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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Cryptoprincess101 on May 15, 2024, 02:39:03 PM

Title: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on May 15, 2024, 02:39:03 PM
Sometimes I do wonder what is the need for reproduction when there are so many kids suffering out there for survival, many are ophans, some have parents but their parents couldn't afford to take adequate care of them due to poverty and some are just helpless roaming round the streets without anyone to help them. It is really necessary to reproduce? instead of adopting some of this helpless children and take good care of them and make them to understand that life is not that difficult as they feel because most of this children grow up with the mentality that the society is unkind to them, they become unhappy and feel so inferior of themselves while growing up, some have mental issues due to the unfortunate situations they have found themselves.

 Is there a way to help this children grow and become better persons in the future instead of bringing more children to this world.

Sequel to what I have said earlier and to see the opinion of majority of users who have replied to this thread, it is clear that procreation is needed for life to continue and humans continue to exist. We should know that when a topic is being brought it doesn't really mean that the OP have a selfish interests but for it to be deliberated on possible way forward however we should control the numbers of children that we reproduce, at most two children is okay irrespective of the gender(s). If we can control the numbers of birth then we will see less vulnerable children in the streets because an average parents can actually take care of one or two children so far as they can take care of themselves as well.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: Marvelockg on May 15, 2024, 03:14:53 PM
Sometimes I do wonder what is the need for reproduction when there are so many kids suffering out there for survival, many are ophans, some have parents but their parents couldn't afford to take adequate care of them due to poverty and some are just helpless roaming round the streets without anyone to help them. It is really necessary to reproduce? instead of adopting some of this helpless children and take good care of them and make them to understand that life is not that difficult as they feel because most of this children grow up with the mentality that the society is unkind to them, they become unhappy and feel so inferior of themselves while growing up, some have mental issues due to the unfortunate situations they have found themselves.

 Is there a way to help this children grow and become better persons in the future instead of bringing more children to this world.
to answer your question directly, procreation is 100% necessary.

No doubt, life is hard on some people and sometimes, we can't really explain the whole essence of existence  but do we know how it looks like it we never existed? I don't think so. Maybe if we're considering reducing the number if children each person is allowed to have, then it's reasonable but if you're using the fact that there are somany helpless people on the street that need to be taken care of as the premise for assuming that procreation should be discouraged, it's totally a no no for me.

In a traditional African setting where I belong, regardless of how philanthropic you are and regardless of the number of kids you adopt, if you don't have a seed of your own, you tend to be looked at as an incomplete person in the society. Should this gesture be discouraged? Absolutely not. You can still procreate and at the same time render help to those that are suffering on the street. Life itself isn't fair to most people. Some people that you see in the street are feel sorry for are even more healthy than others who are living in mansions. It's the mystery of life and it's something we can't change and stop to procreate because of the difference in the previledges that's available for different segment of the society.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: paxmao on May 15, 2024, 04:43:38 PM
Sometimes I do wonder what is the need for reproduction when there are so many kids suffering out there for survival, many are ophans, some have parents but their parents couldn't afford to take adequate care of them due to poverty and some are just helpless roaming round the streets without anyone to help them. It is really necessary to reproduce? instead of adopting some of this helpless children and take good care of them and make them to understand that life is not that difficult as they feel because most of this children grow up with the mentality that the society is unkind to them, they become unhappy and feel so inferior of themselves while growing up, some have mental issues due to the unfortunate situations they have found themselves.

 Is there a way to help this children grow and become better persons in the future instead of bringing more children to this world.

I wonder why your parents did not think of that.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: coolcoinz on May 15, 2024, 06:50:12 PM
Sometimes I do wonder what is the need for reproduction when there are so many kids suffering out there for survival, many are ophans, some have parents but their parents couldn't afford to take adequate care of them due to poverty and some are just helpless roaming round the streets without anyone to help them. It is really necessary to reproduce?

Without people reproducing there would be no orphans for others to take care of, but there also would be no people on Earth in 100 years. I'd say reproduction is the necessary evil.

Do you know why people don't want to adopt children? Have you ever tried doing it? All healthy toddlers are already booked. Try it and you'll probably get a problem child. One that has learning problems because mother was on alcohol or drugs during pregnancy, or kids that are autistic, or had problems with the law.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: aoluain on May 15, 2024, 07:16:02 PM
Procreation is necessary for the continuation of the human race but unfortunately
it is not selective, anyone and everyone who is capable can have children. Gen Z'ers
thinking is that there is no point bringing babies into the world, they dont have a positive
outlook with climate change and the rising cost of housing.

And on the subject of climate change, Procreation in humans is not necessary for
the world and the natural world, if we stopped reproducing the natural world would only
flourish and thrive!

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: TEBTC on May 15, 2024, 08:53:36 PM
Well procreation is very necessary as it will help in making sure that life of earth continue I get your point your concerned about welfare of the already existing children's all over the world that has to do with planning and birth control and not stop procreation that will lead to the end of life on earth

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on May 15, 2024, 08:54:32 PM
And on the subject of climate change, Procreation in humans is not necessary for
the world and the natural world, if we stopped reproducing the natural world would only
flourish and thrive!

