and in the world at large, perhaps not entirely, but to a greater extent, if only everyone plays a meaningful role in this regard when necessary.

I quote the philosopher Immanuel Kant: "Peace is not only the absence of war, but also the presence of justice, law, order - in short, of government." According to him, there is already war on earth as long as we coexist, but peace can be achieved if we ensure that there is justice in everything, that there is law and order binding the behaviour and activities of all people, and that there is good government that makes the law, interprets the law, and enforces the law on people without fear or favour. I believe that if all this is given, we can coexist in peace on this planet if only everyone plays a meaningful role in this regard when necessary.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: Kavelj22 on April 11, 2024, 04:41:09 PM
This world have experience more War and her very foundation have been built with blood.Nations fought against nations,Brothers against Brothers,Father's against their Sons,Religion leaders have fuel more hatred than achieving peace in our society.We have seen how powerful Nations Uses Weapons of mass destruction(Nuclear weapons) against weaker Nations not even minding the Number of deaths and excruciating pains this weapons can cause, are we  gonna continue killing ourselves all in the name of power.Can we ever live in peaceful coexistence in this world.

The people of Ukraine and Palestine have the right to live in peace.

If only it were easier to achieve results as easily as adopting logic for analysis. Unfortunately, my friend, the history of human civilization is nothing but a history of conflicts, blood, and competition over whoever monopolizes violence in the name of civilization. Even the greatest human achievements were the result of enslaving people, plundering the resources of weak regions, and forcing people to follow a certain ideology.

Palestine or Ukraine are not worse than all the wars that did not stop in any historical period, even despite the presence of one world leader. History teaches us how to analyze facts in an attempt to understand them in their temporal context, but it does not provide explanations for the roots of violence or suggestions for overcoming them. A reminder that violence is associated with all the peoples that civilization included or thought they were able to keep up with. For less complex social systems, the rates of violence are much lower and may even be non-existent in some examples.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: TEBTC on April 11, 2024, 07:05:07 PM
The world we live is a wicked place to live and we have difference in individuals ideology so it will be a difficult task for our world to have peace it will be nearly impossible as politics and power has taken over the world
For the case of Ukraine and Palestine it is a very delicate matter as both countries in the war their case's are different and difficult to settle

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: kentrolla on April 11, 2024, 07:29:04 PM
We cannot live in people until there are people walking on earth who call themselves the god's selected people and those who consider others as inferior and everyone is power hungry as they just need absolute power to do anything and this mindset is the reason why there are so many wars which has been fought and the old leaders just compromise by shaking hand at the end of the wsr but it's the young soldiers and civilians who pays the prize. People need to understand nobody or nobody's religion is superior to the others else th war and suffering will continue.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: Mate2237 on April 11, 2024, 09:15:30 PM
If there is no peace in this forum then there is no peace in real life. This forum would have been the best place to create peace but we see as avenue to attack one another. Peace is not really the absence of war peace in my own understanding it is the understanding of people living in one geographical territory. When the people understand among themselves then peace will become coexist between them but whereby there is no understanding then conflict here and there.

The world can not have peace because some group wants to dominate either in power or in the international market. And the only time we will have peace is the time when we will have equal distribution of the international market. What you produce will be consumed in your country and that is not possible so conflict is continues event in the world. Those countries need peace but power tussle among the world powers making them no peace.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: oktana on April 11, 2024, 10:28:17 PM
The people of Ukraine and Palestine have the right to live in peace.

I don’t think so. Being different humans with different mentalities shows that we can’t all be thinking about peace. And irrespective of wanting peace, people want power. Countries want to have the overall power and there would always be that battle. Think of it like gangsters who work together but sometimes one wants to overthrow another because they want to be at the top. I hope that the deaths and catastrophe would be less as we are all humans in the end.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: Wiwo on April 11, 2024, 10:54:07 PM
This world have experience more War and her very foundation have been built with blood.Nations fought against nations,Brothers against Brothers,Father's against their Sons,Religion leaders have fuel more hatred than achieving peace in our society.We have seen how powerful Nations Uses Weapons of mass destruction(Nuclear weapons) against weaker Nations not even minding the Number of deaths and excruciating pains this weapons can cause, are we  gonna continue killing ourselves all in the name of power.Can we ever live in peaceful coexistence in this world.

