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Economy => Economics => Topic started by: shanhaigamefi on April 18, 2024, 08:34:07 AM

Title: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: shanhaigamefi on April 18, 2024, 08:34:07 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Charles-Tim on April 18, 2024, 08:42:26 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
I do not believe this or the country that your friend is living is somehow not good at all. If the salary are lower than before, the price of goods supposed not to be increasing. What I noticed in almost all countries, as the price of goods and services are increasing, the salary also will increase in such a way that everything will balanced, but the government do the manipulation for their own good.

If you want to know if the global economy is declining, you will need to check the world gross domestic product. If it is higher in total than the previous years, that means the global economy has not declined in value.

You can compare 2021, 2022 and 2024 using the data on this link: Click on list of countries by GDP (nominal), scroll down to table and click on it to see it.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Plaguedeath on April 18, 2024, 08:58:50 AM
It means the salary growth is lower than the CPI (Consumer Price Index) growth.

If the CPI in your country is 10% and your friend's salary growth less than 10%, you will feel there's big difference in long term because the interest is compounding. Your friend need to make a research about the real CPI in your country, don't use a manipulated stats from government.

So when you friend already know how big is the CPI, all he need is to find an investment that can surpass it, Bitcoin is the example.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: legendbtc on April 18, 2024, 10:17:02 AM
Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
It's not that the global economy is in recession, it's that this has been going on for hundreds of years, and has never stopped. I mean recessions will still happen even when we think we are living in prosperous economic times. Inflation will never stop because the government will always continue to print money and distribute it to the economy. But most don't realize and don't care about this until things get worse and more than they can bear. If there are no preventative measures or solutions for your economy, 5 years from now you will see it will be worse than it is now.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: btc78 on April 18, 2024, 10:47:36 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.

Yes that is the product of inflation.

Although some countries may have it worse than the others. Rich countries have strong currencies but have really expensive living costs which still proves to be a problem to them still.

While with third world countries, they are struggling to have ends meet as the money they are earning barely can buy anything these days. In my country it is now better to just leave and seek job opportunities abroad.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: laijsica on April 18, 2024, 10:55:44 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
It is really sad that many companies are not trying to increase the salaries of the working employees with time or with the country's commodity prices. In this case he has to take out another income source besides the job - I would ask the victim to be more diligent to meet his family's expenses and save a part of the money in BTC. If he could have saved $100 dollars per month for the past 5 years, his financial position would have been much stronger.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Alpha Marine on April 18, 2024, 10:59:55 AM
Is it that he lost his job and got another job that pays less than his previous job or it's still the same but with lower pay? It's very rare for a person to earn less than he makes in a particular job after 5 years. With the increase of inflation comes an increase in salaries and minimum wage, so you find out that the salary has increased but the value of the salary has reduced or not increased at all and this affects his purchasing power.

If you want to know if the global economy is declining, you will need to check the world's gross domestic product. If it is higher in total than the previous years, that means the global economy has not declined in value.

Using GDP alone to measure an economy might not always be accurate. Per capita income, purchasing power, inflation, etc. If you look at countries like Nigeria their GDP is increasing but the state of the country is getting worse.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: SAHASAN on April 18, 2024, 11:25:57 AM
Prices of all commodities are increasing day by day this is a clear inflationary effect.
In my opinion money is never right to be controlled by the government.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Charles-Tim on April 18, 2024, 11:28:47 AM
Using GDP alone to measure an economy might not always be accurate. Per capita income, purchasing power, inflation, etc. If you look at countries like Nigeria their GDP is increasing but the state of the country is getting worse.

To know about economy power, DGP is used. Go and read more about GDP to know what it is.

About Nigeria, the GDP the country has in 2014 which was almost $570 billion. It was $441 in 2021. $477 in 2022. $390 in 2023. According to Wikipedia, it has decreased more significantly in 2024.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: passwordnow on April 18, 2024, 11:38:58 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
No, his salary didn't went down but it is inflation that cost his salary to be down. This is a normal thing for most of the workers nowadays, whatever your work is and if you didn't received that much increase then the value of your salary has gone down compared to the prices of the commodities today. It's sad that when it should be a continuous rise against the inflation rate for the salary of every hardworking person but not every company can do that as it also depends on the revenue that they're having. But many of them are abusive despite that the economic situation of many that are experiencing hardship and if the company is doing good, they should give the random raise to all of their employees that deserve it so that they will have at least a mark up or increase against the nonstop cost of inflation.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Miles2006 on April 18, 2024, 12:28:23 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
No doubts, underdeveloped countries suffer from such situation but I think the world economy has not gotten to this, how do you expect people to live comfortable if citizens salaries keep decreasing. The only situation I've seen is lack of development and citizens battling with fixed salary despite the inflation. These are common reasons poverty rate keep increasing in an underdeveloped country, price of goods rising is a problem cause when there's lack of productivity and inadequate resources to produce goods it becomes a burden to the nation. The limitation of food supply can build inflation so fast, if countries facing such problem manage to get limitless production of goods etc, the inflation rate will definitely reduce. Lack of all this things can contribute to a poor economy cause you can't expect a country that's dependent on crude oil, cocoa farm etc to perform accurate without the necessary resources.

To know about economy power, DGP is used. Go and read more about GDP to know what it is.

About Nigeria, the GDP the country has in 2014 which was almost $570 billion. It was $441 in 2021. $477 in 2022. $390 in 2023. According to Wikipedia, it has decreased more significantly in 2024.
Yeah, GDP can be use to measure the economy power and GDP is the most common cause it gives information about domestics product only like within but if talking about GNP we're including both domestic and foreign.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on April 18, 2024, 01:35:19 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.

Yes that is the product of inflation.

Although some countries may have it worse than the others. Rich countries have strong currencies but have really expensive living costs which still proves to be a problem to them still.

While with third world countries, they are struggling to have ends meet as the money they are earning barely can buy anything these days. In my country it is now better to just leave and seek job opportunities abroad.

The problem is never centered on the salary but on inflation as many has pointed, here in my nation inflation has triple fron what it has originally been and that has leads to strong rise in all commodity that even some salary struggle to survive in terms of given the citizens Three square meal.
I believe this inflation is as a result of COVID in connection with some of the nation that is already engage in war such as Russia and Ukraine it's coursing global economy inflation though it may not be too visible to some nation but nation like my is heating hard, experiencing it most base on third world country.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Jawhead999 on April 18, 2024, 01:48:02 PM
No, his salary didn't went down but it is inflation that cost his salary to be down. This is a normal thing for most of the workers nowadays, whatever your work is and if you didn't received that much increase then the value of your salary has gone down compared to the prices of the commodities today. It's sad that when it should be a continuous rise against the inflation rate for the salary of every hardworking person but not every company can do that as it also depends on the revenue that they're having. But many of them are abusive despite that the economic situation of many that are experiencing hardship and if the company is doing good, they should give the random raise to all of their employees that deserve it so that they will have at least a mark up or increase against the nonstop cost of inflation.
The company has nothing to lose, they know that the employees already fine with their jobdesk, environment and colleagues, so they will not going to resign because for some people they value mental health over money. If the employees resign, there always be a lot people want to get this job, it makes the former employees can't go back if they're not happy with the new company.

This case is really hard and you can't wish the boss will be kind to the employees, working abroad in low populated country is better.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Mauser on April 18, 2024, 01:57:26 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.

How is this possible, does this include bonus payments or only his fixed salary? Which would mean that he agreed for his salary to be lowered, or he could ask for the full pay based on his contract. I think it's a bit misleading to compare current salary to the pre covid levels. Especially with bonus and Christmas payments there was more money being paid out. As for the global economy I think the world is doing fine. Stocks as an indicator or future corporate earnings are near ATHs. Some countries are expected to lower their interest rates again later this year which should give another boost to the economy. With the Ukraine war still ongoing and no end in sight and also a possible Iran Israel war looming the world is going well at the moment.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Die_empty on April 18, 2024, 02:33:09 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
I don't think salaries have reduced compared to the past few years in my country. Salaries have kept increasing because there have been periodic minimum wage adjustments but the problem is that inflation has been high. Due to inflation money has consistently lost value. Inflation has also resulted in high cost of goods and services which affects the purchasing power of the people negatively. Currently, people receive high salaries that have no value. A few years ago people earned $5 as a monthly salary and they could afford almost everything basic things they need for a whole month. Now people earn more than $250 monthly but it is not enough to cover the cost of living for a month.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: peter0425 on April 18, 2024, 02:53:27 PM
Prices of all commodities are increasing day by day this is a clear inflationary effect.
It’s really shocking when you buy goods and you compare it to its old prices. Nowadays, everything is just so expensive

In my opinion money is never right to be controlled by the government.

The government controls its money to keep their economy healthy. I agree that we should have our own control over our own money however without a government governing the entire financial system, a lot could go wrong.

Hyperinflation would be worse actually and the poor will most likely become poorer.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: YOSHIE on April 18, 2024, 02:55:39 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
Almost all countries are experiencing an economic crisis, this is happening in almost all countries, as you said globally, but it's not that your salary is low, the value of the currency is deteriorating, needs such as goods are soaring, this phenomenon is close to disaster. callinflation.

Lately the price of goods has soared, in the past you had a salary of $1000, for example, with that amount of salary you could buy a motorbike and still be able to save, now you no longer have to add another $500 to be able to buy a motorbike, This means that if your current salary is equated with minus goods, things like that cannot be blamed on salary, what should be blamed is on the goods we need.

In this way we realize that the current value of money is no longer valuable if it is exchanged for goods, if this problem the government does not solve it, In the future, maybe after receiving it, you will only be able to get one sack of wheat. The problem you are feeling right now is a big threat to the world.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: kryptqnick on April 18, 2024, 02:57:55 PM
If we're looking at 5 years, then I agree that in many countries, including mine, things are getting worse. Salaries are higher in local fiat, of course, but the purchasing power is lower than it used to be, so to improve your life, you need to be in active career growth to outrun these changes.
That being said, I'm not sure if it's a global trend, because in my country it has regional causes that aren't relevant elsewhere. I tend to agree with Charles-Tim that objectively, the global economy isn't on decline.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: bittraffic on April 18, 2024, 03:17:43 PM

The global economy has been falling since COVID and it's getting worse since. The number of credit card delinquents is increasing and homelessness is getting worse than it was back 10 years ago therefore global economy is really declining. There may be parts of the world where the economy is better like in the Middle East and Asia but they are still affected by money printing and the wars.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: el kaka22 on April 18, 2024, 05:50:56 PM
It has been declining for many years now, nothing new. I think it was late 80's that we first seen a crash that was caused by the modern financial companies, not some big crash, crashes happens all the time, even in middle ages they happened. I am talking about modern financial companies such as wall street and investment firms and all that making something that would not be acceptable and they just go for the highest risk possible to make more money from money and they ended up causing a big trouble.

Ever since those years, we keep having these companies going for bigger and bigger profits and failing and then causing us to have terrible finance because they keep getting bailed out, and in return we pay for that.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on April 18, 2024, 08:02:10 PM
If we're looking at 5 years, then I agree that in many countries, including mine, things are getting worse. Salaries are higher in local fiat, of course, but the purchasing power is lower than it used to be, so to improve your life, you need to be in active career growth to outrun these changes.
That being said, I'm not sure if it's a global trend, because in my country it has regional causes that aren't relevant elsewhere. I tend to agree with Charles-Tim that objectively, the global economy isn't on decline.
I too don't think for one that the global economy is on a decline. Am sure any economic problems may be more due to the causes of government policies and regulations within your region or country.
Also, I think that the global economy is nearing a time when change gets to flush out certain reliance on some currency policies that are no longer favorable to the citizens and with the emergence of cryptocurrency and the BRICS currency initiative, more is expected to happen to alter certain economic ties and create new ones to bolster the macroeconomics of the countries of which the change is to happen within .

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Jatiluhung on April 18, 2024, 08:32:13 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
This is a fact. Currently, it seems that most of us are also aware that the global economy is declining. But in the country where I am now, things are actually still going quite well. Even when other countries are experiencing difficulties due to soaring natural oil prices. But it doesn't feel like it here. It's just that inflation is clearly felt. Well, our salaries might increase every year. Whether it's because of a promotion or something like that. But the fact is that its value continues to decline quite clearly. And that can be proven by the fact that 5 years ago we could buy a lot of things with the salary we got for 1 month of work. But today 1 month's salary cannot buy many things even though the amount has become more and more growing.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: dothebeats on April 18, 2024, 09:57:35 PM
The value of your friend's salary has declined, that is a fact. Even though its face value is continuously increasing due to appraisal, bonuses, and promotions, the things that can be bought with it has surely diminished over time. The prices of goods are continuously rising, and it does not match the salary increases across all economies. This is why it's important to have a hedge on what we receive for our salaries, perhaps gold, crypto, or other investments that are outperforming the inflation on our own countries.

If we're looking at 5 years, then I agree that in many countries, including mine, things are getting worse. Salaries are higher in local fiat, of course, but the purchasing power is lower than it used to be, so to improve your life, you need to be in active career growth to outrun these changes.

Even promotions no longer provide security against inflation. Unless you're promoted into an executive position, most promotions only increase your responsibilities but not the reward based on my experience. Companies no longer value their best performing employees, they just use them for their own benefit.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: passwordnow on April 18, 2024, 10:15:00 PM
No, his salary didn't went down but it is inflation that cost his salary to be down. This is a normal thing for most of the workers nowadays, whatever your work is and if you didn't received that much increase then the value of your salary has gone down compared to the prices of the commodities today. It's sad that when it should be a continuous rise against the inflation rate for the salary of every hardworking person but not every company can do that as it also depends on the revenue that they're having. But many of them are abusive despite that the economic situation of many that are experiencing hardship and if the company is doing good, they should give the random raise to all of their employees that deserve it so that they will have at least a mark up or increase against the nonstop cost of inflation.
The company has nothing to lose, they know that the employees already fine with their jobdesk, environment and colleagues, so they will not going to resign because for some people they value mental health over money. If the employees resign, there always be a lot people want to get this job, it makes the former employees can't go back if they're not happy with the new company.

This case is really hard and you can't wish the boss will be kind to the employees, working abroad in low populated country is better.
I agree about that going to countries with low population as the demand there is high for workers. And with that, it is setting the salary of the most to be in that kind of expected salary of yours. It's a fact that when a company wants to fire you, you'll just get fired for whatever reason they'd do, like cost cutting, underperformance or any of the reason that they can set. It's hard for those employees to absorb that especially if they've been loyal to them for a very long time but, they can't do anything about that if the company decides to. However, for the past decade, I've seen companies although they're only few but they do value their employees and takes care of them as a real family. That's why for somebody who has got type of company, I understand that it's not all about the salary why they're staying but it's about the treatment that they're getting.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Poker Player on April 19, 2024, 03:58:06 AM
Well, no, I don't feel it. What I see is a lot of people with big cars for the salary they earn, acquired with leasing or 10-year financed and in some cases rolling in negative equity of the previous car, high-end cell phones also financed, restaurants full, and idyllic lives on Instagram. Which makes me think that, apart from the few who have real money, what I see reflects that access to and use of credit has hardly reduced, despite interest rate policies, which is consistent with recent inflation data.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: retreat on April 19, 2024, 04:45:46 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.

If that was the case, why didn't he try to find a better paying job somewhere else? why should he stay in a place with a fairly low salary. Because the prices of these products will indeed increase every year due to inflation. You cannot expect that food prices in 2016 will be the same as food prices in 2024, there will definitely be an increase. That's why the government increases the minimum wage every year to adjust to inflation, so when someone gets the same salary every year without any increase it means the company is at fault and they can be reported to the authorities.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: wxa7115 on April 19, 2024, 05:51:19 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
You cannot really use a sample size of one to come to that conclusion, however due to the pandemic it is true there are many countries that suffered severely because of it, and in a way many of those countries have not recovered yet.

But at the end each person is responsible for their economic future, so if the salary your friend receives is smaller than what it was 5 years ago, maybe his occupation is being replaced by AI or other forms of automation, and maybe it is time he looks for other ways to earn a living.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: bitLeap on April 19, 2024, 06:16:14 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
Lower salaries or because their value is influenced by inflation, while traders in the market respond more quickly by increasing prices. Some responsive countries and compliant companies will create new policies by increasing wages, but not all companies do this. Instead of increasing salaries, they actually impose more additional tasks on employees in exchange for working overtime if they want to get more salary. Traditions like this no longer apply, and the government often does not care about company operations which impose additional burdens beyond the main duties of an employee. However if you look at the global economy, there are many factors that influence its decline, such as war conflicts which usually cause trade relations with related countries to decline, demand in the market experiences negative things while domestic production continues, workers have to be paid while target goods on the market are hampered. As a result companies will take action to reduce employees or other options to reduce salaries because product demand in the market is decreasing.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: 0t3p0t on April 19, 2024, 06:57:46 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
Inflation at it's best. I am wondering where your colleague is at the moment. Here in my country it's all the same local currency is depreciating it's value while prices of goods are getting high so yeah something is wrong in the economy that needs to be fixed immediately.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Alpha Marine on April 19, 2024, 07:15:01 AM
To know about economy power, DGP is used. Go and read more about GDP to know what it is.

