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Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: Davidvictorson on April 20, 2024, 01:10:31 PM

Title: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: Davidvictorson on April 20, 2024, 01:10:31 PM
I've always been puzzled by this phrase, "the flow of the cards". I've heard it from serious gamblers, but I've never really gotten the chance to ask them what it actually means. I am therefore turning to you guys to ask, what the do gamblers mean when they say it?

*The context for the phrase in which it is used is blackjack.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: uneng on April 20, 2024, 01:30:02 PM
Maybe it's related to a superstitious belief that cards will follow a 'flow' (flux, fluidity, continuous movement) in game, if you manage to attract the correct positive energies and vibrations to yourself? If you achieve doing this, inevitably profit will reach to you. On the other hand, if you don't control your emotions inside the right vibration, the flow isn't going to bring the correct cards to your hands. Anyway, it's not really going to work like that for real, because there is a house edge playing against gamblers all the time, which puts the casino in an advatange position on long run.

Metaphysical theories go beyond what studies, researches can prove through material reality, so it's hard to assert the validity of any of those theories, which end becoming just beliefs passed from generation to generation in more superstitious and traditional communities around the world.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: dimonstration on April 20, 2024, 01:33:42 PM
I've always been puzzled by this phrase, "the flow of the cards". I've heard it from serious gamblers, but I've never really gotten the chance to ask them what it actually means. I am therefore turning to you guys to ask, what the do gamblers mean when they say it?

Can you give the context for this phrase because it varies on the game it was use. In blackjack, We use flow of card as the predetermined result if there’s no changes on the seat playing on the table.

For example, You are destined to lose x10 if there will be no other player joined since the cards is arranged the way it is. So we usually destroy the flow of card when we are experiencing losing streak by adding 1 seat or more so that the card distribution will change.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: o48o on April 20, 2024, 01:42:04 PM
I've always been puzzled by this phrase, "the flow of the cards". I've heard it from serious gamblers, but I've never really gotten the chance to ask them what it actually means. I am therefore turning to you guys to ask, what the do gamblers mean when they say it?
I don't think that's really generic gamblers who do that but specific gamblers that are counting cards in blackjack. And that would mean disturbance when you are count the cards, or change in counting conditions. Like when more players entering into the game in the middle could distrurb the "flow of cards". I never asked specifics, but i knew a card counter, and what i picked up is he used that term when ever composition of rest of the cards become unfavorable for his scheme.

If other gamblers are using that term, i think it's just more of superstitious belief or another description for luck, like that cards are or are not in right order or on their favor.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: Cantsay on April 20, 2024, 02:23:58 PM
This is my first time hearing such a phrase - I did a quick search online to see if perhaps there are others who might have posted the same phrases but nothing came up.

I guess only a few gamblers use this phrase if not it would have been among lists of gambling slang that are present online. I'd would have to put this thread on my watch list so that I'd be able to follow and see if anyone knows the meaning of the phrase.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: Eternad on April 20, 2024, 02:33:06 PM
I've always been puzzled by this phrase, "the flow of the cards". I've heard it from serious gamblers, but I've never really gotten the chance to ask them what it actually means. I am therefore turning to you guys to ask, what the do gamblers mean when they say it?
I don't think that's really generic gamblers who do that but specific gamblers that are counting cards in blackjack. And that would mean disturbance when you are count the cards, or change in counting conditions. Like when more players entering into the game in the middle could distrurb the "flow of cards". I never asked specifics, but i knew a card counter, and what i picked up is he used that term when ever composition of rest of the cards become unfavorable for his scheme.

If other gamblers are using that term, i think it's just more of superstitious belief or another description for luck, like that cards are or are not in right order or on their favor.

I have basic knowledge on card counting so I knew that if someone sit on the table and play along with you while you’re counting there’s no way that can affect your count since you are just counting cards on the table regardless if it’s yours or not to determine the EV for the game based on the remaining card on the shoe.

I believe the flow of cards is what you mention about when player sit and distract your game. Like hitting another cards while the dealer should be bust if he didn’t hit more cards and just stand.

There’s a lot of scenario like on blackjack when you are playing with noob blackjack player that doesn’t know the rules.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: Baofeng on April 20, 2024, 02:36:25 PM
I've always been puzzled by this phrase, "the flow of the cards". I've heard it from serious gamblers, but I've never really gotten the chance to ask them what it actually means. I am therefore turning to you guys to ask, what the do gamblers mean when they say it?

