Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: TEBTC on May 04, 2024, 04:36:39 PM

Title: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: TEBTC on May 04, 2024, 04:36:39 PM
Private sector refers to business owned and manege by individuals which are not government funded, private sector include business, companies, commercial banks etc which are owned and manege by private individuals who has nothing to do with government for the purpose of profit making

The role of private sector in developing the economy of any country is very crucial and important as the role of government in society is for protection of life and property and creating the right environment for business to strive
All over the world it's private sector that has helped the economy of nations, private sector involvement is needed for economic stabilization as government only can't do this alone

Private individuals are encouraged to start up business for the purpose of profit making in so doing they're in turn creating wealth
Let take an example of say an individual who is interested in sports business and brings out money to setup a football team, first the person will start by employing young youths and them of the street and labour market and at least for a football team to be set up you must need at least fifty individuals from the players to the couching Crew to the backroom staff then  the team that has been setup will need a stadium where they will be playing their match's so they will set up a structure in form of a stadium and this newly built stadium needs to be cleaned and and we'll taken care of so more people are to be employed again and salaries will be paid to them at the end of the month

So while the owner of the business who is profit oriented gets his return for investment when the team wins a league title or from transfer of players and from tickets sold to fans who come and watch their match's he has created wealth to his employees by way of paying them salaries which in turn translate to economic growth

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Stepstowealth on May 04, 2024, 05:03:13 PM
he has created wealth to his employees by way of paying them salaries which in turn translate to economic growth
This is a reason why it is important for employers to pay their employees well because it is a contribution to the economic growth. If employees earn well, they will have more to spend, and other business owners that they patronize will have more to either pay their own employees well or to spend on other businesses.
It becomes a cycle where everyone earns well, everyone is happy, crime rate reduces, and the economy improves.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: jrrsparkles on May 04, 2024, 05:06:23 PM
Not everything in a country can run by a government so which itself enough why we need private sectors to keep things in balance, of course government bend their rules in favour of them for whatever reasons while private sectors create job opportunities that again help someone to make money and they will spend the money they earned so that will obviously help in the development of economy in a country.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: kentrolla on May 04, 2024, 05:36:43 PM
Private sectors are backbone of employment and it does improve standard of living of people by providing them with job but there should be a friendly policies from the government in order for private players to operate without any hassle. Most of the time private businesses fails due to draconian laws or too many complicated policies floated by the government and you can take example of many nations which are doing well economically has a major contribution from private players.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: dothebeats on May 04, 2024, 05:39:39 PM
he has created wealth to his employees by way of paying them salaries which in turn translate to economic growth
This is a reason why it is important for employers to pay their employees well because it is a contribution to the economic growth. If employees earn well, they will have more to spend, and other business owners that they patronize will have more to either pay their own employees well or to spend on other businesses.
It becomes a cycle where everyone earns well, everyone is happy, crime rate reduces, and the economy improves.

This is a utopia you're referring to. In the real world, lots of companies will try to cut it short with their employees and take the huge portion of the pie and just throw pizza parties to the employees to avoid burnout. Sure, companies provide employment and salaries to their employees, but it's almost always certain that they try to reduce what they're giving their employees by not giving the right salary equivalent to the skill of their employees.

I've only ever had two companies I've worked for who really care for their employees and give them the best employment possible. They provide all the benefits, hand out bonuses in recognition for their work, and even promote profit sharing to eligible employees. Those companies are extremely rare, and the rest are just out to exploit their employees to do what needs to be done for the company.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: alastantiger on May 04, 2024, 08:25:56 PM
For the private sector to invest in the economy for it's growth, the government of that country must create an enabling environment that will attract them first. Without this the hands of the private sector will be tied. An enabling environment means, security. It means infrastructure development, it means that the private sector will not be over taxed and over-levied by the government. After this and many others, then the impact of the private sector will be felt all over the country.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Kemarit on May 04, 2024, 09:43:38 PM
he has created wealth to his employees by way of paying them salaries which in turn translate to economic growth
This is a reason why it is important for employers to pay their employees well because it is a contribution to the economic growth. If employees earn well, they will have more to spend, and other business owners that they patronize will have more to either pay their own employees well or to spend on other businesses.
It becomes a cycle where everyone earns well, everyone is happy, crime rate reduces, and the economy improves.

But the business should be huge though, to employed a lot of youth from their population for the jobs and others. And to give a good example though and I'm not condoning it although I'm a gambler as well, is Macau, which majority of their population are into this business and this is the main source of their GDP.

I do agree that private sector plays a role, but they can only do that much and sometimes, there could also be some resistance from the government to this private sector because they know they could be affected. Like in my country, there are billionaires here who wanted to build roads and infrastructure, but some government officials are blocking it and I'm hinting that they could be affected negatively because there could be no corruption money for them.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Darker45 on May 05, 2024, 02:43:20 AM
The role of the private sector can't be emphasized enough. In general, money is produced by the private sector. The private sector is where jobs are created. It is where goods and services are coming from. And it is where the government's revenue comes from. Although there are taxes paid by individuals to the government, the ultimate source is still the private sector. A healthy private sector means a healthy economy and, therefore, a healthy society.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: CODE200 on May 05, 2024, 03:45:42 AM
They're supposed to generate the biggest of taxes but it just so happens that the government officials that are supposed to take care of the masses are people that are placed by these rich people to protect the interests of the few that's in the circle of those rich people. Not all of the private sector are guilty of these things but those that are guilty are those that are legally evading billions of dollars in taxes that it's making it so that those that are innocent gets caught in the crossfire. They do contribute to the economic growth but the growth that they contribute isn't felt by many people so it's not really considered as such and it sucks to be the one that will face the consequences of their actions, there has to be something that we can do against these type of things if we all just banded together.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Sebas.tian on May 05, 2024, 04:32:52 AM
Yes, private organizations has played a good role in the economic growth of a country, because it creates surplus opportunities for the youths to have access to some organization to work so that they can have income to achieve at the end of the week or month to feed and pay other bills at home. Private organization is be managed and control by one person and any income that is coming into the organization belong to the owner of the organization, which government don't have the right to collect the income from the private organization. You can create your own organization if you have the capital, because that is the wish of many bitcoiners in this community to accumulate their wealth.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Etranger on May 05, 2024, 05:25:42 AM
The private sector is the engine of the economy and progress in general. The state works according to the principle “and that'll do, this will be enough,” there is no initiative in the public sector, no focus on development. A private initiative always works better because people know that they will get results (of course, we are talking about normal countries where entrepreneurs are not pinched and business is not squeezed out). In the public sector, results may not be visible for decades and people do not understand why they are working and what for.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: wxa7115 on May 05, 2024, 06:44:58 AM
Not everything in a country can run by a government so which itself enough why we need private sectors to keep things in balance, of course government bend their rules in favour of them for whatever reasons while private sectors create job opportunities that again help someone to make money and they will spend the money they earned so that will obviously help in the development of economy in a country.
If anything governments should stay away as much as possible from intervening on the economy, this is because most governments are incredibly inefficient by design, by creating a lot of government jobs that are not really needed, but that are given to friends or political allies as quotas.

And we have evidence of this with the many governments that have their own state companies and that are run terribly, often presenting losses and remaining afloat thanks to the taxes their citizens pay and not because those companies are run as they should be.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Don Pedro Dinero on May 05, 2024, 07:47:48 AM
The role of the private sector can't be emphasized enough. In general, money is produced by the private sector. The private sector is where jobs are created. It is where goods and services are coming from. And it is where the government's revenue comes from. Although there are taxes paid by individuals to the government, the ultimate source is still the private sector. A healthy private sector means a healthy economy and, therefore, a healthy society.