About Nigeria, the GDP the country has in 2014 which was almost $570 billion. It was $441 in 2021. $477 in 2022. $390 in 2023. According to Wikipedia, it has decreased more significantly in 2024.

I know that the Nigerian GDP has shinked a lot over the years, that's why they have been in a recession a few times over the years.

I agree that GDP is the factor used to measure economic growth, I am not disputing that fact. I am only making an observation that I usually see when looking at GDPs of countries. I mentioned Nigeria because I read recently that the GDP has increased by a certain percent in that particular quarter, but how has that affected the average Nigerian?

In Africa, Nigeria has the second best economy in terms of GDP after Egypt, but can we use that to say Nigeria is the second best country to do business or the second best country to work in?

 Nominal GDP of African countries  (
In the link above you'll see that the difference between between the nominal GDP of Egypt and Nigeria is very little, but looks at the per capita of those countries. You'll find out that Nigeria has one of the worst per capita among the top countries of the continent. When you consider the fact that inflation in Nigeria is around 30%, you'll realise how bad it is for the people despite the GDP being one of the best in the country. Also when you look at the percentage of people living below the poverty line, you'll see that Nigeria is on 40%, there are reports that show that that figure is around a 70% region, but I'm sticking with Wikipedia.

I'm stating all these so we can get a picture of how things really are. My point is, using GDP to tell if a country is progressing is okay, but in few cases, it doesn't really tell the whole story.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Charles-Tim on April 19, 2024, 07:38:19 AM
Nominal GDP of African countries  (
In the link above you'll see that the difference between between the nominal GDP of Egypt and Nigeria is very little, but looks at the per capita of those countries. You'll find out that Nigeria has one of the worst per capita among the top countries of the continent. When you consider the fact that inflation in Nigeria is around 30%, you'll realise how bad it is for the people despite the GDP being one of the best in the country. Also when you look at the percentage of people living below the poverty line, you'll see that Nigeria is on 40%, there are reports that show that that figure is around a 70% region, but I'm sticking with Wikipedia.
Even that link above is for 2023.

This is the current one:

Just look for African countries and you will know Nigeria is the fourth.

This was yesterday news on Bloomberg:
I have just seen this on Bloomberg which was yesterday news.

Nigeria’s economy, which ranked as Africa’s largest in 2022, is set to slip to fourth place this year and Egypt, which held the top position in 2023, is projected to fall to second behind South Africa after a series of currency devaluations, International Monetary Fund forecasts show.

The IMF’s World Economic Outlook estimates Nigeria’s gross domestic product at $253 billion based on current prices this year, lagging energy-rich Algeria at $267 billion, Egypt at $348 billion and South Africa at $373 billion.

The GDP recently is less than half of what it was in 2014. It is quite unfortunate for Nigeria.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: bitzizzix on April 19, 2024, 07:39:07 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
It seems that no company will reduce salaries as low as or below the minimum wage because if that happens the government will act or workers will quit because they cannot meet their needs. Because from year to year the salary will definitely increase and adjust to the increase in all goods due to inflation.
Perhaps the increase in inflation is not balanced by existing salaries, and there are also salaries that are still below the minimum wage standard, even very low. Because it's not a big company or it could also be because the minimum wage in the area is very low, and if that's the case why not look for or apply for a job that provides a standard minimum wage or more.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Despairo on April 19, 2024, 07:46:53 AM
It seems that no company will reduce salaries as low as or below the minimum wage because if that happens the government will act or workers will quit because they cannot meet their needs. Because from year to year the salary will definitely increase and adjust to the increase in all goods due to inflation.
That's your thought, but not every nations, companies and positions will follow that.

Reduce salaries is hard, but during pandemic, they can cut whatever they want and the employees don't mind with that.

Even the workers choose to resign because they feel the salary is too low, there's always be a person will to work for the same position with less salary. So this is a win-win situation for both former workers and companies.

if that's the case why not look for or apply for a job that provides a standard minimum wage or more.
It's easy to say that done, if there are many high paying jobs opened, the @OP friends won't complain.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Marvell1 on April 19, 2024, 01:12:30 PM
It seems that no company will reduce salaries as low as or below the minimum wage because if that happens the government will act or workers will quit because they cannot meet their needs. Because from year to year the salary will definitely increase and adjust to the increase in all goods due to inflation.
That's your thought, but not every nations, companies and positions will follow that.

Reduce salaries is hard, but during pandemic, they can cut whatever they want and the employees don't mind with that.

Even the workers choose to resign because they feel the salary is too low, there's always be a person will to work for the same position with less salary. So this is a win-win situation for both former workers and companies.
Yes, it depends on each country. In my country, some companies do not hesitate to reduce workers' salaries on the grounds that there are not enough costs to maintain the company during difficult economic times. Those who can accept it will continue to work, those who cannot accept it can quit immediately.

According to the provisions of labor law as well as the regulations of any company, the salary will increase according to working time, experience... but on the condition that the company develops well and does not encounter difficulties. But once difficulties arise, those regulations will no longer be effective and that is a disadvantage that workers must accept.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Volimack on April 19, 2024, 02:10:44 PM
The world economy is shrinking because inflation has raised the prices of many goods that are difficult for low income people to afford. The economy has many problems some of which are very fundamental. As long as these are not resolved the country's economic development will not accelerate. No government is able to function peacefully due to political instability. Due to political instability economic development has been greatly hampered.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: suzanne5223 on April 19, 2024, 02:27:04 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
He/she was right. Although the salary paid to workers now is increased from 5 years ago salary but judging by the fiat currency de-value it is much lower than the previous year's salary and this shows that the global economy is on a downslide motion.
Sadly, the government never agree to this and always tell the people everything is fine while the main cause of the problem start from the yearly printing of new fiat currency.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: wiss19 on April 19, 2024, 02:38:11 PM
If we're looking at 5 years, then I agree that in many countries, including mine, things are getting worse.
I think it's better to not feel that way or be negative because I'm sure you won't like its effects. Instead, what mindset we should have is to be positive at all times and believe that things will only get better.

Salaries are higher in local fiat, of course, but the purchasing power is lower than it used to be, so to improve your life, you need to be in active career growth to outrun these changes. That being said, I'm not sure if it's a global trend, because in my country it has regional causes that aren't relevant elsewhere. I tend to agree with Charles-Tim that objectively, the global economy isn't on decline.
At least, the government or the employer made an effort to increase our salaries even though inflation might still rise because it is still fighting its effects but if we want to ensure that our monies are still valuable, we can do investing. To have an active and growing career is also great, as this ensures financial stability. For now the decline may not be global but there will be times that all will now experienced what the others have experienced. So don't be confident and always prepare your selves.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: BD Technical on April 19, 2024, 03:08:11 PM
In the current situation, all countries do not always have the same worm and the condition of the world where worms are very good, in fact, our Bangladesh is in this category of people.  The pictures are very good in the country or many categories are very high but there are many categories in Bangladesh and here the salary in garment or any other factory is very low.  The salary of our country should be increased because a minimum or a small person who has lehlpar or a category wage earner should get twenty thousand rupees even if the salary is minimum.  A career or a helper's salary is not equal to the salary of a person who does bad business for a living and develops finances and it becomes difficult for him to live his life.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Kriptogram14 on April 19, 2024, 03:11:34 PM
At least, the government or the employer made an effort to increase our salaries even though inflation might still rise because it is still fighting its effects but if we want to ensure that our monies are still valuable, we can do investing. To have an active and growing career is also great, as this ensures financial stability. For now the decline may not be global but there will be times that all will now experienced what the others have experienced. So don't be confident and always prepare your selves.

Yes, that's right, because of the aggressive increase in reference interest rates carried out by the central banks of various countries in an effort to reduce the rate of inflation, yesterday was hit by Covid-19 until now the economy has not recovered properly. Due to the increase in energy prices and reference interest rates in various countries, inflation has soared , until now we still feel inflation, because the world is also facing the challenge of climate change which will greatly affect state finances, the economy and people's welfare, therefore we have to look for solutions so that the economy in our country improves again, such as improving the quality of ourselves. and develop innovations so that our country can quickly recover from the impact of the economic downturn.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on April 19, 2024, 03:19:45 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.

I am yet to comprehend what you said about your friend because is it that the amount he earns is no longer enough to Carter for his daily expenses? If his salary is lower than it was 5 years ago that should imply that the cost of living has reduced as well because I don't see any reason why a government, individual or organization will reduce the salary of it's worker even when the cost of earning a living is very difficult in such a country. Maybe you should have given a proper and more comprehensive information about what you said.

Global economy is meant to decline and also increase some times as that is what keeps the world economy in a balanced state so you don't expect the world economy to keep flourishing without recording recession, because normally, when a country experiences recession it makes  such a country to realize that the economic team are not doing enough to stabilize their economy so it also gives room for more economic awareness on how to manage a country's resources judiciously.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: slapper on April 19, 2024, 04:28:37 PM
Top leaders' purposeful choices impact the global economy. Your friend's pay falling? That's not bad luck; it's the system working exactly as intended. Policies that prioritize profits above people are to blame. Prices rise, the gap between rich and poor grows, and we're expected to handle it like a natural disaster?

Falling salaries and increased costs aren't a coincidence. This is a rigged game where the powerful call the shots and we pay the price. Greed and working-class neglect have caused this storm. Will we see this ship sink? Or will we take a bucket and bail? A major renovation is needed. We must level the playing field and distribute riches. Hold leaders accountable. Because if we do nothing, tomorrow will be worse

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: _BlackStar on April 19, 2024, 04:59:22 PM
Top leaders' purposeful choices impact the global economy. Your friend's pay falling? That's not bad luck; it's the system working exactly as intended. Policies that prioritize profits above people are to blame. Prices rise, the gap between rich and poor grows, and we're expected to handle it like a natural disaster?

Falling salaries and increased costs aren't a coincidence. This is a rigged game where the powerful call the shots and we pay the price. Greed and working-class neglect have caused this storm. Will we see this ship sink? Or will we take a bucket and bail? A major renovation is needed. We must level the playing field and distribute riches. Hold leaders accountable. Because if we do nothing, tomorrow will be worse
You can't expect a system to be completely fair - that's simply impossible. The system is created for personal gain - while the consequences are borne by the common people. You must have seen the fact that the poor get poorer - while many officials become very rich after only a few years as officials. This is something that is commonplace in the government system that has been built so far - you can complain, but you can't demand that things change completely.

The national and global economies are both unhealthy - meaning there are unresolved problems. As bearers of all consequences - we must be smart enough to manage our own finances and do everything we can to get more. It's impossible to become rich with just one source of income - it's only a step before you fall into poverty. Having more than one source of income is mandatory to maintain financial stability - while we must ignore issues that are essentially the government's responsibility.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Woodie on April 19, 2024, 05:40:11 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
This is definitely the literal definition of inflation: "too much money chasing few goods"

But the thing is that every country has its own indicators to show how an economy is performing, and things like technology, politics are among some factors that will influence how a country's economy will perform and can't be based on a global scale...And if we talk about our current times, so many indirect factors affecting our economies such as COVID, Drought, Floods, Earth 🌍 quakes, Climate Change, the War in Russia, Now conflict in Isreal and all this affects us direct or indirectly... Can we still say the global economy is declining, well it all depends on what safe guards individual countries have put but the factors described do leave a negative impact on economies for sure!!!

Btw read some article few days ago saying Russian economy is booming even with the war at hand, so like I said we can't use a global scale but individual countries scale to tell the performance of a country...

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Juse14 on April 19, 2024, 06:51:33 PM
It cannot be denied that the current global economic situation is not good. With all the conflicts that occur, this makes the economic situation uncertain, where the prices of goods and services continue to increase along with the skyrocketing price of petroleum. So there is a disparity between income and expenditure, and quite a few people even have to take out loans to survive and meet their daily needs. And maybe these will be difficult times for those who don't have enough savings and investments. Where they might be overwhelmed enough to be able to meet their needs and pay their bills.

Apart from the current situation which shows how important it is to have savings and investments, the situation we are currently facing also shows how important it is not to only rely on income from one source.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: NeuroticFish on April 19, 2024, 07:01:41 PM
It cannot be denied that the current global economic situation is not good.

I do agree with the first post: the salaries tend to remain small and the prices are skyrocketing; what happens with the prices is normal, since all the central banks are printing money like crazy since the COVID days. What happens with salaries.. is not.

But the signals I've read here and there about the industries are better than in the last 2-3 years, quite some businesses seem to be recovering. And that would be the opposite of decline, even though it needs more time on this trend in order to gain the so needed confidence.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Fortify on April 19, 2024, 09:53:30 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.

The global economy declining? Nope. What you'll find is that incessant globalization will mean every job is scrutinized for the possibility that it can be outsourced or automated. That means that many average IT jobs will now have wages suppressed, because there are companies out there who might offer up an Indian worker for a fraction of the salary of a "Western" worker. Whether they are the same quality or competent is up for a debate, but company directors are often only interested in the bottom line and results can take a long time to deteriorate and show through a difference in standards. Ultimately salaries across the globe are equalizing, which means people in richer countries will get less and in poorer countries, slowly they will get more.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Mate2237 on April 19, 2024, 10:26:26 PM
 No one salary is reducing but it is stagnant in one place while price of things in the rising side and from your topic global economy is not declining but individual country economies are declining and even the decline happened and affect the African countries more than the others. If the world economy is declining then Economic depression will occur and I don't think such is happening for now.

But my country economy is declining and rising. And even at that things are rising while minimum wage or salaries are stagnant in one place so Civil Servants who are working on the government parastatal.arw still complaining and suffering like the jobless.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Mrbluntzy on April 19, 2024, 10:46:11 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.

If your colleague is receiving exactly the same value he has been receiving in the previous year but the value of the money have reduced its understandable to say that inflation has caused the price of everything to go up. Inflation can make money to lose purchasing power so badly to the extent you can not even use your salary to achieve so many needs. You can advice your colleague to look for another high paying job better than the one he already has.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Hypnosis00 on April 20, 2024, 07:06:09 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
Inflation affects an individual's budget making most of us think that our salary is not enough anymore. Unfortunately, the majority are unprepared for this situation and feel that we're pushing down to poverty. The economic growth of the country is a way to measure the current situation and how it looks in the coming years. Seeing declining growth makes people think negatively and will affect their mindset.
We are not yet in the dark about feeling that we're going to lose hope but the government should never disregard the situation. But of course, we don't need to depend on them either. We also need to find ways how to overcome this inflation and one thing we can do is to increase our sources of income.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: avp2306 on April 20, 2024, 09:13:50 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.

He is defeated by inflation and it seems your friend didn't do anything to get another source of earning since maybe he's relying only on his job that's why he's been hurt so bad on current situation happened nowadays.

This is how important to step out on our comfort zone then try to find a lot more ways to legally earn so that once if there's uncontrolled changes will happen we can still leave according to our means and will just ignore those inflation discussion since we are fine and comfortable because we have a lot of sources to grind. Each situation change and we cannot go back before if we think we are fine for having one job for sure in future this is not enough so we need to grind to avoid experience hardship or worse to get broke.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: macson on April 20, 2024, 09:40:21 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
everyone in the world is currently feeling the same thing, unstoppable inflation means that many people can no longer afford to buy goods at the same price 5 years ago, even those who are running a business are also feeling it, the price of basic materials for running a business has risen several percent, some have even increased by 100% while the costs charged to customers are still the same as before the costs increased.

nowadays we have to live wisely and frugally, don't let excessive spending make us run out of money quickly.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: MissNonFall9 on April 20, 2024, 11:24:28 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
When the price of goods in a country increases relatively much and the per capita income of the country does not increase in that proportion, it means that the rate of inflation of the country has increased a lot. This means that either the expenditure has increased compared to the country's income or the level of money laundering has increased in that country. So I think that such an incident happening from country to country is an internal problem of that country. I don't think it has relation with the global economy.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: tabas on April 20, 2024, 12:31:07 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
It's true that the price of goods are rising and that's areality that everyone has to accept. Now, I see a couple of things that are being experienced by your colleague that didn't foresee.
1. Your company isn't giving a yearly raise or performance raise.
2. Your colleague isn't upskilling and the company are limited in budget for pay raise.
3. Your colleague didn't planned for his future raises and personal economy and that's why he became stagnant.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: shield132 on April 20, 2024, 01:21:31 PM
If the salary are lower than before, the price of goods supposed not to be increasing. What I noticed in almost all countries, as the price of goods and services are increasing, the salary also will increase in such a way that everything will balanced, but the government do the manipulation for their own good.
In poor countries, it doesn't work that way. Usually, product and service prices go significantly up and salaries stay the same or in some of the worst circumstances, they might get lower. For example, salary in informational technology in my country is going significantly down because there are too many software developers locally and competition is very high. Inflation is super high and salaries of UI/UX designers and developers are going down. As soon as many local people start working online on websites like Upwork, that situation might be fixed but I am not sure. My family could buy more with 50% of our salary 7-8 years ago than it can buy today with 100% increased salary.

