Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Fullbear2222 on May 13, 2024, 11:47:01 AM

Title: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Fullbear2222 on May 13, 2024, 11:47:01 AM
Friend of mine knew that btc and gold gona go high.
So one year Ago he called Banks Even to asian bank to ask money invest on markets he also told them he will do it smart Will do gold and btc.
The Banks was asking his knowledge and reason for money still did not give.
So my friend told them look guys i know good info If i know that gold and btc will go then you guys should know it too it's a win:win you give money and i invest exacly on right time Banks was talking some bs reasons.
So Banks and financial instutions are evil they don't want to cooperate with even with people who knows how make money from money it's like they don't want make money from money why we need them If they don't work with us?
If the banks was gona give money everybody winner here banks make their money and my friend was gona make money and profit and my friend will be financially Free and with that knowledge Will only make money from money.
And funny thing is my another friend who did apply for Job on hedge funds he predicted everything to them and showed Even where he got inside info and told them he knows how to make a lot money from money not even those guys who got degree will make that much money and they wtf??? Are the banks and financial instutions here for money or not ? Instead of real knowledge how to make profit and money of money they hire someone with degree who has no clue even how the real money Made and no experince just degree and vision what to do and what's the moves how to make money from why waste time and ask on the first place what IS the purpose of loan and vision If they don't give money anyways why so evil ? If someone who knows a lot Will put the facts and info front of their eyes and they still don't give money ?
I mean a lot people can escape slave life 9-5 Job If banks could give them money to double triple it's win win they get back all the money and profit and they can see If person whos asking money or job knows really things but they still refuse
So Im asking what's the bankers and financial instutions real agenda because it doesn't seems like they want to make money together self learned very smart and experinced people yet they ask questions like purpose of loan and idea for what ....yet they see all the info and even exacly timing of Market prices front of their eyes and they still refuse wtf ???
Im against to them If someone knows same things like they put front of them and without School education or degree and very smart with smart ways to find about whales and activities of big financial instutions and banks still don't give funds ??? Like wtf?

The problem is many people don't have resources to use their knowledge for make money from money but banks not cooperate yes they ask questions like they genuinly interested about idea like asking what's your background and how did you find out all that info and so but still refuse even If they can see person really knows about it we have nowdays even the smart guys without any education who could out perfomance all those educated people with degree so can anyone explain why is that they don't like people with real knowledge how to find info and how to make money ?

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Casdinyard on May 13, 2024, 01:42:53 PM
First off, the bank has no business letting everyone who asks out a loan from them in. The fact of the matter is that, your friend, no matter how knowledgeable he is, has no chances getting his loan approved the moment he said he's going to use it to invest in crypto and gold. Banks are more on the side of providing loans for people who can give them a collateral, or they can charge neck-breaking interests with. Your friend being neither, since he's basically investing in virtual money and gold ETF most likely, had his loan denied.

It only makes sense, if a stranger walks up to you asking if you could grant him $50k cold-hard cash with the promise of paying it back with interest, cause he found this amazing way to make money, which in your knowledge is stupid and is downright risky, would you give him the money? Most of us round here already says no by the time we've heard about the person being a stranger, more so the fact that he's about to do something stupid with your money.

They don't cooperate because they don't want to. Quit crying about it and find other ways, besides, why invest money you can't afford to lose in the first place?

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Apocollapse on May 13, 2024, 02:26:24 PM
Friend of mine knew that btc and gold gona go high.
So one year Ago he called Banks Even to asian bank to ask money invest on markets he also told them he will do it smart Will do gold and btc.
The Banks was asking his knowledge and reason for money still did not give.
Do your friend have a valid collateral when he want to take a loan from banks? if no, there's not surprising the banks reject his application.

And funny thing is my another friend who did apply for Job on hedge funds he predicted everything to them and showed Even where he got inside info and told them he knows how to make a lot money from money not even those guys who got degree will make that much money and they wtf???
This is why personal branding needed.

You can't just offer something "too good to be true" when you haven't show to everyone if you're capable to handle it. If your friend is really a good speculator, ask him to create a channel and build the reputation in there, sooner or later people will believe in him since he can predict the market.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: WillyAp on May 13, 2024, 03:26:33 PM
So Im asking what's the bankers and financial instutions real agenda because it doesn't seems like they want to make money together self learned very smart and experinced people yet they ask questions like purpose of loan and idea for what ....yet they see all the info and even exacly timing of Market prices front of their eyes and they still refuse wtf

he just should have sold the BTC and with those proceeds purchase Houses, Buildings, Businesses.
Based on that banks are open to business and loans.

You cannot rely on banking when doing a anti bank commodity.
That is how people sell bitcoin, as an anti bank commodity.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: bittraffic on May 13, 2024, 03:42:22 PM

You know banks are failing and becoming insolvent these days right? They have bigger problems these days.

Just tell your friend to acquire some money on his own without the bank's help and use the money to speculate and invest. No one will help him except himself. But since you trust your friends so much why not give a little help to him?  People just need a little help to get started.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: crwth on May 13, 2024, 04:03:09 PM
Having just the knowledge that "it can go up" is not going to be enough. No bank is going to just believe that. "Oh, you have an investment that could go higher in price and profit this xxx%? Let us give you some money."  If you don't have a background with the bank, they would need something in return in case you cannot give back the loan with your so-called investment.

You know that insider knowledge is frowned upon and could lead you to prison. You should build or use whatever you have to fund that investment so that you can profit.

You do know that the goals of banks are the same right? They want to profit but they want to make sure that you are investing in a sure thing or you have the background of it.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Crypto Library on May 13, 2024, 06:15:59 PM
It is normal that the bank will not give a loan to your friend because your friend does not have valid evidence for showing he has really some skills.  And also your friend has no collateral.  There are currently many banks in the world who have gone bankrupt for defaulting on loans despite having collateral. Why should a bank give a non-collateral loan to your friend?
It's totally a general common sense two think that, like if I ask you 5000 dollar and I know you have 5k dollar in your wallet will you give that in higher interest for long-term bitcoin trading? As you can see I am hero rank holder. I think your answer will be no . And as well as you also know that why you are going to reject me same case for banks.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: WillyAp on May 13, 2024, 06:17:52 PM

You know banks are failing and becoming insolvent these days right? They have bigger problems these days.

That depends if the bank is internationally connected. Holding shares in the NY stock exchange e.g. or is owned by a bigger bank which go belly up.
Local banks without those entanglements are good. Even in a global melt down.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: SamReomo on May 14, 2024, 11:08:11 AM
Friend of mine knew that btc and gold gona go high.
So your friend came from future right? That's not how things work mate because banks don't just listen to those who say that something will move up after sometime and they believe that the upward movement is going to take place in future.

Banks don't give loan to the ones who don't have valid collateral because if that person who takes loan ends up losing the money then how would banks be able to take that money back? Your friend was ambitious, and in ambition he asked banks to give him loan but they refused the loan.

If your friend had valid collateral and he might have offered them the collateral and ask for low interest loan and profit sharing then the banks might consider his application but he had nothing and wanted to borrow money and banks usually ignore such people's demands.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Lamkuthang on May 14, 2024, 02:10:39 PM
So Banks and financial instutions are evil they don't want to cooperate with even with people who knows how make money from money it's like they don't want make money from money why we need them If they don't work with us?
If the banks was gona give money everybody winner here banks make their money and my friend was gona make money and profit and my friend will be financially Free and with that knowledge Will only make money from money.

If your friend invests like BTC or gold with the amount to be bought by the bear then it needs large fresh funds, if you ask for loans to friends or family it may be heavy for various reasons. if there is an alternative asset that is possible is to apply for a loan to the bank with various reasons for the form of business that is in accordance with bank rules even though at the end of the story the funds are also used for investment in BTC or gold in addition to the main business.

