Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Squaremile777 on May 09, 2024, 06:42:42 PM

Title: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Squaremile777 on May 09, 2024, 06:42:42 PM
Countries can change just think about the new currency euro it's new think about that one country use to be poor and how fast things can change.
Companies they also come and go Even the currencies they come and go.
But If you have just few good people the very best friends kind of loyal then that's priceless.
We never know when we need help and the good helping hand from the friend or family member it's priceless.
So you can lose ur gold money btc and property and car so everything but human connections stays.
Think about in war situation your country flag can be changed overnight or currency.
You can invest in stocks and company you did invested can disapeare.
Off course we don't need to think about extremes but let's just add another layer of wealth the human connections.
Good friends good people kind of your own people.

We live in the Changing world and If you have some supportive people around you that's good thing and that's true wealth even after many years.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Alpha Marine on May 09, 2024, 07:38:11 PM
I saw a video where a guy went about asking different elderly people what they miss most and what they regret most, or things they could have done better in their youth.
A good number of them talked about the relationships they had with friends, parents, kids, and relatives and how they could have enjoyed it better or how they missed it.
Most of them regretted making everything about money. It made me realize that at the end of the day, we give money more value than it actually has.

I know money makes the world go round, but it is only so because we have made it so. Don't get me wrong, in the world we live in, money is very important, you may not be happy if you don't have money, but we shouldn't prioritize it over the people who love us and the people we care about.
If you grow old to about 70 or 80 and you have all the money in the world but nobody to enjoy it with, it gets very boring. You might even get tired of it from about 50.
We shouldn't underestimate relationships. We should cherish it.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Renampun on May 09, 2024, 07:57:32 PM
relationships between humans must always be maintained, in other words the wheel of life continues to turn and this cannot be stopped, maybe at the moment you are in the best condition but who knows what will happen to you in the next year, maybe your condition will change to your lowest point.

I always give food to those who ask me for food, I do this because I know that maybe in the future I will need someone's help, always maintain good relations between humans.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Riginac111 on May 09, 2024, 08:31:19 PM
The title of your topic is not a match with the body composition of your statement so I want to advise you that whenever you are making a topic you should write a something that is related to that topic because it's not good for your headline to be different to the composition of your statement I try to read what you stated so far but it is not in accordance with what you stated base on your headline so I think that you should cross the check before you post it is very important for a beginner

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Freeesta on May 09, 2024, 08:55:20 PM
If you fantasize about this topic, then I would say that you can’t even count on friendly connections. With the same speed with which the political situation, banknotes and direction of the country's development change, our attitude towards each other changes with the same speed. Our loved ones can change their attitude towards you. Today you are the best friends, and tomorrow you will meet on the street and won’t want to say hello. I suggest relying only on your own strength)

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Stalker22 on May 09, 2024, 09:10:51 PM
The world can certainly seem crazy at times.  Jobs come and go, economies rise and fall, even entire nations face uncertainty.  But true friends - they stick with you through it all and  they are the ones who will answer that 3 am phone call when you need them, or get you out of a messy situation (hey it happens!). 

Money is important, yes, but having solid people in your corner, who know all your quirks and share your weird sense of humor, thats truly priceless.  Those connections make life's unpredictable ups and downs easier to weather.  With good people at your side, you can handle just about anything the world throws your way. (This is from my own experience, at least.)

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: cabron on May 09, 2024, 09:28:42 PM
I saw a video where a guy went about asking different elderly people what they miss most and what they regret most, or things they could have done better in their youth.
A good number of them talked about the relationships they had with friends, parents, kids, and relatives and how they could have enjoyed it better or how they missed it.
Most of them regretted making everything about money. It made me realize that at the end of the day, we give money more value than it actually has.

I know money makes the world go round, but it is only so because we have made it so. Don't get me wrong, in the world we live in, money is very important, you may not be happy if you don't have money, but we shouldn't prioritize it over the people who love us and the people we care about.
If you grow old to about 70 or 80 and you have all the money in the world but nobody to enjoy it with, it gets very boring. You might even get tired of it from about 50.
We shouldn't underestimate relationships. We should cherish it.

Those elderly missed it because they didn't have money. They have to work hard and spend more time working, maybe even going abroad in order for them to make money.
Maybe they find out that the sacrifices they made in the past are not worth it because the relationship didn't make them closer to the ones they love the most like their kids and daughters.

Nothing is more important than brothers and sisters. The help of each other is very important even in the tiniest ways, especially in our lowest times.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Die_empty on May 09, 2024, 09:47:42 PM
We live in the Changing world and If you have some supportive people around you that's good thing and that's true wealth even after many years.
Some friends and family members can be a financial burden to you. While others might not be behaving well which might make your relationship with them sour. It is better to be alone than to have worthless people around you. I know a family member who has sold all the inheritance his father kept for him and his siblings. He gambles and engages in drug addiction. His family members disowned him because it got to the level when he began to engage in criminal activities to get money. Like OP rightly said. Having family members and friends who are supportive of us is a priceless gift. A good family and friends are an inestimable blessing. Having somebody at your side when you need them is a big blessing that money cannot buy and we need to be grateful for having them.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: goaldigger on May 09, 2024, 09:52:01 PM
We live in the Changing world and If you have some supportive people around you that's good thing and that's true wealth even after many years.
After years of figuring out, I realized how important to have someone on your side and yeah, having a good friends and supportive family can brings you anywhere. Money is not wealth anymore, the new wealth are having more time with your family, having peace of mind and a healthy body.

