Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Waldorf77 on May 15, 2024, 08:41:40 AM

Title: Our world is slave system the banking and financial system soft slave system
Post by: Waldorf77 on May 15, 2024, 08:41:40 AM
The ideology it's from accient egypt pharonic rule system.
It's not anymore the force or power but wall street banks and financial system operating slave based system.
Look the words they use it Bonds Old French morgage, literally “dead pledge,” from mort (dead) and gagelike and so the wall street is like nowdays slave market.
All the money they print they slave people through home ownership so all the money they create out of nothing they will direct into real estate by banks because you need place where to live If you choose If you own car or not you can eat less food or cheaper food but with homes you can not choose you either take full home house or apartment or you don't get this at all so you will be in debt.
The financial system is really slave system and when slaves go against or not obey then no soft talking but slave owners talking with military and police.
But it's so huge and mainstream no point to fight against just the way how it is.
Offf course slave owners can hide their slave system when times are good and economics boom for everybody but when things not so great all over the world then more and more will be visible that most of people are just slaves and have no rights at all.
But the bonds and stocks comes from the words slave owners anyways financial system have created easy to be slave owners If you invest into markets then you reap the benefits of other people work because of debt.
The society improve and innovate the wall street now manage world slave economy by bonds rates and stocks derivates and Banks.
So If you don't want to be slave you should be learning how to be slave owner or helping the slave owners off course that will couse the wars and conflicts of groups of people who not in position to brake free but they have access to internet and info to see how the other part of world live and how their nation been used by others while they suffering that will create chaos in society and protests against their own goverments but it's not solution because slave owners have military and with bare hands and with few guns you can't go against to all the aircraft and strong miliatry equipment with just few guns even If you manage to get them you end up losing always.
The slave system work well because until some slaves have better situation then lower class slaves they help to keep that slave system on but our financial system is smart slave system and our world is so interconnected that If you see a lot wealth you will know that If that person don't do any real work and he or she does is just spending money daily for will know that there got be 20 people who need to work for nothing in order to keep that one person life the way how it is.
Between all the slave owner and slave system is financial system and sometimes the slaves feel they are higher class but it will be short time only because the real slave owners don't care about you If something changes you lose your slave owner status and you will be slave yourself so banks and brokers help to slave others but If the financial Crisis coming then those small players will be eaten by bigger guys the real slave owners.

I feel that this all slave system now is well known and many people are against it so when old scam fall you need new scam so the new CBBDC centeal banks digital currency Will be new innovative slave system sold to you as new good way but it just new way to make you obey slave owners ...remember when this financial system what we have now started it's been sold us as capitalism but in nature it's feudalism and ownership.
So cbdc will be new way to make people Go along with slave system....i Wonder why they need so many slaves well i guess more and more people want to live life without doing nothing the cbdc system will allowing to central Banks to create more money without that anyone do really real work to back up this money.
Perhaps new slave money will be total control and you can not choose what you buy ... specially in countries where people need to be productive for example natural resources because slave owner want to live nice life and will consume so much that If you live by oil or food location you need to be on 24/7 and be productive you got no time for party or leisure because slave owners will have too much money created out of nothing so they can consume so much you can't even keep up with your production and on top on of that you must devalue your own currency If you are the country who produce things and there is natural resources what the slave owners need a lot and they buy from your country with their stronger currencies like UK GBP pound sterling while your own money value must be going down in order to feed slave owners demand of goods from your country and corrupted leaders from your country Will try to restrict your access to internet so you can not talk with outside world it's not good to show other slaves who not need to work so much but are just DEBT slaves that how you live in your country and how leaders acting.

So role the dice and see in wich country you born into and that's how your life will be shaped a lot.
But one thing for sure you will be in slave system

Title: Re: Our world is slave system the banking and financial system soft slave system
Post by: Zlantann on May 15, 2024, 06:21:01 PM
So role the dice and see in wich country you born into and that's how your life will be shaped a lot.
But one thing for sure you will be in slave system

We all know that the global financial system is controlled by a few individuals. Politicians and top business owners enjoy the majority of the world's resources. I don't like stressing myself for what I cannot change. My own country is governed by politicians who are corrupt and have no intention to lift the poor masses out of poverty. We have tried to remove them through elections but they were able to rig the elections and get political power. The best I can do is to seek for means to get enough resources to take care of my family, friends, and community. I try as much as possible to reduce my expenses while seeking alternative means to make more money to overcome the high cost of living. OP do you have any solution to this problem?