Who is smart, he is dominant. If we are smart first, banks will think about providing loans and they will be even smarter in selecting and giving strict rules when it is done by asking for elegance that the estimated value of our assets is only 70% given from the proposed loan value.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: kryptqnick on May 14, 2024, 03:15:32 PM
Banks have their own risk assessment procedures when it comes to loans. If we're talking about proper banks, they normally want to see some financial stability (like a long-term job contract with monthly salary) to feel confident that this person will pay them back. They can't rely on what someone wants to invest it and how that works out. Even if Bitcoin grows and assuming that a bank agrees that it's a potentially good investment, there's a risk of this person profiting and going AWOL, ignoring the bank and the loan. Or that person might get hacked, lose access to one's coins, become a scam victim etc.
They just can't think of all those things and hope they won't happen. So it's not just about knowing good assets, but also about confidence that a particular person who allegedly plans to invest in those assets will pay them back.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Zlantann on May 14, 2024, 07:48:31 PM
So my friend told them look guys i know good info If i know that gold and btc will go then you guys should know it too it's a win:win you give money and i invest exacly on the right time Banks was talking some bs reasons.

Did your friend offer any security or collateral to the bank for the loan he wants to access? Banks will not give you loans unless you have an asset they can use to recover the money if you fail to repay it at the appointed time. Banks are not non-profit organizations that give money to people without securing it.

Most banks will see Bitcoin as a very risky investment due to its volatility. There is no certainty that your predictions about your investment will happen as planned. However, I don't think taking a loan to invest in Bitcoin is a good is better to invest with what you can afford because you cannot predict the outcome of your investment. Your friend should consider using other strategies such as DCA to invest in Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Wexnident on May 14, 2024, 09:09:57 PM
Ah yes, trust the random dude who called up and said a random asset would go up infinitely high. Yeah, in hindsight it seems true, but banks don't look at things after it has happened, not that they can in the first place. If they could they would've probably been able to control the entire worlds money flow.

Regardless of whether your friend had knowledge or just assumptions, banks wouldn't work ever with him/her if they didn't have anything similar to collateral that could work. Even slapping them with a bunch of documentation and paper about how the market would go wouldn't work because in the end, those are all assumptions. This kind of imagination only works on hindsight op.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: SATWAT on May 14, 2024, 09:20:47 PM
So my friend told them look guys i know good info If i know that gold and btc will go then you guys should know it too it's a win:win you give money and i invest exacly on the right time Banks was talking some bs reasons.

Did your friend offer any security or collateral to the bank for the loan he wants to access? Banks will not give you loans unless you have an asset they can use to recover the money if you fail to repay it at the appointed time. Banks are not non-profit organizations that give money to people without securing it.

Most banks will see Bitcoin as a very risky investment due to its volatility. There is no certainty that your predictions about your investment will happen as planned. However, I don't think taking a loan to invest in Bitcoin is a good is better to invest with what you can afford because you cannot predict the outcome of your investment. Your friend should consider using other strategies such as DCA to invest in Bitcoin.

This is the problem with usually peoples want free money which is not possible through banks if anyone want to have loan then surely he needs to show something collateral or having job which is going with long term contract without any solid thing loan is not coming because banks are working with their own system, and they have to fill all procedure as well which must for them mostly when peoples fail to complete their requirement's then starting crying they are no cooperating which is completely useless.
Banks never give any loan without any solid collateral with in developing countries we are having politicians or businessmen those take huge loans and then run away which is the worst thing but happening in third world.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: knowngunman on May 14, 2024, 09:54:56 PM
First of all, banks don't have free money to give out to everyone who request for loan. They are using people's assets to run their business and that requires very careful management. They reserve the right to either approve or reject your loan for a reason known to them. You don't expect them to grant loan to every applicant who applied for it even without meeting the requirements.

Secondly, your friends probably have no tangible assets worthy of amount they are requesting for which could be used as a collateral in case they failed to pay back at the due time. Banks don't just issue loans to random people/customers without collateral, it's very necessary to have one if you want your loan application to be approved. Non-collateral loan can be obtained by loyal customers though the amount is very insignificant.

Finally, using investment especially in crypto as a purpose for requesting for the loan is very dumb to be honest. Even as an individual, I won't grant you loan on that purpose talk more of banks with high and professional risk management experts who are well familiar with the risk involved in that. They would have still considered your friend request if he has assets to be used as collateral despite the unconvincing reason/purpose of loan because they can seized the assets in case of failure to pay back.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Darker45 on May 15, 2024, 01:22:11 AM
That's quite a long post. I didn't finish reading everything.

Your friend didn't know Bitcoin and gold's price would increase. He was merely making a prediction. Predictions may or may not turn out right in the end. In which case, you can't just present your predictions to the banks in order to get money from them. That would be ridiculous. Banks would quickly run out of money if they allow that. Banks know how to measure and take risks.

Forget about banks' cooperation. Their interests always come first. Also, they don't actually work for you. Let's not be naïve. The truth is that they're creating wealth out of you.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: iv4n on May 15, 2024, 01:51:19 PM
That's quite a long post. I didn't finish reading everything.

Your friend didn't know Bitcoin and gold's price would increase. He was merely making a prediction. Predictions may or may not turn out right in the end. In which case, you can't just present your predictions to the banks in order to get money from them. That would be ridiculous. Banks would quickly run out of money if they allow that. Banks know how to measure and take risks.

Forget about banks' cooperation. Their interests always come first. Also, they don't actually work for you. Let's not be naïve. The truth is that they're creating wealth out of you.

I read it to the end and there is nothing new, from the very beginning to the end everything revolves around the fact that the banks didn't want to lend money to someone who showed up at their door and said "I have a great idea, give me money!". Whatever idea/business it's in case, banks have their own conditions under which they grant loans, and it is ridiculous to just go to the bank and ask for money without any business plan, or with a business plan that does not have any guarantees/collateral.

I agree that we should not be naive when it comes to banks, their main thing is making a profit. But if someone has already chosen to take out a loan (for anything), he should look at the conditions (ToS) of those loans if he doesn't want to be surprised once he starts paying it back. That's something we should all know, don't sign a document until you read everything it says, even the small letters. Especially when it comes to money and all other important life stuff.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Cookdata on May 15, 2024, 08:59:20 PM
I read it to the end and there is nothing new, from the very beginning to the end everything revolves around the fact that the banks didn't want to lend money to someone who showed up at their door and said "I have a great idea, give me money!". Whatever idea/business it's in case, banks have their own conditions under which they grant loans, and it is ridiculous to just go to the bank and ask for money without any business plan, or with a business plan that does not have any guarantees/collateral.

I don't like a TLDR thread with paragraph that are not appealing to read but I will have to go with what you summarized.
However, we need to get something straight. There is difference between a bank and a venture capitalist. The banks are profit oriented individuals that are ready to give you money but you must have an equivalent collateral in case you default but a venture capitals and Angel investors can like your idea about what you have on the table and fund it for a small share or percentage from what you earn without asking for any collateral, this is what banks don't do, they are only interested in their capital + interest.

I agree that we should not be naive when it comes to banks, their main thing is making a profit. But if someone has already chosen to take out a loan (for anything), he should look at the conditions (ToS) of those loans if he doesn't want to be surprised once he starts paying it back. That's something we should all know, don't sign a document until you read everything it says, even the small letters. Especially when it comes to money and all other important life stuff.

Sometimes, the way banks works I don't really blame them, the financial system is government, the president appoint to the Central Bank governor and the Central Bank governor give orders to commercial banks in accordance with what the government will like, whatever the banks are doing today, it all goes down to what the government want them to do even though they are profitable.

