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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Zanab247 on May 22, 2024, 10:24:23 AM

Title: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Zanab247 on May 22, 2024, 10:24:23 AM
A lot of negative things are going wrong in our society today, and people begin to see them like a normal thing in the society which they cannot change the negative things because they don't have people who are capable to end those things in the society.

You can make adifference by helping your society to eliminate the corruption, which is a major challenge many society are facing today and they have concluded that is a normal thing in a society.

If you have the opportunity to be a leader in you society, will you make the difference to end negative things from your society or you will allow the negatives things continue in the society? To me, If I have the power or influence, I will make a difference in my society to  end negative things like corruption, insecurity and other things that are bad to society.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: laijsica on May 22, 2024, 02:22:26 PM
Corruption is a cancer in every social system it has penetrated at every level resulting in common people being deprived of their basic rights starting from civil rights. The representative in whose hands is the responsibility of maintaining the society is busy with himself and the people close to him within his sphere of influence. But his responsibility is to work for the welfare of every person in the society.

Of course, the negative trend cannot continue and we should take a leading role from it. Working to raise awareness among the common people and actively work to select the right people as public representatives only then corrupt leaders cannot come to power. And if I come to power as a leader, I will definitely work to improve the rights of citizens at every level, especially economic development. It will be my priority to introduce work system and rationing system to improve the economy of poor people.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 22, 2024, 03:24:35 PM
See it is very difficult for us to do any work alone. About twenty years ago there was a chairman of my area who was very honest and devoted. And because other dishonest people could not take advantage of that he was killed at the end. The roots of corruption are so deep and widespread that it is almost impossible to rid the society of it. Even if someone raises his head and works against injustice or corruption, he has to face various adversities and even the possibility of losing his life. However if we are aware of everyones place are aware of our rightful rights and reject any unfair advantage then we will get a good and healthy society.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Jegileman on May 22, 2024, 04:12:47 PM
A lot of negative things are prevalent in every society today, it just differs the place those negativity is taking place and how the leaders there are planning to bring an end to those things that will affect the society of left without taking actions on them.

A leader that is elected to rule the people or guide his followers are being chosen to set the path for their people, along the line, some deviate from their primary point of action and engage in other acts that will benefit only them and not carrying those that elect them along.

Some are being forced because of big external forces that oversee them to become loyalist to them and do as they want. Of course everyone loves change and they’ll want to be the pioneer of that change, but how many of them can be boastful and overcome all obstacles that will make them succeed in doing that is what we can’t see around today and those crisis continues.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: jrrsparkles on May 22, 2024, 04:27:37 PM
Anyone who says that we need to make a difference in society start the process with you, Don't expect someone called leader to make the lives of everyone which is possibly true but we can't wait forever for that to happen so just start making changes in the things within your hands and hope this will bring domino effect to the people who surrounded you and it goes on.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: blckhawk on May 22, 2024, 04:50:31 PM
That would be difficult to do if you're struggling to live yourself, in a world that would be unforgiving against people that don't work for the capitalists or bow down to the masters that pull the strings behind the curtain, it's difficult to be a good person. That's the reason why poverty porn is such an entertaining and profitable way to do it, you can only help more if you film the video that would garner sympathy from people that you do care and it will inevitably lead to them boosting your engagement, and the end of it, you will end up looking like you're not sincere with helping those people that you've helped while filming those charity videos. What I've described might be bleak and sad to some but remember that you don't have to do this, just be kind to one person from time to time, you're probably going to make their day a bit brighter at that time.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: JMBitcointernational on May 22, 2024, 06:07:19 PM
A lot of negative things are going wrong in our society today, and people begin to see them like a normal thing in the society which they cannot change the negative things because they don't have people who are capable to end those things in the society.

You can make adifference by helping your society to eliminate the corruption, which is a major challenge many society are facing today and they have concluded that is a normal thing in a society.

If you have the opportunity to be a leader in you society, will you make the difference to end negative things from your society or you will allow the negatives things continue in the society? To me, If I have the power or influence, I will make a difference in my society to  end negative things like corruption, insecurity and other things that are bad to society.
corruption has become a major problem in the society, and no one cares because the problem is coming from our leaders, we are in the society where every bad thing is treated as normalcy because no one is there to correct the system. the system is corrupt from the head and the people that are supposed to combat the crime are the corrupt leaders and citizens have no choice rather than to play along.

There was time in my country when a leader came up that snake swallowed money and that rat has destroyed some vital documents but after all said and done the case will close because everyone is scared to come out to fight the crime because the leaders will come after you and that is how corruptions grows rapidly, we are in a society where budget is padded , where killing has become very common, a society where freedom of speech is neglected, a society where fundamental human rights are not respected and many other crimes that are disheartening.

However, it will be very difficult for someone to make a good difference in the society , unless all the leaders are wiped off, because even when you are given a task to perform as leader and you are a good person who has good intentions for the society , there are also other people around you who will influence you negatively no matter how much you try to be good. so it takes only the grace of God for the society to be better.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: kentrolla on May 22, 2024, 06:25:29 PM
I wish more people think on these lines because everyone just wants to be rich and have power but very few things of giving it back to the community and help the underprivileged ones. Hence I have been doing my little part by educating 3 childrens as they are my neighbours as I just don't want to live earn and die but rather wants to do something good which will give me peace of mind and it makes me happy that I am changing life of these 3 childrens as education is the best gift we can gift to anyone.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: passwordnow on May 22, 2024, 07:04:09 PM
A lot of negative things are going wrong in our society today, and people begin to see them like a normal thing in the society which they cannot change the negative things because they don't have people who are capable to end those things in the society.

