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Economy => Economics => Topic started by: TEBTC on May 06, 2024, 07:32:37 AM

Title: The knowledge Economy
Post by: TEBTC on May 06, 2024, 07:32:37 AM
It's worthy to note that every generations of the world that have ever existed has one significant thing that makes them stand out and any country which tape into it where the economic super powers from the times of old until now

From the times of military conquest countries that had a strong military became rich and other countries have to pay tribute to them then to the time's of agricultural age which culminated into slave trade because those who owned the farm/ Lands wanted people to work for them and again they became the economic super powers and because slave trade was not sustainable a new era was introduced and that was colonisation and those who had colonies became the economic super powers and because colonisation was not sustainable it was again dropped

This lead me to make some study and I have come up with a conclusion that every generations that passes has a gold mine for any country that has the foresight to see and tape into it and become the powerful nations of the world
I have come to conclusion that we are now in the knowledge Economy and any country that has invested into it knowledge Base are again the super economic power house of the world, it's a common saying that ideas rule the world and that knowledge is power of recent china is becoming a economic threat to the us, UK and their allies it's because they have invested into their knowledge base and what they get in return is what is seen in their rise in world economy
I want to conclude my assertions that developing countries especially Africa can't make any progress with out making a considerable investment into it knowledge Base

Title: Re: The knowledge Economy
Post by: Alpha Marine on May 06, 2024, 08:18:43 PM

I want to conclude my assertions that developing countries especially Africa can't make any progress without making a considerable investment in their knowledge Base

The world has always been ruled by forward-thinking people in all aspects, this is something Africa as a continent lacks.
I believe at every point in the world, the biggest economies are always the best countries. When you have a big economy, you can afford a big and powerful military. Military is expensive and a small economy can't maintain it.
The problem with Africa is that its leaders are not even trying to think about how to get their economy better. Greed has made them so short-sighted and self-centered. Developed countries had and still have people who made a conscious effort to make their country what it is today and they find more means to make it better. That is the only way an economy can grow.
The saying "knowledge is power" is not something I really buy into because there is knowledge in Africa but it is not applied and that's why the countries don't grow.

Another thing Africa lacks is human development. They don't put in much effort to develop their people. The only way an economy can grow is if the people are developed. How can the economy grow if the people are not growing? Developed countries spend billions to train their people in different fields, I can say the same about African countries. The little they put forth is still embezzled by those in charge.

Title: Re: The knowledge Economy
Post by: Die_empty on May 07, 2024, 06:22:26 AM
From the times of military conquest countries that had a strong military became rich and other countries have to pay tribute to them then to the time's of agricultural age which culminated into slave trade because those who owned the farm/ Lands wanted people to work for them and again they became the economic super powers and because slave trade was not sustainable a new era was introduced and that was colonisation and those who had colonies became the economic super powers and because colonisation was not sustainable it was again dropped
A strong military is still a key determining factor in the wealth of any nation. Nations with advanced weapons can easily manipulate the economy of other nations and benefit from it. It is also common for these militarily strong countries to sell these sophisticated weapons to other nations and make a whole lots of profit. Almost all economically stable nations are major supplies or weapons.

This lead me to make some study and I have come up with a conclusion that every generations that passes has a gold mine for any country that has the foresight to see and tape into it and become the powerful nations of the world
I have come to conclusion that we are now in the knowledge Economy and any country that has invested into it knowledge Base are again the super economic power house of the world, it's a common saying that ideas rule the world and that knowledge is power of recent china is becoming a economic threat to the us, UK and their allies it's because they have invested into their knowledge base and what they get in return is what is seen in their rise in world economy
STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education is the right kind of education which can lead to meaningful development in any country. Days are gone when oil and gas firms are the richest in the world. Today technological firms are more richer than these firms that deal on extractive production. We are seeing the artificial intelligence industry developing and becoming more profitable and these advanced nations are taking advantage of it.

China was a struggling nation few decades ago but they were able to give the population the right education which made them productive. They also sent some students to the US and other Western nation to study relevant course . These students where able to learn and steal some technical skills from the US and others who which was used to improve the science and technology industry of China.

I want to conclude my assertions that developing countries especially Africa can't make any progress with out making a considerable investment into it knowledge Base
It is sad to see the government of my country sending students abroad on scholarships to study the Arabic language or Latin language. Africans have not gotten the right education and the leaders are making no effort to make it happen. Education in Africa is a total failure because they don't reflect the current global needs. Most science schools in Africa don't have a library, electricity, or even a laboratory for experiments. Until Africa leaves theoretical education and channels more efforts to practical education, the continent will continue to be backward scientifical and economically.

Title: Re: The knowledge Economy
Post by: jrrsparkles on May 07, 2024, 08:30:04 PM
Knowledge is the base for everything, kingdoms found ways to colonize resourceful countries do they can power their ruling which takes knowledge and so on, currently the economy is more wide open, one with skills prevails while others have to work for them and this may apply on the bigger picture level too.

Ironically some of the countries have better literacy rate are still being under devloped which means one who knows how to use the available potential to its fullest can actually bring the good results and that's the job of government.

Title: Re: The knowledge Economy
Post by: iBaba on May 07, 2024, 09:53:41 PM
Knowledge is the base for everything, kingdoms found ways to colonize resourceful countries do they can power their ruling which takes knowledge and so on, currently the economy is more wide open, one with skills prevails while others have to work for them and this may apply on the bigger picture level too.