But the signals I've read here and there about the industries are better than in the last 2-3 years, quite some businesses seem to be recovering. And that would be the opposite of decline, even though it needs more time on this trend in order to gain the so needed confidence.
In my country, businesses are doing way better today than they were doing years ago but their appetite went up and they want to keep as much profit as possible. I mean that if business owner is a pig, even if it recovers, it wont care about employees because it senses that profit is increasing and his own appetite should grow big.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: gunhell16 on April 20, 2024, 02:54:21 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.

When it comes to prices rising, that is not actually new in these circumstances that all countries are facing. As a matter of fact, there are even other countries where the salaries of ordinary people are more severe, such as in the countries of Africa and other ASEAN countries.

I don't understand what you're saying, op, if the person you're referring to has lost his job or his previous salary, which was small, has decreased even more now that we are facing the problem due to inflation.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: tsaroz on April 20, 2024, 03:07:41 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.

Of course it is. The largest factor is decrease in population rising rate.
Our economy is designed considering an increase on demand for everything be it product or services. Every company compared their yearly finance looking for growth. That was all good considering the rapid pace the population was rising. The demand for smartphone is an indicator how large the demand of a new tech was for the growing population from 6 billion to 8 billion. Now the demand has halted. People use a smartphone for years and if it's working, there are people willing to buy it second hand.
The population of the world is rising but at a very slower place, the growth too are in poor and conflict zones where people still lacks capacity to buy stuff. When there's no demand of product and services, there are lesser jobs and with more competition, lesser wages.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: NeuroticFish on April 20, 2024, 04:38:32 PM
But the signals I've read here and there about the industries are better than in the last 2-3 years, quite some businesses seem to be recovering. And that would be the opposite of decline, even though it needs more time on this trend in order to gain the so needed confidence.
In my country, businesses are doing way better today than they were doing years ago but their appetite went up and they want to keep as much profit as possible. I mean that if business owner is a pig, even if it recovers, it wont care about employees because it senses that profit is increasing and his own appetite should grow big.

That's 100% correct. Just then the correct way to put it is that common mortals like us get less fiat for same work and our life is getting more difficult(*), not that the world economy is declining, isn't it?

(*) of course, Bitcoin fixes this and the usual morale is that we should still stack sats as long as we can

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: harapan on April 20, 2024, 05:33:20 PM
Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
It's not that the global economy is in recession, it's that this has been going on for hundreds of years, and has never stopped. I mean recessions will still happen even when we think we are living in prosperous economic times. Inflation will never stop because the government will always continue to print money and distribute it to the economy. But most don't realize and don't care about this until things get worse and more than they can bear. If there are no preventative measures or solutions for your economy, 5 years from now you will see it will be worse than it is now.

Additionally,there seems to be no remedy to recession.Recession has been on for years now and we've all survived it in diverse ways.Recession could end but it takes times for a country to recover from her losses and economic slumps.

Normally,recession is a significant decline in economic activity across different sectors that lasts for several or more months,which in turns slows the economic growth and impede the country's resources and penetrate individuals livelihood.
The future continues to depicts that there are greater chances of going into recession but its relatively not important,just sort out preventative measures appriopriately.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Egii Nna on April 20, 2024, 07:06:47 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.

It can actually happen, but it will be due to the place of his work, or, as a result of the work load, maybe the quantity of the job he was doing before has been reduced, or the organization or company where he is working has a drop in their revenue as before, which, as a result of that, will make them reduce their worker, or rather reduce the payment of their worker's salaries. so that they can sustain their business, which is caused by inflation, and the high cost of goods can affect both the worker and the owner of the business.

So I can classify this as a result of the inflation that is affecting the country, which also has a solution that will help you tackle the problem of the inflation because, for the companies, they will have to negotiate with the supplier so that they will find a sweet-able price of their commodity in order to sell it to consumers, and for the workers, their solution will be to look for another source of income or just to have a meeting with the manager of their workplace to get more allowances in order to be able to afford the goods they need in the market.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: CageMabok on April 20, 2024, 07:40:44 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
In fact, what makes salaries smaller is because of the increase in the price of goods that has occurred at this time so that many people feel that their salary has been reduced at this time and have to find another job to support their own income at this time. So that everyone should not complain about any conditions other than having to keep trying in other, more different ways so that they can face the current conditions of increasing prices of goods.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: AmoreJaz on April 20, 2024, 09:19:27 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
In fact, what makes salaries smaller is because of the increase in the price of goods that has occurred at this time so that many people feel that their salary has been reduced at this time and have to find another job to support their own income at this time. So that everyone should not complain about any conditions other than having to keep trying in other, more different ways so that they can face the current conditions of increasing prices of goods.

And this is the very reason why aside from your major income earner, one has to find alternatives or other sources of income. It is up to you also on how you will manage your finances. If you think you need to tighten your budget, then, don't buy unnecessary things. Stick to your plans. You can always buy what you want if you have extra money.

Below are just few simple tips to survive in this economic challenge -
> Pay your monthly bills, don't delay as it may incur further charges
> Don't take a loan, if you don't need it (do take note of the interests involved)
> Use public transport as much as possible
> Make your own meal
> Live simply, don't buy extravagant/unnecessary items
> Tend your own garden, even a small/terrace-type one
> Practice de-cluttering, sell things that you feel you don't need anymore

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Reatim on April 20, 2024, 09:54:11 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.

I am yet to comprehend what you said about your friend because is it that the amount he earns is no longer enough to Carter for his daily expenses? If his salary is lower than it was 5 years ago that should imply that the cost of living has reduced as well because I don't see any reason why a government, individual or organization will reduce the salary of it's worker even when the cost of earning a living is very difficult in such a country. Maybe you should have given a proper and more comprehensive information about what you said

There’s so many ways to understand what op said.

Do they still have the same job after 5 years or did they get demoted or did inflation strike as harder as we would have liked and now even though we have the same salary, it has less purchasing power? Either way I can feel that way too.

So many goods are now x much more expensive than they were before yet we are still stuck with the same salaries.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: _BlackStar on April 22, 2024, 07:31:05 PM
So many goods are now x much more expensive than they were before yet we are still stuck with the same salaries.
I really want to say that it's not something that many people want - but it can't be helped, that's the reality they have to accept. Of course there is still an opportunity to increase their income level if they are interested in business and investment - however, most employees are those who are too absorbed in their comfort zone and find it difficult to consider risks.

There is no room for improvement if they don't want to move forward and accept risks - if they are only busy with their comfort zone, then real difficulties will await in old age. Businesspeople are those who have good hopes for the future, especially in preparing for their old age without having to work - but employees always find it difficult to get that if they don't have a side business.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: eightdots on April 22, 2024, 07:49:42 PM
So many goods are now x much more expensive than they were before yet we are still stuck with the same salaries.
I really want to say that it's not something that many people want - but it can't be helped, that's the reality they have to accept. Of course there is still an opportunity to increase their income level if they are interested in business and investment - however, most employees are those who are too absorbed in their comfort zone and find it difficult to consider risks.

There is no room for improvement if they don't want to move forward and accept risks - if they are only busy with their comfort zone, then real difficulties will await in old age. Businesspeople are those who have good hopes for the future, especially in preparing for their old age without having to work - but employees always find it difficult to get that if they don't have a side business.

Not everyone may have the opportunity to increase their income. Therefore, the fact that salaries do not increase, but product prices increase, reduces the living standards of many people. The failure of states to prevent this puts these people in a difficult situation.

Some people who have the capacity to invest do not prefer to take risks and try to live on their salaries. I'm not criticizing what these people do because they have the possibility of losing their money in risky markets. That's why these people do not prefer to invest in the risky market, and as the economy deteriorates, the purchasing power of their salaries decreases. There may be different ways to deal with this situation, but getting out of your comfort zone may not be as easy as you think.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: InfinityExists on April 22, 2024, 08:10:58 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.

In my country and experience salaries have increased but are still lagging behind inflation and rising prices.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: MiF on April 23, 2024, 03:07:41 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
In my country the salary is not lower it is rising, but the price of goods is also rising 65 to 75% of its price five years ago. That is why even if the salary is rising the salary is still short to support the needs of the family almost every year the price of goods is rising but the salary is not so poor will become very poorest.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Strongkored on April 23, 2024, 08:05:05 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
If the salary he gets is lower than five years ago then he has to look for another job whose salary can meet current needs, but I guess that what is meant by lower than five years ago is the value, not the amount, and that is the result of inflation so over time It will be increasingly difficult for people to meet their basic needs if their income is fixed or the increase is not commensurate with the increase in inflation.
Your colleague needs additional income and is starting to plan investments so that the increase in groceries doesn't make it difficult for him to keep buying them, and it cannot be denied that those who live in poor or developing countries have difficulty increasing their income because of limited job opportunities.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Smack That Ace on April 23, 2024, 10:44:18 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
If the salary he gets is lower than five years ago then he has to look for another job whose salary can meet current needs, but I guess that what is meant by lower than five years ago is the value, not the amount, and that is the result of inflation so over time It will be increasingly difficult for people to meet their basic needs if their income is fixed or the increase is not commensurate with the increase in inflation.
Your colleague needs additional income and is starting to plan investments so that the increase in groceries doesn't make it difficult for him to keep buying them, and it cannot be denied that those who live in poor or developing countries have difficulty increasing their income because of limited job opportunities.
People in the third world or poor countries will feel this most clearly. Wages do not increase much while commodity prices increase day by day, making people's lives increasingly difficult. But one thing we need to realize is that the government won't be able to improve anything, they don't have any solutions for that so what we can do is adapt to them. By all means, we must find additional sources of income, otherwise we will be eliminated from this harsh society. Save yourself, don't rely on the government.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: angrybirdy on April 23, 2024, 12:21:34 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
If the salary he gets is lower than five years ago then he has to look for another job whose salary can meet current needs, but I guess that what is meant by lower than five years ago is the value, not the amount, and that is the result of inflation so over time It will be increasingly difficult for people to meet their basic needs if their income is fixed or the increase is not commensurate with the increase in inflation.
Your colleague needs additional income and is starting to plan investments so that the increase in groceries doesn't make it difficult for him to keep buying them, and it cannot be denied that those who live in poor or developing countries have difficulty increasing their income because of limited job opportunities.

People in the third world or poor countries will feel this most clearly. Wages do not increase much while commodity prices increase day by day, making people's lives increasingly difficult. But one thing we need to realize is that the government won't be able to improve anything, they don't have any solutions for that so what we can do is adapt to them. By all means, we must find additional sources of income, otherwise we will be eliminated from this harsh society. Save yourself, don't rely on the government.

This is exactly what we need to do, believe it or not, those in government are just fooling us so it's better that we put ourselves first because nothing will happen if we continue to rely on what they do, we are the one who will adjust to what is happening because if we don't prioritize ourselves, we will be left behind. Yeah right, the only thing that we can do is to adapt the changes and just go with the flow.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: MissNonFall9 on April 23, 2024, 03:35:09 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
If the salary he gets is lower than five years ago then he has to look for another job whose salary can meet current needs, but I guess that what is meant by lower than five years ago is the value, not the amount, and that is the result of inflation so over time It will be increasingly difficult for people to meet their basic needs if their income is fixed or the increase is not commensurate with the increase in inflation.
Your colleague needs additional income and is starting to plan investments so that the increase in groceries doesn't make it difficult for him to keep buying them, and it cannot be denied that those who live in poor or developing countries have difficulty increasing their income because of limited job opportunities.
People in the third world or poor countries will feel this most clearly. Wages do not increase much while commodity prices increase day by day, making people's lives increasingly difficult. But one thing we need to realize is that the government won't be able to improve anything, they don't have any solutions for that so what we can do is adapt to them. By all means, we must find additional sources of income, otherwise we will be eliminated from this harsh society. Save yourself, don't rely on the government.
If a country's government and system of government is dictatorial or corrupt and not accountable, then that government cannot ensure development for the country and its people. But it is also an eternal truth that the awareness of the citizens of the country is very important for the ultimate and lasting development of any country. In other words if everyone has an additional source of income other than their main source of income then maybe the standard of living of everyone will improve and the economic status of the country will change significantly. But if the country's economic policies are not strictly implemented and controlled, then at the end of the day it will not bring benefits to the country and the people. Therefore in my opinion the country's government system and self-awareness are both very important for the development of the country's economic condition.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Promocodeudo on April 23, 2024, 09:20:49 PM
COVID19 had a very big effect on the global economy, Les we for during that period many country economy was already experiencing problem before COVID hit very hard and it happened very sudden, what some countries are facing today is as a result of the consequences of COVID, this is really a big issue and it will take a strategic plan from a good economic team to solve this kind of problem that is been faces by the world, another problemost countries are encountering today is bad leadership, th government of many country has failed to come open to tell their citizens the truth,mainly African countries, many African countries are experiencing food shortage and scarcity because their government refuse to do the needful, so for me the global economy is declining though many countries has been trying not to allow it to excalate to failed level.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Smack That Ace on April 24, 2024, 12:44:07 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
If the salary he gets is lower than five years ago then he has to look for another job whose salary can meet current needs, but I guess that what is meant by lower than five years ago is the value, not the amount, and that is the result of inflation so over time It will be increasingly difficult for people to meet their basic needs if their income is fixed or the increase is not commensurate with the increase in inflation.
Your colleague needs additional income and is starting to plan investments so that the increase in groceries doesn't make it difficult for him to keep buying them, and it cannot be denied that those who live in poor or developing countries have difficulty increasing their income because of limited job opportunities.
People in the third world or poor countries will feel this most clearly. Wages do not increase much while commodity prices increase day by day, making people's lives increasingly difficult. But one thing we need to realize is that the government won't be able to improve anything, they don't have any solutions for that so what we can do is adapt to them. By all means, we must find additional sources of income, otherwise we will be eliminated from this harsh society. Save yourself, don't rely on the government.
If a country's government and system of government is dictatorial or corrupt and not accountable, then that government cannot ensure development for the country and its people. But it is also an eternal truth that the awareness of the citizens of the country is very important for the ultimate and lasting development of any country. In other words if everyone has an additional source of income other than their main source of income then maybe the standard of living of everyone will improve and the economic status of the country will change significantly. But if the country's economic policies are not strictly implemented and controlled, then at the end of the day it will not bring benefits to the country and the people. Therefore in my opinion the country's government system and self-awareness are both very important for the development of the country's economic condition.
Of course, the government plays an important role in determining that country's economy, people cannot do anything else if the government still refuses to change policies to change the country's situation. But if we wait and believe in the government's false promises without saving ourselves first, I think we will be eliminated from this life before the government does what it promises. Without the government's help, we will face many difficulties, but that does not mean we should just sit and wait for the government to save us without doing anything. Try every possible way to save yourself first instead of sitting around and doing nothing.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Assface16678 on April 24, 2024, 11:12:50 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
If the salary he gets is lower than five years ago then he has to look for another job whose salary can meet current needs, but I guess that what is meant by lower than five years ago is the value, not the amount, and that is the result of inflation so over time It will be increasingly difficult for people to meet their basic needs if their income is fixed or the increase is not commensurate with the increase in inflation.
Your colleague needs additional income and is starting to plan investments so that the increase in groceries doesn't make it difficult for him to keep buying them, and it cannot be denied that those who live in poor or developing countries have difficulty increasing their income because of limited job opportunities.
People in the third world or poor countries will feel this most clearly. Wages do not increase much while commodity prices increase day by day, making people's lives increasingly difficult. But one thing we need to realize is that the government won't be able to improve anything, they don't have any solutions for that so what we can do is adapt to them. By all means, we must find additional sources of income, otherwise we will be eliminated from this harsh society. Save yourself, don't rely on the government.
If a country's government and system of government is dictatorial or corrupt and not accountable, then that government cannot ensure development for the country and its people. But it is also an eternal truth that the awareness of the citizens of the country is very important for the ultimate and lasting development of any country. In other words if everyone has an additional source of income other than their main source of income then maybe the standard of living of everyone will improve and the economic status of the country will change significantly. But if the country's economic policies are not strictly implemented and controlled, then at the end of the day it will not bring benefits to the country and the people. Therefore in my opinion the country's government system and self-awareness are both very important for the development of the country's economic condition.
Of course, the government plays an important role in determining that country's economy, people cannot do anything else if the government still refuses to change policies to change the country's situation. But if we wait and believe in the government's false promises without saving ourselves first, I think we will be eliminated from this life before the government does what it promises. Without the government's help, we will face many difficulties, but that does not mean we should just sit and wait for the government to save us without doing anything. Try every possible way to save yourself first instead of sitting around and doing nothing.
Exactly! With current situation right now in global economy or in your own country economy we cant solely rely on government yes they maybe doing something in order to help us but the thing is inflation rate or anything that could make our lives hard is inevitable, so its ab indication that we people as an individual should be the one that will make our lives better, or in order to survive in every daily basis, what I mean is that if you kmow your salary is not enough for you and your family and it is not enough for you to buy what you want and needs then you should do something, something that could maake you have extra income, for example doing investments or business, simple mske use of your intellectual or your talent in something, I'm sure all of us has its own talents and capability, make use of that in order to earn money in that way you will mot rely on government and wait for their promise that they will make the lives of its citizen better.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: wxa7115 on April 25, 2024, 07:30:03 AM
Of course, the government plays an important role in determining that country's economy, people cannot do anything else if the government still refuses to change policies to change the country's situation. But if we wait and believe in the government's false promises without saving ourselves first, I think we will be eliminated from this life before the government does what it promises. Without the government's help, we will face many difficulties, but that does not mean we should just sit and wait for the government to save us without doing anything. Try every possible way to save yourself first instead of sitting around and doing nothing.
Governments are powerful but not all-powerful, whenever there is a disaster of some sort, people always think that the governments must do something, however the one that really has the most power over your life and current circumstances is yourself.