You can make adifference by helping your society to eliminate the corruption, which is a major challenge many society are facing today and they have concluded that is a normal thing in a society.
It all starts with us, in our homes and families. As simple as being honest to them, teaching our kids to be obedient in simple rules of our society can contribute a lot and inspiring to others. So, with all of the negative things that we're seeing right now, start the good vibes from your very own and start it from your home.

If you have the opportunity to be a leader in you society, will you make the difference to end negative things from your society or you will allow the negatives things continue in the society? To me, If I have the power or influence, I will make a difference in my society to  end negative things like corruption, insecurity and other things that are bad to society.
While I cannot utterly eliminate the negative things because we're all different and we have different approach to such situations. I'll try to do my best to give everyone the thought of being positive in any situation. And corruption is a different thing, I think we have to teach the new generation on how to be honest because they're the future leaders of our societies. With that, it will be injected in their minds on how to serve with full integrity and honesty. Because if you are going to educate an adult leader, it's very unlikely that he'll listen to us about stopping of being a corrupt person.

But just as how we speak right now on this thread and having a discussion, it's all theoretical and going on the actual could lead us to different action and decisions. The matter of fact here is whether we like it or not to see a good society and leadership, the fate of our lives won't matter to them because if they are selfish leaders and have been there because of their hardwork or connections or they're loved of the people. Later on, you'd see the true colors that are in them.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Freeesta on May 22, 2024, 08:05:23 PM
In any business, I think you have to start with yourself. What you want to happen around you must be done yourself. If you want to be surrounded by kind and honest people, become a kind and honest person. there is no secret here. In this way a normal society can be built. I know that there are communities of people who live by their own rules and are happy about it. Everyone wants to live in a society of good, decent people, but for this you need to be such a person yourself and then everything will fall into place.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Die_empty on May 23, 2024, 02:10:40 PM
If you have the opportunity to be a leader in you society, will you make the difference to end negative things from your society or you will allow the negatives things continue in the society? To me, If I have the power or influence, I will make a difference in my society to  end negative things like corruption, insecurity and other things that are bad to society.
It is difficult to fight corruption in a country that sees it as normal. In some countries giving or receiving bribes is common and people see it as the way of life. In such societies, you will find it difficult to stand against corruption because you will have to do it alone.

In my office, it is normal to engage in some financial malpractice to make extra money. My fellow workers see me as evil because I don't want to join them in engaging in such practice. In fact they are seeking for means to make me lose my job because they are scared that I might expose their corrupt deeds. Deciding to be incorruptible in a corrupt country is risky. There are cases where people were killed because they refused to compromise their integrity.

As individuals, we will have to be a good example in our homes, offices, and communities. We should be good ambassadors of sincerity and incorruptibility as much as we can. But the transformation of the country will depend more on the government. If those in authority decide to do the right thing, it will be easier for citizens to follow.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Dunamisx on May 23, 2024, 02:25:46 PM
A lot of negative things are going wrong in our society today, and people begin to see them like a normal thing in the society which they cannot change the negative things because they don't have people who are capable to end those things in the society.

We are expected to be a change agent in the society and our way of life should be a reflection of light unto other, everyone want to have peace but only few are willing and ready to give it, we have to have the mentality of being our brothers keeper, when we have that sense of responsibility, it will help us achieve a lot of goals together with other people in the society and its going to be a peaceful coexistence for everyone living together in harmony in the society.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: moneystery on May 23, 2024, 05:06:08 PM
"real change starts from ourselves" are the most appropriate words for this, because by starting good habits from ourselves, it will slightly change the bad things that usually happen in our environment. because we cannot expect that someone should change when we ourselves are as bad as we accuse them of being. so when more people are aware and want to try to be better, then it will make these bad habits disappear slowly and it will make our environment better in the future.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Ruttoshi on May 23, 2024, 07:36:39 PM
See it is very difficult for us to do any work alone. About twenty years ago there was a chairman of my area who was very honest and devoted. And because other dishonest people could not take advantage of that he was killed at the end. The roots of corruption are so deep and widespread that it is almost impossible to rid the society of it. Even if someone raises his head and works against injustice or corruption, he has to face various adversities and even the possibility of losing his life. However if we are aware of everyones place are aware of our rightful rights and reject any unfair advantage then we will get a good and healthy society.
Corruption is part of human nature because humas wants can never end. Greed and lack of contentment is what triggers corruption, and this is why corruption will not stop but it can be reduced , since we have people who are desperate to make money and be in power.

It is good that we try our best to live and practice an upright life, so that we cannot be of good example in which people can emulate in our environment. If we start from our families by teaching and training our household to live an upright lives, they can teach that to their friend to emulate them.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: DeathAngel on May 23, 2024, 07:40:38 PM
You can volunteer for causes you are passionate about & support local businesses. Advocate for positive change by contacting local representatives, signing petitions & join grassroots movements. Practice kindness & empathy in your daily interactions, inspiring others to do the same. Even small actions can have a ripple effect & contribute to creating a more inclusive & compassionate society.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: oktana on May 23, 2024, 08:13:49 PM
One of the issues about stopping corruption is that it isn’t always about the leader. It can be the people in his circle. The ones who carry out each and every other. Have you considered that you can ask something to be done and it isn’t properly done because of corruption. And corruption keeps growing with time which is disturbing. If I had the opportunity, I’d try my best, at least insecurity is easier to fix while I battle to corruption of all forms.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: uneng on May 23, 2024, 11:14:04 PM
You can make adifference by helping your society to eliminate the corruption, which is a major challenge many society are facing today and they have concluded that is a normal thing in a society.
No one of us are super-heroes to get rid of corruption from society by ourselves. Everyone who is planning doing this is going to fail miserably, ending frustrated and rejected by its pairs inside the society. The maximum you are going to achieve is becoming part of the corrupted system, corrupting yourself as well in the process, as it has already happened to many individuals who promised to fight corruption back on the highest levels of society.

