Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Felicity_Tide on May 09, 2024, 10:39:22 PM

Title: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Felicity_Tide on May 09, 2024, 10:39:22 PM
The educational system now resembles more of a cycle, where knowledge is being recycled in the minds of the younger generation. When we examine certain aspects of this sector, we realize that we are essentially being taught the same things repeatedly. Some of these concepts are quite important, especially when we choose a career path at an early stage, while others are not necessarily meaningful.

At times, I ponder, why do we even go to school?. Is it just to gain knowledge or to achieve financial success in the end?. Well, it appears to be both. If our ultimate goal is to secure a good job or a stable source of income, then why aren't we taught certain financial matters at various stages, such as investment, money management, and effective saving methods?. Sadly, many individuals today earn significant incomes but lack a solid financial foundation.

Old scheme
It's interesting to note that the current evolution of Bitcoin and its technology is gradually rendering banks and financial institutions outdated. The failures of banks and financial institutions have been revealed, as many now see Bitcoin and its technology as a new form of money, a good saving and investment plan, and also a way to manage money.

Unfortunately, our schools still teach the young about banks and financial institutions, denying them the truth about real world happenings. Additionally, history has become a core subject even for those who want to study courses far outside it. They continue to teach these young ones about those who have ruled and stolen money from their nation, rather than implementing a financial subject (like Bitcoin) that would enable them to build their future at an early stage.

Please don't think that I condemn any subject in any way, but you would certainly understand my point of view if you were once taught certain unnecessary subjects and ended up becoming something else. Knowledge, they say, is never wasted, but there are certain knowledge that are not important.

Bitcoin as a core subject
Bitcoin itself is very broad, comprising its network, technology, and even financial aspects, which gives it more credibility as a subject. Teaching Bitcoin as a core subject at a certain stage opens the eyes of the young and enables them to make good financial decisions at an early age.

Due to it's complexity, basics of Bitcoin should be make good focused on, such as:
  • Buying and selling
  • Sending and receiving
  • How to store them in a wallet
  • Basic introduction to bitcoin investment, etc

As students begin to show interest in pursuing further studies, the need to delve deeper becomes vital. It's important to note that making Bitcoin a core subject aims to enable young people to make early financial decisions, allowing them to determine whether they want to invest in the future of currency (Bitcoin) or continue to rely on traditional fiat currencies. Teaching Bitcoin as a core subject would solidify the evolution of new money (Bitcoin) without leaving room for questions or debates about its adoption.

Is there any hindrance to this idea?
Ideas like this might sound good to some while not the same to others. Certainly, I think the government might be the number one hindrance to such ideas, as they would keep feeding the minds of every generation with corrupted banks and financial institutions, making every generation believe that only banks and financial institutions are the places worth leaving our money.

In addition, when every generation keeps using fiat currency, it would be very easy for financial institutions to print excessive money for their own selfish interests. So I think those in power might be a significant setback we might face in many countries.

Note: core subjects are not mandatory subjects.

Warning - This is not financial advice, but rather a suggestion aimed at helping the next generation understand the new form of money and also make an early financial decisions for themselves.

Question - Do you think Bitcoin should be made a core subject in our schools?

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Happy Bunny on May 09, 2024, 10:46:49 PM
Yes, but we are talking about something which is almost impossible in today's world. A few rare private schools might be eager to do it, especially if they were founded by wealthy crypto winners. Telegram University!   ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Mia Chloe on May 09, 2024, 10:47:28 PM
Bitcoin as a core subject? Well in my opinion I would say cryptography as a core subject rather. Then students or pupils will be able to get a proper understanding of how the crypto space works especially in the case of Bitcoin. For some time now some schools already offer such subjects to their students however most of the time as a branch under one of their networking or programming subjects. I think if it was a full subject it should be divided into cryptographic programming and crypto economics.

although it's a nice idea, the biggest limitation is the Government since in some countries , crypto is regarded as illegal therefore schools in such regions can either not teach such subjects effectively or can't even teach it at all depending on the crypto tolerance of the governments of the respective countries.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Bender Over on May 09, 2024, 10:51:46 PM
Correct Mia Chloe, so El Salvador and/or Japan might be more open to this than most other places.

Bitcoin as a core subject? Well in my opinion I would say cryptography as a core subject rather. Then students or pupils will be able to get a proper understanding of how the crypto space works especially in the case of Bitcoin. For some time now some schools already offer such subjects to their students however most of the time as a branch under one of their networking or programming subjects.

although it's a nice idea, the biggest limitation is the Government since in some countries , crypto is regarded as illegal therefore schools in such regions can either not teach such subjects effective or can't even teach it at all depending on the crypto tolerance of the countries government.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: adaseb on May 10, 2024, 04:21:57 AM
No this won’t happen. Maybe some type of crypto currency developer class can be taught at some school which teaches programming but it won’t be taught at the main level.