So if you find yourself in a difficult economic situation then you need to do what you can to get out of it on your own, since by the time you could receive the help of the government, it could be too late already, so there is no point waiting for a help that may come late or it may never come.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: slapper on April 26, 2024, 07:12:12 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
If the salary he gets is lower than five years ago then he has to look for another job whose salary can meet current needs, but I guess that what is meant by lower than five years ago is the value, not the amount, and that is the result of inflation so over time It will be increasingly difficult for people to meet their basic needs if their income is fixed or the increase is not commensurate with the increase in inflation.
Your colleague needs additional income and is starting to plan investments so that the increase in groceries doesn't make it difficult for him to keep buying them, and it cannot be denied that those who live in poor or developing countries have difficulty increasing their income because of limited job opportunities.
People in the third world or poor countries will feel this most clearly. Wages do not increase much while commodity prices increase day by day, making people's lives increasingly difficult. But one thing we need to realize is that the government won't be able to improve anything, they don't have any solutions for that so what we can do is adapt to them. By all means, we must find additional sources of income, otherwise we will be eliminated from this harsh society. Save yourself, don't rely on the government.
If a country's government and system of government is dictatorial or corrupt and not accountable, then that government cannot ensure development for the country and its people. But it is also an eternal truth that the awareness of the citizens of the country is very important for the ultimate and lasting development of any country. In other words if everyone has an additional source of income other than their main source of income then maybe the standard of living of everyone will improve and the economic status of the country will change significantly. But if the country's economic policies are not strictly implemented and controlled, then at the end of the day it will not bring benefits to the country and the people. Therefore in my opinion the country's government system and self-awareness are both very important for the development of the country's economic condition.
Of course, the government plays an important role in determining that country's economy, people cannot do anything else if the government still refuses to change policies to change the country's situation. But if we wait and believe in the government's false promises without saving ourselves first, I think we will be eliminated from this life before the government does what it promises. Without the government's help, we will face many difficulties, but that does not mean we should just sit and wait for the government to save us without doing anything. Try every possible way to save yourself first instead of sitting around and doing nothing.
Exactly! With current situation right now in global economy or in your own country economy we cant solely rely on government yes they maybe doing something in order to help us but the thing is inflation rate or anything that could make our lives hard is inevitable, so its ab indication that we people as an individual should be the one that will make our lives better, or in order to survive in every daily basis, what I mean is that if you kmow your salary is not enough for you and your family and it is not enough for you to buy what you want and needs then you should do something, something that could maake you have extra income, for example doing investments or business, simple mske use of your intellectual or your talent in something, I'm sure all of us has its own talents and capability, make use of that in order to earn money in that way you will mot rely on government and wait for their promise that they will make the lives of its citizen better.
Government handouts in this economy? Forget it. Inflation's a monster, eating your money for breakfast. But waiting around? That's a loser's game. We do things differently.

The truth is, you've got the potential for greatness. Skills, ideas, whatever; that's your goldmine. Turn it into something real; side hustles, smart investments, maybe your own business. This is how you make it, not with your hand out. I know it's tough. But easy doesn't build empires. Stepping up, pushing yourself, that's where the true power lies.

Waiting on the government? Waste of time. What do YOU love? What are YOU driven to do? Figure that out, hone it, and we'll build financial security ourselves. Because at the end of the day, true freedom comes from knowing you made your own success. Isn't that the American dream, the human dream, after all?

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: HONDACD125 on April 26, 2024, 07:39:27 AM
In fact, what makes salaries smaller is because of the increase in the price of goods that has occurred at this time so that many people feel that their salary has been reduced at this time and have to find another job to support their own income at this time. So that everyone should not complain about any conditions other than having to keep trying in other, more different ways so that they can face the current conditions of increasing prices of goods.

There is no doubt that everyone needs to strive to have more sources of income so that they don't face difficulties in hard economic conditions, but what should actually be done about salaries is that the government and private sectors should increase the wages when there is an increase in the prices of good and services knowing that the cost of living is higher compared to past times and their employees would need more value to sustain in such conditions.

However, we don't see such things happening. There might be one or a few private companies that might think of the well-being of their employees and start an initiative like that but the majority won't do it and their employees will suffer badly in bad economic situations.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Iranus on April 26, 2024, 07:54:03 AM
In fact, what makes salaries smaller is because of the increase in the price of goods that has occurred at this time so that many people feel that their salary has been reduced at this time and have to find another job to support their own income at this time. So that everyone should not complain about any conditions other than having to keep trying in other, more different ways so that they can face the current conditions of increasing prices of goods.

There is no doubt that everyone needs to strive to have more sources of income so that they don't face difficulties in hard economic conditions, but what should actually be done about salaries is that the government and private sectors should increase the wages when there is an increase in the prices of good and services knowing that the cost of living is higher compared to past times and their employees would need more value to sustain in such conditions.

However, we don't see such things happening. There might be one or a few private companies that might think of the well-being of their employees and start an initiative like that but the majority won't do it and their employees will suffer badly in bad economic situations.
I believe that governments and businesses want to increase wages for their people and employees. But that is not as easy as we think because if we also increase wages to match the increase in goods, controlling inflation will be even more difficult, and may even cause economic collapse. 

Similarly, instead of increasing wages, why doesn't the Government find ways to reduce commodity prices, simply because they cannot do it and face many difficulties due to related factors. With the design of fiat money that can be printed freely, inflation is inevitable. We need to adapt and the solution of finding extra income is what I find most effective.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: m2017 on April 26, 2024, 08:01:15 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
Wage indexation occurs less than inflation increases, and over a long period of time, wages become less due to a decrease in the purchasing power of the money received.

There is no doubt that everyone needs to strive to have more sources of income
Each source of income requires time investment, and there are only 24 hours in a day. This creates a limit on income.

but what should actually be done about salaries is that the government and private sectors should increase the wages when there is an increase in the prices of good and services knowing that the cost of living is higher compared to past times and their employees would need more value to sustain in such conditions.
What should be done does not mean what will be done. :) Employers rarely index salaries, because it is unprofitable for them. Why do this if employees are already working at the same rates.

Don't you think this will create a vicious circle? Prices are rising -> Salaries are rising -> Purchasing power is increasing -> Demand is increasing -> To please supply, prices are rising again.

The result is exponential economic growth with inflated prices and inflation. This is how a bubble grows in the modern financial system.

However, we don't see such things happening. There might be one or a few private companies that might think of the well-being of their employees and start an initiative like that but the majority won't do it and their employees will suffer badly in bad economic situations.
These employees will simply be fired as a result of business optimization.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: justdimin on April 26, 2024, 01:23:22 PM
Of course, the government plays an important role in determining that country's economy, people cannot do anything else if the government still refuses to change policies to change the country's situation. But if we wait and believe in the government's false promises without saving ourselves first, I think we will be eliminated from this life before the government does what it promises. Without the government's help, we will face many difficulties, but that does not mean we should just sit and wait for the government to save us without doing anything. Try every possible way to save yourself first instead of sitting around and doing nothing.
Governments are powerful but not all-powerful, whenever there is a disaster of some sort, people always think that the governments must do something, however the one that really has the most power over your life and current circumstances is yourself.

So if you find yourself in a difficult economic situation then you need to do what you can to get out of it on your own, since by the time you could receive the help of the government, it could be too late already, so there is no point waiting for a help that may come late or it may never come.
Governments may not be all powerful, but at the same time we are talking about the place where we pay so much of our money. If they are capable of taking our taxes so much, I mean most governments literally get half of our income, then they should be able to help us during bad times as well, otherwise why are we even paying them?

I think we should be asking and demanding a lot more from governments and we are not really making it work and people who like to vote for certain people, end up not saying anything against people they vote for, which makes those people a lot more confident on taking our money and they just end up not making any improvements. We should reconsider that and start to just consider how we could make it work with a lot more demands from them in exchange for paying that much tax.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: MissNonFall9 on April 27, 2024, 04:31:24 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
If the salary he gets is lower than five years ago then he has to look for another job whose salary can meet current needs, but I guess that what is meant by lower than five years ago is the value, not the amount, and that is the result of inflation so over time It will be increasingly difficult for people to meet their basic needs if their income is fixed or the increase is not commensurate with the increase in inflation.
Your colleague needs additional income and is starting to plan investments so that the increase in groceries doesn't make it difficult for him to keep buying them, and it cannot be denied that those who live in poor or developing countries have difficulty increasing their income because of limited job opportunities.
People in the third world or poor countries will feel this most clearly. Wages do not increase much while commodity prices increase day by day, making people's lives increasingly difficult. But one thing we need to realize is that the government won't be able to improve anything, they don't have any solutions for that so what we can do is adapt to them. By all means, we must find additional sources of income, otherwise we will be eliminated from this harsh society. Save yourself, don't rely on the government.
If a country's government and system of government is dictatorial or corrupt and not accountable, then that government cannot ensure development for the country and its people. But it is also an eternal truth that the awareness of the citizens of the country is very important for the ultimate and lasting development of any country. In other words if everyone has an additional source of income other than their main source of income then maybe the standard of living of everyone will improve and the economic status of the country will change significantly. But if the country's economic policies are not strictly implemented and controlled, then at the end of the day it will not bring benefits to the country and the people. Therefore in my opinion the country's government system and self-awareness are both very important for the development of the country's economic condition.
Of course, the government plays an important role in determining that country's economy, people cannot do anything else if the government still refuses to change policies to change the country's situation. But if we wait and believe in the government's false promises without saving ourselves first, I think we will be eliminated from this life before the government does what it promises. Without the government's help, we will face many difficulties, but that does not mean we should just sit and wait for the government to save us without doing anything. Try every possible way to save yourself first instead of sitting around and doing nothing.
That is why we should raise our productivity by inculcating economic values ​​along with self-awareness and by applying practical knowledge of financial management and accelerating the trade of essential goods and services. Since the global economy depends on the individual economy of each country, that is the development index of each country is determined depending on how much each country is contributing to the global economy, so each of us should work with awareness from our place as well as every government should support the efforts of the people in all these developmental works strengthening and extending cooperation.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: wxa7115 on May 01, 2024, 06:38:41 AM
Governments are powerful but not all-powerful, whenever there is a disaster of some sort, people always think that the governments must do something, however the one that really has the most power over your life and current circumstances is yourself.

So if you find yourself in a difficult economic situation then you need to do what you can to get out of it on your own, since by the time you could receive the help of the government, it could be too late already, so there is no point waiting for a help that may come late or it may never come.
Governments may not be all powerful, but at the same time we are talking about the place where we pay so much of our money. If they are capable of taking our taxes so much, I mean most governments literally get half of our income, then they should be able to help us during bad times as well, otherwise why are we even paying them?

I think we should be asking and demanding a lot more from governments and we are not really making it work and people who like to vote for certain people, end up not saying anything against people they vote for, which makes those people a lot more confident on taking our money and they just end up not making any improvements. We should reconsider that and start to just consider how we could make it work with a lot more demands from them in exchange for paying that much tax.
I get it but a great deal of that money you pay as taxes will never come back to you on the form of services or timely help, so if you are in a difficult situation and you receive the help of the government, that is great, but if not then you should have a plan to get out of any predicament on your own.

A difficult thing without a doubt but it must be done, and since this is a bitcoin forum, it should be obvious that part of my plan is to use bitcoin to deal with whatever adverse circumstances I may have to face due to a declining economy.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: blckhawk on May 01, 2024, 06:54:00 AM
In my country the salary is not lower it is rising, but the price of goods is also rising 65 to 75% of its price five years ago. That is why even if the salary is rising the salary is still short to support the needs of the family almost every year the price of goods is rising but the salary is not so poor will become very poorest.
They don't want us to stop working so we can give them more profit, throw in as much bread as they can so we don't have to get angry that while we can survive with meager amount of money, that we won't turn against them and destroy everything that the capitalists have built for themselves. I don't know much about global economics but I don't think that we never have seen any really increase in the past 100 years, countries that are poor are still poor and exploited today.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: d-baet guns on May 02, 2024, 01:30:50 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
This may be caused by inflation which causes the price of goods to rise, while wages do not experience a commensurate increase which results in the price of goods continuing to rise. A decrease in purchasing power for goods can be a problem for some people because it can reduce their ability to meet their daily needs.
In this case, various countries have experienced very significant inflation which has caused the public economy to be unstable, the government should be able to overcome this, so that significant inflation does not occur which creates many problems for some people.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: |MINER| on May 03, 2024, 04:17:08 PM
Wages are not going down. In fact, there has been inflation around the world. It has taken a terrible form.  Along with this, the increase in the price of goods has made public life more dangerous. People with low income are not able to adjust the expenditure with the income. Which makes their life low. For example Those who used to spend monthly with 500$ are now not able to get through the month on this budget.  The problem is seen in almost every country in the world

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: dothebeats on May 03, 2024, 05:23:12 PM
Wages are not going down. In fact, there has been inflation around the world. It has taken a terrible form.  Along with this, the increase in the price of goods has made public life more dangerous. People with low income are not able to adjust the expenditure with the income. Which makes their life low. For example Those who used to spend monthly with 500$ are now not able to get through the month on this budget.  The problem is seen in almost every country in the world

Wages haven't moved much since then. It cannot keep up with the prices of goods and no longer offer a liveable wage for a single person. This is why a lot of people are forced to look for second jobs or other things to make money on the side to supplement what they are receiving for their wages. Governments are obviously not helping the general public to improve their lives. They are just there to enforce laws for the benefit of a select few, and obviously not for the majority.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: leonair on May 03, 2024, 05:58:14 PM
The economy of the world is going down and that's why I don't think anyone is happy or will be happy because the world economy is going down which means the economy of his own country is going down and as a result inflation will increase and also the price of daily necessities will increase as a result of living. The quality will be worse. Especially I think the third world countries will face this kind of problem more. And I think the main reason for the decline of the world's economy is that the big superpowers don't understand that they are causing more danger to the world by fighting wars for arms trade.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Ever-young on May 04, 2024, 02:41:33 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
That's the effect of inflation.
Inflation has proven to be a global pandemic that's been seriously feeding on the global economy for years now.
One of the effects of inflation is decline in purchasing power and that's what your friend is experiencing. And having a stagnant income in such an economic situation could also be very frustrating, especially when the cost of living is also drastically increasing.

Inflation has the ability to slowly reduce the value of money, making it pretty hard for people to be able to afford the same goods and services they've been able to afford few years back, so rather than depending on that source of income, one should always give room for adaptation and growth, sort for other means to update your income to fit the new standards of living.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: tygeade on May 04, 2024, 06:39:24 AM
Governments are powerful but not all-powerful, whenever there is a disaster of some sort, people always think that the governments must do something, however the one that really has the most power over your life and current circumstances is yourself.

So if you find yourself in a difficult economic situation then you need to do what you can to get out of it on your own, since by the time you could receive the help of the government, it could be too late already, so there is no point waiting for a help that may come late or it may never come.
Governments may not be all powerful, but at the same time we are talking about the place where we pay so much of our money. If they are capable of taking our taxes so much, I mean most governments literally get half of our income, then they should be able to help us during bad times as well, otherwise why are we even paying them?

