Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: Loosername on May 04, 2024, 06:13:05 AM

Title: Sign/open old bitcoins
Post by: Loosername on May 04, 2024, 06:13:05 AM

In june 2009 i was trying to mine bitcoin using commands, but i newer find or get any of this coins! The walue was to so smal at that time, so i didnt bother or work to hard to find them! I have been thinking about this for many years and i was thinking my computer was recykled years ago! But i find it and its up and runing! (Not online and stored safely now) It seems line the computer have «automined» every time it was online!
And dont ask me for any codes or numbers, im not stupid even of my bad english! 😂 And yes i know electrum did not exsist in 2009! I was using xml,json,sql…..

Does anyone know about this?: I have a «electrumkeyid», but i dont know what it is, or how to use it!

Here is how to sign a transaction with an offline Electrum wallet.

1. With your online (seedless) wallet, create the transaction using mktx:

./electrum mktx

XxxxxxAlot off numbers…. Xxxx

Note that returned json contains the unsigned tx in "hex". The field "complete" is false because the transaction is not signed, and "input_info" contains parameters that need to be passed to the offline wallet so that it knows which private keys to generate.

2. Sign the transaction with your offline wallet: pass "hex" and "input_info" to "signrawtransaction':

./electrum signrawtransaction

The command returns a fully signed transaction, as indicated by the "complete" field.

This transaction can be sent to the network with 'sendrawtransaction

Title: Re: Sign/open old bitcoins
Post by: LoyceV on May 04, 2024, 07:34:10 AM
Your post is very hard to read: you didn't mine Bitcoins, then you did, then you're copy/paste something completely irrelevant about Electrum. I'd say try again, make it clear what you're asking.

Title: Re: Sign/open old bitcoins
Post by: nc50lc on May 04, 2024, 07:51:30 AM
And yes i know electrum did not exsist in 2009! I was using xml,json,sql…..
If so, then please explain the situation more since this'll just aggravate the usual "suspicions" of these kind of topics.
People are rather doubtful of these claims recently.  (not that anyone can directly intervene with the recovery process)

What commands had you been using in 2009?

Quote from: Loosername
Here is how to sign a transaction with an offline Electrum wallet.
This transaction can be sent to the network with 'sendrawtransaction
I don't get the context, is this a reference of a tutorial or the steps that you did?
What's the result or error that it returned?

Does anyone know about this?: I have a «electrumkeyid», but i dont know what it is, or how to use it!
AFAIK, that is contained in old Electrum transactions export or server synchronization.
Later, renamed into "KeyID".

Do you have a seed or private key backup instead? Because that's what an actual backup is.
What does the file look like when you open it as text?

But don't count on that information alone (it's "As Far As I Know").
If you found no progress in this topic within a few days, it's better to ask the core developers about that matter later.
Link to Electrum's repo issues page: (

Title: Re: Sign/open old bitcoins
Post by: ABCbits on May 06, 2024, 09:27:38 AM
You're talking about many things at once. So i only can suggest you to search information manually either on ( or this forum using this search tool, (

And yes i know electrum did not exsist in 2009! I was using xml,json,sql…..

Do you mean you write your own mining / wallet software which use SQL database and use either XML or JSON format?

Title: Re: Sign/open old bitcoins
Post by: 348Judah on May 06, 2024, 04:22:31 PM
In june 2009 i was trying to mine bitcoin using commands, but i newer find or get any of this coins! The walue was to so smal at that time, so i didnt bother or work to hard to find them! I have been thinking about this for many years and i was thinking my computer was recykled

I think i can read something from this paragraph, which make me to wonder and think if you actually understands the requirements to mining bitcoin, there are thousands of miners there making the same attempt to mine and if you could recall on what proof of work is, anyone that first complete the mathematical equations solved will emerge the one to earn bitcoin as a reward, which the kind of device expected to be used din this operation should be a high definition specification that could provide with the required speed and storage needed, i don't know how this relate to your system being recycled and how you were unable to get the block reward and thinking about it for many years, also try to proofread your post before sending, there might be some typographical errors.