The government wouldn't help out and the banks wouldn't help you either, you are caught up in deep shit of matrix.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Lamkuthang on May 16, 2024, 05:06:09 AM
I agree that we should not be naive when it comes to banks, their main thing is making a profit. But if someone has already chosen to take out a loan (for anything), he should look at the conditions (ToS) of those loans if he doesn't want to be surprised once he starts paying it back. That's something we should all know, don't sign a document until you read everything it says, even the small letters. Especially when it comes to money and all other important life stuff.

That's right, and I agree and sometimes there are items that are tricky and must be examined in detail because after it is signed it cannot be changed back and later on the way when we feel strange how different is it like an agreement and there are other things that must be borne by the borrower will be different unless there is a revision if one thing is found or another in the future. Must be careful for sure.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Mr.sprin on May 16, 2024, 05:40:20 AM

That's right, and I agree and sometimes there are items that are tricky and must be examined in detail because after it is signed it cannot be changed back and later on the way when we feel strange how different is it like an agreement and there are other things that must be borne by the borrower will be different unless there is a revision if one thing is found or another in the future. Must be careful for sure.

Yes, bro, don't be careless in every action you take, especially in relation to banks, don't let us be fooled by their written agreements because we weren't careful when signing the agreement, maybe there was something we missed in the letter that we didn't read, maybe that's it. can make us feel at a loss, because if they have collaborated with us, they automatically have nothing to lose, what they get is only profit, therefore they have to be careful and careful so as not to have fatal consequences in the future.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: btc78 on May 16, 2024, 06:24:53 AM
Yes, bro, don't be careless in every action you take, especially in relation to banks, don't let us be fooled by their written agreements because we weren't careful when signing the agreement, maybe there was something we missed in the letter that we didn't read, maybe that's it. can make us feel at a loss, because if they have collaborated with us, they automatically have nothing to lose, what they get is only profit, therefore they have to be careful and careful so as not to have fatal consequences in the future.
Even if we were the most careful in reading the contract, there are loopholes these banks can go through just to get the most out of you and your money. This is why illiterate people are the most vulnerable with this types of contracts and institutions such as banks tend to capitalize or take advantage of them.

Better to always have a lawyer prepared if you plan on signing any contract any time soon.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: franky1 on May 16, 2024, 06:32:21 AM
firstly i think OP's "friend" story is B.S and just trying to whinge about banks

firstly rational common sense, banks do give out loans but want monthly payment back

so if a idiot approaches a bank and says "gimme lump sum, and ill give you back profits in x years" of course the bank will say no, as thats not how bank loans work, its no secret agenda, its standard operation publicly known for decades/centuries

a guy saying he is knowledgeable in trading but needs to take out a loan obviously is not profitable to be self invested
the whole "people don't have resources to use their knowledge for make money from money" is a red flag about the person
those with knowledge can scrape together a small amount and turn a profit, and then rinse and repeat..
those that cant do this are those that cant make a profit for themselves so want debt or get into debt or want to abuse other peoples money
its not like he had to buy a business premises or expensive tools or hire people.. so he could start small, self funded and grow

a guy saying he is knowledgeable in trading but asks for a lump sum to then DCA, is not that knowledgeable.. if you have a lump, then you just buy the dips.. you dont DCA at random prices that increase over years
its like the "friend" is new to trading and just learned the word DCA and now pretends to be an expert because he says a word DCA

a guy saying he is knowledgeable asking a bank for a silly request hasnt done his research on how banks work or make offers

i feel the OP or "friend" has no clue about trading or investing or banking and feels angry that banks dont just hand out free money as thats what the story really sounds like.. the op/friend believes that banks can and should hand out money for free without objection

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Awak Bambi on May 16, 2024, 07:09:59 AM
Even if we were the most careful in reading the contract, there are loopholes these banks can go through just to get the most out of you and your money. This is why illiterate people are the most vulnerable with this types of contracts and institutions such as banks tend to capitalize or take advantage of them.

Better to always have a lawyer prepared if you plan on signing any contract any time soon.
In carrying out an action we must be careful, because we don't know if we take an action there will be consequences that we will face, but in making a decision with this bank, it is something that can be said to be something that does not need to be paid attention to, because if the bank already has a big name, chances are that it can run well without harming its customers.

However, it is not impossible for banks to take more profits from their customers, so here I think we have to be careful in reading the contract, in cases like this the family should be there and know the contents of the contract, so that there are no consequences for our customers experiencing losses or something like that.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: siniminomorocomunisakito on May 16, 2024, 07:22:24 AM
That's quite a long post. I didn't finish reading everything.

I think let it be more flexible and maybe that's what OP means here

Your friend didn't know Bitcoin and gold's price would increase. He was merely making a prediction. Predictions may or may not turn out right in the end. In which case, you can't just present your predictions to the banks in order to get money from them. That would be ridiculous. Banks would quickly run out of money if they allow that. Banks know how to measure and take risks.

Forget about banks' cooperation. Their interests always come first. Also, they don't actually work for you. Let's not be naïve. The truth is that they're creating wealth out of you.

True, they will indirectly become money-making robots for them by signing such contract clauses. I think there are many other solutions that are better without having to bind yourself with the bank.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Marvell1 on May 16, 2024, 10:50:43 AM
Yes, bro, don't be careless in every action you take, especially in relation to banks, don't let us be fooled by their written agreements because we weren't careful when signing the agreement, maybe there was something we missed in the letter that we didn't read, maybe that's it. can make us feel at a loss, because if they have collaborated with us, they automatically have nothing to lose, what they get is only profit, therefore they have to be careful and careful so as not to have fatal consequences in the future.
Even if we were the most careful in reading the contract, there are loopholes these banks can go through just to get the most out of you and your money. This is why illiterate people are the most vulnerable with this types of contracts and institutions such as banks tend to capitalize or take advantage of them.

Better to always have a lawyer prepared if you plan on signing any contract any time soon.

If you feel the bank is cheating you and taking your money... never do business with them, stay away from them under any circumstances. The bank has never put a knife to your throat and forced you to borrow money from them or forced you to deposit money in the bank. If you feel like you don't fit within the rules they set, don't participate in their game. And if there is no one to help you when you are in trouble and need to go to the bank, then you need to accept the game they create.

I don't understand why we always try to badmouth and blame banks when we can choose to stay away and ignore them. Like fiat money, if it's bad, it makes you poorer and poorer, you just need to stay away from them and choose things that you think can make you rich.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: wxa7115 on May 17, 2024, 05:14:55 AM
First off, the bank has no business letting everyone who asks out a loan from them in. The fact of the matter is that, your friend, no matter how knowledgeable he is, has no chances getting his loan approved the moment he said he's going to use it to invest in crypto and gold. Banks are more on the side of providing loans for people who can give them a collateral, or they can charge neck-breaking interests with. Your friend being neither, since he's basically investing in virtual money and gold ETF most likely, had his loan denied.

It only makes sense, if a stranger walks up to you asking if you could grant him $50k cold-hard cash with the promise of paying it back with interest, cause he found this amazing way to make money, which in your knowledge is stupid and is downright risky, would you give him the money? Most of us round here already says no by the time we've heard about the person being a stranger, more so the fact that he's about to do something stupid with your money.

They don't cooperate because they don't want to. Quit crying about it and find other ways, besides, why invest money you can't afford to lose in the first place?

The OP and the story about his friend makes no sense, the whole idea of bitcoin and the market in general is to allow ourselves to become our own banks, so what is wrong with banks acting like they are supposed to?