They teach a lot of useless stuff at school that you never really need to know in the first place. In my opinion they should teach money management because young people have no idea how credit system works. Straight out of college they get into huge debt that they are forced to pay for decades after. This would do more good in my opinion than teaching about crypto currency to most people who wouldn’t want to be involved in it anyways.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: pinggoki on May 10, 2024, 04:56:32 AM
I'd probably just stick with the basic one before anything else, maybe learning the basics of programming might be the best case scenario, it will also help out the students not to focus too much on one subject when they could learn about that when you teach them about different the one that will basically cover bitcoin topics and many others. That's for the best because that way, you're going to see more than just bitcoin, who knows, some of those kids might even get interested in other STEM topics aside from bitcoin. The goal of having bitcoin in the curriculum is for the people to be curious about it anyway so I think that making it as a subject that has bitcoin as the only focus seems like in bad taste in my opinion.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Apocollapse on May 10, 2024, 05:03:17 AM
Gold exist since long time ago, why there are no school taught their children how to buy and sell gold, how to check authenticity of the gold, how to store it, how to calculate the tax etc?

Stock also exist since long time ago, why there are no school taught their children how to buy and sell stock, which broker to use, how to choose the good stock, how to trade etc?

I don't understand with someone who're really trying to brainwash people to buy Bitcoin, when there have been many assets that also profitable and they didn't even force people to buy it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: God bless u on May 10, 2024, 05:45:17 AM
The educational system now resembles more of a cycle, where knowledge is being recycled in the minds of the younger generation. When we examine certain aspects of this sector, we realize that we are essentially being taught the same things repeatedly. Some of these concepts are quite important, especially when we choose a career path at an early stage, while others are not necessarily meaningful.

At times, I ponder, why do we even go to school?. Is it just to gain knowledge or to achieve financial success in the end?. Well, it appears to be both. If our ultimate goal is to secure a good job or a stable source of income, then why aren't we taught certain financial matters at various stages, such as investment, money management, and effective saving methods?. Sadly, many individuals today earn significant incomes but lack a solid financial foundation.

Old scheme
It's interesting to note that the current evolution of Bitcoin and its technology is gradually rendering banks and financial institutions outdated. The failures of banks and financial institutions have been revealed, as many now see Bitcoin and its technology as a new form of money, a good saving and investment plan, and also a way to manage money.

Unfortunately, our schools still teach the young about banks and financial institutions, denying them the truth about real world happenings. Additionally, history has become a core subject even for those who want to study courses far outside it. They continue to teach these young ones about those who have ruled and stolen money from their nation, rather than implementing a financial subject (like Bitcoin) that would enable them to build their future at an early stage.

Please don't think that I condemn any subject in any way, but you would certainly understand my point of view if you were once taught certain unnecessary subjects and ended up becoming something else. Knowledge, they say, is never wasted, but there are certain knowledge that are not important.

Bitcoin as a core subject
Bitcoin itself is very broad, comprising its network, technology, and even financial aspects, which gives it more credibility as a subject. Teaching Bitcoin as a core subject at a certain stage opens the eyes of the young and enables them to make good financial decisions at an early age.

Due to it's complexity, basics of Bitcoin should be make good focused on, such as:
  • Buying and selling
  • Sending and receiving
  • How to store them in a wallet
  • Basic introduction to bitcoin investment, etc

As students begin to show interest in pursuing further studies, the need to delve deeper becomes vital. It's important to note that making Bitcoin a core subject aims to enable young people to make early financial decisions, allowing them to determine whether they want to invest in the future of currency (Bitcoin) or continue to rely on traditional fiat currencies. Teaching Bitcoin as a core subject would solidify the evolution of new money (Bitcoin) without leaving room for questions or debates about its adoption.

Is there any hindrance to this idea?
Ideas like this might sound good to some while not the same to others. Certainly, I think the government might be the number one hindrance to such ideas, as they would keep feeding the minds of every generation with corrupted banks and financial institutions, making every generation believe that only banks and financial institutions are the places worth leaving our money.

In addition, when every generation keeps using fiat currency, it would be very easy for financial institutions to print excessive money for their own selfish interests. So I think those in power might be a significant setback we might face in many countries.

Note: core subjects are not mandatory subjects.

Warning - This is not financial advice, but rather a suggestion aimed at helping the next generation understand the new form of money and also make an early financial decisions for themselves.

Question - Do you think Bitcoin should be made a core subject in our schools?
It's not the right time to discuss this. There are sti many countries that haven't legalised the crypto currency in their respective domains. They are not allowing people to invest in it because of the high ratio of risk that is being involved.

There are almost 2 billion Muslims and scholars are still not satisfied that either it is permissible to invest in crypto or not. So until and unless these issues are catered I don't think so it'll be worthwhile to discuss this "crypto as a subject".

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Die_empty on May 10, 2024, 05:47:56 AM
The educational system now resembles more of a cycle, where knowledge is being recycled in the minds of the younger generation. When we examine certain aspects of this sector, we realize that we are essentially being taught the same things repeatedly. Some of these concepts are quite important, especially when we choose a career path at an early stage, while others are not necessarily meaningful.
The educational curriculum is dynamic. In countries with a functional education system, the content of the curriculum is reviewed based on current realities. New topics are added while irrelevant ones are removed from the document. In my country the curriculum is reviewed every five years, therefore I don't think students are taught obsolete topics.

