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Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: Fivestar4everMVP on April 29, 2024, 03:56:33 PM

Title: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on April 29, 2024, 03:56:33 PM
So, ladies and gents,

Here is a dude who parents trusted well enough to save their money in his bank account, that is, father of this dude (according to the dude) saved all his money on his son's (the dude) bank account, the dude went ahead to start doing sports betting with the money, and like this like this normally turns out most of the time, he eventually lost all the money the father saved with him without the parents knowing.

Later on, the parents found out and became very angry with him, he is thinking of how to handle the situation but doesn't know exactly what to do,
And let's say he somehow manages to replace the money, either by means of borrowing or working menial jobs to raise the money, will his parents ever trust him again to save large sum of money with him?

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Frankolala on April 29, 2024, 04:36:11 PM
Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?
I will be ashamed of myself and look for a means to pay back the funds to my parents. For me to be able to make up for my mistakes and win their trust back, I must quit gambling for a while, in order for me to be able to overcome my addiction. This is because it is only an addicted gambler that cannot be entrusted with money, because he will end up using it for gamble since he cannot control his gambling activities and would always want to chase his losses all the time.

If I quit gamble and overcome my addiction, I can look for so many ways so show them that I am now responsible and can be trusted upon with funds, but it would be hard for them to believe you, only if it was very easy for you to make the repayment in a short period of time, when his father noticed the money is no longer in his son's account. If it was very hard to pay back or was not paid back, you have lost their trust in you for life.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on April 29, 2024, 04:37:30 PM
And let's say he somehow manages to replace the money, either by means of borrowing or working menial jobs to raise the money, will his parents ever trust him again to save large sum of money with him?
Just as the parable goes, "It will be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for this boy's father to ever believe him with entrusting a large sum of money again". Which means it really going to be very difficult for this boy's father to accept him like before ever again, because as it stands now, it's already visible that trust has been broken, and when it's broken, it always take time to get heal back. Hence, I think the only advice I can give this boy now is to stop the habit of gambling with other people's money, while he sincerely go ask for forgiveness from his parents.

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?
If I was to find myself in this shoe, I think the best to do is to sincerely ask for forgiveness, try as much to go find a job, so as to repay even if it's 10% of the lost amount, while I stop gambling with other people's money.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: cabron on April 29, 2024, 04:44:03 PM

Parents always forgive their sons and daughters. Only a few parents will not forgive their kids, but most of the time they will forgive, trusting the money may be another issue. He has to gain the trust and will take a long time.

Eventually, this kid will learn as he has been regretting the entire time, writing his post about his situation. Give it time, his parents will even entrust all their assets for him to take care of. 

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on April 29, 2024, 04:49:36 PM
So, ladies and gents,

Here is a dude who parents trusted well enough to save their money in his bank account, that is, father of this dude (according to the dude) saved all his money on his son's (the dude) bank account, the dude went ahead to start doing sports betting with the money, and like this like this normally turns out most of the time, he eventually lost all the money the father saved with him without the parents knowing.

Later on, the parents found out and became very angry with him, he is thinking of how to handle the situation but doesn't know exactly what to do,
And let's say he somehow manages to replace the money, either by means of borrowing or working menial jobs to raise the money, will his parents ever trust him again to save large sum of money with him?

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

I don't think i can ever find myself in this kind of a situation, gambling should be done with an understanding that we either loose or win and there is more tendencies of loosing than winning, also, i would have been well aware of this as not a good idea in using other peoples money to gambling, money which i cant afford to loose shouldn't be used for gambling, using the money in my care from my parent to gamble is as nothing than a loss in priority, why cant i look for my own money and use such for gambling, so that i could understand well the meaning of what you cant afford to lose you shouldn't gamble with it, many newbies have fallen on this and lost their trust from their parent, all because they lack the understanding on which money should be used for gambling and why.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on April 29, 2024, 04:56:19 PM
Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?
I will be ashamed of myself and look for a means to pay back the funds to my parents. For me to be able to make up for my mistakes and win their trust back, I must quit gambling for a while, in order for me to be able to overcome my addiction. This is because it is only an addicted gambler that cannot be entrusted with money, because he will end up using it for gamble since he cannot control his gambling activities and would always want to chase his losses all the time.

If I quit gamble and overcome my addiction, I can look for so many ways so show them that I am now responsible and can be trusted upon with funds, but it would be hard for them to believe you, only if it was very easy for you to make the repayment in a short period of time, when his father noticed the money is no longer in his son's account. If it was very hard to pay back or was not paid back, you have lost their trust in you for life.
Yeah, sure truth, it's hard to ever trust a person again when they one way or the other breaks and loses the trust we had in them, and i agree that for this dude, it will be difficult for him to win back his father's trust again.

But what about that which is said about blood being thicker  than water? Do you think such statement does not apply in this type of situation?

And let's say he somehow manages to replace the money, either by means of borrowing or working menial jobs to raise the money, will his parents ever trust him again to save large sum of money with him?
Just as the parable goes, "It will be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for this boy's father to ever believe him with entrusting a large sum of money again". Which means it really going to be very difficult for this boy's father to accept him like before ever again, because as it stands now, it's already visible that trust has been broken, and when it's broken, it always take time to get heal back. Hence, I think the only advice I can give this boy now is to stop the habit of gambling with other people's money, while he sincerely go ask for forgiveness from his parents.

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?
If I was to find myself in this shoe, I think the best to do is to sincerely ask for forgiveness, try as much to go find a job, so as to repay even if it's 10% of the lost amount, while I stop gambling with other people's money.
What difference do you think it will make if the dude stops gambling with other people's money, but continue to gamble with his own money? I think it makes no difference, for gambling addiction knows nothing about who owns the money you are with, you will spend it without even knowing when you did.
I agree with you on him apologizing and seeking his father's forgiveness, this is actually good, but I have a question, if this was your son, I believe you will forgive him, but will you trust him again afterwards?

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Fiatless on April 29, 2024, 04:57:11 PM
Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?
The first step is to learn how to break free from gambling addiction. I would have to seek assistance with diverse strategies to ensure that I gain total control of my gambling activity. This is because if I don't deliver myself from gambling addiction, such an event might reoccur in the future.

My second step will be to apologize to my parents and assure them that such a thing will not happen again in the future. I would do everything possible to convince them that it was a mistake that would never happen again.

The third move will be to seek means to replace the funds. I wouldn't mind doing additional jobs to raise funds to enable me to replace the money. Taking a loan to replace the funds is not a good option for me unless the fund is needed for an emergency. I know that it will be difficult for them to trust me again but with time based on my changed gambling lifestyle, I might regain the lost trust.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Yatsan on April 29, 2024, 05:03:39 PM

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

Assuming that things have already happened, best way is to accept my fault if I would be on his shoes. Crying and getting mad of what happened will not bring back the losses. At the end of the day, the only thing we could do is to move forward and to learn from our mistakes. The given situation is not that detailed. Does he have work or what? 'coz if he has then I guess it would be best for him to save from his salary to re-pay the amount he lost in gambling, little by little. Being ashamed and full of regret is a normal thing to be, in this situation. But as I said, you have to accept things if there's no way we could do about getting it back. What's more important is to avoid having desires of playing again to compensate what has already happened because it will just make the situation worse.

Take a rest from gambling and focus on what is there to start with. Your life won't meant to end just because you have done something wrong. If you're worried of what your parents think of you, embrace it and show them that you've learned. They will just hope for the best of you, and that also includes correcting your wrongdoings.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Frankolala on April 29, 2024, 05:11:24 PM
Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?
I will be ashamed of myself and look for a means to pay back the funds to my parents. For me to be able to make up for my mistakes and win their trust back, I must quit gambling for a while, in order for me to be able to overcome my addiction. This is because it is only an addicted gambler that cannot be entrusted with money, because he will end up using it for gamble since he cannot control his gambling activities and would always want to chase his losses all the time.

If I quit gamble and overcome my addiction, I can look for so many ways so show them that I am now responsible and can be trusted upon with funds, but it would be hard for them to believe you, only if it was very easy for you to make the repayment in a short period of time, when his father noticed the money is no longer in his son's account. If it was very hard to pay back or was not paid back, you have lost their trust in you for life.
Yeah, sure truth, it's hard to ever trust a person again when they one way or the other breaks and loses the trust we had in them, and i agree that for this dude, it will be difficult for him to win back his father's trust again.

ut what about that which is said about blood being thicker  than water? Do you think such statement does not apply in this type of situation?
I am not saying that he can not gain his parents trust, he can in other aspect but not in terms of entrusting him with their funds anymore. If you look at my statement above, I also said that it still depends on how fast he was able to give the funds that he used to gamble back to his dad. If it did not take him much time, and he refunded it, it can tell his dad that he used the funds for something else and not to gamble. In this case, his dad can still trust him easily.

However, he needs to stop gambling and have disciplined himself enough, if he must continue gambling in order for him to gamble responsible, otherwise it will be useless for him to pretend in other to gain back his father's trust. This is because if he is still given money to keep in his custody, he will gamble with it, amd if he is not able to refund it back this time, the trust will be lost. Blood is thicker than water is assuming, he was given the money to invest, and the business failed or he lavished it, his dad can give him a second chance, but not on gambling.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: robelneo on April 29, 2024, 05:13:18 PM

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

They have the right to be angry and I should be ashamed of myself I'm very inconsiderate my parents are working hard to save that money, and the best way for me to proceed is to ask for a loan from a bank, to work or my friends to appease their anger.

I prepared to be indebted to other people rather than losing the trust of my parents, and I will stay away from gambling for them to see that I regret my actions, hopefully, they will forgive me for my wrongdoing.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: GxSTxV on April 29, 2024, 05:21:19 PM
In reality this incident happened many time with many people who gets addicted to gambling and ready to do anything to gamble, even to a point where they sell their own fortune, car, house, devices and even clothes just to get a sum of money and gamble. All of this due to greed and the obsession of getting a big prize thinking that one day they win the jackpot.
Personally in this situation, to gain back that trust from my parents, I would work to gain that sum of money and put it back in my father’s account. Find a job or start a business to show your success and independence from your parents without the need of help from them anymore. It’s going to be a hard journey, but it deserves everything to gain back that trust and gritting rid of addiction permanently.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Lida93 on April 29, 2024, 05:31:32 PM
Trust is a priceless currency that when lost it could take years to recover it, and when recovered it may never be same as it were in the initial. In some cases it is never recovered again.

But I thinking this case it can be recovered based on mother/father and son affinity if the young man in the story can retrace his steps like the prodigal son did and turn a new leave.

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?
Never had my parents saved money using my account but severally i have held business money not belonging to me alone in my custody and I haven't for a second thought tampered with it for use on other things over the years. All of this is out of years of intentional act of self discipline and not quite a large number of persons have earned it.

Like I said above, it's a parents to son issue, and it can't be that extremely  complicating to handle  as it should have been if it were with ordinary parties involved. Let the son ask for parents forgiveness and work for his own momento make his parents proud again. If his parents finds out he's turnedba new life and have started doing fine with his life they will definitely forgive him and share in his new life.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Issa56 on April 29, 2024, 05:43:49 PM
So, ladies and gents,

Here is a dude who parents trusted well enough to save their money in his bank account, that is, father of this dude (according to the dude) saved all his money on his son's (the dude) bank account, the dude went ahead to start doing sports betting with the money, and like this like this normally turns out most of the time, he eventually lost all the money the father saved with him without the parents knowing.
That’s really a crazy things, why do you have to disappoint your family members, that’s just so bad behavior, gambling shouldn’t be done with the amount which you can’t afford to lose, gambling with all the money which your father save in your account is really bad, it can even affect the father’s health condition if he hears about it, being disappointed by someone which you really trust is really painful, seriously I haven’t been in this kind of situation before, so I don’t even know how I will feel something like this happen to me.