I think we should be asking and demanding a lot more from governments and we are not really making it work and people who like to vote for certain people, end up not saying anything against people they vote for, which makes those people a lot more confident on taking our money and they just end up not making any improvements. We should reconsider that and start to just consider how we could make it work with a lot more demands from them in exchange for paying that much tax.
That is basically the eternal question, but the response is a simple "then elect people who would take taxes from you and use it so well that your nation will become better", and yet we fail to elect people like that, instead we elect people who are against the people we hate, that's all we look at.

There are type of people we "hate" and whoever hates those people together with us, we elect those people and we look basically at nothing else about them, they could be crooked thief politicians who would spend our taxes to enrich their friends, but if they hate the same group of people that we hate then we are going to turn a blind eye to everything they do. Which is why I believe that we are not going to end up with anything crazy in the future, things will stay the same way for a long time.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: bitgolden on May 05, 2024, 01:35:22 PM
Having bad results give or take during this period is not really that shocking, world is coming out of a pandemic period, recovering from that can't be too quick. Everyone assumes that just because it got "little" bit better, they assume that it could be much better, but what we do not realize that is that for a whole year it was just locked business who didn't do well, and for two years it was not financially good, which means that we have a lot of time to recover and a lot of stuff to handle before we are back to where we were.

I think people are reacting to all of this like they think we could do fine right away, that is not possible and should be considering how we could do better later on. Just assume that it will take some time.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: wxa7115 on May 07, 2024, 06:38:53 AM
Having bad results give or take during this period is not really that shocking, world is coming out of a pandemic period, recovering from that can't be too quick. Everyone assumes that just because it got "little" bit better, they assume that it could be much better, but what we do not realize that is that for a whole year it was just locked business who didn't do well, and for two years it was not financially good, which means that we have a lot of time to recover and a lot of stuff to handle before we are back to where we were.

I think people are reacting to all of this like they think we could do fine right away, that is not possible and should be considering how we could do better later on. Just assume that it will take some time.
Assuming there is enough time for all of those businesses and people to recover, after all even if the pandemic has officially ended, it did not took long for two wars to start, and those conflicts created once again uncertainty on the markets and affected the lives of many people as well.

So not only the world economy has not recovered, it is even possible it could get worse, and if that were to happen, I do not know how long people could endure their difficult situation.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: DeathAngel on May 07, 2024, 10:10:50 AM
The global economy is currently facing challenges & uncertainties which have led to a slowdown in growth rates. The situation differs across countries & sectors. Trade tensions, geopolitical issues & the COVID-19 pandemic have contributed to economic fluctuations. While some countries may be experiencing a decline others may be showing signs of recovery. The global economy is facing headwinds but the extent of decline varies & is subject to ongoing developments & policy responses.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: boty on May 07, 2024, 03:40:09 PM
Wages are not going down. In fact, there has been inflation around the world. It has taken a terrible form.  Along with this, the increase in the price of goods has made public life more dangerous. People with low income are not able to adjust the expenditure with the income. Which makes their life low. For example Those who used to spend monthly with 500$ are now not able to get through the month on this budget.  The problem is seen in almost every country in the world
Wages haven't moved much since then. It cannot keep up with the prices of goods and no longer offer a liveable wage for a single person. This is why a lot of people are forced to look for second jobs or other things to make money on the side to supplement what they are receiving for their wages. Governments are obviously not helping the general public to improve their lives. They are just there to enforce laws for the benefit of a select few, and obviously not for the majority.
If the government cannot pay workers a decent wage, of course this requires them to look for side jobs that can give them additional income to meet their needs because if they only rely on the income they get from a job, of course they won't be able to. enough for their needs and if the government doesn't care about this of course the people will continue to experience difficulties in living their lives and for the government which only thinks about their own group of course they will not think of the right solution for their society, but if the government can provide a solution The right thing is of course that their community can meet their needs with the income they have.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: moneystery on May 07, 2024, 03:45:09 PM
Wages are not going down. In fact, there has been inflation around the world. It has taken a terrible form.  Along with this, the increase in the price of goods has made public life more dangerous. People with low income are not able to adjust the expenditure with the income. Which makes their life low. For example Those who used to spend monthly with 500$ are now not able to get through the month on this budget.  The problem is seen in almost every country in the world

i can say that this is true. in the past, 200 usd a month was enough for me, where i could buy bread, meat, milk, etc., but now with 300 usd it is quite difficult for me to manage it for my various needs, and this is getting worse with increasing costs. electricity and internet bills at my house.

inflation is really worrying now, but the government seems to be still very busy with their political agenda, so they ignore this serious problem. i don't know how long this condition will last, but hopefully my income can increase in the future, so that my life will not be too difficult.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: TEBTC on May 08, 2024, 08:13:09 PM
The truth of the matter is that the economies all over the world 🌍 are experiencing decline or problem this is due to the rise in population as we have scar's resources with too many people relying on it
And again government need to come up with new strategies to solve the economic problems of the world because every year inflation is always on the rise but the salary structure is still the same

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Riginac111 on May 09, 2024, 09:42:18 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
that is why it's not good to depend on monthly salary if you are working and you are earning money monthly you have to diversify your source of income so that when economy of your country is rough you can survive through different ways because many people who depend on monthly salary do suffer when they country is not balanced myself I have different investment have that used to sustain me since I was born I've not done a government work before or based on monthly salary to take care of my needs and want.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: dezoel on May 10, 2024, 09:39:31 AM
Wages are not going down. In fact, there has been inflation around the world. It has taken a terrible form.  Along with this, the increase in the price of goods has made public life more dangerous. People with low income are not able to adjust the expenditure with the income. Which makes their life low. For example Those who used to spend monthly with 500$ are now not able to get through the month on this budget.  The problem is seen in almost every country in the world
Creating multiple income streams is the only solution for this because governments don't work to reduce inflation and the people of their countries are left to suffer, that's why, everyone will have to find ways for them to survive in such economic conditions. I know it's not easy because not everyone has got enough opportunities and abilities to be able to have multiple sources of income but we don't have a choice, do we?

The world is turning into a place where only the rich can survive which is unfortunate. People who are not financially stable will always have a hard time living their lives because they will barely be able to earn enough money to fulfil the basic requirements of their household, savings and other stuff are impossible things for them.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: DanWalker on May 10, 2024, 02:02:36 PM
Wages are not going down. In fact, there has been inflation around the world. It has taken a terrible form.  Along with this, the increase in the price of goods has made public life more dangerous. People with low income are not able to adjust the expenditure with the income. Which makes their life low. For example Those who used to spend monthly with 500$ are now not able to get through the month on this budget.  The problem is seen in almost every country in the world
Creating multiple income streams is the only solution for this because governments don't work to reduce inflation and the people of their countries are left to suffer, that's why, everyone will have to find ways for them to survive in such economic conditions. I know it's not easy because not everyone has got enough opportunities and abilities to be able to have multiple sources of income but we don't have a choice, do we?

The world is turning into a place where only the rich can survive which is unfortunate. People who are not financially stable will always have a hard time living their lives because they will barely be able to earn enough money to fulfil the basic requirements of their household, savings and other stuff are impossible things for them.

I agree with you, other than finding ways to create multiple sources of income, we have no better solution to fight inflation today. But blaming the government for not making efforts to reduce inflation is not correct, there are still many governments trying their best but sometimes it is beyond their control. How can small countries avoid inflation while big countries are trying to export inflation? In addition to domestic factors that cause inflation to increase, you also need to know that external factors also have a significant impact and are beyond the government's control.

The rich will also face inflation if they cannot maintain their wealth, so they are also trying every day. And if we don't want to be eliminated or killed by inflation, we should try to rise up and not blame the rich and the poor here. Because no one prevents us from becoming rich, and whether we can become rich or not depends entirely on our bravery.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: bSpend on May 10, 2024, 02:50:52 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
Well, using the present situation in my own country as a reference,  I will completely agree that what your colleague told you is absolutely true, actually, you did not say or mention the country you are from, but over here, things have become really worst and unbearable for many, price of things in the market have increased for more than 300 percent for each, for some items, most especially the ones that are being imported into the country, those ones have increased like more than 500 or 600 percents as a while of our local currency losing value against the dollar, and yet, workers salaries have remains the same for all of this months this has happened, a 50kg bad of rice is now sold 5x to 6x more than it was sold 2 years ago.

If the way things are in my country is the same way it is for all other countries and the world at large, then indeed, the world economy is gradually collapsing.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: CageMabok on May 10, 2024, 03:04:57 PM
The truth of the matter is that the economies all over the world 🌍 are experiencing decline or problem this is due to the rise in population as we have scar's resources with too many people relying on it
And again government need to come up with new strategies to solve the economic problems of the world because every year inflation is always on the rise but the salary structure is still the same

The increase in population with limited resources is indeed a bit more complicated for the government to solve if everyone's salaries still look the same, but that doesn't mean it can't be solved. Because the government is only trying to maintain the economic sector by not increasing the prices of goods that are often needed by the people and also by ensuring that raw materials that are often used by factories do not become scarce. Because scarcity of an item will always cause the price to increase if there is still quite a lot of demand.

And when all parties have to fight inflation every year, of course this will also encourage everyone to have new skills in order to earn more income so that everyone does not really feel the effects of inflation. Because without increasing skills and income in life, it will always be difficult for everyone to fight inflation, including the government.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Abiky on May 10, 2024, 05:56:06 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.

Of course I do. The rising cost of goods and/or services have severely impacted the lives of many people. This is all because of inflation. Unnecessary wars between countries, rising geopolitical tensions, and the COVID-19 pandemic's disruption on the global supply chain are having a profound effect on the global economy.

Central banks won't be able to do anything about it if inflation keeps spiraling out of control. What they can do is "reset" the economy by launching their very own digital currencies. And that my friend, will happen faster than you can imagine. Governments and central banks will have more control/power over the economy han ever before. It will mark the end of paper money and privacy for good. One would hope things get "back to normal" soon. As long as there's world peace, there should be nothing to worry about. :D

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Antotena on May 10, 2024, 08:28:47 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.

That means his barely surviving. Let's say his salary back then 5 years ago was $2000 after tax and was leaving an average life, no struggle to pay bills but today, the salary he earns is now $1300 after tax and the price of goods and services has 2x from five years ago, that means the money he is been paid at work wouldn't be able to pay up his bills and would probably be having outstanding payment or have loan to cushion his bills.

It's either your colleague step up his hustling spirit and have a side gig to complement the salary or he should write applications to other places to get a job that will give him higher pay, she shouldn't quit though because that would be one of the worse decision he would probably make in this hard times.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Captain Corporate on May 10, 2024, 08:38:32 PM
Things are going a little worse these days, I feel like we should consider the situation we are in right now as something that we can handle at the moment and do not need to worry, but then things went a lot worse. I have tried to keep it going for as long as I can without getting in too much of a trouble, but lately there are a lot of troubles that are getting worse and worse. I am trying my very best, I am working at my job all day everyday, and technically speaking I have two jobs (campaign money is also an income of course but not sure if its a "job") and in the end, it has been getting worse. Plus, I haven't found any campaigns to enroll for the past 4-5 months so it is getting a lot worse, I hope things get better eventually.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: erep on May 10, 2024, 09:59:42 PM
That means his barely surviving. Let's say his salary back then 5 years ago was $2000 after tax and was leaving an average life, no struggle to pay bills but today, the salary he earns is now $1300 after tax and the price of goods and services has 2x from five years ago, that means the money he is been paid at work wouldn't be able to pay up his bills and would probably be having outstanding payment or have loan to cushion his bills.
The amount of salary he receives after tax cuts is getting lower, that is an unfair decision from where he works because the economic conditions of the impact of inflation have had an impact on increasing prices of goods and services, he should receive a salary without high tax cuts and so that the amount of salary he receives is appropriate based on the minimum salary rates in the current era.

It's either your colleague step up his hustling spirit and have a side gig to complement the salary or he should write applications to other places to get a job that will give him higher pay, she shouldn't quit though because that would be one of the worse decision he would probably make in this hard times.
If your colleague is already tied to a previous job, it will be difficult to find other income opportunities from side jobs, because we cannot manage the time to work optimally unless you have to take advantage of Saturday and Sunday holidays to focus on online work which can add additional income, but other physical work is impossible to do because you also need time off from office work.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: justdimin on May 11, 2024, 08:28:23 AM
Wages are not going down. In fact, there has been inflation around the world. It has taken a terrible form.  Along with this, the increase in the price of goods has made public life more dangerous. People with low income are not able to adjust the expenditure with the income. Which makes their life low. For example Those who used to spend monthly with 500$ are now not able to get through the month on this budget.  The problem is seen in almost every country in the world
Creating multiple income streams is the only solution for this because governments don't work to reduce inflation and the people of their countries are left to suffer, that's why, everyone will have to find ways for them to survive in such economic conditions. I know it's not easy because not everyone has got enough opportunities and abilities to be able to have multiple sources of income but we don't have a choice, do we?

The world is turning into a place where only the rich can survive which is unfortunate. People who are not financially stable will always have a hard time living their lives because they will barely be able to earn enough money to fulfil the basic requirements of their household, savings and other stuff are impossible things for them.
This is basically the way that we are forced to do but shouldn't be the case if you look at the history. Even the slaves that worked in the pyramids got paid more than some people in the world, and by some I mean a few billion people are getting paid less than those people these days.

I have to say that if we are forced to work at two jobs, that means that we are going to be forced to work three jobs eventually, or eventually we are going to be told that living in a house alone or just one family is a luxury that you shouldn't do and you should all be living in apartment complexes, and they will cram all of us in the same place, and they will tell us meat is not a must and we can just eat chicken, or they will... basically they will make us do worse and worse stuff.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: doomloop on May 11, 2024, 09:33:53 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
that is why it's not good to depend on monthly salary if you are working and you are earning money monthly you have to diversify your source of income so that when economy of your country is rough you can survive through different ways because many people who depend on monthly salary do suffer when they country is not balanced myself I have different investment have that used to sustain me since I was born I've not done a government work before or based on monthly salary to take care of my needs and want.
I think it's not the fault of our salary or not having a multiple income stream but the problem is about the inflation and its rising rates. We don't want this to happen either because we know that it will only going to affect us negatively but it can be the result of greedy actions made by the people who are more higher than us. You know, the banks and governments for example. But since it is already there and it seems there is no stopping them anymore, the only thing that we can do is to follow your suggestion there. The last thing that you have said is only a bit exaggerated to me and it already sounded like you are boasting already. Sorry about that.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: iv4n on May 11, 2024, 01:08:08 PM
This is basically the way that we are forced to do but shouldn't be the case if you look at the history. Even the slaves that worked in the pyramids got paid more than some people in the world, and by some I mean a few billion people are getting paid less than those people these days.

I have to say that if we are forced to work at two jobs, that means that we are going to be forced to work three jobs eventually, or eventually we are going to be told that living in a house alone or just one family is a luxury that you shouldn't do and you should all be living in apartment complexes, and they will cram all of us in the same place, and they will tell us meat is not a must and we can just eat chicken, or they will... basically they will make us do worse and worse stuff.

They do not force us to do anything, we accept everything that is served to us... maybe there is a choice, but mostly that choice is reduced to choosing between many bad choices. It's a system, we are still slaves in a way, not like 1000 years ago, we are not chained, but we depend on money, there's never enough money and that puts us in a tricky situation.

It is a contradiction, the global economy is not in decline, but the gap between the rich and the poor is bigger than ever. While it is difficult for many to push through the month, some people prosper and have more money than ever. I guess it's all a matter of perspective, but for sure not everyone can advance in this world, it's individual... some people are going up and some are going down.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: fuguebtc on May 11, 2024, 02:15:16 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
that is why it's not good to depend on monthly salary if you are working and you are earning money monthly you have to diversify your source of income so that when economy of your country is rough you can survive through different ways because many people who depend on monthly salary do suffer when they country is not balanced myself I have different investment have that used to sustain me since I was born I've not done a government work before or based on monthly salary to take care of my needs and want.
I think it's not the fault of our salary or not having a multiple income stream but the problem is about the inflation and its rising rates. We don't want this to happen either because we know that it will only going to affect us negatively but it can be the result of greedy actions made by the people who are more higher than us. You know, the banks and governments for example. But since it is already there and it seems there is no stopping them anymore, the only thing that we can do is to follow your suggestion there. The last thing that you have said is only a bit exaggerated to me and it already sounded like you are boasting already. Sorry about that.

If you have knowledge about money and spend time learning about how the economy operates in history, you will see that inflation, crisis, recession... are inevitable. They have been there and existed for hundreds of years, and they do not just appear in our generation.

