Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: virtual_enthusiasm on April 24, 2024, 08:08:21 PM

Title: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: virtual_enthusiasm on April 24, 2024, 08:08:21 PM
1- Based on the one shot principle, the proof of work turns blockchain/timechain into a closed system and resistant to fraud

2- Natural selection can only operate within a closed system, and bitcoin creates this closed system

3- (conclusion) - if bitcoin is a closed system, because of the proof of work, then the laws of natural selection apply to bitcoin and in the long therm the losers are removed from bitcoin and this forces only the winners to remain, and the price will go up

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: paid2 on April 24, 2024, 08:14:17 PM
1- Based on the one shot principle, the proof of work turns blockchain/timechain into a closed system and resistant to fraud

2- Natural selection can only operate within a closed system, and bitcoin creates this closed system

3- (conclusion) - if bitcoin is a closed system, because of the proof of work, then the laws of natural selection apply to bitcoin and in the long therm the losers are removed from bitcoin and this forces only the winners to remain, and the price will go up

Wow what a bunch of pointless stuff

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: virtual_enthusiasm on April 24, 2024, 08:21:29 PM
"Wow what a bunch of pointless stuff"

The point is that stock market, for example, does not follow the natural selection laws, because it's not a closed system, but bitcoin do follow natural selection, so bitcoin can eliminate the losers from the system, and this makes the price go up

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: btc78 on April 24, 2024, 08:33:53 PM
3- (conclusion) - if bitcoin is a closed system, because of the proof of work, then the laws of natural selection apply to bitcoin and in the long therm the losers are removed from bitcoin and this forces only the winners to remain, and the price will go up

I think that’s totally accurate seeing as cryptocurrency specifically bitcoin can not be studied biologically speaking. Natural selection is a biological concept that typically applies to species not coins which are products of technology.

Yes bitcoin is a closed system hence why we can not change anything from the past transactions as displayed in the blockchain.

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: FatFork on April 24, 2024, 08:47:55 PM
The point is that stock market, for example, does not follow the natural selection laws, because it's not a closed system, but bitcoin do follow natural selection, so bitcoin can eliminate the losers from the system, and this makes the price go up

Your logic is flawed on so many levels. First off, natural selection has nothing to do with the stock or cryptocurrency markets. It applies to biological evolution, not financial markets. Companies and individuals in the market compete, sure, but they don't magically eliminate losers.

Second, Bitcoin is not a "closed system", anyone can get in and out of "the system" whenever they want. And Bitcoin eliminates "losers" by... what, burning their coins?  No, it definitely doesn't have any built-in social darwinism where it actively kicks out losers or anything crazy like that.

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: virtual_enthusiasm on April 24, 2024, 08:56:33 PM
"I think that’s totally accurate seeing as cryptocurrency specifically bitcoin can not be studied biologically speaking. Natural selection is a biological concept that typically applies to species not coins which are products of technology.
Yes bitcoin is a closed system hence why we can not change anything from the past transactions as displayed in the blockchain."

Natural selection means surviving entropy eliminating the weak. If you have a closed system you have entropy, and then natural selection, the weaks are eliminated, and the winners survive. If bitcoin uses natural selection, only the winners keep bitcoin, in the long therm this means that the price will go forever up.

"Your logic is flawed on so many levels. First off, natural selection has nothing to do with the stock or cryptocurrency markets. It applies to biological evolution, not financial markets. Companies and individuals in the market compete, sure, but they don't magically eliminate losers.

Second, Bitcoin is not a "closed system", anyone can get in and out of "the system" whenever they want. And Bitcoin eliminates "losers" by... what, burning their coins?  No, it definitely doesn't have any built-in social darwinism where it actively kicks out losers or anything crazy like that. "

Bockchain is not open, we only have 21 million coins, but other markets, like stock market, are open, government can create money out of nothing. Bitcoin eliminate losers because natural selection eliminate losers, their coins tend to go to winners. Natural selection is a mathematical concept, it's not just biological

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: Slow death on April 24, 2024, 09:01:11 PM
When I read this thread I died laughing, man what a dark thought and that is why losers are removed in bitcoin? and I can't see who these losers are that you are talking about, since in this market the two big requirements for profit are long-term patience, in my opinion, and investing money that the person can afford to lose so that when the price drop a lot and the person will be at a loss and will not sell even if many years pass, eventually the price will recover. Of course, people need to have historical knowledge of prices by looking at the bitcoin charts since it was created. people need to frequently follow news about bitcoin

and also news about the financial market. It has nothing to do with natural selection. It's strange that last week I saw a post from someone who talked about religion, he associated bitcoin with religion, today I see you associating bitcoin with biology. In both cases, this association they are making is simply absurd. bitcoin has nothing to do with religion, bitcoin has nothing to do with biology. This idea that you remove losers to become winners is so absurd that I don't even want to imagine how the hell you came to such a conclusion. what type of market study