Just live your personal life the best you can, being fair to those who appear on your path, while being loyal to those who are side by side with you. Forget about collective causes, agendas and debates. The world isn't going to change, so if you want to succeed in this life, try to not let the world change you in counterpart. If you succeed doing this, you are already a winner!

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: SATWAT on May 23, 2024, 11:26:33 PM
You can volunteer for causes you are passionate about & support local businesses. Advocate for positive change by contacting local representatives, signing petitions & join grassroots movements. Practice kindness & empathy in your daily interactions, inspiring others to do the same. Even small actions can have a ripple effect & contribute to creating a more inclusive & compassionate society.
Two years back I was really thinking about this and was going to give this a try with talking to peoples and also creating environment in society, but sadly we have something huge problem which stop us all to have anything related to this, and now we are living like in prison because we are having no rights to talk with ban on social media and all media about things which are happening around which are unfortunate, but we have to face and go beyond things which were never expected.
Businesses are destroyed and women are raped with many kids are also suffering which I was never expected but now all things happening and life is not easy with change is already ended as well.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Kelward on May 24, 2024, 02:09:38 PM

If you have the opportunity to be a leader in you society, will you make the difference to end negative things from your society or you will allow the negatives things continue in the society? To me, If I have the power or influence, I will make a difference in my society to  end negative things like corruption, insecurity and other things that are bad to society.
It's mainly being in the leadership positions of a society or a country that someone can truly make changes that can touch many lives, because their decisions will affect majority of people within that space whether positively or negatively. It's true that we should be the change that we want to see, and it starts with us as individuals, but the impact of the positive change can not touch the whole country, only the people around you, so it falls on our political leaders to rule with integrity and be incorruptible.

What I have observed is that people will enter leadership positions with the intention to achieve good governance, but by the time they mix with the corrupt politicians, before long they will become corrupt too, but I still believe that we have incorruptible politicians, although they will face a lot of battles from the corrupt ones, before they can succeed.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: knowngunman on May 24, 2024, 05:34:59 PM
If you have the opportunity to be a leader in you society, will you make the difference to end negative things from your society or you will allow the negatives things continue in the society? To me, If I have the power or influence, I will make a difference in my society to  end negative things like corruption, insecurity and other things that are bad to society.

This thing is not as easy as it seems to be realistic with ourselves. Most of us here belive that we can make things better than the way they are now if we have the opportunity but the truth is you can not make much different if at all you are able to make some different. Talking about corruption is one thing entirely and talking about leadership is another too. Being in the position of leadership is the most difficult task because you are leading people with different mindset which means you can not satisfied everybody. It's not possible at all to end societal problem, you can just reduce them if you can.

As a leader, you have enemies around you as aids or advisers who are wishing for your failure and probably benefiting from the happening in the society directly or indirectly. This is one among the problem we face in the fight against problem in societies. Those who are supposed to help stop these problems are the ones supporting the problem behind.

At some point in time, I blame parents for failing to raised their children with good moral in our society because I believe that children who are brought under good parents will never be part of the problems. The problem is getting bigger day by day because the recent generations are the beneficiaries of corrupt system and they believe that things can not be better if you are not corrupt as they see it norms.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: AYOBA on May 24, 2024, 05:50:19 PM
A lot of negative things are going wrong in our society today, and people begin to see them like a normal thing in the society which they cannot change the negative things because they don't have people who are capable to end those things in the society.
A person won't know what is happening in some of the society till you has been involved or someone make you joined the society, and that's why in every society is good to have a leader do that the society can remain peaceful. But if society remain without a good leadership everybody will be doing whatever they like and from there the society can definitely destroy.

You can make a difference by helping your society to eliminate the corruption, which is a major challenge many society are facing today and they have concluded that is a normal thing in a society.
Yeah nothing good pass when a person is in society and trying to make the society develop more by bringing a defference of things to the society. Because in some society some peoples are very selfish interest and those are the type of people's that bring corruption into the society, but most things that bring the corruption to the society is when the society started and it has never developed with much of people's and the leader of the society is trying to accumulate much people's that where they are easily get people's that will insert the corruption into society.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Riginac111 on May 25, 2024, 07:33:59 AM
A lot of negative things are going wrong in our society today, and people begin to see them like a normal thing in the society which they cannot change the negative things because they don't have people who are capable to end those things in the society.

You can make adifference by helping your society to eliminate the corruption, which is a major challenge many society are facing today and they have concluded that is a normal thing in a society.

If you have the opportunity to be a leader in you society, will you make the difference to end negative things from your society or you will allow the negatives things continue in the society? To me, If I have the power or influence, I will make a difference in my society to  end negative things like corruption, insecurity and other things that are bad to society.
that is why our system is getting corrupt everyday by day because things that is bad we do see them like something that is good and we do allow our children to adopt them because government I have not handle them properly a normal circumstances we need to have a rules and the regulation that Govern a particular country or a particular state so that if any thing goes wrong the people who is in charge of law take appropriate action so I don't really know why some persons is being moved by corrupt thing

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Hispo on May 25, 2024, 09:44:13 AM
A lot of negative things are going wrong in our society today, and people begin to see them like a normal thing in the society which they cannot change the negative things because they don't have people who are capable to end those things in the society.

