Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: krishnaverma on May 05, 2024, 03:26:17 AM

Title: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: krishnaverma on May 05, 2024, 03:26:17 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Maus0728 on May 05, 2024, 03:59:27 AM
I keep the bitcoin investing to myself so I can't say for sure that I've convinced or successfully converted someone to invest into bitcoin, I'd love the idea that I'll convince someone to invest in bitcoin though but the only caveat is that they're the ones that will come to me and not the other way around, I don't want to force them to learn something that they only have a vague interest in and we've talked to pass the time, I don't like to be blamed for something because I've forced them into it, that's not really my style.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Plaguedeath on May 05, 2024, 04:02:09 AM
So far I never introduce anyone about Bitcoin, so the answer is I don't know if I'm capable to convince someone to invest in Bitcoin and don't know what they will do after they invest in Bitcoin.

Teach someone about Bitcoin have many drawbacks:
1. Ruin my privacy.
2. I would get blamed if they loss.
3. Wasting my time and effort.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Smack That Ace on May 05, 2024, 04:08:39 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

In conversations with relatives and friends, I mentioned bitcoin a few times, but I never seriously gave anyone investment advice in bitcoin. Because I don't want to be blamed or responsible to anyone because even I myself have no guarantee that my bitcoin investment will be successful. I also don't seem to care which of them has invested in bitcoin because each person has a life and each person has their own choices. I don't like others asking about my life and vice versa, I do that to everyone. 

Bitcoin today has become so popular and we can easily see it everywhere. If someone is really interested and wants to invest, they will learn about it themselves without having to ask anyone to convince them.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Ricardo11 on May 05, 2024, 04:11:00 AM
When I first learned about Bitcoin, after learning about the advantages and disadvantages of Bitcoin and the benefits of Bitcoin, after a some month I told a friend about the advantages and disadvantages of Bitcoin, i also told about the high returns on Bitcoin investment. I advised him to invest in bitcoin, but then he only looked at risk and not profit, he didn't want to take risk, I tried to convince him many times that investment in bitcoin has high profit as well as risk, (at that time bitcoin was worth 20K to within 30K) but he did not understand in any way. Then I realized that there was no point in explaining it to him, so I gave up trying to explain it to him. And I continued to invest like myself.

My friend was surprised when the price of Bitcoin broke its all-time high before the halving and then only regretted it. He got confused and said I'll invest now i.e. when bitcoin price is above 70K he decided to invest, LOL. Then I told him that now there is no profit in investing, now the price of Bitcoin is very high. I told him about investing after a few days and after the price of Bitcoin slowly fell when it reached 60K I told him to start investing. He is now investing according to his ability using DCA method.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Etranger on May 05, 2024, 05:11:25 AM
I only influenced my parents. They invested and made 3x on it, but I still can't call it a success because throughout the entire investment they believed that I was responsible for this decision they made. And during periods when Bitcoin fell or stood still, they were unhappy. I no longer plan to give investment advice to anyone. This must be an internal desire of a person. Only then does he take full responsibility upon himself, and not look for someone to push it onto.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Z390 on May 05, 2024, 05:32:51 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

I tried, but they don't seem to believe in the long term holding idea, they must have believed that I am lying to them or they would lose their money, I stopped telling people about Bitcoin, and most of the time I always ended up wasting my precious time.

The only one time I was thanked for telling someone about crypto investment was a year ago, an old friend who did have some trust in me came for help, instead of helping him I told him to risk some money, NAD right away I told him that he can lose it all, still he insisted.

It was not even about Bitcoin, I invested the money on alt and he made 5x of the money, and I gave it back to him, he was very happy, what I did notice was that he was ready to lose that money, most people today call everything a scam, including Bitcoin, you will have peace of mind if you keep it to yourself.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: CODE200 on May 05, 2024, 05:45:56 AM
I only influenced my parents. They invested and made 3x on it, but I still can't call it a success because throughout the entire investment they believed that I was responsible for this decision they made. And during periods when Bitcoin fell or stood still, they were unhappy. I no longer plan to give investment advice to anyone. This must be an internal desire of a person. Only then does he take full responsibility upon himself, and not look for someone to push it onto.
That's the price of having someone rely on you for their investment, I think that they should know about this kind of thing by now that it's not always Christmas when it comes to investing in the bitcoin market, there's going to be depressing times that would lead to panics and they've witnessed their investments go up already, why are they still mad or upset about you, I don't think that they should consider or even do anymore investments if they're going to be this way with bitcoin. It's unlike my parents, they do want to invest and they know the implications and consequences of bitcoin investing and they're not mad at all and they've agreed to hodl for the long-term, I'm talking about retirement age kind of long-term which is a lot of time to be invested into and I just wish them that they'd get the most profits when they finally sell.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: eightdots on May 05, 2024, 05:50:03 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

I first gave information to a friend of mine who did not know what to invest in, about the areas he could invest in, and then asked him whether he was making the investment long-term or short-term. After getting the answers to these questions, I presented the options to my friend. The point I paid attention to is that I did not try to persuade or pressure my friend to invest, I just told him what I knew.

I said that Bitcoin always brings profit in the long run and reaches more people every day. Then I gave him a few ideas to learn about graphs and cycles. Finally, I warned my friend to remember that investing has risks.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: btc78 on May 05, 2024, 05:58:14 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ? 
No but the only reason why is because I have not tried to. From time to time, I get the urge to tell some of my friend about bitcoin as they talk about how much they are struggling but there's something that prevents me from doing so.

I care for my friends but I do not want to be responsible for any of their financial decisions. Be it good or bad.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: electronicash on May 05, 2024, 06:05:47 AM
i have influenced someone but it was just my brother. and the money he used to invest in BTC was also the one i gave to him  ;D i guess it's just the only way i can make him feel how investors feel when they have something to be proud of.

after influencing him to own some BTC, i advised him not to feel very confident in trading even when he learned it well. somehow you can't prevent them from investing in something else such as memecoins.  ;D

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Belarge on May 05, 2024, 06:16:43 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
We have strategized on the top goals and carrying those that are willing to embraced change. We should emphasized on successful results and not giving you because everything comes with solid plannings. Cryptocurrency is not a get rich quick scheme and we have turn on specific goals for ourselves in the system. I've persuaded one of my very close colleague to invest in bitcoin and today he's one of the happiest man alive because he's in stuck in profits after bitcoin breaks the ATH (All-Time High).

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: peter0425 on May 05, 2024, 06:40:34 AM
I don't want to force them to learn something that they only have a vague interest in and we've talked to pass the time,
Good choice because humans somehow usually lose more interest when other people tell them to do it. It is like it is in our nature to go against what is being said to us. So I have seen some cases where you tell someone about bitcoin and they just end up not believing it or something. It is exhausting to have to convince someone that does not want to be convinced.
I don't like to be blamed for something because I've forced them into it, that's not really my style.
the funny thing is even if you just mention it in the passing and not really force them to do anything they will still say that it is your fault they invested in the first place.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Justbillywitt on May 05, 2024, 07:16:16 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
On a contrary I was the one who was introduced bitcoin investment. Since the person who introduced me to bitcoin investment is not here in the forum, I feel like speaking up for myself. Yes I have said thank you to him countless times. He is my friend who is doing far better than me today financially because he caught the vision on time. He kept disturbing me to invest in bitcoin back then but I was reluctant. The they I finally made up my mind was the best day of my life and I won't forget it. I have talk to few others but none is committed to investing at the moment, but am hopeful they will come around one day just like I did. Since it's something that they will be the primary benefactors, I don't have to make it look as if I have personal interest in it.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: HideYourKeys on May 05, 2024, 07:36:58 AM
I am in fact, trying (you can check the thread I made). I have had some % of success. One of the things that sort of work, is gifting a bit of bitcoin to somebody. When that happens, such person, even if he/she is skeptical about it, he/she already "owns" some... and his/her perspective changes.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Rruchi man on May 05, 2024, 08:12:59 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ? 
I have been asked what I am investing in by younger people who look up to me to know better than they do. I have referred a few to bitcoins, and I believe that my referral influenced their decision to invest in bitcoins.

What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Some of them were appreciative and have come back to thank me because I exposed them to information about an opportunity that many of their peers have no knowledge of. But because you can refer someone to an opportunity and they never follow it up, I always let these people know that they also had a role to play in their development because they acted on the information and referral that they received by doing their research first before investing.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Negotiation on May 05, 2024, 08:39:55 AM
I told a friend of mine about bitcoin but told him about the risks of no that bitcoin investment will only give profit. Investing will depend entirely on their decision. But in fact hold is the only reasonable strategy for most crypto investors. Bitcoin investment is better for long term. A significant increase in cryptocurrency prices over time leads to a shift in shares in the portfolio. If you ignore them and invest you will be successful.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Marvelman on May 05, 2024, 08:57:07 AM
I've talked to some friends here and there about Bitcoin - you know, explaining the basic idea of how it works as a digital currency and why I personally geek out over it.  A few buddies were intrigued enough to read up more on their own after we chatted, but eventually decided taking the plunge into crypto wasn't really their thing.  And hey, that's totally fine!

But there was this one time I was chatting to my friend over beers and he seemed seriously pumped about the whole Bitcoin concept after I rambled on about it and  even transferred a bit of money over to dip his toes in.  For a few weeks he was stoked because the price kept climbing and his investment was looking sweeter by the day.  But welp, as so often happens in crypto markets, a correction dip came.  Value started dropping hard and fast.  He totally panicked and sold at a loss just wanting out.  Poor guy! I haven't heard him talk about Bitcoin or investing since, lol.  Guess I scared him off! Ah well.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on May 05, 2024, 11:45:01 AM
We should not force anyone to put money into Bitcoin but we can share our knowledge if someone wants to hear our words. Bitcoin investment is suitable for those who show their desire by themselves but if someone is not interested then we cannot immediately teach him about Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is expensive and everyone cannot make an investment in Bitcoin but it is important to stay tuned with Bitcoin information and whenever you find a chance to invest then you must have knowledge about it as knowledge never ends and will help you whenever you want to take help from it.

I think if someone has made an Investment in Bitcoin then he should not tell everyone about it, he can just share good points about Bitcoin investment but telling someone else about the amount of Bitcoin you have is not a better idea.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: oktana on May 05, 2024, 11:54:03 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

I haven’t, and I never will. A friend knowing that I know a lot about cryptocurrencies once asked me if they should invest and I reiterated the ideology of Bitcoin over again to them and told them the risk if they wanted to invest. I don’t think it’s wise to advise anyone to invest in such a volatile market. You have no clue how much they take your word for it and may even invest their life saving.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Taskford on May 05, 2024, 12:42:36 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

Manage to spread to word about bitcoin before to my friends and neighbors way back year 2017 but unfortunately only few people show some interest to learn about it since they find it interesting since its new to their knowledge. But also there's a lot of people decline the information what I'm trying to show their. And lucky to those people who came to learn even if I tell basic knowledge since up till know they are still participating on any bitcoin investment activities and some of them really earn a lot of money from bounty campaigns before and other activities they are doing.

Right now those people who decline when I try to introduce them about bitcoin starting to ask if I could able to teach them. But I decline them because what I think they are only interested because they see those people I teach before is now earning good cash on crypto and they are still the same nothing change on their life.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Etranger on May 05, 2024, 01:52:34 PM
I only influenced my parents. They invested and made 3x on it, but I still can't call it a success because throughout the entire investment they believed that I was responsible for this decision they made. And during periods when Bitcoin fell or stood still, they were unhappy. I no longer plan to give investment advice to anyone. This must be an internal desire of a person. Only then does he take full responsibility upon himself, and not look for someone to push it onto.
That's the price of having someone rely on you for their investment, I think that they should know about this kind of thing by now that it's not always Christmas when it comes to investing in the bitcoin market, there's going to be depressing times that would lead to panics and they've witnessed their investments go up already, why are they still mad or upset about you, I don't think that they should consider or even do anymore investments if they're going to be this way with bitcoin. It's unlike my parents, they do want to invest and they know the implications and consequences of bitcoin investing and they're not mad at all and they've agreed to hodl for the long-term, I'm talking about retirement age kind of long-term which is a lot of time to be invested into and I just wish them that they'd get the most profits when they finally sell.

It only makes sense to pay such a price if you yourself are more interested in having someone rely on you in such a way. But I think that investments are primarily beneficial for those who invest money, and not for those who advise where to invest it. Therefore, the adviser should not pay such a price. On the contrary, investors need to turn to him and value his recommendations, and not shoulder responsibility for the decisions that the investors themselves made.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: legendbtc on May 05, 2024, 03:48:09 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

I haven’t, and I never will. A friend knowing that I know a lot about cryptocurrencies once asked me if they should invest and I reiterated the ideology of Bitcoin over again to them and told them the risk if they wanted to invest. I don’t think it’s wise to advise anyone to invest in such a volatile market. You have no clue how much they take your word for it and may even invest their life saving.
I don't actively give investment advice to anyone, but some people ask me about bitcoin and what I do is I always emphasize the risks of investing in bitcoin rather than mentioning the returns they have heard it somewhere. I want them to know that this market is not as simple as they think and making profits from bitcoin is not as easy as they dream. I have no intention of pushing them out of bitcoin or discouraging them from investing in bitcoin, but investing in bitcoin is risky and I want them to be aware of the risks they will be taking.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Gladitorcomeback on May 05, 2024, 04:06:24 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

No, and I don't want to. Someone thanking me for something I did isn't too good for which I would be ready to take the risk of taking the blame in case what I did for them or suggested them didn't work out. Believe me, it's not worth it, you are not going to get anything if someone invests in Bitcoin after you suggest it, even if their investment becomes successful and they thank you for it, there is no gain for you in that other than a few verbal praises.

However, if their investment fails and they lose money, you will not be forgiven for life and they will keep blaming you until either you or they aren't alive anymore, and I'm saying this based on a personal experience and occurrence where something similar happened. So I suggest no one does that.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Nheer on May 05, 2024, 04:13:26 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
I haven’t really convinced someone to invest into bitcoin, all i have done is show them directions and explain things for them when they show interest or come to me for advice. It’s good to convince people to invest in bitcoin but before telling them to invest you should tell them to first gain knowledge about bitcoin and understand the concept behind bitcoin investment so they don’t end up blaming you for their loss when their first experience is a bad one. All i know i have done is to refer them some few books and YouTube videos where they can learn about bitcoin before investing their money into it, i always warn them of the risks involved in investing and that the only way to minimize the risk is with adequate knowledge about bitcoin.

Investing and hodling is pretty much easier than trading but then all involves having knowledge and only with knowledge can one be able to draft out their investment plan and ideas. Investing without any plan is like investing blindly and it don’t usually have a happy ending.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Wapfika on May 05, 2024, 04:21:34 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

I haven’t, and I never will. A friend knowing that I know a lot about cryptocurrencies once asked me if they should invest and I reiterated the ideology of Bitcoin over again to them and told them the risk if they wanted to invest. I don’t think it’s wise to advise anyone to invest in such a volatile market. You have no clue how much they take your word for it and may even invest their life saving.

It depends on how you educate them on Bitcoin investment. If you just focus on price discussion then you are right about not pursuing them to invest because they will most likely panic sell when the price suffer correction.