*The context for the phrase in which it is used is blackjack.

I will surmised that it has something to do with card counting? Could be just follow the flow of the cards, meaning if card counters are in the break to get a good card then they should followed it. Or if you are not a card counter, then bet on how you see it, if you think that you are going to win, then it will come, "the flow of the cards" might be in your favor and so take advantage of it.

So there  could be a lot of meaning from it, and it could not be only applied to blackjack, but any other card games like baccarat.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: Yamifoud on April 20, 2024, 02:41:27 PM
That is like "winning patterns", just my personal opinion since I've never encountered people talking like this.
But whatever it means or something it weighs a lot but there is one thing we know for sure that card games are pure luck-based games. Some gamblers may say there is a card trick but I don't think this happens in casinos as they are protecting their reputation.

We never hear this phrase often because this never meant anything serious. It is probably just in the mind of a gambler who believes what it means for them. Because for me, I gamble without thinking about cheating or anything, I am just focus on what I'm doing.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: Findingnemo on April 20, 2024, 02:46:21 PM
I've always been puzzled by this phrase, "the flow of the cards". I've heard it from serious gamblers, but I've never really gotten the chance to ask them what it actually means. I am therefore turning to you guys to ask, what the do gamblers mean when they say it?

*The context for the phrase in which it is used is blackjack.

Uncommon phrase to be used, it correlates with someone's beliefs in their wins which comes from the mistake done by others or basically let the luck decides who is the winner.

I see lot of users mentioning that it's related to counting cards but as far as I noticed it's more of superstition nothing unethical practices.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: Gozie51 on April 20, 2024, 03:41:03 PM

 "the flow of the cards".

Could it be the tendering of cards at the end of the game to indicate winning or something to that. I have not really gotten a grasp of what it actually means. I checked on google but it is not giving something self explanatory however pointing to blackjack. Maybe real card players would give direction to this.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: Queentoshi on April 20, 2024, 03:42:47 PM
This is my first time hearing such a phrase - I did a quick search online to see if perhaps there are others who might have posted the same phrases but nothing came up.

I guess only a few gamblers use this phrase if not it would have been among lists of gambling slang that are present online. I'd would have to put this thread on my watch list so that I'd be able to follow and see if anyone knows the meaning of the phrase.
I do not play Blackjack, but it is likely that since there are many gamblers who do not recognize the phrase, maybe it is a phrase that is common among people in a particular region around the OP.
Some slangs for some activities are still local, and the true meaning only recognized by the locals or people around the locals.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: swogerino on April 20, 2024, 04:11:08 PM
I've always been puzzled by this phrase, "the flow of the cards". I've heard it from serious gamblers, but I've never really gotten the chance to ask them what it actually means. I am therefore turning to you guys to ask, what the do gamblers mean when they say it?

*The context for the phrase in which it is used is blackjack.

It should be on some luck based related thing.Maybe they want to not stop the game and even in difficult situations when they are playing poker they let the flow of the cards go and not get mad at it.Some may say it as something like they are waiting for such the flow of the cards can benefit them and make them win a big hand,they usually go all in during such hand that favors them for a win like having 4 aces or the royal flush which rarely lose the hand,only 4 aces can rarely lose the hand against the royal flush while the royal flush always win the game if I am not mistaken in Texas holdem poker.In blackjack is the same they wait for the best hands for them to benefit the player against the dealer,in here maybe it is in the context let the flow of cards go so they can count the cards and get a winning hand.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: Yatsan on April 20, 2024, 04:12:00 PM
"the flow of the cards".
Probably has something to do with card counting and having gut feeling to have an advantage on the game and end up winning. Same thing I guess with "listen to your heart" wherein it should not be literally heard by you. Not really into card games but I cannot cite other explanation than to card count or predict the next cards to be dealt in Blackjack. We all have different beliefs but all of it is aiming for us to win however, nothing will be guaranteed except for the tendency of losing in the long run; that's just how gambling works in general. But there are people claiming to be really good with predictions or gambling as a whole. Well, they could really be but the bottomline here is that not all people could do the same thing, meaning, not all people would win with certainty no matter what strategy you are using. If winning is destined, then it will just happen out of your luck and fate.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: topbitcoin on April 20, 2024, 04:12:52 PM
I've always been puzzled by this phrase, "the flow of the cards". I've heard it from serious gamblers, but I've never really gotten the chance to ask them what it actually means. I am therefore turning to you guys to ask, what the do gamblers mean when they say it?