You can make adifference by helping your society to eliminate the corruption, which is a major challenge many society are facing today and they have concluded that is a normal thing in a society.

If you have the opportunity to be a leader in you society, will you make the difference to end negative things from your society or you will allow the negatives things continue in the society? To me, If I have the power or influence, I will make a difference in my society to  end negative things like corruption, insecurity and other things that are bad to society.

It is easier said than done, you know. You would not be the first one wanting to make the world a better place to live and for good people to thrive and fail. See, there is a very bad thing about corruption and that is how it can easily make good people to become part of the problem which scourges the country.
Here in my country, for example, we have good people who would like to become part of the police force or part of political parties to stop corruption and crime from within, but they sadly realize that corruption and crime is very much embedded on the police organizations and the courts. If they try to fight the other one hundred people who are corrupted, then they get a talk on how he is going against the system and he is not supposed to talk or report those within the court, the party or even the police station.
From there, the honest person only has three options left: he either becomes a corrupt agent as well for the sake of the money and keeping his family, he gives up on his job to avoid getting in trouble or he continues to point out corruption and ends up dead (probably killed by his own companions).

There jas been cases here in my country on police people killing their non-corrupted fellows and claiming a shootout took place against criminals, as a coverup.

A world with no evil would be ideal, but it takes more than us to achieve such uthopy.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 25, 2024, 12:20:55 PM
See it is very difficult for us to do any work alone. About twenty years ago there was a chairman of my area who was very honest and devoted. And because other dishonest people could not take advantage of that he was killed at the end. The roots of corruption are so deep and widespread that it is almost impossible to rid the society of it. Even if someone raises his head and works against injustice or corruption, he has to face various adversities and even the possibility of losing his life. However if we are aware of everyones place are aware of our rightful rights and reject any unfair advantage then we will get a good and healthy society.
Corruption is part of human nature because humas wants can never end. Greed and lack of contentment is what triggers corruption, and this is why corruption will not stop but it can be reduced , since we have people who are desperate to make money and be in power.

It is good that we try our best to live and practice an upright life, so that we cannot be of good example in which people can emulate in our environment. If we start from our families by teaching and training our household to live an upright lives, they can teach that to their friend to emulate them.
It is very true that if we all can give good ethical education to the children of every family then the whole world along with the whole society is bound to change. When our mentality starts to do what we need at any cost without caring if any rights of others are lost, then we enter the shelter camp of corruption. So we can build a healthy and beautiful society or world only if we are aware of our and others rights first.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Riginac111 on May 25, 2024, 12:31:46 PM
See it is very difficult for us to do any work alone. About twenty years ago there was a chairman of my area who was very honest and devoted. And because other dishonest people could not take advantage of that he was killed at the end. The roots of corruption are so deep and widespread that it is almost impossible to rid the society of it. Even if someone raises his head and works against injustice or corruption, he has to face various adversities and even the possibility of losing his life. However if we are aware of everyones place are aware of our rightful rights and reject any unfair advantage then we will get a good and healthy society.
Corruption is part of human nature because humas wants can never end. Greed and lack of contentment is what triggers corruption, and this is why corruption will not stop but it can be reduced , since we have people who are desperate to make money and be in power.

It is good that we try our best to live and practice an upright life, so that we cannot be of good example in which people can emulate in our environment. If we start from our families by teaching and training our household to live an upright lives, they can teach that to their friend to emulate them.
It is very true that if we all can give good ethical education to the children of every family then the whole world along with the whole society is bound to change. When our mentality starts to do what we need at any cost without caring if any rights of others are lost, then we enter the shelter camp of corruption. So we can build a healthy and beautiful society or world only if we are aware of our and others rights first.
even though you give the best education to everyone you must receive some people that will like not to involve themselves in that good education standard you want to give a very one some people must be opposition in order to destroy whatever thing that you have planned to do for the masses, so any society that does not have a bad egg that Society is not complete the most to have a good and bad people in one particular Society so that is what is causing this corruption across different countries today

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Ever-young on May 26, 2024, 03:53:24 AM
Anyone who says that we need to make a difference in society start the process with you, Don't expect someone called leader to make the lives of everyone which is possibly true but we can't wait forever for that to happen so just start making changes in the things within your hands and hope this will bring domino effect to the people who surrounded you and it goes on.