Later on, the parents found out and became very angry with him, he is thinking of how to handle the situation but doesn't know exactly what to do,
And let's say he somehow manages to replace the money, either by means of borrowing or working menial jobs to raise the money, will his parents ever trust him again to save large sum of money with him?
It’s just better the parents shouldn’t ask for refund from the boy, because he might end up doing illegal things just to get the money which he will use to replace the money he lost in gambling,  the best thing is to look for solution to the boys gambling addiction problem, and never trust the boy with money again.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Hatchy on April 29, 2024, 05:54:16 PM
Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

Trust?a parent who really trusted their kid with such money and found out later in that he spent them all on gambling would never have such faith in him anymore. I wonder what children of this days are thinking? Maybe they have this idea that gambling can make Dem rich. Which is the wrong idea they are getting about it. His parents, made the mistake and I don't know why they left their money with him at first. Are they kids that couldn't leave the money with them. I don't think I'll be so stupid to use someone else money to gamble. Talk less of my parents I won't have such courage to do it. Gambling should be done with only our personal funds to avoid situations like this.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: AmoreJaz on April 29, 2024, 05:57:09 PM
Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?
Trust?a parent who really trusted their kid with such money and found out later in that he spent them all on gambling would never have such faith in him anymore. I wonder what children of this days are thinking? Maybe they have this idea that gambling can make Dem rich. Which is the wrong idea they are getting about it. His parents, made the mistake and I don't know why they left their money with him at first. Are they kids that couldn't leave the money with them. I don't think I'll be so stupid to use someone else money to gamble. Talk less of my parents I won't have such courage to do it. Gambling should be done with only our personal funds to avoid situations like this.

Trust is very hard to earn especially if you did something wrong. It would take so much effort and years before they will trust you again with money. But if you are sincere in making up with your parents, then, start earning your own money and as much as possible don't ask money from them. Since you spent all those savings, it means, you need to work hard for it and earn those money back.

If you need to accept odd jobs or side jobs to earn money, then you need to do it. You need to show your parents that you are regretting what you did. And if you are still a student, then it means, you may need to support yourself to let them know that you truly regret your wrongdoing.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Viscore on April 29, 2024, 06:05:33 PM
I would just have to be honest, people makes mistake, so am I, so all i can do is tell my parents about it and hope for forgiveness and promise not to do the same mistake again. They are my parents, so I know they can forgive mme because they love me, and I have to admit that I made a mistake of being an irresponsible gambler who loves sports betting.

It's not only about asking forgiveness for me, I have to get back the trust of my parents and will pay the money that I lost in gambling. That's how a responsible person should act, ask the mistake, and correct the mistake, and it will only be corrected if I can replace the money that I lose which they entrusted to me.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Franctoshi on April 29, 2024, 06:19:22 PM
Here is a dude who parents trusted well enough to save their money in his bank account, that is, father of this dude (according to the dude) saved all his money on his son's (the dude) bank account, the dude went ahead to start doing sports betting with the money, and like this like this normally turns out most of the time, he eventually lost all the money the father saved with him without the parents knowing.

Later on, the parents found out and became very angry with him, he is thinking of how to handle the situation but doesn't know exactly what to do,
And let's say he somehow manages to replace the money, either by means of borrowing or working menial jobs to raise the money, will his parents ever trust him again to save large sum of money with him?

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?
The truth is that he has already sold the trust that his father has for him, however things can still get fine if he does some couple of things, Therefore, My little advice to the gentleman is that, What could settle this case is dialogues with his father and if he really wants to gain the trust back, The young man should sincerely and boldly walk to his father and apologize, promise or assure his father that he's going to put back the money with time, and that such thing would never happen again, and not just end there, he should ensure he replaced, he shouldn't leave that space without approaching his Father, else things will fall apart.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Alphakilo on April 29, 2024, 06:47:17 PM
Stories like this breaks the heart. And gives us a reminder of how a gambling habit that is hidden from others is the more destructive than if it were open to friends and family. In the beginning the father will be very upset however as soon as he gets over his emotions forgiveness will be right by the corner.

If I were in the shoes of the guy in the story, I will not tell my parents rather I will take it as a life lesson and change my ways. The best way to ask for forgiveness in this case is to work to replace the money even if it is half of it and tell my father that I do not want to keep his money any more explaining what had happen. I will be ready to bear the consequneces.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: un_rank on April 29, 2024, 07:00:24 PM
You should never trust someone you know to be a compulsive gambler with sums of money. You should actually never hand an addict, regardless of the addiction, huge sums of money you do not want to lose. An addiction is a form of mental health challenge and should be managed as such until the person has fully recovered from it.

The topic title is moot. There's nothing to do in this situation, the deed is already done. If you can help yourself, start some jobs, save up the money, then open up to them and apologize. If you cannot help yourself, open up and seek professional help.

- Jay -

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: teddybear on April 29, 2024, 07:01:45 PM
So, ladies and gents,

Here is a dude who parents trusted well enough to save their money in his bank account, that is, father of this dude (according to the dude) saved all his money on his son's (the dude) bank account, the dude went ahead to start doing sports betting with the money, and like this like this normally turns out most of the time, he eventually lost all the money the father saved with him without the parents knowing.
I know a lot of people who, while in University. Made a lot of bad decisions and got into huge debt in gambling and were kept hostage until their parents bailed them out by paying the lost money. Some of the debt numbers were unheard of at that time for me. It can always turn into a slippery slope if one gambles recklessly. I have also heard stories of people who have lost their homes and ancestorial land as they lost it all gambling. One can only spread awareness about gambling and the slippery slope that could turn into a reality if not careful.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Maus0728 on April 29, 2024, 07:19:32 PM
Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?
Telling them the truth first of all is going to be the key in all of this, that's probably the only way that I'd be doing it. Facing the consequences of my actions are the hardest so I'm definitely going to be doing that and there's no way that I'd try to take the path where I need to say stuff where I'm not going straight to the point. The money can be replaced but the more you lie about what you've been doing and the more that you've been dodging the hard questions, the more difficult it's going to be for someone to trust you or build up that trust even a little. It's such a sad thing that these things happen more often when people are exposed to large sums of money, I mean it's just shows how strong the grip of greed is when it comes to the hearts of many people, we break bonds and trusts because of it.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: alastantiger on April 29, 2024, 07:57:13 PM
Parents nowadays are so busy and occupied with providing for their kids that the ignore the essential parts of their child's or children development. The hardly know who they are friends are, what they have been up to and even who their kids are. A parent who is able to talk at least for 10 minutes with his child or children everyday would observe the silent but noticeable symptoms of gambling addiction.

I put myself in the shoes of the young man. If it's worth me I would workmania jobs and do all sorts of jobs legally that will enable me to replace all of the money that I have lost through completely. If I don't I know my parents are never going to look at me the way they used to anymore.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: irhact on April 29, 2024, 08:02:34 PM
Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

Just like the dude who messed up, I'll feel very bad for such act, because I know my parents would be very disappointed at me and never trust me with their money again, but then whether I'm forgiven by them I'll make sure I try my best to replace the lost money, not through gambling or taking loans but working to replace the money, atleast they'll consider that I felt remorseful and might give me a second chance to prove myself worthy of their trust again.

 Anyways, he should grateful he's lucky he got good parents and his punishment was loosing their trust, i know some parents who wouldn't tolerate having a child who gambles and would go to the extent of saying they'll disown their child for such act. Also as a child who wants to give my parents the impression that I'm a changed person, after paying them the money I think the right thing to do is quit gambling even though it takes a gradual process to quit totally, atleast I won't spend recklessly on it nor allow them catch me doing it.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: summonerrk on April 29, 2024, 08:08:35 PM
Parents nowadays are so busy and occupied with providing for their kids that the ignore the essential parts of their child's or children development. The hardly know who they are friends are, what they have been up to and even who their kids are. A parent who is able to talk at least for 10 minutes with his child or children everyday would observe the silent but noticeable symptoms of gambling addiction.

I put myself in the shoes of the young man. If it's worth me I would workmania jobs and do all sorts of jobs legally that will enable me to replace all of the money that I have lost through completely. If I don't I know my parents are never going to look at me the way they used to anymore.

According to science, psychologists have found out that it is enough for parents to give children 15 minutes a day and this will be absolutely enough for the child not to experience attention deficit and grow up full-fledged, without depression and the feeling that he has been abandoned. It's very short in time, but it's really enough! In fact, even a small dialogue before going to bed will be enough to make the child happy.

Parents always believe in their children and are always ready to accept and forgive them, and this is the incredible power of parents, so we should always be grateful to them.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Forsyth Jones on April 29, 2024, 08:15:09 PM
So @Fivestar4everMVP... there is no one who has a good enough psychology to withstand this type of situation and it's certainly not easy to recover the money invested, especially if the person does not have any investment reserves or crypto holders who were profitable...
I'd definitely sell some assets enough to pay off the debt just to have peace of mind, and in the meantime, I'd stop betting immediately, then I would freelance, learn a new skill more in the development area, I'ld accept local jobs, and as I become more successful, I would open a company offering my development services, learn paid traffic and social media...

I don't judge the guy, we all make mistakes, we make stupid and irrational mistakes in search of easy profit, I hope this guy can get around this situation, because I imagine myself in the person's place... Although I'd never invest all my income, even more so with money borrowed from family members...

To give me a better idea of this case, what was the amount lost or approximate?

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: letteredhub on April 29, 2024, 09:04:42 PM
They really messed up acted foolishly but my advise will be to the parents of the boy. They shouldn't abandon the boy to his own way due to his embarrassing action, the situation is not just about a loss of money but also a loss of trust to them from their son but they should bring him close give him the psychological support he needs to survive out from his addiction to gamble.  Parents should be up to their parental responsibility in taking care of their children, listening to them on areas they are struggling with in their life as doing this can help prevent children from acting immorally giving that discipline.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Wexnident on April 29, 2024, 09:06:09 PM
Nothing you can do at that point lol. Things have already been done and no matter how much you regret you can't exactly return the money you spent to gamble. Even working it out to return the money probably would take a while, and no amount of money returned could probably return the trust that their parents have for him. Unless ofc the parents are THAT magnanimous.  Considering how he spent his parents' money, I assume he also spent everything he had so he's penniless at that moment. It'd be pretty hard to come back from that imo, not to mention that you have to pay the money you spent from your parents.

Still confused about why they decided to save all their money in one bank account though.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: ShowOff on April 29, 2024, 09:29:05 PM
If the person admits his mistake, especially to his parents, then it is reasonable for his parents to forgive that mistake. If it is a lot of money, then perhaps the level of trust his parents have in him will decrease, especially regarding money, so in the future his parents will avoid saving money with the child because they risk losing it all because of his gambling habit.

I don't know what part of the story to believe when he didn't mention how much money he spent gambling. Of course he could be expected to cover his losses by lending money to anyone or working hard and getting his money back, but his parents wouldn't know if he never spoke up and made a confession.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Yogee on April 29, 2024, 09:40:49 PM
and let's say he somehow manages to replace the money, either by means of borrowing or working menial jobs to raise the money, will his parents ever trust him again to save large sum of money with him?
I think this will really happen if the parents are really old and they have no other child aside from "the dude". They have no choice but to give him everything as inheritance. This situation sucks for the parents knowing that their son may not be able to do well in life since he would probably still gamble irresponsibly.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Churchillvv on April 29, 2024, 09:46:00 PM
I know for sure that I can be in such situations but for the fact that it's an assumption I will definitely try my best to bring back the trust.

Perhaps I find myself in such situations where trust has been lost, the only way back to my parents heart is to do what they ever wished for no matter how much it costs me. I will have to pay the sacrifice in order to remain trusted but if eventually this trust can not be brought back then I will forget about it and stay in my lane. Perhaps with the level of seriousness that they will see in me might turn their hearts.