*The context for the phrase in which it is used is blackjack.

Perhaps what is meant by "card flow" in the game of blackjack, this expression refers to the time when a player feels that the cards he gets are quite profitable or more. And when a player feels that his position is very profitable because he gets a flow of good cards, or gets strong cards, namely cards that have a consistently high value. Of course, this can increase a person's chances of winning in each gambling session. However, on the other hand, if you get a stream of unfavorable cards, or weak cards in a row, it might be quite difficult for him to win the game in each session, which of course will make someone quite frustrated with these cards. they're dealing with. he understands.

However, it is important to understand that “card flow” is more of a personal feeling and does not necessarily reflect mathematical truth. Although the cards played can influence the final outcome, the long-term probability of blackjack remains constant.

So it can be concluded that In this context, the “card flow” that gamblers might refer to is most likely related to the internal feelings in the game itself. These feelings are determined by whether they believe that the cards dealt to them are profitable or detrimental to them.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: alastantiger on April 20, 2024, 04:16:24 PM
I do not play Blackjack, but it is likely that since there are many gamblers who do not recognize the phrase, maybe it is a phrase that is common among people in a particular region around the OP.
Some slangs for some activities are still local, and the true meaning only recognized by the locals or people around the locals.
This is a blackjack thing and it is only professional gamblers with many years of experience in blackjack that would be able to give the correct explanation to the phrase which the OP is trying to understand. I am not a fan of blackjack but I know about this because when I searched for the keywords on Google, the first result was a blackjack reddit thread. While some replies say it is something superstitious others say it is something that is a variant of a theory in gambling. The OP and anyone who is interested in learning more about this phrase should check this reddit out -

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: yahoo62278 on April 20, 2024, 04:16:36 PM
Basically it means that the cards are running good for you.  Like in poker when the cards are flowing, means you have been winning alot playing any 2 cards.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: acroman08 on April 20, 2024, 04:19:02 PM
damn, I guess I am not that into blackjack, It's my first time hearing about it so I did some quick reading on Google to try and understand what it meant and I am not sure if I understand it completely despite reading several discussion on reddit about it, but from what I see it seems like the "flow of cards" is a superstition some(or maybe a lot) of blackjack players believe.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: Ojima-ojo on April 20, 2024, 04:27:46 PM
Flow of the card, just like the phrase, Gambler's means those that gamble on risk speculations and jackpots, this are consistent gamblers meaning those blackjack king's that gamble almost every day or in an interval.

I believe the world Gamblers could primarily means, those that bet on any games or play it themselves and related to casinos.

Just as the card flow, and other terms that is associated with that such phrase.
I may be wrong anyways and I will be glad to read new things regarding this phrase.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: Hispo on April 20, 2024, 04:45:41 PM
I have rarely heard about that saying in the context of blackjack, probably because I do not play with others. Though, I have my own interpretation of the meaning of it.
I think it is about noticing some pattern during the play, the flow of the cards could be related to whether the cards wants you to lose or win. It is another way to say someone is having either good or bad luck during an specific session.
Because of the human nature on trying to find patterns with gambling, we attribute those pseudo-patterns to anything which may make sense for us. In this case, it is giving some awareness or power to the same cards we use to play or gamble.
Here in South America we have other Spanish expression which could be equivalent to it, but this one is an specific one which could have originated from a different part of the world, like the United States or Europe.
Regardless of whatever you think about that saying/expression and it's validity, the important thing is never to forget the true random nature of a game like blackjack and to remember there are no actual patterns in gambling.
Good luck !

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: PX-Z on April 20, 2024, 04:46:48 PM
I guess it's a superstitions of being a lucky with cards, or as someone said the card counting. As you will know it's flow in every shuffle of cards. Can't find enough answer about it when searching online except on reddit threads which are in opinionated answers too. 

Next time when you heard someone talking about it, don't be shy to ask and tell us his/her answers too  ;D

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: famososMuertos on April 20, 2024, 09:32:42 PM
In essence it is a term that comes from hip-hop slang, its meaning derives from a situation of a guy who is having a good time, who has style.

 Then that applied to BJ jargon, for example, means that the game is in your favor, and that the cards are giving you "luck", that winning style.

