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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Jewan420 on April 18, 2024, 05:59:12 PM

Title: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Jewan420 on April 18, 2024, 05:59:12 PM
We are all familiar with the phrase 'Nothing is impossible, everything is possible'. The world is full of people who have managed to make the impossible possible through sheer faith and determination. A cricket match in India inspired me to this sentence, where a boy played cricket despite having no hands.

We all know that hands are the most important part of physical fitness to play cricket. But his morale filled this imperfection.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Gozie51 on April 18, 2024, 08:35:17 PM
The case of Amir Hussain Lone I think is not about luck, I believe there is destiny in his situation after he had an accident that got him armless but he found a way to follow his passion and he was determined to continue and learned how to support the cricket stick to his neck. It was an unfortunate situation that he turned into a fortune and popularity for himself, a lesson for people who feel discouraged at certain point in life. Yes nothing is impossible if one believe in it.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Wiwo on April 18, 2024, 10:30:07 PM
The case of Amir Hussain Lone I think is not about luck, I believe there is destiny in his situation after he had an accident that got him armless but he found a way to follow his passion and he was determined to continue and learned how to support the cricket stick to his neck. It was an unfortunate situation that he turned into a fortune and popularity for himself, a lesson for people who feel discouraged at certain point in life. Yes nothing is impossible if one believe in it.
I think the better phrase to use in this situation is.

There is ability in Disability,  that is the best phrase to use in this situation since the young man already have a part in cricket before the accident that lead to him becoming armless,  but since he already have the dream in his head, he still fine a way to make that dream a reality despite his life challenges.

The most important thing in life is to be determined to succeed and as long as you have such determination and conviction in your heart,  regardless of the life obstacles you will still arrive at your desired destination.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Dunamisx on April 19, 2024, 05:25:00 AM
We are all familiar with the phrase 'Nothing is impossible, everything is possible'. The world is full of people who have managed to make the impossible possible through sheer faith and determination.

Its true, when we are determined for something, nothing is impossible in life, only for those who wish not to make some extra steps and actions may seems to have this doubt and challenge in believing that somethings are impossible to achieve in life, it all started from the mindset, what you can conceive from your mind, then you can achieve, hard works also goes along way in this, some will render every required efforts needed for them to make it in life and upon time, they see such coming to reality and success.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Essential10 on April 19, 2024, 06:26:51 AM
Yes I believe nothing is impossible in life everything is possible. The first step in life is to set goals, if we don't have a proper plan we cannot move forward in life. Like the story OP shared, there are still many in the world who are struggling with life and moving on. I think we should expand our horizons, think big and dream big. If we have the right mindset and determination we can overcome any obstacle. However, don't be afraid, accept the challenge, strive for success and success is surely ahead.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Kelward on April 19, 2024, 08:43:39 AM
Somethings are not possible yet, like bringing back the dead to life, but I definitely agree that almost everything is possible, because most things that were only imagined in the past are now realities, because some people changed the naretive. I really admire the cricket player, he would've given up his dream of playing cricket, because of his amputation, but he believed that not having arms which is essential for the game, wouldn't stop him from achieving his dream, he overcame and today the world is celebrating his resilience. His story should be a lesson to the rest of us that easily gives up on our dreams and aspirations because of setbacks that makes us to think that it's impossible.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on April 19, 2024, 04:20:58 PM
We are all familiar with the phrase 'Nothing is impossible, everything is possible'. The world is full of people who have managed to make the impossible possible through sheer faith and determination. A cricket match in India inspired me to this sentence, where a boy played cricket despite having no hands.

We all know that hands are the most important part of physical fitness to play cricket. But his morale filled this imperfection.
Allot to learn in this case of Amir Hussain Lone, it really show that all hope is not loss in any challenges one found itself if truly life exist one can still work towards it's dream and succeed. This a typical show of ability and determination to bring reality to what one dream is all about without loss of hope.