If a person asks money from the bank then they are risking being denied that loan, a very common occurrence, since every single day there are people out there which believe they have conceived this amazing idea to make money, not realizing that ideas are a dime a dozen and what matters is the execution of their idea so they can produce the projected profits.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: iBaba on May 17, 2024, 05:35:59 PM

i feel the OP or "friend" has no clue about trading or investing or banking and feels angry that banks dont just hand out free money as thats what the story really sounds like.. the op/friend believes that banks can and should hand out money for free without objection

Well said! While. I won't just rush into concluding that they are only trolling with the thread, I will also want OP to clarify more about the story he just narrated because, like you said, its either they wanted the banks to hand over some cash to them with a little knowledge on what trading or investment means, or they never went in the first place but decided to imagine a scenario and make a story out of it. Whichever ways, things don't go like that and banks don't just operate loosely as they must have lost a lot of money to people like OP's friend who may come with weird ideas or requests from the bank and expect results.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Antotena on May 17, 2024, 06:01:56 PM
You have no idea how banks works. All Comercial banks don't work alone, for them to continue to survive and work efficiently, the have to obey any monetary policy set aside by central bank, there is MPR standard for different countries, there is liquidity that must remain within the banks and with the central bank and there is also insurance every bank must covered and must never pass a particular threshold, this is why you see interest rate vary because of liquidity control.

Even if a bank says it's iliquid, it doesn't mean that the bank doesn't have money but because they reach the minimum level they have to give out money, they have to make sure there is enough money above the threshold before they can continue operations so they don't later run into any problems.

So, all those talk are just to discourage people from having access to money. Next time OP, make your post simple and straightforward.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: GbitG on May 17, 2024, 07:11:24 PM
If you feel the bank is cheating you and taking your money... never do business with them, stay away from them under any circumstances. The bank has never put a knife to your throat and forced you to borrow money from them or forced you to deposit money in the bank. If you feel like you don't fit within the rules they set, don't participate in their game. And if there is no one to help you when you are in trouble and need to go to the bank, then you need to accept the game they create.

I don't understand why we always try to badmouth and blame banks when we can choose to stay away and ignore them. Like fiat money, if it's bad, it makes you poorer and poorer, you just need to stay away from them and choose things that you think can make you rich.
Yeah obviously bro
I agree with you. The reality is that we need banks and their services on a lot of occasions but we just are hesitant to accept this fact and we try to show that we hate them and their services, and even if someone hates their services and policies, they don't have a choice because even if cryptocurrencies have given hope to a lot of people, they are not yet usable everything and for everything and you can't get the same services from cryptocurrencies as of now.

It's better if we accept that we all use banks in our daily lives because we are compelled to do that, we need cash to survive because cryptocurrencies aren't accepted everywhere and they aren't even legal or have any clear law in every country of the world, so people need to have some way for them to manage their funds safely and banks are the ones we can think of when it comes to this.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: blckhawk on May 17, 2024, 07:18:20 PM
Well what you just did is stupid to the highest of degree, of course they're not going to participate in your stupid investment idea, there's definitely money in that idea but from the looks of how you presented yourself, you're never going to make it anyway, you should know by now that banks don't just give out loans especially for Beavis and Butt-Head, that's going to be an automatic NO! for them. You would've gotten away with asking your friend groups for money but with how stupid you've done this one, it's probably a no go for you to do that one too, honestly OP, you just made me laugh so hard.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Fortify on May 17, 2024, 07:21:53 PM
Friend of mine knew that btc and gold gona go high.
So one year Ago he called Banks Even to asian bank to ask money invest on markets he also told them he will do it smart Will do gold and btc.
The Banks was asking his knowledge and reason for money still did not give.
So my friend told them look guys i know good info If i know that gold and btc will go then you guys should know it too it's a win:win you give money and i invest exacly on right time Banks was talking some bs reasons.
So Banks and financial instutions are evil they don't want to cooperate with even with people who knows how make money from money it's like they don't want make money from money why we need them If they don't work with us?
If the banks was gona give money everybody winner here banks make their money and my friend was gona make money and profit and my friend will be financially Free and with that knowledge Will only make money from money.
And funny thing is my another friend who did apply for Job on hedge funds he predicted everything to them and showed Even where he got inside info and told them he knows how to make a lot money from money not even those guys who got degree will make that much money and they wtf??? Are the banks and financial instutions here for money or not ? Instead of real knowledge how to make profit and money of money they hire someone with degree who has no clue even how the real money Made and no experince just degree and vision what to do and what's the moves how to make money from why waste time and ask on the first place what IS the purpose of loan and vision If they don't give money anyways why so evil ? If someone who knows a lot Will put the facts and info front of their eyes and they still don't give money ?
I mean a lot people can escape slave life 9-5 Job If banks could give them money to double triple it's win win they get back all the money and profit and they can see If person whos asking money or job knows really things but they still refuse
So Im asking what's the bankers and financial instutions real agenda because it doesn't seems like they want to make money together self learned very smart and experinced people yet they ask questions like purpose of loan and idea for what ....yet they see all the info and even exacly timing of Market prices front of their eyes and they still refuse wtf ???
Im against to them If someone knows same things like they put front of them and without School education or degree and very smart with smart ways to find about whales and activities of big financial instutions and banks still don't give funds ??? Like wtf?

The problem is many people don't have resources to use their knowledge for make money from money but banks not cooperate yes they ask questions like they genuinly interested about idea like asking what's your background and how did you find out all that info and so but still refuse even If they can see person really knows about it we have nowdays even the smart guys without any education who could out perfomance all those educated people with degree so can anyone explain why is that they don't like people with real knowledge how to find info and how to make money ?

Your friend didn't know anything out of the obvious, in a high interest rate environment gold was bound to go up and BTC had a high chance of reacting similarly. Banks don't owe you shit, they are money generating businesses that are trying to earn a profit for their owners - the shareholders - and not give charity to the average person on the street who would happily pour money away on useless trash. They are not going to cooperate with idiots, if you are one, because they actually understand that money is hard to earn and easy to spend.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: bettercrypto on May 17, 2024, 09:10:31 PM
The owners of the bank or its management are actually insurance companies, even though we know that the money they lend is not really their money but the money of their clients who have just trusted them. Then they will put a very high interest on it, and then the interest given to their clients is very low.

That's how the bank works—how they make money. Then they will ask for collateral when they lend money, and if they don't pay, the assets will go to them without their clients having any part in what the bank did. In short, what the banks do is purely based on my opinion.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Nothingtodo on May 18, 2024, 11:43:37 AM
It is natural that there will be a large amount of money in the bank but that money will not be given to help him. If there is money in the bank, more than one evidence is needed for borrowing that money, and in some cases, the documents of the house are submitted along with the collateral, and then the money is taken from the bank. In this case, in my country 20 percent people can take money loan from the bank, the remaining eighty percent people cannot take money from the bank only because of lack of evidence.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: moneystery on May 18, 2024, 04:20:07 PM
i laughed reading your thread, who are you to call the bank and say that you can get money through investment if they give you capital? even if it was me who picked up the phone, i would say that "just get a life, don't bother me" because it is very unreasonable when you ask the bank to capitalize you for investment when you come to them by calling them. even when you have a business and the business already has a steady income, the bank can still refuse your request for a loan from them, especially just claims like this.