At times, I ponder, why do we even go to school?. Is it just to gain knowledge or to achieve financial success in the end?. Well, it appears to be both. If our ultimate goal is to secure a good job or a stable source of income, then why aren't we taught certain financial matters at various stages, such as investment, money management, and effective saving methods?. Sadly, many individuals today earn significant incomes but lack a solid financial foundation.
Savings, investment and how to effectively use your income are taught in schools under different subjects. But the problem is that emphasis are not placed on them. However, you don't expect the school to teach you everything, it is the responsibility of school graduates to seek for more knowledge.

Old scheme
It's interesting to note that the current evolution of Bitcoin and its technology is gradually rendering banks and financial institutions outdated. The failures of banks and financial institutions have been revealed, as many now see Bitcoin and its technology as a new form of money, a good saving and investment plan, and also a way to manage money.
I don't think Bitcoin was designed to replace banks. Banks have some important role to play in the financial system. Regardless of the advantages of using Bitcoin, many people will still prefer using fiat. Bitcoin will always be an alternative to fiat.

Unfortunately, our schools still teach the young about banks and financial institutions, denying them the truth about real world happenings. Additionally, history has become a core subject even for those who want to study courses far outside it. They continue to teach these young ones about those who have ruled and stolen money from their nation, rather than implementing a financial subject (like Bitcoin) that would enable them to build their future at an early stage.
Children need to keep learning about banks and the current world financial system because these institutions are still operational. Maybe they will stop learning about banks when we no longer have any banks around. Students need to learn about the history of their nation to enable them to learn lessons from the past. History lesson is not just only about past leaders and some politicians should be emulated because they did very well. However, most politicians who stole money didn't end well.

Question - Do you think Bitcoin should be made a core subject in our schools?
Children in primary schools are already been exposed to Bitcoin when money is been taught. As they move to high school Blockchain technology is exposed to them and Bitcoin is discussed. Some universities offer courses on cryptocurrencies. I think financial education should become a core course while Bitcoin education should be included as an avenue to invest.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: mk4 on May 10, 2024, 05:49:29 AM
Honestly, Bitcoin is great but schools are better off teaching basic finance in general, rather than skipping all that and jumping into Bitcoin/crypto. Most people don't even know how to actually save money in the first place, and we're immediately introducing Bitcoin to them? Teaching students finance is far more important.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: fuguebtc on May 10, 2024, 08:34:26 AM
Gold exist since long time ago, why there are no school taught their children how to buy and sell gold, how to check authenticity of the gold, how to store it, how to calculate the tax etc?

Stock also exist since long time ago, why there are no school taught their children how to buy and sell stock, which broker to use, how to choose the good stock, how to trade etc?

I don't understand with someone who're really trying to brainwash people to buy Bitcoin, when there have been many assets that also profitable and they didn't even force people to buy it.

It is due to the delusion of some bitcoin investors, just because bitcoin brings them a little profit and their lives gradually get better. They gradually become delusional and consider bitcoin more than a god, they make proposals about bitcoin that cannot be more crazy. Bitcoin should be introduced into education, bitcoin should be applied to the economy to eradicate poverty, reduce unemployment, bring peace to the world through transparency...So many crazy ideas that I really don't know how they can come up with them when they don't even know anything about the education industry, how the economy works. We are just bitcoin investors, not economic advisors, financial experts or education ministers.

Bitcoin is truly an investment, an asset, and money. Nothing more, nothing less, but many people are too delusional and spread too much false information about it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Bellarg on May 10, 2024, 09:05:38 AM
We need much more economics in our school, not bitcoin as a subject. It may be part of economics but economics in general will be much more helpful

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: MeGold666 on May 10, 2024, 09:14:44 AM
Economy class in primary school would be enough but government don't want smart people but hard working people and that's why instead of economy class you'll get some religion hour or other nonsense.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Nrcewker on May 10, 2024, 09:25:33 AM
Bitcoin as a subject is not gonna happen. The reason is pretty simple for this. Due to the decentralised nature of the coins, Bitcoins are cannot be controlled by the government. We know that the government runs the schools. Hence it likely not possible for them to promote such an asset which they cannot control or impose tax. Hence this is practically not possible currently. Yes in many colleges still they teach about blockchain and cryptography.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: m2017 on May 10, 2024, 09:37:11 AM
Is there any hindrance to this idea?
Ideas like this might sound good to some while not the same to others. Certainly, I think the government might be the number one hindrance to such ideas, as they would keep feeding the minds of every generation with corrupted banks and financial institutions, making every generation believe that only banks and financial institutions are the places worth leaving our money.

In addition, when every generation keeps using fiat currency, it would be very easy for financial institutions to print excessive money for their own selfish interests. So I think those in power might be a significant setback we might face in many countries.
This sounds like a conspiracy theory. Everything is much simpler and this is what it looks like depending on the country.

Any school has a training program drawn up and certified by a higher authority (in fact, government bodies). Therefore, changing the school curriculum is possible only with their consent. Given the non-acceptance and denial of bitcoin by government, adding (formal) training on the basics of using bitcoin is unlikely. I believe this will require going through 9 circles of bureaucratic hell.