It really show that one don't need give excuses using condition as predicament towards not achieving dream when one is actually lazy, Amir Hussain Lone ,show determination, hard work in dream achievement not undermining condition as excuses, I will say anything is possible as your title with determination as seen.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Container_A_or_B on April 19, 2024, 04:28:20 PM
"Nothing is impossible"
Please don't jump off a cliff without a good hang-glider! Many things can be done by aiming high, but please be careful to remember actual reality can be dangerous.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: jrrsparkles on April 19, 2024, 04:29:44 PM
People say you need hands and legs to be an athlete but it isn't the reality we have lot's of athletes who have their disabled.

And it's said you need to be well educated to make money while in reality most of the rich people are school dropouts. So we can make it as long as we know the way and give all our efforts to make it happen.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Zanab247 on April 19, 2024, 05:30:01 PM
I agree with you, if you have it in mind that you will achieve your goals in life, you will surely achieve your goals because you have pronounced it from your mouth and you are ready to work it out to become a reality and it will surely come to reality for people to see.

Do you know, that many people thought that the boy cannot do such a thing to achieve the results he achieved because they believe that it is only those that have complete body can achieve their purpose on earth, and the boy has prove people that has such mindset wrong that nothing is impossible to humanity.

If you want to achieve power from your society today, and you mean it, do you know that you can achieve the power by started doing the right thing that will help you to get the power easily to lead your society and they will enjoy your leadership.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Jegileman on April 19, 2024, 06:24:05 PM
The case of Amir Hussain Lone I think is not about luck, I believe there is destiny in his situation after he had an accident that got him armless but he found a way to follow his passion and he was determined to continue and learned how to support the cricket stick to his neck. It was an unfortunate situation that he turned into a fortune and popularity for himself, a lesson for people who feel discouraged at certain point in life. Yes nothing is impossible if one believe in it.

A lot of people have similar stories to that of Amir Hussain where their biggest disappointment in life later turns to what makes them build and achieve their dreams. When there is passion and willingness to pursue your goals, what you foresee as an hinderance to achieving that will be the biggest weapon for you to achieving what you want. The lesson of this is to never give up on your dreams, keep striving and hoping for the best. It will find you at the right time prescribed for it. There is indeed power in every disability.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: DeathAngel on April 19, 2024, 07:21:53 PM
Life is full of success stories from strong, dedicated people who fight against adversity to achieve their goals. I know what happened in his personal life tarnished his legacy but the disabled sprinter Oscar Pistorius is also a real life super hero story, his success on the track is amazing. I think if you are determined in life& dedicate your life to something you can overcome many obstacles. The boy in the OP’s story is also a hero, I’m happy for him.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: AYOBA on April 19, 2024, 08:01:36 PM
We are all familiar with the phrase 'Nothing is impossible, everything is possible'. The world is full of people who have managed to make the impossible possible through sheer faith and determination. A cricket match in India inspired me to this sentence, where a boy played cricket despite having no hands.

We all know that hands are the most important part of physical fitness to play cricket. But his morale filled this imperfection.
That's all about this life. At times, nobody is getting all they want, but actually, everything in this life is possible if you put in much effort that can lead you to achieve your goals. We all understand that this life is full of problems and also different types of conditions. It is just that we have to stand around and face the problem or any obstacle that comes across to stop our success.

Morever, So that you can also have peace of mind to achieve your goals, if you say that you can think of what happened to your life earlier, you can't make progress. That's why proverbs say that let bygones to be bygones and face the one in your front, because is that really one that can change your life into a better one.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Zlantann on April 19, 2024, 09:54:32 PM
We are all familiar with the phrase 'Nothing is impossible, everything is possible'. The world is full of people who have managed to make the impossible possible through sheer faith and determination. A cricket match in India inspired me to this sentence, where a boy played cricket despite having no hands.

We all know that hands are the most important part of physical fitness to play cricket. But his morale filled this imperfection.