Yes, money is still essential to leave a better life, but if you continue chasing money you might missed a lot of chances in life, i believe having a balanced life is better so choose your priorities well.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Stepstowealth on May 09, 2024, 11:36:52 PM
We live in the Changing world and If you have some supportive people around you that's good thing and that's true wealth even after many years.
The people around you can make life easier hence this is the reason why it is important to be very selective about the kind of people that you allow become friends with you or even know where you stay. The family you come from is impossible to pick online friends so if you're not lucky with your family you have to be lucky with the kind of ranch you keep by making sure to make intentional move to be selective. Good friends and family can be golden.

After years of figuring out, I realized how important to have someone on your side and yeah, having a good friends and supportive family can brings you anywhere. Money is not wealth anymore, the new wealth are having more time with your family, having peace of mind and a healthy body.
Money is still wealth, instead of saying money is not wealth anymore, money is not the only wealth. You would only appreciate a situation when you find that the other people are living more difficult lives than you are.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: OrangeII on May 10, 2024, 01:40:32 AM
family and those closest to us are a big motivation for us to work hard to earn money. Not a few people are willing to fight desperately to be successful to please the people closest to them, even I am also one of them.
That's why I continue to recommend maintaining a good relationship with them because they are the best support system that will cheer us up when we fall. However, many people are willing to destroy their good relationships for short-lived gains, such as cheating them, or borrowing their money for shady investments, and I don't recommend that.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: yhiaali3 on May 10, 2024, 02:40:46 AM
We live in a materialistic world ruled by money, and people are chasing after wealth, crushing everything that can stand in their way, and committing many mistakes in order to reach their goals, but in the end they will discover how wrong they were, too late.

It is difficult in this material age to get a good friend. Most friends are temporary and have an interest with you, and when their interest ends, they leave, so getting a friend is rare and you have to hold on to him strongly if you get a loyal one.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: poodle63 on May 10, 2024, 04:41:45 AM
always great to have good people around but there's no guarantee that they will stay that way, people change, even there's saying that if you want to see the true color of people give them money and high position then you will see their true color, the only one who can help you through difficult problem is yourself, don't get too dependent on other people because you just don't know when people gonna change and turn themselves against you things aren't always black and white however if you find that you've found the perfect friends and family then good for you but its still important to be financially independent things aren't free in this world even basic things such as education and food, so its also good to chase after wealth for the sake of your security because as you said nobody know what future holds you can lose your money overnight but with various source of income and solid investment portfolio as well as emergency money for you, at least the set back won't be too harsh.
thats what I always keep in mind even though i might be exaggerating a bit.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: btc78 on May 10, 2024, 08:21:40 AM
Countries can change just think about the new currency euro it's new think about that one country use to be poor and how fast things can change.

Of course no city is built in one day. Even though change is constantly happening it wouldn’t happen in a blink of an eye.
But If you have just few good people the very best friends kind of loyal then that's priceless.
We never know when we need help and the good helping hand from the friend or family member it's priceless.
So you can lose ur gold money btc and property and car so everything but human connections stays.

I agree with can sustain us but the humans around us make our lives worth living and fighting for. The personal relationships we have made shape us into who we are right now and no amount of money can change that.

While your sentiment is moving, I do not see how this is suitable in the economics section. ???

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: angrybirdy on May 10, 2024, 11:27:28 AM
We live in a materialistic world ruled by money, and people are chasing after wealth, crushing everything that can stand in their way, and committing many mistakes in order to reach their goals, but in the end they will discover how wrong they were, too late.

It is difficult in this material age to get a good friend. Most friends are temporary and have an interest with you, and when their interest ends, they leave, so getting a friend is rare and you have to hold on to him strongly if you get a loyal one.

to be honest, nowadays it is very difficult to find a real person who will always be there for you, the genuine friend that is called, because today, even if they don't admit it, there are really a few of our friends who have secretly  anger and envy you, they also talk bad things about you when they are not in front of you, sometimes even though we are aware of what we hear, we just ignore it so as not to destroy the friendship. There are even instances that your friendship will be ruined just because of the money issue. Anyways, I'm not sure what connection or impact this has on our economy, but one of the things I noticed is that you will have many friends when you have money, but when you don't have money, no one will stay with you, so you're lucky if you have someone who will stay with you no matter what state of your life.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Rruchi man on May 10, 2024, 11:28:39 PM
If, in friendship, you associate with people who cannot provide any kind of supportive information to further your career or improve your lifestyle, then those people cannot be considered the true wealth that a companion should bring. Your best friends become true wealth when they are the people who help you grow, stay informed, and introduce you to new things that you are unaware of.

There is no wealth in useless and meaningless relationships.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: blckhawk on May 10, 2024, 11:42:13 PM
The title of your topic is not a match with the body composition of your statement so I want to advise you that whenever you are making a topic you should write a something that is related to that topic because it's not good for your headline to be different to the composition of your statement I try to read what you stated so far but it is not in accordance with what you stated base on your headline so I think that you should cross the check before you post it is very important for a beginner
That's to be expected for a newbie, of course they don't know how to properly talk about things so they know how things are, I think that what's OP pointing out is pretty much what the title is, I mean if you read it, OP is talking about family and how precious they are if you consider them as a resources.