Title: Re: Sign/open old bitcoins
Post by: odolvlobo on May 11, 2024, 12:33:56 AM
In june 2009 i was trying to mine bitcoin ...

Cool story bro. Is there a question?

Does anyone know about this?: I have a «electrumkeyid», but i dont know what it is, or how to use it!

The key id was used to get the PGP signing key, which is used to authenticate the download. It is obsolete.

Here is how to sign a transaction with an offline Electrum wallet....

Why are you telling us this?

Title: Re: Sign/open old bitcoins
Post by: Yamane_Keto on May 11, 2024, 10:15:33 AM
I think @op is talking about libbitcoin command sign/send transaction.
I was not able to understand much, and I do not thinkx will come back to explain.

Title: Re: Sign/open old bitcoins
Post by: ascqrwasc33 on May 11, 2024, 11:37:25 AM
Broken LLM enters the room..
I think what he meant was that he thought he didn't mine any but turns out his computer did, or that's what he thinks atleast..  And now he thinks he has some discovered some text/strings that he has found on his old safely stored computer that he thinks he can sign and get the coins. That's what I gather from his post. Or maybe my first line.

Title: Re: Sign/open old bitcoins
Post by: MysteryMiner on May 18, 2024, 12:43:29 PM
Your post is very hard to read: you didn't mine Bitcoins, then you did, then you're copy/paste something completely irrelevant about Electrum. I'd say try again, make it clear what you're asking.
I think it is output from AI chatbot that have been trained on posts of some random guy from India. Or he is completely clueless and stumbled upon computer with old Electrum client...

Title: Re: Sign/open old bitcoins
Post by: NeuroticFish on May 18, 2024, 05:02:12 PM
And yes i know electrum did not exsist in 2009!
Here is how to sign a transaction with an offline Electrum wallet.

Does anyone know about this?: I have a «electrumkeyid», but i dont know what it is, or how to use it!

No. Not at all.
There may be Bitcoin. There may be altcoin. There may be nothing. You will need a lot of patience and you'll need to learn a lot. But you didn't start good enough with this post.

Try to remember what you've done, try to get some order in your thoughts, start by asking for help in your local community in a language you know. There are a lot of community areas on bitcointalk.
Maybe as a second step, if no proper help there, ask somebody help translating what you say - somebody meaning a person that knows at least a little bit about bitcoin, not a clueless AI.

For now it's not clear what you have done, what you've tried to do, what you've found out and what does Electrum in all this equation.

Title: Re: Sign/open old bitcoins
Post by: Cricktor on May 20, 2024, 06:51:47 PM
Although OP was last active on May 4th and didn't reply here any further, I'll add my bits to the puzzle.

If OP actually mined in 2009 with Bitcoin client software, it was likely with the original Bitcoin software (not sure if it was called Bitcoin-GUI back then or only Bitcoin Client). If this were the case, there should be a wallet.dat file on the filesystem of that computer. Have you searched for such a file on your device?

Why you bring up some gibberish with Electrum is likely a completely other topic and I don't see a connection with mining in 2009 at all. In 2009 to my knowledge Electrum wallet didn't exist yet. So, what are trying to express?

Title: Re: Sign/open old bitcoins
Post by: NotATether on May 23, 2024, 08:18:49 AM
I think @op is talking about libbitcoin command sign/send transaction.
I was not able to understand much, and I do not thinkx will come back to explain.

Even so, Electrum has nothing to do with bitcoin mining. It was not invented in 2009. It would probably be with the Bitcoin client as other specialized CPU miners had not been invented yet.

Unless OP was trying to somehow restore the coins into a new Electrum wallet, but that would not be possible unless they already found the location of where the bitcoin wallet was at.