With hardwork and determination, one can achieve many things that seem impossible. And there are many stories of people who never allowed their circumstances to determine their condition. There are stories of many slaves who worked hard, became free, and contributed to the development of their neighborhood. An example is George Washington Carver who was born at a time when Blacks were not allowed to attend school in the US. But with an uncommon desire to learn this former black slave became a professor and discovered about 300 ways peanuts can be used. He had to go through so many hard times that would have made him become discouraged but he kept putting more effort to overcome them all. We should try as much as possible to avoid excuses because like OP said nothing is impossible. It is better to try and fail than not to try at all.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Hispo on April 20, 2024, 01:15:24 AM
I have seen several of those inspirational stories on the internet, actually, my father is fond of sharing them to people who are going through some specially difficult times in their lives.
I recall some guy in the United States who does not have arms and yet, he manages to okey guitar using his feet. The most recent story I saw was about a Mexican woman who does not have armd either, and yet she managed to study law and get to become a lawyer. She could not find clients for her to represent, because her disability, so she started her own fashion business: making dresses from scratch using her feet.

Those kind of inspirational stories show we have a lot of potential inside all of us, we just need to find a way to unleash it all and walk towards our objectives.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on April 21, 2024, 06:49:22 AM
Well the wrong inception of people that always believes on impossibility is people who doesn't want to make a move like they are so stagnant and assumes they can't be able to achieve something, reason being that maybe some persons must have tried same thing and didn't make it, then they assumes that it will continue that way without anyone breaking history.
They believe in Modules operandi will always continue to be the same and do not change.

Being disabled doesn't mean that one is disabled is all area as they can still involve in things that people who are not physically challenged does as well, the only thing that makes some people who are physically challenged thinks it is difficult to do what regular humans does is fear and laziness.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Kriptogram14 on April 22, 2024, 03:23:54 AM
Well the wrong inception of people that always believes on impossibility is people who doesn't want to make a move like they are so stagnant and assumes they can't be able to achieve something, reason being that maybe some persons must have tried same thing and didn't make it, then they assumes that it will continue that way without anyone breaking history.
They believe in Modules operandi will always continue to be the same and do not change.

Being disabled doesn't mean that one is disabled is all area as they can still involve in things that people who are not physically challenged does as well, the only thing that makes some people who are physically challenged thinks it is difficult to do what regular humans does is fear and laziness.

Nothing is impossible before we try, what we try will not immediately be possible unless we keep trying to become able, it all depends on ourselves, because what we have tried and has not produced results means we have to be even more active and persevere to achieve what we want.

Sometimes there are also things that have to get used to and have to be forced so that we can, for example disabled people who don't have hands, they are forced to eat using their feet, at first they couldn't, because of circumstances that made them able to, the same goes for us, there are us must be forced by circumstances that make us able, everything that has not been tried will definitely not be possible, but what has been tried will definitely be possible if we do it correctly and diligently, there are words from parents in the past, you can do it because you are used to it, don't never give up before we try, if we have tried everything there is a way.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Frankolala on April 22, 2024, 12:58:02 PM
Somethings are not possible yet, like bringing back the dead to life, but I definitely agree that almost everything is possible, because most things that were only imagined in the past are now realities, because some people changed the naretive. I really admire the cricket player, he would've given up his dream of playing cricket, because of his amputation, but he believed that not having arms which is essential for the game, wouldn't stop him from achieving his dream, he overcame and today the world is celebrating his resilience. His story should be a lesson to the rest of us that easily gives up on our dreams and aspirations because of setbacks that makes us to think that it's impossible.
With God all things are possible. There is nothing bigger than God. The crikey youngster have been destined to become great through cricket, and he was able to notice that early, which made him not to give up on the sport after the accident. He was focus and never allowed his condition to distract him from his goal, and that inspired him of coming up with a way on how to play the game without arms.

It is a lesson for all, that no matter your the condition that you find yourself, don't give up on your dreams and follow it to the last with all passion, and you will achieve it.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: coolcoinz on April 22, 2024, 07:40:20 PM
"Nothing is impossible"
Please don't jump off a cliff without a good hang-glider! Many things can be done by aiming high, but please be careful to remember actual reality can be dangerous.

Yup, that's a good point. Nothing is impossible, but we're bound by the limits of a human body and mind, by the laws of physics and all that.

A man can't get pregnant, you can't go out into the outer space without a space suit, a person can't reach the speed of light, because our bodies will not survive this and we could go on and on, but let's be more down to Earth. If nothing is impossible, why don't you break some records? 

