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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Fullbear2222 on May 10, 2024, 02:16:39 PM

Title: I don't know how to survive in nuclear winter
Post by: Fullbear2222 on May 10, 2024, 02:16:39 PM
I think Will be easy way to be in the location where you die fast and instant.
I'll just have some favorite meal probably for free coz we all gona die there anyways.
Now If nuclear hit Im not going hide myself in basement Im use to with food and good life and internet and all the things i don't know nothing what to do If there will be no internet no infrastucture working.
So when nuclear war happens you want to be very far away or right in the location where target hit.
Also you don't want to be the location where no food and radiation start slowly killing you.
So think about If you are like 50 km away from the main target you start getting impacted of radiation no clean food and you starving you not die fast it's worse it's slow Death i don't like that.
Our leaders are evil that's fine but at least they should notice us wich city will get biggest hit then i know i'll go drink something Nice and enjoy my last meal.
So i will either stay where nuclear will hit or i will travel far away...Im not sure wich place it Will be.

But my main point here is that i don't know how to survive when everythimg goes down and i might be far away from other people Also or together with people who have also no ideas what to do.

Also i like to point out the main point i did not born into the world to suffering i'll enjoy life and to me be alive here it's not JACKPOT i don't need be here Im only here If i can live good.

So If i hear about nuclear war and Im not far away all ready like in new Zealand ...i'll just go to the locations where the nuclear Will hit i'll have some Nice cofe there probably and it will painless process at least Im not gona play some dumb surviving games somewhere where i might be affected of radioation even If i do survive i probably Will be sick or not normal human anymore for what is that ?
And Im really modern society kind of person Im not gona play survive games i will have my food delivered to me and Electricity clean water and Fresh fruits front of me whenever i want and need 24/7 Im that kind of person i definately not gona learn surviving and not interested of this bs.
So i don't like that i think many of you think Same way

Title: Re: I don't know how to survive in nuclear winter
Post by: Vod on May 10, 2024, 04:15:06 PM
I think Will be easy way to be in the location where you die fast and instant.

Absolutely the best way.   The only people to survive will be well funded government shelters.  BUT, without the ability to reproduce the most modern computer chips, the technology will slowly degrade as things break down and cannot be repaired.   

Plan your escape here (  :)

The Earth will not be reclaimed by another technological species.   All the easy minerals and fuels have been mined already.

Title: Re: I don't know how to survive in nuclear winter
Post by: Hispo on May 11, 2024, 12:42:34 AM
I don't even know why you would spend time and energy getting worried about something like this, specially since you don't have power of choice on the outcome of the geopolitical scenarios we are witnessing today on this world. All those things you have written just sound like a very high mental burden to carry around, trying to live your normal life while at the same time you are aware a nuclear nuke could (at the very least) destroy your comfortable way of living) or vaporize you in a milisecond, if you live close enough to ground zero.
If you are seriously having those dark and nihilistic thoughts to one point you find them to be intrusive, uncomfortable and do not allow you to carry your daily tasks out, then I would suggest you to find professional help.
I don't have any intention to judge, but those things you are saying are disturbing and could be some symptom of anxiety. If you need to disconnect off political and geopolitical news for some weeks, do not hesitate to do so, your health is more important and it is supposed to be your very first priority.

Title: Re: I don't know how to survive in nuclear winter
Post by: DeathAngel on May 11, 2024, 07:29:16 AM
To increase your chances of survival during a possible nuclear war stay informed & follow official instructions. Prepare an emergency kit with essential supplies, find suitable shelter in a basement or sturdy building & minimise exposure to radioactive fallout by closing windows & doors. Stay connected to receive updates & guidance from authorities. Being prepared & staying informed are key to maximising your survival prospects in such a scenario.

Title: Re: I don't know how to survive in nuclear winter
Post by: LTU_btc on May 11, 2024, 08:22:13 PM
I don't know how to survive nuclear winter and I'm not really bothered about it. I prefer to enjoy every day of my life and don't think about worst case scenario. Because if it will happen I think that I don't have big chance to survive. I live in Europe and I have no idea where I would have to run in such case.
You're lucky if you're in New Zealand or Australia, it looks like safest place in case of nuclear winter. Maybe South America isn't worst location too.

Title: Re: I don't know how to survive in nuclear winter
Post by: OgNasty on May 11, 2024, 10:30:15 PM
I’m not sure something like this is really even worth preparing for. I think the biggest factor would likely be luck. However, there are some universal truths when it comes to surviving in any situation. Making sure your body is strong and you’ve been trained in different areas is always a great thing. Preparing yourself for anything usually pays dividends.

Title: Re: I don't know how to survive in nuclear winter
Post by: 420 Seeds on May 11, 2024, 10:34:36 PM
The chance of a global nuke war is sadly much higher now than 10 years ago. If you are young and rich from crypto please enjoy it while you can.