I believe in one thing which is to let go what is lost, instead of me to kill myself along the line trying to impress or buy a favour or bring back a lost trust, I will rather forget about it. Something's are not worth dying for, their trust will not add another year to my life as long as I have apologised and feel remorseful for my inhumane actions I will let go of their trust.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: jossiel on April 29, 2024, 11:35:46 PM
Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?
I've been into that situation when I was still studying and spent my parents money just for doing nonsense stuff until I realized that we're not rich, and that hard earned money by my parents were put into waste.

They never know about that even up to this point. But I have to do what I gotta do and I have to stand and be responsible for my irresponsible actions and that's why I am working hard, giving back to them.

And never done that anymore, I value now every single cent they earn and of course mine too.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: acroman08 on April 29, 2024, 11:42:16 PM
Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?
tell them everything, if you want them to trust you again, there is no point in lying.

accept the consequences, because it is the only way you'll learn and realize the gravity of the mistake you made.

get help, seeing that the person most likely has a gambling problem, getting help is the best way to help yourself.

make changes to yourself and be better, show your parents that you can improve yourself and be the child that they can trust again.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Samlucky O on April 29, 2024, 11:49:16 PM

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

Honestly speaking It is bad though, but the truth of matter is that parent don't just judge a child by 1 mistake, a good parent will have a close watch at that child and see how frequent he will be in that same attitude. If it was really a mistake or out of negligence and decide to change never to do it again, he may still gain trust from his parent but where it becomes a thing of frequent then he may lose trust from his parents. Parents don't just take that kind of decition so quickly.

If it was me in this kind of situation I will apologise for that kind of silly mistakes and I will never dear to try such again. Because losing trust from parents is easy, but getting it back may take you a lifetime to gain it, or may never get it again Depending on some parents.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: avp2306 on April 29, 2024, 11:51:21 PM

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

Surrender to my parents and ask for forgiveness on what I have done. Also I want to seek for professional help or get into rehab since that situation put me in worse situation where I really disappoint my parent. For sure with that I can get a help to get out on addiction also I can regain back the trust of my parents.

Acceptance of what you have done can heal things and don't hide anything since it can worsen the whole situation and you might be place on more bad situation if you hide all of what happen to you. I know this is heavy but for sure your parents will understand us that we just fall into bad situation which can be fixable.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Davidvictorson on April 30, 2024, 03:14:12 AM
Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

As a parent if I find myself in this situation, I will not forgive the child immediately. I will let him know how angry I am with him. My forgiveness will come with terms and conditions. First, he must go for therapy. Second,  I am taking his phone away from him. Third, he would pick an extra-curricular activity and be involved in it. It could be joining a football team, basketball, swimming or any outdoor activity that is high intensity. I can replace it with learning a skill if he chooses.

As the child. I'll talk to the closest person my father listens to and request that he speaks to my father. I will also plead with the person so that I can live with him or her for some months because I will not be able to stand my dad. And during that month, I will take the steps to amend my ways and change.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: GreatArkansas on April 30, 2024, 03:21:05 AM
Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?
We must accept the losses and move on. Trust is the most difficult to gain back again in this world. Especially there is gambling related and money, that's difficult. And as you can see, the people also involved here are the family where these people must be the ones trusted and priority but we are destroying it.
The solution here is to talk, comfort, and ask for help. First is to improve ourselves and slowly move forward and don't make the mistakes again.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Oshosondy on April 30, 2024, 06:26:13 AM
Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?
His parent can trust him again but what can make his parent trust him again is if he later become rich and be able to buy land, cars and take care of his family successfully. I have seen two people that this happened to and noticed that their parents trust both of them again because luckily they become rich later and buy things for their parents.

If the person is not rich, see it like a sellotape that is removed from a war, put it again and remove it. The more you remove it, the less active it will become. That is how the trust will be. The more the son do something like that, the trust will fade more. Which means because he is not that successful, he will be like a sellotape removed from a wall which means the trust will reduce even though he has changed. Not that is parent will not trust him to some extent but just that it reduce.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Hewlet on April 30, 2024, 06:33:40 AM

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

why should you even become too indesciplined to the extent of gambling with people's money? Regardless of the closeness of the person with you, it's 💯 out of the equation to gamble with money that's not your own.

I don't even want to put myself in his shoes cause if I bring myself into this kind of situation, my parent are damn strict with there money to even transfer it all to my account and even if they do, with the level of strict parent I have, if you try such things you might end up sleeping in the sell for at least one week before you will have the you will even come out to think of apologizing to them.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Promocodeudo on April 30, 2024, 06:47:50 AM
So, ladies and gents,

Here is a dude who parents trusted well enough to save their money in his bank account, that is, father of this dude (according to the dude) saved all his money on his son's (the dude) bank account, the dude went ahead to start doing sports betting with the money, and like this like this normally turns out most of the time, he eventually lost all the money the father saved with him without the parents knowing.

Later on, the parents found out and became very angry with him, he is thinking of how to handle the situation but doesn't know exactly what to do,
And let's say he somehow manages to replace the money, either by means of borrowing or working menial jobs to raise the money, will his parents ever trust him again to save large sum of money with him?

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

Firstly trust is earned no matter the situation once you betray trust that was given to you friends or family, getting such trust back will almost be impossible, even though the see you changing to a different person their mindset will still be biased because of the former incident that has taken place already, I must condemn what the guy did in totality because you don't have gamble with either borrowed money or money that was entrusted in your custody by people that confined in you, gambling is not a sure game so why taking such risk, why didn't  this guy think of meaningful investment I think I Lt would have been better if he had invested that money into profitable investment, he has leant in a hard way. Talking about me being in this situation, I have never been in this situation and I won't be because am always afraid of holding someone's money beside I don't even allow such.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: davis196 on April 30, 2024, 07:02:18 AM
Is this guy above 18? I can assume that he is below 18, since his father is saving money for him.
It would be a total joke, if that guy is a grown ass man and his father is saving money for him. Being a "manchild" is absolute cringe, but the parents have to be blamed for their kids turning into immature and irresponsible adults.
Giving lots of money to a teenager is a recipe for disaster. The father made a mistake by giving access to the bank account to his son.
I would never find myself in a situation like this, because my father is dead and my mother doesn't get a big enough pension to save money for me.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Yaunfitda on April 30, 2024, 07:21:15 AM

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

Very hard if I'm in this situation, but I would have to man up and tell my parents what had happen and ask for forgiveness and hope that they will pardoned me, which likely I think any parents will do specially if they know that their kids is not like this before. And in term, I will really go away from gambling for good and I will not waste this chances that my parents give me. Not everyday that you will here this kind of situations though and it's really hard to get out of it. And try everything to amend your relationships with your parents and show that you are still deserving of their trust.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: bakasabo on April 30, 2024, 07:57:24 AM
If I get myself in the situation like OP has posted, the only thing that is left to do is to work. Pretty simple solution. Tell parents truth, apologies and dedicate next years of life working. There is no other way to solve this situation. When a person lost and owes money it does not mean that his life is over. It definitely going to change and be more complicated, but life continues. Find work, quit gambling, clear mind, focus on the goal (repay money lost) and dont try to search for quick solution. Those next years that are going to be spend in saving and limiting yourself in many things is a punishment.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Crypt0Gore on April 30, 2024, 09:48:27 AM
So, ladies and gents,

Here is a dude who parents trusted well enough to save their money in his bank account, that is, father of this dude (according to the dude) saved all his money on his son's (the dude) bank account, the dude went ahead to start doing sports betting with the money, and like this like this normally turns out most of the time, he eventually lost all the money the father saved with him without the parents knowing.

Later on, the parents found out and became very angry with him, he is thinking of how to handle the situation but doesn't know exactly what to do,
And let's say he somehow manages to replace the money, either by means of borrowing or working menial jobs to raise the money, will his parents ever trust him again to save large sum of money with him?

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

When it comes to money do not trust anyone, and that includes your wife and children, you can be disciplined enough to withstand any temptation with money but not the people around you, this days even love can be exchange with money.

I know the parents will feel hurt, thinking their own son can never do such thing but I have grown passed this, because I have seen sons doing evil things to their parents, I have seen son taking their parents lives so that he can be in control of all properties.

We are in a evil world and lack of money is the major thing causing these problems, the parent have no choice than to teach their son to be discipline, it is their duty as a parent to stand up and fight this bad habit from their son before it's too late.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: dmamigo on April 30, 2024, 10:26:10 AM

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

If this happens to anyone, just calm yourself and try to understand the fact that the money is lost. Try to figure out the capital/money lost. Bring clarity to yourself which will give you some peace of mind and confidence to pull yourself out of this.

Think about the ways you can earn the money back but this time in a legit way, like doing jobs etc.
Once you figure out everything, go to your parents, tell the truth, apologize, explain & clarify, assure and work.

Often these situations try to teach us something. Learn from it and move forward, not making these mistakes again. Also, tell others about your mistake if you see somebody making the mistake.

P.S.: In every situation you will have two options, either getting affected negatively or searching for something positive to move forward.
Having two options is inevitable.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: ethereumhunter on April 30, 2024, 12:42:17 PM
That's clear makes his parents becomes angry when they knews that their money is lost because of playing gambling. That mistakes is because he used that money to betting without his parents knows. When he lost in gambling and decides to continue playing gambling, he will have a chance to lose more money because his minds can't thinks clear and will thinks about how he can recovers his lose. It will not happens easily because in gambling, the more you play, the more you lose although you still have a chance to gets wins. But that wins will not too big than your lose because casino will not lets you wins big money easily.

His parents will not trust him 100% he already makes a big mistakes. It needs time for his parents to trust him again and he needs to proves that he is already change himself. He must leave gambling forever if he wants his parents trust him again and that will not easy.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Coin_trader on April 30, 2024, 12:51:30 PM

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

I will be honest on how fuck up my current situation and accept all the scolding that I deserve instead of making this as a secret since the parents might be relying on the funds for future use while it’s already gone. At least they have time to get the money in case they have an emergency which the loss money is being allocated.

The only way to regain parents trust on this situation is to find job and pay all the money owed to the parents. I’m on this situation before which I invested my tuition fee on local ponzi scam way back I’m still a student. I become honest to my grandma and help me to pay the tuition fees so that my parents will not scold me.

I missed my grandma so bad now.  :-\

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: dezoel on May 01, 2024, 03:18:24 PM
Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?
Well, earning their trust would be a bigger challenge than doing something about the money lost, in my opinion. As they say, trust, once it's broken, can barely be gathered again. So when you break someone's trust, you will barely be able to regain it again no matter what you do. Money is not that big of a problem because you can arrange it from somewhere if it isn't an extremely large amount.

I think I'm not irresponsible enough to do such a thing, but even if I did, I know I wouldn't have any other choice than to ask for their forgiveness and I'm sure they will forgive me eventually, even if it will be difficult for them at first because it isn't something very good to be done by any child and it isn't easy for parents to forgive such things but since they are parents and they love you unconditionally, they won't have a choice.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: coin-investor on May 01, 2024, 03:31:06 PM

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

Its not easy to regain the trust of your parents because of gambling, because parents do not want us to become addicted to gambling because they know that we can lose everything to gambling.
All you can do know is to how honesty that you will not gamble again and you will work to try to pay the amount you've loss, parents are the most understanding in this world.
If they see that you repented and will do good from now on they will trust you again and speak with you again, its your parents they only want what's good for you.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: SmartGold01 on May 01, 2024, 03:39:23 PM
Trust is trust and whenever the trust is soiled then there is no way to rebuild the trust again because at some point s/he might comprised at later ends because what made him to soiled the trust would always come up again. For me I wouldn't try it to put money in his custody again knowing too well that he doesn't control himself whenever there is fund In his hand. Let's take for example as a reputable member here whom a large sum of money is being entrusted in his hand or her hands and the money went wrong way what do you think could be his effects over here? Tags and flags right would he be trusted again No! Because he would still act the same.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: bitbollo on May 01, 2024, 03:43:47 PM
in such a situation the only thing to do is take any action to recover the lost money (legal and ethical action obviously)...

first of all he need a recovery plan to understand how much is needed and what amount can be collected.
I would do double work, I would sell my "postcard collection", I would save as much as possible and avoid any waste.
depends on the amount lost, these can be really serious problems... despite this recovery plan it is impossible to reach that specific amount again... Or It requires years and years...