 In my case it is used to say that the guy is not really good, but rather it is the cards that have that flow.  BJ requires talent and sometimes some players look like they have it but it is the "flow" of the cards, or the deck.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: Alphakilo on April 20, 2024, 09:42:58 PM
I guess it's a superstitions of being a lucky with cards, or as someone said the card counting. As you will know it's flow in every shuffle of cards.
I find superstitions believes to be the weirdest thing a gambler can ever conceive in his heart. I have always held this strong belief but they are no supernatural forces in support or against gambling.

There are no lucks in card games. There are only skills, years of experience, tactical strategies that are involved in card game. Anyone depending on lock has already feeled before the gambling starts.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on April 20, 2024, 09:52:59 PM
I've never seen anything like that before... It's certain that some set of gamblers could conjoin some words to best describe their outcome/performance. I don't really know much about poker games though.

Lemme try to guess; I think you got this word from the chat lobby or something? It could mean a stance where multiple cards regroup - more like a jackpot...yeah! Otherwise, a quick Google search would save your ass!
Why's everyone saying almost the same thing? There's nothing superstitious about the word in the OP.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: DaNNy001 on April 20, 2024, 10:27:13 PM
I've always been puzzled by this phrase, "the flow of the cards". I've heard it from serious gamblers, but I've never really gotten the chance to ask them what it actually means. I am therefore turning to you guys to ask, what the do gamblers mean when they say it?

*The context for the phrase in which it is used is blackjack.
Well am not surprised i don't really know this phrase since am not really a blackjack fan or player. But I do know that there are quite a few terminologies that do exists in the gambling world and if am not mistaken some other games like soccer and basketball too has theirs and if it was any of these then maybe I would have been clued to have an idea about it.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: Mrbluntzy on April 20, 2024, 11:00:55 PM
Basically it means that the cards are running good for you.  Like in poker when the cards are flowing, means you have been winning alot playing any 2 cards.

Thank you for providing the meaning. I was actually going to ask someone because I don't know either what card flow means in gambling. I am only hearing this today and nice I saw the meaning from your comment.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: jossiel on April 20, 2024, 11:05:13 PM
I didn't heard that before but as they've said, it has something to do with your hands and cards. As yahoo explained it well, in poker they call it 'good hand'.

While for blackjack, wherever you have heard it means the same thing.

It doesn't sound bad if you haven't heard it before and that's what it is to me, nothing negative but only positive and well explained there by other buddies.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: Rabbitqt on April 21, 2024, 02:01:16 AM
I've always been puzzled by this phrase, "the flow of the cards". I've heard it from serious gamblers, but I've never really gotten the chance to ask them what it actually means. I am therefore turning to you guys to ask, what the do gamblers mean when they say it?

*The context for the phrase in which it is used is blackjack.
"The flow of the cards" in blackjack refers to the perceived pattern or sequence in which the cards are dealt. Some gamblers believe that there are certain streaks or rhythms to how the cards come out, influencing their decisions and betting strategies. Essentially, it's about feeling the game's momentum and adjusting one's play accordingly.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: entertheabyss on April 21, 2024, 03:05:59 AM
I didn't heard that before but as they've said, it has something to do with your hands and cards. As yahoo explained it well, in poker they call it 'good hand'.

While for blackjack, wherever you have heard it means the same thing.

It doesn't sound bad if you haven't heard it before and that's what it is to me, nothing negative but only positive and well explained there by other buddies.
This particular phrases are mostly used by top gamblers and I've come acrossed such context several times but It was within the desirable sector of gambling news and trends. Don't ever run into sectors you know nothing about, because the heavy losses are generated based on the activities engaged without appropriate clue. You seem to have a good knowledge of what's coming and we should prepared ourselves to know the crucial information in the system.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: Poker Player on April 21, 2024, 03:20:16 AM
As has been said, it is another way of talking about "streaks", about the "luck" you are having with the cards. I put both words in quotes because streaks are not really something that happens but concepts that we use to understand series of independent mathematical events, in the same way that we talk about luck depending on whether those series of events favor us or not.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: jossiel on April 21, 2024, 11:08:06 PM
I didn't heard that before but as they've said, it has something to do with your hands and cards. As yahoo explained it well, in poker they call it 'good hand'.

While for blackjack, wherever you have heard it means the same thing.

