Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Cryptomultiplier on May 22, 2024, 08:05:31 AM

Title: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on May 22, 2024, 08:05:31 AM
I saw a documentary on the kind of rigorous exercise an Fl driver would have to undergo inorder to be able to stay on track during live racing and even win without a flinch.
 An F1 driver like Lewis Hamilton with 103 wins, Michael Schumacher with 91 wins, Max Verstappen with 59 wins, train so much outside the cockpit just so their neck muscles are strong to withstand the heavy G-forces experienced during races. Such speed and force can exceed 4 to 5 G during acceleration or during braking and can even exceed 100 G during crashes, so imagine the force of impact that will be felt during and after races mostly after a fatal crash, and if the body's skeletal frame and mind isn't strong enough the effect could be life threatening.

For an F1 driver, a weak neck muscle could lead to fatal accidents, but when there's resilience in the muscles around the neck and upper back, with the knowledge and skill, am sure victory is just a lap away.
The importance of neck strength in Fl drivers serves  both safety and performance reasons, but I want us to imagine and relate this to how the performance and profit statistics would be for a trader who is fit and exercises regularly.

*Does doing regular exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance to make good returns or is it not reason enough to help a trader earn better during trading?

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: mr_random on May 22, 2024, 08:32:15 AM
Yeah. The idea of F1 drivers got me thinking. I've seen so many traders burn out, glued to their screens, forgetting to enjoy life.
Here's the thing: exercise isn't just about building muscles. It's about clearing your mind and boosting your mood. Ever notice how things seem easier after a workout? That post-exercise calmness translates well into trading. Imagine you're stressed, the market's volatile, and you're on the verge of making a hasty decision. But then you remember your morning run and the endorphin rush, suddenly, you're not panicking; you're thinking clearly and making smart decisions, not emotional ones. I've been there myself. I used to be a trading zombie until I started lifting weights and running trails. My trading charts didn't magically improve, but I did. I became calmer, more focused, and far less likely to make impulsive trades. So, while hitting the gym won't guarantee you'll become the next Warren Buffet, it will make you a better version of yourself, and that's half the battle in this field. Just my two cents.

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: Bureau on May 22, 2024, 08:32:47 AM
Does doing regular exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance to make good returns or is it not reason enough to help a trader earn better during trading?

Exercise is good for your health and your mind. Regular exercise keeps you fit which in turn helps your mind to be more focused and also increases your concentration. But as a trader you need skills to use you mind for your benefit. If you don't have those skills then excercise won't help you. A good return on your investment is not decided by excercise but by experience through which you have derived trading skills.

BTW, when will a trader do excercise as he is glued to the screen most of the time. I have some of my friends eating their food while working as a trader.

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on May 22, 2024, 09:03:51 AM
Yeah. The idea of F1 drivers got me thinking. I've seen so many traders burn out, glued to their screens, forgetting to enjoy life.
Here's the thing: exercise isn't just about building muscles. It's about clearing your mind and boosting your mood. Ever notice how things seem easier after a workout? That post-exercise calmness translates well into trading. Imagine you're stressed, the market's volatile, and you're on the verge of making a hasty decision. But then you remember your morning run and the endorphin rush, suddenly, you're not panicking; you're thinking clearly and making smart decisions, not emotional ones. I've been there myself. I used to be a trading zombie until I started lifting weights and running trails. My trading charts didn't magically improve, but I did. I became calmer, more focused, and far less likely to make impulsive trades. So, while hitting the gym won't guarantee you'll become the next Warren Buffet, it will make you a better version of yourself, and that's half the battle in this field. Just my two cents.
You hit the nail on the head with this experience you talked about because I experience wholesomeness after working out, but for some time I stopped working out and have experienced a drop in my performance and productivity so much so, that it is beginning to make me succumb to emotional tantrums easily.
A better version of oneself makes them have better output and tenacity as much as patience, endurance and discipline gets developed. 
Exercise is good not only to the F1 driver but to the trader and to anyone who has to make emotional decisions and has to sit in a spot for long or just to catch the market at the best moment.