I hope that he will never bets on anything again for life, I think he should also ask for help from addiction help associations or groups.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Ruttoshi on May 01, 2024, 03:48:25 PM
The deed has been done, and there is nothing much anyone can do rather than trying to make sure that he wins back his parents trust. First of all, the funds would be paid back to my parent for them to be happy with me, even though they got disappointed in me for messing up with their trust.

Winning back their trust is hard, but I think that one needs to make sure he becomes a change leaf, and show that to them in your actions. Take charge of some responsibilities, and also try to work hard and become successful, so that you give to them instead of using what they kept in your custody.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: ChiBitCTy on May 01, 2024, 03:54:08 PM
Very un-Dude like man. Not cool. 

I do not see why someone's parents would funnel their money in to their child's account outside of the potential for tax purposes.  I use to work for a law firm where the lawyer would do this with his daughters accounts to take advantage of some tax looop-holes.  Here, this just seems like straight negligence.

I guess sometimes the Dude doesn't abide. (

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: moneystery on May 01, 2024, 04:01:23 PM
this is what you will get when you bet money that you shouldn't have bet in the first place. because even though betting is sometimes very smooth and someone can win continuously, at one time they could lose all their money in a losing streak. i'm sure that his parents were very disappointed in him, because his parents must have hoped for the best when they entrusted the money to their child. and i'm sure that his parents' trust in him has changed now compared to before.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Twentyonepaylots on May 01, 2024, 04:08:31 PM
If I ever get in a situation like that, then that may be my lowest point in life. Imagine losing the hard-earned money of your parents because of betting and, at the same time, their trust, which is the most important thing that you should be taking care of. For example, even though I get to recover all the money that I've lost, I think it will not be the same anymore since your parents will have second thoughts about you whenever they are trusting you on something (financially or not). Love will still be there for sure because, at the end of the day, a parent's love will overcome their anger, but the trust won't be the same.

But for me, I don't think I will end up in a situation like that. I know my limits, and to be a gambler, we should be responsible financially, gamble what you can afford to lose, and gamble your own money, not anyone's money.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: YOSHIE on May 01, 2024, 04:11:33 PM
Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?
Parents and children, the two of them are a bond that will not be broken forever, the child's mistake is only using money to gamble and the father's mistake is saving money for the child, My understanding is that no one is to blame in this case, if both have to be blamed.
A parent saves money in his child's account, of course he already trusts the child. If he didn't trust him, of course he wouldn't have given the money to save it in the first place, it's just that he made a mistake using the money to bet.

If that happened to me, of course I would advise him well, of course I would still forgive my child's mistakes, but in the future with financial problems of course I won't trust him anymore.
We must not look down on situations like that, we must correct ourselves for the actions we have done in the past, money is not a problem for punishing children.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on May 01, 2024, 04:20:15 PM
this is what you will get when you bet money that you shouldn't have bet in the first place. because even though betting is sometimes very smooth and someone can win continuously, at one time they could lose all their money in a losing streak. i'm sure that his parents were very disappointed in him, because his parents must have hoped for the best when they entrusted the money to their child. and i'm sure that his parents' trust in him has changed now compared to before.
Very sure with that really, I mean, if I was to put myself in the shoes of the parent, I did rather have someone else entirely not related as a family do such a thing to me, than have my own son do it to me, will be 100x more heart breaking when people we hold dear to us end up disappointing us to such magnitude, than if done by someone we are not completely related to.

I believe that dude must have thought of ways to use the money the father kept in his account to his own advantage, and possibly not knowing what exactly to do with the money to make profit with it, he decided that betting was a good choice, unfortunately, this is something that the outcome is always unpredictable, and the worst part is, the more you keep losing, the more you keep feeling like you will win the next round, this makes the person to keep betting even more and more, and before he or she knows it, the entire money in the person's custody is gone, this is exactly another good example why we should never gamble with funds that is not ours, or money we really can not afford to lose.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: harapan on May 01, 2024, 04:33:59 PM
Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?
I will be ashamed of myself and look for a means to pay back the funds to my parents. For me to be able to make up for my mistakes and win their trust back, I must quit gambling for a while, in order for me to be able to overcome my addiction. This is because it is only an addicted gambler that cannot be entrusted with money, because he will end up using it for gamble since he cannot control his gambling activities and would always want to chase his losses all the time.

If I quit gamble and overcome my addiction, I can look for so many ways so show them that I am now responsible and can be trusted upon with funds, but it would be hard for them to believe you, only if it was very easy for you to make the repayment in a short period of time, when his father noticed the money is no longer in his son's account. If it was very hard to pay back or was not paid back, you have lost their trust in you for life.

Seeing myself in such situations will be like a guilts and shame that will keep lingering till God knows when,but it's a very bad idea to ever take or use money put in your hands for gambling,sport betting or whatsoever needs it may be, probably it's best to even ask of them if they refuse or not you know what next to do but not taking laws into your hands by using all of it.
And I don't think I can forgive myself doing that and i will not earn the trust they have for me again.

Tho there was similar issues of sort but the money didn't go for gambling but I regretted ever trying that cause the results was not fruitful

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Fortify on May 01, 2024, 05:05:36 PM
So, ladies and gents,

Here is a dude who parents trusted well enough to save their money in his bank account, that is, father of this dude (according to the dude) saved all his money on his son's (the dude) bank account, the dude went ahead to start doing sports betting with the money, and like this like this normally turns out most of the time, he eventually lost all the money the father saved with him without the parents knowing.

Later on, the parents found out and became very angry with him, he is thinking of how to handle the situation but doesn't know exactly what to do,
And let's say he somehow manages to replace the money, either by means of borrowing or working menial jobs to raise the money, will his parents ever trust him again to save large sum of money with him?

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

What would I do? Not be using another person's bank account tl store money for starters. It's an incredibly bad idea to do that and irresponsible for the parent. The son should not have taken the money obviously, but that is a huge and unnecessary temptation for a younger person who will not necessarily understand the risks of gambling. The son will be spending a long time to give back the money, only then can the broke trust start to be rebuilt - it will be a long journey to that point though.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: coolcoinz on May 01, 2024, 06:02:37 PM
This would be on me 100% so if I lost it I'd do everything I can to earn it back.

I don't know how much that was, but lets assume it's an achievable amount, not millions of dollars. I'd take a loan to put money on the account and I'd lie to my parents, tell them I have it all on the account. I'd be in debt but they'd still trust me and that's what's important here. You don't want to lose their trust and you don't want them to worry, so if you could get only 80% of the money in a loan or 50% tell them you borrowed the rest and will slowly earn it back, while the rest is for them to take right now if they want it.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: serjent05 on May 01, 2024, 06:08:24 PM

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

If I in the kids situation, I will admit my mistakes, as if there is a way to deny the lost of funds.  I will  not expect for my parents to trust me again but I will deeply apologize to them and would face any consequences and the responsibility and action needed for them to forgive me.

Trust once broken is hard to earn back but parents are forgiving, just give it a time and do whatever he can to appease the anger of his parents.  Be responsible and always be humble whenever our parents scolded us or asked us to do errands.  Since we are in the stage of earning back their trust, we should prove to them that we have changed and show them that we are trying our best to be a better person not in words but through the results of our actions.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: 348Judah on May 01, 2024, 06:16:48 PM
If I get myself in the situation like OP has posted, the only thing that is left to do is to work. Pretty simple solution. Tell parents truth, apologies and dedicate next years of life working. There is no other way to solve this situation. When a person lost and owes money it does not mean that his life is over. It definitely going to change and be more complicated, but life continues. Find work, quit gambling, clear mind, focus on the goal (repay money lost) and dont try to search for quick solution. Those next years that are going to be spend in saving and limiting yourself in many things is a punishment.

Some people wouldn't have that kind of courage to make such confrontation to their parents on the wrong they have done, not everyone can have this kind of boldness in approaching them, the more we should be mindful on how we gambles, we are to always remember that gambling is what we needed money to do, but we shouldn't engahe on fund misappropriation for this purpose, as for me, I don't even think i can't manage to wait and see this day coming, not at all.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: hedgeh0g on May 01, 2024, 06:23:43 PM
Of course, parents should not trust him after such an act, although many say that a second chance should always be given, I am against this idea. When it comes to money, even with relatives or family members, various problems arise and many, of course, do not expect them. If you collect the amount in your son’s account for example and replenish it with your own money, there is a very high probability that he simply will not value it, because he does not understand what work was done and how it was earned. It would be better if they taught him how to work and that he himself thought about where to get the money, this is much more interesting and it shapes him and accustoms him to work. I observed such situations a couple of times and everything was fine. In short, my best point of view is that it is better not to open such accounts at all, and if this happens, never give a second chance. It may sound a little harsh, but that's how it is.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on May 01, 2024, 06:35:16 PM
Parents will not trust him again because there is not a matter of just losing money but their son is involved in gambling and one cannot easily trust a gambler in future. Gambler will show you that he has changed his whole lifestyle and now he will not gamble but again he will break your trust by doing something worse just to get money for gambling.

Keeping a check on today's generation has become so difficult because they are experts in doing bad activities without letting it know to their parents. So we should not allow our children to be in contact with bad friends and don't allow them such a huge amount of money because money makes the teenager a part of gambling and other bad activities.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: dunfida on May 01, 2024, 06:44:32 PM
So, ladies and gents,

Here is a dude who parents trusted well enough to save their money in his bank account, that is, father of this dude (according to the dude) saved all his money on his son's (the dude) bank account, the dude went ahead to start doing sports betting with the money, and like this like this normally turns out most of the time, he eventually lost all the money the father saved with him without the parents knowing.

Later on, the parents found out and became very angry with him, he is thinking of how to handle the situation but doesn't know exactly what to do,
And let's say he somehow manages to replace the money, either by means of borrowing or working menial jobs to raise the money, will his parents ever trust him again to save large sum of money with him?

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

We do have a saying that once trust is broken then there's no way that you could really be able to get it back 100% and this is something that you should really be putting up into your mind and there would really be
no exemptions whether it would be into your own parents, wife,friends,relatives and other people because you have done something that shows that you cant be trusted. Well, you might be able to get their forgiveness
but doesnt mean that they do totally forgot on what you have done. This is why it would really be better that as much as possible dont make things which you do know that it could break their trust.
Just like been said that they could trust you back but not that 100% just like before, this is why you should really be careful into any condition.

They wont really be trusting you up again on handling out their money specially if you do have the history on making use of it without any permissions. Well, this is the primary
consequence or effect on the things that you have done so better be wary about these stuffs.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: DaNNy001 on May 01, 2024, 08:20:38 PM
And let's say he somehow manages to replace the money, either by means of borrowing or working menial jobs to raise the money, will his parents ever trust him again to save large sum of money with him?

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

When trust is broken, it takes a miracle for the person you broke his or her trust to believe in you once again.  Let's assume he managed to complete back the money he used for gambling, at first they won't trust him but, he can regain their trust only when he possesses a changed character. Meaning if he quits gambling and keeps up a good behaviour. When it comes to money or any valuable asset it's difficult to trust someone after they must have broken your trust but in this case he is their son and the love of parents towards their children is different from what an outsider can give, that is if your parents actually have parental love. I had a friend who has similar issue and his parents forgave him because he changed his attitude.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: GideonGono on May 01, 2024, 08:26:42 PM
Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

Assuming that I would be on the same spot, I honestly don't know how I could face my parents, knowing that the money that I've lost was their hard earned money.
I would try to pay it all of, and avoid gambling to show them that I've changed, even if it isn't to show them at least to make amends on my mistake.
And as a parent if I would be on the situation I also don't know how long would it take for me to get over it.
I don't know how long I could ignore my kid due to that incident and if I would ever trust him again.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Onyeeze on May 01, 2024, 08:33:09 PM

Parents always forgive their sons and daughters. Only a few parents will not forgive their kids, but most of the time they will forgive, trusting the money may be another issue. He has to gain the trust and will take a long time.