Regarding the post, it's probably a no brainer that family is something that's precious to all the people in the world, after all, they're the ones that you'll come back to when things don't go your way, that's just how life is but this isn't true most of the time, you got to remember that there's people out there that hates their family because they're the worst family to be in because they're abusive and plain evil.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: STT on May 10, 2024, 11:47:04 PM
Money is a tool to communicate value but its really not the value in of itself.  Its more like favoring noise over music or proper arrangement of sound, we dont do that as we recognize noise can be destructive and a negative.  Same too is true of money, it can be a negative if not placed and arranged in a proper way.

We too often say high value figures are best but its really about quality that money should be used to describe imo.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Mr.right85 on May 10, 2024, 11:47:12 PM

Both are important and you very much need them both.
It’s obvious that levels to that which might seem important do change, the real wealth is in people as these are the irreplaceable aspects to life even still, you need money first. Most individuals that have come to this conclusion are those that have spent most of their years investing and have got the necessary wealth such that, chasing after more wealth makes less sense to them anymore, what’s left to be done is how to manage their wealth and it ain’t difficult finding them largely involved in charity organizations as some means to disburse their wealth.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: oktana on May 11, 2024, 12:54:37 AM
It really is important to have people who are supportive or who can come through for you at any time and any day. In movies we can see how someone is needed to do something and you’d hear “I know a guy”, in most cases, it’s more than having money because money can’t buy everything but people can do certain things for you based on the connection/relationship you have with them.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: bluebit25 on May 11, 2024, 08:44:33 AM
OP, perhaps what you shared is completely true but I also want to add that there is nothing more wonderful than your own efforts. A little personal story aside, I once told a friend that if you don't try, even if God is right next to you, your life will still not be free of suffering.

Having the companionship of life with people who provide motivation to develop oneself is like a blessing. In cases where many people have not received that companionship, they still have to try their best to overcome challenges.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Fortify on May 12, 2024, 08:48:39 AM
Countries can change just think about the new currency euro it's new think about that one country use to be poor and how fast things can change.
Companies they also come and go Even the currencies they come and go.
But If you have just few good people the very best friends kind of loyal then that's priceless.
We never know when we need help and the good helping hand from the friend or family member it's priceless.
So you can lose ur gold money btc and property and car so everything but human connections stays.
Think about in war situation your country flag can be changed overnight or currency.
You can invest in stocks and company you did invested can disapeare.
Off course we don't need to think about extremes but let's just add another layer of wealth the human connections.
Good friends good people kind of your own people.

We live in the Changing world and If you have some supportive people around you that's good thing and that's true wealth even after many years.

The biggest eurozone countries were definitely not poor and places like France and Germany had a very high standard of living that is comparable to America. The new currency did allow some poorer countries to join and take advantage of the creditworthiness of their partners. Take Greece for example, they borrowed a lot of money and maybe needed to be a bit more responsible. However Germany benefitted from having poorer countries in the union as well, because it made the Euro weaker comparatively against other countries which meant they were able to export more goods at the best price. These unions can take decades to evolve however and I'm not sure why others are forming right now.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Mrbluntzy on May 12, 2024, 09:35:11 AM
Countries can change just think about the new currency euro it's new think about that one country use to be poor and how fast things can change.
Companies they also come and go Even the currencies they come and go.
But If you have just few good people the very best friends kind of loyal then that's priceless.
We never know when we need help and the good helping hand from the friend or family member it's priceless.
So you can lose ur gold money btc and property and car so everything but human connections stays.
Think about in war situation your country flag can be changed overnight or currency.
You can invest in stocks and company you did invested can disapeare.
Off course we don't need to think about extremes but let's just add another layer of wealth the human connections.
Good friends good people kind of your own people.

We live in the Changing world and If you have some supportive people around you that's good thing and that's true wealth even after many years.

Guy, I don't know and I don't understand the point you are trying to prove here, I kind of get what you are driving at but there is nothing that stays for ever. Even the loyalist, supportives and best friends that you are talking about doesn't stay forever. Only family can last for a life time but sometimes too things can get complicated and you might just end up to lose the family bond which still define the statement that nothing last for ever.  The only thing that is constant in life is change and anything can change in the future, including humans.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: GideonGono on May 13, 2024, 01:00:42 PM
It is true, it wealth isn't always about the amount of money, it could be your health or the people around you.
You might not be blessed with a huge amount of money but if you have a complete family, and good friends around you, you might feel contented or blessed.
In this generation having a complete family and loyal friend might be hard to achieve.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: crwth on May 13, 2024, 03:42:33 PM
Well if you are talking about what's more important, real money or the treasure of friends, I think we all know what could be more important. It's going to be family and those that you know will lead you to a better place.

It would depend on those people who have influence towards what you could do and bringing you up in the right way, making sure that it's not the evil way.

I'm not sure how you can connect cryptocurrency with this though.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: sekalitas on May 14, 2024, 02:04:21 AM
Countries can change just think about the new currency euro it's new think about that one country use to be poor and how fast things can change.
Companies they also come and go Even the currencies they come and go.
But If you have just few good people the very best friends kind of loyal then that's priceless.
We never know when we need help and the good helping hand from the friend or family member it's priceless.
So you can lose ur gold money btc and property and car so everything but human connections stays.
Think about in war situation your country flag can be changed overnight or currency.
You can invest in stocks and company you did invested can disapeare.
Off course we don't need to think about extremes but let's just add another layer of wealth the human connections.
Good friends good people kind of your own people.