Basically am not saying that procreation should be discarded totally but just a way to reduce the world population and vulnerable children in the society I know that mankind is meant to reproduce their kind but since the world economy is still in a deplorable state now requires birth control, or stop procreation for now till when everything returns back to normalcy that is if it will because with the way things are going across the globe things may get worst than this.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: yazher on May 15, 2024, 10:13:33 PM
We can't blame them for having such children because they are after pleasure and no one can deny it that's why we cannot stop them from doing so because most of them are not really aware of what tomorrow will bring with having 5 or more children in the future. in my experience, only 1 out of 10 families are having a hard time in terms of disciplining their children at that many but the remaining 9 are most humble and raised well by their parents. I think it only depends on culture and community, unlike in other countries they see those scenarios as bad luck that's why they have a 2 children policy in their country.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: BADecker on May 15, 2024, 10:43:54 PM
Is procreation really necessary?

Necessary or not, it's fun. Whoever put this whole thing together was so interested in having us procreate that, He made it to be extremely enjoyable... at least to attempt it.


Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: moneystery on May 16, 2024, 06:12:33 AM
these children should be the responsibility of their parents, because if their parents cannot provide a decent life why would they have children, but if that happens, the government should be responsible for providing assistance to them, for example free education, health, etc. because we cannot delegate the responsibility of these children to other people by saying that they should adopt these abandoned children instead of having more children. because personally the majority of parents prefer to have their own children, rather than adopting them, because they don't know their background, and many other considerations.

so discussing whether procreation is necessary, yes it is necessary because without it the world's population will decrease drastically. the problem of children who may be neglected or have difficulties in life, this is something that must be educated to parents that they must be mentally and materially prepared when they have children, so that in the future the number of children who are neglected or have difficulties in life can be reduced drastically.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on May 16, 2024, 07:58:47 AM
Procreation is necessary but not mandatory,  is very tuff mostly in those who are in abject poverty and orphans, in a good working system of government there is some measure of control to procreation or cut down population to suit available resources of a nation while those in poverty and orphans are being help to cart them away from such situations through education, government orphanage and skills are been taught to this set of people the economy where this set if people is found can only feel the effects when the government failed on their responsibility either by cutting down through population control measures, provisions of the alfamationed facilities to assist the needy .

One of the side effects of this if actually the government failed is that this set of person are not just depressed but push into various crime make the society or nation unrest. In my opinion procreating is necessary to avoid extinction of humanity but not mandatory but government should have there policy right and do the needful to cut down some procreation that they can't Carter for.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: Volimack on May 16, 2024, 11:56:37 AM
Breeding is the increase of population in an area or scattered group. A government can never manage its country if reproductive capacity is low. Also here will depend on the red rearing of the parents. Many poor families are unable to properly support their children so reproductive capacity is reduced if the population is reduced, the increase in pollution levels, social problems and pressure on the natural environment will be greatly reduced.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: Zanab247 on May 16, 2024, 01:06:38 PM
This is something government can solve for societies to have responsible children around the societies, but they will not do it for the favor of the poor children because they make use of some of the children negatively during the election, and if they start helping the children to grow to become a wealthy and responsible children , they will not see children to use for evil again.

Don't forget that any child you adopt from the society will surely remember his parents when they grow old, and they will value their parents than you that adopted them because blood is tinker than water, which you cannot convince them that you are their father or mother.

I guess some countries have make it a law, on how many children you can produce or give birth to reduce population from their countries, so that their parents will be capable to care for their children to make the societies have responsible children in their land.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: Sim_card on May 16, 2024, 03:09:41 PM
Procreation is very necessary for the world not to come to an end, this is because if no one gives birth like you said how will we get the orphans on the street, and who will give birth to them. Or is it that only the irresponsible people can give birth based on pleasure and abandon them on the streets, while the responsible people should go and pick them off the street and bring them up pretending as if the adopted child is theirs. Common man think of it, the orphans or the children that got abandoned by their parents are not up to 20% of children living with their parents. So when these abandoned children have been adopted and it will never go round to every couples who needs kids, or what will happen to them. God made reproduction for living things so that they can increase and multiply if not you would have not existed, because you were not adopted by your parents.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: bluebit25 on May 16, 2024, 03:22:23 PM
Sometimes I do wonder what is the need for reproduction when there are so many kids suffering out there for survival, many are ophans, some have parents but their parents couldn't afford to take adequate care of them due to poverty and some are just helpless roaming round the streets without anyone to help them. It is really necessary to reproduce? instead of adopting some of this helpless children and take good care of them and make them to understand that life is not that difficult as they feel because most of this children grow up with the mentality that the society is unkind to them, they become unhappy and feel so inferior of themselves while growing up, some have mental issues due to the unfortunate situations they have found themselves.

 Is there a way to help this children grow and become better persons in the future instead of bringing more children to this world.

The problem is not the fault of the reproductive process and in part is the perception of the parents of those children.

All lives are precious and equal, but it is a matter of the inherent nature of society to have discrimination installed from the beginning that life must have this or that to help them survive, and bring them to life. make morally degrading human choices.