Eventually, this kid will learn as he has been regretting the entire time, writing his post about his situation. Give it time, his parents will even entrust all their assets for him to take care of. 
you have said it all because some parents do discipline their children whenever they do something wrong and after discipline them they would like to forget and Forgive Them once some other parents to does not like to even discipline them or Forgive Them they do things they feel like based on the no what they have because attender age of a child when it has done something and you continue to forgive the person being the child that will give the child a root to be doing more that is why some parents should show their children difficulties so that they can amend themselves in future but I know quite well that every parents have a forgiving spirit to his child

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Gozie51 on May 01, 2024, 08:56:10 PM

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

In this situation as the gambler in question, his parents will still have some trust in him as he is their son and if it is only the first time that he has done that then there may not be reason not to distrust him. They may not keep such money with him but the issue of trust have not gone with them, they are still family.

If I'm in his shoes then I would make sure that I make them realize it was a mistake that I relied on gambling to double the money. I will let them know it will also be in their own benefit if the money was increased as a result of the gambling risk taken. Hence every wrong has somethings you need to do to placate others and I will humbly plead mistake.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Hispo on May 01, 2024, 10:02:36 PM
To be honest, I don't think I could think clearly if I found myself in a situation like this one. I would feel very guilty and my mind could not make sense on how I would allowed my own greed to mess in such a way to completely lost the trust of my parents, who are the most important people for me on the world.

Though, assuming I could recover from such break down eventually, I believe I would commit myself on working to pay that money back to my parents and completely quit gambling as I manage to save enough money to pay all of it back.
Since we are talking about important amounts of money, I would also probably need to quit other habits and sell some of my things, like some videogames consoles, my computer and some clothing in good shape.

Regardless of what anyone of you would do, I do not wish something like this to ever happen to you.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: uneng on May 01, 2024, 10:12:00 PM
Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?
Lol, this is a very harsh situation be into... First of all, I would try avoiding as maximum as possible to spend money which doesn't belong to me. When the person does this, it's inevitable to no be seen in a negative perspective by the family and everyone else, because it's an action similar to stealing or betraying someone... I fear he is only going to be able to retrieve his reputation and respect towards his father by replacing all the money lost somehow.

He may work and accumulate money to repay his debt with his father. If he is able to do this, even though it takes a long time and a lot of effort from him, I'm pretty sure his father will forgive him and start to respect the son once again, because he has shown to be worthy of through his genuine efforts in an attempt to fix his previous mistake. Maybe he doesn't even need to repay the whole debt, but only his good will can be already enough to show his father he deserves to be trusted once again!

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: SatoPrincess on May 01, 2024, 10:15:22 PM
Once broken, it’s not easy to build trust again. It will take time and effort to get those you have hurt to trust you again. While I don’t think I can ever find myself in such situation, all of us have disappointed our parents in one way of the other. Hypothetically speaking, if I was in such position, I would try to replace the money, if I need to get work multiple jobs in order to make the money I would do it.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: angrybirdy on May 03, 2024, 08:27:00 PM
So, ladies and gents,

Here is a dude who parents trusted well enough to save their money in his bank account, that is, father of this dude (according to the dude) saved all his money on his son's (the dude) bank account, the dude went ahead to start doing sports betting with the money, and like this like this normally turns out most of the time, he eventually lost all the money the father saved with him without the parents knowing.

Later on, the parents found out and became very angry with him, he is thinking of how to handle the situation but doesn't know exactly what to do,
And let's say he somehow manages to replace the money, either by means of borrowing or working menial jobs to raise the money, will his parents ever trust him again to save large sum of money with him?

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

when it comes to trust, once it's broken, it's very difficult to restore it or it takes a long time before you trust again, but in this situation, his parents are the ones who lost trust and if I were the parents in the situation, I would be really angry and lost of trust, maybe no matter what the child does, I will always think wrongly. Maybe the better thing to do is to return all the savings that were lost and just understand that there is a process to restore trust, others take a long time and reach many years before being able to completely forgive, so to make up for it, just show that you are sorry for what you did or maybe you should reduce the gambling because once they see you participating in such activity again, there is a greater chance that their lack of trust in you will increase.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Juse14 on May 03, 2024, 08:47:05 PM
Of course, parents should not trust him after such an act, although many say that a second chance should always be given, I am against this idea. When it comes to money, even with relatives or family members, various problems arise and many, of course, do not expect them. If you collect the amount in your son’s account for example and replenish it with your own money, there is a very high probability that he simply will not value it, because he does not understand what work was done and how it was earned. It would be better if they taught him how to work and that he himself thought about where to get the money, this is much more interesting and it shapes him and accustoms him to work. I observed such situations a couple of times and everything was fine. In short, my best point of view is that it is better not to open such accounts at all, and if this happens, never give a second chance. It may sound a little harsh, but that's how it is.

I find such acts to be trust killers, especially when it comes to the relationship between parents and children. While many advocate for second chances, I stand opposed to the idea. Money issues can lead to various problems even among siblings or family members, not everyone is willing to accept it.

Take this scenario, if you deposit money into your child's account and later replace it with his own without his understanding the value, there's a high chance he won't appreciate it fully. Your child might not comprehend the effort you put into earning that money; hence, it would be more beneficial if he learns how to make his own money. Teaching him responsibility through work will have a greater impact on his character and instill a sense of worth ethic within him.

There have been a few instances where I've come across such scenarios, and all is well. Therefore, I believe the wisest perspective would be to refrain from opening such an account altogether. In the event that such a situation does arise, it might be better not to offer it another opportunity. Though it may sound a tad callous, such is life.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: goaldigger on May 03, 2024, 08:55:55 PM
Once broken, it’s not easy to build trust again. It will take time and effort to get those you have hurt to trust you again. While I don’t think I can ever find myself in such situation, all of us have disappointed our parents in one way of the other. Hypothetically speaking, if I was in such position, I would try to replace the money, if I need to get work multiple jobs in order to make the money I would do it.
There will always be a trust issues once you broke their trust with you and you have to accept that fact because it’s your fault in the first place. What you can do right now is to promise that you wont do the same mistake again and promise to repay it in time, also you have to show that you’ve changes already, and slowly they might trust you again because after all, you are still their son and they still need them to guide you.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: topbitcoin on May 03, 2024, 08:59:32 PM
when it comes to trust, once it's broken, it's very difficult to restore it or it takes a long time before you trust again, but in this situation, his parents are the ones who lost trust and if I were the parents in the situation, I would be really angry and lost of trust, maybe no matter what the child does, I will always think wrongly. Maybe the better thing to do is to return all the savings that were lost and just understand that there is a process to restore trust, others take a long time and reach many years before being able to completely forgive, so to make up for it, just show that you are sorry for what you did or maybe you should reduce the gambling because once they see you participating in such activity again, there is a greater chance that their lack of trust in you will increase.

I can try to recover some of the loss, for example, by returning all the money I lost when this happens to me. But it's important to realize that trust cannot be rebuilt overnight. The process of rebuilding trust is time-consuming; it can take years and often demands a significant commitment and effort from both sides.

One way to begin this journey is by demonstrating genuine remorse for your actions. Acknowledging your mistake and showing that you are genuinely sorry can go a long way in the recovery process. In addition, curtailing or quitting gambling altogether could serve as a positive step towards self-improvement. This demonstrates to your parents that you are serious about making amends for the past misdeeds and working towards a better future.

Yet it must be remembered that every individual and circumstance is unique, some individuals take longer than others to forgive and rebuild trust. It is crucial to persist and demonstrate patience, while also recognizing the significance of time and space in facilitating the healing journey.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Rockstarguy on May 03, 2024, 09:09:09 PM
Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?
I will feel so Dissapointed knowing fully well that I have disappointed my parents, they may let the money go but I'm very sure that the trust they once had towards me won't be their anymore.  In a situation like this I will try my best to see if I can work and raise money to give them back  because it will be so painful to always remember I how I lost money that belongs to my parents on betting.  If I don't pay the money back I don't think I will have  peace of mind.  Paying back the money will make them feel happy and will also make them understand that my action was a mistake which they would see I feel so sorry for myself trying to make amendments.  

But honestly this will be very painful expecially when it is just all the money they have. This not a news any parents are expecting to hear from their children.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: mirakal on May 03, 2024, 09:31:34 PM
If I get myself in the situation like OP has posted, the only thing that is left to do is to work. Pretty simple solution. Tell parents truth, apologies and dedicate next years of life working. There is no other way to solve this situation. When a person lost and owes money it does not mean that his life is over. It definitely going to change and be more complicated, but life continues. Find work, quit gambling, clear mind, focus on the goal (repay money lost) and dont try to search for quick solution. Those next years that are going to be spend in saving and limiting yourself in many things is a punishment.

Some people wouldn't have that kind of courage to make such confrontation to their parents on the wrong they have done, not everyone can have this kind of boldness in approaching them, the more we should be mindful on how we gambles, we are to always remember that gambling is what we needed money to do, but we shouldn't engahe on fund misappropriation for this purpose, as for me, I don't even think i can't manage to wait and see this day coming, not at all.
However, parents will always be parents that will accept the mistakes of their son and eventually get to trust on him again as long as he will avoid gambling anymore and will just focus on gaining a decent job until he gets to replace all the lost funds. Although this is very shameful for a gambler, but I think in the long run, parents won’t have to trust other people but only their sons or daughters.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Slow death on May 03, 2024, 11:09:50 PM
I highly doubt his parents would trust him again, his parents will always be scared of giving him money. I've seen these kinds of things here where I live. I've been to many houses where I live and I've noticed that when I say I'm going to give money to my children, parents immediately tell me not to do that under any circumstances, they don't tell me the reasons. but I suspect it's because the children took that money and will consume alcohol and gamble, unfortunately here in my country these types of stories are happening every day. I don't understand what is happening to young people in my country who in recent months have been asking for loans to play and after losing everything they commit suicide

and there are many cases of young people in my country in which they stole money from their parents to go gambling, these cases are publicized on TV in my country, I even thought that it could be cases of large-scale gaming addiction, and the only explanation that I found. because it is not normal for there to be many cases of suicide and imprisonment of young people in my country related to gambling, a few days ago there was a case in my country in which the parents gave their son money to pay for university, but they found out that the son kept taking that money intended to pay for college and putting it in games of chance and losing, when the son found out that his parents found out, he couldn't handle the disappointment he caused his parents and committed suicide

However, parents will always be parents that will accept the mistakes of their son and eventually get to trust on him again as long as he will avoid gambling anymore and will just focus on gaining a decent job until he gets to replace all the lost funds. Although this is very shameful for a gambler, but I think in the long run, parents won’t have to trust other people but only their sons or daughters.

Parents today are very different from parents 30 years ago, and it is normal for parents today to not forgive their children and put them in jail for stealing money from them. Nowadays parents think more about themselves

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: pinggoki on May 03, 2024, 11:35:20 PM
There will always be a trust issues once you broke their trust with you and you have to accept that fact because it’s your fault in the first place. What you can do right now is to promise that you wont do the same mistake again and promise to repay it in time, also you have to show that you’ve changes already, and slowly they might trust you again because after all, you are still their son and they still need them to guide you.
You're right about the trust issue part but I have to say something about the part where you promise them not to do it again, that's a contradiction to the first claim, even if you're the most sincere to your promise, you will not be able to gain their full trust again, it takes initiative to be able to at least fix the broken bond between you and your parents, show them that you've changed without promising them anything. The factor of you being their flesh and blood would definitely make things much better and easier but if you're from a western country that doesn't value family ties so much, you might have some problems.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Solosanz on May 04, 2024, 01:19:09 PM
His father was wrong because "no one can be trusted in this life except yourself", so if you asked or giving something to other people, never expect it will back to you.