The simple reason is that many people rely too much and put too much trust in the government, they think that the government will protect and save them if they are in trouble. They are too dependent and too subjective that they forget to make backup plans. If a person is smart, they will always find ways to increase their income and assets even when they are living in a stable economy. They will always have backup plans and always update and evolve to adapt to the development of society.
If we want to survive, we need to change and adapt promptly. Finding ways to blame others will not help us survive in this world.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: eightdots on May 11, 2024, 02:21:09 PM
This is basically the way that we are forced to do but shouldn't be the case if you look at the history. Even the slaves that worked in the pyramids got paid more than some people in the world, and by some I mean a few billion people are getting paid less than those people these days.

I have to say that if we are forced to work at two jobs, that means that we are going to be forced to work three jobs eventually, or eventually we are going to be told that living in a house alone or just one family is a luxury that you shouldn't do and you should all be living in apartment complexes, and they will cram all of us in the same place, and they will tell us meat is not a must and we can just eat chicken, or they will... basically they will make us do worse and worse stuff.

They do not force us to do anything, we accept everything that is served to us... maybe there is a choice, but mostly that choice is reduced to choosing between many bad choices. It's a system, we are still slaves in a way, not like 1000 years ago, we are not chained, but we depend on money, there's never enough money and that puts us in a tricky situation.

It is a contradiction, the global economy is not in decline, but the gap between the rich and the poor is bigger than ever. While it is difficult for many to push through the month, some people prosper and have more money than ever. I guess it's all a matter of perspective, but for sure not everyone can advance in this world, it's individual... some people are going up and some are going down.

We have to do some things to make a living these days. If we want more, we must either work hard or the work we do must be valuable. There may be many options, but this is generally the case.

We strive to change our conditions and live in better conditions. Some of us can achieve this and it is not impossible to achieve. Of course, it is not easy, but we can see more of the opportunities that come our way and we are trying to take advantage of them.

The global economy is deteriorating and the quality of life is declining in many countries. Necessary steps need to be taken to reverse this. In some cases we must try harder to improve our own conditions.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: RockBell on May 11, 2024, 05:48:31 PM
Things are going a little worse these days, I feel like we should consider the situation we are in right now as something that we can handle at the moment and do not need to worry, but then things went a lot worse. I have tried to keep it going for as long as I can without getting in too much of a trouble, but lately there are a lot of troubles that are getting worse and worse. I am trying my very best, I am working at my job all day everyday, and technically speaking I have two jobs (campaign money is also an income of course but not sure if its a "job") and in the end, it has been getting worse. Plus, I haven't found any campaigns to enroll for the past 4-5 months so it is getting a lot worse, I hope things get better eventually.
Yes the world is suffering from a global economic break down, just that each countries experience is better than one another. Its something that can actually be handled but is the government ready to fix things up. In my country  a new emerged governor have done what past governors could not do in 8 years that is what we are talking about the whole economical issues is for the government to improve.

Even in terms of polices. There should be open doors for investors. And create more opportunities for people. And without any source of income life won't be funny because starting from how do you feed and keep up with expenses. This shows how income is very important in our life's. I pray with term things will get better.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: wxa7115 on May 13, 2024, 07:20:39 AM
We have to do some things to make a living these days. If we want more, we must either work hard or the work we do must be valuable. There may be many options, but this is generally the case.

We strive to change our conditions and live in better conditions. Some of us can achieve this and it is not impossible to achieve. Of course, it is not easy, but we can see more of the opportunities that come our way and we are trying to take advantage of them.

The global economy is deteriorating and the quality of life is declining in many countries. Necessary steps need to be taken to reverse this. In some cases we must try harder to improve our own conditions.
This is a difficult problem to solve, since even if everyone works harder to improve their living conditions, you may assume this will allow every single person to improve their life.

But if the resources they are pursuing are the same, then all of them will work harder just to receive the same payment at the end, so at some point other solutions other than to work harder or for a longer period of time need to be found, and that is where most governments are lost as they do not know what else to do to improve their economy.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Zanab247 on May 14, 2024, 06:49:24 PM
I noticed it from my country economy, which I thought is only my country that is experiencing this inflation until some of my friends who lives in other countries to confirmed to me that the inflation is global and is making the price of commodities to continue increasing every day.

Some products, I bought last year, it has doubled up this year and it makes people salary not to feed their family well like the way they use to used the salary to feed and still use it to set up some business in the community because inflation has takeover the economy.

I guess government will do something that will make the economy to improve higher, because people are not smiling with this global inflation because it the responsibility of every government to create a good economy for their citizens to experience.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: on May 14, 2024, 07:49:52 PM
When Budget Suites did what they did Attacking the Release of the Book called "The Diaspora Brujeria", they actually caused Bitcoin to Drop to $20,000 and it caused a Global Recession. It had to do with a Meeting in Miami and El Salvador. So the Economy was actually Declining BECAUSE Crypto declined, Crypto did not Follow the Economy, the Economy instead Fell as Bitcoin Fell and no one wants to Talk about that.

But we are Fixing it now. But that Miami Conference and El Salvador meeting all went Horribly Wrong, People were Raped for Drugs, Lives were Ruined, and the Economy Collapsed.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Abiky on May 18, 2024, 02:33:44 AM
Yes the world is suffering from a global economic break down, just that each countries experience is better than one another. Its something that can actually be handled but is the government ready to fix things up. In my country  a new emerged governor have done what past governors could not do in 8 years that is what we are talking about the whole economical issues is for the government to improve.

Even in terms of polices. There should be open doors for investors. And create more opportunities for people. And without any source of income life won't be funny because starting from how do you feed and keep up with expenses. This shows how income is very important in our life's. I pray with term things will get better.

Things will get "better" after the launch of CBDCs. At least, for a while. But first, governments must concentrate on putting an end between the Russo-Ukraine and Israel-Hamas conflicts. With world peace, the economy would be able to flourish once again. I sure hope this happens soon. Else, we'd be toast.

I'd say ultra-high inflation is NOT good for consumers. Only the rich benefits in the long run. These are uncertain times we're living into. Thus, we can only hope for the best.  :-\

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: zaim7413 on May 18, 2024, 07:58:56 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
Preventing the rate of inflation which causes purchasing power to increase needs to be done by increasing salaries by at least a few percent to maintain purchasing power and economic balance momentum. The increasing prices of goods all the time will ensnare employees who will be increasingly squeezed if their salaries are not adjusted to the consumer price index. Due to increasingly unstoppable inflation, salary adjustments can be made through internal agreements between two parties (employees and companies) or through regulations set by the government in the minimum wage policy.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: batang_bitcoin on May 18, 2024, 08:17:11 AM
I noticed it from my country economy, which I thought is only my country that is experiencing this inflation until some of my friends who lives in other countries to confirmed to me that the inflation is global and is making the price of commodities to continue increasing every day.

Some products, I bought last year, it has doubled up this year and it makes people salary not to feed their family well like the way they use to used the salary to feed and still use it to set up some business in the community because inflation has takeover the economy.

I guess government will do something that will make the economy to improve higher, because people are not smiling with this global inflation because it the responsibility of every government to create a good economy for their citizens to experience.
Many did double up this year and I don't know for how long this kind of inflation will continue. That is because of different situations that we're facing from wars and those matters related to oil so, everything has been impacted by those factors. We won't be back to the former or if we are, it's not the same anymore and still far from what we used to witness at that time. While we can't do anything with it, the government truly is the first responder on this one and shall do matters this inflation.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: xmonkeyx on May 18, 2024, 11:20:13 AM
I noticed it from my country economy, which I thought is only my country that is experiencing this inflation until some of my friends who lives in other countries to confirmed to me that the inflation is global and is making the price of commodities to continue increasing every day.

Some products, I bought last year, it has doubled up this year and it makes people salary not to feed their family well like the way they use to used the salary to feed and still use it to set up some business in the community because inflation has takeover the economy.

I guess government will do something that will make the economy to improve higher, because people are not smiling with this global inflation because it the responsibility of every government to create a good economy for their citizens to experience.
Many did double up this year and I don't know for how long this kind of inflation will continue. That is because of different situations that we're facing from wars and those matters related to oil so, everything has been impacted by those factors. We won't be back to the former or if we are, it's not the same anymore and still far from what we used to witness at that time. While we can't do anything with it, the government truly is the first responder on this one and shall do matters this inflation.

Inflation is undoubtedly a contributing factor in this instance, but a lot of nations are currently facing slow economic growth, which is one of the key indicators of a downturn in the world economy. The fall in investment is yet another significant indicator of the current downturn in the world economy. Because of the uncertainty, many investors are hesitant to provide capital to some countries.
Please keep in mind, though, that the state of the economy is subject to periodic fluctuations due to a variety of factors, including alterations in international markets and governmental policies.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: philipma1957 on May 19, 2024, 02:55:20 AM
when the world had 1 billion  every persons share of the world was as follows

2 ⅔ acres of fresh water 💧
32 acres of land
96 acres of ocean 🌊

now 120 years later we are 8 billion

so each persons share of the earth if it was divided is ⅛ that of 1900

⅓ of an acre of fresh water 💧
4 acres of land
12 acres of ocean 🌊

So the answer to the op of course the people of the world 🌍 are poorer than a while back resources do not grow.
same size planet and
1900 1 billion of us
 2024 8 billion of us.

I am happy to be 67 and all my kids are dead. With luck I will be gone before this world crashes out.

I figure 2057 should be about right for a mass collapse. I will be dead or 100 years old.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: sekalitas on May 20, 2024, 07:01:20 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.

I think it's a matter of supply and demand. Five years ago, your colleague's skills may have been highly sought after, with low supply and high demand, leading to higher salaries. But now, the supply of people with those skills is higher, while demand may be lower or stagnant. This gives companies more options, so they can lower salaries and easily replace employees who don't agree.

To stay competitive, we need to constantly improve our skills and perhaps take on more responsibilities to become indispensable to our employers. Additionally, diversifying our income sources can help. The resources are limited, but the number of people entering the job market keeps growing each year. This increases competition and can lead to some people experiencing economic hardship.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: X-ray on May 20, 2024, 08:02:16 AM
its the price of goods as you have described that are rising while our salary increase aren't as much as the inflation to keep ourselves from losing our purchasing power like have been many described.
also, the population has been growing more and more than ever though this only happens in developing country since most of developed country are rather declining in population but still we amounts to more than ever compared to decades or centuries ago.
I think it does make sense, there's eventually a time where resources become more and more scarce, then we will be facing the inflated price of goods.
the only way to mitigate is through the use of technology, increase productivity of several sectors by more than a thousand percent through the use of automated technology.
but even so some region gonna still be affected by scarcity of resources.
expect things will get worst I guess if we don't strive for better productivity to sustain entire population.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: mirakal on May 20, 2024, 09:46:28 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
If that’s the case, then it’s time for him to look for a side hustle that will create additional income from his main job. Relying on a single job is never practical these days, otherwise you will struggle with your finances no matter how high your salary is due to increased prices in goods and services.

Inflation is not new to us. Prices have been rising every year and we don’t have control of that. But what we can do is to navigate our own finances and gain additional jobs so that we can always cope up with this high rising inflation that I think would be here for good.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: bestcoins1 on May 20, 2024, 10:06:07 AM
Inflation is undoubtedly a contributing factor in this instance, but a lot of nations are currently facing slow economic growth, which is one of the key indicators of a downturn in the world economy. The fall in investment is yet another significant indicator of the current downturn in the world economy. Because of the uncertainty, many investors are hesitant to provide capital to some countries.
Please keep in mind, though, that the state of the economy is subject to periodic fluctuations due to a variety of factors, including alterations in international markets and governmental policies.

Currently, changes in international markets and government policies in several countries still appear stagnant and there is nothing different about these two things. So that is what still makes investors very reluctant to invest their capital in certain countries which they think are still unsafe to invest their capital in. However, conditions like today will certainly change over time because investor confidence really needs to be maintained so that they are not afraid to continue investing in various economic and other sectors.

Inflation is something that needs to be resisted and fought together so that it can be eliminated and resolved properly in every country. Because if inflation continues, I think such large economic changes could also be difficult for all countries because there are still more people who find it difficult due to inflation. So this is something that must be eradicated together if we want greater changes in the economic sector and international markets, so the government must also be more serious in handling things like this.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Abiky on May 22, 2024, 12:44:58 AM
I think it's a matter of supply and demand. Five years ago, your colleague's skills may have been highly sought after, with low supply and high demand, leading to higher salaries. But now, the supply of people with those skills is higher, while demand may be lower or stagnant. This gives companies more options, so they can lower salaries and easily replace employees who don't agree.

To stay competitive, we need to constantly improve our skills and perhaps take on more responsibilities to become indispensable to our employers. Additionally, diversifying our income sources can help. The resources are limited, but the number of people entering the job market keeps growing each year. This increases competition and can lead to some people experiencing economic hardship.

Yes. The jobs market is very tight right now. At least, in the US. My friends were having a hard time finding a new job there. It's almost impossible to get accepted these days because of the worsening economic situation. People are holding onto their jobs, while employers are getting too picky when choosing someone to fill a vacant position.

A completely different picture of what mainstream governments are "painting". They say inflation is going down or is being put under control, but what's happening is all of the contrary. We can blame rising geopolitical tensions for this. If we had peace, things would've been different now. It's going to take a very long time before the economy recovers. With CBDCs on the brink of launch, we should only expect the worse. :(

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: FanEagle on May 26, 2024, 12:38:06 PM
Another perspective to look at this would be the improvements on life quality as well. Sure, we are not living an amazing life compared to what is available, but we are living a better life compared to what people back in history lived. The quality of life is much better than 99% of the Kings that lived in history, I can live such a good life, and I have better medical care than almost every ruler in the world who ever lived, aside from the current ones, even as recently as 40-50 years ago, no president/king/ruler ever had medical care that I can afford right now.

All the entertainment, all the things I can do, even the food is better. But, what makes us sad is that there is even more than what we can afford, even better life. So we are sad while living better than kings, because there are people who live better than us too.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: WillyAp on May 26, 2024, 02:16:54 PM
In those countries where you have expenses which you cannot control, like insurance, taxes and the need to pay those, well Inflation is way higher.
Food is more expensive globally, those who clap for the hooties' actions should think a little about it, as those actions raised the cost of living for those countries relying on imports.

You live in a city where you cannot grow that much.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: shinratensei_ on May 26, 2024, 02:48:03 PM
Another perspective to look at this would be the improvements on life quality as well. Sure, we are not living an amazing life compared to what is available, but we are living a better life compared to what people back in history lived. The quality of life is much better than 99% of the Kings that lived in history, I can live such a good life, and I have better medical care than almost every ruler in the world who ever lived, aside from the current ones, even as recently as 40-50 years ago, no president/king/ruler ever had medical care that I can afford right now.

All the entertainment, all the things I can do, even the food is better. But, what makes us sad is that there is even more than what we can afford, even better life. So we are sad while living better than kings, because there are people who live better than us too.
agreed with this people overlook too much on these things due to being too focused on inflation.
most of average people nowaday have access to various thing that even people in the early of 2000s don't really have.
like all you mentioned, healthcare right now more accessible than ever also technologically speaking we are more advanced, the rate of people surviving serious disease is increasing.
so its not really a bad condition overall, i mean some sector indeed fall short like the scarcity of lands in the city, that i could agree on.
but overall, if we see from the bigger picture its a better condition overall.
but it all come with the prerequisites that you should at least be in the middle income bracket to actually get some benefits.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: slapper on May 26, 2024, 05:12:17 PM
I think it's a matter of supply and demand. Five years ago, your colleague's skills may have been highly sought after, with low supply and high demand, leading to higher salaries. But now, the supply of people with those skills is higher, while demand may be lower or stagnant. This gives companies more options, so they can lower salaries and easily replace employees who don't agree.

To stay competitive, we need to constantly improve our skills and perhaps take on more responsibilities to become indispensable to our employers. Additionally, diversifying our income sources can help. The resources are limited, but the number of people entering the job market keeps growing each year. This increases competition and can lead to some people experiencing economic hardship.

Yes. The jobs market is very tight right now. At least, in the US. My friends were having a hard time finding a new job there. It's almost impossible to get accepted these days because of the worsening economic situation. People are holding onto their jobs, while employers are getting too picky when choosing someone to fill a vacant position.