It doesn't sound bad if you haven't heard it before and that's what it is to me, nothing negative but only positive and well explained there by other buddies.
This particular phrases are mostly used by top gamblers and I've come acrossed such context several times but It was within the desirable sector of gambling news and trends. Don't ever run into sectors you know nothing about, because the heavy losses are generated based on the activities engaged without appropriate clue. You seem to have a good knowledge of what's coming and we should prepared ourselves to know the crucial information in the system.
Wow, so it has been there for so long and despite that many have been long time gamblers and heard this the time including me is that this is specific on some sectors that probably I haven't known.

But it's fine if it's with these words and phrases as there's nothing to lose if you know nothing or a lot with them. And I do agree with you that someone should just stay to what they know.

Anyway, the thread seems long already and the explanation for this phrase has been answered already. I think it'll be great if some other phrases will be added and consolidate the thread into "gambling phrases".

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: alani123 on April 21, 2024, 11:18:48 PM
It's kinda funny, but many people that gamble kinda believe in supernatural ends to their playing. It's only natural then that you'll hear phrases from them that make zero to no sense like this one.

Well, it's a luck based game in any case so one way or the other it doesn't matter all that much. If people believe that they have a supernatural way of handling their luck, it doesn't make a difference. It's still gonna be random and result are still gonna be irrelevant to any superstitious thing that happens. Ofc during the course of a certain timespan some people are going to be more lucky than others. But in the long run, those praying to have a better "flow of cards" are gonna go bust more often at certain times too.  :D

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: kingvirtus09 on April 21, 2024, 11:20:39 PM
I've always been puzzled by this phrase, "the flow of the cards". I've heard it from serious gamblers, but I've never really gotten the chance to ask them what it actually means. I am therefore turning to you guys to ask, what the do gamblers mean when they say it?

*The context for the phrase in which it is used is blackjack.

Maybe what he means is that if the cards in the games that are played are always good and give you a win most of the time, you should just continue betting on the cards that always come out. Although I'm not sure what I'm saying,.

The aforementioned is also a bit parabolic; you can also go along with what the card you choose wants to convey, as if it wants to emphasize what it says.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: mirakal on April 21, 2024, 11:45:40 PM
That is like "winning patterns", just my personal opinion since I've never encountered people talking like this.
But whatever it means or something it weighs a lot but there is one thing we know for sure that card games are pure luck-based games. Some gamblers may say there is a card trick but I don't think this happens in casinos as they are protecting their reputation.

We never hear this phrase often because this never meant anything serious. It is probably just in the mind of a gambler who believes what it means for them. Because for me, I gamble without thinking about cheating or anything, I am just focus on what I'm doing.

Yes, it’s the same thing in my mind. If you happen to hit a perfect flow of your cards, then your chances to be in profits is high. Although blackjack itself is not just all about luck but math and statistics as well, that’s why if you are good in securing the right flow of your cards, in no time you will hit an edge over the casino, and that makes you profitable with your cards.

However, I believe this phrase can also be applied to any games in casino. Most especially to those games that mostly covered by luck, as it’s what most gambling games are.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: Darker45 on April 22, 2024, 04:27:12 AM
It's a kind of approach to the game. I believe there's nothing much about it. It might not be superstition really, but it is borderline that. It's a practice that's not really logical. It's a myth, even a complete nonsense. And it doesn't just apply to blackjack. It applies to other games as well.

Some blackjack players even like it solo so that nobody would interrupt the damn flow of the cards. Some in a table with a group of players prevent other players from joining because they might disrupt the flow. Some don't agree with you hitting because it destroys the flow.

Well, to each his own. But this to me is plain rubbish. Respect to those who play blackjack and other games seriously but stop making a religion out of a gambling game. That's absurdity!

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: Poker Player on April 22, 2024, 04:36:12 AM
It's a kind of approach to the game. I believe there's nothing much about it. It might not be superstition really, but it is borderline that. It's a practice that's not really logical. It's a myth, even a complete nonsense. And it doesn't just apply to blackjack. It applies to other games as well.

Some blackjack players even like it solo so that nobody would interrupt the damn flow of the cards. Some in a table with a group of players prevent other players from joining because they might disrupt the flow. Some don't agree with you hitting because it destroys the flow.

Well, to each his own. But this to me is plain rubbish. Respect to those who play blackjack and other games seriously but stop making a religion out of a gambling game. That's absurdity!

