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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: TEBTC on May 03, 2024, 09:16:26 AM

Title: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: TEBTC on May 03, 2024, 09:16:26 AM
Democracy is a form of government characterized by by majority role in which the power to choose their leaders is solely put in the hands of the masses . Democracy is characterized by some unique qualities like free and fair election with with duration of been in power and respect for rule of law
But unfortunately this is not the case in some African countries as the opposite is the case as in every election year that comes you hear of election violence, rigging of election to favour those in power, oppression and arrest of opposition figure infact the one that makes in thinking is influx of foreign and European observer to African elections
This lead me to ask questions is democracy made for Africa or can we go back to the way we where governing our self before the advent of colonisation
Guys let discuss why is African democracy so fragile and unstable that military is always taking over democratically elected government

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: kentrolla on May 03, 2024, 08:24:02 PM
Democracy should be given a chance in order for it to work but in Africa mostly it's millitary rule and numerous coups to get on power and at the same time I think we will see coups even for democratically elected candidates and we have seen this in Egypt (North Africa and middle East nation though).

I think it's because of power hungry war lord and maniac militants, it's really hard to go back to democracy.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: SATWAT on May 03, 2024, 08:36:22 PM
Democracy should be given a chance in order for it to work but in Africa mostly it's millitary rule and numerous coups to get on power and at the same time I think we will see coups even for democratically elected candidates and we have seen this in Egypt (North Africa and middle East nation though).

I think it's because of power hungry war lord and maniac militants, it's really hard to go back to democracy.
Completely agreed with your all statement about this with this region is never been easy as we have few big countries strong influence, and they need these military rulers which give them support and their required things which are they stealing and this is not possible in democracy so they also support these military rulers and coups groups which harm the countries and this region for their own interests.
In last few decades we are having too many conflicts which were just for the sack of interests of few big countries and not favorable for the common peoples but still happen and creating more troubles without any specific reason.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: Hispo on May 03, 2024, 11:55:54 PM
I believe democracy is possible in Africa, probably in most African republics of the continent, but first the people of those countries where democracy is fragile need to be aware why military rule continues to happen through time to time in their countries.
I am not from Africa, but in my experience it is because people lose faith in democracy, since some bad democracies offer situations for people with bad intentions to profit their charges and positions through corruption.
In a military rule, corruption can also take place but because of the centralization of power within a single warlord, because tend to assume it is likely for people to misbehave under the watch of a strong military regime.

The natural wealth of African countries is also supposed to serve to the interest of their own nations, instead the person interest of a small elite, since that small elite use the name of democracy to carry out their selfish plans, unfortunately people has associated "Democracy" with corruption and legal theft of their future and wealth. When in reality corruption can happen regardless of the government system which is set in place.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: moneystery on May 04, 2024, 08:22:24 AM
democracy should be implemented in countries where the majority of the population is educated, if it is implemented in countries with the majority of the population being uneducated, then the result will be anarchy or military rule. you can see how examples of democracy are implemented in many countries in africa, the result is that most of these countries end in coups or rebellions. because most countries in africa are not yet ready for democracy, the majority of them are suited to being led by an autocratic system.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: Kelward on May 04, 2024, 09:03:34 AM
democracy should be implemented in countries where the majority of the population is educated, if it is implemented in countries with the majority of the population being uneducated, then the result will be anarchy or military rule. you can see how examples of democracy are implemented in many countries in africa, the result is that most of these countries end in coups or rebellions. because most countries in africa are not yet ready for democracy, the majority of them are suited to being led by an autocratic system.
I doubt that you're from Africa, because you would've known that we have many educated people and when it comes to good governance, both the educated and the uneducated wants democracy because we've seen that it's the way forward to have quality leadership that the people wants. Where we have problems is that there are wicked and selfish individuals who determines the political class that rules in most African countries, that is why people will come out on election days and vote massively for their preferred candidate, in the end the elections will be rigged in broad daylight and there's nothing that the educated people can do about it, because going to court is a waste of time.