On the other hand, You can educate them properly about the feature of Bitcoin and let them invest on Bitcoin on their own accord so that you don’t have any liability for their loses in case they do a bad trade. It’s not bad to help others understand Bitcoin feature so that they can invest on this phenomenal technology in long term basis.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Obim34 on May 05, 2024, 04:43:49 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

I haven’t, and I never will. A friend knowing that I know a lot about cryptocurrencies once asked me if they should invest and I reiterated the ideology of Bitcoin over again to them and told them the risk if they wanted to invest. I don’t think it’s wise to advise anyone to invest in such a volatile market. You have no clue how much they take your word for it and may even invest their life saving.
I see no big deal influencing someone into Bitcoin not forcefully or persuasively but by careful dissociation of the risk and benefits attached to Bitcoin. Bitcoin is associated with risk but takes only a simple knowledge and understanding not to fall victim, so it's a no big deal influencing someone to partake in Bitcoin as long the person would harken to rules and instructions to avoid losing his/her funds during the volatile phase of the market.

In a case we're we have to separate Bitcoin as not a Cryptocurrency, it's not a good ethic refering a person to crypto investment because there is no certainty of the Altcoin giving profits or even retain their value after a DIP but as for Bitcoin, there is 100% of not losing funds as long the person is interested for the long run.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: LogitechMouse on May 05, 2024, 04:59:59 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Hmmm, I don't know TBH.

I shared my knowledge about Bitcoin to many people around me because they're asking about it, but they aren't asking for my help. I don't know if those people are still investing on Bitcoin or with any cryptocurrency currently, but one things for sure. If there's anybody that I influenced about investing into Bitcoin, they will come and thank me because I shared my knowledge with them.

Not an intelligent person here, but I'm just answering their question as best as I could. Influencing somebody about investing into Bitcoin has its pros and cons. One pro is that you will motivate a person to get invested into crypto, and if he becomes successful, there's a chance that he might influence somebody again, and it goes on, and on, and on. One con though is that, there's a chance that they will blame you if they lose money because they invested into Bitcoin. Luckily, this kind of scenario happened to me, but I'm ready just in case it happens. :)

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: m2017 on May 05, 2024, 05:16:16 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ? 
Yes, there is one person whom I was able to successfully influence to invest in bitcoin. I am talking about myself. :) Frankly, at one time this was not very easy to do (influence the decision to delve deeper into the study of bitcoin) and it would have been better if I could have done it much earlier.

What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Looking at the current bitcoin's price rate, I think that this was the best decision in my life and I am very grateful to myself. :) On the day I first learned about bitcoin, it was impossible to imagine that it would reach such a level of capitalization and price tag.

Teach someone about Bitcoin have many drawbacks:
1. Ruin my privacy.
2. I would get blamed if they loss.
3. Wasting my time and effort.
It is these side effects that hold me back from encouraging others to buy bitcoin. I have always believed that whoever wants to invest will find information on how to do it on their own, and those who don’t want to, it’s useless to try to influence them with your promotions.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Judith87403 on May 05, 2024, 05:33:15 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
I don't think their is need to influence someone into Bitcoin because the fact is that no matter how good Bitcoin is it will be very difficult for everyone to accept it so perhaps their is no need trying to influence someone who doesn't have interest on venturing into Bitcoin but however we can only help with the information or knowledge we have about Bitcoin to help those who came to us for learning, actually one of the reasons why I believe is not necessary for us to influence people into Bitcoin is that most people have different perspectives about Bitcoin and some sees it as an easy way to get rich quick and perhaps you influence somebody like that into Bitcoin and it happens that after he most have invested but couldn't see any profit within some certain period he could misunderstood the whole thing and the person who lured him into Bitcoin will become a bad person to him.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Hyphen(-) on May 05, 2024, 05:43:32 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Yes I successfully introduced a good friend of mine to Bitcoin back then in the year 2022 during the bear market, I was encouraging him to be patient and to use DCA method to be investing some money he is having spare for savings; luckily l, he agreed and start saving some little amount of money in his exchange wallet, he said he cannot go through the stress of keeping private key as he is not certain and might misplaced it, so I advised him to be saving them temporarily on KuCoin exchange where he buys USDT from. He is appreciating the good deeds I did for him because he has started using his profits for something good and he has seen the benefit of investment instead leaving your money in bank account that will resonated of increasing.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Dzwaafu11 on May 05, 2024, 05:54:08 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?

I have never successfully introduced someone to bitcoin. I don't like telling people about bitcoin investment because if they lose, you will be the one to blame regardless of how you explain it to them, so for me, I think it is better if I invest secretly without anyone knowing. Furthermore, in my area, once they see you making money online, they will start thinking other ways, like maybe you are into scamming and other stuff, so for me to tell someone I'm into bitcoin investment is kind of stressful. Though I can teach someone about bitcoin, just the basics of bitcoin and how it works.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: 0t3p0t on May 05, 2024, 06:01:38 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Yeah my cousin he actually bought $10 worth of Bitcoin way back 2017 or 2018 I think and he's not moving it or using it yet. I don't know if he still has the key of that wallet because he once told me that he lost it so yeah that's unfortunate. But after I encourage my cousin I never did it again because I know how risky it is to be honest given that most people around me are not aware of Bitcoin so yeah better not convince anymore.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: alastantiger on May 05, 2024, 06:23:36 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
One has to be very careful on who they try to talk to all influence about Bitcoin. Many people have different perception and opinions about Bitcoin. And you really have to know someone and have a level of relationship with them for you to try to talk or influence them into investing in Bitcoin. If you speak to a random person about Bitcoin and try to influence them into investing in Bitcoin, they will call you a scammer and a fraudster.

For me the only person who I successfully influenced into investing bitcoin, is my sister. Because I know she's someone would like investment,  and finance stuff,  and she trust my judgment, I went ahead to talk to her about Bitcoin and she invested.  It's being a good one for her.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on May 05, 2024, 06:24:34 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

Yes, I have, and the majority of the people I inspired to invest in Bitcoin were inspired by this: (

And of course, you won't have to believe that you are doing everyone a favor when you teach them about Bitcoin. The reason is that some of the people you teach will either make a mistake that can lead to a loss of funds and they will put all the blame on you while from the beginning you already warned them. I have taught a lot of people about Bitcoin, and many were inspired and invested, but not all of them appreciated the opportunity. I still have to take the blame for their foolishness and greed.

Since I learned my lesson, I don't ask any kind of person to invest in Bitcoin, but I can teach them about it and tell them that if they find it wise to invest, then them do so, but make sure to master all the risks. 

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Huppercase on May 05, 2024, 06:25:06 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

Yes, I have did. When your pairs where you work begin to see a sudden change in you, they don't see you pick interest in their conversation and always see you put your head on the front desk pressing laptop and reading things about Bitcoin, the smart ones will be curious and want to know the thing you are doing and they asked me and I explained to them and today, u have buddies I engaged in intellectual discussion about Bitcoin with in the office and outside the office and they have some money in Bitcoin even though it's not that large.

I have some of them that were already into crypto but doesn't buy any coin, they are just into these mining scam coins that claim to give airdrop and I charge them confidently to buy Bitcoin, it wasn't easy to convince them but they later did and but some amounts, they are waiting for the real bull run to come before they buy their first car lol ;D just joking but they did buy some sats and I was happy my taking convince them.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Medusah on May 05, 2024, 06:42:27 PM
I managed to persuade a friend of mine quite some time back, and to this day, he expresses gratitude.  That's the extent of my influence.

I've stopped trying to convince people to invest (time) in Bitcoin because all they seem interested in is turning a profit, which is a very narrow way to perceive Bitcoin.  It's also frustrating when people inquire about how many bitcoins I own without understanding the sensitivity of that question.

So, that's me.  Privacy-minded and a little lazy. 

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: harapan on May 05, 2024, 06:46:12 PM
I keep the bitcoin investing to myself so I can't say for sure that I've convinced or successfully converted someone to invest into bitcoin, I'd love the idea that I'll convince someone to invest in bitcoin though but the only caveat is that they're the ones that will come to me and not the other way around, I don't want to force them to learn something that they only have a vague interest in and we've talked to pass the time, I don't like to be blamed for something because I've forced them into it, that's not really my style.

Not yet exactly,I keep investing suggestions to myself so I can be safe for later and the future.I haven't really introduced anyone to investing in bitcoin,incase something goes wrong,I wouldn't be accused for luring someone into fraud.It could actually result because of one's greed,ignorance and unintelligent approach.
I haven't really succeeded in convincing someone to invest in bitcoin all along,it's supposed to be a suggestion or serve as an advice,but the bigger role is to come from the other person;the positive response,and efforts to truly a experience good outcome from the investment choice.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: darkangel11 on May 05, 2024, 06:54:34 PM
I did influence a friend, who later became a hodler. He bought bitcoin close to a year after me and holds most of it to this day. AFAIK owns around 10 BTC.
He never really thanked me for that but acknowledged it in a way because we talked about it a few times and he was happy how bitcoin turned out and I reminded him who told him about it and that prompted him to respond that he's happy we had this conversation back then blah blah blah, so I guess that could be compared to a thank you.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Silberman on May 05, 2024, 07:18:12 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Why I would want to do something like that? Talking about bitcoin in general is OK, but trying to influence someone else to invest in bitcoin will only bring you trouble, because if that person was not ready to invest or was not interested on the topic, and they lost money because of the advice you gave them, you can be sure you will be blamed for those losses, but even if they earned money this will be a problem, as now they will become dependent on your advice and they will look for you whenever they face a difficult situation.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Asuspawer09 on May 05, 2024, 07:30:40 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

I did in my early days on cryptocurrency I did influence someone to invest in cryptocurrency and become a trader, he was my friend before in college and we really had a good time on cryptocurrency, since I told him about it we kinda get interested on it and at the same time earning a huge amount on it even though we were just student that time, one thing that I seen is he was really doing the research on it that is why he was able to make a good income on it and eventually being able to do it on there his own. He was thankful for sure about it since we both didn't imagine that we were gonna be able to earn that kind of amount at that time.

Telling someone about cryptocurrency and being able to help them was surely a good feeling, but I realize that you shouldn't really encourage people to invest in Bitcoin since it's going to be a risky investment for them, What I usually do is tell them everything that would discourage them on investing, and after that, if they still wanted to invest I will tell them that they should do it on there own not investing their money on someone that they know to invest for their money. If they really wanted to they should be the one that are going to grind, do the research, learn about cryptocurrency, learn about Bitcoin, etc.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Alone055 on May 05, 2024, 07:55:47 PM
I did influence a friend, who later became a hodler. He bought bitcoin close to a year after me and holds most of it to this day. AFAIK owns around 10 BTC.
He never really thanked me for that but acknowledged it in a way because we talked about it a few times and he was happy how bitcoin turned out and I reminded him who told him about it and that prompted him to respond that he's happy we had this conversation back then blah blah blah, so I guess that could be compared to a thank you.

I wonder how the conversation you guys had after the investments would be if his investment hadn't worked out.  ;D

That would make you feel super awkward even to meet him or initiate a conversation about Bitcoin, whenever you were around that friend, you would hope and wish that no one should mention cryptocurrencies or Bitcoin because that would remind him of his investment and that you were the one who suggested it to him.

These are the things that make me refrain from doing such things because even though I know Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies can be profitable in the long run, I also understand the risks involved and that if someone becomes a reckless investor or trader, the blame would be on me since I was the one bringing them to it in the first place.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: GxSTxV on May 05, 2024, 08:31:00 PM
I like the way you specified the question asking whether someone among us influenced someone else to invest instead of saying requested to someone else to invest in gambling.

Yes, I have introduced my closest friends through the past years to the bitcoin world, I kept talking to him on how amazing and different the transactions happen in bitcoin and how easy they process compared to the traditional banking procedures. I have been talking to him about bitcoin ever since I got profits from it, I didn't intend to influence him or make him do the same things I do or even advise him about bitcoin as a piece of financial advice, but because we hang out frequently together he got influenced by that world.
He ended up investing in bitcoin all by himself and got some profits from it too. It honestly made me happy about it because I could give a good image and a healthy influence to a friend.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Issa56 on May 05, 2024, 08:53:50 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
I can’t really remember if I have asked anyone to invest in bitcoin before, I hardly relate with people, but I know multiple people have come to meet me and asked me to teach them about bitcoin, and I did. I told them everything they are supposed to know, and in case anything happens to their investment, they shouldn’t blame me for that, they should invest any amount they can afford to lose so that in case anything happens, it’s not really going to affect them. But I don’t really think I have walked up to anyone before asking them to invest in bitcoin.

2. I would get blamed if they loss.
If you are introducing anyone to bitcoin, you don’t have to force them to invest, allow them to conclude that they want to invest, and make sure you tell them how risky bitcoin investment is. You shouldn’t be emphasizing on the profits that they can make alone, you should let them know that they can lose money too, so they should invest any amount they can afford to lose, and they should invest at their own risk.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: The Cryptovator on May 05, 2024, 08:53:53 PM
I have explained to many of my closest friends to invest in Bitcoin. I can't recall exactly how many of them invested, but I assume 30% were convinced to invest, and I managed to secure Bitcoin for them to buy. A few of my friends were easily convinced when they saw my success. A few of them refused, and they think it's out of reach now. I tried to convince them about reality, but they weren't interested. For me, I don't want to force anyone. I often explain positives and negatives as well. I am not ready to hear any blame later in case Bitcoin gets dumped. I can just share the potential of a Bitcoin investment, including potential risk as well. 

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: GigaBit on May 05, 2024, 09:12:09 PM
I asked some of my friends to buy Bitcoin last few years but there were few people who took my word positively but most of them were not willing to take such a big risk by investing there. But eventually my success and the rise in the price of Bitcoin made it very attractive to those friends. They come to me and know it intimately. I made it clear to them at that time that there is no guarantee that there will be only profit in the investment. Losses are also a possibility. I also shared the negatives with them so they wouldn't blame me later. I can advise a person but not willing to risk his investment.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Furious 7 on May 05, 2024, 09:24:33 PM
Until now I'm not sure that I was successful in recruiting anyone to bitcoin because I feel that even though it's very good to introduce bitcoin to some of the closest people but suggesting a situation that is a little complicated for them without any confidence that they have is obviously going to burden us ourselves so I just gave a little advice to some friends or closest people whether they want to be here or not it's up to them I don't want to go further so I don't know if it's a form of success or not.

I in the last few years just focus on myself to make me better so when people ask me about bitcoin then I will answer as much as I can but I never give advice very explicitly that someone should be in bitcoin because I think it is not in my qualifications because I am too afraid to be responsible for the recommendations that I give to some people who sometimes just want to be told but do not want to learn more and just hope to continue to be guided to do something.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: DaNNy001 on May 05, 2024, 09:38:14 PM
Taking someone into Bitcoin investment can be a bit tasking especially when the person initially has no knowledge about Bitcoin, then you begin to start explanation form scratch, and if the person is slow learner you'll have to dedicate more time and effort in explaining to his understanding. But the process is nothing compared to when the person begins to take the learning really serious and make his first investment and then keep a good healthy investment and accumulation. There is this joy that you feel after getting all the result from your guidance.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Bananington on May 05, 2024, 09:46:54 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ? 
The evidence of my success in bitcoins has been able to convince a few people to invest in bitcoins after them asking me what I am into.When there is good evidence results of the benefit of something, you barely need to talk much because your results will do all he talking and convincing.

My results have been successful in convincing a few persons around me.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: stadus on May 05, 2024, 09:59:01 PM
So far I never introduce anyone about Bitcoin, so the answer is I don't know if I'm capable to convince someone to invest in Bitcoin and don't know what they will do after they invest in Bitcoin.

Teach someone about Bitcoin have many drawbacks:
1. Ruin my privacy.
2. I would get blamed if they loss.
3. Wasting my time and effort.
Surely, this will happen if you happen to influence someone to invest in bitcoin. Aside from its giving you a headache everytime his investments never work, it will also create a pressure on you since he might end up putting all the blame on you, as he invest not because he’s knowledgeable and ready to take the risk, but because of the greed to gain instant profits that develops while you are in the process of influencing him to finally invest in bitcoin. This is the reason why I don’t want to convince or influence someone to take the risk investing in bitcoin, not now and even in the future.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: bettercrypto on May 05, 2024, 10:24:14 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

when I started in this industry, I never had anyone tell me to invest in Bitcoin, because of course I didn't want to be told. Because in our time today, you don't say anything or you don't even know someone who says something that is not nice. What if you see something like that that you can blame in the end.

