Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: ascqrwasc33 on May 07, 2024, 05:44:53 AM

Title: Open testnet URLs
Post by: ascqrwasc33 on May 07, 2024, 05:44:53 AM
Is it possible to send testnet coins to someone without running a testnet full node yourself BUT using bitcoin-cli?
I am wondering if there are any public RPC nodes (open) that would let me broadcast a transaction / send coins.
I tried some urls from electrum's list and but no luck. Is what I need possible? I need a command-line solution that I can use from my shell. I have an address with coins and the private key. Thanks.

Title: Re: Open testnet URLs
Post by: ascqrwasc33 on May 07, 2024, 06:23:20 AM
Okay found this -
More full RPC open nodes are welcome - Thanks.

Title: Re: Open testnet URLs
Post by: LoyceV on May 07, 2024, 06:53:31 AM
I need a command-line solution that I can use from my shell.
Why not use Electrum's Command Line (

Title: Re: Open testnet URLs
Post by: ascqrwasc33 on May 07, 2024, 07:50:37 AM
I am using the portable version, not sure why it does not provide me with cmdline option - only gives a console through the GUI.

Title: Re: Open testnet URLs
Post by: ABCbits on May 07, 2024, 09:22:45 AM
I am using the portable version, not sure why it does not provide me with cmdline option - only gives a console through the GUI.

If you don't specify any argument, it'll open the GUI by default. But if you run electrum-4.5.4-portable.exe --help on cmd, it should show basic information about using CLI version.

Title: Re: Open testnet URLs
Post by: ascqrwasc33 on May 07, 2024, 10:22:55 PM
Hi I have tried --help. That was the first thing I did. It does not display anything. I have clean installed it on a *nix box - not portable version and I got it working using CLI. I still feel bitcoin-cli is a faster option. Wish there was a way to use electrum's RPC testnet  URL with bitcon-cli. Thanks

Title: Re: Open testnet URLs
Post by: nc50lc on May 08, 2024, 03:48:13 AM
I am using the portable version, not sure why it does not provide me with cmdline option - only gives a console through the GUI.
In Windows, it'll work in the installer version using the "debug" executable which is inside the install directory.

If you want to use it like the pre-compiled Portable executable, add -P or --portable arg when starting the daemon and when issuing commands.

Title: Re: Open testnet URLs
Post by: NotATether on May 09, 2024, 05:59:07 AM
So basically, as long as you have a tool that can create and sign a testnet raw transaction from scratch, and some service that will push the transaction for you, then you are covered. For the first, zpywallet ( will work just fine as long as you have the outpoints i.e. inputs (make sure you use the master branch).

As for testnet broadcasting, you can use the link above, or you can use Electrum, or use a public bitcoin node with RPC enabled like this one (

Title: Re: Open testnet URLs
Post by: ascqrwasc33 on May 11, 2024, 04:06:28 AM
as long as you have a tool that can create and sign a testnet raw transaction
I had already done that. I used bitcoin-cli, but will try zypwallet as per your recommendation.

"some service that will push the transaction for you"

Yes I am aware and was looking for an option for that since I have already the raw transaction.
So  is what I tried after I tried but they ( ) are so shameless - they wanted my credit card number and wanted to conduct KYC for using testnet!

I will try this
Publicly usable RPC nodes are rare! I  think there should be an option to disallow / filter / locking up certain commands like looking up the private key - then maybe people might let others use their endpoints.