For democracy to survive in Africa, these  political thugs must be removed from influencing elections, and how to do that is the question.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on May 15, 2024, 01:55:19 PM
Clamouring or even hoping that democracy can strive in Africa is like those who expect the coming of their Messiah Jesus Christ. If if ask me I will say that democracy has done more harm than good looking at the level of embezzlement, looting and all sort of hinious crime that that place in our society, it's what you have seen it good change that one will think of given room to thrive, if you check the previous oast record in Africa you will realize that democracy has been given enough time but no improvement but reducing the economy development of Africa.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: Dunamisx on May 15, 2024, 02:15:45 PM
Democracy works and will continue to work in all part of the world, this is not a concern on Africa alone, but on the global effect, this is also more of a thing of politics and the people involved, if we really preached about politics, then we must know that its something all about freedom, we have to respect the peoples opinion in the adoption of democracy pattern of governance in other for everyone to be able to express their own interest.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: Marvelockg on May 15, 2024, 03:25:29 PM

Guys let discuss why is African democracy so fragile and unstable that military is always taking over democratically elected government
what you're trying to talk about is the possibility of having a perfect democratic system in the African scenario. This is not possible and it's not just an African narrative but relates with every part of the world. America, Europe, China and all the part of the world don't have a perfect democratic system where the will of the people is totally accepted at the end of the electionary process. Because democracy involves election of a preferred candidate, it's not going to be perfect. campaigning will always alt the efficiency of the democratic system and whoever is able to use whatever medium he finds at his disposal to will the mantle of leadership to his favour will end up winning at the pole and in most cases, it doesn't conform to the will of the majority but since by virture of the electionary system, whomever wins at the pole is deems the democratically elected candidate, some level of unfairness will Always surface.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: liasbaa on May 17, 2024, 05:20:51 AM
In some African countries, democracy exists only in name, mainly under the guise of anti-dictatorship and repression. For a long time foreign powers continued to rule much of Africa, now their shadows are operating and exploiting the people. Ahead of elections, parties try to seize power and create anarchic situations which are undesirable. Arrests have become commonplace to silence the opposition. But politically, this situation will not be easily resolved as foreign powers use political leaders they follow to run their shadow regimes in Africa.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: Dunamisx on May 17, 2024, 02:34:47 PM
If we are going to go deep into politics and the way of leadership in this contemporary world, we may also have to do away with the local traditions in which we do as inherited from our ancestors, some of these obligations are part of what is still affecting the way of running democracy in this new era and century, we all know that past then in the olden days, there is nothing like democracy, but this was later introduced for the people to also have say over what they want and who to lead them, which i expect as many of the African countries to also wake up from their local traditions in embracing through the new pattern of democracy.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: Zanab247 on May 17, 2024, 02:59:25 PM
Yes, Democracy can work in Africa, if the masses can stop selling their votes during election which is the tools many leaders in Africa are using to force themselves into power to miss use nations income to favor their family members alone.

But if the masses of Africa can stand against vote buying in all the countries in Africa, i guess their democracy will begin to work for the majority to elect who will lead them genuine in the land to bring more development to African.

You need to know that Africa has quality leaders who can take Africa to her next level, if they can allow democracy to work in Africa which I know that Africa are very close to that stage because there are some countries will go down, when democracy begin to work in Africa because they will not have the opportunity to bribe African leaders anymore.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: DeathAngel on May 17, 2024, 04:42:21 PM
African democracy can be fragile & prone to military takeovers due historical, political & economic factors. Many African nations have experienced colonial rule & subsequent struggles for independence which have left a legacy of weak institutions & divisions. Political instability, corruption & weak governance undermines democratic processes. Poverty & inequality can create conditions for discontent & social unrest.

Religious tensions fuel political instability. There is a cycle of insecurity enabling the military to exploit power vacuums & intervene in politics. Good governance & trying to address socio-economic disparities is crucial for achieving stable & resilient democracies in Africa.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: Volimack on May 17, 2024, 06:11:05 PM
Because of this political situation in Africa, the quality of life of the common people has not improved for many years. The advantages of incorporating a democratic system of government over an autocratic regime include reducing the potential for corruption. Democracy helps prevent and promote corruption by promoting education and governance in the public interest.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: uchegod-21 on May 17, 2024, 09:05:44 PM
Democracy is a form of government characterized by by majority role in which the power to choose their leaders is solely put in the hands of the masses . Democracy is characterized by some unique qualities like free and fair election with with duration of been in power and respect for rule of law
But unfortunately this is not the case in some African countries as the opposite is the case as in every election year that comes you hear of election violence, rigging of election to favour those in power, oppression and arrest of opposition figure infact the one that makes in thinking is influx of foreign and European observer to African elections
This lead me to ask questions is democracy made for Africa or can we go back to the way we where governing our self before the advent of colonisation
Guys let discuss why is African democracy so fragile and unstable that military is always taking over democratically elected government
Most African countries maintain the type of government that their colonial masters practice. Some copy from foreign countries and implement their own country. But one thing they do is whether they inherited it or the copy it they do not do the exact same version that they are Western counterpart do. For instance, in my country Nigeria the method of federation that they are practicing is very different from the one their colonial masters are practicing. True federation that is being practice in UK whereby resource control is invoked is different from what is obtainable in Nigeria. The federal government control all resources and pay allocation to the States while in a reset the state is supposed to control their resources and pay tax or allocation to be federal. This would have fostered growth and competition for growth among states. But in a nutshell, democracy will not survive where corruptions rules.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: madawg on May 17, 2024, 10:06:54 PM
Africa is too corrupt to to have democracy work because even if politicans are "democratically" elected they will still embezzle and nepotism will still carry on while at the same time blame the "colonial powers" for things when they have looted the country and everything falls apart. The only thing that works in Africa is plutocracy.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: BADecker on May 18, 2024, 01:33:53 AM
Democracy is a form of government characterized by by majority role in which the power to choose their leaders is solely put in the hands of the masses . Democracy is characterized by some unique qualities like free and fair election with with duration of been in power and respect for rule of law
But unfortunately this is not the case in some African countries as the opposite is the case as in every election year that comes you hear of election violence, rigging of election to favour those in power, oppression and arrest of opposition figure infact the one that makes in thinking is influx of foreign and European observer to African elections
This lead me to ask questions is democracy made for Africa or can we go back to the way we where governing our self before the advent of colonisation
Guys let discuss why is African democracy so fragile and unstable that military is always taking over democratically elected government

