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Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: alani123 on May 14, 2024, 12:15:29 PM

Title: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: alani123 on May 14, 2024, 12:15:29 PM
I'd like to share with the community a humble trick I've seen helping me and also many others.

As we all know gambling these days has become very easy to reach all aspects of our lives. You can play at home with online casinos, you can verify yourself without having to get any physical documents thanks to eID etc. You can even play from your bed thanks to mobile apps and mobile friendly gambling websites.

Well the approach is quite simple. Just as those working from home will share a pro tip that they have compartmentalized their work space from their living space to be separate, so they can live the rest of their day before and after work peacefully... Under the same principle it might be best to just not login to your gambling account on mobile.

If you have  pressing obligations, if you have a strict budget or limits, which to be real we all do in some way or another, it's best to compartmentalize your gambling also. Only do it at a certain spot on a certain machine. Don't bring it everywhere and don't open up the possibility of playing everywhere all the time.

That's it basically. It's what I do also. For me it's a preventative measure to save time but also prevent addiction or financial ruinage. For others it might be a recovery tactic. Who knows. You can try it or tell us how it has worked for you if you already tried.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Oshosondy on May 14, 2024, 12:21:07 PM
This will not work for those that are getting addicted or for those that are addicted already. They may determine that they will not access gambling sites on their phone but just on PC because PC is not often with them. But they may only find themselves still gambling often on mobile phones.

What that helped me to finally not get addicted anymore is gambling budget. If I go beyond my gambling budget, it is like my life is getting destroyed financially for me. So I do not go beyond my gambling budget. 2 to 5% of my weekly income for gambling. 1% is advised.

If you want to be accessing gambling sites just on PC and it is working for you, it means you are not addicted. I access gambling sites on phone but I am not addicted despite that my phones are with me almost all the time.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: SmartGold01 on May 14, 2024, 12:44:27 PM
Hunan nature are very difficult to control especially when it concerns about finance and wherever that is finance associated it could be very hard to easily avoided, let say for instance, to always gambling with my desktop computer or personal computer without using my my mobile phone to access the site. Sometimes someone would want to easily monitor their games at home or at tight corner without having accessing to their desktop what next is to access it through their Mobile phone with this if there are any game to cash out it could be possible without waiting to go access it with desktop or personal computer. It requires a self discipline to be able to do that otherwise I don't think is very easy to abide to it.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Lida93 on May 14, 2024, 12:59:51 PM
Addicted gamblers find it difficult to keep to their words and plans, the additive urge is usually beyond their control, making use of a desktop alone to gambling might not grant a solution to it, there are persons that will so use the desktop to gamble and still gamble and spend more than another who's using a mobile phone and physical casino altogether. I always emphasize so much about gamblers learning to intentionally  have self discipline with their gambling budget limit, allocated gambling time, and loss chasing etc. If they can take control of those, then whatever means they gamble through with won't be a matter of debate.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Wiwo on May 14, 2024, 01:16:24 PM
I don't think this will help in any ways as gambling addiction have a way of controlling it victims, into carrying out the act within any conditions and space, although for someone who already know the dangers of gambling addiction before they start their gambling journey this could be possible if they gamble on computer only and not on Mobile devices at least to minimise the excesses of they gambling habits.

But on the rear occasions this works and it works only for those who doesn't have Internet enabling mobile devices and the only way to access the Internet for them I via computers that way the chances of gambling while away from the PC I zero.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: coin-investor on May 14, 2024, 01:23:55 PM

That's it basically. It's what I do also. For me it's a preventative measure to save time but also prevent addiction or financial ruinage. For others it might be a recovery tactic. Who knows. You can try it or tell us how it has worked for you if you already tried.

It may work for you but it may not be for others I have known a lot of gamblers who become or still addicted even if they are only using desktop to gamble on online casinos.

You become addicted because of your weak character not on the device you're using for an addicted individual they can always find a way to play in their favorite platform, I have known people who do not have their own desktop but they are addicted to gambling and they can always find a way by going in internet cafe.

For these people device is not important they will find a way, and for some people its better this way because their family will not know if they are gambling of course with the advent of cellphone things has become easy for gamblers to play on their favorite platform.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Pidgeon on May 14, 2024, 01:31:03 PM
OP, you're not a gambling addict and you're no addict whatsoever.
If things would be that easy the world would have cured far worse addictions by now, but in reality you can mount two 35mm auto cannons in front of a casino there there would still be addicts gambling their life to gamble.
The ones that would put this advice to good use are no addicts!

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Davidvictorson on May 14, 2024, 01:44:38 PM
There are many strategies that work to prevent gambling addiction. This is one of it. While it may not work for me, it can work for the next gambler struggling with gambling addiction. Our gambling addictions are different and there are factors or things that trigger or handle it and this recommendation could be one of it. It will not be right for anyone to sit behind their PC or mobile device and say it doesn't work when they haven't tried it yet or do not struggle with gambling addiction. If you have tried it and it didn't work for your, then kindly make you own recommendation of what worked for you and we will be glad to follow it.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: aioc on May 14, 2024, 02:57:32 PM
I also do that; controlled gambling is all about doing it at a specific time and with allocated money; in contrast, the opposite, those addicted to gambling do it anytime they want and every time they have funds.
You can only say that you are a responsible gambler if you do it at the set time and the set allocation; anything more than this is considered an addiction, or you will likely become addicted in a matter of time.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Sim_card on May 14, 2024, 03:19:29 PM
OP, I live this concept of yours on how to control your gambling activities, but you should know that what will work for you will not work for others, because of how we understand gambling and our intentions towards it. An addicted gambler will not be able to stay without gambling or a gambler that thinks gambling is for making profit will not try to stop gambling, and it is only when he has realized that gambling is sucking him and he will never win back his losses, that is when he can limit the way he gambles. One thing that I don't see this PC idea cool to me is that, what if you are away from home without your PC for days and you feel like gambling, there is nothing you will do than to use your phone to gamble. Self control is what we should try to have so that we don't become addicted.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: moneystery on May 14, 2024, 03:36:34 PM
the problem regarding addiction does not come from what device he uses or what platform he uses, but rather from the gambler's attitude towards gambling. if he is responsible and able to control himself not to gamble too much, then he will not become a gambling addict. however, if his behavior in gambling is irresponsible and tends to play without thinking about the bad impacts of it, no matter what device he uses then it's the same, he will continue playing until he can win.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Obim34 on May 14, 2024, 03:40:24 PM
I think everyone is obliged to their own mode of restraining themselves from getting addicted, it may practically work for you and others but might not work for a few other people. If I may ask, what about those who do not have a desktop how can they apply this preventive measure? It is quite an effective strategy applicable to only just a few people. I have my gambling sites on my mobile yet I am not in any way addicted, I believe the first tool of restriction comes from the mind and whereas understanding both the consequences of getting addicted and at all if their is any extra benefits to it.  

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: iv4n on May 14, 2024, 03:42:04 PM
I don't see this as a trick to prevent gambling addiction, it's just a trick to spend less time gambling. To be a gambling addict you don't need to gamble a lot, gambling addicts who bet on sports don't need to be active all day on the computer, they just log in, place some bets and that's enough for them.