Of course. However much it is criticised, and however much it is sometimes abused, it is the private sector that drives a country's economic growth. The role of the public sector in regulating and preventing abuses is another matter, but the public sector in terms of contributing to economic growth is not usually very efficient.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: God bless u on May 05, 2024, 08:02:41 AM
Private sector refers to business owned and manege by individuals which are not government funded, private sector include business, companies, commercial banks etc which are owned and manege by private individuals who has nothing to do with government for the purpose of profit making

The role of private sector in developing the economy of any country is very crucial and important as the role of government in society is for protection of life and property and creating the right environment for business to strive
All over the world it's private sector that has helped the economy of nations, private sector involvement is needed for economic stabilization as government only can't do this alone

Private individuals are encouraged to start up business for the purpose of profit making in so doing they're in turn creating wealth
Let take an example of say an individual who is interested in sports business and brings out money to setup a football team, first the person will start by employing young youths and them of the street and labour market and at least for a football team to be set up you must need at least fifty individuals from the players to the couching Crew to the backroom staff then  the team that has been setup will need a stadium where they will be playing their match's so they will set up a structure in form of a stadium and this newly built stadium needs to be cleaned and and we'll taken care of so more people are to be employed again and salaries will be paid to them at the end of the month

So while the owner of the business who is profit oriented gets his return for investment when the team wins a league title or from transfer of players and from tickets sold to fans who come and watch their match's he has created wealth to his employees by way of paying them salaries which in turn translate to economic growth
Yeah I think private sector has a very important role in economic development but government has a big role in supporting these kind of private institutions and Businesses so that they can easily run their business.

I have seen that in unstable countries where there is no political stability it's very difficult to be a private business owner because you face a lot of backlash from government sectors.This needs to be addressed.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: pinggoki on May 05, 2024, 08:12:58 AM
Not everything in a country can run by a government so which itself enough why we need private sectors to keep things in balance, of course government bend their rules in favour of them for whatever reasons while private sectors create job opportunities that again help someone to make money and they will spend the money they earned so that will obviously help in the development of economy in a country.
If people are honest, the government would be enough to provide whatever the people in that country needs, private sectors are just businesses that want to make money because not all of the things that many people ask for can easily be provided by the government. Most people want more than others and so we got ourselves a capitalist economy and it just so happens that when you've got wealth, you can buy power and influence, that's probably a reason for why we have these private sectors, that's the end goal for most of these people anyway, to create a lasting impression and legacy.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: johnsaributua on May 05, 2024, 08:53:52 AM
That's good, there are sectors that are personally owned limited companies, supporting neighbourhood income and empowering the local economy. Here is the availability of employment, for me it is a very helpful thing if there are opportunities that are encountered, of course it has a big effect on the environment. I believe the state is also helped, having the prosperity of the people is a common dream not just the government. because if all rely on the state how very long it takes and a large budget to take care of the small sector. Because even though entrepreneurs are small for me, they have a very large contribution and contribution if put together. this is cooperation and continuity that runs. and here is where the economic function occurs, rotating and fulfilling both activities or transactions that occur in the area. when people can easily get and fulfill their lives, the unemployment rate can be suppressed and can minimise crime, because it will be well controlled and systematic. Even with different regulations in each sector in different regions, it does not discourage CEOs/owners from pursuing it.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: slapper on May 05, 2024, 11:34:08 AM
the private sector is the absolute great idea of the economy. It is growth. Private businesses, they're the cheetahs; they see an opportunity, and they seize it. That kind of quick adaptation is how innovation happens, and innovation creates jobs and fuels progress.

Someone sets out to create a new product, a new service. It's not just about them making a buck, it's about the ripple effect. They hire people, they need suppliers, those people spend their paychecks…it's a chain reaction that powers the entire economy. The government sets the rules of the game, but it's the private sector that actually scores the goals.

This is where personal finance and belief come in. Believing in that system, investing in those businesses; that's how you take control of your financial future. It's about understanding that when you support a company, you're supporting economic growth, and that growth ripples back to benefit you.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Eternad on May 05, 2024, 12:01:26 PM
They're supposed to generate the biggest of taxes but it just so happens that the government officials that are supposed to take care of the masses are people that are placed by these rich people to protect the interests of the few that's in the circle of those rich people. Not all of the private sector are guilty of these things but those that are guilty are those that are legally evading billions of dollars in taxes that it's making it so that those that are innocent gets caught in the crossfire. They do contribute to the economic growth but the growth that they contribute isn't felt by many people so it's not really considered as such and it sucks to be the one that will face the consequences of their actions, there has to be something that we can do against these type of things if we all just banded together.

This is the common practice of private company owners that has a self interest. Election on the country makes the government vulnerable on this kind of corruption since the winning politician will be indebted to business owner who funded their campaign expenses. This is the reason why some companies manage to cut their taxes and some steal funds from the government due to projects which is contracted by private companies.

Most of the big companies in my country involve on this kind shady dealing with the government and most of them have a member of their family is a politician. Only small to medium business suffers on the high tax here while big companies enjoy huge profit from government stolen funds from taxes and questionable projects.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: btc78 on May 05, 2024, 01:09:06 PM
he has created wealth to his employees by way of paying them salaries which in turn translate to economic growth
This is a reason why it is important for employers to pay their employees well because it is a contribution to the economic growth. If employees earn well, they will have more to spend, and other business owners that they patronize will have more to either pay their own employees well or to spend on other businesses.
It becomes a cycle where everyone earns well, everyone is happy, crime rate reduces, and the economy improves.
The problem is some people are just greedy and have no consideration for other people’s wellbeing. Labor misconduct has been one of the biggest problems of my country. A lot of businesses tend to just give their employees the bare minimum and employees have no choice but to accept since they still need to be working and earning something somehow.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Etranger on May 05, 2024, 01:32:29 PM
The problem is some people are just greedy and have no consideration for other people’s wellbeing. Labor misconduct has been one of the biggest problems of my country. A lot of businesses tend to just give their employees the bare minimum and employees have no choice but to accept since they still need to be working and earning something somehow.

I am aware of this problem, we have the same situation in my country as well. However, the situation is further aggravated by the fact that despite low salaries, there will always be someone who is ready to work in the same position for less money. And therefore there are no prospects for improving the overall level and quality of jobs and pay rates. After all, why to do so, if people already agree to any conditions.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: sunsilk on May 05, 2024, 03:32:00 PM
All over the world it's private sector that has helped the economy of nations, private sector involvement is needed for economic stabilization as government only can't do this alone
This is true.

Look at how the big tech companies invest in the developing economies because they want to help and at the same time profit from the situation that they're dealing with. This is the reason why there's the government-private sector partnership in many countries and they're both helping each other.

Private individuals are encouraged to start up business for the purpose of profit making in so doing they're in turn creating wealth
Let take an example of say an individual who is interested in sports business and brings out money to setup a football team, first the person will start by employing young youths and them of the street and labour market and at least for a football team to be set up you must need at least fifty individuals from the players to the couching Crew to the backroom staff then  the team that has been setup will need a stadium where they will be playing their match's so they will set up a structure in form of a stadium and this newly built stadium needs to be cleaned and and we'll taken care of so more people are to be employed again and salaries will be paid to them at the end of the month

So while the owner of the business who is profit oriented gets his return for investment when the team wins a league title or from transfer of players and from tickets sold to fans who come and watch their match's he has created wealth to his employees by way of paying them salaries which in turn translate to economic growth
To be honest, that example is vague. It's not applicable to normies like you and me but only to the big investors and businessmen. However, if it's about the owner of the team, it takes time for him to get his ROI.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Fausto Arta on May 05, 2024, 07:11:11 PM
Not everything in a country can run by a government so which itself enough why we need private sectors to keep things in balance, of course government bend their rules in favour of them for whatever reasons while private sectors create job opportunities that again help someone to make money and they will spend the money they earned so that will obviously help in the development of economy in a country.
Yes, the role of the private sector in the economy remains important because it can help society by absorbing labor, increasing people's purchasing power and creativity, and increasing state income. And the private sector can also participate in the development and financing of infrastructure that has been planned by the government. And of course, the government's role as the planning party is very necessary in monitoring infrastructure so that it can be used by the community.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on May 05, 2024, 09:50:49 PM
...has created wealth to his employees by way of paying them salaries which in turn translate to economic growth
I like the angle you made your point from, and as you said correctly, creating of jobs sure helps to lessen the burden of unemployment faced by the government and they still benefit from private businesses in form of taxes.
Every business has to pay tax and that's one requirement to be fully registered and banked as a legal business in any country of residence or trade partnership.

One thing though is that most private businesses don't provide the needed HMO or pension scheme that an employee would need in order to survive and thrive while being employed. Still taxes and royalties must be paid to the government inorder to have some license to operate and make profit.
Paying taxes thus contributes to economic growth.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: jrrsparkles on May 06, 2024, 06:13:56 AM
Not everything in a country can run by a government so which itself enough why we need private sectors to keep things in balance, of course government bend their rules in favour of them for whatever reasons while private sectors create job opportunities that again help someone to make money and they will spend the money they earned so that will obviously help in the development of economy in a country.
Yes, the role of the private sector in the economy remains important because it can help society by absorbing labor, increasing people's purchasing power and creativity, and increasing state income. And the private sector can also participate in the development and financing of infrastructure that has been planned by the government. And of course, the government's role as the planning party is very necessary in monitoring infrastructure so that it can be used by the community.