But maybe society is fair to everyone, don't blame life for giving birth to someone in a difficult environment, but it's like a lesson we have to experience to see the difficulty. The challenge is not to stop someone's life, but to help them become stronger and more mature. I have heard about abortion and having sex too early without being aware of how to protect yourself. People still there is a certain nature of animals with actions that are not aware of the consequences, so stories in society naturally help both insiders and outsiders learn lessons. Seeing that behavior, we need to raise awareness about life so that everyone can appreciate this life.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: jrrsparkles on May 16, 2024, 05:16:51 PM
Don't forget humans also falls under the animals category and for your information the only one intention of every kind of organism that found to have life is to to reproduce and and populate their species.

Humans we evolved a lot and lot of regulations, laws, and borders but still we do what we are supposed to do.

If you are being generous and want to end your bloodline at you then you can consider adopting too.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: paxmao on May 16, 2024, 05:36:29 PM
Is procreation really necessary?

Necessary or not, it's fun. Whoever put this whole thing together was so interested in having us procreate that, He made it to be extremely enjoyable... at least to attempt it.


You are a man obviously.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: pawel7777 on May 16, 2024, 10:54:59 PM
Sometimes I do wonder what is the need for reproduction when there are so many kids suffering out there for survival, many are ophans, some have parents but their parents couldn't afford to take adequate care of them due to poverty and some are just helpless roaming round the streets without anyone to help them. It is really necessary to reproduce? (...)

Because genetics DO matter and they matter a lot. We all knew that since the dawn of time, but with the advent of mass media pushing narrative on the whole world, we got convinced that a "clean slate" theory is a thing, and you can just take any kid at raise it to be the same as your own. This is a direct contradiction of both, scientific and religious truths, i.e. it denies the theory of evolution.
And it's not just about the quality of genes, but also about forming bonds. You will never create as strong of a bond with another man's child as with your own.

The bottom line is, if smart and responsible people refuse to have offspring in favour of taking care of the offspring of low-IQ individuals, then the world will quickly get replaced with just that - low-IQ irresponsible individuals. It's not a rocket science really.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: Hispo on May 17, 2024, 01:19:42 AM
Is procreation really necessary?

Necessary or not, it's fun. Whoever put this whole thing together was so interested in having us procreate that, He made it to be extremely enjoyable... at least to attempt it.


You are a man obviously.

Do you say that because you are implying women suffer from the effects of pregnancy or it is because you are implying something completely different and unrelated to pregnancy?
Anyways, the view of reproduction and sexuality from the point of view of men has always been traditionally different from what a woman was allowed to say or express about her own sexuality, it is some kind of cultural repression, more blatant in other cultures than others.
Nowadays the repression is pretty much over within the western democracies, but the stigma prevails against women who talk about sexuality in certain ways.

Anyways. To me procreation is a matter of choice, and it is supposed to always but to the rest of the people. Economical hardships is not supposed to be a reason for someone to decided whether to have children or not, unfortunately, it has become a valid reason both in the West and in the east. The clear tendency in the West is for people to stop having children.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: pinggoki on May 17, 2024, 03:52:12 AM
Sometimes I do wonder what is the need for reproduction when there are so many kids suffering out there for survival, many are ophans, some have parents but their parents couldn't afford to take adequate care of them due to poverty and some are just helpless roaming round the streets without anyone to help them. It is really necessary to reproduce? instead of adopting some of this helpless children and take good care of them and make them to understand that life is not that difficult as they feel because most of this children grow up with the mentality that the society is unkind to them, they become unhappy and feel so inferior of themselves while growing up, some have mental issues due to the unfortunate situations they have found themselves.

Is there a way to help this children grow and become better persons in the future instead of bringing more children to this world.
Well, here's my question to you, are you and your partner willing to adopt a child if you don't want to procreate or have a kid of your own? That's an easy yes or no question but it will answer your question about the need to procreate. Sure, it's a noble cause to adopt a kid but not everyone shares that philosophy because they want to the feeling of creating something, they want something of their own blood and people don't really like the idea of adopting someone that they don't have any semblance with, the factor of emotions plays with this issue too, some kids when they grow up, they might want to look for their biological parents and that would definitely hurt their adoptive parents even if it's the kid's rights. If we really want to help these kids, we need to campaign for reproductive health and the use of contraceptives, teaching people that children are a big responsibility and prevention of teenage pregnancy would probably do more than not creating a new life.

Being a responsible parent is better than not having one because a population collapse is definitely something that would end our civilization if we continue having this mindset where we try to justify having no kids is better than having any kids. Sure there's the economic challenges but people will always be able to change those stuff, if we only banded together when it comes to this things, it's probably going to be alright but we're long way from that from ever happening.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: DeathAngel on May 17, 2024, 04:49:32 PM
Procreation is necessary for the human race to continue. Without people having children we would eventually cease to exist. Having children is a gift, two people who decide to have children are able to be loving parents & they deserve to have that gift. It is not their problem to worry about providing for other peoples kids.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: tomos81 on May 17, 2024, 05:17:59 PM
Sometimes I do wonder what is the need for reproduction when there are so many kids suffering out there for survival, many are ophans, some have parents but their parents couldn't afford to take adequate care of them due to poverty and some are just helpless roaming round the streets without anyone to help them. It is really necessary to reproduce? instead of adopting some of this helpless children and take good care of them and make them to understand that life is not that difficult as they feel because most of this children grow up with the mentality that the society is unkind to them, they become unhappy and feel so inferior of themselves while growing up, some have mental issues due to the unfortunate situations they have found themselves.