So, For me, it's better that each individual do their own research on this matter of Bitcoin. After all, it's free to learn about Bitcoin before investing in it.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Nwada001 on May 05, 2024, 10:37:46 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
I haven’t, and I never will. A friend knowing that I know a lot about cryptocurrencies once asked me if they should invest and I reiterated the ideology of Bitcoin over again to them and told them the risk if they wanted to invest. I don’t think it’s wise to advise anyone to invest in such a volatile market. You have no clue how much they take your word for it and may even invest their life saving.
The way you sounded—you can't and will never—is very serious. I know it's not good or safe to give financial advice or decisions to others, but that does not mean we shouldn't ever do it.
There are times when we can make an exception, teach those who really need it and understand the risk involved, and from there they can make their own investment rather than pushing them away as if Bitcoin is entirely the wrong choice of investment.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Bd officer on May 05, 2024, 11:01:35 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Although I have known about Bitcoin for more than 2 years, I myself came to know about Bitcoin from a friend of mine. I thank that friend of mine, because of him I came to know about Bitcoin today.

After that I only introduced Bitcoin to my closest friends, I shouldn't tell all my friends about Bitcoin. Because Bitcoin is still illegal in my country, so if I tell everyone about Bitcoin, I might be in danger. However, I only told very close friends about Bitcoin. In 2023 when the price of bitcoin was like 25-30k dollars, I told a friend of mine about bitcoin, he bought bitcoin instead of buying an iPhone on my words, he is currently in a lot of profit. That friend of mine sometimes contacts me and thanks me. Hope my friend can make more profit in future.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: GreatArkansas on May 06, 2024, 01:11:42 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

when I started in this industry, I never had anyone tell me to invest in Bitcoin, because of course I didn't want to be told. Because in our time today, you don't say anything or you don't even know someone who says something that is not nice. What if you see something like that that you can blame in the end.

So, For me, it's better that each individual do their own research on this matter of Bitcoin. After all, it's free to learn about Bitcoin before investing in it.
I understand what you feel. I always encounter people like this but I am handling it nicely. First I am giving a disclaimer just in case they want to invest in Bitcoin.
I am answering what questions they asked that I know, I also share what I did before and my own experience.
To answer the OP's question, my answer is I don't know on som people if they really invested, because I already told a lot of people, some already tried and they are just silenced?

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: jcojci on May 06, 2024, 03:02:41 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Influencing someone to successfully follow what we suggest is not easy. We should be able to explain everything we know about Bitcoin. They must also have a desire to know more about Bitcoin before they are willing to invest in Bitcoin. I have introduced Bitcoin to several people close to me but only two or three people really want to follow investing in Bitcoin. It is not easy to convince them to want to invest, especially since they are still trying to meet their daily needs. The result is that those who invest in Bitcoin have felt the benefits even though they don't have a lot of Bitcoin. At least, they can see that their profits are starting to increase.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Assface16678 on May 06, 2024, 05:07:35 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Yes, a few of my friends from college, and right now some are doing well with their own investments or the things they are doing in crypto currency, not just bitcoin. Bitcoin is just a mere start for them to explore more beyond bitcoin and to utilise other currencies or projects that have the potential to give them a good amount of profit or return. Yes, of course. As a matter of fact, because I influenced them, we are now sharing different things or knowledge about crypto currency; we share everything. For instance, if someone sees a project or ways to earn in crypto, then we will all help each other in order to also earn and gain from it. It is the best feeling if you know someone who has the same interest or field, because you will have a companion that you could be with, but of course I only pick those who have the will and guts to learn about crypto currency.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: khalidkhan82118 on May 06, 2024, 07:00:33 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Interesting question! While it's common for people to share their experiences and advice about investing in Bitcoin, it's important to remember that investing always carries risks and outcomes can vary greatly. While some may have success stories to share, it's crucial to approach investment decisions carefully and do thorough research. It's also important to consider the individual's financial goals, risk tolerance, and overall investment strategy. Encouraging someone to invest in Bitcoin should come with a responsible approach, emphasizing the importance of informed decision-making. What are your thoughts on this?

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: YOSHIE on May 06, 2024, 02:21:58 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Before we advise someone about crypto investment, we must understand the risks that occur when investing, Actually, investment is good, but the risks that will occur must also be taken into account to prevent major losses for the investment. Choosing the type of crypto to invest is also a real goal.

In general, I have shown how to invest in Bitcoin, but I have never suggested that they do so. but I only provide information on how to invest, of course I pass on all the risks to the user, in essence before I teach them to invest, I teach them the risks first.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: mirakal on May 06, 2024, 03:28:29 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

I haven’t, and I never will. A friend knowing that I know a lot about cryptocurrencies once asked me if they should invest and I reiterated the ideology of Bitcoin over again to them and told them the risk if they wanted to invest. I don’t think it’s wise to advise anyone to invest in such a volatile market. You have no clue how much they take your word for it and may even invest their life saving.
Exactly. That’s why I don’t and I will never intend to influence the people around to invest in bitcoin, as they might blame me in the long run when things don’t work for them even if it works for me. Bitcoin is highly volatile, and not everyone will be able to manage its volatility and uncertainty, they might be seeing good at it at first, but when price drops drastically, I’m afraid they won’t be able to control their emotions and just jump to panic selling which is definitely a wrong turn for them.

However, I’m more open on educating them about bitcoin, ask me what I want and I’d be willing to answer, but when it comes to convincing them to risk their hard-earned money into bitcoin, that’s always a red flag for me.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Distinctin on May 06, 2024, 03:45:01 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Why I would want to do something like that? Talking about bitcoin in general is OK, but trying to influence someone else to invest in bitcoin will only bring you trouble, because if that person was not ready to invest or was not interested on the topic, and they lost money because of the advice you gave them, you can be sure you will be blamed for those losses, but even if they earned money this will be a problem, as now they will become dependent on your advice and they will look for you whenever they face a difficult situation.
That’s more of a hassle on your part, as they might see you as an expert and confront you every time they’re in trouble, when in reality there’s no such experts when it comes to predicting the future of bitcoin. However, another thing also why I don’t want to influence someone to invest in bitcoin because I know bitcoin itself will really test your patience, and it’s not everyone is patient enough to stay calm and relax while seeing bitcoin price continue to plummet.

Bitcoin is highly profitable compared to other crypto assets, but it’s not all the time that bitcoin will offer us profits,  there’s always its inevitable losses that sometimes are hard to accept most especially if we end up investing our lifetime savings.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Baki202 on May 06, 2024, 04:30:47 PM
I have explained to many of my closest friends to invest in Bitcoin. I can't recall exactly how many of them invested, but I assume 30% were convinced to invest, and I managed to secure Bitcoin for them to buy. A few of my friends were easily convinced when they saw my success. A few of them refused, and they think it's out of reach now. I tried to convince them about reality, but they weren't interested. For me, I don't want to force anyone. I often explain positives and negatives as well. I am not ready to hear any blame later in case Bitcoin gets dumped. I can just share the potential of a Bitcoin investment, including potential risk as well. 
A lot of my friends are interested in investing in Bitcoin but since I have a different plan, I told them that whenever they are ready, they can dm to learn but most of them are still the point of consideration and some capital is still keeping them from being able to invest. No matter how many you tell about Bitcoin, not everyone will invest and it might even be that none of them will invest but I try to encourage them to invest, no matter how little it is. it is good that we carry our friends along. because it is an investment that can last a long time. you can force anyone because, when they start trading, they might not find it pleasant when they are not making a profit. some people won't explain the disadvantages to you and such knowledge is very important because, from there, you will be able to decide whether you will invest or not. then you will be able to decide.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Kristiyana on May 06, 2024, 08:01:40 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

Actually I just started this crypto journey recently so I haven't tasted profit for the first time, I think those people who have been profiting from bitcoin investment are in the right position to answer this question, because they have evidence/prove. you can only convince someone if you have prove, is very difficult for someone who have not yet  profited from bitcoin investment to influence someone, what if the person ask you about how many  times you got profited from bitcoin investment? At this point you will be short of words, that is why I personally made up my mind not to convince anyone to invest in bitcoin not until I taste profit so that is going to serve as prove when convincing them.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Fatunad on May 06, 2024, 08:21:50 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
On the time that i had discovered or learned about Bitcoin then i have told my bestfriend about this and ended up on having that awareness about this forums existence. We were both noobs on that time
on which on the moment i had made out some basic explaination on what it is then he immediate grab it and really that interested to learn on which it results up that we are almost 8 years on
here on crypto world and we cant really be able to say that we are already that rich but at least we are really that establishing ourselves to be on that better condition when it comes to finances.
We didnt really just that focus in Bitcoin accumulation alone but also in other established coins/projects as well.

This is the only time and my first and last introduction of Bitcoin to other people and i have stopped now on the time  that i dont really like on getting blamed on something
when it comes to money or crypto investment. This is why i dont like on making those kind of introductions.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: lalabotax on May 06, 2024, 09:57:26 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
In fact, I have never influenced other people to invest in Bitcoin. Usually, if someone asks or makes an inaccurate statement regarding Bitcoin, I just provide a little explanation as best I can. because I'm not an expert here either. And that also doesn't show that I am someone who is involved in Bitcoin. Because in my area Bitcoin is still often associated with bad things. So it's not that easy to say it all, let alone encourage other people to get involved here. This is very difficult. Unless you are mature and want to learn or invest in Bitcoin, then I invite you to learn together by providing as much information as I can, regarding the opportunities and risks.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: GeorgeJohn on May 06, 2024, 10:12:59 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
currently Everybody Have Known what is Bitcoin and the most of the people who invest in Bitcoin is making use of internet because many of the social medium today carry out information of Bitcoin and the many people who invest in Bitcoin is through social media information but based on your question I have introduced so many people into Bitcoin and I introduce them when bitcoin was more popular as it is today and ass of that time many people thinking that bitcoin is a scam and then when you introduce them to Bitcoin they rejected bitcoin because they have a mind that bitcoin is a scam but currently anyone you introduce in Bitcoin right now will you be grateful to you based on it is what he or she is anticipating to know.

I keep the bitcoin investing to myself so I can't say for sure that I've convinced or successfully converted someone to invest into bitcoin, I'd love the idea that I'll convince someone to invest in bitcoin though but the only caveat is that they're the ones that will come to me and not the other way around, I don't want to force them to learn something that they only have a vague interest in and we've talked to pass the time, I don't like to be blamed for something because I've forced them into it, that's not really my style.
I know that it is a personal decision to convince someone to invest in Bitcoin but it is well known that what makes Bitcoin Toby popular today it is because of the chain people introduce by speculating the information of Bitcoin, so I believe that the major factor or reason while people do invest in bitcoin is because its a decentralised currency...and making bitcoin to be know comes through introducing people to bitcoin.

I only influenced my parents. They invested and made 3x on it, but I still can't call it a success because throughout the entire investment they believed that I was responsible for this decision they made. And during periods when Bitcoin fell or stood still, they were unhappy. I no longer plan to give investment advice to anyone. This must be an internal desire of a person. Only then does he take full responsibility upon himself, and not look for someone to push it onto.
it is good to bring up people that you know in Bitcoin investment because for you to introduce them to bitcoin you know quite well the benefit the advantages you have already gotten from bitcoin investment that is why so many persons now do bring the member of the family into Bitcoin and there's sometimes the reason why you need to introduce your siblings or your parents into bitcoin is when you depart on Earth so that they can be able to access your bitcoin that you save so without introducing them to Bitcoin I don't know how your bitcoin will be when you give off on planet... from my perspective it is highly ideal that someone introduce the member or the family to bitcoin investment

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Natsuu on May 06, 2024, 11:31:45 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
It's cringey. Because they agreed of the possibilities I offered to them as I introduce Crypto. Yet it feels like they are more likely to put all the blame on me once they lose their money or even just having their account in negative position even it's just a paper loss yet! That's why after this encounterment with a friend, I no longer convince anyone. When people ask me IF Should they invest in Bitcoin. I would be asking them back instead If they are ready to be taking the risk to have that opportunity. Because it's the fact. Being in the market means taking risks.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: uneng on May 06, 2024, 11:52:46 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Yes. So far the result is being very positive, because I influenced someone close to me to invest in Bitcoin before the bull run started, what means he purchased Bitcoin when it was still around 40,000$-50,000$ price range. So, as we can see, he has already made a lot of profit over his investments. I also adviced this person to invest in Avalanche (AVAX) altcoin, and by the last crash in crypto market, the investment was also being highly profitable, although right now there is almost a tier between investment and current AVAX price.

We are still confident the market is going to react positively, though. Our expectations are pretty high and I'm sure this person is happy with his progress and my influence over his investments so far. His only complaint is by not having had more money to invest in crypto market before the bull run started.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Adbitco on May 07, 2024, 04:45:13 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
It was my earlier stage I have introduce people to bitcoin as then but at some point I began to see the inconveniences that surround teaching and telling people about bitcoin most times they sees you as someone who is extremely rich and could start planning against someone with the mindset that you are holding thousands of bitcoin, they don't mind planning for your kidnap or to whatever danger it attract to oneself. Currently i want to remain hidden the way I am without much eyes focusing on me because the more you try to tell people the more you get closer to the wrong hands so what next is just for them to start thinking of to get you off the way.

So far I never introduce anyone about Bitcoin, so the answer is I don't know if I'm capable to convince someone to invest in Bitcoin and don't know what they will do after they invest in Bitcoin.

Teach someone about Bitcoin have many drawbacks:
1. Ruin my privacy.
2. I would get blamed if they loss.
3. Wasting my time and effort.

You are correct but you must not tell them how much in your possessions otherwise planning against you is inevitable since they would think you had more than enough so they could try all possibilities.
Sometimes you don't need to preach much what they need is prove and example on how you are living large with bitcoin then you have less to worries about they would do their findings before finally want to do their investment, what you would do is just to give them knowledge about wallets and security.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Nrcewker on May 07, 2024, 04:48:49 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

Yes I have asked my two friends back in 2020 when covid was there and lockdown was imposed to invest in Bitcoins. They at first hesitated, but after making them understand about the profits that coins have, they invested some amount in Bitcoins. In the past two bull runs, they made good profits and eventually thanked me for educating them about the coins. I just told them about the advantages and profits bitcoins can give to the investors, rest they made their decision themselves to invest and risk the money.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Mpamaegbu on May 07, 2024, 08:57:28 PM
Currently i want to remain hidden the way I am without much eyes focusing on me because the more you try to tell people the more you get closer to the wrong hands so what next is just for them to start thinking of to get you off the way.
Don't think those early people you told about Bitcoin have forgotten that you're into Bitcoin now since you haven't been talking about it. Wait for the bull run and then you run into them and watch what they say. One of the young dudes I told about Bitcoin in 2017/18 upon my getting a whiff of what Bitcoin could do, though he relented till date, shocked me. I ran into him a few weeks ago in a public setting and dude called me a crypto lord to the hearing of others. I felt so embarrassed and exposed that I had to quickly leave that scene. Now isn't a time to loud one's involvement in cryptos, especially the way our country is showing animosity towards cryptos.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Finestream on May 07, 2024, 09:21:46 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
In fact, I have never influenced other people to invest in Bitcoin. Usually, if someone asks or makes an inaccurate statement regarding Bitcoin, I just provide a little explanation as best I can. because I'm not an expert here either. And that also doesn't show that I am someone who is involved in Bitcoin. Because in my area Bitcoin is still often associated with bad things. So it's not that easy to say it all, let alone encourage other people to get involved here. This is very difficult. Unless you are mature and want to learn or invest in Bitcoin, then I invite you to learn together by providing as much information as I can, regarding the opportunities and risks.
I have never come to influence other people as well. Not now and even in the future, there’s no way I can imagine myself trying to influence someone on investing on bitcoin because I know that could be too risky to invest into something without full understanding on its nature and how it actually works in the market. Well, I can imagine myself giving people hints about bitcoin even with altcoins, as long as they ask me too, but crossing the line influencing them to be like me, I believe that’s not gonna happen for sure.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Kelvinid on May 07, 2024, 09:45:48 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Yes, I did and the result is good knowing how serious she is when it comes to investing. The things that drive her to do it successfully are the interest she has and her strong determination. She ain't making complaints because she fully understands how the crypto market works.