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Notalony on April 23, 2024, 01:08:54 AM
The case of Amir Hussain Lone I think is not about luck, I believe there is destiny in his situation after he had an accident that got him armless but he found a way to follow his passion and he was determined to continue and learned how to support the cricket stick to his neck. It was an unfortunate situation that he turned into a fortune and popularity for himself, a lesson for people who feel discouraged at certain point in life. Yes nothing is impossible if one believe in it.
I think the better phrase to use in this situation is.

There is ability in Disability,  that is the best phrase to use in this situation since the young man already have a part in cricket before the accident that lead to him becoming armless,  but since he already have the dream in his head, he still fine a way to make that dream a reality despite his life challenges.

The most important thing in life is to be determined to succeed and as long as you have such determination and conviction in your heart,  regardless of the life obstacles you will still arrive at your desired destination.

Yes you are perfectly correct on this, to every disability there always an ability, and the only thing that would have made it possible is passion, when you become passionate about something it gives an extra layer of perfection in improvising a situation in order to make a step up as regards to achieving a successful journey. However determination is an upfront motivation that leads to success. You must stay focused, and hardworking.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: fikrett on April 23, 2024, 01:20:27 AM
We are all familiar with the phrase 'Nothing is impossible, everything is possible'. The world is full of people who have managed to make the impossible possible through sheer faith and determination. A cricket match in India inspired me to this sentence, where a boy played cricket despite having no hands.

We all know that hands are the most important part of physical fitness to play cricket. But his morale filled this imperfection.

That phrase really captures the essence of human potential and the power of determination. It goes to show that with enough faith in oneself and relentless perseverance, limits can be pushed, and what once seemed impossible can become a part of our reality. It's good to remember not being deterred by challenges but to see them as opportunities to grow and excel.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Jewan420 on April 23, 2024, 10:53:35 AM
A man can't get pregnant, you can't go out into the outer space without a space suit, a person can't reach the speed of light, because our bodies will not survive this and we could go on and on, but let's be more down to Earth. If nothing is impossible, why don't you break some records? 

Yes, you have made a reasonable point. There are some eternally impossible tasks in the world, which cannot be done by any creature created on earth.

The phrase 'Nothing is impossible' does not apply to this eternally impossible task. This is a motivational sentence. Work that is possible or common for one. But there are people for whom it is almost impossible to do the same simply because of his disability. To do the impossible with full confidence based on strong aspirations is to make the impossible possible. The sentence is associated with this example.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: ferida504 on April 23, 2024, 06:19:07 PM
We are all familiar with the phrase 'Nothing is impossible, everything is possible'. The world is full of people who have managed to make the impossible possible through sheer faith and determination.

Its true, when we are determined for something, nothing is impossible in life, only for those who wish not to make some extra steps and actions may seems to have this doubt and challenge in believing that somethings are impossible to achieve in life, it all started from the mindset, what you can conceive from your mind, then you can achieve, hard works also goes along way in this, some will render every required efforts needed for them to make it in life and upon time, they see such coming to reality and success.

Whoever is serious will definitely get it, whatever it is, the most important thing in every process is that we have to love and have a commitment within ourselves that everything will be successful, because our thoughts will create our potential to achieve something. If you feel pessimistic inside, don't expect to get it. a success. Today many young people are emerging who are becoming rich through optimism, taking advantage of digitalization to earn income almost every night paid in dollars, this can only be managed with an optimistic spirit by content creators such as YouTubers, TikTokers and others. and currently there are big opportunities in the world of cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Ojinga on April 26, 2024, 05:47:15 PM
Yeah I support you on this, but through determination towards the thing you're trying to make it impossible. Secondly decipline also work with it as well. Let's say you've a dreams that you're pursuing. First visions and dreams are also things that makes things possible, the difference between visions and dreams is that while a vision tells you where you belong, a dream determines your visions existence it tells you what you've to be in life. A dream takes you to a point where you want to actualize the vision these two go hand in hand. pursuing your purpose with determination. When you've found a vision, you must now propel that vision with a dream and then couple the dream with pursuit and determination and then you'll know everything is possible. While pursuing, however, make you sure the pursuit has purpose. purpose of pursuit is pursuing the vision, when vision is coupled with dream plus pursuit of purpose, then you'll achieve and succeed with it without sweat.