As Oshosondy wrote, the only way to prevent gambling addiction is to set up a gambling budget, it's a limitation that will work for people to keep some control over their gambling habits. And that is the most important part, as long as there is some control gambling will not be a problem and will not cause problems.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: cabron on May 14, 2024, 03:49:47 PM

It could work if you don't know the password of the desktop account. When you register to a casino, try using the google password generator which usually has a hard combination to remember. You wouldn't be able to try logging in to your phone. Unless you really are so addicted that you may really be going through all the troubles just to login. When I try doing this, I end up not going into one of the casinos I have been visiting while using desktop.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: sunsilk on May 14, 2024, 03:52:45 PM
It's a good tip and reminder for those who have been doing it wherever they go. And even when they go to bed, they hold their phones and can't help but tell themselves that with just a few more rounds or spins or rolls, they'd stop.

If it's your me time then use that to take some rest and not to do any stuff from your mobile phones.

Sometimes, we're forgetting to spend time for ourselves but instead, we're holding phones, keep on scrolling or even does some bets.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Eternad on May 14, 2024, 03:55:29 PM
It’s very hard to do this considering that you can simply type the website on your mobile phone once your gambling urges kicks in. Besides it’s easy to open a desktop nowadays since it was already powered by fast processors and ssd for quick reboot. I have a computer that open and shutdown with just 5 seconds max that is almost the same experience when opening mobile phone.

This is only possible if your desktop is positioned to a separate room which is far away to your room but if it’s still near you and accessible then stopping your addiction just by using desktop alone will not work.

Dealing with your proper bankroll management is best way to control gambling addiction.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: EluguHcman on May 14, 2024, 04:09:24 PM
Such a discovery. Lol.
I think it would actually help because you will not be accessible to log into your account even when you never plan of gambling but remember, that is not a restriction and no one would want to imprison itself.
Just as @Oshosondy has said, it works better only when the gambler has not been addicted and to me, it would as well work for beginners who has as well not been addicted yet.

Back in the days, my cousin who does not have a smart phone to gamble at his comfort times that has been addicted to gambling and has been trying his best to quit his addiction could not help it out.
Literally he wished to stop and since the physical gambling shops do have closing times couple the fact that he have to taken taxi to the place, all that never made him stop.
Infact, he decides to gambling more every time he gets there like he has missed a lot just in the few moments hr excuses the place.
He by all means got a smart phone just to make things easier for himself.
This is just to say if you are addicted without being disciplined enough to help it out, there would always be a way by which you would break that disciplinary task.

So about the suggestion of using the Desktop to discipline your yourself from gambling addictions, it may not help it best because anytime you sits to gambling before that Desktop, you could gambling recklessly like you have missed a lot of it and so you just want to gambling furiously like you want to catch up a missed targeted.

Let me quote @Oshosondy again, "Setting up gambling budgets is the best strategy" because once you reaches your budgets, you will be judged by your conscience if you tend to exceed the budget.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Rruchi man on May 14, 2024, 04:10:33 PM
I'd like to share with the community a humble trick I've seen helping me and also many others.
It is a good strategy to eliminate the ease of accessing gambling platforms, which can reduce the frequency with which you gamble.

But on the other side of things, this strategy will not be effective for people who spend more time on their personal computers than they do on their mobile phones. Those persons will of course, then have to do the opposite, which is to try only accessing gambling platforms via their mobile phones and not their personal computers.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: acroman08 on May 14, 2024, 04:12:30 PM
That's it basically. It's what I do also. For me it's a preventative measure to save time but also prevent addiction or financial ruinage. For others it might be a recovery tactic. Who knows. You can try it or tell us how it has worked for you if you already tried.
I gamble the majority of the time on my computer and sometimes on my mobile and only if there's actually no option. while it is great only gambling on a computer lets you save time, and prevent addiction and financial instability, I think there needs to be more than just that. for me, it doesn't matter if I access gambling sites on my phone, what's important is I have rules I have set and the mindset and discipline to follow it through.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: _act_ on May 14, 2024, 04:16:17 PM
I'd like to share with the community a humble trick I've seen helping me and also many others.
It is a good strategy to eliminate the ease of accessing gambling platforms, which can reduce the frequency with which you gamble.
Discipline and responsible gambling are what that can help you eliminate gambling addiction or to eliminate what can lead to gambling addiction.

But on the other side of things, this strategy will not be effective for people who spend more time on their personal computers than they do on their mobile phones. Those persons will of course, then have to do the opposite, which is to try only accessing gambling platforms via their mobile phones and not their personal computers.
It will be better for people that access their mobile phone more than their computer. But as for me I see this as a failed strategy if you can not discipline yourself not to be get addicted in gambling.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: ralle14 on May 14, 2024, 04:34:51 PM
That's a good solution if you're starting to spend more time using your phone to gamble, and one of the things that helped me is a bit similar. In my case, the solution you mentioned wouldn't have much impact because I can easily switch through both desktop and mobile. Instead of reducing the ways I can access gambling sites, i'd limit the ways I can access my wallet so that I can't deposit any more once I lose my current bankroll and unnecessarily spend extra because of impulse gambling.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: noormcs5 on May 14, 2024, 04:42:32 PM
If you want to be accessing gambling sites just on PC and it is working for you, it means you are not addicted. I access gambling sites on phone but I am not addicted despite that my phones are with me almost all the time.

The addiction will not be controlled until and unless your mind is willing to limit yourself to gambling. If the gamblers had these rules for using mobiles or PCs for gambling, they could have established themselves with things like setting up a limited amount for gambling and all those money management skills.

A gambler can still come at home and gamble all night on his PC, lose a lot of money and we can still consider him addicted, even if he does not gamble when he is outside his home on his phone ?
Another person can gamble both on their phone and PC, but he knows how much to gamble, and has certain limitations and we would not call him a gambling addict. Right?
It is the mindset of the person that will make a person classify as a gambling addict, not using the tools can make him a responsible gambler.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Die_empty on May 14, 2024, 05:13:45 PM
That's it basically. It's what I do also. For me it's a preventative measure to save time but also prevent addiction or financial ruinage. For others it might be a recovery tactic. Who knows. You can try it or tell us how it has worked for you if you already tried.
Your suggestion is commendable because it is simple to apply. Most people I know gamble with mobile phones and this makes gambling very easy to engage in. Restricting oneself to only a desktop is a good option because it could restrict overgambling. But this decision will require a lot of discipline.

The problem I might have is that I will tempted to check my bet with my mobile phone when I am not at home to have access to the desktop. Another impediment to adopting this strategy is that some persons might not have desktop computers. And on some occasions, you might want to place an urgent bet, which might force you to use phones. I don't think I will be able to apply this pattern because of the unstable power supply in my country. There might be no electricity to power a desktop.   

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Hatchy on May 14, 2024, 05:25:12 PM
If you have  pressing obligations, if you have a strict budget or limits, which to be real we all do in some way or another, it's best to compartmentalize your gambling also. Only do it at a certain spot on a certain machine. Don't bring it everywhere and don't open up the possibility of playing everywhere all the time.

That's it basically. It's what I do also. For me it's a preventative measure to save time but also prevent addiction or financial ruinage. For others it might be a recovery tactic. Who knows. You can try it or tell us how it has worked for you if you already tried.