On the other hand, why do you need school to learn the basics about bitcoin? No one and nothing can interfere with your self-education.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Mate2237 on May 10, 2024, 09:38:16 AM
For now the world is still controversial and skeptical about bitcoin so many will not like to include bitcoin in their curriculum but as time goes and years to come, bitcoin will on it own will included to the curriculum without stress. And for now I don't think it is a good idea but you can only discuss with the education management to teach bitcoin in the scheme of work. Because since it is not in the curriculum for now it can't be teach generally. But a volunteer lesson note.

And also depends on the country if the country loves cryptocurrency then you can and it is a good idea but if the country is not a cryptocurrency friendly then I advise you not to include it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Marvell1 on May 10, 2024, 10:38:03 AM
This topic has been discussed many times on the forum and there are many mixed opinions. For me, I think this is a bad idea because after all, bitcoin is used for investment just like other assets like gold, stocks...and why aren't there any offers for gold or stocks like Apocollapse said?

Why should no topics about financial management or blockchain technology be included in education, only bitcoin? While bitcoin is not something everyone needs. OP, don't forget that many people in the world don't need to know what bitcoin is and they are still having a better life than you and me.

You even give the idea of a basic introduction to bitcoin investing for students, which is honestly the worst idea I've ever seen. And this shows that you only view bitcoin as an asset for speculation, you have never considered it a financial revolution and promoted this revolution.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Outhue on May 10, 2024, 10:41:03 AM
Honestly, Bitcoin is great but schools are better off teaching basic finance in general, rather than skipping all that and jumping into Bitcoin/crypto. Most people don't even know how to actually save money in the first place, and we're immediately introducing Bitcoin to them? Teaching students finance is far more important.

I thought as much as you, but I still proceeded to see a school owner about teaching Bitcoin to their students, I don't think it is a bad idea because secondary school students are already into frauds and online scamming, some are just waiting to get school over with and fully embark on their scam journey.

I am going in to give them hope, that scamming isn't the only way, the country is in a mess, to be honest, fathers and mothers did all they could to send their children to school and they lost a leg doing so, but when the kids are through with school they can't even buy the parents a walking stick, it is ridiculous.

Still, I don't encourage hurting another human being for a living, it is wrong, so it is better to give them hope, crypto has changed the lives of many in my country, but some people still believe that there is nothing out there that can save them than to scam people.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: kotajikikox on May 10, 2024, 11:09:36 AM
Question - Do you think Bitcoin should be made a core subject in our schools?

This might be a little controversial especially in a place such as bitcoinforum but my answer is actually no. When you say core subject it means it is a course that is taught to all students no matter the age or whatever they are pursuing.

I don't think it is completely necessary to make a whole subject about Bitcoin itself. I don't think all kids would be able to understand all the complexities of bitcoin let alone be interested. I have no problem about teaching Bitcoin to students but having a whole separate subject just for itself might be too much. Instead I think Bitcoin or crypto can be part of stem sector as it has something to do with mathematics and technology.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Alone055 on May 10, 2024, 11:32:31 AM
I don't think that is necessary at all, after all, school is a place for children to build their bases for what they will do in the future, and Bitcoin as a core subject will be totally irrelevant. Investment assets or technological advancements aren't things to be taught to children in school, as said by some other members, it's better if they are taught basic economics and the basics of financial management, etc. With that, they can grasp the idea of how they can manage their finances when they grow up, and it should only be very basic to not cloud their minds and make them confused.

Making Bitcoin a core subject would take it too far and I find that to be completely unnecessary. Let children grow up before introducing them to things that they wouldn't be using at that age, teaching them about Bitcoin wouldn't make much sense because when they grow up, if they have any interest in such things, they can always learn about them, but at school level, they are supposed to be learning things that they are going to need in the near future.  :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Mrbluntzy on May 10, 2024, 11:44:26 AM
Question - Do you think Bitcoin should be made a core subject in our schools?

Where you taught Bitcoin in school before you were able to have the knowledge about Bitcoin investment?

There are millions of people who are Bitcoin investors and yet they did not learn about Bitcoin in any school institutions. Why should Bitcoin be included as a core subject in the schools where there are important course they must learn about. There is financial accounting, economic management, Business studies and so many other course to be learned about and not learning Bitcoin in school.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Blitzboy on May 10, 2024, 11:49:40 AM
Try to fit all crypto and blockchain into a Bitcoin-only class. That limits us, guy. This technology is transforming how we view money, the internet, and the system! Zoom out and teach kids the larger picture. Decentralization, currencies, and digital privacy are covered. This is about giving our students the mental tools to thrive in a world that's changing quicker than we think, not only investing.

Teaching the full system generates thinkers, not simply Bitcoin traders. The world requires adaptable, connected people. This comprehensive understanding will help pupils grasp how crypto affects global economies and possibly future governments. This generation may shape tech, not simply use it!  We do more than teach children about money; we empower them to improve their future.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: AVE5 on May 10, 2024, 11:53:07 AM
Do not discriminate or underrate the potentials of what's being thought in the schools. It doesn't matter if the knowledge of the days at schools is being recycled.
Op, you must understand that there's a great height of importance about recalling histories that people of the next generations are deemed to be aware about. Yes no all past events are worth trashing just because there's a trending even.
The above of financial policies of management, economy and investments aren't limited of being thought in the schools and it's not affordable to about them for other trending reasons.