so don't ever say that banks are not cooperative with people, because they are not your parents who can ask for money at any time when you need it.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: bestcoins1 on May 18, 2024, 04:56:26 PM
It is natural that there will be a large amount of money in the bank but that money will not be given to help him. If there is money in the bank, more than one evidence is needed for borrowing that money, and in some cases, the documents of the house are submitted along with the collateral, and then the money is taken from the bank. In this case, in my country 20 percent people can take money loan from the bank, the remaining eighty percent people cannot take money from the bank only because of lack of evidence.
If we examine the essence of things like that, it is that the banks do not want to experience losses or difficulties in collecting the money they have lent to any party. So the bank itself really looks more at what evidence of assets you can give to the bank as collateral that they can hold and that is also what they can confiscate when the borrower doesn't want to pay the loan anymore or runs away without paying off the loan. So for anyone who is unable to repay a large amount of money in the time specified by the bank, it would be a good idea to avoid taking out a loan from the bank by placing any collateral.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: sekalitas on May 19, 2024, 07:18:17 AM
Friend of mine knew that btc and gold gona go high.
So one year Ago he called Banks Even to asian bank to ask money invest on markets he also told them he will do it smart Will do gold and btc.
The Banks was asking his knowledge and reason for money still did not give.
So my friend told them look guys i know good info If i know that gold and btc will go then you guys should know it too it's a win:win you give money and i invest exacly on right time Banks was talking some bs reasons.
So Banks and financial instutions are evil they don't want to cooperate with even with people who knows how make money from money it's like they don't want make money from money why we need them If they don't work with us?
If the banks was gona give money everybody winner here banks make their money and my friend was gona make money and profit and my friend will be financially Free and with that knowledge Will only make money from money.
And funny thing is my another friend who did apply for Job on hedge funds he predicted everything to them and showed Even where he got inside info and told them he knows how to make a lot money from money not even those guys who got degree will make that much money and they wtf??? Are the banks and financial instutions here for money or not ? Instead of real knowledge how to make profit and money of money they hire someone with degree who has no clue even how the real money Made and no experince just degree and vision what to do and what's the moves how to make money from why waste time and ask on the first place what IS the purpose of loan and vision If they don't give money anyways why so evil ? If someone who knows a lot Will put the facts and info front of their eyes and they still don't give money ?
I mean a lot people can escape slave life 9-5 Job If banks could give them money to double triple it's win win they get back all the money and profit and they can see If person whos asking money or job knows really things but they still refuse
So Im asking what's the bankers and financial instutions real agenda because it doesn't seems like they want to make money together self learned very smart and experinced people yet they ask questions like purpose of loan and idea for what ....yet they see all the info and even exacly timing of Market prices front of their eyes and they still refuse wtf ???
Im against to them If someone knows same things like they put front of them and without School education or degree and very smart with smart ways to find about whales and activities of big financial instutions and banks still don't give funds ??? Like wtf?

The problem is many people don't have resources to use their knowledge for make money from money but banks not cooperate yes they ask questions like they genuinly interested about idea like asking what's your background and how did you find out all that info and so but still refuse even If they can see person really knows about it we have nowdays even the smart guys without any education who could out perfomance all those educated people with degree so can anyone explain why is that they don't like people with real knowledge how to find info and how to make money ?

In my opinion . It's not that banks are inherently unwilling to cooperate with individuals like your friend. However, they are cautious about investing with those claiming market-beating knowledge due to several factors. Primarily, they prioritize risk management and must adhere to strict regulations, limiting their exposure to volatile assets like Bitcoin and gold. Thorough due diligence is necessary to verify information and assess track records before lending large sums. Additionally, banks often have their own investment strategies and research departments, potentially conflicting with the individual's views. They may also have access to more comprehensive data and analysis, leading to a different market perspective. Ultimately, banks prioritize long-term financial stability and prefer experienced professionals with proven track records, making it challenging for individuals without formal qualifications to gain their trust. CMIIW

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Riginac111 on May 19, 2024, 09:15:17 AM
Bank does not have money the money they have is money you and I is banking to their bank or serving to their bank so that does not mean that bankers or owner of Banks they have money they don't have money because they use our money to do business so the benefit from the percentage of our money they used to trade if you want to verify you come as your personal bank manager to brief you what they use our money to do and the kind of transaction they do.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Zanab247 on May 20, 2024, 06:14:59 PM
Quote from: Riginac111
Bank does not have money the money they have is money you and I is banking to their bank or serving to their bank so that does not mean that bankers or owner of Banks they have money they don't have money because they use our money to do business so the benefit from the percentage of our money they used to trade if you want to verify you come as your personal bank manager to brief you what they use our money to do and the kind of transaction they do.
They make profit from those money they are hodling from people, which is their source of income and whenever a customer is no longer satisfied with their services, it will be a worry to the bankers because they know that they are going to lose something from that particular customer.

I have experienced shortage of cash in the bank some years ago, for their manager to tell their customers amount of money they are going to give their customers to withdraw, reason that they don't have much cash to supply all their customers, which it will be difficult for crypto or gold users to experience such thing.

And the law of the land is backing them up, when they use your money to do other business which is not bring profits, and they will tell their customers to bear with them with the issue of withdrawal that is affecting the bank which their customers must obey.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Rengga Jati on May 22, 2024, 08:55:40 PM
So Banks and financial instutions are evil they don't want to cooperate with even with people who knows how make money from money it's like they don't want make money from money why we need them If they don't work with us?
If the banks was gona give money everybody winner here banks make their money and my friend was gona make money and profit and my friend will be financially Free and with that knowledge Will only make money from money.......
In fact, if banks allow this so easily, that would be strange. Banks have regulations, so whatever you want to get a loan must comply with the regulations. No need to go all the way to gold and BTC. Imagine if suddenly you went to the bank, without any capital, then told the bank, you want to borrow that much money, to buy land and property. Even though this is a more visible and visible investment.

But will the bank easily provide it? of course not. Because there will definitely be many considerations to minimize the risks. If banks do it easily, they are actually acting carelessly and it is dangerous for the bank, and also for the country. I wonder if more and more people want it too and if in the end they can't return it, it's the end. You know, even banks must have money to continue cycling. So the banks will continue to operate.

Unless your friend has collateral that matches the amount your friend needs, they will probably have little hope of granting it, and even then it will be a fairly complicated process.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: goaldigger on May 22, 2024, 09:46:39 PM
Bank does not have money the money they have is money you and I is banking to their bank or serving to their bank so that does not mean that bankers or owner of Banks they have money they don't have money because they use our money to do business so the benefit from the percentage of our money they used to trade if you want to verify you come as your personal bank manager to brief you what they use our money to do and the kind of transaction they do.
They are using our money to continue their business and they don’t want to give us the freedom and that’s why they are against crypto so better not to expose that you are into crypto because they might freeze your fund and forcing you prove the legitimacy of your sources. Well, banks will always play safe here and will always encourage the government to do a strict policy that will in favor them, they have the influence to the governments.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 23, 2024, 02:13:20 AM
To get a loan from a bank, the presence of any property such as a land fixed deposit or financial collateral is required. Because the bank will give its loan in such a place that it is sure to collect or recover its money. If the transactions in the bank are not good then they investigate everything very carefully and if the guarantor is not able to pay the bank will not give the loan. And to the bank the value of money is more than the knowledge of customers.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Mrbluntzy on May 25, 2024, 11:08:18 PM
The problem is many people don't have resources to use their knowledge for make money from money but banks not cooperate yes they ask questions like they genuinly interested about idea like asking what's your background and how did you find out all that info and so but still refuse even If they can see person really knows about it we have nowdays even the smart guys without any education who could out perfomance all those educated people with degree so can anyone explain why is that they don't like people with real knowledge how to find info and how to make money ?

They actually want you to do your business, make your money and success but they are very much interested in their money too. They look at various aspects of your background and evaluate your collateral before they can agree to offer you a loan to exterblish your business or go into any investment you wanted to start. You can not just go to the bank, explain your self to them and tell them some stories about your investment knowledge and you expect them to immediately offer you the capital you want. It doesn't work like that. You must have a collateral to back up your loan.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Reatim on May 25, 2024, 11:29:52 PM
First off, the bank has no business letting everyone who asks out a loan from them in.
If they did let everyone borrow money from them, they will be in debt. Not everyone with good ideas gets to be successful with it. The banks need to pick their battles wisely. They need to make profit too after all.