Telling the right and open-minded person is the thing we consider. I never tell anyone when I see doubts in their mind nor if they keep asking "what if" because that person carries uncertainties already and won't gain confidence, and the chance of failing is too high which ends up blaming me.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Lanatsa on May 07, 2024, 09:53:26 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
In fact, I have never influenced other people to invest in Bitcoin. Usually, if someone asks or makes an inaccurate statement regarding Bitcoin, I just provide a little explanation as best I can. because I'm not an expert here either. And that also doesn't show that I am someone who is involved in Bitcoin. Because in my area Bitcoin is still often associated with bad things. So it's not that easy to say it all, let alone encourage other people to get involved here. This is very difficult. Unless you are mature and want to learn or invest in Bitcoin, then I invite you to learn together by providing as much information as I can, regarding the opportunities and risks.
I have never come to influence other people as well. Not now and even in the future, there’s no way I can imagine myself trying to influence someone on investing on bitcoin because I know that could be too risky to invest into something without full understanding on its nature and how it actually works in the market. Well, I can imagine myself giving people hints about bitcoin even with altcoins, as long as they ask me too, but crossing the line influencing them to be like me, I believe that’s not gonna happen for sure.
Same here on which even with own family members on where i dont really recommend or suggest on investing into it or telling them about it. Whenever they do ask me about Bitcoin then i do make out some giving some links about the basics on what it is but in speaking about investment decisions or something correlated to it then i dont really like on telling or making out some suggestions. Just like the rest been saying above that i dont like on getting blamed or been having that kind of disappointment towards me on the time that they would be losing money. Its better to have a peaceful living even if it means that you would really be keeping yourself that silent and doesnt really like on having some involvement with those kind of recommendations or suggestions because we do know that no matter how close you are whether a family or friend
but in talks of money then everything would turn out to be different if there would really be those kind of conflicts in between on which this is something that i dont really like to happen.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: oktana on May 07, 2024, 09:56:30 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

I haven’t, and I never will. A friend knowing that I know a lot about cryptocurrencies once asked me if they should invest and I reiterated the ideology of Bitcoin over again to them and told them the risk if they wanted to invest. I don’t think it’s wise to advise anyone to invest in such a volatile market. You have no clue how much they take your word for it and may even invest their life saving.
I see no big deal influencing someone into Bitcoin not forcefully or persuasively but by careful dissociation of the risk and benefits attached to Bitcoin. Bitcoin is associated with risk but takes only a simple knowledge and understanding not to fall victim, so it's a no big deal influencing someone to partake in Bitcoin as long the person would harken to rules and instructions to avoid losing his/her funds during the volatile phase of the market.

In a case we're we have to separate Bitcoin as not a Cryptocurrency, it's not a good ethic refering a person to crypto investment because there is no certainty of the Altcoin giving profits or even retain their value after a DIP but as for Bitcoin, there is 100% of not losing funds as long the person is interested for the long run.

Of course it’s no big deal to influence them into Bitcoin but OP is asking about influencing them to invest. That doesn’t sound like a smart thing to do. And it is beyond Bitcoin because one can lose money even in the stocks market or investing in gold. So it’s obviously not a good idea to do more than telling them about the likely opportunity and leaving them to make their decisions knowing fully well the possible outcome too. But for Bitcoin, it wouldn’t hurt to discuss about its actual importance (why it was created).

Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
I haven’t, and I never will. A friend knowing that I know a lot about cryptocurrencies once asked me if they should invest and I reiterated the ideology of Bitcoin over again to them and told them the risk if they wanted to invest. I don’t think it’s wise to advise anyone to invest in such a volatile market. You have no clue how much they take your word for it and may even invest their life saving.
The way you sounded—you can't and will never—is very serious. I know it's not good or safe to give financial advice or decisions to others, but that does not mean we shouldn't ever do it.
There are times when we can make an exception, teach those who really need it and understand the risk involved, and from there they can make their own investment rather than pushing them away as if Bitcoin is entirely the wrong choice of investment.

You probably don’t know the depth of influencing someone to invest and it goes south.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Maslate on May 07, 2024, 09:58:37 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Why do I have to? I’m totally aware of its risks that could lead to depression and frustration, so why should I? Bitcoin is not an ordinary investment wherein you’ll just invest and put your hard-earned money and then boom, you’re already in profits. Of course, that’s not how bitcoin works. It may takes several years first of being patient and persistent before you will see its profits and rewards, so that would mean a quite risky and somewhat a roller coaster investment due to its high volatility in the market. And let’s face it, not everyone is patient and is capable to take calculated risk when it comes to putting their hard-earned money in an investment.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on May 07, 2024, 10:18:27 PM
Currently i want to remain hidden the way I am without much eyes focusing on me because the more you try to tell people the more you get closer to the wrong hands so what next is just for them to start thinking of to get you off the way.
Don't think those early people you told about Bitcoin have forgotten that you're into Bitcoin now since you haven't been talking about it. Wait for the bull run and then you run into them and watch what they say. One of the young dudes I told about Bitcoin in 2017/18 upon my getting a whiff of what Bitcoin could do, though he relented till date, shocked me. I ran into him a few weeks ago in a public setting and dude called me a crypto lord to the hearing of others. I felt so embarrassed and exposed that I had to quickly leave that scene. Now isn't a time to loud one's involvement in cryptos, especially the way our country is showing animosity towards cryptos.
Yes, I so much agree with what both of you said above about how it's better staying anonymous for personal security reasons with a Bitcoin investment, rather than you trying to convince anybody into investing in an asset which have proven many times since 14yrs ago about it's ability being worthy for long term investment. Because inasmuch as Bitcoin is an asset worthy of reference to others, let's not always fail to make our personal security a top most priority. Because, personally speaking, instead of we trying motivate others to invest in Bitcoin, the current price of Bitcoin today should be sole motivator (I e for the fact that it was onece valued at $10/BTC, $100/BTC, $10,000/BTC and now $60,000/BTC).

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: GideonGono on May 08, 2024, 12:35:27 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Yes my brother was really against me when I was starting in cryptocurrency, but after I showed him my earning he also tried it.
And now he is the one who guides me on some crypto activities, and he is much more successful than me.
I know that he is thankful for it, honestly crypto change our life it made it easier.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Majestic-milf on May 08, 2024, 08:05:08 AM
So far I never introduce anyone about Bitcoin, so the answer is I don't know if I'm capable to convince someone to invest in Bitcoin and don't know what they will do after they invest in Bitcoin.

Teach someone about Bitcoin have many drawbacks:
1. Ruin my privacy.
2. I would get blamed if they loss.
3. Wasting my time and effort.
Usually people don't tend to get you when you talk about Bitcoin as they feel you want to introduce one scam project especially if they've never heard about it. I agree with your reasons because as par your first reason, you get to open yourself to some kinds of risks since where I come from, some parastatals regard one who trades Bitcoin as someone worthy of suspicion, one who is involved in fraudulent activities or the like so it's best to keep such matters to yourself.
 It's not everyone who can be patient with Bitcoin's price volatility so why bother when like you pointed it will boomerang on you if prices don't go the way they want?

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: joeperry on May 08, 2024, 08:28:32 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Yes of course, especially when the time that they saw my profit and all the things I'm teaching them are true. Before, they don't care and consider Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency as scam and they thought I'm one of them but I do literally just want to teach them what is it, how it works and how to invest (I don't ask them money, I told them to buy/trade on their own) and also to avoid them getting scammed by others but after the news and the pump last 2021, they now see that I'm really teaching and encouraging them to learn and from that point I managed to influence them in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency.

Well, some of them managed to have some good profit and some of them are not, but still I managed to influenced and helped them to understand Bitcoin and cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Alone055 on May 08, 2024, 08:50:07 AM
you get to open yourself to some kinds of risks since where I come from, some parastatals regard one who trades Bitcoin as someone worthy of suspicion, one who is involved in fraudulent activities or the like so it's best to keep such matters to yourself.

Both, this and the safety concern are reasons why a person shouldn't disclose that they are involved in cryptocurrencies or have invested in them because we live in a world where money is everything for everyone, and you don't know who to trust these days. A person who is a dear friend on your face might not be the same on your back, so if you disclose private things to them, it might instigate them and they might do something to get their hands on your funds.

This is the reason why a person living anywhere in the world doesn't need to discuss their finances or financial activities such as how much money they have, what sort of investments they have made, or where they keep their money, etc. Even if the person in front is from your family, you can't trust anyone nowadays.

So if someone approaches asking about Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies in general, you can tell them that you have heard about them and know what they are, but you don't need to tell them you are involved for your safety and privacy.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: boty on May 08, 2024, 03:10:20 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Why do I have to? I’m totally aware of its risks that could lead to depression and frustration, so why should I? Bitcoin is not an ordinary investment wherein you’ll just invest and put your hard-earned money and then boom, you’re already in profits. Of course, that’s not how bitcoin works. It may takes several years first of being patient and persistent before you will see its profits and rewards, so that would mean a quite risky and somewhat a roller coaster investment due to its high volatility in the market. And let’s face it, not everyone is patient and is capable to take calculated risk when it comes to putting their hard-earned money in an investment.
It's true that we shouldn't teach people to make investments that have risks because if they make a mistake of course they will feel that we are cheating them, of course this will cause them to have problems, but if there is someone who really wants to learn about investing, of course we can explain it. to them in detail about the profits and losses they will get in investing and after that they can decide whether to invest or not.
Yes, it is not easy to get profits from investing in Bitcoin. We have to be patient in every investment process we carry out in order to get satisfactory results from the investments we make.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Miles2006 on May 08, 2024, 03:44:29 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
I can’t introduce bitcoin knowledge to anyone at the moment not because bitcoin investment has to do with privacy, the issue is I’m not yet capable introducing bitcoin and secondly it sound difficult because you’ll have to stress your speech for anyone to invest. Introducing bitcoin is not so bad from my view and I also heard about bitcoin from someone, an investor just have to choose who’s ready and teach not the ones who feel reluctant about bitcoin investment. Like every newly investor will think bitcoin is just too perfect all because of the information they got about bitcoin, people creating bitcoin awareness should throw more light on bitcoin price fluctuation and high transaction fee etc.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on May 08, 2024, 05:37:17 PM

Yes my brother was really against me when I was starting in cryptocurrency, but after I showed him my earning he also tried it.
And now he is the one who guides me on some crypto activities, and he is much more successful than me.
I know that he is thankful for it, honestly crypto change our life it made it easier.

You and your brother are successful in the crypto field because of your knowledge and without knowledge no one can fulfill his dream. It is common that if one person becomes successful in one field then all of the family members join the same field.

Nobody wants to join anything that has no guarantee but in the case of crypto everyone wants to be a part of it but they must realize the exact knowledge about investment and I think following your family members is not bad but following anyone else without making Investigation is not a good idea.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: bitgolden on May 08, 2024, 07:44:02 PM
So far I never introduce anyone about Bitcoin, so the answer is I don't know if I'm capable to convince someone to invest in Bitcoin and don't know what they will do after they invest in Bitcoin.

Teach someone about Bitcoin have many drawbacks:
1. Ruin my privacy.
2. I would get blamed if they loss.
3. Wasting my time and effort.
Usually people don't tend to get you when you talk about Bitcoin as they feel you want to introduce one scam project especially if they've never heard about it. I agree with your reasons because as par your first reason, you get to open yourself to some kinds of risks since where I come from, some parastatals regard one who trades Bitcoin as someone worthy of suspicion, one who is involved in fraudulent activities or the like so it's best to keep such matters to yourself.
 It's not everyone who can be patient with Bitcoin's price volatility so why bother when like you pointed it will boomerang on you if prices don't go the way they want?
I feel like those type of people who do not really "understand" bitcoin are just people who do not believe what you say and believe what others say. I mean when I say bitcoin is a good thing, and they in return say something as silly as it's a scam, then I do not have to continue speaking to them about it, because they have zero clue why it's a scam they just heard someone else say it and in that situation it is me against whoever they heard it from and they picked that side and not me.

Why would I keep trying to explain something to someone who would trust such a thing? I mean it's obvious that we are not going to be able to continue this conversation without me getting mad at that person for trusting others and not me.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: lizarder on May 08, 2024, 08:25:31 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ? 
Never and I have no intention of influencing anyone to invest in bitcoin because there are many risks if people get involved in it not according to their wishes. Something that costs money will be quite risky for us to teach people, unless they want to find out first before getting involved.

Many people fail in investing because they don't understand the whole thing and instead they only listen to the profits that people get. So if their expectations are different then we are the first to be blamed.

What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Because I have never influenced people to invest, until now I don't have an answer that I can give. If you want to give advice just for gratitude then there are many ways we can do it and it is much less risky.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Hypnosis00 on May 08, 2024, 09:46:19 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ? 
I tried to get in touch with some of my friends and relatives but unfortunately, nobody had the guts to believe in me. I then thought that I was not the kind of person who could influence and I see also that it was hard to influence a person if they won't see the visible results of your investment. That is why I don't push myself to do that again and don't bother other's life with Bitcoin because it is impossible to educate someone when they are close-minded. I'd rather keep it by myself and let my work show them a few years from now, and why this is a good investment.

Besides, not all are meant for this which I think also that maybe those people around me are not destined to become Bitcoin investors.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: nurilham on May 08, 2024, 09:55:07 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
I actually never tried to influence someone to invest in Bitcoin, I just told everything I know when someone asked me about Bitcoin investment. I have a friend who already asked several times to give the explanation about Bitcoin investment. I already described to him, he also have invested in crypto, not sure he invested in Bitcoin. He just told me that he invested in an unpopular coin. I already remind him to stay away from random coins but he didn't follow my suggestion. The last information I heard from him, he already quit from crypto investment because he thinks there are other investment that can have a more promising future. It looks like he already failed with his investment because he didn't follow my advice. He didn't invest in Bitcoin or top coins that I suggest to him, he invest in shitcoins. TBH, I am quite disappointed with him!!

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Russlenat on May 08, 2024, 09:55:14 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  
I tried to get in touch with some of my friends and relatives but unfortunately, nobody had the guts to believe in me. I then thought that I was not the kind of person who could influence and I see also that it was hard to influence a person if they won't see the visible results of your investment. That is why I don't push myself to do that again and don't bother other's life with Bitcoin because it is impossible to educate someone when they are close-minded. I'd rather keep it by myself and let my work show them a few years from now, and why this is a good investment.