Well, it worked for you but I think it might be different for others as some people love s to login on both devices just to access their gambling sites more easily. Though it might act as a means to help prevent gambling addiction but it won't work for everyone especially those that already have the habit of logging in every time to their casino account. Both desktop and mobile sure feels or have similar experiences when it comes to gambling but big players prefers to use the desktop to view their games? While small gamblers who have interests would just prefer mobile devices. For me. When I place a bet most times, since my mobile is easily accessible and more convenient while I'm public, I just prefer logging in on my mobile device.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: mu_enrico on May 14, 2024, 05:29:57 PM
What about me, who gambles 99.9% of the time via desktop? :D
But I do agree that the idea is to limit your playing sessions, which leads to you doing something else. The key here is to keep your mind busy with productive activities since gambling is basically just like playing video games. In addition to limiting your playing time, it would be best to limit your budget as well.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Slow death on May 14, 2024, 05:30:16 PM
Most people don't understand that if they are happy, have their time filled with many good things in life, then they will not be affected by addiction. be it for any addiction. for example, let's say that a person On weekends she goes out with her relatives and friends to the beach, they have a lot of fun, sometimes on other weekends he travels, on other weekends he goes to a football game to watch the game at the football stadium

Sometimes this person x goes to the field to see the animals. So this person has little time to play either in the physical casino or in the online casino, this person looks at gambling as just entertainment, he doesn't need to spend hours playing because he has nothing else to do in life. What has happened to the majority of people who play in physical and online casinos and who think that gambling is the only fun that exists. They get into gambling because they have problems in the real world and they think that through gambling they will be able to hide from these problems

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: GideonGono on May 14, 2024, 05:37:08 PM
This will not work for those that are getting addicted or for those that are addicted already. They may determine that they will not access gambling sites on their phone but just on PC because PC is not often with them. But they may only find themselves still gambling often on mobile phones.

What that helped me to finally not get addicted anymore is gambling budget. If I go beyond my gambling budget, it is like my life is getting destroyed financially for me. So I do not go beyond my gambling budget. 2 to 5% of my weekly income for gambling. 1% is advised.

If you want to be accessing gambling sites just on PC and it is working for you, it means you are not addicted. I access gambling sites on phone but I am not addicted despite that my phones are with me almost all the time.
I agree with this, if someone who is already addicted or on their way being addicted, those people wouldn't be able to resist to access a gambling site even on their mobile phones.
And I agree the best way to recover from being addicted is to limit your funds, limiting the access time doesn't do much if you aren't limiting the amount that you gamble.
Learn to control or manage your money, that is the best way to overcome gambling or any forms of addiction, if you know how to distribute your earnings then you would know how much of your money could only be used for other purposes.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: panjul07 on May 14, 2024, 05:41:16 PM
What about me, who gambles 99.9% of the time via desktop? :D
But I do agree that the idea is to limit your playing sessions, which leads to you doing something else. The key here is to keep your mind busy with productive activities since gambling is basically just like playing video games. In addition to limiting your playing time, it would be best to limit your budget as well.

We are the same but I cant say that I'm 99.9%, maybe 90% only because I gamble on mobile phone as well.
Anyway the idea of accessing casino only on desktop may not really help to prevent addiction because addiction can come at anytime no matter we gamble.
In my opinion we need to limit our gambling time and budget in order to prevent addiction but of course the main important thing related to addiction is our emotion and mindset.
If we can control our emotion and mindset, I believe we can stay away from addiction.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: alani123 on May 14, 2024, 05:45:27 PM
It's a good tip and reminder for those who have been doing it wherever they go. And even when they go to bed, they hold their phones and can't help but tell themselves that with just a few more rounds or spins or rolls, they'd stop.

If it's your me time then use that to take some rest and not to do any stuff from your mobile phones.

Sometimes, we're forgetting to spend time for ourselves but instead, we're holding phones, keep on scrolling or even does some bets.
That's exactly right and I don't get why so many people in this thread are saying this little trick won't solve addiction.
Of course nothing will solve addiction on it's own. How could a simple thing such as not installing an app on your phone sole a deep societal issue? Someone needs a support network, a stable life, psychological support and more even to prevent falling in tough psychological times and handling all the stress of life. Surely a simple thing as managing time on and off apps isn't gonna cut it, but it's a good step for sure.

Compartmentalizing gambling away from regular every day activities just as one would do with work is just a step towards managing your time and money in a more healthy manner. It should be part of a larger ruleset to figuring out one's life and how not to fall in depression.

Also people saying that I'm not a real addict... Come on, don't pile on me for sharing some advice.  :D This isn't oppression Olympics, there's no need for me to be more or less addicted than you for this to work.  ;)

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Gozie51 on May 14, 2024, 06:24:04 PM

That's it basically. It's what I do also. For me it's a preventative measure to save time but also prevent addiction or financial ruinage. For others it might be a recovery tactic. Who knows. You can try it or tell us how it has worked for you if you already tried.

Generally, I think mobile phone is an addiction that is sweeping the world digital world. So depending on the nature of the pay job that someone is engaged in, there is need for some distractions to avoid addiction. If you are not employed, it is very difficult to avoid gambling either with desktop or mobile because "an idle man as they say is the devil's workshop ", so in this case, to reduce addiction depends on the nature of work one is engaged in but I know mobile is quit a distraction for most people and it also more accessible to gambling than desktop.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Frankolala on May 14, 2024, 06:36:47 PM
It is a good tactics for those gamblers that are not addicted to gambling but always exhaust their gambling budget before time. Using desktop alone to gamble will help gamblers that are always within the reach of their PC all the time or gamblers that don't gamble often.

I also know some gamblers in my country that don't have a PC but they are gamblers. The major problem that this will solve is to prevent one that can apply it from addiction, but whoever is already an addict will not be able to follow such method. Another thing is if your PC is faulty amd you don't have funds to fix it up immediately or it is too old and you need a replacement, you need to gamble from a mobile device.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: leonair on May 14, 2024, 06:36:50 PM
Hunan nature are very difficult to control especially when it concerns about finance and wherever that is finance associated it could be very hard to easily avoided, let say for instance, to always gambling with my desktop computer or personal computer without using my my mobile phone to access the site. Sometimes someone would want to easily monitor their games at home or at tight corner without having accessing to their desktop what next is to access it through their Mobile phone with this if there are any game to cash out it could be possible without waiting to go access it with desktop or personal computer. It requires a self discipline to be able to do that otherwise I don't think is very easy to abide to it.
Due to the large screen size of a desktop or laptop, it is not possible to use it near the eyes as is possible with a smartphone. Gambling is a bad addiction and because it is highly addictive, it attracts children to a great extent. So when someone accesses a gambling site through a computer or laptop sitting at his home and enjoys gambling, it can affect the children of his home. However, it can be a little less addictive since it doesn't offer instant access to gambling anywhere as easily as a smartphone.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Bravut on May 14, 2024, 06:44:15 PM
However, it can be a little less addictive since it doesn't offer instant access to gambling anywhere as easily as a smartphone.

Depends on the PC you have. PC are even faster in connection than some mobile phones. For me, this gears to self discipline because wether one use phone or PC tendency for addiction is present.

In a simple word gamblers choose between these device the one which is suitable and reliable for them. If one want to prevent or stop being addictive, limiting the rate of gambling and discipline will.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: joniboini on May 14, 2024, 06:50:55 PM
If we can control our emotion and mindset, I believe we can stay away from addiction.
Unfortunately, that is easier said than done. Especially if avoiding a computer or a device that you use regularly is impossible. In my experience, that's really hard to do because my mind keeps coming back to the thing that gives me a dopamine rush. One of the best ways to avoid that is doing some exercise, but not everyone can do this constantly unless they are forced or watched by others to do so. Maybe somebody can mix and match some of these activities to help reduce the risk of addiction in the future.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Silberman on May 14, 2024, 06:51:10 PM
I'd like to share with the community a humble trick I've seen helping me and also many others.

As we all know gambling these days has become very easy to reach all aspects of our lives. You can play at home with online casinos, you can verify yourself without having to get any physical documents thanks to eID etc. You can even play from your bed thanks to mobile apps and mobile friendly gambling websites.