Bitcoin as a core field of studies in the school is a good idea but right in the currently World of today where the government who oversees the academies in both private and government institutions wouldn't let that come through when they already find bitcoin as a core Crypto currency of being a threat to their self interest in the global economy attributes due the fact that it's a non custodian financial system.
I don't see that accreditation happening soon with the current generational governments. Maybe that'd happen if the next generations would have that positive impacts to respect personal opinions and embracing Privacies unlike the current generation does.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Rockstarguy on May 10, 2024, 01:14:53 PM
Question - Do you think Bitcoin should be made a core subject in our schools?
It won't be bad if bitcoin becomes a subject in our school,  but if bitcoin becomes a subject in school it should not be a compulsory subject rather a subject that students would choose by choice because when bitcoin is forced on people their is nothing positive that can be achieved.  Left for me alone I don't think it is very important for school to make bitcoin a subject because I feel people needs to learn basic arithmetic and economics to understand what is money and how to manage money. Bitcoin is very common for someone to learn,  it is easy to get understanding of bitcoin even without going to school.  

Whether bitcoin becomes a subject in school or not people will still get to know it more and people will still try their best to understand  it well, making a subject in school won't change anything.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Plaguedeath on May 10, 2024, 01:36:06 PM
Good idea, at least it's better than LGBT subject (

There's no limit for teachers to teach their children, Bitcoin is one among many legit investments that people can choose, so if they interested with Bitcoin, they will buy it and able to grow their money.

There are many unimportant subjects that been taught in school, if those unimportant subjects always been taught, Bitcoin should get it's own place too.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: ultrloa on May 10, 2024, 01:37:56 PM
Question - Do you think Bitcoin should be made a core subject in our schools?
It won't be bad if bitcoin becomes a subject in our school,  but if bitcoin becomes a subject in school it should not be a compulsory subject rather a subject that students would choose by choice because when bitcoin is forced on people their is nothing positive that can be achieved.  Left for me alone I don't think it is very important for school to make bitcoin a subject because I feel people needs to learn basic arithmetic and economics to understand what is money and how to manage money. Bitcoin is very common for someone to learn,  it is easy to get understanding of bitcoin even without going to school.  

Whether bitcoin becomes a subject in school or not people will still get to know it more and people will still try their best to understand  it well, making a subject in school won't change anything.

All good if the teacher discussing that have proper knowledge about bitcoin and can explain well every topic that needed to discuss. But if the teacher doesn't have a experience and they are only basing their teachings on the books they read then maybe we can't see any good effects for young individual to gain in that cases.

So to make everything works well then I guess it also need proper training for educators so that they would not miss those critical information need to discuss and they don't do any short cut on teaching so the children listening it could fully understand on what they are discussing. This is really a good initiative to be added and for adding bitcoin learnings on school can increase something awareness of people that bitcoin exist and they can gain a good opportunity if they eager to enter in the industry and try to find something that they can take advantage on.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: kryptqnick on May 10, 2024, 01:52:36 PM
I believe that there are old but still relevant concepts that must be taught at school. But, of course, it's also important to teach something new, so that the new generations have the skills and knowledge that's relevant in the contemporary world.
I think that Bitcoin should be a part of school curriculum, but that's not the same as Bitcoin being a school subject, let alone a core subject. Instead, Bitcoin should be taught as a part of the subject that covers finances (Economics, Financial Literacy, or however it's called in a particular country at schools). Children still need to understand money in general, and have some basic knowledge about banks, loans, fiat, etc.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Stepstowealth on May 10, 2024, 01:53:59 PM
Question - Do you think Bitcoin should be made a core subject in our schools?

Where you taught Bitcoin in school before you were able to have the knowledge about Bitcoin investment?
Instead of waiting for schools to teach your kids about bitcoins, you can do that yourself and teach them at the right age when you know that they are ready to learn. Schools do not teach everything, and as a parent, you need to be responsible for teaching your child somethings because there is joy in it.
You will be proud as a father, if you were the one who taught your child to drive a car, or showed him how to swim etc. There is also joy if as a parent you are the one who introduced your kids to bitcoins and investing in it, something that can give them financial freedom tomorrow.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: SamReomo on May 10, 2024, 02:25:01 PM
Question - Do you think Bitcoin should be made a core subject in our schools?
I believe it's better to let Bitcoin as part of economics in current schooling system because it would not be a good way to represent it as a new subject. We all know that Bitcoin is fully decentralized finance system and regulated bodies don't really want decentralized systems to grow.

Schools are parts of the centralized system where there work under a government and they have to take permissions for everything. In some countries even private schools have to ask for permissions to get things done. It will create problems for the schools to teach Bitcoin directly to the students.