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: virtual_enthusiasm on April 24, 2024, 09:26:24 PM
"When I read this thread I died laughing, man what a dark thought and that is why losers are removed in bitcoin? and I can't see who these losers are that you are talking about, since in this market the two big requirements for profit are long-term patience, in my opinion, and investing money that the person can afford to lose so that when the price drop a lot and the person will be at a loss and will not sell even if many years pass, eventually the price will recover. Of course, people need to have historical knowledge of prices by looking at the bitcoin charts since it was created. people need to frequently follow news about bitcoin

and also news about the financial market. It has nothing to do with natural selection. It's strange that last week I saw a post from someone who talked about religion, he associated bitcoin with religion, today I see you associating bitcoin with biology. In both cases, this association they are making is simply absurd. bitcoin has nothing to do with religion, bitcoin has nothing to do with biology. This idea that you remove losers to become winners is so absurd that I don't even want to imagine how the hell you came to such a conclusion. what type of market study"

Do you agree with me that those who sell bitcoin are losers, and those who buy and keep bitcoin are winners?

Natural selection removes losers from the system

If bitcoin is a closed system it uses natural selection, and then it will have more winners than losers, so the price will go up forever

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: decodx on April 24, 2024, 09:49:13 PM
Do you agree with me that those who sell bitcoin are losers, and those who buy and keep bitcoin are winners?

No, I don't agree with you. How can those who bought bitcoin be winners? What did they win?
If you are talking about the markets, the only way to win is to sell the asset at a higher price than the price you bought it for. But according to your definition, those who sell are losers, so you contradict yourself.

Natural selection removes losers from the system

Not always. There are countless studies that have confirmed that in the evolution of species, the best features do not always win.

If bitcoin is a closed system it uses natural selection, and then it will have more winners than losers, so the price will go up forever

Bitcoin market is not a closed system. It interacts with traditional finance and other cryptocurrencies, new bitcoins are constantly mined, and people can enter and exit the market with fiat currency. This continuous flow makes Bitcoin an open system, not a closed one. But maybe you are confusing the concept of a closed system for a zero-sum aspect within Bitcoin market. Those are completely different things.

By the way, learn how to quote correctly.

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: Hatchy on April 24, 2024, 09:58:04 PM
Yes bitcoin is a closed system hence why we can not change anything from the past transactions as displayed in the blockchain.
I wasn't expecting this from you either. Op literally doesn't know anything about how Bitcoin works and what it is. Bitcoin has never been a closed system and before any changes are made, it needs the approval of the community or developers before they are implemented. It's an open system where everyone can participate. If you are referring to its total supply of 21million then I'll agree with you because that's actually a closed supply. but not it's whole system being closed.

Do you agree with me that those who sell bitcoin are losers, and those who buy and keep bitcoin are winners?

 No I don't. As an investor, you chose how and what you get to do with your coins. I don't see how selling some coins makes anyone a looser because that's how Bitcoin is circulated through networking. People have to sell for others to buy and invest as well. I guess you need to understand basic economics abit mate. When new coins are mined, miners supplies them into the market by selling. Do we now call them losers?

You should learn to quote properly. Read this thread [TIPS] to avoid pyramid quotes (for Newbies) (

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: letteredhub on April 24, 2024, 10:10:37 PM
1- Based on the one shot principle, the proof of work turns blockchain/timechain into a closed system and resistant to fraud

2- Natural selection can only operate within a closed system, and bitcoin creates this closed system

3- (conclusion) - if bitcoin is a closed system, because of the proof of work, then the laws of natural selection apply to bitcoin and in the long therm the losers are removed from bitcoin and this forces only the winners to remain, and the price will go up

Please make me understand what is this natural selection and it got to relate with bitcoin?

And who are these losers you talking about that are behind the price of bitcoin not going up, not until they have been removed that's when bitcoin price will go up?

The only factors among others I know that affects bitcoin price is market news, demand and supply... Am just getting to hear about losers for the first time.