Whoever is serious will definitely succeed and come out successful with it. And also Step out, until you step out you cannot stand out. When you step out, you'll stand out. One wise man said  "if you can not fly, run. If you cannot run, walk. If you walk, crawl! But by all means keep moving! Make sure that thing that you've been show positive and possible. As long you fight towards some and not folding your hand trying to achieve your purpose in life and your mind it's set for it, no force on this earth can make it not to be possible because your mind and determination is on it. When you've something you're pursuing, you don't get tired because the dream move you. You're in a possibility world, but you've to do something to join the train. You can make things possible to the top most point if you follow these principles I've just shared to you now. A person without a dream has nothing motivating him to pursue and to make impossible to be possible, so have something you're chasing and believe everything is possible in this life.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: oktana on April 26, 2024, 11:02:37 PM
For me I think the moral lesson here is that we have no excuses to be whatever we want to be in life. I recently saw a video where disabled people were actual weightlifters. They all had muscles and were very fit, despite their individual conditions. Meanwhile many of use have made up excuses for not doing these things. So it serves as an example that there’s no excuse. Because the young man could have said that he has no hands, but he didn’t.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Mrcool75 on April 30, 2024, 05:35:16 AM
Nothing is impossible.  If you work hard for something, you will surely succeed.  Maybe you will face many obstacles to do that.  But with patience and determination you can definitely succeed.  And you can make the impossible to possible.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: d-baet guns on April 30, 2024, 09:24:53 AM
Anyone who does it seriously will definitely get it, regardless of the journey being very long and certainly tiring, regardless of that there will definitely be very satisfying results, this is a race that nothing is impossible in this world for someone who is truly serious.
Currently, many young people have become successful through being optimistic and serious, utilizing technology that has developed to get a satisfying income, this cannot be separated from the process of a long and serious journey.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 01, 2024, 05:12:22 PM
We are all familiar with the phrase 'Nothing is impossible, everything is possible'. The world is full of people who have managed to make the impossible possible through sheer faith and determination. A cricket match in India inspired me to this sentence, where a boy played cricket despite having no hands.

We all know that hands are the most important part of physical fitness to play cricket. But his morale filled this imperfection.
Excuses are one of the reasons for not being able to make any work possible in the world. I do not have this, I do not have that, we neglect any task and say that it is impossible to do. But is that really the case, is what we cannot do really impossible? Actually never. As an example I can mention Zion Clark. Who has no lower waist but is a bodybuilder. The whole world knows him. There is only one reason behind it and that is his indomitable confidence. Which did not allow him to lose no excuses could stop him. So nothing in the world is really impossible, our morale lack of confidence and various excuses make it impossible.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: passwordnow on May 01, 2024, 11:28:29 PM
We all know that hands are the most important part of physical fitness to play cricket. But his morale filled this imperfection.
I've seen no hands painters but they're able to make good paintings out of their feet. Amazing isn't it? This is why talent is inborn and whatever situation you are in, you'd definitely find a way to showcase it. And these people aren't giving up in life and they always are giving me the inspiration to keep on moving because I don't know how long I shall stay on this world because of many tough challenges, but seeing people like them gives me the reason not to give up.
It is harder for them to fight life but they're the bravest of them all and showing that a person like me that has complete hands and no problems physically shouldn't give up with what I am dealing with. Because if they're able to go on and not give up with the challenges that they're going to face forever, I should set them as an example and for the others too, you should take a look at these people that keeps on doing what they can do in their capacity and despite of being incomplete, they're not complaining at all but still does everything normally.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 04, 2024, 05:30:35 AM
We all know that hands are the most important part of physical fitness to play cricket. But his morale filled this imperfection.
I've seen no hands painters but they're able to make good paintings out of their feet. Amazing isn't it? This is why talent is inborn and whatever situation you are in, you'd definitely find a way to showcase it. And these people aren't giving up in life and they always are giving me the inspiration to keep on moving because I don't know how long I shall stay on this world because of many tough challenges, but seeing people like them gives me the reason not to give up.
It is harder for them to fight life but they're the bravest of them all and showing that a person like me that has complete hands and no problems physically shouldn't give up with what I am dealing with. Because if they're able to go on and not give up with the challenges that they're going to face forever, I should set them as an example and for the others too, you should take a look at these people that keeps on doing what they can do in their capacity and despite of being incomplete, they're not complaining at all but still does everything normally.
The only key formula of the saying that nothing is impossible in life is to never give up on life. Many times we say that "I can't do this job or this job is not for me" It means that we don't dare to face reality but it doesn't mean that we don't have that ability. We are not fully aware of our working capacity due to which we lag behind in many tasks of our daily life. So we must have morale and strong courage to face real challenges.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Bushdark on May 04, 2024, 09:16:53 AM
I believe nothing is impossible when we have the determination to do something and make sure we actualize such a thing.
There are people that had been doing wonders because they have the confidence and determination to make sure they execute such a task that would take them to the next level. Everyone is determined to be successfully, it is going to possible but it might not be that essybfir us. It is not going to be an easy task but if we are equal to the task, it is surely going to be possible.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: FinePoine0 on May 05, 2024, 05:40:59 AM
We are all familiar with the phrase 'Nothing is impossible, everything is possible'. The world is full of people who have managed to make the impossible possible through sheer faith and determination. A cricket match in India inspired me to this sentence, where a boy played cricket despite having no hands.