 Is there a way to help this children grow and become better persons in the future instead of bringing more children to this world.

Of course there is, but it will be most applicable to developed countries. Because the more aware the citizens of the country are, the more caring the children are and the parents take care of the children. But I live in a place where there are cities all around and there are thousands of street children roaming around in this city, not even their parents are looking to take care of them. Some are born in insane asylums and some children whose parents die in accidents roam the streets. They never even got the light of education due to which they are uneducated and drag the next generation again. Such a situation can be solved only in developed countries and only if every child is educated then such barriers can be removed.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: Hallroom on May 17, 2024, 05:39:27 PM
Sometimes I do wonder what is the need for reproduction when there are so many kids suffering out there for survival, many are ophans, some have parents but their parents couldn't afford to take adequate care of them due to poverty and some are just helpless roaming round the streets without anyone to help them. It is really necessary to reproduce? instead of adopting some of this helpless children and take good care of them and make them to understand that life is not that difficult as they feel because most of this children grow up with the mentality that the society is unkind to them, they become unhappy and feel so inferior of themselves while growing up, some have mental issues due to the unfortunate situations they have found themselves.

 Is there a way to help this children grow and become better persons in the future instead of bringing more children to this world.

Of course there is, but it will be most applicable to developed countries. Because the more aware the citizens of the country are, the more caring the children are and the parents take care of the children. But I live in a place where there are cities all around and there are thousands of street children roaming around in this city, not even their parents are looking to take care of them. Some are born in insane asylums and some children whose parents die in accidents roam the streets. They never even got the light of education due to which they are uneducated and drag the next generation again. Such a situation can be solved only in developed countries and only if every child is educated then such barriers can be removed.

It will never be possible to suddenly change the unfortunate children without parents.  At present they roam the streets for want of stomach and food, and if they have a little money they eat and indulge in various intoxicants. The target in their lives ends here because the poor boys who are already addicted to drugs can never be suddenly cured. Because only developed countries have the most number of such bad boys, and society cannot accept them. Because we are all arrogant and never ready to serve someone who is sick due to which the number of such unfortunate children is increasing in the world today.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: Freeesta on May 17, 2024, 07:00:35 PM
And on the subject of climate change, Procreation in humans is not necessary for
the world and the natural world, if we stopped reproducing the natural world would only
flourish and thrive!

Basically am not saying that procreation should be discarded totally but just a way to reduce the world population and vulnerable children in the society I know that mankind is meant to reproduce their kind but since the world economy is still in a deplorable state now requires birth control, or stop procreation for now till when everything returns back to normalcy that is if it will because with the way things are going across the globe things may get worst than this.

Do you think that you have the right to decide how many people are needed to live on our planet? How did you calculate this figure? and where to put the people who will be “superfluous” now? It is very interesting that rulers who wondered such thoughts ended their activities very poorly. And I still don’t understand how you can determine a person’s purpose. Perhaps he was born for a great purpose, and we simply did not allow him to be born, we thought that he had no place among that true?

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: Ever-young on May 19, 2024, 06:04:03 AM
Even the bible says, go into the world and multiply, for he to say that, he knows that procreation is necessary but most people are really abusing it and funny enough, people who are actually abusing this statement is the people who can't really take care of the family or people whose salary is not enough and this will make them to stress themselves in order to put food on their table and we know that stress causes a lot of thing's like death, sickness, even makes some one looks older than their real age and because of cases like this, that is why our scientist produce drugs for the use of birth control etc.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: oktana on May 19, 2024, 11:21:42 AM
It isn’t easy to adopt children. I’m not just talking about the procedure but having someone who isn’t related to you in anyway. For some, they don’t mind. And for most, they don’t really like it. However, the simple solution is family planning. I don’t know if we humans don’t see the importance of family planning, but it important to know how many kids you want, and make provisions for them even before they are born. There shouldn’t be no rush. It’s best to use 3 years to prepare and then birth the child than to birth them in the first year and then struggle to raise them.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: Jerrycrypto2024 on May 19, 2024, 03:40:55 PM
Op procreation is necessary but is good to be control my government but I will say it very difficult to control even in a nation like ours where many different culture exist that prohibited such control, for me I think once there is established laws to such control it will be followed, many of our cities are filled up with orphans and all sort of homeless being looking for help, even the government can't solve there problem this is as a result of over population.

Though government is trying to initiate the so called family planing but it's not effective because of religion beliefs of not being good to prevent production or birth given but if there is law it will be adopted rightly, procreation is very important but it should be within a controllable situation, example one man will bear 29 children's, it's very unwise I remember in time past were China did birth control many developed nations did because of this sort of situation of many helpless people in the society and Nation.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: BADecker on May 19, 2024, 06:35:27 PM
Is procreation really necessary?