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: virtual_enthusiasm on April 24, 2024, 10:23:06 PM
To decodx
To Hatchy
To letteredhub

Bitcoin is a closed system because it's not an invention, but it is a discovery. Stock market, and usd, are inventions, and what makes bitcoin a discovery is the concept of proof of work, and it is

closed because its not possible to rediscover it.

And if it's a closed system, you have to agree with me that entropy is applied. Entropy means decentralization, common markets are not subject to entropy because they tend to centralization, but bitcoin tends to

decentralization, and that means natural selection is working on bitcoin, because natural selection acts on decentralization.  

But on natural selection there needs to exist a loser and a winner, because that's how it works


Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: BADecker on April 24, 2024, 10:38:42 PM
No wonder people are losers. The term 'selection' indicates that there is choice. 'Natural selection' means that nature has the ability to make choices.

Scientists can't easily come up with ways to imitate nature. If they could, they would have created life in  the testube long ago. But they still haven't been able to do it from scratch.

Or look at how long it took for somebody to develop Bitcoin. The basics of the encryption used was developed in WW2. Yet it wasn't until 1990 that PGP was developed... and 2009 until Bitcoin was launched.

The point is, 'natural selection' is a moronic term that only indicates that nature is way smarter than science. It doesn't have anything to do with Bitcoin. Or does somebody think that if Russia detonates a nuke, causing a EMP wave that destroys Bitcoin and banking because the grid went down... does somebody think that that is natural selection, because both of those systems didn't survive?


Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: decodx on April 25, 2024, 08:07:00 PM
Bitcoin is a closed system because it's not an invention, but it is a discovery. Stock market, and usd, are inventions, and what makes bitcoin a discovery is the concept of proof of work, and it is
closed because its not possible to rediscover it.

And if it's a closed system, you have to agree with me that entropy is applied. Entropy means decentralization, common markets are not subject to entropy because they tend to centralization, but bitcoin tends to

decentralization, and that means natural selection is working on bitcoin, because natural selection acts on decentralization.  

But on natural selection there needs to exist a loser and a winner, because that's how it works

This has to be the dumbest thing I've read on a forum in a long time. 

As explained before, Bitcoin is not a closed system and nothing you said makes any logical sense. Apparently, even the basic definitions of "invention" and "discovery" elude you.  But I have no intention of wasting any more time explaining it to you. So, good luck with your nonsensical theories.

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: serjent05 on April 25, 2024, 08:44:25 PM
I think @OP is confused, Bitcoin may have a closed system idealism due to its finite supply but the system is often to anyone who wants to participate in solving blocks through mining, transaction process and setting up nodes.  If Bitcoin is a close system then there would be no outside factors that can participate in the Bitcoin ecosystem. 

Bitcoin is a closed system because it's not an invention, but it is a discovery. Stock market, and usd, are inventions, and what makes bitcoin a discovery is the concept of proof of work, and it is

closed because its not possible to rediscover it.

Satoshi discovered Bitcoin while looking at the command line of C++ and announced that he found Bitcoin to the masses. I think someone needs to work on the difference between discovered and invented.

Apparently, even the basic definitions of "invention" and "discovery" elude you.

True @OP makes me look for the difference between invention and discovery again just to make sure that I am not mistaken about what I understood about them :D.

And if it's a closed system, you have to agree with me that entropy is applied. Entropy means decentralization, common markets are not subject to entropy because they tend to centralization, but bitcoin tends to decentralization, and that means natural selection is working on bitcoin, because natural selection acts on decentralization.

No, I think decentralization is the opposite because it encourages participation from different individuals thus it defies the idea of a closed system.  Aside from that anything programmed is not a natural selection process, it is a controlled process.

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: virtual_enthusiasm on April 25, 2024, 10:06:30 PM
To serjent05

"I think decentralization is the opposite because it encourages participation from different individuals thus it defies the idea of a closed system."

Decentralization= entropy
centralization = syntropy

Entropy can only work on a closed system, that's the second law of thermodynamics.

Bitcoin is a closed system because it's impossible to reverse engineer it. But on markets we can reverse engineer about anything, companies do copy each other ideas, only bitcoin is a product that can't be reverse engineered, and

that's why bitcoin is amazing. The first step is to admit that it's a closed system, the next is to assume that only bitcoin is decentralized, the last step is to admit that if it's decentralized, then natural selection laws do apply, and the weaks are

eliminated naturally from the system, and this makes the price go up as long as blockchain exists

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: virtual_enthusiasm on April 26, 2024, 12:18:26 AM

So the conclusion, the final tought is that:

Bitcoin is like a company in which natural selection is the CEO or manager of the company

all other companies and business need a manager, bitcoin does not, because it's natural selection, and this CEO will

make the price go up because he's good at what he does

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: BADecker on April 26, 2024, 12:35:50 AM
To serjent05


Entropy can only work on a closed system, that's the second law of thermodynamics.