They don't cooperate because they don't want to. Quit crying about it and find other ways, besides, why invest money you can't afford to lose in the first place?
Spending money your hand has not touched is probably the most dangerous thing you can do. If you keep thinking you have money without actually having one and spending it, you will soon find yourself broke and in debt.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: pinggoki on May 26, 2024, 02:17:33 AM
They will not cooperate with such thing because they don't know how they will be able to take advantage of your friend and they really don't loan individuals that don't have anything to show for it, in short, banks look down on you when you don't have the money and that you don't matter to them. Maybe what your friend should've done was created some fake company or build a small start up that focuses on investments, and then your friend can now consider asking those banks for loans and then it wouldn't be that difficult for the bank to grant those loans. It's a matter of wrong steps that made your friend get rejected by the bank in the first place but the more difficult step will come though, your friend has to tell the bank the truth, otherwise your friend might have some issues because you were supposed to spend it on this but then you spent it on investing in bitcoin? That's going to be considered as misappropriation of funds.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Fara Chan on May 26, 2024, 02:46:13 AM
To get a loan from a bank, the presence of any property such as a land fixed deposit or financial collateral is required. Because the bank will give its loan in such a place that it is sure to collect or recover its money. If the transactions in the bank are not good then they investigate everything very carefully and if the guarantor is not able to pay the bank will not give the loan. And to the bank the value of money is more than the knowledge of customers.
Banks make money by providing loans to customers who need money to open a business or to customers who are already running a business in their lives. This means that banks do not carelessly lend money to anyone if that person does not have the conditions desired by the bank. So those who want to borrow money from the bank actually have to be aware of this so that they don't experience complicated problems in the end when the loan payment bill is not covered on time by the customer who lent it.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Roggeredek on May 26, 2024, 03:19:23 AM
To get a loan from a bank, the presence of any property such as a land fixed deposit or financial collateral is required. Because the bank will give its loan in such a place that it is sure to collect or recover its money. If the transactions in the bank are not good then they investigate everything very carefully and if the guarantor is not able to pay the bank will not give the loan. And to the bank the value of money is more than the knowledge of customers.

A bank is an institution, even if there is a lot of money in the bank, it is not the bank's own money, all the money belongs to the common people, because of which the bank cannot always use that money for any purpose even if it wants to. Banks only store people's money.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 02, 2024, 06:16:12 AM
To get a loan from a bank, the presence of any property such as a land fixed deposit or financial collateral is required. Because the bank will give its loan in such a place that it is sure to collect or recover its money. If the transactions in the bank are not good then they investigate everything very carefully and if the guarantor is not able to pay the bank will not give the loan. And to the bank the value of money is more than the knowledge of customers.
Banks make money by providing loans to customers who need money to open a business or to customers who are already running a business in their lives. This means that banks do not carelessly lend money to anyone if that person does not have the conditions desired by the bank. So those who want to borrow money from the bank actually have to be aware of this so that they don't experience complicated problems in the end when the loan payment bill is not covered on time by the customer who lent it.
Every businessman or every person in the world wants to earn money by staying in a safe place. In that sense banks provide money to those who can manage money and lend to businessmen who are running businesses and repaying their loans on time. I have seen people who have no other business and are going to start a new business face various hurdles to collect loans from any bank. This aspect must be kept in mind and all these budding entrepreneurs should be given opportunities by providing loans in a simplified manner.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: kentrolla on June 02, 2024, 08:34:39 AM
To get a loan from a bank, the presence of any property such as a land fixed deposit or financial collateral is required. Because the bank will give its loan in such a place that it is sure to collect or recover its money. If the transactions in the bank are not good then they investigate everything very carefully and if the guarantor is not able to pay the bank will not give the loan. And to the bank the value of money is more than the knowledge of customers.
Banks make money by providing loans to customers who need money to open a business or to customers who are already running a business in their lives. This means that banks do not carelessly lend money to anyone if that person does not have the conditions desired by the bank. So those who want to borrow money from the bank actually have to be aware of this so that they don't experience complicated problems in the end when the loan payment bill is not covered on time by the customer who lent it.
Every businessman or every person in the world wants to earn money by staying in a safe place. In that sense banks provide money to those who can manage money and lend to businessmen who are running businesses and repaying their loans on time. I have seen people who have no other business and are going to start a new business face various hurdles to collect loans from any bank. This aspect must be kept in mind and all these budding entrepreneurs should be given opportunities by providing loans in a simplified manner.

Banks cannot provide loans to all the budding entrepreneurs without collateral hence there are some schemes launched by banks in coordination with the government to help these start ups and in my country there are some special incubator programs to develop these start up to help them convert their idea to viable business model. I think bank cannot provide loan for everyone since they don't own as the loan loan you get might be saving or FD of some other person.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: 0t3p0t on June 02, 2024, 08:40:12 AM
This is the reason why I don't personally like banks because of these reasons one, you put money on them but you can't take it all out at once especially huge amount. Second is that they don't lend you money without collaterals so it is not friendly for poor people. Third, they will interogate and need to know the reasons of every transactions you have just to approve it, I mean you have the money on them but you don't have full control of it because they do. That is why crypto is the best coz your key your crypto no bs.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on June 02, 2024, 11:59:57 AM
A bank is an institution, even if there is a lot of money in the bank, it is not the bank's own money, all the money belongs to the common people, because of which the bank cannot always use that money for any purpose even if it wants to. Banks only store people's money.

A bank has money but that money is not the money of a bank which can be utilized for the welfare of people but it is the amount which belongs to the individuals of a city in the form of salary or the invested amount.

The bank is a secure place to store your money so if someone wants money then he can take it out anytime according to his needs. It is not possible to take out your money if you don't have to put money into the bank or you are not getting a salary from a regular job.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 05, 2024, 03:10:03 PM
To get a loan from a bank, the presence of any property such as a land fixed deposit or financial collateral is required. Because the bank will give its loan in such a place that it is sure to collect or recover its money. If the transactions in the bank are not good then they investigate everything very carefully and if the guarantor is not able to pay the bank will not give the loan. And to the bank the value of money is more than the knowledge of customers.

A bank is an institution, even if there is a lot of money in the bank, it is not the bank's own money, all the money belongs to the common people, because of which the bank cannot always use that money for any purpose even if it wants to. Banks only store people's money.
I certainly respect your opinion. It is very easy for common people to understand that banks are the custodians and carriers of money deposited by common people, and banks cannot do whatever they want with that money because there are many rules and regulations. I certainly respect the rules. But in my country, many cases of bank fraud are often seen. Now there may be a question that bank fraud can happen in the context of my country but not in other countries of the world. In answer I will say that since young entrepreneurs in my country face many problems in raising money for business, I have brought up the issue of bank fraud. So if this aspect can be managed honestly then these new young entrepreneurs will get good benefits and the economic infrastructure of the country will be very strong.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Fortify on June 05, 2024, 06:03:44 PM
The problem is many people don't have resources to use their knowledge for make money from money but banks not cooperate yes they ask questions like they genuinly interested about idea like asking what's your background and how did you find out all that info and so but still refuse even If they can see person really knows about it we have nowdays even the smart guys without any education who could out perfomance all those educated people with degree so can anyone explain why is that they don't like people with real knowledge how to find info and how to make money ?

You seem to think that banks are there to supply endless amounts of money for whatever frivolous ideas you or your friends dream up. They are not, they are businesses that have often been around hundreds of years and see many terrible ideas fail in that time. Your friend had no idea of the direction of gold or bitcoin, which meant the bank could not properly assess it either, so if you want to take extremely high risk gambles then you need to front your own money and not try to risk someone else's. Banks often rely on collateral as well, so your friend clearly did not have anything of value that the bank could redeem if the high risk gamble went wrong. This is the world of business and you apparently have a lot to learn.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Lantind on June 06, 2024, 12:56:57 AM
This is the reason why I don't personally like banks because of these reasons one, you put money on them but you can't take it all out at once especially huge amount. Second is that they don't lend you money without collaterals so it is not friendly for poor people. Third, they will interogate and need to know the reasons of every transactions you have just to approve it, I mean you have the money on them but you don't have full control of it because they do. That is why crypto is the best coz your key your crypto no bs.
I agree with the reasons you mentioned for saving money in the bank, of course this will make it difficult for us if we want to withdraw the money we have in large amounts, there are many requirements given and we have to fulfill them if we really want to withdraw the money we have in large amounts and if we If you can't fulfill it, of course you won't be able to take the money even though the money we are going to withdraw is our own, but the bank has full control over the money we deposit with the bank, in this case they are the ones who get more profit from the money we have, because they They use the money we have to lend to their customers who need loans and they get a lot of profit from that.