We live in the Changing world and If you have some supportive people around you that's good thing and that's true wealth even after many years.

I wholeheartedly agree with you. Having someone who supports us unconditionally, regardless of our circumstances or wealth, is truly invaluable. However, it's important to remember that friends and family may not always be there, whether due to unforeseen events or other circumstances. In that sense, they're no different from other things in life that can change.

So, it's best to accept this reality and avoid viewing any relationship as permanent. This way, if someone does leave our lives, we'll be better equipped to cope and move forward.

As a suggestion, it might be beneficial to start by being kind to everyone, while remaining cautious to avoid being taken advantage of. This approach could increase our chances of finding genuine connections that offer mutual support. Additionally, it's sometimes helpful to shift our perspective away from viewing relationships as transactional exchanges and instead focus on genuine expressions of support. People can often sense whether a connection is authentic or simply based on self-interest.

I sometimes wonder if Bitcoin is like a trustworthy friend because, coincidentally, whenever I need money, its price seems to go up! 😄

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Sebas.tian on May 14, 2024, 04:20:03 AM
When you are in a good position to help your friends and family members use it very well, because they are part of human investment that will increase your wealth in future, and if you can help them to grow base on your low income, you can impact them financially on how to grow their businesses with decentralized assets. There was a man in my community that assisted a young man to fulfill his destiny, by sponsoring the young man to go into international marketing with huge amount of capital, and the man sponsored the young man forgot that he did such a thing in the community, because he was a millionaire then before his businesses and wealth collapse and this young man he helped to go into international marketing helped the man to revive his Businesses and wealth. But there are some people you will raise from zero level to a higher level, but they will never appreciate what you have done, until you pass out from this earth before they will begin saying some negative things about you, try to rise higher first before trying to raise others.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: gunungkembar on May 14, 2024, 08:50:37 AM
It is true, it wealth isn't always about the amount of money, it could be your health or the people around you.
You might not be blessed with a huge amount of money but if you have a complete family, and good friends around you, you might feel contented or blessed.
In this generation having a complete family and loyal friend might be hard to achieve.
But for those of us who have never become rich, our desire is of course to have a lot of money and live in peace. Not always when we have wealth we don't feel happy, because the wealth that will make our life peaceful depends on how we get that wealth. When we gain wealth from hard work and have many loyal employees, your life will be peaceful in old age. But when we get money from crime, our life in old age will not be peaceful.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: tsaroz on May 14, 2024, 12:11:29 PM
Countries can change just think about the new currency euro it's new think about that one country use to be poor and how fast things can change.
Companies they also come and go Even the currencies they come and go.
But If you have just few good people the very best friends kind of loyal then that's priceless.
We never know when we need help and the good helping hand from the friend or family member it's priceless.
So you can lose ur gold money btc and property and car so everything but human connections stays.
Think about in war situation your country flag can be changed overnight or currency.
You can invest in stocks and company you did invested can disapeare.
Off course we don't need to think about extremes but let's just add another layer of wealth the human connections.
Good friends good people kind of your own people.

We live in the Changing world and If you have some supportive people around you that's good thing and that's true wealth even after many years.

Not necessarily. It's nice to have them around and help each other in needs but they have their own life and their own needs and priorities. You may not always be in their priority or you might fall of their priority order if you are deemed not useful.
Ignoring a few exception, no one be at your side if you are a complete failure. Everyone around you has some vested interest from you. They can disappear once you are no longer useful for them. Money is a tool that keeps your friends and family around.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: DeathAngel on May 14, 2024, 01:04:32 PM
Sometimes family aren’t the most supportive, if you’re really successful & they’re not, there can be an element of jealousy. If you are lucky & are surrounded by good people, a supportive family & friendship circle then you are blessed.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Kelward on May 14, 2024, 01:40:28 PM
The best investments that anybody can make is on another person, because when you empower someone, you've reduced dependency, I believe that one of the major factor that separates loved ones is money, the richer you get the more easier for relationships to become apart. Money is important, but it's not everything, relationship with loved ones, especially family is very important, they'll be there for you in the time of emotional support and when you need loved ones to stand by you. People give different excuses for not keeping relationships going, but a few minutes of call to a loved one can still keep me bond, let us prioritize family and good friends relationships.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: kryptqnick on May 14, 2024, 02:05:50 PM
I agree that humans should generally be considered the most important resource a country can have. If humans are valued, given opportunities to obtain good education and to implement their business endeavours, that can directly translate into economic success.
On a more personal level, it's also important to establish strong connections with people you can rely on. At the same time, there's a fine line between that and nepotism.
Also, while personal things are important, to some people, their own countries are also important, especially in war situations (I'm talking from experience here as someone whose country was invaded by a foreign power).

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Gaza13 on May 14, 2024, 03:17:57 PM
relationships between humans must always be maintained, in other words the wheel of life continues to turn and this cannot be stopped, maybe at the moment you are in the best condition but who knows what will happen to you in the next year, maybe your condition will change to your lowest point.