You totally right, we are just blaming our leaders for doing this or that and we want them to change, whereas we are even worst than our leaders, we all selfish, we only think of ourselves, without minding the opinion or interest of other people, yet we still blame our leaders, when the ones we are able to do, we can't do it because of corruption and selfishness, so let's try to amend our ways first before pointing fingers to our leaders.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on May 26, 2024, 10:22:42 AM
If you have the opportunity to be a leader in you society, will you make the difference to end negative things from your society or you will allow the negatives things continue in the society? To me, If I have the power or influence, I will make a difference in my society to  end negative things like corruption, insecurity and other things that are bad to society.
It is easier said than done because you can't fight negativity totally but it can be reduced and for it to be reduced, your influence, decisions, actions cannot change it but the efforts of everyone around you can turn things around for the better. You see insecurity, corruption and Terrorism, no one can completely put an end to all this things because it has been a part of human existence right from creation of the world and for you to fight the negativity around you firstly you need to start from individuals around you like your friends, relatives and families because they are even the most important people to tackle because we live in a society whereby when you become a leader, the people around you feels they are at liberty to do things anyhow and get away with it because they think you can defend them all the time but if we can be able to change the mindset of those close to us, we can also change the reasoning and behaviours of other people in the society.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Hallroom on May 26, 2024, 01:08:12 PM
In today's society it is very difficult to find people who will remove the corruptions of the society. In the region where I live, corruption is generally high, with the wealthiest holding the hoards of power. No one else can be found to talk over them so corruption is most prevalent in the society. As many people live in our society, corruption is highest among the powerful, maybe the powerful will not eliminate corruption but will create more corruption.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: |MINER| on May 26, 2024, 05:53:42 PM
Many things can be said. But it is very difficult to implement. And it will be very difficult to change the social system that has been going on for a long time. But it is not impossible. Because good work is successful in one way or another.  So I would say that everyone should be honest from their own place.  Positive change is definitely possible if everyone works together. And it is not only by going to power that good intentions should be taken. It is possible to do something good even from ordinary circumstances.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Zanab247 on May 26, 2024, 06:13:06 PM
Quote from: jrrsparkles
Anyone who says that we need to make a difference in society start the process with you, Don't expect someone called leader to make the lives of everyone which is possibly true but we can't wait forever for that to happen so just start making changes in the things within your hands and hope this will bring domino effect to the people who surrounded you and it goes on.
That's you are comfortable with the negative things that is happening in your society? Don't forget that bad things can lead to so many things that will make you not to have free movement in your area, which is happening in  some societie today.

But leaders are very close to such opportunity to end corruption, insecurity, and poor education which is the reason i mentioned leaders because once you have the opportunity to become a leader in your society, it will be easy for you to make a positive difference in your society.

You can also make a difference in your home, to become a responsible man or woman that will make others people in the society wish to be like you because they have seen positive things in you.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: jrrsparkles on May 27, 2024, 01:58:40 AM
Quote from: jrrsparkles
Anyone who says that we need to make a difference in society start the process with you, Don't expect someone called leader to make the lives of everyone which is possibly true but we can't wait forever for that to happen so just start making changes in the things within your hands and hope this will bring domino effect to the people who surrounded you and it goes on.
That's you are comfortable with the negative things that is happening in your society? Don't forget that bad things can lead to so many things that will make you not to have free movement in your area, which is happening in  some societie today.

But leaders are very close to such opportunity to end corruption, insecurity, and poor education which is the reason i mentioned leaders because once you have the opportunity to become a leader in your society, it will be easy for you to make a positive difference in your society.

You can also make a difference in your home, to become a responsible man or woman that will make others people in the society wish to be like you because they have seen positive things in you.

There is no point of changing things that is beyond our control that is why I suggested bring the change from you and one day it might reflect in the way that you expected. Today we all are pointing out someone for the bad things which means we are indeed looking for someone to blame which is lame excuses though when you got the power to choose who needs to be in the position.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Ethan151 on May 27, 2024, 05:01:02 AM
Your philosophy sounds good, but you have to start somewhere, no matter how small. In this day and age, things happen quickly, and if you try to stop them, you come across as the bad guy. My advice is that anyone who is 18 years old has the right to take responsibility for their actions; if you give advice and it doesn't work, forget it.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: laijsica on May 27, 2024, 06:41:50 AM
Quote from: jrrsparkles
Anyone who says that we need to make a difference in society start the process with you, Don't expect someone called leader to make the lives of everyone which is possibly true but we can't wait forever for that to happen so just start making changes in the things within your hands and hope this will bring domino effect to the people who surrounded you and it goes on.
That's you are comfortable with the negative things that is happening in your society? Don't forget that bad things can lead to so many things that will make you not to have free movement in your area, which is happening in  some societie today.

But leaders are very close to such opportunity to end corruption, insecurity, and poor education which is the reason i mentioned leaders because once you have the opportunity to become a leader in your society, it will be easy for you to make a positive difference in your society.

You can also make a difference in your home, to become a responsible man or woman that will make others people in the society wish to be like you because they have seen positive things in you.

There is no point of changing things that is beyond our control that is why I suggested bring the change from you and one day it might reflect in the way that you expected. Today we all are pointing out someone for the bad things which means we are indeed looking for someone to blame which is lame excuses though when you got the power to choose who needs to be in the position.
Indeed we do. Prefers to blame others to cover up own failures. Bad things are constantly becoming a part of life and it should not be mandatory to blame others. In some cases, you should ask yourself, maybe it wouldn't have happened if you did it this way instead of this way. Each activity involved in itself is not only bad for its own sake but in some cases can be bad for others as well. The real reality is that others can be responsible for many of one's bad situations.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Gozie51 on May 27, 2024, 08:38:57 AM
A lot of negative things are going wrong in our society today, and people begin to see them like a normal thing in the society which they cannot change the negative things because they don't have people who are capable to end those things in the society.

I don't think people see it as normal in the real sense of it. They can only feel indifferent because it has been happening a long time and nothing seem to be done about it, thus the syndrome of if you can't beat them then you join them may now come in but not for all people. Some people are very sad about such situation, they complain but nothing seem to be happening in remedy of the situation so they would rather be on their own lane.

You can make adifference by helping your society to eliminate the corruption, which is a major challenge many society are facing today and they have concluded that is a normal thing in a society.

The opportunity that people have to make a difference in the society is basically during election through the ballot but unfortunately those corrupt country's leadership don't allow people's vote to count, they keep rigging themselves, friends and cronies inside the political offices and thereby making things worse that whatever complain that comes in of an officer of the government violating rules are not punished because they are part of the government.

If you have the opportunity to be a leader in you society, will you make the difference to end negative things from your society or you will allow the negatives things continue in the society? To me, If I have the power or influence, I will make a difference in my society to  end negative things like corruption, insecurity and other things that are bad to society.