Well the approach is quite simple. Just as those working from home will share a pro tip that they have compartmentalized their work space from their living space to be separate, so they can live the rest of their day before and after work peacefully... Under the same principle it might be best to just not login to your gambling account on mobile.

If you have  pressing obligations, if you have a strict budget or limits, which to be real we all do in some way or another, it's best to compartmentalize your gambling also. Only do it at a certain spot on a certain machine. Don't bring it everywhere and don't open up the possibility of playing everywhere all the time.

That's it basically. It's what I do also. For me it's a preventative measure to save time but also prevent addiction or financial ruinage. For others it might be a recovery tactic. Who knows. You can try it or tell us how it has worked for you if you already tried.
I hope more people begin to apply this strategy as it is a great way to keep yourself disciplined, nowadays I see people using their smartphones to use social media whenever there is even the smallest chance they may get bored, but this makes them dependent on social media to the point I would consider many people that I know to be addicted, and I would guess the same can happen with gambling, so anyone that wants to avoid going through that experience, needs to set limits to the amount of time and even the devices they use when they gamble.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: GigaBit on May 14, 2024, 07:08:39 PM
I support your strategy. If a gambler conducts gambling beyond their limits i.e. those gamblers who are addicted to gambling can protect themselves a lot if they conduct gambling on only one device especially if they are gambling through their computer at home. Generally all of us who gamble try to bet by opening our mobile device at work or whenever we are free but if we don't have that connection or we only gamble without the device at home then gambling can change drastically. Because throughout the day I will not get any chance of gambling and if I gamble after a certain time there will be a limit for me. However, due to the convenience of the internet, we can conduct gambling on our mobile devices at any time, but we must be patient.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: rahmad2nd on May 14, 2024, 07:31:27 PM
I was intrigued by the title of this thread, interesting, a tip that might be useful to us in the community. I like the ideas you put forward in this post, but the problem is not as simple as we discussed. The title of this thread, and the tips shared by you, are the exact opposite of what I'm used to. That doesn't mean I don't like playing on the desktop, but in fact I have a different concept from what you said in this post. What I mean is this, the way I work is I'm using a desktop, purely doing work-related activities. although sometimes if it is urgent because there is something I want to involve in betting, then I access the online casino on the desktop, provided that I am alone. why is that, first, when I work I have to professionally focus on work. Even if it's at home, I don't mean at work, I avoid it so that my child doesn't see me betting, or playing a game. Often, children are attracted to a game that attracts their attention. that's why I access it more often on my cellphone. at least, I can avoid people nearby when I want to bet. besides, mostly I am more dominant in sports.

Well, in essence what you said is very useful, especially for preventing addiction. however, these tips or ideas are not as easy as we discussed. The point is as you said, "with principles", so these principles are the basis for someone to be able to do things like the tips you shared. yeah, apart from separating work and living spaces. However, if it is not supported by understanding, control and responsibility, the urge to continue playing will actually be quite large. for me personally, whatever ideas, ideas, tips, it all comes back to how we define it. If a person does not have self-control, addiction to gambling ultimately cannot be avoided.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: harapan on May 14, 2024, 07:51:16 PM
OP, you're not a gambling addict and you're no addict whatsoever.
If things would be that easy the world would have cured far worse addictions by now, but in reality you can mount two 35mm auto cannons in front of a casino there there would still be addicts gambling their life to gamble.
The ones that would put this advice to good use are no addicts!

What point are you trying to prove, your just going back and forth without nailing on the right track but I'll like to let you know that regardless of the fact that desktop and mobile phone are in existence to ease the gambling process,you can still find a huge number of gamblers turning addicts every now and then and accessing only gambling sites on PC is not generally preventing them being addicted,but rather it gives more priveledge to gamble at liberty without stress.whereas what makes them become addicted is not necessarily gambling with the amounts they can afford to lose,

Some gamblers are just selfish and greedy on the fact of making money on the gambling world and they end up doubling their finances and doing a lot of stuff just to attain that and end up being addicts.thats it

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: famososMuertos on May 14, 2024, 08:23:59 PM
It is a mistake to think that addiction can be prevented just for playing on a desktop.

Bad habits of players, must be parameterized it very well with addictive situations, they are two very different things, for example playing poker on a cell phone is a bad habit and makes you lose more concentration than if you playing on a desktop,  for him addict it doesn't matter where you connect from.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: carlfebz2 on May 14, 2024, 08:27:51 PM
That's it basically. It's what I do also. For me it's a preventative measure to save time but also prevent addiction or financial ruinage. For others it might be a recovery tactic. Who knows. You can try it or tell us how it has worked for you if you already tried.
Actually i had tried on this one but eventually failed. Why? as long you wont really be removing out that kind of thinking about doing gambling then you would definitely be ending up on playing again. Why? As long you do have that access specially in the reach of your palms (mobile phone) then you would really be definitely be accessing those platforms with few clicks.Your brain is aware
that you are really that able to play if you wanted into and this is where you would be getting that mobile phone into your pocket and you would be definitely be playing.

This kind of method will really be definitely be needing up that very strict control and discipline toward self. You would really be on such temptation most of the time
specially if you are really that exposed into those gadgets or tools on which it could make you that be able to play up gambling.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Fortify on May 14, 2024, 08:33:50 PM
I'd like to share with the community a humble trick I've seen helping me and also many others.

As we all know gambling these days has become very easy to reach all aspects of our lives. You can play at home with online casinos, you can verify yourself without having to get any physical documents thanks to eID etc. You can even play from your bed thanks to mobile apps and mobile friendly gambling websites.

Well the approach is quite simple. Just as those working from home will share a pro tip that they have compartmentalized their work space from their living space to be separate, so they can live the rest of their day before and after work peacefully... Under the same principle it might be best to just not login to your gambling account on mobile.

If you have  pressing obligations, if you have a strict budget or limits, which to be real we all do in some way or another, it's best to compartmentalize your gambling also. Only do it at a certain spot on a certain machine. Don't bring it everywhere and don't open up the possibility of playing everywhere all the time.

That's it basically. It's what I do also. For me it's a preventative measure to save time but also prevent addiction or financial ruinage. For others it might be a recovery tactic. Who knows. You can try it or tell us how it has worked for you if you already tried.

The trouble with these sorts of "tricks" is that if someone has enough self control in gambling to stick with this rule, then they most likely have enough self control not to be a problem gambler. It's true that people who have picked up the habit of gambling on their phone, either through a website or a separate app, are going to be more vulnerable to losing money because peoples phones are an ever present fixture in life. You also mention budgeting and limits, which are probably better ways to manage your account, as long as you can resist the urge to remove them or raise them so high as to make them worthless. Letting gambling seep into your whole day is definitely a problem and this solution could help a little.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: dunfida on May 14, 2024, 08:39:14 PM

The trouble with these sorts of "tricks" is that if someone has enough self control in gambling to stick with this rule, then they most likely have enough self control not to be a problem gambler. It's true that people who have picked up the habit of gambling on their phone, either through a website or a separate app, are going to be more vulnerable to losing money because peoples phones are an ever present fixture in life. You also mention budgeting and limits, which are probably better ways to manage your account, as long as you can resist the urge to remove them or raise them so high as to make them worthless. Letting gambling seep into your whole day is definitely a problem and this solution could help a little.
*Self control
*Seriousness of quitting or having a break with gambling

These are the things that you would really be needing for you to be able to avoid such condition on playing or simply trying out to stick into those
boundaries that you have been set. Actually it is really just that too easy to create one but implementation or following it would really be that so damn hard.
There are people who might be able to easily follow these rules that they had set about and there are ones who would be still skipping out just because they do know that they
could be able to play as they like.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Odohu on May 14, 2024, 08:43:54 PM
This may seem like a solution to gambling addiction as it makes access to gambling platform a little stressful using desktop unlike mobile phones that is easier but I can tell you that this will not solve gambling addiction in reality. A gambling addict is like someone suffering from drug addiction and until that urge is quenched, there cannot be rest. So even though the gambler is constrained to use desktop alone, he will always gamble with the same energy and frequency.