I always give food to those who ask me for food, I do this because I know that maybe in the future I will need someone's help, always maintain good relations between humans.
What you said is exactly right, true wealth does not have to be about money alone, the most beautiful wealth is how our lives can benefit or help many people, what you have sown today in the sense of helping or humanizing humans will definitely be rewarded by the creator. In the future, the laws of nature will definitely apply. We cannot live alone, for example, if we are sick, of course one day we will definitely need other people, even if we only need their energy.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Obulis on May 15, 2024, 08:08:06 PM
Countries can change just think about the new currency euro it's new think about that one country use to be poor and how fast things can change.
Companies they also come and go Even the currencies they come and go.
But If you have just few good people the very best friends kind of loyal then that's priceless.
We never know when we need help and the good helping hand from the friend or family member it's priceless.
So you can lose ur gold money btc and property and car so everything but human connections stays.
Think about in war situation your country flag can be changed overnight or currency.
You can invest in stocks and company you did invested can disapeare.
Off course we don't need to think about extremes but let's just add another layer of wealth the human connections.
Good friends good people kind of your own people.

We live in the Changing world and If you have some supportive people around you that's good thing and that's true wealth even after many years.

This is nothing less or high than the obvious truth...
Even some people family, friends will be there life long...
To say we all need this real wealth to enjoy the other wealth with us as much as you are able to gather as they are also there whether ups or downs.

Not to forget, support is needed by real wealth to get the other wealth in one way or another..
We need wealth (real wealth or life wealth) to get wealth (material wealth).

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: siniminomorocomunisakito on May 16, 2024, 07:32:37 AM
Guy, I don't know and I don't understand the point you are trying to prove here, I kind of get what you are driving at but there is nothing that stays for ever. Even the loyalist, supportives and best friends that you are talking about doesn't stay forever. Only family can last for a life time but sometimes too things can get complicated and you might just end up to lose the family bond which still define the statement that nothing last for ever.  The only thing that is constant in life is change and anything can change in the future, including humans.

The maximum is still the family, especially if it is in trouble with the law. For example, when one of our family members like our brother or sister is hit by a problem, whether it is small or large, will we remove him where at that time he needs a solution to get out of the problem. Of course not, isn't it. Even if he tries to tell the people closest to him whether it is a friend even though they just listen to him without being able to do anything, let alone maximum.

Only the family will fight with all their might to provide any support so that family members can be reunited as before.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: michellee on May 16, 2024, 07:50:10 AM
Having good people around us is the best thing in our lives. But we also have to be kind to them so that we can enjoy this life well. They are there for us and vice versa so that we will not do bad things.

When we face a bad situation, they will always come to our aid and so should they. This is why we must continue to maintain good relationships with those good people. The world will definitely continue to change but with us having these good people, we won't have to struggle to face it because we will be together.

We don't need to think about people who change because of their situations and conditions. We must continue to believe that we will definitely be able to find good people. We would never have thought that we would get good things from them.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: macson on May 16, 2024, 07:55:03 AM
family is a very valuable asset, just imagine if you are sick then who will help you first, of course your family, also when you have economic difficulties, then your family will definitely help you but there are also people who are ungrateful, they want to helped by family but does not want to help his family.  i am grateful to have an uncle who always supports me, he even gave me capital to open my business at the beginning, he is a good person, i am very indebted to him.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: jasonjm on May 16, 2024, 08:55:31 AM
Sadly, money is the centre of attention in today's world. Everyone is looking to earn more and more and in pursuit of this, they have forgotten the basics of life. Nowadays, I see many parents who don't have time for their children because of their jobs ( yes, inflation did cause people to work harder, but there should be family time). Kids spend most of their time in childcare centres and senior citizens live in old age homes. 
People should spend time with their family and friends because they are an important part of a person's life and will support you at every step (if they are loyal). Make memories when you have time because it will all end up too soon and you won't even realize it. 

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: slapper on May 16, 2024, 10:22:51 AM
Do you adore lecturing about relationships' power? That's fine. But your ride-or-die team breaks down. Everyone's energy, time, and money are limited. Your friend may aid you, but what if they're having a drama? Though wonderful, expecting your people would always support you is a delusion. People evolve, move, and worry about their life. Real riches is handling your s*** when things go wrong. Self-reliance, guy. When you can, lean on others, but when you must, stand alone. Truth is, that's how you survive.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Marvell1 on May 16, 2024, 10:27:04 AM
Sadly, money is the centre of attention in today's world. Everyone is looking to earn more and more and in pursuit of this, they have forgotten the basics of life. Nowadays, I see many parents who don't have time for their children because of their jobs ( yes, inflation did cause people to work harder, but there should be family time). Kids spend most of their time in childcare centres and senior citizens live in old age homes. 
People should spend time with their family and friends because they are an important part of a person's life and will support you at every step (if they are loyal). Make memories when you have time because it will all end up too soon and you won't even realize it. 

I agree with what you said, money is considered the most important thing in today's society and because of money we have lost a lot of things until we realize it is too late. But we can't blame anyone because today if we don't have money we will be eliminated from this society. Many parents cannot spend time taking care of their children, many children cannot be filial and have to send their parents to nursing homes...But if we don't work hard to make money, how can we provide the best things for our children like school, food... and if our parents are sick and don't have money, where will the money be will we save them? It is difficult to balance everything in this life and sometimes we have to make choices.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: jasonjm on May 17, 2024, 10:20:17 AM
Sadly, money is the centre of attention in today's world. Everyone is looking to earn more and more and in pursuit of this, they have forgotten the basics of life. Nowadays, I see many parents who don't have time for their children because of their jobs ( yes, inflation did cause people to work harder, but there should be family time). Kids spend most of their time in childcare centres and senior citizens live in old age homes. 
People should spend time with their family and friends because they are an important part of a person's life and will support you at every step (if they are loyal). Make memories when you have time because it will all end up too soon and you won't even realize it. 