Title: Re: I don't know how to survive in nuclear winter
Post by: bluebit25 on May 12, 2024, 02:18:39 AM
You are alive and afraid of death, if not war then there are billions of reasons why you have to die. Traffic problems, sudden illness, natural disasters, assassinations,... it can really happen but remember that the more you fear, the closer it will bring you to those things. .

I think maybe just a little more positive attitude towards life is needed, instead of avoiding it, face it and adapt. But the nuclear disaster in Japan included innocent people and they did not understand what happened and they no longer existed.

And maybe I want to recommend you a movie "The Fountain- Hugh Jackman" to try to feel if everything you are afraid of is really scary anymore.

Title: Re: I don't know how to survive in nuclear winter
Post by: Volimack on May 12, 2024, 03:46:06 AM
For this we need to prepare everything in advance for ourselves. For a nuclear winter you need to have enough debris and fallout not only in the atmosphere but also in the stratosphere. Today's weapons are smaller and less powerful than those of the past and simply aren't capable of delivering as much debris. Not to mention that a vast majority of cities where most of the debris will come from won't be hit to begin with.

Title: Re: I don't know how to survive in nuclear winter
Post by: Kelward on May 12, 2024, 08:11:35 AM
The OP is talking about being in a safe place when nuclear war happens, but how do we know where is a safe place during a nuclear war, because where you're planning could be the worse hit, so my advice is not to worry about a nuclear hit. Even when you manage to stay in a safe underground or something, I believe that it'll take decades before life can return to normalcy for the few survivors. I wonder what will be the essence of life in that waiting period, the animal instincts in humans might come to play and it'll become the survival of the fittest, lawlessness and chaos. I don't know if I'll care to survive when probably 90% of the world population is destroyed, probably all my loved ones are gone.

Title: Re: I don't know how to survive in nuclear winter
Post by: aoluain on May 12, 2024, 11:11:33 AM
It really is hard to know where a safe place would be other than going subterranean.

What would the primary targets be in a nuclear war? military installations, fuel depots, energy generators.

If cities are targeted it would only be for maximum human kills and outside the initial impact zone
you would have to be below ground and as others say, would you really need to be alive?

Title: Re: I don't know how to survive in nuclear winter
Post by: Hispo on May 13, 2024, 01:38:02 AM
It really is hard to know where a safe place would be other than going subterranean.

What would the primary targets be in a nuclear war? military installations, fuel depots, energy generators.

If cities are targeted it would only be for maximum human kills and outside the initial impact zone
you would have to be below ground and as others say, would you really need to be alive?

The most likely target for a nuclear attack of very high magnitude, would be another country which also has nuclear capabilities, you know.
It would not make sense for a nuclear power to attack a country which does not have the capacity to retaliate after the first attack, keeping that in mind, I would be comfortable to affirm one would be very safe by keeling oneself away from countries in Europe, Russia, the United States, China, India and Israel. Those are the ones who claim to hold fission weapons.
If one lives in a country like Colombia, Bolivia, Pakistan or Thailand, where are are not nuclear programs, then there are very low chances one will be a primary target of a super power like the United States or Russia.
Though, in an scenario like a nuclear winter, then ones location would not be very relevant, as all locations ln the planet share the same atmosphere, but at least radiation would not be an immediate problem.

I still believe one is not supposed to think about nuclear apocalypse all the times, and try to live one's life as its fullest, instead.

Title: Re: I don't know how to survive in nuclear winter
Post by: NotFuzzyWarm on May 13, 2024, 02:26:53 AM
Those are the ones who claim to hold fission weapons.
When it comes to nuclear weapons fission weapons are mere firecrackers and are relegated to what is called Tactical devices for use on a battlefield or for use as terror weapons by countries like North Korea. While anywhere from below 1kiloton up to several 10's of kilotons is nothing to sneeze at (Hiroshima & Nagasaki were both around 10-15kton devices) they would not be the ones to cause nuclear winter.

Tactical nukes certainly devastate large areas but are nothing like Strategic nukes. Those are fusion bombs with yields ranging from around 100kton to over several 10's of megatons. It is Strategic nukes that are 'country busters' and could create nuclear winter if used in large numbers. ref

Oh, and Pakistan DOES have nuclear weapons just as India does. Both have done test detonations of nuclear devices. Their programs are just not very large or advanced and how deployable their weapons are is open to speculation.

Title: Re: I don't know how to survive in nuclear winter
Post by: AVE5 on May 13, 2024, 12:42:42 PM
No dear survival to live has always been the rhythms since we were born. Life might seem easy for you from a onset probably because you've providers who provides all that you ask for anytime any day and you're also lucky to live in a developed society where all necessary amenities are excellent including the hygienic environments.
That's also when you're not being stressing to meet up with responsibility demands otherwise, you'd understand that the world that we're conceived in is a survival which the governments doesn't give damn about and lives only the fittest to live.

I don't support that negative weakening thought Op. At the time of struggles, we all have that potentials to always make ways where even there's no way.
So, treasure your life and don't loose hope. DON'T JUST GIVE up for after wars there are survivals and there comes normality of peace again.