Besides, not all are meant for this which I think also that maybe those people around me are not destined to become Bitcoin investors.
That was also my experience way back then which has taught me that some people do not deserve bitcoin at all. Not because they don’t trust bitcoin, but also because they don’t have the guts to risk their funds since they are afraid that everything will fall into a scam. This comes to my senses and understand that not all people are actually interested in bitcoin, they just want to take quick profits but will never be interested to take the hardwork and put a lot of efforts and patience in order to succeed on their investment.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Obari on May 08, 2024, 10:40:11 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
I don’t think I can remember if I did influenced someone who later came back to say thank you or reference me but sincerely, I think most persons who easily influence others so so without actually saying a word and most times, their ways of life always attract people to them, wanting to know how they make their money.

One of the reasons why people don’t invest in cryptocurrency lately is because of lack of fun, and personally, I believe a lot of people who know about bitcoin aren’t even investing or holding now because a lot of them lack finance to buy and hold and eventually miss out from the benefits and rewards cryptocurrency offers and I think I’ve written a thread stating that, “Having all the necessary knowledge about cryptocurrency and not having the money to invest, is also a waste, as both money and knowledge compliment themselves

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on May 09, 2024, 02:53:55 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

I have influenced quite a number of people to buy Bitcoin that I can't remember how many they are, I once convinced over 100+ people to sign up for a local Bitcoin exchange when the wave of cryptocurrency just come into my country. Alot of them bought Bitcoin and they have been grateful since then but not all made profits because of greediness and other factors that caused them to lose the Bitcoin or sell too early. The most recent successful influencing happen to my cousin that was finding it difficult to get herself a good playing job after finishing the university. I thought her about the industry and she has been doing well for herself that she no longer have financial challenges to some extent in her life.

Some challenges are there when you tell people about Bitcoin, not all of them will want to buy so you don't have to force them to buy because doing so you'll be giving them the wrong impression of the market that its like MLM that you have to bring someone in order for you to get paid. You are also making yourself vulnerable because they will always harass you when they don't make profits which the fault is always because of the things they did but you'll be the one to receive the blames. There's a good feeling if you successfully influence someone and they get the benefits of buying Bitcoin and the industry overall.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Majestic-milf on May 09, 2024, 07:59:30 AM

This is the reason why a person living anywhere in the world doesn't need to discuss their finances or financial activities such as how much money they have, what sort of investments they have made, or where they keep their money, etc. Even if the person in front is from your family, you can't trust anyone nowadays.

Discussing your finances to any one be it family or a trusted friend is like putting a target on your back. You become a human bank where your only relevance is to dole out cash or someone they can easily set up to rob from. Humans are inherently greedy and as such, can go to any lengths to get money so exposing yourself and your holdings easily puts you in danger.
To be honest Bitcoin is not for everyone so it's not a priority that everyone must get what you are trying to pass across even if it's a more preferred way of ensuring your privacy is intact.
 Some people regard Bitcoin as a product of the end time, a means in which the New world order would unify the nations so how can I convince someone with such a mentality that's it's not?

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Crypt0Gore on May 09, 2024, 08:49:53 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

I have successfully influenced so many people and I have lost count already, some I can't say if they are still in the game or not and a few that are closer to me are still buying some Bitcoin right now.

I remember someone thanking me about Bitcoin investment and I couldn't even remember when I helped them out, I have so many contact on my telegram account and I believe this a good way to spread words about Bitcoin, some will like it and some will hate it.

With the situation of the economy in my country right now I doubt I could turn anything around if Bitcoin never exists, all thanks to the creator himself, Satoshi Nakamoto.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Fara Chan on May 09, 2024, 09:07:38 AM
You and your brother are successful in the crypto field because of your knowledge and without knowledge no one can fulfill his dream. It is common that if one person becomes successful in one field then all of the family members join the same field.
It would indeed be quite good for the family if they were united in joining one field in order to be successful together. But in cases like that, I have also seen that there are also families who don't want to follow one field even though one of their family members has been successful in a certain way. Because in each family there must be different levels of knowledge and not just in one area, so these differences will give rise to other areas which can also be quite beneficial for the family.

Nobody wants to join anything that has no guarantee but in the case of crypto everyone wants to be a part of it but they must realize the exact knowledge about investment and I think following your family members is not bad but following anyone else without making Investigation is not a good idea.
Most people will be like that when they see one of their family members who has been successful through crypto so they have the desire to continue following them until they really can and master all the knowledge related to crypto. But in terms of achieving success, we also need to look at other people, even if we won't follow them directly because they are not from our own family, but as long as the other person is already quite famous in the crypto field and has also been quite successful in that field. I think it wouldn't be wrong to see how that person can be successful even though we don't have direct contact with that person.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: SAHASAN on May 09, 2024, 09:36:54 AM
I influated my most of friends but I don't know they invest or not because my rich friend don't share any investing history to us.
Maybe someone did it who wanted to keep it a secret.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Rabata on May 09, 2024, 10:53:46 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
I can’t introduce bitcoin knowledge to anyone at the moment not because bitcoin investment has to do with privacy, the issue is I’m not yet capable introducing bitcoin and secondly it sound difficult because you’ll have to stress your speech for anyone to invest. Introducing bitcoin is not so bad from my view and I also heard about bitcoin from someone, an investor just have to choose who’s ready and teach not the ones who feel reluctant about bitcoin investment. Like every newly investor will think bitcoin is just too perfect all because of the information they got about bitcoin, people creating bitcoin awareness should throw more light on bitcoin price fluctuation and high transaction fee etc.
Not everyone will be enthusiastic about Bitcoin investment. Moreover, it is not possible for me to inform everyone about Bitcoin. But I have some close friends or close relatives who are still not well versed in Bitcoin. If they knew about Bitcoin they would have invested. As I know little about Bitcoin, I will try to give a general idea about Bitcoin to those who are close to me. If they are motivated and interested in investing, I will suggest them to invest. But I won't teach them only the positive side of Bitcoin and the idea of being profitable from it. I will try to explain to them that investing in Bitcoin can lead to losses or that it is a very volatile currency with the possibility of losing money at any time. If they agree then I definitely want to encourage them for investment.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Etranger on May 09, 2024, 12:12:09 PM
I only influenced my parents. They invested and made 3x on it, but I still can't call it a success because throughout the entire investment they believed that I was responsible for this decision they made. And during periods when Bitcoin fell or stood still, they were unhappy. I no longer plan to give investment advice to anyone. This must be an internal desire of a person. Only then does he take full responsibility upon himself, and not look for someone to push it onto.
it is good to bring up people that you know in Bitcoin investment because for you to introduce them to bitcoin you know quite well the benefit the advantages you have already gotten from bitcoin investment that is why so many persons now do bring the member of the family into Bitcoin and there's sometimes the reason why you need to introduce your siblings or your parents into bitcoin is when you depart on Earth so that they can be able to access your bitcoin that you save so without introducing them to Bitcoin I don't know how your bitcoin will be when you give off on planet... from my perspective it is highly ideal that someone introduce the member or the family to bitcoin investment

There is a difference between introducing someone to bitcoin and influencing them to invest in it. Knowledge will never be superfluous, even if it remains without practical application. You can tell your loved ones what Bitcoin is, how to use it, and even leave them your secret phrase in case something happens to you. But it's a completely different matter to take responsibility for the fact that someone bought Bitcoin on your advice. I personally believe in the growth of Bitcoin and consider it an excellent investment in the modern world, but I cannot be sure that those who follow my example will also perceive it like that and will be prepared for long waits or even temporary losses. Investing is a decision that a person must make personally, and not according to someone else's instructions.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Outhue on May 09, 2024, 12:22:43 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

Influencing is better than forcing someone, and I believe that the latter is the dangerous one, you cab influence someone but it still depends on them to make a step which to me is still fair enough, but forcing someone to invest in Bitcoin will surely lead to many discomforting results.

I have influenced two beautiful souls in the past, they took no steps until they noticed that Bitcoin is changing my life every year for the better, they got jealous I believe and they came back asking for more information, today they are still investing in Bitcoin and it's been over five years already.

They are both out of the country now, they both reside in the UK and things are going fine for them, but I have had more bad results after these two, many never come back as they feel it is too risky to bet money on the success of Bitcoin, most of them still believe that Bitcoin is surviving on a borrowed time, that one day it will vanish.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: TopTort777 on May 09, 2024, 12:28:24 PM
I can only share my story with crypto, but I will never try to influence someone invest in anything, because I dont want to a) lose friends b) be responsible for their losses. I have share "my story of success" in crypto, what is what, what I did to earn and how things turned, but hardly anyone got interest in crypto. I can highlight two reasons, people dont know and dont want to know anything about crypto, and people think it is too late to invest. They didnt want to wait when bitcoin turn from 20k to 70k, but they wanted to buy it when the price few dollars and sell at 70k.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: SatoPrincess on May 09, 2024, 05:56:13 PM
I have influenced quite a number of people to buy Bitcoin that I can't remember how many they are, I once convinced over 100+ people to sign up for a local Bitcoin exchange when the wave of cryptocurrency just come into my country. Alot of them bought Bitcoin and they have been grateful since then but not all made profits because of greediness and other factors that caused them to lose the Bitcoin or sell too early. The most recent successful influencing happen to my cousin that was finding it difficult to get herself a good playing job after finishing the university. I thought her about the industry and she has been doing well for herself that she no longer have financial challenges to some extent in her life.

That’s impressive. I’m nowhere close to that figure. I applaud your commitment to grow a bitcoin community in your locality. It’s a selfless service, I’d imagine you would have made a lot of money if you were an influencer for the crypto exchange at the time. But that was not your motivation, seeing your peers grow is much more important to you. In today world, people assume you have something to gain when you are trying to introduce them to bitcoin, they feel you’re getting paid for it or assume that it is some kind of affiliate marketing program.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: ChiBitCTy on May 09, 2024, 06:41:22 PM
I "found" or found out about bitcoin back in 2013 or 2014.  I wish I could remember exactly which year and exactly how I found it, but those details are a bit cloudy.  That said, I was "preaching" from the high heavens about bitcoin long before most people had ever even heard about it.  I never directly tried to influence most anyone but I certainly influenced people indirectly, simply explaining all the benefits of bitcoin and why it was/is such a huge breakthrough technology.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: batang_bitcoin on May 09, 2024, 08:16:39 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Yes, that person thanked me. That's only one and I am happy that out of the many that have asked me how to invest, only 3-4 continued and one of them luckily got the quick profits this bull run. I've already told to that guy BTC on 2017 but didn't do anything until this year.
I was so happy for him that he did sort of a shortcut and managed to earn already compared to the other friends that I have that it took them a lot of time before having so.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: freedomgo on May 09, 2024, 08:50:19 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Yes, that person thanked me. That's only one and I am happy that out of the many that have asked me how to invest, only 3-4 continued and one of them luckily got the quick profits this bull run. I've already told to that guy BTC on 2017 but didn't do anything until this year.
I was so happy for him that he did sort of a shortcut and managed to earn already compared to the other friends that I have that it took them a lot of time before having so.
It’s risky to influence someone to invest in a volatile investment like bitcoin, but somehow it also depends on how that person will be able to manage the risk and make it succeed. Lucky are you that your friend ended up overcoming all those risks and made decent profits in the end, it simply proves that he understood bitcoin well before he invested on it. However, for those who are just here to invest for quick gains, I’m afraid that once they experience some losses, they’ll eventually put the blame on the person that influenced them to invest in bitcoin.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: batang_bitcoin on May 09, 2024, 09:16:30 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Yes, that person thanked me. That's only one and I am happy that out of the many that have asked me how to invest, only 3-4 continued and one of them luckily got the quick profits this bull run. I've already told to that guy BTC on 2017 but didn't do anything until this year.
I was so happy for him that he did sort of a shortcut and managed to earn already compared to the other friends that I have that it took them a lot of time before having so.
It’s risky to influence someone to invest in a volatile investment like bitcoin, but somehow it also depends on how that person will be able to manage the risk and make it succeed. Lucky are you that your friend ended up overcoming all those risks and made decent profits in the end, it simply proves that he understood bitcoin well before he invested on it. However, for those who are just here to invest for quick gains, I’m afraid that once they experience some losses, they’ll eventually put the blame on the person that influenced them to invest in bitcoin.
I made sure that they understand what risk and volatility means and I didn't encouraged them but just explained how the market looks like and for them to have an idea.
The rest, it's all up to them and for that single guy that able to make profit in a short period of time. The timing was just perfect for him as it's before the halving and months ago.
I didn't do all of the explanation, I told him to research and he obliged and that's the fruit of his studying alone the market.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Lanatsa on May 09, 2024, 09:17:30 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Yes, that person thanked me. That's only one and I am happy that out of the many that have asked me how to invest, only 3-4 continued and one of them luckily got the quick profits this bull run. I've already told to that guy BTC on 2017 but didn't do anything until this year.
I was so happy for him that he did sort of a shortcut and managed to earn already compared to the other friends that I have that it took them a lot of time before having so.
It’s risky to influence someone to invest in a volatile investment like bitcoin, but somehow it also depends on how that person will be able to manage the risk and make it succeed. Lucky are you that your friend ended up overcoming all those risks and made decent profits in the end, it simply proves that he understood bitcoin well before he invested on it. However, for those who are just here to invest for quick gains, I’m afraid that once they experience some losses, they’ll eventually put the blame on the person that influenced them to invest in bitcoin.
There are people who are close minded and there are ones who are open minded too on which we do have friends or known someone who could really be on this type. If you do make out some explanation and telling something about crypto market in regarding into its utility and its potential money making then you would really be able to find yourself having that kind of interest specially for a noob. Who doesnt really want on earning money? For sure this would really be the main concern or interest that we do have in mind on the time that you would really be able to hear up something in correlation with making money.
This is also im that skeptical on telling someone about opportunities such as this because we do know that people do easily make out those kind of blaming when the lose money.

On the time that there would really be someone who do make out those kind of questions for the sake of interest then it wont be bad on making up some basic stuff explaination.
Always be considering about explaining them about the risks involved and let them choose whether they would invest or not.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Natalim on May 09, 2024, 09:33:13 PM
I can only share my story with crypto, but I will never try to influence someone invest in anything, because I dont want to a) lose friends b) be responsible for their losses. I have share "my story of success" in crypto, what is what, what I did to earn and how things turned, but hardly anyone got interest in crypto. I can highlight two reasons, people dont know and dont want to know anything about crypto, and people think it is too late to invest.
Well, it is easy to get someone's attention when you share how you become successful rather than influencing them. Yeah, people just become interested in investing in Bitcoin if they see someone become successful already. Just like my experience in sharing about Bitcoin with some of my friends before, only they will say it is a scam and never believe me but now, they keep asking me how to do that and how much I earn.

People just gain confidence if they see that many are also investing and much more if they see you improve. And found out that most of us are impatient.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on May 09, 2024, 09:36:42 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
I haven't influenced too many people to invest in bitcoin and, i think i have a viable reason for that ...
People tend to have a very disgusting mindset - especially those set of people from the rural areas. They'd see everything brought to them like a scam and blame you should anything happen contradictorily.
I keep saying this - if you must invest in anything at all, you must atleast have a good knowledge of what it is and how it works. I remember speaking on the phone with my friend outside the states - and she goes "hey, please could you help me invest and trade my Bitcoins? I've got a hundred thousand"  :P imagine that!

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: red4slash on May 09, 2024, 09:59:30 PM
It’s risky to influence someone to invest in a volatile investment like bitcoin, but somehow it also depends on how that person will be able to manage the risk and make it succeed. Lucky are you that your friend ended up overcoming all those risks and made decent profits in the end, it simply proves that he understood bitcoin well before he invested on it. However, for those who are just here to invest for quick gains, I’m afraid that once they experience some losses, they’ll eventually put the blame on the person that influenced them to invest in bitcoin.
Actually to influence someone to be in bitcoin I think it's still very easy because we only need to show the portfolio and the benefits we have while in bitcoin then the person will definitely be tempted by that and will try to ask further because in the end the advantage always menajdi someone's attraction when indeed talking about bitcoin.