What will I do? I will work hard and pay off all the money I used to gamble, there's no reason to regret and not doing anything, there's no turning back in life. But if my father report me to the police or do other thing to punish me, I won't complain because I know I did stupid thing.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Ultegra134 on May 04, 2024, 03:21:03 PM
Well, first things first, he has broken an important bond with his parents, they'll never ever trust him again, especially with anything that involves money. My first option in this case would be to work my ass off and recoup every single penny back. I believe it goes without saying that I'd stop any gambling activities, promise to never ever let myself go again, and even consider asking for assistance from a professional. Someone who recklessly gambles away all their parent's savings isn't in their rights mind, they're addicted.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Zoomic on May 04, 2024, 09:17:31 PM
So, ladies and gents,

Here is a dude who parents trusted well enough to save their money in his bank account, that is, father of this dude (according to the dude) saved all his money on his son's (the dude) bank account, the dude went ahead to start doing sports betting with the money, and like this like this normally turns out most of the time, he eventually lost all the money the father saved with him without the parents knowing.

Later on, the parents found out and became very angry with him, he is thinking of how to handle the situation but doesn't know exactly what to do,
And let's say he somehow manages to replace the money, either by means of borrowing or working menial jobs to raise the money, will his parents ever trust him again to save large sum of money with him?

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

I cannot imagine finding myself in such a situation because I will be very careful not to play bets with money entrusted into my care. Sometimes I wonder where some persons get their confidence from to think that they are going to gamble and win unfailingly. They cannot say they are not aware that gambling is a 50/50 game but they still choose to take the risks anyway.

In this case, it is quite easy for the parents to forgive and let go since it is their son involved,  but one thing is certain, trust has been broken already whether the money is recovered or not and no parent will be a fool again to entrust money into his hands. I just hope he learns his lessons and gamble more responsibly else he will find himself in more messy situations.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: sunsilk on May 04, 2024, 09:43:55 PM
Well, first things first, he has broken an important bond with his parents, they'll never ever trust him again, especially with anything that involves money. My first option in this case would be to work my ass off and recoup every single penny back. I believe it goes without saying that I'd stop any gambling activities, promise to never ever let myself go again, and even consider asking for assistance from a professional. Someone who recklessly gambles away all their parent's savings isn't in their rights mind, they're addicted.
That's the first way to stop further losses and that is to stop. Next, before you think working your ass off for you to pay off and cover the losses you did.

If you're brave enough, I think it's best to let your parents know what have you done. Admitting that you've gambled with money, no matter what happens, you've admitted your fault.

It's actually the first step into renewing your mind and they'd know that you need some help. Some may not agree to that but parents know what's best for us.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Odusko on May 04, 2024, 09:54:13 PM
First let us know what his aims are and what the money kept by the parents is main for, answering this two vital questions will help to lead us to a point where we can easily develope what the parents reaction will be when and if they ever get to hear this story, reason is that possibility is there for the guy to make that money in the near time and there by replacing back for the parents without them even getting to here the story.
But he should avoid ever taking such risk as to gamble with money that he can not afford to lose because for him to have used his parents savings means he is gradually becoming irresponsible and being inresponsible in gambling mean alot.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on May 04, 2024, 09:55:11 PM
Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?
People go through alot of awful things, just because they decided to dedicate their lives, wealth, insurance and properties into gambling..
Secondly, the worst thing would be breaking the family Trust; it's even more easy to regain your self - after several remorse from the effects of gambling - but it's worse when you betray people due to your lack of selfcontrol.
I can't assume myself in that position. In life, there are things you should learn to either AVOID or ADOPT. I wouldn't choose to gamble away my savings, talk more of the family fund.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on May 04, 2024, 10:03:28 PM
There are situations in which you already knows that you cannot be in such mess because you know how to gamble responsibly, in the sense that such will not affect you or the people around you by the way you do, those that cannot mange the little left in their disposal should not be given the opportunity to hodl plenty and later use them for something else, because this kind of people are the ones that will not be able to regulate or control the way they are gambling, all they do is to go reckless about how they gambles.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: DabsPoorVersion on May 04, 2024, 10:07:54 PM
Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

Only thinking about it makes me sad, thinking the trust and the money my parents have worked hard, it's not something that can be easily fix. Especially the trust , it's one of the hardest to build if you lost it.

If I find myself in this situation, working hard to return the money would be my priority. Even knowing that this won't bring their trust back, it's still the right thing to do. The next thing I should prioritize is to atone for what happened. This includes changing hoobies, considering gambling as off-limits, and be a better person.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Rabata on May 04, 2024, 10:26:22 PM
I don't know how much money the father gave to his son exactly, but since it is said that he was given all his money in his life, it will very difficult for him to recover the money. Because if you lose a lot of money particularly life saving assets, no one will lend you that money. Which is really hard to recover. To those who are willing to do such things or gamble, use an amount that you have no problem in gambling, otherwise our life may be wasted. If I had made such a mistake, I would have shared my mistake with my parents. Even if they are angry with me for a while, they will forgive me for telling the truth. But if I do this kind of work then they may not believe me. Especially if the amount is high.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Riginac111 on May 04, 2024, 10:31:08 PM
For me I will it disowned that child because the child is not meant to be useful and successful for him motor respect the father and they serve the father's money that the father entrusted in him, so you could not have the fear and he used the money to gamble I think that is the beginning of his downfall because what he did is something that will affect the entire family so I believe that we don't need to associate ourselves in such a thing but I will forgive the person but God will take control of everything that happened because anything that happened is based on God

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: lienfaye on May 04, 2024, 10:31:38 PM
And let's say he somehow manages to replace the money, either by means of borrowing or working menial jobs to raise the money, will his parents ever trust him again to save large sum of money with him?
He did a stupid mistake so probably his parents won't trust him again. But of course it can still change once he proved that he is not into gambling anymore and responsible enough by earning money on his own.

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?
I will repay the money by working hard. It's a process to get their trust again thus it will take time. I will stand on my own, not relying on them and prove that I am worthy to be trusted again especially i'm their child.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Ojinga on May 06, 2024, 01:47:06 PM
It's something to be ashamed of, one you didn't use the money on a legitimate way that's one thing that'll make them get angry more and never trust you again or thinking of saving a dem in your hand. At this point what you should do it's to take a loan and pay your father back.

Then after paying your father you can find a menial job to pay back the loan you took. For me that would be the only way out, after settling your parents don't ever think of their trust towards you again cause you killed it all.

The first place that I'll blame you much is that you know gambling it's a game of risk, you stake the first day you lose not releasing that the money it's not your's. But you continued betting you stake the next day and you continue losing thinking you might add more to the money lol.

Besides no one knows the purpose of the money why his father was saving the money for, you don't actually know if it's to tast him if his son can actually be trusted when it comes to saving or their was a purpose why his father decided to save the money to him, so that his wife won't know if his saving such kind of amount of money.

I do have a friend whose father have a lot of investment, then his father decided to do some savings with his first son and this boy was in highschool. Everyday the sum of $1000 in his bank account his father knows what he was doing, his trying to check if his son is capable to stand when his not longer strong enough.

But my friend was busy carrying girls and gamble always not knowing the purpose why his father decided to make such decision of saving money to his bank account.

At the end his father called him and said to him to come so that they can make account of the money that he have received so far. He went there their family accountant was there waiting all of sudden their was no money left in his account, that's where the trust and the Fatherly love ended because he wasn't thinking by than.

But I won't blame this mistakes that they made, do you know money can control you if you haven't learned how to handle it. Mostly when you're still young, so the father should've known how money works and first watch the lifestyle of your son before thinking of saving such amount of money to him.

When it comes to money it's something even if you've seen money or you have being saving money, their is huge amount of money that you'll surely misbehave the worst part of it. It's when gambling habits is in you and you're not aware of it by the time you receive such amount of money then you'll know how gambling habits works.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Casdinyard on May 06, 2024, 02:26:19 PM
So, ladies and gents,

Here is a dude who parents trusted well enough to save their money in his bank account, that is, father of this dude (according to the dude) saved all his money on his son's (the dude) bank account, the dude went ahead to start doing sports betting with the money, and like this like this normally turns out most of the time, he eventually lost all the money the father saved with him without the parents knowing.

Later on, the parents found out and became very angry with him, he is thinking of how to handle the situation but doesn't know exactly what to do,
And let's say he somehow manages to replace the money, either by means of borrowing or working menial jobs to raise the money, will his parents ever trust him again to save large sum of money with him?

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

Where are you getting all these stories from lol, these are insane!

On another note though, it's just a fucking rookie mistake that newbies shouldn't really do. We keep telling these new folks, Do not gamble with money that they can't afford to lose, and do not gamble with money that isn't theirs to use, more so take out a loan too just so they can facilitate their gambling indulgences, pretty stupid thing to do if you'll ask me. When gambling, the first thing that you have to take into account is making sure that the money you'll be playing with is money that you can lose and you'd still be okay with.

To all the kids in here, DO NOT GAMBLE at all, your brains are not that formed well enough for you to really fathom the repercussions of losing a huge amount of money, so just stay away from it. For young adults who are legally able to get into casinos already, just make sure you're not gambling from your dad's pockets or whatever, be more responsible, be smarter and don't go out spending out money that was not yours in the first place. Do not be like this guy.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Accardo on May 06, 2024, 02:42:23 PM
I don't know how much money the father gave to his son exactly, but since it is said that he was given all his money in his life, it will very difficult for him to recover the money. Because if you lose a lot of money particularly life saving assets, no one will lend you that money. Which is really hard to recover. To those who are willing to do such things or gamble, use an amount that you have no problem in gambling, otherwise our life may be wasted. If I had made such a mistake, I would have shared my mistake with my parents. Even if they are angry with me for a while, they will forgive me for telling the truth. But if I do this kind of work then they may not believe me. Especially if the amount is high.

Looking at the context, the player may have gradually wagered a huge some of his father's money, for him to have taken it to an online platform for help. Sometimes it's fair to hold our money ourselves. Though his dad trusted him for some reasons to entrust money on him, could be that his son was cool headed in the past, but have changed a lot recently without his father's consent. This is some of the challenges gambling could cause to the family.

Telling his dad would be the best choice, although he'd be ashamed of himself or worried of getting disowned according to the amount of money sent to his account. No need trying to replenish the money as it could cause him more losses. From the look of things he thought the money can be replenish by gambling more of it, but to his surprise all the funds got exhausted. Nothing will be better than sharing the truth with his dad. If the man is hypertensive or sick he can find a better way of passing across the message instead of lying to him, so that it won't affect his health.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Don Pedro Dinero on May 06, 2024, 02:42:41 PM
Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

Well, I'm not old enough for that to happen to me. I think it's a mistake to keep money in the account of someone other than yourself, whether it's your wife, child or parent. 99% of the time nothing will happen, but cases like this are a drama.

Where are you getting all these stories from lol, these are insane!