The moment we said private then profit comes as their priority, the job opportunities and other developments are just the secondary products from it, but government policies can keep things that can be benefit for the labourers too that is why companies don't like certain government and not going to manufacture their products while some other governments welcome them with wide open arms with no restrictions at all.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: AVE5 on May 06, 2024, 08:43:41 AM
Yes of course, the private sectors is playing virtual and vital roles accomodating the public in a massive support with the potential capacities to expand national economy under the watch of a government.
The private infrastructures is not only based on profiting the national economy on taxations but on the fact that it also attracts intercontinental corporative affairs to the society.
It has also helped in creating job opportunities with the applications of skills and knowledges within the masses of a society.
Infact, it's an impact filling the gaps by which the governments can't afford to do it all

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: justdimin on May 07, 2024, 10:12:03 AM
The role of private sector in developing the economy of any country is very crucial and important as the role of government in society is for protection of life and property and creating the right environment for business to strive
All over the world it's private sector that has helped the economy of nations, private sector involvement is needed for economic stabilization as government only can't do this alone

Private individuals are encouraged to start up business for the purpose of profit making in so doing they're in turn creating wealth
Let take an example of say an individual who is interested in sports business and brings out money to setup a football team, first the person will start by employing young youths and them of the street and labour market and at least for a football team to be set up you must need at least fifty individuals from the players to the couching Crew to the backroom staff then  the team that has been setup will need a stadium where they will be playing their match's so they will set up a structure in form of a stadium and this newly built stadium needs to be cleaned and and we'll taken care of so more people are to be employed again and salaries will be paid to them at the end of the month
I believe that we need a few things for a nation to keep going stronger. We do not need some communist nation stuff where everyone has no possession but everyone lives a similar life, that is not the way to go, but more like European nations, well before all of this immigration situation started at least. You just need government to put some laws in order, and then get out of the deal, that's it, you put regulations and laws and everything in there, which will make sure that nobody goes poor, and all you need to do is make sure that the laws are followed that is all you need to do.

But instead, a lot of nations keep trying to take money from certain people and give it to another people, that is not how you get better, you get better when everyone lives happy without government control.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: eightdots on May 07, 2024, 09:54:24 PM
Not everything in a country can run by a government so which itself enough why we need private sectors to keep things in balance, of course government bend their rules in favour of them for whatever reasons while private sectors create job opportunities that again help someone to make money and they will spend the money they earned so that will obviously help in the development of economy in a country.

If the state allows fair competition, the private sector's contribution to the economy will be positive. The state cannot give jobs to everyone and cannot establish areas where everyone can do business. That's why the private sector is needed. The private sector can create employment in areas that the state does not want or does not do.

The private sector's only function is not to create employment, but it also makes a positive contribution to the state depending on the business area. As I said, if fair competition is ensured in the market, private enterprises can make positive contributions in many areas.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: wiss19 on May 08, 2024, 08:02:31 PM
I believe that we need a few things for a nation to keep going stronger. We do not need some communist nation stuff where everyone has no possession but everyone lives a similar life, that is not the way to go, but more like European nations, well before all of this immigration situation started at least. You just need government to put some laws in order, and then get out of the deal, that's it, you put regulations and laws and everything in there, which will make sure that nobody goes poor, and all you need to do is make sure that the laws are followed that is all you need to do.

But instead, a lot of nations keep trying to take money from certain people and give it to another people, that is not how you get better, you get better when everyone lives happy without government control.
Few things seems not enough if we want to become or keep stronger but many things may be? I think communist nation do also has their own benefits? Because, it makes everything equal as you said and you know, many people nowadays are depressed when they think that someone is better or more wealthier than them.

I also/even think we don't really need a government but as long as people are already well disciplined, that should do the job and/but the more it can be attained when we are in a communist nation. I think a normal government or in a normal nation, can't control to make people not go poor, even if they strictly follow the government orders but this may be normal only.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on May 08, 2024, 09:28:03 PM
The role of private sector in developing the economy of any country is very crucial and important as the role of government in society is for protection of life and property and creating the right environment for business to strive

Private sectors can't function properly if the government sectors aren't helping matters in the country. Many African and developing countries aren't having a good turn up from their private sectors because of the policies of the government. In Nigeria the government just woke up one morning and started attacking the private banking sectors and asking fin tech banks not to accept new registration and if this banks don't get new users how will they get new business to make money and add to the economy of the nation through employment and paying of taxes.

Other similar things are happening in other countries with the hostile treatment from.govwrnment. Private sectors help in growing the economy of the nation but they governments have to be friendly to them for this to have full effects.

So while the owner of the business who is profit oriented gets his return for investment when the team wins a league title or from transfer of players and from tickets sold to fans who come and watch their match's he has created wealth to his employees by way of paying them salaries which in turn translate to economic growth

Have you heard of the case of Chelsea former owner and how the UK government force him to sell his club, this are things that discourage private business from coming to the nation. So again if the government don't create policies to welcome private businesses, the nation won't get them and there's nothing position they can contribute to the growth of the economy.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Abbatty on May 08, 2024, 09:35:19 PM
Private sector refers to business owned and manege by individuals which are not government funded, private sector include business, companies, commercial banks etc which are owned and manege by private individuals who has nothing to do with government for the purpose of profit making

The role of private sector in developing the economy of any country is very crucial and important as the role of government in society is for protection of life and property and creating the right environment for business to strive
All over the world it's private sector that has helped the economy of nations, private sector involvement is needed for economic stabilization as government only can't do this alone

Private individuals are encouraged to start up business for the purpose of profit making in so doing they're in turn creating wealth
Let take an example of say an individual who is interested in sports business and brings out money to setup a football team, first the person will start by employing young youths and them of the street and labour market and at least for a football team to be set up you must need at least fifty individuals from the players to the couching Crew to the backroom staff then  the team that has been setup will need a stadium where they will be playing their match's so they will set up a structure in form of a stadium and this newly built stadium needs to be cleaned and and we'll taken care of so more people are to be employed again and salaries will be paid to them at the end of the month

So while the owner of the business who is profit oriented gets his return for investment when the team wins a league title or from transfer of players and from tickets sold to fans who come and watch their match's he has created wealth to his employees by way of paying them salaries which in turn translate to economic growth
I think I agree totally with you, the private sector pay as much role as the public section in developing the economy if not much better role. Taking it from our street to our local society the shops, kiosk, and other little enterprises, they all pay a huge role in our day to day life.

Then taking it to the football you used as an example, let take the Nigerian league as an example, few  years back when most teams that participated in the league where mostly owned by the government, the league was too backward, like there where no TV rights then, but ever since the the private sectors started getting involved I will say the league have improved so much. You can watch some Nigerian league Matches on DSTV or even Startime, the mode of which they treat their player now is even different, there is increase in the players salaries, better stadiums and so much much all from the private sector. Even in Europe most of the team are owned by private sector that why it runs effectively and efficiently. So I will still say the private sector have a huge impact in our economy.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: 0t3p0t on May 09, 2024, 01:47:27 PM
Not everything in a country can run by a government so which itself enough why we need private sectors to keep things in balance, of course government bend their rules in favour of them for whatever reasons while private sectors create job opportunities that again help someone to make money and they will spend the money they earned so that will obviously help in the development of economy in a country.
Exactly, but sometimes both the people and these private sectors fall as  victims to corruption that might affect on it's operation and growth. It all really requires agencies fair treatment to all these tax payers so things will become progressive and profitable on both sides. Here in my country corruption is I think the new normal and it really slows down all the needed factors affecting the economic growth.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: CageMabok on May 09, 2024, 02:11:52 PM
Exactly, but sometimes both the people and these private sectors fall as  victims to corruption that might affect on it's operation and growth. It all really requires agencies fair treatment to all these tax payers so things will become progressive and profitable on both sides. Here in my country corruption is I think the new normal and it really slows down all the needed factors affecting the economic growth.
Corruption is a very bad thing and it not only affects economic growth in your own country, but also affects economic growth in other countries as well as in my country. Because corruption will forever be a bad thing in any country, every state party that has special authority to eradicate this must do so immediately in order to grow the country's economy fairly well and fairly. And on the one hand, I also imagine that if corruption is still ongoing in a country, any development in that country will never go well and could even trigger the bankruptcy of a country because of this.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: lizarder on May 09, 2024, 02:12:56 PM
Private sector refers to business owned and manege by individuals which are not government funded, private sector include business, companies, commercial banks etc which are owned and manege by private individuals who has nothing to do with government for the purpose of profit making 
Most people prefer to work in the private sector because we can arrange our own time and procedures to develop each business we are involved in. In the end, all of us talk about the benefits of working in the private sector or in government, the difference is that when we build our own business the results will be ours. The government cannot possibly reach all levels of society so that the presence of jobs in the private sector can help the process of human life.