The only solution is to always seek help from professionals who can help the gambler get over the addiction or use other means to solve the addiction problem.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Stable090 on May 14, 2024, 08:57:10 PM
That's it basically. It's what I do also. For me it's a preventative measure to save time but also prevent addiction or financial ruinage. For others it might be a recovery tactic. Who knows. You can try it or tell us how it has worked for you if you already tried.
The strategy might work if you haven’t been addicted to gambling, but as long as you are addicted to gambling, gambling on desktop won’t really work. Maybe you don’t just know what gambling addiction is or how gambling addiction works. The best thing is just that always stay stay away from addiction, if you are addicted, you will never login your gambling site account on desktop only if you are not always with your desktop, you won’t be comfortable when you are outside and you can’t have access to gambling account, you won’t just have choice than to login on your phone.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Assface16678 on May 15, 2024, 08:15:43 AM
That's it basically. It's what I do also. For me it's a preventative measure to save time but also prevent addiction or financial ruinage. For others it might be a recovery tactic. Who knows. You can try it or tell us how it has worked for you if you already tried.
The strategy might work if you haven’t been addicted to gambling, but as long as you are addicted to gambling, gambling on desktop won’t really work. Maybe you don’t just know what gambling addiction is or how gambling addiction works. The best thing is just that always stay stay away from addiction, if you are addicted, you will never login your gambling site account on desktop only if you are not always with your desktop, you won’t be comfortable when you are outside and you can’t have access to gambling account, you won’t just have choice than to login on your phone.
Exactly, a gambler a gambler addicted to gambling will stay addicted even if he or she is using a desktop to gamble. It's because if the gambler is already in the state of being addicted to gambling, then expect that no matter what inconvenience he or she will have, he or she will still play gambling because he or she has the means to do so. Where does this idea come from that playing on a desktop will prevent a gambler from becoming addicted? Remember, an addicted gambler will do anything just to satisfy what he wants, and yes, in the concept of a gambler playing using a mobile phone, he will be more addicted because it is hard for a gambler to resist as his smart phone is always by his side. but desktop preventing gamblers from becoming addicted? It depends on the gambler itself, because no matter what means, a gambler without self-control will always find a way to play gambling without grasping the situation in terms of finances.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: bitterguy28 on May 15, 2024, 08:31:26 AM
I'd like to share with the community a humble trick I've seen helping me and also many others.

I love the trick mate because this will prevent us from playing outside our houses or offices  and with that we will be limiting our betting chances and of course losses

Never that this comes to my mind so I will try adopting this method for safer and lesser gambling activities like what you are doing mate.

but the problem for addicted gamblers is they will do anything to find ways gamble so that is a different approach for them.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: _act_ on May 15, 2024, 09:12:27 AM
I love the trick mate because this will prevent us from playing outside our houses or offices  and with that we will be limiting our betting chances and of course losses
I gamble on mobile phone but I do not gamble when I am out of home. If a gambler is addicted to gambling and he is not having phone but having only just laptop, although not possible but just saying, you will see the gambler as an addict charging his laptop and gamble as long as he still have money in bank or coins on crypto wallet. Addiction is not about using phone or laptop to gamble, it is from within the gambler.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: danherbias07 on May 15, 2024, 09:17:52 AM
Good advice, I don't use my smartphone too when I gamble.
I work from home so I understand where this is coming from. I play on my desktop and I always just have time that I will be facing the monitor which means I get to rest my eyes.
After doing all the work that is meant for the day, that's when I will decide either to gamble or just to play an MMORPG game or my usual no-internet-needed adventure games.
But when it's sleep time, as much as possible it's either I don't bring my phone to bed or I just use it before bed to make me feel dizzy while watching some TV series or animes. That's the only purpose of it and as much as possible I won't gamble using my phone.
We already did it with our computers, if it's time to rest, be disciplined to do so.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: klidex on May 15, 2024, 11:04:22 AM
If it is to prevent gambling addiction, perhaps this practice could be a reasonable option if you have prepared a special room for working and gambling, but in my opinion, the most important thing is not that, but you need to determine the right time, for example you can only be in that room for around 2-3 hours which is probably for work and when finished and there is still time remaining you can use it for gambling but if the time is up you immediately stop and enjoy the rest of the day playing outside either with friends or family but provided that you don't have an online gambling application on your cellphone so that you don't gamble via cellphone and can only use the desktop in your room that you have prepared.

However, this does not apply to those who are already addicted to gambling. They will have various ways to continue gambling even though they have limited their gambling by using a desktop. Unless they also do the same thing above limiting their time and not saving applications on their cellphone, then this can slowly be cured his addiction means he no longer gambles often, but it takes a long time to deal with his gambling addiction.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Apocollapse on May 15, 2024, 11:12:23 AM
It's not entirely correct because we need to know the daily activities of the gamblers.

Let's say the gambler is a programmer and working remotely, so he will spend most of his time on PC and he can work anywhere. So he might gamble too long in his PC, but we don't know since we think he's working for his job.

This suggestion is only for people who have jobs going out from their homes.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on May 15, 2024, 03:53:23 PM
I don't think this can work with someone who is already gambling. He can make promises to himself every day about choosing the right place, day, and time to play. However, his passion will manipulate him, and it is unlikely that he can cope with this. But if a person has a strong character, he does not need any restrictions; he can play 24 hours a day and then not touch the game for a long time.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Ojima-ojo on May 15, 2024, 04:05:39 PM
I love the trick mate because this will prevent us from playing outside our houses or offices  and with that we will be limiting our betting chances and of course losses
I gamble on mobile phone but I do not gamble when I am out of home. If a gambler is addicted to gambling and he is not having phone but having only just laptop, although not possible but just saying, you will see the gambler as an addict charging his laptop and gamble as long as he still have money in bank or coins on crypto wallet. Addiction is not about using phone or laptop to gamble, it is from within the gambler.
The gambler is the real point of focus and not the device that he gamble with, this is because even though have access to Gambling sites on the go is more accessible than having to wait until you have a table and chairs before using a computer to gamble, the most important thing to note is that, gambling addictions and it activities, depends so much on the individual line of thought and his mindset..

The decision to gamble irresponsibly is r responsibility of you to stand, so for my I think gambling.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Hispo on May 15, 2024, 04:16:14 PM
I believe it is actually a good way for people to prevent addiction, though, it would only work for those who have not fallen into addiction yet and are aware they could if they continued to access to their favorite casinos from anywhere using their smarthphones.
If you pay attention to such technique, it is 100% about self-control and the establishment of limit for ourselves and our spendings/wager, that kind of self control would be nowhere to be found in someone who is already addicted, as soon as they felt like gambling, they won't think too much about it and will grab their phone, to continue to feed their addiction.

So, I assume it would be good to encourage such technique for anyone who wished to keep their habits in place and not to allow them to grow further our of one's control.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Sunderland on May 15, 2024, 04:27:18 PM
Yeah someone can be said to be addicted to gambling when he/she gambles several times in a day.
But someone can also be said to be addicted to gambling even if they only gamble once a day if they spend hours non-stop on this activity.