Of course yes. It takes a discipline person to clean up mess in governance but if you are not, you won't have the political will to do that because by doing the cleaning of corrupt practices, you will have to step on toes and so you have to have a thick skin and ready to fight back when they come as they must come to fight because corruption fight back. When cleaning up corrupt practices, it means you are also taking illegal resources channels out from those corrupt people that have built themselves with that, so you also be ready to fight back.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Dunamisx on May 27, 2024, 11:48:38 AM
Its a good thing to make a difference in the society, its not a must that we go by what others are doing, we have to live the right way expected of us together with others in the society, if everyone can perform this as a right and understands the needs for that, then they will realized that there is nothing that can happen to make the society a non conducive place to live in, each everyone of us has a specific role in which we must follow and do in other to encourage for more peaceful coexistence among the people in the society.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Ishicryptic on May 27, 2024, 01:50:35 PM
It is said that we should be the change that we want to see, meaning that change starts with every person in the society that wants to see it to move forward. It is easy to blame those that are at the helms of affairs in the country, but the question that everybody needs to sincerely ask themselves is if they find themselves in the same position of leadership or in a sensitive financial position, if they can truly do what is right, especially when they know that they can steal from the public funds without being found out. Most leaders are surrounded with corrupt subordinates, and if they can't beat them to sanitize the system, they will join them and the masses will become poorer because of bad leadership

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: uchegod-21 on May 27, 2024, 02:58:31 PM
A lot of negative things are going wrong in our society today, and people begin to see them like a normal thing in the society which they cannot change the negative things because they don't have people who are capable to end those things in the society.

You can make adifference by helping your society to eliminate the corruption, which is a major challenge many society are facing today and they have concluded that is a normal thing in a society.

If you have the opportunity to be a leader in you society, will you make the difference to end negative things from your society or you will allow the negatives things continue in the society? To me, If I have the power or influence, I will make a difference in my society to  end negative things like corruption, insecurity and other things that are bad to society.
The topic is just race is too broad to be discussed under this heading. Before you will decide to continue with what you called negative things, you actually need to outline such negative things so that we wouldn't have to peddle down our discussion. Also those things you call negative things could be positive in order environment apart from where you are.

And as generation progresses some values are lost. Maybe some good values have been lost and the people you see concurrently no nothing about such good values. What they know is the things you call negative and they cannot give what they don't have. So whosoever knows nothing about positive value will not give positive value. So in order to make a nice decision, there should be a campaign to teach the new generation some of the lost positive values.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: SmartCharpa on May 28, 2024, 12:11:02 PM
A lot of negative things are going wrong in our society today, and people begin to see them like a normal thing in the society which they cannot change the negative things because they don't have people who are capable to end those things in the society.

You can make adifference by helping your society to eliminate the corruption, which is a major challenge many society are facing today and they have concluded that is a normal thing in a society.

If you have the opportunity to be a leader in you society, will you make the difference to end negative things from your society or you will allow the negatives things continue in the society? To me, If I have the power or influence, I will make a difference in my society to  end negative things like corruption, insecurity and other things that are bad to society.

We have different types of leaders in societies, and if you are not in that position you won't know what it takes to be leadership. Do you think it is easy to change people's behavior in society? Not at all, we are talking about humans where everyone has a way of living their lives, a leader has the potential to eliminate the negative people in societies, but it is difficult to make people in the area obey the instructions. However, many leaders did not stay long in their titles for more than a year because they attempted to make some positive changes in the societies, to be different from the previous leaders, but they did not know that to change negative things in society is very difficult. In some societies, individuals will warn their leader if he wants to live peacefully, they should be mindful of their actions in society, which is why many leaders do not bother about changing the negative things in their society.

Corruption is a continuous problem in society that no single leader can fight. For example, in my country, where corruption has grown every day, I do not have to blame my government that they refuse to fight it because corruption did not begin with them and will not end here. If you have the power to stop it, you can, but you will need people to support you.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Hopila on May 28, 2024, 08:50:22 PM
A lot of negative things are going wrong in our society today, and people begin to see them like a normal thing in the society which they cannot change the negative things because they don't have people who are capable to end those things in the society.

You can make adifference by helping your society to eliminate the corruption, which is a major challenge many society are facing today and they have concluded that is a normal thing in a society.

If you have the opportunity to be a leader in you society, will you make the difference to end negative things from your society or you will allow the negatives things continue in the society? To me, If I have the power or influence, I will make a difference in my society to  end negative things like corruption, insecurity and other things that are bad to society.

I totally agree with you on the thought of eliminating corruption.
Indeed corruption has actually been the order of the day, where people now sees corruption in some country as a societal norms, which basically not suppose to be so.
For me I think elimination of corruption should be key in making a difference in your society.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: yazher on May 28, 2024, 11:21:17 PM
Because people mostly care for their own selves more than others and they don't want to mind other people's businesses as well because it has nothing to do with them. the more people become selfish the more the community and the whole society become corrupt. unlike before, people have a gathering in order to have a meeting on how to improve their community and the result was really good because it made their community lively and safe. thankfully this is what is happening in most of our community here in our country because if they care about the issue inside the community and make arrangements to stop all the bad activities that currently happening inside with the help of authorities.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: teamsherry on May 29, 2024, 09:09:18 AM
I still believe that everyone has the power to cause grear change in the society, we don't have to follow everyone in doing what they do, there is room to make a difference in your environment, you can't wait for the government to impact little rules that you can keep for yourself like having a healthy environment, little habits can cause great change.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: laijsica on May 30, 2024, 06:05:04 AM
I still believe that everyone has the power to cause grear change in the society, we don't have to follow everyone in doing what they do, there is room to make a difference in your environment, you can't wait for the government to impact little rules that you can keep for yourself like having a healthy environment, little habits can cause great change.
Yes, first of all, one should start from oneself and then proceed with the positive change of the society through the involvement of others. Most of the time people place their responsibility only on the government or local administration but as a citizen everyone has many responsibilities which are definitely undeniable. Since the collective efforts and awareness of the people living in the society help to ensure a clean and healthy environment, it is really unreasonable to blame the government entirely. In every society when the number of conscious people is more, it is definitely possible to maintain order and can be a model for building an ideal society.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: HajiBagi on May 30, 2024, 11:00:20 AM
A lot of negative things are going wrong in our society today, and people begin to see them like a normal thing in the society which they cannot change the negative things because they don't have people who are capable to end those things in the society.