A completely different picture of what mainstream governments are "painting". They say inflation is going down or is being put under control, but what's happening is all of the contrary. We can blame rising geopolitical tensions for this. If we had peace, things would've been different now. It's going to take a very long time before the economy recovers. With CBDCs on the brink of launch, we should only expect the worse. :(
Not just "tight," it's a massacre out there. Companies are savoring the best as we scrape by. The government may say inflation is under control, but that's BS. Inflation makes your currency worthless, jobs are disappearing faster than a desert puddle, and despair is growing faster than the national debt

Don't even mention CBDCs. They're calling it "convenience" and "security," but it's a power grab. They want to follow every dime you spend, every move you make, and govern your finances with a button. Making it simpler for them to control us, not better for you and me. What does this mean for you? You must be smarter, tougher, and more resilient than before. It requires fighting for every chance, advantage, and inch of terrain. It won't be easy, but nothing worthwhile is

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: rhodelmabanal on May 26, 2024, 09:37:11 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
In my country the salary is rising but a very small rise and still not enough because the basic necessities or goods are rising very bad it rises almost 75% of its normal price, the economy is i think declining and lost its balance high inflation kill the poor and the people who are in the middle status has severely affected, i hope the government will make a solution for this and increase the minimum salary to make it enough to buy the daily needs and pay daily expenses.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Natalim on May 26, 2024, 09:45:55 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
I don’t believe that an employee’s salary may decrease but it’s more on the rate will increase especially if you are doing excellent in your job title. Maybe you are trying to say that his salary now is likely struggling to cover all the bills and expenses due to rising prices of goods and services which I think is understandable due to rising inflation. Well, your friend is not alone, as I bet everyone here has experienced that. Having a side job is the key so that if your main job salary is not enough, you still have another job that you’ll expect to pay you.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: bestcoins1 on May 26, 2024, 09:50:46 PM
In those countries where you have expenses which you cannot control, like insurance, taxes and the need to pay those, well Inflation is way higher.
Food is more expensive globally, those who clap for the hooties' actions should think a little about it, as those actions raised the cost of living for those countries relying on imports.
If someone lives in a country where expenditure is much higher than several other countries in the world, of course it will be quite difficult for him to fight inflation if his income in life is still quite small and unable to cover all the expenses he needs each month. And the only way to fight this is to find a way to increase his own income to a greater level so that the difficulties he faces can be slightly reduced by the burden he is carrying. Although in general this is still not enough if a person's income level is still not stable every month.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: livingfree on May 26, 2024, 10:26:48 PM
I don’t believe that an employee’s salary may decrease but it’s more on the rate will increase especially if you are doing excellent in your job title. Maybe you are trying to say that his salary now is likely struggling to cover all the bills and expenses due to rising prices of goods and services which I think is understandable due to rising inflation. Well, your friend is not alone, as I bet everyone here has experienced that. Having a side job is the key so that if your main job salary is not enough, you still have another job that you’ll expect to pay you.
That's what he trying to say. The value of the salary now has gotten lower and the only way to deal with the rising cost of prices of bills and food expenses is to have an increase salary and at the same time, having another source of income.

But if you're not believing about salary decreasing, this can happen for someone who's in a bad position where their department is going to get dissolved and the company no longer need that employee.

However, as to keep that employee, they can offer other positions but with lower salary so, it's possible.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: iamsange on May 27, 2024, 04:54:47 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
In my country the salary is rising but a very small rise and still not enough because the basic necessities or goods are rising very bad it rises almost 75% of its normal price, the economy is i think declining and lost its balance high inflation kill the poor and the people who are in the middle status has severely affected, i hope the government will make a solution for this and increase the minimum salary to make it enough to buy the daily needs and pay daily expenses.
It is very unfortunate that this phenomenon continues to occur in this country, where previously middle class people were still free to save or carry out insurance for their families, now with inflation, the increase in basic commodities means that middle class people cannot be like before, I can't think about it in the next few years, Let's just see how the government of this country regulates its society so that everyone can still enjoy the pleasures of this beloved country.

Now it is not only the lower middle class who are affected by this inflation, it is the middle class who feel the impact of all of this, because the poor of course have received assistance from the government and the middle class have to struggle alone to face a complicated situation like this.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: poodle63 on May 27, 2024, 08:51:07 AM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
In my country the salary is rising but a very small rise and still not enough because the basic necessities or goods are rising very bad it rises almost 75% of its normal price, the economy is i think declining and lost its balance high inflation kill the poor and the people who are in the middle status has severely affected, i hope the government will make a solution for this and increase the minimum salary to make it enough to buy the daily needs and pay daily expenses.
even increasing minimum salary is not really a solution to be honest, once government increases the salary by significant amount the price went up, inflation uncontrolled.
the best way is just to make quantity of commodities and food increases more than right now.
thats the difficult thing since doing that means more investment to the various sector that gonna requires massive resources.
regardless I agree that current salary increase just too small compared to inflation this causes purchasing power to plummet significantly.
if this goes on, people will eventually find themselves in situation where they could hardly afford monthly needs with current salary.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Abiky on May 27, 2024, 12:58:04 PM
Not just "tight," it's a massacre out there. Companies are savoring the best as we scrape by. The government may say inflation is under control, but that's BS. Inflation makes your currency worthless, jobs are disappearing faster than a desert puddle, and despair is growing faster than the national debt

Don't even mention CBDCs. They're calling it "convenience" and "security," but it's a power grab. They want to follow every dime you spend, every move you make, and govern your finances with a button. Making it simpler for them to control us, not better for you and me. What does this mean for you? You must be smarter, tougher, and more resilient than before. It requires fighting for every chance, advantage, and inch of terrain. It won't be easy, but nothing worthwhile is

Exactly. The current state of the labor market, tells us how bad the situation is. Politicians and bankers will lie just to help ease off panic. But smart people know what's coming. I think this is all a plan for global reset. CBDCs will increase central banks' (and governments') power like never before. With that, they'll be able to control your entire financial life.

Paper money will be phased out whenever we like it or not. The economy will be "restored" until another "planned" crisis comes up again. I would've wished Bitcoin ruled the world. But I guess it's too late. We're living in uncertainty these days. Therefore, we can only hope for the best.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on May 27, 2024, 01:11:45 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.

       -   The price of goods will not change; it will increase even more in the future, and I think that all countries are going through such a crisis in goods. Because here in our country,
there are no cheap commodities that can be bought; instead, everything is really high-priced. 

So, the only thing we can do as consumers is increase the source of income we have right now. Let's not expect the goods that we mainly use in our daily lives to decrease.
And we knew the reason behind this price increased, at should do something about this for us to more creative to find other source of earnings.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Casdinyard on May 27, 2024, 04:09:52 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
You tell me about it bro.

One of the biggest determining factors whether a country's economy is failing or not is its ability to sustain micro-businesses and enterprises, in the country I live in (the Philippines), there used to be a lot of micro-retail stores (we call them sari-sari stores here which in English translates to variety stores due to the sheer amount of products they have and how accessible you can buy shit with just a single peso) but nowadays the only ones that remain up and running are those that have already established themselves in the community, enough to gain patrons, and even then I see that most of them have fallen short on the variety part of the equation, and are just selling the same old shit, sometimes even less than what they used to buy.

This isn't even the biggest determining factor of a declining economy even, salaries, high price of goods, the diaper and pizza theory, there's a plethora of standards out there that people used to check whether their economies are fucked over or not.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: alani123 on May 27, 2024, 04:19:24 PM
It's certainly a feeling you get when you realize how many bullshit jobs there are in the msrket, while in the same time the most listings on job sites are ghost listings... They just take your resume and never respond. Making you wonder why the listing existed in the first place.

Certainly democrats use that kind of in their advantage to say th y created jobs while in reality there's little to none of quality employment being created. It almost feels like in the slightest shakeup of the market millions of people will be let go. And on the other hand, companies don't care anymore. They conduct commerce among themselves. They don't mind if they let go of millions of consumers and they find themselves in ruin as individuals. Big corporations have already accumulated so much of the world's capital that they could be running on their cash reserves alone without any income for years and yet they keep cutting employment... It's a crazy market to be in.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: on May 28, 2024, 05:30:46 AM
There is like a US Congressperson from the Islands, and She was getting some Attention for Pretending that Rape is not Rape, so She Rode that Wave, and we could say that Others were kind of being Pushed into it at the same Time, it is kind of like they were doing Things like the Israelis who Survived Hamas on October 7th were calling "Choiceless Choices", so we maybe can't put all the Blame on her, she is just at the Center.

She was getting involved in Cryptocurrency at the same Time She was getting Attention, and She wanted to kind of use the Rape as a kind of "Sexy" aspect, like "People can Rape Women on the Islands", and She became involved in the Miami and El Salvador Bitcoin Conference.

And when this Happened, it is not her Fault, but at that Time, this kind of Scum Bag behavior, where You can't Trust someone alone in a Room with Your Wife, it Destroyed Cryptocurrency. All the Rape stuff completely Disillusioned Everyone, and the Disillusionment was away from Cryptocurrency, it become kind of something that was not Secure enough. And at the same Time Billionaires were taking out Loans to Buy Bitcoin, saying "If You don't have Good Credit, You are Shit out of Luck", and all at once, Bitcoin Dropped to $20,000 and They were the ones who were Shit out of Luck. They Learned that Cryptocurrency has nothing to do with Credit Scores, and they Learned that being a Meth Dealer is not Good for Business.

Some People didn't Learn. But in the Moment, a lot of People Learned a Hard Lesson.

El Salvador has since gotten VERY SERIOUS about Crime. They Learned.

But Bitcoin Dropped to $20,000 before Everyone Learned.

And that is why the Economy is Faltering.

Bitcoin is back above $50,000 but the Economy has not Corrected yet because of the COVID Money Inflation.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Dunamisx on May 28, 2024, 06:01:40 AM
I will not say that the global economy is declining because we are having a continuous flow of developments everywhere and there is improved innovations in technology inventions, all these are what we should be considering to know whether we are having a continuous economic development or not, what i can only deduce is the increased rate of inflation instead which is what is affecting every local economy activities and individuals.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Moeda on May 28, 2024, 06:27:50 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.
The salary is not lower than five years ago, maybe it could increase from before. The problem now is not the salary, but the price of basic commodities which has increased beyond the salary he receives. Previously, a $1k salary might have been enough to save some money, but now it's not even sufficient to buy basic necessities.

This condition can be caused by war in an area. However, this does not entirely happen because of war, but corruption within the country can also cause crises and other problems, namely the high debt of a country. To find solutions to all these problems, the country needs to increase prices of basic commodities, increase taxes, and so on.

But the government will not convey the full reasons for the increase in prices of basic commodities and the increase in tax value. The government will argue on one side, namely war. So that people can accept this reality easily.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Abiky on May 29, 2024, 01:52:15 PM
It's certainly a feeling you get when you realize how many bullshit jobs there are in the msrket, while in the same time the most listings on job sites are ghost listings... They just take your resume and never respond. Making you wonder why the listing existed in the first place.

Certainly democrats use that kind of in their advantage to say th y created jobs while in reality there's little to none of quality employment being created. It almost feels like in the slightest shakeup of the market millions of people will be let go. And on the other hand, companies don't care anymore. They conduct commerce among themselves. They don't mind if they let go of millions of consumers and they find themselves in ruin as individuals. Big corporations have already accumulated so much of the world's capital that they could be running on their cash reserves alone without any income for years and yet they keep cutting employment... It's a crazy market to be in.

Exactly. And now companies are threatening to use AI to displace workers from their jobs. They will be the ones that will ultimately benefit from such a move, while the rest will live their miserable lives in poverty. Talk about the rich becoming richer, and the poor, poorer.

Even Elon Musk predicted that AI will replace human jobs in the future. There will literally be no economy if something like this happens. With CBDCs right around the corner, we should expect the worst. May God help us all. :(

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: siniminomorocomunisakito on May 29, 2024, 02:29:58 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.

I think for the salary as long as we work, the amount increases, only the value continues to shrink when we spend on daily necessities. Now it is normal for the lower middle class to spend one month at least if alone it is $ 300 and if you have a family it can reach $ 600-700 and that figure is the exchange rate in my country and has my own house

For other countries, of course, it is also different, there will be many needs that may be far different from where I live.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Promocodeudo on May 29, 2024, 02:43:04 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.

Companies are cutting cost there by reducing salaries to meet up with their production and running cost of the company but this is not applicable in all countries of the world, the problem many country is having now is their inability to take production of food serious, in the countries where I come from, there food scarcity as it stands, the poor are becoming poorer by the day, the price of good are very expensive to the level that if buy an item today go back tomorrow such item has risen beyond imaginable, life is very difficult here, no job, even people that are employed are losing their jobs because of one excuse or the other from the employers, the cheapest commodity thats is common in my country which is cassava flakes is one of the most expensive now and most annoying part of is that the government are doing nothing to solve this problem.

Currently the purchasing power is no longer enough to meetup with the present economic situation of most countries thats the economic reality, in conclusion many countries are trying to tackle this declination in their own way but some clueless leaders in some countries are facing this menace in the wrong direction which may cause further declining if further steps are not taken appropriately.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: jrrsparkles on May 29, 2024, 02:45:15 PM
The salary didn't hiked according to the inflation rate that is why we are facing difficulty to meet the same needs even with higher salary. Let's say your salary is $100K per annum but it was $80K 5 years ago so now let's say you want to buy a house or an apartment that is now $1M which was probably around $500K means now you need to spend 10 years of your salary to buy the house but earlier you need only 6 years of your salary and this is happening ever since the fiat isn't backed by gold reserves.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Velemir Sava on May 30, 2024, 03:02:28 PM
Inflation is something that needs to be resisted and fought together so that it can be eliminated and resolved properly in every country. Because if inflation continues, I think such large economic changes could also be difficult for all countries because there are still more people who find it difficult due to inflation. So this is something that must be eradicated together if we want greater changes in the economic sector and international markets, so the government must also be more serious in handling things like this.

Of course, the greatest authority lies in the hands of policy makers, in this case the government. The way to anticipate this is that they have actually simulated it with various policies, but its implementation also requires a process.

Let's take an example, one of the solutions is to increase people's income (wage level). Well, here there are quite a lot of items that need to be coordinated before it is decided to increase. The most important thing is that the government sets prices that are right, unchanging and popular. Those are 2 solutions that they must immediately complete as soon as possible.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Ever-young on May 31, 2024, 07:33:58 AM
Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
It's not that the global economy is in recession, it's that this has been going on for hundreds of years, and has never stopped. I mean recessions will still happen even when we think we are living in prosperous economic times. Inflation will never stop because the government will always continue to print money and distribute it to the economy. But most don't realize and don't care about this until things get worse and more than they can bear. If there are no preventative measures or solutions for your economy, 5 years from now you will see it will be worse than it is now.

I totally agree with you, as far as the government are still in control of the major things we want in our lives, inflation will still be increasing daily, and the worst part is that, those people who complain most are the ones that is really supporting bad government when it comes to electing the new government without properly checking if they have the potential to be a good leader to his people before putting them to power, rather than putting them to power by what they said with their mouth because inflation is not something we can easily fight against instead we will adapt to it and try to work things right for our own benefits because the government can't really do enough for us because they also have families to counter for and leave the people to remain in suffering. So let's use our tongue and count our teeth.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Abiky on May 31, 2024, 12:22:55 PM
The salary didn't hiked according to the inflation rate that is why we are facing difficulty to meet the same needs even with higher salary. Let's say your salary is $100K per annum but it was $80K 5 years ago so now let's say you want to buy a house or an apartment that is now $1M which was probably around $500K means now you need to spend 10 years of your salary to buy the house but earlier you need only 6 years of your salary and this is happening ever since the fiat isn't backed by gold reserves.

Inflation is rising way faster than wage. Employers are being too greedy these days by laying off workers and paying less. It's this reason why the global economy is declining. Things will get even worse once AI takes over human jobs. That, combined with CBDCs, will rise poverty levels all the way to the moon.

I think it's already too late to fix the world. Not even Bitcoin can do anything about it. Who knows what the future holds for our society? :(

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Distinctin on May 31, 2024, 01:10:39 PM
The salary didn't hiked according to the inflation rate that is why we are facing difficulty to meet the same needs even with higher salary. Let's say your salary is $100K per annum but it was $80K 5 years ago so now let's say you want to buy a house or an apartment that is now $1M which was probably around $500K means now you need to spend 10 years of your salary to buy the house but earlier you need only 6 years of your salary and this is happening ever since the fiat isn't backed by gold reserves.

Inflation is rising way faster than wage. Employers are being too greedy these days by laying off workers and paying less. It's this reason why the global economy is declining. Things will get even worse once AI takes over human jobs. That, combined with CBDCs, will rise poverty levels all the way to the moon.

I think it's already too late to fix the world. Not even Bitcoin can do anything about it. Who knows what the future holds for our society? :(
Inflation will be here for good and I don’t think we can still do something about it. I think the only thing we can do is to increase our job or find side hustles that will generate some profits for us, as relying on single job alone won’t work anymore. Even if there’s salary rate increase, but the prices of goods and services will increase as well, so it will still be a lot harder for us to make ends meet.