We all know that hands are the most important part of physical fitness to play cricket. But his morale filled this imperfection.

Yes I have seen such play usually among handicappers, and I saw in one match he bats with one hand and bowls with one ball leg. These are the creations of God, because the Creator created man in such a way that He sent him to the place where he was fulfilled. Usually a man who works to the fullest will be able to accomplish any task that requires hard work and willpower. Then a person can stand properly in the right place, the person who was playing cricket must have worked hard to stand in that place.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Jewan420 on May 05, 2024, 04:07:27 PM
Yes I have seen such play usually among handicappers, and I saw in one match he bats with one hand and bowls with one ball leg. These are the creations of God, because the Creator created man in such a way that He sent him to the place where he was fulfilled. Usually a man who works to the fullest will be able to accomplish any task that requires hard work and willpower. Then a person can stand properly in the right place, the person who was playing cricket must have worked hard to stand in that place.
God always makes people perfect, but you have to understand where you are perfect and you must work hard to achieve perfection. God made you perfect doesn't mean I am perfect, to be perfect you have to achieve perfection. Otherwise you will not achieve anything in life.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 07, 2024, 04:57:35 AM
Yes I have seen such play usually among handicappers, and I saw in one match he bats with one hand and bowls with one ball leg. These are the creations of God, because the Creator created man in such a way that He sent him to the place where he was fulfilled. Usually a man who works to the fullest will be able to accomplish any task that requires hard work and willpower. Then a person can stand properly in the right place, the person who was playing cricket must have worked hard to stand in that place.
God always makes people perfect, but you have to understand where you are perfect and you must work hard to achieve perfection. God made you perfect doesn't mean I am perfect, to be perfect you have to achieve perfection. Otherwise you will not achieve anything in life.
People in the world who rely on their self-confidence to work hard to achieve success have never failed, history is proof. May God be kind to them in this case.
But there are some exceptions, i.e. people tried to get something but did not get it immediately. But it is true that in return for the hard work he has put in, at some point in the future he will unexpectedly receive something that was not in his imagination. If anyone works hard with faith, there will be success today or tomorrow.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Volimack on May 07, 2024, 01:31:04 PM
Negative thinking makes unimportant things seem important making problems seem bigger and more difficult when they really aren't. Sometimes a problem may be really impossible naturally. And a negative mindset forgets that nothing is impossible with God. Meditating on God's Word will remove your negativity and help you refocus on who God is. A positive mindset based on God's Word knows that no one is above God he is always present.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Hallroom on May 08, 2024, 07:13:49 AM
We are all familiar with the phrase 'Nothing is impossible, everything is possible'. The world is full of people who have managed to make the impossible possible through sheer faith and determination. A cricket match in India inspired me to this sentence, where a boy played cricket despite having no hands.