So limiting ourselves by only accessing the casino from the desktop to prevent gambling addiction will actually not be effective.
It might work for the beginner, but as time goes by everything will change, especially if the beginner starts winning continuously.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Bravut on May 15, 2024, 04:53:54 PM
I love the trick mate because this will prevent us from playing outside our houses or offices  and with that we will be limiting our betting chances and of course losses
I gamble on mobile phone but I do not gamble when I am out of home. If a gambler is addicted to gambling and he is not having phone but having only just laptop, although not possible but just saying, you will see the gambler as an addict charging his laptop and gamble as long as he still have money in bank or coins on crypto wallet. Addiction is not about using phone or laptop to gamble, it is from within the gambler.
The gambler is the real point of focus and not the device that he gamble with, this is because even though have access to Gambling sites on the go is more accessible than having to wait until you have a table and chairs before using a computer to gamble, the most important thing to note is that, gambling addictions and it activities, depends so much on the individual line of thought and his mindset..

The decision to gamble irresponsibly is r responsibility of you to stand, so for my I think gambling.

Well said. As I would always say be it Desktop or phone anyone who is addicted will still gamble irresponsibly on both. Replacing phone with PC does it change,  the website or block it, No. Then how does it affect the habit of someone.

The Gambler is the case not your Device.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: joniboini on May 15, 2024, 06:03:51 PM
The gambler is the real point of focus and not the device that he gamble with, this is because even though have access to Gambling sites on the go is more accessible than having to wait until you have a table and chairs before using a computer to gamble, the most important thing to note is that, gambling addictions and it activities, depends so much on the individual line of thought and his mindset..
I don't think OP expects his habit to be the only solution for problem gamblers though. If anything, his tips are for preventing addiction instead of treating addiction. From his post, I think his intention is quite clear. While I agree that mindset or self-control is key for treating or preventing addiction, we can still do what OP did or something similar as a way to practice self-control. At least it introduces some inconveniences. After all, saying we need to improve self-control without doing anything is useless too.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: |MINER| on May 15, 2024, 06:14:26 PM
True but it can also won't work for the gambling addicted person who have don't any intent to leave gambling. Because they will always find an alternative way for gambling whether if he gamble on desktop he also play mobile when he not in touch of his desktop.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: madnessteat on May 15, 2024, 06:14:39 PM
Yeah someone can be said to be addicted to gambling when he/she gambles several times in a day.
But someone can also be said to be addicted to gambling even if they only gamble once a day if they spend hours non-stop on this activity.

So limiting ourselves by only accessing the casino from the desktop to prevent gambling addiction will actually not be effective.
It might work for the beginner, but as time goes by everything will change, especially if the beginner starts winning continuously.
Is it possible to win at gambling all the time? I think it's just a dream.

If we talk about gambling only from the desktop, then I think that this is not a working method, as a gambler will always want to get home faster to gamble. I don't think this will have a positive effect on his life outside the house. Besides, most of us sleep at home almost every day, which means you will always have a desktop at hand.

I think it's much better to learn how to limit your gambling on your own.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: sunsilk on May 15, 2024, 11:15:44 PM
It's a good tip and reminder for those who have been doing it wherever they go. And even when they go to bed, they hold their phones and can't help but tell themselves that with just a few more rounds or spins or rolls, they'd stop.

If it's your me time then use that to take some rest and not to do any stuff from your mobile phones.

Sometimes, we're forgetting to spend time for ourselves but instead, we're holding phones, keep on scrolling or even does some bets.
That's exactly right and I don't get why so many people in this thread are saying this little trick won't solve addiction.
Of course nothing will solve addiction on it's own. How could a simple thing such as not installing an app on your phone sole a deep societal issue? Someone needs a support network, a stable life, psychological support and more even to prevent falling in tough psychological times and handling all the stress of life. Surely a simple thing as managing time on and off apps isn't gonna cut it, but it's a good step for sure.

Compartmentalizing gambling away from regular every day activities just as one would do with work is just a step towards managing your time and money in a more healthy manner. It should be part of a larger ruleset to figuring out one's life and how not to fall in depression.
Getting out of addiction is a process. It won't happen on an instant but with little things that you do, they can contribute to the actual process of you getting out of it.

That's why uninstalling it will be the initiation and next is do whatever you can to avoid addiction or looking at the casinos that you typically visit.

There are several ways to do it but the question starts with how consistent are you going to be with them?

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: dansus021 on May 16, 2024, 01:27:45 AM
Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction I don't know this gonna work or not but personally I prefer do gamble on desktop rather than on mobile device or app like in telegram bot that been hype recently. One of the reason because for me desktop has a big screen to play with.

If you ever notice that in offline gambling sites like in las Vegas or Oklahoma in the US you notice that they put a big screen on their slot machine so I believe this attract more people to do gamble rather prevent it THo this is just my opinion

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on May 16, 2024, 02:00:16 AM
          -   We know that when a gambler has an addiction, that means they are controlled by the addiction, which depends on their personality. It is true that even though they know that the amount they are losing is large, they still continue and chase their losses most of the time.

Now, most of the time, I play casino here in crypto gambling using a desktop; I'm more comfortable than using a mobile phone. But for others, they are more comfortable using their phone.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: topbitcoin on May 16, 2024, 02:03:52 AM
Whatever device you use to visit and play online gambling, whether via PC or cellphone, if you don't have good self-control and strong commitment, then even if you only play gambling using a PC, that won't be enough to prevent you from getting involved the cycle of irresponsible and detrimental gambling. Because when you have free time at home, or when the holidays arrive, you will most likely spend your time in front of the PC and continue gambling non-stop. This could be a trigger factor for you to become addicted to gambling, trapped in a cycle of irresponsible and detrimental gambling.

The best way to avoid becoming addicted to gambling, apart from having good self-control and strong commitment, is to limit the time you spend sitting down to gamble. Continue to maintain your daily productivity, don't let any free time go to waste. When your holiday time arrives, this doesn't mean you have to spend your free time sitting in front of a PC and playing online gambling, because your health must also be taken care of, so use some of that time to exercise, and this holiday time is not just yours alone, because Maybe your family also misses spending time with you, so take them on holiday, go on an excursion or just chat casually and joke around at home, you need to do this to maintain harmony in the household. Don't spend your free time just gambling, because there are many other things you can do, which are more important and useful.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: ethereumhunter on May 16, 2024, 06:44:42 AM
It's difficult to stay away from other devices to playing gambling because our minds will tells that we can playing gambling using our phones. For those who doesn't too often go out from their homes or not mobile like other people will not have a problem to playing gambling from their desktop computer. They will feels strange if they playing gambling using their phone and will sticks with desktop when they wants to playing gambling. But for those who already mobiles and often go out from their home, they will use their phones to playing gambling, although they only playing gambling in their spare time.

No matters what devices you used, you must have strong self control to prevents the addiction. You will not just depends on desktop or phones to playing gambling because you control yourself and will knows when you can playing gambling. You will not playing gambling too often, even if you are in your home because you knows the risks and will not breaks your limits.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: alani123 on May 16, 2024, 06:50:15 AM
Yeah someone can be said to be addicted to gambling when he/she gambles several times in a day.
But someone can also be said to be addicted to gambling even if they only gamble once a day if they spend hours non-stop on this activity.