Democracy doesn't work for the people anywhere. Why? Because the people elected to power do whatever they want, anyway.


Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: mu_enrico on May 18, 2024, 05:18:05 AM
Democracy can work anywhere; however, it isn't the cure for all problems. It all comes back to the quality of the people involved. If you put incompetent people in charge, you'll get poor results. Whatever system you use, you need to have freedom confined by law and order. Some countries in the past experienced tyrannical governments first to establish law and order, leading to improvements in education and economic growth. Eventually, people became dissatisfied with the tyrannical regime, brought it down, and moved to democracy.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: BADecker on May 18, 2024, 05:32:11 AM
Democracy doesn't work for the people anywhere... except by accident. Why not? Because the government still goes into the hands of the elected dictators.

The only way Democracy can work for the people of a nation is if there is a Republic that the people are under, sitting right next to the Democracy, a Republic that can't be controlled by the Democracy except in very limited ways.

This is what was set in place by the people of the USA. US people think that they must obey the Democracy because they have forgotten that they are in the Republic part. But some of them are waking up... even though the Democracy is working as hard as they can to keep the people from remembering.


Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: Rockstarguy on May 18, 2024, 07:22:49 AM
Yes, Democracy can work in Africa, if the masses can stop selling their votes during election which is the tools many leaders in Africa are using to force themselves into power to miss use nations income to favor their family members alone.

But if the masses of Africa can stand against vote buying in all the countries in Africa, i guess their democracy will begin to work for the majority to elect who will lead them genuine in the land to bring more development to African.
I agree with you , the masses not being united can be used by politicians to get what they want, you look countries that democracy is fragile you will notice that the people are not united and politicians understand this game very well. Politicians that are desperate in occupying political positions their first agenda is to put division within the people,  if the masses can clearly understand this very well it will be difficult for Politicians to play their games. I have always the masses have the power to choose whomever they want as leaders but some people don't know this and they allow politicians to take advantage of them.

Politicians knows how powerful the masses are, that is why when it is close to election they worship the masses and her ready to do anything for them just because of what they are aspiring for.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: Gozie51 on May 18, 2024, 09:51:36 AM
Democracy is a form of government characterized by by majority role in which the power to choose their leaders is solely put in the hands of the masses . Democracy is characterized by some unique qualities like free and fair election with with duration of been in power and respect for rule of law

This is one key institution that makes the difference in democracy but it is obviously missing in African societies. First you need to have a genuine democratically elected government through the ballot. Even though no society is perfect and in the light of this, African governments are suppose to strive to get to the level of same democratic system that other countries have and then certain norma will be seen as an aberration to stand practice all over the world. There is no rule of law in all African society. Head of states in these countries are like gods that their words are order instead of constitution becoming the fundamentals of laws. And so these putrid abnormalities solidify corruption in all spheres of the economy by the cronies of government officials while social amenities become inachievable like because monies have been embezzled. It is a sad story in Africa, causing masses to escape to other countinent for job and good standard of living therefore increase braindrain becomes the tale of the African continent.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: BADecker on May 20, 2024, 02:39:14 AM
Anybody who is considering Africa, should look at the history of Tippoo Tib in the late 1800's. A doctor, Heinrich Brodie, wrote an excellent history that you can find here - - and in other places.