With all the attempted procreation - sexual intercourse - going on, I would guess that some people think it necessary.


Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: SmartCharpa on May 20, 2024, 04:09:21 PM
Sometimes I do wonder what is the need for reproduction when there are so many kids suffering out there for survival, many are ophans, some have parents but their parents couldn't afford to take adequate care of them due to poverty and some are just helpless roaming round the streets without anyone to help them. It is really necessary to reproduce? instead of adopting some of this helpless children and take good care of them and make them to understand that life is not that difficult as they feel because most of this children grow up with the mentality that the society is unkind to them, they become unhappy and feel so inferior of themselves while growing up, some have mental issues due to the unfortunate situations they have found themselves.

 Is there a way to help this children grow and become better persons in the future instead of bringing more children to this world.

Op if you think that procreation is wrong, then I believe we should avoid having partners in our life. Wait would you be able to ask your partner this same question? I don't think that kind of decision will be considered because everyone hopes to be a parent someday. The orphans are not as suffering as you think, I don't know about your country, but in mine, wealthy people donate to the orphanage every year, so they are not hungry. However, I think this topic did not go directly, I think you should explain that many orphanages are in need, suffering on the street to get what they can eat, and many people are still giving birth to as many children as they want, and that we must practice family planning because if we are no more tomorrow, who will take care of our children?

Will you take care of someone's child that you do not know about their parents? To me, that can't be possible. How can some people decide not to reproduce? All they can think of is adopting a child, that doesn't seem cool to me, except that God does not bless them with a child and they choose to adopt one. However, someone who is capable of giving birth should not consider adopting a child. Even if you, as parents will not not take care of him as the child you give birth to, things will be different. Op reproduction does not begin with our generation and will not end here, we will continue with it.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: Ever-young on May 21, 2024, 07:44:55 AM
Procreation is necessary for the continuation of the human race but unfortunately
it is not selective, anyone and everyone who is capable can have children. Gen Z'ers
thinking is that there is no point bringing babies into the world, they dont have a positive
outlook with climate change and the rising cost of housing.

And on the subject of climate change, Procreation in humans is not necessary for
the world and the natural world, if we stopped reproducing the natural world would only
flourish and thrive!

You are correct but procreation is just to fulfill the scripture and can also serve as help to us and to the society if brought up properly, although not to have more than 2 or 3 due to hight cost of things like housing just as you mentioned, even foods, clothing etc, life is becoming tougher for people to get along with and this can only be harder for us even we are not doing anything about it, that is getting ourselves employ either working for someone or by self employed through the means of acquiring skills, so that they won't suffer or finding it difficult to give them the necessary care.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: HajiBagi on May 21, 2024, 04:44:38 PM
Sometimes I do wonder what is the need for reproduction when there are so many kids suffering out there for survival, many are ophans, some have parents but their parents couldn't afford to take adequate care of them due to poverty and some are just helpless roaming round the streets without anyone to help them. It is really necessary to reproduce? instead of adopting some of this helpless children and take good care of them and make them to understand that life is not that difficult as they feel because most of this children grow up with the mentality that the society is unkind to them, they become unhappy and feel so inferior of themselves while growing up, some have mental issues due to the unfortunate situations they have found themselves.

 Is there a way to help this children grow and become better persons in the future instead of bringing more children to this world.

Smile ;D, I don’t even know what to say about this post because it looks like you didn’t sit down and think about this post very much, go to an orphanage to adopt? I don’t think that is a good idea for anyone, no one prays to adopt a child to raise, can you also adopt a child after you get married? If you can then that’s your choice, we are all born through our parents and also pray to give birth the same way our parents did to have us, have you ever seen where a married couple went to church, mosque and other religious rituals just to have a child? Giving birth to your child is the best thing that everyone is praying for and you will see that many marriages have ended all in the name of no child.

Talking about orphans, they are also given birth by someone but it’s a condition or let me say god wishes that make them orphans, the only thing that can help the orphans is the government and those who don’t have a child and go to adopt, I don’t think you are getting my point but you can try it after you get married and don’t plan to have a child maybe your marriage will last long, I did not say this to make you feel somehow but just to make you understand what it means to have a child.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on May 21, 2024, 06:46:29 PM
Procreation is necessary for the human race to continue. Without people having children we would eventually cease to exist.
Does it means that the world will not come to an end someday and people will no longer give birth anymore? Because if we keep thinking about continuation of human race that means we are also saying that the world will be without end.

Don't forget that any child you adopt from the society will surely remember his parents when they grow old, and they will value their parents than you that adopted them because blood is tinker than water, which you cannot convince them that you are their father or mother.

Yes it is natural for a child to grow up and want to know who their real parents are more especially the ones that have little knowledge about themselves before they were adopted but there is nothing wrong in a child identifying with their Real parents after you must have taken care of them and even if you have children and you are financially capable you can still adopt other children and take care of them. But there is still need to control birth in our society so that we don't end up having too many vulnerable children.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: Hispo on May 22, 2024, 01:37:59 AM
Procreation is necessary for the human race to continue. Without people having children we would eventually cease to exist.
Does it means that the world will not come to an end someday and people will no longer give birth anymore? Because if we keep thinking about continuation of human race that means we are also saying that the world will be without end.