The people of Ukraine and Palestine have the right to live in peace.
Peace I far more better than war, and sometimes we can't even see the reason behind wars other than show of power and suppression by individuals which have transformed into Nations against Nations.

This have separate the world in the most negative line which have damaged alot of development that could have helped the cause of human peaceful and prosperous existence.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: yazher on April 12, 2024, 12:40:49 AM
Greed is the main cause of this because those who have evil intentions in their heart don't satisfy themselves with the little things they have and if only they could get everything in this world, they would have done so. Even if the cause of it is the death of millions of people, they don't really care and once they get what they want from other countries, they will jump to another one to take their resources in the name of fake justice. So in the end, it will be a never-ending loop for them because the other countries that were bullied will secretly build their militaries to take revenge.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: Hispo on April 12, 2024, 01:13:59 AM
Greed is the main cause of this because those who have evil intentions in their heart don't satisfy themselves with the little things they have and if only they could get everything in this world, they would have done so. Even if the cause of it is the death of millions of people, they don't really care and once they get what they want from other countries, they will jump to another one to take their resources in the name of fake justice. So in the end, it will be a never-ending loop for them because the other countries that were bullied will secretly build their militaries to take revenge.

Though, you say the greed of those who have little things is what causes much of the suffering we see nowadays, in reality, it is those who own the most of the wealth which in the end behave in the most selfish way and pursue to accumulate even more power and money, even though they already have enough to live the rest of their existence surrounded with luxury and comfort.
One thing is to seek for wealth and strip away wealth from sovereign nations for the sake of the national interest of other nations, but it is a completely different thing to use that as an excuse (or even freedom/liberty as an excuse) in order to invade and ocuppy land which does not belong to one in the first place.
What Putin is doing to Ukraine id s very good example of what selfishness and the centralization of power is capable of.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: pinggoki on April 12, 2024, 02:20:49 AM
Yes, we can achieve this, only if we all come in alignment to having the same positive intentions towards one another, the problem the world is facing today is as a result of their self proclamations on what they think they have and others don't and such makes them to use those things against one another, nature is not the one fighting against us, we are the one having issues with our fellow human beings in life because of ranks and positions to achieve over others.
That's not ever going to happen, this dream of yours would only be possible if you do it with a small community, you can't ever do a unification that's peaceful in a larger community like a country, most of the time, the only way to enforce peace and whatever utopia it is that a government dreams of is through sheer violence or the threat of it, that's how it works most of the time so we can never really achieve true peace, if we were, we've done that a long time ago but the need for power, influence, and wealth is distracting us from that goal and so we're getting slow on the uptake when it comes to advancing as a civilization.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: Zanab247 on April 12, 2024, 01:53:17 PM
For the world to live in peace, it will be difficult for such thing to exist in the whole world because some countries will still be proud that they are the powerful country on earth, and some will like to occupy some country resources base on they have more weapons to fight them.

Do you think, any country you force to claim their land or resources with your power and influence will allow peace to rain? no, because they will continue fighting until they reclaim their resources back, and for them to reclaim their resources back, blood must flow for innocent people to lose their life in the fight.

Country and country can live in peace, but for the whole world to live in peace is impossible because they will come together to start doing the same thing by having the same president, the same currency, the same education, and the same agriculture which will be impossible to my observation.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: EluguHcman on April 12, 2024, 04:23:30 PM
Yes, we can achieve this, only if we all come in alignment to having the same positive intentions towards one another, the problem the world is facing today is as a result of their self proclamations on what they think they have and others don't and such makes them to use those things against one another, nature is not the one fighting against us, we are the one having issues with our fellow human beings in life because of ranks and positions to achieve over others.
Absolutely misusages of what we have had been the most cases about the tussles amongst us all.
Once you are of that principal power to had obtained above what others could not have, we as humans are fond of having that avenue to suppress the less privilege simply because they can not defend themselves.

Sometimes, this is caused by over resources because of you can figure this in most ramifications, you would find out that those underdeveloped countries would not want to encounter each other in the name of supremacies when their economy is not stable and they don't even have those qualities weapons to use in defending themselves or fighting the others so, they are mostly focused on how to manage their resource and keep their economy system obtainable for the masses.