If you choose to use crypto as a place to save, of course you have to study it first and after understanding it well, we can use it as a place to save the assets we have, but we also still need a bank for emergency savings so we can use it when we need funds. because with crypto we cannot yet use these assets as a means of payment and must first convert them to money to be able to use them.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: fauzan Ichsan on June 06, 2024, 02:51:36 AM
The problem is many people don't have resources to use their knowledge for make money from money but banks not cooperate yes they ask questions like they genuinly interested about idea like asking what's your background and how did you find out all that info and so but still refuse even If they can see person really knows about it we have nowdays even the smart guys without any education who could out perfomance all those educated people with degree so can anyone explain why is that they don't like people with real knowledge how to find info and how to make money ?

You seem to think that banks are there to supply endless amounts of money for whatever frivolous ideas you or your friends dream up. They are not, they are businesses that have often been around hundreds of years and see many terrible ideas fail in that time. Your friend had no idea of the direction of gold or bitcoin, which meant the bank could not properly assess it either, so if you want to take extremely high risk gambles then you need to front your own money and not try to risk someone else's. Banks often rely on collateral as well, so your friend clearly did not have anything of value that the bank could redeem if the high risk gamble went wrong. This is the world of business and you apparently have a lot to learn.
It is true that banks also do business, collecting money from customers, lending it against collateral, and collecting greater interest than we save. It's not easy to borrow from a bank, of course there are criteria that are applied to disbursing funds, they also consider the risks, even the worst risks they have prepared, and all of this is purely business, and inside the bank it's not as beautiful as we imagine, of course they have targets to be achieved

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: rodskee on June 06, 2024, 05:07:11 AM

The problem is many people don't have resources to use their knowledge for make money from money but banks not cooperate yes they ask questions like they genuinly interested about idea like asking what's your background and how did you find out all that info and so but still refuse even If they can see person really knows about it we have nowdays even the smart guys without any education who could out perfomance all those educated people with degree so can anyone explain why is that they don't like people with real knowledge how to find info and how to make money ?
Where did you find that banks has obligation for your friends demand? even how good your friends are in that knowledge
in GOld and Bitcoin yet its their  rights to deny any single loan that we are asking , like me I have been denied in my emergency
load but nothing that i feld bad because its their  discretion to accept nor deny the loan , and besides do your friend provide
valid collateral ? because if not then you and your friend has no right to question or blame the bank for this denial , and besides
your friend should have plan b and plan c for his investing plans not just banks , and another thing is that why do bank need to
trust Him when even you as a friend and his family have not providing funds for his investment  why would bank do this?

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Iranus on June 06, 2024, 08:49:07 AM
The problem is many people don't have resources to use their knowledge for make money from money but banks not cooperate yes they ask questions like they genuinly interested about idea like asking what's your background and how did you find out all that info and so but still refuse even If they can see person really knows about it we have nowdays even the smart guys without any education who could out perfomance all those educated people with degree so can anyone explain why is that they don't like people with real knowledge how to find info and how to make money ?

You seem to think that banks are there to supply endless amounts of money for whatever frivolous ideas you or your friends dream up. They are not, they are businesses that have often been around hundreds of years and see many terrible ideas fail in that time. Your friend had no idea of the direction of gold or bitcoin, which meant the bank could not properly assess it either, so if you want to take extremely high risk gambles then you need to front your own money and not try to risk someone else's. Banks often rely on collateral as well, so your friend clearly did not have anything of value that the bank could redeem if the high risk gamble went wrong. This is the world of business and you apparently have a lot to learn.

Let's not talk about banks, let's take the OP himself as an example. If some stranger came to him and said that they had a unique business idea and could become rich thanks to it. I bet the OP will be suspicious and refuse immediately, even calling the other guy crazy for his stupid idea.
Meanwhile, banks are business organizations, not charities, so they have no obligation to provide free money to someone just because they have a business idea.
I really don't know what OP is thinking when he can say these things, these words make me think of OP as a child learning about this world rather than an adult.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: angrybirdy on June 06, 2024, 09:23:10 AM

The problem is many people don't have resources to use their knowledge for make money from money but banks not cooperate yes they ask questions like they genuinly interested about idea like asking what's your background and how did you find out all that info and so but still refuse even If they can see person really knows about it we have nowdays even the smart guys without any education who could out perfomance all those educated people with degree so can anyone explain why is that they don't like people with real knowledge how to find info and how to make money ?

Where did you find that banks has obligation for your friends demand? even how good your friends are in that knowledge
in GOld and Bitcoin yet its their  rights to deny any single loan that we are asking , like me I have been denied in my emergency
load but nothing that i feld bad because its their  discretion to accept nor deny the loan , and besides do your friend provide
valid collateral ? because if not then you and your friend has no right to question or blame the bank for this denial , and besides
your friend should have plan b and plan c for his investing plans not just banks , and another thing is that why do bank need to
trust Him when even you as a friend and his family have not providing funds for his investment  why would bank do this?

On point, sometimes no matter how emergency the situation is, it is still possible that the requests are denied, so you should always have a back up plan. One of the things I noticed, if you are a credit card user and you have a good credit history with them, they quickly approve a bank loan or cash advance loan, especially if you have documents to submit as collateral, but if no, let's not expect to be approved because even if we say it's a bank, they follow processes and there's also a background check that's done for safety purposes.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 08, 2024, 03:45:35 PM
To get a loan from a bank, the presence of any property such as a land fixed deposit or financial collateral is required. Because the bank will give its loan in such a place that it is sure to collect or recover its money. If the transactions in the bank are not good then they investigate everything very carefully and if the guarantor is not able to pay the bank will not give the loan. And to the bank the value of money is more than the knowledge of customers.
Banks make money by providing loans to customers who need money to open a business or to customers who are already running a business in their lives. This means that banks do not carelessly lend money to anyone if that person does not have the conditions desired by the bank. So those who want to borrow money from the bank actually have to be aware of this so that they don't experience complicated problems in the end when the loan payment bill is not covered on time by the customer who lent it.
Every businessman or every person in the world wants to earn money by staying in a safe place. In that sense banks provide money to those who can manage money and lend to businessmen who are running businesses and repaying their loans on time. I have seen people who have no other business and are going to start a new business face various hurdles to collect loans from any bank. This aspect must be kept in mind and all these budding entrepreneurs should be given opportunities by providing loans in a simplified manner.

Banks cannot provide loans to all the budding entrepreneurs without collateral hence there are some schemes launched by banks in coordination with the government to help these start ups and in my country there are some special incubator programs to develop these start up to help them convert their idea to viable business model. I think bank cannot provide loan for everyone since they don't own as the loan loan you get might be saving or FD of some other person.
It is right that banks provide loans to customers from one's savings or FD, not from own money. It is their job to collect deposits from borrowers and pay them back to those who need loans. But the combination of banks with the government to form schemes to support new businessmen or entrepreneurs, the incubator program is definitely commendable.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: iBaba on June 08, 2024, 04:16:36 PM
First off, the bank has no business letting everyone who asks out a loan from them in.
If they did let everyone borrow money from them, they will be in debt. Not everyone with good ideas gets to be successful with it. The banks need to pick their battles wisely. They need to make profit too after all.

Banks are also into the business to make profit and not lost so whenever you have a transaction to do with them, while they work hard to get you satisfied as a customer, they work towards their journey to profit making. This also means that whenever you as a customer is not favoring them, they adjust their services in a reduced manner to fit into your value in their business. So if they allow everyone to lend money from them without the intention of paying back with interest and if they can't tie those borrowing of money to collaterals, then they cannot make profits and will end up bankrupt.