Ironically, the world and the mother nature as we know it would do even better if there were fewer human beings inhabiting this planet, the reasons are pretty much obvious at the point. The more human beings there are around, more resources are necessary to keep them all well fed, alive and living in humane conditions, as anyone should. Those resources are got through the exploitation of nature, mining, deforestation, oil drilling, the burning of fossil fuels, among others.
If the world population started to decrease through the years, it would be translated to the planet slowly beginning a process of healing and transformation to what it used to be before the first industrial revolution in Europe: Cleaner air, no global climate change, no smog, more fish in the oceans, you name it.

In the eyes of the planet and nature, humankind is some foreign agent which only caused disequilibrium and chaos to a system which used to be perfectly balanced and functioning. I am not saying I am advocating for the destruction of humankind, but we also need to be clear there are several points of views when comes to the number of human beings on this world and the consequences it can have on the rest of this rock we call home.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: Kelward on May 22, 2024, 07:08:29 AM
Procreation is necessary and important, without it, the world's population will be declining and because of death that is inevitable, in the far future, the human race can go extinct. I believe that couples should give birth to the number of children that they can take care of, problems arises when partners choose to be irresponsible and have unprotected sex, and bring children into the world that they're not ready to take care of, and couples who think that having many children is an achievement, especially when they don't have the money to take care of many children. If poor people can have fewer children, then there won't more destitute children on the streets.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: Scarlett_23 on May 22, 2024, 11:14:22 AM
The balance of mankind or creation is maintained on earth through reproduction.  Reproduction is very important for the survival of humans or other animals.  But there is definitely a legitimate way to breed.  When parents desire a child in the world, parents have to fulfill many responsibilities till raising them.  Parents must be well-planned to bring children into the world and must be conscious enough to raise them.  Because due to lack of awareness many potential children can go down bad path.  Many others illegally have children for temporary happiness and later put them on the streets.  Those children put on the streets have to suffer indescribable pain.  They don't get to eat two meals, stay away from being human.  Even nobody wants to adopt them because they remain anonymous. Strong laws should be made against illegal breeding.  And if the financially poor people adopting the legal route have more than one child, if they want to adopt then those who do not have children can adopt.   I think adoption is a noble act.  And in order to carry out these great works, there needs to be some institution that will fulfill the responsibility of educating children in these ways.  Also those who are economically well off should also come forward.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 22, 2024, 02:49:47 PM
Sometimes I do wonder what is the need for reproduction when there are so many kids suffering out there for survival, many are ophans, some have parents but their parents couldn't afford to take adequate care of them due to poverty and some are just helpless roaming round the streets without anyone to help them. It is really necessary to reproduce? instead of adopting some of this helpless children and take good care of them and make them to understand that life is not that difficult as they feel because most of this children grow up with the mentality that the society is unkind to them, they become unhappy and feel so inferior of themselves while growing up, some have mental issues due to the unfortunate situations they have found themselves.

 Is there a way to help this children grow and become better persons in the future instead of bringing more children to this world.
A very humane post you have written. Every man wants his descendants to live on earth. If you don't have children, you may no longer have the will to live as a human being, no matter what society or country you live in and no matter how many children you adopt. But nowadays people have become more aware so now they don't give birth unplanned except in some states. No matter where you or I live we can do whatever we can for those street children. At least we can give them literacy and show empathic behavior.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: JMBitcointernational on May 22, 2024, 05:32:48 PM
Sometimes I do wonder what is the need for reproduction when there are so many kids suffering out there for survival, many are ophans, some have parents but their parents couldn't afford to take adequate care of them due to poverty and some are just helpless roaming round the streets without anyone to help them. It is really necessary to reproduce? instead of adopting some of this helpless children and take good care of them and make them to understand that life is not that difficult as they feel because most of this children grow up with the mentality that the society is unkind to them, they become unhappy and feel so inferior of themselves while growing up, some have mental issues due to the unfortunate situations they have found themselves.

 Is there a way to help this children grow and become better persons in the future instead of bringing more children to this world.
Procreation is quite necessary dear, @Cryptoprincess101, it is very true that things are very hard, and the society is filled with less privileged children who are helpless and have no one to take care of them or shelter them.

I don't really know your gender but from your username i guess you are woman and how will you feel if you are married, and you have no child to be called your own and when your husband insist of you giving him a child you will tell him that there are so many children in the street that you will prefer to adopt one child or two instead of giving birth to your own child. i guess with this the marriage will end the next day because one of the major reasons of marriage is for childbearing (procreation).