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: EarnOnVictor on May 22, 2024, 09:54:26 AM
*Does doing regular exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance to make good returns or is it not reason enough to help a trader earn better during trading?
Oh my God!!! Where did you dive to this time? :) Well, those car racers or other people/athletes engaging in physical activities need the exercise since what they are planning to achieve is physical and they must attain some kind of shape, speed, and flexibility in most cases. But trading is never like that, it is such that need more of your psychology and prowess (all mental), so you can see the difference. And once you can move your hands to place the order and do other few things which are the easiest physical things to do here, then you are good to do.

Fine, on the deeper thought, the exercise could be useful in a way since our brain function and daily liveliness, smartness, alertness, activeness etc. could be linked together today. But it is still not necessary in trading as all that you need is inside of you just make sure you have a bright day, and good psychology for trading and you will be just fine without any exercise.

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: slaman29 on May 22, 2024, 12:36:59 PM
This forum section is becoming almost like gambling now. People coming up with such shit topics that nobody can contribute properly to. I mean DUH exercise is good for you, we modern humans spend too much time in front of screen. I have to work in front of it 10 hours a day in my shift, and in my break, it's another computer (this one) to come and chat.

That's nothing to do with trading.

If you're trading and glued to your screen eating, and socializing, that's addiction. Bigger problem than no exercise ;)

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: qwertyup23 on May 22, 2024, 01:12:12 PM
The importance of neck strength in Fl drivers serves  both safety and performance reasons, but I want us to imagine and relate this to how the performance and profit statistics would be for a trader who is fit and exercises regularly.

*Does doing regular exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance to make good returns or is it not reason enough to help a trader earn better during trading?

I think there is a misconnection on the comparisons that you made but there is some merit to it.

First, F1 drivers are mandatorily required to undergo these exercises for their safety and strength in case of a potential problem on the track involving any kind of physical stress/damage. That is the reason on why they also have to be in shape (for less weight on the car and more speed) in order to fully utilize the power of their machines.

Second, there can be a correlation between regularly exercising and performing well on a certain activity. For example, if you regularly exercise, your mind and body are in shape- meaning, you have better health and strength which will be beneficial to the person in the long-run. Also, if the person is healthy, there is that possibility that they can make rationalize decisions in trading.

Lastly, being "fit" does not necessarily and absolutely guarantee that you would be able to earn more in the process of trading. Remember, trading is all about the risks and nothing is absolute when it comes to liquidities, etc. Though that may be the case, it can definitely help the person in making good decisions as they can adhere and understand better the market if they are both physically and mentally fit.

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: kentrolla on May 22, 2024, 05:58:55 PM
It does help because if we are working at something continuously it becomes monotonous and we don't get to think in right way since our thinking capacity and decision making capabilities are limited but if you do exercise or a slight warm up it will refresh your mind and enable you to think better and this is not limited to trading but for everything.

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: God bless u on May 22, 2024, 06:19:18 PM
I saw a documentary on the kind of rigorous exercise an Fl driver would have to undergo inorder to be able to stay on track during live racing and even win without a flinch.
 An F1 driver like Lewis Hamilton with 103 wins, Michael Schumacher with 91 wins, Max Verstappen with 59 wins, train so much outside the cockpit just so their neck muscles are strong to withstand the heavy G-forces experienced during races. Such speed and force can exceed 4 to 5 G during acceleration or during braking and can even exceed 100 G during crashes, so imagine the force of impact that will be felt during and after races mostly after a fatal crash, and if the body's skeletal frame and mind isn't strong enough the effect could be life threatening.

For an F1 driver, a weak neck muscle could lead to fatal accidents, but when there's resilience in the muscles around the neck and upper back, with the knowledge and skill, am sure victory is just a lap away.
The importance of neck strength in Fl drivers serves  both safety and performance reasons, but I want us to imagine and relate this to how the performance and profit statistics would be for a trader who is fit and exercises regularly.

*Does doing regular exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance to make good returns or is it not reason enough to help a trader earn better during trading?
yeah it can impact your overall health and yes a healthy mind can think more deeply and positively then a mind that is always stuck behind some pressures whether it's the pressure from the society or family pressure.