We all know that hands are the most important part of physical fitness to play cricket. But his morale filled this imperfection.

The main motivation of everything is hard work, nothing can be improved in life without hard work. So to progress in life hard work is most necessary, if you notice that one handed man made his hard work worth it he batting performance with one hand and showed the world that it is the benefit of hard work. Usually there is a handicap match in the world of cricket where such performers are noticed and their efforts are so good that it shocks the whole world.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Zanab247 on May 08, 2024, 12:28:16 PM
Quote from: oktana
For me I think the moral lesson here is that we have no excuses to be whatever we want to be in life. I recently saw a video where disabled people were actual weightlifters. They all had muscles and were very fit, despite their individual conditions. Meanwhile many of use have made up excuses for not doing these things. So it serves as an example that there’s no excuse. Because the young man could have said that he has no hands, but he didn’t.
Your destiny is your hands, and you can decide not to use it to achieve your goal base on some health issues that may come your way but if you believe that you can achieve your goal despite the health issues, you will surely achieve your goal which is what I mean, your destiny is in your hands.

I have seen many governments, creating some atmosphere for disability people in their countries to help them to make their dreams come to reality, which is what happened to that player in the cricket game without  no arm and he display well to showcase his talents in the game to make their government proud.

This is a lesson to other disability people, who thought without hands or legs they cannot shine in sports activities, which they need to copy from this young guy in the cricket game to achieve their goal too.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: oktana on May 08, 2024, 08:10:31 PM
Quote from: oktana
For me I think the moral lesson here is that we have no excuses to be whatever we want to be in life. I recently saw a video where disabled people were actual weightlifters. They all had muscles and were very fit, despite their individual conditions. Meanwhile many of use have made up excuses for not doing these things. So it serves as an example that there’s no excuse. Because the young man could have said that he has no hands, but he didn’t.
Your destiny is your hands, and you can decide not to use it to achieve your goal base on some health issues that may come your way but if you believe that you can achieve your goal despite the health issues, you will surely achieve your goal which is what I mean, your destiny is in your hands.

I have seen many governments, creating some atmosphere for disability people in their countries to help them to make their dreams come to reality, which is what happened to that player in the cricket game without  no arm and he display well to showcase his talents in the game to make their government proud.

This is a lesson to other disability people, who thought without hands or legs they cannot shine in sports activities, which they need to copy from this young guy in the cricket game to achieve their goal too.

Actually, it’s a bigger lesson to us (who are healthy with no disability) than it is to other disabled people. I saw one where disabled people were bodybuilders. Imagine if those guys were in the gym and you saw them working out, what will be your excuse? You’ll definitely be motivated to do more because someone who you supposedly should be stronger than is doing better.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 10, 2024, 09:27:41 AM
Negative thinking makes unimportant things seem important making problems seem bigger and more difficult when they really aren't. Sometimes a problem may be really impossible naturally. And a negative mindset forgets that nothing is impossible with God. Meditating on God's Word will remove your negativity and help you refocus on who God is. A positive mindset based on God's Word knows that no one is above God he is always present.
That right, always positive attitude must exist within oneself to succeed in life. Nothing impossible in this thread will just for personal success in life. Besides, many people in the world would say that many things are impossible or their list of impossibilities is very long, such as humans flying independently in the sky and many things including circular squares. So to get success in life we ​​have to move forward with full faith in God and a positive thinking spirit.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Dunamisx on May 10, 2024, 04:11:29 PM
What makes the possibility on all things is our determination towards achieving them, if we already concluded from our mind that we cannot achieve such, then there is nothing that can help the situation on ground, that is why we must not be limited to the present condition in which we found ourselves in, we have to understand that there is more to do as more is expected from us only if we are being determined, irrespective of the challenges ahead.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Ever-young on May 11, 2024, 05:04:13 AM
We are all familiar with the phrase 'Nothing is impossible, everything is possible'. The world is full of people who have managed to make the impossible possible through sheer faith and determination.

Its true, when we are determined for something, nothing is impossible in life, only for those who wish not to make some extra steps and actions may seems to have this doubt and challenge in believing that somethings are impossible to achieve in life, it all started from the mindset, what you can conceive from your mind, then you can achieve, hard works also goes along way in this, some will render every required efforts needed for them to make it in life and upon time, they see such coming to reality and success.