Working in the private sector also has advantages where we are given targets according to the work we are involved in and the bigger the target we achieve, the bigger the profits we will get. That's why some people prefer to work in the private sector which has work targets because they can make more money.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: jrrsparkles on May 09, 2024, 03:20:42 PM
Not everything in a country can run by a government so which itself enough why we need private sectors to keep things in balance, of course government bend their rules in favour of them for whatever reasons while private sectors create job opportunities that again help someone to make money and they will spend the money they earned so that will obviously help in the development of economy in a country.
Exactly, but sometimes both the people and these private sectors fall as  victims to corruption that might affect on it's operation and growth. It all really requires agencies fair treatment to all these tax payers so things will become progressive and profitable on both sides. Here in my country corruption is I think the new normal and it really slows down all the needed factors affecting the economic growth.

Corruption exists everywhere but as long as the policies restrict people from anything it can save people from exploiting their resources whether the tax payers money or its human resources on the whole government leans towards the big hands which is obviously who is running the system which includes private sectors too.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Moreno233 on May 09, 2024, 04:05:15 PM
Not everything in a country can run by a government so which itself enough why we need private sectors to keep things in balance, of course government bend their rules in favour of them for whatever reasons while private sectors create job opportunities that again help someone to make money and they will spend the money they earned so that will obviously help in the development of economy in a country.
A country where the government handles everything will definitely not be called capitalism. In a capitalist country, the private sectors are the drivers of the economy, they create more jobs and help in engineering the circulation of funds. What the government do mainly is to create the enabling environment for the private sector to thrive. As soon as the enabling environment are created through programs and policies, the private sector will naturally spring up and flourish and this is how a responsible government is measured. Monetary policies, ease of doing business, basic and social amenities are some of the things that constitute the enabling environment and these are the core responsibilities of the government.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: RockBell on May 09, 2024, 09:35:59 PM
Yes of course, the private sectors is playing virtual and vital roles accomodating the public in a massive support with the potential capacities to expand national economy under the watch of a government.
The private infrastructures is not only based on profiting the national economy on taxations but on the fact that it also attracts intercontinental corporative affairs to the society.
It has also helped in creating job opportunities with the applications of skills and knowledges within the masses of a society.
Infact, it's an impact filling the gaps by which the governments can't afford to do it all
The private sector have made a lot of contributions to the national economy so but individuals and the government have benefited from the private sector even in term of employment they are private sectors that are paying well more than government jobs. And there are NGOs that are specifically designed to help the government in building most of its sectors.

Having private sectors its a blessing to us because things are getting out of hand even the government are finding it difficult to maintain. And in skills acquisition a lot of people have benefited. After learning a skill some will even go out of will to share tools to work with after the whole program i remember I registered with one a long time ago about fish farming and lata they gave us fish and feed so its a good one from the NGOs.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Yukyzu on May 10, 2024, 12:50:28 AM
Exactly, but sometimes both the people and these private sectors fall as  victims to corruption that might affect on it's operation and growth. It all really requires agencies fair treatment to all these tax payers so things will become progressive and profitable on both sides. Here in my country corruption is I think the new normal and it really slows down all the needed factors affecting the economic growth.
Corruption is a very bad thing and it not only affects economic growth in your own country, but also affects economic growth in other countries as well as in my country. Because corruption will forever be a bad thing in any country, every state party that has special authority to eradicate this must do so immediately in order to grow the country's economy fairly well and fairly. And on the one hand, I also imagine that if corruption is still ongoing in a country, any development in that country will never go well and could even trigger the bankruptcy of a country because of this.
Economic growth will be very difficult if corruption occurs in a country, this is because government officials continue to think about their own interests and never think about how their country can develop well. If the government can eradicate corruption then this will be able to improve the economy. a country can develop well and if this is not eradicated then it will be very difficult for the government to carry out development in various ways because there will always be projects that cannot be completed because the budget for these projects has been divided among those in power, such as What you say is very true, it is possible that a country will go bankrupt because of officials who are too corrupt.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Darker45 on May 10, 2024, 02:28:07 AM
Not everything in a country can run by a government so which itself enough why we need private sectors to keep things in balance, of course government bend their rules in favour of them for whatever reasons while private sectors create job opportunities that again help someone to make money and they will spend the money they earned so that will obviously help in the development of economy in a country.
Exactly, but sometimes both the people and these private sectors fall as  victims to corruption that might affect on it's operation and growth. It all really requires agencies fair treatment to all these tax payers so things will become progressive and profitable on both sides. Here in my country corruption is I think the new normal and it really slows down all the needed factors affecting the economic growth.

Same here. My country is rotten to the core. Corruption is the rule of the game. There's red tape. There's too much bureaucracy. There's the need for grease money every step of the way. There are necessary gifts, which are bribes, and so on. This is suffocating for businesses.

The private sector is a victim. Fortunately for them, they can play the game, especially if left with no choice. The good thing about this is that their needs could all be processed real quick. The cost, however, may be high, but it could easily be included as operation cost and such could be passed on to consumers. In the end, they don't really suffer for it.

As in everything else, the ordinary people are always on the receiving end.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 10, 2024, 03:15:32 AM
The private sector plays an important role in the economic development of any country by diversifying its products creating new jobs and increasing exports. We know that the importance of making women work alongside men is very important for the development of the world. In such case non-governmental organizations are playing an important role in making women workable. The private sector performs overall functions to sustain the country's economy and promote economic growth. So the private sector can be said to be the driving force in the economic development of any country.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: dansus021 on May 12, 2024, 05:07:12 PM
The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth I do agree with your statement that private sector had a lot of involvement in Economic growth I mean country need a business and private sector to sustain and stay alive and secondly private sector is needed to make healthy business in my opinion to avoid monopoly.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Freeesta on May 12, 2024, 06:24:42 PM
So the private sector of the economy is pushing it forward! It is he who forces enterprises to develop, dictating his standards, the state reacts to his changes and allocates funds for its development. It is the private sector that quickly responds to the needs of people, their interests, their desires. Healthy competition is created, which also gives economic growth. The state is like a big machine, in which all the parts are private companies. At the same time, they are collected together and represent a single mechanism...

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: indah rezqi on May 12, 2024, 07:09:46 PM
The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth I do agree with your statement that private sector had a lot of involvement in Economic growth I mean country need a business and private sector to sustain and stay alive and secondly private sector is needed to make healthy business in my opinion to avoid monopoly.

In simple terms, the presence of the private sector will open up more jobs, make prices more stable, and give people more choices and ultimately avoid monopoly. It is clear that the existence of private parties is very necessary to boost the economy of a country, but the State must have control over their existence, meaning that private parties must still comply with the rules of a State. Currently, we actually see many private companies collaborating with the Government to collaborate in certain fields, because they believe it can provide better results.