On the one hand, I don't like these stories because they can give the image that all of us who gamble are degenerate gamblers as in these cases, but on the other hand, degenerate gamblers are capable of evaporating real fortunes in record time.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: hyudien on May 06, 2024, 04:08:47 PM
For me I will it disowned that child because the child is not meant to be useful and successful for him motor respect the father and they serve the father's money that the father entrusted in him, so you could not have the fear and he used the money to gamble I think that is the beginning of his downfall because what he did is something that will affect the entire family so I believe that we don't need to associate ourselves in such a thing but I will forgive the person but God will take control of everything that happened because anything that happened is based on God
When he does gambling, there is a big possibility that he can become addicted to gambling, and if he is addicted to gambling then he can become addicted, after addiction of course he will not be able to easily get out of gambling even if he runs out of money to gamble but with a feeling that he is addicted to gambling he can take dangerous actions that are detrimental to himself, of course, maybe even other people such as family, actions that might be done are by stealing his family's money, or using money that is not his own. Because when someone is addicted to gambling, changes in thinking and attitude can occur quickly.
If I had a relative or friend who did such things as stealing other people's money for the purpose of gambling, maybe if it was only once it would not be too much of a problem, advising him is the solution. However, when he is not deterred by his actions, maybe I myself will take issue with it and cannot forgive him. Because apart from harming myself, it is clear that it harms other people.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: famososMuertos on May 06, 2024, 06:06:18 PM
I'm going to spend my shitpots for the week on this thread, which is already over 5 pages long.
The problem here is not taking money from your parents' savings, that is the eternal novel of "Guadalupe."  It is not doing it well, point.

These stories would be better if you know the betting amounts, which teams they bet on, what their frequency was, were they ever positive, etc. You know!

These are the data that interest us, the rest of the data is irrelevant, this is not a storyboard of life.

The 'rudeness' of the stories does not change the sick, spoiled, irresponsible, etc. individuals.

Gambling is assuming responsibility, it is not about forgiving.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: darkangel11 on May 06, 2024, 06:49:17 PM
On the one hand, I don't like these stories because they can give the image that all of us who gamble are degenerate gamblers as in these cases, but on the other hand, degenerate gamblers are capable of evaporating real fortunes in record time.

The way I see it many people are degenerates, period. They can be gamblers, or not, it doesn't matter. I know many such degenerates. I have drug addict for a neighbor who lives with his father and steals his money, demolishes the house when he can't get high... It's much worse than being a gambling addict. If it was about gambling he'd do the same.
I also know a guy who's alcoholic. He spends all his money on alcohol, then finds out he needs other stuff like electricity, food, so he steals that. He'll live in the basement to stay warm, but will always have money for a bottle.
The way to teach these idiots real life and responsibility is to send them to the army and make them wake up early every day and train, so they don't have time to think about getting drunk.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: DubemIfedigbo001 on May 06, 2024, 06:56:20 PM
So, ladies and gents,

Here is a dude who parents trusted well enough to save their money in his bank account, that is, father of this dude (according to the dude) saved all his money on his son's (the dude) bank account, the dude went ahead to start doing sports betting with the money, and like this like this normally turns out most of the time, he eventually lost all the money the father saved with him without the parents knowing.

Later on, the parents found out and became very angry with him, he is thinking of how to handle the situation but doesn't know exactly what to do,
And let's say he somehow manages to replace the money, either by means of borrowing or working menial jobs to raise the money, will his parents ever trust him again to save large sum of money with him?

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

He went too far to using funds that isn't his to gamble, but I'm not surprised, that's what's associated with addiction. He's broken the trust of his parents already and to handle this situation now, he has to quit gambling first, and go apologize to his parents, that's if the damage caused is limited to his parents being angry only because such actions causes health issues for these older folks. His remorse for his actions should include dissociating himself with the cause of his problem. He should also take responsibility of replacing the money he misused, I think it will make him more sensible.

He should try to live a better life and make more responsible decisions going forward. Also get his mind occupied with taking up a skill or  paid job to reduce his idle moments so he doesn't entertain wild thoughts that might lure him back into gambling for now. He shouldn't expect his parents to trust him again like before. That kind of trust hardly comes by again when broken already. He should forgive himself first, accept his present and work on having a better future. He's made a mistake and he's got to correct it.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Zanab247 on May 06, 2024, 07:02:12 PM
Quote from: cabron
Parents always forgive their sons and daughters. Only a few parents will not forgive their kids, but most of the time they will forgive, trusting the money may be another issue. He has to gain the trust and will take a long time.

Eventually, this kid will learn as he has been regretting the entire time, writing his post about his situation. Give it time, his parents will even entrust all their assets for him to take care of. 
But when the offenses is getting too much, it will make their parent not to forgive than to withdraw their trust from the sons and daughters because no parent that want to have a children who are addicted to gambling in the society because it will make people to disrespect the family.

If the children are above 20 years of age, I will know that they are telling me that they are mature to separate from the family to be on their own to start building their own family, and nothing will make such children to see my money to gamble.

One thing that will make their parents to know that the child has changed, is to see him not going to gambling center to bet games, before they will begin to trust the child as usual again.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Ojima-ojo on May 06, 2024, 07:02:27 PM
There are situations in which you already knows that you cannot be in such mess because you know how to gamble responsibly, in the sense that such will not affect you or the people around you by the way you do, those that cannot mange the little left in their disposal should not be given the opportunity to hodl plenty and later use them for something else, because this kind of people are the ones that will not be able to regulate or control the way they are gambling, all they do is to go reckless about how they gambles.
Very well said because when you gamble responsibly you won't find yourself in such situations that you waste away money that is not yours in trying to recover from your previous loses, or being so overly greedy and not paying attention to self control and responsibilities.

I am sure the gambler in this story is already sliding into addictions already if not even worst stage of addictions, because every responsible gambler's knows that gambling is just for fun and not money making means.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: aioc on May 07, 2024, 12:16:19 PM

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

You should understand the reaction and what your parent felt, they felt betrayed, you failed them, and they thought they could trust you because you are their son, there's nothing you can do but accept their punishment and harsh words.

The best thing you can do is to repay the amount you lose and regain their trust by not playing again until the time that you can sustain yourself and gamble with your own money.

Parents can easily forgive their children that tries to mend their ways.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: klidex on May 07, 2024, 01:13:22 PM
If I were in a situation like this man, I would definitely feel depressed because I have used all the savings of my parents who have trusted me all this time and will do anything to make my parents forgive me again and promise not to do it again and not gamble carelessly or use their money again if they entrust it to me, but I know for sure they are very disappointed and don't want to trust me anymore but slowly I will convince my parents by replacing all the money they have deposited into my account by doing any work, let's just say I'm taking out a loan and I have to return it somehow.

And it may be difficult to regain their trust, especially if we are blinded by the desire to gamble but don't have the money so we are forced to use other people's money and when we lose and the money runs out we realize that what we did was wrong. If we are trusted by someone, don't disappoint them by doing something wrong. This is detrimental to them, especially when it comes to trust and money because when our situation is difficult and we need help, they will no longer trust us.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: jcojci on May 07, 2024, 03:03:30 PM
The man had to admit his big mistake to his parents. After all, it was his mistake that had made his parents very angry and perhaps unable to accept his mistake. He must be able to return all the money in whatever way he can to regain his parents' trust again even though his parents may find it difficult to give him their trust. But the man should have done better so that his parents could trust him and this was a difficult thing because he had to be able to prove it to his parents so they could trust him again. It will be a matter of time and in the meantime, he could do a lot to restore his parents' trust.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Gaza13 on May 07, 2024, 03:09:04 PM
Parents will not trust him again because there is not a matter of just losing money but their son is involved in gambling and one cannot easily trust a gambler in future. Gambler will show you that he has changed his whole lifestyle and now he will not gamble but again he will break your trust by doing something worse just to get money for gambling.

Keeping a check on today's generation has become so difficult because they are experts in doing bad activities without letting it know to their parents. So we should not allow our children to be in contact with bad friends and don't allow them such a huge amount of money because money makes the teenager a part of gambling and other bad activities.
Yes, trust is like a piece of paper that you hold in your hand, the paper doesn't return to the way it was before. It seems that it must be difficult to forgive the child. The reason is that the money his parents worked hard for all this time was used uselessly and in vain. It's true what you say, it's the development of the times that makes it very easy for today's young generation to access anything on their cellphones, the method you mentioned above, by not interacting with bad friends or not giving pocket money to the child, this could be effective in preventing children from gambling again and has a deterrent effect on children.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: piebeyb on May 07, 2024, 03:47:19 PM
The man had to admit his big mistake to his parents. After all, it was his mistake that had made his parents very angry and perhaps unable to accept his mistake. He must be able to return all the money in whatever way he can to regain his parents' trust again even though his parents may find it difficult to give him their trust. But the man should have done better so that his parents could trust him and this was a difficult thing because he had to be able to prove it to his parents so they could trust him again. It will be a matter of time and in the meantime, he could do a lot to restore his parents' trust.
I think this happens almost everywhere, for example my friend, he sold all his parents' assets without his parents knowing, until in the end his parents found out that they were very disappointed to see their child's behavior so far, they thought they were good children, but In fact, it actually hurt his parents, even though my friend was a good person before, maybe because he was in the wrong company, his close friends taught him to gamble, which made his life chaotic and had to lie to his parents.

But luckily he realized that after getting advice from his friends including me, he was finally honest and admitted it to his parents so that finally his parents were willing to understand him, because every human being must have made mistakes and his parents wanted to understand that, finally slowly all the assets he had sold previously bought again just to prove that he really changed completely and doesn't gamble anymore, this is where we can learn the lesson that never gamble using other people's money, especially our parents' money, even if you feel like gambling, it's better to work and look for side money to gamble. because it's better than using parents' money.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Dewi Aries on May 07, 2024, 04:06:28 PM
Parents will not trust him again because there is not a matter of just losing money but their son is involved in gambling and one cannot easily trust a gambler in future. Gambler will show you that he has changed his whole lifestyle and now he will not gamble but again he will break your trust by doing something worse just to get money for gambling.

Keeping a check on today's generation has become so difficult because they are experts in doing bad activities without letting it know to their parents. So we should not allow our children to be in contact with bad friends and don't allow them such a huge amount of money because money makes the teenager a part of gambling and other bad activities.
Yes, trust is like a piece of paper that you hold in your hand, the paper doesn't return to the way it was before. It seems that it must be difficult to forgive the child. The reason is that the money his parents worked hard for all this time was used uselessly and in vain. It's true what you say, it's the development of the times that makes it very easy for today's young generation to access anything on their cellphones, the method you mentioned above, by not interacting with bad friends or not giving pocket money to the child, this could be effective in preventing children from gambling again and has a deterrent effect on children.

On the other hand yes maybe it is an act that is difficult for his parents to forgive when his son uses the money from his father's hard work to gamble and in the end loses the money because of defeat, but on the other hand I think in the end his parents will certainly forgive his son's actions because however and no matter how bad a child's behavior is he is their child, and also another thing is enough to be a question for me that there is a possibility that when it turns out that his son wins then maybe his parents will smile :D

But forget about that, let's go back to the original context that after all this is a disgraceful behavior committed by his son and I hope his parents can tell and teach him that his actions are very wrong. On the other hand yes it is true and I agree with you that nowadays the times are very modern especially the digital world where we can find everything just by opening the internet, there are many positive and negative things in it and it is not uncommon for some people to fall into the wrong path such as getting involved in online gambling thinking that they will be able to get a lot of money there which is clear that it is the wrong mindset if it is brought to gambling, honestly I don't know about the effective way to get children to stop gambling, but certainly reducing their pocket money and also limiting them in terms of using smart phones might work.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Doan9269 on May 07, 2024, 04:10:45 PM
I don't know if i should even blame the father along the way because he would have known his son attitude before handling over the money to him in his possession, there are things in which before we took action for, we would have known the kind of person we are dealing with, and in this condition, this was his son we are talking about, though the son have also disappointed himself and i don't think he will ever get that kind of trust again to handle anything that has to do with money.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: retreat on May 07, 2024, 04:28:57 PM

Parents can easily forgive their children that tries to mend their ways.

But in this case it seems that his parents will be very disappointed in him, because all this time his parents entrusted all their money to him, but he abused that trust by gambling all the money away. Even when I imagine being his parents, I really feel sorry for them and can't imagine how emotional and disappointed his parents would be towards him. Hopefully his parents won't have a heart attack when they find out about this.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: South Park on May 07, 2024, 04:51:53 PM
So, ladies and gents,

Here is a dude who parents trusted well enough to save their money in his bank account, that is, father of this dude (according to the dude) saved all his money on his son's (the dude) bank account, the dude went ahead to start doing sports betting with the money, and like this like this normally turns out most of the time, he eventually lost all the money the father saved with him without the parents knowing.