You are totally correct and I support you. Just like the bible say ' As the man thinks, so is he' so whatever thing we believe and determine to make it will surely come to pass and we will achieve it but not by merely saying or by feel reluctant but by determination and handworking, we can achieve it, so let's keep our mindset away from negativity and cultivate the positivity in us, that we can achieve or become what we want and it will happen although there might be trials, failure and other, let's bear in mind that before one succeed in life, they fail many time but never gives up hope, so we should also remember that and we will be where we have always wanted to be.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: TEBTC on May 12, 2024, 10:51:24 AM
Those who win in life are those the spirit of possibilities and you can't go too far with an impossible mind set everything is possible to those that believe it is even said in the holy books that without faith it's impossible to please God so the case of this handles boy playing cricket is good as he believes in himself

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Ndabagi01 on May 12, 2024, 03:35:33 PM
We are all familiar with the phrase 'Nothing is impossible, everything is possible'. The world is full of people who have managed to make the impossible possible through sheer faith and determination. A cricket match in India inspired me to this sentence, where a boy played cricket despite having no hands.

We all know that hands are the most important part of physical fitness to play cricket. But his morale filled this imperfection.

It is rare to see people with such determination despite having something to use as excuse to pull them back from achieving their goal. Sometimes your disability is the best weapon gifted to you to conquer all what you’ve aspired to become in life. Determination, commitment and non-stop zeal will make you stronger and hopeful of achieving your dreams. The case of this Indian boy is no different like others that have achieved success through their disability. With hope, patience and perseverance all things are possible.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Zanab247 on May 12, 2024, 03:40:36 PM
Quote from: Dunamisx
What makes the possibility on all things is our determination towards achieving them, if we already concluded from our mind that we cannot achieve such, then there is nothing that can help the situation on ground, that is why we must not be limited to the present condition in which we found ourselves in, we have to understand that there is more to do as more is expected from us only if we are being determined, irrespective of the challenges ahead.
That is why is good to have positive thoughts before approaching your goal, and it will help you to achieve anything you want to achieve on earth by starting laying a good foundation that will make it easy for you to achieve for others people to learn from you.

When you know that there is nothing that is permanent on earth, and you continue trying your best to turn things around for your wish to come to reality, it will make you to achieve success.

but if you feel you can't change your situation for good, there is no way you can change it for good because you have pronounced it from your mouth to weak your faith.

Do what will make others people to know that you have the knowledge, before they can give you the opportunity to participate in some activities that will make you to achieve your goal.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: Zoomic on May 12, 2024, 05:12:08 PM
We are all familiar with the phrase 'Nothing is impossible, everything is possible'. The world is full of people who have managed to make the impossible possible through sheer faith and determination. A cricket match in India inspired me to this sentence, where a boy played cricket despite having no hands.

We all know that hands are the most important part of physical fitness to play cricket. But his morale filled this imperfection.

What an inspiring video to watch, indeed nothing is impossible once you set your heart to do a particular thing. This brings me to those who are physically fit yet look for every means to put blames on their families, friends and even the government as the reason they ain't who they wanted to be.  The fact is that most of these persons have already limited themselves in their head, thereby paving way for unnecessary drawbacks for them. Nobody is going to plan your life for you if you don't plan for yourself and ensure you achieve your life's goals. Nothing beats focus and determination, once you are focused and determined, challenges no longer matter because they will always be seen as a phase that will still pass and your journey still continues.

Title: Re: Nothing is impossible
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 13, 2024, 05:19:08 PM
Those who win in life are those the spirit of possibilities and you can't go too far with an impossible mind set everything is possible to those that believe it is even said in the holy books that without faith it's impossible to please God so the case of this handles boy playing cricket is good as he believes in himself
This is why wise sages say that beliefs match objects. So if you believe in something but don't make any effort to implement it then the result will be just the opposite, you will fail and lose faith. Hence the philosophers also say that those who want to succeed but do not work accordingly are fools. So the Creator never defeats those who strive with faith.