Tippoo Tib was an Arab. But he looked like a black. Born around 1832, and died in 1905, Tippoo Tib was a Muslim slave trader in Africa. There are several variant spellings of his name. Here's his picture.


Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: Ethan151 on May 20, 2024, 12:56:11 PM
Not all of Africa is experiencing democracy, but certain regions are. Simply put, selfishness has led African leaders to opt to put themselves first. I think a single global currency would be better for democracy and good governance since national leaders are taking national assets to compete with individuals from other countries, such as America, Europe, and so on.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: Asiska02 on May 20, 2024, 05:52:30 PM
This lead me to ask questions is democracy made for Africa or can we go back to the way we where governing our self before the advent of colonisation
Guys let discuss why is African democracy so fragile and unstable that military is always taking over democratically elected government

When technology has advanced, we can’t because of the little disadvantages of them not use the newest technology around that will make things easier for us. So is the case of Africa, we can’t go back to the colonisation era when everyone have enjoyed what it feels to be free and not under any dictatorship. Other continents that have embraced democracy are not like the African continent, have you thought about why it is so? We just have to accept the fact that our leaders are corrupt and without standing up against them all, we will not enjoy what other countries that have embraced democracy are enjoying. We can’t go back to colonialism, we should respect the rule of law and everything will be fine.

democracy should be implemented in countries where the majority of the population is educated, if it is implemented in countries with the majority of the population being uneducated, then the result will be anarchy or military rule. you can see how examples of democracy are implemented in many countries in africa, the result is that most of these countries end in coups or rebellions. because most countries in africa are not yet ready for democracy, the majority of them are suited to being led by an autocratic system.

I am not certain about your opinion that it is because of the Africa’s most populous people not educated that they don’t know how to practice democracy or practice it without any problems conceived from it. If you’d said it was because of selfish interest, it would have been better and more reasonable as a point why it is so. With selfish interest of leaders they can easily deceive the general public that are not educated into stealing the fortunes that are meant for the people for their self use. If your followers are not educated and you’re a Just leader, you can have a democratically government governed well with peace and equity.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: Ever-young on May 21, 2024, 07:38:14 AM
Democracy should be given a chance in order for it to work but in Africa mostly it's millitary rule and numerous coups to get on power and at the same time I think we will see coups even for democratically elected candidates and we have seen this in Egypt (North Africa and middle East nation though).

I think it's because of power hungry war lord and maniac militants, it's really hard to go back to democracy.

Yea, you are right, it's very very hard to go back to democracy again, as it has been already abused because most of our leaders seen military rule as the most effective in a way to rule us, and they are no longer interested to know the well being of their people, they do things for their own pleasure and we don't have any other choice than to just adhere to their order meanwhile democracy is not done that way.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: madawg on May 23, 2024, 11:11:40 PM
Another question that could be asked is "can democracy really work?" due to it either eventually turning into plutocracy once the institutions/pillars of democracy are captured or despotism once ignorant rabble of masses elect demagogues or arrogant social planners to run the shitshow.

Less guberment and a better informed/educated (in the sense of reality and not fiction) is the best option ..."in my opinion" (disclaimer: but but but ..mainly the ignorant have opinions) Can't win really :(

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: royalfestus on May 23, 2024, 11:41:26 PM
Another question that could be asked is "can democracy really work?" due to it either eventually turning into plutocracy once the institutions/pillars of democracy are captured or despotism once ignorant rabble of masses elect demagogues or arrogant social planners to run the shitshow.

Less guberment and a better informed/educated (in the sense of reality and not fiction) is the best option ..."in my opinion" (disclaimer: but but but ..mainly the ignorant have opinions) Can't win really :(
Leadership in Africa remains largely unchanged, with leaders often making decisions arbitrarily. During colonial times, colonial powers incentivized local leaders to make decisions that facilitated slavery, and those who resisted were killed. Today's leaders, operating under a facade of democracy, are similarly self-serving. They enact laws that promote corruption, use the police for personal protection, and receive support from certain self-interested international governments that benefit from their regimes.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: tsaroz on May 23, 2024, 11:53:44 PM
For democracy to really work, there should be a high degree of literacy and prosperity in the society. It's possible but hard for democracy to create a prosperous nation from a poor one. Most of the successful democracy now had some degree of autocracy that brought them prosperity that enabled them to create a working democracy.
Democracy doesn't work when the people are poor and uneducated. The political leader becomes corrupt and tries to keep the population in misery so that they can easily manipulate the vote either with money or with threat. They create fake enemies and fake events to deviate the focus of the population and their politics depends upon keeping the population in poverty.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: Hispo on May 24, 2024, 12:17:54 AM
For democracy to really work, there should be a high degree of literacy and prosperity in the society. It's possible but hard for democracy to create a prosperous nation from a poor one. Most of the successful democracy now had some degree of autocracy that brought them prosperity that enabled them to create a working democracy.
Democracy doesn't work when the people are poor and uneducated. The political leader becomes corrupt and tries to keep the population in misery so that they can easily manipulate the vote either with money or with threat. They create fake enemies and fake events to deviate the focus of the population and their politics depends upon keeping the population in poverty.