But the most important thing here and the most difficult is to make them know the risks that will be owned later and so as not to depend on us who invite which makes this a little more complicated to do because in the end when we succeed in inviting people then it is not uncommon for them to continue to ask what to do and as if the inviter is the one who determines their fate to be in bitcoin.

This is not uncommon including to me who once felt that way when inviting someone to be in bitcon. So that rather than me being chased by responsibility for bringing them to bitcoin, I prefer not to do anything for now and just focus on the portfolio that I have without doing anything to others except for a few reasons such as asking opinions or sharing experiences then I still do it.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Mame89 on May 09, 2024, 10:09:11 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
As for influencing, teaching and getting people to invest in Bitcoin, I've never done that. Because it is very dangerous if they experience a loss then we are the ones to blame and this is very painful of course.

However, even so, I have mentioned Bitcoin several times to close friends or relatives, but only to share information that Bitcoin is an asset for the future, not to invite or influence. However, if they are still unfamiliar with bitcoin, I never mention bitcoin for a simple reason, I don't know how to explain bitcoin to lay people. So basically I never invite and influence other people to invest in bitcoin, but only share information and let them find out for themselves and do their own research.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Kristiyana on May 10, 2024, 12:35:44 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
As for influencing, teaching and getting people to invest in Bitcoin, I've never done that. Because it is very dangerous if they experience a loss then we are the ones to blame and this is very painful of course.

However, even so, I have mentioned Bitcoin several times to close friends or relatives, but only to share information that Bitcoin is an asset for the future, not to invite or influence. However, if they are still unfamiliar with bitcoin, I never mention bitcoin for a simple reason, I don't know how to explain bitcoin to lay people. So basically I never invite and influence other people to invest in bitcoin, but only share information and let them find out for themselves and do their own research.

You're absolutely right, I think the best thing to do is just to share informations about bitcoin investment  so that let them find out for themselves because if you keep telling them about bitcoin investment and also the risk that is involve, is going to look somehow, that is why i don't influence people to invest in bitcoin rather i will just give you information about bitcoin investment if you're interested first I will ask you to conduct a deep research about bitcoin investment so that you can find out the risk yourself.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Ben Barubal on May 10, 2024, 03:21:30 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

     when I started here I had never experienced the influence of an acquaintance to invest in Bitcoin. Because I know that they won't understand what I have to say, maybe when I say it they will show that they know more than me because crypto scams are often reported on television.

     So I take it personally and at least I know what I'm doing here in the field industry that I live in. and then I have no obligation to influence them to buy Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Mahanton on May 10, 2024, 07:54:25 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
As for influencing, teaching and getting people to invest in Bitcoin, I've never done that. Because it is very dangerous if they experience a loss then we are the ones to blame and this is very painful of course.

However, even so, I have mentioned Bitcoin several times to close friends or relatives, but only to share information that Bitcoin is an asset for the future, not to invite or influence. However, if they are still unfamiliar with bitcoin, I never mention bitcoin for a simple reason, I don't know how to explain bitcoin to lay people. So basically I never invite and influence other people to invest in bitcoin, but only share information and let them find out for themselves and do their own research.

You're absolutely right, I think the best thing to do is just to share informations about bitcoin investment  so that let them find out for themselves because if you keep telling them about bitcoin investment and also the risk that is involve, is going to look somehow, that is why i don't influence people to invest in bitcoin rather i will just give you information about bitcoin investment if you're interested first I will ask you to conduct a deep research about bitcoin investment so that you can find out the risk yourself.
Just tell them the basics and let them do the rest so that you wont really be getting blamed on the time that they will really be seeing their negative ports. Usually
newbies or someone you do know will really be pointing out their fingers on the time that they do lose money. Just like on what been mentioned above by most people that
when it comes to blaming time then we are really that good at it, without even trying out to look and realize on how the market works or on how it do behaves.

If  you are really that wanting for letting someone to know about Bitcoin or crypto then tell them about some basic stuffs and just like been said that it would be better that you
would be telling also them about on the risks involved on losing money because if you do keep on telling them about making money like on assured thing then you would
really be able to have that kind of disappointment on the time that the market will be going to the opposite side.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: adpinbr on May 11, 2024, 09:09:33 AM
Yes I have influence a lot of people to invest in bitcoin and they always come with a good testimony each time price goes higher and they have understood the crypto world because of the training and they are doing the right things they are not good enough in crypto community

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on May 12, 2024, 12:46:42 AM
You're absolutely right, I think the best thing to do is just to share informations about bitcoin investment  so that let them find out for themselves because if you keep telling them about bitcoin investment and also the risk that is involve, is going to look somehow, that is why i don't influence people to invest in bitcoin rather i will just give you information about bitcoin investment if you're interested first I will ask you to conduct a deep research about bitcoin investment so that you can find out the risk yourself.

Yes we can just share information about bitcoin if the listener wants to hear our words and if someone asks about bitcoin then we can tell them about the desired coin but it is dependent on personal view of whether he wants to do Bitcoin investment or not.

If we give suggestions to someone else to do Bitcoin investment then they will hold us responsible for their defeat but will not say good about us if they win. But it is necessary for you that if you are going to share information about bitcoin with others then share both pros and cons about bitcoin as incomplete information can move them in the wrong decision.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Razmirraz on May 12, 2024, 01:43:11 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
On the one hand, I really want to introduce Bitcoin to other people because after being involved in the crypto industry for so long I have gained a lot of benefits. But I don't know where to start and what I'm afraid is that the people I invite don't show a very positive response to Bitcoin. On the other hand, I also have to maintain the privacy of my Bitcoin ownership, the more people know, the more threatened my safety will be.
I'm just trying to introduce Bitcoin to my children through videos on YouTube and explaining to them that Bitcoin can make them achieve their dreams in the future if they always invest consistently. It's a bit complicated to introduce Bitcoin to children, but this is the only way I can do to continue the baton of sustainability in what I'm doing now while maintaining my privacy from other people.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: pinggoki on May 12, 2024, 02:27:58 AM
So far, it's only with my parents and I can probably call it a success because they've already turned a 3x of profit because I convinced them to buy a small amount of satoshi to jumpstart their desire to invest into something, they did gave me about $200 to buy and I just did a one and done buy with bitcoin at around 23k if I recall correctly, fast forward to the time that the price peaked to an all-time high and I sold their investment and they were so happy that their mere $200 turned into $600 with just a little patience, taught them now the basics of investing in bitcoin and made them an account in ByBit, now they're doing the investing on their own, I did tell them that they shouldn't trade with their bitcoins though, they're better off hodling and accumulating that bitcoin and then selling it when the price goes higher than when they've initially bought their bitcoin.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: boyptc on May 12, 2024, 08:42:03 AM
So far, it's only with my parents and I can probably call it a success because they've already turned a 3x of profit because I convinced them to buy a small amount of satoshi to jumpstart their desire to invest into something, they did gave me about $200 to buy and I just did a one and done buy with bitcoin at around 23k if I recall correctly, fast forward to the time that the price peaked to an all-time high and I sold their investment and they were so happy that their mere $200 turned into $600 with just a little patience, taught them now the basics of investing in bitcoin and made them an account in ByBit, now they're doing the investing on their own, I did tell them that they shouldn't trade with their bitcoins though, they're better off hodling and accumulating that bitcoin and then selling it when the price goes higher than when they've initially bought their bitcoin.
That is nice to hear because not every parent is open to these kinds of investments. Most of them are traditional investors and are not willing to explore into new invesments like Bitcoin.

I guess everyone who has had enough with their friends and relatives that they are not interested on it dont want to talk about it anymore even if someone starts to ask them genuinely about it.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: mvdheuvel1983 on May 12, 2024, 12:22:36 PM
I have had several discussion in respect of bitcoin, I was able to tell some interested folks the benefit and the disadvantages of Bitcoin, we discussed very deep about Bitcoin as an investment, most of them were able to open up to me what their setback was but i made them to understand that bitcoin is not for the weak, it is for the people that can stand test of time, know hidden thing in it, everything is open and done transparently but I allowed them to decide on the investment itself, every intending investor should be reasonable his/her actions, Bitcoin has present itself to every investor but then we as individual investors should be the risk bearer, know one should be blamed for whatever happens in the future.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: bangjoe on May 12, 2024, 01:18:18 PM
So far, it's only with my parents and I can probably call it a success because they've already turned a 3x of profit because I convinced them to buy a small amount of satoshi to jumpstart their desire to invest into something, they did gave me about $200 to buy and I just did a one and done buy with bitcoin at around 23k if I recall correctly, fast forward to the time that the price peaked to an all-time high and I sold their investment and they were so happy that their mere $200 turned into $600 with just a little patience, taught them now the basics of investing in bitcoin and made them an account in ByBit, now they're doing the investing on their own, I did tell them that they shouldn't trade with their bitcoins though, they're better off hodling and accumulating that bitcoin and then selling it when the price goes higher than when they've initially bought their bitcoin.
Congratulations on your success, although it is not a large amount for the nominal investment made, but the most difficult thing I faced with my parents was that they did not understand it and seemed unsure of what I said, because indeed when talking to parents we cannot easily convince them especially those who do not understand the financial markets or the world of investment, they tend to prefer the business they understand rather than saving on what they do not know, especially if they do not understand what investment is it will be very difficult for us to convince them to invest in any asset other than land and gold jewelry, because maybe they experienced that experience.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Yatsan on May 12, 2024, 01:34:10 PM
Yes before and unfortunately, I won't do it again. Engaging on investments should be by choice ot initiative to avoid blaming instances. Yes, he maanaged to invest in Bitcoin and other cryptocirrencies. He was so haappy with profit at first however when a dump took place on that year, he paanicked and sold his holdings ending up with huge loss. He blamed me of what happened and was no longer talking to me. Although this does not define other potential investors as well but I conclude it would be better to just share your knowledge to them and let them seek for more information before they decide for themselves whether to invest or not. In such way they'd be aware of the risk and won't only focus on the profit to be earned from engaging into this industry. Risk should always be minded and managed at all times to avoid regrets.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Dr.Osh on May 12, 2024, 03:34:07 PM
Well, I once invited someone, and he managed to own some assets at that time. However, since the price of bitcoin has dropped, I think he has gone out and looked for other investments. Well, he was grateful, but right now, I think he has another job. However, up to now, I don't want to invite anyone, but I just explain what I know. Sometimes, when someone is invited to invest in something, they do something out of line, such as trading with what they can't afford to lose, then blame the person who invited them.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Viscore on May 12, 2024, 04:06:34 PM
Well, I once invited someone, and he managed to own some assets at that time. However, since the price of bitcoin has dropped, I think he has gone out and looked for other investments. Well, he was grateful, but right now, I think he has another job. However, up to now, I don't want to invite anyone, but I just explain what I know. Sometimes, when someone is invited to invest in something, they do something out of line, such as trading with what they can't afford to lose, then blame the person who invited them.
I felt the same way too. I usually tell my close friends about bitcoin way back then, but now I decided to stop doing it because at the end of the day, instead of helping them and be grateful for it, I end up becoming responsible of their losses even if they know from the start that I never fail to warn them how risky bitcoin investment is.

Now, I’m still open to talk about bitcoin only when they asked to, but I make sure not to convince or influence them at all. Bitcoin is a complex investment most especially for those who are not knowledgeable about it, hence investing without prior learning acquisition will only go into waste and lose all the capital being risk. Invest at your own risk.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: GigaBit on May 12, 2024, 05:14:10 PM
Well, I once invited someone, and he managed to own some assets at that time. However, since the price of bitcoin has dropped, I think he has gone out and looked for other investments. Well, he was grateful, but right now, I think he has another job. However, up to now, I don't want to invite anyone, but I just explain what I know. Sometimes, when someone is invited to invest in something, they do something out of line, such as trading with what they can't afford to lose, then blame the person who invited them.
I felt the same way too. I usually tell my close friends about bitcoin way back then, but now I decided to stop doing it because at the end of the day, instead of helping them and be grateful for it, I end up becoming responsible of their losses even if they know from the start that I never fail to warn them how risky bitcoin investment is.
I suggested one of my friend for Bitcoin investment who invested in Bitcoin but since then the price of Bitcoin has dropped significantly. He was patient when I asked him to wait patiently but after waiting for a long time when the investment was not recovered he accepted his loss and withdrew his investment. But the interesting thing is that after a long time he came to me again for bitcoin investment advice. I have encouraged a few others to invest, they have invested in bitcoins and there have been some bitcoin holders. Who are gradually increasing their holdings. But I don't encourage everyone to invest. I recommend investment only to those over whom I have control. Because a small mistake here can lead to big losses. I try so that no one can blame me.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: bitzizzix on May 12, 2024, 05:57:16 PM
Well, I once invited someone, and he managed to own some assets at that time. However, since the price of bitcoin has dropped, I think he has gone out and looked for other investments. Well, he was grateful, but right now, I think he has another job. However, up to now, I don't want to invite anyone, but I just explain what I know. Sometimes, when someone is invited to invest in something, they do something out of line, such as trading with what they can't afford to lose, then blame the person who invited them.
I felt the same way too. I usually tell my close friends about bitcoin way back then, but now I decided to stop doing it because at the end of the day, instead of helping them and be grateful for it, I end up becoming responsible of their losses even if they know from the start that I never fail to warn them how risky bitcoin investment is.
I suggested one of my friend for Bitcoin investment who invested in Bitcoin but since then the price of Bitcoin has dropped significantly. He was patient when I asked him to wait patiently but after waiting for a long time when the investment was not recovered he accepted his loss and withdrew his investment. But the interesting thing is that after a long time he came to me again for bitcoin investment advice. I have encouraged a few others to invest, they have invested in bitcoins and there have been some bitcoin holders. Who are gradually increasing their holdings. But I don't encourage everyone to invest. I recommend investment only to those over whom I have control. Because a small mistake here can lead to big losses. I try so that no one can blame me.
If we influence someone to get involved with Bitcoin, especially close people such as friends or family members are a good choice because they can be controlled and always under supervision, and can easily talk about it because they are close or meet frequently and also based on their wishes.
Apart from that, they also have the enthusiasm to search for and learn all the functions and benefits related to Bitcoin and its traces so that it can keep them motivated. And I also did this with close friends and some of my family members and everything was fine once they knew the risks involved and also the correct way to buy and sell.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Zoomic on May 12, 2024, 06:24:07 PM
I think I have influenced lots of people to invest in Bitcoin but not directly. I am not someone that goes out to convince people to invest in risky projects. I believe If you want to do any investment, you do your research yourself.  I will only put you through if you have some challenges getting along. But most people who are close to me often get motivated to take that risk. If I can invest i Bitcoin, why won't they?

I am always careful about convincing anyone to invest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general. Once I read a post here where someone who got recommendation from someone here to invest in Bitcoin threatened to hold the person who recommended her responsible if anything happens to her capital. A lot of persons cannot take risks, but want to enjoy what risks takers enjoy. We just have to be careful who we bring in so as to avoid getting into trouble.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Crypto Library on May 12, 2024, 07:51:26 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Yes I have. I have influenced some of my old school friends. And the final result is good they are also making long term investment with DCA method with their pocket money. I just give them the story of Bitcoin why the satoshi nakamoto make this revolution and why it's not a scam or illegal thing in general. At last give them myself as a example how I did make profit from Bitcoin.
When I introduced them to Bitcoin I didn't think they would make a long term investment, I thought they would just sell it when the price of Bitcoin went up a bit. But I saw that they are still holding even after market dumping. Isn't it a good result from the newbie's starting holding bitcoin ?