Title: Re: Our world is slave system the banking and financial system soft slave system
Post by: Bulltard on May 15, 2024, 06:24:24 PM
seriously, why do mods allow these threads?

Title: Re: Our world is slave system the banking and financial system soft slave system
Post by: Xal0lex on May 15, 2024, 06:38:39 PM
seriously, why do mods allow these threads?

What's wrong with this topic? What forum rules does this topic violate?

Title: Re: Our world is slave system the banking and financial system soft slave system
Post by: electronicash on May 15, 2024, 07:29:07 PM
So role the dice and see in wich country you born into and that's how your life will be shaped a lot.
But one thing for sure you will be in slave system

We all know that the global financial system is controlled by a few individuals. Politicians and top business owners enjoy the majority of the world's resources. I don't like stressing myself for what I cannot change. My own country is governed by politicians who are corrupt and have no intention to lift the poor masses out of poverty. We have tried to remove them through elections but they were able to rig the elections and get political power. The best I can do is to seek for means to get enough resources to take care of my family, friends, and community. I try as much as possible to reduce my expenses while seeking alternative means to make more money to overcome the high cost of living. OP do you have any solution to this problem?

we are all in this kind of world. whether you are from a rich country or a 3rd world country, everyone is corrupt and they have come up with a system that can control a country they have not even been to. if there is a solution to this problem, it's gonna be the harshest and people wouldn't like that much but the politicians and leaders will like it as it dissolves their debts and manage other country's resources.

we have seen it happen before and i guess the cycle will happen again.

Title: Re: Our world is slave system the banking and financial system soft slave system
Post by: Bulltard on May 15, 2024, 08:14:32 PM
seriously, why do mods allow these threads?

What's wrong with this topic? What forum rules does this topic violate?

can you explain it to me then?
between the translation mistakes and the takes that make zero sense, i'd be curious to know what you understood of it seriously... and yeah let's go for it, your opinion lol.

i mean, if you see nothing wrong here, i don't know what to say
and gagelike bondage...

gage like... bondage... wtf  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Our world is slave system the banking and financial system soft slave system
Post by: Xal0lex on May 15, 2024, 08:37:06 PM
seriously, why do mods allow these threads?

What's wrong with this topic? What forum rules does this topic violate?

can you explain it to me then?
between the translation mistakes and the takes that make zero sense, i'd be curious to know what you understood of it seriously... and yeah let's go for it, your opinion lol.

i mean, if you see nothing wrong here, i don't know what to say
and gagelike bondage...

gage like... bondage... wtf  ;D ;D ;D

So what's the problem? If you are so sure that you are right, then instead of expressing dissatisfaction and complaints to moderators, click on the button “Report to moderator” and describe the problem there. And moderators will decide what to do with this topic.

Title: Re: Our world is slave system the banking and financial system soft slave system
Post by: Moreno233 on May 15, 2024, 10:05:16 PM
So role the dice and see in wich country you born into and that's how your life will be shaped a lot.
But one thing for sure you will be in slave system

We all know that the global financial system is controlled by a few individuals. Politicians and top business owners enjoy the majority of the world's resources. I don't like stressing myself for what I cannot change. My own country is governed by politicians who are corrupt and have no intention to lift the poor masses out of poverty. We have tried to remove them through elections but they were able to rig the elections and get political power. The best I can do is to seek for means to get enough resources to take care of my family, friends, and community. I try as much as possible to reduce my expenses while seeking alternative means to make more money to overcome the high cost of living. OP do you have any solution to this problem?
I love your stand on this topic and that is exactly what I have in mind. If we can't change it, why kill ourselves about it. The world have been programmed that way and it is something we have to live with forever. I grew up subconsciously knowing that the wealth of this world is controlled by just 1% of the population. I don't know how true this is but there is substance in such statement. The banks, political power, science & technology and others are just ways the 1% controls the entire world.