I do not completely agree with your explanation on democracy and the conditions which are necessary for it to thrive in a country. It may be dependant rather on the historical context and the cultural context in which democracy is trying to exist in the long term.
Look as Germany for example, after the defeat of the First Reich, Germany became a very poor country (when compared to the European standards), inflation was so high people rathered to burn money instead using the money to buy lumber for the winter, among other horrible experiences.
Even though the situation of the Weimar Republic was dire and many people felt hopeless, it was a relatively good functioning democracy, the same democracy which allowed the National socialist party to climb onto power in the first place, from there all what followed was a dismantling of democracy and the building of good times for the german people, in detriment of foreigners and the Jewish people.

Democracy was exist in many situations and it is supposed to be the tool for the people to vote out bad leaders and keep those who are worthy of the position, if that does not happen, then democracy is being vulnerated or altered in some indirect way.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: BADecker on May 24, 2024, 08:46:07 PM
Can democracy really work here in Africa

Democracy works great for the dictators. Why? Because people feel good... "I got to help select the leader I wanted by my vote."

All the leaders are Dictators. Some are good and some are bad. But Democracy works for them. And if the leader is a bad dictator, Democracy works against the people.


Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: Riginac111 on May 24, 2024, 10:09:38 PM
Democracy works and will continue to work in all part of the world, this is not a concern on Africa alone, but on the global effect, this is also more of a thing of politics and the people involved, if we really preached about politics, then we must know that its something all about freedom, we have to respect the peoples opinion in the adoption of democracy pattern of governance in other for everyone to be able to express their own interest.
for now I don't think that I like democratic leadership in my country precisely I think it that what will favor us is a military rule because the Democratic government has fed us in the sense that they are in hardship and the any of this leader is looking for the interest of the family not the interest of the citizen so I believe that a democratic government is not in favor of citizen

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: Hopila on May 27, 2024, 01:54:56 PM
Clamouring or even hoping that democracy can strive in Africa is like those who expect the coming of their Messiah Jesus Christ. If if ask me I will say that democracy has done more harm than good looking at the level of embezzlement, looting and all sort of hinious crime that that place in our society, it's what you have seen it good change that one will think of given room to thrive, if you check the previous oast record in Africa you will realize that democracy has been given enough time but no improvement but reducing the economy development of Africa.

It actually beats my imagination to see how you fell about democracy not  taking a positive twist in Africa.Because for me,I think democracy can actually work perfectly if  the elected leaders (politicians)are practicing democracy the right way without any form of dictatorship.

So for me democracy can actually work if it's been practice the right way.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: Dunamisx on May 28, 2024, 05:29:03 AM
Democracy has been working and could actually continue working only if the people will allow for that to exist, we are the same ones that influences a change, makes demands on what we want and also support the leaders on every of their actions taken, in which in the order of leadership, democracy permits for general or public opinion in its way of leadership unlike the military rule.

Title: Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa
Post by: JMBitcointernational on May 28, 2024, 02:04:11 PM
Democracy should be given a chance in order for it to work but in Africa mostly it's millitary rule and numerous coups to get on power and at the same time I think we will see coups even for democratically elected candidates and we have seen this in Egypt (North Africa and middle East nation though).

I think it's because of power hungry war lord and maniac militants, it's really hard to go back to democracy.
My dear mate i sincerely agree with you, in Africa the quest for power is quite alarming and virtually all the African leaders are very greedy and selfish, they don't have the interest of the citizens at heart and that's why we experience coup from time to time, they don't have respects for fundamental human rights and treat her citizens as animal and also deprive them of freedom. however, the chances of having a good democracy in Africa is very rare because African don't have sincere leaders and few sincere ones have been killed by the bad ones.

From experience and learning, i learnt that democracy is government of the people by the people and for the people, but in Africa the reverse is the case, because their leaders don't have even value the masses that voted them into different offices so democracy really cannot work perfectly in Africa because Africa is still a developing continent.