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: kotajikikox on May 13, 2024, 11:01:19 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Yes, that person thanked me. That's only one and I am happy that out of the many that have asked me how to invest, only 3-4 continued and one of them luckily got the quick profits this bull run. I've already told to that guy BTC on 2017 but didn't do anything until this year.
I was so happy for him that he did sort of a shortcut and managed to earn already compared to the other friends that I have that it took them a lot of time before having so.
I don’t know if you are just simply a great teacher or you just have a very intellectual kind of friends. You are lucky they ended up with good results otherwise they would have blamed you and ended your relationship.

There’s really no guarantee that when you advice someone that they will be able to get something good out of it that’s why I do not really want to do it. Though it would be amazing if my friends became successful at the same time as I am.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Blitzboy on May 13, 2024, 11:13:03 AM
I think I have influenced lots of people to invest in Bitcoin but not directly. I am not someone that goes out to convince people to invest in risky projects. I believe If you want to do any investment, you do your research yourself.  I will only put you through if you have some challenges getting along. But most people who are close to me often get motivated to take that risk. If I can invest i Bitcoin, why won't they?

I am always careful about convincing anyone to invest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general. Once I read a post here where someone who got recommendation from someone here to invest in Bitcoin threatened to hold the person who recommended her responsible if anything happens to her capital. A lot of persons cannot take risks, but want to enjoy what risks takers enjoy. We just have to be careful who we bring in so as to avoid getting into trouble.
Bitcoin investing isnt for everyone. It needs courage and vision. However, early investors with foresight are experiencing huge profits. Believe me. Its prudent not to pressure people into it. However, seeing a winner like you invest in Bitcoin makes them think. This is about BIG rewards, not simply risk. Market knowledge is crucial. We all know what the dollar does to economies worldwide. Bitcoin is unique and stable. It could secure your finances and strengthen you.

You're smart to be wary. Investing is serious - its about mindset as much as money. Not everyone can manage pressure, and thats okay. But remember, you're a leader. People admire you. Seeing you succeed with Bitcoin shows people whats possible. They'll figure it out without instructions. You're providing information and an example. Thats the best method to help folks make good financial decisions.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: rodskee on May 13, 2024, 11:13:40 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Have influenced someone from my classmates from college but he decided not to invest in bitcoin
 instead he chooses Ethereum , i don't know where did he get that Idea but yeah i lured him to invest
 in bitcoin yet goes sideways in altcoins but its fine at least he will never blame me if ever he did not
succeed because i only thought him about bitcoin and its from his self study to put in altcoin.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: benalexis12 on May 13, 2024, 11:31:40 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

I have never done that because I don't want to get a headache in the long run. If they really believe in bitcoin, of course they should make their own move and start their own way to find out how Bitcoin became interesting to most Bitcoin investors.

Most of the people here in our country, when you share something that can help them, can blame you in the end when they don't make money, which they usually say, I trust you, even if we say that you gave a warning.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Questat on May 13, 2024, 11:34:08 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
I could tell people but I'm not obliged to influence them and take responsibility for their investment. I say this because I try to get in touch with someone and my experience is too bad as he came back and blamed me for losing their money after buying Bitcoin. I really don't know the story of why he lost as I don't talk to him back as he never listens to my explanations anymore.

Whether you believe me or not OP, please don't try to talk to people and encourage them to invest in Bitcoin as they will turn you back and blame you. You'd rather spend your time on yourselves rather than bringing someone to the crypto space, especially when we feel they are not interested in this.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Casdinyard on May 13, 2024, 03:10:03 PM
I was able to entice a bunch of my friends in High School and in College to invest in cryptocurrency, back when I was still a lowly crypto bag holder with a few dollars under his name. I invited them to join this forum for the moolah and the knowledge, and while some of them left the crypto world for good in search of more sustainable careers, there's still a handful of Day 1s who remained and have been able to achieve a lot of amazing things all because I told them about bitcoin and bitcointalk.

Take for example, this close friend of mine I would call "Steve", we were in the same IT classes back in college, and while a lot of our early bird friends left the crypto world for good back in 2022, some of them even earlier than that, and a couple more crossing us for the sake of money and a higher social standing amongst our peers, he stuck with crypto, right now he's living comfortably, hired by some crypto clients to make front-end websites for their projects and all that shit. So happy knowing that he deserved all the shit he's getting right now and more, plus the fact that he stuck with us through thick and thin learning the ins and outs of cryptocurrency, while studying all at the same time.

I guess that's just one of the success stories I have for a bunch of people I introduced to crypto to.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Lantind on May 13, 2024, 11:15:40 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Have influenced someone from my classmates from college but he decided not to invest in bitcoin
 instead he chooses Ethereum , i don't know where did he get that Idea but yeah i lured him to invest
 in bitcoin yet goes sideways in altcoins but its fine at least he will never blame me if ever he did not
succeed because i only thought him about bitcoin and its from his self study to put in altcoin.
If you have told your friends about investing in crypto, of course that is very good, but you have to explain in detail about the investment about the risk of losing their money if they make a mistake in the investment they make and if they prefer to invest. There is certainly nothing wrong with altcoins, but they must be able to know for sure the type of altcoin they will choose and don't make a mistake in choosing the type of altcoin they will invest in so that they experience losses on the investment they make.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: SeriouslyGiveaway on May 15, 2024, 02:26:57 AM
I talked to many of my friends about Bitcoin in 2020, but most of them ignored my story and thought this was too risky a market to invest in. At that time, they were only interested in investing in stocks and real estate, which gave them more peace of mind. However, up to this point, after the outstanding growth of Bitcoin as well as this market, those friends now come to me to ask for comments about Bitcoin. They expressed regret for not investing in Bitcoin in the past, and asked me if it was still time to invest in Bitcoin now.

Actually, in 2020 I was quite excited to share Bitcoin investing with my friends, but now I'm quite reserved about it. Because I am aware that giving investment advice to someone carries a lot of risks, especially with relatives and friends. Not everyone who invests in Bitcoin can make a profit if they don't really understand it and hold it persistently. If they lose money, I might become the target of their attacks. Therefore, if you intend to influence someone's investment, you should be cautious and think carefully.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Etranger on May 15, 2024, 12:18:26 PM
If you have told your friends about investing in crypto, of course that is very good, but you have to explain in detail about the investment about the risk of losing their money if they make a mistake in the investment they make and if they prefer to invest. There is certainly nothing wrong with altcoins, but they must be able to know for sure the type of altcoin they will choose and don't make a mistake in choosing the type of altcoin they will invest in so that they experience losses on the investment they make.

I don't think it's appropriate to use the phrase "have to" in this case. Still, the people to whom we give advice accept it on their own. They always have a choice and may not follow our advice. They take responsibility for decisions made. Our task is to express our opinion on this matter and present compelling arguments. Then it's up to the one who makes the decision.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: fuguebtc on May 15, 2024, 01:07:58 PM
I talked to many of my friends about Bitcoin in 2020, but most of them ignored my story and thought this was too risky a market to invest in. At that time, they were only interested in investing in stocks and real estate, which gave them more peace of mind. However, up to this point, after the outstanding growth of Bitcoin as well as this market, those friends now come to me to ask for comments about Bitcoin. They expressed regret for not investing in Bitcoin in the past, and asked me if it was still time to invest in Bitcoin now.

Actually, in 2020 I was quite excited to share Bitcoin investing with my friends, but now I'm quite reserved about it. Because I am aware that giving investment advice to someone carries a lot of risks, especially with relatives and friends. Not everyone who invests in Bitcoin can make a profit if they don't really understand it and hold it persistently. If they lose money, I might become the target of their attacks. Therefore, if you intend to influence someone's investment, you should be cautious and think carefully.

To be honest , I also don't like and don't support the idea of giving investment advice to others because when it comes to investing , it is not only profitable but also risky. We are not in the same situation , nor are our risk tolerance levels the same, so giving advice to others is no different from making things difficult for yourself . If someone asks me about bitcoin , I usually don't want to say much and what I tell them is to do their own research on the internet or find someone . I really don't want to be blamed or lose the relationship if their investment goes wrong .

Not only with investing but anything related to money , we should limit giving advice to others if we don't want to be bothered .

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on May 15, 2024, 01:16:14 PM
However, up to this point, after the outstanding growth of Bitcoin as well as this market, those friends now come to me to ask for comments about Bitcoin. They expressed regret for not investing in Bitcoin in the past, and asked me if it was still time to invest in Bitcoin now.
If truly they feel regret about their past actions, then the best thing will be to make amends, and by that I mean to invest in Bitcoin now that it's price is still affordable, because if they still make procrastination today, so will they regret in next 5yrs from today when the it's price is likely to have crossed the $100k bench match. So if I'm you I will only advice to them to buy the amount of BTC they know they can afford to hold for long, and then just leave the fund there til next 5yrs. Because Bitcoin remains a promising asset, despite it's global attack from different countries.

but now I'm quite reserved about it. Because I am aware that giving investment advice to someone carries a lot of risks, especially with relatives and friends. Not everyone who invests in Bitcoin can make a profit if they don't really understand it and hold it persistently. If they lose money, I might become the target of their attacks. Therefore, if you intend to influence someone's investment, you should be cautious and think carefully.
But that will only be possible if you fail to explain to those you will be introducing into Bitcoin it's pros and cons, because inasmuch as you are able to explain to them it's risk , and they were able to accept it and venture into investing in Bitcoin. You don't need to be worry about been blamed.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: kentrolla on May 15, 2024, 03:36:44 PM
I have influenced many people to use BTC and the easiest conversion being my friends and colleagues as it's easier for them to understand Bitcoin wherein the older ones find it difficult to believe something like this can be real because they are conventional investors who believe in traditional investment system so didn't bother much on them. When I started getting profits and showed near and dear once about the profits and how much I have got as returns they were very excited but some of them did panic selling during the bear market and blamed me for trapping them.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: TheUltraElite on May 15, 2024, 04:44:50 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Nope, I would never do that.

I would only teach someone about bitcoin if they are willing to learn about it and need a guide. Tell them the pros and cons specially our own country's stance towards it and the humungous taxation on crypto transaction but would never influence them to invest in crypto.

Because this goes against my own ideals. Someone's money is their responsibility, I would not take that responsibility and because bitcoin is unpredictable which I can handle but they might not be able to.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Z-tight on May 15, 2024, 04:51:43 PM
When I started getting profits and showed near and dear once about the profits and how much I have got as returns they were very excited but some of them did panic selling during the bear market and blamed me for trapping them.
What you got in the end is what you get when you want to convince or persuade people to buy BTC for returns or profit, if you made returns from BTC, you do not have to go about telling people to buy BTC, and that they would make profits if they do so.

Better if you explain to people that BTC is censorship resistant and permissionless, and that they would have control of their money if they use it, but if you are telling them that they are going to make money from BTC if they buy it, then i am sorry you may end up having problems with the people you introduced BTC to.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Z_MBFM on May 15, 2024, 05:13:30 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
I use bitcoin myself but I don't force anyone to use bitcoin or invest in bitcoin. But many of my friends came to know about Bitcoin from me with interest and they got a lot of profit by investing in Bitcoin and later praised me a lot. Bitcoin is something that anyone who hears about it gets interested in investing on it. Because long-term investment here is mandatory to get profit. But it requires a lot of patience.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Skfox on May 15, 2024, 06:52:08 PM
With the little I know, I talk about bitcoin with my friends and sometimes even with strangers due to discussion that comes up. Talking about bitcoin help the knowledge about it sink more into me and also create awareness to those who do not know.

About influencing someone, I have not infact I would not want to influence someone into investing in bitcoin because if anything goes wrong, the outcome would not be nice, it can result to me being blamed for it and at the end spoils our good relationship with each other. The best I can do and even advise is that we should help in whatever way, to make others have  sufficient knowledge about bitcoin and then leave the decision of investing for them to make instead of influencing them.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Cookdata on May 15, 2024, 07:17:45 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

I used to back then but I changed. If you don't know me and closed to me, you will think I don't used internet because I hardly talk about it reason because people expectations are so high that when they hear food side of Bitcoin, they want to experience it to and they later make you feel like you are the one controlling the market, always making you feel you are the person that is stopping the Bitcoin market from making a run for there money.

Another benefit of staying low about the whole thing is for security reasons and now that the government has officially start to fight against cryptocurrency trading and involvement in any digital investment, bringing new person here is risking their life's and investment because they can be block from using banks and I don't want to be involved with any problem for trying to help.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: angrybirdy on May 15, 2024, 07:49:35 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

I tried to tell a few details but I can't say that I was the one who influenced them to invest in bitcoin because at that time I really had no interest in teaching because my knowledge was not that wide when it comes to investing, one more thing My patience is short and I don't really want to teach because the topic of investment is too broad, but so far the people I know that I have talked to have invested well in bitcoin and until now they are still doing it.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: dunfida on May 15, 2024, 08:20:02 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

I used to back then but I changed. If you don't know me and closed to me, you will think I don't used internet because I hardly talk about it reason because people expectations are so high that when they hear food side of Bitcoin, they want to experience it to and they later make you feel like you are the one controlling the market, always making you feel you are the person that is stopping the Bitcoin market from making a run for there money.

Another benefit of staying low about the whole thing is for security reasons and now that the government has officially start to fight against cryptocurrency trading and involvement in any digital investment, bringing new person here is risking their life's and investment because they can be block from using banks and I don't want to be involved with any problem for trying to help.
If someone whose close to me then i would really be definitely be giving out those basic ideas and concepts on how crypto works or something that do talks about the basic principle but of course you shouldn't really be that forgetting about the risks involved. If you dont like on getting blamed in the end of the line then you should really be telling them about the risks specially we are really that dealing with a volatile and unpredictable market.
This is the most important thing that you shouldn't really be forgetting on telling them because this is where usually relations is really that being broken or something that will really be compromised, because on the time that they would be seeing those decrease of their money then they would really be pointing out their fingers on your or simply being getting blamed.

This is the primary reason on why i wont really be tending to share up those information into other people not unless if they would really be asking out seriously or i do see that they are really interested
then i might consider but of course the rest of explanation would really be leading up into those internet search on which this is much more better.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: yazher on May 15, 2024, 09:43:59 PM
Some of my friends whom I told you about a few years ago have now become successful investors and they are already making a decent amount of profit every time they put their money in, they just follow the golden rules by the way. I always avoided taking any blame whenever I told someone about bitcoins and put all the choices in them whenever they want to enter the crypto market because I know that my role is just simply to explain to them the basics and the most important info which is the volatility and how to prevent themselves from countless scammers surrounding the crypto industry and the rest is up to them whether they continue learning like the most of them doing right now or to invest asap while the price is still affordable for them.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Kristiyana on May 16, 2024, 08:06:01 AM
Some of my friends whom I told you about a few years ago have now become successful investors and they are already making a decent amount of profit every time they put their money in, they just follow the golden rules by the way. I always avoided taking any blame whenever I told someone about bitcoins and put all the choices in them whenever they want to enter the crypto market because I know that my role is just simply to explain to them the basics and the most important info which is the volatility and how to prevent themselves from countless scammers surrounding the crypto industry and the rest is up to them whether they continue learning like the most of them doing right now or to invest asap while the price is still affordable for them.