Meanwhile, there are actually quite a lot of monopolistic practices carried out by many companies, they are owned by the same one or two people but monopolize many sectors. In this case, the government must have the authority to regulate it as best as possible, so that business competition becomes healthier. Apart from that, the government must also provide a sense of security to investors, this is the main factor in making private parties want to invest in a country. What is clear is that the existence of the private sector is very beneficial to a country economy, because it can provide income for the country.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: MRY on May 13, 2024, 06:13:02 AM
The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth I do agree with your statement that private sector had a lot of involvement in Economic growth I mean country need a business and private sector to sustain and stay alive and secondly private sector is needed to make healthy business in my opinion to avoid monopoly.
To grow the economy in a country, it involves the private sector because private businesses have quite a lot of profits. Private businesses have a lot of potential that can give them a lot of profits if they want to contribute to building the growth of a country. Many countries have received support from the private sector and have succeeded in becoming developed countries and even rich countries.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 13, 2024, 11:43:37 AM
So the private sector of the economy is pushing it forward! It is he who forces enterprises to develop, dictating his standards, the state reacts to his changes and allocates funds for its development. It is the private sector that quickly responds to the needs of people, their interests, their desires. Healthy competition is created, which also gives economic growth. The state is like a big machine, in which all the parts are private companies. At the same time, they are collected together and represent a single mechanism...
It is important that private work is completed faster than any government work and responds quickly to public demand. Also, the private sector works tirelessly to achieve the long-term Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of any country. At the same time, it works to attract domestic foreign investment. So the government should also work to make this investment distributor attractive.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: justdimin on May 13, 2024, 03:16:51 PM
So the private sector of the economy is pushing it forward! It is he who forces enterprises to develop, dictating his standards, the state reacts to his changes and allocates funds for its development. It is the private sector that quickly responds to the needs of people, their interests, their desires. Healthy competition is created, which also gives economic growth. The state is like a big machine, in which all the parts are private companies. At the same time, they are collected together and represent a single mechanism...
It is important that private work is completed faster than any government work and responds quickly to public demand. Also, the private sector works tirelessly to achieve the long-term Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of any country. At the same time, it works to attract domestic foreign investment. So the government should also work to make this investment distributor attractive.
The comparison is the fact that private ones care because they want to make more money, so they do a great job and they end up getting a better result because they want to make more money in the future. I always tell the same example to my friends, if you have a land, and you had two offers, they would both be your rent customer and will pay you same amount, one of them will be government who will build a small office for their workers, and the other is McDonalds who will build a McDonalds building to sell burgers out of it, which one would you pick?

I would definitely prefer McDonalds, they are mot guaranteed and they have been a lot better and I think it is quite clear that we are going to get a lot better results on the long run as well, they will do just that much better job.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: WillyAp on May 13, 2024, 04:23:38 PM
The problem is some people are just greedy and have no consideration for other people’s wellbeing. Labor misconduct has been one of the biggest problems of my country. A lot of businesses tend to just give their employees the bare minimum and employees have no choice but to accept since they still need to be working and earning something somehow.

That is not really a problem, the problem is to deny that.
People in government are greedy and have little consideration of other people's well-being even though they deny it.

You see how important the private sector is when having a look into the performance of so called socialist countries.
Socialist countries subdue the private sector and misery is the consequence.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Baki202 on May 13, 2024, 04:56:39 PM
So the private sector of the economy is pushing it forward! It is he who forces enterprises to develop, dictating his standards, the state reacts to his changes and allocates funds for its development. It is the private sector that quickly responds to the needs of people, their interests, their desires. Healthy competition is created, which also gives economic growth. The state is like a big machine, in which all the parts are private companies. At the same time, they are collected together and represent a single mechanism...
Private sector have done a lot of contribution to the economy and they have engineered they own sub groups to archive goals, and in some aspect they have done better than the government, before some establishment the community of some specific individual have to benefits before the approval of some projects, and in term of taxation its benefiting the government to and also provides jobs for people so private sector is a gift to the economy and people. just that in some sectors private are making money, because the government can not solve every problem, with the emergence of private sectors the government is relief of some responsibility,  just that if the government actually produce some things it will be better in term of price, because regulating this private sectors is usually very difficult and yo see there prices going up with consideration and the government is taxing them so their is limitation to polices.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: cabron on May 13, 2024, 06:18:46 PM

So the private sector of the economy is pushing it forward! It is he who forces enterprises to develop, dictating his standards, the state reacts to his changes and allocates funds for its development. It is the private sector that quickly responds to the needs of people, their interests, their desires. Healthy competition is created, which also gives economic growth. The state is like a big machine, in which all the parts are private companies. At the same time, they are collected together and represent a single mechanism...
Private sector have done a lot of contribution to the economy and they have engineered they own sub groups to archive goals, and in some aspect they have done better than the government, before some establishment the community of some specific individual have to benefits before the approval of some projects, and in term of taxation its benefiting the government to and also provides jobs for people so private sector is a gift to the economy and people. just that in some sectors private are making money, because the government can not solve every problem, with the emergence of private sectors the government is relief of some responsibility,  just that if the government actually produce some things it will be better in term of price, because regulating this private sectors is usually very difficult and yo see there prices going up with consideration and the government is taxing them so their is limitation to polices.

The limitation doesn't just stop there.
Private companies sure can make good economic growth for the country but not all companies are better owned by p[private individuals. The problem with governments today especially in developing countries is that they give control over private companies like water distribution and energy which its supposedly owned by the government.

Media for example is owned by private individuals who basically can be used by outside influence to which they are reporting biased news to their government.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Reatim on May 15, 2024, 01:05:45 PM
I think communist nation do also has their own benefits?
Communism allows for people to be equal which is obviously good. Everyone goes through the same thing so they build a better community and feel a stronger sense of responsibility with one another.

The fact that everyone will have at least basic care and needs is a very huge benefit of communism.
I also/even think we don't really need a government but as long as people are already well disciplined, that should do the job and/but the more it can be attained when we are in a communist nation.
That would be chaos because a country needs to be making decisions to function. I suppose we can always cast votes but it is quite impossible to not have at least one person doing something that is harmful to others. How would then we punish the person without a government that implements laws?

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: lizarder on May 15, 2024, 05:50:19 PM
Communism allows for people to be equal which is obviously good. Everyone goes through the same thing so they build a better community and feel a stronger sense of responsibility with one another.

The fact that everyone will have at least basic care and needs is a very huge benefit of communism.  
Why does it have to be communism to create equality and is there no other system that can provide certainty about this? Responsibility for each other will be formed when someone has a sense of responsibility. This is what is starting to disappear in our lives now because people are too busy thinking about their own fate rather than sharing with others.

Everyone has needs that must be met and this will never be denied because humans have a desire for food, shelter, health and so on. To foster a sense of caring for others, it should be possible to create it because the life that humans live now has shifted greatly with social values.

That would be chaos because a country needs to be making decisions to function. I suppose we can always cast votes but it is quite impossible to not have at least one person doing something that is harmful to others. How would then we punish the person without a government that implements laws?
Without government the country will never function because there is no legal basis that regulates it. I think the condition of a country like that will become even more chaotic and uncontrollable because the wheels of government will not work. Now that's what people are facing, what we encounter a lot of criticism will end in punishment and at least that is what we see from the ITE Law that is currently in effect.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: WillyAp on May 16, 2024, 06:17:36 PM

Communism allows for people to be equal which is obviously good. Everyone goes through the same thing so they build a better community and feel a stronger sense of responsibility with one another.

Show us one (1) example please.
Communism causes misery and have caused more displacement than any other system.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 16, 2024, 08:28:07 PM
So the private sector of the economy is pushing it forward! It is he who forces enterprises to develop, dictating his standards, the state reacts to his changes and allocates funds for its development. It is the private sector that quickly responds to the needs of people, their interests, their desires. Healthy competition is created, which also gives economic growth. The state is like a big machine, in which all the parts are private companies. At the same time, they are collected together and represent a single mechanism...
It is important that private work is completed faster than any government work and responds quickly to public demand. Also, the private sector works tirelessly to achieve the long-term Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of any country. At the same time, it works to attract domestic foreign investment. So the government should also work to make this investment distributor attractive.
The comparison is the fact that private ones care because they want to make more money, so they do a great job and they end up getting a better result because they want to make more money in the future. I always tell the same example to my friends, if you have a land, and you had two offers, they would both be your rent customer and will pay you same amount, one of them will be government who will build a small office for their workers, and the other is McDonalds who will build a McDonalds building to sell burgers out of it, which one would you pick?

I would definitely prefer McDonalds, they are mot guaranteed and they have been a lot better and I think it is quite clear that we are going to get a lot better results on the long run as well, they will do just that much better job.
I would definitely choose McDonald's too. When a work comes under the control of the government, its entire financial risk does not fall on a specific or single person so they have no interest in the work. On the other hand if the work is under the control of a single person or private organization, then the responsibility or risk is on a specific person or organization so the quality of work is better and the results are better. So I will also lease my land to McDonald's to make burgers.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Riginac111 on May 16, 2024, 09:37:35 PM
Do you know that a private sector there are the one of the Major group that causes hardship in exercise if economy of a country happened to be bad the private sectors who are business owners are the one that is Skyrocket the hardship of a particular Society in a country so if it is not well controlled by the government there will be the one to Skyrocket the danger in Society

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: peter0425 on May 17, 2024, 10:30:53 AM
Do you know that a private sector there are the one of the Major group that causes hardship in exercise if economy of a country happened to be bad the private sectors who are business owners are the one that is Skyrocket the hardship of a particular Society in a country so if it is not well controlled by the government there will be the one to Skyrocket the danger in Society
Obviously with everything there are pros and cons that should be considered if we want a balanced functioning society.