You can make adifference by helping your society to eliminate the corruption, which is a major challenge many society are facing today and they have concluded that is a normal thing in a society.

If you have the opportunity to be a leader in you society, will you make the difference to end negative things from your society or you will allow the negatives things continue in the society? To me, If I have the power or influence, I will make a difference in my society to  end negative things like corruption, insecurity and other things that are bad to society.

If anyone has an opportunity to be a leader in society he will do exactly what you want to do but did you know that no matter how you try to fight corruption and make things in a country it will never end and maybe as you are about to end it that the corruption will still be increasing, as a leader in the society you have to remember that there are people that we always call leaders that are knowing as the leader but even when you are appointed as a government or the president of the country you can’t stop them from doing what they are doing, in some countries you can do whatever you want if you have the opportunity to become a leader but in my country, I don’t think you can because there are even people who have the right to talk to you as a leader and you must.

To make things right in a corrupt country is not an easy thing and in the process of fighting corruption you as a leader you can lose your life because fighting corruption can also make you have enemies in the country, the only thing that you can do as a leader is to make people happy by giving them a better security and provide them with good jobs, good food, good health and try your best with what you can do it not a corruption can not end, the reason I’m saying all this is because since I was born the country where I grow up has never been good and the country problem always get worse whenever the new leader is elected as the president of the country.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Mehedi72 on May 30, 2024, 07:20:16 PM
It will be better if you share about these negative things what Exist in your socity and you would like to work on. Although i think each and every society have some negative and positive sides. And there are lots of negative things what should be changed. Like rich people don't Respect poor people. Such mentality should be changed. Besides smoking also supposed to be positive but it should be changed. Besides corruption is the biggest thing what need to stop in society. And many more

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Ndabagi01 on May 30, 2024, 07:28:29 PM
A lot of negative things are going wrong in our society today, and people begin to see them like a normal thing in the society which they cannot change the negative things because they don't have people who are capable to end those things in the society.

You can make adifference by helping your society to eliminate the corruption, which is a major challenge many society are facing today and they have concluded that is a normal thing in a society.

If you have the opportunity to be a leader in you society, will you make the difference to end negative things from your society or you will allow the negatives things continue in the society? To me, If I have the power or influence, I will make a difference in my society to  end negative things like corruption, insecurity and other things that are bad to society.

As a leader, your first priority is to see how you can put smile on the face of those that have elected you into that position, so making the negative things in your society come to an end should be your first priority unless you’re self-centered and only looking for a way to make yourself happy only.

A lot of leaders know what is happening within them but most of them are blended by power and authority given to them and use that avenue as a means of stealing and enriching themselves more. They become people that hide under the umbrella of negativity and embrace them while showing to the people that they’re fighting against it.

 Every leader can say they’ll fight corruption and negativity in the society but don’t believe too much in them until they get to that position and do as they say, if not, you will regret why you voted them to represent you the first time. It is either they become part of the corrupt system and steal too or they become a fighter protecting the interest of everyone.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Tahid12 on May 30, 2024, 07:43:22 PM
Agreed. As you mentioned corruption, insecurity as well as violence, uneducated problem and there are many negative issues are in our society. If i can be a leader then I will work to fix these. Would like to ensure everyone a peaceful life by fixing insecurities and violence feom society. As well as uneducated problem also a major problem in our society what need to solve. Corruption is a big problem and it can't be solve within a day. People need to fight against it and if a leader take step then it can be also solve gradually.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Mate2237 on May 30, 2024, 08:49:49 PM
A lot of negative things are going wrong in our society today, and people begin to see them like a normal thing in the society which they cannot change the negative things because they don't have people who are capable to end those things in the society.

You can make adifference by helping your society to eliminate the corruption, which is a major challenge many society are facing today and they have concluded that is a normal thing in a society.

If you have the opportunity to be a leader in you society, will you make the difference to end negative things from your society or you will allow the negatives things continue in the society? To me, If I have the power or influence, I will make a difference in my society to  end negative things like corruption, insecurity and other things that are bad to society.
Op if you are talking about to make a change for your personal self then I can support you but when you come to the national level. Those politicians are not ready to make you change and you have to k ow that one thing that can make one to stop corruption is good welfare package. In you office if you are well paid then you won't like to collect money from the poor to do things for them but you use the government money to process everything and do the thing for them.