Trading is very difficult job you have to take stress all the time so it's very important to relax your mind exercise can do it for you.

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: jrrsparkles on May 22, 2024, 06:34:21 PM
*Does doing regular exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance to make good returns or is it not reason enough to help a trader earn better during trading?

Physical activity helps to maintain someone's physique as well as mental health because having a good body gives confidence which will eliminate a lot of worrying factors and insecurities of an individual which will eventually result in better productivity on our activities.

So the question should be better focus can increase the potential profits, nope in my opinion it still depends on lot of factors.

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: Mahanton on May 22, 2024, 07:53:15 PM
I saw a documentary on the kind of rigorous exercise an Fl driver would have to undergo inorder to be able to stay on track during live racing and even win without a flinch.
 An F1 driver like Lewis Hamilton with 103 wins, Michael Schumacher with 91 wins, Max Verstappen with 59 wins, train so much outside the cockpit just so their neck muscles are strong to withstand the heavy G-forces experienced during races. Such speed and force can exceed 4 to 5 G during acceleration or during braking and can even exceed 100 G during crashes, so imagine the force of impact that will be felt during and after races mostly after a fatal crash, and if the body's skeletal frame and mind isn't strong enough the effect could be life threatening.

For an F1 driver, a weak neck muscle could lead to fatal accidents, but when there's resilience in the muscles around the neck and upper back, with the knowledge and skill, am sure victory is just a lap away.
The importance of neck strength in Fl drivers serves  both safety and performance reasons, but I want us to imagine and relate this to how the performance and profit statistics would be for a trader who is fit and exercises regularly.

*Does doing regular exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance to make good returns or is it not reason enough to help a trader earn better during trading?
I dont know if theres's really that a clinical studies for this one or not proving out that these activities could really give out that kind of probability or could really be having that kind of influence on someones success on the things that they've been that dealing with. If those things or conditions above did really make out such effect into a certain individual then it might that really work but in speaking about trading then this is something that cant really be still proven out on which we do know that exercising could really put your body into shape and could really be in condition but come to know that too much exercise could really be also causing up that fatigue if it would really be that out of controlled manner on which it would really be something that will be understandable but on the moment or condition that you would really relying into this and trying out to follow just because it do works on other person then your the ones who would be finding out.

Trading on an unpredictable space is something that cant really be that too easy on which we know that it would really be requiring that focus and that proper planning and analysis on which
no matter on how you would really be conditioning out your money in the best way as possible but doesnt mean that it will assure you that you would be able to have that a good trade in the end of the day.
There would really be tons of factors that could really affect out market movement or outcome on which it is really just that right that you do really know on what are the things happening
and on how you would realistically be dealing with it.

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: batang_bitcoin on May 22, 2024, 07:55:30 PM
*Does doing regular exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance to make good returns or is it not reason enough to help a trader earn better during trading?
I have read or watched it somewhere about exercising regularly will help you boost your mind and your ability to think. And that's why it's not just all about before or during your trading activity but with everything you do, you'll be able to think clearly.
It's helpful in the long run so it should be maintained if you wanna do something that relates to money making and it is requiring your mind to do those tasks like analysis and all of those stuff. Like from what this article says;

What are the mental health benefits of exercise?
If you exercise regularly, it can help:

  • reduce stress
  • boost your memory
  • reduce symptoms of mental health conditions like depression, anxiety or schizophrenia
  • help with recovery from mental health issues

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: GideonGono on May 22, 2024, 08:30:58 PM
If it would help you focus and be more active or clear your mind, then maybe it could help you have a higher chance of getting a good trades.
But exercise really helps me reduce stress and clear my mind sometimes, I never really thought that it could help on trading.

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: EL MOHA on May 22, 2024, 09:52:06 PM
This forum section is becoming almost like gambling now. People coming up with such shit topics that nobody can contribute properly to. I mean DUH exercise is good for you, we modern humans spend too much time in front of screen. I have to work in front of it 10 hours a day in my shift, and in my break, it's another computer (this one) to come and chat.

That's nothing to do with trading.