Bitcoin might be a closed system for itself, but the users of it aren't part of the closed system, either negatively or positively.

Something better than Bitcoin might come along, an EMP attack might essentially destroy Bitcoin, or simple loss of interest might get rid of Bitcoin. On the other side, everything else might fail, and Bitcoin might become king. Bitcoin would still be a closed system, but its value might go up or down.


Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: decodx on April 26, 2024, 12:42:39 AM
Bitcoin is a closed system because it's impossible to reverse engineer it.

Why do you keep making such stupid claims?  Bitcoin doesn't need to be reverse engineered when it is open source software. Anyone can look into it, copy it, modify it, make their own version of it...

But on markets we can reverse engineer about anything, companies do copy each other ideas, only bitcoin is a product that can't be reverse engineered, and

There are literally thousands of altcoins out there that were created by copying the Bitcoin idea and even the original source code.  And you say that it cannot be copied?

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: BADecker on April 26, 2024, 12:53:23 AM
Bitcoin is a closed system because it's impossible to reverse engineer it.

Why do you keep making such stupid claims?  Bitcoin doesn't need to be reverse engineered when it is open source software. Anyone can look into it, copy it, modify it, make their own version of it...

But on markets we can reverse engineer about anything, companies do copy each other ideas, only bitcoin is a product that can't be reverse engineered, and

There are literally thousands of altcoins out there that were created by copying the Bitcoin idea and even the original source code.  And you say that it cannot be copied?

On the other hand, it kinda makes sense that Bitcoin can't be reverse engineered. I mean, how in the world can you reverse engineer something that everybody knows the coding for any time that we want? Can't be done.


Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: virtual_enthusiasm on April 26, 2024, 01:41:05 AM
"There are literally thousands of altcoins out there that were created by copying the Bitcoin idea and even the original source code.  And you say that it cannot be copied?"

You cannot copy bitcoin, that's the reason why altcoins based on pow will all fail, bitcoin is proof of work itself. Proof of work means resistance against replicability itself

"On the other hand, it kinda makes sense that Bitcoin can't be reverse engineered. I mean, how in the world can you reverse engineer something that everybody knows the coding for any time that we want? Can't be done."

yes it can't be done, bitcoin is the only product made by mankind that cant be reverse engineered or copied

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: lizarder on April 26, 2024, 09:57:44 AM
2- Natural selection can only operate within a closed system, and bitcoin creates this closed system
I think your analogy is a little out of the equation because natural selection never applies to supply and demand relationships. Forget the parable you are trying to convey because bitcoin is seen as neither an open nor a closed source of natural law equations.

3- (conclusion) - if bitcoin is a closed system, because of the proof of work, then the laws of natural selection apply to bitcoin and in the long therm the losers are removed from bitcoin and this forces only the winners to remain, and the price will go up
The slight similarities may be true, but these factors cannot be proven in fact so that we can equate them. Even though I have learned about the laws of nature, how the strong survive and there is no justice there as expected. I want to know your opinion, what does losing mean? Because if there is a competitive relationship with other coins, currently no one can compete with Bitcoin, so there is no need to look at the process in the long term.

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: decodx on April 26, 2024, 12:26:12 PM
yes it can't be done, bitcoin is the only product made by mankind that cant be reverse engineered or copied

Yes, it can be absolutely copied, and has been!  Bitcoin's innovation is decentralization, not some magic code that can't be replicated.  There are thousands of cryptocurrencies out there, all inspired by Bitcoin and many directly copying its core technology.  These are called altcoins, and while they might not be exactly the same, they prove that Bitcoin itself isn't some unique, uncopyable invention.

But at least you accepted that Bitcoin is a product (invention) and not a discovery as you claimed before.  :D

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: virtual_enthusiasm on April 26, 2024, 04:00:36 PM
To lizarder

" what does losing mean?"