Actually I'm always scared of introducing my friends to this crypto investment reason is because most of them are not educated enough to read and understand how the market works, I'm always scared because they can go with it the wrong way and if anything should happen to their money I will be hold responsible. that is why I always avoid them, not everyone who can bare the risk mostly when it has to do with money they're always careful.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Yukyzu on May 16, 2024, 12:39:23 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
I tried to tell a few details but I can't say that I was the one who influenced them to invest in bitcoin because at that time I really had no interest in teaching because my knowledge was not that wide when it comes to investing, one more thing My patience is short and I don't really want to teach because the topic of investment is too broad, but so far the people I know that I have talked to have invested well in bitcoin and until now they are still doing it.
When someone has seen you have achieved success, of course you don't need to tell them about what you did and they will be the ones who will come to see you to ask about what you did so that they can imitate the success you have achieved, to be able to teach other people. it does require patience and it is impossible for us to be able to teach other people if we don't have a lot of patience. If there is someone you can talk to about investing and they have made an investment, of course what you say to them they can understand well so that they dare to invest, because it is impossible for someone to dare to invest in a market that has very high volatility if they do not understand it well.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: leonair on May 16, 2024, 12:53:11 PM
Some of my friends whom I told you about a few years ago have now become successful investors and they are already making a decent amount of profit every time they put their money in, they just follow the golden rules by the way. I always avoided taking any blame whenever I told someone about bitcoins and put all the choices in them whenever they want to enter the crypto market because I know that my role is just simply to explain to them the basics and the most important info which is the volatility and how to prevent themselves from countless scammers surrounding the crypto industry and the rest is up to them whether they continue learning like the most of them doing right now or to invest asap while the price is still affordable for them.

Actually I'm always scared of introducing my friends to this crypto investment reason is because most of them are not educated enough to read and understand how the market works, I'm always scared because they can go with it the wrong way and if anything should happen to their money I will be hold responsible. that is why I always avoid them, not everyone who can bare the risk mostly when it has to do with money they're always careful.
Telling someone about Bitcoin takes a long time because there is so much to learn.  So if someone makes a wrong decision and does something wrong, they can blame me for it, so I'm also very afraid to influence anyone about Bitcoin.  However, if someone asks me something out of interest, I try to teach them with my best.  But I tried to convince my family members about Bitcoin but they are old age people so I couldn't convince them much.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: GbitG on May 16, 2024, 08:38:20 PM
Telling someone about Bitcoin takes a long time because there is so much to learn.  So if someone makes a wrong decision and does something wrong, they can blame me for it, so I'm also very afraid to influence anyone about Bitcoin.  However, if someone asks me something out of interest, I try to teach them with my best.  But I tried to convince my family members about Bitcoin but they are old age people so I couldn't convince them much.
Yeah I do the same thing, I never approach someone and tell them about Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies or try to persuade them to make investments in them because I know that in case their investments don't work out and they lose money instead of getting profits, I'm the one they are going to blame because it was me who approached them and made them interested in them and they didn't know about them beforehand. Apart from this point, you should never let anyone know that you have money invested in cryptocurrencies or have any involvement in it because that can be a security concern for you.

When it comes to family, one should at least let them know that there is something like this where they can make investments and if the market goes up, they can make profit from it, however it is necessary to let them know about the risks involved as well because despite being family members, they can also blame you if they lose money.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: TheUltraElite on June 11, 2024, 02:00:38 PM
Actually I'm always scared of introducing my friends to this crypto investment reason is because most of them are not educated enough to read and understand how the market works, I'm always scared because they can go with it the wrong way and if anything should happen to their money I will be hold responsible. that is why I always avoid them, not everyone who can bare the risk mostly when it has to do with money they're always careful.
Most of us are scared when it comes to introducing others to bitcoin, you might get mocked by that group or they will be a A-hole and call you responsible when they lose money.

That is why I only tell others about crypto if they are interested to know about it with disclosure that it is a risky asset class to dive into. If the impulse for knowing about something comes from the opposite side, that is the best time to teach someone about that thing.

Still this problem will exist in future too because who wants to invest in something that cannot be felt or seen, they think its a scam in the first place, even though the price is high now.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: MAKInsaf on June 11, 2024, 02:38:33 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
I haven't introduced anyone to Bitcoin yet, but I love Bitcoin. I like bitcoin investment a lot and I like to invest in bitcoin. If we can invest patiently in bitcoin investment, surely we will achieve success in bitcoin investment and seeing our success, surely others will show interest in bitcoin. But day by day people Bitcoin is becoming more popular and people are showing interest to invest in Bitcoin. Bitcoin is definitely a popular bitcoin if we can invest patiently and after knowing enough about the bitcoin market we can achieve success through bitcoin investment.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Hopila on June 17, 2024, 06:17:14 PM
I tried influencing my friend,but at some point I noticed I wasn't persuasive enough because he was very curious to know how the cryptocurrency works looking at how risky it is to invest. So he decided we should get a professional to for advice.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: fauzan Ichsan on June 18, 2024, 04:24:14 AM
Actually I'm always scared of introducing my friends to this crypto investment reason is because most of them are not educated enough to read and understand how the market works, I'm always scared because they can go with it the wrong way and if anything should happen to their money I will be hold responsible. that is why I always avoid them, not everyone who can bare the risk mostly when it has to do with money they're always careful.
Most of us are scared when it comes to introducing others to bitcoin, you might get mocked by that group or they will be a A-hole and call you responsible when they lose money.

That is why I only tell others about crypto if they are interested to know about it with disclosure that it is a risky asset class to dive into. If the impulse for knowing about something comes from the opposite side, that is the best time to teach someone about that thing.

Still this problem will exist in future too because who wants to invest in something that cannot be felt or seen, they think its a scam in the first place, even though the price is high now.
bitcoin is not multi-level marketing, so there is no need to influence someone to invest in bitcoin, if they invest, then leave it with the knowledge and self-awareness they have, we can only provide an explanation according to our knowledge. because many impromptu investors only hope to get big profits in a short time, and if it doesn't meet expectations then we could be blamed if we were the ones who told them to invest

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: mich on June 18, 2024, 06:30:04 AM
Yes I can say that I did do this for some of the people at my work. There is 1 man that I said to him he should buy some Bitcoin and this was some years back. I showed him how to go on Binance on his office computer.
And I am wondering did he still hodl that Bitcoin or did he sell them. I do not see the man all the time but he did say he was interested in it and did ask me some questions. I now want to find out and I hope he still is hodling his Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: bots1 on June 18, 2024, 07:07:36 AM
So far I have not succeeded in convincing the people closest to me to invest in Bitcoin because they still think that investing in Bitcoin is very risky even though I have proven it to them from how it works to the income that can be obtained from investing in Bitcoin. However, even though currently the people closest to me are not sure about investing in Bitcoin, I will continue to provide understanding to them so that they are really interested in investing in Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: retreat on June 18, 2024, 07:15:17 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?

I once told someone about investing in Bitcoin, at first it worked, but when the market went bearish he started to worry and blamed me because the result of him investing in Bitcoin made him lose 25% of the value of his investment. He's out. And since then I've been lazy about telling other people about investing in Bitcoin. Yeah, there are a few people who ask me about that, but I just say for them to find out for themselves and learn from Binance academy - I don't want to deal with other people about investing in Bitcoin, unless they already understand the risks.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Promocodeudo on June 18, 2024, 08:09:29 AM
I have not influenced anyone to invest in Bitcoin, as a bitcoiner, my relatives, brothers and sisters knows what I do, I don't hide anything from them, from time to time we engage in discussions relating to Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general and with what I see so far I understand that they have interest in the investment itself but the thing is that I still don't have to force them to take the bull by the horn, Bitcoin is an investment that requires a personal decision without persuation, so it not a do or die affair, apart from having discussed this with my family, i have also have some conversation with some people who see bitcoin as a scam but after teling them to go for a personal research, they came out with good results, am always careful about telling someone to investment because I believe that such stand should be personal and the risk should be a sole burden to avoid blame in the case of any ugly situation.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Strongkored on June 18, 2024, 08:10:24 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
Influencing someone to invest in Bitcoin is quite risky in my opinion because of course when we try to influence them the most interesting information we will convey is how they will gain profits, not how Bitcoin can change the way we transact online because Bitcoin is a digital currency that can be used, and Bitcoin is not a form of investment that can be held in the long term with full confidence that it will later provide profits if the person who owns it does not understand how the Bitcoin market works.

The closest example is if someone has bought it for $70,000 and now sees the price dropping by around $5,000 because the current price is $65,000 then without the correct knowledge they will panic so they can make the decision to sell at a loss and we will be blamed for being influenced to invest but it turns out they didn't experience anything like as we previously informed, I only influence my family and that was done but they could only trust the price at a certain level so they sold it but luckily it had already provided quite a good profit at that time, but if they are patient enough to save until now, of course the profits they will get will be even better.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Cryptmuster on June 18, 2024, 09:16:12 AM
Yes I can say that I did do this for some of the people at my work. There is 1 man that I said to him he should buy some Bitcoin and this was some years back. I showed him how to go on Binance on his office computer.
And I am wondering did he still hodl that Bitcoin or did he sell them. I do not see the man all the time but he did say he was interested in it and did ask me some questions. I now want to find out and I hope he still is hodling his Bitcoin.

It’s not a good idea to access stock exchanges on an office computer, primarily for privacy reasons, since most likely the administrator sees all the sites where their employees go. And before advising a person to buy Bitcoin, he should study this coin in order to make an informed decision about this investment for himself. Anyone can buy, but he first needs to explain that there are cycles in the market, and there are bad times to buy. This is not gold, which you can buy and be more or less calm, with Bitcoin everything is different.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: justdimin on June 18, 2024, 06:49:33 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
I once told someone about investing in Bitcoin, at first it worked, but when the market went bearish he started to worry and blamed me because the result of him investing in Bitcoin made him lose 25% of the value of his investment. He's out. And since then I've been lazy about telling other people about investing in Bitcoin. Yeah, there are a few people who ask me about that, but I just say for them to find out for themselves and learn from Binance academy - I don't want to deal with other people about investing in Bitcoin, unless they already understand the risks.
This is exactly why I do not tell anyone to invest into anything. They think that they are going to make money, the suggestion for investment is just an idea, if you want to invest that is your own decision, nobody can make you invest, it is impossible.

I personally believe that the best thing we could do right now would be just realizing that we are not going to make money without having anything better with that money, so we invest into the best option we can think of. This is why I believe that the best way would be just ignoring everything else, and focusing on how to make as much money as possible. If someone invests, because of our advice, and loses, they should still own up to it because we didn't force them, we just suggested.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: kawetsriyanto on June 18, 2024, 09:13:52 PM
I tried to tell a few details but I can't say that I was the one who influenced them to invest in bitcoin because at that time I really had no interest in teaching because my knowledge was not that wide when it comes to investing, one more thing My patience is short and I don't really want to teach because the topic of investment is too broad, but so far the people I know that I have talked to have invested well in bitcoin and until now they are still doing it.
If you are not confident to teach them, just share information to them. You can say them that you may be not an expert but you want to share any information you know so far. Sometimes, this way can be easier to make people's be aware about Bitcoin. They will consider they hear the facts from you because it is based on your experience. But when you look like teaching them, they may think you are just explaining a theory.

IMO, it is not so important whether they are influenced by you or not. The most important thing is they can join Bitcoin investment, too. And make sure that they can invest in the right way. I think you are lucky to have some people for sharing about Bitcoin or crypto as a whole. Some people have no friends for sharing.  :)

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Sane001 on June 19, 2024, 11:37:12 AM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
I find these very interesting, because I had similar case with my friends too.
When my friend first approached me about investing in bitcoin, I thought he was looking for an avenue to defraud me but after some months went by I saw him at the shopping mall with a full Catted shopping items an I was like “Bro what’s up?? He said everything am seeing here was just half the money of his interest. I was blown away an since then I knew bitcoin investment system works an without hesitation I rushed to secure my future by investing into bitcoin.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: uswa56 on June 19, 2024, 01:02:51 PM
So far I have not succeeded in convincing the people closest to me to invest in Bitcoin because they still think that investing in Bitcoin is very risky even though I have proven it to them from how it works to the income that can be obtained from investing in Bitcoin. However, even though currently the people closest to me are not sure about investing in Bitcoin, I will continue to provide understanding to them so that they are really interested in investing in Bitcoin.
When you have not succeeded in convincing the people closest to you to invest in Bitcoin, of course this does not harm you in any way and the problem is when you have succeeded in convincing them to invest but do not explain the investment properly which makes them make mistakes in investing and cause losses. when they invest and if the people closest to you think investing in Bitcoin is very risky, of course this also applies to any type of investment and the most important thing for us before deciding to invest is that we must understand well and not make mistakes in carrying out the investment which makes us losing the money used to invest.

It would be better for you to first give them a good understanding and never force them to invest if they don't understand it well so that they blame you when they experience failure in the investment they are carrying out.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Blitzboy on June 19, 2024, 04:46:31 PM
So far I have not succeeded in convincing the people closest to me to invest in Bitcoin because they still think that investing in Bitcoin is very risky even though I have proven it to them from how it works to the income that can be obtained from investing in Bitcoin. However, even though currently the people closest to me are not sure about investing in Bitcoin, I will continue to provide understanding to them so that they are really interested in investing in Bitcoin.
When you have not succeeded in convincing the people closest to you to invest in Bitcoin, of course this does not harm you in any way and the problem is when you have succeeded in convincing them to invest but do not explain the investment properly which makes them make mistakes in investing and cause losses. when they invest and if the people closest to you think investing in Bitcoin is very risky, of course this also applies to any type of investment and the most important thing for us before deciding to invest is that we must understand well and not make mistakes in carrying out the investment which makes us losing the money used to invest.

It would be better for you to first give them a good understanding and never force them to invest if they don't understand it well so that they blame you when they experience failure in the investment they are carrying out.
if you're thinking about helping a friend or family member get into Bitcoin, educate them. Make sure they know it well. Bitcoin has both up and down potential. Folks, this is a little rollercoaster. The possible benefits are huge, though, provided you do your homework, are familiar with the technology, and are aware of the dangers.

Dont be a salesman. Never press them into anything they're not comfortable with. Let them make that choice. You must keep their trust, that is the most significant. Tell them straight out about the benefits and risks involved. Thats how you build strong relationships, whether the investment goes up or down. Remember, folks, its not just about the money. This is all about connections, trust, and doing the right thing.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: irhact on June 19, 2024, 07:21:26 PM
Influencing someone to invest in Bitcoin is quite risky in my opinion because of course when we try to influence them the most interesting information we will convey is how they will gain profits, not how Bitcoin can change the way we transact online because Bitcoin is a digital currency that can be used, and Bitcoin is not a form of investment that can be held in the long term with full confidence that it will later provide profits if the person who owns it does not understand how the Bitcoin market works.

I think we can influence some individual to invest in Bitcoin and it won't be risky as we would have to let them know about everything that have to known before we let them start buying Bitcoin. When telling them about the good side of Bitcoin, we shouldn't let out the bad side as it would be very disappointing to believe that you're going to be making money and then you start to see the market crumble right in front of your eyes.

Majority are into Bitcoin for the money and not for the technology, everybody wants to make money with Bitcoin and that's why they're investing large amount of money as they know that the market is always going to pump to make them profits. Some individuals are borrowing money to invest into Bitcoin as they see it as a good chance for them to make money but this is a wrong practice.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: C10H15N on June 19, 2024, 07:25:59 PM
No.  All Crypto, including BTC, is highly speculative.  I would never recommend anything this volatile to anyone as an investment.

Title: Re: Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?
Post by: Nothingtodo on June 19, 2024, 11:43:27 PM
Have you successfully influenced someone to invest in bitcoin ?  What was the final result, did they thank you later for this ?
No.No. I have never encouraged or advised anyone to invest in bitcoin because bitcoin investment is risky and luring someone into this risky investment and incurring losses in that investment will put the entire responsibility on me which is never desirable. That's why I didn't feel the need to advise anyone on this risky investment.