I agree with what you said, money is considered the most important thing in today's society and because of money we have lost a lot of things until we realize it is too late. But we can't blame anyone because today if we don't have money we will be eliminated from this society. Many parents cannot spend time taking care of their children, many children cannot be filial and have to send their parents to nursing homes...But if we don't work hard to make money, how can we provide the best things for our children like school, food... and if our parents are sick and don't have money, where will the money be will we save them? It is difficult to balance everything in this life and sometimes we have to make choices.

Yes, money is an important aspect of life and I appreciate those doing extra work to support their family. There should be family time (1 or 2 hours) where everyone talks about their day and what is going on in their life so that they can help each other effectively when the time comes. It is also important to invest in stocks etc. for effective management of resources in the future. Things are difficult for many people and they are making a lot of sacrifices.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Marvell1 on May 17, 2024, 01:30:35 PM
Sadly, money is the centre of attention in today's world. Everyone is looking to earn more and more and in pursuit of this, they have forgotten the basics of life. Nowadays, I see many parents who don't have time for their children because of their jobs ( yes, inflation did cause people to work harder, but there should be family time). Kids spend most of their time in childcare centres and senior citizens live in old age homes. 
People should spend time with their family and friends because they are an important part of a person's life and will support you at every step (if they are loyal). Make memories when you have time because it will all end up too soon and you won't even realize it. 

I agree with what you said, money is considered the most important thing in today's society and because of money we have lost a lot of things until we realize it is too late. But we can't blame anyone because today if we don't have money we will be eliminated from this society. Many parents cannot spend time taking care of their children, many children cannot be filial and have to send their parents to nursing homes...But if we don't work hard to make money, how can we provide the best things for our children like school, food... and if our parents are sick and don't have money, where will the money be will we save them? It is difficult to balance everything in this life and sometimes we have to make choices.

Yes, money is an important aspect of life and I appreciate those doing extra work to support their family. There should be family time (1 or 2 hours) where everyone talks about their day and what is going on in their life so that they can help each other effectively when the time comes. It is also important to invest in stocks etc. for effective management of resources in the future. Things are difficult for many people and they are making a lot of sacrifices.

Money, health, loved ones...all are important in our lives and our job is to find a way to balance it all so that everything is as perfect as possible. And if in worse situations we cannot balance everything then we need to make choices and which one to choose depends on each person's circumstances and decisions.
That's why I see people constantly arguing about what happiness is, what's more important than money, what's the most important thing in life...and I think it's not easy to balance everything and maybe people are making priorities, and it depends on each person.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Juse14 on May 17, 2024, 09:20:10 PM
It's true, true wealth is having many superlative friends and relatives who support and help each other. But in reality, when we suffer and live in poverty, only a few people care enough about you, let alone to help you in the difficulties you are experiencing, even being close to you means they are very reluctant. When you live in poverty there are no such things as friends and relatives, they are lost somewhere. However, when you are successful and have financial freedom, not only your relatives and friends, other people will also claim to be your relatives and friends.

Therefore, keep trying to achieve success and achieve financial freedom, help those who are experiencing difficulties and living in suffering, because no one cares enough about them. With the wealth you have, maybe you will not only help one or two people, but more, even if you don't know them.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Mahanton on May 17, 2024, 09:29:16 PM
It's true, true wealth is having many superlative friends and relatives who support and help each other. But in reality, when we suffer and live in poverty, only a few people care enough about you, let alone to help you in the difficulties you are experiencing, even being close to you means they are very reluctant. When you live in poverty there are no such things as friends and relatives, they are lost somewhere. However, when you are successful and have financial freedom, not only your relatives and friends, other people will also claim to be your relatives and friends.

Therefore, keep trying to achieve success and achieve financial freedom, help those who are experiencing difficulties and living in suffering, because no one cares enough about them. With the wealth you have, maybe you will not only help one or two people, but more, even if you don't know them.
Also, only people who had been on a good state or someone who doesnt have financial problems will really be having this kind of mindset. There might be some poor people or average ones who have this kind of approach but we know that most of people who are struggling on their day to day living will really be having that different approach on which they would really be focusing too much on how to make money and not that
minding about those mutual relations with their family,best friends or other people around. They would normally be coming after on how to make money and on how to make themselves rich.

Doesnt matter if they would really be needing to sacrifice something or would really be needing up to give way or whatever decisions that they would really be intending to do.
It would really be just that basing up into someones own goals and perceptions on the current situation that they are in and on the moment that they are really that
having those kind of goals that they do mind in the future.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Ben Barubal on May 17, 2024, 10:25:25 PM
Countries can change just think about the new currency euro it's new think about that one country use to be poor and how fast things can change.
Companies they also come and go Even the currencies they come and go.
But If you have just few good people the very best friends kind of loyal then that's priceless.
We never know when we need help and the good helping hand from the friend or family member it's priceless.
So you can lose ur gold money btc and property and car so everything but human connections stays.
Think about in war situation your country flag can be changed overnight or currency.
You can invest in stocks and company you did invested can disapeare.
Off course we don't need to think about extremes but let's just add another layer of wealth the human connections.
Good friends good people kind of your own people.