Later on, the parents found out and became very angry with him, he is thinking of how to handle the situation but doesn't know exactly what to do,
And let's say he somehow manages to replace the money, either by means of borrowing or working menial jobs to raise the money, will his parents ever trust him again to save large sum of money with him?

Assuming you find yourself in a similar situation as this, what will you do? How will you handle the situation to make your parents trust you again?

I am sure that a great deal of the forum members here will never find themselves in that situation, after all we believe on the proverb “not your keys, not your coins”, so I would never allow a son that is likely young and inexperienced to have so much money at their disposal, but assuming that it happened, the condition for my forgiveness will be very straightforward, the son has to recover all the money lost by working and the money has to be deposited to my own bank account, this way he will understand the true value of money and how difficult it is to earn it.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: jcojci on May 08, 2024, 05:11:05 AM
The man had to admit his big mistake to his parents. After all, it was his mistake that had made his parents very angry and perhaps unable to accept his mistake. He must be able to return all the money in whatever way he can to regain his parents' trust again even though his parents may find it difficult to give him their trust. But the man should have done better so that his parents could trust him and this was a difficult thing because he had to be able to prove it to his parents so they could trust him again. It will be a matter of time and in the meantime, he could do a lot to restore his parents' trust.
I think this happens almost everywhere, for example my friend, he sold all his parents' assets without his parents knowing, until in the end his parents found out that they were very disappointed to see their child's behavior so far, they thought they were good children, but In fact, it actually hurt his parents, even though my friend was a good person before, maybe because he was in the wrong company, his close friends taught him to gamble, which made his life chaotic and had to lie to his parents.

But luckily he realized that after getting advice from his friends including me, he was finally honest and admitted it to his parents so that finally his parents were willing to understand him, because every human being must have made mistakes and his parents wanted to understand that, finally slowly all the assets he had sold previously bought again just to prove that he really changed completely and doesn't gamble anymore, this is where we can learn the lesson that never gamble using other people's money, especially our parents' money, even if you feel like gambling, it's better to work and look for side money to gamble. because it's better than using parents' money.
We have seen this happen to some of our friends and even experienced it ourselves. But we can't do anything because it has happened and we can only admit that it was a mistake we made. We must be able to prove that we have really changed and don't want to do that anymore and we must not stop until we gain the trust of our parents. Trust is difficult to maintain, so we must guard it well and not violate it.

By always maintaining that trust, we can correct the mistakes we make, and slowly, our parents will give us trust again, and we have to really look after it. And we also have to remember that trust is hard to earn.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Assface16678 on May 08, 2024, 06:13:15 AM
The man had to admit his big mistake to his parents. After all, it was his mistake that had made his parents very angry and perhaps unable to accept his mistake. He must be able to return all the money in whatever way he can to regain his parents' trust again even though his parents may find it difficult to give him their trust. But the man should have done better so that his parents could trust him and this was a difficult thing because he had to be able to prove it to his parents so they could trust him again. It will be a matter of time and in the meantime, he could do a lot to restore his parents' trust.
I think this happens almost everywhere, for example my friend, he sold all his parents' assets without his parents knowing, until in the end his parents found out that they were very disappointed to see their child's behavior so far, they thought they were good children, but In fact, it actually hurt his parents, even though my friend was a good person before, maybe because he was in the wrong company, his close friends taught him to gamble, which made his life chaotic and had to lie to his parents.

But luckily he realized that after getting advice from his friends including me, he was finally honest and admitted it to his parents so that finally his parents were willing to understand him, because every human being must have made mistakes and his parents wanted to understand that, finally slowly all the assets he had sold previously bought again just to prove that he really changed completely and doesn't gamble anymore, this is where we can learn the lesson that never gamble using other people's money, especially our parents' money, even if you feel like gambling, it's better to work and look for side money to gamble. because it's better than using parents' money.
We have seen this happen to some of our friends and even experienced it ourselves. But we can't do anything because it has happened and we can only admit that it was a mistake we made. We must be able to prove that we have really changed and don't want to do that anymore and we must not stop until we gain the trust of our parents. Trust is difficult to maintain, so we must guard it well and not violate it.

By always maintaining that trust, we can correct the mistakes we make, and slowly, our parents will give us trust again, and we have to really look after it. And we also have to remember that trust is hard to earn.
I think the only will remain or be fixed it the mistake and the anger of the parents but trusting their son again just like that, I don't think they will ever do that again, maybe in terms of saving the money to the son's bank account, they will still trust him but not in terms of money, the thing is the parents know that once a person become addicted to gambling and use the money of others or even thought they know the importance of the money and still use it then it will be difficult to trust the money on that person again, imagine the son know how important that money to his parents and still manage to lose it all, I know the son is regretting but for the sake of the parents money and if I were the parents I will never ever trust that son again in terms of money or savings because if he does it once for sure there will be a point that he will lose control and spend it all again.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: jcojci on May 09, 2024, 07:32:14 AM
The man had to admit his big mistake to his parents. After all, it was his mistake that had made his parents very angry and perhaps unable to accept his mistake. He must be able to return all the money in whatever way he can to regain his parents' trust again even though his parents may find it difficult to give him their trust. But the man should have done better so that his parents could trust him and this was a difficult thing because he had to be able to prove it to his parents so they could trust him again. It will be a matter of time and in the meantime, he could do a lot to restore his parents' trust.
I think this happens almost everywhere, for example my friend, he sold all his parents' assets without his parents knowing, until in the end his parents found out that they were very disappointed to see their child's behavior so far, they thought they were good children, but In fact, it actually hurt his parents, even though my friend was a good person before, maybe because he was in the wrong company, his close friends taught him to gamble, which made his life chaotic and had to lie to his parents.

But luckily he realized that after getting advice from his friends including me, he was finally honest and admitted it to his parents so that finally his parents were willing to understand him, because every human being must have made mistakes and his parents wanted to understand that, finally slowly all the assets he had sold previously bought again just to prove that he really changed completely and doesn't gamble anymore, this is where we can learn the lesson that never gamble using other people's money, especially our parents' money, even if you feel like gambling, it's better to work and look for side money to gamble. because it's better than using parents' money.
We have seen this happen to some of our friends and even experienced it ourselves. But we can't do anything because it has happened and we can only admit that it was a mistake we made. We must be able to prove that we have really changed and don't want to do that anymore and we must not stop until we gain the trust of our parents. Trust is difficult to maintain, so we must guard it well and not violate it.

By always maintaining that trust, we can correct the mistakes we make, and slowly, our parents will give us trust again, and we have to really look after it. And we also have to remember that trust is hard to earn.
I think the only will remain or be fixed it the mistake and the anger of the parents but trusting their son again just like that, I don't think they will ever do that again, maybe in terms of saving the money to the son's bank account, they will still trust him but not in terms of money, the thing is the parents know that once a person become addicted to gambling and use the money of others or even thought they know the importance of the money and still use it then it will be difficult to trust the money on that person again, imagine the son know how important that money to his parents and still manage to lose it all, I know the son is regretting but for the sake of the parents money and if I were the parents I will never ever trust that son again in terms of money or savings because if he does it once for sure there will be a point that he will lose control and spend it all again.
He must be able to gain his parents' trust no matter how difficult it is because they are his parents. He caused the problem, so he must be responsible for gaining his parents' trust, and everything must be done even though it takes a long time. He should regret disappointing his parents and try hard to regain their parents' trust. He could have worked to earn money so he could return the money to his parents and gain their parents' trust and it was worth a try. He will never know which path can help him gain his parents' trust. If he can gain his parents' trust later, he must look after himself well and not disappoint his parents again because he can return to his parents well.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Outhue on May 09, 2024, 11:24:41 AM
The confidence that this guy has to use someone's money in gambling is evil, I called it evil because they are greedy and selfish, they dont care about what could happen to the money and also they felt nothing when the parent give him thr money to keep, I would have feel trust right away if my parent gave me money to keep, that shows they trust me, I wouldn't want to break that trust.

Now his parents will never trust him again, I have siblings that can't be trusted when it comes to money, in short we are not in good terms because of it, they take loan here and there and they most times get arrested by the people they are owing.

I hope he find a way to keep this trust in checked, and normally I won't trust a human like me when money is involved, even those who you respect so much are still lacking, even if they dont look like it, they will gladly use your money and may find it difficult to pay it back.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: irhact on May 09, 2024, 11:36:51 AM
The confidence that this guy has to use someone's money in gambling is evil, I called it evil because they are greedy and selfish, they dont care about what could happen to the money and also they felt nothing when the parent give him thr money to keep, I would have feel trust right away if my parent gave me money to keep, that shows they trust me, I wouldn't want to break that trust.

Atleast he's learnt a huge lesson, it's never good to take risks with someone else's funds, gambling is risky and it's also a game of luck and it's been advised that individuals should risk what they can afford to lose, therefore i wonder why anyone would want to risk someone else's money on it without having a second thought on the consequences it they lose. I wonder if the parents of that bettor would ever forgive him for such.

 If he had invested the money on some more profitable like buying Bitcoin and holding for long term, atleast he could pay them back during a bull run or if he had invested in other profitable business he would've been able to pay back and earn their trust again. Some parents, won't disown their child if they invested that money on something better they might only feel bad for a while for not informing them.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: South Park on May 14, 2024, 03:51:24 PM
The confidence that this guy has to use someone's money in gambling is evil, I called it evil because they are greedy and selfish, they dont care about what could happen to the money and also they felt nothing when the parent give him thr money to keep, I would have feel trust right away if my parent gave me money to keep, that shows they trust me, I wouldn't want to break that trust.

Atleast he's learnt a huge lesson, it's never good to take risks with someone else's funds, gambling is risky and it's also a game of luck and it's been advised that individuals should risk what they can afford to lose, therefore i wonder why anyone would want to risk someone else's money on it without having a second thought on the consequences it they lose. I wonder if the parents of that bettor would ever forgive him for such.

 If he had invested the money on some more profitable like buying Bitcoin and holding for long term, atleast he could pay them back during a bull run or if he had invested in other profitable business he would've been able to pay back and earn their trust again. Some parents, won't disown their child if they invested that money on something better they might only feel bad for a while for not informing them.
While he may feel regret, this does not mean he has learn his lesson, what he needs to do to earn back the trust of his parents is to recover that money, and the way to do this is by getting a job and save what he can until he gets back the amount lost, if he could do that I am sure he could get forgiveness, as making mistakes is part of being young and inexperienced, but right now he is just feeling sorry for himself, when he is not even the victim here.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: Woodie on May 14, 2024, 04:24:06 PM
Honestly this is a tough one, but we all agree that  mistakes are part of life and a parents love will supersed whatever anger might come as a natural  reaction but once they calm down am pretty sure something can be worked out to find resources for whatever they were saving for...but then again not all parents can react this way, some will disown you and cut ties with the child as the damage could be unbearable to them...

Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Honestly if you are going to gamble, gamble with your own money..there is just something about gambling with other people's money that doesn't give you a peace of mind and probably a reason why most lose money as their mind isn't in one place.

Title: Re: What will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation like this?
Post by: adpinbr on May 24, 2024, 04:55:41 PM
Looking at things, and the situation of things is very simple. It is just for the person to open up for the parents and tell the parents exactly what happened. It’s not just lying because of the situation trying to defend himself I guess telling the truth is Simple thing to do Telling exactly what happened but you have to use your wisdom because if you lie and you did not plan the very well it’s my turn back to you your parents will never trust it but if you open your phone with you and then if you did or how you did it and it was not, but if you know other better things that you can do how money got lost on the evidence.