Adoption is quite nice to assist the less privileged ones in the society and also to help reduce the rate of poverty and crime in the society, but there is always need for reproduction because your blood is your own blood. there are virtually so many ways to help the less privileged children grow in the society, you can help establish NGO foundation only for the less privileged children in the society, you can build schools for orphans, you can be a regular visitor to motherless baby's home , you can also build mini estates for the less privileged children for their shelter and many more other things that you can do to assist them. But in all reproduction is inevitable.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: knowngunman on May 22, 2024, 07:49:20 PM
It is really necessary to reproduce? instead of adopting some of this helpless children and take good care of them and make them to understand that life is not that difficult as they feel because most of this children grow up with the mentality that the society is unkind to them, they become unhappy and feel so inferior of themselves while growing up, some have mental issues due to the unfortunate situations they have found themselves.

Procreation is very necessary in order to allow continuation of each family. Perhaps, we wouldn't have been here talking about this if this particular idea should be considered and the world would have long ended due to absence of people to continue with the generation. There's a different feeling raising your own children and raising an adopted child. If we are to start practicing this idea, it will create room for unnecessary and irresponsible procreation since these irresponsible parents already know that people out there will come to adopt them some days.

Is there a way to help this children grow and become better persons in the future instead of bringing more children to this world.

There's no much we can do about it and it can't stop someone from having their child just because we have unkempt children out there. The little you can do as an individual is to support them with monetary or food items. Government and the rest of us have a role to play to stop or minimize this in our society by creating awareness and urge people to be a responsible parent or better still control their sexual urge if they are not capable to cater for the generation they are creating.

For the ones already on the street, government is in the best position to help them. I remember some years back in my country, government built schools strictly for the children roaming on the street with their feeding, clothing and shelter being taken care of by the government. I don't know if the program is still functioning but program like that is a good move to help these children and make them have a sense of belonging.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: coolcoinz on May 22, 2024, 08:02:03 PM
Procreation is necessary for the human race to continue. Without people having children we would eventually cease to exist.

That must be one of these things on the mind of two people who decide to have children. Come on love, we have to make children because otherwise the human race will cease to exist.
When she's in labor the father stands beside her and whispers in her ear - be strong, you're pushing out the future of our planet. Do it for the world! :D

Is procreation really necessary?

Necessary or not, it's fun. Whoever put this whole thing together was so interested in having us procreate that, He made it to be extremely enjoyable... at least to attempt it.


You are a man obviously.

Do you think women don't enjoy these attempts? :D

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 02, 2024, 05:36:33 AM
Sometimes I do wonder what is the need for reproduction when there are so many kids suffering out there for survival, many are ophans, some have parents but their parents couldn't afford to take adequate care of them due to poverty and some are just helpless roaming round the streets without anyone to help them. It is really necessary to reproduce? instead of adopting some of this helpless children and take good care of them and make them to understand that life is not that difficult as they feel because most of this children grow up with the mentality that the society is unkind to them, they become unhappy and feel so inferior of themselves while growing up, some have mental issues due to the unfortunate situations they have found themselves.

 Is there a way to help this children grow and become better persons in the future instead of bringing more children to this world.
Procreation is quite necessary dear, @Cryptoprincess101, it is very true that things are very hard, and the society is filled with less privileged children who are helpless and have no one to take care of them or shelter them.

I don't really know your gender but from your username i guess you are woman and how will you feel if you are married, and you have no child to be called your own and when your husband insist of you giving him a child you will tell him that there are so many children in the street that you will prefer to adopt one child or two instead of giving birth to your own child. i guess with this the marriage will end the next day because one of the major reasons of marriage is for childbearing (procreation).

Adoption is quite nice to assist the less privileged ones in the society and also to help reduce the rate of poverty and crime in the society, but there is always need for reproduction because your blood is your own blood. there are virtually so many ways to help the less privileged children grow in the society, you can help establish NGO foundation only for the less privileged children in the society, you can build schools for orphans, you can be a regular visitor to motherless baby's home , you can also build mini estates for the less privileged children for their shelter and many more other things that you can do to assist them. But in all reproduction is inevitable.
The underlying truth that emerges from your statement is that ones blood is ones heir. Everything in the world can betray us but ones own blood or heritage will never do it or allow anything that harms you or me. And it is also true that humans marry to increase their progeny for reproduction. If there were no need for reproduction there are many couples who are unable to produce children and would not form another pair.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: teamsherry on June 02, 2024, 08:51:22 AM
Your right bro, but this is a very big community and I believe some other countries have already put laws against having having many children like in China and some other counties, but now we also have to look at the irresponsibility of individuals that just engage in sex and get a girl pregnant when when know they are not ready to take care of that child or even give birth tonmore children than their finance can handle and later on this children might be forced to steal to eat or go through the worse parts of live to survive all because their parents Couldn't control themselves.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on June 03, 2024, 01:08:12 PM
Procreation is quite necessary dear, @Cryptoprincess101, it is very true that things are very hard, and the society is filled with less privileged children who are helpless and have no one to take care of them or shelter them.

I don't really know your gender but from your username i guess you are woman and how will you feel if you are married, and you have no child to be called your own and when your husband insist of you giving him a child you will tell him that there are so many children in the street that you will prefer to adopt one child or two instead of giving birth to your own child. i guess with this the marriage will end the next day because one of the major reasons of marriage is for childbearing (procreation).