I know it's a good approach to promote awareness regarding Bitcoin but still I don't think that such approach would be helpful at all in current political and educational systems.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Zoomic on May 10, 2024, 02:40:36 PM
Schools will never teach children how to invest in viable assets from their early years. Maybe they are scared these children might become wise since they already know how to make money and become rich, then eventually lose interest in formal education. There are many physical assets and even digital assets like Bitcoin the children can learn, but their is nowhere in the schools' curriculum where these children are taught how to invest in them and make money.  It becomes even worst now that the governments of most of the countries are fighting against Bitcoin, they would rather continue to keep the children in the dark until these children grow up and find out by themselves.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with teaching the the children deep financial literacy through subjects like Bitcoin because it will help the children not to struggle financially in the future. Since it is very obvious that the government will not let these children know these things in schools, it is now left for every parent to impact these knowledge in their children from home so the children will grow with it and invest if they want.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Bushdark on May 11, 2024, 05:54:08 AM
Learning about Bitcoin should be a personal idea and not everyone to be involved since many countries are still thinking of accepting Bitcoin or not. People can easily learn about Bitcoin at their own pace and bring it as a core subject in junior school is irrelevant.
I think there should be a tangible reason why Bitcoin need to be seen as a code subject in schools.
I think this should be out of curiosity and we just need to understand that this would not be necessary. Not every parent knows about Bitcoin morever.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Odohu on May 11, 2024, 06:27:55 AM
Bitcoin as a core subject? Well in my opinion I would say cryptography as a core subject rather. Then students or pupils will be able to get a proper understanding of how the crypto space works especially in the case of Bitcoin. For some time now some schools already offer such subjects to their students however most of the time as a branch under one of their networking or programming subjects. I think if it was a full subject it should be divided into cryptographic programming and crypto economics.
What is actually offered in schools across the globe is Blockchain Technology and you can find the list of some of the university that offers that in this article ( I think Blockchain is a better caption as confirmed by what is already on ground. It is broader and cover Bitcoin and altcoins as well as the underlying technology which cryptography is part of.

With the wide application of the blockchain technology, offering such courses in school will transform many sectors such as medicine, agriculture, civil service and others. It could also help in fighting crime and corruption. Indeed, this is a new area of studies that I'm hopeful will grow and gets bigger.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: blckhawk on May 11, 2024, 06:43:31 AM
I see school as a way for you to discover what you want and what calling you've got in your life, I mean that should how schools function in my opinion, not just a place of learning but also as a way for children to explore and learn about what they want to do in their life, that's why I do believe in the fact that we should have bitcoin as a subject in schools but I get those that don't want it, bitcoin is a specific thing in the Science and Technology umbrella so I get why some wouldn't agree in regards to this being a part of the curricula of students but think about this, if it's a subject in a technology oriented school, it would probably be a good subject but there's also the problem of teachers and lecturers that would be capable of teaching these subjects, unless we want a quality education, we're going to need those that have the specialty in bitcoin or else we'd just don't get the desired effect.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Kristiyana on May 11, 2024, 07:01:26 AM
Bitcoin as a core subject in the school, I don't think if it will happen, although there are some subject that is similar to crypto investment for example. How to manage our business and also how to use a little capital to start up a business this are the only things that student need to know, of course if you were able to understand how to use your capital even when you start this crypto journey it won't be that difficult for you because you have little understand of how to use capital in the market. However making bitcoin as a core subject in our school? I think it would've been a very good idea but is not gonna be possible the government will be against it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Wexnident on May 11, 2024, 08:22:02 AM
Bitcoin is broad not because it's Bitcoin but because of the tech used in it, so why bother teaching Bitcoin? Teach the technology behind it instead of going around Bitcoin just to prioritize how important it is lol. And even then, I don't think it'd be a huge or a core subject. Probably a small part of a curriculum that tackles blockchain, most likely something network related subject. And even then I reckon it's on a more specialized topic since most students probably won't even touch blockchain when they graduate, or at least won't be part of their first work experience.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Essential10 on May 11, 2024, 08:42:22 AM
Although I have seen discussions about this issue before. Personal opinion though I don't think any school should use Bitcoin as a core subject. The topic can create stress among school students, not only Bitcoin as a subject but also other currencies will need to be studied along with Bitcoin. Bitcoin or Cryptocurrency is a complex topic that requires a lot of analysis. You may know about Bitcoin, when you understand the analysis you will find it simple but I think it can be complicated for students. But one thing Bitcoin as a subject can be done in a book chapter for school students for basic understanding of Bitcoin. But I think this matter is applicable for higher level that is college students. Ultimately a country's government controls the education system depending on how far the matter goes.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: peter0425 on May 12, 2024, 03:46:17 AM
Question - Do you think Bitcoin should be made a core subject in our schools?
Where you taught Bitcoin in school before you were able to have the knowledge about Bitcoin investment?

For us bitcoin was not taught to us mainly because we didn’t have it yet at the time. But now, the existence of bitcoin completely changed the world and finance. Technology has advanced and it is something that definitely needs to be taught to children.

However it is up to the government whether they want to push the children into this path. Some countries may not be so willing to teach people about bitcoin so the idea of making it a core subject is futile.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on May 12, 2024, 05:29:33 AM
Bitcoin as a core subject? Well in my opinion I would say cryptography as a core subject rather. Then students or pupils will be able to get a proper understanding of how the crypto space works especially in the case of Bitcoin. For some time now some schools already offer such subjects to their students however most of the time as a branch under one of their networking or programming subjects. I think if it was a full subject it should be divided into cryptographic programming and crypto economics.