If you're trading and glued to your screen eating, and socializing, that's addiction. Bigger problem than no exercise ;)

It is certainly not a thing of debate that it now contains utterly meaningless threads to be sincere, although out of topic but I blame it on the lack of merit been circulated here that will at least be an incentive to quality posters. Once merit reduces from a board it goes to become a spammers den and many quality posters quit coming here.

Does doing regular exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance to make good returns or is it not reason enough to help a trader earn better during trading?

Your strategy is what makes a good trade and nothing more. Yes traders often hit the gym regularly because it is the easiest thing to do to get their body fit. As a trader or even general a human you need to be in a clear state of mind before you do anything most especially mental stressing things like trading which requires you to be in a clearer state of mind. It doesn’t direct impact any changes to your trading but simply keeps you fit and healthy

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: btc78 on May 22, 2024, 11:18:05 PM

*Does doing regular exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance to make good returns or is it not reason enough to help a trader earn better during trading?
Yes regular exercise can benefit a trader but I don’t think it’s fair to compare that to an F1 driver lol. They exercise and train like crazy because races are so strenuous and physically demanding. Those cars they drive are heavy and they are cramped in a position for 2 hours so to be physically fit is a must.

With traders and investors, to be physically fit is not exactly a requirement however I like to think that as traders you must be focused and have a good mental capacity to be able to make decisions. Exercising regularly would help you achieve that.

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: Volimack on May 23, 2024, 02:46:32 AM
Regular exercise improves mental health, improves our memory and reduces depression, which is very helpful for trading. Eliminates our negative thoughts apart from this it makes our mind cheerful by removing moral pressure and anxiety. The body and mind remain alive after a long day of work. When you exercise while at work, it has health benefits as well as improved intelligence. It can have a positive impact on how you work and how you live.

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: moneystery on May 23, 2024, 05:04:44 AM

*Does doing regular exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance to make good returns or is it not reason enough to help a trader earn better during trading?

the exercise that a trader needs to do is to train their brain with the analysis they have prepared before they trade on the pair they want. and they also need to mentally prepare themselves for the worst position on their trade. because just like f1 drivers, traders can also experience 'crashes' in the market, either because of their bad strategy or because the market experiences a significant decline. so traders also need to prepare for all the worst possibilities and be ready to accept whatever results of their trading.

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: bitterguy28 on May 23, 2024, 05:14:37 AM
Exercise is requirements for every human because we need this in our health and in our life so better to  have this even in every single day of our life .

Your example is physical like being f1 race driver  but in trading?  well i know that we also need to be healthy but i think what we need to learn deep in exercise is our Mind and our strategy
because that is what trading needs comparing to crypto  trading .

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: slaman29 on May 23, 2024, 08:55:29 AM
This forum section is becoming almost like gambling now. People coming up with such shit topics that nobody can contribute properly to.
It is certainly not a thing of debate that it now contains utterly meaningless threads to be sincere, although out of topic but I blame it on the lack of merit been circulated here that will at least be an incentive to quality posters. Once merit reduces from a board it goes to become a spammers den and many quality posters quit coming here.

Well, if it's merit that people want, then they're going about it the wrong way. Rubbish posts are going to make people ignore you, so they'll never see your good posts.

As you said yourself, it's an incentive to quality.

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on May 23, 2024, 09:36:29 AM
Exercise is good for your health and your mind. Regular exercise keeps you fit which in turn helps your mind to be more focused and also increases your concentration. But as a trader you need skills to use you mind for your benefit. If you don't have those skills then excercise won't help you. A good return on your investment is not decided by excercise but by experience through which you have derived trading skills.

BTW, when will a trader do excercise as he is glued to the screen most of the time. I have some of my friends eating their food while working as a trader.

Exercise keeps you healthy as well as mentally prepared for upcoming situations because your mind remains active due to exercise but exercise would not aid in your decision if you don't have learnt anything regarding trading. Actually trading requires knowledge and establishments of skills but if you lack both of these then doing physical exercise would not give you anything profitable.