Losers are those who sell bitcoin

winners are those who buy and keep bitcoin

If natural selection do favor the winners over the losers, then we will have more buyers than sellers, and this explains why bitcoin price will go up in the future


To decodx

- decentralization requires that there needs to exist only one center, because if there is no center, there is no decentralization. Proof of work does not invent a center, it discovers it

and that's why bitcoin's proof of work cannot be copied, decentralization means discover a center, not invent one, and the center of decentralization is bitcoin

- centralization admit several centers, because it invents them, not discover them. 

centralization = invent a center

decentralization = discover the only center with proof of work, spending energy

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: BADecker on April 26, 2024, 04:21:08 PM
^^^ Since the nose is the scenter of the face, is descentralization the cutting off of the nose?


Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: decodx on April 26, 2024, 06:38:01 PM
To decodx

- decentralization requires that there needs to exist only one center, because if there is no center, there is no decentralization. Proof of work does not invent a center, it discovers it

OK, I get it. You're just trolling! It was nice chatting with you... Now, welcome to my ignore list.

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: buwaytress on April 26, 2024, 07:51:20 PM
Natural selection should dictate that Bitcoin will be displaced some day. Not today, not in our lifetime, but the law of probability should mean that something better, or more resilient, or however you want to put it, better at survival, will displace it some day. No?

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: virtual_enthusiasm on April 26, 2024, 10:37:44 PM
Natural selection should dictate that Bitcoin will be displaced some day. Not today, not in our lifetime, but the law of probability should mean that something better, or more resilient, or however you want to put it, better at survival, will displace it some day. No?

No, because

the future is chaothic and entropic

but in bitcoin, and only in bitcoin,  chaos makes the price go up, and order makes the price go down, and if the future is chaothic then we can predict that bitcoin price will go up as long as there is proof of work

in a normal company order makes the price go up and chaos makes the price go down, bitcoin is the opposite, the more chaos, the more the price will go up, because it's the only decentralized (entropic) market,

all other markets are centralized (syntropic), and that makes bitcoin an amazing discovery, more chaos = price will go up, in bitcoin 

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: SatoPrincess on April 27, 2024, 01:16:18 AM
Sometimes the way bitcoin enthusiasts talk about bitcoin, you would think it’s a cult. People will always try to relate Bitcoin to everything…religion, lifestyle, moral values and so. This is the first time I’m seeing someone connect biology to Bitcoin, maybe OP is an ecologist. I do understand his analogy of survival of the fittest because in the crypto market, weak hands lose and strong hands make profit. As we know, the market is extremely volatile and not everyone has the patience to hodl for long term especially when the market is bearish, weak hands will sell off their bitcoins out of fear and the strong hands buy.

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: lizarder on April 28, 2024, 05:35:25 PM
Losers are those who sell bitcoin
LOL. Why should they lose because of selling reasons and if there is no buying and selling process it is not a product.

winners are those who buy and keep bitcoin
That's an advantage that bitcoin has because when people buy and hold it, it will be a big profit when the price of bitcoin reaches its highest value.

If natural selection do favor the winners over the losers, then we will have more buyers than sellers, and this explains why bitcoin price will go up in the future
If everyone buys then the amount of bitcoin available will never be enough, the process of buying and selling is a sure thing because that's how it works. Price increases are not only determined by how much people buy, but there are other supporting factors. Don't forget that demand and supply are always related to each other and both have an important role in the bitcoin journey process.

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: nakamura12 on April 28, 2024, 05:46:34 PM
The price won't go up if bitcoin isn't sold that's why the price depends on supply and demand. If it's only supply and no demand then I won't call it a product. I definitely agree to other forum members that you are just trolling here.

There are literally thousands of altcoins out there that were created by copying the Bitcoin idea and even the original source code.  And you say that it cannot be copied?

This is true because if it isn't then there won't be other cryptocurrencies that people know until this day and even new ones. Thereare also similar crypto that is very much similar but modified into something else so that they have control over it like stopping people from making a transaction. I wonder how OP come up with this idea that it isn't possible to copy or use the original source to make crypto that we know of.

Title: Re: Natural selection explains why bitcoin will always rise
Post by: virtual_enthusiasm on April 28, 2024, 06:49:41 PM
To lizarder

Natural selection does not remove all losers from a system, it just creates a balance in which there are more winners than losers

if winners are those who buy and keep bitcoin, and if natural selection laws do apply to bitcoin, there will be more buyers than sellers and the price

will go up forever

To nakamura12

It's not possible to copy bitcoin because what proof of work discovered was resistance against replicability itself, which means that all other altcoins based on proof of work are

false, not decentralized