It is. People who earn money, either because they have an edge in skilled games or because they are casinos as it happens today in BJ with several decks and continous shuffling know that this is bullshit, and it seems unbelievable that with the information that is out there people still believe in these superstitions, but it is what it is.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: angrybirdy on April 22, 2024, 06:53:24 AM
Basically it means that the cards are running good for you.  Like in poker when the cards are flowing, means you have been winning alot playing any 2 cards.

Thank you for providing the meaning. I was actually going to ask someone because I don't know either what card flow means in gambling. I am only hearing this today and nice I saw the meaning from your comment.

Tbh, it's a popular line or qoute of some veteran gamblers here in our country which is I think the real meaning is they are having a good flow or pattern of winning cards and it's a good thing for them to continue on what they are doing because it can lead them to more winnings. There are so many simple  qoutes about positive outcome in gambling with a deep meaning.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: Assface16678 on April 22, 2024, 08:02:40 AM
I'm not sure about the meaning of this phrase to the other gamblers or other place but in my country or in me I'm using this phrase and for me the meaning of this is that letting the flow of the card decide your fate, meaning in black jack the card is your key to win in a match and if you will not trust your card then you most likely to lose the game.

And also trust the process of the game so that you can attract a good card and win the match, whenever I play card games it is very important on what card you will pull and what ever it is its up to you on how will you make use of it, that's why you will need to go with the flow of the cards, not that you will follow what you want, make use of the cards you have in order to win.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: Davidvictorson on April 25, 2024, 02:35:47 PM
Can you give the context for this phrase because it varies on the game it was use. In blackjack, We use flow of card as the predetermined result if there’s no changes on the seat playing on the table.

For example, You are destined to lose x10 if there will be no other player joined since the cards is arranged the way it is. So we usually destroy the flow of card when we are experiencing losing streak by adding 1 seat or more so that the card distribution will change.
I don't think that's really generic gamblers who do that but specific gamblers that are counting cards in blackjack. And that would mean disturbance when you are count the cards, or change in counting conditions. Like when more players entering into the game in the middle could distrurb the "flow of cards". I never asked specifics, but i knew a card counter, and what i picked up is he used that term when ever composition of rest of the cards become unfavorable for his scheme.

So I read all of the replies and it served as a based to conduct my homework on the term. I didn't just want to jump into Google that's why I first sought for answers here. dimonstration and o48o explanation are consistent with what I would later find in my research about the phrase on the internet and in blackjack forums particularly. When there is no changes or disturbance, there is said to be a positive flow of the cards. I am not a pro blackjack player but I think that people who jump around and try to disturb or change the flow, shouldn't be allowed at the table. Is this possible?

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: Casdinyard on April 25, 2024, 08:26:17 PM
I've always been puzzled by this phrase, "the flow of the cards". I've heard it from serious gamblers, but I've never really gotten the chance to ask them what it actually means. I am therefore turning to you guys to ask, what the do gamblers mean when they say it?

*The context for the phrase in which it is used is blackjack.
Could be one of either things:

1. Gamblers' superstition about the "flow of cards", and how their luck could circumvent events that would lead to either winning or losing games, thanks to this otherwise arbitrary shit.
2. Gamblers' understanding that the cards do not follow any form of pattern, and that the randomness of it is what's either going to hand them the win, basically letting math and the whole entropy of the universe do its thing

One of these are definitely a healthy way to approach the game, the other a bit more toxic as it gives you the false impression that you're going to win games, long as you follow a certain pattern which in reality is something that doesn't even exist in the first place.

Did you know that there are more possible permutations of card order in a 52-card deck such as the ones played in blackjack, than stars in the universe? That alone should paint the slightest impression that no amount of sleuthing's gonna give you an upper advantage, especially when you're banking on a certain pattern or trend of cards to come up.

Title: Re: What the Heck Do Gamblers Mean By this Phrase
Post by: goaldigger on April 25, 2024, 09:21:37 PM
I've always been puzzled by this phrase, "the flow of the cards". I've heard it from serious gamblers, but I've never really gotten the chance to ask them what it actually means. I am therefore turning to you guys to ask, what the do gamblers mean when they say it?

*The context for the phrase in which it is used is blackjack.
A superstition belief about how the flow of the cards can affect their winnings and honestly, I’ve heard this a lot too and I don’t think there’s a dip meaning about this, probably they are just trying to convince themselves about the possible next card that they can get since it can be a flow of good cards that can be good for them.