We live in the Changing world and If you have some supportive people around you that's good thing and that's true wealth even after many years.

       Well, I was thinking about what you are saying in your post and what its connection is with the topic you made. Yes, we are in the crypto space, and we also know that most people around the world know that if we talk about this thing like this, there are still many negatives to Bitcoin or cryptocurrency in reality.

       Even most of our close friends are the ones who don't believe in the good potential we see in Bitcoin or cryptocurrency that helps us, even our close families. They just let us do what we do, but they don't understand what we are doing.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Juse14 on May 18, 2024, 09:28:30 PM
Doesnt matter if they would really be needing to sacrifice something or would really be needing up to give way or whatever decisions that they would really be intending to do.

hoping in humans is a futile thing, hoping in humans is the most deliberate heartbreak. Therefore, place your hope only in your God, not in humans, because hoping in humans will only end in disappointment.

So when you give help to other people, never expect reciprocity from them. because helping other people should be like helping a bird with a broken wing, we treat the bird, give it a good cage, and food every day until the bird can recover and flap its wings again, after that we release it into the wild without expecting that the bird will return.

but nevertheless, even though there is no reciprocity for the help and assistance we give, this should never make us lose sympathy and concern for other people. hoping in humans is a futile thing, hoping in humans is the most deliberate heartbreak. Therefore, place your hope only in your God, not in humans, because hoping in humans will only end in disappointment.

So when you give help to other people, never expect reciprocity from them or reciprocation from them. because helping other people should be like helping a bird with a broken wing, we treat the bird, give it a good cage, and food every day until the bird can recover and flap its wings again, after that we release it into the wild without expecting that the bird will return.

but nevertheless, even though there is no reciprocity for the help and assistance we give, this should never make us lose sympathy and concern for other people. especially for those who are in trouble, because the essence of this life is about "how make use of our lives for others"

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: |MINER| on June 02, 2024, 07:02:48 PM
A good friend or a very trusted acquaintance is indeed a great asset. He who has it is indeed very lucky. But such a friend is rare to find in today's age. Very rare.  Everything has the potential for loss.  And if a friend is a good person with a mask then there is a possibility of being cheated. But not everyone is the same. Some people are really considered as human resources. Having a good friend is like a blessing from God.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: cozytrade on June 02, 2024, 08:20:29 PM
A good friend or a very trusted acquaintance is indeed a great asset. He who has it is indeed very lucky. But such a friend is rare to find in today's age. Very rare.  Everything has the potential for loss.  And if a friend is a good person with a mask then there is a possibility of being cheated. But not everyone is the same. Some people are really considered as human resources. Having a good friend is like a blessing from God.

It is very lucky to have like minded friends. He who has like minded friends is very lucky and has people to share his happiness and sadness in his life. Some friends in our society have some friends behind the mask who always walk around us with thoughts to harm. So we should.  Try to stay away from these friends.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: passwordnow on June 02, 2024, 11:20:28 PM
I have always read this quote about "as long as someone believes in you, you should continue". And I think that is right because it's the same with most of us here that have invested on Bitcoin like in the early days. No one supported us but also our own and believed that we can do it. Even many of us here don't have supported family as well and thought that Bitcoin is a scam and a fad. But then, we and Bitcoin have showed them that it's a real thing and there are a lot of things that can be out of it.

The same goes to our family that want to support us with our careers, passion and anything that we want to do with our lives. If it's not for them, we won't be able to make it. We just need a reason to push what we're trying to push even it's with talents, investments, careers or anything that we need an inspiration to continue. Because not everyone is getting that and at the end of it, they're just giving up because they have seen no support from anybody and not even from their relatives and immediate family. But if you have that, and also friends that are supportive and believes in your capacity, you are doing it with a fire and seems like no one is going to stop you right? They really are our wealth and that's why if there are small or big wins that we do, they should be there with us and celebrate it all together because we will not be able to make it without them.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: johnsaributua on June 02, 2024, 11:32:00 PM
Indeed, money and wealth are the most effective necessities and tools sought to bring people together, if based on that.

But family, friends and people who care really consider your existence not with that, will feel if the ups and downs of one's finances change and it is very valuable from money that can run out anytime.

Indeed, kinship relations must be maintained even though they often disagree and differ in terms of capturing information in the way of communication but that is natural because the cycle of caring and sincerity will not be timeless let alone run out of money.

Around us there are certainly those who care about someone's situation and for me everyone has it. It's better to maximise those we know with good character than to keep looking for friends who are just taking advantage. Because not a few today are like that.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Yatsan on June 02, 2024, 11:57:34 PM
afor emotional support yes, it's important but not in all instances given that with other people's family experiences, not everyone has the same good moments as with you. So I guess if it is with career opportunities, building relationships and contacts with people with the same interest, stream of income, and the likes that promote growth, would be a more representative circle to most of us. Wealth is a bit subjective; some people find it with value and some will see it in numbers. Bottomline is how you would want to see it, make use, and grow it.
A good friend or a very trusted acquaintance is indeed a great asset. He who has it is indeed very lucky. But such a friend is rare to find in today's age. Very rare.  Everything has the potential for loss.  And if a friend is a good person with a mask then there is a possibility of being cheated. But not everyone is the same. Some people are really considered as human resources. Having a good friend is like a blessing from God.