Knowledge is power. Knowledge is money. Knowledge is influence. And I will give  just one instances to the statements I mentioned here. I will give an example of Knowledge is Power with the case of two friends who went in scout for an interview for a company job. During the interview, the first friend, who came very prepared with the beyond-the-surface knowledge of company, gave in depth answers using recorded incidents and events that have led the company to what it is today as it also resonate with the company's niche. Whereas the second person gave only basic answers struggling to figure out and gather a compelling interview answers.

Title: Re: The knowledge Economy
Post by: peter0425 on May 07, 2024, 11:12:17 PM
This lead me to make some study and I have come up with a conclusion that every generations that passes has a gold mine for any country that has the foresight to see and tape into it and become the powerful nations of the world

It’s just normal for us humans to evolve and adapt. I think it has something to do with culture. Most countries have their own alternative product of what can be seen in another county.
I have come to conclusion that we are now in the knowledge Economy

Actually I think that we are in the technology economy which is really good for the government and the citizens alike.

Title: Re: The knowledge Economy
Post by: bittraffic on May 08, 2024, 06:27:50 AM

China was once a superpower in the past and now its cycle restarted again. They do have these sorts of fates reoccurring over and over.

We are in the transition to AIs but the economy doesn't change, it is always about money. Money whether generated by energy or the military might, the old superpower will always be replaced by the new superpower. Most of the time, it ends in a bloody battle actually, I just hope this transition will not end up the same. 

Title: Re: The knowledge Economy
Post by: Kelward on May 08, 2024, 10:52:22 AM
Knowledge economy is not something new, it started from the stone age where individuals and societies that have superior intellects always used it to manipulate and lead those that are average and poor intellectually, to develop and increase their personal or national economy. Developments and economical advancements have gone through stages and what we have now is advanced technology, like the internet, AI and modern warfare, countries that have these in abundance like the US, China and some western European countries, have very rich economies, unlike a continent like Africa, that is still backwards with leaders that are not proactive.

Title: Re: The knowledge Economy
Post by: Negotiation on May 08, 2024, 01:38:21 PM
A knowledge of economics is essential to those concerned with political stability who see the relatively low per capita income of developing countries relative to the high per capita income of developed countries. For them even if a developing country is able to improve its material standard of living by increasing its per capita income level it may still face the more complex subjective problem of dissatisfaction caused by widening gaps. The relative level between itself and rich countries.

Title: Re: The knowledge Economy
Post by: Gozie51 on May 08, 2024, 02:15:04 PM

I want to conclude my assertions that developing countries especially Africa can't make any progress with out making a considerable investment into it knowledge Base

Your assertion is not far from the truth and this is not just about Africa but third world countries also. To get an economy progressing, the panacea is to increase the budget on education and that is what those countries that have developed has done. They have focused more on education which reflects in their budget including research. If there is concentration in education it will increase the knowledge and technological developments in the country through job creation which will increase GDP of the country. So African countries need to learn from those countries that there citizens run to for jobs because they have actually gotten the strategy right that got them into economic progress, stability and growth.

Title: Re: The knowledge Economy
Post by: TheUltraElite on May 08, 2024, 02:27:15 PM
Knowledge is indeed power and those denying it do not completely understand the logic behind the statement.

A brain drain is often the problem that the countries actually face, good brains with good qualifications but lack of infrastructure in the country to provide them with their expertise and hence they move out of their home country and settle somewhere else. It is like necessary evil after technology has grown so much.

Economies will flourish with a number of things working together, basic literacy is one thing, but more advanced scientific knowledge improves it for the long term.

Title: Re: The knowledge Economy
Post by: btc_angela on May 08, 2024, 03:02:40 PM
I guess it boils down to the leaders though, at least the sitting President or who should be the leader should know the economy and how to muster it like what Singapore former President, Lee Kuan Yew (RIP), who turn his country into one of the most riches today although it has small size as proportion to other great countries.

So it can be done as long as the leaders are genuinely wanted to make a big change and change for the better.

Africa though is very tough continent as the leaders are corrupt and if you look at it they resist change even if there are a lot of knowledgeable leader in their government.

Title: Re: The knowledge Economy
Post by: slapper on May 08, 2024, 07:07:04 PM
We no longer discuss armies and conquest. The knowledge economy is the battleground. Who can turn information into tech, treatments, and new ways of doing everything is the question. They're serious in China. Massive investment on education, AI, and quantum computing shows the world where they think power lays long-term

And Africa? Get past "catching up". This is their chance to change everything. Rwanda, which went through hell, is now the "Singapore of Africa" due to its tech push. Consider switching from industrial to digital and knowledge-based sectors. Totally changes the game. Knowledge is the key to a new future, not just smartness

Title: Re: The knowledge Economy
Post by: cabron on May 08, 2024, 07:26:41 PM
We no longer discuss armies and conquest. The knowledge economy is the battleground. Who can turn information into tech, treatments, and new ways of doing everything is the question. They're serious in China. Massive investment on education, AI, and quantum computing shows the world where they think power lays long-term

And Africa? Get past "catching up". This is their chance to change everything. Rwanda, which went through hell, is now the "Singapore of Africa" due to its tech push. Consider switching from industrial to digital and knowledge-based sectors. Totally changes the game. Knowledge is the key to a new future, not just smartness

The people in African countries sure grow up tougher than those living a comfortable life from birth. With the motivation for a comfortable life, they will strive to learn whatever is necessary.  When they say "Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times...” , it must be true since African people are strong men.

And with China coming in to also make use of them as laborers, the country I guess will also have the progress. But African people also becoming smarter. I'm sure they are also studying economics in the digital age and China is charging in this field.