With regards to bitcoin, it won’t nothing to do with inflation, but if we can maximize our bitcoin investment, that would mean a great help for us when it comes to securing our finances, which other investments can hardly do it.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: legendbtc on May 31, 2024, 02:05:53 PM
Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
It's not that the global economy is in recession, it's that this has been going on for hundreds of years, and has never stopped. I mean recessions will still happen even when we think we are living in prosperous economic times. Inflation will never stop because the government will always continue to print money and distribute it to the economy. But most don't realize and don't care about this until things get worse and more than they can bear. If there are no preventative measures or solutions for your economy, 5 years from now you will see it will be worse than it is now.

I totally agree with you, as far as the government are still in control of the major things we want in our lives, inflation will still be increasing daily, and the worst part is that, those people who complain most are the ones that is really supporting bad government when it comes to electing the new government without properly checking if they have the potential to be a good leader to his people before putting them to power, rather than putting them to power by what they said with their mouth because inflation is not something we can easily fight against instead we will adapt to it and try to work things right for our own benefits because the government can't really do enough for us because they also have families to counter for and leave the people to remain in suffering. So let's use our tongue and count our teeth.

You should not blame the people when the government does not do what they say, because what guarantee and certainty do you have that the person you elect will not become a bad president? Did you also know that politicians are the biggest liars in this world, no one can be trusted and do we have any other choice? Just like the upcoming US election and there are only two candidates, Trump and Biden, don't we have a third choice? No, and if you don't like both because you know both are unreliable but do you have a choice?

Additionally, although the government is responsible for inflation and they should find ways to stop it, stopping inflation is not as easy as we think.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: jrrsparkles on May 31, 2024, 02:11:06 PM
The salary didn't hiked according to the inflation rate that is why we are facing difficulty to meet the same needs even with higher salary. Let's say your salary is $100K per annum but it was $80K 5 years ago so now let's say you want to buy a house or an apartment that is now $1M which was probably around $500K means now you need to spend 10 years of your salary to buy the house but earlier you need only 6 years of your salary and this is happening ever since the fiat isn't backed by gold reserves.

Inflation is rising way faster than wage. Employers are being too greedy these days by laying off workers and paying less. It's this reason why the global economy is declining. Things will get even worse once AI takes over human jobs. That, combined with CBDCs, will rise poverty levels all the way to the moon.

I think it's already too late to fix the world. Not even Bitcoin can do anything about it. Who knows what the future holds for our society? :(
We can't be sure how the future is going to be but this isn't a new problem this is something that exists all the time in our society but now it feels like we are reaching the threshold level of the gap between rich and poor but this is how they felt earlier too and crypto is not going to solve the issue but gave us a choice to escape from this trap or else no matter how hard we work there is never going to be enough.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Haunebu on May 31, 2024, 03:27:21 PM
Global economy has been declining for a long time now, but the rate of decline is not very fast which is the silver lining. This situation could reverse in the future, but that requires cooperation between all major powers across the world.

Unnecessary wars need to stop, annoying new viruses like COVID should not be born, all countries just work together to battle climate change etc for the situation to reverse.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: CageMabok on May 31, 2024, 04:14:51 PM
We can't be sure how the future is going to be but this isn't a new problem this is something that exists all the time in our society but now it feels like we are reaching the threshold level of the gap between rich and poor but this is how they felt earlier too and crypto is not going to solve the issue but gave us a choice to escape from this trap or else no matter how hard we work there is never going to be enough.
The gap between rich people and poor people will always exist in society, because it is very difficult to eliminate, especially because the level of wealth of each person is always different so there are always poor people in society. And yes, I also see this as a problem that has existed for a long time in society which is very difficult to eradicate, unless everyone is willing to choose choices that make them happier even if they don't get rich straight away. For example, using crypto to support our own income in order to not feel too much of this gap in society.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: electronicash on May 31, 2024, 04:31:10 PM
Global economy has been declining for a long time now, but the rate of decline is not very fast which is the silver lining. This situation could reverse in the future, but that requires cooperation between all major powers across the world.

Unnecessary wars need to stop, annoying new viruses like COVID should not be born, all countries just work together to battle climate change etc for the situation to reverse.

unfortunately, this is not happening. there is even growing support for nuclear war which is the end of us all. there is no adult in the room that will make those leaders see they are heading to a full-blown war and not even a proxy anymore.

i guess the 3rd world country has been in this situation for a long time already and they are already used to poverty. i'm not sure how those rich countries will survive if they are in such condition that even their toilet paper is 2x its previous price.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: ringgo96 on May 31, 2024, 05:52:41 PM
I will not say that the global economy is declining because we are having a continuous flow of developments everywhere and there is improved innovations in technology inventions, all these are what we should be considering to know whether we are having a continuous economic development or not, what i can only deduce is the increased rate of inflation instead which is what is affecting every local economy activities and individuals.

because the price of every item continues to increase until we feel that the global economy is declining, in this case we really have to be able to create the latest innovations so that we can always rely on technological competition and we can always balance our income to meet the current needs of life. competition is tough, and those of us who cannot develop our work will always feel pressured to find income to meet our daily needs.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Essential10 on May 31, 2024, 06:16:07 PM
Personally I think the year 2024 may go through economic uncertainty. Currently, conflicts between different countries are increasing, and even wars are going on between some countries. But I think the biggest economic impact can be on the countries located in Europe. Due to the increase in oil prices due to the war in the Middle East, European countries are having to pay extra for their oil imports. In addition, the world's leading central banks have increased interest rates. The current situation will weaken the global economy, reduce inflation and increase unemployment.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Qiubell5 on June 02, 2024, 02:42:03 PM
I think for the salary as long as we work, the amount increases, only the value continues to shrink when we spend on daily necessities. Now it is normal for the lower middle class to spend one month at least if alone it is $ 300 and if you have a family it can reach $ 600-700 and that figure is the exchange rate in my country and has my own house

For other countries, of course, it is also different, there will be many needs that may be far different from where I live.

as happens year after year, price tend to rise continuously and it is difficult to return, with prices of commodities and services continuing to creep up and their value continues to shrink, now shop with the same amaunt figure but with few goods makes it a certainty that this is happening in currently purchasing power is no longer enough to facing the current economic situation by trying to overcome various methods to overcome all this, in this case the government has anticipated this but it needs a torequires a good process. 

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Adiljutt156 on June 07, 2024, 07:43:41 PM
Personally I think the year 2024 may go through economic uncertainty. Currently, conflicts between different countries are increasing, and even wars are going on between some countries. But I think the biggest economic impact can be on the countries located in Europe. Due to the increase in oil prices due to the war in the Middle East, European countries are having to pay extra for their oil imports. In addition, the world's leading central banks have increased interest rates. The current situation will weaken the global economy, reduce inflation and increase unemployment.
I think Israel is the big reason of economic default globally because IMF is the holded by Israel and they are attacking on Phalasteen country,and they are murdering them because they are Muslims. I think,most world economic powers like USA and Europe countries are silent because they want the same thing. They want to weak the Muslims. The economy of USA is very strong because they always took step against their enemy. Japan stood against USA and USA collapsed Japan two countries. There is a game of power . Who has a stick ,the buffalo is of that . But that should be change and I think it will change in future.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: passwordnow on June 07, 2024, 10:45:27 PM
I think Israel is the big reason of economic default globally because IMF is the holded by Israel and they are attacking on Phalasteen country,and they are murdering them because they are Muslims.
I don't want to be bias but it's not only them that are in a war. Let's just say that in general that these wars are the reasons for these global economies drop. The pandemic started everything when there were no work, no entertainment, no everything except for food, and health industry was there. They've been the industries that have bagged entirely world's wealth by that time. We are for peace and we're not for these wars, we don't like any further war because it means another series of decline, we can't bear it anymore and the startlers should stop it if they care for their own peace.

I think,most world economic powers like USA and Europe countries are silent because they want the same thing. They want to weak the Muslims.
It's not about the religion but I don't think that they're silent. They're even the one that keeps on spreading alliances in their nearest and farthest regions for their own sake and benefit.

The economy of USA is very strong because they always took step against their enemy. Japan stood against USA and USA collapsed Japan two countries. There is a game of power . Who has a stick ,the buffalo is of that . But that should be change and I think it will change in future.
AFAIK, in modern's time both USA and Japan are allies. But to say that economy of USA is strong, many might not agree to you. Their debt is ballooning and there's no way to stop it and that's why they're selling arms all over the world wherever the war might happen.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: oktana on June 07, 2024, 11:08:12 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.

Salaries are meant to be higher as inflation increases, I’m not sure how exactly the government looks at it. However, I’m not sure of the possibility that you do a job today and then tomorrow, you get paid lower. Especially the fact you said 5 years ago. What is your colleague’s job description? Aren’t they getting better at the job too? Because with 5 years you should be better, and without considering inflation, being better would usually amount to getting paid higher.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: SATWAT on June 07, 2024, 11:19:08 PM
One of my colleagues told me that his salary is lower now than it was five years ago. Sadly, the price of goods is rising.

Salaries are meant to be higher as inflation increases, I’m not sure how exactly the government looks at it. However, I’m not sure of the possibility that you do a job today and then tomorrow, you get paid lower. Especially the fact you said 5 years ago. What is your colleague’s job description? Aren’t they getting better at the job too? Because with 5 years you should be better, and without considering inflation, being better would usually amount to getting paid higher.
Due to this high inflation and as things are happening around life is going to be challenging for the lower middle class and peoples living under poverty because they are losing hopes of survive and most of them are having no good solution in near future as well which is more problematic for them just because of this all crime ratio is also increasing in many countries which is another challenge for them and as we're having conflicts and threats of more wars look like no one is having solid solution of this all.
If we are not having positive solution then surely we will watch another disaster which could be created serious threat for the peace of the world, and we will be lost many things which are having good impact on life's right now.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Princess Leah on June 08, 2024, 01:45:25 AM
I don’t believe that an employee’s salary may decrease but it’s more on the rate will increase especially if you are doing excellent in your job title. Maybe you are trying to say that his salary now is likely struggling to cover all the bills and expenses due to rising prices of goods and services which I think is understandable due to rising inflation. Well, your friend is not alone, as I bet everyone here has experienced that. Having a side job is the key so that if your main job salary is not enough, you still have another job that you’ll expect to pay you.
People forget that when a countries economy is bad, it affect almost everything in that country and the prices of good go up making it difficult for one to be able to afford a living like they normally do when the economy was stable, maybe the economic situation in his country is bad and it's very obvious that his salary is struggling to cover up bills and expenses like you mentioned.

 For instance the economic situation in my country have become so poor that most times an average citizen with just only one source of income could barely afford three square meal on a daily basis, the prices of foodstuff have trippled and therefore if one is not earning extra money or have a side hustle to cover up expenses then they'll be thinking just like the Op's friend that their salary is reducing.
 But then having a side hustle is not a bad idea, I believe that's the best solution and what the OP should've suggested for his friend, atleast it would help cover up his expenses until things get better and even save for the future, normally i don't even expect anyone to depend on only one source of income, I bet if he had other sources of income he won't had even noticed that his salary is not enough to cover up his expenses.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Abiky on June 10, 2024, 11:03:15 AM
Personally I think the year 2024 may go through economic uncertainty. Currently, conflicts between different countries are increasing, and even wars are going on between some countries. But I think the biggest economic impact can be on the countries located in Europe. Due to the increase in oil prices due to the war in the Middle East, European countries are having to pay extra for their oil imports. In addition, the world's leading central banks have increased interest rates. The current situation will weaken the global economy, reduce inflation and increase unemployment.

With global conflicts, we can't expect things to get better anytime soon. I think the US is to blame for this. If it hadn't shown signs of weakness, Russia would've not invaded Ukraine nor Hamas would've attacked Israel. We are where we are because of the US' actions. At least, that's how I see it.

Now America must act to restore global peace before things spiral out of control. Would you imagine another conflict between two countries (China vs Taiwan) besides the ones taking place already? It will worsen inflation to a point where only the rich will be able to survive. It's a dark future out there, so we can only hope for the best. :(

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 13, 2024, 06:03:42 PM
A society cannot be judged by the information obtained from any one individual. Here it is completely impossible to assess the economic condition of the entire world based on one person's data. But it may be that the country where your friend lives may be a problem but I don't think it will have much effect on the world economy. But the whole world economy is very challenging to survive. Here the economy favors some countries and some individuals. The rich that is made is in the ongoing process and the poor remain poor.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Argoo on July 02, 2024, 07:01:51 AM

With global conflicts, we can't expect things to get better anytime soon. I think the US is to blame for this. If it hadn't shown signs of weakness, Russia would've not invaded Ukraine nor Hamas would've attacked Israel. We are where we are because of the US' actions. At least, that's how I see it.

Now America must act to restore global peace before things spiral out of control. Would you imagine another conflict between two countries (China vs Taiwan) besides the ones taking place already? It will worsen inflation to a point where only the rich will be able to survive. It's a dark future out there, so we can only hope for the best. :(
I agree that the current not very good state of the world economy and the increased number of military conflicts in the world occurred precisely because of the weak position of the United States, which allowed this to happen.

Russia would not have launched a large-scale military invasion of Ukraine in 2022 if the United States and NATO countries had responded properly to Russia's military attacks on Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine in 2014. By invading neighboring states with tanks, Putin saw absolute passivity on the part of world powers, and above all the United States, and regarded this as a sign of weakness and encouragement to go further. Putin believed in his impunity, which led to the current situation with numerous military conflicts and we see that the situation, in fact, only continues to worsen.

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Minor Miner on July 02, 2024, 02:23:05 PM
Personally I think the year 2024 may go through economic uncertainty. Currently, conflicts between different countries are increasing, and even wars are going on between some countries. But I think the biggest economic impact can be on the countries located in Europe. Due to the increase in oil prices due to the war in the Middle East, European countries are having to pay extra for their oil imports. In addition, the world's leading central banks have increased interest rates. The current situation will weaken the global economy, reduce inflation and increase unemployment.

With global conflicts, we can't expect things to get better anytime soon. I think the US is to blame for this. If it hadn't shown signs of weakness, Russia would've not invaded Ukraine nor Hamas would've attacked Israel. We are where we are because of the US' actions. At least, that's how I see it.

Now America must act to restore global peace before things spiral out of control. Would you imagine another conflict between two countries (China vs Taiwan) besides the ones taking place already? It will worsen inflation to a point where only the rich will be able to survive. It's a dark future out there, so we can only hope for the best. :(

But why is the United States responsible for what is happening in the world? Are they messengers of world peace and responsible for world peace or are they the cause of all this? If you notice most countries in the world are falling into serious recession and inflation while the US economy is not as bad as other countries. Even their USD index is still very strong compared to other currencies, it's like they are looking to export inflation to the world rather than help the world.

Not to mention the war is going on in many different regions of the world but they are the ones who are providing the leading weapons, they are the ones who are gaining a lot of benefits from the war. Do you think they want the war to really stop?

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Awwal08 on July 02, 2024, 03:24:28 PM
Global economy is really declining, inflation as affect many people especially Nigeria citizens, the rising in prices of the commodities has pass my imagination, prices of commodities are rising higher and the salary is not enough to spend, in our economy now the amount of money you will use to buy food for a day is the same amount that you will use to buy food 10 days before, imagine a man that is from a family of 20 receive 80,000naira as salary per month, when a mudu of rice is  N3,000, talk less of the ingredients, bills, fees, house rent, transport and soon, how many days will the family eat in a month, if the man only depend on the salary, if you calculate the salary or wages that some people receive in a month, it will not be enough for them to fulfill their one day responsibilities.

Government should be aware that a lot of people are suffering due to global economy decline, so I suggest that as the prices of the commodities increased, the salary should be increased higher, so that life of every citizen should be balance.   

Title: Re: Do you feel that the global economy is declining?
Post by: Baki202 on July 02, 2024, 09:09:21 PM
A society cannot be judged by the information obtained from any one individual. Here it is completely impossible to assess the economic condition of the entire world based on one person's data. But it may be that the country where your friend lives may be a problem but I don't think it will have much effect on the world economy. But the whole world economy is very challenging to survive. Here the economy favors some countries and some individuals. The rich that is made is in the ongoing process and the poor remain poor.

It is true that it is not all information we belief but their is no smoke without fire even if what they said are not all true their is an atom of truth because people will not say what they don’t know. Every country that is not a producer but a country that is based on consumption. Their are things that affects the economy so it is better for the country to be a producer than been a consumer because it will even boost the economy of the country because if you look at a country like china they are more into production so they are able to balance things up from both side that is production and consumer. Countries needs strategies like this to be able to improve the economy of the country.