It is very lucky to have like minded friends. He who has like minded friends is very lucky and has people to share his happiness and sadness in his life. Some friends in our society have some friends behind the mask who always walk around us with thoughts to harm. So we should.  Try to stay away from these friends.
Indeed, not in all instances, friendships will have the same goal; some are not having aligned purpose as with you and that's just normal given that we're all different from one another in the first place. But will differences be enough to leave some of your friends? I think it's not unless they are pulling or slowing you down.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: boty on June 04, 2024, 05:27:32 AM
A good friend or a very trusted acquaintance is indeed a great asset. He who has it is indeed very lucky. But such a friend is rare to find in today's age. Very rare.  Everything has the potential for loss.  And if a friend is a good person with a mask then there is a possibility of being cheated. But not everyone is the same. Some people are really considered as human resources. Having a good friend is like a blessing from God.
It is very lucky to have like minded friends. He who has like minded friends is very lucky and has people to share his happiness and sadness in his life. Some friends in our society have some friends behind the mask who always walk around us with thoughts to harm. So we should.  Try to stay away from these friends.
When we find someone who thinks the same as our thoughts, of course they will really support what we are going to do, especially since we plan to develop our potential to be better than before and of course the support they give will be a motivation for us to be able to do it. achieve what we want, there are indeed some friends who are only good in front of us and behind our backs they even say bad things that we do and they could betray us when they see that we will be better than them.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: leonair on June 05, 2024, 08:24:53 AM
When we find someone who thinks the same as our thoughts, of course they will really support what we are going to do, especially since we plan to develop our potential to be better than before and of course the support they give will be a motivation for us to be able to do it. achieve what we want, there are indeed some friends who are only good in front of us and behind our backs they even say bad things that we do and they could betray us when they see that we will be better than them.
There are many friends who are always ready to harm you by being with you. Try to stay away from these friends. Because harm always comes from your own people. Just when you can take the initiative to do something good, some people  Some people will give you good advice and some people will give you bad advice. If you want to live in society, you have to try to get along with everyone, just stay away from those who want bad things.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 12, 2024, 05:57:27 PM
The greatest assets in the world are friends and trusted family members. Because all the riches of the world are temporary and may not be there tomorrow. But family members and friends are an asset that never goes away. Many times old friendship gives us emotions and conveys feelings of happiness. As time goes by everything in the world gets old and boring but friendship is one thing which gives us happiness as it gets older. Whenever a person breaks down in a difficult situation in life if a friend puts his hand on his shoulder, then the rate of pain is greatly reduced. I have mentioned the characteristics of these good friends. But if one gets the friendship of a bad friend then his life becomes hell. So choosing friends is the biggest and most important thing in life.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Reatim on June 13, 2024, 03:50:12 AM
. But family members and friends are an asset that never goes away.
That's actually not true.

Yes, friends and family are the greatest treasures in life but there is still possibility that they will leave you or do you wrong. At the end of the day they are just people who want to look out for no one but themselves. In life, you have to look for the right people. Not everyone you will meet are good people, remember that.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: $anounimus$ on June 13, 2024, 04:04:19 AM
When we find someone who thinks the same as our thoughts, of course they will really support what we are going to do, especially since we plan to develop our potential to be better than before and of course the support they give will be a motivation for us to be able to do it. achieve what we want, there are indeed some friends who are only good in front of us and behind our backs they even say bad things that we do and they could betray us when they see that we will be better than them.
There are many friends who are always ready to harm you by being with you. Try to stay away from these friends. Because harm always comes from your own people. Just when you can take the initiative to do something good, some people  Some people will give you good advice and some people will give you bad advice. If you want to live in society, you have to try to get along with everyone, just stay away from those who want bad things.
There is no need to expect more from friends or even fellow work colleagues, just do our work professionally and don't waste time just judging the character of the people around us. Good friends will not look for loopholes to correct our bad habits, especially when it comes to work problems. In the world of work, there are various characteristics of people that we always encounter, so we have to be quite selective and immediately get rid of toxic friends because they will hinder the work process that we are carrying out.

Title: Re: Your own people family best friends and loyal supportive people are true wealth
Post by: Xampeuu on June 13, 2024, 07:23:10 AM
When we find someone who thinks the same as our thoughts, of course they will really support what we are going to do, especially since we plan to develop our potential to be better than before and of course the support they give will be a motivation for us to be able to do it. achieve what we want, there are indeed some friends who are only good in front of us and behind our backs they even say bad things that we do and they could betray us when they see that we will be better than them.
There are many friends who are always ready to harm you by being with you. Try to stay away from these friends. Because harm always comes from your own people. Just when you can take the initiative to do something good, some people  Some people will give you good advice and some people will give you bad advice. If you want to live in society, you have to try to get along with everyone, just stay away from those who want bad things.
There is no need to expect more from friends or even fellow work colleagues, just do our work professionally and don't waste time just judging the character of the people around us. Good friends will not look for loopholes to correct our bad habits, especially when it comes to work problems. In the world of work, there are various characteristics of people that we always encounter, so we have to be quite selective and immediately get rid of toxic friends because they will hinder the work process that we are carrying out.
Relying on yourself is better than relying on friends, and if we intend to help friends, I think we will be helped without expecting anything, and when we need it, of course there will be one, although not all, friends who will help. Therefore, a life of helping each other is very necessary, and of course we also have to be smart in choosing friends, because many of them are double-faced.