So limiting ourselves by only accessing the casino from the desktop to prevent gambling addiction will actually not be effective.
It might work for the beginner, but as time goes by everything will change, especially if the beginner starts winning continuously.
Addiction has several aspects in someone's life. For instance, spending too much time and cancelling other important plans is an aspect of many addicting activities... Indeed someone addicted to gambling could disregard all his other obligations and sit on a computer all day. But how else are we going to manage addiction if not with some discipline? So if someone is disciplined enough to delete his gambling passwords on the mobile it's certainly a step in the right direction

Limiting one's time on gambling is helpful but also preventing yourself from going online gambling on mobile which you carry everywhere is another good step. I agree it won't solve addiction. A real addict needs to admit his faults and go to therapy for a more organized approach.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: NotATether on May 16, 2024, 06:56:40 AM
Limiting one's time on gambling is helpful but also preventing yourself from going online gambling on mobile which you carry everywhere is another good step. I agree it won't solve addiction. A real addict needs to admit his faults and go to therapy for a more organized approach.

I mean, that doesn't completely solve the problem but it just prevents you from spending most of your time gambling. Unless you're already on the computer all the time anyway, in which case none of this advice is going to work.

If someone is addicted to gambling and they can only do it on the computer then they will find a way to always get there so that they can keep their habit and fuel their dopamine.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: davis196 on May 16, 2024, 06:59:31 AM
Under the same principle it might be best to just not login to your gambling account on mobile.

If you have  pressing obligations, if you have a strict budget or limits, which to be real we all do in some way or another, it's best to compartmentalize your gambling also. Only do it at a certain spot on a certain machine. Don't bring it everywhere and don't open up the possibility of playing everywhere all the time.

What about all the gamblers, who don't gamble on their mobile devices? This won't change anything for them. I usually don't use my smartphone to gamble.
Doing gambling "at a certain spot on a certain machine" doesn't change anything as well. What really matters is how much money are you spending on gambling and does it change your mental/emotional condition. A hardcore gambling addict could still gamble 2-3 hours a day on a certain laptop/PC, but he might be spending ridiculous amounts of money and getting in big debt.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Oasisman on May 16, 2024, 07:03:44 AM
I have been working from home for about 3 years now, but for me either on desktop, laptop, or mobile I managed to keep everything at minimum simply because I have a lot of financial responsibility.
I'm not quite sure if this works for those who can't handle their gambling urges and are working from home, because all these above mentioned devices are accessible every time of the day even if you have to exclude the mobile usage. But, It might work for those people who are trying to control their urges and are not always at home to access their desktop computers. However, none of this might work for those who are out of control already.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Bitinity on May 16, 2024, 08:52:48 AM
If the main purpose is to prevent addiction, simply limiting time in accessing those gambling sites. Accesing gambling sites on desktop only may work but how if gamblers are mostly in front of their PC 24/7? These days there are so many people who is working on their PC, if they are also gamblers then it will be really hard for them to do it. All in all, every way to prevent addiction need to be tried but we should also look at which one is the most suitable one for ourselves.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Gheka on May 16, 2024, 11:04:36 AM
          -   We know that when a gambler has an addiction, that means they are controlled by the addiction, which depends on their personality. It is true that even though they know that the amount they are losing is large, they still continue and chase their losses most of the time.

Now, most of the time, I play casino here in crypto gambling using a desktop; I'm more comfortable than using a mobile phone. But for others, they are more comfortable using their phone.
And based on your story as well as the theory of many people, whether accessing gambling websites with any means such as desktop computers, laptops as well as mobile phones, gambling frequency can also be maintained at a certain level and these means only create the most comfort for participants but for people who are addicted and love gambling games, being able to put a hand in betting is one of the great conveniences for them, the form of access is no longer important. Therefore, addiction is prevented by the amount of time we gamble, not just maintained at the level of access

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: bettercrypto on May 16, 2024, 01:38:26 PM
The best way to avoid becoming addicted to gambling, apart from having good self-control and strong commitment, is to limit the time you spend sitting down to gamble. Continue to maintain your daily productivity, don't let any free time go to waste. When your holiday time arrives, this doesn't mean you have to spend your free time sitting in front of a PC and playing online gambling, because your health must also be taken care of, so use some of that time to exercise, and this holiday time is not just yours alone, because Maybe your family also misses spending time with you, so take them on holiday, go on an excursion or just chat casually and joke around at home, you need to do this to maintain harmony in the household. Don't spend your free time just gambling, because there are many other things you can do, which are more important and useful.

You are right in saying that we should really limit ourselves in playing gambling as much as possible. In addition to this, we should also be limited in the amount of money that we gamble on any casino platform so that we can also control the money that we can only lose at the end of the day.

This is what most gamblers can't do; in fact, if they just look at it, it's very easy to do, but what's the problem? They simply have no discipline and no control over their emotions, and they don't know how to handle them correctly.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on May 16, 2024, 06:55:23 PM

If you have  pressing obligations, if you have a strict budget or limits, which to be real we all do in some way or another, it's best to compartmentalize your gambling also. Only do it at a certain spot on a certain machine. Don't bring it everywhere and don't open up the possibility of playing everywhere all the time.

I have not thought of this and have not seen anyone share this kind of idea, but I quite agree that it can help some gamblers too, but not every gambler. You know that every gambler doesn't have the same attitude in real life and towards gambling. Some people can actually compartmentalize their gambling state and keep a special space, time, and device for their gambling, but they will still have their emotions driving them to gamble even outside that space. 

If a gambler is already addicted, this kind of idea cannot help them, but if it is for a new gambler who is determined to exercise self-control in their gambling habit, this is a good idea to help them. If we don't give ourselves permission to gamble at all times with any available device in our hands, then we can reduce our gambling addiction.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Bravut on May 16, 2024, 07:26:59 PM

You are right in saying that we should really limit ourselves in playing gambling as much as possible. In addition to this, we should also be limited in the amount of money that we gamble on any casino platform so that we can also control the money that we can only lose at the end of the day.

This is were the problem lies, the ability to control and allocate a certain amount which is less for gambling which can be divided into weekly, quarterly and monthly money to be used and if exhausted you're done. I often recommend we gamble with our discretionary funds especially the ones left without any useful purpose that might have been used for beers and chops, if this is implemented I don't believe the rate of chaos in gambling will keep increasing.

Moderation and self discipline over everything when it comes to gambling but many are just too into having fun as said by some and winning by others.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: darkangel11 on May 16, 2024, 08:32:30 PM
OP is right that in some cases having popup messages on your phone will lead to addiction. Surrounding yourself with things that remind you of the thing you want to control can lead to being overwhelmed by it. Not being able to do anything without thinking about gambling.

On the other hand a hardened gambler who does it every day will still think about it with or without a phone. He will think about it while eating dinner and will dream about it at night. Separating your living area from a gambling area will make no sense since the whole house is an addict's gambling area just like every place is workplace for a workaholic.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: topbitcoin on May 19, 2024, 06:09:32 AM

You are right in saying that we should really limit ourselves in playing gambling as much as possible. In addition to this, we should also be limited in the amount of money that we gamble on any casino platform so that we can also control the money that we can only lose at the end of the day.

This is what most gamblers can't do; in fact, if they just look at it, it's very easy to do, but what's the problem? They simply have no discipline and no control over their emotions, and they don't know how to handle them correctly.

lack of discipline and emotional control pose as major hindrances for many gamblers. The inability to hold oneself together under pressure or succumbing to the euphoria of gambling leads people to continue playing even after substantial losses have been incurred. Another issue surfaces on how losses and wins are handled improperly; typically, individuals chasing after their losses tend to exacerbate their situations even further. On the contrary, when a person keeps winning bets it might lead them into betting more hoping they would win more money but eventually lose everything that had been gained.