Just as you have said, it is not nature that is against us but we are against ourselves in as much we spends effortlessly to be provided with those destructive weapons with the resource that was ought to be invested in the sectors that it would contribute to the well fare of the masses and just let peace reign even when we are tempted.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: Zoomic on April 13, 2024, 07:37:17 AM
Yes, we can achieve this, only if we all come in alignment to having the same positive intentions towards one another, the problem the world is facing today is as a result of their self proclamations on what they think they have and others don't and such makes them to use those things against one another, nature is not the one fighting against us, we are the one having issues with our fellow human beings in life because of ranks and positions to achieve over others.
That's not ever going to happen, this dream of yours would only be possible if you do it with a small community, you can't ever do a unification that's peaceful in a larger community like a country, most of the time, the only way to enforce peace and whatever utopia it is that a government dreams of is through sheer violence or the threat of it, that's how it works most of the time so we can never really achieve true peace, if we were, we've done that a long time ago but the need for power, influence, and wealth is distracting us from that goal and so we're getting slow on the uptake when it comes to advancing as a civilization.

A peaceful coexistence is actually achievable if everyone will have a positive altitude and mindset towards one another. But, the human traits will always be a barrier to such a peaceful coexistence. Humans want to always conquer their environments, in the course of doing that, they tend to interfere directly and indirectly with the lives and general wellbeing of their fellow humans. This might result in disagreements and even generate into a war if mutual understanding is not reached on time. Considering the cost of war, war can actually be avoided if neighbouring countries learn more about the core values of their neighbours. This doesn't cost much to achieve as the knowledge of these core values will help countries tolerate each other better.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on April 13, 2024, 11:19:26 AM
This world have experience more War and her very foundation have been built with blood.Nations fought against nations,Brothers against Brothers,Father's against their Sons,Religion leaders have fuel more hatred than achieving peace in our society.We have seen how powerful Nations Uses Weapons of mass destruction(Nuclear weapons) against weaker Nations not even minding the Number of deaths and excruciating pains this weapons can cause, are we  gonna continue killing ourselves all in the name of power.Can we ever live in peaceful coexistence in this world.

The people of Ukraine and Palestine have the right to live in peace.

Op all that which you pointed out is correct and are happening in our society every day, but the right answer to this is that it can't be possible because the heart of man is full of evil, naturally it's designed by the supreme creator of the whole universe that people should merit on the earth but the nature of human heart turn upsidedown this plan by centering on having dominion over others .

The best way leave at peace is if the heart of human can be ready by the face which is not possible, even when you think your leaving at peace with neighbors nation or any body as much you you don't know it's heart your at a very high risk.

Many claim they forgive but don't forget many if the war, crisis and so on has it origin history etc some happened when they are not yet Born but because of history continue that's to tell you that you may have issue with a friend and you settle at that point your at peace but the heart you don't know , cutting this short in my opinion I see leaving peace as temporary thing in life except human heart can be ready by the face so it can easily be detected what is going on before it happens, as that can Tell better who is having the full forgiveness and leaving in peace nit by pretend, at the end strike for destruction.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: boyptc on April 13, 2024, 11:29:48 AM
Until these superpowers will stop thinking of their own welfare of getting more alliances, there will be peace. But I don't think that we'll ever 100% peace.

I'd just go somewhere not yet flocked with people, I'll do the gardening and plant all of those edible plants and vegetables and fruits.

That's what peace nowadays and how you can sleep at night but if it's about living in peace together with other nations and races, it's unlikely.

Title: Re: Can we ever live in peaceful Coexistence
Post by: Essential10 on April 26, 2024, 11:18:55 AM
Yes of course, any country has the right to live in peace. Not only two-one countries need to raise their voices verbally and in the media, but all countries need to be more united to solve the Palestinian and Ukrainian problems. There will be no peace in the Middle East without a clear solution for the Palestinian people, especially now. Everyone wants power, single power, personally I think if the problem of Palestine in Ukraine is not solved soon, then in the future big powerful countries will continue to dominate small countries and the world will be a battlefield.