Adoption is quite nice to assist the less privileged ones in the society and also to help reduce the rate of poverty and crime in the society, but there is always need for reproduction because your blood is your own blood. there are virtually so many ways to help the less privileged children grow in the society, you can help establish NGO foundation only for the less privileged children in the society, you can build schools for orphans, you can be a regular visitor to motherless baby's home , you can also build mini estates for the less privileged children for their shelter and many more other things that you can do to assist them. But in all reproduction is inevitable.
The underlying truth that emerges from your statement is that ones blood is ones heir. Everything in the world can betray us but ones own blood or heritage will never do it or allow anything that harms you or me. And it is also true that humans marry to increase their progeny for reproduction. If there were no need for reproduction there are many couples who are unable to produce children and would not form another pair.

I don't totally agree with what you said about one's blood not capable of betrayal but it is a false assertion because I have been a  witness and a victim to betrayal by my own blood because when we are talking about one's blood we are talking about those within the circle of a nuclear family like father, mother and their offsprings. In the ancient days i can agree that it was difficult for family members (by blood) to betray one another but in this modern age now I doubt it because wife betrays husband and vise versa, children betrays parents and vice versa so that's the truth now because almost everyone are self centered now, people think more about themselves before anyone else despite the intimacy between them.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: Zanab247 on June 04, 2024, 01:05:07 PM
Quote from: teamsherry
Your right bro, but this is a very big community and I believe some other countries have already put laws against having having many children like in China and some other counties, but now we also have to look at the irresponsibility of individuals that just engage in sex and get a girl pregnant when when know they are not ready to take care of that child or even give birth tonmore children than their finance can handle and later on this children might be forced to steal to eat or go through the worse parts of live to survive all because their parents Couldn't control themselves.
If you can educate irresponsible people that are having sex all over the society to give birth to children they cannot take care of in the society, I guess it will reduce suffering from the life of children who their parents cannot feed to their satisfaction.

Since the law enter China country, it has made their men and women not to go after sex the way they use to do it in the past to give birth to children they don't have the resources to take care of in the society, but since the law has be put into action, it has reduced the population of children  from the country.

Some of the countries that is experiencing insecurity today, those are some of the things that is causing the insecurity in their land because the children will be ready to join bad guys to do the evil in the society.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 05, 2024, 03:00:33 PM
Procreation is quite necessary dear, @Cryptoprincess101, it is very true that things are very hard, and the society is filled with less privileged children who are helpless and have no one to take care of them or shelter them.

I don't really know your gender but from your username i guess you are woman and how will you feel if you are married, and you have no child to be called your own and when your husband insist of you giving him a child you will tell him that there are so many children in the street that you will prefer to adopt one child or two instead of giving birth to your own child. i guess with this the marriage will end the next day because one of the major reasons of marriage is for childbearing (procreation).

Adoption is quite nice to assist the less privileged ones in the society and also to help reduce the rate of poverty and crime in the society, but there is always need for reproduction because your blood is your own blood. there are virtually so many ways to help the less privileged children grow in the society, you can help establish NGO foundation only for the less privileged children in the society, you can build schools for orphans, you can be a regular visitor to motherless baby's home , you can also build mini estates for the less privileged children for their shelter and many more other things that you can do to assist them. But in all reproduction is inevitable.
The underlying truth that emerges from your statement is that ones blood is ones heir. Everything in the world can betray us but ones own blood or heritage will never do it or allow anything that harms you or me. And it is also true that humans marry to increase their progeny for reproduction. If there were no need for reproduction there are many couples who are unable to produce children and would not form another pair.

I don't totally agree with what you said about one's blood not capable of betrayal but it is a false assertion because I have been a  witness and a victim to betrayal by my own blood because when we are talking about one's blood we are talking about those within the circle of a nuclear family like father, mother and their offsprings. In the ancient days i can agree that it was difficult for family members (by blood) to betray one another but in this modern age now I doubt it because wife betrays husband and vise versa, children betrays parents and vice versa so that's the truth now because almost everyone are self centered now, people think more about themselves before anyone else despite the intimacy between them.
It is very sad and heartbreaking that you have been betrayed by your blood people and I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. What I have said is completely considering our family and my surrounding environment, which shows my indiscretion. But I have seen around me and in my family that when there is discord between them, if the other side tries to harm them, they come together to deal with it. Husband and wife can betray each other and it exists in my area but husband and wife are not related by blood.

Title: Re: Is procreation really necessary?
Post by: Ever-young on June 05, 2024, 03:38:01 PM
Well procreation is very necessary as it will help in making sure that life of earth continue I get your point your concerned about welfare of the already existing children's all over the world that has to do with planning and birth control and not stop procreation that will lead to the end of life on earth

That's correct, for the existence of human being to continue, procreation has to keep going, although the economy of the country might be rough but we have to procreate for the benefits of others, because it's not everyone who love or would like to adopt a child from the orphanage homes.

They will rather help them in a way they can, than adopting them because you don't know the kind of child you are adopting, if they will be of use to you or if they will love you as their own but to those who can't adopt, should give birth to the ones they can be able to train rather than dumping some in a waste bin, keeping the load for someone to take care of the child, that is why it's advisable to have sex with protection, to prevent unwanted pregnancy etc.