Title: Re: Our world is slave system the banking and financial system soft slave system
Post by: Mr.right85 on May 15, 2024, 10:27:33 PM
seriously, why do mods allow these threads?

What's wrong with this topic? What forum rules does this topic violate?
I guess when a person don’t really understand or agrees with what the topic does say, it becomes repulsive, just my speculation.

Anyway, I think I get the idea OP is trying to portray here although, I must say, the idea of money has come in place to somehow equate things for all peoples. Times and generations as well as how we appropriate value has had a shift up to this very moment.
Perhaps these money are printed out of nothing but, there are rules to money printing and there are chemicals used for the process which is purchased from somewhere too.

Now, the idea of the whole thing going through a process that results in enslavement as you’ve figured @OP, it’s not true. I would say this because, you aren’t forced into taking mortgages neither is the chances to wealth accumulation limited from anyone. Everyone have got that chance, you could only be limited by a few constraints within your domain and it affects you only to a certain level and places you in a social structure.

The good thing is, people do break free from these social structure to climb higher and it’s solely depends on you. You don’t win that freedom from anyone! In essence, you decide your place in life.

Title: Re: Our world is slave system the banking and financial system soft slave system
Post by: peter0425 on May 16, 2024, 06:30:05 AM
seriously, why do mods allow these threads?

What's wrong with this topic? What forum rules does this topic violate?
There’s really no rules violated in the original post as far as I know but whoever is this complaint is most likely complaining about the layout of the post. It’s so lengthy and the structure which is just one big text is an eyesore.

It definitely makes it harder to focus and read all of it let alone trying to locate the main idea of the text. That is not a violation in itself but I do hope op can improve on his posting style.

Title: Re: Our world is slave system the banking and financial system soft slave system
Post by: Bulltard on May 16, 2024, 06:35:40 AM

So what's the problem?

Forget it, you're doing a great job, keep it up!  ;D

p.s: still waiting for you to give me a tl;dr of the op. no?




 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Our world is slave system the banking and financial system soft slave system
Post by: slapper on May 16, 2024, 12:21:54 PM
You're right to describe this system as a new feudalism in a capitalist suit. But debt control? Man, that's old news. Our economic DNA is centuries old. Whether it's gold or paper, governments and banks have always bent money and policy to consolidate power.

This level of surveillance and control over every penny we spend with CBDCs is terrifying. Understand how this tech works. We could establish a firewall against the worst if we push for decentralization and robust encryption. This device that may shut us down could also reveal the government's every action and money wasted. If properly regulated, it may be a tool for transparency and holding bastards accountable.

Your point regarding rich-get-richer, poor-get-poorer is spot-on. While people struggle to pay stagnating salaries and bills, the elite are riding asset booms fuelled by low rates and money printing. Instead than hating the machine, why not make one? Alternative energy sources, blockchain for transparency, and local economies without centralized power

Title: Re: Our world is slave system the banking and financial system soft slave system
Post by: GbitG on May 16, 2024, 09:18:35 PM
Well, what do you think is one of the biggest reasons why so many people love Bitcoin? It's this system, the slavery and control the higher authorities have over the people using their financial systems that made the idea behind Bitcoin possible and it is the reason why it has become so popular among the masses because finally after centuries of slavery, people could become their own bank and be able to have a decentralized system where they can store their money and have their financial activities unwatched by any central authority.

Despite the revolution Bitcoin has brought, we are still not free from these systems because we still have to use them since we aren't able to use Bitcoin for our daily needs or purchases, we still need fiat to spend for our daily or monthly expenses or to pay the bills or do whatever that requires money, but there is at least some hope, we at least have a way for us to keep our finances and financial activities private after all.

Title: Re: Our world is slave system the banking and financial system soft slave system
Post by: Riginac111 on May 16, 2024, 09:35:23 PM
I think that it would have been better assuming you paragraph this your works so that people who is Reading the composition will understand the exactly what you are right in it is very large and the I cannot be able to stress myself to read and there understand exactly what your point is all about so next time you are writing please make sure that you brief it so that the leaders will a understand you not to buy making a larger kind of posting