Most of the people exercise early in the morning because they want to make a schedule for each and every activity but it does not mean that if you exercise then you will be profitable in trading.

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: boyptc on May 23, 2024, 09:28:05 PM
Most of the people exercise early in the morning because they want to make a schedule for each and every activity but it does not mean that if you exercise then you will be profitable in trading.
I am seeing those folks that are exercising even in the evening and we've got different schedules and that only means that as long as you have a time to exercise do it.

Whether after or before you work.

As for trading and exercising, there's a benefit from it. If we are fit, we can think rightly and sweating removes the toxins in our body. I've been there and it's truly hard to move when you lack of exercise and easy to get angered.

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: Berry2d on May 25, 2024, 10:54:21 AM
Yes exercise before and during trading activity helps in good profit.
Experience they said is the best teacher. It will be very unfortunate for someone to go into trading without exercise or experience. I remembered the first time I saw octa trading company advert online. I was interested because of what I saw on their advert online. I thought it was going to be so easy as advertised. So I did the registration and credited my wallet. When I started the trading I lost everything with before an hour. Because I probably do not know what I was doing. I was just doing everything on my own. No exercise, no practice, no experience. So it is very important to have an exercise before and during trading to improve one's chance of good profit.

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: Filippo Spina on May 25, 2024, 06:32:24 PM
Yes. We were born to exercise our body, work up a sweat, and feel that post-workout clarity we always feel after achieving a good workout. This clear space of mind is great for success in side hobbies or your career.

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: mr_random on May 27, 2024, 11:56:57 AM
Yeah. The idea of F1 drivers got me thinking. I've seen so many traders burn out, glued to their screens, forgetting to enjoy life.
Here's the thing: exercise isn't just about building muscles. It's about clearing your mind and boosting your mood. Ever notice how things seem easier after a workout? That post-exercise calmness translates well into trading. Imagine you're stressed, the market's volatile, and you're on the verge of making a hasty decision. But then you remember your morning run and the endorphin rush, suddenly, you're not panicking; you're thinking clearly and making smart decisions, not emotional ones. I've been there myself. I used to be a trading zombie until I started lifting weights and running trails. My trading charts didn't magically improve, but I did. I became calmer, more focused, and far less likely to make impulsive trades. So, while hitting the gym won't guarantee you'll become the next Warren Buffet, it will make you a better version of yourself, and that's half the battle in this field. Just my two cents.
You hit the nail on the head with this experience you talked about because I experience wholesomeness after working out, but for some time I stopped working out and have experienced a drop in my performance and productivity so much so, that it is beginning to make me succumb to emotional tantrums easily.
A better version of oneself makes them have better output and tenacity as much as patience, endurance and discipline gets developed. 
Exercise is good not only to the F1 driver but to the trader and to anyone who has to make emotional decisions and has to sit in a spot for long or just to catch the market at the best moment.

I completely agree. There's no doubt that exercise, mental health, and trading success go hand-in-hand. Personally, regular exercise has greatly enhanced my ability to remain calm and rational during difficult trading sessions. It's akin to having an additional layer of resilience. It won't turn you into a trading pro overnight, it will improve your trading skills over time. Taking care of both your body and mind is essential.

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: peter0425 on May 28, 2024, 03:57:14 AM
Most of the people exercise early in the morning because they want to make a schedule for each and every activity
It depends some people have more time at night so they just exercise during that time but either way you should just try to squeeze in exercise whether morning or at night. Both has their own advantages and disadvantages
but it does not mean that if you exercise then you will be profitable in trading.
Yes it just helps but does not guarantee sure profit

Title: Re: Does exercise before and during trading activity help ones chance of good profit
Post by: rodskee on May 28, 2024, 10:14:19 AM
Before and during? maybe before is good but During? not sure if you can trade while in threadmill or in  front of weights .

but its good to condition your body and mind first before going to making money so best to be in goo health while trading.

Yes. We were born to exercise our body, work up a sweat, and feel that post-workout clarity we always feel after achieving a good workout. This clear space of mind is great for success in side hobbies or your career.
most of the successful people are doing their daily routine before engaging in their work and offices so yeah
best to exercise first and then go trade.