I want to echo your words. Bitcoin is just one cryptocurrency. Instead of explaining how Bitcoin works, they should teach how cryptography and blockchain technology work. Also, it is advised to teach the importance of privacy. Now, let them decide if they want to know more about Bitcoin. In my country, the government introduced a new subject named ICT back in 2013, and it's one of the mandatory subjects for the 6th grade. Unfortunately, they don't teach about cryptography in ICT classes. Instead, they start CSS, HTML, understanding binary, and other things like that. I did not have a chance to check the higher grades books. But I hope they have included cryptography and blockchain technology as well.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: DanWalker on May 12, 2024, 01:56:10 PM
Bitcoin as a core subject? Well in my opinion I would say cryptography as a core subject rather. Then students or pupils will be able to get a proper understanding of how the crypto space works especially in the case of Bitcoin. For some time now some schools already offer such subjects to their students however most of the time as a branch under one of their networking or programming subjects. I think if it was a full subject it should be divided into cryptographic programming and crypto economics.

I want to echo your words. Bitcoin is just one cryptocurrency. Instead of explaining how Bitcoin works, they should teach how cryptography and blockchain technology work. Also, it is advised to teach the importance of privacy. Now, let them decide if they want to know more about Bitcoin. In my country, the government introduced a new subject named ICT back in 2013, and it's one of the mandatory subjects for the 6th grade. Unfortunately, they don't teach about cryptography in ICT classes. Instead, they start CSS, HTML, understanding binary, and other things like that. I did not have a chance to check the higher grades books. But I hope they have included cryptography and blockchain technology as well.

I also support that the Ministry of Education should include cryptography and blockchain technology in the curriculum because this is the technology of the future.

Regarding privacy, I don't think it will be included in education and popularization because it goes against government policy. Teaching and encouraging people to improve their privacy is no different than spreading anti-government sentiment. I believe the government will never allow this to happen.

Regarding bitcoin, many people even consider bitcoin as a speculative asset, and if bitcoin is included in education and taught to children how to invest. It's like we're encouraging them to gamble from an early age. This idea is really bad.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: kotajikikox on May 12, 2024, 02:13:58 PM

Regarding bitcoin, many people even consider bitcoin as a speculative asset, and if bitcoin is included in education and taught to children how to invest. It's like we're encouraging them to gamble from an early age. This idea is really bad.

How is investing bad? How is it gambling when we teach kids about banks and etc. it is simply just a currency that is held digitally. Obviously we will make the education appropriate to the age of the kids. We wouldn’t be teaching 6 year olds about investment. But we would open their eyes to the world of digital money. This is our future and there is nothing wrong with it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: YOSHIE on May 12, 2024, 02:25:30 PM
Question - Do you think Bitcoin should be made a core subject in our schools?
The fact is that Bitcoin is no longer underestimated and Bitcoin is now generally known by the general public, especially students who generally know about Bitcoin, For this reason, if Bitcoin is made a core material in the core curriculum for certain schools, I don't think it's a bad thing for a teacher to teach students about Bitcoin.

However, in my understanding, core lessons for school are not suitable for core lessons, as additional subjects it might make sense, because Bitcoin has a different understanding when explained to students and Bitcoin can be studied easily on the internet, I'm afraid that if there is an exam that discusses the development of Bitcoin, they will easily find it on the internet. For me, additional lessons are suitable, such as art subjects and so on.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: 0t3p0t on May 12, 2024, 03:28:29 PM
I think this thing is part of the information technology course in colleges but if we are talking about elementary or high school well yeah best this should be included in economics but the problem is that majority of teachers and professors don't even have an idea what Bitcoin is but if it was part of the curriculum then there is a higher chance that students will get their millions too early compared to them not engaged into that kind of topic as we all know only few are curious and willing to learn things like that.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Ale88 on May 12, 2024, 05:20:10 PM
At times, I ponder, why do we even go to school?. Is it just to gain knowledge or to achieve financial success in the end?. Well, it appears to be both. If our ultimate goal is to secure a good job or a stable source of income, then why aren't we taught certain financial matters at various stages, such as investment, money management, and effective saving methods?. Sadly, many individuals today earn significant incomes but lack a solid financial foundation.
First of all, there are different grades in school because when you are in primary class, for example, they are trying to teach you to use your brain, think, and solve problems. The part related to an actual career comes at the very end, and not everybody is just chasing the job with the biggest salary, some people prefer to follow their passions. So I disagree when you say that going to school is to pursuit financial success.

Regarding the question about bitcoin being taught, I feel that is very specific, I would happy if they would simply teach some finance/money management, at least kids can learn since the beginning how they should deal with money.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: Gladitorcomeback on May 12, 2024, 06:35:53 PM
I think this thing is part of the information technology course in colleges but if we are talking about elementary or high school well yeah best this should be included in economics but the problem is that majority of teachers and professors don't even have an idea what Bitcoin is but if it was part of the curriculum then there is a higher chance that students will get their millions too early compared to them not engaged into that kind of topic as we all know only few are curious and willing to learn things like that.