They don't cooperate because they don't want to. Quit crying about it and find other ways, besides, why invest money you can't afford to lose in the first place?
Spending money your hand has not touched is probably the most dangerous thing you can do. If you keep thinking you have money without actually having one and spending it, you will soon find yourself broke and in debt.

Any money that is not accessible by you is not truly your money even if you're told it is. So, you should not reinvest money that cannot be spent because that's practically not your asset.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: CageMabok on June 08, 2024, 04:45:17 PM
On point, sometimes no matter how emergency the situation is, it is still possible that the requests are denied, so you should always have a back up plan. One of the things I noticed, if you are a credit card user and you have a good credit history with them, they quickly approve a bank loan or cash advance loan, especially if you have documents to submit as collateral, but if no, let's not expect to be approved because even if we say it's a bank, they follow processes and there's also a background check that's done for safety purposes.
The bank is a party that is very careful in checking every document from its customers and also from people who want to lend them money. So it is not wrong for them to do this before they give a loan in the form of money to anyone and those who have the most potential to give it are people who have an unproblematic credit history and people who have the best assets as collateral. But if, for example, I myself needed money, I wouldn't immediately approach the bank because that wouldn't make it easier for me to get out of the debt they owed me through a loan. So I will look for other ways to get money to solve the problems I face.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Mate2237 on June 08, 2024, 05:58:12 PM
Bank is a business institution and not a charity organization so if you want to take cash in the bank, you have to follow the procedures and those procedures will not guaranteed you to collect the money. And your friend has to meet of the criteria of the bank to take the money. Since you are talking about investment with the money then, your friend needs to present a collateral for them to give the money that he requested so that if in case he could not pay back the money then they will seize the asset.

And as I said Bank is not guaranteed place to get loan even though they have the money because they also check the time frame of the loan if it will be favourable for them for the transaction.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Roggeredek on June 08, 2024, 06:41:53 PM
Banks work on the basis of fulfilling their needs if the bank does not make a profit they will never benefit the customer. It is not a charitable organization that will help anyone for free banks will give more opportunities to those who will get more profit. Because bank officials also give more importance to shareholders as owners interest of depositors is not their priority.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Kavelj22 on June 08, 2024, 08:35:15 PM
On point, sometimes no matter how emergency the situation is, it is still possible that the requests are denied, so you should always have a back up plan. One of the things I noticed, if you are a credit card user and you have a good credit history with them, they quickly approve a bank loan or cash advance loan, especially if you have documents to submit as collateral, but if no, let's not expect to be approved because even if we say it's a bank, they follow processes and there's also a background check that's done for safety purposes.
The bank is a party that is very careful in checking every document from its customers and also from people who want to lend them money. So it is not wrong for them to do this before they give a loan in the form of money to anyone and those who have the most potential to give it are people who have an unproblematic credit history and people who have the best assets as collateral. But if, for example, I myself needed money, I wouldn't immediately approach the bank because that wouldn't make it easier for me to get out of the debt they owed me through a loan. So I will look for other ways to get money to solve the problems I face.

Although borrowing from banks is considered one of the worst options, the entire financial system is designed so that there are not multiple options for obtaining a loan with reasonable interest. Even lending institutions operate on the same mechanism as banks and do not bear any risk with the borrower, especially with regard to investment loans.
Almost all banking institutions in all countries of the world operate according to this system, and therefore it is logical that these institutions support policies that fight any change that might happen to affect their privileges. We know that the major banks control government policies and operate according to systems that make it difficult for any country to bear the collapse of any of them. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are any calls to change this system or at least amend it after it has been proven that it mainly serves the interests of banks and not individuals.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: Zoomic on June 08, 2024, 09:49:18 PM
I can recall numbers of times people have walked up to me begging for loans for an unrealistic business. "There's this business idea I'm working on, I know something huge is coming ". The interesting part is that the expectations of these borrowers are in most cases not met. Yea banks have money but this statement alone is not just enough for anyone to lend money to a stranger. Anyone whether fraudulent or not can walk into the bank and lay same claims. Banks are business people, no business man would want to risk his money where he will lose it eventually. You should be able to convince the bank with a good business plan and a collateral to back it up or you sell off your properties so you can raise money to invest since you are so sure the business will yield huge returns.

While you are bothered about the banks being stingy, I am concerned about you and many others taking loans to invest in things that gives no 100% guarantee. Banks ain't granting that loan because they do not see good potentials in your investment plan. You too, be sure of your investment plan so you do not get yourself in serious debts.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: lixer on June 09, 2024, 08:00:22 AM
A bank is an institution, even if there is a lot of money in the bank, it is not the bank's own money, all the money belongs to the common people, because of which the bank cannot always use that money for any purpose even if it wants to. Banks only store people's money.
I certainly respect your opinion. It is very easy for common people to understand that banks are the custodians and carriers of money deposited by common people, and banks cannot do whatever they want with that money because there are many rules and regulations. I certainly respect the rules. But in my country, many cases of bank fraud are often seen. Now there may be a question that bank fraud can happen in the context of my country but not in other countries of the world. In answer I will say that since young entrepreneurs in my country face many problems in raising money for business, I have brought up the issue of bank fraud. So if this aspect can be managed honestly then these new young entrepreneurs will get good benefits and the economic infrastructure of the country will be very strong.
Anything invented by humans has two aspects, benefits and harms. There is nothing free from harm. While banks have their advantages, they also have disadvantages and these cannot be ignored it is also true that if you work honestly, any sector and any place is not that risky, but frauds and frauds are there, especially in banks, I don't know which country you are in. but this fraud has become very common in our country nowadays especially fake calls ATM hacking and bank account hacking due to which many people have lost their money.

Another big problem is the tax on the loans taken from banks. To set up a good business, tax-free loans should be applied, and the security system of banks should be strengthened so that the people's trust in the banks is not lost and it is useful for the people and not the cause of loss of the huge amount of people.

Title: Re: Banks have money but they don't cooperate
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 11, 2024, 04:10:12 PM
A bank is an institution, even if there is a lot of money in the bank, it is not the bank's own money, all the money belongs to the common people, because of which the bank cannot always use that money for any purpose even if it wants to. Banks only store people's money.
I certainly respect your opinion. It is very easy for common people to understand that banks are the custodians and carriers of money deposited by common people, and banks cannot do whatever they want with that money because there are many rules and regulations. I certainly respect the rules. But in my country, many cases of bank fraud are often seen. Now there may be a question that bank fraud can happen in the context of my country but not in other countries of the world. In answer I will say that since young entrepreneurs in my country face many problems in raising money for business, I have brought up the issue of bank fraud. So if this aspect can be managed honestly then these new young entrepreneurs will get good benefits and the economic infrastructure of the country will be very strong.
Anything invented by humans has two aspects, benefits and harms. There is nothing free from harm. While banks have their advantages, they also have disadvantages and these cannot be ignored it is also true that if you work honestly, any sector and any place is not that risky, but frauds and frauds are there, especially in banks, I don't know which country you are in. but this fraud has become very common in our country nowadays especially fake calls ATM hacking and bank account hacking due to which many people have lost their money.

Another big problem is the tax on the loans taken from banks. To set up a good business, tax-free loans should be applied, and the security system of banks should be strengthened so that the people's trust in the banks is not lost and it is useful for the people and not the cause of loss of the huge amount of people.
Yes mate it is absolutely right that everything in the world exists like a coin. But based on our needs we have to accept those things which have less harmful side and more benefit or need. Such incidents often happen in my country, from ATM hacking to bank account hacking and even theft of bank money through bank officials. Since nowadays we cannot stay away from the activities of banks if the banking sectors can be made more useful by strengthening security, it will definitely be good for the economy of the country.