Private sectors are usually the ones who initiate the newest inventions and innovations as they are driving and aiming for profit. This create jobs which give so much opportunities to a lot of people however these private sectors are problems for the overall  state of the society as they usually just considers profit of their organization and nothing else.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on May 17, 2024, 11:14:05 AM
For the private sector to invest in the economy for it's growth, the government of that country must create an enabling environment that will attract them first. Without this the hands of the private sector will be tied. An enabling environment means, security. It means infrastructure development, it means that the private sector will not be over taxed and over-levied by the government. After this and many others, then the impact of the private sector will be felt all over the country.

That is just the conclusion of the whole matter, I concur this facts as it speak volume in my heart, before the initiative of private sector, the original purpose is to help the government allivate citizens or develop the society where the government can't covered All the needs of the people, but government even with that has it role to play just as alastantiger has stated ,they must create enabling environment, reduction of taxation, security etc, many private sector exist but it impacts is not felt due to government policy not favourable this deviation has caused allot of havoc that even the private sector are not willing to continue mostly on the third world countries.

If all cronies are Carry out in right direction the impact or importance of private sector can not be under rated.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Roggeredek on May 17, 2024, 12:26:14 PM
Private sectors are often very risky. But there are many private sector which do better than public sector. Because the private sector always makes more profit than the government. Gives huge profits to many of their customers.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: CageMabok on May 17, 2024, 02:18:01 PM
Do you know that a private sector there are the one of the Major group that causes hardship in exercise if economy of a country happened to be bad the private sectors who are business owners are the one that is Skyrocket the hardship of a particular Society in a country so if it is not well controlled by the government there will be the one to Skyrocket the danger in Society

The private business sector which is managed by the community itself is usually easier to develop and also easier to overcome difficulties when the capabilities and capital owned by the business owner have increased without having to wait for disbursement from the government or approval from the government first. Because businesses that are related to the government usually have to wait for a decision from the government first so that those who manage them can have the authority to resolve problems that occur in their business.

Because the role of the private sector in economic growth is actually quite influential in society, because when society is prosperous through its own efforts it will also be quite good for a country because the government will not receive more criticism from its own people. We can see that protests and criticism from every people are when the people are not prosperous and are often hungry so they start making sometimes unreasonable attacks on their own government.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 21, 2024, 01:18:51 AM
Do you know that a private sector there are the one of the Major group that causes hardship in exercise if economy of a country happened to be bad the private sectors who are business owners are the one that is Skyrocket the hardship of a particular Society in a country so if it is not well controlled by the government there will be the one to Skyrocket the danger in Society
Obviously with everything there are pros and cons that should be considered if we want a balanced functioning society.

Private sectors are usually the ones who initiate the newest inventions and innovations as they are driving and aiming for profit. This create jobs which give so much opportunities to a lot of people however these private sectors are problems for the overall  state of the society as they usually just considers profit of their organization and nothing else.
Business is the primitive occupation through which traders earn profit in return for providing some benefit (goods or services). We get many benefits including employment for the unemployed people of the society through the private sector or whatever other disadvantages there are in the organization. We have also seen that there were many government institutions in the country that were not making any profit but when they were put under the control of autonomous or private companies they started making huge profits which played a great role in the economy of the country. So whatever other difficulties there may be through the private sector it plays a very good role in the interest of the country.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Zoomic on May 21, 2024, 12:18:58 PM
Do you know that a private sector there are the one of the Major group that causes hardship in exercise if economy of a country happened to be bad the private sectors who are business owners are the one that is Skyrocket the hardship of a particular Society in a country so if it is not well controlled by the government there will be the one to Skyrocket the danger in Society
Obviously with everything there are pros and cons that should be considered if we want a balanced functioning society.

Private sectors are usually the ones who initiate the newest inventions and innovations as they are driving and aiming for profit. This create jobs which give so much opportunities to a lot of people however these private sectors are problems for the overall  state of the society as they usually just considers profit of their organization and nothing else.
Business is the primitive occupation through which traders earn profit in return for providing some benefit (goods or services). We get many benefits including employment for the unemployed people of the society through the private sector or whatever other disadvantages there are in the organization. We have also seen that there were many government institutions in the country that were not making any profit but when they were put under the control of autonomous or private companies they started making huge profits which played a great role in the economy of the country. So whatever other difficulties there may be through the private sector it plays a very good role in the interest of the country.

When a private individual pools out funds to create an innovation and make available that which the government cannot offer, he is incharge and can control it whichever way he wants. It becomes worse if such an individual has a total monopoly over that line of business or innovation as there are chances that he will abuse the power he has. This is where the government comes in.

Any government that has the interest of the people at heart will ensure they monitor all economic activities going on under their jurisdiction, public sectors inclusive.  The issue of exploitation of employees and customers, untold hardships on the masses, unwarranted price hike, artificial scarcity and the rest of them would not be heard of if there are regulations and standard government agencies on ground to ensure that the private sectors do not abuse the powers granted them.

The private sectors are unarguably very important to the internal and external growth of a country, but if they are not properly controlled, the masses will suffer.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: StreakW on May 23, 2024, 06:39:40 AM
The role of private companies is very important in economic growth because the existence of private companies can reduce unemployment in a country and increase state income from taxes. Moreover, if the private company is large, the contribution in taxes will also be large, which can later be used by the state to improve the economic welfare of its people.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: nngella on May 24, 2024, 04:42:13 PM
One of the major role of private sector in economic growth is public-private partnership (PPP).  The government wants to have a public service that needs to be provided to the public, however, they do not have sufficient resources to provide the said service (i.e., roads, bridges, railways, airports).  Hence, they engage the private sector to build the infrastructures in return of some profit.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 24, 2024, 05:25:44 PM
Do you know that a private sector there are the one of the Major group that causes hardship in exercise if economy of a country happened to be bad the private sectors who are business owners are the one that is Skyrocket the hardship of a particular Society in a country so if it is not well controlled by the government there will be the one to Skyrocket the danger in Society
Obviously with everything there are pros and cons that should be considered if we want a balanced functioning society.

Private sectors are usually the ones who initiate the newest inventions and innovations as they are driving and aiming for profit. This create jobs which give so much opportunities to a lot of people however these private sectors are problems for the overall  state of the society as they usually just considers profit of their organization and nothing else.
Business is the primitive occupation through which traders earn profit in return for providing some benefit (goods or services). We get many benefits including employment for the unemployed people of the society through the private sector or whatever other disadvantages there are in the organization. We have also seen that there were many government institutions in the country that were not making any profit but when they were put under the control of autonomous or private companies they started making huge profits which played a great role in the economy of the country. So whatever other difficulties there may be through the private sector it plays a very good role in the interest of the country.

When a private individual pools out funds to create an innovation and make available that which the government cannot offer, he is incharge and can control it whichever way he wants. It becomes worse if such an individual has a total monopoly over that line of business or innovation as there are chances that he will abuse the power he has. This is where the government comes in.

Any government that has the interest of the people at heart will ensure they monitor all economic activities going on under their jurisdiction, public sectors inclusive.  The issue of exploitation of employees and customers, untold hardships on the masses, unwarranted price hike, artificial scarcity and the rest of them would not be heard of if there are regulations and standard government agencies on ground to ensure that the private sectors do not abuse the powers granted them.

The private sectors are unarguably very important to the internal and external growth of a country, but if they are not properly controlled, the masses will suffer.
It is right what you said and often seen that the private sector tries to make illegal profits by creating artificial crises through syndicates which are controlled by the government to reduce the suffering of the general people.
See if the government wants then solving any kind of problem in the country will not be a big deal. But the problem is when the field fence eats the grain, how else to solve the problem? The government is most of the time saving its interests by pretending to keep the interests of the people at heart. And in a country like mine when the government and the opposition government are busy condemning without any constructive criticism then I can't say anything else. So please don't get me wrong. Because I also want the government to understand the sufferings of the people of the country and take proper measures for them, then it will be seen that many small businessmen in the country can raise their heads and take part in the economic growth of the country.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Adiljutt156 on June 05, 2024, 06:23:36 PM
Do you know that a private sector there are the one of the Major group that causes hardship in exercise if economy of a country happened to be bad the private sectors who are business owners are the one that is Skyrocket the hardship of a particular Society in a country so if it is not well controlled by the government there will be the one to Skyrocket the danger in Society
Obviously with everything there are pros and cons that should be considered if we want a balanced functioning society.