Even though teachers can learn about it if they have to teach it to the children, I would say adding Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies as a core subject in school classes would have more negative changes than positive ones because a child's brain isn't programmed to understand such complex theories and ideas, they aren't made to understand business and finance or how money is managed and how all other things related to it are handled, and Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are all about finance.

Having blockchain technology as a different subject in colleges or universities can be a better thing because when students reach that level, they tend to have matured enough to understand and grasp more complex ideas and theories than the time when they are still in school.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: tread93 on May 13, 2024, 03:00:18 AM
The educational system now resembles more of a cycle, where knowledge is being recycled in the minds of the younger generation. When we examine certain aspects of this sector, we realize that we are essentially being taught the same things repeatedly. Some of these concepts are quite important, especially when we choose a career path at an early stage, while others are not necessarily meaningful.

At times, I ponder, why do we even go to school?. Is it just to gain knowledge or to achieve financial success in the end?. Well, it appears to be both. If our ultimate goal is to secure a good job or a stable source of income, then why aren't we taught certain financial matters at various stages, such as investment, money management, and effective saving methods?. Sadly, many individuals today earn significant incomes but lack a solid financial foundation.

Old scheme
It's interesting to note that the current evolution of Bitcoin and its technology is gradually rendering banks and financial institutions outdated. The failures of banks and financial institutions have been revealed, as many now see Bitcoin and its technology as a new form of money, a good saving and investment plan, and also a way to manage money.

Unfortunately, our schools still teach the young about banks and financial institutions, denying them the truth about real world happenings. Additionally, history has become a core subject even for those who want to study courses far outside it. They continue to teach these young ones about those who have ruled and stolen money from their nation, rather than implementing a financial subject (like Bitcoin) that would enable them to build their future at an early stage.

Please don't think that I condemn any subject in any way, but you would certainly understand my point of view if you were once taught certain unnecessary subjects and ended up becoming something else. Knowledge, they say, is never wasted, but there are certain knowledge that are not important.

Bitcoin as a core subject
Bitcoin itself is very broad, comprising its network, technology, and even financial aspects, which gives it more credibility as a subject. Teaching Bitcoin as a core subject at a certain stage opens the eyes of the young and enables them to make good financial decisions at an early age.

Due to it's complexity, basics of Bitcoin should be make good focused on, such as:
  • Buying and selling
  • Sending and receiving
  • How to store them in a wallet
  • Basic introduction to bitcoin investment, etc

As students begin to show interest in pursuing further studies, the need to delve deeper becomes vital. It's important to note that making Bitcoin a core subject aims to enable young people to make early financial decisions, allowing them to determine whether they want to invest in the future of currency (Bitcoin) or continue to rely on traditional fiat currencies. Teaching Bitcoin as a core subject would solidify the evolution of new money (Bitcoin) without leaving room for questions or debates about its adoption.

Is there any hindrance to this idea?
Ideas like this might sound good to some while not the same to others. Certainly, I think the government might be the number one hindrance to such ideas, as they would keep feeding the minds of every generation with corrupted banks and financial institutions, making every generation believe that only banks and financial institutions are the places worth leaving our money.

In addition, when every generation keeps using fiat currency, it would be very easy for financial institutions to print excessive money for their own selfish interests. So I think those in power might be a significant setback we might face in many countries.

Note: core subjects are not mandatory subjects.

Warning - This is not financial advice, but rather a suggestion aimed at helping the next generation understand the new form of money and also make an early financial decisions for themselves.

Question - Do you think Bitcoin should be made a core subject in our schools?

Many colleges have added in blockchain courses and things of this nature. I for one absolutely agree that Bitcoin should be a core subject in school. I think the folks who are doing a great job with this recently would be El Salvador. Their people is fully immersed into Bitcoin having made it their main currency. I really want to get some of those volcano bonds too btw lol. I think it would be incredible if kids in middle school and high school could get this type of education, one thing I think is for sure is that the US will never adopt this, other countries who are at higher levels in their schooling systems will. Countries that want their own to have an advantage will.

Title: Re: Bitcoin as a core subject in our schools - Good or bad idea?
Post by: DanWalker on May 13, 2024, 12:09:51 PM

Regarding bitcoin, many people even consider bitcoin as a speculative asset, and if bitcoin is included in education and taught to children how to invest. It's like we're encouraging them to gamble from an early age. This idea is really bad.

How is investing bad? How is it gambling when we teach kids about banks and etc. it is simply just a currency that is held digitally. Obviously we will make the education appropriate to the age of the kids. We wouldn’t be teaching 6 year olds about investment. But we would open their eyes to the world of digital money. This is our future and there is nothing wrong with it.

It would be great if someone seriously taught children bitcoin as a currency and not as a get-rich-quick investment like it is currently happening. And I want to know how you will teach your children when you yourself are looking at bitcoin as an investment with the mindset of getting rich from it, not as a currency.
But I will support you if you are aware that bitcoin should not be taught to young children, because many people even have the idea of teaching their children about bitcoin investment when they don't even know how to add, subtract and multiply basic.
Investing in bitcoin is not bad, if it was bad I wouldn't invest in bitcoin but bringing bitcoin investment into education is a bad idea, IMO.