So, what we need to do is develop firm self-control and keep our emotions on a leash while engaging in games of chance. Drawing distinctive limits and staying faithful to them is a way that can lead us to relish gambling more; not because it is the only approach of how you should play wisely, but as a main key to responsible and healthy gambling. Not just about restricting the size of wagers, remember, also include realizing when you should cease participating in bets so as not to fall into an infinite loop where you lose continuously.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: bakasabo on May 19, 2024, 09:08:11 AM
Does anyone knows real numbers of gambling addicted people? What I mean is that, when I see all the time gambling addiction, gambling addiction, gambling addiction - but do you know against who you are going to fight? What % of World population are gamblers? Among one million of persons, who many are gambling addicted? When was the last time you saw gambling addicted person? I dont see many of them lately. There are either not many of them, or they perfectly hide their gambling addiction. And if they are good at hiding, this means they are very creative. So gambling only on desktop, or other limitation wont be much effective, as they will find a way to bypass that restriction.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: angrybirdy on May 19, 2024, 09:17:59 AM
I'd like to share with the community a humble trick I've seen helping me and also many others.

As we all know gambling these days has become very easy to reach all aspects of our lives. You can play at home with online casinos, you can verify yourself without having to get any physical documents thanks to eID etc. You can even play from your bed thanks to mobile apps and mobile friendly gambling websites.

Well the approach is quite simple. Just as those working from home will share a pro tip that they have compartmentalized their work space from their living space to be separate, so they can live the rest of their day before and after work peacefully... Under the same principle it might be best to just not login to your gambling account on mobile.

If you have  pressing obligations, if you have a strict budget or limits, which to be real we all do in some way or another, it's best to compartmentalize your gambling also. Only do it at a certain spot on a certain machine. Don't bring it everywhere and don't open up the possibility of playing everywhere all the time.

That's it basically. It's what I do also. For me it's a preventative measure to save time but also prevent addiction or financial ruinage. For others it might be a recovery tactic. Who knows. You can try it or tell us how it has worked for you if you already tried.

it will work for those who are new to gambling, but if a person has been gambling for a long time using a mobile device and then you transfer it to a desktop, it will not be an effective solution to reduce gambling addiction. Also, if an individual is really determined to be a responsible gambler, no matter what way or device is used, it will not end up being an addiction. maybe it would be better if there was a best practice to avoid reaching such a state of life.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: CODE200 on May 19, 2024, 09:21:06 AM
Or if you can do it and be more technical, make the compartmentalization even more complicated for you, ask your ISP(Internet Service Provider) to restrict access of all the gambling websites by providing them the websites with the exception of that one particular machine, if you want total isolation, you can probably go and block it in all of the devices connected to your Wi-Fi and do your gambling on a separate network, that way, you wouldn't risk the chances that you might suddenly have the urge to gamble at the undesignated device. It's actually a really thing to compartmentalize in general because it helps your brain reorganize and calm down, when everything's in place it relaxes your body and mind because you know that you've created something satisfying.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: summonerrk on May 19, 2024, 09:30:52 AM
I'd like to share with the community a humble trick I've seen helping me and also many others.

As we all know gambling these days has become very easy to reach all aspects of our lives. You can play at home with online casinos, you can verify yourself without having to get any physical documents thanks to eID etc. You can even play from your bed thanks to mobile apps and mobile friendly gambling websites.

Well the approach is quite simple. Just as those working from home will share a pro tip that they have compartmentalized their work space from their living space to be separate, so they can live the rest of their day before and after work peacefully... Under the same principle it might be best to just not login to your gambling account on mobile.

If you have  pressing obligations, if you have a strict budget or limits, which to be real we all do in some way or another, it's best to compartmentalize your gambling also. Only do it at a certain spot on a certain machine. Don't bring it everywhere and don't open up the possibility of playing everywhere all the time.

That's it basically. It's what I do also. For me it's a preventative measure to save time but also prevent addiction or financial ruinage. For others it might be a recovery tactic. Who knows. You can try it or tell us how it has worked for you if you already tried.

I also think that gambling only on a computer is a good addiction prevention. If the gambling platform application is installed on a smartphone, then the gambler has access to it at any time, and because of this, he will even automatically open this application and spend time in the application.

I've seen people like that on the bus and in the shops. And if the application is only on the computer, then it is not so accessible.

And if you place bets only in a physical casino, then you need to expend energy to get to it. Therefore, there is an even lower chance of earning an addiction.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: iv4n on May 19, 2024, 09:59:04 AM

it will work for those who are new to gambling, but if a person has been gambling for a long time using a mobile device and then you transfer it to a desktop, it will not be an effective solution to reduce gambling addiction. Also, if an individual is really determined to be a responsible gambler, no matter what way or device is used, it will not end up being an addiction. maybe it would be better if there was a best practice to avoid reaching such a state of life.

Those who want to gamble will find a way to do it... online through a device (and now there are many and there is internet everywhere), or in a physical casino on the corner, gambling opportunities are all around us. So as you say, it's not about moving away from gambling, it's about controlling those habits and being a responsible gambler. It's the way to keep the troubles away, by practicing safe play, and never reaching deep into the pockets for gambling money.

But it's easy to talk about it with a cool head, what is hard is to stay silver and cool when we are in the fire and gambling like crazy... gambling fever can catch anyone at any time, but even in those moments we need to know our limits (how much money we can spend) and to try not to cross them.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: swogerino on May 19, 2024, 11:54:33 AM
I'd like to share with the community a humble trick I've seen helping me and also many others.

As we all know gambling these days has become very easy to reach all aspects of our lives. You can play at home with online casinos, you can verify yourself without having to get any physical documents thanks to eID etc. You can even play from your bed thanks to mobile apps and mobile friendly gambling websites.

Well the approach is quite simple. Just as those working from home will share a pro tip that they have compartmentalized their work space from their living space to be separate, so they can live the rest of their day before and after work peacefully... Under the same principle it might be best to just not login to your gambling account on mobile.

If you have  pressing obligations, if you have a strict budget or limits, which to be real we all do in some way or another, it's best to compartmentalize your gambling also. Only do it at a certain spot on a certain machine. Don't bring it everywhere and don't open up the possibility of playing everywhere all the time.

That's it basically. It's what I do also. For me it's a preventative measure to save time but also prevent addiction or financial ruinage. For others it might be a recovery tactic. Who knows. You can try it or tell us how it has worked for you if you already tried.

It can't work as once addicted you do not care even if you have only the desktop as a means to play,let's suppose you only have the desktop and I am sure they would get up sit down in the desk where they have their PC and starts playing from there.Even if they are outside they will find an excuse to come back home and start gambling,whatever they are doing they will always be thinking about gambling and limiting a gambler who is addicted to only an option to gamble they will take it without thinking twice whatever this option may be.I am sure and I talk about personal experience,if you limit me only to desktop and if I am addicted I will surely take it and removing mobile devices won't solve anything.

Title: Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction
Post by: Wapfika on May 19, 2024, 12:00:16 PM
It’s very hard to do this method on modern which everyone is using computer on daily basis due to our work or daily routine. I’m on my computer when I’m on office due to my work while I need to continue to open my desktop at home due to my side hustle and other duties required to my work for my client. So it means that I’m on my computer most of the time.

I believe this method will only work for those who don’t use computer as part of their daily routine such as construction industry, farming and so on.

I wonder if an addicted gambler can stop by this method while opening a computer consume only few seconds or minutes.