Private sectors are usually the ones who initiate the newest inventions and innovations as they are driving and aiming for profit. This create jobs which give so much opportunities to a lot of people however these private sectors are problems for the overall  state of the society as they usually just considers profit of their organization and nothing else.
Business is the primitive occupation through which traders earn profit in return for providing some benefit (goods or services). We get many benefits including employment for the unemployed people of the society through the private sector or whatever other disadvantages there are in the organization. We have also seen that there were many government institutions in the country that were not making any profit but when they were put under the control of autonomous or private companies they started making huge profits which played a great role in the economy of the country. So whatever other difficulties there may be through the private sector it plays a very good role in the interest of the country.

When a private individual pools out funds to create an innovation and make available that which the government cannot offer, he is incharge and can control it whichever way he wants. It becomes worse if such an individual has a total monopoly over that line of business or innovation as there are chances that he will abuse the power he has. This is where the government comes in.

Any government that has the interest of the people at heart will ensure they monitor all economic activities going on under their jurisdiction, public sectors inclusive.  The issue of exploitation of employees and customers, untold hardships on the masses, unwarranted price hike, artificial scarcity and the rest of them would not be heard of if there are regulations and standard government agencies on ground to ensure that the private sectors do not abuse the powers granted them.

The private sectors are unarguably very important to the internal and external growth of a country, but if they are not properly controlled, the masses will suffer.
It is right what you said and often seen that the private sector tries to make illegal profits by creating artificial crises through syndicates which are controlled by the government to reduce the suffering of the general people.
See if the government wants then solving any kind of problem in the country will not be a big deal. But the problem is when the field fence eats the grain, how else to solve the problem? The government is most of the time saving its interests by pretending to keep the interests of the people at heart. And in a country like mine when the government and the opposition government are busy condemning without any constructive criticism then I can't say anything else. So please don't get me wrong. Because I also want the government to understand the sufferings of the people of the country and take proper measures for them, then it will be seen that many small businessmen in the country can raise their heads and take part in the economic growth of the country.
In my country,the same thing is happening again and again and there is no change. In last year , government provide relief to farmers but farmers take miss advantage to that policy. Government announced the rate of wheat and the farmers came in greed and they didn't sell their wheat and the wheat price go up and public faced crises .But now government take good step for country and they buy wheat from outside and now the price of wheat are very low. In last year, most poor people faced hard circumstances but now they are happy with the step of government. The point is government can handle every situation with wisdom if they are in the favour of country.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: RockBell on June 05, 2024, 07:11:05 PM
The role of private companies is very important in economic growth because the existence of private companies can reduce unemployment in a country and increase state income from taxes. Moreover, if the private company is large, the contribution in taxes will also be large, which can later be used by the state to improve the economic welfare of its people.

The public and private sectors each serve distinct functions and collaborate with one another. And, to some extent, the private sector has played a significant role in the country's economic development; they have not done everything, but they have contributed. And, while the housing sector has made significant efforts to assist individuals in obtaining homes, the majority of houses are now out of reach for regular people due to their high cost. Aside the reduction in unemployment their are other sectors they have also contributed even in health. Most of the companies have offered free check ups for people. The economy benefited, as did the people. The company's tax rate will vary depending on its size.

The government genuinely benefits from the private sector. Just that the government's policy is not always friendly to these companies, so some of them may want to leave that country due to taxes, so they will want to try other countries with cheaper labor and a fair tax. The tax is supposed to be used for the improvement of the country but who knows what they do with the money they collect.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: AmoreJaz on June 05, 2024, 11:02:52 PM
The role of private companies is very important in economic growth because the existence of private companies can reduce unemployment in a country and increase state income from taxes. Moreover, if the private company is large, the contribution in taxes will also be large, which can later be used by the state to improve the economic welfare of its people.

The public and private sectors each serve distinct functions and collaborate with one another. And, to some extent, the private sector has played a significant role in the country's economic development; they have not done everything, but they have contributed. And, while the housing sector has made significant efforts to assist individuals in obtaining homes, the majority of houses are now out of reach for regular people due to their high cost. Aside the reduction in unemployment their are other sectors they have also contributed even in health. Most of the companies have offered free check ups for people. The economy benefited, as did the people. The company's tax rate will vary depending on its size.

The government genuinely benefits from the private sector. Just that the government's policy is not always friendly to these companies, so some of them may want to leave that country due to taxes, so they will want to try other countries with cheaper labor and a fair tax. The tax is supposed to be used for the improvement of the country but who knows what they do with the money they collect.

We can't deny the fact that the private sector is also vital in the economic progress of any government. As they have their own mission to accomplish in the business, they make sure they have all the resources to achieve such mission. And along with such accomplishments are also people in these companies that are also earning, and so they are the ones comprising the community. With good income, comes with good economy.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: redsun114 on June 11, 2024, 03:00:51 PM
The public and private sectors each serve distinct functions and collaborate with one another. And, to some extent, the private sector has played a significant role in the country's economic development; they have not done everything, but they have contributed. And, while the housing sector has made significant efforts to assist individuals in obtaining homes, the majority of houses are now out of reach for regular people due to their high cost. Aside the reduction in unemployment their are other sectors they have also contributed even in health. Most of the companies have offered free check ups for people. The economy benefited, as did the people. The company's tax rate will vary depending on its size.

The government genuinely benefits from the private sector. Just that the government's policy is not always friendly to these companies, so some of them may want to leave that country due to taxes, so they will want to try other countries with cheaper labor and a fair tax. The tax is supposed to be used for the improvement of the country but who knows what they do with the money they collect.
My point of view is quite different. I think the private sectors mostly fill their pockets. Inflation is very high in every sector be it medical or education.

Poor children cannot go to private hospitals or private schools because the fees are too high. And what you mentioned is that private sectors are providing free services, as far as I have seen and observed, the public is being badly humiliated when private sectors are providing some things for free for their own publicity. The same is the case with the government today, especially in our own country, because I can only talk about what I have observed, so I am talking about my own country.

The era may have passed when the private and public sectors used to do something to serve the public, now it seems that someone is acting only for himself and for his interest. Many people may have different opinions because we all belong to different countries, so everyone can only tell what they have observed, I am only describing the situations that happened to me or I have seen them happening.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 12, 2024, 05:44:53 PM
Do you know that a private sector there are the one of the Major group that causes hardship in exercise if economy of a country happened to be bad the private sectors who are business owners are the one that is Skyrocket the hardship of a particular Society in a country so if it is not well controlled by the government there will be the one to Skyrocket the danger in Society
Obviously with everything there are pros and cons that should be considered if we want a balanced functioning society.

Private sectors are usually the ones who initiate the newest inventions and innovations as they are driving and aiming for profit. This create jobs which give so much opportunities to a lot of people however these private sectors are problems for the overall  state of the society as they usually just considers profit of their organization and nothing else.
Business is the primitive occupation through which traders earn profit in return for providing some benefit (goods or services). We get many benefits including employment for the unemployed people of the society through the private sector or whatever other disadvantages there are in the organization. We have also seen that there were many government institutions in the country that were not making any profit but when they were put under the control of autonomous or private companies they started making huge profits which played a great role in the economy of the country. So whatever other difficulties there may be through the private sector it plays a very good role in the interest of the country.

When a private individual pools out funds to create an innovation and make available that which the government cannot offer, he is incharge and can control it whichever way he wants. It becomes worse if such an individual has a total monopoly over that line of business or innovation as there are chances that he will abuse the power he has. This is where the government comes in.

Any government that has the interest of the people at heart will ensure they monitor all economic activities going on under their jurisdiction, public sectors inclusive.  The issue of exploitation of employees and customers, untold hardships on the masses, unwarranted price hike, artificial scarcity and the rest of them would not be heard of if there are regulations and standard government agencies on ground to ensure that the private sectors do not abuse the powers granted them.