But whereby the job is under pay, then corruption would emanate. And most of these corrupt cases in the society are cased by the leaders. And things are common in the third world countries. According to one political analyst, he said if you want to stop corruption then increase the salary of the civil servants then it would stopped because they are the people process the documents in the political offices.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: JMBitcointernational on May 31, 2024, 03:56:24 AM
Anyone who says that we need to make a difference in society start the process with you, Don't expect someone called leader to make the lives of everyone which is possibly true but we can't wait forever for that to happen so just start making changes in the things within your hands and hope this will bring domino effect to the people who surrounded you and it goes on.
This is very true my dear mate, for someone to make a difference in the society the change must start from him or her because if we decide to wait for the leaders to change the society for good without playing our own part then their efforts will be in vain even when we know very well that they are corrupt leaders but we sincerely need to support them by impacting positively to the society. For instance, whenever any policy is enacted and there is a change in the price of commodity and other utility bills people will see the changes as an opportunity to get rich overnight and even when the government decided to regulate the price actions the individuals in the society fail to adapt to new changes in price instead, they will remain stagnant in the old price just because of the profit they are making and not considering the effect on the masses.

You can only make a difference in the society by impacting and assisting positively to the people around you so as to contribute to their lives, however, societal changes is very necessary, but we should start with our environment and the people around us.


Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Essential10 on May 31, 2024, 06:55:17 AM
It will be better if you share about these negative things what Exist in your socity and you would like to work on. Although i think each and every society have some negative and positive sides. And there are lots of negative things what should be changed. Like rich people don't Respect poor people. Such mentality should be changed. Besides smoking also supposed to be positive but it should be changed. Besides corruption is the biggest thing what need to stop in society. And many more
In the current era, social change should be initiated by changing ourselves otherwise is not possible. If we want to build an ideal society, we have to start with ourselves. We must strive to be the best version of ourselves, uphold our values ​​​​and principles, act with kindness and compassion, respect others well. Let's work on our character, our behavior, our mentality. It's not an easy road, it's a lifelong journey. But if each of us takes responsibility for our own actions and strives to be a better person every day, we can collectively work to create an ideal society. Let us be the change we want to see in the world.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: Ever-young on May 31, 2024, 01:08:04 PM
In any business, I think you have to start with yourself. What you want to happen around you must be done yourself. If you want to be surrounded by kind and honest people, become a kind and honest person. there is no secret here. In this way a normal society can be built. I know that there are communities of people who live by their own rules and are happy about it. Everyone wants to live in a society of good, decent people, but for this you need to be such a person yourself and then everything will fall into place.

Yes, you are right, before anyone will be complaining about our leaders not making any change or difference in our society, we should first of all make a change within our reach or around us, like you said, if you want kind people around us, we should also do the same, we can't be unkind to some people and expect others to be kind to us, we can't plant a orange and expect watermelon to grow, we will harvest what we plant and not what we didn't plant.

So whatever thing we do to others, that is what we get in return, and also we can make a difference in our society by helping and creating Job opportunities for the less privilege, is not everything our leaders must do for us,that is why we have rich and poor in our society.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 02, 2024, 05:48:35 AM
See it is very difficult for us to do any work alone. About twenty years ago there was a chairman of my area who was very honest and devoted. And because other dishonest people could not take advantage of that he was killed at the end. The roots of corruption are so deep and widespread that it is almost impossible to rid the society of it. Even if someone raises his head and works against injustice or corruption, he has to face various adversities and even the possibility of losing his life. However if we are aware of everyones place are aware of our rightful rights and reject any unfair advantage then we will get a good and healthy society.
Corruption is part of human nature because humas wants can never end. Greed and lack of contentment is what triggers corruption, and this is why corruption will not stop but it can be reduced , since we have people who are desperate to make money and be in power.

It is good that we try our best to live and practice an upright life, so that we cannot be of good example in which people can emulate in our environment. If we start from our families by teaching and training our household to live an upright lives, they can teach that to their friend to emulate them.
It is very true that if we all can give good ethical education to the children of every family then the whole world along with the whole society is bound to change. When our mentality starts to do what we need at any cost without caring if any rights of others are lost, then we enter the shelter camp of corruption. So we can build a healthy and beautiful society or world only if we are aware of our and others rights first.
even though you give the best education to everyone you must receive some people that will like not to involve themselves in that good education standard you want to give a very one some people must be opposition in order to destroy whatever thing that you have planned to do for the masses, so any society that does not have a bad egg that Society is not complete the most to have a good and bad people in one particular Society so that is what is causing this corruption across different countries today
Every society has a number of scumbags who are always eager to spoil any good plan. But for any good work there is a co-operation from the Creator which permeates all minds. So for every good work everyone should be interested as well as aware. Above all they should be made aware of their rights. I believe that if people can take action to realize their rights and not interfere with the rights of others then it will be possible to get corruption in that society.

Title: Re: Make a difference in your society.
Post by: teamsherry on June 03, 2024, 08:37:41 AM
I still believe that everyone has the power to cause grear change in the society, we don't have to follow everyone in doing what they do, there is room to make a difference in your environment, you can't wait for the government to impact little rules that you can keep for yourself like having a healthy environment, little habits can cause great change.
Yes, first of all, one should start from oneself and then proceed with the positive change of the society through the involvement of others. Most of the time people place their responsibility only on the government or local administration but as a citizen everyone has many responsibilities which are definitely undeniable. Since the collective efforts and awareness of the people living in the society help to ensure a clean and healthy environment, it is really unreasonable to blame the government entirely. In every society when the number of conscious people is more, it is definitely possible to maintain order and can be a model for building an ideal society.

You ars right change starts from within, you can't impact what you don't have my pastor woudl always say, his advice would always lean towards self development and developing new character, attitude and character is really everything and that's that's determines how far an individual would go in life, its not always about knowledge and upbringing although it plays an important role in a person's life too, but character is the determination factor in how far a person can go or Impacts in his society.