The private sectors are unarguably very important to the internal and external growth of a country, but if they are not properly controlled, the masses will suffer.
It is right what you said and often seen that the private sector tries to make illegal profits by creating artificial crises through syndicates which are controlled by the government to reduce the suffering of the general people.
See if the government wants then solving any kind of problem in the country will not be a big deal. But the problem is when the field fence eats the grain, how else to solve the problem? The government is most of the time saving its interests by pretending to keep the interests of the people at heart. And in a country like mine when the government and the opposition government are busy condemning without any constructive criticism then I can't say anything else. So please don't get me wrong. Because I also want the government to understand the sufferings of the people of the country and take proper measures for them, then it will be seen that many small businessmen in the country can raise their heads and take part in the economic growth of the country.
In my country,the same thing is happening again and again and there is no change. In last year , government provide relief to farmers but farmers take miss advantage to that policy. Government announced the rate of wheat and the farmers came in greed and they didn't sell their wheat and the wheat price go up and public faced crises .But now government take good step for country and they buy wheat from outside and now the price of wheat are very low. In last year, most poor people faced hard circumstances but now they are happy with the step of government. The point is government can handle every situation with wisdom if they are in the favour of country.
It is an authentic truth that if the government gives its full attention to the needs of the country's people then there will be no more regrets among the people of the country. But due to the corruption of most of the government systems the people of the country do not get many of the civic benefits or remain deprived. However the private sector plays a major role in the development of a country. It is undeniable that if the government provides all the business opportunities to the private sector along with entrepreneurship then the development of all the private sectors will be accelerated.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: sekalitas on June 15, 2024, 04:34:20 AM
Private sector refers to business owned and manege by individuals which are not government funded, private sector include business, companies, commercial banks etc which are owned and manege by private individuals who has nothing to do with government for the purpose of profit making

The role of private sector in developing the economy of any country is very crucial and important as the role of government in society is for protection of life and property and creating the right environment for business to strive
All over the world it's private sector that has helped the economy of nations, private sector involvement is needed for economic stabilization as government only can't do this alone

Private individuals are encouraged to start up business for the purpose of profit making in so doing they're in turn creating wealth
Let take an example of say an individual who is interested in sports business and brings out money to setup a football team, first the person will start by employing young youths and them of the street and labour market and at least for a football team to be set up you must need at least fifty individuals from the players to the couching Crew to the backroom staff then  the team that has been setup will need a stadium where they will be playing their match's so they will set up a structure in form of a stadium and this newly built stadium needs to be cleaned and and we'll taken care of so more people are to be employed again and salaries will be paid to them at the end of the month

So while the owner of the business who is profit oriented gets his return for investment when the team wins a league title or from transfer of players and from tickets sold to fans who come and watch their match's he has created wealth to his employees by way of paying them salaries which in turn translate to economic growth

I agree with you because in my opinion. Private sector is essential for the economy , especially SMEs . In my country , we have a "bonus demographic" so we need a lot of SMEs to absorb the workforce. The downside is that most SMEs often pay below minimum wages.
As for government sector jobs , the competition is extremely high. like the ratio might be 1:1024 , so for one position , you have to compete with one thousand other candidates. Based on this , I think we need private sector.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: boty on June 15, 2024, 02:55:49 PM
We can't deny the fact that the private sector is also vital in the economic progress of any government. As they have their own mission to accomplish in the business, they make sure they have all the resources to achieve such mission. And along with such accomplishments are also people in these companies that are also earning, and so they are the ones comprising the community. With good income, comes with good economy.
Both the government and the private sector will benefit from this, as you said, it is very true that with the private sector helping the government in providing jobs, of course this will be able to provide these workers with income from the work they do, of course this will be able to make the economy more productive. good for the community, because if we only rely on the government to provide jobs, of course this will be very difficult to do without help from the global sector.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Yatsan on June 16, 2024, 04:27:09 PM
Taxes and job opportunities are the two main contributions of private sectors when it comes on economic growth. Not all countries, especially those in the third world, has the financial capability to give more job opportunities to their people and this one is being aided by private companies or sector.Another is in form of taxes wherein for them to operate they need to comply with registrations on the local government and that includes fees. Well, it is a mutual relationship also. Private companies get the opportunity to generate profit from their businesses on their target countries. Everything's studied therefore they know that they will be making more than how much they would be putting into it.
One of the major role of private sector in economic growth is public-private partnership (PPP).  The government wants to have a public service that needs to be provided to the public, however, they do not have sufficient resources to provide the said service (i.e., roads, bridges, railways, airports).  Hence, they engage the private sector to build the infrastructures in return of some profit.
Indeed one of the best examples. In the country where I live, railways are one of their biggest contribution. It is being used on a daily basis which makes it simply profitable and same goes with government sector who are earning a percentage from its profit.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Huppercase on June 16, 2024, 05:00:06 PM
Private sector refers to business owned and manege by individuals which are not government funded, private sector include business, companies, commercial banks etc which are owned and manege by private individuals who has nothing to do with government for the purpose of profit making

Private sectors can't survive without the intervention of the government, in fact many successful private sectors that you see around today that are successful has their funding one or the other from government individuals and groups but what they do is that they don't operate the companies rather they allowed it to be manage by other people because name matters sometimes in business, some names in a company can make or break a company, some people wouldn't want to have anything to do with a business if a particular person person or group are involved.

The role of private sector in developing the economy of any country is very crucial and important as the role of government in society is for protection of life and property and creating the right environment for business to strive
All over the world it's private sector that has helped the economy of nations, private sector involvement is needed for economic stabilization as government only can't do this alone

That's some of private sector objectives but a private sector can't do alone if the government policy isn't favorable, a government policy determines how far a private sector can go, if government has a high interest rate, many business wouldn't go far because the need for urgent  liquidity is going to be a problem due to high interest rate, if the government has high inflation, most business and companies will fold up immediately. I think for private sector to add growth to economy, that depend on the impact of the government to the economy as well.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Obulis on June 16, 2024, 08:10:02 PM
In reality, the driving force behind a nations economy is the private sector. The government is charged with the objective of providing basic amenities of which security is paramount (financially physically etc) to give individuals what it takes to start up with full assurance that at least the government is doing its best.

With this on ground, the government duty again is to go about checking compliance of this businesses to national integrity and status quo. To ensure progressive growth and to give assistance where necessary (loan and special skills etc)....
Private sectors actually is the building blocks of a nations economy (even invention and innovation of sciences and technologies which speaks more about development are mostly done by private sector)

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Leomiles on June 17, 2024, 10:09:50 AM
While the government plays a vital role in providing a supportive environment and safety net, it is the private sector that truly drives economic growth and creates wealth. By encouraging private enterprise and innovation, we can unlock the full potential of our economy and create a brighter future for all.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 22, 2024, 06:15:12 AM
We can't deny the fact that the private sector is also vital in the economic progress of any government. As they have their own mission to accomplish in the business, they make sure they have all the resources to achieve such mission. And along with such accomplishments are also people in these companies that are also earning, and so they are the ones comprising the community. With good income, comes with good economy.
Both the government and the private sector will benefit from this, as you said, it is very true that with the private sector helping the government in providing jobs, of course this will be able to provide these workers with income from the work they do, of course this will be able to make the economy more productive. good for the community, because if we only rely on the government to provide jobs, of course this will be very difficult to do without help from the global sector.
For any country to achieve economic growth it takes the combined efforts of the public and private sectors to keep the wheels of the economy moving and sustainable. By maintaining the productivity of the export oriented industrial sector the private sector improves the economic situation of the country by attracting local and foreign investment. For this government support is very important to maintain a balanced business environment.

Title: Re: The role of private sector involvement in Economic growth
Post by: Qiubell5 on July 01, 2024, 11:45:15 AM

For any country to achieve economic growth it takes the combined efforts of the public and private sectors to keep the wheels of the economy moving and sustainable. By maintaining the productivity of the export oriented industrial sector the private sector improves the economic situation of the country by attracting local and foreign investment. For this government support is very important to maintain a balanced business environment.

Economic growth requires a combination of the private sector in all fields and it is very necessary to accelerate a goal so that it can be quickly implemented and see the results obtained, the impact is very good by attracting local and foreign investment and this really helps improve the economy so that it always progresses, in this case the public sector is The main thing that provides services to government-managed units is that the involvement of the private sector is necessary because the government cannot work alone and it needs real support.